teaboot · 2 days
im devastated to admit this but your little teadude (your persona) always looks to me like it has a receding hairline. i’m so sorry (<- saying this very lovingly)
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I asked, he says he doesn't have a hairline
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artstetic-real · 3 months
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happy pride. or whatever
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epiphanies · 5 years
david tennant or michael sheen
hmmm michael sheen i think??
put two celebs in my ask box and i’ll say which one i like based on physical appearance only
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malpractique · 6 years
Oh, cheer up, comrade! This isn’t our very last fingers in his ass Sunday, it’s our last legal fingers in his ass Sunday. You think this is going to stop us? We’re going underground. Kanye West’s love of phalanges won’t die just yet, kid.
you are completely right…. prohibition never did stop the bootleggers, did it?
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can you do "in this house we support skeletons."? (trying to get back at my sister)
dude is this about the skeleton war
(i’m answering old asks rn, the box isn’t open yet, im trying to get through a shitload of requests)
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prksodalies · 6 years
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VERY cool @prksoda... wonder what was in that email? so do we
(this is a guest post made by leo. i attempted suicide upon them telling me that they were going to report me. today i confronted them about it and they did... this)
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shipwreckedcomedy · 7 years
Just wondering, how would I send you guys fan mail?
Well, aren’t you lovely! You can send it to MK’s PO Box and she’ll make sure we all see it! Just make sure you address the outside to her since it’s her box.
Mary Kate WilesPO Box 4363 Valley Village, CA 91617USAThank you, and happy new year!
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winchesterwitch07 · 3 years
meme for you:https://perhaps-it-will-be-okay.tumblr.com/post/668708317964779520/heritage-post-krratos-doodleboots
Yes i just saw this
I loved it
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dogbearinggifts · 6 years
Thanks, @dikanamai for the tag! 
Rules: Name your top ten favorite female characters from different fandoms. Then tag at least ten people.
In no particular order, mine are….
1. Imelda Rivera (Coco). One of the most badass characters I’ve seen in any story. She raised a child and started her own business in 1921 Mexico, when women were fighting for empowerment pretty much everywhere. She’s quick to catch on that something isn’t right, and while she’s made some big mistakes, she’s quick to protect her family and set things right to the best of her ability. She’s not a strong female character; she’s a strong character who happens to be female. 
2. Donna Noble (Doctor Who). Another badass woman who breaks the mold. Donna is loud, quick-witted, brassy, loyal, a bit slow on the uptake, adventurous, and has a heart as big as the universe. She’s an ordinary woman in extraordinary circumstances, proving that anyone can save and change the world. Possibly my favorite companion, and we do not speak of what happened to her. 
3. Zoe Lalindar Ardelay (Troubled Waters). Not sure if this series is popular enough to have a fandom (and if it does have a fandom, please point me to it) but Zoe is awesome. Hers is a quiet, understated sort of strength—the kind that pulls her through the death of her father and an ensuing crisis of identity, leads her to a position of power, and helps her wield it well. 
4. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter). I had a huge crush on her as a teen. Like, a “how the hell did I still think I was straight” kind of crush. 
5. Meliara “Mel” of Tlanth (Crown Duel). I think she was one of the first strong female leads I encountered who not only fought with brains as well as brawn, but spent most of the book more or less completely out of her element. She doesn’t know much about warfare or court intrigue but adapts to both in order to attain her goals, second-guessing herself all the way. It was such a refreshingly realistic portrait of revolution in a medieval-style fantasy world that never became grimdark. 
6. Shallan Davar (Stormlight Archive series). This was one of the first characters who reflected my personality and experiences—and wasn’t made out to be a weak damsel or a cowardly minor villain. Shallan begins as naive and sheltered, makes her way up to being one of the most powerful people in Roshar—and has a past that is absolutely horrific without diving into any of the more common and unfortunate tropes that usually crop up when a female character is abused. Watching her find her inner strength, and struggle to heal from the deep scars in her past, is one of the best parts of the series. 
7. Rarity (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic). To quote her friend Twilight, “Just because somepony is ladylike, that doesn’t mean she’s weak.” Watching her completely turn the tables on her kidnappers without raising a hoof made me realize just how much of a rarity (hahaha) this character type is—and how much young girls need to see this truth played out. 
8. Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls). Is there anyone out there who’s seen this show and doesn’t love Mabel? 
