#I might just post the other parts tomorrow so I can stop having that hanging over my head
anipgarden · 1 year
What Kind of Plants to Add
This is my sixth post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert–just an enthusiast–but I hope something you find here helps! 
I’d love to be able to give a quick and easy list of things to add, but frankly I can’t do that. I can strongly encourage you, however, to look at these categories of plants and do further research to discover what’s native to your area, so you can plant things that’ll have the most impact in your particular area.
With that being said, I will mention a few plants as examples. This is in no way, shape, or form me telling you that you have to or even should buy these specific plants. Not every plant works well in every place in every garden, not to even mention across countries. Above all, if you’re wondering what plants you should be adding, I can wholeheartedly say plants that are native to your area--or at least nonnative non-invasive.
Flowers are some of the most common ways people work to increase biodiversity in their gardens, and who can blame them? Seeing pops of color out your window, and directly seeing the impact via butterflies and bees visiting the garden? It’s a win-win for us and the wildlife!
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Flowers--especially native wildflowers--are a quick, easy, and cheap way to increase wildlife traffic in your garden. Perennial gardens are more likely to get you the most bang for your buck, as they’ll come back year after year if you treat them well. But don’t dismiss annuals--if you get ones that easily reseed, they’ll eagerly return on their own! If you can, do your best to ensure that the flowers you plant all have different blooming periods--that way, your garden can support wildlife throughout the year instead of for just one brief season. 
Flowers are environmental super boosters. Their nectar and pollen can feed insects and birds, their stems and leaves can provide nesting materials for all sorts of creatures, and their seeds are a popular food source among birds at all times of the year.
Climbing Plants
Climbing plants can be fantastic options for maximizing your impact. If you have limited ground space, growing up can provide interest as well as additional habitat for all kinds of creatures.
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Training plants up a trellis, fence, or bare wall offers food, shelter, and habitat. Trumpet vines, passionflowers, honeysuckles, and more will provide sweet nectar for pollinators as well as nesting and hiding spaces for other wildlife like birds, bugs, and lizards. Do note that in some cases, climbing plants can actually affect the structural integrity of walls and roofs if allowed to climb too much and too far along a house, so be careful. 
Bushes provide shelter for creatures, which then provides hunting grounds for other animals. Their fallen leaves and petals can be food and shelter for detritivores, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals--and they also provide good cover for moving around the garden, for creatures who like to stay hidden. They can be a bit more pricey to obtain--unless you get cuttings or seeds and are willing to wait--but they’ll definitely be worth it, and they’re typically low-maintenance once they’re established.
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Bonus points if you get a flowering and fruiting bush, like bottlebrush, serviceberry, lilac, or others. This’ll make your bushes not only a place of shelter, but a food source as well--and depending on the kind you pick, may be food for you too! Making a garden border with a series of bushes can be a great option to providing lots of habitat, if you can manage it.
Shrubs with pithy or hollow stems are excellent options for supporting solitary bees. Some examples you could look into are elderberry, raspberry, blackberry, or sumac.
Trees have a high up-front cost and take awhile to grow, but once they’re settled in place they provide crucial habitat to all kinds of creatures! Insects will be attracted to flowers they may provide, or to nest in the wood. Others may eat the leaves as food, or use them as nesting materials. Birds will perch and nest in trees, and feed off the fruits and seeds and insects that also use the tree. Squirrels also use trees as nesting places, piling up dead leaves into huge clusters to raise their young in, and will absolutely feast on any nuts the tree may provide. Mice, badgers, and more will feast on fallen fruits or seeds, and bats roost in the trunks when given the chance. Detritivores eat fallen leaves and decomposing fruits, providing further food for hunting creatures. Trees can also be good for us--they help block out noise and air pollution, and are the poster child for taking CO2 and making it breathable oxygen. Not to mention they can provide plenty of food for us, too. Nesting grounds, hunting grounds, shelter from weather, and more--trees are, in my opinion, likely to be the best way to boost biodiversity long-term. If you can get your hands on a sapling for cheap and can care for it for awhile, I’d definitely give it a shot! Make sure the tree won’t get too big for where you’re growing it, though--you’ve definitely gotta plan for the long-term before you plant any. 
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Some trees can be grown in containers. Though they won’t become gigantic branching behemoths, they’ll still do their part to support all the life that depends on them. Growing a tree from seed may take awhile, but could be an easy option to getting one if you have the patience--the trees are more than happy to help you, as they drop tons of seeds and fruit in fall for you to gather. 
Bare soil is the enemy of microbial life in the soil, and while small pockets of bare soil can be great nesting places for bees and other insects, having swaths of empty soil should be avoided. Groundcover plants grow low to the ground in a sprawling habit, and will often spread quite easily on their own. This is a great way to provide shelter, keep soil temperatures cool, block out weeds, and give your soil life a chance to thrive.
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Sometimes, ground covers don’t even have to be planted in the ground. Shallow-rooted plants like succulents, ferns, and alyssum can be planted into cracks in stone walls, and moss can be planted by making moss graffiti and painting it onto a surface. As with climbing plants, do make sure that you don’t cause extra damage to important walls and housing foundations.
Host Plants
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Host plants get their own section, because plants of all kinds can be host plants for different creatures! It’s common to think only flowers can be host plants in the beginning, but in reality, many bushes and trees are host plants to dozens of species of butterflies and moths. Honestly, I feel that factor's not talked about enough. Look up what insects live in your area and what kind of host plants they need, and plant some if you can! Bonus points if you can plant a variety of them--I know that there’s hundreds of kinds of milkweed, each one flowering and leafing up around different times of the year. Planting several varieties of milkweed, then, would provide monarchs with food through several seasons, allowing many more of them to grow up in your garden!
Nectar Plants
Plants that provide nectar to insects is a great foundation to increasing biodiversity! This is, of course, many native wildflowers (and even nonnative wildflowers, though be sure they aren’t invasives who’ll do more harm than good), but many native bushes, vines, and trees will also provide nectar to hungry pollinators! 
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Keystone Species
To be frank, some plants can have a bigger impact than others in a landscape. By all means, every bit helps, but if you want to boost biodiversity quickly there are a few plants that can essentially serve as the backbone of local ecosystems that you can grow in anything from a balcony pot to a small patch of your backyard. These plants can be different depending on where you are, so do your research to find out what would be best to grow in your area. If you can’t get them all? That’s alright! But even hitting just a few of these target species really can do a lot.
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That’s the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about things to keep in mind/continue to do once you get plants in the ground! Until then, I hope this advice was helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, your success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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lilylovestowrite · 2 months
Could I request Dr Ratio with a lover who makes plushies? Reader makes plushies to sell and secretly made plushie versions of him to cuddle. Poor Ratio gets a little jealous because he loves cuddling them.
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PAIRING ୨♡୧ Veritas Ratio x Gn! Reader
SYNOPSIS ୨♡୧ Veritas loves your hobby of making plushies, but you need to stop cuddling them when he’s literally right there. 
WORD COUNT ୨♡୧ 1.9k
A/N ୨♡୧ Thank you for the request! I actually make a few plushies myself! I’m a huge crochet girlie. Might post more on the crochet later <3
I thought it would be a rather funny part two to this fanfic! 
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Divider by @/cafekitsune
Ah, yes. Just Dr. Veritas Ratio, his loving partner, and their six foot tall elongated cat plushie.
The dead, beady eyes stare back at him as you slumber in complete peace. The rise and fall of your body from your deep breaths irritates him: how can you be so cuddly and vulnerable with that thing rather than your boyfriend. He could try and pry it from your hands, but the death grip on the cat and your stubbornness are of equal strength. A terrifying feat, if he does say so himself. 
Veritas tries to be rational: you’ve been living alone for a while. Of course you have your habits that don’t really unstick. After your house was broken into, as your colleague, it was only natural that you move in with him since you can commute from the same place. It’s not like anything was going on. Well perhaps the tension between you two has always been more than tense, and there were a few makeout sessions in the faculty room. But your dating life truly began when moving in. 
You’ve been dating for three months now. He’s never really sought the domestic lifestyle of making breakfast together, getting ready, coming back and spending time together. Veritas has always been chasing knowledge, and love has been placed on the back burner. But seeing your drive to teach students and revive the dead Sigonian language, he can’t picture a future without the two of you debating on meaningless quantum physics theories, or historical interpretations of ancient text. It’s not logical: if the two of you drive each other to improve,  test each other’s knowledge, and most importantly love each other, doesn’t it make sense for you to be together? 
Ergo, doesn’t it make even more sense for you to be cuddling him? 
Veritas likes to think he runs purely on logic, but tonight, his pettiness gets to him. He rises from his place in your large four-poster bed and points at the cat plushie. “You bastard.” He hisses, and dives face-first into the silk pillows for some sleep. 
A little childish, sure. But wouldn’t you be if your rival in love is a six foot tall elongated CAT? 
Such a creature doesn’t exist. How ridiculous. He has to address this tomorrow.
“You’re getting upstaged by a cat, Doc?” 
Perhaps Veritas should not have called Aventurine for advice on this manner. The way you and him think are extremely similar: disorganised, chaotic, yet strangely fascinating. So naturally, he’ll get advice from someone similar to you, right?
Well now he thinks he’s messed up. He frowns and runs his hand through his hair whilst hearing Aventurine let out the most ugly laugh he’s ever heard in his life. “You know what they say, two’s a company, three’s a crowd!” He squeals with laughter.
“I don’t know why I took advice from you. You don’t even have a love life.” He snaps, and Aventurine wheezes even louder, descending into silent laughter. Veritas hangs up and buries his face in his hands. He wants to tell you to stop cuddling that cat, but you’re its creator. Is it a motherly instinct to protect your craft? He does understand it to an extent, his own hobbies such as making sculptures, and he will wipe them down wherever he sees the chance. Perhaps, to get the message across, he should cuddle a statue? He shakes his head.
‘Ridiculous idea, Veritas. Zero points.’ The man scolds himself before returning to the blackboard to lecture his class. 
You may or may not have a secret. Every night, you sleep with what seems like a six foot cat plushie, but right beside it, is a little plushie of your boyfriend: Veritas Ratio. It’s got his hair felted on, the lovely golden hairpiece he wears daily, and a lovely white wedding suit. Making plushies has become more of a hobby rather than a stress relief from your life as a Stellaron Academy Senior Professor, in fact, you’ve managed to make an online store and have sold some plushies to your colleagues. It’s a great hobby to have, the practicality and the feeling of satisfaction from completing a new project. But this one is… Slightly embarrassing. First of all, you’re not sure how he’ll feel about you making a doll of him. Will he think it’s like a voodoo doll, or think it’s creepy? Second of all, even though you’ve shoved your tongues down each other’s throats and lapped at each other like wild cats, for some stupid reason, you’re too shy to ask him to cuddle with you. Is Veritas Ratio a man who likes cuddles? Is he big spoon, little spoon, or too above showing affection? Will he stop sharing a bed with you right after? What if you snore in his face - then what? You’re not sure. You could ask, but even the idea of asking him makes you feel so weird, like, who asks if they want to cuddle? Are you a needy child? No. So you settle for a mini Veritas in hopes of not changing the dynamic between you two. Tonight, you settle in your bed, Claire de Lune playing faintly from Veritas’ phone as he reads to sleep. However, when you kiss his cheek goodnight, he glares at the cat plushie in your arms. It sends you into a mild panic: did he see mini Veritas hidden behind the cat? Worse, is he judging you for cuddling something to sleep? These thoughts plague your mind until you fall asleep, giving into your stress-induced fatigue. 
“Gambler, they kissed my cheek and dove straight under the covers. Like they were allergic to me. You are all about public relations, so riddle me this.” Ratio sighs over the phone, toned bicep leaning on his mahogany desk at work. “And be serious this time, or I will religiously remind you of your single status.” 
“Ouch, Doctor.” Aventurine’s buttery voice crackles from the phone. “Well, in order to know what people want, you sort them into what type of person they are. Sadly, you don’t work for the IPC, so you don’t get a file on your pretty little lover. But you’re not on a mission, just ask them what they want. No need to beat around the bush.” 
“What if they think I’m too clingy? Or that I disrespect their work.” 
“First of all, you’d be too clingy if they said ‘no’ and you still pestered them. Second of all, just tell them you love their plushies. You have them displayed all over your classroom, for Aeon’s sake. I think they know you love their handiwork.” 
Veritas nods: “For once, Gambler, you have given me sufficient advice. Thank you.” 
Now, he devises a plan. 
“Love.” Veritas’ voice pulls you out of your crocheting trance. You’re making a bunny plushie with black yarn, sitting next to Veritas in the lounge, who marks his student’s papers. The evening sunlight pools in the hollows of his exposed collarbones, white fluffy robe lined with golden embroidery flowers (your addition) adorns his body. 
“Yes, Veri?” You reply, looking up at him. You’re dressed in the same robe, and Veritas adores how much better white looks on you. Perhaps in the future, he would like to see you in a similar colour. 
‘Stupid, get to the point.’ He hisses at himself silently.  “About our sleeping arrangements…” 
You look up at him, going completely pale. Has he found your Veritas plushie? Oh shit, shit shit- 
“I was wondering if you would rather, well…” Veritas Ratio is a man of perhaps too many words, but for once, he seems to be tripping on his words. “...Cuddle me instead?”
You practically bounce out of your chair and corner him against the couch, “Really?” 
That visceral reaction earns a rather strangled “Yes” from him, and you sigh in relief. His amber eyes scan your face meticulously, trying to read what you’re thinking. 
“You know, I slept with a plushie of you instead, I was so nervous of asking-” You clap your hands over your mouth. You blabbed, like an idiot. And now he’s staring at you as if you were a fool. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“A plushie of me?” He asks, pointing a finger to himself, his baritone voice suddenly rising in pitch. “I thought you slept with that cat?” 
“I-It was behind the cat,” you feel heat rise up to your cheeks, “sorry, it’s really creepy. I can get rid of it-” 
“No, don’t.” He gently rests his hand on yours, unable to resist the grin. “You wanted to sleep with a copy of me? Why not ask me directly?” 
“I didn’t know if you were into cuddling, so I just assumed…” Your voice trails off, and you suddenly realise just how ridiculous you sound. “I was shy, I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologise, love. Now, show me this plushie, and let’s cuddle.” He chimes. Suddenly, a gust of wind lifts a student’s test paper from his desk and it lands on his face. “Perhaps after I finish marking this blasted test.” 
“Would you like me to mark the multiple choice papers?” His eyes glimmer, handing you a pen. 
“The answer key is in the first drawer, help yourself.”
“Damn, not even the slightest bit of hesitation.” You grin. “Must be really desperate for those to be marked, huh?” 
“Oh, hush.” He scolds you gently, tapping the tip of your nose with his red pen. 
Claire de Lune permeates throughout the room, Veritas leading you in with his hand in yours. The night lamps on either side of your bedside tables emit a warm, golden glow that illuminates the lines of his jaw and accentuates the length of his lashes. He cannot contain the wide smile from spreading onto his face when he cradles the little Veritas doll in his hands: “Am I in wedding attire, love?” 
Too shy to answer the question, you throw a pillow at him and he giggles. “He’s so cute. You should make a matching one of yourself, like a couple’s item.” He suggests, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You entertain the idea, wrapping your own arms around him and resting both of your hands on his back, the blades of his shoulders emitting warmth. It’s not too bad at all, Veritas thinks, the smile unable to be wiped from his face when he sees how easily you melt into his arms. Even like this, intimacy seems more natural than your little routine of hugging plushie Veritas. The toy doesn’t breathe like him, isn’t warm, and doesn’t vibrate every time he speaks when you rest your face on his chest. Both of your heartbeats seem to slow to a normal rate as you speak about your day in more depth. Eventually, however, the scent of pinewood and light cologne mix to form a homely aroma, lulling the both of you to sleep halfway through a conversation about ancient history. 
A few mornings later, you find your Veritas plushie on his working desk at home. Right next to it is a small statue of the same height, but it’s of you in wedding attire too. “Veri? Did you make this?” You call out to him, and he emerges from the kitchen. Although a blush paints his cheeks, he raises a glass of coffee to the two plushies.  
“I just wanted to have a reference for when it happens in reality. It’s only logical, right?” 
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ollyissleppy · 2 months
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a/n: had this on my mind for a bit too long and I went from a one-time thing to full ass work, will post the masterlist tomorrow probably (the taglist is open!) tags: he fell first she fell harder, kenma is a bit of a loser, starving artist x (semi) rich guy trope, gender neutral reader!!!, reader is called 'dude', no usage of y/n cw: alcohol, swearing
← prev. | m.list | next →
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Kenma looks down at his almost empty glass. His head feels fuzzy due to all the alcohol that's currently in his system. He tries his best to stay quiet and prays his viewers or friends don't notice his lack of commentary. Kenma knows to play it safe when it comes to his drinking due to his secret-spilling tendencies. He tries to protect himself from the embarrassment on top of the headache he will feel tomorrow. He turns his attention to Bokuto, who's currently talking about how much he misses his dear boyfriend as he's finishing his drink. Bokuto shoves his glass right in front of Kenma's face so Kuroo, who's sat on streamers other side, can refill his drink. Kuroo then proceeds to do the same for Kenma, leaning closer to one of the monitors to read what the chat is saying. Even though he was trying his best, the messages were coming in way too quickly for Kuroo to be able to read them. Just as he was planning to give up, a donation came through:
@ username: $30 for kodzuken to finish the glass and share his thoughts.
Kuroo reads out loud the donation, and with a grin on his face, he turns to look at his childhood friend. It catches Bokuto's attention, and he also starts to look at Kenma, waiting for him to say something. 
'Shit' Kenma thinks, as now all of the attention is on him and not on the buffy men beside him. He should've made them wear compression shirts to further distract people from him. He thanks whatever high deity is currently looking over him to make sure he won't drink too quickly and still have control over his tongue.
"I'm not thinking." Kenma tries his best to avoid talking, even if it will make him look weird. He has too much on his mind and even more to loose. 
"No thoughts, nice." Bokuto chuckles softly as he zones out, staring at the wall behind one of the monitors. Kenma observes him for a bit just to see Bokuto blink too slowly for the streamers liking. 
"He might need a glass or two before we can make him talk," Kuroo says as he pours another glass for Kenma the moment his friend focuses on the volleyball player. 
As another round of drinks is poured, Kenma's judgement is getting more and more clouded. His tongue loosens up, which doesn't go unnoticed by his childhood friend. Kuroo, who was waiting for this moment, asks Kenma once again to share his thoughts. A few moments pass in silence before Kenma speaks up:
"I think I'm in love, and we don't even know each other." Kenma's head hangs low. 
"So what? That never stopped anyone!" Bokuto hates seeing any of his friends sad, so he tries to cheer Kenma up. He even went as far as putting an arm around his friend, which was quickly pushed away.
"It makes me feel so stupid, y'know? Like I know close to nothing about them. I don't know what they look like or which school they go to. I only know their name because I made a whole ass discord account just so I could see all the backstage stuff of their videos. I'm in love with someone who doesn't even know that I fucking exist. I'm in love with an illusion, for fucks sake!" Kenma raises the hand with the glass in it so high so quickly that he loses his balance, Kuroo's swift moves being the only thing saving him from falling over.
Bokuto shakes his head to agree while he still tries to process the words that just left Kenma's mouth. It takes him a minute before his own mind can come up with a thought of his own. When it finally does, Bokuto screams out: "WE SHOULD PLAY A GAME!"
"Yeah, let's pick something," Kuroo agrees, getting closer to the PC to look for something not too hard that they can play. Part of him hopes that people will not remember Kenma's confession and focus their attention on something funny that will happen while playing.
"Yeah, let's pick something," Kuroo agrees, getting closer to the PC to look for something not too
Kodzuken's viewers, on the other hand, didn't plan on letting this go. It was the first time their favourite streamer mentioned being interested in anyone, and they saw an opportunity. As Kuroo and Bokuto look for a game, chat is getting to work, with the stream now being nothing more than background noise.
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• mattsun is one of kenma's mods I needed a connection between (name) and kenma and the wheel landed on him
• also I have no clue why the date is in Polish since my entire phone uses English (like yes I'm from Poland but I changed the language in my settings years ago)
• also I feel like Bokuto zones out a lot when drunk
• kenma ignored request for drinking stream for months but he ran out of ideas so he just did it in hopes that people will have better request next time
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@boogiemansbitch @vaedotcom @bae-ashlynn
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eeunoia · 8 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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insolitus | yjw.
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: you’ve always thought jungwon is out of this world, out of ordinary. he’s someone who seems familiar but at the same time mysterious for almost everybody. you didn’t expect that he himself will unfold more of him with you and it was an insolitus experience.
word counts: 2k
warnings: yandere themes, mention of murder, violence, obsessive love, grammatical errors. (let me know if i missed some)
note: this have a part two. it was not yet ready to be released, but since some anons kept telling me to stop writing then they leave me no choice but to post something. ehe. anyway, i will fix this probably tomorrow since it doesn’t have a picture for this fic. send me asks about what you think about this. love reading your comments and replies. i love you all, please keep safe.
© eeunoia 2024 — all rights reserved.
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The whole room was quiet. You might think that it was vacant, but there are two persons inside. The defeaning silence almost suffocate the officer sitting at one of the chairs. He sighs trying to lift whatever that heavy feeling he’s having ever since he entered this room.
The bright light gives a full view of the face of 17 year old, Yang Jungwon. At first look he seems to be like a normal guy, but for some reasons Officer Nam gets some odd feeling from this boy.
He draws in a sigh then taps lightly over the table while his other hand grips tightly at the folder he was holding. His eyes darted at the boy whose head hangs low at the moment and hands resting over his lap.
Despite the soft looking face, the officer couldn’t help but to feel chills while looking over his blood stained school uniform. He even have some over his face that already turned into brownish color after drying up over time.
“Okay, let me ask you again.” Office Nam cleared his throat and leaned over the table, the only thing that keeping them apart.
“I already told you, I don’t know who did it or what happened to him.” Jungwon says in a low tone, sticking to the words he said the first time they asked him.
