nicoathogwarts · 21 days
I've been a Percy Jackson fan for years. But I couldn't read the books as soon as they came out because I didn't know English that good and had to wait up to years so they'd be translated. So I would get the books spoiled online. And I remember at some point seeing a post with "spoilers" for Blood of Olympus that had a bunch of fake spoilers like "Nico ends up with Annabeth", "Reyna marries Chiron" and a lot of things (that my stupid ass believed for like 15 minutes before I made my research). And now one of my best friends is a fan of PJO after watching the first season. And I realized I can give her fake spoilers too. "Oh, did you know Luke is actually Percy's brother?" "Omg, I can't wait for Grover and Clarisse ro get together." "Ugh, how much more do I have to watch until the reveal that Chiron is a villain??". She's shook
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nicoathogwarts · 23 days
(guys this is for experimental reasons)
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
how Nico functions narratively as a character is always extremely funny to me because he has like, exactly 3 modes: exposition, damsel, and dues ex machina.
Exposition Mode is usually whenever Annabeth (#1 designated exposition character. #2 is Grover or insert mythological figure of the hour here. #3 is Nico) or someone else isn't around to exposition for the present cast. He has an excuse to somehow randomly know everything and everyone, no matter what, especially if it's relevant to the plot. He'll randomly develop new skills or personal arcs purely as an excuse to put him in situations where he can exposition, such as him being able to gain insight into the future/prophecies via ghosts (which is a thing in Greek mythology, but still). This is actually why it's extremely difficult for him to function as a POV character in a stand-alone story or first book of a series, because the way Riordanverse functions, the POV almost always only has as much information as the audience going into things and a secondary character explains information to them as they go along, unless it's later on into a series and it makes sense for the characters and/or audience to know that already. That's why Nico doesn't function well as a POV for TSATS but Will would work fine, because Nico's designated narrative role is Knowing Everything/Everyone, Somehow (particularly relating to the Underworld).
Damsel: he just gets kidnapped a ridiculous amount of times. Also that plus his penchant for passing out means there is ample opportunity for scenarios where Nico, despite being extremely powerful, needs to be rescued. Pairing this with how he's always off doing absolutely anything, absolutely anywhere, and somehow knows everybody, he's a perfect means to push the plot forward with an easy "oh no we need to rescue/protect Nico for the millionth time" side-quest or addition to stakes at hand. Or, similarly, if you need to take Nico out of the equation for a bit because he's too powerful and would fix it immediately: oops he passed out/needs to be protected/is kidnapped/etc.
And then as mentioned before - Deus ex machina, kinda literally. Nico is extremely overpowered for a reason; Because he's the catch-all solution to every problem. Just throw Nico at it. We can BS a new epic power for him that vaguely makes sense and yeah he's just that powerful and will pass out because of it probably. Yeah sure he can rip people's souls out and instakill things. Yeah he can teleport anything anywhere under essentially any circumstances. He'll just be a little sleepy. A lil eepy. He needs to take a lil nap. It's fine.
Basically. Solution to literally every situation in the Riordanverse: Throw Nico at it. Just throw Nico at it. It'll make sense. It'll work. Unless he's the primary POV in a stand-alone novel, short story, or first book in a series. Then it won't make any sense because you suddenly have to backtrack like 2/3 of Nico's entire narrative functions and suddenly he is Only A Damsel.
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
I feel like CHB vs CJ is a pro chess player vs a newbie type situation. CJ is very like militaristically advanced but CHB would be entirely unpredictable with their minimal battle strategy and chaos. Plus, the raw power of being a full blooded demigod would probably make up for having a lot less people.
As much as I love Octavian, he would not last in a game of capture the flag at camp half-blood
I know it’s pretty similar to war games, except for the fact that the Greeks are not as organized as the Romans and the only rule is no killing
Not to mention the fact that camp half-blood is all demigods, while a good majority of camp jupiter are legacies, including Octavian, who’s family has been there for about a century, he most likely does not have much godly blood
I’m just saying Octavian could not handle a bunch of unhinged demigods
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
Nico had to stay in the hospital wing for several days until he was nearly solid. When he blinked awake everything was far too bright, if it weren't for the silence he would've assumed he was back in the infirmary with Will hovering nearby to make sure his vitals were normal.
Some people had left cards and small gifts for when he got better. A surprisingly nice gesture, maybe it meant that he wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. The gods weren't that kind, he'd just lie and let Dumbledore make his own assumptions.
Once he was fully solid and able to walk up to the Headmasters office he did, guided by Snape who seemed even more displeased then usual. If he hadn't been around for a while Nico would've suspected he were a monster in disguise. Maybe he was playing the long game. "Lemon Sherbert." As the eagle twisted to expose a spiral staircase Snape gave Nico one last sneer. "If Dumbledor had any sense you'd be expelled with the rest of Potter and his friends. Fortunately you were not part of his antics, simply an unfortunate side effect of his little escape. Him and his friends sent you to the hospital wing after being hit with multiple unknown hexes and curses."
