zsafehands · 12 days
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17th December 2023
Visit the kubur day.
I have been telling him that I missed arwah nenek. 2 weeks we planned to visit my late grandparents but didn’t managed to cause we both forgotten and the other, Ayden was not with us.
So we did on this day. I was happy to bring him there. To let my late grandparents know of his existence in my life. This man really mean the whole world to me. Not only he changed me for better, he also made me feel better.
Like everyone said, a person in 2 months can make you feel what a person in 2 years couldn’t. Time means nothing, character does.
This man, is to die for. Because of him, I want to be the better version of myself. For him and for me.
His reaction to me wearing tudung was priceless. I will forever remember this day 🥹🤍
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zsafehands · 12 days
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9th December 2023
Galau. First concert with the love of my life.
Initially, I thought i will never had a chance to go for this concert. He convince me that healing can be in so many ways. But I know what i want and what I need. So i dragged his ass to this concert with me. Hehe!
Who would have thought that it would turn out so well? To find someone who has the same taste in music is rare and hard to find. We sang most of the song together. We hold hands, we sang our lungs out and on this very day, he healed me.
Setia Band, Firman and Taufik Batisah was great. But we went to eat something during Insomniacks performed. Regret!! But we came back to the special song which meant alot to us now. Sempurna, a simple yet meaningful word for a tittle. And if i can ever replace his name with anything else, I’d pick Sempurna. He is just perfect for me. The perfect one who has filled in the empty hole in my life. The one I’ve been looking for.
Thank you Allah. Thank you for crossing our path. I am forever grateful for him.
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zsafehands · 12 days
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8th December 2023
On this very day, man sent me to work with uniform. Nothing special but just look a how good he looked. Man never stopped impressing me keke!
Altho him in uniform reminds me of some shitty memories, but one thing for sure, he’s different from the rest 🤍
Kinda scared that he won’t come back to my arms at the end of the day but love convinced me that he will, which he did.
Also, he run into my family at geylang hahahaha how coincidence 😂 that mentel girl took a photo with him lagi ehhh!
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zsafehands · 2 months
When its finally your turn,
I hope you understand why the wait was necessary.
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zsafehands · 2 months
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3 December 2023
We went for a date! Matchy outfits again!
On this day, he brought me to my favourite place to eat. Fika sweedish cafe. I bought Pesto Pasta which was a total turn off. My Fisherman pasta was out of stock this day. But his food was good good as always hehehe! He always make the right choices ainkkk keke!
My man always prioritise my cravings. We had desserts afterwards at Lola Faye. My tummy is happy happy and my heart is full full hehehe!
He also entertained me with my forever love for photobooths!! It was awkward initially because this was our first photobooth together and we’re not sure of how to pose. But not long enough, man make me feel comfortable by being me. I mean, look at us. The results on the photo shows it all.
This means alot to me.
You mean alot to me, Zaidy Iskandar. Thank you for being you, and thank you for allowing me to be me 🤍
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zsafehands · 2 months
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2nd December 2023
And then December came. The month that is full of plans.
It was days before when i told him i haven’t heal properly. I was sad sad because i wanted to go Galau to heal. Hearing sad songs when my soul hurts, helps. But all that requires money, which at that point, it was limited. So i told him i wanted to go out alone, sit by the beach and listen to the waves.
So man said he wants to accompany me, he will sit and keep quiet. Just be there at my company.
But only Allah knows how much he healed me just by being him. Man loves fishing, i love man with hobbies. This man has hobbies. The kind of hobbies that i always wish my man has. For the first time ever, Allah gave me what i prayer for.
This man goes jamming and he goes fishing. He wants to include me in all of his activities.
We went to get his Army uniform fixed at Beach Road. While waiting, we had my favourite tulang merah from Haji Kadir. Initial plan was to eat mutton chop but i ended up ordering tulang. Still, man didn’t complaint when he is one who wouldn’t eat tulang merah.
After the feast, we went to Changi. That was when i get to see man does his fishing for the first time. I see how he carefully pick the bait, to him fixing our fishing road, to him assisting me with the bait on my rod, to him show me how to really fish. Man, i was internally happy. On this very day, i know this man is my comfort zone, this man, is indeed the one for me. He heal me in ways no other man can.
Only we both know how special this day was to us. Thank you for being there for me when my parents were not home, and when i needed to heal.
