fictional-worlds · 3 years
Captured (Bellamy Blake X Reader)
Pt. 1 I Pt. 2
Plot: Back in Season 1, Lincoln isn't the only one captured by Bellamy and his group. Bellamy takes an interest in Lincoln's clan mate.
Warnings: Violence, torture, cussing, attempt rape,
Ps. Some of the actions in this version of The 100 might not be exactly the same. I also added a new thing that wasn’t in the series. If a grounder has someone they like or want to pursue, they can say “mine” or “claimed” which starts the courting cycle thingy. I don’t know I thought it would be interesting.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of The 100 characters nor do I claim to own you
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Italics= grounder language
I wait anxiously in Lincoln’s cave, not having heard from him all day. The woods have been getting more and more dangerous with skaikru running around.
I hear the make-shift door to his cave open and I turn to face him. He’s carrying a girl in his arms, a couple of years younger than me. I examine her clothes and look for tribal marks but found none. I growl, “skaikru?! Why did you bring her here?”
“Y/N, I didn’t know you’d be here… She needed help. What did you want me to do? Leave her there to die?” Lincoln sets the girl on the ground.
I pace around the unconscious girl, “she is skaikru! She will bring death upon you and our people if her people find her with trikru! They will think we kidnapped her!”
Lincoln sighs and ties her arms to a bar along the wall. “She isn’t like them, she wouldn’t harm us.”
“I hope you know what you are talking about...”
~~~ (Time skip)
Turns out he didn’t know what he was talking about as that we were both tied to the chains connected to the walls. Skaikru came looking for her and when they found her with us a fight ensued. Lincoln was hit unconscious and we were dragged out of Lincoln’s home back to their camp.
Lincoln was still unconscious but I was awake and tugging at my chains. Two of the skaikru men came up and laughed at me.
“Looks like they caught a live one,” the blond one nudges the other.
The dark-haired man approaches me and grabs my chin, lifting it upwards to see my face, “a pretty one too.”
I lunge forward and try to bite his hand when he slaps me. “B****!”
He grabs me by the hair to pull my head back, “why don’t we teach you a lesson on respect.” He presses his body on mine and the blonde man approaches from behind, grabbing my waist with one hand and my breast with another.
I struggle in their grasp and I look to my right, where Lincoln is but he’s still knocked out cold.
Both men start groping and grinding on me while I squirm to try and get away.
The men laugh again, “see that's more like it sweetheart.” One of them starts unzipping their pants and the other takes off my top.
My trikru blood pounds inside me, not accepting defeat. I crush the dark-haired man’s foot with mine and I throw my head back, successfully knocking out the blond man behind me. My chest heaves.
“You slut! You’re going to pay for that!” The dark-haired man tries to come at me but the latch and door open and a black-haired man with freckles on his face comes up.
“What is going on here!?” He looks around to examine the situation, seeing one man passed out behind me, my top on the floor, my face bruised, and the other man’s pants and buckle unzipped.
The black-haired man, known as Bellamy, turns to the dark-haired one with fury burning in his eyes.
“What the hell did you do Mark?” (Mark is just a made-up character)
“B-Bellamy, no I didn't-”
Bellamy punches the man in the face, knocking him to his knees. “We don’t do that here, not ever. Not even to grounders. You understand?!”
“Y-yes, Bellamy”
“Now, get your friend and go. You’re both on hunting duty for the rest of the week. You’ll go out of the safety of these walls and risk your life as punishment.”
“But, we’ve never been outside of the wall.”
“Then you shouldn't have tried to rape that woman, now GO!”
I stare at Bellamy in disbelief that he would try to defend a member of the trikru clan or in general a grounder
The man grapes his dizzy friend and leads him down the ladder and then lowers himself down, closing the door on his way out.
“I’m sorry about that, it was unacceptable.”
I stay silent, not knowing whether to trust him or not.
“You do understand me right?”
More silence.
Bellamy sighs and grabs my top from the ground. Though in shreds, he puts it over my shoulders and ties it to cover as much as my front as possible. Even though I had a bra on, I was still grateful he did that. I examine his face as he searches mine, his warm dark brown eyes, strong jawline, straight nose, and freckles litter his handsome face.
Handsome?! I looked at the ground, disappointed in myself. He’s the enemy, I chanted in my head.
Lincoln stirs awake, his chains jiggling as he moves. He looks to his left and sees me there, chained like him. He tugs against his chains, trying to reach me.
Bellamy’s face turns cold.
“Miller, Drew! Get up here now!”
I give Lincoln a nod, a sign that I’m okay and he instantly calms down putting an emotionless façade. I follow his lead.
Miller and Drew open the latch and stand behind Bellamy waiting for instructions.
“It's time to get some answers. How many of you are there?”
“How many of you are there?!”
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Lincoln and I stared straight at the metal wall in front of us.
“Fine, we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Bellamy starts beating Lincoln, although my heart pounds in my chest, I keep looking straight, not even acknowledging my injured friend.
They look through our things and find Lincoln’s journal, in it pictures of a beautiful dark-haired girl.
Bellamy’s face sours even more at the realization that a grounder has been spying on his precious little sister.
A blond woman climbs the ladder and tells Bellamy that ‘Finn’ was poisoned when he was stabbed. Bellamy tells her about the vials he found in our bags.
Clarke gets on her knees in front of us and starts pointing at the vials.
“Please you have to help him! Which one is the antidote?”
Her head whips, looking back and forth between us.
Bellamy pushed her back and grabbed a seatbelt with a pointed end.
