znarikia · 4 minutes
Hello everyone
I am Muhammad Al-Sir.
I am 42 years old from the Gaza Strip. I will tell you my story after October 7 in light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. I have a family consisting of 9 members, most of whom are young children My eldest child is 14 years old, her name is Batoul, followed by Sydal, who is 13 years old, then twin children Majd and Jodi, who are 11 years old, then Sidra, who is 8 years old, then twins Ahmed and Mahmoud, who are 5 years old.
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We were living a life full of happiness in our home in Gaza City, but our lives turned into a nightmare during the war that changed our lives. We became without a home, living inside a tent on the street, and there were no necessities of life, including water, electricity, clothing, and food.
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In light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, we went through very difficult circumstances. We were displaced several times, and during the displacement operations we lost everything, and we lost my house, which was destroyed by the Israeli bombing that did not stop.
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We have lost the beautiful things that my family and I used to live with, and the most difficult beautiful thing we have lost is safety in peace, due to the violent bombing that surrounded us in all the places to which we were displaced. The days were difficult and there was no work to get any money, especially since my family consists of a large number of children and they have great needs.
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I need your help in raising money to leave the Gaza Strip I ask everyone to participate and donate
Please donate and share 🇵🇸😭
Thank you
Mohammed alser
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znarikia · 2 hours
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Old work A2
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znarikia · 2 hours
i accidentally let my princess girlfriend and my communist revolutionary girlfriend in the same discord call and surprisingly they really hit it off. both of them get a massive kick out of pretending to execute eachother for crimes against their respective class, they're having great fun. they paint eachothers nails and stuff
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znarikia · 3 hours
I think nowhere near as many leftists think critically about majoritarianism as we should. The fact that a few capitalists exploit workers, are the primary beneficiaries of the colonial theft of Indigenous peoples' lands the world over - that's horrible, of course, its unjust and must be stopped. The primary injustice, though, is that the exploitation exists, that the colonial theft exists. Whether a group of people are the numerical majority or the minority is secondary, ancillary.
Allow me to cut into the meat of the matter: white people, of which I, the anon, am one, are the majority of people on the North American continent, at least North of the Rio Grande. This state of affairs is neither historically, nor morally, nor politically neutral. This is a fact which has been established, and is continually so, in blood, that of countless nations, comprised of millions of individuals; yet tens of millions, a few hundreds of millions, *less* than that of the whites. Putting aside how we "whites" only exist by erasure of our own ethnic backgrounds, continual gerrymandering of the definition of "white", a nebulous term of a nebulous group which only exists as that of oppressor of colonized people in Turtle Island and worldwide, not as a denotation of a shared cultural of unselfish mutual aid.
The fact that my nebulous ethnic group outnumbers that of the many Indigenous people here does not mean this is my land. It does not mean that I am entitled, in terms of what is just, to take the land and step on "the little people". Landback must, by all means, be enacted. Colonial oppression is wrong, freedom is right. I don't see how that will come about through head-in-the-sand majoritarianism, through a worker's state. Such a state, dominated by the "majority", would inevitably be dominated by whites, at least at the outset; certainly by non-Indigenous people. For that reason, I am an anarchist; though this tendency, that of unchecked majoritarianism, is also rife among anarchists, at least among those who are white.
I often wonder how Landback will come about, given the number of people who are in opposition to the very thought, and the number of people who don't care; the latter of whom are always implicitly oppressors by inaction. I wonder how I will convince "my fellow whites", who are concerned about their own purses and give no thought to the original, as-yet-unended sin of 1492. They are concerned with their unity as a class, but without thought of colonialism.
I'm very confused. I've been mulling over this for years and years, and haven't yet figured it out.
I don't know what the answers are, just that the institutions of the police, of prisons, of militaries, must be exterminated; so must colonialism and white supremacy, even if the white colonizers are the majority. There can be no police, no state, no centralized institutions where one nation, one color, one religion, one race can determine the lives of all, not even if that group in power is the majority.