“The blood on your shirt—” he raises his head and his brows folds in a remorseful way.
“I told y-you Sir, I found him and tried to help! His blood got all over me because of that.” Jungwon explains and he looked very convincing. The words he mutters are acceptable, but his eyes looked so blank. The police officer couldn’t point out what’s wrong, but his eyes looked so emotionless.
He kept his lips pursed into a thin line and stared at him straight to his eyes. Usually, kids his age will be in panic and can even broke into tears specially after being involve in a very serious crime. But he is different. Yang Jungwon, despite having the look of remorse and worries—makes him feel very wary. Its very unsettling.
He shuts his eyes for a while then sighs. “Okay, let’s say what you’re saying are true. But we still can’t let you go because you are our only lead to solve this crime.”
He doesn’t exactly know what he expects to happen next, but nothing prepares him for what’s about to unfold in front of him.
“So annoying.” the boy muttered lowly but enough for the officer to hear.
“Excuse me?” he asks just to make sure he heard him right.
From looking so uneasy and worried, Jungwon raises his head then leans his back comfortably over the chair. His forehead relaxed causing for the crease on it to disappear. He tilt his head while staring deadly straight to the police officer.
Shivers came rushing through the police officer’s whole body.
“I did it.” he said it so naturally. Like confessing from stealing a candy.
The corner of his lips lifts up a bit, “I killed him.” he confessed that made the officer sick in the stomach.
His heart felt like it stopped beating, cold sweats showers him and his hand froze at the sudden confession from the boy. He couldn’t properly express his own emotions because of the utter shock. He doesn’t know if it was from how the boy says those horrifying words so naturally or how he doesn’t look even bothered about it that made him like this.
It made the officer think if he’s aware of the crime he just committed. The lack of remorse and guilt are evident through his eyes. Its almost impossible to believe.
“You want to know how I did it?” he licked his lower lip and slightly straighten his back. “I grabbed a bottle and broke it. I used the sharp edges to stab him on his stomach, heart and neck.” he says and a sinister smile made it to his lips.
He leans closer, “And I repeat it again and again and again. Until he basically stopped breathing and died.” he even gave a shoulder shrug and rested his back again on the chair.
“W-Why...” the officer’s lips shakes as he stutter through his own words.
“I just want to.” Jungwon smiles as his eyes still looked dead.
Countless criminals with such horrible crimes had confessed inside this office. But this is the very first time that one actually scared and made Mr. Nam tremble in fear.
Despite all of these, he tried to gather his thoughts and composed himself. His hand slowly went down near his gun, preparing himself to anything that can happen.
“Do you know w-what consequences awaits for you because of what you did?”
Jungwon shrugs his shoulder off. “Yeah, I’m not stupid.”
The way he say every words confidently just makes the atmosphere even heavier. Normally they should be begging to take it easy on them or pleading not guilty for the crime they’re being accounted for.
But this kid...
“You can be jailed.”
“No, I won’t.”
“Yes you are a minor, but you can still serve juvenile for a few years before we can transfer you to an actual prison.” his jaw clenches together with his fist, trying to make himself look stronger. Well he has to. He’s way older than him, have more built and training. He’s also the adult inside the room so if anything, he should have the upper hand between them, right?
“Oh really?” his tone sounded so monotonous like as if it was the most boring thing he had ever heard that day.
Even before the officer can utter another word, the door to the interrogation room bursted open then revealed a man wearing a neatly ironed suit while carrying a suit case.
Officer Nam’s forehead furrowed hardly and he was about to tell them to go out as he's in the middle of a very confidential case only to be caught off guard.
He starts to wonder why this man is standing there and behind him is their Chief of Police following him like a loyal dog.
The boy didn’t even bothered looking at the newly arrived people. He rolled his eyes looking so bored and tired of this place.
“What do you think my father will feel when he knew I was here for two hours?” Jungwon asks the man that just arrived. His eyes looked dead and bored, tone serious and cold before he slowly stood up from his sit.
His aura was totally different. It was like Jungwon is a scared sheep a while ago that he used to look after, asking him what happened and so on so fort. Then suddenly that very same sheep tears off his sheep skin and revealed his true self. A fox. A predator.
Officer Nam snapped back to his senses and it took him time to realize what’s going on. His shoulder fell along with the hope to serve justice when he looked at one of the greatest lawyers in South Korea bowing at Yang Jungwon like he was so sorry for letting him stay in this interrogation room for too long.
Jungwon smirks looked so sly as he walks away from that room, the Chief even made way and apologizes for the hold. The young boy strides the police station’s hallway like a free man oozing with nothing but pride and power. Like as if he didn’t just do something horrible. As if he didn’t just killed somebody.
“Nam, we need to talk.” their Chief Officer says in a very strict tone while he closes the door behind his back.
Officer Nam kept his mouth shut and tries hard to keep his composure. His jaw clenches along with his fists under the table and his thoughts starts to wander mindlessly.
He doesn’t even need to hear what their Chief officer was about to discuss with him. He’s already aware of it. At this point, all there left is to surrender and just force himself to turn blind eye to this injustice.
After-all, he is nothing up against the Governor’s youngest son, Yang Jungwon.
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They said that out of the hundred people you walk across the world, at least 1 of them are a psychopath. They can blend into the society naturally like they’re truly part of it. Like they’re totally normal and not thinking of unaliving someone in the worst way all the time.
Now, to identify that small percentage of the population started to become totally difficult. You can never know which one of the people you interact with are part of them. It can be your neighbor who greets you with big smiles every morning, it can be the traffic officer who helps you cross the street, the taxi driver, the guard by the gates of your school, your teacher or your classmates.
But never in a million chances that you will think that it can be Yang Jungwon. There is no way someone as sweet and perfect as Jungwon can be part of them. No, never. He’s undeniably handsome, from a good family, polite, responsible—president of the student council, top of your class, kind, athletic, talented, have dimples and always talks in the sweetes softest way. If one will have to point someone who is an epitome of an angel, he can be that.
So why are you inside this dark room, cuffed to a steel bar, face drenched with sweat and tears and totally scared for your life after being kidnapped by him? By Yang Jungwon.
You completely blanked out from the series of events that just occured hours ago. You remembered being with (name), arguing about how he’s so controlling and tiring for you. He was shouting at you and grabbing you over your wrist. You are expecting a slap or your hair being pulled by him, but the next thing you knew, he was down on the floor showering over his own blood. Yang Jungwon stands beside you, staring blankly at him while holding a broken bottle he just used to stab your boyfriend to death.
And the moment it finally dawned onto you, you tried to run away from him. It was too late. Jungwon manages to catch you and covered your mouth with this cloth that made you lose consciousness.
A faint creeking sound from the door made you snap back to reality. Your head perks up, eyes a little bit hopeful while heart still beats in an inconsistent pace.
“H-Help.” you tried to say, slightly choking your words because of the shock you’ve just been to.
Lights emits when it cracks open causing for you to squint your eyes slightly. The moment you saw who it was, you gulped and the corner of your eyes burns. Chest rises up and down, feeling suffocated out of fear.
Yang Jungwon stood proudly by the door. The light blue uniform coat was too familiar for you as it was what boys in your school wears almost everyday. He stares without saying anything before he slightly moves his shoulder to take off his blood stained coat.
The person beside him was quick to assist him.
“Did she eat already?” he asks casually, eyes still darted at your direction.
You trembles in fear and stares away from time to time, couldn’t really hold the eye contact longer than five seconds.
“No, young master.”
He rolls his eyes as he looked over the person beside him. Fear reflects his face as he bow his head nervously. Jungwon kept his eyes at him before he sighs and tilts his head to the side. You can almost hear that person’s sigh of relief when Jungwon started walking towards your way.
Fear flows through your system like a water as you try to push yourself near the wall, away from him. When he’s close enough, he crouches down and scanned you from head to toe.
Jungwon could not explain how excited he is as he stare at you. He couldn’t help but to let a small smile shed over his pretty lips, satisfied.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream.” he mumbles, only enough for you to hear. Tears pooled your eyes and they flow continuously to your pretty face.
Jungwon pursed his lips and stretches his hand closer to you. He gently cupped your face and using his thumb, he wiped off your tears. Despite the soft touches he gradually give you, it made you flinch but Jungwon tries to ignore it for the mean time. For now, he still couldn’t handle the thrill of having you here together with him.
“My pretty girl.” he whispers with so much adoration, eyes almost flashing heart shapes as he stares at you.
“Even if you’re crying, you are still gorgeous.” he added that made you feel sick in the stomach.
“D-Don’t touch me.” you finally manages to say as you move your face away from his touch. The smile on Jungwon’s lips fell and his eyes turned dark after what you did.
It quickly sent shivers through your spine, but you try your best not to let him see how terrified you are to him.
As he carefully scan you, he noticed how your body is shaking and his mood switches right away. Its quite fascinating even for you.
“You’re shaking, baby. Are you cold?” he asks sounding so gentle. It was almost like the same Jungwon you see around campus. It was unbelievable.
“Here,” he says after someone handed him a blanket.
He slowly helped you to wrap it over your shoulder. Suddenly, the hunger and the tiredness from resisting for hours kicked in. You have no remaining energy to even resist anymore or to even shove his hand away. Jungwon gets too excited when you let him take care of you. Its not like you have a choice.
“You’re a m-murderer.” it almost came out as a mumble, but when he stops from gently caressing your arm you knew he heard it. He looked at you and you didn’t saw any guilt. None.
“Do you hate me?” he raised his hand from holding your arm to touching your face, he cares it so gently again like you’re a very fragile thing for him.
You kept your mouth shut and just shoot him glares while tears stream down your eyes.
“He’s a terrible boyfriend anyway. He hurts you and he’s so lame.” his eyes follows a tear that escaped your eye and he went to wipe it again.
“Don’t waste your tears for him. I actually did you a favor.” and he brushes hairs stuck at your skin.
“B-By killing him?”
Jungwon pursed his lips and memory of your boyfriend screaming out of pain flashes through him for a while. He almost rolled his eyes at how pathetic he sounded a while ago, but he stopped himself.
“He doesn’t deserve you and so I thought you could use a new boyfriend.” he clenches his jaw and while holding an eye contact, he leans in and placed a soft kiss at your shoulderblades.
He almost lose his mind when he inhaled your familiar scent. The very same scent he grew addicted to. Now, he doesn’t have to settle on watching you from a far and trying to use every reasons he can use just to have a small talk with you. Now, you are here with him and you belong to him. He couldn’t be happier.
You shut your eyes and shake your head slowly, whimpering.
“P-Please just let me g-go.” your voice cracks from screaming and crying too much.
“Don’t worry, I will.” he smiled and you looked at him hopeful.
He nods his head, “Once I finally tamed and make you submit to me completely.”
Your stomach churns and hope starting to crumble down once again.
“You are a monster! Y-You will rot in hell.”
Jungwon stood up and stared down at you. His strict, cold eyes sent direct shivers down to your spine. He slides both of his hand inside his pockets while he continues looking at you.
“If that’s the price I have to pay to have you in this lifetime,” he stalls his words and smiles. “I will gladly accept my fate.”
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main master-list
permanent tag-list:
@rubyanne @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @candewlsy @simpforniki @classicroyalty @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @hime98 @moonsclassyslore @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamjerky @minamoons @clar-iii @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @sta-rie @hiqhkey @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @nikililmj @moonlightisland @ayayiiie @aeyeree @bitchychildmiracle
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scoonsaliciousupdates · 4 months
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5.3 Lily
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 500
Previously On...: Bucky got a call from Lily, wanting to know where he was. He lied to her, of course. That definitely won't come back to bite him in the ass.
A/N: Sorry this is so late going up! Had a last-minute Mother's Day dinner with the family, and then some quality time with @cazellen, and when you add on an hour+ drive each way, it ended up eating my entire evening. But! I wouldn't leave you hanging, so here is today's update, just... six hours late :(
Also, PLEASE NOTE: There is one more section of Chapter 5 to go up tomorrow, and then I will be taking a one-week break from posting so I can focus on writing. So, Chapter 6 will start on Sunday, May 19th. I probably will not be as active on here as I normally am, so if you send me a message and I don't respond right away, it's because I'm busy making more content for you!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Lily clutched her phone to her chest, shocked. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. He had lied to her. She couldn’t believe it. Her best friend had lied to her about what he was doing and who he was with. 
She hadn’t planned on coming to the Compound that night– she’d realized she’d forgotten some files in her office that she needed to look over before she went back to work on Monday, and had just stopped in to pick them up. She figured, since she was there, she might as well go see what Bucky and Sam were up to. She didn’t want to crash their boys’ night, per se, but if they happened to invite her to join them? Well, how could she refuse such an invitation?
That’s why it came as such a shock when she rounded the corner to the rec room and saw Sam and Steve, in front of the large television, watching football together, and Bucky nowhere in sight. She hung back for a few moments, giving him the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he’d been in the bathroom, or in the kitchen grabbing snacks. But when fifteen minutes went by, then thirty, and Bucky still hadn’t shown himself, she began to worry.
She was about to barge into the room and demand answers from Sam and Steve, when she heard them talking during a commercial break.
“So, how do you think the date’s going?” Steve asked Sam.
“Knowing Tin Man, I’d usually say ‘terribly,’” Sam said with a laugh, “but this girl seems to actually like him, so who the hell knows? I guess it depends on what time he comes home tonight… or tomorrow morning, doesn’t it?” 
Lily brought a hand to her mouth to stifle her gasp as she backed away from the entrance to the rec room. 
No. No, no, no, no, no, she thought. He wouldn’t do this, wouldn’t just start seeing someone without telling her, warning her, would he? 
So, she’d called him. 
“I promised Sam we’d do guys’ night,” he’d told her at brunch, the lie coming so smoothly off his lips. But she’d heard a woman’s voice on the line with him.
And then, he’d snapped “I already told you what I was doing… You don’t have to keep checking up on me.” He’d never used that exasperated tone with her before. Never. And to just hang up on her, without even a proper goodbye?
She felt hurt. She felt betrayed. In their years of friendship, Bucky had never lied to her before, had he? And why? Why now? Who was this girl, and what was so fucking special about her that Bucky felt the need to lie to his best friend about her? 
Lily felt like she was going to be sick.
She needed to find out who this mystery woman was, immediately. And she needed to do everything in her power to make sure Bucky never saw her again.
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
DOG SITTER FIC! DOG SITTER FIC! DOG SITTER FIC! (You already know who lmao)
Lewis has a new dog sitter while he's away filming. She just so happens to be cute af
everybody say thank you to Tiff for being the reason Beth and i were talking about this -- but also if i've got his dog's name and stuff wrong i might cry lmao
Part Two
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(moodboard by @nurse-sainz)
It was a little terrifying, having a stranger stay in your house to look after your dog. But his friends swore that she was the real deal. A qualification in animal care and enough good reviews on her business social media.
But she was still a stranger in his house, looking after Bodie while he was away filming. He'd met her the day before, showed her around his house and gave her the few instructions she'd need to look after Bodie.
But Bodie was instantly taken with her. Tail wagging so hard he was almost falling over as she said hello.
Lewis couldn't stop himself from watching her. Sitting on the floor, Bodie climbing into her lap to sniff and lick at her face. "Yes, yes," she said through a laugh as she scratched behind his ears. "It's lovely to meet you, too."
Her laugh was melodic. She gently pushed him off, stood up and wiped at her trousers. "He's lovely," she said, still grinning. "I'd be more than happy to look after him." She grabbed her bag from the banister post and pulled out a few sheets of paper, stapled together. It was all very professional, he noticed. "Just shoot me a text once you've read through and signed it and I'll be there when you need me."
Lewis flicked through it quickly and looked at her. "Can you start tomorrow?"
Now there was a stranger in his house, looking after his dog while he was on the other side of the country. While he wasn't filming, he couldn't stop himself from wondering what she and Bodie were doing in that moment.
On his second day away from home, Lewis got his first picture from her.
Bodie on her lap, staring down at the camera. The corner of her face, half of her smile, was just visible. Miss you, dad! - Bodie she'd written just beneath.
Missing you too, Bodes! He replied.
The next picture came the next day. Bodie sat by her feet on their morning walk. He was stood to attention, waiting for her to throw a stick or something, Lewis assumed. He's been so good, she'd texted him.
I'm glad, he replied. How have you been? It was simply being polite, wasn't it? Simply, he was asking how she was finding his house, how she was finding taking care of Bodie.
He didn't mean for it to spark into an entire conversation. But she replied to him and then he replied to her and then she replied to him and then he replied to her.
It never turned unprofessional. No, just a dog sitter talking to her employer. She sent more pictures of Bodie, including a video where he fetched a stick. When she disappeared (to walk Bodie home), Lewis couldn't stop himself from feeling disappointed. But she returned quickly and the conversation resumed.
The next week continued on in this manner. Texts, pictures and such. Lewis began looking forward to pictures and messages from her, even when she pretended to be Bodie messaging him. The better pictures had been saved to his phone.
Bodie at the beach, Bodie having a nap, Bodie on the spare bed with her.
There was maybe a week left of filming when Lewis got a phone call from her. She hadn't called him before, always opting to text instead. For some reason, it filled him with an insane amount of anxiety.
He swiped his thumb across his phone screen. Immediately, Bodie's face filled his screen. "Hey Buddy," he said and Bodie let out something of a snort.
But she was nowhere to be seen. "Is everything okay?" Lewis asked as he tried to catch a glimpse of her.
And then her face came into his view. He didn't mean for his breath to catch in his throat when he saw her, cowboy hat on is head. The cowboy hat that was normally hanging from his wall.
"Thought Bodie wanted to actually speak to his dad," she said, eyes shutting and voice coming out muffled as Bodie climbed up her to lick her face. "I love you too, Bode, but your daddy is callin'."
Lewis let out a whistle. As soon as he did, Bodie turned towards him and let out a little yap. "Yeah, boy," she said and scratched behind his ear. "That's your daddy."
"Nice hat," Lewis said, unable to hide his grin.
She pulled it down slightly, playing the part of the flirty cowboy. "Ma'am," she said, deepening her voice and putting on a country accent.
Lewis put the phone down, propped up on a counter top, and stepped back, revealing his outfit. "Holy shit!" She laughed as she looked at him, at the leather chaps and plaid shirt he was wearing. "You're a fucking cowboy!"
"I'm a fuckin' cowboy," he answered, grabbed his brown hat and put it on his head.
She was smiling so damn wide.
And that was when Lewis realised he had a crush. He had a goddamn crush on his dog sitter.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
May 16: Daria/Jane, Kiss
Daria/Jane, ~900 words, ~35 minutes
In the same 'verse as this fic, but it also takes place before so like, post-canon, basically. This was inspired by a comment from/conversation with @riotsquirrrl on that fic about how D and J might have gotten together. I really liked it, so I decided to play around with it.
How can it be that Daria thinks it's cold enough for snow and yet Jane's not wearing anything as heavy as a real jacket? It's because Daria is from the South and doesn't understand what cold is or what almost-snow feels like either. So.
The forecast says snow flurries but the air feels like incipient heavy snow, as bitter-cold as it is when Daria opens the door and steps outside. These are the last flickering days of the year, the in-between time, the neighborhood dark by 5pm and illuminated only by streetlights. She stands in the cone of light from the Morgendorffer's front-door light and shrugs her shoulders up toward her ears, crosses her arms against her chest, and Jane pulls the sleeves of her red BFAC sweatshirt all the way over her hands.
She'd volunteered to walk Jane out but not all the way home, so there's no reason now to linger out here in the cold, breathing out faint misting gray breaths, thinking about how it won't really snow, not in Lawndale in December. It never has.
But Jane just shifts her weight from one foot to the other, glances out in the direction of the sidewalk and then back. "Hey--so." She mimics Daria's posture, crossed arms to hold in body heat. "Thanks for letting me hang out all night and avoid my house."
"Thank you for distracting me from having to spend time alone with my family." A half-joke, and Jane half-smiles at it. They're not so bad, really. She's just not so used to being home, as if she'd traveled back from Boston in a time machine and now she's in high school again, Quinn telling stories about the same teachers, the same gossip, the same football team. As if Daria's four months at Raft never happened. As if time had shifted in some jarring, abrupt way, but only for her. Only somewhere in her body, in her consciousness.
"Could be worse," Jane answers. Could be her place. Wind's moved back in, half-taken over. Trent won't last the year with him, though he hasn't admitted it yet. And Jane's mom has been away for six months now, the sort of absence that must make even Jane wonder if she'll ever come back, and as far as Daria has ever been tell, Mr. Lane has never really lived there at all.
Maybe familiarity is better. At least she has somewhere to come home to.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" she asks. She means it as a lifeline but selfishly, too.
Jane shrugs. "Sleeping. Painting."
"Busy schedule. Do you think you can find time for pizza?"
"I might be able to pencil that in." The corner of one side of her mouth lifts up again, a smirk but, because it's just them alone, there's softness to it. "I should go."
For a while now, maybe a couple of months, Jane's been in the habit of kissing Daria on the cheek when they part ways. The reason why has never been obvious, and Daria has stopped trying to remember quite when it started, or what she thought of it then. Maybe Jane does it because separating always feels so much more weighty now, when they won't see each other for days or possibly weeks, instead of hours. Maybe the gesture comes from how much more often they touch, now: jostled together on the subway; falling asleep in each other's dorms; leaning on each other sometimes, when they study side by side in the same bed. Or maybe it's an art school thing, or just part of Jane changing and growing, in some more abrupt or sudden or meaningful way than she did in high school--some change in her that somehow Daria can't see in its entirety or fully understand.
She likes it, though, this new sort of ritual. Never knows how to respond, never initiates, but likes it. When Jane doesn't do it, she always thinks, well that's over now, and then is pleasantly surprised when the habit picks itself up again. Last time, she reached out after and squeezed Jane's arm, just before they parted at the train station in Boston, which was her attempt at speaking the same language back.
