zodiacces · 4 years
Summer Sentence Starters
“The sun is brutal today.”
“Want some ice cream?”
“I feel like going to the beach.”
“Marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers and a fire; what do you think?”
“It’s a beautiful night tonight.”
“The sunset is beautiful. Wanna go for a walk?”
“There’s a festival today. Wanna go check it out?”
“There are so many bugs…”
“There’s a _______ festival this weekend. We could wear couples’ costumes.”
“There is sand everywhere!”
“I like the heat. Feels great.”
“The air conditioning isn’t working.”
“Is that a parasol?”
“It’s sooooo hot…”
“There are going to be fireworks tonight in the park.”
“Are those fireflies?”
“Fall will come back soon enough.”
“You can always tell when summer is here. The cicadas are buzzing.”
“The day is lasting forever.”
“Don’t you ever sweat?”
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zodiacces · 4 years
Starters on Boredom
“What do you want to do tonight?”
“I’m tired of being bored because being bored is BORING.”
“Want to go somewhere tonight?”
“Did you do anything today?”
“I don’t feel like doing anything…”
“I’m so BORED.”
“I desire something more.”
“Let’s go do something!”
“I hate boredom.”
“Let’s do nothing.”
“Wanna do something random?”
“I would rather die in your arms than from boredom.”
“You make things interesting.”
“I hate being an adult. Adulthood is boring.”
“I WISH I was bored.”
“Everyone needs a little boredom in their life.”
“I need stimulus.”
“Boredom can be lethal.”
“I like boredom. Boredom means nothing is happening, which means I can recharge before the next thing happens.”
“I’m bored with all this…”
“Boredom is the cure for overwhelming excitement.”
“I’m never bored.”
“Boredom is fear of one’s own mind.”
“This is boring. Can we do something else?”
“You don’t live a boring life, do you?”
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zodiacces · 4 years
Summer Sentence Starters
“The sun is brutal today.”
“Want some ice cream?”
“I feel like going to the beach.”
“Marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers and a fire; what do you think?”
“It’s a beautiful night tonight.”
“The sunset is beautiful. Wanna go for a walk?”
“There’s a festival today. Wanna go check it out?”
“There are so many bugs…”
“There’s a _______ festival this weekend. We could wear couples’ costumes.”
“There is sand everywhere!”
“I like the heat. Feels great.”
“The air conditioning isn’t working.”
“Is that a parasol?”
“It’s sooooo hot…”
“There are going to be fireworks tonight in the park.”
“Are those fireflies?”
“Fall will come back soon enough.”
“You can always tell when summer is here. The cicadas are buzzing.”
“The day is lasting forever.”
“Don’t you ever sweat?”
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call? for king oelde.
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zodiacces · 4 years
new muse
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King Oelde/ series Final Fantasy War of Visions. 
personality- Oelde is a firm resolute ruler to his nation, and a strict father to his sons whom he regularly reprimands to behave like their status demands. Oelde's long ambition in life is to preserve the Leonis royal bloodline no matter the cost, even if it requires the lives of close ones to achieve.
For that reason, he is more than willing to even abandon his wife and younger son for that purpose, causing a severe friction between himself and Sterne.
Oelde is completely unapologetic for his actions and is unafraid of the enemies he can make to fulfill his agenda of preservation. He constantly scolds Mont for his kindness, thinking it will put himself, others and his goal in peril, but nonetheless respects his commitment.
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call choose your muse!!!
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zodiacces · 4 years
chopperpirate liked your post “zodiacces: starter call choose your muse!!!”
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Snorting, a cloud of thunder erupting from his very breath. thunder wrapping around his wings, he looks like a vengeful god. 
The winds around them were stronger. 
 “You are lost.” or stupid. who would meet directly the emperor of fiends. 
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call choose your muse!!!
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call choose your muse!!!
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zodiacces · 4 years
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15k worth of diamonds and not a single engelbert at his banner. sigh.
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zodiacces · 4 years
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he’s a terribly father but a practical king. in any case he did choose one son over the other. 
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call choose your muse!!!
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zodiacces · 4 years
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starter call choose your muse!!!
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zodiacces · 4 years
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added more human muses! 
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zodiacces · 4 years
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so starter call for Solidus Engelbert? he’s from war of visions. 
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zodiacces · 4 years
so um starter call?
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zodiacces · 4 years
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added engelbert and highwind to muse list. enjoy. 
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