Masyaallah, Alhamdulillah. Thank you, Allah. I’ll never stop being thankful to You for crossing both our path.
I love you, Zaidy Iskandar. 🤍
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zsafehands · 2 months
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26 November 2023
See, it’s almost every day we spent time with each other. And for the first time, i never felt ‘rimas’. On this day, we spent time with his family.
In the past, i’ll always complain how suffocating it is for me if a man is clingy, but never for this one. Simply because we vibe well. We laugh together, we never took joke seriously, we can roast each other without having hard feelings.
On this very day,
He bought flowers for the first time. Plus, he didn’t know there is a hidden message when he gives 3 roses. This was his first flower for me. For no special occasion. And that is why, the rose meant alot to me. It was his thoughts that counts. He told me how he’s unsure of how many rose to put and what colour it should be for the rose/wrapper. Isn’t he cute? Isn’t he lovely?
A man that goes out of his way for me, will always have a special place in my heart. Really. With him, i fell in love every single day 🤍
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zsafehands · 2 months
25 November 2023
Funny how we were into 2 month knowing each other but my heart keeps assuring me that he is the one.
Who would have thought i enjoyed our time together even if I have to accompany him to work.
He made me feel what a 2 years relationship can’t in 2 months. The way he cared for me, the way he comfort me, the way he was there for me, the way he took care of me and how he pamper me. Oh, i’m so in love with my man!
Seeing how he treat babygirls makes me jealous because i’m the baby, no girls or woman, even as young as 1 year old should feel how i feel! He should always see me as a baby, and the only baby in his life. I was flattered when he called me babygirl infront of Awu, my god. I blushed kekeke! It’s not always he call me that but at that point when he said it, it was just at the right moment kekeke! He shouldn’t say it often though, it wouldn’t be special 🙈
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zsafehands · 2 months
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24th November 2023
It was after work when my family called, wanting to surprise abang for his birthday. It was impromptu, it was amazing. Knowing how impromptu my family can get, and how celebrating birthdays together are so important to us. Man brought me to meet my family halfway.
We had a good dinner with my family and ofcos, his food is better than mine. He’d ended up finishing my meal hehe!
Funny thing, i gained more weight while he is loosing his when i’m the one who couldn’t finish my meal and he had to finish mine. Sometimes i do wonder, if he is really happy, why is he loosing weight and i am gaining mine? Hahaha not a fair share.
To think back, my gains are from the countless laughters. Not exactly food, but he fed me well with pure happiness.
My man, you’re so so precious to me 🤍
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zsafehands · 2 months
And that’s my Man. My ever so Masculine Man 🤍
Forever is with you, ZI.
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zsafehands · 3 months
A selfish man.
In every way possible, he is a selfish man. A man who selfishly wants my attention goes to him only. A man who does not want any guys to look at me, because he’s selfish. My photos, my boomerangs, my skin, my clothes, my smile, my sight, in dreams and in reality. He is so selfish that he only wants my eyes on him. He is so selfish, he does not want any guys to look at me the way he look at me.
The kind of selfish that I can accept. He is so cute when he’s selfish. He is cute when he’s jealous. He’s so cute when he explain to me the reasons why he’s selfish.
He is selfish when it comes to the opposite gender.
Simply because I’m his and his only.
But, he is also a selfless man.
A man who prioritise me at all cause. His time and his attention. All of them, he selflessly gave me and continue to keep giving me.
Whatever i want to eat, drink or what i want to do, whatever i need, he’ll put me first. It was never about him. He listens, he took note, he even memorise every single detail about me. From my face expression, to my body language, to my speech and my eyes.
Sometimes i wonder how do i get so lucky. What would i do if Allah does not cross our path. Will i ever be at peace like how i am now? He is like my answered prayer. It’s almost near to impossible to think that i finally met my person.
Thank you my selfish and selfless man. For only Allah knows how much you mean to me. I love you for who you are, please don’t ever change. Please don’t even think about leaving.
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zsafehands · 3 months
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10th November 2023.
It was one of our first few times going to car-meets together. So thankful to finally meet someone who is sincere when it comes to accompany me to meet-ups. He never complained, except, the both of us noticed people are not there just to look at cars HAHAHAHAHA! Eh tibe dua dua sot 🤣
It was this very day i realised that man love wearing matchy clothes hehehehe i mean look at him wearing pink! Doesn’t he look lovely? Doesn’t he look sweet? Kekeke!