But this is Lawndale and it's different here. They're nineteen; they're fifteen; the world is very small, the neighborhood familiar even in the darkness. Flakes of snow too light to even count as flurries are getting caught in Jane's hair.
Somewhere in the direction of the neighbor's lawn, some sound like the movements of an aggressive squirrel rattles through the stillness. "I'll see you tomorrow," Jane says, and Daria turns away from the noise just as Jane leans in to kiss her cheek, and the kiss lands on the side of Daria's mouth instead.
She turns very slightly to her left, like a correction, but doesn't otherwise move. Doesn't pull back, doesn't press forward.
Jane steps back again, blinks a few times; her eyes are unusually wide. "Sorry about that," she says.
Daria shakes her head. "Don't be."
And then Jane's shoulders fall back down, and she laughs like she's letting out some coiled-up nerves. "All right. Tomorrow, then."
"I'll stop by."
Maybe she should be doing something else now, saying something else. Jane leans in one more time and this time kisses her cheek, like she'd meant to, and then she sticks her hands in the front pocket of her hoodie and starts off down the front walk. Daria stays outside and watches her, moving in and out of the brightest lights, until she disappears at last down the street.
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discotitsposts · 5 months
my favorite distraction
unit chief spencer reid x reader
reposting as a whole new post bc i couldn’t link the second part before
originally posted March 25th 2024 i believe
The team was currently giving the profile and the way Spencer was speaking with such authority and confidence you’d never seen before. It was so hot. He had stubble on his face and his shirt was slightly disheveled from underneath his cardigan. After he’s finished speaking the cops leave to do their job. You and Spencer go back to the office you guys had been using to try to solve the case. Spencer realizes suddenly how warm it is in the station and goes to remove his cardigan. You are in shock as he starts taking it off practically drooling at the sight. Spencer, completely oblivious hands you his cardigan and asks you if you could hang it up for him. Without thinking you reply, “Yes, sir.” He gives you a funny look and you smack your forehead when you turn around. He thinks nothing of it until it happens again. This time back at the BAU. As the new unit chief he has a lot of paper work to get done. He doesn’t mind it he likes paper work. One thing stands out to him, one of your files is incorrectly done. You’re the only one still left in the office so he brings it down to you to correct your small mistake. You look up when he walks over to you. Oh and the way he walks, it always gets to you. Especially when he’s wearing a too tight shirt, like he is now. Uh oh he’s walking towards you. He hands you a file you had finished earlier.
Hey, I was just wondering if you could take another look at this for me, I think you made a little mistake right here,” He reaches over your shoulder to point at the misinformation. You nod at what he’s saying. “If you could please fix that and then get it back to me I would appreciate that.” He smiles at you and waits for your answer. Again, only thinking of his constricted biceps in that shirt you blurt, “Yes sir!” You put your head down immediately and get to correcting what he had told you to, until you feel his big warm hand on your shoulder. You look up and he’s staring you in the eyes, he breaks the silence.
“Why do you keep doing that?”
“Doing what,” you whisper so softly he can barely hear your reply.
You keep calling me sir, I told you you don’t have to do that. It feels strange when we’ve worked together for 12 years. My desk used to be right there,” He points at Luke’s new desk. “Now it’s up there,” He raises his finger to Hotch’s old office. “Not much difference except the stairs.” You giggle without thinking. Wait maybe he didn’t intend that to be funny. NO. He breaks into a smile.
“You know, I would tell you why you keep calling me sir, but that breaks the rules of inter-team profiling.” You panic and feel sweaty at the prospect that he might know why you panic around him. “It’s you!” You blurt. His mouth opens in shock, “Me?”
YOU! I love those damn cardigans on you and your hair is so fluffy and you’re so warm!” He stares at you in shock still and you cover your mouth with your hands to stop more stupid stuff to come out. You stand up to make an escape but his hand slams on the desk in front of you to stop you. His other arm gets on your waist and he kisses you mindlessly. He stops suddenly and pulls away. You stand there with disappointment written on your face.
We can’t do that, ever again, at least not while both of us are still in the BAU.” He sighs.
“I’ll quit!” You blurt again.
He chuckles, “I can’t ask you to do that. I know you love your job.”
“I’ll transfer! Whatever you want me to do I’ll do it.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t do that. Well, it’s getting late. See you tomorrow.” He walks back to his desk and brings your now corrected file with him.
The next day
Spencer gets to his office early head still reeling after having replayed his moment with you the previous night. He feels terrible about it and wants to apologize. You’re not in yet since there’s no coffee cup on your desk like usual. Some part of him fears he may have scared you off. You two couldn’t be the same after that. He sits down and notices a paper on his desk. He skims through it.
It was your Request Of Transfer.
He picks up the phone to call you.
part two-
use of she her pronouns for reader but you could honestly replace any details some mature themes. 18+
Spencer was kissing you so passionately and aggressively you couldn't stand it. You wanted, needed more, you break away to rip your shirt off and he rips his open. Buttons flying. Then a loud sound right in your ear ringing so loudly you can barely focus on kissing him.
You open your eyes and you're in your bed, alone. Well not totally, your phone is ringing like crazy. Completely annoyed that whoever it was had interrupted your dream.
You check the caller ID. Spencer. Uh oh. What if he was angry you requested a transfer. He had told you quite firmly to not do that. Oh well how bad could him being angry be? He was really sexy when he was angry anyway.
You pick up and hear his even sexier morning voice.
"I thought I specifically said do not request a transfer."
Not angry. More nervous? Concerned maybe.
"I said I would do anything for you." You reply picking at your nail.
"No you said, 'Whatever you want me to do l'll do it,' I didn't want you to transfer."
"Well do you want me to quit instead?" You start fixing your hair in the mirror as though he could see you.
"No that's not- why are you doing this. Really. Is it me?"He still sounds nervous.
"Yes, because you said, and i quote "We can't do this while we both are in the BAU." You put your fingers up as air quotes even though no one can see you. Well except your nosey neighbor, Terry, who's always peeking at your window. You wave at her while Spencer takes a deep breath.
"Just come into work today. Alright?"
"Work? I'm unemployed right now!" You joke.
"Just come in here. Come to my office right away when you get here. I need to speak to you in person about this."
Feeling more confident you speak in a sultry voice, "Yes, sir." You hang up and go to get ready.
After you hang up Spencer is in shock at your last words.
"Yes sir" Why had those two words been so hot coming from your mouth. He feels a certain rush of blood between his legs and curses. His stomach felt all tingly.
Butterflies they call it, normally caused by stress or anxiety but this wasn't stress or anxiety. I don't feel that around her. It's the release of norepinephrine in your central nervous system but does that mean i'm in love with her? He thought. (had to google that one)
"I'm going crazy." He says out loud and rubs his face with his hands.
"You still seem to have all your marbles to me." He looks up as David Rossi walks into his office and shuts the door. He gives him a look that says, you can tell me. Spencer spills his guts to Rossi about the whole situation. Well except for the part about his enlarged crotch. When he's done Rossi sits back in his chair and is silent. He crosses his legs and fixes his cufflinks. Cartier, probably way too expensive. Spencer thinks. Rossi finally speaks. "You're not crazy kid, you're an idiot."
Spencer looks taken aback, and opens his mouth to talk when Rossi speaks again. "No I know you have an IQ of 187 and can read 20,000 words per minute so statistically you're not an idiot. I mean in love. You're an idiot in love and if you don't let her transfer you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. Not only that, she is going to do everything in her power to drive you insane until you let in. Save yourself the trouble and when you two get married you can host the wedding in my backyard." He pats Spencer on the back and stops at the door. "Oh and incidentally you're not fooling anyone having that book in your lap. Don't worry it's perfectly natural to have that reaction. Good luck." With that he shuts the door and Spencer's mouth is left open in shock. As Emily once said, IQ of 187 slashed to 60.
You get to the doors of the BAU and give yourself a little pep talk while staring at Spencer's closed office door.
You shake off the nerves and click-clack up the stairs.
You knock softly on his door but he doesn't get up and open it. He simply calls out, "Come in." You, being very mature, giggle at the word come and push the door open and step in. In a form fitting dress that makes you look very beautiful and in the most flattering color, you look like a literal goddess. Spencer almost loses his mind completely at this look on you. Was he dreaming? Maybe. Since you're walking around his office admiring his awards and PHDs, he discreetly pinches his arm and feels pain instantly. Nope not dreaming. You stop looking around and he motions you to take a seat. You look at the comfy chair in front of him. You opt for sitting on his desk instead. He stares in shock as you hop up on his desk and swing your legs. He stares at them and then at your face. He's not saying anything so you start a conversation. "Aren't you glad we're not cartoon characters?" He snaps out of it and says "Huh?"
"I said aren't you glad we're not cartoon characters.
“Otherwise we'd have to wear the same outfits all the time."
"Oh- oh yeah I guess i've never really thought about that before." He is confused why you would bring this up. This has nothing to do with why you're really there.
"Like if this was Scooby-Doo I probably wouldn't be wearing this ah-dorable dress!" You put emphasis on the adorable part. Which makes him look up, but this means his face is level with your chest which is also emphasized today. He chokes up and manages to stammer out, "Y-y-yeah," His adorable puppy eyes look at you. Trying to avoid what's in front of him.
"What's the matter Reid? Cat got your tongue?" You smirk at the fact you're making him forget everything he knows. This newfound power you have over him is insane to you. Deep down, he really is still the same man from all those years ago, before all the bad happened to him. Still just as nervous around breasts as he always had been. “Why don’t you sign my transfer request, send it in, and then come over to my place tonight for a rendezvous, hmm?”
He nods then realizes, “What, no?!”
“I'm gonna make your life hell then." You smile and walk away. He gulps. He has a feeling he knows what you're going to do.
Garcia briefs you of the new case but all Spencer can focus on is your hand creeping up his thigh. Then you pull it away and you lift your dress up right in his view. To anyone else it would seem you were adjusting the the hem but he knew you were doing it just to torture him.
Well he wasn't going give in. What were you going to do take your bra off in front of the team?
The real reason he didn't want to sign your transfer was because if he did, it would all change, which he wasn't big on. He likes the banter with you while on cases. It lightens the mood when he feels stressed. He likes you being in his sights at all times. If you transferred he wouldn't see you all day and if you were to pursue a relationship with him? He would definitely worry about you even more than he already does. Truth is, he's terrified.
On the jet you still didn't let up. Everyone knew Spencer liked his time alone on the jet to read after discussing the case so they usually let him sit alone and do his own thing. You weren't about to let him have a moment of peace. You stand next to where he's sitting. "Seat taken?
You say pointing at the one across. He looks up from his book and shakes his head. You tell him, "Actually I think I'll take this one," You point to the seat next to him and before he can protest. You're crawling over him to get to the seat next to him. Your butt bumps his book and knocks it out of his hand. He's so flustered and red it makes you chuckle into your hand.
He mutters, "Now I'm REALLY going to not sign your request off."
You blow him a kiss, "It's your funeral." He picks his book back up and you grab another from his bag and start reading it. You bring your arm up his bicep and drag it up and down, up and down. It's quite relaxing and he ends up falling asleep. Something he hadn't done well in a while.
He wakes up when the jet lands in Florida. Since it's summer it's especially hot. He half expects to see you next to him in a bikini but you're not there. and his book you had borrowed tucked neatly back into his bag.
Everyone gets to the precinct except you. He pulls Ju to the side, "Where is y/n?" He whispers. Nervous if you're up to anything.
JJ looks up, "We sent her to make the hotel arrangements." Uh oh He pulls his phone out, contemplating calling you, when the lieutenant walks in he puts his phone away and shakes his hand and introduces everyone.
When you walk back into the station wearing a normal tank top and jean shorts, Spencer thinks it looks like normal attire thank goodness. Your shirt isn't even cropped and the shorts are tight and a little short but hey it's hot out. He lets it go and figured you'd be too embarrassed to try anything. Especially with the case at hand. Which was just a con artist who had scammed people out of millions of dollars but he needed to be stopped.
Emily and JJ go to speak to some of the people who had Luke and Matt spoke to the rest. There was a lot. Rossi and Dr Lewis went out to the last known location of the Unsub to profile, while You and Reid set up an evidence board and draw a profile up. "Definitely a white male mid 30s-40s l'd say." Reid stares at the map of all the locations. Definitely you agree in your head. You only plan on distracting him for a minute. When he stands up straight, You slide past him brushing against him. His breath hitches. So that was why you had worn the shorts. Then it gets worse. Or better. He doesn't know yet. You throw a marker on the floor. "Oopsie!" You bend over to grab it and stand back up and then throw it again. "Oopsie again!" You yet again bend over to grab it and he grabs your arm and sits you down.
"I know what's you're trying to do," he starts.
You cut him off quickly, "What do you think I'm trying to do sir?" You push your arms together and pout. He lets out a quick breath and then notices JJ and Emily come back. "We have a suspect in custody!" Emily announces excitedly. JJ shakes her head and smiles.
"She found him peeking in the window while we were speaking with the James family and she chased him down the street, through a bush and kicked in a gate and slammed him down. She's pretty proud of herself." You laugh knowing how Emily loves taking unsubs down.
You guys take a break for the night to get some rest.
Spencer reaches his assigned hotel room and he opens it. Nothing unusual. One bed. You're not here, so at least he'll probably get some sleep without thinking of your hips. Shit. Just when he thinks he's safe you walk through the door holding your keycard, smirking. "You didn't think you'd be alone tonight did you?" He pushes his face into his hands and flops on the bed stomach first. "Oh no, I forgot you made the hotel arrangements." Then he starts laughing. You start to unpack your bag with everything you'd be needing for that night. Careful to not let him see a few select items.
You go get ready in the bathroom. Wearing a purple see through slip you decide to ditch the underwear and sleep with nothing under. When you get out of the bathroom Spencer is turned around bent over his go bag. "Nice butt," You say and he stands up slightly embarrassed,
"You like it huh?" Then he turns around and sees you and your lack of clothing. "Purples your favorite right?" He nods slowly taking it all in. You climb into bed. Spencer's so tired he doesn't even do a night routine and slides in next to you. The both of you fall into dreams immediately. When he wakes up he realizes his arms are hugging you close to him and you're snuggled together and you're so warm and comforting. Then he gets an idea which he will put in motion the second they get back to the BAU. He leaves the room before you wake.
When you wake up you're all alone. Wondering where he had gone you fear you may have done too much, taken it too far. Maybe you had scared him off and he had waited until you were asleep and changed rooms. What if he-
Theres a knock at the door to the room so you go to get up. As you do the bathroom door opens and Spencer comes out with just a towel around his waist. You had never seen him shirtless and you were drooling. He opens the door and thanks the man for the room service.
"Ordered you breakfast," He says rolling the tray to the bed. "Stay there." He commands and you throw your legs back into bed as he sets a tray over you and he pours creamer into your coffee the way you like. He stirs it for you and you don't think about why he might be doing it you just lay back and enjoy him making your breakfast perfect. He pours the syrup on your waffles and you think about making a joke but decide against it to not scare him off. Thank goodness he had just been in the shower when you woke up. If he really didn't want to pursue a relationship with you and let you transter what was the point in trying anymore?
Was he even attracted to you?
When you're done eating and back in the precinct you manage to prove it was this guy who had in fact conned everyone out of millions. He was now on his way to being sent to prison awaiting trial. On the jet home Spencer notices you've stopped hitting on him and acting sexy.
Now you're all covered up wearing a big sweater with sweatpants. He frowns at the thought that maybe you were upset he hadn't played along with your games. He had wanted to. You'll see when you get back to the BAU he would fix it.
You go back home Spencer having told everyone to go home and rest and take time to recuperate after working hard. You were a little bitter at this and upset he declined your offer to come over to watch a movie. You decide to just take care of yourself and reach into your drawer for your vibrator. You fall into bed and turn it on.
An hour later when you're done you put on a fluffy robe and make yourself a snack and start watching New Girl. When your phone rings. Spencer. You answer with, “What?” "I don't mean to bother you, but can you come into the BAU I know you're probably busy relaxing but-"
"I once told you l'd do anything for you." You smile to yourself, he DID want to see you.
"Ok but don't go to my office. I'm in the big conference room on the floor above the BAU." After hanging up you were about to grab your purse and go but catch a look at yourself in the mirror. No makeup, hair out of place and in a bathrobe! After quickly changing into something professional you hurry to the BAU and go one floor up to the room he had told you. You prepare yourself and then push the door open.
"Agent (Y/N)!" You see the Director, Aaron Hotchner. He shakes your hand, "It's nice to see you again. Reid was just telling me that he would like a few rules changed..." You look at Spencer who's smiling like a kid who's parents just told him he's going to Disneyland. "More specifically, Spencer requested the rules on relationships within the unit be changed. We wanted your input. I would allow you and Spencer to pursue this relationship while both of you still work in the same unit under the condition it doesn't affect the way the unit works. If I notice ANY misconduct between you two while on a case you will both be suspended and these rules reevaluated. Do you both understand me?"
"Yes I understand." You and Spencer say at the same time.
"Good. Sign here." Hotch cracks a smile and hands you a pen. You sign next to Spencer's scribbled signature.
"Good luck to you both."You hug him, "Hey are you and Jack going to JJ and Will's this Saturday? They're having a little get together!"
You ask when you pull away.
"Wouldn't miss it!" He says as he walks away and waves bye. Leaving you alone with Spencer. "Wow. You actually changed the rules to the game. I'm impressed." You cross your arms and he stands up and walks over to you and kisses you as passionately as he feels. You can't believe he did all that for you. In between the kiss you break away to tell him you love him "I love-"
"I know. I love you too."
2 months later
"Get on your fucking knees." You command. Spencer falls to the floor immediately when you walk in. He's ready to do whatever you ask. You crack your leather whip and he jumps. With every click of your stiletto boots, excitement grows within both of you.
He may be the boss at work, but at home? You were in charge.
again, reposting so it’s all one post!
(this was inspired by @mandarinmoons post here)
i ♡ sub spence i had to include it.
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Stargirl ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Thank you guys for the support on the last part!! Hopefully I can figure out a schedule of posting soon lmao, happy pride month!!
Ellie x reader
Part 1, Part 2!!, part 3
Also tell me why it took literally over 10 minutes for me to figure out the link thing omfg why am I old
After the encounter with your ex, Ellie, you try your best to avoid anything to do with her. But with your luck...
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You hum along to the song playing through your speaker as you scroll instagram. You've basically put yourself in house arrest other than going to work ever since seeing Ellie. You couldn't trust yourself not to get into a situation where you needed saving again.
Your breath hitches when you see Dina's post. It's her and Ellie sitting on Ellie's couch with cards against humanity spread out on her coffee table. JJ, Dina's son, is sleeping in Ellie's arm. You study the way Ellie's eyes squint as she smiles at the camera. The caption says, "mommy material"
"Fucking mommy material? She isn't even girlfriend material." (I love salty y/n) you grumble and like the picture before turning your phone off. Maybe it's time to finally go out again.. You didn't have work tomorrow..
About a half an hour later, your looking at your ass in the mirror. Making sure that your black dress covers enough but not too much, maybe you'll even meet someone tonight. You've decided on going to a new bar tonight, their website says they have musicians that come in on Fridays so it'll be a chill place to relax.
You pick up your bag and lace your new converse before leaving your apartment.
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Your sitting on one of the leather couches that face the stage drinking a (drink of choice) when you hear a familiar voice saying hi to the bartender. You turn you head around and see the one and only Dina!! She must of felt your eyes on her because she turn her head and her eyes immediately lit up. "Y/n!!! Baby!"
You smile as she runs over and sits next to you, giving you a side hug. "I haven't seen you in fucking forever! How are you?"
After you and Ellie broke up, you stopped hanging out with a lot of your friends too. It was too awkward for you. But they never stopped caring about you, it was hard for you to come to terms with that.
"I'm okay! I've just been working a lot recently.. I haven't had a chance to check this place out yet." Dina nods and rests her head on your shoulder. "It's really nice here. I come here every Friday to see-" she stops mid sentence and slowly turns her head up to look at you with wide eyes. You hear someone else on the stage setting up but you keep your eyes on Dina's thinking face.
You tilt your head as she puts her hand over her mouth, "wait.. do you know that-"
She's cut off by another familiar sound. The song Ellie wrote for you on your one year anniversary, you guys stayed up all night writing lyrics for it. You whip your head back to the stage and your face drops, "oh my fucking god."
Dina starts to laugh uncomfortably st the situation, "um- we can leave and I can take you to another really good place, they have burgers! Ellie will understand if I leave-"
You can barely hear what Dina's saying. It's just you and Ellie now. The song you've heard so many times and Ellie's soft voice coming through the speakers, you might even be singing the song quietly too. She opens her eyes and immediately meets yours. You hear her voice falter but she keeps eye contact as she sings.
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Ellie goes back stage after a few more songs and you are finally snapped back into reality. In reality, you're sobbing. Dina's rubbing your back comfortingly and is holding your head as you lean it against her shoulder.
You look up at her and take a deep breath, "I should get out of here- I'm sorry Dina. It was nice seeing you." She let's you go but holds your wrist so you turn back to her. She sighs, "let's not be strangers anymore, mkay? I want you to meet JJ." You smile sadly at her and nod, "yeah, um.. text me?"
She smiles and let's you go as you try to RACE OUTTA THERE!! YOU GOTTA GO BEFORE ELLIE COMES OUT!!
You're out the door and halfway to your car before you hear your name being called. Fuck. "Y/n! Can we talk please, I hate the way I reacted-"
You turn around, giving Ellie a view of your tear stained face. "What the fuck are you doing singing that fucking song?" Ellie furrows her brows, "what the fuck do you mean?"
"That's our song Ellie. Why are you still playing it?" You see Ellie scoff a little before taking a deep breath. "Can we talk? I can explain things better than we aren't standing in the middle of the fucking sidewalk." She kicks a rock.
You have to think very hard about this. It'll be embarrassing if you start to fight in a restaurant or park, going to each other's apartments is too intimate, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't miss talking to Ellie (even if she doesn't know that ha..ha.ha..).
You sigh, "We'll meet at the river. tomorrow at 6?"
