casualcloudchaos · 3 years
I’m not okay
I’m not, okay.
I’m not okay, okay.
After a lifetime of asserting 
I’m fine.
I can tell you that
not okay.
Not okay.
I’m not okay.
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casualcloudchaos · 3 years
Contentment feels strange
after a lifetime of anxiety and fear and struggle
Contentment feels like boredom
Contentment feels like space that I don’t know what to do with
Contentment feels like silence that I can’t stand to hear
Contentment feels itchy
or stiff like a new pair of shoes that offers real arch support after wearing ballet flats for years
Contentment feels unsafe
Contentment feels like that moment before something else happens
I can’t trust it
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casualcloudchaos · 3 years
I am NOT lost, I am LOADING
That in-between space
That liminal space
That thing that lots of people call exhilarating, and beautiful, and delicious, but I ask –
what? for who? for whom?(?) what part of not knowing where you are is fun?
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casualcloudchaos · 3 years
You know when you learn something and then you see it everywhere
You know that feeling of being unsure if you are the only one who can see it
and then you ask someone
and it turns out
Everyone can see it
they just don’t care
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
tiny grandma
The home in my heart is
A cabin made of conversation
Stamped with memories of spending time with you
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
a joke
am I codependent?
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Learning to trust is a chicken-egg type cycle of
vulnerability and reliability
Who came first?
 The part of you willing to be vulnerable
the part of you willing to show up
They each say it’s the other
But they’re both you
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Learning to trust by meeting up with doubt
Me: oh hey, yeah, hi, you’re here.
Doubt: Yeah, I mean, you invited me.
Me: Did I? Oh yeah, I guess I did. So, what’s up, how are you?
Doubt: I don’t think you should do this.
Me: Okay.
Doubt: You do not know what you are doing.
Me: Well-
Doubt: You are going to fuck up your whole life.
Me: Okay that’s-
Doubt: You should wait for someone to tell you what to do.
Me: Like who?
Doubt: Anyone.
Me: Anyone?
Doubt: Anyone
Me: Anyone.
Doubt. Anyone.
Me: Okay, I hear-
Doubt: Anyone.
Me: Let me speak.
Doubt: Any-
Me: I said let me speak.
Doubt: Mm.
Me: I hear you. You don’t trust me-
Doubt: No.
Me: Let me speak. You don’t trust me. But I trust me - some of the time. And I am still willing to bet on myself, and know that I will be able to get- no, grow through whatever comes my way after I do this. Okay?
Doubt: Well-
Me: And before you start talking. I see that I gave you an opening there, but I’m taking it back. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. It will be hard, probably. And I’m okay with that because I am miserable listening to you. Now, I can’t make you leave. But, goodbye. I’m going over there. I’ll see you later, I’m sure.
Doubt: You will.
Me. Yeah, you’ll see ME later.
Doubt: Uh-
Me: Yeah. I’ll see YOU later. Trust.
Doubt: Oh-
Me: Yes. Trust.
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Getting off the struggle bus
I struggle most days
The choice I have is in how
Where what matters most
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Circle Back
Everytime I circle back to
my grief
I look for a book that
I’m sure
I bought the last time I was grieving
 That book that tells me what I’m experiencing
That book that gives me language for the
energy inside
and the absence of energy outside
 But it’s not there
 I remember a poem, and an article, and
a series of photocopied sheets of paper that
my therapist gave me
the last time I was grieving
Maybe just remembering them is enough because
I don’t know where they are
 And it’s different this time because it’s not the
first time or
the second time
or the third time
I’ve been here many times before so
it’s different this time
 but still I wish there was something
to read
something to do
 but still I’ve been here before so I know
the quickest way through is to not go
anywhere at all
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Wipe it up
scrub it off
what is this even made of?
What are you using?
Just, it was under the sink
Will it come off?
I don’t know
Can we cover it up?
We can try
doesn’t seem to be going anywhere
Maybe it’s fine that it’s here?
No, she doesn’t like when things
look different than they used to
i mean,
this will be fine
we won’t
Is it sticky?
Flip it over
That’s fine
Will you tell?
I don’t know, I’m already sweating
what were you doing anyway?
It’s, I was just, making a mess
I was angry
How do you feel now?
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Hear me out
Hear me out
My dog serves as training wheels for caring about Myself
 Hear me out
Reading a zine while You poop is a fun way to mix up Your routine
 Hear me out
Call Your routines rituals
 Hear me out
Apologizing unconditionally is a gift
 Hear me out
Tell Your friends You love them but You don’t want to talk
 Hear me out
Dijon mustard on a slice of veggie pizza
 Hear me out
Reading out loud is fun
 Hear me out
My teeth are whiter after eating Your cunt
 Hear me out
Your life grows slowly
 Hear me out
You don’t know anything about the future
 Hear me out
That doesn’t mean You don’t know anything
 Hear me out
Getting out of bed in the morning is the single hardest thing You will do all day
 Hear me out
Everything else is gravy (extra) (bonus)
 Hear me out
You are the most important part of Your life and everything else is gravy (extra) (bonus)
 Hear me out
I already got out of bed today
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
I don’t always know if I’m writing poetry
I know I’m writing
I know I’m writing in that short or long
form where I’m really intentional and thoughtful
or at the very least
consistent or inconsistent
it doesn’t really matter
pick a lane
but does it count as poetry?
how fine is the line between a journal and a poem?
Who and How is poetry defined?
Do I even want to know?
Like, kind of,
but why?
because I value accuracy and precision with my words
so maybe its a poem
maybe it’s a crafted paragraph in my journal
either way
either way (say it the other way)
Tomato (say it the other way)
Potato (say it the other way)
I call it a
Poem (say it the other way)
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Spiritual enoughness
I can only control myself
I can only do what I can
What I can do feels impossibly small
Feels objectively ineffectual
Feels like I’m the only one who will ever know
That I did what I did at all
And everyone says
-whatever you do or do not do is enough-
And I’m like yeah, I hear you,
But also, is it?
Like, from a spiritual perspective, sure, I’m enough, it’s enough,
from a practical, logistical perspective,
is what I do,
is what I’m able to do
is it enough?
And the natural question to that, of course
-enough for what? for who? for whom?(?)
And I’m like, for me! to survive! To keep living! To thrive!(?)
There must be something I’m missing
I want there to be something I’m missing,
so I can find it and I can do it
I want there to be more things that I can do because
I can only control myself and
I can only do what I can
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Listening closely
Hearing asks that you need too
Meeting both our needs
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
Fresh Flowers in a Handmade Vase
A vase I made
to hold
the promises I keep:
I love myself.
I am proud of myself.
I am enough.
 Flowers I asked
to listen to
the hopes I whisper:
I trust.
I create.
I dream.
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casualcloudchaos · 4 years
short story idea: Journey
Not getting out of bed for myself, getting out of bed for Mack
I live because I’m an animal, and animals strive to live
I live because I want to witness queerness, queer people, transness, trans people, anti-capitalism, anti-colonization, health care for all – I might not got to witness those larger ones, but I live to do my part, my small steps, to create it.
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