Like he always say “It’s not about the place, it’s about the person you’re spending time with.”
But honestly speaking, time spent with him never felt enough. It’s the moment when we’re otw home, that’s when i feel like we need more time together. Who can get enough with a man like him? Sigh. Untungnya Raihanah, Subhanaallah.
Masyaallah, Tabarakallah.
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zsafehands · 4 months
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A man.
Find yourself a man that cares for you. A man that love you more than you can ever love him. A man that treats you well. A man that sees you like Baby, who takes good care of you like a Baby girl you are.
Find a man that does not feel tired of doing things for you. A man who will send and fetch you from work because he sees that as a reason to spend the little time you both have, every single day.
Find a man that feels the need and love to provide. You’ll have no worries about feeling hungry because he will always feed you food and bring food to the table.
Find that qualities in a man.
Because he’s MINE. Find other man instead 😛❤️
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zsafehands · 4 months
Ofcos I have been in loved before. Ofcos I have met a guy who meant the whole to me before. Ofcos I thought I have finally met my Soulmate before.
But that was until i met you.
I have never been in love, as deep as I am in love with you. I have never met anyone, especially on my stormy days, but felt immediately at peace with their presence. I have never met a guy, who makes me feel Together-Time is better than Me-Time. I felt lost the moment i became alone. I just want to run home quickly, and come home to this favourite human of mine. Spending time with this guy, felt so right and so much better. There are times where I needed time alone, but what would I do without this guy? His eyes, his smiles, his nose, his fatty cheeks, his fluffy arms, his huge hands… what kind of perfection is that, Ya Allah? How did You build and create someone who could bring so much peace for me? This guy, is the best creature you have ever made. Perfection.
And sure, I always thought being in love is enough to get married. But who would have thought, being at peace is the most important part? It’s when the both of you disagree with each other, fighting to prove each other’s point, but still come back to each other at the end of the day. Sure there will be fights and arguments. Afterall, we are two different human with two different mindset and thinking. But this guy, no joke. He made me understand things that are as simple as ABCs. He treat me like a baby who is learning how to cry, then crawl, then walk and now, running. He is very detailed about his explanation. And if i still don’t get it, he took his time, with different words, to make me understand all over again. No shouting or screaming needed. No harsh or hurtful words used. He was just being a man. A man that I never thought i needed. He chose to be soft with me.
Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah. I’m so blessed right now. Thank you Allah, for crossing our path. I hope you continue to bless me. I hope you put my name next to him in Jannah. I hope I am the missing ribs that he is searching for. Ya Allah, make me his and make him mine. I pray You continue to protect this relationship at all cost.
Amin. Ya rabbal allamin.
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zsafehands · 4 months
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31st October 2023.
Man fetched me from work and we went to eat at El Carbon. Planned with Mama to surprise him with cake but bro doesn’t want to send me to the gate at this point!!!
So Siti it is! Reached my void deck and she was there, slacking! So i purposely hide my wallet in his van, told him I’m coming down to collect PADAHAL PADAHAL!
And so, this video meant alot to me. I mean, look at this precious man’s reaction. I’m in love yet again 🥹 sigh!
May the Doors of Rezki, Happiness and good Health open widely for you, my love. May you will always be in Allah’s protection. May Allah protect you, and us, from Hasad dengki manusia dan hasutan syaitan.
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zsafehands · 4 months
30th October 2023
And then it became almost every day seeing him. He took the time to send me to work and make time to send me home. I feel so lucky to meet someone who always ensure I’m always safe, at all times.
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zsafehands · 4 months
29th October 2023
We went to get Ayden’s craving satisfied! Jinjjia Chicken it is! While eating, Sya called us and we get to celebrate her birthday together! And that was the first time sya and dan met my Zek 🙊🤍
We went for karaoke session. His voice is like music to my ears. I just have something for guys who can sing, yknw. Finally, i met someone who enjoys singing as much as i do. Except, he can sing very well, unlike me 🤣 I can stare at him all day while he sing. How he thought me the meaningful lyrics. I really hope all these things will last in our lifetime.
So so glad Allah crossed our path, Zek. Now, I hope Allah maintain our path as one. We can do this 🤍🫶🏽💍
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