She smiles and almost chuckles a little bit, "yeah that's great.."
What the hell did you get yourself into?
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You and Ellie had a special spot near the river since your first date. It was a rundown, abandoned shed type thing that you made your own. Ellie added a loveseat and a coffee table, you added battery powered fairy lights and some tapestries.
Ellie's already sitting on the loveseat when you get there. Her hair is pull up into that half up half down style that she always does, you can see her white tank top under her brown flannel, her sleeves are rolled up to show off her tattoo, and she's MAN SPREADING. She definitely knew what she was doing.
"Hi." You say, awkwardly sitting as far away from her as you can and putting down the cut up fruit your brought as a peace offering. She smiles and wipes her hands of her pants, "hey.."
You notice the two drinks on the coffee table, she grabs one and hands it to you, "this still your favorite?" You nod and smile slightly at her.
After a few seconds of silence she speaks, "I started therapy about a month ago. I'm going once a week." You look at her and smile, "that's great Ellie. I'm happy for you."
She nods and looks down at her hands, "um, I'm sorry about what I said. It isn't true, I just let my frustration speak for me. And I'm sorry for literally making your life a living hell for the last year we were together. I had a lot of shit I needed to deal with and you didn't deserve that."
The truth is, you'd forgiven her a long time ago. All you wanted for her was happiness and seeing her apologizing is proof that she is getting better.
You take a sip of your drink and meet her eyes, "thank you for apologizing. That means a lot. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions when you literally picked me up off the side of the road and let me sleep in your bed."
".. Truce."
She smiles at you and leans back on the couch. "Soo, what've you been up too?"
You shrug, "nothing really.. I got hired full-time by the high school. I've been teaching a bunch of 10th graders literature and getting piss drunk."
Ellie's eyes light up, "seriously?? Y/n that's fucking amazing!! Not the getting piss drunk part but you've been waiting so long for an opening." You laugh and nod, "it's fun, the kids really like me."
In all seriousness the excitement on Ellie's face makes you want to grab her and kiss her. Buuut, you know you shouldn't...
"What about you?"
"I got promoted at work, I got a really good raise. Joel wants me to start learning how to run the place so he can retire soon." You grin at her, "ooh, little Ellie's gonna run a whole auto shop by herself" you wiggle your eyebrows and she playfully hits your arm.
"Shut up!!" Her cheeks are tinted red as you laugh. "And what if I don't?"
Ellie pauses and looks at you, you watch as her eyes travel down your lips but quickly make their way back up. "I'll give you discounts on repairs." You're lips are ZIPPED because that shit is expensive.
Ellie snorts and gets a grape from your container. You both just sit in silence for a little bit as you watch her. You're both studying each other's faces, thinking of all the times your lips have connected and your hands have touched her cheeks.
You take another sip of your drink and spill it all over your white long sleeve shirt. "Fuck!"
Ellie grabs the drink and sets it back down, looking around for some way to dry your shirt. "Um, fuck we don't have any napkins here"
You shake your head, "it's fine, it'll just air dry, this shirt was like 5 dollars anyway." Ellie furrows her eyebrows and starts to take off her flannel, "it's too cold, you can change into this." She hands it to you and turns around to give you privacy.
"Are you sure? You're gonna be cold just in a tank top."
Ellie shakes her head, "don't worry about me, I want you to be warm."
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About an hour and a half later you're sleeping. Your head in Ellie's lap so comfortably as she traces circles on your arm. She huffs and looks at the time,
8:37 pm
Ellie didn't want to wake you but she also was freezing her ass off as it get colder. She carefully gets up, picks you up bridal style, and carries you to her car. You'd taken an uber here so you didn't have to worry about your car being left here.
She sets you down in the passenger seat and you slowly open your eyes, "what're you doing?"
Ellie smiles and buckles your seat belt, "I'm gonna take you home, I don't want you taking an Uber when your this tired. Can I have your apartment building?"
You blink a few times before smiling and nodding, "thank you els. My building is the one by Nico's bar." She nods and closes your door before getting in her side and starting the car.
Even though she kept herself calm, Ellie was over the moon. You called her els. A nickname she hadn't been called ever since you broke up.
Ellie didn't care if she was your girlfriend or not. All she cared about was getting you back into her life, I think she succeeded?
You turn in your seat and look at her, "can we be friends?"
She glaces at you and smiles, "fuck yeah."
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Not for long HaHaHaHa... 😈
Waaaa I hope this is good... I feel like the ending was a little bit rushed!! There will be a part 3, hopefully they kiss! I wnat to see them kiss!!
I'm getting surgery tomorrow so hopefully it doesn't mess up the writing of part 3 too much!
I love you all so much, please ask if you want to be on the taglist for the next part and feel free to give me suggestions and shit. (^з^)-☆Chu!!
Taglist <3
@gold-dustwomxn @catostrophiclesbian @ellieswifee @unstablefemme
ily girlies
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Sins & Amends Chapter 3
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Gif not mine. (We're gonna pretend it's Billy for the sake of this chapter tho)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary: During Billy and Frank's time stateside you and Billy start to form an actual friendship
It took a little while for you and Billy to really start to warm up to each other. The fact of your best friends being married meant the two of you were thrown together quite a lot. Somewhere along the way he'd dropped the flirtatious banter and really started to be at ease around you. While it was true he was gorgeous and charming as hell you knew you were probably far from his type from the start so it was easy to shove him into a friend category.
It didn't take you long to pick up on the fact that Billy used his god given features to hide behind at times. He was a lot more than his looks. When it came to the kids you could see how much they loved him just watching them with him. His bond with Frank was just as strong as the one you had with Maria and the two of them with Curtis? Sounded like three brothers hanging out.
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Before the guys left on their next deployment all of you were having dinner at the Castle house. All meaning Frank,Maria,Frank Jr, Lisa,Billy and you considering Curtis was having dinner with his aunt. Lisa was sitting between you and Billy and kept tapping his arm then when he'd lean down she'd whisper something in his ear and the both of them would crack smiles that made you question what exactly they were hatching up "Easy there aunt Y/N I don't try to stop your fun with the kiddos, don't try to stop mine" Billy replied with a wink before turning his attention back to something Frank had said. It'd only been a little under two months since they'd been home but you'd gotten to know Billy pretty well during that time.
When dinner was over and you were headed out to the cab you'd call to take you home Billy stopped you at the door "Y/N can I split that cab with you so I don't have to wait on another one?" You nodded "Yea sure" since the kids were already in bed you both called out goodbyes to Maria and Frank before stepping out into the cool night air.
The cab ride was silent until you got to your place and Billy climbed out behind you. "You aren't going home Russo?" You asked and he shrugged "I can walk from here plus this way I make sure you get home ok" You narrowed your eyes for a moment as you stared at him until he grinned "Frankie might have asked me to make sure you got home since it's so late"
You couldn't help the smile. Frank was always going to be overly protective but you loved him for it. "Well c'mon then might as well walk me to my door" He fell in step next to you until you opened the door leading into your apartment building. You hesitated before stepping inside and bit your bottom lip in thought before finally letting the thought that had playing around in your head spill out "Does anyone write you when you're gone?"
He actually looked stunned for a moment which made you shrink down in humiliation. You knew enough about his past to know he didn't have any birth family. Why the hell had you asked something so personal? You started to attempt to back track but he'd already schooled his features back in place to respond "No. Are you offering?" You knew him well enough to tell he was being sarcastic so when you answered "Actually, yes" you watched as a few different emotions flickered across his face.
He was silent for a moment then licked his lips before nodding "I'd like that" "Good. Now good night. I'll see you tomorrow for the farewell dinner?" "I'll see you tomorrow" He smiled then turned to walk away after making sure you'd gotten in the building safely.
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The day Frank and Billy were to leave again you'd just got off a eighteen hour shift and wanted nothing more than to crash for a few hours but when Maria called to ask if you'd go to the airport with her and the kids you instead grabbed a quick shower and tried to see just how much coffee you could manage to pour down your throat before she called to call she was outside your apartment building.
When she called to say she was downstairs you grabbed your to go cup of coffee off the counter and headed down willing yourself to seem lively enough to give Frank a good send off and to be there for her and the kids. You hadn't expected to open the side door of her van to find Billy's long legged ass sitting on the back seat.
You climbed across Lisa's car seat and nearly landed in Billy's lap when your foot caught the underside of the seat "Well are you falling for me after all?" he asked with a smirk which caused you to roll your eyes "Sleep deprivation is a serious thing Russo. Might make you seem appealing" "Oh Bill she gets that point" Frank called from the front seat as you sat down next to Billy and Maria pulled out onto the road.
He glanced at your coffee mug before asking "How long of a shift you getting off of?" "Eighteen" You replied stifling a yawn. "I know you came for Maria but it's nice seeing friendly faces before getting on the plane" he said after a moment so you reached over and bumped his leg to get his attention before saying "I came for you and Frankie too. We're basically friends now Billy and as long as you're Frank's best friend you're stuck with me anyways"
"Well finally something good comes out that friendship" he replied with a wink when Frank growled "I heard that Bill" from the front seat.
You were used to the routine with Frank pretty much. He'd say his goodbyes to Maria then the kids then pull you into a hug during which he'd usually whisper his thanks for you being there for them in your ear before pulling away.
You watched Billy standing to the side so after the kids hugged their dad and told him goodbye you leaned down to them and motioned for them to come closer "Yes ma'am?" Lisa asked so you nodded towards Billy "I think uncle Billy needs some goodbyes too. What you think?" they both scurried off to hug him goodbye but you were caught off guard when Lisa said "Aunt Y/N are you gonna hug uncle Billy like you do daddy?"
You cut your eyes at Maria and Frank who were both a bit misty eyed at once again being seperated but seeming a bit amused too so instead of making a show you simply walked over to Billy and pulled him down into a hug. When he slid his arms around you your breath caught in your throat. Damn he smelled amazing and felt even better. "Thanks Y/N" he whispered then once you pulled away from each other he added "Take care and I'll be looking for a letter"
You stood with Maria and the kids until the plane was taking off then the four of you headed for the parking lot you and her both carrying a kid. "I'm tired Ria" you admitted and she smiled "Let's go home. You can take a nap in mine and Frank's bed and then we can get some take out with the kids" "That sounds good to me" you agreed.
You had just slid into the passenger seat when she asked "Did Billy said he'd be looking for a letter?" You shrugged "Yea I said I'd write him. I mean I've always written Frank and Curt so that's a friend thing to do right?" She nodded "Yea Billy only has us so it'll be good for him" then pulled out onto the road.
Tags: @intothesoul
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theghostpinesmusic · 5 months
Alright, so I am going to stop posting for the day here in just a minute, but I wanted to get this one off my plate (out of my Drafts folder) while I still have a million fluid ounces of coffee in my veins.
So, Goose played a four-show run at the Capitol Theatre this past week, and it was awesome (over the web; I wasn't there in person). Originally, after switching drummers at the end of last year, they weren't slated to play any shows until June of this year, and while six months off the road might be pretty typical for today's big-name rock and pop acts, it's fairly unusual for a jam band, especially one that's currently shooting up the ladder in terms of popularity.
But then there was the new drummer announcement and the attendant rehearsal jams, which I've written a bit about already. And then there was Ted Tapes 2024, a new album that dropped with essentially no warning in February. Then, a mere three weeks and change before the band planned to hit the stage, they announced a four-show run at the Capitol Theatre in April, as a way of introducing their new drummer and new-ish sound.
As I said above, this run was fantastic. The band sounds great, and is clearly having a ton of fun playing alongside Cotter Ellis, the new drummer. There were moments when I missed Ben's playing, for sure, but the story at the end of the day is New Drummer Good, and also Old Drummer Good. Maybe I'll further process my feelings on that point later, and if so, maybe I'll blog about it. Maybe I'll keep it to myself.
Anyway, the band has only shared two videos from the run so far, one of a huge improvisational sequence at the heart of their night two show, wherein they played their 2016 album Moon Cabin in its entirety to mark the eclipse that had happened earlier in the day (and then proceeded to drop the show recording with this insane cover art). I will write about this later. Maybe tomorrow.
The other video is the one linked at the top of this post, which comes from set two of the final night of the run and features a sit-in by three members of Vampire Weekend (yay!), as Goose covers the new VW song "Gen-X Cops" from their just-released album (woo!) and the classic VW tune "Cape Cod (Kwassa Kwassa)" (whoa!), the latter of which turns into a thirty-plus-minute jam (huh?).
And as it turns out, not everything needs to be a jam. Sometimes, the real thirty-minute jams are the friends we make along the way.
So. As you know, the thing I do on this here blog with regard to jams is to write lots about them in exacting, weird-and-maybe-pointless detail. I am not going to do this for this jam, however. Mostly because -- and I mean this as respectfully as possible -- the Vampire Weekend guys are just not jam band musicians, and while they are having fun up there on stage during the jam (except maybe Ezra, who just looks sort of lost throughout), none of them with the exception of the drummer (whose name I don't know and certainly have no way to look up or learn) really adds anything to this jam or contributes at all to its direction. It's basically most of Vampire Weekend just hanging out on stage as Goose drags them through a long, multipart jam.
There are certainly parts where Rick in particular very obviously intentionally makes room for the VW guys to take over, but they just...don't? And there are parts where the VW bassist tries to engage with Trevor in a dueling-basses sort of thing, and Trevor just...doesn't engage? And for some reason the VW drummer doesn't replace Cotter, the new guy, on his kit, but instead replaces Jeff, which means Jeff is stuck playing a third electric guitar, which can literally never be heard during the entire performance. And all of these things add to something that in a lot of ways is just really, really not interesting as a result. To be clear, there are also parts where the Goose guys just do a big ol' heap of Goose-y jamming, and it's good, but there's, like, these three other guys on stage while it's happening, and it's just sort of weird.
I'm not trying to throw shade at the VW guys here. I love Vampire Weekend (Father Of The Bride is one of my favorite albums by anyone in the last ten years), but as much as they are clearly influenced by jam bands as a genre and likely Goose in particular, they themselves are definitely not a jam band. And that kind of high-energy, long-form improvisation isn't something you can just jump on stage and do one day after never really doing it much previously. So, it's not their fault, per se, but it's also just sort of a mixed bag of music for a half-hour-plus as a result.
In the end, I wanted to share it because it's neat to see these two bands collaborating again, but it's a bit too much of a mess for me to be interested in going through the whole thing with my usual fine-toothed comb.
Next up, though, is the aforementioned Moon Cabin monster jam. For today, though, I'm going to step away from the keyboard and do something else for awhile...
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corestars · 5 months
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hi guys! first off, i wanted to say thanks for all the notes on my stuff recently — i didn’t realize i could be relatable sometimes?? it actually makes me super happy that a lot of you are enjoying my posts. :)
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second, as you may be able to tell from my recent reblogs and recent post from last week or so, the hyperfixation on stardew valley is hyperfixating. i don’t know if i mentioned this in my intro post, but i tend to switch interests often, and super fast. while i’m still very much interested in overwatch, that game was fully consuming me. now, i’ve got a cozy alternative for when i don’t feel like getting all pissed off at the fact that even after a month straight of playing, i am still absolutely ass at overwatch!! also… sam stardew valley. i’ll stop right there.
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third and probably finally, i actually made a sort of vow to myself today. i want to enter a sort of reinvention period starting — quite literally — tomorrow. what this means is that i’m going to start focusing on myself and some hobbies that i’ve sort of kicked to the curb more now. i’m going to attempt to be less wrapped up in my phone and social media, replacing these habits with things like drawing, writing, crafts, taking walks, hanging out with my friends, playing games (like stardew), and going to the gym. i’m also going to lock in and focus on the remainder of my schoolwork since the end of the year is just around the corner. of course, i’ll set aside time for breaks and participating in some of the hobbies i listed, but i feel like now’s as good a time as ever to start taking things in my life a little more seriously, and to just start having more fun outside of the nearly completely technological world we all live in today. during this shift in my life, tumblr may become more of an outlet for me to record my progress, or to take part in certain activities such as fic / story writing, which i haven’t done in ages, but feel as though i should pick back up due to my being an english major with a creative writing concentration at school. next year, i’m taking all creative writing classes, so this could also be great practice for that.
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so… yeah! that’s just a little bit about what’s happening for me. i know none of you asked for it, but it feels good to write it all down so i can hold myself accountable later on. i’m excited for this journey i’m setting out on and hope that it creates nothing but positivity in this crazy current chapter of my life. <3
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also, any suggestions on fun and easy hobbies related to arts and crafts would be greatly appreciated! i started embroidery recently, but if any of you have other things you think might be enjoyable, feel free to let me know!
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Day 277,
Last night’s Catacomb nightmare was much like the one before.  Shifting, nearly organic stone tunnels funneling me ever downward.  One key difference stuck out though.  For the first time that I can remember, I went a significant distance without the ubiquitous funerary inserts into the walls.  They came back eventually, but there’s something chilling about having not even the dead for company down there.  An implication that I’m getting away from human influence and closer to something else.  Although what that something might be I can’t imagine.  Or perhaps fear to imagine.
I really ought to talk to Pat about this, but I have cleaning and laundry that I’ve been putting off and need to take care of while I’m still here at the house, since with the equinox tomorrow, and Lin returning the day after, and classes starting the day after that, I might not be back for a bit.  Then I probably ought to get a post-nightmare trip to Siren Overlook in to clear my head before tomorrow night’s telling.
Maybe if I spend less time writing and more time doing, I’ll be able to work fast and get it all done.
Well, I didn’t manage to talk to Pat.  Leaving the laundry hanging to dry over the bathtub rather than putting them up outside and waiting for them to dry enough to put away before leaving meant I got into the Village with plenty of time to spare before sundown, but once I arrived I wound up running into one of Cass’s brothers, Hektor on the street.  As it turns out, the whole family was in town, setting up a stall for tomorrow and helping with the decorations.  Seeing a chance to perhaps mend some bridges, I wound up volunteering to help with that.  
So, that was my whole afternoon, but I wouldn’t say I regret it.  I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed being around them for the rides into and out of town around market days or invitations to join them for dinner and Norman and Marva’s.  I rarely write about those casual interactions with the family, because they tend to feel so comfortably ordinary, but comfortably ordinary is a precious thing to have.
The only bit of awkwardness was Cass and I trying to act like we hadn’t seen one another for a month.  I’m not sure if that was made better or worse by Antigone whispering “I know” as she handed me a bundle of ribbons to hang up and then walking off wearing the same smug grin I’ve seen on her daughter so many times.
Beyond the interactions with the family, just being out and about in the Village and taking part in the communal preparations turned out to be as much a mental balm as a visit to the overlook would have been.  I’ve said before that I’m not really sure how to be a part of a community, and I’m still not, but I think this might have been a step in that direction.  I had a moment where it suddenly registered that most of the people I found myself talking to or even just passing by throughout the day I found familiar despite not interacting with them directly on a regular basis.  Some of them, I even remembered their names.  That probably doesn’t sound like much, but for me… well… the moment passed when Cass asked me why I had suddenly stopped and seemed to be tearing up.
I told her I’d just had “a weird thought, but a happy one.”  She raised her eyebrows at that but didn’t push.  Just called me “weirdo” in that tone reserved for ironic insults directed at friends and siblings that are actually terms of endearment and nudged me to get back to work.
On top of all that, Vernon put in an appearance, tracking me down to ask if I wanted to be a “shade” again this time around.  Said he’d meant to ask sooner but been caught up in other preparations.  I appreciated the offer but turned it down.  As much as I enjoyed it last time around, I’d like to see the morning festivities from the other side of the cloth, so to speak.
Oh, also, at some point someone finally reminded me that school starts the second market day after the equinox, not the first.  Not sure how I got that mixed up, but it’s a relief to have more time to prepare.
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renatedagmarmilada · 2 years
Thirty days to go
 On my first birthday in forty-six
Our wagons arrived in East Germany
My travelling had begun
 Walked across Germany in the snow
At nearly eight, my beloved nuns
Sent me off to a refugee camp in England
 With my adored ex husband
my kids and I followed him across the world
To the land of the long white cloud, twice..
 He couldn't settle, we did, but returned
Since, the lab St Barths separated us
a game they play on normal mortals and royals
 I have fled to many countries
but can never ask for asylum
Mum of ninety and sons still in England
 All of whom they use cruelly by a rotten lab
paid for by american military. The way round?
I work in China which asks no questions except skills!
 The baby refugee from communist dictatorship
returns on request, however
The Chinese allow the british full use of me, remote
 But still not as bad as old blighty
thirty days and time to return back.
What this time is beginning to plague my mind
 Last September they stole my luggage
from Manchester airport
Lab Pakistani paid a pakistani air worker
 He tells me constantly how he uses my stuff
my painter's brushes for his son
his wife, my silk shirts and so on, over the air
 Let Emirates pay
Last January they induced four strokes on my mum
so return I had to with all haste
 Anyone who is poor now flies Emirates
what ever the losses incurred and the lab would use anyone
(we won't mention the Gulf airline they crashed for research)
They do present the best value for money if one works
 El Al faces Emirates at Beijing International Airport.
The London lab is run by jewish doctors here and in the States
We saved jews and mother thought we might be part
 'In our part of Hungary everyone is in part'
(in the event, we are not, Hitler checked!)
I wore my long brown corduroy maxi skirt to the ankles
and bright red, long scarf wrapped around my larynxes
 Not because I am Muslim, I just prefer long skirts, honest
Reared by nuns, stop prying eyes in class as teaching on display,
they are always practical and cover every emergency-
 Explanation? For instance, visiting a beautiful plum tree hill
Lots of other chinese visited too, that and every Shandong spring
an open loo..a sort of long, dug pit, all part of adventure you see!
 Chinese ladies had to drop their trousers to expose all to all
I daintily lifted my long skirts behind
leaving nothing to be viewed! Perfect attire for every situation.
(especially for one who never knows what tomorrow might bring)
 Two or three African and Arab business men with me joked
I asked, why do you have flowers in that coat?..Emirates-
We poor need flowers to cheer us too, a soft carpet, just like you.
