litiyerses · 2 days
jason's not here cus well.. yk..😹
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strungoutheart · 3 days
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original series   first prev
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mikenlos · 2 days
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quick stuff bc i'm tired
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massiveladycat · 2 days
i will never get over people laughing at octavian's death personally,,, he was SHOT INTO THE AIR!!! thats so painful. all the burns and the impact, plus being flung from a cannon and probably slamming into gaia (literal earth goddess) plus festus (gigantic metal dragon, i bet that HURT) and leo (pretty sure leo was burning)
he was a kid and he was annoying to some people and he was usually antagonized but he didnt deserve to die OR go out in that way. the gods are a thousand times worse than octavian, and apollo told him that he'd be a savior of new rome, but people still justify them. not to mind there are much worse people in the PJO universe (gabe, LUKE)
octavian ily they could never make me hate you EVER. idc what you say he could have been redeemed. did he do bad things? yes. but he was so deeply influenced and the day meeting with leo and the others, in which i remind you octavian literally was watching new rome get blown up (no wonder he was livid, his home was on FIRE).
like come on. octavian is a complex character and people aren't willing to admit that he could've been better and he was just a literal teenager in the sake of hating him because everyone else/pjo characters hate him.
he is such a tragic character imo because he grew up in new rome and all he wanted to do was protect it (and he was highly ambitious and aiming for praetor, i won't deny the fact that he was selfish but that is a quality that can be REDEEMED) and sure the way he went about it was messed up but most of his actions (except killing that one centurion) were justifiable
btw im not saying octavian's like an angel or anything im pretty sure i remember him "killing" a 5th cohort centurion once but then she was revived which . . . what was the point of that?? was it just to like make us hate him more?? huh??? and then was it even ever talked about again?? also yeah he blackmailed hazel thats not good also judging from the wikipedia it only said frank suspected octavian because.. he didn't have his spear?? what?? reminder that there is proof that a lot of pjo characters are unreliable narrators and for all we know octavian could've screwed up somehow and left his spear somewhere (just saying i'd do that too ngl)
also "I am the savior of Rome! I was promised!" i didnt know why but that quote DESTROYED me but now i know that it was because he genuinely believed he was doing the best for new rome and he'd finally have someone's praise and they'd praise him like they praised percy and reyna. pretty sure his mental state was not very good in that scene either and nico and will just let him shoot himself out of an onager on accident. also are we just going to gloss over the fact apollo told him that and encouraged him he was doing the right thing?? of COURSE octavian trusted apollo on that and believed it was the truth; apollo was his ancestor and someone he worshipped as an augur and trusted in for omens and prophecies and allat
yeah. octavian's an asshole. but he was a kid and he couldve been redeemed. then again i am a huge octavian apologist and im not saying you have to have the same opinions as i do also i will not be responding to any asks in my inbox im 2 tired to deal with that!! anyways dont go and insult people or me if you think the opposite thats fine !! i was just bored and found this in my drafts so whats the harm of posting it because im not going to get sent threats over this right,,, right??????
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mediumgayitalian · 2 days
“You ever pray we’re wrong?”
Nico lets his next step sound against the smoothed pebbles, dismissed the shadows he hovered on. Will doesn’t turn to face him, but one of his shoulders slumps, stretched-out camp shirt neckline hanging around his collarbones, in acknowledgment. Nico crouches down, inspecting the pebbles until he finds one suitable — flat, almost disc-like, a little bigger than his thumbnail, smooth as shaved skin.
“‘Bout what?”
It skips when he launches it, on the tail of Will’s, one, two, three times before sinking. Will’s goes much longer, as does his next. And his next. Sink.
“About the —
— afterlife.”
He doesn’t look as he scoops up another handful, eyes glued to the setting sun. His pebbles are all the wrong shape, but he launches them, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time; each of them skips.
“About the world —
— down there.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You ever hope we just —
— dreamed it up?”
One, two, four, sixteen. Sink.
“The whole thing. Gods and Judgement and Punishment. Hellfire.”
One. Twothreefourfivesix. Seven. Sink.
“Like the Mist. An illusion to keep us compliant.”
One. Two. Ten. Twenty. Sink.
“It isn’t,” Nico says, as gently as he can. He runs his thumb over the edge of a pebble, tracing its ridge. A rough broken corner slices along the pad of his thumbprint, and he jumps, breathing a curse, sliding the irony salt into his mouth. “Do you wish it was?”
