zwyngeim · 4 years
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AND WE’RE BACK! Welcome to #seaswolchallenge for August 2020! As mentioned previously, I am still collecting the prompts from last month’s challenge, but I thought I’d prep this one in advance. Enjoy!
Here are the brief guidelines for engaging with these prompts, which you can also find here:
Your character does not need to be a WoL to participate in the challenge; however, the core blog caters to those people who have a WoL verse or strictly write their character that way. If you’re someone who believes in the concept of mary-sues, hates npc x oc shipping, etc., I’d encourage you not to participate and hide the tag for the challenge as needed. I will not tolerate anon hate and will block and blacklist people accordingly.
Currently there are no prizes for completion of the challenge(s). This is for fun!
There is no order to which you need to do the prompts. You can also sub in different words if one doesn’t vibe with you, as well as skip days.
Similarly, you can return to older prompts at a later date to complete them at your leisure. There is no punishment for people who finish the challenge late. Your work will still be reblogged and shared.
Length of a prompt doesn’t matter! Write twenty or two thousand words.
Use the tag #seaswolchallenge or @seaswolchallenge so I can see what you have written! All completed works will be reblogged onto this blog. If you do not see your prompt, please shoot me an ask/im with the link
All works will be queued to avoid spamming peoples’ dashboards. If you do not see your prompt right away, or it takes a few days from the initial post, this is why!
This challenge will run from 1 AUGUST and ( technically ) conclude on 30 AUGUST for those who do one prompt a day. As always, please feel free to reblog this and tag your friends to write with you!
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zwyngeim · 4 years
LFRP Balmung, Crystal Data Center, and FFXIV Blogs!
hey, I’m a new RP blog. I don’t really know what im doing or how to really make one of these posts, b-but uh. if people could reblog so. I can get some followers and memes and stuff. and i can follow more people. that’d be swell. thanks!
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zwyngeim · 4 years
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
Sorry for the radio silence with this blog! Unfortunately, as mentioned over on @gatheredfates, with my computer dying for the last month, I haven’t had a drive to be on FFXIV and the associated blogs. Now that I have a new machine, I’ll be slowly updating all the works tagged to this blog and maybe ( if people are interested? ) putting out another challenge for August.
Let me know what you think!
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zwyngeim · 4 years
I wanna know something
Reblog if it’s alright with you if I name drop or make reference to your muse in an RP you are not in
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zwyngeim · 4 years
I just want ffvii Cid to meet ffxiv Cid for reasons
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zwyngeim · 4 years
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Idk, just…a scenario that popped in my head after visiting Coerthas for the first time on my alt account with Tahar.
I imagine neither are well accustomed to the cold. I’m certainly not. Zwyngeim coming from Limsa Lominsa, and Tahar hailing from the Azim Steppe, neither really have experience with the extreme cold like the eternal winter that reigns in Coerthas. The only difference is the armor Tahar has is more efficient against the cold, whereas Zwyngeim’s Far Eastern Garb is not as effecient. Also throwing in a little Haurchefant because I miss the guy 😭
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zwyngeim · 4 years
Reblog if your Muse has a kill count of 5+
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zwyngeim · 4 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
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COMMISIONS  HEADSHOT + Bonus BG - 35$  OPEN HALFBODY + Bonus BG - 70$  OPEN FULLBODY + Bonus BG - 100$ OPEN Discount for FFXIV Characters -30%(will end 31.07.2020) I will NOT draw: mecha heavy gore You can contact me via mail - [email protected] I accept Payoneer, Qiwi.( sadly I cant receive money through paypal in my country ) Payoneer: Basically via Visa or MasterCard. You don’t need to have a Payoneer account to pay.
Send me your details [First Name, Last Name, Email, Country, State (if in USA)] and I will send a payment request to your email.
I work on 100% pre-payment.
After the payment proceed, you send me specification (text description and references). Some time later I send you a sketch, if it passes your approval I finish it, sending the in-between stages if requested. After the work is completed, only small corrections are allowed (color change/addition of small decorative details like buttons, stitches and so on). If you decide to change specification (for example redraw a major piece of clothing), you will be charged additional fee depending on the complexity of correction.
Thanks for reblog! ^_^
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zwyngeim · 4 years
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I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 
I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD
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zwyngeim · 4 years
when one character brokenly says “i have nothing to offer you” and the other character looks at them with fond exasperation, because there’s nothing else they could want except the gift of their love. that shit gets me.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
Mental Crop Rotation
When farmers grow the same crop too many years in a row, it can leave their soil depleted of minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the health of their fields.
To avoid this, farmers will often alternate the crops that they grow because some plants will use up different minerals (such as nitrogen) while other plants replenish those minerals. This process is known as “crop rotation.”
