zzeu · 21 days
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Look, I've made biblically accurate soccer player.
The alternative title for this would be "When Holy Water Kicks In"... Hey do you also sometimes think about how in the first season there wasn't really that much told about Kageyama fucking DRUGGING kids... Like, all people were like 'Dopping is against the soccer spirit' and yes I guess it is but, holy FUCK WHAT WAS INSIDE THAT THING???
Also, after he went clear of this shiet, Aphrodi turned out to be quite a decent guy, yet his abilities didn't really seam to got any weaker. Makes me wonder wheter Holy Water trully incrased Zeus team's speed and strenght, or just simply made them more agressive and less empathetic...
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zzeu · 24 days
I'm watching the 2004 Count of Monte Cristo anime (Gankutsuou) and. It's so incredibly camp I'm having a GREAT time.
So for those unfamiliar with the original novel, it's a revenge story from 1844. Basically a man escapes an awful fate and then systematically ruins the life of everyone who tried to ruin his, who just so happen to be some of the most powerful people in France.
This anime DOES follow this plot, and although I am not finished I hear from those who know the novel that it's one of the better adaptations. However the art and worldbuilding choices are INSANE
It's told from an outsider POV, with some new characters invented for the show
It adds in plot points from Bram Stoker's Dracula
The titular Count is a magic space vampire
It's in the year 5000
It's a space opera
It still mainly takes place in France
Except Marseille is almost like. a different country that's shameful to even associate with
You can get the stock market information beamed directly into your brain, but all communication is done via paper letters.
There are intra-galactic spaceships and one can vacation on the moon, but most land transport is via horse and buggy.
The horses can be robots though.
The artists of 20 years ago were really pushing the limits of what CGI integration with anime could be and, to be honest, it rocks
It's got some of the best animated character acting I've ever seen
It's absolutely full of queer themes and subtext that, according to the director, was fully intentional AND it's handled really well especially for 2004
I'm watching with a friend and we're only halfway through but this is already one of my favorite anime of all time. There's giant fighting space robots in the ED and I'm on the edge of my seat to find out when they show up.
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zzeu · 1 month
Sigh. The response to "asexuals are actually just childish and scared of sex" isn't "well actually you're wrong because we write the filthiest smut in existence" or "what about asexuals who know all about kink" or "I'm asexual and I love making sex jokes", NO, that's not the fucking point. I don't care. The point is that regardless of how an individual feels about sex they deserve to be respected and treated as an adult, even if the thought of sex grosses them out. I am asexual, reading smut makes me cringe (feel cringe as in the original sense of the word) and looking at anything nsfw makes me mildly uncomfortable at best, and I only like sex jokes to a certain extent. This doesn't make me a fucking child because sex is not what makes someone an adult in the first place.
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zzeu · 1 month
A Better Explination for Queer Platonic Relationships
This post is gonna be very 101, so if you’re already pretty familiar with aro terms and don’t want to sit through all the definitions and explanations I have another post here that’s basically a very condensed version of this one.  
Anyways, I think the reason that a lot of non-aromantic people don’t understand queerplatonic relationships is that qpps as a concept are not just a type of relationship, but also a response to amatonormativity.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, amatonormativity is the societal view of romantic monogamous relationships as both the most important relationships you can have and as the end goal for happiness. While this norm disproportionately affects aromantic and non-monogamous people, it also has some very negative effects on people outside of these groups. If you’ve ever experienced peer or familial pressure to get a romantic partner when you didn’t want one, lost touch with a friend because they got a partner and stopped putting as much time into maintaining your friendship, or been told by a romantic partner that you needed to stop interacting with a close friend because they felt threatened by your friendship then you’ve experienced the negative effects of amatonormativity. This is not an aromantic specific issue, however, in this post, I will be discussing it within the context of aromantic terms and experiences.
For many aromantic people, there is a fundamental fear that all of their close friends will pair off into romantic relationships and they will be left alone. This fear comes from amatonormativity. If there was no expectation that people would prioritize romantic relationships over friendships then there would be no real need for people who don’t want/can’t have romantic relationships for whatever reason to fear being left alone and isolated from the support of other people.
I think this fear is one of the main reasons queerplatonic relationships exist in the first place. Sure, there are different types of platonic relationships with varying degrees of intimacy and commitment that aro people could participate in, but I think that if you look at how queerplatonic relationships are talked about you’ll find that aromantic people lean towards qpps because they are more then just another type of platonic relationship.
