baobhanlore-art · 12 days
Men have this strange saying that only men as a group have to deal with being ridiculed for showing their emotions, but that's only because they don't acknowledge women face it in a different way.
The misconception women are allowed and encouraged to share emotions is so frustrating because everywhere in society paints us as hysterical or picking apart at details or being too involved or just on our periods. We never have a valid reason to be upset and while a sad man is seen as weak, a sad woman is seen as insane
We're also not allowed to be angry. Men being angry is treated as masculine and strong, but women, again, are treated as insane and childish.
We aren't allowed to be emotional. We're expected by men to be comforting. That is a strong difference.
And heaven forbid we try to find that same comfort in men. Because the people who label us as hysterics generally aren't women.
And of course, a similar thing is applied to trans and genderqueer folk in that if they're feeling bad, it's they're medical hormones or because they're miserable because of their transition. And for they're angry, they're raging SJWs. A similar treatment of belittling and labelling to dismiss them.
So no, men are not unique in this and to say so is to ignore who upholds these standards and how the harm of patriarch isn't an even split.
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baobhanlore-art · 16 days
Idk if this is an odd take but I'd personally feel safer around a trans woman than a cis woman.
I've had other cis women diminish my abuse, refer to SA as "hot", say that my rape threat from a nazi was just a joke, and been excluded by them for being disabled and neurodivergent.
But in general, trans women have faced similar vitriol and are much more respectful of boundaries and autonomy. They don't shame me for being different due to my AuDHD and Tourette's Syndrome because they know people are just different.
Like, I'm sorry, but if a trans woman is making you feel uncomfortable, but you don't have issues with most cis men, I think you just hate people who are different or outside the status quo. Because, in general, transphobes don't like me either. One girl went around my school, which I've finally got out of, filming me and yelling after making transphobic remarks about my sister. She hated me too because I'm a neurodivergent goth girl. Because I'm different.
Whereas a trans woman is a woman who's likely faced the same abuse I have is much more likely to be empathetic and emotionally intelligent. They know what it's like to be outside the perceived norm.
So, if I'm trying to piss or fix my eyebrows around a stranger, I'd rather it would be someone who has that empathy than a privileged person with none.
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baobhanlore-art · 18 days
"My OTP never kissed"
"My OTP isn't canon"
"The creator made a straight ship canon and it's so much worse than my gay OTP"
"One of my OTP members died"
Shut up. Shut the actual fuck up. You do not know pain. Not my pain. The pain I felt when my gay enemies with opposing personalities and a white-blue Vs black-red colour scheme, with a rich, prim, and powerful Vs poor, punk, and orphaned contrast, and some of the best fight scenes in the entire animation scene, ended up being FUCKING RELATED!
At least you have fanfiction and AUs. At least you have fanart. At least you have tiktok capcut edits. I cannot do that because either way it's ALWAYS INCEST!
(Btw it's these two)
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baobhanlore-art · 30 days
White Briefs, an Attack on Titan comic.
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baobhanlore-art · 1 month
I have a feeling Erwin (at least in modern AUs) would absolutely be into pet names.
He'd always refer to Levi as "my other half, my love, my partner," and call him "darling, love, honey," and quote Tolkien in his vows.
But Levi would just call him Erwin. Like, not casually but always Erwin. Even to people they don't know Just like "I have to get back to Erwin," and the stranger is just like "who?" and Levi's like "Erwin" and refuses to elaborate. As if everyone must know who he is because he's just that cool to him.
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baobhanlore-art · 1 month
There is a thing line between selling out and admiring the hustle and I think it's not spoken about enough.
When does an ad or sponsor go from paying rent to selling your dignity?
When does it become shameful to accept money from someone or something you don't support or feel neutral towards?
If TX2 using the tiktok algorithm to get themselves known and share their music is selling out, then why is bands going to clubs they specifically know have label producers seen as more acceptable? They're both still performing to audiences and the market has shifted.
Why is it that F.D. Signifier was shamed for accepting money from an Obama housing benefit regime when he wouldn't have been able to afford one otherwise? Just because he criticizes Obama and capitalism? He still lives under a capitalist racist system and has kids.
But then if someone got a scholarship, we'd be okay with that?
Why do we support some people and not others? I don't get it. It feels so arbitrary.
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baobhanlore-art · 3 months
Hazbin Hatedom twitter currently:
Mimzy is anti-semitic despite not resembling anti-Semitic caricatures or being explicitly Jewish (I'm a Jewish person and I'm saying this is a reach)
The character designs are all dog shit objectively (the body types are obviously lacking but they communicate who the characters are well and I like them)
Hazbin songs are shit and comparisons to Steven Universe (which is also good) is used to hate on them.
Angeldust isn't a valid portrayal of SA and it's ramifications (I relate to him)
Honestly, these people need to get a life. I'm not saying this in a dismissive way but I mean hating on a show and making so many reaches just to further a mob mentality cannot be healthy for someone's mental health.
