zipsco · 5 years
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zipsco · 5 years
Wait for it..
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zipsco · 5 years
this sort of kind of reminds me of this class i had a few years ago where we talked about boundaries, how to keep them, and how to make sure people near you are safe too. probably because i think about it most of the time lol
the instructor was this big tall kind of imposing man who commented on how this exercise was one of the only times he thought that was a good thing. he asked for a volunteer and had them stand a few feet away from the wall on one end of the classroom while he walked over to the one opposite them. it was a big room so he was pretty far away
“i’m going to walk towards you and talk to you about my son,” he explained, in a totally friendly and disarming way. “im just going to talk and maybe gesture a little and walk towards you, just talking! and when i get too close, all you have to do is tell me to stop and i’ll stop. its ok! really! i wont be upset at all and this is just a class, i’ll stop on a dime!”
and then he did exactly what he said he was going to, but very loud and walking kind of fast. the room echoed and everyone was watching. he hadn’t lied at all, but it was just kind of a lot. the volunteer immediately took a step back and looked more guarded but didn’t say anything until he was basically on top of her. 
he stopped, and then he asked her “when did you WANT me to stop?”
she admitted that she was a little uncomfortable about how fast he was moving from the start, but halfway across the room is when she really didnt want him closer.
“yeah, i know! i was paying attention. i saw your nonverbal cues right away, but a lot of people who preface their actions with a speech like mine won’t. by constantly reassuring someone they can tell you to stop, the responsibility falls on YOU instead, in their eyes, and also makes you second guess using that to begin with! because you knew i didnt want to hurt you, or thought you knew that, the idea of telling me to stop, of suggesting i wasn’t safe, made you second guess your gut and worry about my feelings. it’s good to check in like i did, but it doesn’t mean you can stop being perceptive, and you have to keep in mind that just because you give them this tool doesn’t mean they’ll feel comfortable using it. once you understand that, there will be a lot fewer cases of people “blowing up” at you”
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zipsco · 6 years
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zipsco · 6 years
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zipsco · 6 years
this past month has been hard
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zipsco · 6 years
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zipsco · 6 years
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zipsco · 7 years
I keep hearing radical friends dismiss Christmas preaching that’s about “the baby” (with a whiff of “ugh”) as “sentimental.” Christmas needs to be about REVOLUTION!
Let me tell you: there is nothing “sentimental” about Mary and her child. Preaching her is not cheap. It is not saccharine.
If your bias causes you to think that women-stuff and baby-stuff is inherently fluffy, claptrap, cotton candy for the masses, soothing anti-revolutionary pap, you have some self-examination to do, and some explaining to God.
Women-stuff and baby-stuff is blood and loyalty. It is the simple and basic action of turning over one’s life and body for the good of others, of all. It is survival and mourning. It has traditionally been the care of the newest and the dead: women carry the alpha and the omega. It is food. It is a poor pregnant woman surrounded by soldiers and the glut of empire singing loud and clear in the cold desert air: The rich will be sent empty away. God exalts *me.*
It is about breasts full of milk feeding a child who is not supposed to survive, or, if he does, to be just another working body whose labor serves the pleasure of the king, until he collapses young out of sheer wear and tear.
It is digging hope out of the darkest night.
Do not tell me Mary is sugar. Mary is fire.
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zipsco · 7 years
I love being horribly straightforward. I love sending reckless text messages (because how reckless can a form of digitized communication be?) and telling people I love them and telling people they are absolutely magical humans and I cannot believe they really exist. I love saying, Kiss me harder, and You’re a good person, and, You brighten my day. I live my life as straight-forward as possible. Because one day, I might get hit by a bus. Maybe it’s weird. Maybe it’s scary. Maybe it seems downright impossible to just be—to just let people know you want them, need them, feel like, in this very moment, you will die if you do not see them, hold them, touch them in some way whether its your feet on their thighs on the couch or your tongue in their mouth or your heart in their hands. But there is nothing more beautiful than being desperate. And there is nothing more risky than pretending not to care. We are young and we are human and we are beautiful and we are not as in control as we think we are. We never know who needs us back. We never know the magic that can arise between ourselves and other humans. We never know when the bus is coming.
Rachel C. Lewis (via thelovejournals)
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zipsco · 7 years
when i become a serial killer ill leave tapes that have mmm whatcya say in the mouth’s of all my victims
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zipsco · 7 years
Me hunting with my vampire friends: cracking open a boy with the cold ones
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zipsco · 7 years
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zipsco · 7 years
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zipsco · 7 years
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💗Reblog if u support these lesbian swans 💗
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zipsco · 7 years
Guys... he did another!!!!
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zipsco · 7 years
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The best way to watch Jaws. 
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