Qpps come in all shapes and sizes. They can be monogamous or polyamorous, involve lots of physical intimacy or very little, include lots of romantically coded things like dates, marriage, and living together, or be closer to the traditional view of friendship. The spectrum of what counts as a qpp is in fact so big that the term becomes almost impossible to define. The one unifying thread that I can see among all these different types of qpps is that they’re platonic relationships that still involve a high level of commitment. 
Essentially the only agreed upon factor here is that the relationship is platonic, but a commitment has been made somewhere along the lines to not abandon one another for a romantic partner, everything beyond that is pretty up in the air. This isn’t the definition you’re likely to get from those “what is a qpp” posts, but spend 5 minutes scrolling threw some popular aro blogs and it becomes incredibly apparent. I’ve seen people joke that “queerplatonic partners are like friends that don’t abandon me for their boyfriends” or that “all my friends got dates so I had to find a qpp”. These statements, while kind of morbidly funny on some level, do point to a larger trend. While most relationship categories are defined by level of intimacy, qpps are more of a commitment to break amatonormative social norms with someone you’re close to.
And if we’re going to agree that that’s what a queerplatonic relationship is, and for the purposes of this post we are, then it suddenly becomes very clear that the aromantic community is doing ourselves a huge disservice when we try to define qpps without talking about amatonormativity, or in some cases, even mentioning the aromantic community at all.  
There is a reason that queerplatonic originated in the aromantic community. There is a reason that qpp is an aro term. Non-aro people simply don’t have the same experience with relationships that aro people do, so they don’t have the context necessary to understand why we would need qpps in the first place. 
I think this is where a lot of the “aren’t qpp’s just friendships?” questions come from. Sure, there are people out there who just want to make fun of every aro/ace term and identity, and that is part of why the ‘don’t you mean friends’ response has become so popular, but in this case I really think a lot of it’s due to the fact that we’ve explained qpps so poorly. Someone who isn’t aro, and who hasn’t felt the devastating effects of your friends drifting away into romantic relationships while you can’t have one/ don’t want one, isn’t going to understand why aro people would need a whole new type of close, emotional, platonic relationship when just plain old friendship has worked fine for them. Without the context of amatonormativity and the experience of being aro, qpp’s becomes almost nonsensical, and when we leave those things out of our definitions of qpps people aren’t going to understand what we’re talking about. 
We need to do a better job of explaining queerplatonic relationships because otherwise, people are going to continue misunderstanding what they are. 
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zzeu · 1 month
by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza
it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out
it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.
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zzeu · 1 month
While we continue to donate to personal evacuation funds, I think it is crucial to keep in mind that these individuals as well as millions more in Gaza are currently actively in need of basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and medical care. Keeping this in mind, and recognising that there is no way to know when the border crossing with Egypt will reopen, I think our attention should also be on raising funds for organisations currently on the ground who will have the widest impact on the lives of Palestinians who are still enduring the genocide in Gaza.
Below are some verified donation links of organisations that are currently providing assistance for the people in Gaza directly:
Food, water, and shelter
Taawon has launched a campaign to provide support in Gaza through food parcels, shopping vouchers, fresh produce, water bottles and shelter tents.
Watermelon Relief is a project initiated and implemented by a group of activists in Gaza, who work to provide aid to displaced families in Gaza through meals, support and activities.
World Food Programme (WFP) managed to provide assistance to more than 1 million people in Gaza in May by delivering food in shelters, makeshift camps and shops.
Life for Gaza is an initiative through which the Municipality of Gaza aims to provide basic necessities for the people of Gaza such as water projects, waste collection and the reconstruction of roads.
Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) is working to plant farmlands in Gaza through their "Revive Gaza Farmlands" project, through which they had already started planting vegetables, fruits and leafy greens in Gaza.
Purchasing eSIMs is one of the only remaining ways to keep Gazans connected with the outside world, to get their stories out or even enable them to call for help after Israeli strikes.
The Sameer Project is a donation based aid initiative that provides tents, cash aid, diapers and formula for displaced families in Gaza.
Care For Gaza is an organisation that works to provide essential aid such as food packages and cash to deliver to displaced families in Gaza.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund, through their "Gaza Relief and Recovery" campaign, plan to provide essential medical supplies and treatments, as well as food and clean water.
Mutual Aid for the People of Gaza is a fundraiser managed by Mona in Gaza, who personally purchases and distributes basic supplies including food parcels to families in Gaza.
Help Gaza Children is another grassroots effort operating on the ground in Gaza to support families with food, water and clothing.