My prediction is it'll get the Steven Universe treatment where everyone hates it but once the next big queer and boundary pushing series comes out it'll be used to mock it.
I honestly fucking hate twitter and only use it to find out about Palestine news, Verdis Joe, Kwite, and Eruri fanart.
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baobhanlore-art · 4 months
I just found out Banshee is a Zionist. I am heartbroken. It's like when I found out about Melanie Martinez all over again.
As a pro-Palestine ethnic Jew, it feels really depressing to see members of my community fall for the propaganda and support such a vile western made war hiding behind a star of David.
And when she made so many songs about SA and abuse and I've received an SA threat by an anti-semite, and was pushed to the point where I was able to be groomed by the anti-Semitic harassment, and she's using that to justify genocide, it hurts.
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baobhanlore-art · 4 months
Hot take: the same people who complain about Chaggie being hardly a romantic relationship would accuse Vivziepop of queerbaiting if they weren't explicitly romantic.
Also for the people who didn't recognise they were together, Vaggie only ever letting her guard down around Charlie, singing half a song in episode three about how she's dedicating herself to fighting for her, and literally growing her wings back by recognising her cause in life is to fight for her love for Charlie is so blatant that you have to be watching it in bad faith to not recognise it.
Basically, stop telling a sapphic creator her sapphic characters aren't the right kind of sapphic and don't even count as sapphic because you don't personally like it.
(Btw I should probably say despite being a huge critic of Helluva Boss, I really fucking enjoyed Hazbin Hotel and I will discuss why eventually.)
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baobhanlore-art · 7 months
Something that really pisses me off about girls who complain about having pretty privilege is that pretty much all their complaints (catcalling, being used for sex, treated like a status symbol, unsure if someone likes them for them or for their looks) are actually very common in women with no pretty privilege.
Like I'm a backrolled binge eater who can't fit in her jeans and my skin is scarred and translucent but even I deal with that shit. You're not special and oppressed for being skinny and pretty. You're who everyone wants to be. Stfu and stop acting as if we're on an even playing field because someone told you your legs were thin in 8th grade meanwhile people like me deal with harassment and bullying every fucking day.
We all suffer from misogyny but admitting some people have it harder doesn't undermine that.
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baobhanlore-art · 8 months
Oh to be the only Prohibited Wish shipper in my Adventure Time fanatic family.
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baobhanlore-art · 8 months
After seeing the Hazbin Hotel cast, I'm not 100% sure how to feel about them.
Hazbin originally had a bunch of indie and smaller VAs that not many people had heard of and their roles put them into the spotlight. Michael Kovach is practically dominating the indie animation sphere and his role in Hazbin was a large contributor to that. All the voice actors could have gotten that sane attention and more if they were just given more screen time.
But instead it's a bunch of already huge names that don't need an introduction and it's not like Hazbin needs them to hype everything up. It already has a huge established fanbase.
I'm just disappointed. I thought the casting would just be other indie and smaller VAs since giving non industry people a chance was part of what Hazbin represented. But it feels like it's losing that element and becoming more and more industry.
I'm sure they'll do an amazing job but there are so many smaller VAs that could do just as great that wouldn't feel like a phone-in.
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baobhanlore-art · 10 months
Rachel Zegler is being targeted unfairly: let's talk about it.
I feel like I'm in the minority here but the treatment of Rachel Zegler by the general public surrounding Snow White is awful and I want to talk about it.
So I get it if you're a fan of the original movie and feel upset about Rachel saying it has some not so great unfeminist elements and the live action is meant to change that. A lot of people are saying it's unfeminist to say a woman can't fall in love with a man. But it's still a fair criticism to say that Snow White was valued for being pretty, kind, calm and doing chores for men whereas the villain was an independent powerful woman. Sure, it's great to see a woman being nice and that being promoted but I also think Snow White is definitely a product of its time. It's beautiful and I love Snow White's character design but it probably wouldn't be made the way it was in the modern day.
Secondly, I want the live-action remakes to be different from the original animated versions. I would prefer if Disney invested into more new projects, though I won't undermine the amazing work animators are doing for original properties and franchises alike (I know the animated Star Wars series are really popular and critically acclaimed though I've still to watch them). But if they're going to be made, I want them to be different. If Snow White is more about a conflict between a Queen and a younger, newer voice then I'm all for it.
As for her not being white, as a very pale person I don't personally care that much. Rachel looks like Snow White physically and the photos we've seen of her do show a sort of whimsical vibe that Disney Princesses thrive on. If technical inaccuracy allows for a poc woman to be put in the spotlight, I'm cool with it.
Lastly, do y'all not realise what marketing strategies are? The cast have probably been told by producers to spark outrage so the movie is discussed more. They're rage baiting us and it's working. And I won't fault the actors for promoting a film the way they've been told to. There's a thin line between being shamefully corporate and hustling admirably and I'm going to take my fellow artists' side until proven otherwise. Especially since Rachel is currently partaking in the strikes so she can be paid more appropriately for her role in a movie that will likely be huge.
