#I never needed it to be anything big or spectacular
Rant in the tags, I don’t bother to write it in a post bc why would I
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Sharing the bed with various CRP characters 1/2
Same song and dance as the cuddling post! If theres any characters you want to see, let me know! If theres also any specific scenarios you want to see dont hesitate to drop them, love doing these kinds of posts
Characters: Slenderman, Splendorman, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Jeff, Puppeteer
Notes: Reader is GN, can be seen as romantic or platonic
CWs: mentions of blood but it's nothing huge, better safe than sorry though
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He hardly ever crawls into bed with you, on nights where he is with you he tends to linger in the corner- or if you insist, he will take a seat on the foot of your bed if you feel the first was.. creepy.. not that this solution is any better- he is never going to lay down, thus, with a broken heart I have to give him the first rating of 1/10, with his only saving grace that he will protect you should anything happen
Unlike his fellow slenderbeing, Splendor is more than willing to crawl into bed and try to lay with you! It's a bit of a tight fit, though, even with him manipulating his body as small as it can get... it can get a little uncomfortable, unfortunately. And spirit can only make someone so comfortable.. 3/10
Eyeless Jack
I personally headcanon that hes on the shorter side- 5'5 to 5'7, so thankfully space isnt an issue! He runs cold, so if the nights are hot hes a good option for a cuddle buddy! But how is he in his sleep? He sleeps like a rock- he doesnt move or shift around all that much so you're unlikely to be disturbed! He.. does snore, though, or at least that's what it loosely is. Its more like gurgling due to any of his gripping goo getting into his throat- not a good noise.. will wake up coughing and spluttering.. 5/10, a pretty average sleeping experience
Laughing Jack
He doesnt need to sleep and he can only pretend sleep for so long before he gets antsy- it takes him a while to understand that you need your sleep and how much you need. He doesnt mind staying in bed and cuddling with you to pass the time- hes very large, warm, and comfy so it's not a terrible set up! Sometimes pretends sleep, complete with a fake snore. A little big for the bed at I feet tall, and sometimes snatches the blanket to fully sell the "fake sleep" thing as well as rag dolling on you 6/10
He doesnt sleep around you, it's just a little quirk of his that he doesnt let his guard down at all- he doesnt exactly distrust you but its.. complicated. Hesitant when you offer to let him crawl into bed with you, he's rather fond of the little perch hes made in the corner of your room, but you cannot deny that he looks like a sleep paralysis demon to your fuzzy sleepy brain. Still as a corpse in bed, WILL yank the blanket back if you steal it in your sleep 7/10 not very disruptive otherwise
Will crawl into bed with you and get up close to you, loves pulling you close to him during the night. Falls asleep after you do, though he probably watches you in your sleep... smells like wet leaves and mulch 7.5/10, he let's you take his hoodie sometimes or even just crawl into it with him. Does not give a shit if it gets stretched out he can always get another one. Sleeps between you and the door to the bedroom
Heavy sleeper and he snores loud, so good luck with that. Probably also a blanket thief. Bounces between staying up all night or falling asleep the second he hits the bed- really it depends on what hes been up to... at least he usually has the manners to take his bloodstained hoodie off before crawling into your bed.. probably kicks in his sleep.. 4/10
Very hard and very cold, and I don't think he would need to sleep but can if he desires. Wants to be the one cuddled, just make sure to bundle up with some extra blankets so you can stay warm! Doesnt snore but you can hear his joints creak with each movement- you know, puppet stuff.. 5/10, not terrible but not spectacular
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siddyyyyyyyy · 2 months
You're Only Sixteen
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wc: ~3.6k
summary: child soldier gets into task force 141 part TWO, things are getting a bit funny; first part, third part
warnings: description of scars, some violance (combat training)
a/n: I'm actually pretty shocked of how well this fic is going, I hope you're all enjoying this so far, and the plot's is going to intesify a bit the longer this goes on.... and I'm talking too much. Have fun!
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Waking up to the familiar alarm is hard enough, but eventually making yourself ready for the first training together is harder. You put on your new uniform and make yourself look more presentable, only to stop midway by the mirror. Your eyes move instinctivley towards your neck. There's no material covering your neck area, making you slightly anxious. There is a long scar across your neck; the scar tissue white and stands out a bit. You feel your deep scar across your neck that goes horizontally through your skin with a slight curve up to your jaw. Hopefully no one will notice. But how is it possible to ignore such thing? There will be questions, there will be eyes on you all the time, there will definitely be snarky comments, and... deep breath in and out. It's no one's business, and you don't owe an explanation to anyone anyway.
Picking up your last courage for today, you walk out of your bunk to the training hall. Walking in, you see a few other soldiers training together, and also Price seemingly waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. He notices you almost immediately and waves you over to him.
»Good morning. Sleep well?«
You shrug, answering him. »Yeah, good enough.«
»Great, you'll need it today.« Perfect, so he planned something tough for today, that's for sure. Shortly after, Ghost and Soap arrive into the hall, as well as Gaz, who seems to be in a good mood. Price claps once, having the attention of everyone on him. He announces the morning stretch you'll be doing first and the next exercise has got to be some teamwork exercise already.
The supposed 'morning stretch' was nothing short of relaxing, but lucky enough you're flexible and got along just fine. Afterwards, the first exercise begins, and as Price explains it, the more you start to think he can't be serious.
»Trust falls?« Soap asks again, also not having expected this exercise to be the first one. Usually, they never do something like this together since they already trust each other with their lives. Price nods, hands on his hips and dead serious. »Who wants to start?«
You're stiff, silently looking around while hoping you won't get picked out. Luckily, Gaz raises his hand slightly and volunteers as first for the trust falls. The captain smiles and nods once more, letting him pick a person to fall against. He chose Soap as some might've expected, and they do it naturally. Nothing bad happens, they trust each other, and one catches the other. They repeat it after switching also, nothing spectacular happening. You watch silently, arms crossed and with nothing to do. It's almost amusing to watch these buffed military guys do silly things, like trust falls. Next was Ghost and Soap, then Price and Gaz with the others. It's awkward now for you since you're the last one, having to just fall back and trust the other to catch you. How can you not feel at least a little awkward while doing it?
»C'mon, it's fun. Just trust us.« Soap encourages you before you could say anything in the first place and already opens his arms for you. There's really nothing you can do but accept your fate and do the trust fall, knowing you have no choice but to trust them all as your teammates. You turn your back to him with a small sigh and close your eyes before falling back, feeling how he indeed catches you right up and lets you sink down a little more. He feels strong and big against your back, not that you doubted it. Soap leans you back up, and you stand up straight again. You hate to admit it but it was fun. Maybe you'd do it again... oh, you need to do it again. Trust falls with everyone, remember?
Price wants to be the next one to do it with you, an almost loving smile across his lips and open arms as he steps up to you. You do the same as before and fall, feeling how he catches you the same and lets you stand right back up afterwards. He pats your shoulder lightly and steps away, looking to the others to see who wants to go next.
»Me next.« Gaz states with a raised hand, standing at the same pose as the other two before. You can't help but crack a small, tiny smile at that before turning back around and falling back, trusting them all by now. The last one should be Ghost, and to be honest, it's somehow scary. Maybe it's his height or his aura, but there's no choice but to trust him. Eventually, you fall, back and he catches you just the same as the others, feeling as if he's more careful with you for whatever reason. But that could be just your mind hallucinating at this point.
The next station for this training session is more serious and requires more technique and skill. You're glad, it's something you're good at and won't be awkward to complete.
Knife melee. With fake combat knives. Each gets a combat knife to fight with and a randomly assigned partner. You get to be paired up with Gaz, and he shoots you a soft smile before standing in front of you to test out your true skills. Price is mostly there to watch over everyone and lead the practice, standing not too far off the big mat.
»You go first, I'll try to go easy too.« Gaz tells you with a small nod, waiting for you to attack and see how you'll do. Or maybe he's just too afraid to hurt you, knowing how young you are.
»Okay.« You think for a split second before going straight in, grabbing his right wrist with your left hand, pushing it out while moving the blade close to his neck. Gaz is briefly surprised at your attack, especially with how you went straight at him. But he's strong enough to bend his right wrist slightly and wrap his left arm over to grab his knife with his non-dominant hand. You didn't expect this to happen, being spooked for a moment by the sudden action of him wrapping his arm over you just so he has his knife in his free hand. He presses his knife against your stomach just enough for it to be touching your shirt and is about to swipe your feet off the ground.
You back up, trying to kick off the blade off his hand quickly, in which you fail. You don't want to hurt him, but you also know that it's just training and minor injuries are normal. You know it from the camp, but this feels different. You have... more respect for them. Getting back to reality, you're the one who sweeps his feet off the ground, kneeling over him and pressing your knee against his chest with your knife against his throat once more but not pressing onto him.
»Fine- you win.« He gives up and throws his hands up in defence, looking to you impressed. You get off him and give him a hand to stand back up, feeling like he went too soft on you on purpose.
»Was that all you had?« You ask before being able to think about your words longer, not meaning to sound rude. »What? Of course not. Told you I was going easy on you.« He shrugs with a small chuckle, dusting his pants off quickly before standing straight.
»Want me to attack first?«
He's quick to land a kick to the side of your thigh, making you wince lightly, but you quickly regain your focus and step out of his way. You quickly kick him into his side instead, knocking out his breath briefly. Gaz realises how strong you actually are and decides to go harder on you. There's a sharp pain on your ribs before you feel the dull slice from his fake combat knife against your arm. You give him a rather irritated look before going in once more, slicing across his chest with your own fake knife before kicking him into his chest. He stumbles back, once more out of breath. It's your chance to get close to him and strike another attack, so you do just that. You step closer to him quickly and jab a few more slices against his ribs before kicking his legs in. He's on the ground and probably more out of breath than you. Gaz looks up to you and catches his breath before standing back up, not giving up yet.
»Where'd you learn that?« He questions almost confusedly and simultaneously thinks of another approach at you for his next attack. You shrug, not giving him an answer as you're studying his stance. He's about to cage you in, that's for sure, with his wide stance. That's got to be the most annoying technique for you, not liking how it feels like to be trapped or pinned by anyone. Moving your eyes back at his, you waste no time to kick against him once more, but he catches it.
He has your ankle in his hand and twists it enough for you to lose balance and fall to the ground. You huff and try to get back up quickly, but he's fast, kicking your knife out of your wrist.
Price watches you both fight, and he must admit you're quite strong. Beating Gaz twice? That's already impressive for him. He watches as you manage to fight yourself out of his pin, having him on the ground instead. You both fight like siblings at this point, at least that's how Price views it. He sees that Gaz is still trying to be gentle with you even though he doesn't need to. You're highly trained and fast, thinking logically as well. Meanwhile, Soap gets his ass beat by Ghost since he's trying to watch you fight but gets awfully distracted that way.
Price keeps most of his attention on you both anyway, being curious about how much longer Gaz will be gentle with you before being sick of losing every time. After losing for the fifth time, Gaz stops fighting for a moment.
»Wanna catch a break?«
»If you say so.« You agree and shrug lightly, having a light coat of sweat but being nowhere near done. You're still full of energy but also can't wait to sleep tonight.
»So, how do you like it on the base so far?« He asks, his tone friendly and voice smooth. His eyes are on you, hands on his hips.
»Yeah, it's... fine. Like a base.« There's just no way you can answer otherwise, not sure of how to answer it anyway. You press your lips together lightly, unsure of how to continue. Gaz is rather talkative, so you're grateful for that as he goes on, seemingly wanting to get to know you better.
»You should check out the mess hall too, the food‘s a bit plain, but it's cosy in there.« That's great information however, you do not know how to respond to that.
»Cool.« With a light nod and a more or less forced smile, glancing away shortly after. Gaz notices that you don't seem to talk much, having a similarity with Ghost on that. He accepts it however, and stretches his arms before suggesting another round which, you also agree on.
You're sweating way more now after the training session ended, Price saying that it's time to have lunch and just have a normal day afterwards. The sun is fully up, it's a warm day outside for once and there are no annoying people around you. Until Soap is approaching you on the way out from the training hall.
»Wanna eat lunch all together? It won't be boring, promise.« He suggests with a friendly smile and waits for your answer, coming off more excited than you.
»Uh, yeah. Where's the mess hall again?« You ask sheepishly since you have no clue how this building is laid out, let alone know where the exit is again. »Oh, you haven't been shown around, eh? Well, I'll just show ye around after lunch. The mess hall's on the first floor, 's pretty easy to find.«
Soap explains to you shortly, having faith in you that you won't get lost on your own. You simply nod back in response and make a mental note of where the mess hall should be, retreating back into your own bunk after taking a shower.
