zylahealth · 2 years
Skin Care Tips For Acne Treatment and Prevention | Zyla Health
Acne is a skin inflammatory condition which commonly begins at puberty between the ages of 10 and 13 and can be seen residing in oily-skinned adults. Acne types observed in infants and children may be overlooked because it is usually mild and transient.
Acne occurs when the porous skin gets clogged by dirt, oil, bacteria or dead skin cells because of your lifestyle or the environment you live in. Although acne can appear anywhere on your body, evident hotspot areas include the face, neck, back, shoulders, and chest.
Your overall health remains unaffected by pimple breakout but visible and permanent acne or its scars can have an impact on self-confidence and self-esteem if acne treatment is not well.
Let’s discover more about acne causes, types, prevention and tips for acne treatment.
Did you know acne affects approximately 85% of teenagers but can occur in most age groups and can persist into adulthood?
Certain acne may appear to be similar but they are not. Now, let’s read out the various acne types to know more.
Different acne types
The beginning of acne is marked when sticky secretions from the skin’s oil glands block the small apertures called plugged pores. These clogs can take the following appearances if acne prevention is not done at the initial stages:
1. Comedones
Comedones are skin-coloured, small bumps which may form a blackhead or whitehead. Usually, the first acne type to get formed.
2. Papules
Papules are tiny, red and raised pimples typically measuring less than a centimetre. Your papule could be flat on top or have a dome-like form.
3. Pustules
Pustules are small, inflamed, pus-filled, blister-like sores (lesions) on the skin surface. These lumps may be found in clusters on the same area of the body and may get extremely large.
4. Nodules
Nodules are solid swellings beneath the skin’s surface which can occasionally get infectious and grow into larger painful and pus-filled. This acne type is severe and should be treated immediately.
Acne causes
Being aware of the possible causes of acne helps in designing better treatment strategies for acne treatment. The most common acne causes include
1. Hormonal changes during puberty
As a teenager, an increased level of androgen hormone is secreted which in turn leads to oily skin. These hormonal changes are also witnessed during Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or other endocrine disorders.
Visit our website- zyla.in or download the Zyla App to live a healthier life with PCOS.
2. Stress
If you have stress, then the stress hormones released in your body will stimulate the oil glands to produce oil, increase inflammation and will reduce the defenses of your body for acne prevention.
3. Cosmetics
You must be careful with the quality of beauty products because greasy products make your skin prone to acne. You might get a temporary glow but the pores of your skin will be blocked, causing prolonged acne treatment.
4. Environmental conditions
If you are a resident of a polluted area, you need to be extra careful because exposure to higher levels of dust, chemicals or even hot and humid environments are all acne causes.
5. Genetics
A family history of having oily skin can also make you more susceptible to acne. Also, females are more likely to have acne as compared to males because of less thick and more sensitive skin. This makes acne treatment and acne prevention difficult.
6. Self-maintenance
The acne on the skin can be irritating because of which you might squeeze the pimples, which can result in lifelong scars on the skin.
Hard scrubbing of the face using cleansers can also worsen the condition. Gentle skin care is needed for acne treatment.
7. Diet
If you have more refined carbohydrates such as white bread, buns or sweets, dairy products in your diet, the susceptibility to acne skin increases.
Personalized nutrition covering all the aspects of health can be the best approach towards acne treatment by diet and lifestyle management. We, here at Zyla, work towards customized nutrition on the basis of health problems being faced. Why wait? For proper guidance, download the Zyla app now!
Some of the following acne prevention tips can be followed to lower the chances of breakouts. Let’s get right into it.
Acne prevention tips
Try out these acne prevention tips and tricks to get clear and scar-free skin.
1. Stress management
Distracting yourself towards hobbies
Have a talk with family or friends
Set a routine
Learn more about “Managing anxiety and stress”
Don’t be hesitant to seek out help from a mental health professional when you need it. Go visit zyla.in or download the Zyla app and obtain help 24*7. By offering you individualized care, we assist you in enhancing your general well-being!
2. Keep your skin clean
Wash your acne-prone area especially your face twice a day and after sweating.
Rinse with lukewarm water.
Touching the face frequently must be restricted.
3. Being gentle
Use your fingertips to apply a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser. Scrubbing the skin with a washcloth, mesh sponge, or anything else can make acne treatment difficult.
Use gentle products, such as those that are alcohol-free.
4. Oil-free skin
If you have oily hair, make sure to shampoo daily.
5. Natural healing
Let your skin heal naturally. If you burst or squeeze your acne, your skin will take longer to clear. Acne treatment will become difficult and you increase the risk of developing acne scars.
Did you know?
Studies have shown that the direct cost spent on acne treatment is estimated to exceed 247 billion rupees per year.
I am sure looking at the expense figures, you might have the urge to know about effective acne treatment so that extra costs can be saved. Read ahead to find out.
Acne treatment
The acne treatment strategy that is best for you will rely on a number of factors, including
Acne type and skin
Acne site
Presence of scars
Onset period of breakouts
Your age and gender
Acne treatments already tried
Now, I will let you know about effective acne treatment on the basis of the type of acne as prescribed by the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD)-
1. Comedones
Acne treatment plan may include one of the following:
A retinoid
A retinoid along with benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, or salicylic acid
Benzoyl peroxide and an antibiotic to be applied to your skin
2. Papules or pustules
Mild or moderate pimples can be treated with medication you apply to your skin. Acne treatment will often consist of applying one of the following:
Benzoyl peroxide
A Retinoid
Azelaic acid
Benzoyl peroxide + a retinoid or an antibiotic you apply to your skin
3. Nodules or cysts
If you have deep, painful acne that often leaves a permanent acne scar, effective acne treatment can help you see clearer skin and prevent new scars. Treatment may consist of:
Prescription medication that you apply to your skin + taking an antibiotic
Hormonal therapy (women only)
4. Additional therapies
Your dermatologist might also suggest including one of the following therapies for your acne treatment
In case of severe acne types, injections may be prescribed by a dermatologist at the affected site to rapidly relieve the pain and the size of the breakout.
Laser therapy
Dermatologists may find laser therapy necessary as an acne treatment option. This treatment could be used in combination with other treatment options.
Diet therapy
Any food or drink which seems to start a breakout or make your acne worse needs to be restricted or avoided. Low-glycemic index foods include most fresh vegetables, some fresh fruits must be encouraged for better management.
Acne healing is a slow process and will depend on the acne treatment and skin type. Check out this video on home remedies for acne prevention and treatment.
Takeaway message
Mind calmness and patience are crucial in acne treatment. Everyone faces acne at some point in life. So, always remember, you are not alone in this. The solution to getting a thorough and precise diagnosis is to go visit a dermatologist or get a consult on zyla.in.
While some therapies might be effective right away, it might take several months before you notice significant progress. In addition to this, lifestyle management and healthy behaviour can effectively manage acne causes.
The majority of our daily nutritional needs are met by a healthy well-balanced diet. At Zyla, we believe in a complete and holistic approach to preventing and managing all health issues with programs tailored just for you.
Go can visit zyla.in, download the Zyla app or send an email to [email protected] to know about our health programmes. Zyla can help you with not only doctor consults but also nutrition advice and exercise guidance, that are appropriate for you.
Stay strong! Stay healthy!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Is Type-2 Diabetes a Hereditary Disease? Well, Research Suggests it’s not!
People often tell us, “I have a genetic problem, my mother is suffering from diabetes”, “My father passed away because of heart attack. There is nothing I can do about it.”
The role of genes is undeniable but it is often exaggerated. Scientists suggest that the most important factor which lead to these lifestyle diseases is unhealthy lifestyle — starting from what we eat, how we eat, when we eat and what physical activities we do.
Myth #1: If it runs in your family, there’s nothing you can do about it.
Yes, if heart conditions run in your family, you are at 50% higher risk of heart disease as compared to others. Having said this, these diseases are still 80% preventable. Healthy behavior changes such as eating a healthier diet, increasing exercise, quitting smoking and keeping your cholesterol in check will help you make tremendous strides towards heart health. The power of prevention is undeniable.
A large study finds that people with the most inherited risk cut their chances of having heart problems in half if they didn’t smoke, ate well, exercised and stayed slim.
“If you are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, it is more important you follow a heart-healthy lifestyle and take medications to control these dangerous risk factors, and avoid or delay the onset of these diseases,” says Dr. Gillinov, Cardiac Surgeon, Cleveland Clinic.
Myth #2: Diabetes is hereditary and runs in family.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetic and behavioral factors. Scientists have linked gene mutations to a diabetes. But not everyone who carries a mutation will get diabetes. It is difficult to separate behavior factors from the equation because behavior also tends to run in families — parents with healthy eating habits are likely to pass them onto the next generation making behavior a stronger factor.
So who is to blame, if not genes?
So, basically all we need something or some one to blame for our choices of actions and words. Now, that we have been living our life in an unhealthy way all these years, we live in denial that the diseases that reside within us are due to the life that we have designed. So we make it simple in our heads — it is not us but “Genes”. So, if I am overweight than it is not me who is leading a life that is giving me this but, it is hereditary. Come on look everyone in my family is like that. Yes, they are because they have been leading the exact same life that you are leading today!
A wake up call — Let’s stop the blame game and take ownership if you Type 2 Diabetes or Hypertension or Obesity or a similar chronic condition. Owning that there is a problem is the first step in the journey of finding the solution!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Diabetes cure | How to get rid of Diabetes?
“My reports are here, and it says that I have Diabetes. I feel so helpless and sad. I will never be able to eat my favourite foods again. Doctor, is there a way to reverse or cure it? How to get rid of Diabetes? Can diabetes be cured?”, said a patient who was newly diagnosed with Diabetes.
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I understand what you must be going through right now, however, it is important for you to know that diabetes is not reversible. But wait, do not lose hope yet! This is something that we can control throughout our lives in order to prevent its complications.
Diabetes does not only cause physical stress to the body but the amount of mental tension the person goes through in just accepting it is quite challenging.
Mental health experts confirm that stress can also be a factor for the development of diabetes, so yes, before we proceed further, take a few deep breaths, relax, and smile.
Great, you are relaxed now! Read on and find out if there is a cure for diabetes or not.
Diabetes causes physical and mental stress, both!
The short answer-
Just like the patient here in the above story, there are several people who google, “How to get rid of Diabetes? Can you get rid of diabetes?”… Who wants to reverse diabetes or cure it, but do we really have a permanent cure for diabetes? The answer is ‘NO’.
But don’t feel bad yet! You must have heard, “where there is a will, there is a way”. This is true here as well. Although there is no permanent cure for diabetes, there are treatments for diabetes which can help in the management of your blood sugar levels and prevent its complications.
The treatment for this disorder has progressed far from what it used to be, experts believe that in a few years there will be immunotherapies at least for Type 1 Diabetes.
Immunotherapy is an emerging form of therapy that activates or suppresses the immune system, this field of study has also been used for developing therapies for cancer.
Did you know? Several studies have been done and it is an established fact that prediabetes is reversible but diabetes is not.
Now you must be thinking about how is that possible and what exactly do we need to reverse prediabetes — just the three warriors — exercise, diet and managing stress.
Prediabetes takes about three-six years to completely transform into diabetes, so that is quite a lot of time to make the necessary changes required.
So when are you planning to get moving on your feet, eating healthy and nutritious foods and living your life to the fullest?
Get started with your health journey today. Download the Zyla app for the right guidance or visit our website- Zyla.in.
What is diabetes and who should care?
Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder where the hormone insulin is either not prepared or utilised completely. The former usually refers to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and the latter is the case with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
In either of the above cases, the person’s lifestyle changes completely, they have to constantly monitor their eating and exercise patterns as well as their sugar levels. Some people are able to do this effortlessly and some find it very hard, especially while being in social surroundings.
The risk factors for Type 1 Diabetes can be:
Family history
The risk factors of Type 2 Diabetes depend on:
Physical inactivity
Family history
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)
Lastly, the risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus are:
Gestational diabetes during the first pregnancy
Being overweight
Family history of Type 2 Diabetes
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
People who develop Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) usually are not well educated and increase their risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Quite often the symptoms go unnoticed or are misdiagnosed, leading to a delay in treatment.
Amongst the two above mentioned types of diabetes, a slightly more challenging type is Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Read on to find out more on how to get rid of Diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes cure
As of the recent studies, there is no permanent cure for this diabetes, the person usually has to live on insulin therapy for the rest of their lives.
Since type 1 is more of an autoimmune disorder, the focus for its cure is more towards:
Combination therapy: Using multiple therapies for the treatment of one disease,
Hormone replacement therapy: Hormones given through medicines that alter the hormones within the body and manage symptoms
Immunotherapy: Treatment that uses the person’s own immune system to fight diseases
Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes is a big challenge amongst experts now. A biological cure is under research where an attempt is being made to allow the body to start producing its insulin again, hence restoring the body’s ability to utilise the glucose obtained from food.
Along with understanding the future for the treatment of diabetes in general, the current treatment involves:
Giving insulin externally
Some people may be prescribed oral hypoglycemic drugs along with insulin
Type 2 diabetes cure
Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes is available. It is the fastest-growing metabolic disorder and has started to affect people at the age of 20–25, as well. With time, it can create numerous other complications and challenges.
There are several approaches that are available for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, but the answer to “how to get rid of Diabetes?“ is still yet to be discovered. Another approach and rather a simple one involves healthier lifestyle choices including:
Healthier eating patterns
Taking best medicines for diabetes as prescribed
Follow up with the doctor regularly in order to manage blood sugar levels
Insulin is mostly prescribed to Type 1 diabetics.
Insulin is mostly used as a treatment of diabetes for patients who are older and cannot adhere to a strict diet.
People who have had a dramatic weight loss have achieved better control over their blood glucose levels, and are present either with minimal or no medicines at all. So the most basic and evident approach towards managing this type of diabetes is to ensure that healthy lifestyle practices are followed.
People with Type 2 diabetes have stopped their medicines completely by improving their lifestyle. They have been able to live a life without any complications that accompany diabetes, but this is a gradual process.
Quite a few of them have also experienced something called remission, where they are able to achieve normal blood glucose levels without medication, only through lifestyle modifications. This was seen in patients for at least 6 months, and if they continued with the same modifications, it went beyond 6 months of the treatment of diabetes.
To learn more about diabetes, medicines and lifestyle, enrol in our program by downloading the Zyla app or visiting our website- Zyla.in.
Now we also have something about gestational diabetes that is as important as the other types, read on to find out more…
Gestational diabetes cure
Just like the other two types, there is no cure for gestational diabetes, however, in most cases, it goes away right after the baby is born, and in cases where the blood glucose levels remain high, the person develops Type 2 diabetes.
The mother should regulate her meal patterns and seek the right guidance regularly.
When blood sugar levels rise beyond control, it can enter the placenta and cause various complications not just to the mother but also to the foetus, some of these are:
Preterm birth of the baby
A baby that weighs more than normal (macrosomia)
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes later on life for the child
The treatment for gestational diabetes involves being on oral hypoglycemic agents (OHAs) as well as insulin, right spacing of meals, making healthier choices, regular exercise and also visiting the doctor for regular check-ups to ensure that there is no progression which can further lead to complications.
There are an extensive number of people who suffer from diabetes, scientists are working tirelessly to find a cure, let us read on to find out what is the current research and if we do see a light at the end of the tunnel…
What’s ahead: research and upcoming therapies
Parents and caregivers of children or teens with Type 1 Diabetes struggle to handle the fluctuating sugar levels, they need timely assistance and guidance. Some people are able to afford lifelong management while some find it hard to make ends meet.
Keeping several factors in mind, experts have been thinking of several aspects to manage diabetes and find better strategies.
Here are quite a few interesting approaches how to get rid of Diabetes, you’ll be surprised to find out:
1.Stem cell therapy
The current research for curing Type 1 Diabetes lies in the attempt to get stem cells to the rescue! Yes! Several years of research has gone into understanding how stem cells can be converted into beta cells, the cells that basically secrete insulin and manage blood sugar levels.