I do have issues with the live action, especially how they only cast one little person to play a dwarf, but that's not really Rachel's fault. Just wait for the movie to come out first and then we can debate.
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baobhanlore-art · 11 months
So Vivzie just tweeted this and I have thoughts that won't fit well into tweets so here I am
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For starters, the criticism of fanfiction isn't targeted towards the queer aspects. In fact I've found that some of the most extreme critics of fanfiction culture are also queer people. From the fujoshi fandom that causes an extreme rise in MlM shipping but largely for fem gazey smut, the unrecognised untagged unhealthy relationship tropes, to the misogyny often within these works, stories like these come with many issues.
The criticism of writing feeling like fanfiction, especially towards Helluva Boss, is that the elements of the stories people heavily critique feel unnecessary, tropey, and derailing from consistency.
In The Circus, I do not fault the idea of a queer character having a childhood crush on a same sex friend. The problem is more to do with how it stunts the desperation Blitz has to keep his business alive, since he's no longer just sleeping with some rich guy but an old friend, and the sudden unexpectedness of their situation. It's also a common trope where the live interests actually knew each other as kids so it feels overdone and generic.
In Exes and Oohs, the mafia setting feels completely bizarre considering the intense bigotry and classism within the world. Not only that but the daddy issues, fridged mum, forced marriage and overall unrealistic depiction of the mafia is very common in fanfiction written by teens who do no research and just want the aesthetics.
Secondly, there are plenty of straight works that have a similar label attached to them. ACOTAR and TOH both have writers who originally wrote fanfiction and they didn't develop out of the negative habits within fanfiction writing. Therefore their original work feels like fanfiction. Riverdales "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo" speech was heavily critiqued for sounding like a fanfiction line.
Thirdly, a big reason for being compared to fanfiction is the unfinished feeling of the scripts. I've already pointed out in a previous post that some of the dialogue in Western Energy felt like it needed to be cut down by an editor. And most people agree that the situations and logic aren't often very well thought through, such as how the aging machine could have just been reversed or how DORKS should have been killed off. The scripts feel like loose first drafts that could use additional edits. Fanfiction usually doesn't have an editor or even a beta reader, I've seen more "no beta we die like *insert character*" tags in many of the fandoms I read for than "beta" tags.
If people critiqued the owl house for feeling fanficcy because it had a diverse cast in a highschool setting with a quirky MC, I'd agree it's a bad descriptor because it's directly the queer and neurodivergent stories that are being attacked. Or if Murder Drones was labelled as fanficcy because it has an edgy teen female MC I'd say it's unfair because a lot of girls genuinely act like that and deserve to be represented and have our stories told. But most of the criticism about Helluva Boss to do with its LGBT rep is less to do with its inclusion and more to do with people feeling it's falling into yaoi tropes. Not the fact it includes queer stories.
This is something We Are Not Alive said recently that such with me, but just because it's an indie project doesn't mean we have to settle for subpar writing. There are loads of indie productions you can support! Murder Drones, Lackadaisy, the animated Anne Frank movie, and these are just some of the more popular ones!
And I wish people would stop weaponising every single argument to try and defend issues in Helluva Boss. The fandom says "of course it has issues" then cries when we point that out.
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baobhanlore-art · 11 months
Canon Pavitr: I canonically have the most complex fighting style in the movie, I'm very culturally aware and fight against remnants of colonialism in my country while protecting my fellow citizens! Look at my gorgeous muscles, and my gorgeous girlfriend! Aren't I perfect?
Fanon Pavitr: Hewwo! *bwushes* I'm just a sweet bebe, look at my unicorn onesie *uwu*. I can'd do anyfing on my own. Do wou have gamies on your phowne I can pway?
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baobhanlore-art · 11 months
Idk if y'all know this but Katy Perry is a sexual abuser and I'm so tired of people not knowing this.
Groping Justin Bieber
Groping Shawn Mendes
Accusations from Josh Kloss
I've also heard that she's generally really creepy and touchy on American Idol which I can't confirm that since I don't watch it, but looking at this shit I 100% believe it. It's disgusting. She's disgusting.
Stop supporting her, she's irredeemable.
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baobhanlore-art · 11 months
People telling me I'm a hater for critiquing Helluva Boss is so weird to me because, like, I'm in the fandom. I've drawn fanart, I watch fan channels, I have merch. And at the end of the day I'm still thinking about and investing time into it. Beelzebub and discussions around her design are still interesting, and I got to experiment with style when I redesigned her. And by critiquing writing, I am in turn learning how I like stories and how I want to write.
In short, the show is ✨ inspiring me✨.
Just because you can acknowledge there are flaws or issues in a piece of art doesn't mean you're a blind hater. I know the fandom has endured a lot which is why the toxic positivity is so strong, but I'm not hating on the show.
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