You're hesitant at first, having considered just skipping lunch, but you can't let the others hang. So, you make your way to the mess hall shortly after putting on new clothes, making sure to cover your neck once more. Stopping mid-change, you realise something. No one made comments or even looked at your scar earlier. You expected the total opposite, now trying to remember any moment that was close to some of your expectations, but there were none. Maybe, just maybe, they don't care. Not in the rude way, but in a way that they won't judge you. Well, considering the small but slightly more visible scar on Soap‘s chin, there's a chance they just don't want to pick on you with stuff they also have. Brushing away those thoughts, you enter the mess hall and are shortly after greeted with Soap. He stands out from the crowd with the way he waves at you, seeming to be excited to show you around or just have an addition like you on the team.
»Hungry? I don't know about you, but I am.«
His ways of starting a conversation with you are always a little strange. The way he is more energetic around you and is being overly friendly while trying to use 'modern slang' is slightly off-putting.
Ghost would be greater company at this point. You don't say anything, too caught up in the large hall and all the people around that are patiently getting their food for themselves.
»Well, there's where the food is, the trays and the utensils. Alrighty?«
»Alright.« You answer slightly unsure and look to where everyone is picking up their food, seeing that it won't be too difficult. Picking up a tray for yourself, a plate, and a few utensils, you make your way to the buffet. There's an option between a vegetarian meal that looks mostly... bland and another meal that doesn't look too bad. Soap is before you and loads his plate with the second option, grabbing a glass of water afterwards. You do the same, considering the vegetarian food seems too dry to even look at. Sitting down at a free table where Gaz is already seated, shooting a friendly smile your way.
His teammate sits down beside him and you on the opposite of them, taking a last look around the huge mess hall.
»How was the training for ye today?« Soap starts again while stuffing a bite into his mouth, ready to listen to whatever response you'll give.
»It was fine. Easier than at my camp.« Soap quirks his brow at you, asking further. »Easier? What'd you do at your camp, then?«
Ah, there it is. Finally, the burning question that seemed to have been on their minds since the day you arrived, even though they won't admit it verbally.
»Well, any kinds of things. We had a big variety and did everything a little every day.« You explain calmly, leaving out a lot of things for now and just giving out useful and light stuff. Gaz glances at you while eating his own meal, listening quietly to the conversation between you two.
»Everythin'? What was everythin'?«
God, he's giving you no chance to eat right now, is he? »Combat, shooting, underwater training, hostage saving, medical training... oh, and our stamina.« He nearly chokes on his food while you finally take your first bite, thinking it tastes quite good. For military food, it's actually quite good, it tastes fresh and is warm- »Everyday? Every focking day?«
»Language, McTavish...« A familiar, rough voice is heard from behind him, and he quickly glances back to see his Captain. Price takes a seat beside you, facing the two other teammates.
»Sorry, did you hear what she just said? That's like- that's... that should be illegal-«
»I know, Soap.«
He interrupts him again, giving him a hard look. He's either trying to stop him from saying something that could hurt you or is just fed up for some other reason.
»I'm glad we don't have such hard training here. That's it.« Soap realises that he may have gotten too far with his reaction and tries to be more calm and himself from now on. The problem is now that it's awkward because no one talks for a solid minute or two.
»Where is Ghost?« You speak up for the first time by yourself, not able to listen to the silence around the table any longer. Price answers your question calmly, seeing no reason to keep that from you.
»He eats alone, mostly. Or does some paperwork right now.« So, no one really knows what he's doing at breaks. That's something you could have expected from someone like him.
»Do you think his mask looks cool?« Gaz chimes in and looks at you almost amused, waiting for your answer. Soaps eyes also study you now, waiting curiously on your answer. Unsure of what to say, you answer them briefly.
»I mean, it's not bad.« Gaz shoots his teammate a quick look with a small nod, telling him something without saying anything. Soap sulks a little about your response, having hoped you'd say something more positive.
»Told you...« It's very quiet from Gaz and non-threatening, but you still heard it and now feel curious about what these two jokesters are talking about. Price continues to eat his own meal as he's not fascinated by their usual antics, seeing no reason to dig deeper and find out what they're on. That is until Soap notices your confused stare and wants to clear the confusion.
»We had a bet. I thought you'd find Ghost‘s mask cool, but wha'ever.« He shrugs and now has to pay five pounds to Gaz, having officially lost the bet. You can't help it but be amused by it, seeing how they're all trying to understand you, but know absolutely nothing about you but your age and name. They probably think you're like most teenagers, thinking in stereotypes, and you choose to just watch them trying to figure you out.
»He was actually quite scary at first.« You mumble, carefully trying out talking more to them and letting them get to know you more. It's something new for you to be able to be so open and casual with new people that are much older than you. Even though Soap is about ten years older than you, it still seems a lot. It's a whole decade, either way.
»Well, yeah, Ghost has his way to scare people off. But don't take it personally, he's got a good soul.« You glance at Price saying that, reassuring you about Ghost.
What kind of name is that anyway?
»Hm, depends on how you see it. He's only friendly to people he likes. Like a cat.« Gaz shrugs, adding his opinion on Ghost. You're all lucky he's not there with you right now, considering that he would shoot death glares at everyone. You listen to them, being invested in their opinions and views on him since you know nothing about him. »But he doesn't scratch us. So, that's good.« Price jokes, probably still trying to reassure you mostly and not let you get spooked. Eventually, after some more exchanges, Soap is standing up and wants to finally show you around the base. You accept and follow him out, curious to see the whole base and not get lost from now on. He walks through the building and shows you the important parts first: showers and bunks, training rooms and halls, shooting range, going on about the storage rooms, and eventually making your way outside the base. There's a small park attached to the base, great for taking small walks.
»Wanna go for a round?«
»I don't see why not.« You can't help it but still want to add that respective 'sir' at the end of a sentence. It feels like disrespecting him, but they made it clear how open and friendly you can talk to them way earlier.
Walking besides Soap is somehow calming, not needing to talk much when he does most of the talking. »You handled the surprise attack well, yesterday. Just try to warn us before firing, though.« You nod and look away slightly embarrassed, knowing you forgot to give them a sign before doing something like that.
»Sorry, thought too quick.« »'S fine, I'm actually impressed. Were ye taught that back in yer camp?« Soap can't help but be curious and ask questions, making sure to be careful with his wording.
»Yes, kind of. It's always smarter to be meaner to the enemies, so they don't have a chance.« Soap shrugs lightly, thinking about that statement. »Well, yeah... but aggressive approach is not always the best, you know?« He eyes you for a moment, continuing to walk beside you through the small park.
»It really depends on the situation and enemy, there.« You reply back after a second of considering his words, not realising that you once again impressed him.
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a/n: came out a bit floppy, but the next part will most likely be better, pwomise :33
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
Coffee crush An Ellie Williams fic College Barista au CHAPTER TWO!
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Summary: Young love, always the cutest thing, especially when it's on your very hot barista at your local coffee shop on campus.
Pairings: Barista!Ellie Williams x puppy!reader
Word Count: 4.5k (WOAH! never done that before<33)
Warnings: fluff, first time meeting, flustered reader, bold ellie, lots of sexual tension, shameless flirting, ellie being really hot, brief mentions of alcohol, slight debating/arguing but playful, eventual smut in later chapters, a brief kiss, lmk if I missed anything loves💓
A/N: funny story, there was this fic I read about streamer ellie by @r3starttt and she linked her pinterest below so I just wanted to give creds to her for allowing me to use these pics from her saved pinterest. Also some of it will be via text message style so ellie will be bold and reader will not. lowercase intended..
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You were honestly just a girl, who happened to like other girls, no big deal. but when your parents denied it, denied you, you moved out.
you weren’t going to deal with unsupportive family members judging you at every family function.
and you sure as hell weren’t going to stand with your parents treating you completely different from everyone else.
so you moved away from that toxic life but not just because of your parents but for college as well.
you wanted to move to this small town and get to know people new and study at your dream college.
once you finally found out you got in, you made your motives known to the family that you were leaving and never coming back.
you made it to your dorm and met this awesome girl named Kansas. You guys really hit it off your first semester and ever since, you guys have been the best of friends.
constantly hanging out and going to bookstores and party’s and going on vacations and so much more.
So, now to the present day, you’re currently in your dorm studying for finals.
Kansas walks in and greets you, you greet her back and she plops on the bed with a sigh.
“what’s wrong Kansas? I know that sigh. What’s up?” you ask her while keeping your focus on your notes
“I wanna go somewhere, to meet some hot people. get screwed and fucked up” Kansas replies. You bark out a laugh while shaking your head
“I’m getting kinda tired kans, we can go to a coffee shop? Keep me awake cause I need to study for these finals. Wanna go with me?” You ask her
she shakes her head letting out a hum of disapproval, “mm-mm I’m good, I’ll probably just sleep it out. Night.” She says lying down.
“night kans.” you say closing your notebook and grabbing your red converse. They were a little beat up but they were your favorites.
you walked off campus, greeting people as they passed, some people you know, some you’ve met once, and even the strangers that were polite.
you saw the bistro and smiled walking in. There was someone in front of you, a tall blonde-haired boy.
you patiently waited while he ordered his beverage, mindlessly scrolling on your phone.
you heard someone yell next and you lifted your head walking forward. The lady was turned around so you waited until her focus was on you
once she turned around your eyes widened and you stared in awe.
she was the hottest girl you’ve ever seen. Pretty auburn hair framing her face in a cute half up half down style.
freckles littered her perfect face, beautiful green eyes staring back at you.
her lips pretty and pink, bottomed lip tucked between her teeth as she smiles at you checking you out.
“What can I get for you pretty girl?” The lady in front of you asks.
it feels as if everything has stopped and you are the only ones able to move, talk and it was amazing.
“uh-uhm sorry, hi my names y/n and w-what’s yours? I’m pretty sure it’s a sexy- I mean spectacular name.” You stutter before face planting at how embarrassing you’re being.
“Ha, uh Ellie, my names Ellie. You’re funny but, what would you like to drink? Anything that makes you tick?” She says with a smile on her face as she tilts her head scratching her neck.
'you' the only word coming to your mind.
it’s only then you notice how long and slender her fingers are and the wonderful tattoo that litters her forearm.
“I would like a cappuccino please and nice tattoo, it’s beautiful, just like you. Uhm sorry I mean it’s uhm- a-a beautiful…" you sigh. "I’m gonna stop talking now.” You stutter out nervously.
“it’s fine sweetheart, thanks for the compliments.” Ellie responds with a wink. “ your cappuccino will be ready shortly. Your total is $5.95.” Ellie says smiling.
you pull out your card and pay. You look around noticing the beauty on the inside of the bistro and smile.
Ellie watches you with intent because she would be lying if she didn’t think you were extremely hot.
she wanted so badly to talk to you for longer but she had customers and a job to do. So she came up with the idea when you weren’t looking to write her number on your receipt.
“here you go. Maybe we’ll meet again sometime.” She said with a smile handing you your receipt.
“yea, maybe we will.” You say knowing damn well your coming back to this bistro everyday until you graduate college.
You walk off to go to the waiting area to wait for your name to be called for your drink. Your playing with the receipt when you catch something in the corner of your eye.
you look over and see Ellie mouthing something and making hand gestures.
you see her pointing to your hand so you look down and see numbers written down on the back of the receipt.
you look at her and smile and she smiles back before tending to the next customer that walked in.
you notice it’s a phone number, her phone number. You smile and heat rushes to your face. She also left a little note.
“text me, your cute btw, anyone ever tell you that? It was nice meeting you;)”
you smile at the note and fold the receipt and put it in your back pocket to keep for later.
you hear your name get called and grab your drink. You smile and wink at Ellie as you leave and walk out the door.
The moment you get out you jump up and down and giggle before running back to your dorm to study.
you pull out the receipt and smile at the note again. you type the number into your phone and you hesitate to text her. contemplating for an hour before finally texting her.