He looks at me with pity for my friend and he raises his arm, ready to strike.
“If he doesn’t want to tell us, then we’ll make him”, Bellamy whips Lincoln a couple of times.
All I could do was clench my hands and grit my teeth together, trying not to stare or blurt out which vial was the antidote.
After a while, Bellamy stabbed Lincoln’s hand and another girl, whose name was Raven, climbed up basically crying.
“He’s getting worse, we need to know now!” She looks at Bellamy.
Bellamy puts down the seatbelt, “He won’t tell us!”
Raven walks to a panel and rips out a couple of wires and slides them together, causing sparks to fly, “he will”
I look at Lincoln for the first time since the beatings started. He looks afraid, afraid of this new item.
Raven presses the wires against him and he convulses, “tell me which vial is the antidote!”
I look at Bellamy, my eyes begging him to stop this madness. I would tell him which is the antidote but I know if Lincoln wanted them to know he would tell them himself. Bellamy senses my eyes on him and his eyes meet mine. He looks at the ground out of guilt before settling his eyes on Lincoln again, refusing to meet my eyes again.
Raven shocks him again.
“Oh my god! What are you doing?!” the black-haired girl from Lincoln’s journal had climbed the ladder and joined the ‘party’.
Lincoln’s eyes meet hers and she tries to reach for him, “he’ll tell me!”
She gets on her knees and points at the vials just like Clark did. When that didn’t work, Raven cuts me with the same poisoned knife that sliced through Finn.
I grimaced at the pain but didn’t move much. Bellamy had tried to stop Raven but she was desperate to save Finn. He looked at me with alarmed eyes, “just tell us!” Without looking at Lincoln, I felt his eyes on me and shook my head, telling him not to tell them.
Octavia steals the knife from Raven and slices her forearm.
She gets on her knees again, “is it this one?” Lincoln hesitates but I grunt in pain, feeling the poison spread in my blood. He moves his head to signal one of the vials.
Octavia looks back to Bellamy and hands him the vial, “it’s this one!”
“How can we trust him?’
Octavia looks at me, “give it to her first.”
I stopped paying attention to what was happening as I tried to concentrate on my breathing that was getting heavier as my eyes got droopy.
Bellamy rushes to me, worry in his eyes. He tilts my head back with one hand and with the other he pours some of the vial into my mouth. I swallow it all and gasp for air. Forgetting that we were not alone, Bellamy put my head on his shoulder and pats my head. He whispers in my ear, “I’m sorry.”
Clarke breaks up our moment by taking the vial, letting Octavia take a swig before rushing down the ladder to give it to Finn. The rest of the people make their way downstairs now that the drama was over. Only leaving the two prisoners and the two siblings. Octavia tends to Lincoln, whispering apologies.
I lift my head off of Bellamy’s shoulder and look deep into his eyes.
His eyes bore into mine.
The next word out of my mouth has Lincoln staring at me, surprised and Bellamy’s eyes fill with confusion.
A/N: Hello… I know, I’ve been gone for a long time. I promise it wasn’t on purpose, I was just super busy with college and life but I finally got my groove back! Now that I’m on winter break, I’ll update and release stories a lot more! Don’t forget requests are open!!!! As always, thank you for the support, and let me know what you think about this oneshot! (and if you want more parts to it!). Add yourself to my taglists here !
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
Shared Fate (Bellamy Blake x Reader)
Plot: Grounder Reader is furious with Bellamy’s decision to help lead an attack against Trikru Warriors protecting Arkadia from a possible Azgeda attack. They fight and then part ways.
Warnings: Violence, murder, gore, suicide(?), angst
Ps. I don’t own any of The 100 characters nor do I claim to own you!
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-The sun was already setting when I found my boyfriend crossing the grounds of Arkadia.
“Bellamy!” I yelled at him as I stalked close behind him.
Bellamy smiled as he recognizes my voice and turns around to face me. His expression falls when he sees my face and he wraps his arms around me, “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“Don’t! You know exactly what’s wrong!” I pull away from him, “you’re leading an attack against the innocent warriors of Trikru!”
Bellamy’s face hardens, “they are surrounding Arkadia! They have 300 of their warriors just camping out on our front lawn! They can attack at any moment!”
I huff, “Heda sent Trikru here to protect Arkadia from an attack against Azgeda! They have no reason to attack as that is not their orders and grounders and Skaikru are currently on good terms. If you do this, not only are you killing my people but you’re committing an act of war! The coalition will demand Heda to retaliate!”
People start to stare at the scene unfolding in front of them. Bellamy notices, grabs my arm, and drags me to a more secluded part of the camp.
“What the hell Bellamy!” I rub the place on my arm where he held tightly.
His eyes soften slightly but harden again, “you can’t go on rants like that in front of people!” He sighs, “I’m doing this to protect us. If your Heda knew what was good for her, she would’ve never sent Trikru to suffocate Arkadia like this.”
“Even though it wasn’t her intention, you can’t kill my people like this!” My eyes tear up thinking about my people, Trikru, being slaughtered.
“I will do it for the safety of mine! My people will always come first.” He stands straighter.
“B-bell, you can’t!” I beg.
“I can’t risk them attacking my people, they’re grounders and savages that are capable of breaking our trust!” Bellamy growls.
I stand there processing what he said, shocked at his words, “I never knew you thought of us like this.”