So the next time you find that you need to step away from a project to work on something else for a while, don’t beat yourself up for “quitting” that project. Give yourself permission to practice “mental crop rotation” to maintain a healthy brain field.
Because I’ve found that when that unnecessary guilt and pressure are removed from the process, a good mental crop rotation can help you feel more energized and invigorated than ever once you’re ready to rotate back to that project.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
Fantasy Guide to Employment: Household of a Castle
The castle does not run itself. The castle would remain a pile of stones without servants to keep it running. The guide below focuses on the private household of the lord himself, anybody who worked inside the main keep of the castle. I will be expanding outside the walls in a future post.
The Steward/Seneschal
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This person was the head of the household staff. They would have the task of running things on the Lord's estate. They are the managers, so it is up to them to keep the staff in line. The steward would keep the castle accounts and keep the lord informed of all of the goings on of the lands and tenants. They would have to be educated needing to do accounts and write letters. Though the castle's Lady would be expected to do all these things, the steward served as a backup and assistant in all the tasks even representing the lord and lady when they were unavailable.
The Chamberlain
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The chamberlain is the servant employed to look after the Lord's bedchamber. He would look after the Lord's clothes as well and keep track of the other servants' liveries, the official uniforms of the guards, pages and squires. This was not always the case, some larger households had a separate office but most medium seized manors and castles lumped them together. The chamberlain's main task was ensuring the lord was kept happy. He would even be the last servant a lord would see at night before he went to bed at night. They would be educated.
The Marshal
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A Marshal was in charge of the stables as well as the military presence in the castle. They would oversee the household's horses, carts, wagons, and containers. He oversaw blacksmiths, horse grooms and stableboys. He also oversaw the transporting of goods. The Marshal was sometimes in charge of disciplining servants. They would likely come from a middle class background as well as having military experience and education.
The Page
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A page was a young noble boy about seven years old who would be sent to serve a Lord. He would be in charge of tidying up after the lord, carrying messages to other servants and occupants of the castle and serving him at meals. Unlike others on the list, the page would not be paid. His experience was his payment as he would learn the running of a castle and manners of a lord.
The Lady's Maid
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The lady's maid is be the female body attendant of the castle's noble women. She would be in charge of caring for the lady's chamber and her things. She would dress the lady and attend her wherever she would. (The lady's maid would basically do all the work a chamberlain would but you know the wage gap...)
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A housemaid/maidservant works to clean the castle. She would be among the first to awaken every morning. Her first task would be sweeping the floors. The thing with mediaeval floors a that they were often covered with a thin layer of rushes, a kind of grass. Weekly if not daily, a maidservant would be expected to change out the rushes and scatter new ones. If it really needed it, she would scrub the stone floors which would be done with a soap called lye, made from ashes and lard. The maidservant would also be expected to go into the bedchambers when the occupants awoke. She would empty the chamberpots if need be. She would get rid of the ashes from the fire and ready the fire for later. She would make up the bed or strip it for the laundresses. She would wash anything that needed washing including furniture and ornaments.
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The laundress was responsible for the cleaning of anything made of fabric in the household. The laundress would have to fetch their own water either from the castle well or from a nearby river. They would heat the water in large vats and add lye soap (the most popular of the cleaning agents). The constant exposure to soap and hot water was physically tough on the hands of the laundresses and their backs. When the detergents were added to the water, the laundress would dump them into the vat and stir that shit like soup. To dry it they would pin it out on lines or beat the water from it. The laundress might make money by selling secrets. Since they are handling unmentionables, they knew what happened behind closed bedchamber doors or what didn't.
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The nursemaid was in charge of the castle's children. They would ensure the child was fed, washed and generally kept alive while the parents would either be away at court or busy with the lands. The nursemaid would be a common woman from the surrounding lands who would come in to care for a noble child in the stead of the mother who would be expected to get on with other jobs. The nursemaid would be an underlying of the noble governess, a sort of hands-off nanny.
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The cook was one of the most important servants in the castle. They would have the task of overseeing the running of the kitchens and keeping supplies in order. They would likely be on call at all times. Henry VIII's cook was often woken in the night because his royal master wanted a midnight snack. The cook was a valued member of the household and would have been highly sought after if they were a very skilled cook. Cooks would have been paid a handsome wage.
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The scullion was the lowest member of staff. They would be responsible for scrubbing and cleaning the servants quarters and the kitchens. They would scrub floors with lye, scour pots with sand, sweep put the fireplace and clean up after the other servants. They were the first to rise in a castle and tasked to light all the fires in the kitchens.
Payment & Lifestyle
Within the mediaeval household, payment came from the hand of the steward. As the Lord's manager of accounts, he was in charge of paying staff.
The grander jobs in the castle such as the marshal, the chamberlain, nursemaid and lady's maid would pay better. They would have certain privileges including better bedchambers.