9. Rapunzel (Tangled). If you want to know what it’s like to live with a narcissistic mother, just watch this movie. Rapunzel’s fear of leaving the tower, and subsequent guilt when she does, felt incredibly real. Her strength of will and sunny personality are nothing short of inspiring. 
10. Every Single Female Protagonist in Warbreaker. I know this is cheating and I don’t care. From Siri to Vivenna to Blushweaver—all of these strong, powerful women break the mold of what a strong female character has come to mean in western culture, and they do so beautifully. 
Let’s see….I’m going to tag @i-am-n0-one @theprairienerd @lesbiaseagull @daughterofthemoon99 @autistichansolo @sweetprettygeek @melnerding @doodleboots @everythingmakesmecri and @white-throated-packrat
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acidgirl · 4 years
do you know what happened to doodleboots?
They made another account at some point but I stopped keeping tabs on people I have issues with a long time ago, can’t remember what their url was so I’m not really any help, sorry
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send happy birthday messages to my best comrade!
@doodleboots They are 15 today
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teaboot · 9 months
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Things I didn't didn't suspended for, part 2
Disclaimer: they did call my parents.
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artstetic-real · 1 year
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krisp fiend
big fan of @grvyrd-drms's rice krispie headcanon i think he would look like this
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@doodleboots @gelseybellbelseygell Miles always laughs after he says “I love you” and it’s the most healing thing
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req’d by @doodleboots
damn straight we fuckin do esp this month
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prksodalies · 6 years
Tumblr user @doodleboots has a history of lying about many serious things, the worst of which are included in this post.  They have lied about other, smaller things, all of which can be found in the other posts on this blog. This particular post was made to document the worst of the worst.
To summarize, Ramona has lied about being forced into an arranged marriage, being abused, being in the mafia, and (possibly) about having been sexually assaulted. They have also lied to or about specific people. They either cheated on their ex-girlfriend OR made up a secret girlfriend that they claimed to date at the same time as their other relationship. Additionally, they spread lies about said ex, claiming that she racially and sexually fetishized them. They told another one of their ex-friends that the police were stalking said friend and had their address. Screenshots of all of these incidents can be found below.
Note: If someone can provide us with proof that some of these things were not lies, then we will gladly remove them from the post, but otherwise they’ll stay here. Also, we do not endorse sending hate, threats, etc. to this person or any of their friends. This post was made as a warning to people who may associate with them.
TW for rape, abuse, racism, antisemitism, harassment, stalking, NSFW content, police.
Let’s get the most obvious out of the way first. For background context, Ramona claimed in a public discord server that they punched a Nazi, who then sent the Mafia after them. 
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After this, they claimed to join their own Mafia, a Russian-Jewish mafia. 
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And then, they went on to say that the Italian/German mafia (the stories never matched) would go after them.
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We realize that lying about the Mafia, although ridiculous, is not as inherently harmful/toxic as the other lies they told. However, we still feel as if it should be included. The Mafia is an organized crime ring, and is not a cool backdrop for a story but rather a cultlike organization that has caused many people harm, loss, and serious trauma. 
We’re still not entirely sure which one is the case, but suffice it to say that they either cheated or pretended to cheat on their girlfriend. Here are some messages that they sent. All of the things they did with “Juliet” would have taken place at the time they had a girlfriend- we can provide proof of this (the first messages are from almost a month before they broke up, and the second messages are from several days before).
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While we’re on the topic of Dorian’s ex-girlfriend, they lied about them fetishizing Yiddish in order to make them look bad. Then, when we confronted them about it, they faked screenshots in order to try to clear their name. The edited screenshots can be found here. Here, you can see where the message bubbles of Dorian + the other person do not line up:
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And here, you can see where the other person’s message bubble is stretched out too far and clearly edited:
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And here you can see non-edited screenshots of the person who Dorian was having the conversation which, the first one being the initial lie and then them asking to get covered for upon being caught.
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Dorian claimed that their homophobic mother was forcing them into a marriage with a guy. 
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When they grew tired of telling that lie, they pretended he got arrested - notice that the reason for his arrest changed.
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One of Dorian’s ex-friends wanted to try to help them get out of (what Dorian claimed to be) an abusive home life. Dorian then claimed that their dad found out, and that the police were stalking said ex-friend. 
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We are not going to include screenshots of this one for reasons, including but not limited to potentially triggering someone or coming off as blaming the victim. If someone would like screenshots, however, we will provide them without hesitation. The stories that Dorian told about their alleged rape did not match up and did not make much sense. 
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