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you: heyy:) it's me! you off work yet? (10:47pm)
ellie🤭: heyy pretty, yea I get off in 5 minutes so I'm clocking out. (10:50pm)
you: ohh ok, so how was it, your shift that is? (10:50pm)
ellie🤭: it was stressful but it got better about an hour ago when this really hot girl walked in and I gave her my number on a receipt. (10:51pm)
you: stoppp your making me nervous, thanks for the compliment btw:) (10:53pm)
ellie: ofc sweetheart, now wanna play a game? (10:53pm)
you: sure what do you have in mind els, can I call u els? (10:54pm)
ellie🤭: you can call me whatever you want love. (10:54pm)
ellie🤭: maybe 21 questions? only if your up for it? (10:55pm)
you: yea sure so do i go first or you? (10:56pm)
ellie🤭: you go ahead. (10:57pm)
you: ok, how old are you? (10:59pm)
ellie🤭: 19. same question for you. (11:00pm)
you: im 18. (11:00pm)
ellie🤭: ok, nice. (11:01pm)
you: my turn again right? ok uhm, what's your fav color? (11:03pm)
ellie🤭: I would have to say green, like my eyes.
ellie🤭: what about you? (11:04pm)
you: so far this is what 4 questions, lol ok! (11:04pm)
you: I would say my fav color is {your fav color inserted} (11:05pm)
ellie🤭: dope! that's a nice one. (11:06pm)
you: thanks! ok, i'm going to ask, what's your fav movie or show? (11:08pm)
ellie🤭: i mean i don't think I have one, there's so many to choose from yk? (11:08pm)
you: yea no I totally understand! (11:09pm)
ellie🤭: ok, my turn. how about we quit this game huh? kinda wanna hear your voice. wanna call? (11:09pm)
your eyes widened at that. ellie, wanted to call y-you. this was insane you were so lost in thought that the buzz of you phone broke you out of your trance.
ellie🤭: ? you wanna or nah, it's totally fine if not. (11:10pm)
you: no no, I wanna. you call me, go ahead!
ellie🤭: alright!
ellie🤭: btw it 11:11 make a wish! (11:11pm)
you: oh stop it ellie! (i'm so making a wish right now!) (11:11pm)
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you hear the ringing and immediately pick up after the first ring. at first it's quiet and then ellie finally speaks up.
"hey." she says in a raspy voice that makes your skin tingle. you smile at the sound of her voice.
"hey ellie." you say, her name rolling of your tongue like honey. fuck she loved the way you sounded. so sweet and sexy. she just wanted you all to herself already.
"say my name again, sounds hot when you say it." ellie demands with a chuckle at your little squeak of surprise.
"w-what ellie?" you ask totally confused on what ellie was asking. you lied, you weren't entirely confused but ellie did make you very flustered and very nervous.
sure you could dominate women and be bold at times but something about ellies demeanor and the way she carried herself it made you want to be submissive.
you were a very bold and playful person, you could tease and be funny too but around ellie, nuh uh, you were silenced by her words that made down there tingle.
was it also way to late to mention that you've never "done it" with a girl before. yea sure you've had a kiss here and there but you've never done it.
you were close but then the girls parents walked in and you were utterly embarrassed. the girl ghosted you the next day.
so now you hope that same fate won't happen with ellie.
"god you were so gorgeous in the shop today, couldn't keep my fucking eyes off you." ellie admits breathlessly.
"your so kind, thank you and trust me, I was a mess talking to you." you say with a chuckle.
"I know other ways I can turn you into a mess." she says with a giggle. you giggle nervously and bite your lip.
"mmm yeah? that's something i'm looking forward to in the future." you say, ellie not even knowing how hard your gushing right now.
you guys have been on the phone for over and hour or two now and you were loving it.
she chuckled on the other end of the line. "so, are you more of a coffee girl or an alcohol girl?" you ask ellie.
theres a sigh on the line before you hear a snort, "I mean I prefer alcohol rather than coffee." ellie says.
"ellie. cmon, you literally work in a coffee shop, where you have to deal with coffee grounds and the smell, everyday." you say playfully rolling your eyes.
"woah! just cuz I work at a coffee shop doesn't mean I like coffee babe, I just needed the job, plus it was close by campus." ellie argues back playfully.
"oh yea sure because ellie loves working in a place where she doesn't even love the products in the store. If you adore alcohol, why not be a bartender?" you rebuttal.
this playful banter made ellie laugh and you laughed too. "because I don't wanna sit here and toss vodka in a cup, I wanna drink it, not serve it to others." ellie says as she turns off her room light.
"I'm working in a coffee shop cuz I wanted the money and because I don't get tempted with alcohol all around me, just caffeine." ellie says causing you to burst out laughing.
"ok, 1, that was hilarious and 2. nice point els." you say biting your lip as you kick your feet around on your bed and giggle.
you were sure as hell lucky that this campus was big enough to have two separate rooms. you didn't wanna wake up kansas.
its silent for a little before you just randomly blurt out, "you wanna meet again sometime? maybe like a date? just to hang out and talk more?" you ask.
it's silent on ellies side of the phone for a bit before you hear shuffling. "hey my roomates back but yea totally! Meet me at the water fountain in front of the campus at 7:30pm tomorrow, we can talk in the bistro if you want?" ellie asks.
"yea yea, that's perfect." you say smiling as you bite your fingernails out of excitement.
"alright great it's a date, see you tomorrow pup." she says before the line disconects.
you put your phone down, grab you pillow and scream into it. your going on a date with the ellie williams, the hottest girl you know and you couldn't wait.
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it's the next day. your walking to your class with kansas. you were telling her about ellie, every single detail.
the details from last night and the bistro. "she was just like so unreal kans, she called me babe, and pretty girl and so much more but eeee! I'm meeting her tonight!" you say with excitement.
"good for you girl! glad one of us is getting excitement." kansas says rolling her eyes playfull with a dramatic sigh to which you shove her and laugh.
"what do you even mean by that kans?" you say chuckling. she stops, looks at you and lifts her hand.
she lays her palm flat right side up and sticks up her middle and ring finger and makes a fingering motion with her fingers.
you gasp and push her quickly walking away while kansas laughs and runs to catch up to you.
"your sick kansas!" you exclaim.
"it's the truth, I can tell ellie knows how to please too. especially since you described her fingers as-what was it?- long and slender?" she says before snorting and laughing.
you laugh with her but roll your eyes at her mocking. "yea yea, keep it up and i'll find a new roommate." you say before walking into class with kansas.
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*tap tap tap* is the sound your feet make as you stare at the clock, counting the seconds waiting until the clock strikes 5pm.
you were in your last class for the day and you just had two hours to get ready for your date with ellie.
you were super excited and also kinda surprised you didn't like see her at all in the halls.
she did say she goes here but maybe she was in a different section. You watched as the clock stuck exactly 5:00 and you began packing your notebooks and textbooks in your bag.
"Make sure to read through pages 25 to 37, there will be some paragraphs to study for your exams." your teacher exclaims.
you nod and walk out the door meeting with kansas. "hey girl." you say as you rub your face.
"what's wrong?" she asks as she shoves the last bit of books in her bag.
"I just feel so drained right now, Professor Popovich's class was so draining. I just don't wanna be a buzzkill for my date with ellie tonight." you express with a frown on your face.
"well I mean he is like 60 years old, what'd you expect his class to be like? Energizing? Just get to the dorm, shower and clear your mind and I'll pick an outfit for you and then you'll be good to go, ok?" kansas offers with a smile.
"ha, your right there, thanks kans I really would like that I appreciate you so much!" you say smiling wrapping your arm around her shoulder as you walk to your shared dorm room.
As you guys finally make it towards the dorm, you immediate hit the shower, clicking your phones vibe playlist as you sing and dance in the shower.
you hear a ding from your phone indicating a message notification has come in. you finish rinsing off your body and making sure your nice and fresh and then turn off the water to get out.
You wrap your towel around your self and grab your phone. you look at the time it's 7:15.
You look at your notifications and see that it's ellie that texted you, you open messages and read her message.
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ellie🤭: I probably will get there a little early so, see you soon! (7:13pm)
you: ok, i'm getting ready now so i'll be leaving soon! (7:16pm)
ellie🤭: 👍🏻
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you smile and do your routine, you don't put any makeup on just some mascara and lipgloss.
you step out and put on the clothes that kansas picked out for you.
it was very cold outside so kansas wanted you to prepared for when your meeting her outside but still wanted you to look a little skimpy and sexy.
"hmm sexy but cute, thanks kans." you say smiling and hugging her. "but I think i'm gonna wear sneakers instead babes, heels are. a bit much." you express grabbing your red high top converse and putting them on.
"Bye Kansas! thank you again for the help babes!" you say hugging her one last time before walking towards the door.
"anytime. I'll do anything for you. also i'll be out at a party so if you and ellie need the dorm to you know..." she smirks and makes two peace signs and rub them together.
"Oh piss off kans!" you say shutting the door as you hear her laugh. you quickly make your way to the front of the campus and see the water fountain.
you see someone sitting there, a girl in a greenish flannel with a black shirt on and jeans.
you notice that the sleeves of the flannel are rolled up and you see those familiar slender fingers and that sexy tattoo.
"ellie?" you say with a smirk on your face.
the girl looks up and smiles at you. "Hey beautiful, missed me?" she exclaims opening her arms for a hug.
"I may have missed you." you say with a smirk as you hug her. you wrap your arms around her neck and she wraps her arms around your waist.
"let's go to the bistro shall we?" she says with a smile. you nod and let go of her. you both make the short walk to the bistro and ellie unlocks the door with the key.
"so what do you wanna do?" ellie asks as she hops on the counter staring at you as you walk around.
"you know, yesterday was my first time in here. I've always passed this place but kansas tired her hardest to avoid it. you wanna know why?" you say with a smile on your face as you glance at her.
she nods, "Yea sure, why?" ellie asks.
"cuz some dude named Michael that apparently works here, he cheated on her and then made her look like a total fool, so she never steps foot in here again. she said that if she does, she might just toss boiling hot coffee in his face and down his pants too." you say with a chuckle.
"I never judged her for it because she was right. she had every right too but I didn't want her getting in trouble so I just avoided this place out of love for her." you finish as you make your way next to ellie on the counter.
"kansas sounds badass and I hate to break it to you but Michael actually quit 4 weeks ago." ellie announces as she crosses her arms over her chest drawing your eyes attention.
you look back at her and bite your bottom lip, "are you serious?" you ask. she nods with a slight smirk and scrunch of her nose.
"your telling me I could have met you a long time ago?" you ask with your eyes slightly widened.
"yep, I'm always here." she says rubbing her neck. your eyes drift to the movement, to her tattooed arm.
her forearm muscle flexing at her movement's. "What's a crazy story you have els? anything that makes you tick with embarrassment?" you say with a smile.
"hey, that's my saying!" she exclaims with a laugh but answers your question.
"I do actually. I have a few but those are for another date, if you earn it." she teases leaning closer to your face.
"Test me, I bet i'll win your heart over." you say with a smirk challenging her as you lean closer.
"Ok. well..." she says as she leans away from you to fix her position. " I have this one memory in the back of my mind but uhm. you see this tattoo. so this is not an embarrassing story more of a backstory into my life ok?"
you nod with understanding and she smiles.
"Ok so when I was 14, I uhm was playing around in this abandoned like lab. I didn't know what I was doing cause I was being foolish and having fun. I was with my girlfr- my uhm friend and she dared me to climb this ladder that led to all the tall chemical tubes or containers. So uhm me being the daredevil that I am." she says pointing at herself and smiling.
you laugh at her silliness and bite your lip as you look at her lovingly and intently listening to the story.
"yea total daredevil ladies and gentlemen. don't get your panties and boxers in a bunch because don't you fear, ellie the daredevil is here!" you say welcoming her with jazz hands.
you hear her laugh and you want to record it so badly so you can have on repeat for the rest of your life.
"yea yea, I'm so cool I know. back to my story though. I climbed the ladder. now what I didn't know was that there were pipes above me filled with this chemical liquid. So one of the pipes had a hole in them and the liquid gushed on my arm, luckily I stepped back in time but half my arm got like burned or something. so, when I got outta there, my friend, she wrapped it up so I could hide it from my dad. and then when I turned 17 I got the tattoo to hide it. and that's the backstory behind my tattoo." she says with a tightlipped smile.
"wow, well a beautiful tattoo for a beautiful girl." you say scooting a bit closer to her.
she inches her hand closer to yours as she stares at your side profile. she thought you couldn't get any more beautiful, well right now, in this lighting you just did.
you inch your hand closer to her until you place your pinky on her hand. she looks down at your hands and fully grabs your hand to lift it to intertwine it with hers.
you both make eye contact with each other and smile at each other. "I really wanna kiss you right now." you admit to her.
"Then kiss me princess." she says leaning closer to your lips before looking down at your lips, smile fading as she grabs your face and kisses you.
it's sweet and light at first but slowly turns into a needy and passionate kiss. you both pawing at each other. whimpers and whines coming from your lips.
a sweet breathy whisper of her name rings in her ears that makes her skin tingle with goosebumps.
no one has ever made her feel the way you make her feel, so euphoric and so happy.
she wanted all of you and more, she never wanted to let you go from the moment she made eye contact with you yesterday.
you both break the kiss of your lives, a glistening string of saliva connecting the kiss of love that you two just shared.
"wow that was-" you start. before she kisses you again. "Please stop talking for a second and enjoy it." she says before her lips are right back on yours.
you lean back as ellie leans more into you until your laying on the counter and ellie is kind of on top of you never braking the kiss.
"els wait. wait." you say lightly pushing her off you and getting up. "As badly as I wanna do this, I feel like we should take it just a little bit slowly. maybe 3 dates in? I wanna do this just as badly as you it's just i've never done it before with a girl or in general. I want it to be special, not at your job no offense." you say shyly as you bite your lip.
she's silent for a bit before she speaks up. "I'm sorry, just eager to be your first. I completely understand though. I guess this means until next time?" she says as she hops down and stands between your thighs rubbing them.
