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What in the fuck did I just see?
I mean, I'm glad there were other people in this conversation that pointed out the bizarre double standards of "THIS two year age gap is fine, THAT ONE is bad" and that pointed out that in The Fortuneteller Katara merely realized "Oh, MAYBE Aang is the strong bender Aunt Wu was talking about" and that she wouldn't mind if that was the case, not this whole bullshit of "She thinks she HAS to obey this prophecy that MIGHT be about Aang" - but still, what the hell happened there?
And there's literally no simmilarity between Toph and Azula's non-existent dynamic and Aang and Katara's friendship and romance - both of which were stablished from the very first episode.
Also, I have NO IDEA why this person seems to think any 12-year-old dating a 14-year-old is weird, but a 14-year-old with a 16-year-old is TOTALLY different. Even the Tokka age gap is not that big of a deal, especially since it's clear that Sokka is not even into her yet because he's dating someone else. These people talk about a bunch of kids having crushes on each other the same way they'd talk about a 30-year-old "dating" an 11-year-old, I swear to Christ.
(Bonus: I've never watched Gravity Falls, but if the show really did act like a 2 year age gap was a HUGE deal and the reason why the characters couldn't be together instead of a simple "She likes you, she just doesn't LIKE like you) then I'm gonna roll my eyes, sigh for a minute straight, and then say "Americans")
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I never intend on ignoring canon. But just as that one anon said; Katara blushed and was very affectionate with aang after the failed invasion. If we cut the entire episode of EIP we miss nothing and its a lot smoother for Kataang too since characters confirming to have feelings for one another by kiss > becoming a official couple in the background has already happened in atla (sukka, maiko)
Seriously, watch Southern raiders and then jump to the 4 part finale. But i don’t ignore EIP because despite literally being filler its still part of the show. Meanwhile Z*tara shippers ignore ALL of canon to have their ship make a miniscule amount of sense
I wouldn't even call EIP filler. It's mostly a recap episode, but it also foreshadows some events of the finale (mainly Zuko taking lightning to the heart in an Agni Kai with Azula and his reconciliation with Iroh), reminds us of what is at stake (an evil tyrant taking over the world and all the characters we care about dying), has some pretty great moments like Toph and Zuko's talk, AND we get a look at Toph's original character concept through that buff earthbender dude.
Literally the only bad thing about it was the forced "Maybe Kataang won't be a thing" conflict and even that's what, five minutes? Not at all something so awful that ruins the episode.
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the s1 zuko ponytail is a sign of his lost honor and his exile if i'm not mistaken. it was not his own aesthetic choice or what he thought woud look good on him
I heard of that before, but I don't remember if it's just a headcanon that became popular or if was ever stablished to be a thing in a comic or something - and while I like that idea, I mostly work taking only the original show into consideration, so it becomes a bit of an irrelevant point.
Either way, it's just funny to clown on Zuko for such an awful haircut and I shall never stop. I've been doing it since I was five.
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Do zutarians who call aamg a nice guy actually know what a nice guy is?
A nice guy is in my understanding someone who just blindly goes along with what his crush/ love interest is saying and puts her on a pedestal.
The only episode where aang behaved like a nice guy was in the fortuneteller episode but that was basically the point of the episode. Him trying to do nice things for katara and her realizing at the end that he is a potential romantic partner.
Aang disagreed with katara several times and even rejected her comfort in "The Awakening, the serpents pass or in the avatar state" and clearly didn't get along with her plans in the TSR.
How does him wanting to talk about their kiss is a nice guy move? He even gives her the chance to reject him when he says " it is true isn't it?"
That's not what they mean by "Nice Guy." They mean it in the same way as those asshole guys that say "Girls always go for JERKS instead of NICE GUYS like ME because FEMALES are all STUPID BITCHES." They mean he only ever does nice things expecting a reward (sex/a relationship) or THINKS he is being nice when he isn't.
And because the definition does not fit Aang at all, kataang shippers and Aang fans in general get rightfully mad at that, because it's trying to paint him a negative light just to make Zutara look better in comparisson.
