ziasia · 1 year
Chapter 13 Fieldwork: Migration
First I want to start off by saying i have consent from my friend and permission to put his name on the post. Even though it'll most likely end up as anonymous. H was originally born in Haiti and lived in Haiti along with his mom and dad. He grew accustomed to living and Haiti and their languages (creole and French). H's parents loved living there because they have a lot of land, and they have a house there. They didn't imagine having to move to the United States. I wish I had an opportunity to interview his parents as well to get more information out of them about the process to migrate from Haiti to the United States. H said there was an earthquake in 2010 which caused rebuilding and new people came. Unfortunately, the newcomers that came were up to no good and decided to turn into a gang that was killing and kidnapping people. So, H's felt it was time to make a change and leave for safety reasons. Due to those changes they were unprepared for H had some pushes and pulls such as not knowing how to speak English good. He also said that he used to get picked on by other kids because he didn't know how to speak good English and they said that he talked funny. As I mentioned previously his main languages were creole and French so learning English was definitely a challenge for him. Just like he adapted to living in Haiti, he learned to adapt in the US. He learned English and know he speaks it good, but he definitely still speaks French and Creole in his household. H's experience with migration from Haiti to the United States was rocky at first, but it ended up being a good experience. He has a better life and a safer life. Although his parents would like to go back, they knew it was a safe option. H now lives with his family in Maryland, and they have been living here for 7 years, which will soon be 8 in September. H has made quite a few friends and is currently a senior, so kudos to you friend! I know this transition wasn't easy for him. So, for him to be able to overcome something like this is a blessing. I've seen lots of movies like this, but to actually know someone that went through that is still shocking to me. I'm really glad that H and his family were able to get away from the violence that happened in Haiti and migrated to the United states for better opportunities I really wish it was under different circumstances.
This is what H thinks about the U.S "It’s cool, it’s more freedom and opportunities and it’s safer"-H
Also ladies he would like me to add his instagram, but I told him this is for an assignment🤣!
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ziasia · 1 year
Chapter 10 Fieldwork: Class and Inequality
Karl Marx's theory of social class consisted of two classes which were the bourgeoise class and the proletariat class. The bourgeoise was considered to be owners of factories, land, machines etc. While the proletariat were considered to be the working class. Marx diagnosed labor as the key source of value in a marketplace. The article stated the fact that without workers capitalists would not be able to profit off of their labor. "This revolutionary discovery by Karl Marx paved the way for a comprehensive explanation of the workings of the capitalist system – identifying exploitation, and therefore injustice, at its core." The article also went on to discuss how the workers are used by capitalists. The point was that workers do not have the same luxury as capitalists. Workers are not able to have the materials needed to be successful in the marketplace, but capitalists have that luxury. The article also touched based on the exploitation of workers. Capitalists profit off of workers, even though they know they're barely making it through.
Example: It might be a bit of a stretch, but it kind of remind me of the movie Barbershop with Ice cube. It went more into gentrification, but the overall point still stands. It doesn't change the fact the businessmen were going to profit off the less fortunate in the community.
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Karl Marx’s Theory of Class Struggle: The Working Class & Revolution | Socialist Alternative
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Max Weber's theory revolves around wealth, power, and prestige. He believed that in order to have financial resources and social resources that need you to have prestige, wealth, and power. Weber also felt that the means of production would not happen without the powers of the state. The article touches on Weber's way of thinking, he came up with a whole new perspective about social class. Weber truly believed that with the power of the state it impacts our lives. Also the article talks about how Weber felt like we were in an iron cage. He felt like we had no rights because individuals were grouped into a system. " It exerts what Weber perceived to be an extreme and unjust influence on other aspects of society and individual lives: the iron cage limits freedom and possibility."
Example: There' s a show called the "UPSHAWS and it is a black comedy show. It's your average tv family who go through ups and downs. There was an episode where one of the characters Regina needed a scholarship for school. Instead of Regina being rewarded with the scholarship one of her privileged coworkers received it instead. He only got that scholarship because his father was a known man. He didn't even have to fill out an application. Regina needed that money way more than he did, but his used his power.
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Max Weber on Culture, Authority, and the Iron Cage (thoughtco.com)
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Pierre Bourdieu's theory is based on habitus which is basically how an individual perceives the world and their place in it. In the textbook it said that habitus has been around us since we were young and that it was enforced as a cultural thing in our families. Basically, saying that old habits stick with us no matter what. "Habitus emerges among a class of people as a set of common perceptions that shape expectations and aspirations and guide the individual in assessing his or her life chances and the potential for social mobility". Moving on, this article talked about Bourdieu's theory but from a feminist perspective. In the article it was also pointed out that Bourdieu's theory might not have been 100% original, but he had some good points and he was very observant and paid attention to the habits that people would do. The article also had a part in there about how Bourdieu didn't necessarily call out any specific gender. Which told me that he looked at everyone as a whole and didn't think too much of the gender roles.