Medical care
Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) provides medical supplies and supports healthcare services in Gaza.
Gaza Wound Care is a medical team in a tent in Nuseirat, providing care to children and supporting pregnant women.
Children Not Numbers is an NGO dedicated to providing medical care for the children in Gaza including delivery of medical aid and medical evacuation for children.
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zzeu · 1 month
Please donate if u can ♡
Please Don't Scroll 🙏
Hello, I am Reem. I live with my husband and my two lovely children, Malik and Hassan. They deserve to live in safety and security, like other children in the world,,
We had a beautiful house. We lived in it with our bodies and our souls lived in it with all love and peace...
We have many beautiful memories ther
But the Zionist occupation does not care about all the humanity we live in..
He bombed our house on the evening of the second day of December 2023 while we were sleeping.
In an instant... life was turned upside down... a huge explosion... and complete darkness... and screaming and panic from everyone... and choking dust... and fire... and the flying of stones, windows, doors and glass... those of us who died died, and those who were injured were injured and those who survived... Survived by the amazing kindness of God..
We left everything behind and all that remained were memories and nostalgia,
In light of these difficult circumstances...
My husband lost his job as a psychological counselor due to the disruption of his educational career.
In addition, he aspires to continue his studies
Completing a doctoral degree abroad.
After completing his master's degree in Gaza years ago
As for me, because of my faith in God, I have overcome some of this traumatic event, but I see in my children some of the symptoms of psychological trauma.
I try to do everything I can to make things easier so that our lives are no longer as they were.
Now, for six months, we have been suffering the bitterness of this life
We live with the difficulties of living
There is no shelter, no healthy food, no healthy water, and no electricity.
We are exposed to danger. There is no safety or reassurance in Gaza.
We feel afraid as a result of the continuous bombing and the loud sounds of explosions.
Finally, I ask you to help and support me and my small family in traveling to find a decent, stable life away from this Zionist crime and genocide, after we have no place left to shelter..
Of course, it is very difficult to leave your homeland, but we are forced to do so due to the bad conditions here.
Note that travel costs are far beyond our capacity, as the Egyptian government at the Rafah crossing... takes travel coordination costs of between 5,000 and 8,000 dollars per person, whether young or old... Thank you very much.
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zzeu · 2 months
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zzeu · 9 months
I feel like aroace rage as a concept does not get enough air time
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zzeu · 9 months
inazuma eleven is a real trip for my audhd.
oh you mean like any sports anime, it's about being entirely consumed by a sport but willing yourself enough to enjoy it even though the only way you can be good at it is giving your entire body, soul, and time into training in this one thing? i cant just want it then be good at it? i cant just train normally but i have to take a lot of risks in the training alone including my own life?
like, oh you mean this is about friendship built upon obsessing over the same thing and finding that that very obsession can actually save the world even though it's just supposed to be a hyperfixation i share with the most complex and amazing people I've ever met in my life???
oh you mean PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE that i'm obsessed with my hyperfixation and that it gives me superpowers?!?!?!? AND EMPOWERS MY CHILDHOOD WHIMSY?!?!
see now why i call this the autistic soccer show?
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zzeu · 9 months
I love how it has been established multiple times that hissatsus and avatars don’t necessarily have to be used just for playing soccer. In Chrono Stone, Endou uses God Hand to block a tractor beam from a sphere device, and Tove tries to use Jaggerwock to subdue a fucking dinosaur. Kurama’s Sidewinder scares real snakes. There’s nothing actually restricting these things to the soccer field.
Like. I mean. Imagine if Raimon was setting up a haunted house or something and they realize they don’t have a fog machine but they DO have Kirino
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Imagine the completely mundane possibilities
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zzeu · 9 months
i heard we’re discussing how every ina11 fan happens to be autistic. now that we settled it down does anyone wanna hear my 3 hours long rumble on why kariya is clearly implied as autistic I CANNOT HOLD IT IN ANYMORE
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zzeu · 10 months
idk if i already said it here but i think level-5 is a monument for character design. their characters are memorable in any games or series they produce, even when they're a little too much, their designs have a peculiar, lovable charm, i really really like them.
anyway here's me rating the GO designs of the OG characters :
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endou is the fucking favorite. you can tell the studio really did their best for him. even without watching GO, you can tell he's still his old passionate self but in a cool and matured way. you can tell he's coaching kids and you can tell the kids love him and he loves them in return. 10/10.