A lot of research of diabetes cure is undergoing.
2. Environmental factors
A closer, yet indirect approach is treating the environmental factors that may increase the prevalence of developing Type 1 Diabetes.
Preventing exposure to chemicals that may pose a risk of developing autoimmunity is the main reason behind Type 1 Diabetes. This, however, still requires an extensive amount of research to understand the way this can be incorporated into an actual treatment, or if it can be used as a partner for other treatments.
3. Insulin pumps
Another treatment that is gaining a lot of popularity is the usage of insulin pumps, these however are still being studied in terms of their response to exercise and meals that are taken.
Insulin pumps seem to be more reliable for monitoring blood glucose levels. Although their cost factor becomes a challenge for quite a few.
4. Natural cure for diabetes
A novel approach towards Type 2 Diabetes is slightly more towards finding a natural treatment including bioactive compounds that can restore the ability of the body to utilise the glucose from the bloodstream.
Of course, this attempt is also to make sure that it is low cost and people are able to afford it.
5. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
One approach towards finding a cure for Type 2 Diabetes is by utilising Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) which are a group of supplements, that are used to enhance performance in the field of sports.
There is little to no evidence that supports the usage of Branched Chain Amino Acids, but scientists are performing animal studies to see if it actually works.
This is limited to the sportsmen and people who are involved in intense physical activity, as BCAA is known to enhance muscle mass and protein synthesis, which is highly essential for sports performance.
6. Pancreas transplantation
As a drastic approach, scientists have also been considering pancreas transplantation in people with severe metabolic complications. But, the reversal of diabetic complications (like chronic kidney disease) is still not possible with this approach.
Diabetes is usually not just a disturbance in the sugar levels, it comes with several cardiac complications as well, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and dyslipidemia (disturbed lipid levels).
Diabetic nephropathy (kidney complications), diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) and diabetic retinopathy (a complication of the retina in the eye) are also some of the common complications seen in diabetes.
The upcoming therapies are focussing on how to get rid of Diabetes i.e. preventing complications as well as curing diabetes.
Diabetes is a disorder that cannot be cured or reversed as of yet, but there are several approaches that are being made to find a permanent cure for diabetes. With regular exercise, set meal patterns and regular guidance on medicines from doctors, we can prevent damage to organs.
Taking the right measures at a young age is very essential, as this not only prevents the development of diabetes for the individual alone but also ensures good health for the coming generations and this way the cycle of being healthy goes on.
One such mechanism that is gaining importance is the remission of diabetes. With sheer hard work and determination, people have been able to manage their sugar levels by just strictly focussing on what they eat, when they eat and also how much they eat and also exercise!
This does not mean they have not been able to eat their favourite foods, they have definitely had their favourite foods, but have largely focussed on making healthier choices.
Seeking mental and medical help as and when needed to manage diabetes has shown good results. The road ahead is quite bumpy but not impossible.
To get personalised treatment from a group of medical experts, you can visit our website Zyla.in and enrol in our Defeating Diabetes Program. You can also download our Zyla app to start your health journey.
Source: https://blog.zyla.in/diabetes-cure-how-to-get-rid-of-diabetes-zyla-health-1d1310df6d88.
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zylahealth · 2 years
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Cause, Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Prevention
It’s not uncommon to see symptoms of diabetes appear during pregnancy, also known as Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a type of diabetes that occurs at the time of pregnancy and is associated with high blood sugar or glucose levels.
It’s not really harmful but if not managed well during pregnancy, can lead to type II diabetes. Pregnant women with GDM and a baby have an increased risk of developing type II diabetes in the future.
Diabetes has two types: type I and type II. Type I is associated with a lack of insulin whereas in Type II, insulin is present but it isn’t able to act on cells. GDM is similar to type II but in the same, insulin isn’t able to act due to the presence of hormones produced by the placenta in pregnancy.
Glucose remains in the blood which increases the risk of complications for the patient and baby during & after pregnancy.
Usually, blood sugar levels get normal after giving birth. But still, it takes a healthy lifestyle and care to get better and avoid GDM developing into a type 2 in the future.
What causes Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?
To pass various nutrients and connect the mother to baby, a placenta is formed during pregnancy. This placenta produces various hormones needed for the growth and development of the baby.
Some of these hormones reduce the action of insulin which ultimately causes high blood sugar levels.
Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Checking blood sugar levels is a routine examination in pregnancy. Diagnosis of GDM is generally done at 24–28 weeks of pregnancy. However, it can be checked earlier if you are at a high risk.
The standard test, HbA1c, is not very effective in diagnosing GDM. HbA1c gives an average of the last 3 months which may give false results here.
The best way to diagnose GDM involves Glucose Challenge Test and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT).
Glucose Challenge Test
In this test, the patient is asked to quickly drink a solution (usually 50 g of glucose dissolved in water).
After 30 minutes, a blood sample is taken to determine blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar level is higher than a specific cut off (>130 mg/dl), then the patient is recommended a longer glucose test, known as OGTT.
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
This test involves overnight fasting for over 8 hours. The patient is asked to drink sugar solution of specified concentration (usually 75 g of glucose dissolved in water).
Again blood samples are taken but at different time intervals usually at one, two, and three hours since the blood sample was taken to check blood sugar levels.
In OGTT, the patient is diagnosed with GDM if the glucose level exceeds or equals to
Fasting serum glucose > 92 mg/dl (5.1 mmol/l)
1 Hour blood sugar level: > 180 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/l)
2 Hour blood sugar level: > 153 mg/dl (8.5 mmol/l)
Why Gestational Diabetes is diagnosed in mid-pregnancy?
At an early stage, when blood sugar levels start increasing, the body uses a different mechanism to compensate. However, since hormones keep producing and blood sugar levels don’t improve later, the effect of insulin is decreased further and GDM could only be diagnosed later.
Risk factors
The risk is usually high for a woman getting pregnant after the age of 40. But GDM can also be developed at an early age. There are other factors that put a woman at the risk
Family history: If you have a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, which means either your parents, brothers, or sisters have impaired glucose tolerance, you may develop GDM.
Overweight or Obese: If your weight is on the higher side, or you are overweight, or obese, you are more likely to develop GDM.
Gestational diabetes in the previous pregnancy: If you had GDM in the previous pregnancies, you may develop it again.
Previous babies weighing more than 4.1 kg at the time of delivery.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is very common among females. One female out of 5 has PCOS and is related to disturbed levels of female sex hormones and causes higher weight which puts you at a risk of GDM.
Elevated blood sugar levels: Risk of GDM increases if you have increased blood sugar levels.
Lifestyle: Your lifestyle include dietary intake, disturbed sleep pattern & stress which plays an important role in the development of GDM
Signs & Symptoms
Some women may experience the following if they have gestational diabetes mellitus. However, some of these are also a sign of pregnancy, so they should be assessed with evidence or tests before a proper diagnosis:
Increased thirst
Frequent urination
Dry mouth
Nausea & vomiting
Mood swings
Bladder infection
Managing Gestational Diabetes
Physical activity: Regular physical activity helps in keeping blood sugar levels in the normal range by moving glucose from the blood to cells and helps in preventing gestational diabetes-related complications. Physical activities also help in reducing your body weight & keeping your weight in the normal range & reduces the chances of developing high blood sugar in the future.
Dietary modifications: Dietary modification should be done in such a manner so that it fulfills your requirements (as a demand of nutrients gets increased in pregnant women) & also manage your blood sugar level. Dietary modification depends on which type of insulin you are taking and your basic needs. Modification in carbohydrate & protein intake helps in managing your blood sugar levels as well as limited intake of sugar-containing food products helps in preventing further complications. To manage your health and daily requirements, download the Zyla app from Google Playstore.
Medication: Insulin is the first-line treatment of GDM. The use of OHAs are limited in pregnancy due to their hypoglycemic effect (low blood sugar episodes) & effects on the baby. Insulin is generally used to control sugar in GDM. The usage of insulin should be under the supervision of your physician and don’t make any changes in insulin by self as it may lead to hypoglycemic episodes.
Monitoring of blood sugar level: While pregnant, maintaining blood sugar levels normal to prevent any kind of complications is important. For that, continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels is important.
Prevention of Gestational Diabetes
Stay healthy: Check your glucose level after regular time interval if you have any risk factor and before making a plan of pregnancy, check your health status.
Regular exercise: It helps in controlling your body weight and manage overall health which prevents the development of GDM.
Limit intake of carbohydrate & simple sugar in diet: It helps in controlling your blood sugar levels
Effect of GDM on you & your baby
Another reason why it’s crucial to manage gestational diabetes is that it can lead to complications to the baby.
Hypoglycemia in newborn baby: Sometimes babies just after being born, develop hypoglycemia (low blood sugar episode) because their own insulin production starts and severe hypoglycemic episode may cause seizures/ fits in the baby.
Jaundice in newborn baby: Sometimes, newborn babies can develop jaundice just after birth.
Increases risk for development of Type II diabetes: If you have gestational diabetes, then chances of developing type 2 diabetes increase if lifestyle is not taken care of.
Early birth: If the mother has high blood sugar levels, then chances of pre-labor and chances of delivering the baby before due date increases.
Difficulty in breathing: Babies born early or prematurely may experience respiratory distress/ difficulty in breathing/ shortness of breath, and need breathing support until their lungs become mature and able to function properly. In some cases, babies may experience breathing difficulty even if they are born after the due date.
Chances of C-section: If blood sugar levels are high, sugar crosses placenta and baby stores this extra sugar as fat which causes an increase in body weight and further increases the risk of complicated vaginal birth or requirement of C-section
High blood pressure: It is a condition that can be developed in pregnancy along with gestational diabetes and may further lead to other health complications, if not treated.
Birth defects in babies: It happens due to the intake of certain restricted medicines in pregnancy or due to certain diseases or infections during pregnancy. It may be induced in the first trimester. The chance of abnormality in your baby increases with high levels of blood sugar. In order to prevent these abnormalities, you should have to manage your blood sugar level & lifestyle. Along with anomalies, chances of stillbirth is higher in women with GDM as compared to women without diabetes.
Why Gestational Diabetes sometimes develop into Type II?
Gestational diabetes disappears after giving birth as placental hormones aren’t being produced, but in some women, it may again develop in the next pregnancy or converts to type 2 diabetes mellitus in the future.
After delivery, generally, we forget to take care of our health or monitoring of blood sugar levels over a defined period. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels & sedentary lifestyle act as a precursor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Increased body weight may also further leads to T2DM in the future by enhancing insulin resistance.
If you have a history of gestational diabetes and you are planning for the next pregnancy, you should have to consult your doctor and get your blood sugar levels checked regularly.
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Top Knee Pain Causes While Walking, Sitting and Bending | Zyla Health
Last week, Riya went for a walk with her friends. After a couple of rounds, she felt a sudden pain in her left knee. Earlier, she used to feel the same type of pain while bending also. Since that day, she has been worried about her knee.
Most of us can relate to Riya. We all must have experienced mild to severe knee pain while walking, sitting or bending at least once in our life.
Have you ever wondered why you experience this knee pain? Is it because of weak joints or ageing and bone diseases or some nutritional deficiency? Why is it getting so common in the younger generation also? What are the knee pain causes?
You will get the answers to these questions in the following blog. Before jumping to the methods to prevent knee pain, we will first take a look at the causes of knee pain in detail.
What are the knee pain causes?
The knee is one of the most crucial joints in your body. It helps in walking, bending, sitting, climbing stairs and many other day-to-day activities.
The knee is not just a joint but comprises a whole set of muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. Even small damage to any of these components can lead to knee pain. So, altogether there can be a number of knee pain causes.
Let’s discuss some of them in the following section…
1. Injuries
Injury to any of the components of the knee can cause knee pain. It can be either tendon, ligament, cartilage or fluid-filled sac that surrounds the knee. Some of the common knee injuries are:
a. ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury
The ACL is one of the knee ligaments that joins the shinbone to the thigh bone. An ACL injury is more common in people who play sports like football, basketball, soccer or any other activity that requires a sudden change in direction.
b. Fractures
It is due to breakage of any of the knee bones including the kneecap. In the case of osteoporosis, there are more chances of fractures because bones are quite weak. So, they can easily break by just a miss in the step.
c. Meniscal tear
The meniscus is C-shaped rubber cartilage. It acts as a cushion or shock absorber between the thigh bone and shinbone. It can be torn by forceful rotation or twisting of the knee and hence can become one of the knee pain causes.
d. Bursitis
The fluid-filled sac that surrounds the knee is called bursae. It reduces friction between the bones of the knee joint and ensures smooth movement. Inflammation of bursae due to some injury or repeated bending of the knee results in knee pain.
e. Patellar tendinitis
Tendon is a thick fibre that connects muscle to bone. The patellar tendon connects the kneecap to the shinbone and helps in jumping, running and kicking. The inflammation of this tendon causes knee pain. Patellar tendinitis is more common in people who are involved in some sort of jumping sports.
If you are looking for a program to manage your knee or overall health, download the Zyla app or check out our website Zyla.in and get the best guidance. At Zyla, we provide a holistic approach to dealing with health-related complications.
2. Mechanical dysfunction
Dysfunction of any of the components of the knee joint can cause mild to extreme pain. It can be due to excessive physical activity or overuse of joints. Let’s take a look at some of the dysfunctions that cause knee pain.
a. IT (Iliotibial) band syndrome
IT band is a thick bundle of fibres that stretches from the outside of the hips to the outside of the knee. In this syndrome, the IT band becomes very tight and starts rubbing against the knee bones leading to knee pain.
b. Dislocated kneecap
It occurs when the patella or kneecap dislocates from its actual position. It moves to the outer parts of the knee and is also called “Patellar dislocation”.
c. Foot or hip pain
People with hip or foot pain generally change their way of walking to get some relief from joint pain. The change in the walking style puts more pressure on the knee and becomes one of the knee pain causes.
Take care of your feet in this monsoon season, especially if you have diabetes by reading our blog, “Monsoons & footcare”.
d. Patellofemoral pain syndrome
It occurs as a result of muscle imbalance, tightness or overuse of knee joints. It causes irritation under the kneecap due to repetitive stress on the knee joint.
3. Arthritis
Arthritis is the inflammation or swelling of one or more joints. It causes pain and stiffness in joints which progresses with age. The different types of arthritis which are knee pain causes are:
a. Osteoarthritis
It is the wear and tear type of arthritis. In this condition, the cartilage that surrounds the bones softens and affects the movement of the knee.
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
It is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder in which the immune system attacks your own body parts. It can attack any joint in the body including the knees as well.
c. Gout
It causes knee pain by accumulating excess uric acid crystals in the joints. It is characterised by severe pain and redness of joints.
d. Septic arthritis
It arises from infection of the joints. The infection can be caused by the travel of harmful organisms through the bloodstream to the joints or by some animal bite.
So, we have discussed some of the common knee pain causes in detail. You must be surprised and worried at the same time after getting some knowledge about the causes of knee pain.
Take a deep breath and relax because these conditions can be treated and managed with proper guidance and lifestyle modifications. So, let’s jump to the methods of knee pain treatments.
What are the knee pain treatments?
Mild to moderate pain in the knees can be treated with some home remedies. However, in severe and consistent pain, a physical consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended.
One of the widely used methods to treat minor knee pain is the RICE method. RICE stands for:
Rest: Take proper rest and avoid intense physical activity.
Ice: Ice the affected area for 15–20 minutes, 3–4 times a day to reduce swelling and pain.
Compress: Wrap the knee with an elastic bandage to provide support to the affected joint. It will reduce inflammation as well.
Elevate: Try to elevate the knee by placing a pillow under the affected joint while sitting or lying down.
You can also watch our video on “Home remedies for knee pain” to treat knee pain easily and effectively at your home itself!