Example: For example, I grew up in a Christian household and that will continue to follow me. I will always love God and show how much I appreciate God and how thankful I am for all he's done.
Appropriating Bourdieu: Feminist Theory and Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Culture on JSTOR
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ziasia · 1 year
Discussion questions
Why did you choose these questions? I chose to ask these questions because my group came up with them.
2. What patterns did you see from the responses? I noticed a lot of the people being interviewed were black. I also noticed a lot of the lengthy responses were either to the marriage questions or the kinship questions. People have a lot of different views on marriage, which is fine because it's how they feel. It really depends on the upbringing each person had.
3. Is there anything that surprises you? Yes, there was interview that shocked me. One girl said she doesn't believe in marriage and she talked about marriage on tv. It shocked me because you can't base marriages off how it's shown on tv. TV shows and movies are made for our entertainment and some are based on true events, but that part did surprise me. It's the same thing when people say they want a love like those old tv shows. You're not going to get that love because it's not real.
4. If I were doing this again, what would I do differently? I would definitely get out of my comfort zone and interview strangers. I interviewed one of my friends and then her friends. Next time I'm getting out of my comfort zone.
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ziasia · 1 year
Part 1 of the interview
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ziasia · 1 year
Chapter 9: Kinship, Family, and Marriage interview questions
(GROUP 19)
1. In order to have kids do you have to be married?
2. Do you think you would ever practice a poly relationship?
3. Why would you marry? For compassion or for love?
*had to break it up my videos were over a minute long*
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Clip 2
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ziasia · 1 year
Part 3 of the interview
“Would you marry for compassion or for love”
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ziasia · 1 year
Chapter 6 Fieldwork: Race & Ethinicity
I haven’t really learned anything new about my family’s history. We all identify our ethnicities as African American. My mother, my grandmother and my grandfather have lived in Virginia all of their lives & that goes for me as well. We’ve grown accustomed to being in the South. I asked my family if we have or have had any relatives that don’t identify as African American & I learned that we have an Indian relative which comes from a great grandma. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of her. (Really hard to get old pictures in this family😂). I’ve always wanted to use those apps that show your family tree, but I never believed they were accurate so I never tried it. I’ve always been curious about our family tree & how far it goes. I’ve always been told we have some Indian in our family, so when I was younger I would say that I was black and Indian (so embarrassing🤦🏾‍♀️). Everyone in my family has lived in this country our whole lives. My grandparents have both lived in the Virginia for their whole lives, which would be 67 years for them. My grandmother didn’t always live in Chesterfield Virginia. My grandmother’s family lived in Hampton, Virginia. I was born in Hampton, Virginia but I didn’t really live in Hampton. Chesterfield is where my life is. As far as embracing “American nationalism” as a family we embrace some parts of it, but not all. We do not embrace the racism part of it. At times like that it doesn’t make us feel proud to be apart of that. We feel like as Americans we have a long way to go before we can fully embrace American nationalism. The slogan “Make America Great Again” really saddens us because when was America really great for African Americans?
My beautiful mother
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My Grandfather
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My grandmother
My grandmother’s eyes also change colors depending on the season.
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My heart aka my brother 💗(he’s older now) this is one of my favorite pictures
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ziasia · 2 years
Analyzing Commercials activity:Anthropology
Based off the commercials shown it helps us realize how much we were exposed to gender roles and how society picks which gender does what. In addition to that, men and women have different gender roles in the world. For example in the baby alive commercial the little girl had a specific gender role & her role was to nurture the baby. As she was taking care of the baby she also said “mommy’s here” Giving the idea that it’s a woman’s job to take care of the baby(s). Also in the Fischer price commercial the little boys were doing handy work & there were no girls playing with the set. That commercial was for a specific gender & the point was that men are to do the “hard” work. The hot wheels commercial seemed like it was also towards men only. There were no girls featured on the hot wheels commercial.
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ziasia · 2 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork: Race and Racism
What is racism? According to the textbook's definition racism is the thoughts and actions that create unequal access to power, privilege, and resources determined by differences among groups. I feel like racism is never going end. There are always going to be people that'll continue to encourage and teach racism. As a kid learning about racism has always boiled my blood and I never understood why some people treated black people and people of color so horribly just because of our skin color. I always asked myself what the color of my skin has to do with me as a person. I've watched so many movies based on racism. There are a lot of examples for me to choose from, but I'm going to choose the movie "Remember the Titans". Remember the titans is basically about integration in the 70's. A football team of white and black players have to work hard to accept each other, learn about each other, and play football. To add on to what I said in the previous sentence, they were coached by a black man which many people didn't like and didn't want to accept him.
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What is microaggression? Microaggression is a way of treating someone negatively based on their gender, race, sexual orientation, and religion.