"yea sure, I guess i'll go then, let you get back to your dorm." you say with a smile.
"hmm or I could walk you to your dorm so I know where I can find you next time." she says with an eyebrow raised with her bottom lip between her teeth.
"no... it's ok seriously I don't want you to go through all that trouble els." you say waving your hand at her.
"mama, lemme walk you to your dorm. as a mater of fact, I am walking you to your dorm. c'mon let's go." she says as she pecks a kiss at your lips before walking towards the door.
"c'mere, let's go." she says motioning her head towards the exit of the shop so she can close up.
you roll your eyes playfully and walk out the door thanking her for opening it for you.
you grab her hand and you look at her with a smile as you see a slight pink tint on her cheeks.
you finally make it to your dorm and check the time. It's currently almost 10pm.
"thank you for this ellie, I loved tonight and I want to do this again." you say with a genuine smile on your face.
"anytime, I definitely will have something better planned then just sitting in a coffee shop and talking.
"ha! ok els, get back to your dorm safe yea?" you say with a concerned look on your face.
"I will princess. goodnight." she says smiling at you. you smile back and bite your lip.
"goodnight ellie." you respond. both of you just stand there none of you moving.
you both are startled by a door opening and a voice. "oh sorry, I just heard voices and didn't know what was going on." a girl from the dorm across you said.
"no no tess your totally fine. sorry to wake you, goodnight." you say with a smile.
"night!" she smiles back at the both of you guys and then shuts her door.
"ok seriously, bye ellie, goodnight," you say before leaning over to kiss her one last time.
she kisses you back with the same passion and smiles into it. "I'll text you when I get back." ellie says before breaking the kiss and walking away with a wave.
"Goodnight beautiful, until next time." she says as she walks backwards leaving you.
you walk into your dorm room and sigh with joy as you lean against the door.
until next time ellie...
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Taglist: @ribbonprincess @r3starttt @dollyfl1rt @raynesbandaids @quiet-villian + anyone else who wants to join!
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thebest-medicine · 3 months
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TheBest-Medicine’s Spectacular Summer
Sentence Starter TickleFic Prompts:
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Please feel free to send in ideas / fandoms / pairings / prompts including these or use them yourself as some inspiration for some writing or art! honestly I wanted an excuse and some guidance to write out some more tickle fic ideas I’ve been having lately. So anyway here’s 105 fic starters / prompts (somebody stop me).
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“Was that a giggle just now?”
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?
“Come any closer and I will end you.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have done that..” / “Oh, you shouldn’t have said that..”
“No, I’m just- uh- sensitive.”
“You think you’re real tough, huh?”
“No way, you’re ticklish here too?”
“I’ll have you know, I was the reigning tickle fight champion in my house growing up.”
“Did you just… laugh?”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?”
“So, what’s this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?”
“I don’t / can’t believe it.”
“Well, well, well… Look what we have here.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Come on, stop it - I’m serious, that really tickles!”
“What’s there to be embarrassed about?”
“I swear on my life, I will kill you.”
“Wait, are you stuck?”
“I will never forgive you for this, you bastard / jerk / dick / asshole / expletive.”
“Big talk for someone so ticklish.”
“Don’t make me make you.”
“Wait a minute, you’re not ticklish, are you?”
“Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster.”
“Well now you’re just asking for it.”
“Wow. You’re bold.”
“I hope you know that this means war.”
“You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
“Be careful, I’m ticklish (there).”
“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble.”
“Come on, it’s not that bad, is it?”
“Who would have thought a few tickles would be your doom?”
“You wouldn’t.”
“You’re in for it as soon as we’re alone.”
“What? Me? Ticklish? As if!”
“A little birdie told me someone has ticklish feet / sides / knees / etc.”
“Wait - no, not that, anything but that!”
“You can’t be serious…”
“What did you just say?”
“I’ve never heard you laugh like that before, it’s nice.”
“I never thought I’d see the day…”
“No way, are you crying / begging?”
“Lighten up, have a laugh!”
“You wouldn’t take advantage (of that knowledge) when I’m stuck like this, right? …Right?!”
“Heh. That all you’ve got?”
“I’m not letting you off that easy.”
“Make me.”
“You would think you’d get less ticklish as you got older, but you’re the opposite!”
“It’s not your fault you’re so ticklish.”
“Please, I can’t take it anymore!”
“Oh you’d like / love that, wouldn’t you?”
“What about (name), (are they) ticklish?” “Huh? What - me?!”
“Hmm, looks like the tables have turned…”
“Oh man, is this a bad spot?”
“Please! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I never would’ve pegged you as the ticklish type.”
“You better not tell anyone about this.”
“I can think of a few ways to make you talk.”
“Why so nervous?”
“Don’t- don’t you dare! Don’t even t-think about it!”
“You’d better keep quiet.”
“I haven’t seen you smile all day / week!”
“Too bad there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Relax, I’m not gonna kill ya. But I am gonna make you wish you were dead.”
“I just wanna be close to you.”
“Don’t tell me you’re ticklish?!”
“Well now, that seems like wishful thinking.”
“What’s that? Stop saying tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle?”
“You have five seconds to run.”
“Wait, not there - anywhere but there!”
“This isn’t cuddling! This is an attack!”
“As soon as I get out of this I hope you know I’m going to murder you.”
“I hope you’re not too ticklish.”
“Oh man, that looks bad.”
“Uh, oh. Someone’s ticklish.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve been hiding this all this time?!”
“There’s nowhere to hide.”
“Aww, are you blushing? That’s adorable.”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“You should know better than to try to keep secrets from me.”
“What did I just say!?”
“You’re not really gonna tickle me, are you?”
“I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“You’d better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse.”
“Don’t be an idiot.”
“Crap. Wait. I didn’t mean that.”
“…That was brutal.”
“We don’t have time for such childish— hey! Stop it!”
“Wait no- Not here- Not now!”
“Just wait until I get you back.”
“Have mercy!”
“Hey are you guys okay? I heard yelling (from the hall / outside) and— oh.”
“Oh? And what if I did?”
“Revenge is so, so sweet.”
“You can’t be serious!?”
“What are you so scared of? It’s just a feather / brush / etc.”
“Oh, sorry, did that tickle?”
“There it is! That laugh is music to my ears.”
“Don’t make me get your (worst spot).”
“Would you just shut up and tickle me already?”
“You’re in for it now!”
“You are so going to regret that.”
“Let’s make it interesting.”
“What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?”
“Hey, a bet’s a bet.”
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tiredwishes · 9 days
how has no one written the fic where oscar finds out lando not only held checo up cooled his tyres which helped oscar's race out BUT ALSO climbed eleven whole places AND oscar's deliciously adrenaline high off his win, so when he finally gets back to the hotel and sees his beautiful, gorgeous, perfect boyfriend waiting for him, all he wants to show lando is how proud and grateful he is.......
"Oh hello," Lando's voice washes over Oscar the second the hotel door shuts behind him. "Welcome back, two-time race winner."
He's sitting on the edge of the bed, their bed, bundled up in one of Oscar's hoodies that hangs off his frame just slightly. Phone tossed to the side, Lando beams across the room at him through damp curls, and Oscar feels his heart stutter.
God, he's beautiful. Oscar watches as his boyfriend moves to his feet, to him. Lando stops infront of Oscar, eyes impossibly bright through his lashes.
Oscar inhales sharply, and all he breathes is the familiar notes of Lando.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Lando frowns, "Tell you what?"
"That you-" Oscar splutters, because how is he supposed to be normal about this? "That you covered Checo off with the undercut. That you protected your own race even when doing so. That you drove so well."
Lando blinks, clearly not expecting all of that. He stares up at Oscar, two figures in the hallway, the lingering scent of champagne slowly intertwining with bergamot shampoo.
"It's not that big of a deal." Lando shrugs, before whispering with the smile he's only ever had for Oscar. "Osc, you won."
At his words, Oscar stares at his boyfriend like he's grown a second head. "I couldn't have done it without you."
"Yes, you could." Lando's face scrunches in protest. "I saw your overtake on Charles, and your defence after was spectacular. He never would've gotten through. You would've won even without me."
It makes Oscar want to scream. Because his incredibly talented boyfriend, who out-performed what everyone thought was possible, would use every breath in his body to defend Oscar's skill, only to not save anything for himself. The thought of it pains Oscar so terribly.
Oscar pushes back. "I might not have. Charles fought strongly, and Checo would have been a lot closer if you hadn't held him off."
"Still," Lando says stubbornly, refuses to budge. "You would've won anyway."
"Not without you."
"Even without me."
"Yes- Why are you fighting me on this?" Lando snaps, crossing one hoodie-clad arm over the other. It shouldn't be as endearing as it is. Oscar shouldn't be finding it this hot.
The glare he's giving Oscar makes him want to kiss him senseless, amongst other things. Oscar looks into Lando's sea glass eyes, and all he does is want.
"Because," Oscar says plainly, stepping into his boyfriend's space. Lando's sharp intake of air goes straight to his core. "I need you to know how I could not have done this without you. I need you to know how your race was absolutely bloody brilliant, it was fucking hot. I need you to know how much I care about this, about you."
Oscar's hands fall to the sides of Lando's waist, and all it takes is a singular, fluid motion for their bodies to be pressed together. Lando lets out a squeak of surprise, the tips of his ears turning pink.
"And it really fucking kills me that you don't think the same about yourself, you know that?" Oscar continues, despite their lips being inches apart. "Eleven fucking places, Lando. And nevermind that, you won't even let me tell you how proud I am or otherwise."
Lando's flushed brilliantly, and Oscar smiles slowly at the sight. Then he leans in, and Lando lets his eyes flutter shut, waits for his boyfriend's next move.
Only, Oscar's not quite done.
"So I guess I have no choice but to show you." Oscar murmurs next to his ear, it takes him by surprise. Lando jumps, eyes flying open. Oscar's breath is hot, starved, it sends shivers down his spine. "I don't think I've thanked you properly yet."
His thigh presses between Lando's legs. The sudden unexpected pressure has Lando reeling. At his boyfriend's whine, Oscar pulls back. Lando's eyes are blown wide, and they meet Oscar's, dark and wanting.
"Please," Lando nods desperately. He whispers, begging. "Please."
With a smirk, Oscar sinks to his knees.
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gejo333 · 1 year
Father Miguel O’Hara x Mother Reader
18+ Warning
Summary: When Miguel gives you a watch he tells you to only use it to see him in emergencies. You get big news, and you can’t wait to tell him so you go to his work place. Little did you know that no one knew Miguel had a wife and baby. So when everyone saw you and asked you who you were. They were shocked.
Part of this was inspired by fanart on tik tok of Miguel getting his fangs right after altering his DNA. Will hopefully update post if I get permission from the artist! (Wish me luck🙏)
I apologize for any grammatical errors I missed.
Wc: 2.3k
A beep was heard from the watch Miguel gave you at the beginning of your relationship 4 years ago. Drying your hands after finishing the dishes, you press the button to see the message from your husband.
The workload is light today. I will be home early. Do you want me to grab anything for you, cariño?
You reply by saying you need nothing and how you couldn’t wait to see him this afternoon.
Checking the baby monitor, a smile graces your lips as you gaze at your sleeping daughter. Less than a year ago, she was still in your belly.
Your little Sofia. When you became pregnant with her, you feared Miguel’s reaction since the passing of his first daughter Gabriella. You were surprised to see him crying tears of joy when you told him.
Sitting on the couch, you sigh. Maternity leave was nice. You were happy to get time off and spend time with your daughter. But you had to admit, it was boring the majority of the time. You had nothing to do when Miguel was at work and Sofia was napping.
To ease your boredom, Miguel will take a day or two off every other week to do things as a family or try to come home early to spend the afternoon with you.
You go to the nursery to gaze at your daughter. Walking in, you lean over her crib and watch her little chest rise and fall. She was the spitting image of Miguel, except she had your face shape and nose.
When she was born, you were curious if she would develop any spider traits from Miguel. He said the chance would be small since he had only half spider DNA and you were normal. Turning away from her crib, you grab the breast pump as your chest is sore. Putting on the changing table, you turn around.
Your heart dropped to your stomach as you found the crib empty.
“Sofia!?” Panic envelops you. A small happy squeal comes from Sofia as your gaze approaches the ceiling. Your eyes goes wide, a gasp coming from your lips. Hanging from a web upside down was your daughter.
“Hey, baby girl. Come to mommy.” Standing right below her, you raise your arms toward her. Letting out another happy squeal, she drops down into your arms. You hold her in your arms as you try to steady your breathing. The small scare made your heart beat out of control.
You walk over to the couch in the living room, sitting down as Sofia rests her head against your shoulder. She was in the middle of teething, so sometimes she would use you or Miguel as chewing toys.
