zlatik-art · 3 months
Hi, My name is Janeursular from Gaza, It is with great sadness that I am reaching out to you today to help evacuate my family members from Gaza to Egypt, death is facing us at every turn, I have created a fundraiser to receive financial support, please help me spread my story, And Reblog will be greatly appreciated .
Thank you from the bottom of my heart🙏
O God, Are you okay? I'm so sorry you had to go through this, so hang in there and stay strong.
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Несколько скетей
Первую страницу я перерисовава, потому что она мне не нравилась, но я не знаю почему
A few sketches
I redrew the first page because I didn't like it, but I don't know why
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zlatik-art · 3 months
Рисую потихоньку
I draw slowly
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zlatik-art · 3 months
Translation through a translator
The fact that she stands on her toes to be about the same level with him ahahahaha
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It's time to get acquainted with the original performance of Swan Lake
About the comic, I've finished the frame, I'll start drawing characters soon
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Спасибо @kinshenewa и всем, кто набрал мне 25 реблогов!
Thank you guys!
About the line and time: I don’t know ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Perhaps it’s because it was only a few weeks ago that I allowed myself to break my work into parts. Before this, this was a big problem, and I was missing for more than 2-3 hours lol
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Black swan au. Again. Yes
Я случайно удалила предыдущий черновик😭😭😭
Я так старалась его расписать....он был прекрасен.
⊱⋅ ────── ❴ • ✿ • ❵ ────── ⋅⊰
I accidentally deleted a previous draft 😭😭😭
I tried so hard to paint it... It was detailed.
Tomorrow I'll finish the art and take up the comic
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Мне показалось забавной идеей, нарисовать другого робота балерину. Вряд ли же они единственные, но кто знает. По сюжету лебединого озера, чёрный лебедь это дочь главного злодея. Просто представьте что-то подобное.
Я поругалась с мамой, поэтому этот рисунок делает меня менее тревожной
I thought it was a fun idea to draw another robot ballerina. It is unlikely that they are the only ones, but who knows. According to the plot of swan lake, the black swan is the daughter of the main villain. Just imagine something like that
I had a fight with my mom, so this drawing makes me less anxious
Au belongs @ohno-the-sun
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zlatik-art · 3 months
16 страниц раскадровки
Первую нужно доделать, в остальных главное не запутаться что к чему
И какая-то мне не очень нравится решение, возможно я ее переделаю. А может мне будет лень хах
16 storyboard pages
The first one needs to be completed, the main thing in the rest is not to get confused about what’s what
And I don’t like some of its composition, maybe I’ll redo it. Or maybe I'll be lazy. haha
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Спасибо всем, кто набрал мне 250 лайков!
Это круто
Я чувствую себя счастливой
This is cool
I feel happy
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zlatik-art · 3 months
Flash mob idea. I will attach references for two ballerinas and draw the Sun and Moon in their place. It seems that 1.5 people will take part in this, but that’s okay.
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The black swan AU is quite interesting, although I haven’t seen the film on which the AU is based, while I was drawing the storyboard I had a few questions that might get an answer later (it’s probably better to send them directly to the author, but that’s for later.)
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1. Are Sun and Moon the only robot ballerinas? Logically, they should have a troupe. No matter how good and wonderful dancers they are, for most productions, other people are needed. On the one hand, this is a very expensive pleasure, but on the other... Why not? If there is a Sun, then why can’t there be others?
2. Are animatronics subject to violence? Moral or physical is not important. For people, these are just robots, which means they have no feelings and can be hurt. I thought about sexual violence (perhaps this is echoes of my personal trauma), after all, they are beautiful and no one would ask their opinion whether it is possible to touch them and if there are any restrictions. Because they work.. do you often ask permission for kitchen appliances to use them?
3. It is unlikely that their theater focuses on only one production. So there are others? Is the sun worried about them? Or is Swan Lake the height of perfection? Which one can't she achieve? Everything else is good, but is a black swan beyond her strength?
Another idea:
I was watching Swan Lake (ballet) for the storyboard... And an idea came to me. Draw Rothbart (the main villain of the production) together with Moon (the black swan in the story is his daughter)
This is great
I want to draw everyone's attention!!! They are different!
1. They are standing on an empty stage that is not even lit. And logically they should stand at the same distance from the center. But no! The sun is closer to the center. It exists as a separate object. And the Moon is only part of it. so She gets a little lost in the dark.
2. They have different feelings. The sun is tense, her movements are sharp (the ribbons on her hands indicate this) Moon is smooth. She smoothly raised her hand and smoothly moved back (ribbons and cap) Because she is confident in her abilities.
3. The sun is heavier. Her clothes are heavy (her dress alone has at least three layers! Petticoat, skirt and feathers on the skirt)
4. The moon is lighter. Her skirt is shorter and lacks a petticoat.
5. Moon’s pointe shoe ribbons are shorter. Just two crossings and a top tie. On both legs. They are identical. Sun is different.
6. Moon’s fingers do not stick together (and this is important for ballet. This creates the effect of lightness and airiness.) The sun holds them tensely together. They even have their arms in different positions (the ones they extended)
6. Moon’s fingers do not stick together (and this is important for ballet. This creates the effect of lightness and airiness.) The sun holds them tensely together. They even have their arms in different positions (the ones they extended)
I feel like an art critic.