I don't think you really asked a question, friend, but rather shared your grievances with me, which I appreciate. I think you're right re: "majoritism", though I would say that this is folded into a post-leftist critique of Democracy, something that is shared, if not as stringently, with classical anarchism (you do still have, afterall, those that would conflate Direct Democracy with Anarchy).
That said, a strong understanding of the fundamental principles of anarchism, particularly of the unity of the individual and the collective, even if not tied directly to an anti-colonial critique, does begin to solve the problem or at least problematize the ready-made solution of Democracy, though, obviously, an anti-colonial perspective will go a long way.
Democracy, majority rule, is not Anarchy for this very reason, and it being consecrated in a State framework, as you say, would continue perpetuating the rule of white settlers over indigenous peoples. However to this I want to really stress something you seem to touch on but only lightly, Whiteness and Blackness and Indigeneity are all political categories and while their creation has been established "in blood", it can't be held that they are then only a result of genetics.
Whiteness, Blackness, Indigeneity (the Settler-Slave-Indigenous Triad) are all dependent on the existence of systemic -- political -- authority that gives birth to these forms of relation within the Settler-Colonial Civilian and State.
A real and true project of decolonization would abolish this triad not by getting rid of European and African descendants in Turtle Island, but rather by overcoming the relations that force these categories into existence. Said overcoming would be, I argue, the overcoming of the imported Settler relations European cemented into our world, namely Capitalism and the Nation-State. Thus, the most radically consistent position of this same project finds its strongest champions in the Anarchists and anarchist movement that best articulates the critique. Of course, we must remember Yang and co.'s statement that "Decolonization is not a metonym for social justice", but this isn't a problem is we remember that Anarchy is also not just such a metonym either.
So, we can say, that an anarchist project that wishes to understand the necessity for decolonization, and remain consistent, will also have a critique of Democracy as a project.
Honestly what I see as a bigger problem is the truism that "the land belongs to those who work it" as, while that is a Socialist phrase, one that socialists of nigh every stripe accepts, it is actually a colonialist Aegis against even some of the most radical champions of socialism. I mean, listen to Goldman talk about Zionism:
Perhaps my revolutionary education has been sadly neglected, but I have been taught that the land should belong to those who till the soil. With all of his deep-seated sympathies with the Arabs, our comrade cannot possibly deny that the Jews in Palestine have tilled the soil. Tens of thousands of them, young and deeply devout idealists, have flocked to Palestine, there to till the soil under the most trying pioneer conditions. They have reclaimed wastelands and have turned them into fertile fields and blooming gardens. Now I do not say that therefore Jews are entitled to more rights than the Arabs, but for an ardent socialist to say that the Jews have no business in Palestine seems to me rather a strange kind of socialism.
--Emma Goldman, "On Zionism" (1938)
Let us not forget how this same type of rhetoric is used today to justify the State of Israel, and why it's deficient:
The claim that Zionist settlers “made the desert bloom” is one of the most recognizable Israeli talking points . . . .This line is used so often that it has become a rather parodied cliché. But cliché or not, it still endures to this day and is fervently repeated over and over by Israelis and their supporters worldwide.
According to this myth, Palestine was a neglected bleak desert, and that only after the arrival of the Zionist colonists with their ingenuity was it “redeemed” and made prosperous and blooming with life.
This quite obviously plays on Orientalist tropes about the east, framing it as a desolate, backwards and uncared for land. Land that under the right circumstances, and cultivated by the “right” civilized people, could bloom into a green paradise. This talking point complements the Terra Nullius myth quite nicely, as they both build off each other to create the narrative of the colonists bringing life and civilization to the land. The natives -if they are even acknowledged at all- are framed as having lacked the technological or even the moral mettle to make the land thrive.
[..] The claim that Zionist settlers “made the desert bloom” is one of the most recognizable Israeli talking points . . . .This line is used so often that it has become a rather parodied cliché. But cliché or not, it still endures to this day and is fervently repeated over and over by Israelis and their supporters worldwide.
According to this myth, Palestine was a neglected bleak desert, and that only after the arrival of the Zionist colonists with their ingenuity was it “redeemed” and made prosperous and blooming with life.