Bellamy realized what he said but far too late “Y/N no- I didn’t mean-”
I raise my hand to stop him from continuing, “It’s alright Bellamy, I’m glad to finally know what you truly think about us savage grounders. It must’ve been hard for you to keep all of that hidden seeing as your grounder girlfriend never knew you saw her like that. Or maybe you forgot that I am a grounder. I have assimilated into your camp for far too long, completely abandoning my culture and traditions to be with you and to be accepted by your people.
Bellamy is at a loss for words, unsure what to say but definitely sure that he messed up. I continue, “For too long, I have spoken of great things about Skaikru, your people. I thought grounders and Skaikru could be allies and that grounders could be accepted in Arkadia. I, now, see that I was wrong. I was wrong in trusting Skaikru and telling my people to trust yours.” I straightened my back and held my head high, “ I was wrong for having false hope of peaceful relations between the coalition and Skaikru. But most importantly, I was dead wrong for falling in love with a member of Skaikru, thinking that he accepted Trikru, my clan, my people, and me as an ally, not an enemy.”
Bellamy opens his mouth to speak but I stop him, “That is my cross to bare. If death is the fate of my people then I, too, will join them. I will be with my people tonight when you and Pike lead the attack, then I will join them in the afterlife.”
Bellamy panics, “you can’t do that! I can’t stop the attack, it is going to happen! I can’t lose you…” His eyes are wide and rimmed with unshed tears.
“You have made your decision… and so have I.” I turn and head towards the gate before he has a chance to stop me.
“Open the gates!” I demand. The guards look at each other and open the gates. Bellamy watches me leave, wishing he could scream my name and beg for me to come back but with people around he had to show a strong front.
As soon as I pass the gates, tears threaten to fall and I wanted to look back but I knew that if I did, I wouldn’t want to leave. I was fast approaching the Trikru camp and they couldn’t know what was going to happen so I locked my feelings away. Spirits of the commanders, please forgive me…
When I arrived at the camp, their torches were already on. The attack must be soon…
No one questioned my presence in the Trikru camp as most of them were already fast asleep so I slipped into an empty tent, making sure I was alone. I cried and sobbed as softly as I could, pressing my hand to my mouth or biting my lip hard.
I don’t know how long I was crying but I soon heard the rustling of the tent as someone pulled the flaps back to enter. I quickly wipe my tears and turn to face the person.
I smile, “Indra!”
She seems shocked to see me, “Y/N, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Arkadia?” She squints her eyes and examines my face, “what’s wrong?”
I couldn’t hold it in anymore, “I’m sorry, I-I’m so sorry!”
She holds both of my arms, “What are you talking about-”
That’s when it started- the shooting… the panic… the screaming…
A warrior runs into the tent, holding his blood-soaked, injured arm. “Skaikru is attacking the camp!”
Indra whips her head towards me as if looking for an explanation, “I tried to stop them, you have to get out of here!”
She runs outside and I follow her. We both stared at the scene in front of us in disbelief. Pike, Bellamy, and a couple more Skaikru shooting Trikru. But by the time we got out of the tent, there were less than 50 Trikru warriors left. They couldn’t even fight as they would get shot down before they even got close to the assailants.
At that time, Pike and Bellamy spot us and they make their way towards us, having shot down the rest in a matter of seconds. The rest of the Skikru group that came with Pike and Bellamy, started executing the wounded.
“You must go! I will hold them back!” I grab the sword of a nearby fallen warrior. But it was too late, Pike shot my leg causing me to fall. He also shot Indra’s shoulder causing her to fall back and lean against a rock. I use the sword as a way to help me get up as I grunt in pain. I get in front of Indra, willing to lay down my life in order to protect her.
“Pike!” Bellamy yells at him to stop.
Pike shoots again hitting my arm causing me to fall again.
“Y/N just stay down! You’re injured and defeated!” Bellamy begs as he tries to save me.
But again I get up, slower this time but still determined to save my leader, “No, my fight isn’t over yet.”
Pike steps forward and takes aim once more, “it will be soon.”
Bellamy stops Pike, “wait we need someone to deliver a message! To the coalition, to the commander.”
Pike lowers the gun for a second but then raises it again, “we only need one person to deliver the message so who will it be, Bellamy? Y/N or Indra?” He waves the gun to point at each of us.
Bellamy looks conflicted and I look back at Indra while he’s thinking, knowing he’ll pick me instead of Indra. I mouth “I will join our people, I’m sorry. Survive.”
Indra’s eyes widen seemingly knowing what I’m about to do.
I turn back to face Pike and Bellamy, “Ai gonplie ste odon! (my fight is over!)” I shift the sword with the hilt in my hand but the blade towards me and I plunge it into my abdomen, gasping at the piercing pain.
Bellamy cries out, “Y/N!!!” and rushes to me just as I hit the ground, feeling faint from the shock and lack of blood.
“No, N-n-no! Somebody help! Please!” Bellamy tries to put pressure on the wound but blood still gushes from it.
I raise a blood-soaked hand to cup his cheek and he leans into it, “Y-you lost your way, but you just ne-e-ed to find it again-n. ” I gasp and my hand drops, my blinking slows as black fills my vision, “I love you. May we mee-t a-agai...n.”
A/N: I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm back in college so I've been busy, sorry. Also sorry for making this story a sad one, though I might make another part with an alternate ending if any of you are interested in that. Once again, thank you for your support! Don't forget to add yourself to my tag lists here !
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
The Blue Flame Pt. 2
Part 1 l Part 2
Plot: Y/N is introduced to Nick Fury and conflicts rise
Note: This takes place before The Avengers movie (as in the 1st one) and will later merge into the movie’s timeline in later parts.
