anyone have power assist recommendations for a manual chair? i've been thinking of getting one for a while but have no idea where to start
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the good news is i’m almost completely asymptomatic (for now) but having an awful mcas flare which means i can’t even eat my safe foods and everything hurts
also i’d made it four entire years without getting covid. i’m vaxxed and boosted and mask. fuck this
anyway tips for being sick with mcas welcome i cant stand this
i have covid and i’m so fucking mad.
a family member didn’t mask at a large event last week, got covid, and gave it to me.
i was woken up at 6am by a dislocated jaw so painful i started crying (i do not cry from pain) and i was going to see my osteopath to relocate it but now i cant.
also my nose is so fucking dry and it hurts like a bitch.
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i have covid and i’m so fucking mad.
a family member didn’t mask at a large event last week, got covid, and gave it to me.
i was woken up at 6am by a dislocated jaw so painful i started crying (i do not cry from pain) and i was going to see my osteopath to relocate it but now i cant.
also my nose is so fucking dry and it hurts like a bitch.
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oh this was the only way to drink water when i took the SAT. i wanted to fucking scream
if you cant bend/reach to the correct height, angle your head, or create suction & swallow efficiently enough, then fuck you and go die i guess
wishing all people who say there's water available when the only way to get water is at a drinking fountain a very die
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honestly i dont think i could do drugs recreationally if i tried. i mean theres something to be said about recreational use being inherently a form of self medicating or whatever but like
theres never a time where i dont also medically need weed.
like it’s weird to feel like recreational drug use?? isn’t accessible?? but like i try to vape “just ‘cuz” and end up enjoying the lack of joint pain way more than the being high part
its like to the point where being high feels more like a side effect than,,, the reason you take the drug. honestly i think thats the main reason i struggle to empathize with recreational users of drugs i take medically, i just forget that for some people the point is not to distract your bones
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i always think it’s obvious when i’m posting high but then i realize that while that’s probably true it’s not obvious when i’m posting sober
mind altering medications + schizotypy + autism + brain snake broken = always sounding high in different ways or whatever
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it is so frustrating that edibles make everything better except my neurocognitive function so i just. lose a bunch of words and the ability to make points but feel more fine than i ever do
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here’s kindling!! i’ll add alt text when i can but she’s a very cute calico cat. all my posts of her are on my main but crip blog deserves kibble too
edit: @crippled-peeper oh right here is cats. its actually one cat shes the love of my life
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does crippled “morg” peeper follow this blog i forget and i dont know how to check on mobile. hey do you see this .
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like i’m not saying that people with SCIs are neurotypical to be clear. i don’t think that’s true in the majority of cases at least
i just think it’s wild to call an injury a form of neurodivergence instead of like… the neurodivergent thing. also not all spinal cord injuries really alter your cognitive function beyond “regular” trauma, and things that cause trauma arent what we cal neurodivergencies
you could say that neurological disability is a form of neurodivergence?? like . a broken leg that causes PTSD isn’t neurodivergent just because the PTSD is. am i making sense
just saw someone calling spinal cord injury a “form of neurodivergence” and i need to sit down. several times
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just saw someone calling spinal cord injury a “form of neurodivergence” and i need to sit down. several times
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i was about to post about this clown in the cripple punk/spinal cord injury tags asking why the fuck they were being . such a clown. but then i realized its someone i already blocked a couple months ago. so nevermind lmfao
unfortunately said clown was one of the only people i saw looking so oof i guess
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update: big fan of edibles but i hate that i like them because theyre so much pricier lmfao
i didnt expect edibles to like . taste like weed . like it tastes like candy but also definitely like weed smoke ????
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i didnt expect edibles to like . taste like weed . like it tastes like candy but also definitely like weed smoke ????
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wishing all people who say there's water available when the only way to get water is at a drinking fountain a very die
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i did a PT consult the other day at the same place i see my osteopath and the physical therapist taught me how to breathe properly and a way to reduce strain in my sleep and. ive been waking up without strain/subluxes/neurological symptoms.
there was more info given to me obviously but ive only implemented two (or 1.5 actually she had more sleep suggestions) and it’s been such a help.
i appreciate PRISM so much and i’m so grateful for them. it’s very expensive so i don’t see them as often as i probably need but they’re one of the few places that provide me with information to manage my health out of office instead of just expecting me to do weekly appointments or suffer.
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hey there! i wanna be sure im not being invasive if i follow you, so i wanted to ask if you considered herniated disks a spinal cord injury? if not i'll totally just mosey along! i dont wanna intrude on Your Space by forcing you to include something that you deem as very dissimilar to your own experience, thatd be a dick move
not all injuries to the spine are spinal cord injuries--my 'SCI' is actually extremely borderline for whether or not it counts as one, because it's not clear if my spinal cord itself is injured or just heavily effected.
the spinal cord is a part of the spine--it's the tube-of-nerves bit.
so a herniated disc is a spine/back injury, but not a spinal cord injury
that being said anyone is free to follow. if i don't want people without SCIs or whatever interacting with a post, i'll say so at the top.
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