zero-up · 2 years
I just woke up to a weird dream, I felt like sharing it, and this seems like the best place to do it. My dreams aren’t very coherent, and I’m bad at remembering them, and I neglected to mention a bit at the beginning of my dream because it’s irrelevant to what caught my attention. I kind of stream of consciousness it, so sorry if it’s a bit rumbly. I’m bad at remembering dreams, but in it, I was watching a review by a YouTube or named Sum-Call-Me-Johnny, it was on Smash Brothers Melee. It wasn’t edited like his normal videos tho. In my dream, I never saw his face, and it was more “animated”, for lack of a better word, then his normal videos. The earliest bit I can remember was him talking about A stage for the ice climbers that’s just a big field made of ice, with the occasional spiky ice rocks (the ice item that freezes enemies is the closest comparison for shape), and it had random trap holes in places. It was also clearly 3D, instead of 2.5D. after a character (ether an ice climber on his own, or Lucas) fell down one of the trap holes, to go to another stage that was a trippy underground ice cave. I recognize this as referencing A head canon I had (that was likely also a popular theory people had) about the ice cave stage being the underground version of the ice plane stage. He then started talking about yet a third ice climber stage that was a trippy ice hole that was a traveling stage going down it (implied to be what’s in the trap holes in the ice plane stage, but you don’t transition from one state to the other). When talking about this stage, he went out of full screen mode, revealing his editing program, and started playing in that window-mode fashion (in a way that I took as being for “nostalgic purposes”), and telling people to “shut up, don’t judge [him]”. He then applied a bunch of filters (not at the same time) that made the footage in the editor look like it was a YouTube video, on the older, than the newer layouts of YouTube (tho in my dream, the old layout wasn’t exactly like the real life old layout). This then reminded him of “MP2813” (Tho when I try to type it to look it up on YouTube in my dream, I typed “MP1013” and “MP2823” in two different instances), The audio that played next sounded like it was entry 17 from Undertale, using a TTS voice associated with Gaster (this was MP2813, and a file from melee, smash Bros and Undertale are connected now). But it quickly transition to a sequence were a bunch of color combinations followed by a number were listed out (implying these color combinations were codenames, and the number after it was the amount of the object given that codename), The only one I remember catching was “purple-blue”. This immediately made me speculate that these items were amount give me to the versions of Susie, Kris, and other Deltarune characters, before hearing the dialogue “yellow: is the best meat. Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah!” It was at this point I look at the video again (The audio was coming to the video, but I wasn’t looking at it), and instead of the normal visual you would expect from entry 17, it was some colorful Doss/text adventure wall of text, clearly organized in a way were the first part was normal dialogue in white, then the color combination listings in a list format, and then more dialogue. Johnny then commented on how creepy MP2813 is, and then continued the review, talking about how he doesn’t like the smash melee stages aesthetically (an opinion I disagreed with) while showing footage and screenshots of melee stages that were clearly not from the real life melee, and then I woke up. Moral of the story: if Nintendo finally gives the ice climbers A new game, I would totally be fine with it being a trippy drug/wonderland inspired ice world.
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zero-up · 3 years
Maybe some mathematicians can help me out here?
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zero-up · 3 years
I am just sharing it now so I can find it on the app
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SONiC: COLORS evolution by cat-meff
The Wisp redesigned with hands and feet. Looking all grown up.
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zero-up · 4 years
Just wanted to increase the chance that this gets answered
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zero-up · 4 years
I made this Deltarune Theory, in case you guys are interested.
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zero-up · 4 years
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zero-up · 4 years
This is what the YouTube rewind should have been!!!
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zero-up · 4 years
Spoiler Alert! There will be spoilers for A Heist with Markiplier! If you don’t want to get spoiled, read no further! You have been warned! List of all endings Each ending has a character briefly replace the dot of the question mark. This character will be put in square brackets at the end of the name. 1of31=Clever Girl [L] 2of31=Monkey See, Monkey Kill [h] 3of31=A Heavenly Adventure [3] 4of31=Friends 4 UnLife [E] 5of31=The Coward’s Way Out [e] 6of31=The End [E] 7of31=What Did You Expect? [e] 8of31=The Cure [R] 9of31=Friends of The Dead [9] 10of31=Life Sentence [z] 11of31=Dance to The Death [5] 12of31=I Want to be Free [9] 13of31=Shut Up! [Y] 14of31=Be quiet! [W] 15of31=Time is on Our Side [c] 16of31=The Interview [U] 17of31=it was ME the whole time [B] 18of31=it was MY joke [2] 19of31=The Enigma of Happy Trails Penitentiary [b] 20of31=I Believe I can Fly [7] 21of31=In the Soulstone [V] 22of31=A Pirates Life for Me [i] 23of31=Not Again… [H] 24of31=IMMA FIRIN’ MAH LAZARRR! [J] 25of31=Don’t Judge A Book by its Human-Skin Cover [8] 26of31=Fresh Meat [A] 27of31=When Will You Learn? [L] 28of31=Are You Serious? [Q] 29of31=One Last Split Up [6] 30of31=Once More, With Feeling [3] 31of31=Ignorance is Bliss [7] The “code”: Lh3EeEeR9z59YWcUB2b7ViHJ8ALQ637
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zero-up · 5 years
It’s not much (probably not even very significant) but I figured making, and sharing this playlist was better than nothing.
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zero-up · 5 years
I just proposed an interesting question on Reddit. Hope you enjoy it!
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