Warnings: Violence, abuse, cursing
Ps. I don’t own any of The Avengers characters nor do I claim to own you!
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“Ma’am, my name is Tony Stark, I’m here to help you.”
Bodies littered the building as we slowly made our way out, Mr. Stark in front of me with his hands up just in case someone attacks.
Mr. Stark led me back to his jet. I could see the gears turning in his head as he takes time to process what happened to me and the hydra soldiers that were in the same room as me. It didn’t take long for him to break the silence.
“Um, what happened back there?”
“... I don’t know”
“What do you think happened?”
I bowed my head, suddenly interested in my shoes before looking back up and answering, “me, I happened.”
After that, Tony stayed quiet the rest of the ride, no more questions asked but I knew he was wary of me through his rigid back and his twitching fingers wrapped in his metal suit.
Although it was quiet after that, my mind was buzzing as it tried to figure out what happened to me and how I killed all those soldiers.
I also wondered who exactly is the man in front of me and what did he want from me? He said that he was here to help me, but in what way and what would he want in return? And if he was actually there to help me, would he still help me once he figures out what I did to countless innocent people? Would he send me back?
I can’t go back there…
My thoughts stilled as we arrived at the top of a large building.
“Welcome to the Stark Tower,”
I step out of the jet and start to follow Mr. Stark.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“Well, you’re going to the med bay,” Mr. Stark answered while a machine disassembled and took off his Iron Man suit.
“And you? Are you not coming with me?” I try to seem indifferent but I’m worried that when he leaves, Hydra will come back for me.
“I’ll take you to the med bay but then I have to talk to someone and ask him what all of this is about. I’ll send someone to guide you to us after you’ve been treated.”
I nod and follow him, taking in my surroundings and exits just in case everything goes haywire.
Stopping in front of glass doors, Mr. Stark opens one, “This is your stop, I’ll see you soon.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.” I bow my head slightly in respect and I walk through the door.
“Mr. Stark was my father. Just call me Tony.” He grins and walks away.
I’m met with a lady in white scrubs, “hello, Mr. Stark told me you were coming. Just take a seat up there and I’ll see what we have to work on.”
*small time skip*
After being poked and prodded at with multiple medical equipments, a red-headed woman joins us in the med bay.
“Hello, my name is Pepper Potts. Tony asked me to guide you to the meeting room.” The woman waves at me with a smile.
“Yes, well thank you,” I try to smile back.
“Well, come along, they’re waiting for us.” Ms. Potts starts walking, leading me as I followed her silently.
Arriving at the door to the meeting room, Ms. Potts drops me off, wishing me good luck as I entered the room.
There, Mr. St- Tony and a bald man with an eye patch were sitting down around a large conference table, both not looking too happy.
“Welcome. Take a seat, we have a lot to talk about” the bald man said.
I take a seat, waiting for explanations as to why I’m here and who the bald man is.
“Well, Ms. Y/L/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. You were being experimented on by Hydra, a terrorist organization since they took you from the streets when you were a child.”
“Why are you telling me things I already know…”I frowned.
“We are just making sure, the facts are right. You were there for a while, according to our intel.”
Tony frowns, “according to your intel? You knew she was there the whole time and you didn’t do anything?!”
Fury leans forward in his chair, “ Yes, we knew she was there the whole time. She was the asset you were supposed to recover.”
I clench my hands into fists, trying to control my anger.
“So that was all she was? An asset? And what? “Tony throws his hands around as he talks. “Now that she has powers, she’s worth saving?!”
“We didn’t know she had powers but we knew it what they were doing and that was a possibility!” Fury’s raises his voice.
I slammed my hands on the table and I get up from my chair.
“You knew what they were doing?” I let out a sadistic smile as my eyes glowed blue. “Did you know how it felt being pumped with countless mysterious drugs to the point that I didn’t even know my name?! And after the experiment failed, did you know how they beat me into submission to do whatever they pleased?! To kill innocent people and deceive countless others for their stupid cause?!” The wood where my hands laid started to darken and the smell of burning wood wafted through the air. Tony and Fury looked at each other with worry but I kept going. “To be broken down again and again until they had their perfect little soldier?! To make it worse, you knew I was there! THE WHOLE TIME! I was an innocent child! And there were countless ones before me that didn’t even survive the trials!”
At this point, the conference table had started to completely burn down and my hands were wrapped in blue flames. The sprinkler system turned on and drenched all three of us, my hands and eyes going back to normal. Exhaustion fills me, I sway slightly and Tony rushes to my side to hold me up. “I don’t even know what’s happening to me.”
The sprinkler system turns off and a bunch of people storm into the room to see if we are alright. Fury dismisses them with the wave of his hand, “it’s just a misunderstanding, we’re alright.”
When everyone leaves, Fury sighs, “yes, we knew you were there but there was nothing we could do. When we found out you were there, you were the only one left and they constantly moved you from place to place. Even if I wanted to help you back then, I didn’t have the authority to. I sent for you as soon as I could.”
My cheeks flush with embarrassment, “oh gosh, I’m sorry. I just thought that you didn’t want to do anything about my situation.”
Tony laughs and I look up at him, still in his arms, “ I thought the same thing as you, that he could’ve helped but didn’t. But, he’s actually different than he seems, even with the resting b**** face.”
I laugh and Fury interrupts, “ As much as I love that this misunderstanding has been resolved. We should get changed. Tony, I trust that you will take care of Ms. Y/L/N.”
Tony looks down at me, smiles, and tightens his grip on me, “Don’t worry, I will.”
