#anticrip ableism
in my local queer bar someone graffitied the single occupancy disabled stall sign* to read “quadruple occupancy” and i’m so fucking done.
*grafitti on the bathroom doors is perfectly normal and encouraged at this bar. the issue is vandalizing a disabled stall with a joke about misusing it to fuck.
i pointed it out and how fucking upsetting it is to have our fucking BATHROOMS be the butt of endless jokes about drugs and sex and uncleanliness and laziness CONSTANTLY. it’s fucking insulting to have the active misuse of the only place a cripple can fucking pee be treated as a haha funny by people who don’t suffer from it and in fact often PERPETRATE that.
when i brought up that it’s way less funny when you’ve had those jokes made to you constantly when you’re just trying to piss—a right constantly denied to cripples—an abled person just went “yeah, we’ve all been in middle school!”
they didn’t respond when i said “oh, so you’ve been a middle schooler with a wheelchair?”
ableist abuse from peers was a major factor in my losing my right to education, and the rest of it was not being given basic accomodations. i’m not interested in entertaining it from grown-ass adults.
(also, given that tonight is, i shit you not, TRANS NIGHT, you’d think people would have an idea of how humiliating and shitty it is to have the only bathroom you can use mocked and misused for sex.)
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still livid that an able-bodied trans person thought it was appropriate to minimize the harm of having your only safe bathroom be treated as exclusively for sex by people who don't need it to my fucking face, and did not apologize at any point including when i explicitly called them out and explained why that was harmful.
i'm visibly trans, and i'm also clocky. i haven't passed as cis anything since i was maybe twelve. i fully understand how hard it is to use public bathrooms as a trans person and how dangerous and painful it can be. i am still 100% more able to use a gendered bathroom than i am to get in a stall smaller than my wheelchair.
but for some reason not being able to piss is only a problem when it primarily affects white able-bodied trans people.
also, it's worth noting that disabled stalls are disproportionately used by immunocompromised people and having sex in them actively puts them in danger. having sex in any stall can put people at risk, but do you not see how it is especially fucked up to do it in a place where people whose bodies can't fight STIs are more likely to be? people who can't just pick another stall if you leave a mess, because this is the only one with a grab bar?
y'all will get annoyed when gender neutral bathrooms are treated as spots to fuck or use drugs but when it's physically impossible for disabled people to use non-disabled stalls, it's magically fine to misuse our accessibility features and crack jokes about it because it's you depriving us of our most basic rights, and you're queer, so actually it's fine and the fussy cripples need to shut up, right?
the sex we're having in your accessibility feature is a gay foursome, so it's hilarious! we painted our stairs rainbow, so stop complaining that there isn't a ramp!
[edit: this post is the context, i didn't think this would breach containment. i was a fool]
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this is a cripple punk post; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
stop calling ND people’s ableism against physdis folks “lateral ableism.” it’s not lateral.
the vast majority of physdis folks are ND. while ND people can absolutely be disabled, ND disability works and is experienced differently, and isn’t just “physdis but mental”
ND people’s ableism against crips isn’t “lateral.” it’s ableism with an excuse.
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this is a cripple punk post [even if it also applies to nonphysical disability]; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
actually tagging my last post reminded me--
if you're making a post about a disability you don't have, for fucks sake, please make or use a modified tag that IS NOT a community tag.
i get that you want to sort topics and make them easier to find on your blog or whatever, but if you misuse tags you are actively making it harder for people to find community.
avoid using just an asterisk or backslash or similar to modify the tag--these tags are usually even more explicitly for the community than the disability's unmodified tag is.
my personal go-to is 're: x', like, 're: intellectual disability', and i think ive seen 'includes: x' for fiction stuff. basically anything works if it's not used by the community. for some disabilities, you're fine just using the name of the disability as a tag, but for many, the name of the disability is the community tag. this is especially common, in my experience, with disabilities that affect cognitive/intellectual/neurological functioning. please err on the side of caution.
please, please, i am literally begging you, let disabled people have our spaces. a huge part of why i made this blog is that the tags relevant to my main disabilities are totally overrun by nondisabled people and "allies." it fucking sucks and does massive damage to disabled people--and i mean that very literally.