This quite obviously plays on Orientalist tropes about the east, framing it as a desolate, backwards and uncared for land. Land that under the right circumstances, and cultivated by the “right” civilized people, could bloom into a green paradise. This talking point complements the Terra Nullius myth quite nicely, as they both build off each other to create the narrative of the colonists bringing life and civilization to the land. The natives -if they are even acknowledged at all- are framed as having lacked the technological or even the moral mettle to make the land thrive.
[..] Zionist settlers did not make the desert bloom, as the land was never as much as a desert as they claimed, and even those areas which were classified as such were still cultivated and tended to by Palestinians. The severe drop in the amount of cultivated land in the Naqab after 1948 attests to this fact.
But as usual, these talking points are never about the actual history, or the data, or reality. They are usually about a message to be conveyed, or an image to be maintained. This is especially clear when we look at some of the modern Naqab farms that Israel loves to market. Never mind the fact that, as mentioned, the amount of cultivated land in the Naqab actually dropped; the portrayal of these farms as oases in the desert, and as an ode to Israeli and Zionist resilience and ingenuity is rooted in Zionist propaganda. These desert farms do not make sense economically, and they are unsustainable in almost any way you look at it. However, their purpose lies in their discursive value.
[..] In the end, this whole talking point is beyond the issue, and amounts to nothing more than Greenwashing settler colonialism. It simply exists to try and show why the Zionist settlers are more deserving of the land than Palestinians, who had supposedly neglected it. Despite the data showing that the land was far from an uncultivated desert, and that Israel stole millions of dunams of cultivated land to kick-start its agricultural sector, it’s a moot point to begin with. For argument’s sake, even if this talking point was accurate, and that the land was mostly uncultivated desert, does this provide a moral cover for settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing and erecting a reactionary ethnocracy at the expense of the people living there?
Of course not. Nothing can justify that. But this raises another point: Why the need to resort to such arguments in the first place? Why did these settlers feel the need to legitimize themselves if they didn’t feel like they were doing anything wrong, or if nobody was there in the first place, as they often claimed?
It’s because they knew they were wronging someone. They knew they were taking over someone’s land, and they knew that they were spouting nonsensical propaganda. This is why these talking points often clash so terribly against each other, because they are not based on fact, but on political utility. It is unfortunate that such baseless claims survive to this day, but as with all propaganda, it loses its effectiveness when you start asking the right questions.
—Decolonize Palestine, "Myth: Israel made the desert bloom"
I am reminded of Pam Palmater when she says,
[We have the right to say,] ‘No, this is our land and maybe we're gonna reclaim this land and... not do anything with it!’
Y'know there's this like, obsession that if you're going to ‘own’ a parcel of land it must be exploited and developed until it's essentially dead! And we don't think that way. So we have the right to say no, you don't get to develop this land, we have the right to protect this and and not do anything with it.
[..] We have the obligation.
[..] What we have is a relationship and responsibility.
This, I think, will be a bigger challenge for anarchists, and socialists more broadly, to tackle.
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znarikia · 3 hours
🍉Please don't skip !!🍉
🇵🇸Please help me by donate and reblug🇵🇸
Hello, my name is Amal Ghilan, I am 25 years old, a mother of three children (Abdullah 8 years old, Salwa 6 years old, and the youngest is Nour 9 months old). We were living in a beautiful house full of happiness until this war of extermination came, our house was bombed on the third day of the war (and I was eight months pregnant at the time), our house and car were destroyed 😭
my father-in-law and my husband’s sister were killed, and we lost our only source of income, so we were displaced from one place to another more than once, and I suffered from severe malnutrition during my pregnancy due to the lack of bread until the time came for my delivery, so I did not have a warm crib or even clothes to protect my little girl from the cold of winter 😢, and we were in December, where the journey of childbirth is difficult without medical care, so I left the hospital with my little girl to that damned tent that was eating our bodies from the severity of the cold, as my children did not have warm clothes to relieve them from the bitter cold, and suddenly we saw death with our own eyes from the occupation tanks, so we were forced to move again to Rafah, despite the difficulty of displacement, it is very expensive in addition to the high price All the goods were crazy and we had no source of income which made my children suffer from severe malnutrition. 😔
Then in May we were forced to leave Rafah and go to a shelter school in Al-Maghazi where we lived with 6 families in one classroom. Suddenly the school was bombed and we escaped certain death, so we were forced to move to a tent in the Mawasi area of ​​Khan Yunis where the sun’s rays began to burn our skin and melt our bodies. My children were afflicted with skin diseases and amoebiasis due to the scarcity and scarcity of water and the difficulty of bringing and carrying it from long distances under the scorching sun. And here we are suffering daily inside this hateful tent that does not protect from the heat of the sun or the cold of winter. I hope that you will help me save my children by evacuating them outside of Gaza before it is too late.