“Ow.” A sudden jolt of pain went through you as you lifted Sofia’s head. Your shoulder had small teeth marks. Eyebrows furrowed as you sit her up on your lap. She gazed at you with her bright brown eyes smiling up at you. Looking closer at her sort of toothy grin, another gasp leaves you as you see tiny fangs.
You press a few buttons on the watch to call Miguel. He didn’t answer, which meant he was on a mission. Miguel only said to travel to HQ if it was an emergency. You get the buckle carrier and strap Sofia in. Pressing a few buttons, the portal opens up. Miguel said it was safe, so you had no worries going through with Sofia.
You walk through, and within seconds, you are at Spider HQ. You grab the day pass that Miguel leaves on his desk and put one around Sofia’s wrist. You gawk at your surroundings. It was spectacular. It was your first time here as there never had been a need to come here.
It didn’t take long for the other Spider-people to notice you. They only talk amongst themselves as they walk by.
“Y/n?” You turn around to see a certain Spiderwoman walk up to you.
“Jess, it’s nice to see a familiar face here. It’s been a while since you last visited our place for dinner. How’ve you been? How’s your baby?”
“I’ve been good. He’s doing good. With his father back at home. I don’t mean to be forward, but is everything ok?” Concern etched on her face.
“Yes and no. Nothing bad. But it turns out Sofia is more like her father than we thought. I thought of staying home, but she won’t stay still, and I’m unsure ofwhat to do.” You looked down at your happy daughter, gazing lovingly at her.
“Miguel is on a mission right now. But he should be back soon. For now, let’s go to the cafeteria and wait for him.
After catching up with Jess, you arrive at the cafeteria and sit at an empty table.
“Miguel talks about what he does, but he never explains HQ looking as spectacular as this. I didn’t realize there were so many different Spider-Men and women, even animals!”
“It definitely is a sight to behold. It’s nice to see you again. You should come around more often.”
“I would love to. But you know how Miguel is. He likes to keep his personal life out of his work life. He only lets his friends know about me. Which is literally only you, Ben Reilly and Peter.” A chuckle leaves you.
You loved your husband, but his aloofness at work was unlike him. Back in your universe, he was very social. You understood why he was like this. He has a hard time opening up to strangers or acquaintances. You remember how cold he was with you when you first met him. You, a journalist interviewing a scientist at Alchemex who turned out to be Spider-Man. And from there blossomed into what it is today.
Three younger spiders walked up to the table and sat down.
“Hey, Jess! Who’s the new recruit? And who is this sweet little girl?” Asked a boy with nice brown hair that fell over his face.
“I’m Y/n, and this is Sofia. Say hi, Sofia.” You look at Sofia as she squeals. Excited by her new surroundings.
“Awww, Hi Sofia. My name is Pavitr. This is Gwen and Hobie.” Pavitr gestured towards the two sitting next to him.
“When do you start?” Asked Hobie.
“Start what?” You were confused by his question.
“She isn’t a spider. She’s visiting.” Spoke Jess.
“Cool! May I?” Asked Gwen as she held her hand out to Sofia, who was reaching out to her.
“Of course! She loves meeting new people. Would you like to hold her?” Gwen looks at you with a excited look as you take Sofia out of her carrier and pass her to the teenage girl. A wide smile graces your lips as Sofia immediately warms up to the three young spiders as they take turns holding her.
You stretch your back, relieved to have less weight on your back.
“Aww, she’s a baby spider! Like Mayday!” Said Pavitr as he awed over Sofia.
“Whose Mayday?” You ask Jess directly.
“Peter B. had a baby with MJ. And she got his abilities.” Your eyes brightened when she said there was another baby like Sofia. Another mom who understands what you’re going through.
“Ow.” Said Hobie blatantly. You turned towards the three teenagers. You reach where they are standing, just a few feet away.
“Oh no, I’m sorry. I should have warned you that Sofia was teething, and she likes to chew on her fingers. And what I just realized today is that she has fangs.” Gwen hands her back to you as Sofia just giggles.
“Wait, she has fangs?” Asked Gwen.
“Yeah. She gets them from her father.” The three spiders look again at Sofia and back at you.
“Why does she remind me of someone we know?” Pavitr said. Both Hobie and Gwen look surprised, figuring it out, as the two look at each other. Sofia’s joyful squeals become louder as she moves more in your arms.
“Amor?” You turn around to see your husband, who looks at you with concern. You walk towards him as he happily gives you a hug. Releasing from the hug, he puts his hands on both your shoulders.
“Is everything ok? Did something happen?” He checks to see if you and Sofia are ok.
“We’re fine, Miggy. I came here because I need your help with Sofia. Turns out she’s more of a daddy’s girl than we thought. She has some of your abilities.” You pass Sofia to her father.
Miguel looks over his daughter, seeing that she has fangs and organic webbing like him. Sofia placed her hands on her father’s face, which made him smile.
“Wait, wait, wait. Why didn’t you tell us you had a wife and baby!” Said Pavitr, pouting.
“Who would have guessed the boss man had a family.” Chuckled Hobie, which earned him a glare from Miguel. You lightly nudged Miguel with your shoulder. You both looked at each other before he rolled his eyes and sighed. Admitting defeat.
“Each of you can only ask one question.” Miguel huffed.
“How long have you been together?” Asked Pavitr.
“Four years. Known each other for six.” He says.
“What’s it like to be married to him?” Chuckled Hobie.
“It’s the best. He’s the most amazing husband and father a person could ask for. He is also the love of my life.” You gaze lovingly at him as he returns the same gaze.
He wraps an arm around your waist as he brings you closer to his side as he holds Sofia in his other arm.
“Te quiero, Y/n.” He kissed the top of your head.
“Awww, such a cute family.” Peter B. walked up as he held Mayday in his arms.
“It’s nice to see you again, Peter.”
“You too, Y/n. You should come around more often. It would make Mr. Grumpy here less Grumpy.”
“No puedo más,” Miguel grumbled to himself, but loud enough for you to hear. You give his hand, wrapped around you, a love squeeze which he returns.
“You have the last question, Gwen.” You smiled at her.
“Will you and Sofia come back to visit?”
“Of course. We would love to come back and visit you guys. And keep Mr. Grumpy happy.” You go on your toes and kiss his cheek.
The three young spiders look at Miguel to see if he agrees. A long sigh escaped him before saying yes. They jump for joy at his response. You thought they were so cute even though you were no more than 6 years older than them.
After talking for a bit longer, you and Miguel decided to return home. Walking through your door, you walk to Sofia’s nursery to set her back down for her afternoon nap.
You close her door before entering your bathroom and turn on the bath. You go back to Miguel, who sits on the couch. Going behind him on the couch, you hug him and give him a sweet kiss on the lips which he gladly appreciates.
“I was running a bath and added some nice soaps. Do you want to join me?” His lustful gaze scanned over you. You stand and walk slowly to the bathroom as you undress.
Miguel came up behind you, and you felt his hot breath hit your neck. His suit dissolved, revealing the sculpted body of a Greek god that you loved so much.
He took your hand and led you to the tub. The tub was huge, so Miguel could easily fit in it and be comfortable despite his large stature. You get in after as you sit between his legs, lying your back against his chest. Your hair was brushed to one side by Miguel as he began leaving a trail of kisses down your neck.
“I’m going to take more time off. I can monitor from home. Give Jess more leadership duties at HQ.” He said in between kisses. You turn your head to meet his gaze.
“Will it be difficult to work from home?”
“It shouldn’t be. And just until Sofia is easier to control with her abilities. You shouldn’t have to deal with that on your own. Maternity leave is not just to be with Sofia but also to rest and recover. I’ll help her more so you can relax. I can help you relax more too.” His voice lowered to a growl with his last words as he continued to kiss and suck at your neck.
He massaged one of your breasts, pinching your nipple, a moan passing through your lips. His other hand trailed down your stomach to your thighs as he separated them. His fingers gently rubbed your clit as your back arched against him. Two fingers passed your lower lips as he began a pace, thrusting and curling them inside you.
“You’re such a slut for me, mi amor. As soon as I begin fingering you, your pussy clenches tight around them, wishing it was my cock.” His pace quickened, which sent you close to the edge as your head fell back against his shoulder.
The mix of him sucking your neck, massaging your breasts, and finger fucking you was making you reach your climax.
You came undone when you felt his fangs bite down against your neck, sucking on you before removing them and licking away the blood from the small wound. He removed his fingers as he licked them clean.
“Mhm, sweet as always.” His comment dusted your cheeks as you came down from your high.
Miguel’s lips were against your ear as he whispered, “Did I help relax you?” You turn to place a passionate kiss on his lips.
“Yes, you did.” You rest your head against him. The sound of his heart beating relaxes you further.
“Good. I can’t wait to help you relax for the next few weeks.”
Hope you enjoyed reading this cute oneshot💕
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Mr Gorgeous
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pairing: Lee Minho x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, crack, tutor Lee know, non-idol!au, college au, best friend Hyunjin, computer nerd Lee know
summary: As a chemical engineer with the biggest aversion to computer science it was nothing short of hell to try and pass the one elective you were forced to take. Things do change for the better when your friend suggests you get tutored by smart and hot Lee Minho. Maybe you'd do a lot more than just pass the subject... 
wordcount: 6.3k
a/n: This one is based on the unhinged but cute ideas my friend gives, hopefully, I did justice to that, and to Minho.
I have extended this universe (but can be read as oneshot ) with the Hyunjin fic Dancing with our Hands Tied
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That’s the primary emotion you feel right now. Sitting with your hands tugging at your hair in the corner of the computer science lab as you stare at the big blank screen… yet again.
Another ping and you look up to see yet another failure message popping on the screen of your laptop. It wasn’t brand new, or of high value, but this laptop was your lifeline. Not only did it hold all three years' worth of your undergrad life but it also holds the precious drafts of your latest hyper fixation- fanfics based on the forced marriage trope.
The downfall of the laptop itself wasn’t your primary concern now, it was the choices you made that led here. Well, it wasn’t exactly a choice. The course selection system of your uni might say “flexible” but it was anything but. Your mind replays a flashback from two months ago when you were seated in your dorm bed, hands tugging your hair like now, as you stare at the monstrosity that was the computer science elective you were forced to choose for the sake of credits.
Leading you right back to regret.
Just as you're about to break your laptop in a fit of pure frustration you feel a hand on your shoulder. Whipping your head back, with five retorts at the tip of your tongue (but ones that’ll never be said), you find yourself facing one of your closest friends. His feline eyes shone with kindness and his long blonde hair with fringes framing his spectacular face and the crisp white shirt that looks very out of place amongst his rarely-showered peers.
Hyunjin. The infamous dance team captain and the most wanted dude on campus, who somehow ended up as your roommate's dance partner back in freshman year and is now a big part of your gang. He was the reason for whatever little popularity you had on campus.
“Are you alright?”
“Hi yeah, I-I’m fine… I guess…” you sigh, giving up on your hair and point to the screen. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and my laptop just gave up on me.”
He gives you a sad smile, not one of pity and you’re grateful for it. “Ahh, the computers have defeated our great y/n I see...” His tone is slightly lighter this time when he speaks. You nod furiously as he settles down on an empty chair next to you. His hand has moved from your shoulder to fidgeting with the armrests.
“Yeah I absolutely hate- no loathe computers. I mean, I fought with my parents to do a chemical engineering degree just because I hate computers for god's sake. All that only to end up here in this damn course and I’ve managed to kill my laptop in the process of installing virtual machines. Actually why the hell do we even need those virtual machines? Isn’t everything that these machines produce essentially virtual… if you do need another device, just get one. Why do you computer science idiots go through all this hassle? I don’t-“, you pause mid-rant to see that he’s got an amused expression and the corners of his lips are lifted up.
“Ugh, please. Don’t laugh at my distress, you cruel man.” You whine and dramatically put your head on the desk in defeat.
"Aye y/n it's okay... I mean it will be..." Hyunjin tries to comfort but you just grunt in response and dig your head deeper into your arms on the desk.
You hear him sigh and shift closer to you.
"Alright, I'll tell you what... class is over now so we will give up for now and go have something to eat and replenish your brain. Then maybe I can tutor you, I am also in the class and I do understand this. Is that ok?"
You look up to see Hyunjin sitting beside you, lips pressed into a thin smile, eyes kind and empathetic. This version of him rarely comes out except with his few friends and you were usually grateful for that. But today you had no brain cells left to feel grateful.
"Yeah, sure! Do you plan on doing that before or during your morning dance practices or evening practice?" Your tone comes out sharp and sarcastic, which catches Hyunjin off guard.
You were almost always sarcastic but it was never more than a harmful joke and you never really lost your temple. In fact, you were very particular about staying silent unless you have something positive or funny to contribute to the conversation.
Hyunjin recovers fast from the shock, "Hey I was just offering... I was being nice. Don't bite my head off!"