And even with the definition you used, Aang was NEVER that kind of nice guy. During the fortuneteller episode he makes Katara a pretty necklace, which is cute, and he's trying to get her attention - but that's it. Typical behavior from someone with a crush. Hell, there's a whole comedic scene about Sokka telling Aang to act ALOOF to make Katara pine for him, and the whole comedy of it relies on the obvious facts that:
1 - That doesn't work on every girl like Sokka assumes it does, and especially not on Katara.
2 - Aang is not capable of being aloof.
3 - Sokka is SO clueless that he doesn't even realize that the girl his friend is trying to impress is NOT Meng, but Katara.
The only kind of "Nice Guy" Aang is the LITERAL Nice Guy. Just a chill, kind dude that everyone likes because, come on, what's not to like about someone that is so caring and cool?
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One thing i noticed recently is that Zutarians will play victim and say that Maikos and Kataangs (especially Maikos) are obsessed with, and won’t leave them alone or some other s*it like that, but you know I’ve been on the Maiko tag quite a bit recently and yea there were a couple of anti-Zutara posts I may(lol) disagreed with or that I found icky, but I had to scroll a lot to find them and, ya know it’s normal, all communities have their bad apples, but you know what else I found? Still in the Maiko tag, Zutarians bi*ching and calling Mai a self-centered narcissist, I didn’t even have to try it was one of the first posts that popped up.
Curios ain’t it?
Yup, they LOVE putting hate in the ships/character tags. There's a reason I avoid the Aang and Mai tags.
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Typical reaching?
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what do you think about zoots spectating that natla will possibly make their ship canon since the new showrunner also ships it? that sounds so far-fetched like they're setting themselves up to be dissappointed a second time lmao
Again, WHY be excited for the Netflix version doing literally anything? The best thing I've heard about it was "Well, it's not that bad." Why be so desperate for validation from that?
And even if it was good - the original canon still exists. It won't magically be replaced just because there was a new version out.
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Thoughts on people saying Tophzula is "ableist and acephobic"?
???????????????????????????????? What????
I can at least understand the "ableist" part since Azula did use Toph's blindness as insult (though that doesn't mean she couldn't change or that shippers don't acknowledge that's messed up) but ACEPHOBIC? Neither of them is asexual in the first place! And even if they were, ships are about having fun.
I'm genuinely confused here.
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It's not like I don't understand why they're touchy, but man are zks annoying. A post will go like "Zutara and Kataang are out, Zukaang is IN" and only the Zutara will be whining in the comments about how they're being hated on
Yup, I've noticed that too. Meanwhile they feel they're completely in the right when they derrail pro-Aang posts into being about flaws they made up, or commenting under fanarts with passive aggressive bullshit like "This ship is terrible and horrible and abusive and the shippers are even worse and bitter that Zutara is better, but the fanart is good."
No, I am not exagerating, I've seen that a dozen times and it's ridiculous.
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how is zuko and katara cringing away when they are considered gf and bf romantic but katara clearly getting insecure when aang says he doesn't want to kiss her or aang makes fun of her hair (in the swordsmaster episode) motherly lol
It isn't - unless you're going out of your way to misrepresent what the show was clearly going for.
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Post-war atla content
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I don't even recognize it as canon in the first place, I just go "If I can't recognize the characters and even the world itself as being the same, this is an AU at most"
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Do you think it was Mai who gave Azula a shuriken to be safer during the invasion?
Maybe, maybe not. At the very least I think Azula took Mai's fighting style into consideration, since she'd never go into a conflict without a way to defend herself, even with the Dai Li being in charge of protecting her.
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My favorite zutara argument is when they say that katara posing as aang's mom is proof that their relationship is a child/mother one - as if she wasn't pretending to be sokka's pregnant wife at the same time 😭
Two teenagers can pass as middle aged parents and sokka is wearing a goofy mustache, it's clearly not supposed to be a serious commentary on the gaang dynamic.
Anon, don't you know this fandom will fully ignore that Avatar is a show for children and that some stuff is just for humor the second it is convenient?
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I keep seeing comments about how the Aang/Kataang fandom has a ton of misogynists and incels? Is this true? I've never seen this myself, but I tend to avoid certain social media fandom environments like the plague.