A/N: I hope you guys like this. Don't forget that requests are open and add yourself to my tag lists here ! Thank you for the support!
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
The Blue Flame Pt. 1 (Tony Stark x Reader)
Part 1 l Part 2
Plot: Like Wanda and Pietro, Y/N was part of an experiment conducted by Hydra. But, unlike the twins, Y/N doesn’t really show any special powers so they trained her to be a soldier.
Note: This takes place before The Avengers movie (as in the 1st one) and will later merge into the movie’s timeline in later parts.
Warnings: Violence, abuse
Ps. I don’t own any of The Avengers characters nor do I claim to own you!
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I’ve been here for years, not out of my own volition. Hydra took me from the streets when I was orphaned at 5 years old and I’ve been forced to work for them, to fight for them… to kill for them. It’s not something I enjoy, seeing the life drain from someone’s life and the last thing they see is the face of their killer. But, it is better than the experiments they used to conduct.
When I first got here, they would hook me up to machines and inject me with so many things, forcing me into submission when I tried to fight back. I know I wasn’t the only one being experimented on. I often heard the guards talking about the other experiments.
I didn’t know what they were trying to achieve, all I knew at that time was that it hurt and that they obviously didn’t see the results they wanted.
After 2 years of no results, they sent me to another Hydra base where they trained me to be another one of their soldiers. Once again beating me when I fought back but also when I was too slow, too weak, too soft.
I started going on group missions when I was 10 having vastly improved and exceeding their expectations. I was their perfect soldier at such a young age. But it wasn’t until I was 12 that I killed my first person, an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time, but no witnesses can be left behind. Her face still haunts me, shocked by seeing someone so young pull a gun on her.
Even after they started letting me run solo missions, I still felt uncomfortable killing others and it angered me that I had to do something I didn’t want to do. Still, I continued to follow their orders as their best soldier until I was 18.
Seeing all the death and destruction I left because of Hydra’s commands, slowly drove me to rebel. Many beatings and injections to make me more compliant to their will came shortly after I started to refuse to do their will. The anger towards my captures only grew with every strike, every whip, every needle.
As they dragged me towards the box, a metal box-shaped room with no light, water, or food, a punishment for not killing my target, I decided enough was enough. I started struggling against the two guards, kicking and punching my way out of their grasp. One called for reinforcements and sedatives and more guards just piled in.
I continued to try and take down as many as I could with the training they gave me but there were too many for me to handle. Once again, they took me by the arm as a doctor approached me with the sedative.
I kicked back and screamed “NO MORE!” I felt my skin ripple and my eyes glow as a blue flame shot out of my body, allowing me to levitate slightly and making everyone in the room drop to the ground as soon as the glow of the flame hit them.
The walls were covered in what seemed like fire soot but instead of black soot, it was blue. Bodies scattered all around me. There I stood, shocked at the scene before me. That was until I noticed the bodies weren’t moving and their chests weren’t either.
“No…” I whispered, moving to check one of the guard’s pulse.
Silence, nothing not even a single beat or murmur.
I backed up further into the room, one of my hands covering my mouth and the other gripping my hair tight to my skull. I tripped over one of the bodies, landing on my butt. I scrambled into the corner and let out a sob. I brought my knees into my chest, laying my forehead on my knees.
“I’m sorry *hiccup* I-I’m so sor- *sob* -sorry,” I wailed.
I was crying so loud, I didn’t even notice a mechanical whir nor someone approaching me until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright? What happened here?”
My head shot up and I looked at the stranger through wet eyelashes and teary eyes. The stranger was tall, in a metal red and gold/yellow suit with a blueish glowing circle on his chest.
His faceplate retracts back into his suit revealing lushes brown hair, hazel eyes, and a beard.
“Ma’am, my name is Tony Stark, I’m here to help you.”
A/N: Thank you for the love and support! Don't forget requests are open and you can add yourself to my tag lists here!
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
Not What It Seems (Daryl X Person Of Color Reader)
Pairing: (Daryl x Person of Color Reader)
Plot: After the end of the world, Daryl and Y/N seek comfort in each other. When Meryl finds out that his redneck brother is dating a person of color ...he may not be the happiest...
Warnings: Angst, rejection, racism, threatening, violence, hint of racial slurs (I tried not to use the actual thing but I’m sorry if it still offends some people but it is a word that character said in the series.)
Ps. I do not own any of The Walking Dead characters nor do I claim to own you!
A/N: I know I haven’t updated in a while but I am feeling very inspired this week so be ready for some new releases! Don't forget that requests are still open! Thanks for being patient and for your support! Lmk what you guys think of this!
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It’s been four to five weeks since the end of the world happened. During that short amount of time, everything went down - from water, to electricity, to phone lines… to our government… to civilization.
Luckily, I was able to leave the city with a group of people. Our camp’s located on higher ground at the end of a quarry for safety.
A cop, a mother and son, a family of four, a family of 3, two redneck brothers, two sisters, an Asian, an older man that owns an rv, and a couple more people make up our camp.
Everyone seems nice but I try to stay away from the redneck brothers. The eldest doesn’t seem to like people of color and the youngest just goes along with it.
At least that’s what I tried to do in the beginning. But the youngest brother, Daryl, was undeniably hot with his long hair, bangs always getting in his face, and those arms...just yum. So he kinda just grew on me.
First, it was small nods of acknowledgment whenever we walked by. Slowly but surely our relationship progressed to small talks at dinner with everyone else in camp then more private talks until I convinced him to teach me how to hunt. At first, he was reluctant, saying “ you could get hurt out ther’ ” in his southern drawl. By then, it was obvious that things were not what they seemed, he was not like his brother.