 The El Al line was growing watched us under their eyelids half closed
I watched, merely curious, what are these new Israelis like?
In the past I'd even gone to British Synagogues
 Though now I urge Palestinians hang on what ever you do
or you'll lose your land for ever as did we
to wander like lost clouds for ever across the world
 Then the business of departure began
weighed in satisfactory, papered and sorted, all sported
wandered through in my usual dreamy, reveree deep in thought
 Turning the corner a lady with straggly, long red hair and jeans
a fortyish lived in face wearing workers lived in clothes
waiting at the turn, turned at me and snarled
 F***  you and what about Sadaam Hussein.........
Eh? too shocked to speak I stared gobstruck.
What in heavens name has Sadaam Hussein to do with me
 It is with sadness that I have decided, actually quite long ago
..all middle easterners are slightly mad, some more, some less
They can't help it, bringing upon themselves their own disasters
 Then methought of this morning's intonation
Microsound from the lab which has raised to heights many Pakistanis
and others too, not decent Muslims either I might add
 here I quote: 'when the time comes they will all flee our land
then english-men will again take over these posts
we have given to them...' for doing our dirty work...
 My advice, never, never put women in charge
who have got to the top by flashing their *rse
to  Ministers and Civil Servants
 There is something wrong
with the thinking process
of such women..
 Hang on, why are they going to flee?
....like me?
 From my College where I teach,  situated at Mapo
to Shunyi City, I like to walk on foot
 passing through beautiful green fields, margined by straight rows  
tall trees, boating lakes and pagodas on the way.
 pressing with laser or probes as it is called
becomes deadly when over used, painful beyond belief
 destroys all nerves in that area, muscle tension too
causing pain and pain night and day barely bearable to live
 the heart? You will need another heart in time
the feet, there is no operation which can mend this tissue
 They've hammered my feet for three years now
that means most of the night and someday time too.
 When I fled to Toronto Canada, not once but twice
lived in Sherbourne for a while
(arm and foot broken be them then)
 I'd walk to the Ukrainian Church
in the ice and snow just three years ago
 felt not a twinge, walking was normal then
but then in February they began to hammer my heart
 That is done on the machine remote
it hammers at a fantastic rate till they put a stop
 Can't ask for asylum cause mum and sons are back there
there was no answer but to return
 the order was any strength she has turn against her
walking quietly was one, maim those feet right away
 That's when the tissue destruction began
though the reason for the flight to Canada
 was that the lab began remote torture in England then
November of two thousand and two it was to be exact
 They upped it and upped it and then gave us to the Muslims for play
after all the students and all the mental nurses had used us for pay
(the lab paid them)
 They hoped for mental damage but instead it was physical
young son whose life they destroyed, now crippled in totality
 his only crime, the violin he played
my art was different they can copy mine
 writing and painting, it is now all theirs
destroying over writing on sites and stealing the evidence
 ...They even tell me how they praise their thieves
Use our victims work it is unusual, not one word must remain..
 'we wanted to make you appear rather stupid
that is what our file about you said..'
 we've made these advances and have no one to practice on
their family are vulnerable, talented for us to rob and alone
 ideal for us to destroy and play as not even animals
the americans told us if they did to monkeys what is done to us
 tagged us all after destroying the family then in eighty four
tell all users we are volunteers and please use till death
 In the East these things used for torture implements
in our democratic West, all under a medical certificate
 as the whole british government comes into the lab
to watch these sadists at their play and thieving thefts
 setting up all her friends on my work. I can't help wondering
what is in their head as they speak to their children’s teachers.
 as you people out there read my work over and over again
and designers and painters use my stuff, all in their own names
 all of them a heavy sentence would sit out
they took off my monthlies and add new horrors with each day
 at the moment its itching and scratching from the Pakistanis there
My friend Nasreen had lice and it is common in their place
 Each puts on the machine their own problems
as we have none to extreme in the hope of killing us off
 but these are on a machine long distance, no medicines will help
change metabolic rate, take out hair,  on it goes, an endless stream
 try to teach and work, a useful job as my intestines they press
fighting their crippling play, with ultimate power in their court...
 Trying out any sadism on us for life is their game
with which they hope to beat America in this race!
 Here in China they say it is a fact
there will be thirty nine million more men
than women in a few years
and nineteen percent more men
are born each year here they fear!
 Men sit alone together for company
unable to find a wife or solace
 Now I know for a fact
that just over the border
twenty million more women than men at least
in Russia live languishing
sighing for a man, any man
 They get around it in this way
Marry anyone from anywhere
even if it only lasts for a short time
no racism there but still not enough men
 In the West our men have all gone homosexual
ok fellas, my best friends are gay, no problem
the girls all long for marriage in these single days
which doesn't come their way
with nations of men who don't get attached in any way
only physical needs are met now adays
 When I was a kid in our refugee camps
as time went by and the wall went up
we knew there would nor could be any return
better forget your families back over there
our men advertised for women anywhere
many barely able to write
living at the bottom end of life
with all the excitement
getting to know each other's ways
my parents too...
 so for instance my best friend
half polish half italian born in Wales
mixtures of every type and kind flourished
life has to go on and love is important
companionship a need of mankind
Remember the mongrel is the toughest breed
what ever crap Hitler had said and bred
(he got that out of a magazine and from jewish philosophers)
 point being
chinese boys .. get on the internet
put ads in the papers everywhere
there are girls all over the place
north, south, east and west
just waiting for a loyal mate
go for it, give it a try as do your girls
who knows what will end on your plate
 I myself have taught in families
with Chinese husband, wife a Brit
got on really well
very happy families indeed
with their lovely children to complete
at base we all want the same
you can believe me about that!
  A warning before
gross conduct time and again
it would have been a prison sentence this time
for a whole list of unsavoury people calling themselves professionals
 We used the States
the States messed up
their students used the victim's beamed lives, as thesis copied
friends of the lab, two jewesses copied the victims work
as she sat painting impressions on Thursday nights
after attendance to Leeds Reform Synagogue
and sold it as their own,
London killed off her art college lecturer with over use
 The States has to get us out of this mess
international beaming of people in their private beds
the lab bossess' special interest in organs on film
rattling round the world from military to palaces
 For our loyalty
For the lives of the jews and slavs we helped
For the country we and our people helped to rebuild
 You and your family will be targeted for all and anything
'all freedoms were taken' now they laugh
sadistic, brutal, cruel, spiteful and nasty
by a jewish doctor who has too many sadistic genes and his wife
by a jewish doctor who has had too many women and lies like a fly
by a staff so corrupt they defy description
and the counterpart in the States not much better they say?
 we are blocking your immune system from now
(Annie allows the Muslim any brutality')
we use you for such filth
we darn't admit it
we give you every illness we can put on the machine
we would hang even in the most lenient country
 We used you as practice for separating the Prince and Princess
We used you for all those things that went with it
We used you for things which are pure torture
We still use you to this day and night for torture even there in China
We all of us use your favourites everywhere
 permission of the leaders
giving away their peoples
whether democracies or dictatorships
we kill high and low equally
we of research are now dictators of the world
with total ultimate power of life, death and sadism
 ''you have to valid date all this crime''
the distasteful Paki lab crew tell all the lab new comers
Britain has messed up, has taken a new corner
 The government backs its Muslim population
Giving us to them for them to vent their terror on
Their numbers frighten this once great nation
Mustafa lab child rapist, "You are now on the net"
and now the TV puts the child prostitutes of India on
Each horror they create they cover with media programmes
Just like Hitler, it is for the good of the people
Mustafa took my work off my sites, with all the others
(I would die of shame)
 CCTV 9 said tonight at 8.30 p.m.
Your last work was used
selected parts were used...
this one by Ernestine,
Annie lab bossess's friend
whilst you are far away
'She won't come back'
they are told
well not for a month or two anyway..
 'our idiots are being printed
nothing you have done will remain
all the Beta poems have been changed in your name
Some changes have even occurred on this site
and you know how.'
 and at three thirty in the night
microsound came through
we will not return anything
You will not compromise us
We will destroy you at every turn
as we have done this last twenty years
 The point?
our democratic government allowed
and still allows this to happen daily to us
and all the so called study to continue
just as they allowed the murders of their unwanted high
by remote
Banks, Cook, Maxwell and others I don't need to mention.
They say it was the old boys network of the Ministries
 ''we told you ten years ago and more who would die.''
 Yesterday morning came the warning
Be aware of what you will get when you return home..
joke or what..
The muslims are bombing the place to bits
which we had rebuilt for the Brits
and the government protects them...?
 ''we can abuse you in any way we want
it says on this paper ...you didn't sign
from London Research
They put over my C.D. just now
That is
one of the tapes and C.D's
they haven't destroyed
 Music is also forbidden
to the prisoners of Human Research
The only ' get out' from the none stop prison
over years and years
They overplay, everywhere.
 So why isn't the Hague or Brussels
saying a word
and they are europeans
they do know our background
refugee past years
('with her past
it doesn't matter
if she suffers the rest of her life'
was one of the lab's comments.)
 and the Prince is not to talk
of the dirty film the lab made
with Lindsey their starlet
using my head to hex us
I prefer not to stoop as low as they
as they kill off all the Labour party
and anyone they don't want..
 over HBO today
ninth of June at nine thirty a.m
over the film of 'I'm dancing inside'
because they tried to make you retarded
to have an excuse for destroying you
and your children and your family..
films also not allowed note
they block as they please and overspeak
''we're going to make a commercial of this
We are going to trace it..''
HBO ''they plager you all the time''
 She that is me to you, is on our machine
illegally against the law
so she belongs to the nation
so all she does belongs to the nation
so all the bossess's friends can make good
 "I intend to rob all your paintings from your house
and leave only the very worst
All your stories have nearly gone
and none of your poetry will be replaced
which we have changed on Beta Poets
and wiped off  your folders.."
three thirty am this morning
They usually put threats over in the night
even here in China.
 (the lab uses its own form of crimes
creating crime waves at will
no social experiments are not permitted
what the hell has that to do with them
The lab is a law onto itself, regardless
with the Lords permission)
 That must have been some sadistic jew
who sent this program from L.A.
I try to refrain from personal comment
but I wish your cousins had been taken
the ones we fed and kept alive in Bratislava
the ones for whom we lost everything back then
 Where ever I go
the corrupt lab sends a report to make out
that I am a patient so my freedom is taken
then they mess about in that country
and England again rules through regular lies
 ''we're all over the world'' HBO
to destroy artists
to destroy the writer
to destroy the family
to destroy the vulnerable
to destroy the lone woman and children they separate
to destroy all that is decent in mankind
 The British manipulate and corrupt everything always
says the report from Erfurt
What they did during my time at Leipzig University
as a student, is a book in itself
and that is besides the bank robberies of my account
at the Deutsche Bank
(that's sport?
she starved here as a baby in forty six
now starve her again at fifty)
 'You are one of the children
of one of our clever men and ancient families'
a socialist from a socialist city
 you of little pity...
''we were trying to make good''
by using lies for the other side.
all HOB overspeaks
not the phone this time
nor the computer
nor any of the other machinery
the lab's super powerful machinery
overrides as they wish with their corruption...
the father, whom you yourself, East Germany
destroyed at the lies of a
Polish Jew passing through!
 (and no, I hold nothing against Poles
my best friends all my life..
nor I thought jews, even went to synagogue
I considered it war, not normal..
But the Jews in the government
are all staying very silent and bent)
 eight years after the war
passing through as the jew ran west
for a better life style
...he pointed
 and the russian military always believed 'them'
My Bratislava Grandparents too
taken by the russian military for someone's spite..
only released when the city jews asked they be released..
 'that deputy station master was there..
in Warsaw when I was
a storm trooper.'
actually a railway man
who directed the railways around the Ukraine
straight to Siberia never to return
 Yet it could not have been
that man was elsewhere at that time
sitting in Bratislava
with all his hungarian in-laws
(feeding jews there)
I, his child am proof of that
I have photos of him there
I was not conceived in Warsaw
He had deserted his post
After Stalingrad, it was over
just wait for the Russians to come..
 by the way for those who don't know history
only exciting faction/fiction  media films
-in Leipzig on the day Hitler came in
The Socialist Mayor and ALL the Council
were sent to Concentration camps
for hard labour
Until June forty two, they were work camps
and how many others too...
 ..and my second father
you are the daughter of one of our clever men
a world known writer Telewny
back then a Kolshosp accountant
spent years in a Russian gulag
after refusing to cheat the books
for the jewish Kolhosp boss
imprisonment for 'none-communist activities'
The boss got to the top
of the Party!
 My only comment is
the jewish psychologists of then I am told
(as the london jewish psychologists)
tried it all out on the german patients
and then the germans reversed it.
which jewish psychologist trained Mengele?
When will the next reversal come?
 Is it the system which is corrupt
or is it the people who run the human research system
which is corrupt
Mengele's system still killing people
 the new order from the lab:
"all retards will be used from now on"
 I am not nor never was retarded
nor even had any form of illness on that line
 used how, like the lab Muslim Mustafa
did to me over the years
 One night
going for a meal with an old friend, a Sikh
he blocked my veins all night
They say the retards scream when used
so they like using us normal people
because we suffer in silence
and die quietly
and lone women have no one to check
so breaking up the family is a must
fatherless kids just accept torture.
(the way they killed my second dad)
Watching a white woman going to bed
and torturing during the night
his speciality
now with his own department!
 but then
no one hears our stories
the real truth
we do not own the media system!
it is not murder
it is not maiming
it is not copy write laws broken
it is not crippling
it is not destroying the fabric of life
it is not torture
it is not medical science
it is not any science
it is not even intelligent
it is not useful in any way
(Human Research should tell management how to run things)
it is criminal to the extreme
 it is a high level secret
 just as was Auschwitz
that was the same system, Camp Five
Mengele's system
another high level secret
believe me
we were there
the same low level scum
running the same low system
as it was in Auschwitz Camp Five
the same level of low intelligence
the same high level secret as then
it was kept secret just as this is
even when
one came back gabbling wildly
only now they don't even have to hide!
 which is what they say I do
 this weekend Madeline is on the machine
this weird bunch of murderers
not only destroy the population
they know every high secret
and kill at a high level
whom ever they want
 Not even we thought the Brits could be such spiteful cowards
 When the  machine is to be dismantled
the same murderers
of St Barths Human Research
the child rapist Muslims
who rob old ladies accounts
the lecherous quacks
(can't call them doctors
one admitted he had long since forgotten
what little he had learnt, if anything)
the same torturers
the same killers
the same thieves and my what thieves they are
thieving from the helpless
as they kill
Anna of the lab, will dismantle the machine of hell
 She will have every secret of the state
 today on over my C.D.
Sold out, sold out
two thousand books of your work
(they live with such shame?
God the english are crap)
organised by the lab St Barths
note St Barths is being rebuilt
They used Jessops hospital
and that was knocked down too
 She's a bit slow they put on the file (me)
 The red herring
they made it into a sex thing
for themselves to catch others interest
using absolutely forbidden sexual abuse
even at Churches and religious places
telling us all the while how the Nazis used Synagogues
Using Hospitals
the playground for Human Research games
telling us all the while how the Nazis used Hospitals
trying out another way of raping females
by machine remote erections and responses
the lab Indian even had the two year old raped
because he didn't like the Irish
and he was a child rapist himself
(that is how it works)
and as for the Media
they know very well who stalked and killed their reporter
hyped by the Human Research to kill
they call it ''could be'' and ''what if''..
more words for murder they use constantly.
  Get Renate in any way you can. Still shadowing every single thing.
...I am going to use your mother and child theme
(friend of lab Annie, bossess and lover of the Ministries)
that is why I can't let you have the sketch books back
in which you trace the journey of your mother
with her children across Europe
(arn't the Brits sick,
they can't use their own stories?
Like the Junior Jewish Health Minister
who had to use my family's stories.
The scum shame their own ancestors. )
Three paint books robbed the last haul of thieves
they organise the thieving
the lab St Barths Human Research
 At the moment it is the Muslims of the lab
 If I go abroad as here in China
they send someone after me
where ever I go in weak countries
whose lab then allows torture
He returns at regular intervals
inbetween the lab tortures and uses
These countries actually allow
the brits to use their citizens
and young people for nasty experiments?
 Canada says they had orders from the summit
 I had hoped to escape there
They began heart pounding at massive speeds
all night twenty four hours.
It is not from the summit
The lab asks the government for use of us
for which they get use of the american advances
the americans gave to britain
to get themselves out of trouble
 Is there a lawyer out there who dare take them on?
 I teach the best of English out here
people here love the english
they think I am one!
As the Kiwis said
'you're a nearly Pom.'
 Lipstick in the Fridge
written back some twenty years ago
 Please re write it again....
a second time, why?
 we have to establish this friend of mine
she has used all of our victim's poetry
on my directions from the lab
and we have already brought success to her
and many, many others
 in that way
the victim will never be listened to
in any way
 Back in the eighties
after the lab had separated us
as they play within the unsuspecting population
doing as they please
then without permission
 I wrote many a verse
with children to rear alone
College to attend
and the lab abuses to fight alone
time was short
 As a kid I had always had literature firsts
distinction after distinction
as well as art
My reports still say that
and most school pals knew me for that
 Surely a compliment to the english
as I had not come to the island till nearly eight
with every kind of hindrance you can imagine
no pencils, no paper not the least in our poverty
lets not talk about physical abuse and all that
that goes with the little girl's refugee lives
and is better forgot
 Well, he'd gone, he'd gone
won't come back so might as well get on
Not what the lab had in mind, mindst
the lab had other ideas for games
manipulating impossible situations was their sport
but then I still believed in honesty and truth
and most of all God...anybodies God
 Invited to the Edinburgh Arts Festival
wrote and got printed here and there
but the main purpose was to feed my kids
study was the answer to that
but dare I tell you what the lab did to block that
They wanted - I find this hard to tell
that I should sleep around
go on the dole
then find some useless bloke again..!!
to cover their separating me
then they might put something in my way
as they do to those with whom they play..
 please don't ask me why
I am perfectly capable
intelligent and careful
so the battering and thieving began
 theory was
if we lost everything
then I would sleep around
(so why destroy my sons?)
 at this early time I wrote a poem called
Lipstick in the fridge
Annie of the lab bossess' friend copied it
as hers as they tried to wash out my work
If it were everywhere it might not be recognised as mine
 Now the things women do to women
I have always found are worse at times
than what men do to women
Annie used all the most selfish
of all her rich and well to do friends
to copy all the work
though they knew I had only a few years left
I was forty when they separated us
and she drove me from College to University
with terror tactics you would not believe
 I actually laugh now when I hear
what happened to jews back then
you should try our Annie here
I nod knowingly
 yesterday she told
she tells them I tried to write a book
but could not so ask if they could do this for me
as I am a retard and incapable
and they have permission for all the crimes
What lies this woman thinks of?
but as the lover of government Ministers
and Civil Servants, that's how it is, I suppose.
 they made up a phrase
you honour her by copying her work
as we honour her by crippling her
and robbing any achievement she should have
 It is a good thing that I believe
that evil lives with along with good
I don't categorise evil within certain nationalities
or I would hate the Brits to death
 .........and then added
we will now rob what is in your house
the photo copies of eight prepared books
Unless you go to the top
I will never let you have your work back
wiped and changed on sites
and robbed from your house.
Seems like I need a good american solicitor!
 but curry favour this lab bossess must
as she is not perfectly capable
she is not intelligent and not careful
or she would never have gotten this mess
 the Christian Scientists have a very clever theory
(I liked that lot but just can't pray anymore after what has gone on)
as I told them about this lab
evil draws evil towards itself
and that is how it is with this lab
 so why are the Gov and the Prince there?
well 'Harvey is finished by us' they intoned on Saturday
Destroy their lives then watch them rebuild
..and that is a new technique,
with all of Europe's permission
don't make me laugh!
Our governments are more stupid than I had thought.
 so now they are parsing my work there
copying there, robbing that
then stealing the originals from the house
for yet another crime wave
for a police to add to their records
who don't yet know where the crimes
ripping our nation
are coming from...
 For those not in the know
These are modern research terms
'Make small
Then alter communications'
The original order had been
'rub out.'
I have been rubbed out
since the time I was born
can't you stop rubbing
just for my last years
and let those poor kids of mine
whose family and lives you destroyed
just live
I know they played violin and all those things
but just let them live a little
we know we are inferior to you real english
and were brought only to work for you
but they were born in your country
you use Stanis and Muslims to kill us
we are the unwanted Britons it seems...
 can't get Beta Poets at all now
I'd intended to at least write the titles of my 265 poems there
as I often write straight onto the computer
and my folders are all wiped and adjusted by the lab
though the poems themselves have been altered by the lab
 poets postscript..
over the tv
we are blocking Beta Poets
...You will NOT compromise us...
because we are all going to change it about
Adjust was one of our directives
we changed your bank account
taking a thousand or so each
took your post
adjusted you top marks to fails
Adjust was ordered because one of our lab
adjusts his tax returns
now we adjust your poetry
and the sponsored writers from the lab
will be given your original stuff to use.
Anyone who uses you and yours in any criminal way
is raised by the lab.....
 Where were all these poor jews?
we wanted to know
as we hear constantly about them.
 (The wag who said, New  York
is probably jewish anyway.)
 Not in Germany
Germany's jews were the richest in all Europe
from the fourteenth century on
 A orthodox Jew in Germany
warned his people back in the fourteenth century
stop your open lechery, it is not good in front of the indigene.
 Not in most of western Europe
though not emancipated as early as the German jews
they held good positions and good money places
 The religious persecution was no worse
than that of any other European land-mass religious groups
we burnt at the stake for Jesus, they burnt in their houses for the fatted calf...
 Not in Russia
though not liked, they held power and positions
just look at the size of St Petersburg Synagogue
 Found them...........
Found them......
Now we all know..
 Do you remember reading
as did I, in many books
the Czar of Russia ordered
Jews of Poland
when Poland was part of Russian property
and he was trying to modernize his Empire
to clean up
to be fined if they wore side locks
and they must modernize
their areas were dirty and a disgrace
it was bad for the people the way they lived.