You feel apologetic immediately and sigh. "Yeah sorry dude, I guess I need to eat. Are you still up to get lunch together?" You ask with a small smile.
"Yup!" He immediately agrees with a big grin and you begin packing your things.
"Hey, you sure one of your little fangirls and fanboys won't die of jealousy if they see just the two of us having lunch together?" You joke as you both head to the cafeteria.
He just rolls his eyes and both of you laugh it off.
Even though you knew about Hyunjin's popularity, it still feels weird for you to sit and watch almost the entire cafeteria stare in your direction. Rather in his direction. Trying your best to ignore it you continue eating your sales as Hyunjin talks about the latest gossip from the dance team.
Just as he was about to reach the juicy part, Hyunjin sees someone on the other end of the cafe and asks them to join. You whip your head around to see the source of your latest annoyance, ready to hate them in your head, only to find the most gorgeous man you had ever seen walk towards your table.
You've had one too many celebrity crushes in your day but you weren't usually the type to simp for a dude in real life- especially one from your university. Yet you find yourself unable to take your eyes off this guy. He's wearing a simple black T-shirt and a pair of joggers. His headphones are around his neck, and a black backpack hanging on his left shoulder. You watch his shirt cling to his shoulders and the way he keeps his eyes down as he walks. You keep watching as he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up just enough for it to look fluffy and good.
Taylor Swift definitely wrote Gorgeous for this man.
As he nears the table you finally gather all your self-control and turn back to your lunch. You chew on the food slowly and keep playing with the contents in your bowl, painfully aware of every step he takes toward the table.
"Hey Lino!" You hear Hyunjin exclaim as he gets up to hug the other guy.
"Hi Hyunjin." says the other guy- who apparently has a deep, yet soft voice that reminds you of honey melting.
You internally cringe at the weird tingly feeling this guy is making you feel.
You try to block out the conversation the two guys make, desperately hoping you wouldn't have to interact with Mr Gorgeous.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce you both. This is my friend y/n."
You look up at the mention of your name to find Hyunjin and him looking right at you. You smile, hoping the weird thoughts don't translate on your face.
"And y/n, this is Lee Minho. My classmate and dance teammate." Hyunjin says with a fond smile.
"Hey, y/n. Nice to finally meet you," says Mr Gorgeous in his honey-dripping voice as he reaches his hand out to you. You are frozen for a second but recover quickly to take his hands and shake them as you nod. You watch as he immediately takes his hand after a second of contact and clears his throat.
"Nice to meet you too Minho." you finally manage after the handshake that only made the butterflies worse. You pray silently that you don't ever have to speak to Minho again, a crush was not good for your health. Especially not a crush on your friend's very hot dance teammate.
Thankfully Minho almost immediately leaves, stating he has a class to attend and Hyunjin and you bid your byes and return to your lunches.
After a moment's silence, Hyunjin speaks again, "So what do you think about Minho?"
You cough as a lettuce piece gets stuck in your throat at his question and chug half a glass of water.
"Wha- what about him?" You ask in your most normal voice possible.
"I don't know... you tell me." Hyunjin says eyeing you cautiously.
"He's fine I guess." He scoffs. "He's way more than fine and we both know it." He says with a smirk.
"You're just a simp for the mysterious hot dudes who will never go for you."
"Ouch. But yeah. Plus all I can do is simp... he's not really into guys." Hyunjin says with a dramatic frown making you shake your head at his antics.
You were almost relieved when Hyunjin admitted to simping for Minho because then you would shut down the crush because you are a good friend. Every plan to squish this growing crush is backfiring on you now.
As you both finish your lunch and decide to go separate ways, Hyunjin stops in his tracks outside the cafeteria with a bright smile on his face. The face that usually means trouble for anyone involved- which is you currently.
"Oh my god! Y/n I just had the best idea." He practically squeals and you roll your eyes at him.
"I don't believe it will be good but you're gonna say it anyway so spill."
"Well you need a tutor to pass the computer course... and Minho is a top-of-the-class student who passed that subject a semester ago. What if he tutored you?"
Hyunjin looks like he hit the jackpot and your jaw hangs on the floor. Gulping you begin to explain why his idea won't work just as the door opens and out comes the man of the hour himself- Minho.
Hyunjin looks at Minho and his smile grows even wider.
"Lino I was just going to call you. I need a small favour from you."
Minho looks suspiciously between an excited Hyunjin and a horrified you. "Yeah, tell me..."
Hyunjin proceeds to explain the ordeal in great painful detail. He paints a sad picture of you from fighting with your parents about your major to your whining in the lab earlier. All while you plan the detailed and gruesome murder of Hwang Hyunjin in your head.
Even though you are too embarrassed to see Minho's face, curiosity gets the better of you. He seems to be trying his best to follow Hyunjin's rant. His eyebrows perked up and eyes shifted between the two of you. His nose scrunched as he nods continuously.
"So what do you think of my genius idea huh?" Hyunjin asks Minho as he smiles widely at you both.
"Ermm... ", Minho looks between you and Hyunjin looking positively confused. "I think I can do it yeah." He says in his honey-melting crush-heightening voice and nods at you.
All you can do is force a hopefully normal smile on your face as Hyunjin celebrates his 'victory'. You shoot Minho an apologetic look as Hyunjin forces you both to exchange numbers and discuss the tutoring schedule- every Monday evening at the library.
"See you on Monday y/n." He says with a soft smile as he hoists his bag up higher on his shoulder and walks away after saying his byes to Hyunjin.
There is no death for the crush now.
The Monday could not have come slower. Although it was only three days from meeting Minho it felt like the longest days of your life. To make matters worst, Hyunjin and Yeji, your roommate, could not stop talking about Minho.
Turns out he didn’t spurt out of nowhere since Thursday, he was fondly called Lino by the dance team. You’d previously heard Hyunjin and Yeji talk for hours together about the “brilliant” dancer that “Lino” was. But you’d also heard Yeji mock Hyunjin for constantly getting bullied by him. The stories that you had always laughed your heart out to because mostly Hyunjin did deserve it. But now those stories do nothing but increase your anxiety as you walk slowly towards the campus library to meet your gorgeous dancer-nerd tutor.
What if he bullies you too? Or worse what if you embarrass yourself in front of Mr Gorgeous!
You groan as you step into the library, searching along rows of students absorbed in their own world before spotting him. He was wearing another plain black shirt, hair messed up in sweeps framing the side of his face, and a thin framed glass perched on his face. His little nose scrunched up as he was concentrating on his laptop, the headphones on his head.
Why does this man make you weak over the bare minimum!
“Hey Minho”, you greet as you reach the table he’s sat at, settling down across the table from him.
He looks up removing his headphones and smiles at you, nodding in acknowledgment.
Both of you walk around on eggshells for the first few minutes, him understanding how much knowledge you have in the subject- he almost looks disappointed on hearing the answer be ‘nothing’. Eventually, you both developed a plan and he began explaining from the basics. Although you had a very hard time concentrating initially, especially when his eyes got all dark and focused, as he bit his lip whenever you messed up and explained in that calm soothing voice of his. But eventually, you started finding it easier to learn when he taught you in parts, giving examples and helping you take notes.
The hour passed by much too quickly for your liking but a part of you was relieved to be out of his strong gaze. He had given you some pointers and tasks to do over the week to help speed the process to pass the finals approaching in two months.
The following weeks go smoothly, Mondays becoming your favourite and most exciting day of the week- adulting really was sad. You saw Minho relaxing with every session, the third session he even started teasing you about your mistakes. He would let out a little “hehe”, smile brightly as his eyes lit up and shake his head as he says, “No that’s not how you run this. It’s a different coding language so the rules change.”
He never raised his voice or lost his cool. While you were constantly groaning or huffing in irritation at the irrational rules of computer science. You constantly explained to him that you weren’t an entire novice to coding but the concepts of operating systems and databases simply did not make sense. He would constantly assure you that this was hard for computer science majors and that you had not much to worry about. Eventually, the one-hour sessions became longer as you both sit back and talk about random topics during "breaks". He even suggested an additional session to "help speed the process", which made your stomach drop in an odd way (not because your crush kept exponentially growing in the last six weeks).
That’s how you find yourself in the library on a Thursday afternoon, coming to the library hours prior to your session with Minho. Trying your best to understand the concept you both were supposed to go over so that you didn’t look too dumb and also because your finals is approaching in two weeks. You used to be the topper in school, and you even managed to stay in the top 10 in your department but none of that worked here. It definitely didn’t help to learn that Minho was an extremely talented all-rounder.
In the last six weeks, you might’ve slipped into a couple or almost all of the dance team’s practice sessions pretending to care about Hyunjin and Yeji (both of whom were surprised to find you there for the first time in three years).
Minho danced as gracefully as a swan while emitting the most powerful aura on stage. You had seen the dance team’s performances before to support your friends but you hadn’t really noticed anyone except those two till now. But now you could not take your eyes off Minho even when you heard the team and other audiences praise how amazing Hyunjin and Yeji were.
You shake your head to prevent yourself from getting distracted by Minho’s tantalising steps from the previous day’s rehearsal. All of this did nothing but feed the monster of a crush you were fostering inside. She was so strong now that calling it a crush felt wrong. You were down bad. But that is a problem for another time, you needed to learn this concept before Minho gets there in half an hour.
You’re not sure how long it has been since you started hyper focusing on the topic but you are brought out of your reverie by Minho’s rich voice.
“Hey y/n.” He sounds cheerful and there’s a cute smile on his face which makes the monster butterflies immediately rise up in your stomach.
“Hello.” You smile back as he settles in the seat next to you. This was another suggestion from Minho since the third week to "help correct your mistakes better", little did he know it only made you more prone to mistakes with him so close to you. You noticed that he was wearing his white hoodie and grey joggers- which you know now is his dance practice attire, and his hair is all tousled and messy. His cheeks are flushed from the practice and he is slightly out of breath as he takes his laptop out and settles down.
“You’ve already started this topic huh. Good to see you working so hard. ” He says with a genuine smile nodding towards your laptop. You smile coyly, stomach doing a little flip at the compliment (it never gets old).
“Ah, nothing like that. Just had time to kill. Thought I’d try to catch up so that I’m not entirely clueless for today.” He nods and looks at you for a second longer than usual. Just as you think he’s going to turn to his laptop and start the session he leans towards you and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ears. Time comes to a standstill as you process what just happened. When you recover from the tingle his touch had left on your cheek and behind your ear, you realise that he has gone to his work.
“Let’s start?” He enquired looking innocent and all you can do is nod. Your heart is still beating fast as you try your best to follow everything Minho is saying. Every time you got your heart to calm down he would turn to look at you from behind his glasses, a serious expression on his face which was way too close to yours for your brain to work.
When you start working on the code he leans between you and your laptop to point at the code on the farthest end of the screen from him. His face is extremely close to yours as you do everything to remain normal- on the outside.
Eventually, the session comes to an end and you slump back in your chair sighing as you catch your breath and look at Minho. He is on his phone smiling every now and then and your hearts drops as anxiety clouds your head. Not that you had any intentions of taking any action about your crush… but still the heart wants what it wants. He turns to you as he puts his phone down and removes his glasses.
“How come you had free time today, before our session? I thought you had a full schedule on Thursdays?” He enquires and pushes his smooth fluffy hair out of his face.
You have two thoughts in your brain at this point- a) why did he have to be that gorgeous, and b) did he remember when you told him about your schedule the first time you both met.
You straighten up as you answer. “Erm… yeah no my lab got cancelled. Prof has been sick for a week now so I was free.”
“Is that why you seem to be having a lot of free time lately?” His question comes out more as a comment as he gives you a smirk.
“Uh what do you mean?”
He runs his hand through his hair again.
“Nothing just been seeing you around during practice a lot recently… that’s why.” He almost looks shy as he says it, but the smirk stays put on his face.
You feels your cheeks and neck heat up and do your best to not look like a deer caught in headlights.
You let out a small fake laugh. “Ah, that… I was just supporting Hyunjin. And Yeji too, she’s my roommate you know?” You ask hoping he’d shift the topic to them instead.
He leans back on the side of his chair eyeing you with the smirk still in its place. “Yeah I know. I’ve known for three years.” Your eyes widen naturally at this new information. “Which is why I was surprised to see you there now after all these years. You don’t usually come to practice sessions.” He says calmly.
There are too many questions in your head but you choose to ignore anything that gives you even a sliver of hope. You straighten more hoping the stature makes you look at least slightly intimidating. Which, judging by the even bigger smirk on Minho’s face didn’t work.
“I- I came because Yeji and Hyunjin were nervous about their solos.”
His expression is straight-up cocky. “Oh is that why you were staring at me the whole time?”
His words might’ve affected you so much that you were embarrassed but you weren’t going to feed into his ego.