Besides these methods, it is also advisable to take anti-inflammatory medications. But, these medicines can have some side effects. So, you should always take these medications under a doctor’s supervision.
In some cases, physiotherapy or stretching exercises are also recommended. If your pain is severe or it is not cured after some time, then you should consult your doctor to plan investigations and treatment accordingly.
Download the Zyla app or check out our website Zyla.in to get the best and customised guidance on your health. At Zyla, we provide a holistic approach to dealing with health-related complications.
Now, you are aware of some common knee pain causes and knee pain treatments. We will now further move to the most important steps that you should always follow to prevent knee pain by making a few changes in your daily life!
What are the knee pain preventions?
You should follow these steps to prevent or reduce the risk of knee pain in easy ways:
1. Shed some extra kilos
Extra weight can put more strain on your joints. So, you should always lose extra weight and try to maintain a healthy weight.
Learn which exercise to do to reduce weight through our blog- “Importance of physical activity in weight control” and for some important weight loss tips read- “10 Tips to keep in mind during weight loss management”.
2. One step at a time
Always plan your workout in a gradual manner. Do not include an intense workout on your first day. Start with light exercises and then gradually increase the intensity.
3. Practice under guidance
Make sure to use the right technique and movement patterns while working out or practising for some sports activity. Learn from professionals and then follow their guidance.
4. Stretch regularly
Do regular stretching to improve flexibility and loosen the tight muscles.
Yoga is the best type of stretching exercise for improving flexibility, especially for the elderly. Read more about it in our blog- “What are the benefits of exercise after 60!”.
5. Keep it light
It is not necessary to do intense activities regularly. On some days, you can do low-impact activities like swimming, biking, or walking. They can also keep you active and healthy.
6. Wear your knee pads
You should wear knee pads if you are doing an intense workout as a means of knee pain prevention. They will reduce pressure on your knees and will provide support to them.
We all are so occupied with our busy schedules that we often forget about our own health. Just like machines, your body also needs maintenance. A small malfunction can affect your whole body and can become one of your knee pain causes.
So, one should maintain a healthy body by making some changes in their daily routine. As discussed above, you can easily include these small changes in your lifestyle. These steps can keep your knees healthy and functional in a better way.
Also, our team of professionals at Zyla Health work together to give you a holistic approach to meeting your health goals. Download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in to explore the various programmes and start your health journey today.
Stay safe and healthy!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
What are The Different Diarrhoea Treatments? | Zyla Health
We all poop! It’s a normal part of our day-to-day life, but have you noticed a slightly loose or watery bowel movement? This is termed diarrhoea. Most of the time diarrhoea is mild, but it can also be severe which might require admission to the hospital.
In this blog, we will be learning about diarrhoea types, causes, symptoms and different diarrhoea treatments. So let us first understand what diarrhoea is.
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What is Diarrhoea?
Diarrhoea is defined as the frequent passage of watery, loose stools, accompanied by an excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, etc.
Diarrhoea episodes are often caused by a stomach bug or food poisoning and clear up on their own in a few days. However, there are many other diarrhoea causes too.
There are different tests which can help in diagnosis and identifying the root cause of diarrhoea so let’s learn about it…
How is Diarrhoea Diagnosed?
For an effective diarrhoea treatment, it is important to have a proper diagnosis. Sometimes, tests will be needed to diagnose an underlying condition. These include:
Blood tests
Stool tests
Endoscopy or colonoscopy
Biopsy (very rarely)
You might be shocked to hear that there are types of diarrhoea as well! Let us dig in and see what those types are….
Types of Diarrhoea
There are three clinical types based on which diarrhoea treatment is suggested:
Acute diarrhoea
Persistent diarrhoea
Chronic diarrhoea
1. Acute Diarrhoea
This is loose watery diarrhoea that lasts one to two days. This doesn’t need treatment except for some simple home remedies and it usually goes away after a few days.
2. Persistent Diarrhoea
This type of diarrhoea generally persists for several weeks i.e around two to four weeks.
3. Chronic Diarrhoea
Diarrhoea that lasts for more than four weeks or comes and goes regularly over a long period of time is called chronic diarrhoea.
These different types of diarrhoea can be experienced by any age group but some are more at risk of experiencing it as mentioned below…
Who can get Diarrhoea?
Anyone can get diarrhoea. It’s very common and usually not a major concern for most people and can happen several times a year for some. However, diarrhoea can be serious in certain groups of people, including:
Young children
Those with medical conditions
For each of the above categories, diarrhoea can cause other health problems and might require specific diarrhoea treatments.
If you are someone who suffers from chronic health conditions and would like guidance in the comfort of your home, then check out the Zyla app. We have a team of specialists who are dedicated to improving your health.
Do you think there are common symptoms to look out for in the case of diarrhoea? Let us learn about some of these symptoms below.
What are Diarrhoea Symptoms?
The main diarrhoea symptoms are passing loose, watery stools three or more times a day. If you have diarrhoea you might also have one or more of the following symptoms:
An urgent need to use the bathroom
Loss of control of bowel movements
Pain in the abdomen
In case, people have diarrhoea caused by some infections, they may have one or more of the below symptoms.
Bloody stools
Fever and chills
Light-headedness and dizziness
Did you know that diarrhoea caused by certain infections can cause you to lose up to 20 litres of fluid per day?
Now that you have a better understanding of the diagnosis of diarrhoea, its types and common symptoms, let’s learn about the causes of diarrhoea too.
What are the diarrhoea causes?
There are many different diarrhoea causes. It can be caused by a short-term illness that clears up in a few days, or it may be a symptom of an ongoing problem or chronic condition or can be due to some ongoing medical treatments.
1. Short-term causes of diarrhoea:
Short-term diarrhoea is often due to infections, such as:
Viral gastroenteritis: It is a condition wherein there is an inflammation in the inner lining of our intestines.
Waterborne parasite i.e illness caused through water that is infected with parasites, such as cryptosporidium and giardia.
Bacterias that cause food poisonings, such as clostridium, salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter bacteria.
Other causes of short-term diarrhoea include:
Change in diet
Certain food ingredients, for example, artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and mannitol, and the natural sugar fructose
Drinking too much alcohol
If you are facing diarrhoea for dietary causes, Zyla can help you manage this in an effective way with proper nutrition and physical activity. I recommend you download the Zyla app now!
2. Long-term causes of diarrhoea:
Diarrhoea can also be caused by some long-term conditions, such as:
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance
Malabsorption syndromes: for example, after bowel surgery, the intestine is unable to perform the absorption of nutrients effectively
People who are immunosuppressed or have weakened immune systems, such as those living with cancer, and HIV/AIDS are more likely to develop ongoing diarrhoea as a result of a bout of gastroenteritis.
Did you know that if you have frequent diarrhoea it might indicate that you have a food intolerance? Intolerance toward milk or intolerance toward wheat can lead to diarrhoea.
3. Treatments that can cause diarrhoea:
Were you aware of the fact that a few medical treatments also have diarrhoea as a side effect? Let us see below, what those treatments are.
Some medicines — for example, antibiotics.
Laxatives (a type of medicine used to treat constipation), if too many are taken.
Radiotherapy for cancer treatment involving the abdomen or pelvis.
Chemotherapy for cancer treatment.
Before learning about diarrhoea treatment, let’s understand how to prevent it in the first place.
How to Prevent Diarrhoea?
1. Avoiding infections with good hygiene habits
Washing your hands with soap after using the bathroom, while cooking, handling food, and eating is an important way to prevent diarrhoea.
2. Getting your vaccinations
Rotavirus, one of the causes of diarrhoea, can be prevented with the rotavirus vaccine. This is given to infants in several stages during the first year of life.
3. Storing food properly
By keeping your food stored at the right temperatures, not eating things that have gone bad, cooking food to the recommended temperature, and handling all foods safely, you can prevent diarrhoea.
4. Watching your drink when you travel
This can happen when you drink water or other drinks that haven’t been treated correctly. Watch what you drink. Don’t drink tap water or consume unpasteurized milk, milk products, or juices that can get spoilt easily.
Want to make your life healthy and disease-free? I suggest you download the Zyla app now! We have a team of experts that work around the clock so that you can be healthier and happier.
Now that we are aware of how to prevent diarrhoea, it is equally important to know the right diarrhoea treatment to cure it at the earliest. So let us dig in…
What are the Different Diarrhoea Treatments?
In the case of simple short-term episodes of diarrhoea, which usually clear up by themselves in healthy people, you will probably be able to manage your symptoms through home care. You can follow the below-mentioned tips for a speedy recovery.
Rest at home
Stay off work or school until you have not had a loose bowel motion for 24 hours
Prevent dehydration and drink plenty of water
Drink clear fluids like soups or buttermilk or oral rehydration solution (ORS) to replace lost fluids. Take small sips if you feel sick
Avoid fruit juice, alcohol, sugary drinks and caffeine as they can prolong diarrhoea and worsen it
Eat bland foods, such as rice, khichdi, and daliya, and avoid fatty or refined foods
When diarrhoea lasts for a long period of time (several weeks), your healthcare provider will analyse the diarrhoea treatment you need based on the cause. This could involve a few different treatment options, including:
1. Antibiotics
Most sudden attacks of diarrhoea are caused by bacterias and so antibiotics, can be used to treat bacterial infections but it is important to consult your doctor before taking any medication.
2. Probiotics
Groups of good bacteria known as probiotics are sometimes used to re-establish a healthy digestive tract to help fight diarrhoea.
3. Intravenous fluids
People who are not able to adequately rehydrate, for example, because they are vomiting, may need to be given intravenous fluids via a drip.
4. Oral rehydration solutions
For older people and children, oral rehydration solutions are a better choice than plain water. They are made specifically to replace both fluids and electrolytes.
5. Anti-vomiting drugs
Anti-vomiting drugs called antiemetics that help reduce vomiting may be prescribed by your doctor if you have gastroenteritis and are having problems due to vomiting.
6. Medication for a specific condition
Diarrhoea can be a sign of several other medical conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and so on. Once the cause of the diarrhoea is identified, diarrhoea can usually be controlled by medications.
7. Dietary changes
Diarrhoea due to dietary reasons or due to IBS can be treated with a diet that can be followed long-term. Consulting a dietitian can help you with eating right for your health.
If you have a small baby or a child, managing diarrhoea is an even more difficult task. We often wonder at times the things to keep in mind and help the child recover at the earliest.
It’s important to keep your child hydrated. Your doctor will help you determine the best way to do this, but options often include:
Breast milk
Electrolyte drinks for older children as these are not generally recommended for babies
The best option to keep your child hydrated might change as the child ages. Always check with your doctor before giving your child a new liquid or treatment of any kind.
Even though we understand diarrhoea treatment and prevention, it is important to beware of a red alert, which is when we need to see the doctor. Let us understand more about what a red alert is.
When to Consult a Doctor?
A single episode of diarrhoea will generally settle down without any treatment. However, seek medical advice if you have any of the following:
Ongoing or severe diarrhoea
Blood and/or mucus in your stool (poo)
Fever as well as diarrhoea
Unexplained weight loss
Diarrhoea at night
Signs of dehydration (feeling tired, decreased urination, thirst, and dry mouth)
With all this information, I am sure you now have a better understanding of diarrhoea and diarrhoea treatment. However, it is important to take proper guidance in order to effectively manage diarrhoea. With the right diet and treatment, you can manage your diarrhoea in no time!
At Zyla, we have a team of specialised doctors and nutritionists that can give you the right guidance and effective treatment. I would recommend you download the Zyla app or visit the website- Zyla.in and start your health journey now!
Stay happy and healthy!
For more information you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
What are The Best Ways of Knee Pain Treatment and Prevention? | Zyla Health
Do you sometimes feel as if your knee is hurting? And that constant pain tends to affect your day-to-day activities which is really annoying at times, isn't it?
Being active in your life is a great thing for your health, but if it degrades, it starts showing alarming signs and indicates that some solution is required.
Most of the time, it involves pain in your knees. This is because of the wear and tears from daily activities. You might now wonder, if knee pain is related to a specific age group or if anyone can get it.
Knee pain can happen in any age group and at any point in time. Someone who is an athlete may get knee pain because of vigorous activity, while a teacher may get knee pain because of his or her standing job.
Thus, it’s important we understand the knee pain causes, symptoms, the best knee pain treatments and ways of preventing it for leading a healthy and active life. So, in this blog, we’ll focus on all these aspects…
The knee is made up of bone, cartilage, and ligaments (which are connective tissues and fluids). The muscles and tendons help the knee joint to move. When the structure of the knee is damaged the knee problem starts and we start looking out for knee pain treatments.
A most common question asked is, “how do we generally get to know our knee is damaged? Is it only from the pain or are there other symptoms that we need to be aware of?” So, let us have a look below…
Symptoms of knee pain
The symptoms of knee pain can range from moderate to severe such as:
Swelling and stiffness
Redness and pain when touched
Instability and weakness
Crunching noises
Inability to straighten the knee
Based on the various symptoms, the doctors decide the type of knee pain treatment that needs to be provided. But another important factor to consider before providing treatment is the root cause of knee pain. Now, let’s jump on different knee pain causes…
Knee pain causes
The knee is made up of bone, cartilage, and ligaments (which are connective tissues and fluids). The muscles and tendons help the knee joint to move. When the structure of the knee is damaged the knee problem starts and we start looking out for knee pain treatments.
Some of the common knee pain causes are:
1. Osteoporosis
It is a condition wherein the cartilage of the knee wears out causing knee pain. This further reduces bone strength or density.
If you are looking out for the best guidance for your osteoporosis and knee pain, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in and get personalised counselling on food and exercises.
2. Rheumatoid arthritis
Because of arthritis, the knee gets swollen and the cartilage gets destroyed leading to pain. To know more about ageing and bone disease, have a look at the blog for a better understanding.
3. Ligament injuries
The ligament present in the knee may get damaged because of sudden twists due to some sports activity or a sudden accident.
4. Tendon injuries
A tendon (flexible tissue) injury can range from inflammation to tear. This happens mostly because of overuse of sports or due to a fall.
5. Cartilage injuries and disorder
Injury, overuse, muscle weakness, or misalignment of the knee can soften the cartilage of the kneecap, or a blow to the knee may tear off a piece of cartilage.
6. Broken knee cap
The small, round bone (patella) that sits over the front of your knee joint breaks, usually due to a fall or a direct blow to the knee.
7. Gout
When uric acid crystals (a waste product) get built up in the knee it causes knee pain. If you are looking out for home remedies for uric acid, watch the video till the end.
Similar to uric acid crystals, when calcium crystals deposit in the knee it gives knee pain.
If you are looking out getting the best treatment for your knee pain, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in and get personalised guidance.
For further information related to knee pain causes, you must definitely read-”Top knee pain causes while walking, sitting and bending”.
You might have now understood that analyzing the cause of knee pain plays a major role in providing the right kind of knee pain treatment!
However, there are a few high-risk categories that need to be considered where the chances of knee pain are higher. Who all falls into these categories?…
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Who is at risk?
1. Excess weight
Being overweight or obese can increase stress on the joints of the knee. It also becomes difficult to carry out normal day-to-day activities also and may lead to major knee injuries.
Watch this interesting video, which will help understand-”How to know your ideal body weight” so that you can work on your weight loss goals…
2. Lack of flexibility and strength
Strong muscles provide stability and protect your joints. The flexibility of muscles helps you achieve a full range of motion. Lack of flexibility and strength may lead to knee injuries.
3. Occupations
In certain occupations like construction or farming where the majority of the time, stress is given on the knees can cause a knee injury.
4. Sports
Sports that involve the knee majorly such as skiing, basketballs, high jumps and jogs lead to knee injury because of repetitive stress.
5. Previous injury
Any sort of previous injury to the knee may result in pain again, in the case of negligence. Hence, be careful and avoid exerting your knees in such cases.
If you are looking out to get your knee pain treated, then the team at Zyla will provide customised doctor’s guidance as per your needs. You can download the app Zyla app for more details.