Thanks to my amazing charm and convincing skills *insert hair flip for dramatic effect*, I was able to convince him to teach me how to hunt. Daryl teaching me consisted of a lot of crouching down near animal or even walker prints/trails and determining which direction they went and if they are nearby. This meant that we were constantly hovering over each other, in each other’s personal space. There have been some very close calls where we’ve almost kissed because we both turn to look at each other at the same time. And I can’t say that I would dislike locking lips with him…
An incident happened during a run in a small nearby town that caused our relationship to grow exponentially quickly. While looking for medicine at a pharmacy, I was behind the counter while Daryl was searching the aisles. Normally, we’re very careful and efficient when it comes to runs.
We knock on the windows and wait a while for the walkers to show up but I guess one got stuck or something because as I searched behind the counter where the prescribed medicine was located a walker grabbed me and tried to rip me to shreds. It knocked me to the ground, hovering over me unsuccessfully trying to chomp on my neck, face, anywhere really. I don’t think they have a preference.
“Daryl!” I yelled out, honestly scared that he wouldn’t reach me in time as my arms started to give away.
Suddenly, I felt a whoosh as an arrow cut through the air, hitting the walker on the side of its head as it finally stopped moving. Letting out an oof as it drops on me, I look up at Daryl, seeing fear in his eyes- fear of losing me, losing our small talks, losing how I wrinkle my nose when I laugh, or how excited I get when it only takes me one time to shoot down my prey.
After getting the walker off me and helping me up, Daryl brings me into an embrace. “I told you to be careful, didn’t I?” he says as he holds onto me tighter. I’m still shocked because I’ve never seen Daryl hug or even touch anyone unless absolutely necessary and that even included his brother.
Slowly, I wrap my arms around his waist as I snuggle into his chest, “I know...I’m sorry, I thought we got all of them.”
“We’ll be more careful next time,” he mumbled with his chin on my head, arms still wrapped around me.
After that day, we were stuck together like glue and even though his brother, Meryl, didn’t like it very much, he wasn’t around to protest our friendship as he always went out on hunting trips by himself.
After a couple of days of secret glances and Daryl demanding we hold hands during hunting because “the ground is uneven and you could easily slip and twist your ankle and I ain’t carrying you back” it finally happened, the long-awaited kiss that is, while walking back to camp with a couple of squirrels and even a fox on hand.
With our hands locked and our catches of the day in our free hand, I actually did slip. Thankfully, Daryl easily caught me by pulling me towards him, arms wrapping around my waist, bumping into his chest.
Glancing up, I blushed as he stared at me. Right, when I was about to thank him, his head dipped down and his lips met mine.
Again, at first, I was frozen with shock but as his tongue swiped at my bottom lip, I reacted and molded my lips to his, opening my mouth to let his tongue in. The kiss was soft and pretty much innocent as we both poured our feeling into the kiss.
I pulled away for air after a few minutes, panting lightly. Daryl pressed his forehead on mine and nuzzled my nose. His long bangs tickling my face and I giggle softly. Daryl says, “I probably don’t have to ask, but will you be my girlfriend?”
I brush his hair out of his face and respond, “of course, I’d love to.”
That evening, we walked back, hand-in-hand, to camp with a big grin on our faces.
Sadly, the happy feeling doesn’t last long. As we approached the camp, we can hear shouting and fighting. Daryl and I both look at each other before taking off towards the camp.
There, Jim and Shane were holding back Meryl, who was apparently about to go on a run with some of the group. Meryl was struggling against them, trying to get to T-Dog, “I swear you talk back to me again and you’ll wish you were dead you ******!”
Suddenly, Meryl’s attention was drawn to the side, to Daryl and I, “well looky looky here, it seems little bro got himself a good whore for laying.”
“Stop it, man, that’s my girl you’re talking about,” Daryl states and he grips my hand tighter.
My heart warms at being called his girl but then it tightens when I see the rage on Meryls face reignite.
“Your girl?! This colored girl is your girl?! You know we, white folks, shouldn’t be with no colore-” Meryl doesn’t get to finish because Daryl lets go of my hand and punches him right on the jaw, effectively knocking him down.
“You might believe that but I don’t, that’s some bull**** and you know it. Y/N is my girlfriend now and you’re going to have to deal with it, understood?”
I don’t think I ever found him more attractive than now, so protective of me and uncaring of my race or race in general that he even punched his own brother for me.
“Y-yes,” Meryl groans out while rubbing his jaw.
Everyone still in shock at the scene that played before them.
“Come on Y/N,” Daryl outstretches his hand towards me and I take it, “we’re going to move your tent next to mine.”
A/N: Thank you for the support. I hope you liked this Daryl Dixon x Reader Oneshot! Let me know if you liked it! Don't forget requests are open and you can add yourself to my tag lists here!
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
The Reunion Pt. 3 (Negan x Reader)
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
Plot: Negan tells Y/N how he started The Saviors and The Sanctuary, but Y/N calls bs.
Warnings: mentions of violence, angst, slight bad language?
Ps. I do not own any of The Walking Dead characters nor do I claim to own you!
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Negan nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, “I still can’t believe you’re here… I finally found you.”
I push his chest again, trying to gain some personal space, “get off!”
“All this time, I hoped you were still alive. After the camp got overrun and we got separated, I-I tried looking for you, you know?” Negan hugs me tighter.