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@appsa @brutaliakhoa @turian @malcriada @neptunerings @thetownwecallhome
@timetravellingkitty @tiredguyswag @brokenbackmountain @imjustheretotrytohelp @sylvianritual
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @aces-and-angels @marnota @cenobutch @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @three-croissants @briarhips @kellkyy
@appsa @90-ghost @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @queerstudiesnatural @appsa @communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @neptunerings @just-browsing1222 @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @marnota @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animentality @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @violetlyric-blog @the-bastard-king @tamaytka @4ft10tvlandfangirl @northgazaupdates @skatehan @awetistic-things @nightowlssleep @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @friendshapedplant @mangocheesecakes @commissions4aid-international
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znarikia · 3 hours
Ooh, Orchis Ferdinand. Interesting. It's a very Ferdinand mech.
Yeah I considered Swallotail as well for Bernadetta, it just felt more systems-heavy than I'd personally pick for her, but I can absolutely see it.
Funnily enough, I also thought about vanilla Monarch for Dorothea. Viceroy is a very good pick, though, especially with her being good with swords and the Viceroy having that CQB launcher passive.
I only talk about two things. my lancer ocs and edelgard (and the people directly important to her).
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znarikia · 4 hours
imagine your friend asking if she can invite her girlfriend to the groupchat, but when she joins, you notice her griffith avatar and have to recontextualise your friend's guts avatar
how do you even navigate that
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znarikia · 4 hours
because cops are bad you might be tempted to think that organised crime is good. do not do this.
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znarikia · 4 hours
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lori meyers ily and ur edgy little 15 year old writer brain. thank you for summing up my human experience
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znarikia · 4 hours
trans girls see the most terrifying alien invasion story about imperialist plant monsters from outer space who cannot be defeated and will mind control you into wanting to be a perfect little pet with no ability to alter its situation if you even lift a finger agains them and go "haha plampt"
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znarikia · 4 hours
Oh, bonus Byleth: I think she'd use a weird melee Lich build. Sothis is her weird Technophile NHP/Didymos clone.
I only talk about two things. my lancer ocs and edelgard (and the people directly important to her).
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znarikia · 5 hours
Ooh, I hadn't considered Genghis for Edelgard but that's a really good fit. Plasma thrower with chain axe...
Big agree with Lysithea, though I think the Chomolungma would also be pretty good for her. But that might be my own hacker bias.
Hubert piloting spooky Dave would be aesthetic perfection. I think he deserves to have his Calendula have his cape, too.
Aesthetically, I think Ferdinand would be a Lancaster pilot 'cause, y'know, horse. BUT I think he'd actually be a Nelson pilot. Very knight-in-shining-armor-y but also very speedy.
Caspar's main licenses are Blackbeard and Caliban, but I'm unsure which he'd be piloting. Might also have a Tortuga or Zheng dip.
Petra is a Mourning Cloak pilot, I think. Probably with some Metalmark or Atlas.
Linhardt... Hmm... Mechanically, Lancaster, but spiritually Hydra. Drones do the fighting while he has a nap. Or maybe Sunzi for warp bullshit.
Bernadetta... Bernadetta would be... Death's Head, maybe? Maybe a Monarch or a Sherman.
Dorothea would pilot a Dusk Wing. This is mostly vibes-based.
I only talk about two things. my lancer ocs and edelgard (and the people directly important to her).