Along with causes and symptoms, it is equally important that the right diagnosis is made so that the best knee pain treatment can be given. Let us see a few commonly used tests that are used to diagnose knee pain.
Tests to diagnose knee pain
These different radiological tests help to diagnose knee pain:
1. X-ray
Initially, doctors ask to do an x-ray. It helps to detect fractures and declining changes in bones in your body.
2. Computerized tomography (CT scan)
CT scan includes multiple angle x-rays that create cross-sectional images of the body. These help diagnose bone fractures and bone problems.
3. Ultrasonography (USG)
This method takes real-time images of soft muscle around the knee. Ultrasound can be done from multiple angles to check specific problems.
4. Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI)
MRI captures a 3D image of soft tissues and knee matter by using waves and a powerful magnet. It helps diagnose injuries of ligament, tendon, cartilage etc.
What might be the next step post diagnosis? You guessed it absolutely right! We now jump into the various knee pain treatment and preventive options available…
As we say “prevention is better than cure”, here are a few knee pain prevention methods that you can follow:
Strengthen your leg muscles to help maintain stability in your knees by walking, stair climbing or doing a supervised workout with weights.
Avoid sudden changes in exercise intensity.
Wear shoes that fit properly and are in good enough condition to help maintain balance and leg alignment when you walk or run.
Maintain a healthy weight.
If you ride a bicycle, make sure that the seat is high enough so that pedalling won’t put too much pressure on your knees.
Knee pain treatment
Based on the grade and severity, the knee pain treatment options are provided accordingly.
1. Physical therapy or physiotherapy
Physiotherapy provides flexibility and mobility to the knee joints. It also gives strength to knee muscles and joints.
2. Medicine
If the pain gets a bit worse your doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen to get instant relief from knee pain.
3. Surgery
In adverse cases, when the pain gets worse, knee replacement is the only option for relief.
4. Injections
Certain steroids, gel shots, PRP (Platelet rich plasma) injections, and stem cell injections are given by doctors for temporary and instant relief of pain.
5. Weight management
Many times, knee pain happens because of excess weight that creates pressure on both knees. Hence, by reducing weight, further damage to the knees can be prevented.
Read our blog- “The top 5 weight loss mistakes we all make” and get the right guidance. If you’re seeking help to improve body weight, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in and get the best help from the experienced team.
Last but not the least, we often try looking out for age-old home remedies to see if they will help reduce the pain. Let us look at certain scientifically proven remedies which you can try at home.
Home remedies for knee pain
Home remedies are one of the many methods of knee pain treatments. Though they cannot reverse pain completely, they can give relief to a certain extent.
1. Ice
Cover ice with a cloth and apply it to your knee 2–3 times a day for 15 minutes. Ice helps narrow the blood vessels of the knee and reduces inflammation.
2. Comfortable footwear
Wear comfortable cushion footwear as it supports your knee and prevents knee pain.
3. Pillow
Avoid sleeping on one side. However, if you are comfortable sleeping only on one side, you can keep a pillow between both your legs.
4. Stay seated
Stay seated more as sometimes standing may worsen the pain. Even if you are standing, make sure to divide your weight equally between both your legs.
5. Massage
Massaging your knee with some warm herbal oil may give relief. However, this remedy is subjective and make sure to consult your doctor before starting it.
For more such interesting home remedies for knee pain, do watch the video and learn.
I am sure, by now you have a clear understanding of what is knee pain, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis and the best knee pain treatment methods. At any point in time, if you face any kind of discomfort in the knee, please reach out to your doctor and get it checked to prevent further complications.
Whenever a knee is damaged it is very important to be careful and to avoid adding extra pressure on the knees. Do take proper rest till the pain comes down and restart your day-to-day activities gradually.
If you are suffering from any condition leading to knee pain, then you can download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in and get a holistic treatment that is best for your health. Do not delay any further and download the app right away!
Stay healthy! Stay strong!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
7 Simple Muscle Cramp Treatments | Zyla Health
Usually, around wintertime, I hear a lot of people complaining about leg cramps and how these cramps are severely painful and disturb their peaceful sleep.
Even I can understand the pain and discomfort that comes with these cramps and most importantly, the fear of muscle cramps repeating every night because years ago, I used to experience the same.
After nights of painful calves, I finally looked at it’s root cause and took the proper muscle cramp treatment! Thankfully it wasn’t that much serious and I was able to overcome it within a few days.
Muscle cramps are quite common and can be experienced by anyone. In this blog, I’ll help you know why you are experiencing these cramps and how you can get rid of them so stay tuned till the end!
Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps are painful contractions of a single muscle fibre, an individual muscle or an entire muscle group which last for a few seconds to a few minutes.
They are unpredictable, involuntary and can repeat multiple times. They usually occur in the legs, arms and back and during exercise or while resting.
Let’s read about some of the muscle cramp symptoms…
Muscle cramps symptoms
Here are some of the muscle cramp symptoms that one might experience:
Severe pain or stretch
Inflammation or redness
Muscle weakness or soreness
Muscle hardness or bulge or visible twist while experiencing a cramp
Because of all of it’s characteristics, it becomes important for you to treat these cramps well but before planning muscle cramp treatment, it’s necessary that you know the root cause of your cramps. So let’s read about the different causes of muscle cramps…
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Causes of muscle cramps
Knowing why you are experiencing muscle cramps will help you in planning the right treatment. Here are some of the major causes of muscle cramps:
1. Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the most common causes of muscle cramps. Our body loses water while exercising, breathing, sweating, vomiting, fever, defecating, urinating etc and if water intake is not adequate, then it can lead to dehydration.
Dehydration reduces blood volume causing less blood flow into the muscle, thus making the muscle contract more forcefully which eventually leads to muscle cramps.
2. Electrolyte imbalance
Potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium etc are electrolytes whose imbalance can lead to muscle cramps as they affect the body’s electrical impulses.
Electrolyte imbalance happens due to their deficiencies or inadequate absorption, certain medicines, ageing or dehydration.
3. Intensive physical activity
Long or very intensive physical activity cause can muscle fatigue. If you still continue exercising, then your muscles will have to contract more forcefully resulting in cramps.
Adequate amount of exercise is important, learn “The top 10 benefits of regular physical activity” in this blog.
4. Pregnancy
Muscle cramps during pregnancy can happen due to:
Reduced blood flow
Increased body weight
Compressed nerve
Increased work on legs
Nutritional or electrolyte deficiencies
Thinking what to eat during pregnancy? Worry no more, just read our blog and know all about- “5 Foods to eat when you’re pregnant”. Also, if you’re searching for personalised guidance from experts then Zyla can help you. Visit-zyla.in to know more!
Did you know that during pregnancy, 50% of the muscle cramps happen in the last 3 months and during the night? A proper muscle cramp treatment is the only solution to cure it!
5. Nutritional deficiencies
If you have a deficiency of vitamin-B complex and vitamin-D, then you are very likely to experience muscle cramps. But more research is required to know the exact relationship between muscle cramps and nutritional deficiencies.
6. Medical conditions
Certain medical conditions like liver cirrhosis, kidney failure or dialysis can cause unusual distribution of body fluids and this eventually results in muscle cramps.
Other conditions like diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage due to diabetes) or radiculopathy (spinal nerve irritation) or fibromyalgia (muscle pain and tenderness) etc can also result in a muscle cramp.
7. Medications
There are multiple medicines known to cause muscle cramps. Here are examples of a few medicines:
A diuretic that prevents water retention by causing frequent urination, thus resulting in loss of body fluids and electrolytes.
Lovastatin and nifedipine
Known to deal with angina, high cholesterol levels and blood pressure, these can lead to muscle cramps as well.
Terbutaline and albuterol
These drugs help in treating asthma or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder) but can cause muscle cramps.
So, which of the above muscle cramps causes is your reason for experiencing deadly cramps? I know that now you are hoping to get a solution to it! Well, you are at the right section of the blog, just continue reading…
Muscle cramp treatment
1. Hydration and electrolyte balance
Drink at least 10–12 glasses of water throughout the day especially before, during and after a workout. Make sure you drink other fluids like coconut water, buttermilk, lemon water, soups etc as well to keep your electrolytes balanced!
2. Apply ice or hot pack
Over the affected area, apply an ice pack or a heating pad for 15 minutes. Practice this twice daily until your cramp resolve. This is one of the main muscle cramp treatments.
Even a warm bath before sleeping can help reduce night cramps.
3. Massage
As soon as your cramp starts, massage that area with your hands or with a massage roller to get relief from the pain. At other times, you can massage with warm oil twice daily for 10–15 minutes.
4. Stretch regularly
Stretch every muscle often! A warm-up session before and a cool-down session after your workout is a must to treat cramps. You can also stretch for 15 mins every day, before sleeping to prevent cramps from occurring at night.
Want to know which exercises you should do in your warm-up and cool-down session? Download the Zyla app or visit our website- zyla.in and get personalized guidance from our physiotherapist.
5. Modify your exercise regime
Either stop exercising for a while or reduce the intensity of your exercise until cramps symptoms resolve completely. You can also take breaks between sets or exercises so that you don’t over-exert.
Learn the “Importance of physical activity in weight control” by reading the blog.
6. Avoid alcohol and caffeine
Excess of caffeine can lead to muscle tremors, nervousness and weakness. Alcohol tends to disturb the calcium flow in the muscle cells and also increase lactic acid formation which contributes to cramps.
It is advisable that you gradually bring down the intake of alcohol and caffeine not only to treat cramps but to prevent complications that occur due to them as well.
7. Medications
There are certain medications that can temporarily treat muscle cramps like quinine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen sodium but it is always advisable to consult your doctor before consuming any of these medications.
Following the above muscle cramp treatment methods can cure your deadly cramp issue to a good extent! But if it doesn’t resolve or is causing swelling to other parts of your body, then it is recommended that you consult a health care specialist, let’s learn in detail…
Who to consult?
If your cramps aren’t stopping, it is advisable that you consult your doctor. Depending on your medical history, you’ll have to consult any one of the following:
Sports-medicine specialists
Be regular with your doctor follow-ups and do follow the treatment as advised by him/ her to cure your cramps.
Don’t let muscle cramps stop you from doing what you love. Work on your exercise regime, keep yourself hydrated and stretch often. Also, limit the intake of caffeine and alcohol as it is one of the best muscle cramp treatments.
If you’re looking for a program which can help you improve your overall health or treat a specific medical condition, then Zyla can help you!
Zyla has a team of doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and psychologists who work together to provide you with holistic and customised guidance. Download the Zyla app or visit our website- zyla.in and enrol in the program which is suitable for you!
Stay strong! Stay healthy!
For more information, you can visit heere
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zylahealth · 2 years
Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A Beginners Guide | Zyla Health
Being a diabetic, you might know that the cause of diabetes is related to insulin and if your blood sugar levels are on a higher side for a long time, it can impact your other organs especially kidneys, eyes and nervous system.
But everybody doesn’t know that lack of insulin can also cause Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). It is a serious complication that occurs mostly in patients with Type 1 Diabetes.
It is caused by the production of an excess amount of “ketones” which causes the blood to become acidic. These ketones are produced because the body starts to break down fat for producing energy instead of glucose.
In this blog, we’re going to discuss everything that you need to know about Diabetic Ketoacidosis including its diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
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What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)?
Your body needs the energy to function. On the cellular level, the fuel for the energy is glucose which we get from the food that we eat. The glucose is transported from blood to body cells using a hormone called insulin.
In a diabetic body, insulin isn’t available or isn’t able to function. So, glucose absorption doesn’t happen. As a result, glucose starts floating in the blood causing ‘high levels of sugar in the blood (high sugar). Plus, the body cells do not get the required glucose for energy.
So a diabetic body starts looking for another source of energy in the form of fats. However, when fats break down for energy, it produces a waste product i.e. an acid known as ketones. When it exceeds certain limits, it causes Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
The 3 ketone bodies formed are:
Beta-hydroxy butane
Let’s move on and discuss the causes and symptoms of Diabetic Ketoacidosis so that preventive measures or treatment can be taken on time.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis causes
As mentioned earlier, DKA is more commonly observed in patients with Type 1 diabetes rather than type 2 diabetes and here are some common Diabetic Ketoacidosis causes:
Uncontrolled diabetes
Missing meals or long gap between meals
Missing insulin dose
Patient on an insulin pump and non-functional insulin pump
High levels of stress.
Infection in the body that keeps coming back
To know how stress and diabetes are related, read our blog “Stress, meditation and diabetes”.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis symptoms
The symptoms of DKA spring up quickly. Sometimes, it can happen within 24 hours. If you’re seeing some of the following signs in a diabetic patient, you must see a doctor quickly.
Vomiting and pain in the abdomen: Ketones are acidic in nature. High levels of ketones make the blood acidic and as a result, causes vomiting. In some patients, it may also cause abdominal pain.
Dehydration, dry mouth (thirst) and frequent urination: With high levels of sugar and ketones, the body works extra to throw out excess glucose through urine. It results in the removal of too much water from the body.
In this case, the body absorbs water from cells to maintain water balance in the blood which causes cells to dehydrate. This in turn, makes the patient feel thirsty and tend to drink more water.
Rapid breathing or breathlessness: Whenever the blood becomes acidic, the lungs start inhaling air faster to get more oxygen. Since carbon dioxide causes an acidic state, breathing more oxygen can make it less acidic.
Fruity breath or acetone like smell from the mouth: With high levels of ketones, the breath smells like acetone (can be similar to nail paint remover) or pear-like.
Other severe complications can be developed such as increased heart rate (due to increased breathing) and confusion (due to lack of glucose in the brain).
If the cause of DKA is an infection, the patient may experience fever, chills, cough, and cold along with other symptoms.
What are the complications if it is left untreated?
If not treated at an early stage, DKA can be life-threatening as it can lead to:
Swelling in the brain: This can further lead to a severe complication known as diabetic coma.
Kidney Failure: With too much glucose in the blood, our body throws it out of the body through urine which leads to loss of sodium and potassium in the body and dehydration. Due to dehydration, blood flow to the kidney is decreased and leads to renal failure.
Heart Failure: Loss of sodium and potassium, dehydration, swelling and fast heartbeats put extra pressure on the heart and may cause cardiac arrest or heart attack.
Now that you know the basics of Diabetic Ketoacidosis, let’s see how it is diagnosed and what can be done to prevent and treat it…
How is Diabetic Ketoacidosis diagnosed?
Here are some ways to diagnose diabetic ketoacidosis quickly:
Urine test: When ketones in our blood rise, they are thrown out of the body through urine. Hence, a urine test will be able to detect the presence of ketones. If the urine report is showing “nil” that means it is a normal result.
Blood test: In a blood test, the amount of ketones are measured. Two common types of ketones produced by breaking down fats are “beta-hydroxy butane” and “acetoacetate”. If levels of these rises, their amount can be measured in the blood.
Normal blood ketone level is 0.21–2.81 mg/dl. More than this is high and it indicates management of diabetes and ketone levels.
The more the amount of ketones in the blood, the more severe is diabetic ketoacidosis.
Arterial blood gas: Arterial blood gas measures two components — blood pH & bicarbonate levels. In diabetic ketoacidosis, low bicarbonate levels and low pH (less than 7.3) is observed.
Electrolytes test: With extra glucose, our body throws it out through urine which leads to loss of sodium and potassium. Low sodium and potassium levels are used to confirm diabetic ketoacidosis.
Kidney function test: Due to dehydration, blood flow to the kidney is decreased and leads to acute renal failure which causes disturbed kidney function tests.
Who is at risk?
Following conditions increase the risk to develop diabetic ketoacidosis:
Type 1 diabetes: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes are more prone to develop diabetic ketoacidosis than patients with Type 2 Diabetes due to no insulin production.
History of heart disease or a history of heart attack
Pancreatitis (inflammation in the pancreas) or disease of the pancreas as it further impacts insulin production
Alcohol intake or drug abuse
Certain medications
Can one prevent Diabetic Ketoacidosis?