Only old pensioners and aged
may wear the traditional clothes
may continue the old ways..
 For the rest
they were no poorer than the indigenous poor
the survey found.
but wished harder to be richer
which is where the problem began
and still stands.
 Now I find
talking to Muslims
that God also told them
that he promised them
that they will be rich
(in Europe and America
God knew about Europe and America already?)
 Forgive me for being such a realist...
Couldn't they all listen a little less to God's promises
and work a little harder
and possibly in their own countries
as the Chinese have done
and find this rich kingdom of God's promises to them
over there.....
 I wish God gave out fewer promises
The world might be a better place for it.
 So, now you use Ultra Sound for it
asked the foreign lab
so that's how you do it
That's how you torture your nation remote
We use it but not for that
 The americans gave to us
for our misdeeds and messing up
Our breaking international and internal laws
an amazing new array of hard ware
they are so kind and threw away their advances
 We Behavioural science
not a competent man or woman amongst us
were given the world's most sophisticated technology
to us on the population this time, not the retarded
and millions and millions on top
 So we have been able to give to all
former enemies and friends
to ensure our popularity
getting our foot in all over the place
using a whole array of lies
 Lies are easy to us
Have we not been the best diplomats in the world
Do we not have the saying
silence is golden
but send in our best liars to stir the pot
 Our american pals should learn this saying too
silence is golden
and not to give away all their advances
still powerful now they have lost their edge
we have that edge now
 In england gloves tell all
the right never knows what the left is doing
under the spotless gloves the blood pours
they even cover the huge machine directed sores and blebs
St Barths H.R. has given on my hands, arms and legs
(latest torment. They say I am their model, they mean victim)
 So now you use Ultra Sound for it
and they even paid you to torture the world
and your own little system
with lies about finding loopholes in your system
what liars you are
 But that is what happens
when criminals rule the land
and Britains top is now ruled by criminals
direct and words, orders from silent Ministers
Well, don't go public till Blair has gone
 Someone just might twig
what you evil bees have really been up to
through their blurry opium of stupidity
Not much changes,
Hitler's assent was exactly the same.
 Don't blame lax Blaire, whose only care
is his own popularity, he was totally aware
Blame the next guy
we won't tell him so much
(I wonder how much they lied to Blair?)
just as much as the Prince, mayhap!
 and Ernestine, Lab Annies friend
says, I am still copying your work to date.
We stole your family stories from your home...
Who had rewritten them after the lab offered them to him
The junior jewish Health Minister
 We stole your sketch books
who had taken the drawings off the machine
(joke, you went to Synagogue at this time!)
The Redbridge lab axeman from the north London
Liberal Synagogue for his daughter Fay
 (his wife wrote our refugee stories to woman's world
off the machine, as jewish refugee stories..
at this point I began to question their past)
to copy as her own work at art college
and has kept them for future use!
 So now you know why we robbed them from your house.
 over microsound as I write..
"we are still using your style"
 well you poor souls
murdering artist college lecturers
Colin of Psalter  Lane in Sheffield (over use)
and then copying other artists
who have had so little of life
and you been given so much
and have everything!
 maybe now you know why Hitler happened
in the dark silence of the night.
 "Cosmopolitan magazine
has your stories
copied exactly
from those books
which were stolen..
the years of work
from The Sheffield University Writers Group
and all those East London Groups...
all lodged on the machine
at St Barths Human Research
given to friends of the lab
to send to Cosmopolitan
along with portions of private diary
as their own work
oh and the lab staff
Francene and the others
who copy anything at all
using your exact words and phrases.
 We told the Queen
who gave us permission to use what we want
and St Guys listened
Don't ever expect me to stand for the Queen
ever again
 So they ran me out of London
the city I loved
from the East End where I was loved
a book in itself
for fear of their crimes being discovered
 and when I sent those same stories to magazines
in those blue kids catholic school books not filled
of my sons
as the lab used the helpless kids
after taking away their father
and smashing everything I tried to build for them
over and over again
(Christmas for instance
when the boys were still in their early teens
three weeks dole in my purse
"have her purse stolen for a medical girl
so the kids starve over the whole month.."
I would have to sit and think
how many thefts they have committed
to starve us out over the years..
british democracy!!)
 Those stories
which I had scribbled over the years
they never got there
were they rejected
they were never printed
as the lab people were printing them
 same as the Newham Labour Party
Tony Banks' group
my group
which I belonged to
was moved far away
without telling me
and a few more things
so that  I could not tell the Party
anything at all
and later Tony was disposed of.
("we gave him a few shots
--he shouldn't sneer at us
and laugh at our dirt
but listen to what we say")
My letter to the communist party
never arrived
and when I wanted to rejoin
having been a party member
if a silent one, all my life
I was told
all Parties had been given the order
they  may not help us.
 and now the police know how it is done
or rather a top policeman
who remains silent!
but they don't know how to prove it
It was a West Indian girl in the lab.
that is all I will say...
 I hope the Cosmopolitan and the rest
are ashamed of themselves
 and as for that reporter
 to murder a man like my dad
whose work was genuine
if prompted by my mum
known world wide by the Ukrainians
and to use my work stolen
to get a job as a reporter
use copied work from a lab
which is supposed to care for retarded people
 and Paula of the Mirror
must be the worst example of female reportage
there can possibly be
"she used your exact phrases"
woman kills woman for her own ends....
 You know guys
if they did that
their actual job
We could and would admire and respect them....
 instead they cause mayhem
and unbelievable corruption
in our nation!
 "can she send us to prison" they ask
 Yet it was they who did this........
 their sadist girl of the moment
who gave me the horror hands
covered in sores
because one of their L.A. research men
got a sore on his genitals
from too much scoring  
here, there and everywhere
(wish our lot kept to that hobby)
in their idiotic circling
which is why she too has been given all my work
"sift through this" she was told
guaranteed printing and sales
by a system supposed to care for retarded people..
 and L.A. guy put over today
 "all of you lost.."
 he is a jew and says he believes in revenge
only revenge on the weak
not revenge on the guilty
but with their media hyping
they are now gods and can do anything
 what, a helpless mother and fatherless kids
and two scared, ancient refugees from the East
who wouldn't dare say boo to an english person...
 against the greatest power the world has ever known
even the communists were kind to this.
and what was our crime
oh yes, we play music, write and paint
and live our own quiet lives.
 hey guys you should see these cretins
when they come to see the teacher of their own children
smarming with the rest of them
whilst they use another teachers work
for their own gains..........
 Another of their cretins
"a female called Alyson
has a load of your stories
having traced a load of your paintings
as she is not a good drawer
now 16.6.07 at seven p.m.
they put over by microsound
Let Alyson use them
then she (me) will have to sue all of us
when she (me) returns."
 This is the same system which ran Auschwitz
Camp five experimental camp
and all the other of the experimental camps
 Fatah they say is in it now
and one member will come to the lab
(internal problems to sort which we cause
and remember anything is possible now
with this new hardware-
then we will give you help)
 Might there be something very wrong with that System
 the book being
Paper Battleships
the first book I wrote
a collection of works which had been printed
and seemed popular...
 why Koschitzte?
 We came to England
poached from Europe's refugee camps
post war
begged to rebuild
this island
for which we would get all rights
as decent citizens
which we did
but no rights..
now there's a darned laugh to start off with...
 we had a close community
happy within ourselves and hard working
the best behaved community on the island
the Home Office said of us
 We had painful backgrounds
but we got on
work covered the scars
 then time went by
each year was going to be next year
Next year we will be Home
It never came
the years passed
school and weddings and all that
 we got lonely
those like me
born over there
our old people died one after the other
the Brits don't bond with us
they feel superior to us
and our quiet ways
our clever talk and artistic plays
the embroidery
the music played
the singing
the dancing
the rest of it
We must be peasants to be so talented!
We didn't get the privileges
they gave to their Colonies
nor the Rights they promised.
 So we holed up in our homes
waiting for that one moment
when the jump could come
either West or East
didn't much matter which
 The Hungarians came
but most went home later
unhappy as were we
 The Pakistanis came
that wasn't bad
they got on quite well with us
and often had similar ways
but are superior to us
in British eyes
 and then lo and behold
our own people began arriving
 it was magic
 I, born in Czechoslovakia
Hungarian ethnic
Ukrainian dad
now have several neighbours
all born in Slovakia!
For the first time
I went to the pub on Saturday night
our men singing
our women and kids all over the place
not our class as when we were at home
but still our people..
 Not from my native Bratislava
these new neighbours
but from a place called Koschitze
(very bad accent compared to ours
my ninety year old mum wagged)
well who the heck cares
they don't look down on us
 They're a different generation
they maybe think a bit different
but basically we are the same
it is hardly believable
 My children were thrilled to bits
 so I gave them one of my books
when they returned back home
to my own country
to let those people there know
my relatives who still live there
that I am here..
 (One aunty married a high Slovak official)
and we are here..
and if they find out
let us know...
 It got there
as it went by hand and not by post
the lab stole all those in the post
and took them to the lab
 then when I had more reprinted
the Pakistani lab members
real cretins who raise their own community there
using the new hardware
as they torture us for the British
had a whole load of spelling mistakes
and other misprints done on them
as they said they too had used my work
and I had to look stupid for them..
 Then the present sadist lab girl said
(they have to find sadistic things to do on orders)
"why are her books over there"
Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia
where her people are..
I will soon sort that one out
 and now there is not book of mine
in the library of Koschitze she says
 (don't ask how many they took from the post
my postage and the cost of the books not counted
hundreds and hundreds
as I am not allowed post
as the jewish quacks of the lab had caused crime
so their answer was
punish them for us and our crimes
the victims
throw all we have done back at them
and our government
mainly jewish rather than righteous
and our super lax Prime Minister Blaire
who cares only about his own popularity
backed them
not its innocent citizens
a whole bunch of liars........
 Do you know what it is like
to be a slight ten year old
with no father to protect you
and some strange man
heaving about on top of you
tearing your body to bits
 I do from my own experience
and it is not very nice
it stays with you for ever
 do you know what it is like
to be a skinny nine year old
to have some strange man
pulling and pressing your chest
causing you pain
and pushing his fingers
where you are most private
till you bleed like a pig all night
 I do from my own experience
and it is not very nice
it stays with you for ever
You never, ever hug anyone after that
 One of these child rapists
who was a health worker with barely any english
raised to lab worker at St Barths Human Research
now has his own department of Personnel
gave this reply
'No man wants an old whore
but we feel desire for sex
we want fresh young girls
that is why we do it..'
 Hm, even Maxwell when over in Germany
straight after the war
raped an eleven year old German child
walking past them
infront of his brother officers there.
But the Brits got him in the end ...
We had chosen England as our home
as they did not hug nor rape
as much as all the others...
 and now I find
that these child rapist men the lab St Barths employs
and has raised to departments of their own
after they destroy members of the population
and are shown how to siphon money from citizens account
saying as they commit crime after crime
'they are helping us and me'
(In England there are no crimes, believe me!)
not one lab member but several of them
have used little girls
in their native countries
not one girl but several
 Although we cannot check their pasts
(why not, I am East European
and they checked every tiniest detail
even though we had been checked
time and again before)
but ok these were Britain's colonies
so it doesn't matter
they can be low as they want
all the better
makes the brits feel good in comparison
 why when they come over here
and it is known what they have done
they are still raised in our society
to Boss of Personnel department
(most hate the country
though they say they work for it!)
work in highly secret labs
doing work which the nation
barely has any idea about
or they would be in prison within days
(I forget I quote
"several Conservatives were in it")
 and their wives tell these men
'oh some little slag you used, never mind'
You can believe that
years ago, I worked teaching in Pakistan
even in the very nice family where I lived
the young women laughed
at Bengali girls sold as slaves
to their poor. I asked what happens
when these girls are no longer wanted
'well, they sell them again..''
and giggled mirthfully.
 At nine and ten years old
you don't know enough to be a slag!
I know from my own experience
it is not nice believe me
it stays with your for ever
you never want to be touched again after that.
 They drive US out
now we have built their country up
restarted their economy
used us as donkeys
using us as rats now in illegal experiment
proving their system
robbing all our work to sell as their own
fill their country with this sort evil men
and raise them to be in charge
as that is the way it is going to go
 One of these child rapists
(I only did it twice to little girls)
has a place near Marble Arch
on his massive wages is defrauding the nation
has covered himself so well
that he gets Family Credit
and doesn't have to pay his rent
(I'll send my Stocks and Shares
abroad then he answered today)
but don't they all
One Tory answered that one
"it is our compensation to them!"
 Listen my nearly fellow countrymen
is that really what you want for the future
The english in my home city answered
we owe the muslims this....
 you can't think straight can you?
you pay compensation to the countries you robbed
you build schools and dams for them
show them how to farm and how to sanitize
not raise their most evil scum to high above your own
doing illegal work
no english would do without questioning!
 you feel you owe them
corruption on such scale
Exactly the same as Hitler
only this time
to cover jewish corruption.
Makes you wonder
doesn't it?
Why did Hitler happen.
 The Royal Prerogative
programs for the Royals in the lab
for good and for bad
meant we
the Lab St Barths Human Research
could steal and maim at will across the land
and beyond its borders
even though St Guys heard us..
 Now 'copy this' has a new coined phrase
after decades of copying
'match this work from the machine'
family stories of theirs all matched now
by  mediocre british failures, all guaranteed
Meaningless British Literature
again Research destroys the arts
just as it did in Hitler's day....
 "we intended to pauper them..
well, and cripple them as well
but initially the L.A. Jew
who worked out this method of killing-
people who had saved jews back then
was 'pauper them
 then, when they found out we were artists
and our artistry had kept their cousins alive
The lab Axe man Miller
who overwrites his tax returns I am told
took every copy home for his daughter to copy!
He's a thief they said today.
(But arn't they all at that lab?)
 (these men are now all on full pay
but do not come into work
Alan, the none religious jew
because of his love affair with the bossess
Miller because he can not stand inspecting
That one equals any of Hitler's worst
whether he lives in Redbridge
prays at South London Liberal Synagogue
or not.. The Pakistanis Health Workers used
are all quickly being given
departments of their own to run
to pay them for their crimes.)
 copy all and everything
ghost everything
keep it going round and round
adjust everything
confuse everything
 Lots of lies to foreign states
some are almost laughable
but research are told they must stick
purely to the file of lies
and punish for that
then the millions they are paid
will be theirs..
 and added
we don't need your friendship any more
batter all the children
two of them we have totally destroyed
we used them as teenagers for research
after destroying their family
and leaving their mother destitute
and on the machine being sensed
messing at the Colleges were she attended
killing lecturers, poor Colin
and friends,  by over use
used for any destructive crime not allowed
 The older two, too clever,
from before we destroyed their family
ok have got into alternative systems
keep them down
keep them down until we are all dead
 For that my family
all seven children
and parents and spouses
and grandchildren
gave their lives
to save jews...........?
 Under Benes it was the same
We Huns of Bratislava
could not work in Civil Service
or decent careers..
all we could do
was work in Business
we and the jews
and now those same jews
have kicked us in the *rse
though then they were happy to use us
 and as for Britain
at my grandfather's workshops
in Bratislava
every year a seller appeared
selling Yorkshire woollen cloths
for our best customers
Now we live in Yorkshire
and though the Mayoress and others know
not one saves a hand to save us
and we had rated them so highly...
 There on the Pennine's way-
Bushra, trained by the lab
told new students..-
''you have a ninety year old
they call her Hilda for ease
to torture and torment at will..
just say that you help her
and you can do anything you wish
however evil..
Mrs Miller wife of the axeman
filled out all forms at the lab.
 I didn't find out till much, much later.
These people have no medical training
though they are supposed to care for the retarded
have less skill than my average GCSE Biology Pupil
(not one of them could pass the GCSE
including Francene from Scotland and the rest)
know only 'interesting bits', told them by the lab
for their high incomes.
Salma or was it Seema, admitted yesterday:
I find I am looking at male mental patients crotch area
it is because of what I was taught by the bossess
and the films we all watched..
We came all this way
through all that horror
to this,
semi literate Asians
and corrupt labs
to use us as lab rats
with no safety no rules for us
as they do for their daily play and pay..
me too, daily
and cripple our children.
This is the British
''we will treat you as decent citizens
if you will work hard for us..?"
(is she senile? this old former anglophile-
that is the laugh, isn't it, anglophile and pro jewish..
in their darkest hours we stood by them-
so they give us to the colonials to use for play..
No, we have messed her body and mind so much
since nineteen eighty four
that now she has gone into hiding!)
 Not much changes
and England is the same as we had had before!
She was one of those
who saved hundreds and hundreds
 who for twenty years has suffered exactly the same
as those we saved them from.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
 "We wern't allowed to do what we did"
intervention into our private citizens lives
is costly
either for them,
or for the interventionists
especially when they have been doing so
for a long, long time
using secret hardware indiscriminately
so many dead and maimed people
none knew why
it is all remote
finally the blunder of all their blunders
a lot of people saw
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
What to do?
Destroy the victims
just as Hitler had to have a scapegoat.."
dig, dig, dig and twist facts round
don't tell them the facts..
..just those who will torture and rob them
ordering they must follow the files
not the reality in front of them.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
As messes come
it was only small
not so small now
it was only small then
after we talked
to our governments
Our Ministries had to cover
so we were and are allowed to rip
with no laws or any rules followed
but no one must ever find out
what was our work
The leaders all know.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
So the whole family have to be destroyed
grandparents, parents, children
only grandchildren
dig dig dig
when WE are all dead
we who have used them
and played with them
and messed with them
destroyed them
that is our task
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
We destroy to see how the victim rebuilds
but not usually for a lifetime
but now we will be discovered
the mess has been changed
"we will punish THEM for OUR deeds
turn it all round onto them.."
will be allowed any future.
The killing fields can begin."
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
She was too old to understand
the children too young to understand
the lab divided and destroyed
How can such an old person
understand the latest technology
It was better to leave her
as so many people
still caught up in the past
unaware of what goes on around them
not listening nor aware of the present
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
At first she thought it was the KGB
The english are always playing KGB
It has to be that
no one except its own politicians
ever suspects the Brits
but I found many on high know
they cover,
but they don't cover so well
a few will always know..
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
("every country has its terror machine"
some one just put over the microsound
My coordinates are attached to many 'computers
any one of them can torture me
at any moment
ghost and copy all I say and do
and they do!)
 They do,
but I was a quiet housewife
with absolutely no background
except painting and poetry!
 She'd been the President's russian interpreter
Like me, mum is a-political
women alone for what ever reason
who have to work
it  means we can sometimes do good
we just tell it as it is, honestly.
 In forty three in Austria
in the butchers she yelled
'so were are all the jews now'
all about her shushed her, you'll be next!
She was the Interpreter
for a pile of women workers
and their Red Cross surveyor
or some term like that
 For what ever reason
the German army got little food
some officers sold prisoners' foods
for their men on the black market
and others stole food.
She used to yell at them to get the food back
and stuff like that.
 Fearless old Hun she was
she kept her girls alive and very healthy
yelling at officers ..
..in all sorts of situations
everyone knows, she told everyone.
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
One of the many accusations from this Lab
besides that we are dirty, slovenly, stupid
inferior in every way, retarded idiots even, on their file
though not one of us has ever been to that lab
by the Lab St Barths Human Research
was that we were Nazi..ofcourse...
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
They sponsored us they tell everyone
but don't tell  that it was for remote torture
"anyone come here and use them for anything"
they actually rang around
anything goes over here!
anything you are not allowed over there
life was and is a hell nearly impossible to explain-
methods illegal and outlawed anywhere else
as they robbed and still rob all work
money and livelihoods
and made us total prisoners
since nineteen eighty four
for which they got permission to use the population
which they already had anyway
no help after they messed
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
My dad they said, was some Ukrainian Nazi killer
they tell me by microsound, none stop since ninety one now
such a disgusting lie, it is beyond belief
but they use that kind of dirt
not just for me, you would be surprised
then say, : we put them all under therapy
sad that therapy has now become torture and murder
but nothing changes..
They call that a "what if.."
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
then they put this out to all the system young
American young are shockingly ill informed
but Pennsylvania complained
we wouldn’t do this to multiple rapists and murderers
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
(it was Churchill who ordered the bombing of Dresden
and they are still running to those orders
beats me why?)
and fed a load of rubbish most of the time
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
In time they killed the old man
making it look like his health
They call it manslaughter I don't know why
Theirs said he was tortured as they do me and many
daily, and my time is running out too.
 He'd been a well loved writer
and was too well known
Semen Telewny was well known
around the whole of the world
 I knew then they would start on my mum
not knowing they already had
They wanted a family to practice on
and we were so vulnerable, that was all.
 As I had no fears what so ever
I wrote to the Wiesenthal foundation
giving all names and addresses of family
Three months later the answer came
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
(the lab tried to scare me with the Israeli SAS
at Whitechapel writers group too
a man walking around in a white rain coat
following me around the East End of London
Crack pot, found later he's written two books
of my poetry and lover of the lab bossess
Got his degree at Oxford and had to copy mine!
though why they thought I should be scared
was beyond me)
 Absolutely clean...
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
Now the research sister lab in New York
which had given my paintings of meetings
at Leeds Reform Synagogue once a week
which I painted on return at home
(we are beamed to New  York constantly
-friends and lovers of the London lab
it is what London do to amuse themselves,
we have no privacy what so ever
nor work which is our own
the lab nicks it all off the screen)
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
the New York lab gave my work
as London beamed our lives over
to friends of theirs two elderly jewesses there
who sold it as theirs
their students copied my private diary
illegally to write as their thesis
as have all the semi-literates at London
who now mess with our humanity
 secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets
so as another cover
they look for someone who was there back then
Wiesenthal's word isn't good enough
They found a taxi driver who says he was there..
they microsounded at three a.m.
It was a camp of female workers
most stayed there anyway!
 A ninety year old taxi driver?