“I hope it is.”
The blood is long since gone. Nico hooks his nail over his bottom teeth, tongue twisting at the lingering saltiness, and watches him, eyes hooded; the set to his shoulders, his spine; his sand-covered feet and soaked pants rolled to his calves. Lee’s shirt, worn thin, hanging off his shoulders, still; four camp necklaces on his throat, heavy with beads, one wrapped three times around his wrist. Hair, wilder than usual, knotted, matted, whipping in the wind, thick with sand, curling around his eyes.
“I hope we’re wrong and it’s Mist and it’s softer. And it’s —
— nothing. Quiet.”
“Why?” Nico repeats.
“Because I’ve —
— because I’m going to Hell, Nico.”
“I’m going to —
— Hell, and I’m scared.”
“You’re a hero,” Nico says, quiet, and the pebbles in his fist are loud, are grating, and the bitter in Will’s laugh is stronger even than the lingering taste on his tongue, and louder, and brighter, bright, brighter, like the Sun, like the stars, like the brand new moon, and it sears, and it aches, and Nico looks away. And Will laughs, and keeps laughing, and launches his pebbles into the lake, all of them at once, and they hit the water like spit, and spatter, and they sink, and Nico hears them hit the floor, hears them ricochet through, down, descend.
“I hear the injured screaming and choose which ones die,” Will says, sink,
sink, “and I hear them curse me, as they die, and I am going to rot in Hell.”
“You are a hero,” Nico says. His hands shake and he folds his thumb into his fists. “You are a hero. You’ll go to Elysium.”
Will smiles at him. “Okay, Nico.”
“I’ve — judged, you know. Before. Good things way heavy. Good things weigh heavy.”
“You’re not cursed, Will.”
He sits, or he drops, on the rocky shore, bones against stone, and he stares, at the lake, at the Sun, at the Sun, at the Sun, and he waits, and he glows, and he burns.
“The gods aren’t fair,” he says. Quiet.
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skogensro · 2 days
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what if. what if leo and jason kissed. what then rick.
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modawg · 18 hours
i kinda love reading fics where percabeths shipped/paired with different ppl bc normally they’re still best friends and there’s smth so comforting in the fact that in every universe they still end up together just not romantically
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pink-eye-liner · 3 days
Random PJO thought: Would a mosquito die if they drink a demigods blood? Since Like- you know, they're half divine OR would they become ✨Super Mosquitoes✨
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seastargrl · 3 days
rip jason and piper you would've loved side eyeing each other regarding caleo
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euryvices · 3 days
valgrace song I wrote to distract myself
yes this is unfortunately one take. i wish I had better equipment ong
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themythecho · 3 days
Nico di Angelo is so Edwin Paine core (Gay kid in the early 1900s that is back into present time and falls in love with a bisexual, definitely mentally ill but DOES NOT address it, boy)
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sunnysolace7 · 2 days
hold the fuck up
I'm the fuck up
hold me
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Will: You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Nico, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
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kindaqueerngl · 13 hours
yeah hey welcome to the Percy jackson fandom- oh you like him? the emo gay one? okay get ready for the fanfics where he kills himself, the fanfics where he gets brutally fucked, the fanfics where he's actually happy, the fanfics where he's a villain, the fanart where he's almost nude and hot, the fanart where he's adorable, the short haired version, the long haired version, fanmade stuff where he's shipped with Leo, Jason, Percy, Will, Reyna, and random oc's. oh also get ready to be gay. anyway have fun I guess
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thestarsloth · 2 days
Sometimes i just keep thinking about what would have happened if Piper had betrayed her friends for her dad
Would Annabeth completely break after another friend becoming an enemy?
Would Leo lose himself after his only true friend, his only family, gave up on him like the rest of his 'family'?
Would Jason decide that he couldn't belong in Camp Half-Blood and go back to the people who didnt care about him?
Would Drew look at her siblings and say, "See? She was no different than Silena", while thinking that she lost another sister?
Would the other campers look at the Aphrodite kids in disgust, only seeing the faces of traitors?
Would the Seven have to meet her, one of them, only on the other side of the battle field?
Would Piper look in her dagger and only see her eyes, full of guilt, hearing the voices of everyone whispering 'just like Silena'.
Would she be torn between family and her other family, too far in to go back?
Would she meet Leo's eyes and break because she betrayed the only person who cared for her in that school, her little brother?