I've never seen any Kataang fan being misogynistic - and pretty much each exemple any zutarian ever provided for me was fans saying things like "A poorly timed kiss that Aang kicked himself for is not the same as him sexually harassing/abusing her every other moment" or "Katara having kids with Aang is not inherently sexist" or "No, we're not going to just disregard all the episodes in which Katara demonstrates interest in Aang just because zutarians are unhappy about it."
But there is a kind of "Aang fan" that will ALWAYS be hateful towards Katara, even when she's doing good things - the "romance always ruins every story" kind of fan. Pretty much any show with a male protagonist and a female love interest has at least one isolated group in the fandom that fucking HATES the love interest for the simple crime of being a love interest because HOW DARE SHE be the reason the main character shows EMOTION and isn't always focused on THE PLOT!
That same kind of fan is also prone to dismissing any traumatic experience a character had, any positive effect a kind gesture had in a character's arc, and to complain about "filler" anytime the show so much as slows down for a second to develop the characters. And if at any point there's a "power of friendship" or "violence is not the answer" message they will bitch about it like there's no tomorrow.
So yeah, bad faith, often sexist, "criticism" of Katara absolutely exists, but it tends to come from people who HATE Kataang as a ship - not out of personal preference, but because they're bitter and insufferable.
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To everyone sending me asks and messages about it: I'm aware that insufferable atla-fandom-confessions blog is back, you can stop telling me.
Unless she starts with that nonsense of "Nichya is an abuser/being groomed/has some vague trauma I made up/was raped and that's why she likes Zucest" or starts shit in the zucest tag again, I'm NOT responding to anything she says, even if it's the worst take I've ever seen in my life. Her insanity is just exhausting.
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Was reading an article about how to write a realistic romance and avoid common poorly-done tropes. Seemed like a pretty decent post. Then immediately noped out and closed the tab when they listed Zuko and Katara as an example of a well-written romance 🤡
"Here's how you write a good romance" *points to a dynamic that was not romantic and didn't have much screentime or any real development until the very end of the story*
Seems like the level of quality one can expect from the typical internet think-piece - just bullshit and a pretencious way of saying "my headcanon is better."
Also, fuck being "realistic", stories have to be GOOD and ENTERTAINING. Game Of Thrones would have been a worse show if Ned Stark had been saved at the last second, but the movie Snow White would have been completely ruined if prince charming had not saved her with true love's kiss. Jack dying at the end of Titanic fits the tone of "this was a tragedy in which lots of good, innocent people were killed and those who loved them will always grieve them", but Cinderella never being freed from her abusive family would have been a fundamental betrayal to the message it's trying to send to the audience.
You should ALWAYS focus on what makes sense for the specific story you're trying to tell. Would "love at first sight" fit the magical, wholesome vibe, or would it look corny and forced compared to the more down to earth plot? If you're not gonna have the characters live happilly ever after, did you properly set up the reasons for it, or are you just doing so because "happy endings are cliche"? If the romance between the two characters is toxic, you need to be writing either cautionary tale or a story in which the protagonist being "moral" isn't that important, you can NOT be trying to use them as an exemple of what love is supposed to be.
It all depends on the context. Realism is not inherently better than wish-fulfilment.
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I agree that kataang should have been a thing after the invadion.
But i also dont understand why zutarians ignore that the first thing katara did after the invasion failed was to hug him and stay very proudly next to him when he thanked everyone for being brave and participating in the invasion. In the western air temple they also were very relaxed and sit next to each other.
If katara was grossed out by aang and his kiss she would keep her distance and not sit next to him.
Even after their ember island fight katara reassures him he doesn't have to fight the fire lord alone, they stay next to each other in the group hug and when zuko teaches aang how to redirect lightning he leaved them alone and they don't feel akward at all.
It is ridicolous how some people ignore the canon plot
There's nothing zutarians like more than ignoring/twisting Katara's consistent behavior around Aang to pretend she secretly hated, feared, and was grossed out and annoyed by him.
Meanwhile they go "She totally didn't mean it when she said she'd end Zuko if he stepped out of line again, it was just 'sexual tension', you sillies"
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