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oh let me know if there's already a term for it but i've started to use diagonal ableism to refer to the kind of ableism that's often incorrectly called lateral ableism--like, when level 1 autistics talk about/treat level 2&3 autists like shit, when non-ID ND folks 'reclaim' the r-slur, when abled ND people call themselves paralyzed or cripples, etc.
shit that is absolutely not lateral because it weaponizes a very real power imbalance, but that is arguably still coming from "inside the house"--ableism against people who are more severely disabled, who have a different class of disability entirely, who need more support, who are more visibly disabled, etc.
lateral ableism does exist to be clear, but it's not what LSN disableds will often do to MSN and HSN disabled people.
and like yeah diagonal ableism is also just ableism, but i think that having something to describe it is worthwhile because there's a specific context and often an extra vitriol applied to it, yknow? like the way an LSN autist treats me like shit is often different from how neurotypical ableds do.
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ok if you're unironically calling people cisdisabled. sit down i need you to get this.
acquired disability is real disability. it doesn't matter how it was acquired. yes that includes disabilities that are self-inflicted through self-harm, drug use, dangerous labor, etc.
when you call people cisdisabled, you can only be doing one of two things:
treating congenital disability as fundamentally different or more real/inherent than acquired disability, or
separating acquired disabilities into cisdisabled and transdisabled by how much it was "their fault"
both of these are really fucking gross ableist things to do.
if you're currently disabled and can't choose to stop being disabled, you're disabled.
if you can choose to stop being disabled, you're not disabled.
if you choose to do something that permanently/chronically disables you, you will be disabled when that something happens, but not before.
it's not rocket science
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ableds [non-crips] DNI
Tumblr media
...ok. sure
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i'm definitely not anti leaving tumblr or whatever but as someone who is genuinely too disabled for virtually all social media it fucking sucks to have people acting like changing platforms is something everyone can just do.
i'm not saying tumblr is the best or even good, but it's the only form of social media i can keep up with. i've fucking tried others. tried instagram, twitter, multiple instances of mastodon, briefly cohost, neocities, and i can't fucking do it.
my system collectively barely runs a youtube channel, but that's not really a social media--definitely not in the way tumblr is. we're active on discord, but it's also its own thing entirely.
this happened with twitter too--which also sucked, though it affected me less because by the time it became a big talking point i was becoming too disabled to use it and i never really liked it to begin with.
and every time, it's exhausting.
people will put so much anger and blame on people who aren't immediately ready to jump ship, even people who can't do that without drowning. if i say tumblr has the combination of notification settings, accessibility features, layout, and community that i need to exist online, someone will tell me that i'm lying and just suddenly love transmisogynists as if i haven't lost and willfully left behind many communities for transmisogyny directed at myself and others, as if there's no way a disability can profoundly affect how you exist online.
i find the people doing the latter tend to be LSN ND people, which doesn't surprise me. when you experience the discomfort and distress of change that comes with things like autism, but are, for example, level 1 and capable of adapting afterwards, it's a lot easier to act like everyone who doesn't or can't is a lazy liar who doesn't care enough.
but that's not how this works.
[also, can we please try to be mad at the people actually fucking doing things wrong and defending transmisogyny instead of the people hesitating to leave a site that often allowed them to built life-saving community and connections? like, how about we don't call people who are slow to go nuclear evil monsters?]
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this is a cripple punk post about intracommunity issues; ableds DNI
for the record, cripples who self-sabatogue or don’t want to get better or refuse treatment or destroy their meds or self harm or lie about their symptoms to doctors or do drugs (yes even that one) deserve help and support too.
if you consider yourself cripple punk and you get mad at people who “waste” their meds or overuse mobility aids or smoke or “make disabled people look bad”…
you’re not cripple punk!
learn your damn history and go fuck yourself with a splintering wooden cane.
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