zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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@atlaworld chapter 01 | favorite character ā€œI used to think this scar marked me ā€“ the mark of the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever. But lately, Iā€™ve realized Iā€™m free to determine my own destiny, even if Iā€™ll never be free of my mark.ā€ - ZUKOĀ 
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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Water Tribe Ambassador Katara is real
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
The fact that both of zukos abusers used lightning against zuko and instead of learning to use lightning himself like he could have he learned how to redirect the lightning and let it pass through him and then straight clean out of himā€¦ Do you ever think about how that is literally physically representing how instead of absorbing his father and sisters abuse he lets it pass through him and instead of soaking it in and letting it destroy him he redirects it away from himselfā€¦ I just want some peace in my life
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
Everytime I watch the final Agni Kai?? I just??? Have so many feelings???? Itā€™s so heart wrenching and touching. Like obviously Azula aims at Katara because she knows Zuko cares about her. And Zuko just throws himself in front of her with no regard for his own life??? This girl, who was one of his greatest enemies a year ago, now heā€™s literally willing to give his life for her at a momentā€™s notice???? The growth!!! The character development!!! The bond!!!! And when he hits the ground, he immediately tries to get back up and get to Katara. He uses all of what strength he has left to reach out to her when Azula goes after her and his eyes follow her, not Azula, not her and Azula, theyā€™re narrowed in on Katara. He canā€™t even move, heā€™s been critically, possibly fatally injured but heā€™s still trying to protect her. And the look on Kataraā€™s face when she thought she lost himā€¦the pure joy and relief in her eyes when she realizes heā€™s still with herā€¦.the way she looks at him with so much love and concern when theyā€™re watching Azula break down after being defeatedā€¦nobody touch me Iā€™m soft. Donā€™t you ever, ever try to downplay Zuko and Kataraā€™s bond.
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
ā€œAre you mad because Zutara didnā€™t happen?ā€
ā€œNo. Iā€™m actually quite satisfied with how their relationship was portrayed in the finale. I like how these two had such a beautiful and pure friendship. I love how Katara supported Zuko and encouraged him to seek out Iroh. I love how Zuko asked Katara to be there with him during the Agni Kai without any hesitation. Not to mention that beautiful moment when Zuko sacrificed himself to save her, and then Katara took down Azula so she could finally heal him. I just think itā€™s amazing how these two got so much great development within the finale. Itā€™s everything that I could have ever hoped for.ā€
ā€œWait, so if youā€™re not mad that Zutara didnā€™t happen, why are you so upset with the finale?ā€
ā€œIā€™m upset because Katara got with Aang and Zuko got with Mai.ā€
ā€œBut isnā€™t that the same thing as being mad that Zutara wasnā€™t endgame?ā€
ā€œNo, actually those things are very different. You see, the thing with K@taang and M@iko is that there wasnā€™t any actual development in the relationship. There wasnā€™t a scene where they honestly talked about their relationship to their partners. I mean, M@iko did have that one conversation before Zukoā€™s coronation, but it was allā€¦ fluff essentially. They didnā€™t actually address the issues that plagued their previous relationship. They didnā€™t talk about their miscommunication and try to work past that. Instead, we got a scene of Zuko telling Mai that he basically forgot he left her at the Boiling Rock.
ā€œAnd donā€™t get me started on K@taang. The last conversation Katara and Aang had about their relationship was during The Ember Island Players. In case you forgot, Katara told Aang she was confused about her feelings because she needed to focus on the war and then Aang decided that was the opportune moment to kiss her. Katara got upset, obviously, and stormed off. Their last conversation everĀ before their finale kiss was duringĀ Sozinā€™s Comet: Part 1, in which they yelled at each other for their differing opinions on how Ozai should be dealt with. Like, you have the time to include those conversations but then you donā€™t include a scene where Katara and Aang talk about that and apologize? A hug before the make-out session is supposed to convey the message that they sorted everything out??? I justā€¦ I donā€™t understand what the thought behind that was.ā€
ā€œWell, it was implied wasnā€™t it? Doesnā€™t that count? And besides, Aang deserves Katara. He saved the world. And Mai deserves Zuko because she saved his life.ā€
ā€œOk, first of all, thatā€™s not how love works. People are not entitled to other peopleā€™s affections because they saved the world, or that personā€™s life, or did anything good once ever. Thatā€™s like me saying Zuko deserves Katara because he saved her life, which again, is not how love works. And yes, I guess it was implied that K@taang talked about their relationship before the kiss scene, but it doesnā€™t excuse the fact that they didnā€™t include it. If the ending shot is going to be of them kissing, shouldnā€™t the writers have spent more time actually showing this relationship in a healthy manner? Why was there more Zutara frienship development than actual K@taang development? Why were there specific shots of Katara reaching out for Zuko and Zuko reaching out for Katara when that wasnā€™t really necessary? It would have been so easy to sacrifice a few seconds here and there to compensate for the time it would take to show a proper conversation between Aang and Katara. But they didnā€™t. And thatā€™s why Iā€™ll always be upset over the finale. Do you understand my point?ā€
ā€œOh, sorry what? I kinda spaced out while you were talking lmao. Anyways, K@taang and M@iko are great ships, youā€™re just butthurt that Zutara didnā€™t happen.ā€
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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I got @thezutarazine in the mail today and is it gorgeous?? Thank you so much for all your hard work! šŸ’–
The art is beautiful!