 My daughter has a jewish friend
who will not talk to her father
He tells everyone he was a K.L victim
he has never been out of England
Everyone I know has now been to a K.L. but everyone!
 Madeline says she thought they would start that
(part of the circling)
yes, the American government knows
Oddly the clever ones who were there
are able to differentiate
They know that it was and is
about political messing
about good and evil
about the rise of brutes
when people starve in the streets
 just as it always was and is now
and political manoeuvring
to cause certain results
just as it is now.
do people realise that enemy aliens in England had a visit from a Police Detective Sergeant monthly for many, many, many years after settling...
"Put the kettle on Mrs Teley, Det. Sergeant Bradley would call as he came in ..." A nice man who got me my Naturalisation, but they are never told about their own English evil, methinks.
Enemy Aliens? My dad refused to take British Citizenship, as he had to sign that he had been a 'Russian' previously not a Ukrainian, and he could not do that. He loved his country, though he was far away and the british government would not bend.
 We call it reduction therapy
it sounds better
 until we are all dead
you and yours will be our prisoners
 you are used for any horror tests
your work is copied repeatedly
 then robbed from your house
so you can not compromise us
 not only have we destroyed your life
and your health, but we will not allow you to work
 For this we made a promise
your grandsons will be something
 My grandsons come from clever parents
grandparents and great grandparents
 We do not need your nasty perverted promises
of after you are all safe and dead, got away with it..
 The father of my eldest grandson
is an Oxford First though being Anglo- Indian
 no doubt inferior in your eyes as are we
though of the highest caste. His mother, my daughter,
 a College Principal though you kept her and her brother
down for long enough, bright as a button
 (they can all only work in alternative systems
give the little ones prison sentences no matter what)
 My two younger grandsons, children of my eldest son
well their mother is a welsh celt from Engand
 we will have to see. And you?
go take your nasty promises of God like creation
 somewhere else, as you anyway create writers and painters from your failures on my work with guarantees
 makes you feel like God you said.
Your kind of God, a God who is you, you said
 Latest word from you on your Godlike status
"people will be what I say, not what they say!"
 You we don't need, with your great suppliers from over the pond
though you screw us into the ground, with agony added.
 England has been a bitter pill..........
 Even Curry put some of it into her books
Even Blair used some in his speeches
They all came in and used it
Off the machine at St Barths Human Research.
 We thought you had signed
to be used
that is what we were told
no one checked!
 All those jokes were theirs
family jokes from all of them
right across the media
we sent them off in our names
 and all those opinions
we listen to you constantly
all are immediately sent off
here is another opinion/fact we say
 The lab had tagged us illegally
nineteen eighty four
the bossess had given our work
to all her friends at the Ministries
 to curry favour she asked the politicians in too
do help yourself
our victims don't mind
they all came into the lab
 as all her staff had written down straight off the screen
and sent it to where ever they wanted
Monologues, stories and what ever
she had to cover them all
 Friedlander tells us today
he was told I was at an orgy
(I've only ever been to two parties
and they were no orgies)
and I don't want any of the work anyway
so he could use it all
 Then they added
Friedlander is an idiot
and all the rest of them
idiots to be used by such a scam
 so that way the lab is safe
by the total criminalisation of the whole country
to cover the gross misconduct
of one little gov. lab which should care for the retarded
 added the bossess
"I gave the Ministers and Civil Servants my body
they have to take care of me!"
Major didn't do anything, nor did Thatcher...
 Blair helped the criminals of criminals
few know what he did to his country
such is western freedom. Artists artificially created.
Freedom for whom. Setting off international alarms
 gross misconduct used to be a crime
and they had already had a warning
 We (tv) had to ask
Did Prince Charles use her work too?
 Yea Gods!
 I have the need to share
something I have just been told over my t.v. remote
 presumably another research worker at St Barths
who abuses small children along with his co-workers
 There is no problem in this, he put over
They come when they are in their teens!
 Would this pervert male
like to let me know
 why our Creator, nature
what ever you like to call your God
 made childhood for?
just for his criminal lusts and those like him?
 Sorry guys, if I had the power,  I would have an answer
how to cope with you all so you never, ever did it again.
 All this taking of words
all this taking of phrases
all this taking of sayings
 are they mad
are they sad
are they just bad
 simple idea by Ziegler of New York
(hope you had no cousins
in old Bratislava's jewish area
where we lived and gave to all)
barely known writer?
our writers pushed and raised to the top
 each newspaper
each type of book
each type of novel
every magazine
 no one will know
every one will think
all she has taken from all those books
though written long ago
into books much has been printed
 but don't worry
they are none of them professionals
the Americans told us how to do it
 If all professionals can do
is copy work
given them from a lab
which no longer cares for the retarded
 I am not sure what it is to be a professional!
 Ethel says she lives a life of comfort
Ethel says it is all due to the work given
Ethel copies all my twenty years of work to the word
 Ethel had one or two small successes before my stuff
Ethel had all her work returned from printers
Ethel copied exactly as told by the lab
 Ethel now sells all her stuff mainly to the t.v.
Ethel still copies all my stories and all sell
Ethel is also on the machine at the lab St Barths....
 Ethel wasn't ashamed when I saw her
Ethel was at my end of town
Ethel didn't recognise me from their illegal processing
 Ethel didn't have to run for lunch between teaching
Ethel should maybe come to East Ham College to see me
Ethel is too dishonest to do that and knows it....
 What with Ethel, Mrs Cricklewood
with Emma, with Brierley and all the rest--
we're allowed to destroy all the stuff given of yours
as for the devious Ernestine and Friedlander
the list goes on and on
 The stuff science can do now that I know of..
you think in the future you won't be known
as the cheats you are mix and matching or not
robbing University work and processing..
 Ethel, swaying her long brown hair
Ethel's hair is straight, unlike herself
Ethel, the cheat, now no longer has writer's block!
 and with the directed thieving
of all work from our tiny miner's house
and the wiping of half of my work off the computer
with their high power illegal lab computers
 Ethel need never worry
Ethel and the rest's cheating is covered
by the Lab St Barths Human Research....
 IT would take
just a few laws
to take away
the total power
which Ann of the lab
St Barths Human Research
the old concentration camp system
of Auschwitz, Belsen and the rest
and to leave them powerless
or controlled..
 to which she adds
"George of the New  York lab'
has been been on the line
severel times.
If he thinks
we will help him again
he has another think coming."
 I seem to remember
it was George of the New  York lab
who came to the assistance
when the London lab
has set off the alarms
at Santa Monica
and committed
gross crimes
international and national.
 George would have done well
to remember the past
Churchill in thirty nine
stood up in parliament
and said
'No jews, unless rich..'
personally, I think
they are all of them cracked!
 Should Blair have a third term
Anna of the lab St Barths was asked
No, he must go..
King maker and breaker now
as well as murderers?
  WOT PARTY? to all those of you
who have read
Semen Telewny's work
 to the Ukrainian millionaire
who wanted to sponsor him
to come to America
 and then stupidly
took him to the underground
in New York
 and frightened the daylights
out of him
a Kulak and a small town guy
 and those who knew Hilda
who though a terrible tempered
Hun who would fight anything
 but not now at ninety..
with her memory gone
but healthy and hearty in a way
 please know
regards recent issues
 I  am the party member not she
of the Socialist Party..
and my dad wrote about the Parties
and their many foibles
 he used to say
young a communist
middle aged a liberal
old a conservative!
 Hilda's great delight had always been
that she had never once
raised her hand in salute
 though she had spoken to some of the mightiest!
(Hun's are a bit mad
even Hitler's mob realised that)
 and as a family
we live and have always lived by honesty
which is not always appreciated by liars and cheats
 end of that trial.
Now they have given me horrendous sores
Still claiming we are volunteers!
  Al came to the lab
Al took forty five paintings
from the machine at the lab
(they give all I do out
from that machine
from which they torture daily..
would that the americans
had kept their discoveries
in their well policed country)
all of them mine, sitting illegally at the lab
St Barths Human Research
 Al was asked by Anna
Mistress of Ministers and Civil Servants
who had used the new technology indiscriminately
amongst the people without telling
finally making a mistake
which many on high saw
 Anna asked Al
mix and match with yours
blend and personalise her work as yours
that is what they all have to do
later with directed thieving
we will rob all they have-
a poor lone mum with kids
 Anna had already put the order out
prison for the kids
having destroyed the family background
(it is called a live experiment they say?)
any pretext
two weeks for speeding
and three months in a category B
(rapists and murderers)
for a nineteen year old
standing guard for a friend pinching videos!!
(doesn't matter what for
once on record)
 Did you know the brits were so cruel
we certainly didn't
we refugees
poached from Australia
to come here in the forties
worked hard
never did any wrong
lived in poverty
for this freedom..
that's a laugh now
Yet they give terrorists who despise them
every freedom..
 (If I wern't a decent person
I'd laugh at them)
I have in my second book
which the lab has robbed from everywhere
along with the first
printed the copy of a form
the promise Britain made to us
if we would only come and live here and work
if we were respectable citizens
we would be treated as such
such liars...
 such liars they are
you all know
I loved the nuns of Bavaria
the mothers of my childhood at both Homes
the sharp and sweet of them
but they should have told me the truth
not glorified this place they were sending me to
Only the boys told the truth
fifty boys and five girls we were
and three nuns to care and grow for us
they said seven foot men on huge steeds
in red coats on horses would come and hunt me
and chase me into a corner into a hole...
 rather like the dreams I had later
when I had to run across a blackened Europe
on our bellies to save my last son
take him to my children's home in Bavaria
empty when we got there
he was safe
but a thousand green hands
dragged me under all night..
 and as for my new mum
with her glorious ideas of the Empire and the british
Couldn't they have guessed in old Royal Hungary
how the Empire was won
So much is never won by kindness
it is taken.......
thieves, thieves, thieves
that is what they said Esther Rantzen had said
then they beamed a mucky film
(supposed to be of me but yous all know me better)
into her studio
so that the woman I had stuck up for
also turned against me
Bad judges these jews!
 Nor at my C. of E schools
(where I was pretty happy- I liked school)
we did lots of stories about the Empire
little black men up trees throwing down coconuts
and I painted the pictures to go with the stories
and nasty evil Bible stories
going on in Israel, not here
but I forgot
my grandad had said
England is built on the money of the Jews..
and he knew
we had a man from the woollen industry
he came yearly to sell us navy blue
for the jews whom we clothed
back there in old Bratislava,
No one told the truth ever.......
 Now alan is having an exhibition of my work
with a line or two of his in it
with directed thieving
the young people
the slim young girl with black hair
living close by
taught by the lab to be thieves
(the only thing the lab teaches
is how to cheat, thieve and worse)
are now going to copy the paintings in my books
thieved by them
directed by the lab
 (the lab has used about ten thieves
I quote them)
 sektches of my daughter's godfather's suicide
they used to live in the opposite barrack to us
there at Warsaw Hamlet Refugee Camp
on the Lincolnshire Wolds
of our journey to the West
of our deaths and our lives
of bridges crossed
of orphanages and children's homes on the way to here
of all the horror we have gone through
(mustn't say, the English don't like it..
I was told over and over again)
which had never been spoken of before
we never speak of it
none of us
it sits in our hearts
so now english are robbing it all
to make money from our pain
 so finally I had put it all into paintings
though some at the College didn't like them
the Head Faulkner would smile
'well little Mrs artist, what today?'
 all done whilst at Art College
here in Sheffield our home
where they over tuned my lecturer
and a few more
(it's called manslaughter)
 Al the thief is a cheat
as are all those the lab sponsored..
a country full of cheats
 the boy who was tuned to steal all our histories
finds it is too foreign
he doesn't know how to use it
the lab used passage after passage
directed constant theft
is their cover...
  when it is all over
their Doctor Meyer had thought
we will return it all back to the home
as though nothing has happened...
 you were not supposed to write
or have been a real painter
we just didn't check anything
we never check anything
 and we chose this for our home?
 quotes at 2.15 p.m. on Saturday over the t.v.
transmissions constantly broken into..
besides microsound
(sound on computer broken up and replaced on coordinates)
 If we plager her enough
she can't do anything about it.
Give them Rights to her work
 We had to destroy your heart
(you can feel when they press your heart valves
Four years ago I had one hundred percent health
and the British don't torture?)
 We did that to your mother and father
It is so we can say it is a family thing
Every torture possible was tried on you
There is no way you can prove it
there is no way you can stop us
We call it weakening you.
 We destroy absolutely everything
we don't count the cost
you are not a human being for us
not even a subhuman
we watch what can be rebuilt
 Unfortunately you won't play our game
No body knows
but everybody knows
we put it on films and ads
 Have you been seeding clouds
Yes, if you see it on films
believe it
we order the films to be made
a gradual introduction...
 This is not my story
but there is a similarity
The words are not mine
but I will repeat them
to make people aware
even if they don't like to hear..
 This happens to so many little girls
from very tiny on
men, often from the same family
work them with their finger
constantly from babyhood
until the rupture is not noticed
 They then use them for themselves
Big brothers, uncles, nephews, men..
Often when these girls marry
Their new husbands beat them
However hard we try
it is impossible to keep our girls safe
say the mothers..
 I personally know of one woman
whose mother put her bed next to an old man
On her wedding morning to her young cousin
she was found in a pool of blood
 He has beaten her ever since
Though she was and is an excellent wife
even when she was holding their baby
till blood ran from her head
onto their baby
He blames her.
 One man answered this charge
This man is a professional at the lab
where several child rapists are employed..
Every man wants a young thing
not some woman
so we make them our own from birth.
 Babies and children are helpless
I left my children's home nuns at nearly eight
to come to live with a forgotten mother
and her new husband
in a new country..
the size of a three year old they said
- thin and scared.
 She would send me in to the room of another man
'take uncle a cup of tea'
then took the silver he gave me away
He would sexually abuse me
Later I hid.
 I could not tell her
I was a stranger to them
She was a stranger to me
I could not tell my new father
he was even a different nationality to me
as was the man
who was the same nationality as my new father.
I couldn't tell my new countrymen
They were different to me
I was a foreigner..
 My mother was a clever woman
but stupid in the wickedness of the world
a little, rich girl
educated by private Convent.
 When at sixteen a man really fell in love with me
had not touched me
wanted to marry me
she asked the doctor to do a virginity test
What the hell for
I was healthy and clever
The Italian lived a long way away
and anyway wanted to marry me
begging for one long year to do so.
 Though a Star Fighter pilot
the Italians had taken her beloved Tyrol!
I have to tell you something funny here
We also are part Italian in part of our family
her paternal grandmother's name was Bertodi!
Such a silly, with her passion for her Austria
-explanation, her mother was Austrian.
 Girls are always alone
Girls are rarely believed against adults
Girls are not believed by adults
Girls are helpless
Girls are smaller
Girls who are small are picked on
Girls are taught to obey
 I admire the girls, unlike me
who are lippy, mouthy and noisy, shouty..
I know they are safer girls
than the quiet girls, like me.
 I taught my own daughter to speak out.
These poor little mites
are having this happening NOW
Right NOW
this day
this moment
They have no way out
and many, many, many people know about it.
 I will get a bad name repeating it
I do not care
I know how much I suffered
So I know how much they suffer.
It is time doctors and others did something.
I begin to despair at doctors
 One of mine began a life of horror for me and mine
diagnosing a stress headache as an extra need for sex
(with five children?) which he said he had..
and to cover some of his odd actions
gave our name to Research to use as they wished, secretly..
 For crying out loud
what are doctors supposed to be for..........
 because you never talk about people
we did it for you
it was another of the damages
we put you through.
 The Ministries and their mistress
ensure no jobs mainstream
for our family
as they cannot afford
the scandal
incase someone, anyone
heard the truth.
 so a tiny, one man business I ran
often very successful
too successful
for the Ministries and their mistress
 It grew on my reputation
for good value
promises upheld
and total trust
as has always been the case.
 In old Bratislava
the massive jewish tailors
knew they could trust
the work of the little Hungarian
knew that he would never cheat them
no matter what happened
 ....and before that
our family was successful
as servants to our aristocratic families
Sumeg or where ever
as we could be trusted
it has always been the case
no matter what happened
 My clients
mainly Muslims
like the same qualities
so the lab had to break that trust
 "we destroyed your business
in this simple way
and other ways.."
 You never gossip
...I don't feel the need to
I write and paint
read of things and listen to music
I can't remember the nuns our mothers
gossiping when I was a child
with fifty and more children to care for
to grow our food and care for our home
why waste time in gossiping...
there are so many interesting things to do..
so we did it for you.
 Used by the lab
were the worst of RMN's
It makes me wonder
what exactly these women do
in their hospitals
 They tell me
stirring up trouble
destroying people
causing misery
is their job.
 I seem to remember
our nuns tried to make us happier!
 I wonder what that lab said I'd said.....
No I don't
They have nasty minds
It is better not to stoop as low
as those who live in evil deeds….
0 notes
nora-xox · 2 years
Alright part 2 to my last post (Tr boys x cheerleader /Idol like reader) let me know if you want a part three and what characters.
This includes Ran, Rindou, and Wakasa.
I did my best lol Enjoy. Send more tokyo rev requests pls
Writing fluff two times in a row who am i😂😂 Also what the hell is up with the lack of Tokyo revenger Gifs
Proof read ~ Nope
Ran Haitani
· This man has showed up to your practice and just stopped it . He was sick of waiting since it had run over more then 40mins.
· Personal Shows are Required Ran will not drop it he wants to see what you were working on without all the others taking away the spot light from you.
· Will tease any chance he gets.
· Got costume choices coming best believe he's crashing that practice. He "persuaded" your teacher to go with his choice. He doesn't wanna see you in any crappy costume choices.
· Private fashion show for Ran of your new costume.
· Ran has brought Rindou to your shows both of them covered in clear signs of a fight.
· Ran loves when you cheer him on durning fights but he doesn't bring you to them on purpose. It more happens when you all are hanging out and then some idiots decide that fighting the Haitani's then and there is a brilliant idea.
· He will show off his strength and poor Rindou is dragged into showing off too because they are a team and he has to match Ran's energy.
· Your teammates thought he was scary but got over it since he became such a common occurrence in their lives that they are numb to Ran showing up in any state.
· He will be back stage once the shows over and is taking you away as fast as he can. For what you don't know but he does and you're along for the ride. He sat in those auditorium seats for to long.
· Drives you home after classes expects you to wait till he gets there. He is a Haitani after all his enemies would see you as a walking living weak spot for him so no late night walks home.
Rindou Haitani
· The calmer of the Haitani siblings.
· Rindou often asks if he can come watch your practice as a courtesy. he is gonna come anyway so might as well say yes.
· Ran teases both of you and treats you like another member of the Haitani family.
· Rindou has told Ran so much about you it freaked Ran in the beginning because Rindou wasn't acting normal.
· Rindou loves when you tell him about classes and wants to know the dates of any upcoming performance and will put them on his calendar.
· Ran know as well so that if they get into a fight on that day they don't toy with there enemies and instead get the fight over with.
· Just like Ran, Rindou has shown up to a show with obvious signs of a fight taking place before they got there.
· Rindou may miss a show but he will make it up to you.
· He loves that you cheer him on durning fights has brought you along because he wanted to spend more time with you and to show off.
· Rindou knows it's a risk but has given you means of defense like one of Ran's spare batons. Not like he or his brother would ever let the chance for you to use it arise.
· Dates will work around both of your schedules. You have a show tomorrow alright cuddles at his place he will drive you to the venue in the morning. He had a meeting bet late night drive after to get convince store snacks and talk at a park. (Ran may be third wheeling but oh well.)
· Best believe Wakasa doesn't act like he is all that interested in your hobby but he is.
· he wants to hear all about upcoming events. He may not make it to all of them but he will try.
· Benkei has heard so much about you he practically knows you.
· Wakasa meets you after practice and takes you on his bike for a small drive and then to your house (or his)
· Your teammates have gushed over how lucky you are to have such a hot s/o .
· Wakasa been to enough of your practices and shows that he has learned who's who from your retellings of your day and all the drama.
· He will be outside after the show by his bike to surprise you with flowers and praise for how amazing you did.
· if you ever do see Wakasa fight in front of you and cheer him on he will love it but he isn't one to go and instigate a fight or keep you near if one breaks out. He is more likely to tell you to run not wanting you to witness the violence he is about to commit.
· but if you do get the chance to cheer him on it will make him show off. Like he can't let his personal cheerleader down in on of the few instances that they see him fight.
· Benkei laughs so hard seeing the change in Waka's behavior since he's been around you more and now him showing off while fighting (👀 where did the wakasa he's used to go lmao )
· Wakasa has danced with you. He acted like he didn't like it but he did.
· He doesn't care what you both do as long as he get's to spend some time with you.
194 notes · View notes
lys1 · 3 years
Congratulations! You waited so patiently <3 This is another Asra x fem!reader for you. NSFW. 5218 words. 
Playing With Potions
The late spring morning air was warming up to be a balmy 75 degrees. You had your skirt pulled down and up, tucked in the back of the waistband, forming makeshift shorts. The shop was somewhat quiet, yet the din from the streets made its nimble way through the open windows.
You descend the ladder to the box of ingredients you were unpacking. They had come in the previous evening and Asra had promptly asked you to “organize them later”. Of course you said yes, the two of you shared this shop after all, and the work that came with it.
Asra himself was bustling behind the counter, sweeping the wooden floors free of the dust and fallen ingredients. He stops momentarily to pick up his cup of tea and take a long sip. The jasmine tea's steam billows into his face as he sighs with content pleasure.
The floorboards creak as you step down and Asra looks over at you, gaze soft. "How's the supplies look, dear?" He asks curiously, returning the cup to it’s coaster.
"Ah," you muse, counting the small containers in your hands. "Looks like we will be all set on lizard toes for a while, I think our supply captain read 1000 instead of 100." You can't help but chuckle, it couldn't be helped, at least you wouldn’t have to order more for a while.
Asra's eyes open a little wider, "oh my." He laughs, "I suppose we won’t". He sets his broom to rest against the counter and bare feet pad over to you, his deep-purple eyes examining the products.