Despite all the risks and complications, diabetic ketoacidosis can be avoided with certain measures and by taking good care of yourself. It’s important that you follow your diabetes treatment plan and ask your diabetes treatment team for help when you need it.
Follow these guidelines in order to prevent DKA:
Take your diabetes medicines as prescribed by your doctor. Avoid skipping it.
Eat small meals every 2–3 hours to manage blood sugar levels. Avoid long meal gaps.
Avoid all fried, outside, processed and packaged food.
Drink 10–12 glasses of water throughout the day.
Adjust your insulin units as per your blood sugar levels and keep your doctor updated.
Measure your sugar levels at home with a glucometer at least 2–3 times a week.
Talk to your doctor once every three months for a medicinal review.
If you are suffering from an infection, measure your sugar levels and if they are consistently high, consult your doctor.
Get regular tests done to know the status of other diseases that may be caused by diabetes.
Follow a healthy lifestyle that includes modifications in your diet and physical activity.
Diabetic Ketoacidosis treatment
Here are ways in which your doctor can choose diabetic ketoacidosis treatment for you, depending on the severity.
Fluid therapy: Since DKA causes water loss, it is important to maintain a good amount of water intake and hence, saline water is given through IV.
Management of blood sugar levels: Since DKA is caused by high sugar, insulin should be administered (when potassium levels rise above 3.3).
Potassium therapy: DKA causes hypokalemia which means low potassium levels and hence, potassium levels have to be maintained.
Bicarbonate therapy: DKA is associated with acidic blood, bicarbonate is given to restore the pH of the blood.
Eat healthy food without delaying or skipping, being physically active, taking medicines on time and lastly, managing stress levels will help in managing your blood sugar levels.
This, in turn, will help in preventing Diabetic Ketoacidosis and other complications of diabetes.
If you have high blood sugar levels, it is important for you to have proper diabetes treatment to improve your health and live a happy life. And Zyla provides you with exactly that.
Zyla offers holistic management of diabetes and its complications through a team of 50+ medical experts. We work on lifestyle management through nutrition, exercises and medicines review.
You can download the Zyla app now to start your health journey!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Ageing & Bone Diseases
Skeletons in your closet is a well-known phrase. Just like you shouldn’t keep your thoughts bottled up to keep your mental health at its best, you should also take care of your bone health by regularly visiting your Orthopedician when you start ageing.
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When we used to see the famous skeleton hanging in our biology lab, we never thought it serves so many purposes in our bodies.
Functions of Bones:
Provide a frame that supports our body on which muscles, tendons, and ligaments attach. It will be difficult to move if our body didn’t have bones. Just like Earthworms.
Protect vital organs of our body like, the skull protects the brain and our ribs guard the heart and lungs against external injury
Spongy bones present at the end of our long bones (arms and legs) contain bone marrow that produces our blood cells and platelets
They are made of a honeycomb-like structure that stores minerals like calcium and phosphorus
Bones also have a lesser-known function. They help us to maintain pH of the blood by releasing or absorbing alkaline (basic) minerals
They are a reservoir of calcium and can increase levels of calcium in the blood by releasing stored calcium or decrease its levels by absorbing it
How do Bones Function and Form?
Until we turn 30, our body ensures that an equal amount of old bones are being removed as the new ones are forming. After a certain age, when levels of sex hormones in males and females start decreasing, the formation of new bones gets slower. Lastly, the rate of removal of old bones is higher than the formation of new bones.
Factors affecting the decline in bone mass in combination with Aging:
Alternate levels of hormones
Nutrition: Consuming a low Calcium and Vitamin D diet
Lack of physical activity
Comorbid medical conditions like malnutrition, mineral disorders, and anaemia
Certain medicines such as steroids, and medicines used to treat female sterility
Female gender: When females reach menopause, estrogen levels in the body get low which increases bone resorption (breaking down old bones), and reduce forming new bones and overall, bone loss is sped up.
Smoking: It causes hormonal imbalances which cause the development of co-morbid conditions, and bone loss
The most common bone disease related to ageing is osteoporosis, followed by osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Osteomalacia. Due to bone loss, the bone becomes fragile which causes them to break easily, joints become painful and stiff, movement becomes slow or limited, and strength of muscles reduces. Also, the pattern of walking gets slower and shorter which causes difficulty in walking which causes tiredness on walking even for a small distance.
Prevention of Ageing-related Bone Diseases:
Consume a diet rich in calcium which includes yoghurt, green leafy vegetables, tofu, milk, and curd
Consume a diet rich in Vitamin D which includes eggs, mushrooms, and milk. Seafood such as tuna, oysters, and salmon is also abundant in Vitamin D
Perform regular physical activity
Get a regular bone mineral density test so that early intervention can take place
Get levels of calcium and Vitamin D checked and take supplements (under the physician’s advice) if you are deficient.
There are no symptoms associated with bone disease and hence, it goes unnoticed but it increases the risk of fracture which restricts movement and may result in various conditions, including Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Manage your health and reduce the chances of the development of health-related complications. Download the Zyla app (http://bit.ly/2BftxyE-defeatingdiabetes) for continuous monitoring and personalised care.
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
How to Manage Diabetes and Emotional Health | Zyla Health
Diabetes has long been a tough battle to fight for those affected by it. It changes a person’s life to a great extent. We know that it has many effects on a person’s physical health, but we need to know more about its effects on the emotional and mental well-being of a person.
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More than 80 million people in India are suffering from diabetes and most of them often wonder, “how to manage diabetes?”. You can find a lot of things on searching and but less on how to cope up with it emotionally!
So in this blog, I decided to discuss some tips to manage diabetes, the emotional impacts of living with diabetes as well as the right way on how to manage your diabetes.
But first things first. Let’s know a little bit about diabetes
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, metabolic disease caused by an increase in the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It causes severe damage to the heart, eyes, kidneys and nerves over a long period of time.
Living with diabetes affects not only the body but also the mind. Physicians are mainly concerned with the physical aspects of the disease and even though they are important, mental health is equally essential.
Being a diabetic, you should not neglect your emotional and mental well-being but learn to control your diabetes. Keep reading to find answers to all your questions about how to manage diabetes and your emotional health.
Dealing with finding out that you have Diabetes
The first major blow you get is when you find out that you have high blood sugar levels for quite some time, resulting in being diagnosed as a diabetic. This news could cause a wide range of unpleasant emotions because you might feel that there is no going back from it.
You might wonder, “How to manage diabetes?”, “How to control diabetes?” or majorly, “How to cure diabetes?”
For a personalised treatment under the guidance of experienced doctors, you can download Zyla app. See more details on our website- Zyla.in
At the time of diagnosis, you undergo a series of feelings that have been studied and seem to form a pattern. The following stages of emotions are experienced:
Upon receiving news such as being diagnosed with diabetes, the first emotion that you experience is denial. You may oppose believing in the diagnosis at first and take it lightly. An important factor for denial could be the fact that you do not feel any major physical symptoms or complications at that time. This denial prevents you from taking the disease seriously and seeking proper treatment with necessary lifestyle changes right from the beginning.
Once you cannot deny your current condition, you start feeling frustrated and angry towards the disease. You start hating your own selves for having developed this condition and overthink why this happened to you.
The negative emotional reaction to diabetes further worsens the condition.
From anger and irritation, you get into a feeling of guilt i.e. a feeling that arises when you think that you have done something wrong to your body. These feelings often arise when you have many responsibilities.
You feel guilty about not taking care of your health before and how this development would affect your ability to manage your responsibilities.
You get worried about the people around you and how diabetes would affect the entire family.
Sorrow/ depression
With time, the guilt feeling changes to a feeling of loss and sadness. There might be an increase in symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of interest in daily activities and changes in sleep pattern.
This is the stage of sorrow or depression wherein you feel sad about your condition. Without searching for ways of how to manage your diabetes, you fall prey to sadness. This may last a while and affect your mental well-being deeply.
The last and final stage is that of acceptance. It may take up to a year or more for you to accept your diagnosis completely.
It’s important for you to have patience, emotional support from others, a proper understanding of it and how to manage diabetes to finally arrive at this stage.
Once you have accepted your current situation, you can move ahead and take the necessary steps on how to manage your diabetes and make the best of your life even with diabetes.
You may feel confused, sad and upset about it and it’s normal. It is hard to escape these emotions. But letting go of these feelings after a while would be a healthy thing for both your mind and body.
There are several ways to cope with these emotions. Here’s what you can do to ease them:
Gain information
Learning about your condition i.e. learning about how you can manage your diabetes and being prepared with the right information will give you power over the disease. You will look at solutions rather than problems.
Plan your days
Planning and following a healthy routine can do wonders for your emotional health. Every task done right will make you feel in control. Eating healthy food, exercising and some other productive activities will help you get a better mindset.
Maintaining a diary is a great coping mechanism. It will help you organise your thoughts and release your negative emotions to find a positive reaction to them.
Talking to your friends, family or even a therapist will help you cope. Having a chronic condition like diabetes can make you feel alone and out of place but it’s not the end of the world. Talk to the people you love and thus you can try to control your diabetes!
Talk to our experts on mental health and learn how to manage your diabetes by downloading our Zyla app. See more details on our website- Zyla.in
Emotional journey throughout
Along with the physical effects of diabetes, you can suffer from certain feelings like anxiety, depression, and diabetes distress. Let’s talk about it:
Diabetes or no diabetes, we live in a state of fear and worry. But if this fear and anxiety affect our work, relationships, and daily life then it is a cause of concern. Especially if you’re diabetic, you may worry extra about your condition in addition to the everyday struggles.
Certain symptoms like constant worrying, feeling nervous, inability to relax, increased heartbeat, sweating, trembling, chest tightness, and upset stomach, lasting for more than 2 weeks can indicate a problem of anxiety. It should be addressed and treated immediately to control your diabetes.
Everyone feels sad once in a while but depression is a serious condition with the constant feeling of hopelessness and fatigue. If you’ve been feeling the sadness harder than ever for more than 2 weeks, you might be depressed. Start working on it.
Diabetes distress
This medical term has been created recently by some doctors specifically for diabetics to refer to a condition when you’re tired of dealing with your diabetic state along with life’s other responsibilities.
It’s only natural to feel this way because diabetes comes with several more responsibilities in your daily life.
Diabetic distress is something more than just worry. It’s when you’re feeling all the anxiety, depression, frustration, stress and other emotions all at once.
Want to know more about how stress, diabetes and meditation are related?
 Read our blog — Stress, meditation and diabetes.
How to improve your emotional health and control your diabetes?
Emotional health MUST NOT be neglected at any cost. As much as your physical health is important in diabetes, emotional health is as essential.
You should address any and all emotions you’re feeling and seek help at the earliest and focus on how to manage your diabetes. To take better care of yourself emotionally, you can try the following:
Maintain healthy habits
A healthy body is better known to handle stress. Develop and maintain healthy habits like eating healthy meals, avoiding caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
It may seem difficult at first to turn around your lifestyle but the trick is to do it step by step.
Setting small goals for each day can encourage you to make this shift. For example, cut down from 4 to 3 cups of tea in a day and then eventually to 2. You may even be able to quit it in a matter of time.
Regular exercise
A simple walk in the park, gym, yoga or even dancing are some ways you can release those “feel-good” hormones in your body.
Physical activity for 30–45 minutes a day not only makes you feel good but also increases the insulin sensitivity in your body and helps you control your diabetes.
If you don’t have much time to exercise, give a quick read to our blog, “Simple home exercise routine for a healthier you” for easy movements to add to your everyday regime.
Adequate sleep
Sleep can solve a lot more problems than you think. Having a nightly routine and getting proper sleep will help you feel refreshed. It re-energizes your body and mind to face a new day head-on.
Setting goals
Be mindful of your present condition and set the bar accordingly. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to a feeling of disappointment which has a negative impact on your state of mind.
So set achievable and realistic goals and do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
Meditation and deep breathing can be great ways to soothe your mind. Practising meditation or deep breathing for 15 minutes a day can have a beneficial effect on your mental health.
Reward yourself
Don’t forget to treat yourself every now and then for achieving your goals, or just for the fun of it. Trust me, you deserve it.
Although diabetes affects one person physically, mentally it can affect the family as a whole. Family therapy could be a good option to get through a difficult time together.
Join support groups
Talking and discussing your feelings with other people going through the same thing may help you find a positive outlook and be strong. It is good to share your feelings with a bunch of people who may be going through the same things.
Be grateful
Try to count your blessings and be thankful for all that you have, and not what you don’t.
You are not alone! Many people are experiencing highs and lows in their blood sugar levels and find it difficult to cope with the disease emotionally. As important as physical health is, maintaining your emotional health should be a priority too.
There is help available for anyone who needs it. Following the advice given above and just keep going to find the good in life, even without sugar, may help in the long run. Remember, it may seem hard but diabetes is NOT the end.
At Zyla, we have a team of Doctors, nutritionists, psychologists and physiotherapists who provide personalised care and treatment to improve your diabetes and overall health.
Start your health journey today by downloading our Zyla app.
If you know more about, this visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
How Smoking and Diabetes Create a Deadly Combination?
It is not uncommon to see posters saying, “smoking causes lung cancer”. But, an unknown fact is that along with other diseases, smoking also increases the risk to develop diabetes.
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Did you know? Smokers have 30%-40% more chances of developing diabetes than a non-smoker.
Can smoking cause diabetes?
Smoking is bad for everyone. Worse if you have diabetes. Nicotine present in cigarettes causes blood vessels to lose their ability to maintain their shape. It makes your blood vessels fragile and eventually, hard.
This causes difficulty in providing essential nutrients to body organs. and hence, this leads to the development of various diseases. It can harm nearly every organ of our body. Smoking is proven to be an independent risk factor for diabetes, heart diseases, lung diseases, and commonly heard- cancer.
Does smoking increase blood sugar?
Attention smokers! Smoking makes our body more resistant to insulin.
This means that the insulin present in our body won’t be able to act on our cells, and hence, glucose will remain in the blood causing high blood sugar levels. So yes, smoking increases blood sugar.
Moreover, even if you have type I or type II diabetes, insulin taken in form of injections (type I) and produced by the pancreas in the body (type II) will stay in the blood along with sugar, causing high blood sugar levels in type I and type II diabetes, both.
What else smoking and diabetes cause?
Together the deadly combination of high blood sugar and smoking dramatically speeds up the long term complications arising out of diabetes
1. Retinopathy
Diabetic Retinopathy is a form of diabetes complication where blood vessels present in our eyes get damaged due to high blood sugar levels.
This causes leakage of blood in our retina and causes symptoms such as blurred vision, spotty vision, and in the case of severely uncontrolled long term diabetes, blindness.
Special edition on World Sight Day
Diabetic Retinopathy: How to Avoid and How to Cure
2. Neuropathy
Diabetes Neuropathy is the most common diabetes complication where nerves present in our body gets damaged due to high blood sugar levels. This causes nerves to produce different sensations and we mostly experience, burning sensations, tingling sensations, and pain in legs.
3. Nephropathy
Diabetes Nephropathy is another complication of diabetes. With high blood sugar levels, kidneys experience difficulty in filtering blood and in the long term, cause leakage of proteins in urine, and kidney damage.
4. Ulcers and infections
When we develop ulcers and infections, our body’s immune system fights harder and heal them but in case of high blood sugar levels, the immune system isn’t able to work as effectively and blood sugar provides bacteria with a favorable environment to grow even more and hence, infections spread easily.
Do you Know? People often think that there are some safer forms of tobacco. Hookah and cigar being the most popular alternatives. This isn’t true! There is no safe way to smoke! Replacing cigarette with a cigar or hookah won’t help us avoid health hazards. They are equally injurious to health.
If you don’t smoke, never make a plan to start and if you do smoke, challenge yourself to quit smoking.