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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Perhaps, now I realize that banishment is far too merciful a penalty for treason. Your penalty will be far steeper.
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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ā€œIā€™ll get it right when it matters,ā€ he replied with a smirk.
Her mouth fully hung open at the boldness of his proclamation. She did not miss the way heat rose to her cheeks at the insinuation and she couldnā€™t help but notice the same colouring in his cheeks just the same.
ā€œIā€™m going to hold you to that,ā€ she teased.
ā€œIā€™m counting on it.ā€
Just because she wanted to, just because she could, Katara pulled him by the front of his regalia and kissed him again. The force of her pull was very nearly enough to have them stumble over, if only the Fire Lord were not a trained, elite warrior with truly incredible balance ā€“ he was able to keep them from stumbling over by only a hair, only a fraction of a second, and a heap of luck. And, in the end, is that not how all of life was lived?
ā€” ā€œiā€™m still hereā€ ( chapter 7 ) by owedbetter
art by serena of dancingbear_co on instagram (DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT)
my friend got another piece commissioned with serena and i will now scream and sob for 3-5 business days and it is currently (as of writing this) saturday.Ā 
iā€™m going to look at this forever.
this piece had EVERYTHING. the cloak looking like kataraā€™s wearing the night sky. the dragon scales on zukoā€™s regalia. ugh god above, i cannot believe this????????Ā 
all my love to all of you. zutara forever, yā€™all.Ā 
p.s.Ā ā€œsomething you buildā€ is currently a work-in-progress sequel toĀ ā€œiā€™m still hereā€. check it out if you havenā€™t yet! :)Ā 
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
do you ever get upset because zuko/katara and their perfect build up and they way they were absolute parallels within the story like itā€™s not even oh, they have some things in common THEY TAKE UP THE SAME POSITION IN THE NARRATIVE THEY ARE COMPLETE MIRROR IMAGES OF ONE ANOTHER giftedĀ lieutenantsĀ with traumatic backgrounds who become masters of their bending through sheer willpower and who then become mentors to the avatar
and do you get emotional over the fact that in a show about harmony between the elements zuko and katara literally complete each other andĀ 'you rise with the moon, i rise with the sunā€™ is an actual line that exists itā€™s real it happened it was actually said about this actual ship
and do you ever cry over zuko and katara bonding over the fact that the fire nation took away their mothers and do you ever get sad because katara was going to heal zukoā€™s scar and help him get closure over his childhood trauma and then zuko helped katara find her motherā€™s killer so she could get closure because no one else understood that pain and her need forĀ vengeanceĀ and to feel powerful over a memory where she had been powerless like no one else would get that i just
and then remember that time where every single finale basically hinged on zuko/katara interactions leading up to that time they TEAMED UP IN THE FINALE OF THE WHOLE GODDAMN SHOW because the only way to defeat azula was for them to finally bring together their divergent paths and use their power in harmony with one another because the strength of the relationship was the only way they were ever going to beat azula and then zuko took a fucking LIGHTNING BOLT IN THE CHEST FOR KATARA
and then she healed him because he saves her life and she saves his because they complement each other in a way only true equals can do you ever get sad
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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They circle each other in an eternal dance; they balance each other. Push and pull. Life and death. Good and evil. Yin and yangā€¦
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
where did the southern raiders outfits for zuko and katara come from like yes theyā€™re repurposed from when zuko was the blue spirit but do you think zuko was packing the day before black sun when he came across it and was like ā€˜in case I need to be emo and dramaticā€™ and then he packed a second one because like ā€˜in case I need to be emo and dramatic BUT with a friendā€™
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Rewatch Favorite Characters: Prince FirelordZuko
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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Then youā€™ve learned nothing. - No, Iā€™ve learned everything. And Iā€™ve had to learn it on my own.
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zutarasoul Ā· 4 years
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Azula always lies.Ā 
saw this post by @heavenly-dusk and kinda went insane thinking abt it so i drew it, i hope you donā€™t mind!Ā 
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