zephyr-iffic · 2 months
"But there's the rub, isn't it? If we have another Afterlife, what's to stop people from doing a reprise of what happened?" Zephyr replied, looking away as the two walked inside. "Trying to find community has gotten harder. Yeah, I'm lucky that SHIELD and the team took me in, but not every Inhuman has that."
He slowly got out from under the blanket, looking at Skye one more time as he placed a hand on his doorframe.
"So I guess it's up to us to make sure that Inhumans do have a place to be safe. Right?" He asked softly.
"I would pay to see May there or better, for May to be a part of one of your acts." The hacker grinned, she knew deep down May was a sweetheart, but she had so many walls built up that it was hard to get through to the real her.
"Something else to focus on is something I think we all need. We could do with somewhere like Afterlife, some place that all Inhumans can just be who they are and slowly integrate with the rest of humanity. Somewhere if Jenny wants to be hairdresser she can be a hairdresser, if you want to be a magician you can be a magician." She sighed wistfully as she stood and walked back inside.
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
"Heh, do you think May would come, if the team did?" Zephyr joked, chuckling at the thought of stage magic being one of the few things that broke past the agent's usual stoicism.
"Maybe I'll look into it. It'll give me something to other than training and saving the world." He looked out for a moment before looking at Skye. "We should probably go back inside. That's enough introspection for the night."
Skye smiled at Zephyr's response, she knew the feeling all to well. She had wanted to change the world, help powered individuals feel like everyone else. Instead she had killed one of her best friends when she became Inhuman.
"Can't change what we are, but maybe we can change how the world perceives us and those like us." Breathing in deeply Skye turned to her a crooked smile on her lips. "You can still be a magician here, put on a show every once in a while if you'd like?"
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
‘  in my defense, i really am the dumbest bitch alive.  ’ ‘  i’m permanently emotionally damaged but it’s chill, i’m chill.  ’ ‘  i should have an oscar for pretending to be straight all those fucking years  ’ ‘  i just love sleep so much….. like u just close ur eyes and ur gone bitch…… brain logged the fuck off….. powerful.  ’ ‘  how could you NOT fall in love with the glow of the moon and stars, the warmth of the sun, the ancient life within the tress, and the sweet melodies of the winds?  ’ ‘  this MIGHT have something to do with me being gay, but i think women look better in suits than men do.  ’ ‘  cancel all my meetings for today. slender aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl.  ’ ‘  not dating me? sad. tragic. for you at least.  ’ ‘  it really be light outside until 7pm now, goodbye seasonal depression u dumb bitch.  ’ ‘  me? choosing the self destructive path instead of doing the right thing??? u know it  ’ ‘  are you even gay if you don’t take extremely long naps at inconvenient times  ’ ‘  at some point y’all gotta stop shading each other online and all that nonsense and just meet up, fist fight and move on.  ’ ‘  true love is in friendship remember that.  ’ ‘  is he cute or is he just 6’5…..in this essay i will  ’ ‘  there is no reason to not love with your whole heart.  ’ ‘  from the icons that brought you dancing in a haunted asylum comes ordering pizza in a demon house.  ’ ‘  what should my next mistake be  ’ ‘  as soon as you think “maybe i can get up early and just finish it tomorrow” you’ve already lost.  ’ ‘  there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you.  ’ ‘  me @ me 24/7: are we really doing this rn  ’ ‘  i love talking to myself she gets me.  ’ ‘  sorry if it seems like i want attention i just want attention.  ’ ‘  Bug-Free™ season is over and i am Afraid.  ’ ‘  pay close attention to who checks up on you and who doesn’t.  ’ ‘  if you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world.  ’ ‘  i really, truly, hope you’re happy now. i hope everything works out for you.  ’ ‘  people? caring for me? loving me? sticking around? sounds fake must be after something.  ’ ‘  what, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck.  ’ ‘  you inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this gang apart.  ’ ‘  when u tryna be cheesy but everyone around u is laughtose intolerant  ’ ‘  ‘i don’t care,’ i say, caringly, as i care deeply  ’ ‘  my life isn’t in a very good state right now but at least i can proudly say that i don’t ship gaming youtubers  ’ ‘  if u think i’m cute send me money  ’ ‘  one day i will take a really good selfie and you will be sorry….. you will all be sorry  ’ ‘  omg another exhausting day of doing the bare minimum  ’ ‘  not a day passes where i don’t embarrass myself but it’s ok because i’m on the path to destroy my ego so i won’t be embarrassed anymore  ’ ‘  “oh ok” actually means my heart just got ripped into a million pieces but i won’t tell you because you wouldn’t care how i feel anyway  ’ ‘  good news everyone. i’m beautiful.  ’ ‘  there are 7 wonders of the world and i am 3 of them  ’ ‘  i may seem like an angry person on the surface but deep inside im actually angrier  ’ ‘  you think you want me to shut up? i have to listen to myself even when i’m not talking  ’ ‘  ah, looks like another 100% chance of me being petty today  ’ ‘  you may be evil, but i’m a bitch. and bitches always win  ’ ‘  i only argue when i know i’m right which is why i’m always arguing  ’ ‘  i like a boy and it’s ruining my life goodbye  ’ ‘  you can order These Hands™ for one easy payment of $Try.Me  ’ ‘  there’s this thing u should try it’s called stop ignoring me  ’ ‘  i’m dealing with my shit the way i’m dealing with it. are my methods unhealthy? yes. are they effective? no. am i going to change what i’m doing? no  ’ ‘  i hope everybody is doing their best even tho we’re all doomed  ’ ‘  on the bright side, at least my crippling fear of abandonment will never leave me  ’ ‘  rumors of my heterosexuality have been greatly exaggerated  ’ ‘  highest form of art: girls  ’ ‘  the best kind of alcohol is a lot.  ’ ‘  yoU THINK YOU’RE REAL CUTE, DON’T YOU???? REAL FUCKING CUTE, RIGHT???? i think so too  ’ ‘  5 years ago i was a fucking mess and now i’m a fucking mess but at peace with it and with a cooler fashion sense  ’ ‘  napping together is an important part of a relationship  ’ ‘  life is so hard when you have twenty tv shows to watch  ’ ‘  intuition really is a superpower  ’ ‘  he’s lying sis  ’ ‘  if a demon possessed me i’d just b like ok take it from here good luck man  ’ ‘  nothing like a nice murder to cheer me up  ’ ‘  i just want to say from the bottom of my heart i didn’t sign up for this shit  ’ ‘  ‘i expected better from you’ well that was your fault i got nothing to do with that  ’ ‘  well i already know i’m going to hell. at this point it’s really go big or go home  ’ ‘  the struggle not to roll my eyes at people when they talk  ’ ‘  destroy the idea that i will ever calm down  ’ ‘  honestly i don’t even play an active role in my life shit just happens and im like oh this is what we’re doing now ok  ’ ‘  i use the word fuck so excessively i sometimes forget it’s a swear word  ’ ‘  y’all are so excited for the aliens do you realize they’re gonna kill us all?  ’ ‘  if i ever get killed i hope you all assume it’s because i knew too much about aliens  ’ ‘  dinosaurs are a social construct. the government planted the bones for us to find.  ’ ‘  what, with all due respect, the absolute fuck  ’ ‘  if u listen closely u can hear me not caring  ’ ‘  no logical decisions. we die like horror movie protagonists.  ’ ‘  the more you roast each other, the stronger the love.  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on  ’ ‘  you fools, that’s not bigfoot screaming in the woods, it’s me having an existential crisis  ’ ‘  if socrates can make a career out of telling people they’re stupid then why can’t i  ’ ‘  what, pray tell, the fuck  ’ ‘  i relate to the phrase ‘chillin like a villain’ because it shows that i’m calm but also ready to sin  ’ ‘  i’m such a sarcastic bitch. it’s beautiful.  ’ ‘  i hope no one lowkey hates me. highkey hate me. hate me with every fiber of your being. go big or go home.  ’ ‘  yes ur allowed to have other friends, u just have to love me more.  ’ ‘  do u ever just look at someone and get annoyed  ’ ‘  anyway i’m beautiful and radiant and hilarious and witty and perfect. what’s up with you guys  ’ ‘  you would not believe your luck if i gave a flying fuck  ’ ‘  you ever meet someone and just know….. u just know… they’re a lizard  ’ ‘  the spell can only be broken by true love’s high-five  ’ ‘  i need a fightbuddy. which is like a fuckbuddy but instead of banging, you fight. no strings attached. just text me lemme know when it’s going down.  ’ ‘  i would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining  ’ ‘  today’s schedule: suffer  ’ ‘  if you’re not into some dumb embarrassing shit you’re not living your truth  ’ ‘  imagine being able to handle things. that’s wild.  ’ ‘  how do i un-know people  ’ ‘  sexting? nah. i’m into spexting. spooky texting. ever seen a ghost? hmu.  ’
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
"The idea of sacrifice never really appealed to me, before all this." Zephyr replied honestly. "Just thought I'd get through college and find a city that wants a stage magician, and that'd be that. But now?" He held his palm out to the sky, summoning a chaotic orb of blue psychokinetic energy. "Now I'm different. Inhuman. Who knows, maybe I'll be magical in more ways than one by the time I retire the tight jeans and heeled boots." He chuckled, something both hopeful and bitter in the same breath.
Skye nodded. She knew how it felt to have everything you thought was real, right, and normal be thrown on its head and just having to deal with it.
"Honestly?" The sigh that escaped her said more than she wanted, but she still smiled. "I don't know. With what we can do, the destruction we could cause regardless of whether we'd do it or not. I don't think we'll ever be able to go back to how our lives were. But we can make a new life, one where those that come next can." Deep down Skye that those at the very top would not allow powered and enhanced people to just do what they wanted, but maybe they could change that.
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
Zephyr unconsciously took the comforter and wrapped around his shoulders, grateful for the warmth. "I know. We've got a hell of a team here. And thanks again, for everything." He said softly, remembering when the Team saved him from anti-Inhuman protesters a few months back. "I just...My life is so different now. Fish oil pills, psychokinetic...whatever FitzSimmons said I can do now. It's all different, and sometimes I ask myself if I can go home after all this. Can any of us go home?"
"Oh, hey, Skye. Yeah...no...uh." The young man sighed, closing his eyes as the cold air caused a bit of a shiver. "You know those dreams where they feel so real and you're actually dreaming about the future, but you don't know until you're actually in it, and Goddess knows if you actually catch it?" It was 3 in the morning, and it was full rambling hours for Zephyr, but still. "I keep dreaming about losing my powers. And I don't know if it's gonna be real."
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
"Oh, hey, Skye. Yeah...no...uh." The young man sighed, closing his eyes as the cold air caused a bit of a shiver. "You know those dreams where they feel so real and you're actually dreaming about the future, but you don't know until you're actually in it, and Goddess knows if you actually catch it?" It was 3 in the morning, and it was full rambling hours for Zephyr, but still. "I keep dreaming about losing my powers. And I don't know if it's gonna be real."
Padding out of her room her comforter wrapped around her loosely Skye made her way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She wasn't sure what had woken her at 3am, but now she was awake she was thirsty. It was then that she noticed someone out on the balcony. Slowly making her way over Skye slid the door open and stepped out, a sharp in take of breath as the cold hit her before looking to Zephyr. "Hey you, every thing okay?"
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zephyr-iffic · 2 months
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zephyr-iffic · 3 months
You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?
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zephyr-iffic · 3 months
"So, what made you want to reach out?" Zephyr questioned, looking Robbie up and down for a moment. "I'll be honest, most of those who draw power from the natural world have no time for someone like me."