I freeze in his arms when I hear him stutter, something not normally heard of Negan.
“I looked for days, months, years, but you just disappeared. While searching, I met some people and with every group we saw, I looked for you there too, but again NOTHING.”
“Stop talking! The past is in the past. You’re different,” I try to pull away,” I’m different, everything is differ-”
“I created the Saviors to find you!” He continues, “But then everything got so out of hand and years passed, I thought you were dead!”
At the thought that everything that happened to Glenn and Abraham and all the countless innocent people before them, I kick him in the shin and harshly push in away from me.
“What the h-”
“Don’t you dare blame this on me!” I point at him accusingly. “ Our camp getting run over by that hoard and getting separated does NOT give your behavior and attitude an excuse! You KILLED part of my group, my family! Rick’s group found me on the side of a road, barely alive, starving and dehydrated.” I start waving my hands around like crazy. “ But did I go crazy and raid other groups? No! I made myself an essential and helpful member of Rick’s group. Every time I killed a walker, I was relieved that it wasn’t you because I still hoped you were alive! And I kept that stupid ring because of that!” I yank the necklace with the engagement ring off and chuck it at Negan. “But what were you doing? Murdering innocent people and taking what they had, getting your dick wet with your whor- oh wait, I’m sorry, your ‘wives.’ So I’m sorry if I’m not sobbing and running back into your arms just because you’re telling me your sob story,” by the end, I’m gasping for air with angry tears running down my cheeks.
“How can I make this right?! How can I show you that I still love you! That I’m still your Negan?!” He hugs me again.
I weakly push against him, emotionally and physically tired. “Bring him back!” I sob,” Bring my Negan b-back” I feel my body go slack and my vision begins to blur. “I want him ba-”
Then darkness…
“Why isn’t she waking up!” Negan roars.
A male’s voice yelps and nervously answers, voice trembling, “she’s just resting, she probably hasn’t had a good night’s rest in a long time.”
Negan’s eyes soften but then he growls out, “probably?!”
I stir in the bed. “Shut up,” I mumble out.
Negan turns to me and shoos out the doctor, “how are you feeling? Do you need water?” I start sitting up. “Whoa, don’t get up too fast!” Negan helps me up.
“I’m fine!” I swat his hands away.
Silence fills the room.
Negan sits on the bed, “So um Y/N, I-um-I love you and I n-need you back”
I sigh, “I still love you too but I’m not going to be another one of your whores an-”
“I’ll get rid of them! No problem! You’re the only one I’ve ever truly wanted,” Negan gingerly grabs my hand.
“And that attitude is a no-go for me.”
His grip tightens lightly and then relaxes. Negan sighs, “I’ll work on it”
I bite my lip, “and you have to let everyone under your ‘protection’ go, including Alexandria”
“What?! No! They killed my men!” Negan’s grip gets tighter but he doesn’t relax it this time.
“Negan, they’re my family! Besides The Sanctuary can trade with these groups instead of forcing them to bend to their will!” I plead.
“Y/N, they killed my men! My men! I can’t just forgive them and pretend nothing happened!” Negan raises his voice.
“You killed 2 of mine! Maggie is pregnant with Glenn’s child and Abraham had a girlfriend!” I raise my voice to match his. “Besides, you want me back, and these are my conditions!”
Negan gets up from sitting on the bed, paces the room and leans back. “Gosh dang it, pumpkin,” my heart flutters because I haven’t heard that nickname in years. “Fine! You know I can’t say no to you anyways.”
I giggle, “I know, now come here.” I scoot over at the end of the bed and pat next to me.
Negan smiles and lays down next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist with my forehead in his chest.
“Mhm, I missed this” I snuggle into his chest more.
“Gosh, I missed this feeling pumpkin,” Negan purrs at the feeling of me back in his arms.
A/N: I'm sorry for not updating last week guys! But I'm fricken happy to say that finals week is finally over for me so I finally had time to update! I'm thinking of making this the final but I also think I can do another part where Y/N goes back to Alexandria to help Negan to patch things over and the thing with trading, aka there might be more? Lmk what you guys think of this! Also don't forget I'm taking requests for more stories, either this one or a new one! You can add yourself to my tag lists here! (sorry for the long A/N <3)
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
The Reunion Pt. 2 (Negan x Reader)
Part 1 I Part 2 l Part 3
Plot: Y/N arrives at The Sanctuary and Negan has a proposition for her
Warnings: violence and angst
Ps. I do not own any of The Walking Dead characters nor do I claim to own you!
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“Oh honey, you’ll always be mine”
I roll my eyes and scoff and look out the moving car’s window, away from Negan.
Angered, he roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. In a low voice, he growls, “don’t disrespect me doll.”
I looked at him in fear, seeing how scared I looked within the reflection of his eyes. His eyes soften and he lets go of me once he sees my fear and remembers who I am- who I was to him. I know there will be a bruise where Negan gripped my chin.
The car is silent the rest of the way. Then it passes through a gate with walkers and finally, it rolls to a stop.
Negan opens the door and gets out, turns, and holds his hand out to me, “come.”
I look at his hand, then at him and I get out of the car, ignoring his hand. I look at the old factory before us.
“Welcome to The Sanctuary. This is now your home, y/n. And you are very lucky because I have an offer for you!”
I look at him in confusion. ‘What luck I have if I’m in this situation…’
“Marry me,” he states boldly.
My eyes get as big as saucers, “you're joking, right? After everything that you just did, you want me to marry you?”