How to quit smoking?Make a Quit Plan
Take it as a major project and be confident, focused and motivated. Tell your close friends and family for motivation.
Write down your reasons to quit and read them every day. You may have difficulty to quit on a single date but no worries, make a gradual quitting plan. Start with reducing the consumption of cigarettes slowly, until you eventually quit.
Choose a Quitting Strategy
Quitting all at once works for some people while for others gradually cutting down the number of cigarettes per day works.
Using a nicotine patch, gum, inhaler or spray or prescription medicines may help. If it is still difficult, please ask your healthcare manager/ doctor to suggest a counsellor.
Stay Busy
Trying keeping ourselves busy in other activities that keep our mind off smoking and distract from cravings will be a help. Spend time with family, non-smoking friends, and pets.
Drink lots of water, go to a movie or dinner. Chew basil (tulsi) leaves whenever you crave smoking. Have dinner, and hangouts at places where smoking isn’t allowed.
No single approach works for everyone so don’t lose hope and be honest with your needs.
Manage diabetes at home and prevent its complications. Download Zyla app (http://bit.ly/2BftxyE-defeatingdiabetes) to get continuous and personalised care for diabetes.
For more information you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Lantus: Long-acting insulin for diabetes | Zyla Health
“Person 1: Mujhe ‘sugar’ ho gayi hai {I am diagnosed with diabetes}.
Person 2: Arre koi chinta nahi, wo insulin injection lagega na, sugar thik ho jayegi {There is no need to worry. Once you take the insulin injection, diabetes will get better}.”
In your day to day life, you might have come across various scenarios wherein people having diabetes take insulin day and night to keep their blood sugar levels under control. You might wonder if insulin is the solution for diabetes. To understand further, let’s dig in in-depth.
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Diabetes is often called ‘sugar’ in our layman language, even though it is simple to understand that it deals with the fluctuations in blood glucose levels of our body. Yet it is an umbrella term when it comes to its medications according to their types.
Whenever we get to know if a person is diabetic, the first thought that comes into our mind is that the person must be taking/ starting with ‘insulin injection’. Is this really the case with diabetic patients?
The answer is No! A diabetic is prescribed either insulin or medicine based on multiple factors like the type of diabetes, level of blood sugar, body weight, eating pattern etc…
Insulin is this one word that has always been associated with diabetes. People often get confused about the use of insulin, how it impacts diabetes and types of insulin-like short-acting and long-acting insulin for diabetes.
Let’s sort all your doubts about insulin injection for you to have a better understanding.
Insulin injection is used as a treatment for diabetes when the natural insulin in your body isn’t used properly or if your body stops making insulin. As there are different types of diabetes, medications and insulin for the same may or may not differ.
Types of
The various types of diabetes are -
1. Gestational Diabetes
As the name suggests this type of diabetes is observed in pregnant women. Since pregnancy is a period where strict control of sugar levels is needed to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby, either oral diabetic medications or insulin is suggested to ensure the same.
2. Type 1 Diabetes
This type of diabetes uses the administration of artificial insulin because the body can not make its own insulin.
3. Type 2 Diabetes
Here, diabetes can be managed with oral medications along with lifestyle management and medicines. There are certain cases where only these methods don’t work in controlling the blood sugar levels. In such cases, the role of insulin comes into play.
Now the question arises, which insulin or which medicine to take. For this, you need to know the various types of insulin available in the market. There are various types of insulin which are-
1. Short-acting insulin
2. Long-acting insulin
3. Rapid-acting insulin
4. Intermediate insulin
You can get more information about these insulins and other medicines for diabetes, you can read our blog- Which is the best medicine for diabetes. And if you want to manage your diabetes under the guidance of medical experts, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website- Zyla.in.
In this blog, we are going to discuss long-acting insulin for diabetes and specifically- Lantus.
What is Lantus and how does it work?
Lantus insulin is a type of long-acting insulin for diabetes. Long-acting insulin has a very specific feature which is that this type of insulin doesn’t peak.
This means that this insulin has the ability to work on controlling blood sugar levels for a whole day. The long-acting insulin, as the name suggests stays in the body for 24 hours. The effect of this insulin starts within 2–3 hours of its administration.
Lantus is the name of the product (insulin glargine). Due to its popularity, we use Lantus as a mainstream word for insulin and use it interchangeably.
Insulin glargine or Lantus as we know is artificial or man-made insulin. This artificial insulin works just like the natural hormone- insulin, produced in our body. With the help of the pancreas, it helps in reducing the glucose level in your body.
Insulin glargine is precisely selected to cover up the weaknesses of intermediate-acting insulin. It works by administering it in the form of injection in the subcutaneous layer of the skin. The areas from where you can inject insulin into your body could be the abdomen region, hips, upper area of the arm and thighs.
Lantus as an injection has a solution of 10-millilitre (mL) vials that keep 100 units of insulin glargine.
Lantus also comes in the form of a pen or the ‘injection pen’. It is known as a Solostar pen and it contains 3mL of the solution which keeps 100 units of insulin per mL.
Insulin glargine is used to treat Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, but in Type 1 Diabetes it is usually used with another type of insulin, which is usually short-acting insulin.
In Type 2 Diabetes, it may or may not require another type of insulin, also in this type of diabetes, oral medications may be taken along with insulin.
Our topic in the spotlight, Lantus insulin is used for the treatment of diabetes in people over the age of 18 years and in some cases, in children of six years or older.
The dosage units of Lantus differ in both types of diabetes, which would be discussed in upcoming sections.
The working of insulin is actually a very fascinating process and all thanks to the revolution of medical sciences that this artificial insulin can be used today. Now, the question that comes into play is how we can inject insulin into our bodies.
The first and foremost factor is taking Lantus- long-acting insulin for diabetes as per the units prescribed by the doctor.
The critically important steps which should be taken care of when injecting insulin is-
Take it out from the fridge 10 mins before injecting otherwise there are chances of getting cold in winters or infections or blood sugar level fluctuations.
Set the units on the dial of the insulin pen, carefully (as prescribed to you by your doctor).
Clean the area where you plan to inject the insulin with normal water and a clean cloth. No need for an anti-septic.
Pinch your skin or fold your skin smoothly with the help of your thumb and forefinger.
Inject the insulin subcutaneously at a 90-degree angle. If you’re injecting in the abdomen then it must be 2 inches away from the navel.
Keep it injected for 10 seconds so that it does not leak. To make it easy, you can count to 10 and then remove it slowly.
In future, one can prick clockwise or anticlockwise to avoid injecting in the same site. For abdominal administration, prick clockwise or anticlockwise around the navel.
Other points to keep in mind:
If you’re using Lantus injection (not a pen), it is advised to let go of the initial two drops of insulin to remove bubbles/ air.
While travelling, keep insulin in a silica pouch (keep the pouch overnight in the freezer before use) or an icebox for 10–12 hours.
Shaking or rubbing of Lantus before use is not required. Avoid it to prevent bubble formation.
Using the same needle for a long time causes the needle to become blunt which can cause hardening of the skin leading to leakage of insulin. So, the needle of the insulin should be changed after every 3rd-4th prick.
For hardening of the skin, you can massage with warm oil or discuss with your doctor.
Did you know that the best place to inject insulin is the abdomen due to the presence of more fat around the area and is less painful?
Lantus (insulin glargine) dosage
The changes in the Lantus (insulin glargine) dosage should be made after considering factors like the metabolic requirements of the person and after carefully monitoring the blood sugar levels.
The adjustments in the units or the dosage of the insulin is also influenced by the lifestyle of a person. The lifestyle changes of the person include the nutrient intake, level of physical activity and the alterations in liver or kidney related functioning of the body.
The changes in dosage should only be made if prescribed and directed by a doctor or a medical supervisor who keeps a track of your blood sugar level trend.
Lantus insulin or Insulin Glargine- the long-acting insulin for diabetes dosage is available in three types of forms-
1. Carton– This consists of 5 ‘solostar’ pens of 3 ml
2. Solostar Pen- 3 ml of 100 units/ml
3. Vial- 10 ml of 100 units/ml
Type 1 Diabetes
In Type 1 Diabetes, Insulin Glargine is always taken in combination with short-acting insulin.
The insulin dosage of Lantus, for people having type 1 diabetes is one-third of the total dosage administered in a day. This means a very generic threshold dose of Lantus is given i.e. 33%. The remaining insulin dosage is met by short-acting insulin.
If you require an expert opinion on your insulin, then you can download the Zyla app or visit our website- Zyla.in to enrol in our program and start working on your health.
Type 2 Diabetes
The people who haven’t been administered insulin ever, are recommended to administer 0.2 units/ kg or mainly 10 units once a day.
The units of the dosage can be adjusted accordingly with the inclusion of short or rapid-acting insulin and if the person is consuming any oral antidiabetic drugs.
The most important thing to be kept in mind is that Lantus or insulin glargine is not used for curing diabetes. It is important to understand that it’s a medication that is artificial or man-made insulin and it helps in controlling the blood sugar level.
Lantus and other drug’s interactions
Using Lantus with other sugar controlling medications, it is very essential for you to be cautious with units of insulin injected into your body.
The significance of the concept of drug interaction with insulin is crucial to understand as we are dealing with sensitive health issues which will impact all the metabolic processes of our body.
The following drug — Lantus interactions are to be taken care of-
1. Medications that can cause the incidence of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level)
This includes anti-diabetic drugs, receptor blocking agents, somatostatins, sulfonamide antibiotics.
Lantus is a long-acting insulin for diabetes and it’s intervention with such medicines can cause hypoglycemia so it must be taken after careful monitoring of the doctor.
2. Medications that may impact the efficiency of Lantus
A reduction or increase in the dosage of Lantus is required when Lantus is taken on conjugation with medicines like corticosteroids, danazol, oral contraceptives, epinephrine, thyroid hormones and other drugs.
There are certain medications that reduce the cholesterol levels like fibrates, such medicines have the capabilities of increasing blood glucose reducing the impact of the Lantus.
3. Medications that may increase or decrease the functional capability of the Lantus
The above-mentioned point deals precisely with the decrease in blood sugar reduction effect of Lantus.
Well, there are certain medications that can increase or decrease insulin’s functional abilities to lower blood sugar levels, these include disopyramide, alcohol, lithium salts or beta-blockers and such medicines.
The intervention here is similar regarding adjusting the dosage of insulin with the medicines.
4. Medications that may impact the symptoms of hypoglycaemia
This happens when these medications nullify the symptoms experienced during such episodes, in such cases, there is a need to work on the frequency of managing the low blood sugar levels when Lantus and the medicines are given in conjugation.
One of the commonly asked questions in terms of drug interaction of Lantus is with metformin. Lantus can be taken with this medicine, only if blood glucose level requires more control but should only be taken if a medical practitioner/doctor or diabetes specialist prescribes it.
Storage and handling of Lantus
Long-acting insulin for diabetes- Lantus or insulin glargine is actually a transparent solution that contains 100 units per mL.
Lantus should never be stored in the freezer; this implies that it should never be frozen. One should always dispose of it if found in a frozen state.
1. How to store a new Lantus (one which is not in use)?
- Keep the Lantus in the refrigerator and use it till it gets expired.
2. How to store Lantus which is in use?
- The vial should be kept in the refrigerator (considering weather conditions here) and should be used within 28 days.
- The injection pen should be technically stored at room temperature and should be administered in 28 days.
Disposal of Lantus
Storing the injection properly is a priority and so is its disposal. After using the syringe or pen to administer Lantus, dispose of the needle used for pricking immediately.
Try to store the used needles in a puncture-resistant container, where these needles can’t prick or poke through it.
Make sure that the needle of this long-acting insulin for diabetes is away from the sight of children or pets.
Lantus side effects
Here are a few lantus side effects which you need to look out for:
Hypoglycemia- This can be taken as a side effect as well as a warning because this is a very sensitive side effect of the Lantus. To prevent this, get the guidance of the experts at Zyla, download the Zyla app or visit our website- Zyla.in.
Lipodystrophy- The constant administration of insulin into the subcutaneous layer can result in impressions or cavity-like pit looks in the skin.
Weight gain- It is also one of the common side effects of insulin.
Other side effects- Like palpitation, swelling of the tongue, itching, water retention (oedema) or bloated face or throat, and a rash on the body.
Thus make sure to take it as prescribed by your doctor so that you can prevent Lantus (insulin glargine) side effects.
One of the most important precautions is to not share insulin pens or needles with anyone and not to reuse any needles multiple times.
It is important to change the site of administering the insulin as administering the insulin at the same point can cause lumps in the skin, making it very sensitive and even damaged.
Make sure your doctor is well informed about any other oral medications that you are taking, which even includes any other type of ‘OTC’ or Over The Counter medicines.
The time one injects insulin during the day should be kept consistent.
If you’re feeling weakness, trembling of hands and legs, sweating etc, it could be an episode of hypoglycaemia, in such cases it is important for you to follow your doctor’s advice.
Potassium helps in regulating various metabolic processes. Lantus insulin can be responsible for a reduction of potassium from outside the cells to inside the cell space. If not treated timely, it can result in various complications like respiratory paralysis.
Mixing up the wrong insulin type is predominantly one factor that should be taken care of. There are at times possibilities of mix-ups of long-acting insulins and rapid-acting insulins, which implies one should always go through the label of the insulin thoroughly.
Since Lantus is usually administered with a combination of oral anti-diabetic drugs, specifically Thiazolidinediones (TZD), these can result in medicine oriented retention of fluid which may lead to adverse heart health conditions.
If a patient misses his/her dose, ask your doctor to guide you through the plan of action, don’t take it by yourself at random times.
Make sure you don’t inject insulin in a vein or muscle.
Alternatives to Lantus
There are several alternatives for Lantus which can act as a long-acting insulin for diabetes. Examples:
1. Toujeo ( Basaglar) — Insulin Glargine
2. Tresiba- Insulin Degludec
3. Levemir- Insulin Detemir
There are pre-mixed insulin options also available which consist of long-acting insulin and short-acting insulin, it helps in better management of blood glucose levels that may spike after meals.
Last but not the least, it is very important to understand that the Lantus, or insulin glargine is artificial insulin at the end of the day which does not cure diabetes. It helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
It’s a friendly reminder, that diabetes, especially type 2 is a lifestyle disorder and the right medication, which is well consulted by a doctor along with lifestyle alterations like right nutrition, exercise and so on is the key to it’s management.
The science and medicine field has evolved immensely which is why we have drugs like these which are a boon in helping mankind. However, along with this being a boon, there are side effects and warnings.
Make sure you get the right medications and changes in dosage if required, only after a prescription from a medical practitioner or a doctor, as this is a very sensitive topic. Let’s do our bit by educating our near and dear ones and giving diabetes a tough fight.
For management of high blood sugar levels holistically, Zyla can help you. Zyla has a team of 50+ medical professionals guiding you through medicines, diet, exercise etc to win the battle against diabetes.
You can download the Zyla app or visit our website- Zyla.in and enrol in Defeating Diabetes Program to start your health journey.
Stay healthy!
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Do Breathing Exercises for Labour Really Help? | Zyla Health
WELL WELL! I can see you have been doing a lot of preparation for the big day. I am sure you have been tracking everything — what you eat, drink, sleep cycles, medicines you take.
You might also have read every article, every book and a lot of blog posts about taking care of your new bundle of joy. Am I right? Well, the mama-to-be has to be prepared for everything.
Pregnancy can be pretty hard and amazing at the same time. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first pregnancy or the third, it’s still going to be a challenging life change. But no need to worry! Challenges just mean that you need to prepare in advance.
By now, you must have heard the scary stories out there about labour pains. But let me tell you something, every woman’s birthing story and birthing experience is unique.
But sooner or later, your due date is going to be here and you need to be prepared to manage the discomfort and pain. Want a hint? JUST BREATHE!
In this blog, we will discuss breathing exercises for labour. Let us start by taking a closer look at the importance of breathing exercises during pregnancy!
