#Emeto audio
tummieaching · 3 months
This was just a night after I threw up recently ... I was in bed with a bit of a nauseous belly, still recovering from the night before ... I decided I wanted to feel good so I took out my toy and started to listen to some of the wonderful puking audios on here to rub myself to ... one hand to rub myself and the other to press on my achy belly ... the moaning was feeling good but I started to burp some in between from the sour feeling in my belly, and it was starting to churn around and make my tummy hurt ... I had to keep swallowing but I got a weird feeling in my belly that it was going to come out the other end ... I went to the toilet with my toy and sat on it with my arms around my sore belly trying to push ... I was panting and moaning because it hurt so much, but one very wet and sour burp told me it was going to come up instead ... I didn't want to puke it up on the floor so I just dropped down, I didn't even have much time to pull my pants back up, so I used both hands to knead my hurting belly to try to bring something up ... I burped and burped and finally I felt it start to come up so I recorded ... it felt so good, I was glad I brought my toy to rub and moan while I puked ♡
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queenpink27 · 1 month
Well I got a little pukey, I was really loud in this one!
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theemetoprince · 18 days
Time to give back to the emeto community. Some burps and chugging in the beginning, Niagara falls starts at around 3:00. Story and photos under the cut, photos are at the very end if you want to avoid that
Last few days I have been extremely horny. I have been wanting to try emeto/scat/all my kinks for a long time now and just now I am in a point in my life where I can do so. First attempt didn't work though, drank a liter of prune juice two days ago and only got some gas, not super exciting to me. This morning I went to the store to see what else they had that I could use. I spotted some tea and remembered that people had said it could make you nauseous. I bought the tea, but I didn't see anything else that would work so the rest I'll buy online.
I really wanted to try it right away, but thought I should wait till next weekend. However after part of my dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about how hot it would be to vomit it up. It was soft polenta; cheesy, mushy and grainy. I think I was so physically horny that it made me nauseous 'cause I didn't want to finish the rest of my food. Finally I said screw it and got to work.
I grabbed one of my plastic trashcans, emptied it, and placed a napkin down at the bottom (I am very inspired by @fav-emeto). Then I grabbed my two water bottles and filled them with ice. I boiled some water and started to brew some glasses of black tea. I left the bag in the glasses for around 5 minutes, and then dumped the hot liquid into my water bottles full of ice. This cooled it down so I could chug more easily.
I sat at my desk computer with the trashcan between my legs and got to chugging. I felt very nauseous the first few gulps of tea and thought I would vomit right away but after a few burps it dissipated. I had to get up a few times to brew even more tea because I kept running out. Nausea was at a minimum, and I didn't really feel a need to gag. I had downed about two liters by the time the recording starts, and still didn't feel like puking. I started to spit into the bin to see if that would move things along, but it didn't do anything. I kept chugging and would feel some nausea while doing so, only for it to disappear the moment I stopped.
What I did feel though was all the water in my stomach and intestines moving around. It felt like it was rushing through me and bubbling. I have no idea if the liquid was moving up or down, but it was probably up in hindsight.
I started to get frustrated. Little nausea, no urge to gag, disappointing burps. I was considering calling it quits (despite now around three liters of tea plus dinner sitting in my stomach). I decided to try some fake gags to see if anything would happen. (3:08)
I did just one fake gag, and then suddenly a spurt of liquid shot out of my throat and into the bin. I was genuinely shocked that anything happened. It felt bad but I was excited that things were happening. Before I could take a proper breath, I started to expel everything at a force I was not prepared for.
I could not stop the onslaught of vomit that rushed out of me. The moment the liquid left my mouth from the last wave, a gag would bring up another waterfall. Vomit rushed through my nose and stung my sinuses. I wanted to stop but I literally could not. All I could do was hold on and wait for an opening to breath.
Finally I was able to catch a break (3:35). Not that I was done vomiting though. You can hear me holding back gags as I gathered my bearings. I felt horrible. This was not what I had in mind for my first time trying emeto. The force and speed was too much to handle. Then again, I did fill myself up like a water balloon, did I really expect myself to not pop? I had done this to myself and I will learn a lesson from it. But for now, I just have to get through this. I took a shaky breath/laugh and prepared to get the rest of it out.
The second wave started with the strangest sound to have emerge from me yet; a forceful burp pushed out of me by a flood of sick. The spews were just as forceful this time, but with less to get up they sounded much less violent. I brought the last of it up and was left panting and shaking, trying to spit out the bad taste in my mouth.