A nursemaid who was breastfeeding the Lord's children would be a valued member of staff. She would be fed better than the other servants.
The page would sleep in a chamber off the lord's bedchamber or sometimes at the foot of the bed. A page would wear the Lord's livery so he would be dressed on the Lord's coin.
The chamberlain would have rooms close to the lord and lady, just in case they were needed by the master in any kind of emergency.
The cook would sleep near the kitchens so they were close enough just in case they are needed in the night.
The other household servants would all sleep in chambers together. The women would sleep in one and the men would sleep in another. Nightly dalliances were frowned upon massively.
Most servants came from the surrounding lands of the castle. When the lord and his family were away at court or somewhere else, there would be a drop in employment. Everything would be cut down ex. Instead of three laundry maids, only one might stay on after the lord goes. The steward, the marshal, the chamberlain, the page, the cook, the nursemaid and the lady's maid were all important staff so their job would be permanent.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
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Wanted to show off some of my super hero bitches. Ill post a part 2 with the rest of the main character cast.
So this project started around when teen titans came out. It actually had several other creators but we’ve since went our separate ways.
But it always bothered me that super heroes are always.largely in part, all white. This has always annoyed me. Because ive always thought. If our world is in danger and we somehow get superhero’s They are going to be diverse as hell. So my hero’s come from all over the world.
The team leaders are siren spike and silhouette. Sil is from puerto rico.Siren is from a fictional island, but they are pretty much hispanic. And spike is Afghan American. :) put that in your cereal and eat it.
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zwyngeim · 4 years
This is a jar full of major characters 
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Actually it is a jar full of chocolate covered raisins on top of a dirty TV tray. But pretend the raisins are interesting and well rounded fictional characters with significant roles in their stories. 
We’re sharing these raisins at a party for Western Storytelling, so we get out two bowls. 
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Then we start filling the bowls. And at first we only fill the one on the left. 
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This doesn’t last forever though. Eventually we do start putting raisins in the bowl on the right. But for every raisin we put in the bowl on the right, we just keep adding to the bowl on the left. 
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And the thing about these bowls is, they don’t ever reset. We don’t get to empty them and start over. While we might lose some raisins to lost records or the stories becoming unpopular, but we never get to just restart. So even when we start putting raisins in the bowl on the right, we’re still way behind from the bowl on the left. 
And time goes on and the bowl on the left gets raisins much faster than the bowl on the right. 
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Until these are the bowls. 
Now you get to move and distribute more raisins. You can add raisins or take away raisins entirely, or you can move them from one bowl to the other. 
This is the bowl on the left. I might have changed the number of raisins from one picture to the next. Can you tell me, did I add or remove raisins? How many? Did I leave the number the same?
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You can’t tell for certain, can you? Adding or removing a raisin over here doesn’t seem to make much of a change to this bowl. 
This is the bowl on the right. I might have changed the number of raisins from one picture to the next. Can you tell me, did I add or remove raisins? How many? Did I leave the number the same?
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When there are so few raisins to start, any change made is really easy to spot, and makes a really significant difference. 
This is why it is bad, even despicable, to take a character who was originally a character of color and make them white. But why it can be positive to take a character who was originally white and make them a character of color.
The white characters bowl is already so full that any change in number is almost meaningless (and is bound to be undone in mere minutes anyway, with the amount of new story creation going on), while the characters of color bowl changes hugely with each addition or subtraction, and any subtraction is a major loss. 
This is also something to take in consideration when creating new characters. When you create a white character you have already, by the context of the larger culture, created a character with at least one feature that is not going to make a difference to the narratives at large. But every time you create a new character of color, you are changing something in our world. 
I mean, imagine your party guests arrive
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Oh my god they are adorable!
And they see their bowls
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But before you hand them out you look right into the little black girls’s eyes and take two of her seven raisins and put them in the little white girl’s bowl.
I think she’d be totally justified in crying or leaving and yelling at you. Because how could you do that to a little girl? You were already giving the white girl so much more, and her so little, why would you do that? How could you justify yourself?
But on the other hand if you took two raisins from the white girl’s bowl and moved them over to the black girl’s bowl and the white girl looked at her bowl still full to the brim and decided your moving those raisins was unfair and she stomped and cried and yelled, well then she is a spoiled and entitled brat. 
And if you are adding new raisins, it seems more important to add them to the bowl on the right. I mean, even if we added the both bowls at the same speed from now on (and we don’t) it would still take a long time before the numbers got big enough to make the difference we’ve already established insignificant. 
And that’s the difference between whitewashing POC characters and making previously white characters POC. And that’s why every time a character’s race is ambiguous and we make them white, we’ve lost an opportunity.
*goes off to eat her chocolate covered raisins, which are no longer metaphors just snacks*
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zwyngeim · 4 years
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Please reblog this.
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