Breathing exercises during pregnancy
The hormones, emotions, cravings, stress, aches and those nine months can be stressful. The only way to manage the stress is to stay calm and just breathe your way through this phase. Remember to take those deep deep breaths!
Your baby needs oxygen too. As your baby grows, the body’s need for oxygen increases and shallow breaths cannot compensate for this need, so you need to sit back and take those deep breaths.
We all know that deep breathing exercises have been found beneficial in de-stressing and relaxing and since the pregnancy experience is a little stressful, pregnant women can feel anxious easily. These breathing exercises can really calm your mind and help with anxiety.
Achy joints and muscles are common in pregnancies. Yes, you need to take breaks and relax. While you do that, try deep breathing too as it has been found to be beneficial for these aches.
Women fear labour pain and contractions. But if you practice breathing exercises regularly, you will be able to manage through the intensity of the pain and it won’t be such a battle.
Find yourself wondering about what prenatal exercises you require? For further reading, you can check out our blog post on the “importance of pre-natal exercises”. If you’re planning to conceive then Zyla can provide you with the right guidance and treatment. Feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.
Now that we know that breathing exercises can help us deal with the stressors of pregnancy, let’s read further to find out how we can use these breathing exercises for labour.
Breathing exercises for labour
The human body has been equipped with a FIGHT or FLIGHT mechanism in response to any stressful situation. With this response, the body prepares itself to either fight or avoid the stressful situation in order to survive.
When you are stressed or anxious you might start hyperventilating, your heart might start racing and a state of panic could overwhelm you. Although this is your body’s natural response to any stressful condition, the body cannot deal with the stress for a prolonged time and therefore it results in exhaustion after some time.
Labour is a stressful condition for women and can continue for many hours. You might naturally start to feel stressed and exhausted during that time and can lose control.
But if you start practising deep breathing from today, you will be able to cope better when the situation actually arrives.
Practising breathing exercises for labour is essential as it holds a lot of benefits such as:
Childbirth is an energy-consuming process. Practising breathing exercises for labour will help you conserve and direct your energy in a beneficial way to experience a stress-free birthing process.
These are so powerful that they can delay or even eliminate your need for pain medications during labour. It can literally make you a SUPERWOMAN!
These can help you reduce your increased heart rate and blood pressure which are induced by stress.
They will help you inhale more oxygen with every deep breath. The higher the oxygen, the better your body can function during the birthing process.
They can help relax and calm your mind in this painful situation.
How important is vitamin D for a healthy conception? Read our blog “Keeping vitamin-D under check for a healthy conception” to find out more! For more guidance, feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.
Well, that was an interesting read. But we aren’t done yet! Let’s look at how Lamaze breathing can help with labour pain!
Lamaze breathing exercises for labour
Connecting to yourself and to your baby is important during pregnancy. Taking the time to bond with your baby is sacred. This is something that you can practice by finding a quiet place to connect with yourself emotionally, mentally and imagining a positive future with your healthy baby in a peaceful place.
Art of meditation for pregnant women, Lamaze is something that all pregnant women need to know and practice. Lamaze (pronounced as LA-MAAZ) is not just about breathing!
It is a combination of exercises, massage routines, deep breathing, movement, and relaxation techniques for labour- all of which will help you master the pain on D-day- delivery day!
The Lamaze approach was first introduced in the 1950s in France, by a noted physician called Dr Fernand Lamaze, and in time, it spread across the world as a preferred childbirth preparation programme.
With Lamaze in your life, you can stay active and healthy during your pregnancy.
A healthy pregnancy helps ensure healthy labour and a healthy baby. Both partners can be equally involved in Lamaze breathing. Your partner can learn the relaxation techniques for labour and breathing techniques for labour, which will help them guide and support you through labour.
It can actually be a great bonding experience for the expecting parents. Once you learn how to tune your body in response to the contractions during the exercises, you will naturally be able to cope with the real contractions, find your rhythm and let your body guide you.
You will be aware of conscious breathing and relaxing between contractions. You will also be focussed and experience your endorphins (nature’s narcotic — dulls the pain and are released in response to contractions) working their magic.
Some of the important techniques for controlled breathing exercises during labour include:
Slow and deep breathing
Maintaining a rhythm
Breathing through your mouth or nose
Keeping your eyes open or closed
Focusing on one simple physical item, such as a photograph or your partner
Lamaze should be taught by a certified Lamaze instructor or coach.
1. When the contraction begins
Take a deep breath at the beginning and end of each contraction. This is often referred to as a cleansing or relaxing breath.
2. During the first stage of labour
Take a slow deep breath as your contraction starts and then slowly breathe out. Imagine releasing all the physical tension from your head to your toes. This is often referred to as an organising breath.
Inhale through your nose and then hold that breath for a moment. Then exhale slowly through your mouth. Each time you exhale, imagine that every part of your body is relaxing with it.
3. During active labour
Start with an organising breath and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep your breathing as slow as possible, but speed it up as the intensity of the contraction increases.
Keep your shoulders relaxed and as the contraction peaks and your breathing rate increases, switch to light breathing both in and out through your mouth — take about one breath per second.
As the intensity of the contraction decreases, slow your breathing and go back to breathing in with your nose and out with your mouth.
4. Transition breathing
As you switch to light breathing during active labour, transition breathing is important to help you control feelings of exhaustion. For this:
Take an organising breath, focus your attention on one thing — a picture, your partner, even a spot on the wall.
During a contraction, breathe in and out through your mouth at a rate of 1 to 10 breaths every 5 seconds.
For every fourth or fifth breath, blow out a long breath.
When the contraction is over, take a relaxing breath. If you prefer, you can verbalise transition breathing with a “hee” for each of the shorter breaths and a “hoo” for the longer breath.
5. During the second stage of labour
Take an organising breath and focus on the baby moving down and out.
Breath slowly, guided by each contraction and adjust your breathing for comfort.
When you feel the need to push, take a deep breath and slowly release it.
When the contraction is over, relax and take two calming breaths.
Now that we have seen how Lamaze breathing exercises for labour can help with the pain of labour, you must be wondering about how to involve your partner in the process! Let’s find out!
How to involve your partner in the birthing process?
When you are in labour you might feel exhausted and feel that you are not able to follow the breathing techniques for labour. That’s where your partner steps in.
You can maintain eye contact with your partner, mirror his actions and he can guide you back into that breathing rhythm by breathing with you.
Support is all that you need to get through this and your partner being there can actually provide you with the needed support. Co-breathing can actually act as one of the breathing exercises during labour when you think that labour is endless!
There is no doubt that labour is a challenging part of the motherhood journey. While every birth story is unique, we hope that by learning and including these breathing exercises in your motherhood journey — you can deal with this challenging stage, with the right tools to make it an easier experience.
We encourage you to reach out to the women in your life for support, be it your family or friends, to ensure you have a strong support system while you tackle this difficult stage.
We also recommend, you consult a certified Lamaze coach/ instructor and consult your treating doctor before starting any new exercises.
If you require guidance during your pregnancy journey, Zyla can help you. You can enrol in our Ova Pentacare Pregnancy Program where Zyla’s team of 50+ medical experts guide you through pre-conception to post-delivery management and counselling.
Zyla has doctors, nutritionists, psychologists and physiologists to provide you with a holistic approach through personalised care and treatment. Feel free to download the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.
For more information, you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
The Importance of a Healthy Heart
The heart is an important part of the human body, it pumps blood throughout the body. Let’s check how to keep your heart healthy!
A healthy and strong heart is therefore of great importance. More than a hundred people die every day in India from cardiovascular problems. These problems are the number one death issue worldwide. An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of these problems. By living a healthy life you keep your heart healthy and strong, reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. You can read below what you can do to live a healthy life and keep your heart healthy.
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Take Healthy Food
Healthy food is very important for a healthy heart. Choose a varied diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. These contain vitamins, minerals and fibre that lower the bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the good cholesterol. In addition, choose whole-grain products and healthy fats from fatty fish, oil and unsalted nuts. In addition, avoid bad fats and sugars from processed products. It is also very important to drink enough water and to pay attention to salt intake. Too much salt has a negative effect on blood pressure. Smoking is strongly discouraged because it has a very negative effect by increasing the heart rate, constricting the blood vessels through the nicotine blood vessels and it increases blood pressure which is a risk factor for heart problems. It is also important to moderate with alcohol.
Movement and Relaxation
Sufficient exercise is of great importance for health and also for the heart. The heart is a muscle that needs the training to stay in shape. In addition, exercise is also important for blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Exercise ensures that the good cholesterol goes up and more cholesterol can be removed by the body. Not too high of blood pressure and a healthy cholesterol level have a positive influence on the heart and blood vessels. Relaxation is also very important for a healthy heart. Too much stress can affect the functioning of the heart. Therefore, make sure you do enough things that relax you. One will relax by exercising or by taking a yoga class, the other by taking a walk, reading a book or taking a warm bath. Choose what works best for you.
In addition to a healthy diet, sufficient exercise and relaxation, the body can also use extra support with the help of supplements. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to increased blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular problems. If your body does not produce enough vitamin D, for example, due to a lack of sunlight, it is recommended to take vitamin D in the form of a supplement. Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. You can increase this by taking fish oil capsules if you do not eat oily fish twice a week. You can also take magnesium supplements. Most magnesium is found in the heart, so too low a level of magnesium is related to cardiovascular disease.
You can also regularly do a screening to determine your risk of cardiovascular disease. A blood test can determine whether there are any risk factors for you. The cholesterol level is measured, from which a number of values ​​​​are obtained. Which value is normal depends on the total risk of cardiovascular disease?
In addition, the homocysteine ​​level in the blood can be measured. This body’s own substance is produced during metabolism and normally converted or broken down again. If this process is incomplete, it can continue to circulate in the blood and there is an increased homocysteine ​​level. There is a link between an increased homocysteine ​​level and cardiovascular problems, a blood test can show this. In any case, it is wise to regularly assess your health through an extensive blood test.
So, in addition to your healthy lifestyle, choose to be examined regularly, so that you can take a more targeted approach to prevent the risk of cardiovascular problems as much as possible.
Heart Support ensures good cholesterol and sugar levels in your blood and a good condition of your heart. Advanced Antioxidant Complex contains special antioxidants that protect your heart and vessels and is rich in polyphenolic substances, which are good for clean vessels and good blood circulation.
For more information you can visit here
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zylahealth · 2 years
Living with PCOS: Different ways to Treat PCOS | Zyla Health
Neha was left completely shocked by her PCOS diagnosis. She had been struggling with stress at work, poor sleep and weight gain when she started experiencing irregular periods. She thought the delay was due to stress. However, she was still worried.
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After 3 months of missed periods, she visited her gynecologist with her concerns. After a round of investigations, she was given a PCOS diagnosis. She was only 27 years old, and here she was, diagnosed with a chronic condition that she might have to deal with for the rest of her life.
She knew that she needed to change the way she had been living her life, and take better care of her health. But how would she even begin to do that? There was a lot of information on ways to treat PCOS, almost too much information!
Does this sound familiar to you? Have you also been in the same boat as Neha with absolutely no idea of where to even begin? Well, you have come to the right place. In the blog post, we are going to talk about the emotional, physical and mental effects of living with PCOS, including some helpful tips for coping with PCOS.
But before we do that, let’s look at what exactly is PCOS?
What is PCOS?
PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that mainly affects the way the ovaries work.
It has a strong association with obesity and insulin resistance. Reduced insulin sensitivity and increased insulin levels in the blood lead to:
An excess of oestrogen that gets converted to high levels of testosterone (male hormone).
Excess levels of Luteinizing hormone (LH). Elevated LH levels prevent the rupture of follicles (fluid filled sacs in the ovary that contain eggs). As a result, the egg does not get released from the follicle.
These unruptured cysts stay on the surface of the ovary to cause polycystic ovaries.
The three main PCOS symptoms are-
Irregular periods- Irregular periods or no periods at all. This is the most common sign.
Excessive hair growth (hirsutism)- High levels of male hormones (androgen) in women, leads to signs of excess male pattern body hair (hirsutism).
Polycystic ovaries- Due to hormonal imbalances, the follicles (fluid-filled sacs) in the ovary fail to release the egg every month, and these unruptured follicles form the “cysts” on the ovaries.
If you are looking for a holistic program that provides 24*7 personalised care for PCOS, then look no further. Feel free to reach out to us on the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.
Other PCOS symptoms include-
Difficulty getting pregnant
Hair loss or thinning of hair
Skin conditions like- acne, acanthosis nigricans (darkening and velvety appearance of skin), oily skin etc
Anxiety disorders
Weight gain
Let’s discuss some of them in detail…
Did you know?
Worldwide PCOS affects 6 to 10% of women — making it the most common endocrine disorder in women of childbearing age.
Living with PCOS
Living with PCOS is an ongoing battle. Neha can confirm this! PCOS makes it hard for her to lose weight, and most days, the PCOS symptoms made everything an uphill climb. Some of the issues that women with PCOS face are:
Insulin resistance leads to increased insulin in the blood which pushes the body into fat storage mode.
Higher insulin levels also lead to an increased appetite.
No wonder, one of the PCOS symptoms is weight gain.
One of the PCOS symptoms is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) which can impact the quality of sleep and lead to daytime sleepiness.
Decreased production of progesterone in PCOS can lead to sleep disturbances.
The hormonal imbalances in PCOS can also cause fatigue.
Sometimes women with PCOS can experience menorrhagia — or excessive bleeding leading to iron deficiency anaemia. It is quite common for women with PCOS and anaemia to feel fatigued.
Fertility struggles are quite common for women with PCOS. While many options like medications and IVF can help with conception, the emotional and financial burden of having to deal with infertility can definitely take a toll on women with a PCOS diagnosis.
Research shows that PCOS is associated with an increased risk of:
Bipolar disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Reading this section can really feel like the odds are totally stacked against you. Facing difficulties in losing weight, fertility issues, battling fatigue and mental health issues as a result of PCOS diagnosis, definitely adds up the emotional cost of living with PCOS.
However, we are here to reassure you that with the right strategies and lifestyle changes, you can definitely conquer these challenges that PCOS throws at you.
Now let’s look at some dietary pointers as one of a few tips for coping with PCOS that can benefit you if you struggle with losing weight with PCOS!
Ways to treat PCOS: Diet tips for the management of PCOS
While there is no cure for PCOS, diet and lifestyle changes can help you effectively deal with the symptoms that come with PCOS.
Some dietary changes for the management of PCOS include:
Increasing the fibre in your diet by including oats, fruits and vegetables, etc. can help reduce the blood sugar spikes and also keep you satisfied for a longer time.
Replacing carbohydrates like refined flour (maida) and it’s products with complex carbohydrates like chapati, brown rice, quinoa, oats can moderate blood sugar spikes and therefore reduce insulin levels.
In a study on women with PCOS diagnosis, it was found that eating a high protein diet (40% protein) can lead to increased weight loss. Since high protein diets are more filling, it also leads to less eating and more weight loss.
Add nuts, dals, dairy products, chicken, eggs and oily fish etc to your diet.
Research shows that patients with a PCOS diagnosis on an anti-inflammatory diet for 3 months have lost 7% of their body weight and showed significant improvements in cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Eating foods like apples, broccoli, beans, blueberries, raspberries, oily fish, walnuts (akhrot), ginger (adrak), turmeric (haldi), and garlic (lehsun) can reduce inflammation.
Foods with sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, increase inflammation.
Avoid taking full-fat dairy products and stick to low-fat products like toned, double toned or skimmed milk and milk products. Introducing nut milk like almond milk can also help you deal with PCOS.
Sugar as you already know, can increase inflammation and also cause blood sugar spikes leading to increased insulin in the body.
Cutting out sugar is an extremely effective lifestyle change for PCOS treatment. Avoid baked goods, packaged sweets, toffees, sodas and ice cream. Dark chocolate can be an occasional sweet treat to help with cravings.
