#{CLASSIC SCOURGE; IC}「Lil Blue Devil」
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"Believe it or not, every year some ignorant kid takes a ride in a clothes dryer - and it's hilarious!"
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This child is only 2'4"
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Quick Headcanons for this little dude for around age 10, well before he meets Archie Sonic:
He just goes by "Sonic." He hasn't become obsessed with mulitverse theory yet, and is blissfully ignorant of his place in the grand cosmic scheme of things.
He thinks of himself as a "bad dude" and a "rebel," which mostly consists of graffiti, shoplifting, being a public nuisance, etc. Closer to Bart Simpson or Dennis the Menace than a real criminal.
At the same time... he was also basically drafted into a terrorist biker gang as a child soldier and is still trying to process the fact that less than two years ago he killed his father.
He loves his Uncle Charlie, he's the coolest! He gave him his jacket, is teaching him to ride a motorcycle, and made him part of his gang! They're totally going to bring anarchy to the Kingdom of Acorn! He's trying not to think about how he's being used.
Doesn't talk to his mom. She's too busy milking the angle of her personal tragedy to notice he's all but moved out of the house.
Hasn't met Miles or Rosy yet. Knows Alicia, and and is still a ways away from understanding that he has a prepubescent crush on her.
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"I'm so smart! I bet this'll have no unforeseen consequences!"
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...it would be really easy, he's done it before after all, and she wouldn't have to see it or do anything, and he could help, and-
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"Penalty! That's against Rule 17 of Sonicball! Minus Five Points! Amy gets your points now cuz she's wearing a green shirt and it's Monday."
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Used to have trouble making friends as a kid because he would try to make them play incredibly complicated games where he invented new rules as he went along, often on a whim. This tended to come with completely incoherent "lore" stitched together from whatever cartoons or movies he'd watched recently.
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So all the different versions of Scourge gonna talk about how they're all down bad for pink hedgies
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"So... all of us, huh?"
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"I would defy God, embrace hell, and slay the fates for her sake."
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"She's soooo cool! We're totally gonna hold hands!"
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"This is the only resemblance to you I find bearable."
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@tactccladv asked: 🧸 & alicia bc i just couldn't resist--
The little speedster, usually so full of bravado, is nervous. He can recognize a member of the royal family easily, and there was no doubt that she was one of them, but not one he'd ever met before. Looking up at her, he's very obviously staring from behind those sunglasses.
"Are you Sally's sister?" The hedgehog blurts out, skipping over any introduction to awkwardly try and figure out who the heck this was.
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Came up with his tag
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@winters-club said: Omg classic Amy is slightly taller than Scourge omfg the only time she'll ever have the high ground
Scourge actually did have a pretty substantial growth spurt... just unfortunately for him its all relative in the multiverse.
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"I'm gonna show her the best times to drop firecrackers off a bridge into traffic!"
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@already-know-this-story said: Classic Amy; So wait? Am I winning now?
"Uh, let's see... I found the rock that was worth a bajillion points, but then you were second place in the race to the tree stump, which means you get to copy the point tally of the highest scorer... and so now you're at a bajillion thirty hundred and five!"
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"I think that's the new high score!!"
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"Princesses are lame. They should make a princess who can blow things up, that would be cool!"
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@fallenusurper asked: 🧸 ( Scourge Generations be like--------- )
Send 🧸 to find my muse as a child
The little blue hedgehog is staring up at his older double, so hard he might as well be drilling in holes. Hands stuffed into the pockets of a leather jacket that's one size too big, he's hiding his eyes behind a pair of black sunglasses. His uncle always taught him that if you hid your eyes like that it gave you more of a "poker face," which made it easier to bluff your way out of things. Right now, he was doing his best to not give away the sheer awe he felt at the hegdehog in front of him: the cool scars, the flames on his jacket, the red sunglasses? This guy was the definition of cool!
"W-who're you? You with Unc- with Charlie's crew?" He asks, tripping over his words as he tries to sound tough to the older hedgehog but... failing, this is a ten year old boy we're talking about here.
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