notaplaceofhonour · 19 minutes
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I’m disabled, queer, and Jewish, and lost my main source of income recently. I just got out of homelessness but have been too sick to seek new employment yet. Car payment & rent are due at the end of the month, on top of my car needing repair, and grocery needs
$400 car payment
$500 rent
$600 car repair
$150 groceries
I’m short about $1500 and in desperate need of help. Anything towards that goal helps.
@/karibud on venmo
$karibud on cashapp
a lot of people wanted to help but didn’t have venmo or cashapp, so I started a gofundme to make things easier:
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 hour
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 hour
how dare you insult ashkenazi food when we have chrain.
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notaplaceofhonour · 1 hour
farcille isn't "toxic yuri." nothing remotely toxic about them, they both treat each other with a great deal of care and affection and respect. just because marcille is willing to do forbidden necromancy and arguably cannibalism for her wife doesn't make her toxic that's just what you do for a woman with broad shoulders
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 hours
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 hours
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this puts the scene on the bus when Vash is introducing himself by a super ridiculously long fake name in a new light, bc Wolfwood is probably sitting there thinking “oh, you too?”
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 hours
The world building in Trigun is so funny bc it’s like, what should we call the currency and measurements? dollars? yards and miles? how about DOUBLE dollars! yarz and ‘iles!
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 hours
⦕⁅⁅⁅ɔ  ⦕⁅⁅⁅ɔ  ⦕⁅⁅⁅ɔ  ⦕⁅⁅⁅ɔ  ⦕⁅⁅⁅ɔ
you have encountered a group of trilobites! reblog to help them on their journey
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notaplaceofhonour · 10 hours
my rent + car payment are due in 4-5 days and I’m still about $540 short
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I’m disabled, queer, and Jewish, and lost my main source of income recently. I just got out of homelessness but have been too sick to seek new employment yet. Car payment & rent are due at the end of the month, on top of my car needing repair, and grocery needs
$400 car payment
$500 rent
$600 car repair
$150 groceries
I’m short about $1500 and in desperate need of help. Anything towards that goal helps.
@/karibud on venmo
$karibud on cashapp
a lot of people wanted to help but didn’t have venmo or cashapp, so I started a gofundme to make things easier:
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notaplaceofhonour · 11 hours
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notaplaceofhonour · 11 hours
One time my rabbi told us, “imagine you had a box with a little bit of god in it. What would you do with the box?”
So we were like ?? “We’d protect it and keep it nice and clean and polished” and he was like “your body’s that box. Stop eating markers”
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notaplaceofhonour · 12 hours
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notaplaceofhonour · 12 hours
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notaplaceofhonour · 12 hours
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oh so that’s why I remember him still being chill
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notaplaceofhonour · 13 hours
I’m really glad I saw that Merlin & Cosmo Sheldrake post bc I got a good music (Cosmo Sheldrake) & book recommendation (Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake) out of it
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notaplaceofhonour · 13 hours
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notaplaceofhonour · 13 hours
I’m not really a fan of the “keep politics out of my art” “dance monkey dance” attitude of “just shut up and be entertaining” that some people have over celebrities speaking their mind about politics, but also like, there’s something kind of annoying about people feeling like just because they have power or a platform to speak, they have to use it in a big dramatic “important” way
like yes, sometimes the best way to handle having a big platform & power & privilege is to use it to better the world. but sometimes the best way to handle power is recognizing you are not qualified to wield it. perhaps no one person should have the power you have and you might hurt more people in pursuit of what you think is right in a way that the power & privilege of your position shield you from feeling the effects of.
Not that I think celebrities, artists, etc. shouldn’t have political opinions or voice them, but like, a little bit of humility and self-awareness about how and why you are where you are might go a long way? like if you got your platform writing break up songs you might not be qualified to be “using your platform” to shape geopolitics?
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