Would she have to use her voice against them, fight the people she loved?
Would she be the one to destroy the prophecy?
Another hero turned villain?
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aezuria · 2 days
uptown girl!
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"she's been living in her uptown world, i bet she's never had a backstreet guy" —billy joel
content: mortal au!leo valdez x reader
╰┈▸ info: stuck-up reader (she gets character development later), cursing, reader is ~18, early 2000s core
notes: stella finally posted a fic !? (pls tell me if u enjoy i need validation 😔)
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this has got to be the worst way to start summer ever. first, your morning was ruined by a bird shitting all over your car window—not a mess you had the time nor the patience to clean. then, on your way to pick up your friends for some much needed girl time, your car had the fun idea of breaking down. great. it left you on the side of the road, dialing up your father. which, when you think about it, really wasn't your fault! your precious ride just spontaneously combusted or something. nothing to do with the fact that you've crashed the front about seven times since january. after all, you'd gotten them fixed! it should be the mechanic's fault. or maybe, this car was cursed!
but of course, your dad just had to disagree. apparently it was his "last straw."
you winced away from the phone's speaker as his voice burst through. "you have been so ungrateful lately! when you asked for that car, i bought it for you! i looked over the fact that you don't even have your license yet! all i asked was for you to take care of your things!" he cried. from the tone of his voice, you could imagine the creases dug into his forehead. okay, now you felt bad. just a little.
before you could apologize, he finished with, "you just wait until i get there, young lady."
leave it to him to take away your guiltiness.
"dad!" you watched in horror as the truck towed your light blue baby to god knows where. you turned your stricken expression on him, hoping to elicit at least a little bit of sympathy. but it seemed like his mind was made up on this one. dammit.
he crossed his arms sternly, putting his foot down. "let's go. we'll talk more in the house."
"-so you want to ship me away to some place crawling with bugs and creeps for the rest of the summer!?" you screeched along with the chair as its legs slid across the kitchen's tile floor.
your dad raised his hand in a placating gesture. "now, now, just until your car is fixed. it might not even be a whole month." he shrugged. yeah, real comforting. "and the city's a nice place. we lived there when you were young, remember?"
"no, i don't remember." you snapped. you did remember, but that brought on memories you'd rather not have right now.
he sucked in a breath. "alright then. it won't be so bad. we still have that apartment, and i got it cleaned up recently. it'll teach you some responsibility and independence." he nodded, satisfied with his decision.
you opened your mouth to snark at him again, but he continued, "and you won't be completely alone. there's a nice young man who will be fixing up your car, just down the street from the apartment building. i asked him to show you around when he has the time. and you'll have your phone, so make sure to call me, okay?" his strict behavior gave way to the soft spot you knew he had for you.
"...okay," you agreed reluctantly. once he really made up his mind about something, there was no changing it, so there was no use in arguing.
he smiled, patting your shoulder gently. "great. now pack your bags."
"be sure to buy groceries, and do the laundry, and clean every so often-" your father rambled on and on. if he was this worried, why wouldn't he just not go through with it? and why was he acting like you couldn't do basic chores!? it's not like you ever did them, but they couldn't be too hard, right?
"i get it dad." you rolled your eyes, staring out the car window. the buildings were all drab, painted in browns and grays, without a single bright color in sight, save for the red stop signs.
he pulled into an empty parking spot in front of the building. your insides recoiled. you swore it didn't look this... dilapidated all those years ago. or maybe you just had better taste now.
"we're here! looks like it's got a lot of.. character." he tried to cheer you up, but even you could tell he didn't think to check how it looked. it would've hurt too much to do so.
your lip scrunched in distaste. "i can't spend a single second in there."
"don't worry, it'll be over before you know it." with one last reassuring smile, he turned and left.
the apartment itself wasn't too bad, it was all cleaned up, just as your father had said. it smelled faintly of lemon cleaner, pillows fluffed and spritzed with your room was cold despite the warmth that came with summer. the pristine sheets were unfamiliar against your skin, as if you were tucked into a hotel bed. the sound of tire rolling against pavement never ceased, people had places to go, places to be even in the dead of night. a draft through your window made you shiver. you should close that in the morning. you curled in on yourself like you did when you were little, only this time there was only the unfeeling fabric to hold you, instead of the warm, long forgotten embrace no one could quite replicate.
you cringed at the shoddy place your phone had led you to, and looked up at the peeling paint sign that read: valdez mechanics. how charming. you even debated touching the rusty doorknob, but it swung open before you could turn it. which would be nice, if it didn't almost smack you in the face.