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znarikia · 7 hours
🚨 Urgent Appeal 🚨
Please don't skip
Help Us Rebuilding after loss: Mohanad and Farah from Gaza
Hello, we are Mohanad (28) and Farah (23)from Gaza. We live in the midst of war, surviving death by mere luck every single day. Recently, our apartment, which we hadn't move into it, was destroyed, we lost our jobs becuse of war. All we have left is hope.
We aim to raise *$35,000*, a sum that will allow us to leave this dark reality and build a brighter future.
We know there are many in need, but we sincerely hope you can contribute to saving our lives.
Any support, no matter how small, will bring us closer to safety and a new beginning.Thank you for being part of our journey.
My nephew Adam and Zeina: Childhood Resilience Amid the Rubble
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Vetted by @gazavetters, Number (#42) on this list
Vetted by association in this post
To donate:
If you need more information about our situation please feel free to contact us via our Social Media accounts below 👇
What's app
Mohanad & Farah
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znarikia · 7 hours
My friends, I would like to start by thanking you for your support and help for me and my family. Unfortunately, my account has been restricted for reasons I do not know. I kindly ask for your assistance in sharing my new account and giving hope to me and my family so we can live in a safe place.
My previous account :
Hello my name is Abd Alhadi Aburass, and I am
from Gaza Palestine 🍉 🇵🇸. I write to you today with a heavy heart💔, seeking hope and help. The ongoing conflict has put my family's life in grave danger🙏
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‏We have lost our home and my advocacy bureau , leaving us with nothing but the clothes on our backs. In search of safety, we have become refugees, fleeing to another city where we now face immense challenges. 🥹
Vetted by @gazavetters number verify on the ( list #2 )
‏The war has torn apart our lives, and we are struggling to find stability in this new place. Basic necessities like food, clean water, and shelter are scarce. The trauma of the conflict weighs heavily on us, but we are determined to rebuild our lives and create a safer future for our children
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‏We need your support to get back on our feet. Your generous donations will go towards:
‏• Emergency Shelter: Helping us secure a safe place to live.
‏• Food and Water: Providing us with essential nutrition and clean water
‏• Medical Care: Access to healthcare for our family, especially our children who have been deeply affected by the trauma.
‏• Education: Ensuring our children can continue their education and have a chance at a better future
‏• Rebuilding Livelihoods: Helping us restart our business or find new means of income to become self-sufficient again
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‏Every Contribution Counts:
‏No amount is too small. Every dollar brings us one step closer to stability and a chance to rebuild our lives. Your support means the world to us during this dark time.
‏From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your kindness and generosity. Your support not only helps us materially but also gives us hope that better days are ahead.
‏Please share our story with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can overcome this hardship and start anew
‏With heartfelt gratitude,
‏Abd Alhadi Abu ras and Family
@90-ghost @ibtisams @fairtradeusa @sar-soor @palestine @palestinegenocide @nabulsi27 @vakarians-babe @interiordesignmagazine @gazaboovintage @finnslay @bibyen @autisicanarchist @walking-in-a-rainbow @bisexual-community @beefyfurrydaddy @gender-and-science @genderqueerpositivity @feefal @mobydyke @riding-the-wavez @olocomermaun @sunsetquotes @montereybayaquarium @motivateyourselfeachandeveryday @longboxeson22s @beeeso0o-blog @lonelysandwich @sunclownsblog @selamat83 @appsa @iznabl @opencommunion @fairuzfakhira @iznabl @breathtakinglandscapes @sayruq @eva @freepalestinneee @freegazapalestine-blog @freegazapalestine-blog @freegazafomhamas-blog @mitarbeiter @freegazapalestine-blog @sayruq @fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi27
‏Thank You 🙏♥️
‏🍉🍉 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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znarikia · 8 hours
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270 notes · View notes
znarikia · 8 hours
An image of an anime woman, drawn in a dispassionate hand. She holds an M79 grenade launcher, drawn with the serene reverence of a rabbi inking the Torah. Her boobs are almost out.
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znarikia · 8 hours
Wuh oh! How's Son Wukong gonna get out of this!
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