He swings Lucille onto his shoulder and leans back slightly, “well it’s either you marry me, become one of my wives, and you’ll be taken care of or you have to work to earn your keep, work to provide for me.”
My eyebrows rise in disgust at the mentions of his ‘wives. “I’d rather die than be one of your whores,” I say lowly.
Negan laughs, “If I recall, there was once a time when you would’ve loved to be my wife.”
“The man that proposed to me and promised to love and to never hurt me must have died a long time ago because the man I see in front of me today...” I shake my head, “ I don’t recognize him.”
Negan opens his mouth to say something but Simon walks up to us and whispers something into Negan’s ear.
“You,” Negan points to one of his goons, “show y/n to her room.” He looks back at me, “starting tomorrow, your job will be going on hunts and coming back with supplies and anything useful. And don’t try to run away, I know where Rick’s little group is and I have Daryl.” He smirks as he turns around and starts whistling.
I’m taken to my room, small but livable and way better than how the “workers” live. I lay down and close my eyes. My hand coming up to the makeshift necklace I made many years ago, still tucked safely under my shirt. I sigh as a tear slips past the corner of my eye and I look at the ring at the end of my necklace.
“What happened to you, Negan?”
I don’t know how long I’m laying there, fidgeting with the ring but the next thing I know, there’s a quick knock on my door. Without giving me enough time to react, the door swings open, and I hear whistling.
“Oh doll~ How’re you liking your r-,” Negan freezes seeing the ring in my hands.
I stand quickly, “don’t you know you have to wait for the person to open the door when you knock?!”
“Love, you still have that?”
“Don’t call me that!” I clench my jaw.
Negan takes a step forward and I take a step back. “Don’t come any closer, Negan”
He takes another step and another until I hit the wall, nowhere to go.
He looks into my eyes and he wraps his arms around me silently.
“Let go of me,” I push against his chest.
Negan nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, “ I'm glad you still have your ring. It means you missed me too. I still can’t believe you’re here… I finally found you."
A/N: Hope you liked it! Don't forget requests are open and you can add yourself to my tag lists here!
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fictional-worlds · 3 years
The Reunion (Negan x Reader)
Part 1 I Part 2 l Part 3
Plot: Reader is part of Rick's group (during Alexandria) and discovers that she has a past with the man that has been terrorizing her group.
Warnings: angst, major character deaths (not reader), violence
ps. I do not own any of The Walking Dead characters nor do I claim to own you!
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Scared. That’s all I felt when the group of Saviors had us, Rick’s group, in a half-circle, on our knees. Rocks, dirt, pieces of wood digging into my knees as I look around, scared, assessing our situation. To my right Abraham, to my left Michonne. Trapped… with no way out, waiting for this mysterious leader to roll up and determine the fate of us, of Alexandria.
I must have spaced out because next thing I know an RV pulls up and a man with a weird beard/mustache starts talking “ Alright, looks like we have a full boat! Let’s meet the man.” He knocks on the RV and a man comes out. I don’t dare to look at his face, just focusing on the ground. That is...until I heard his voice “Pissing our pants yet?” My head shoots up, meeting the eyes of the leader of the Saviors.
Memories flash before my eyes. Memories of laughter, cuddles, kisses, tears, walkers, getting separated...“Negan?” I whisper, hope blossoms in my chest and my heart flutters as I stare at the man in front of our group.
He recognizes me, it's evident in his eyes. He starts walking in front of us, ignoring me “Boy, do I have a feeling we’re getting close.”
Only then do I notice the bat wrapped in barbed wire, tears form as I notice that this is not the man that I knew before. Distracted by my own thoughts, I don’t pay attention to the man I once loved and his cruel monologue. “I got an idea,” he smirks, “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,” he starts. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping this is just a sick game. That he won’t kill my friends, no, my family, or more importantly...me.
As he gets to the end of the nursery song, I feel he's getting closer to me. I open my eyes. “And you” points at Michonne, “are,” points to Abraham. Negan starts to point at me but turns around, my heart pounds in my chest. “It” he finishes as he looks at me with sadness? I close my eyes again, waiting for the bat to end my fate. I feel the air whoosh past me, hitting something next to me, then gasps.
I open my eyes yet again, not expecting to see ‘Lucille’ covered in blood that's not mine. I looked over to my right, to Abraham. His forehead covered in blood.
But Negan doesn’t stop there, he bashes Abraham’s head in as I cry, silently but hard. I don’t even notice that Daryl tried to fight, being placed in a car and that Negan hit Glenn until I heard him choke out “M-Maggie, I’ll find you.”
I curl up into myself not wanting to watch the man I once loved commit such a violent act. Part of me still wishing this was fake, a dream, a misunderstanding.
I feel like hours pass, Rick being taken, brought back, Carl almost getting his hand chopped off. I hear “grab the girl, we’re taking her with us, she’s riding with me.” Arms grab at me and some of my group starts crying again. I don’t fight, I’m too numb inside. I just look at my group, disheveled from the events that transgressed, tears running down their faces. “I love you,” I say to all of them, thinking that this is the last time I see them.
I’m placed into a car, Negan sitting next to me.
“What a weird reunion, right doll?”
I look at him with hatred and disillusion, “I’m not your doll, not anymore...”
“Oh honey, you’ll always be mine.”
A/N: Do you guys want a part 2? Like a Series? Lmk if I'm doing a good job, this is my first fanfic!
EDIT: Your wish is my command, part 2 is coming out very soon! Thank you for all the support!
Edit to the edit: Part 2 is now up! You can now add yourself to my tag lists here!
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