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zlatik-art · 3 months
I started a storyboard for the comic Black Swan AU
The first three pages and a grid for the rest. I feel like a draftsman
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Black swan au. Again. Yes
Я случайно удалила предыдущий черновик😭😭😭
Я так старалась его расписать....он был прекрасен.
⊱⋅ ────── ❴ • ✿ • ❵ ────── ⋅⊰
I accidentally deleted a previous draft 😭😭😭
I tried so hard to paint it... It was detailed.
Tomorrow I'll finish the art and take up the comic
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zlatik-art · 3 months
(English version is a little lower (I'm still using a translator, maybe the translation is not very correct ))
Хех, добрый день! спешу сообщить что, я закончила сценарий для комикса по black swan au.
В воскресенье (завтра) я с 7 утра до 9 утра буду в дороге, чтобы вернуть домой из города. Потом я приду домой, разберу сумки и займусь некоторой домашней работой.
В понедельник я пойду гулять, а потом займусь некоторыми другими проектами.
Поэтому через 2 дня я снова просмотрю сценарий и свежим взглядом доработаю его, если нужно.
Вот кусок, которой 100% войдёт в итоговый вариант.
солнце? Могу ли теперь я, кое-что спросить?
С: а? Ну... думаю да?
Л: что для тебя балет?
С: ... Моя жизнь.
Л: ты хочешь остаться танцевать?
С: конечно!
Л: Тогда сражайся.
С: что?!
Л: сражайся за право танцевать. Сегодня я заметила тебя, как черного лебедя. Завтра я заменю всю тебя. Всю твою работу.
Heh, good afternoon! I hasten to announce that I have finished the script for a comic book based on black swan au.
On Sunday (tomorrow) I will be on the road from 7 am to 9 am to return home from the city. Then I'll come home, unpack my bags and do some homework.
On Monday I'll go for a walk and then work on some other projects.
Therefore, after 2 days, I will look at the script again and, with fresh eyes, improve it if necessary.
Here is a piece that will 100% be included in the final version.
M: Sun? Can I ask you something now?
S: huh? Well... I think so?
M: What does ballet mean to you?
S: ... My life.
M: do you want to stay and dance?
S: of course!
M: Then fight.
S: what?!
M: fight for the right to dance. Today I noticed you like a black swan. Tomorrow I will replace all of you. All your work.
P.S. @ohno-the-sun You didn't say if you want to be notified when the comic is being worked on, but I'll do it anyway. I'm interested in your opinion, what do you think?
For the most curious and devoted:
I also really like it when something is suggested in the plot. Any ideas what will happen next?
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Мои любимки
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zlatik-art · 3 months
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Порисульки всякие
Я сейчас на этапе создания сценария для комикса по этим двоим
Ещё я не помню как публиковала этот пост поэтому он какое-то время стоял без отметки автора и тегов, поэтому время исправиться
I'm currently in the process of creating a script for a comic based on these two.
I also don’t remember how I published this post, so it was without an author and tags for some time, now it’s time to fix that.
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zlatik-art · 3 months
I'm resting now, but I'll be working on this comic soon, would you like some marks while working on it?
Hello! Can I ask a couple a question?
1 – can I clarify the gender of the Sun and Moon? I seem to have found indirect confirmation of their female gender, but I'm not sure :'
2 – Since the Sun and Moon are robots, does this mean that they are the property of the theater in which they perform? Not workers, but things, property.
I've had an idea for about 6 hours for a very small comic where the Moon points this out to the Sun and says that for the owner of the theater, they are just an AI that can be turned off and thrown away if they are not good enough.Perhaps even the Moon does not like being someone else's thing and therefore becomes a mentor for the Sun. Because if the Sun copes with the role of a black swan, then they are both in the black. The Sun is good enough and is not turned off, and the Moon disappears as unnecessary (perhaps she/he is already thinking that the Sun will kill the Moon and thus make her free)
Thanks in advance for your answer ^^
Have a good day!
1. Yes! In the black swan au Sun and Moon go by she/her pronouns. They are female robots, that is how they both choose to identify and what the company designated for them
2. Yes, they are the property of the company. Dancing ballerina bots designed to perform until they break.
I really like your comic idea! I think there is something interesting in the idea that Moon wants to disappear in a way.
Moon is also partially a projection of Sun’s own suppressed thoughts, so I think it’s a very interesting idea that Moon is both pushing Sun to be a good black swan while also wanting to disappear
It’s like Sun’s own suicidal ideation plus her drive for perfection
If you do end up making that comic please tag me I’d love to see it!
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zlatik-art · 3 months
Мун в платье, по мотивам моих мыслей и вдохновленный одним фанфиком
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Moon in a dress based on my thoughts and inspired by a fanfiction
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zlatik-art · 3 months
Но в моей голове это выделило лучше, но для первого раза, не плохо? Определённо, мне нравится ^^
Я вероятно буду рисовать этих двоих какое-то время
Возможно в скором времени я буду рисовать их в балетных пачках, не знаю
Я очень надеюсь, что не отвлекаю художника. Но должно быть все в порядке и слишком много переживаю, это пройдет спустя какое-то время и я об этом забуду
❂☪❂Translation of my thoughts❂☪❂
But in my head it stood out better, but for the first time, not bad? Definitely I like it ^^
I'll probably be drawing these two for a while.
Perhaps soon I will draw them in tutus, I don’t know
I really hope I'm not distracting the artist @ohno-the-sun . But everything must be fine and I worry too much, it will pass after some time and I will forget about it
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