"watch it!" you hissed, side-stepping in time to see a boy your age walking through. his hair was a mess, and there were grease stains all over his face and clothes. his fingers were tap, tap, tapping away at his leg, to the rhythm of the song blaring inside. you think he'd be cute if he wasn't so dirty.
“sorry ‘bout that!” he laughed sheepishly. he stared at you for a moment too long before asking, “you here for the thunderbird?”
“yes,” you said shortly.
he chose to ignore your clipped tone, flashing you a smile. “come on in then, yeah?”
you followed him into the tiny shop, already wanting to leave. the place smelled of oil, and you could barely find a clean place to sit on. there were tools thrown everywhere, the floor sticky with dried up grease.
“i’m leo, by the way.” his voice snapped you out of your judging thoughts as he led you to the back. you finally saw your car, propped up with the hood open.
“y/n.” you barely glanced at him as you rushed over, examining the damage. “so? what’s wrong with her?”
he gestured with the wrench in his hand—when’d he get that?—and pointed to the engine. “well that’s all busted up, so i’m gonna have to build a new one for ya. i’ll do you an oil change too and-“
“yeah um, how long will it take?” you interrupted, giving him a smile you did not want to have on.
“i’d say three to five weeks? depends if i have any other stuff that comes in so…”
three to five weeks of your summer wasted away here? when you’re supposed to be having the best time of your life before college!?
“are you serious? can you get it done sooner? i can pay you some more-“ you reached into your purse.
“whoa!” he caught your wrist. his hands were clean now, must’ve wiped them on a rag. “money won’t make me work faster, honey.” he let go and shrugged. “sorry.”
honey? “well then what will? cause i need to leave as soon as-“
“some help, maybe?”
you blinked at him, utterly flabbergasted. “you want me to help you? the person who’s paying for all this?”
“technically, your father’s the one paying,” leo pointed out. “and y’know. you don’t have to help, of course. it just might make it go a bit quicker…” he trailed off, dimples poking through as he tried to hide a cheeky smile.
you huffed. “what do i have to do?”
”i am not sticking my hands in those.” you defied, shaking your head firmly.
leo scoffed, flapping the gloves around. “come on! this is the cleanest pair i have!”
"put this here?" you asked, shoving a part that you forgot the name of into an empty space.
"hm?" leo looked up from his fiddling, jaw dropping in horror. "no no no!"
"oh i know how to do this!" you exclaimed as he gave you a screwdriver. "my dad always said 'lefty loosey, righty tighty.'"
the boy nodded. "yeah! try it out." he pointed to a loose screw.
you successfully tightened it (to the right), giving him a proud smirk. "see?"
"yup." leo grinned at your enthusiasm, even though it was the most basic thing ever. "try and tighten the rest. i'll be right back."
a loud clatter made leo jump from across the repair shop. he rushed over to you, finding the parts that were supposed to be screwed together in complete disarray. "uh, maybe you shouldn't help..."
"really?" you deadpanned. "i hadn't noticed."
"sorry." he laughed. "scooch."
you pursed your lips. no one told you to "scooch" before. but you moved over anyway.
"wanna keep me company?" leo slid his gloves on and began putting the contraption back together.
no, you thought. but you didn't have anything better to do other than wander the city like a clueless idiot. and you hated looking like an idiot. "fine."
the shop was quiet, save for the occasional clanging as leo worked on the engine. his rambling was cut short as he focused on his work, something you didn't know he could do.
"nice car you got here. i've always wanted to drive one of these." he patted its side appreciatively. "where'd you buy this?"
scratch that. maybe he could only shut up in two minute increments.
"don't know. my dad bought it for me." you looked around, not even bothering to hide your boredom.
"right." leo laughed. you found he did that a lot. "must be nice."
your eyebrows knitted in confusion. "i guess?" what did he mean by that?
"i hate it here. it's so boring!" you complained over the phone. cooking dinner had been an absolute mess. “and that leo guy is so weird.”
"give him a chance, will you? he could show you around town, maybe teach you some manners…” you father muttered the last bit.
"nothing! all i'm saying is give that boy a chance. who knows, he could be a great friend."
“‘great friend’ my… foot.”
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