He had caught the comment of his stage presence being found luring and enthralling, though he wouldn't point it out. He knew that he could be charming, but the pay wasn't the best these days. How ironic that actual magic took a back seat to illusionists.
Zephyr grinned at that, leaning forward a bit in his seat. "Well, as someone who's been both and more, I feel like I need to make the distinction. Magicians are all about stage presence, and my magic could be considered as me making my presence known to the energy around me."
He took another sip of his coffee and leaned back in his seat.
"Funny enough, I get more questions about being a magician." He joked.
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zephyr-iffic · 3 months
Zephyr grinned at that, leaning forward a bit in his seat. "Well, as someone who's been both and more, I feel like I need to make the distinction. Magicians are all about stage presence, and my magic could be considered as me making my presence known to the energy around me."
He took another sip of his coffee and leaned back in his seat.
"Funny enough, I get more questions about being a magician." He joked.
"Magicians or magic users?" Zephyr questioned with a chuckle before taking a sip of his coffee. "I'll admit that there's a lot of probability in what I do, and sometimes things go wild when you're doing the right thing. Excuse the pun, of crouse."
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zephyr-iffic · 3 months
"Magicians or magic users?" Zephyr questioned with a chuckle before taking a sip of his coffee. "I'll admit that there's a lot of probability in what I do, and sometimes things go wild when you're doing the right thing. Excuse the pun, of crouse."
Robbie quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the other. "You know, my family has always warned me about your kind. About how...Unpredictable, you guys tend to be. Have to say...They don't seem to be the biggest fan of you."
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zephyr-iffic · 4 months
Zephyr flashed a charming smile at the chef before they walked away, glancing at Steve before glancing at the dish in front of them. His eyes flashed a bright ethereal blue as he seemingly searched the dish for any mystical interference before they returned to his dark brown hues.
He could have sworn that the dish hissed at them.
"Well, there's nothing magically wrong about it." The mage replied softly enough for Steve to hear. "It kinda reminds me of those pod thingies from The Emperor's New Groove."
@zephyr-iffic liked for a starter
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Steve looked at the meal that had been placed before the two of them, and yet... something about the dish looked a bit.... not that great? His eyes glanced at the younger man before giving the chef who made it to them a grateful if a tad bit nervous smile as he poked the dish with his fork.
... He could have sworn it moved and growled.
"... Is this safe to eat?"
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zephyr-iffic · 4 months
head up if you don’t want tumblrs partnered ai companies automatically scraping your blog for image datasets, you need to manually opt out.
You can’t do this in the app rn, only the desktop version or web browser on your phone. It will also need to be done for every sideblog you have.
You find it by opening up your blog settings > scroll down to visibility > prevent third party sharing
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As an aside, I’d thoroughly recommend opting out of having your blog scraped, even if you’re not an artist. Afaik Tumblr hasn’t explicitly stated which companies they’ll be partnering with, but the vagueness of that wording is really alarming.
These datasets use a lot of selfies for photorealistic results, moderation of who has access to these datasets is notoriously ass, and a lot of AI engines are being used to generate pornography and racist imagery (you can see this rn with the rise of ai generated propaganda). While ‘your likeness is used in an awful generated image without your consent’ IS a worst case scenario, it’s a really upsetting one. Protect yourselves.
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zephyr-iffic · 5 months
"Sounds like you don't know a lot of travelling magicians." Zephyr replied with a smirk, resting his chin against his fist as he looked at the other man. "I'm glad that my work allows me to go from city to city, but it is nice to have a nice long conversation every once and a while."
@zephyr-iffic liked for a Charon starter
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"You're certainly an interesting one aren't you?" Charon smiled softly, he'd met all sorts during his long life, it wasn't often he met someone who intrigued him like the other.
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zephyr-iffic · 6 months
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zephyr-iffic · 6 months
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zephyr-iffic · 7 months
I've been busy with a lot of stuff lately, but I do want to do more with Zephyr in this space. So please feel free to tag me in starters or send some stuff my way!
I'll catch up with stuff as soon as I can.))
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