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kidou is great. of course he would be wearing a suit to coach middle schoolers, this is what being kidou is about !
i do think the new goggles are a little goofy, but haruna gave them to him, so of course he would wear them without hesitation. you can tell he's still awfully serious, but also no longer ashamed to monologue about his (occasionally stupid) special interest of the week if asked.
i would have advocated for longer dreads rather than, idk sorta untangled dreads ? but you know what, this is great. 9/10
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i'm in love with kazemaru. always has been. his hair is perfect.
i just don't get why he got the coraline's yellow raincoat drip. it tells me nothing about him. i can't guess if he is an athlete, a hairdresser, a mangaka, a drag queen, a military sergeant, a carpenter or a sugarbaby. i'm left alone with my headcannons, and no clue how to prove they make sense. 5/10
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i love that fubuki shirou, canonically the prettiest boy in the world, decided by himself to dress like sheldon cooper.
i like that when he put his coat on, he looks like a hobo. he didn't even had to try the hot snowboarder style, he already knew he'll be a good-looking hobo. i like that for him. choose for yourself king, you don't need anything. 8/10
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my man looks so good in this. he doesn't realize he looks like the lovechild of yakuza and a mafioso. he doesn't realize why the grandmas are scared of him at the supermarket, but it's okay. i know he's well paid, he's still hardworking and professional, he's stable in all aspects, and he smells like a very masculine, expensive perfume. 11/10
of course, fubuki and him are happy and in love, and nobody gets how it could have happened when they walk side by side.
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ah, fudou. some would say his new style is a glowdown, but i almost disagree.
true, he doesn't look punk and alt anymore, but i can tell that now, he's a true leftist. he looks like he doesn't have a job. he always smells like *spicy* cigarettes. everybody in his neighborhood knows and likes him. he owns almost nothing, yet everybody owes him something. he's an anarchist but he still votes, because he wants to do his part for a more peaceful future. he does throw rocks at cops during social movements. 8/10
kidou and him are also happy and in love. they fight all the time for petty things, but it's their way to say 'i love you'.
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kabeyama almost didn't change, and that's good. he looks nice and polite and like a wonderful freehugger. i trust him. i could give him my firstborn, i know the kid would be well-fed and in bed at a reasonable hour. 10/10
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i don't remember why kogure was in GO. it had to do with haruna i think, which is good, i like haruna. whatever he's just taller. 4/10
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sakuma looks nice. the longer hair looks good. he would look better if genda was with him though. 6/10
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tobitaka. my boy. he found his place. giving him the rai rai ken was such a good idea. it's not about the looks for him. it's about happiness, and he looks happier now. 10/10
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tsunami ! the last member of the B4. he didn't change that much, which saddens me a little, but maybe it was because his design was always good. 7/10
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toramaru. same boy but taller. they made an effort with his hair, i'll give them that. he looks like a lost management firm intern. i hope he finds the printer next to the coffee machine. i also don't remember what he does in the series. 5/10
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glasses suit hiroto. he looks serious enough to do a serious job well, and still weird enough to say some deranged stoner shit without anyone asking after one (1) sip of unalcoholic beer. good for him. 7/10
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midorikawa lost a bit of his theater kid charm, but i guess this is what happens when you work in foster care. he looks like a great mom though. 6/10
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i'm disappointed. aphrodi deserves better than a boring ass suit. i mean come on, that man doesn't NEED to look professional, he is literally named after the goddess of beauty, he deserved better than that.
the side ponytail looks good. so sad for the little bleaching accident. he should cut that. 4/10
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i can't clown megane. i look like that man. i wish him well. 7/10
(gouenji will have his own post.)
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zzeu · 1 year
whenever i see a post about someone wondering how an  asexual and a sexual can be in a healthy relationship there’s always someone being applauded for saying well asexuals can have sex too or just because someone’s asexual doesn’t mean they won’t have sex but i have never, not once, EVER seen someone say well hey, some sexuals don’t have sex. you can have a full relationship without sex. just throwing it out there
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zzeu · 1 year
me whenever a character doesn't show interest in dating or sex because i crave representation:
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zzeu · 1 year
yuri jahad is genuinely the most attractive jock in the world nobody will ever be her nobody will ever achieve this balance of cocky charisma and head empty only punch behavior ever again like nothing is as attractive as her igniting two of the months just bc she's so arrogant she thinks she can take it (spoiler she couldn't) and fully almost dying bc of it and then emerging with her ego unscathed like ?? nobody has ever made me feel like this everytime she appears i start giggling and blushing and twirling my hair she is completely unmatched
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zzeu · 2 years
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