“Seems like you need a new prescription for your eyes.” You pick up your things, start to walk away from the table and pause to give him a sarcastic smile.
"Also seems like you were the one who was seeing me instead of focusing on your practice."
You walk away hoping to save some face before you feel his hold on your wrist. His hands are rough and he holds you just tight enough to stop you but not hurt you.
“Y/n I was just teasing… sorry if I crossed a line.” He sounds so soft and timid that you whip your head around to see him standing behind you with big eyes and a small pout. You sigh and smile at him.
“I know… I was too. Don’t worry abt it, Mr Tutor.” You try to lighten the mood by lightly tapping his shoulder and see him shudder slightly.
“I do like seeing you in practices.” He admits in a low voice, a shy smile on his face.
You are just a melted goo of a human on the inside. The smile on your face comes naturally but for once, you don’t feel the need to hide it. Minho made you lose your guard way too much but even then today was way out of either of your usual zones. For the rest of the night, you are a mess of nerves and excitement. Yeji doesn’t question it anymore.
Two days later, you arrive at the auditorium of your uni with the two other friends of your gang- Jeongin and Yuna. As you three settle down in one of the middle rows, for which you almost fought off a junior, you are giddy with excitement to see Minho perform. And Hyunjin and Yeji of course.
You had tried to go to the dress rehearsal the previous day, catching the last few minutes of the performance and it was safe to say that the performance was going to be a hit. This time you didn’t try to sneak around, instead you waited after rehearsal and walked back with Minho, Hyunjin and Yeji. The vibe between Minho and you had shifted since that evening, he had texted you memes twice the next day and the previous evening, you both had walked close enough for your shoulders to brush while laughing about baseless things. If Hyunjin and Yeji noticed, they didn’t say anything and even gave the two of you some space by racing each other. For all the grace they both had on stage, they were complete idiots.
Your heart starts beating faster as the performance begins and you watch in a daze the whole time. All of them killed it from start to end. You were almost emotional watching Yeji and Hyunjin shine bright during their solos. Minho was on fire throughout the whole performance and you thought you dreamt of him looking at you during his solo- which was practically too hot for you to physically handle.
Once the performance is over, Jeongin, Yuna and you walk over to the green room to meet your amazing friends. You run over to congratulate your friends and even manage a small "nice performance" for the other members. The entire green room is filled with members of the dance team and their friends, all shouting and laughing. Amongst the chaos and happiness in your friend group, you can't help but look around for Minho. Catching your eye Hyunjin tugs at your shoulder signalling you to lean in as he says, "Go to the backside of the auditorium."
You look at him confused for a second before he gives a pointed side-eye that says "Don't act like you don't understand". You give a shy smile thanking him and inform Yeji that you'll be back and quietly slip out through the back door of the auditorium as Hyunjin told you to. Once you close the door behind you, a cool gush of wind makes you rub your shoulders for warmth as the green room's ruckus dies into the evening's silence. You look around for him and see a silhouette standing at the right edge leaning on the railing and looking out at the campus gardens.
Taking a deep breath you slowly approach him. As if sensing your presence, he whips his head around.
"Y/N." He says softly and you walk closer to see his left hand stretched out. You freeze in your spot, five steps away from him, gaping at the hand. He sees your confusion, smiles, walks toward you, and grabs your right hand. You stand there watching him and feel your feet move on their own as he helps you stand beside him facing the gardens, hands still interlaced. Your brain seems to short-circuit as you just stand there, still as a statue, hyperaware of his touch and the tingles it left in your body.
After what feels like a minute or an eternity, you are no longer aware of worldly concepts like time, he clears his throat and you see him angle his body toward you from the corner of your eyes. This brings you back to reality and you turn your face toward him and see how gorgeous he looks under the moonlight, hair all messed up, his shirt still clinging from the sweat due to the performance and lips spread into a soft smile.
"Hi." He says with an expectant smile on his face.
"Hey," you hear your own voice sound distant and breathless. It would be embarrassing how weak you were from this boy if you didn't know that he deserved all the love and attention in the world.
"So... you really didn't want to see me perform I guess." His tone is playful and there's a smirk on his face.
"Wha- What no... I did want to see you perform."
"Then you just didn't like it I guess. Tsk tsk." He mockingly shakes his side to side as the girn grows wider on his face. Your face heats up in embarrassment and you thank god that the only light around the place is hitting on his face and not yours.
"I never said that." You say in a low shy voice (again, borderline embarrassing).
"You didn't say anything good about the performance either. At least to me." He pauses and looks at you before turning to the garden again, "I heard you throwing compliments around like confetti inside,, to your friends."
You immediately feel your stomach drop in guilt and very little excitement (The Minho wanted your validation!!).
"Oh. Oh no, I- I didn't mean to... It's just," you take a small breath as he turns to face you again with an eager expression, "I can't really think right now with you holding my hand and looking all gorgeous and hot, and I keep thinking back to your moves on stage which were straight up sinful Minho." The words come out before you can process it and your eyes widen as you realise what you said and see that Minho's smirk has grown exponentially smug before he breaks into soft laughter.
You silently groan putting your head down on the railing. Minho stops laughing and tugs at your hand which makes you slightly face him. "Hey, don't be embarrassed." He says with that soft, kind voice of his.
"Easy for you to say." You mumble as you look at your hands, one still intertwined in his. He uses his other hand to lift your chin up to face him, you swear you can hear your heartbeat as loudly as a gunshot fired into the dead of the night. His eyes are soft, a twinkle in them, and he has the prettiest smile on his face as he takes in your face.
"I still want a proper compliment Gorgeous." He says and you choke on empty air at the term of endearment (the irony rather). He lets out a chuckle at that and raises his eyebrows for you to go on as he holds your other hand in his. "Can you even breathe right now?" He jokes and you snap out of the daze.
"Jerk," you say pulling your hands from his, turning away with a huff.
"Y/N... come oonnn..." He whines and you involuntarily laugh and turn to see him pouting (lost track of all the embarrassing things you do for him at this point). "Pleaasseeeee", he says with the cutest pout and puppy-dog eyes.
You sigh. "Well, you did amazing." The pout is intact on his face, indicating he wants to hear more. "I- I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole time. I saw Hyunjin and Yeji only during their solos." You admit sheepishly. You are still not sure where all this sudden courage is coming from. You are not the most vulnerable or soft person, in fact, your friends constantly teased you for being nonchalant and tactful during most situations. Lee Minho was going to be the death of you.
He straightens at the admission from you, eyes widening and jaw opening in surprise. A smirk plays up on your face at the opportunity to see him lose his cool.
"Have you forgotten your manners or are you too flustered to say thanks?" You tease not letting the opportunity go to waste. His demeanour changes and the shyness on his face is replaced by something darker, like trouble. He slowly walks towards you, like a cat prancing towards its meal, and you take a step back till you are flush against the railing as he keeps walking closer. You think your heart will fail if he keeps doing it. He stops an inch from your face, placing both his palms on either side of you on the railing.
"Let's see who is too flustered now..." His voice is deep and gravelly. You gulp and stare at his face, not having the courage to do anything else. He starts leaning towards your face, his eyes momentarily drift to your lips and god help your poor soul.
"Min-Minho.. wha-what are y-you doing?"
Your voice breaks and his lip tilts slightly before he speaks, "Can I kiss you?" His voice has gone an octave deeper and your heart skips several beats. All you can manage is a small nod in approval and he shakes his head. "Say it, Gorgeous."
Jesus this man is out to kill you.
"Ye-yes." The word leaves your mouth more like a question but the smirk on his face tells you he is satisfied. He leans in more, your lips almost connecting and you close your eyes waiting for his lips to touch yours. One beat, two beats, three beats and the effect never comes. You open your eyes in confusion to see Minho has moved a little back, with the proudest smile on his face.
Before you can begin to voice out your confusion he speaks. "I will kiss you...", you're still confused, "Only if you pass your finals."
"Huh?" That's all you can think and say.
"I said what I said."
"What does that even mean? Why did you ask to kiss me and then not do it... are you crazy! I swear to god if this is some sick joke to you, I will murder you Lee Minho." You are fuming, your face is burning up and you're embarrassed.
"I- no no you've got it wrong. I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I was teasing. Its... I have wanted to do this for a while now... but I thought maybe you don't really like me or... God!" He groans and runs a hand through his hair.
"What do you mean?"
He turns around to look at you, eyes wide and his hand fidgets in nervousness.
"Y/n I- I like you... I have for a while. I saw you during a freshman-year party as you came to help a very drunk Hyunjin. I thought you were his girlfriend for an entire year because you both were very close so I kept my distance. Last year I got to know that you both were just friends and really wanted to get to know you."
He stops and sighs, he positively looks scared and tired. You feel bad but your own confusion and insecurity clouds your mind.
"Then why didn't you?"
He looks straight into your eye and lets out a scoff.
"Did you even know me until two months back?"
All you can do is stare back because you are guilty. Even you had been asking yourself how you had never noticed Minho in all the times you've hung out with the dance team after performances. You had even known Chan, the team leader back when you were freshmen. But somehow missed the one person you seem to care about right now.
"That's what I thought." He looks dejected. You really want to hug him, which is surprising considering you don't even like hugs usually.
So you walk up to him, closing the gap between the two of you in three steps and wrap your arms around his waist and feel him freeze. Your head reaches near his shoulder, and you lean into it because there is some unbridled courage in you that you are not about to waste. After a beat or two you feel his arms wrap around your waist and you wait for the butterflies and nerves but instead, you feel your heartbeat slow down. It feels... comfortable.
"I'm sorry. I am not exactly the most observant person. Especially around the dance team because I am way too in awe and kinda scared. I don't think I would've been friends with Yeji and Hyunjin if I had not met them outside of the team. But after the last two months, I don't even understand how I missed you. Especially with how you dance and not to forget that smart brain of yours. But yeah... I'm sorry" The words fall out of your mouth on their own but it feels right.
"Not your fault. I did keep myself very much out of the limelight because I was... I don't know, maybe scared of rejection. But yeah, wish I'd spoken to you earlier." You can feel his words. You also feel his heartbeat slow down.
"I don't regret anything that happened though." His voice sounds a lot lighter this time.
"Neither do I."
You slightly pull back to see his face and try to get out of the embrace but he holds onto you tight. An involuntary smile creeps up your face.
"So... what happens now?"
He thinks for a second and a glint forms in his eyes.
"What do you want to happen?"
You like this.
"Three things. I want you to continue tutoring me. I also want to be your girlfriend and... I need you to kiss me now." You see him start to speak and continue before he can. "If you say you won't do that until I pass, I swear to god Lee Minho, I will never let you talk to me or touch me ever again." His whole face goes into a pout and it makes you regret your own condition because it seems impossible to stay away from this guy- in any capacity.
"Then I guess I'll just have to kiss you until you pass and then reward you with more kisses after that."
He is grinning ear to ear, looking all cute and radiant. You're sure your also grinning equally widely. You nod your head fiercly and he chuckles with his head thrown back (Gorgeous, as always). He slowly leans in and your eyes close shut.
This time you feel his lips on you, soft and firm. You had thought about this moment far too much but nothing came close to the real thing. The kiss felt perfect, delicate but assured and blissful. It felt like all of the universe had frozen in place and only the two of you existed in this endless bliss.
That is until you heard hoots from somewhere and reluctantly break the kiss to see all of the dance team and your friends cheering on for both of you.
"Neither of us was subtle huh?" You joke.
"Oh please, I was so subtle I practically melted into the background for a year." You playfully hit his chest as he laughs and waves off the hooligans cheering on.
"Ugh, it's gonna be so much harder to keep my hands off you during tutoring sessions now." He groans and you can't help but blush and let out a content laugh.
Maybe the computer science elective was a good decision after all.
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rabbitblackx · 2 years
Good day/night, author!
I saw your post about asks being open and I wanted to request this:
Jason or Brahms (or both, if you can <3) catching their s/o using 'toys' after sex <3
Thank you! I love your blog btw <33 I hope you have a spectacular day/night, Happy Holidays!
Thank u so much! I really appreciate the support! I like ur style too very fun and colourful :) happy holidays babe xx
Warning: NSFW
Jason and Brahms catch Fem!Reader using ‘toys’ after sex
Jason Voorhees💖
Ah, the infamous head tilt
Jason here had never seen such a scene. What were you doing?
You were… doing what he already just did to you… to yourself?
The killer didn’t take it to ‘heart’ per se, he just thought you needed more. Not that he was complaining or anything
As soon as Jason entered the room, you stopped yourself, plopping the toy next to you on the bed and staring wide eyed at him. How embarrassing?
Though Jason was a little confused, he simply stalked over to you and began unbuckling his belt all over again. The space between your thighs erupted in a blaze of heat as you eagerly sat up for him
“I’m sorry, Jason. I still need you. I love you so much.”