If you are looking for personalised nutritional guidance for PCOS, reach out to our nutrition experts at Zyla.in. Feel free to reach out to us on the Zyla app or visit our website- Zyla.in.
Now that we know what foods to eat, let’s look at other lifestyle changes that are important in PCOS!
Ways to treat PCOS: Lifestyle changes for the management of PCOS
While there is no absolute PCOS cure, lifestyle changes for the management of PCOS include measures to reduce weight, combat stress and measures for improved sleep.
Regular exercise helps in two ways! It helps with weight loss, and can also help with the hormonal imbalance that is a part of a PCOS diagnosis. So what kind of exercise should you do? Well, the best exercise is one that you will do regularly and enjoy doing it.
Let’s look at some exercise options:
a. Aerobic exercise
Walking, jogging, running and swimming are some aerobic exercises that can help improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn calories. These exercises also improve your body’s response to insulin, so try to do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.
b. Resistance training
Strength/ resistance training helps strengthen muscles and bones and prevents osteoporosis later in life. However, for women with a PCOS diagnosis, resistance training can also help increase insulin sensitivity and promote weight loss.
For further reading, read our blog on the top 10 benefits of physical activity.
Lack of sleep can impact more than just your energy levels. It can lead to:
Weight gain
Increased inflammation in the body
Increased insulin resistance
Sleep becomes even more important for women with a PCOS diagnosis. It is recommended to get 8 hours of sleep every night consistently. Some tips for better sleep include-
Sleep every day at the same time.
Try to get 30 minutes of sunlight exposure every day.
Make sure you turn off all the lights and keep any screens away at bedtime.
Avoid scrolling through your phone at bedtime and opt for relaxing self-care routines like journaling, listening to music, etc.
If you are unable to sleep, avoid tossing and turning in bed. Get up and read a book or listen to a podcast and return to bed only when you are ready to sleep.
Invest in a good pillow and a comfortable mattress.
Make sure your room’s temperature is comfortable and you are wearing comfortable loose clothing to sleep.
For further reading to improve your sleep, read our blog on the 3 reasons you are not sleeping and tips for better sleep.
Increased stress levels can affect our health in multiple ways :
We don’t even realise it but our body releases cortisol (stress hormone) under times of stress which can affect immunity, lead to increased weight and also increase male hormone levels.
Women with a PCOS diagnosis have an increased stress response which lends itself to obesity.
It contributes to lack of sleep and in turn, lead to increased insulin resistance.
It can also worsen mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
It is no surprise then that stress reduction is key in the management of PCOS. Some ways for stress management include:
a. Yin yoga or restorative yoga
Yoga has been shown to help reduce the levels of stress hormones and their effect on the body. It can also help to calm the mind, body and even regulate hormones.
b. Meditation practices
Starting and ending your day with meditation and mindfulness can help regulate stress and also reduce inflammation. It also helps in managing conditions like anxiety and depression.
c. Physical exercise
Boosts endorphins and reduces stress, while also helping with weight loss. So try to get at least 30 minutes of brisk exercise in your day to reap the dual benefits!
For further reading on stress management, read our blog on the importance of living in the present moment consciously.
If you are looking for a holistic approach for the management of PCOS, you can reach out to us at Zyla.in to provide you with the right guidance. Feel free to reach out to us on the Zyla app or visit our website-Zyla.in.
Now that we’ve looked at the lifestyle measures required, let’s look at some of the medications and supplements that can ease the PCOS symptoms!
Ways to treat PCOS: Medications for PCOS treatment
Obviously, lifestyle management is important! But sometimes the PCOS symptoms have to be managed with the help of certain medications and supplements.
One important thing to note is that you must make lifestyle changes if even you’re taking medicine or not. Medicines can treat PCOS symptoms but without lifestyle modifications, they can’t work in a long term.
Now let’s look at some of the medications for PCOS treatment:
Birth control pills containing a combination of oestrogen and progestin can regulate hormone levels and reduce the androgens. It can also help reduce excess hair growth and acne symptoms.
Clomiphene is a drug that is given to women who are looking to conceive and have a PCOS diagnosis. It is an anti-estrogen medication used for PCOS treatment, which ensures that the release of the egg from the follicle occurs, thereby ensuring conception.
This is usually prescribed on the advice of your gynaecologist after a complete health workup.
Metformin is an oral anti-diabetic drug that also helps in regulating insulin resistance and weight loss. Metformin can also slow the development of Type 2 Diabetes if you are pre-diabetic.
Helps to reduce the effect of androgens on the skin, especially acne.
Now let’s take a look at some of the commonly used supplements for PCOS treatment!
Inositol helps with the cell signalling of insulin and reduces insulin resistance. It also helps to normalise periods and improve egg quality for fertility. Furthermore, it regulates hormone levels and also helps with weight loss.
It is being researched extensively as a PCOS treatment option.
This is an ant-oxidant that reduces insulin resistance and normalises the menstrual cycle.
Vitamin D boosts immunity, regulates mood and also normalises the menstrual cycle. It also regulates the insulin levels in the blood.
Omega-3 fatty acids improve the insulin resistance score in PCOS, reduce testosterone and inflammatory markers and also help support weight loss.
While there are many medication options and supplements available for PCOS treatment, we caution you against self-medicating. Before starting any medication or supplement, please schedule a consultation with your doctor in order to ensure that you are following a regimen that is appropriate for you.
We know that living with a PCOS diagnosis certainly has its challenges. From difficulty losing weight to fatigue and increased risk of anxiety and depression, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is much more than just a metabolic disorder. It affects the way women look, the way they feel about themselves and even their fertility.
It was hard for Neha to come to terms with the fact that there is no PCOS cure. But being an incredibly strong woman, she consulted a nutritionist, evaluated her options and settled on the right regimen for lifestyle including yoga, exercise, supplements and medications.
It is important to choose the right regimen for you — one that works well with your lifestyle and that you can be consistent with. Consistent lifestyle changes along with stress management and weight loss can help reduce the PCOS symptoms, regulate your menstrual cycle and even improve your fertility.
We urge you to consult your doctor, include these tips in your life and start taking care of your health today!
If you’re seeking help to improve your health and want to better manage your PCOS, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in and check out the Ova women’s health program which is tailored specifically for PCOS.
Zyla has a team of 50+ medical experts who can provide personalised treatment through a holistic approach. Start your health journey today!
Stay strong! Stay healthy!
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Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2o19OzE to watch videos on health and health-related conditions.
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zylaova/ and https://www.facebook.com/zylahealth
Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ovabyzyla/ and https://www.instagram.com/zylahealth/
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zylahealth · 2 years
Is low kidney Function (eGFR) a Sign of kidney Failure? | Zyla Health
Our body is a complex creation with multiple processes and organs functioning altogether. From a small cell, tissues are formed, and from tissues, our organs are formed.
Each and every organ is designed to perform a particular function in our body. Lungs help in breathing, the heart pumps the blood to the whole body, and kidneys filter our blood and remove toxins from our body.
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We know that all these organs are important for our survival. But have you ever wondered what will happen if even a slight change in their function will occur? All these organs are interconnected and if even one of them will not be able to function properly, your whole body can be affected.
If your body has low kidney function, it leads to the accumulation of waste in our body. As a result, these toxins and waste products can deposit in different parts of the body. This can lead to swelling and reduced functioning of other organs.
Let’s discuss how the kidney functions in your body and what will happen to your body in conditions of low kidney function. Is it a sign of kidney failure? Before jumping into low kidney function, we will try to understand what a kidney is…
What are kidneys?
Kidneys are bean-shaped organs, located in the abdomen towards the back. The kidneys are similar to water purifiers. They are the filtering system of your body. The kidneys filter blood, remove all the waste materials from your blood and excrete these waste materials in your urine.
Nephrons are the small building blocks of the kidney. They are the main filtering unit of the kidney, which performs the major functions of purifying the blood.
Did you know?
Kidneys are almost the size of your fists and each kidney has about 1 million nephrons.
Now you know how the kidney works in the filtration process which further leads to the formation of urine and excretion of the same from your body, we will now discuss the function of the kidneys in your body.
Have you taken any recent kidney function blood tests? Reach out to us at Zyla.in or the Zyla app for a comprehensive analysis of blood test reports and to keep a check on signs of kidney failure.
Functions of kidneys
It removes all the waste products and excess fluid from the body. It removes two major unwanted products from your body which include uric acid (a breakdown product of nucleic acid) and urea (a breakdown product of proteins).
It helps in the reabsorption of various nutrients which are essential for your body, which includes amino acids, glucose, sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate ions.
In your body, a slight change in the pH is not acceptable, so maintaining an appropriate pH is very important. The kidney plays an important role in maintaining the pH of the body by absorbing or excreting the electrolytes as per the need of the body.
Your body requires a certain amount of water to function properly. Kidney keeps a check on this balance. If the water level decreases in the body it increases the water absorption from urine to prevent dehydration.
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The kidneys maintain the appropriate blood pressure in your system. If the blood pressure falls below the normal range, it increases the absorption of sodium chloride (salt) and water, which increases the blood pressure.
It produces hormones that are essential for your body. For example, Calcitriol is a hormone produced by the kidney that converts the Vitamin D taken through supplements or sunlight into an active form that can be easily absorbed.
It also produces Erythropoietin, which controls the production of Red blood cells.
You have seen that the kidney plays a vital role in your body, especially in the case of filtration. But, sometimes this filtration is affected by certain factors and if you do not keep a check on this filtration process, it can lead to some serious damage to your system.
To check the functioning of kidneys or a sign of kidney failure one of the parameters is the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). So before considering the factors and treatment, you will first learn what eGFR is!
What is the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)?
The glomerulus is a part of the nephron in the kidneys. It is the first filter of the blood that moves through the kidney.
The eGFR measures the amount of blood that is filtered by these glomeruli in a minute.
It is one of the parameters used to check the proper functioning of the kidneys.
There are several methods used to measure the eGFR, but the most common method is to calculate the eGFR with the help of creatinine levels.
Creatinine is a waste product formed by your muscles that is removed from the body through the kidneys.
Calculating the amount of creatinine eliminated by the kidneys helps in determining the eGFR.
Now that you know what eGFR is, let us look at the risk factors of low eGFR!
Risk Factors of Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
Some risk factors of low eGFR include:
In the case of some diabetic patients, blood sugar levels can increase. These high levels can clog the filtering vessels or make them narrow with time. As a result, the kidneys are not able to filter the desired amount of blood and this can result in low eGFR.
Persistent high blood pressure can make the arteries around the kidney weaken, narrow, or harden. Hence, these damaged arteries are not able to deliver enough blood to the kidneys, ultimately leading to low eGFR.
There are more chances of low kidney function and signs of kidney failure if you have any family history of kidney failure or any chronic kidney disease.
Do you have any of the above risk factors or a family history of kidney disease? Reach out to us at Zyla.in or the Zyla app. We provide holistic personalized 24*7 preventative care for kidney health and would love to work with you to help you achieve your health goals.
We have discussed the major risk factors of low eGFR. So, in these cases, special care and precautions are suggested to be followed. Now, you will look at the causes of low eGFR, so that you can keep them in mind for better kidney function.
Causes of Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
Some of the causes of low eGFR include :
High Blood Sugar levels: If the blood sugar levels are high, over time it can affect kidney function. The elevated blood sugars can cause the blood vessels in the kidney to narrow and lead to reduced filtration.
High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure affects the blood flow to the kidneys, which leads to decreased filtration process and low kidney function.
Kidney stone: The stones in the kidneys can block the flow of urine resulting in obstruction and low kidney function.
Dehydration: It is very important for your system to maintain an adequate amount of water in your body. If you do not drink enough water, the rate of filtration slows down and this can lead to low eGFR.
Smoking: Frequent smoking can damage the kidneys over time. It harms the blood vessels and affects the flow of blood to the kidneys. It also increases the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
Obesity: In the case of obese people, kidneys have to function more than in normal people. Over time, this extra work can lead to low eGFR.
Older age: Age is one of the major factors that influence kidney functioning. In the case of older people, kidney function normally decreases with time.
Exercise: During intense exercise, the renal blood flow is reduced because the breakdown of muscle mass increases.
For further reading on kidney health and uric acid, read our blog on the 4 risk factors of high uric acid.
We will now discuss the normal ranges of eGFR so that you can get a better idea of what to look for in order to know if our kidneys are functioning appropriately.
Normal Range of eGFR in an Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Test
The normal range of eGFR is mostly above 60 mL/min/1.73 m2.
If the levels are mostly below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for more than 3 months, then it is considered as a sign of one of the stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
If the levels are below 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 then it is considered a sign of kidney failure and requires immediate attention.
In an estimated glomerular filtration rate test, these ranges vary from lab to lab and also change with age, weight or gender.
We have discussed the causes and risk factors of low eGFR. Let’s take a look at the symptoms of the same so that we can plan to get our eGFR checked if we experience most of these symptoms.
Symptoms of Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
The symptoms of low eGFR include:
Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite
Swelling of ankles and feet
Muscle weakness and cramps
Urinating more or less than usual
Persistent itching
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
High blood pressure
Have you experienced any of these symptoms? Reach out to us at Zyla.in or the Zyla app. We provide expert care and support 24X7 including analysis of vitals and lab reports as well as senior doctor and nutritionist consultations to create a personalized health plan for you.
After discussing the symptoms of a low eGFR, we will now throw light on some of the measures that can help us protect our kidneys and can improve their functioning.
Prevention of Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
As we all know, “Prevention is better than cure”. You will now see some of the methods to prevent low eGFR or to improve the same.
Controlling blood sugar: To prevent slow damage to kidneys with time due to high blood sugar levels, try to achieve good glycemic control. This can be achieved by a balance of medicine and lifestyle modifications.
Controlling blood pressure: As already discussed, high blood pressure can affect the eGFR, so in case of hypertension always try to keep your blood pressure under control.
Protein in diet: Avoid eating too much protein in your diet because it can increase the workload on the kidneys. Prefer protein from plant sources and be thoughtful of animal protein intake.
Keep a check on salt in your diet: Be mindful of the amount of salt in your diet, as it affects blood pressure. It is advised to avoid packaged and processed foods as they contain high amounts of sodium and other preservatives.
Smoking: We already have discussed that smoking can cause low kidney function. It is advised to take steps to quit smoking in order to protect your kidney health.
Limit the alcohol intake: Alcohol also increases the load on kidneys and the kidneys have to work more than the normal in case of alcoholic people. So, try to limit the consumption of alcohol.
Manage the medical condition: If you have any chronic disease that can affect kidney function with time, consult your healthcare professional and discuss with him the plan of early treatment or prevention methods accordingly.
Healthy weight: If you are overweight/ obese try to change your diet and lifestyle. Increase your daily physical activity, You can consult a nutritionist in order to make better dietary decisions.
For more information on kidney health, read our blog on the best treatment for high creatinine!
It is important for us to take care of each and every organ of our body. The kidney is a vital organ in the body and low kidney function can affect the quality of your life in a serious way and lead to other health conditions as well.
Therefore, it is vital to get our regular health check-ups done to prevent or catch any signs of kidney failure and critical conditions like different stages of chronic kidney disease in time. We know that “Health is wealth”, and it’s beneficial to include lifestyle changes that can improve our health as early as possible.
We strongly recommend consulting your doctor, in case of any questions or concerns regarding your health. It is important to seek medical care at the right time, in order to prevent long term health complications.
If you’re seeking help to improve your health and want to better manage your kidney health, you can download the Zyla app or visit our website Zyla.in and check out the Kidney Care Program which is tailored specifically for chronic kidney disease and low estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Zyla has a team of 50+ medical experts who can provide personalized treatment through a holistic approach. Start your health journey today!
Stay strong! Stay healthy!
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Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://bit.ly/2o19OzE to watch videos on health and health-related conditions.
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zylahealth
Find us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zylahealth/
Visit our website: https://www.zyla.in/
Talk to us on WhatsApp — https://goo.gl/kjofP
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