Nico nodded and went up. He'd figure out what all of that was about later. He sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. "Professor."
"Mr. di Angelo it's good to see you well again, you gave Madame Pomfrey quite the scare. I don't believe she's seen anything quite like it before." He chuckled to himself. "It was very noble to go against your house and aid Harry, who knows what may have happened if you hadn't been there to apparate everyone to safety."
"Yeah, I mean I wasn't really thinking about when it, it just happened. What happened after I passed out? No one's told me anything other then to see you."
"Harry went after Voldemort with some of the Order members while Sirius Black stayed with you and the rest of your friends until help could come. Minister Fudge saw Voldemort alive for himself and it has been confirmed that he has returned. Unfortunately, he and his followers fled the Ministry soon after."
Nico nodded along "And everyone else is ok? No casualties?"
"Everyone else is fine. Now off you go, I hear your housemates have been very worried about you."
Nico made his way down to the Slytherin common room where he immediately took one of the nice armchairs stationed in front of the fireplace. When the bell rang signaling the end of class he hardly had time to breathe before his housemates were surrounding him and demanding answers.
After many "I don't remember who hexed me with what" and "I don't know why they did it" they finally backed off. It took another twenty minutes to make them agree not to get revenge in his behalf, if only because he swore to do it himself.
Ginny jumped and looked around the empty common room. "How'd you get in?"
Nico stepped out of the shadows. "I waited until I overheard someone say the password. But that's not why I'm here, I can't be seen with anyone outside of Slytherin. My standing isn't that great as it is, and it'd be a lot worse if people knew I'd gone with you to the ministry."
"I get it. Do you know what happened after you apparated?"
Nico shrugged "nope. I'm going to go before I'm missed. If you see any coins laying around don't touch them."
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
Like, Nico’s already a nickname, why does he need another that’s “shorter” then Nico? Not everyone needs a nickname.
everytime someone calls nico a cinnamon roll or something of the like an angel loses its wings
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
It’s everywhere and I can’t stand it. 0/10 nicknamr
everytime someone calls nico a cinnamon roll or something of the like an angel loses its wings
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
The same goes for when the nickname “Neeks” is used.
everytime someone calls nico a cinnamon roll or something of the like an angel loses its wings
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nicoathogwarts · 2 months
This tracks so well with my headcanon that Nico learned mythomagic in the Lotus Hotel. Because like mist and stuff there wouldn’t be like pack man, so he spent a lot of time playing card games, and mythomangic was his favorite.
nico gambles. that's it. that's the post
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nicoathogwarts · 2 months
Yes I like fictional characters a very normal amount. Don’t look at my blog.
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nicoathogwarts · 2 months
this might just be because i’m on a descendants kick rn (my bad yall) but you guys gotta hear me out… i feel like descendants as an au for fics is so underused and underutilized…
harry potter aus? been there done that. hunger games aus? always hits but it’s constant angst. percy jackson aus? so fun for other fandoms i love assigning ppl godly parents, and we don’t talk about divergent aus. can we have some fucking Fun or do i have to do everything myself (/lh) like don’t get me into the implications this could have on jasico ( nico as mal cough cough hades dad, jason as prince ben son of the beast )
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
I try to avoid anti-percabeth posts because defensiveness is not a good look on me and obviously no one is going around saying that the MOA judo flip was Rick’s best writing choice but also like?
Oh no? Did the character who canonically isn’t very good at handling her feelings react poorly to being overwhelmed with emotions? Was that a little cringe? Does that make her an abusuer? Should we call the police? Grow up.
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
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valdangelo moment
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
Eventually Will gets really good at spotting when Nico’s about to pass out even when he himself doesn’t know. He’ll crouch down right before Nico topples over to get him in a fireman carry like its nothing.
Nico passes out way too much that Will gets so used to carry him in his arms or on his back, he can do it without looking. It’s like a habit. Naturally. This time Nico missed their destination and Will carried him all the way through the woods without breaking a sweat. I’m delusional leave me alone.
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
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part one
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Nico di Angelo/Will Solace - The Camp Halfblood Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Whisper/Prince Julien Sandry - Prince and Assassin by Tavia Lark
Wylan van Eyck/Jesper Fahey - Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Lark/Rosethorn - Circle of Magic by Tamora Pierce
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nicoathogwarts · 3 months
He is absolutely both. So polite one minute, he knows proper etiquette that most people have forgotten. And an hour later he and Will are ripping someone to pieces for fun.
Why is NICO considered the 'crazy, insane' son of Hades? he was born in the1930s to a rich family, HE IS GOING TO HAVE MANNERS.
Will 'i went to tartaraus in my cargo shorts' fucking solace on the other hand, for one, he was raised in TEXAS with a country singer mom on the road, he's probably been to ATLEAST 20 different bars, that guy should Is deranged.
change my mind, i dare you
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