ziam-com · 4 years
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sir i adore you
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ziam-com · 4 years
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Aron Piper’s wallpapers♡
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ziam-com · 4 years
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harry styles lockscreens
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ziam-com · 4 years
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💫 Harry Styles lockscreens
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ziam-com · 4 years
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ziam-com · 5 years
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They made it.
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ziam-com · 5 years
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I have not seen a single post on this blantant use of green and blue lighting like...its right in front of us. Like dive into the video all you want but it’s right here. Larries, we’re gonna be ok ;)
(And the little sty hiding on the building might be something might not)
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ziam-com · 5 years
The Wattpad issue of 2016
I need to rant abt something because I’ve held it in for too long. So in 8th grade my English teacher asked me if I liked to write and I was like yeah I write in my free time. She was all like wow omg is there anything we could read. I was like no I write it on like a website. And she was like omg what website like we have to see. So I had to airplay my computer screen up on the smart board. First of all my username was ponygir44 not girl gir. So that’s wasnt fun typing in. And then I was just scrolling through the website you know whizzing past everything that was like “oh based off of reading Larry smut” etc. Ofc. Then this hoe goes what about your stories. I had three stories at the time. One was tradley Evanson: love story the second was crush imagines and the third was larry stylinson one shots. I-. So I pull my library up and I put my head down and my teacher is just staring she doesn’t say a word. And I’m trying to tell myself no one will remember no ones actually paying attention to this and then the most “popular” guy in my class I can tell is reading everything and he goes eyyy crush imagines you wrote that? I was like ya and he was like cool. And I’ve never been closer to passing out in my entire like i wanted to die right then and then because I realized people were actually paying attention. Then everyone starts whispering around like who’s tracked what’s Larry all this shit and our class sat in a semi circle so everyone was just turning their head back and fourth from the board to me then my mother texts me... “do you need to tampons.” I literally disconnected my computer and looked straight at the board until the end of class.
And then at middle school graduation this woman had the audacity to come up to me and asks me to write her a paper over the summer about what it was like being the only black girl in my grade...
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ziam-com · 5 years
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harry styles lockscreens
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ziam-com · 5 years
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Seven Wonders of the World by Harry Styles.
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ziam-com · 5 years
Just a little warning before LT1 drops
First I’d like to thank you all for reading this and following me on all the dumb things I have to say but let me cut to what I have to say...LT1. This is a warning from me to you. If any of Louis songs has the name or references to September, has the name or mentions 28, if the title is 28, if the album cover has a 28 in it, if anything at all talks about blue and green, if one of Louis songs mentions a guy or is a little tooo gender neutral, or if one of his songs sounds like a response to one of Harry’s songs...you will want to hop on here and unfollow me right away because I will lose my mind. I will either A, never post on his again because I died or B post every thought I every think which will clog up your feed and it’ll be like no one else exists because I will be IMPLODING with emotions, so just a little heads up🤧
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ziam-com · 5 years
My babies from last night 😍💘
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ziam-com · 5 years
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I know everyone is saying this is from 2014 but they’re not wearing the same gear and I know they could bring a lot of different things to wear but it just doesn’t seem like the same trip I think this is pure photoshop.
It doesn’t make any sense to me how vibrant and saturated Louis looks while elk looks the exact opposite her skin is so white and pale and it’s doesn’t make sense. Not only is his skin brighter but his body is crisper and sharper than elks. Like the image in Louis glasses is so clear but Eleanor’s is not and it just doesn’t make any sense because if they were in that picture together and edited together both of their skin tones would be the same saturation and everything would be evenly crisp and clear. And it also looks like they put an over lay on the picture like what is that random ass blob in between then it makes no sense and I feel like that’s to cover up a rough spot. I could go on but all I have to say is they is photoshop and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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ziam-com · 5 years
Sometimes is brads coming out song?
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Disclaimer: Not trying to assume anything I’m just saying what I thought when I heard the lyrics
First verse: just basically saying what should I be expecting from this life I chose and just being a celebrity in general
Second verse: his management all agreed on a certain way he should be perceived which he doesn’t agree with (this verse I think pin points the gay topic) like he wants to be brad and be out of the closet but management doesn’t think so.
Third verse: I think the maybe I’m selfish line is relating to the band where he’s like maybe it’s selfish of me to want to come out and put the bands reputation in jeopardy but I want to. Obscene means to be offensive or disgusting by accepted standards. So him being in a relationship he’s maybe saying it could be hard for people to watch cause it’s different and stuff. But he doesn’t care cause when he’s with this guy (hopefully it’s tris😂) he feels at home.
Fourth verse: he’s just saying how hard it is for him to be in the closet and he wishes that someone would feel what he’s going through and get it
Fifth: he just needs to say how he feels and the last like is a reminder to himself and his fans that it’s ok not to be ok sometimes.
Sixth: he has been trying to find what’s missing in his life in other people and has just been sleeping around but it’s not doing any good and everytime he sleeps around he just goes back to the beginning of this whole feeling cycle
I think those are the pretty main verses in this song that have a big impact and point towards my closested brad point. Please don’t take offense to this I’m not trying to say anything or take away from the meaning of this song that is such an important message I feel like the chorus is the main message but the bridges and verses before those are really telling us listeners something.
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ziam-com · 6 years
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Last hugs. I miss them so much.😭💗
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ziam-com · 6 years
Ed Sheeran Detroit possible larry...?
I went to the Ed Sheeran concert last night in Detroit and ed is a dark larrie as we know and last night during some of his more romantic songs he would have green and blue lights. During thinking out loud there was a couple dancing with lights all around them and at one point the couple was dancing in green and blue now I could have been seeing this part but istg at one point the girl turned and it looked like two boys with blue and green. I could be making that up but I’m just saying there were multiple parts of blue and green also when I was passing the concert on my way home the two lights on top of the stadium were blue and green.
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I know the outside the stadium picture is really bad (it’s the one with the mouth in it😂) my mom Mom was driving really fast lol
Little disclaimer: I’m not trying to say this proves larry I’m just putting this out there for anyone who wasn’t at the concert and loves a blue green moment like I do even if it doesn’t mean larry. So take this how you want and please don’t hate if you need to criticize do it politely.
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ziam-com · 6 years
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Ziam - Glendale, AZ (September 16, 2014)
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