You feel his hand settle on your waist subconsciously; a side effect of being close to one another. You breathe in lightly, smelling the sweet scent of coconut and honied biscuits wash over you. Asra's breakfast choice was apparent.
"Mm," you say, turning so the two of you were face to face. "You smell delicious."
Asra smiles, box in his hand now a little less important. "Care for a taste?" He teases, eyes falling to your parted lips. He sets his lizard toes aside and joins his other hand at your waist. You look up at him through your eyelashes and nod.
He is a mere millimeter from sealing the gap between you when the bell of the shop jingles merrily.
"Ah jeez," you huff good in good nature. "I forgot we have jobs and responsibilities."
Asra laughs at your obvious disappointment and steals a small peck. "Unfortunately, we have to eat somehow." He then turns away and walks back to the counter to greet the customer.
The man is short and has a little round face. He looks extraordinarily nervous, and this catches your attention. Yours and Asra's shop is well known in the city and the townsfolk trust their magicians. You hadn't seen anyone come in here looking so nervous, and maybe even a little embarrassed.
"What can I do for you, sir?" Asra asks charmingly, resuming his position behind the counter. Briefly you let yourself admire how nice he looks, comfortable in his shop and expertise, before turning back to the box you were supposed to be dealing with. Not, however, letting your ears miss the conversation.
"I," the man starts, already fumbling with his words. "I, well look. I need help." He finishes plainly, nervously clutching his shirt between his pudgy hands.
Asra smiles kindly, "many do." He says, tilting his head and examining his new client. "Are you here for a card reading? Need to get some answers?"
The man groans as though he is already exhausted with the conversation. "No, I already know what I need. I have the answers. I've heard about this place. The ways you can help people. I live an hour out of the market and I made this trip just to see you."
"We're flattered, for sure." Asra says calmly, you can hear slight annoyance in his tone from all the ambiguity. The visitor is none the wiser though. "To help you though," Asra continues. "I'll need to know what you need."
"Alright I need a potion," the man finally reveals. "One that will help me... with performance." His cheeks are redder than a bell pepper in the sun.
Asra raises a white eyebrow, "performance? Are you an actor?"
"No!" The man's voice came out in a strangled whisper, obviously trying to keep it down. You roll your eyes, chancing a glance over your shoulder. The shop floor wasn't that big, of course you were going to hear everything.
"No," he said again, this time a little more composed. "What I mean is... my sex life performance." The truth comes out. Your visitor wipes his forehead with a dirty rag from his pocket. "My wife and I well.. we've hit a slump," he explains. "And I've heard of potions that can help with that kind of thing. Stuff that will completely change the game." His eyes are shining now, imaging life post-performance potion.
Asra looks uncertain at best. "I see," he starts, shooting you a glance. "That.. does exists. But it takes awhile to make. And the price isn't cheap either."
You shove the last of the crow feathers into their designated drawer while listening. You have never heard of such a potion, but you were also still learning. Asra sounds a little unsure though.
"Price isn't an issue," the man sounds desperate. "I'll pay anything."
Asra sighs, he feels bad for the man wringing his hands before him, practically crying for a cure. "Alright," he finally concedes. "I'll make it, but you'll have to come back in the morning. This kind of thing takes all evening to brew."
Your customer nods vigorously, "I can wait." He says. "Tomorrow morning, yes! I'll be here!" His excitement apparent, he bows a few times while backing out of the door, tripping over his own feet.
The door closes with a sharp bang and the bell rings furiously. Asra blows air out of his mouth so that itf ruffles the curls between his eyes.
"Well," he says after a moment. "A sex performance enhancing potion was not what I was expecting to make today." He rubs his temples, eyes closed and looking thoughtful.
You grin at him from the shelf as you pick up the empty shipping box and rest it on your hip. "That's quite the name, I've never heard of a potion like that."
Asra laughs and opens his beautiful eyes to look at you. "Yes, you'll have to forgive me for not teaching you that kind of magic, it's not the.. safest." He ends uncertainly. "I don't even know how this guy found out about it. It's not talked about much amongst us magicians.. and it's certainly not a common one."
Immediately more questions than your mouth can keep up with flood your brain. "So how did you find out about it? And why isn't it safe?" You ask the two more important ones, eyes following Asra as he finds a piece of paper and quill to use.
He dips his quill in the register's ink well and starts scratching down what you presumed to be ingredients. "I've been studying magic for years, my love." He says simply, "and before you ask, no I haven't used it on myself." He looks up at you, mischief dancing in his pretty eyes. "I'd like to think my sex game is up to par." He adds innocently, licking his lips seductively when your ears tinge pink.
You brush imaginary dirt off your shirt sleeves and huff. "I suppose it's pretty good." You mumble. It almost feels like a lie to just describe it as "pretty good" but Asra doesn't need you to stroke his ego right now. You do that enough falling to pieces beneath him every night.
Asra is well aware of your attempt to keep him humble and laughs lightly. "And to answer your other question," he says, turning back to his ingredient list, "messing with ones body like this can be dangerous. You have to be very precise."
You nod as he explains, it makes sense.
Potions are always brewed in pots over a magic fire so you put yourself to work, removing a medium sized iron pot from a hook on the wall and carrying it to a fire stand. Asra is busy himself, opening various drawers and adding seemingly random ingredients to a basket he has looped over his arm. Iris petals, newt eyeball, and some shimmering gold flakes. You smile watching him, your gorgeous magician; smart and able.
In no time at all Asra has a bubbling pot of sweet smelling liquid stirring before him. You stand beside him, observing curiously.
"Why are you wearing gloves?" You ask, taking note of the large leather gloves that clad all the way up your lover's forearm.
Asra continues to stir and looks over at you, happy to hear your eagerness to learn. "I can't risk even a drop of this touching my skin. It's so strong, and will immediately absorb into anyone's skin, leaving them..." He shakes his head and trails off, amused. "That's why it has to brew so long, to burn off some of the potency."
Your mouth opens in amazement, taken aback by the idea. This is the real deal you decide, stepping back a couple inches in precaution. After watching the potion bubble for a couple more minutes you stretch and grab the watering can sitting by the floor of the door.
"I'm going to water the plants," you inform Asra, waving your hand briefly until the can is full of cool, crisp water. Gods knows there are at least three dozen inside and outside of the shop.
Asra is humming in confirmation that he heard you as you open the shop door to the plants hanging outside. You don't get very far before you're blindsided by a streak of purple darting through your legs.
"Faust?!" You yelp, dancing around the squirming snake as she winds her way under and into the open shop. A loud, booming bark makes you jump again. This time a large hound dog is rounding the tight corner from the side street and barreling full speed towards you.
All hell breaks loose. The water can is up in the air, crashing wildly into the side of the building. You are thrown back onto the dusty floor and a mass of fur and teeth race past you, paying no mind to your yelling.
Faust is racing around the floor, narrowly avoiding the jaws of the angry dog she seemed to have aggravated. There's a large crash from inside and you cringe, hearing bottles break and wood crunch. You look back, scared at what you might find.
The shop is a disaster, papers strewn, vials broken, and potion pot toppled. Asra is groaning on the floor, obviously doing no better than the rest. You glance at him worriedly, taking quick notice of the potion he had been making spilled everywhere, even on him.
You snap your fingers and the dog's growl, who was cornering Faust by the bookshelf, turns into a whimper as you lift him up with your magic. "I'm sorry pooch," you sigh, "but we can't have you eating our friend." With a wave of your wrist the hound is out the door and down the street in an instant. The hinges creak and bell rings as the door is once again closed to outside.
Thank you!
Faust wriggles happily, red eyes glowing in relief. You guess she got up to some trouble with the local fauna. She slithers up the stairs quickly, leaving you to look around at the ruined shop.
"Ah, fuck," Asra's words cut through your thoughts like a knife. He's laying flat on the floor, chest heaving as though he just ran a marathon. Sweat glistens on his tan skin, covering him from head to toe.
You step over the broken bottles and kneel at his side. "My love?" You ask, unsure of what to do. It was obvious what had happened, it didn't take an expert. The potion that was supposed to be for your customer was now soaked into Asra's glowing skin.
Asra opens his eyes and you swallow hard. You know that look, and it nearly makes you start trembling where you sit. Lust is prevalent, clouding Asra's eyes until they're a dark amethyst color.
"You-" you start to speak but are cut off by Asra sitting up abruptly. His face is close to yours and his breath washes over your lips, hot and wanton. He looks positively desperate, just the sight of you sitting before him doing wonders.
"Please," Asra's voice comes out low and husky, he watches your chest rise and fall quickly as a result. "Can I please have you, right now."
You could almost call him asking like that soft and innocent, if it wasn't for the raw, hungry look he was giving you. His eyes were traveling everywhere across your body, leaving an invisible line that you could almost feel burning into your skin. Your lips parted and you let out a soft gasp, the power that kind of look had over you was astonishing. You shifted your legs under you subtly, feeling the result of the hot atmosphere low in your stomach.
"Tsk, tsk," you had to tease for a moment. "Closing the shop at midday for some fucking?" You reach up and cup Asra's cheek, feigning uncertainty. His skin on your fingertips burns white hot and you have to hide your amazement.
Asra's eyes narrow, he knew you too well. With a quick flick of his wrist you hear the deadbolt on the door slide into place. It's only a second later and both of his hands have found a place on either side of your hips.
"Why do you torment me?" he asks, pulling you close so your legs straddle him. "Can't you see I'm getting enough of that from this damn mistake of a potion?" His words are almost shaky, as though he can barely speak anymore. He presses his hips up to meet yours, and a soft sigh escapes his lips as he finally gets a little friction.
You dig your nails into his shoulders and gasp, the feeling of Asra so obviously in need is enough to make anyone go wild.
You can't resist grinding down lightly and Asra's eyes practically roll back at the sensation. "How can I say no to such a pretty face," you whisper, completely in love with his reaction.
That was enough for Asra and without added words he gathers you up in his strong arms and lifts you both. Your head falls back pleasurably when his lips find your neck. It only takes a few quick steps on his part to bring the two of you into the plush back room.
The purple cushions lining the cozy futon sink in gently as your back hits the mattress. The room has a slight pleasing haze as sandalwood incense burns at the table. The smell washes over your senses and a new wave of sensuality comes over the room.
Asra's hands hold you firmly as his lips continue to press lovingly into your skin. He hovers over you, one leg pressed between your legs, causing your hips to involuntarily move along his thigh.
"I need you out of these clothes," Asra groans, lips being stopped at your chest where your shirt has suddenly become a hindrance. He's already tugging at the hem, untucking the loose fabric from your waistband. You raise yourself to your elbows and help him pull the shirt over your head. At once it is thrown over Asra's shoulder and his eyes are set on your bare skin, drinking in the sight of his lover.
You smile at his admiration and lay back again, stretching your arms above your head and arching your back. You feel his hands on your stomach, traveling up to rest on your breasts. Your skin prickles with desire, flesh lighting on fire from his ministrations.
"How did I get so lucky," he breathes out, looking down at you with a look filled with love and passion. He rests the tips of his fingers on your nipples and swirls them lightly, leaving you to twist in torturous pleasure beneath his touch. "Everything about you is beautiful." Asra continues to flatter, lowering his head so his curls tickle your stomach. He licks a long line from the dip of your hip up to the valley between your breasts.
After a few moments of tasting your supple skin he moves his hands to the top of your skirt and tugs. You lift your hips in compliance and the fabric slides down your legs easily. Asra licks his lips as your body is finally fully presented to him.
"I could feast on you," he announces, voice lowered with need. "And I wouldn't go hungry in a lifetime." These words he whispers into your inner thigh, they tickle your skin softly.
You watch with bated breath as the man before you adores his lover. It's hard to keep your moans controlled as you feel his sinfully good tongue lick you in a way that can only be described as ecstasy.
Asra shifts into a more comfortable position, lying on his stomach and he brings your legs to lay comfortably over his shoulders. You shudder as you feel his hot breath flutter over your dripping slit. He doesn't waste anymore time and lowers his face to enjoy you.
Your thighs squeeze his head lightly as your body arches in response. Asra is devouring you as though you were a feast and it was the only meal he is to have in a lifetime. He grips your legs tightly to keep you from moving and covers your slit with his mouth, sucking for a moment on the tight nub at the top. He groans happily into your skin before moving down to lick your hole.
"Oh please, yes," you run your trembling hand through his hair and raise your hips up to meet his greedy mouth. He laps short, quick strokes first, stimulating you into madness.
After a moment he slows his tongue down to swirl languidly, looking up at you. You make eye contact and groan at the erotic scene of him eating you out. "That mouth of yours is too skilled for its own good," you whisper, fingers digging into his scalp, trying desperately to savor every swipe of his tongue.
Asra smiles against your folds. "I live to make you feel good, my dear." He says, pausing a moment. "You intoxicate me. Your smell, your taste. I couldn't get enough even if I had all the time in the world." He presses his lips on each one of your thighs with hot, open mouth kisses.
You blush at his words, feeling amazing under his praise. "Come here," you command softly, pulling on Asra's hair lightly to guide him back up your body. He kisses every inch of skin he passes before finally reaching your lips.
"Mm," he hums, taking your face in his hands. "But these lips, are like the finest honey in Vesuvia." He lifts your head so your mouths meet. It's a hot and feverish kiss, full of staggering amounts of love.
You press your body into his and relish in the feeling of kissing Asra. Your mouths are opened to one another and your tongues meet in fiery unison. While you enjoy the kiss you allow your hands to roam. Your fingers find his shirt buttons and you start to undo them as best you can, only a little distracted. It takes just a minute and you sigh happily into his mouth when you finally remove the annoying clothing.
You part a moment to admire the divinity of his body; prostrated before you. He was calling himself the lucky one, but you could probably make a pretty good argument for it being the other way around. He looked absolutely glorious in the hazy glow of the room.
As you reach for the waistband of his pants and rest your fingers playfully on the skin above it Asra breaks out in goosebumps at the fluttering feel of your touch.
"Ah," he breaths out, raising himself to his knees and closing his eyes. Clearly, he's enjoying the attention finally being on him.
"You are the one with the potion affecting them." You say, drawing a line from one hip to another. "It'd almost be criminal to ignore you for any longer." Your eyes fall to the bulge straining under Asra's pants, just begging to be free. A smile plays across your lips as his breaths quickens significantly.
"I.. wouldn't complain." He finally manages to say in a strained tone.
You smile, maybe a little too satisfied, and hook your fingers under the band. "I know." You chuckle, pulling. The trousers catch a moment on Asra's hardened length before slipping down to his knees. You take time to admire the sight before you, licking your lips. Asra is panting slightly, looking down at you lustfully as your eyes graze over him.
He grabs your head on either side and looks into your eyes. "Please," is all he can croak out.
You swallow thickly and you feel yourself dampen even more at his begging words. “I’d like nothing more" you say; need dripping heavily from your words. You lean forward and kiss the tip of his leaking slit lightly. Asra's body shivers with pleasure when your soft lips meet his aching shaft.
You take a breath before closing your mouth around his tip. Your cheeks hollow and you suck in deeply, enjoying the small sounds of pleasure emitting from Asra's lips. He groans even deeper as you finally swallow down his whole length, tip sliding down the back of your throat.
"Ah fuck, baby," he stutters through gritted teeth, fingers threading through your hair. He thrusts into your mouth without hesitation, reveling in the way you feel around him. The pace is fast and vicious, leaving no time for extra room for breathing.
You choke back your gasps and feel the involuntary tears prick at the corners or your eyes. Your hands fall to your sides as you let Asra use your mouth how he pleased. Licentious noises ring around the room as he sinks his member into your mouth relentlessly, moaning at each stroke and the salacious feelings that come over him.
His grip tightens in your hair as he pounds into your face. You open your mouth as widely as you can and take him in, ignoring the slight pain of labored breathing. The feeling of being used so mercilessly is intoxicating, and you close your eyes, enjoying the pleasure that overtakes you.
With a loud pop he pulls out of your drooling mouth, leaving you to be the one groaning in disappointment.
"I'm sorry love," he huffs dazedly, need heavy on his features. "But if I don't stop this now I'm cumming in your mouth."
"That doesn't sound so bad," you complain, sticking your tongue out so Asra can view how much you want it. His eyes darken considerably and he looks ready to break.
He takes a breath in sharply, steadying himself before holding your face gently in his hand. "As much as I want you fuck your face, that pussy of yours I know is dripping for me and I have to comply." He chuckles, running his thumb along your lip.
You whimper at his words, practically climaxing at the suggestion. You meet his eyes in a needy manner and nod. "Oh, Asra," you start, already seeing excitement flit across his face at the mention of his name. "I want you more than I can even describe to you."
To this Asra inhales sharply, thumb still hooked in your mouth. "Tell me how you want me," he says, barely able to contain his own desire.
"I want you to fuck me from behind," you begin, knowing exactly how to please his ears. "I'm going to cry and moan, and beg you for relief but you will know better." His eyes widen in ecstasy but you continue anyway. "I want you to give everything you can to me, without holding back."
Asra seems to snap right in front of you. His features immediately seem to plead for consolation. "You'll get what you ask for." He growls, fingers tightening in your mouth. You lick his thumb seductively and the action throws him over the edge.
Asra's hands fly to your waist and hold you firmly, you're flipped over; ass to the heavens greeting him. He swallows at the sight and digs both palms into the flesh, enjoying the feeling immensely. "So needy and ready for me," he groans, finger finding your entrance and slipping in easily. You gulp at the warmth of having fingers enter you. Asra is unrelenting and curls them cruelly against your walls.
"Just fuck me already!" You cry, unable to hide your desires anymore. You hear Asra laugh behind you, yet despite this you know he is dying to sink himself into you.
"Alright, alright." He concedes, taking your hips in his hands. "If you insist."
You feel his tip slide against your slit and shudder, craving the feeling of him inside you. It doesn't take more than a moment before you feel him start to enter you. You lay your head down, turning your face so you can watch Asra take you from behind.
His lips are parted in a silent moan as he relishes in the feeling of your walls around him. You sigh softly as he fully sheaths himself in you, a small tremor passing over your body from the pleasure. One moment, two moments pass as you both bask in the feeling of being connected.
"Give me your hands," he commands, slowly sliding in and out of you, giving no care to his agonizingly slow pace. Soft gasps are falling from your lips as you try to register his request.
Carefully, you cross your arms behind your back. It's no use to keep the blush at bay as you take in the dirty scene. Your face is pressed to the pillows, unable to move much as Asra takes your wrists and pins them to your back. Your ass is raised in the air to meet his rhythmic thrusting.
Asra grips one of your thighs with a free hand and quickens the pace a little. Your eyes shut tightly as your body responds. You can feel his tip hit deep inside of you with each snap of his hips. It's unrelenting and you have to catch yourself from begging for more.
You feel the fingers around your wrist tighten a bit as Asra's breathing speeds up behind you. You know that he's set on giving you as much painfully slow torture as he can manage himself, but you also know that potion is working against him. There's nothing he wants more than to let go and pound you into the mattress.
"Baby," you choke out, words bouncing along with your bodies. "I know you want to fuck me so good right now." Your voice is deep with seduction. "Please just fill me up like I know you want to." You finish your plea, watching his face with satisfaction. His eyes are darkened with desire. He takes just a few more strokes before slowly to a stop inside you.
"You asked for it," he warns. He only takes a moment to let go of your wrists and flips your body so you're facing him. He cages you in on either side and licks his lips as he stares into your eyes. His hungry mouth meets yours in a kiss full of fire. You can melt into it for only a second before you feel him grab your hips and pull you flush against him; Your cries drowned by his lips as he sets an erratic pace, skin meeting with loud slaps.
"Fucking hell," he groans, still kissing you between words. "You feel like heaven on earth. You're so hot, and I can feel your insides squeezing me." He explains, hot breath falling over your face. Your cheeks burn at his descriptions.
You loop your arms around his neck and press your chest into his. Your skin meets, shining with sweat and burning from love. Asra presses back, savoring the feeling of your nipples brushing against his.
You start to feel that familiar blossom of unreleased pleasure pool in your lower stomach. Asra's shaft is hitting you just right, sending jolts of satisfaction right to your core.
"Oh-" you stop and whine pleasantly when he shifts angles. "Fuck. Please yes, don't stop!" Your arms drop and nails dip into his biceps and you grit your teeth from the hot delight searing through your body.
"I couldn't even If i wanted to," Asra answers, words strained as his grasp on himself starts to crumble. His breath is leaving his lips in short pants now and you can almost see the resolve to hold on slip away before your eyes.
He falls into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and thrusts into you with all of the strength he can muster. You bury your face in his neck and take hold of his hair. You can feel Asra's body shuddering to not let go.
You bring your lips to his ear and bite his lobe. "Won't you come for me sweetheart? Please empty yourself in me." You whisper.
Asra takes in a sharp breath and you hear him choke at your words. They were enough to push him over the edge and he rams into you with a low, strangled cry.
Your head falls back and your mouth opens in a silent scream as Asra lets himself go in you. Your legs shake violently of their own accord as you feel your orgasm wash over you, leaving your body in euphoric fire.
Asra's lips immediately find yours as you ride out your orgasms together. You kiss him passionately, all of your senses in overdrive. His kisses are soft, and sweet, a clear declaration of his love. Happiness rushes in like a flood as you enjoy the afterglow. After a minute Asra removes himself from you and joins you in laying down, sides still heaving from the activities.
"My dear, how I love you." He says with a smile, running his fingers in slow, soft circles on your stomach.
You turn on your side and look into his eyes. He looked content, and his cheeks were dimpled from his growing grin.
"I love you too," you return, hand falling into his. His skin was still warm. The two of you lay there for a while, out of breath and simply enjoying the presence of one another.
Eventually, Asra sits up and looks down at you with humor in his eyes. "Well, I think I can tell our buyer that we did an extensive review of his product and it does, in fact, work."
Your face breaks into a smile and you laugh at Asra's words. "Oh goodie, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear all about it."
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