How can it affect others?  Microaggression has been an issue for a long time now, but the only thing is I’m just now finding out about the term. I know for a fact I’ve called out a group without thinking about how it could affect them going forward and no it wasn’t anything too crazy.  I remember in middle school I had this friend.  Corinne was cool and we talked a lot in our chorus class.  We even got closer to each other, and I started calling her “fwg” which stood for favorite white girl. Years later I started thinking if she felt a way about that, although she is white, I didn’t have to label her as my “favorite white girl”.  As humans we make mistakes and say things without thinking them through. We have to remind ourselves that just like our own person has feelings, other people have feelings as well. Microaggressions that you personally encounter in the classroom might seriously affect your mental health. Other kids can be cruel, especially when you're young. To stay on subject, middle school was the worst because of the bullies, the cruel "friends," and my lack of knowledge about middle school life. I experienced intrusive thoughts frequently as a result of the derogatory things that certain kids would say to me. I was baffled as to why people would address me in that manner. They could have thought it was a joke or a chance to show off, but to me it was never just a joke. People are impacted and affected by words, whether in a positive or negative way. Being called out of your name and being bullied for your race is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Talking about my personal experience with microaggression brought me back to middle school and it doesn’t affect me now. I know who I am and back in middle school I was just figuring out who I was. Microaggressions can happen anywhere and microaggression has been an issue for a long time now.
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What is race? Race is a flawed system of classification with no biological basis, that uses physical characteristics to define people and put them into groups. For an example people can be defined based on their physical features on their face, their hair, and their eye color. I noticed on social media that a lot of people use people's features to determine the race of that person. I've seen non-black people (white people specifically) have really curly hair. Most people assume that they're mixed with something else, but in reality, they just have nice curly hair.
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What is white supremacy? White supremacy is the belief that whites are superior and above all other races. The KKK is a prime illustration of white supremacy. The Ku Klux Klan has been tormenting the black community for years. I still get scared whenever the Klan is mentioned. Because they believed they were superior and had the power to do so, they bombed churches and retaliated against black people. They travel in large groups and hide their bodies or their heads, making it scarier.
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What is Jim Crow? Jim Crow was a law made in the South that legally forced segregation. Jim Crow rules actually provided whites the upper hand over black folks. They were only permitted to do certain things and travel to particular locations. I can't even begin to imagine how trapped they felt, and even with the little things they were permitted to do, the Klan was still attacking them because they felt superior.
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What is hypodescent? Hypodescent is called the "one drop rule". It basically means kids that are mixed race are grouped into a category. For instance, even though I'm a black person, some of my cousins are mixed-race white and black people. That fits the one drop rule, in my opinion. Several people were startled to learn that Disney star Cameron Boyce is truly mixed race. In particular, I believed he was white but in reality, he was born to a black father and a white mother. Same with Barack Obama he was also born to a black father and white mother.
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ziasia · 2 years
Chapter 2:Fieldwork❤️
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What I learned about myself is that I have a lot to be thankful for. I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to have as many items as I do. That’s why I appreciate what’s given to me. One thing I will say is that I have more wants that needs which can be a problem. I was raised to take care of what’s given to me.
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ziasia · 2 years
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My familiar object is hair oil specifically Doo Gro Stimulating Hair Oil.
Hair oiling was created by “Indian science” 5,000 years ago. Hair oil was typically used before going to sleep, taking a shower, and etc. Hair oil was made to protect hair from hair damage, breakage, and to prevent having a dry scalp.
Hair oil was made in India, but Doo Gro oil was manufactured in the United States. Doo Gro oil is a brand of hair oil and it helps moisturize hair and to prevent dry scalp. It helps hair grow longer and keeps In moisturized. Personally speaking, I’ve never used any other hair oil on my hair except Doo Gro. It feels nice on my scalp and it helps to prevent dandruff.
Unfortunately, I did not find much information about Doo Gro oil. I planned to have a lot more info about Goo Gro.
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ziasia · 2 years
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This photo of a computer relates to time space compression because people can communicate using a computer. People nowadays can use computers to chat, video call, make videos, and take pictures just like phones can. Of course there are other examples of time space compression such as traveling.
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Google has been around for years now and this tech company has been used by people around the world. With that being said, Google fits people’s needs and has been known to accommodate people’s needs and that relates to flexible accumulation. Although Google cannot physically migrate to another area.
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I’m not sure which countries people migrate to, but my aunt and uncle recently lived in Hawaii for better job opportunities which is how this photo is an example of increasing migration.
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I’ve seen a couple movies that go into uneven development. It’s usually rich man “bulldozing” buildings. They aren’t just buildings to the people that live there. The rich man reaps the benefits while the poor or the lower class suffer. A movie that I’ve seen is Barbershop 2. He owned and barbershop and these men wanted him to sell his barbershop to get other people to sell as well but he knew they were up to no good. He had to save his community.
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ziasia · 2 years
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Coltan in Congo
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