zephyllite · 8 years
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A Raven and her little Phoenix 
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zephyllite · 8 years
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you never gained LOVE
but you gained love
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zephyllite · 8 years
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W.I.P.s that’ll finish later ;o; 
more to come!
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zephyllite · 8 years
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You see Papyrus and Sans laughing at a terrible pun.  
It fills you with… DETERMINATION. 
Just finished this game and I love it so much, so I had to make some fan art. Check out Undertale if you haven’t already, it’s an amazing game. 
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zephyllite · 8 years
How about tumblr just stops assuming all men are evil demon spawn and move on. Yeah, some men are gross. But some women are also gross. And do we ever see any of you "feminists" ranting about that? No. So get the fuck over it and stop generalizing the male population.
Men have a very rude habit of openly staring down women in public and making them uncomfortable and out of habit, the woman usually drops her gaze and pretends to no longer notice the man’s inappropriate stare anymore. I refuse. I’ve begun staring the men down that stare at me and as they wait for me to drop my gaze and lower my head, I don’t, I stare back, letting them know that I see them and I’m not gonna let them objectify me in passing without permission. I’ve been meaning to post this for a while but I always forgot. Don’t you ever let a man make you feel uncomfortable and then pretend not to notice because you don’t wanna make a scene. You stare him down. You yell at him. You tell him to fucking stop staring at you. You’re not a piece of ass. And he’s not about to treat you like one.
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zephyllite · 9 years
I would like to hear the story of how you slept under the christmas tree
so i immigrated to the US at age 9, right, and one of the first things my family did was join the local Chinese church. as far as the whole “figuring out how to do things so we no longer have to live in the back shed of Uncle Joe’s* Magic Emporium” thing goes, it’s a pretty sound strategy! now we had people to teach my dad how to drive and give us old furniture and say “hey, Seattle is pretty rainy maybe you should rent an apartment-like space before either a) the shed roof caves in b) your daughter with the famously delicate constitution falls dramatically ill from a strain of black mold or possibly herpes”
*is not my uncle, that’s what his store was called. he sold magic gadgets and my dad knew him because???? possibly in a past life they ran a meth empire in Albuquerque, who knows
ANYWAY. thanks to the church i did not fall dramatically ill from black mold or possibly herpes, but there was an unforeseen factor in joining a Christian church, which was that they? were pretty hardcore? about Jesus?**
**in a nice “we build houses for the homeless” way, not in…the other way
given that we’d just immigrated and that China’s religious policy is worshiping Mao’s preserved corpse ehhhhh…let’s call it “freedom of atheism,” my family was decidedly not hardcore about Jesus. my parents mostly took the bemused “i guess Jesus is okay since he indirectly led to us living in a place suited for human habitation” route, but i
i was the first kid in my class to get her red scarf, okay, and when we sang the national anthem and saluted the flag every morning i fucking meant what i was singing. we almost didn’t come to America; my dad had more lucrative job offers in Germany and Belgium, but i put my foot down because everyone knows Europe is full of gross imperialists Dad, GOSH, and the Americans helped us fight off the Japanese.
so seeing all these fellow Chinese believing in THE CAPITALIST GOD was basically the worst thing to ever happen to my delicate psyche. my parents’ tacit approval was even worse: DID PATRIOTISM AND COMMUNISM MEAN NOTHING TO THEM? DIDN’T THEY KNOW THAT DOING NOTHING AGAINST OPPRESSION MADE THEM OPPRESSORS THEMSELVES??
clearly something needed to be done.
so because the church was pretty hardcore about Jesus, it was understandably also hardcore about Christmas. big party, massive intricately decorated REAL TREE, sleepover for the kids with presents in the morning—you name it. everyone was going to be there.
my plan:
sleep UNDER the giant real Christmas tree: y’know, the one with real pointy needles reaching all the way down to the base? that sheds? with lots of pokey tinsel?
catch Jesus in the act of depositing presents***: look. i’d seen like, ALL of Scooby Doo by this point. i knew Jesus was probably a real person, just not the Son of God.
subdue Jesus so he’s still around when everyone else wakes up: CLEARLY VERY FEASIBLE, given that Jesus was a heavyset white dude who used superhuman agility and strength to deliver presents around the world overnight and possibly had reindeer minions and i weighed 70 pounds at most while sopping wet.
(who is Santa Claus?? who cares)
***even if i didn’t believe in him, why was i slavishly devoted stopping a highly altruistic man who gave? people? presents? did i hate joy????
sure enough, at around 3 in the morning i heard soft boots approaching the tree. i reached out and snatched one of the Ankles of Jesus
—whereupon Youth Pastor Liao screamed “OH MY LORD” and kicked me in the face.
and THAT, dear friends, is how i spent my first Christmas in America with a concussion.
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zephyllite · 9 years
I wish people would stop asking me where I think I’m going to be in 5 years. I don’t have 2020 vision.
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zephyllite · 9 years
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zephyllite · 9 years
You don’t know true rage until…
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zephyllite · 9 years
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Since I hit 8k followers a few weeks ago, I’d like to do another giveaway for you guys!
There will be only 1 winner but you many choose one of the items above! You will get to choose between a Kingdom Hearts Pendant Set, Final Fantasy Sword Pendant Set, or a Legend of Zelda Pendant Set if you win!
The rules are you must be following me and you may like once but reblog as much as you like. Just try not to spam your followers. Please no giveaway blogs, I will be checking, trust me. I want this to be fair for everyone!
This will end a month from now on August 24, 2015 and I will ship internationally because it is coming from Amazon with free shipping!
Any questions still? Inbox me if you need too and good luck :D
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zephyllite · 9 years
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someone who’s never watched achievement hunter explain this
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zephyllite · 9 years
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That’s right, you heard it folks
my first-ever giveaway ✿*∗˵╰༼✪ᗜ✪༽╯˵∗*✿
To celebrate the launch of both my website and my newest excursion: t-shirts, I’m doing a giveaway of all 12 of my available designs.
There are numerous ways to enter, so please please please go to the link and see for yourself if you are even mildly interested. I’m super duper excited for this, and I want everyone to be a part of it! ୧༼ ヘ ᗜ ヘ ༽୨
Anyways, go go go!! Giveaway ends 7/31/15 11:59 est.
Thanks for looking!
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zephyllite · 9 years
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this is the platinum pepe, it only appears on your dash when you are a sad frog reblog in 20 seconds to finally feel alive again 
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zephyllite · 9 years
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Earl the grumpy puppy. (photo via doo1717)
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zephyllite · 9 years
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zephyllite · 9 years
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The mightiest warrior, Sir Pigglesworth.
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zephyllite · 9 years
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