I am writing this about an hour after the recording, and I feel pretty fine now. No lingering nausea, but I keep smelling vomit, probably from what got into my nose. I actually feel kinda hungry, I'll probably finish my dinner after I post this.
So now I know that this is not what I like. Horrible experience, not sure if I'll ever try to induce vomiting again. If I do I will need to try a different approach. Something that will not feel like I am trying to powerwash my throat and nose. I am open to suggestions :))).
Here are the photos of the result. It is mostly water/tea along with polenta (I would not recommend vomiting it, the bits of cornmeal feel terrible coming out and in the nose). The reddish chucks are actually potato skins from the potatoes I had at lunch. I doubt that they were still in my stomach when I started this, so the bubbling feeling was definitely my small intestines putting things into reverse.
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Please feel free to reblog, comment, and like. Please reward me for the pain I just went through
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emetosecretplace · 7 months
my roommate is out and I am stoned once again so I filled up on chips and water and then vomited into the sink
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fav-emeto · 3 months
Before my roommate left for work, she forced me to eat something. I'm so glad she left trash bags and paper towels next to my bed.
I so badly wish she could've stayed because it had felt so nice when she rubbed my back last night despite me making a mess.
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gusherguy · 1 year
the long-awaited audio! edited down from 30 minutes to include some stuffing sounds, burping, and letting it all spew!
video to come
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i-think-im-gunna · 1 year
I ate something that didn't agree with me and well here we are. I had ordered McDonald's, after like an hour and a half my stomach was churning and gurgling like crazy. I felt hot and dizzy and ended up sitting by the toilet for two hours 🤮
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naughtyj3st3r · 28 days
The result of spaghetti with tomato sauce and cheddar cheese, helped with four(?) cups of water. You’re welcome 🥰
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cvntlord2001 · 18 days
here is my meager contribution to the community since im here now…couldnt figure out how to directly upload audios sooo…
threw up some taco bell and water
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tummieaching · 3 months
From the other day ♡ I had thought that this audio didn't save after I recorded it, which was such a waste of a really nauseous puke ... but I just found it in my files ♡
I've been having an issue recently with motion sickness because of a medication I'm taking ... I finally puked while driving because of it ♡ I could feel my tummy getting really upset while I was driving and my burps got more and more wet and uncomfortable ... I was wearing tight pants that were already uncomfortable when I was sitting, but my bloated belly made them even tighter, I thought rubbing it a little while I was driving would help, but no ... I almost puked in my lap, but luckily I was able to pull into a parking lot, quickly empty a grocery bag and puke into it to give my belly some relief ♡ I was there for a good while ... the smell of it was making me nauseous, so when I felt like I was finished puking, I had to open the car door and dump my puke out onto the pavement ... I spent some time after laying down in my car seat and burping some nausea away but I puked up a tiny bit in my mouth and into my lap ... and I saw the barf splatter on the ground as I drove away ...
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queenpink27 · 1 month
Well I got a bit too high tonight. Thus here is the sound of me losing all my dinner into a plastic bag!
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queasy-kitty · 1 month
i just realized i never posted part two of my watermelon barf. my stomach still felt super super gross after puking everything into that ziploc bag, so i drank a bit of water and went for it again. probably would’ve kept going but my cat wanted to get out of the bathroom lol (bro would NOT leave me alone this night haha)
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fav-emeto · 3 months
Progress of an awful night -
me sick in bed
When I wanted to sleep, my tummy was so unsettled
I didn't really feel sick at first, so it came as a real shock when I rolled over in bed and my mouth suddenly filled completely. After projectile vomiting over the side of the bed, my roommate got me settled with a plastic bag and a cup of tea.
I was just laying there, trying not to move because I was afraid it could happen again.
At some point, I had to gag again
Almost empty now, there's only little dribbles coming up, no matter how violently my stomach contracts.
At first nothing came up and then every single gag was productive like back to back to back.
My throat hurts so badly now because I tried to be as quiet as possible, so my roommate wouldn't wake up. She already had to clean up my sick last night, I don't want to bother her again by throwing up the tea she made for me.
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pukeiscute · 11 months
New video posted to my YouTube channel!
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randomguy1990 · 1 year
Vomit (again)
Quite an amount this time. Tell me if you wanna see the result pics lol
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i-think-im-gunna · 1 year
so every so often i get these fits where i burp like A LOT. it often starts with a mildly upset stomach and escalates to the point where i feel like puking (though I rarely do even if i want to)
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