Jason’s head tilted to the opposite side it did last. Gee, he sure did love it when your sweet little voice mewled for him like that. It made his pants tighten so painfully around his length
“Oh, fuck me again, please.” You begged
Jason didn’t hesitate to comply. He had you spread out for him along your bed for the second time that night. He thrusted into you and lapped up every bit of wetness you so graciously gifted him
Brahms Heelshire💖
Seeing you pleasure yourself through the walls made Brahms go wild. He had left your heaving, bare body for just a moment, only to find you all excited yet again. He watched you for a minute or two through the cracks of the wall first, groping himself while breathing heavily
Thinking you riled him up enough, he emerged from the hole in your closet and slowly approached. You stopped in your tracks, slowly sliding the toy out of you as your eyes locked. Brahms’ heavy breathing was loud and ragged behind the porcelain mask. Sweat glistened across his hairy chest, while a prominent bulge in his trousers tightened
“Come fuck me, Brahmsy.” You purred for the second time tonight
Brahms lunged towards you, and you carelessly tossed the toy to the floor. In an instant, the man was all over you. His length was grinding against your naked body, deep growls vibrating against your neck
Brahms’ cardigan was shrugged off, and he was left in just an undershirt, with leather suspenders sagged around his hips. Your mind became a hazy mess as all you could hear was his deep voice groaning out your name, while something big prodded deliciously at your insides
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genshinwomenontop · 9 months
"Meeting Father"
☆Prompt: Suspicion has been arising about you ever since you were determined to go to Fontaine with your 'Father' and she eventually figures out the truth behind your behaviour, wanting to meet the cause of it.
☆Warnings: Arlecchino scaring Navia, Navia being flirty, wholesome moments between you and the twins and Freminet and Arlecchino.
☆Side note: Reader is the oldest child in the house of Hearth and the heir to it.
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In the Zapolyarny Palace, sat Arlecchino in her office, her oldest daughter, bowing slightly towards her in a way of showing respect.
"Tartaglia is imprisoned in Fontaine and the Tsaritsa wants you to retrieve him, Father."
"That idiot always seems to get himself in trouble and others have to pull him out," Arlecchino sighed, "but nonetheless, it's the order of the Tsaritsa. I trust that you'll be okay here without me."
"Actually Father, may I come with you?"
She raised her eyebrows at your request. "Why is that? You may lift your head now."
You gulped nervous before raising your head. "Well, it's been a while since I've visited my... home and uh... I haven't seen the twins and Freminet in a while."
"What if Columbina needs you?"
"I've already spoken to her and she said it's fine."
"What if the Tsaritsa needs you?"
"She also said it's fine."
"You're quite determined to go. Are you sure there's nothing else?"
"No father. I'm sure."
She hummed in acknowledgement before agreeing. You beamed with joy but quickly regained your composure, not wanting to give away the real reason behind your visit. She dismissed you and told you to pack your bags as she got ready to leave. Arlecchino wore a thick white coat, with black fur adorning the neckline.
You were getting dressed in your room when Arlecchino walked in, and placed a coat over your shoulders. "It's going to get cold. Besides, I think it's time you wear this." She offered a small smile and helped you put the coat on. As her oldest, you tend to see sides she's never shown to anyone before and she confides in you to keep them all a secret.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, Arlecchino standing by your side. "In a few years time, you'll be standing here with your little one as I am standing with mine." A slight red tainted your cheeks as she mentioned it, making your thoughts trail to someone.
Meanwhile in Fontaine, Navia sat with Clorinde, both of them enjoying a cup of coffee; well Clorinde enjoying the coffee. "She hasn't responded to any of my letters. Can you believe that?! She can't be cheating on me right?"
Clorinde spat out her coffee at the mention of You cheating on Navia. "Navia calm down. Y/n could never cheat on you. I'm sure she's busy."
"Busy doing what?!"
"Why are you shouting at me?"
"I'm sorry..." Navia sighed sadly and sat down. She was suddenly approached by the twins.
"Good evening ladies," Lyney took off his hat and bowed.
"Hey there guys."
"My sister and I came to invite you to our magic show tonight. It's going to be a grand one, so don't miss it!"
"My apologies but I won't be able to make it tonight."
"It's all good miss Clorinde. And you miss Navia?"
"Oh I'll come! It's not like I have anything better to do anyways."
Lyney and Lynette shared a look with each other. They knew about Navia's relationship with that unknown person. "Lover struggles," Lynette sighed. Lyney chuckled nervously and patted Navia on the back as she slouched on the table and whined.
Night rolled around rather quickly and the twins heard the news that their father was coming to Fontaine but what they didn't know what that their big sister was also coming. The show went on and it was spectacular. The twins did an amazing job as always. Navia had a backstage pass and she watched them with a smile on her face, Lyney's radiant smile reminds her of her lover's own.
Getting lost in her own thought, Navia didn't realise that someone was hugging her until she felt their hot breath against her neck as they whispered, "Missed me?"
She turned around and her eyes immediately brightened. "Y/n!" Jumping into the arms of her lover was a must, she held onto you tightly.
"When did you arrive here?! I missed you so much!" You felt tears hit your neck and you felt guilty, knowing why she was crying.
"I'm sorry I didn't respond to you. I wanted to surprise you."
"Well you're surprised worked okay," she chuckled with tears in her eyes. You wiped them away before gently pressing your lips onto hers. The kiss lasted for about thirty seconds until she pulled away.
"Wait how did you know where to find me? How do you know about this show?"
"Well you se-"
"Big sister y/n!" You turned around and immediately opened your arms for the twins. Lyney ran into your arms and you picked him, hugging him tightly. You pulled lynette into a gentle hug before kissing them both of the forehead.
"Does this mean father is here?"
"Yep. You're presence is required at her office. Go on, I'll catch up and hey, don't tell Father about me and Navia." Lyney and Lynette nodded and they ran off.
When you returned your attention back to Navia, she looked stunned. "You never told me that Lyney and Lynette are your siblings."
You interwined your fingers together with hers before walking. "Well, we're not related by blood. We come from an orphanage where we were saved by Father. She took us in and watched over us since then. I'm actually the oldest so it makes me the big sister. Have you ever heard of 'The house of Hearth'?"
"I did. Its quite popular in Fontaine."
"Well that's the orphanage."
"The house of Hearth is an orphanage?!"
"Yeah. It's quite shocking isn't it?"
"I can't believe you never told me it."
"I'm sorry. Anyway, how's Clorinde?" You stopped walking when you reached her house.
"She's good, I actually talked to her today."
"Listen, I gotta go now. But I promise I'll spend tomorrow with you."
"Promise?" You nodded before pulling her into a kiss. She wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you deeper into the kiss as she let out a strangled moan. You pulled away shortly, wiping the saliva off your chin. "I want more than a kiss from you tomorrow," she winked entering her house. You let out a breath. God that woman drove you crazy.
I'm gonna write a part 2 to this because it's actually quite long.
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shaykappa · 2 years
Favourite/Funniest Lines From Six of Crows
"I am a businessman," he 'd told her. "No more, no less." "You are a thief, Kaz." "Isn't that what I just said?"
"I like it when men beg, but this isn't the time."
"Go tell your general to keep the Black Tips out of Fifth Harbor and that we expect him to make amends for the shipment of jurda we lost, plus five percent for drawing steel on neutral ground and five percent more for being such a spectacular bunch of asses."
"Oh, it's worse than that, Van Eck. If I fail, I don't get paid."
"Really, Jesper? If I want to watch men dig holes to fall into, I 'll find myself a cemetery."
"Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?"
"I had a question. About your mother and whether the rumors are true."
"I won't trust you to tie my shoes without stealing the laces, Kaz."
"You wouldn't know a good time if it sidled up to you and stuck a lollipop in your mouth."
"Also the proper way to fold a napkin and dance a minute. Oh and you can play the flute. Marketable skills, merchling. Marketed skills." "No one dances the minuet anymore."
"What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" "Gun to the back?" "Poison in his cup?" "You are all horrible."
"Moose is probably your native tongue."
"I don't need a nursemaid." "More like a chaperone, but if you want him to wash your nappies and tuck you in at night that's your business."
"I am glad I am bleeding all over your shirt." "I'll put it in your tab."
"Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I 'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost." Brekker's lips quirked. "I 'll just hire Matthias's ghost to kick your ghost's ass." "My ghost won't associate with your ghost." Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
"I am going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me." "Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what the big players do." "You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone to..."
"Wake up you miserable lump of muscle."
"It's not natural for women to fight." "It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet, there you stand."
"Just flip it open to the back." "So?" "Hold it up so we don't have to look at your ugly face."
"And I can tell you 've never given thought to your haircut."
"Nina is everything you say. It's too much." "Mmm, maybe you are just not enough."
"Well, we've managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. We 're either geniuses or the dumbest sons of bitches to ever breath air."
"What is he doing?" "Performing an ancient Zemeni ritual." "Really?" "No."
"Saints" he said. "That bad?" "No, you just have really ugly feet."
"If any of you survive, make sure I have an open casket. The world deserves a few more moments with this face."
"How do we cross? I don't see anything." "Because you are not worthy." "I am also not nearsighted. There's nothing there."
"Yes I know, then a tree tells you the secret handshake."
"If only you could to girls in equations." "Just girls?" "No, not just girls."
Djel says you're a fanatic, drunk on your own power. Come back next year.
They are in trouble. Or you were dead wrong about Matthias, and you are about to pay for all of those talking tree jokes.
"I. Should. Let. You. Die."
"Behave or Nina Zenik will get you?" "Well, I do like the sound of that."
"Son of a bitch." "What is it, boss?" Rollins held up his watch chain. A turnip was hanging from the fob where his diamond-studded timepiece should have been. "That little bastar-" Then a thought came to him. He reached for his wallet. It was gone. So was his tie pin, the Kaelish coin pendant he wore for luck and the gold buckles in his shoes. Rollins wondered if he should check the fillings in his teeth. "He picked your pocket?" No one got one over Pekka Rollins. No one dared. But Brekker had, and Rollins wondered if that was just the beginning.
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avastrasposts · 3 months
Big Sky Country - ch. 8
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There's a lot of things that need to be talked about for Frankie and Ashling in this chapter, but we also finally get to see Frankie in full cowboy mood!
Summery: Cowboy Frankie returns to New York to work things out with his 'maybe girlfriend' Eva. But he also makes a connection with another woman, who makes this lost cowboy feel welcome in her Brooklyn bar.
Series Master List
Warnings for the whole series can be found here
Frankie woke up a bit confused as to why he was on his couch the next morning, then the previous day came back to him while his lower back protested about sleeping on the couch;  Aisling turning up, asleep now, only feet away, in his bed. He rolled over onto his side and peered over the edge of the couch to his bedroom door, it was slightly ajar. Pushing himself off the couch, he quietly made his way over to it and peered inside, finding the bed empty. He was a fairly light sleeper, Aisling must’ve been very quiet if she’d snuck out without him waking up. He turned and realized the quilt on the couch was gone and he looked out through the window, spotting Aisling on the porch swing, wrapped in the quilt, watching the morning light over the prairie. 
“Morning,” he said, opening the front door, “You like the view?” 
“Morning, Frankie,” she said, turning and giving him a bright smile, “it’s gorgeous, I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
“It’s pretty spectacular, and just wait until you see the sunset.” He thumbed towards the kitchen behind him, “I’m gonna make some coffee, how do you take it?” 
“Just milk, thanks, ‘Fish’.” 
He chuckled, “Coming right up, Ash.” 
He came back a few minutes later with two mugs and handed her one, joining her on the swing with his own. Aisling had pulled up her legs so Frankie gently rocked the swing with his bare foot on the porch. 
“This is how I imagined it,” she said, wrapping her hands around the mug, “when you showed me the photos of this place. You sitting on the swing, watching the view and rocking back and forth.” 
“It has been known to happen,” Frankie replied, pausing before he continued in a lower voice, “You know I need the silence, and this is as silent as it gets.” 
Aisling looked over at him, he was staring out at the prairie, his eyebrows pulled together as if he was working something over in his mind. Then he lifted his hand and rubbed the strong curve of his nose, and sighed. 
“Do you wanna know what happened in New York?” he asked, still looking at the prairie. 
“Yeah, I think we need to start there,” Aisling replied and he looked over at her, “I won’t walk into something with you again without understanding what happened, Frankie.”
He nodded, “I agree, you should understand. And then…” he paused, glancing down at his hands, something vulnerable shifting in his face before he looked up again, “and then, maybe…you need to decide if you want to stay or not.” 
It was Aisling’s turn to nod while Frankie seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment, taking a sip of his coffee and Aisling did the same, looking out over the prairie as he started talking. 
“I think you need to know what happened before New York though,” he began, “And I’m not making excuses for anything, just telling you how I ended up where I was.” 
He drew a deep breath and rubbed his nose again, trying to ground himself before he began.
“You know I was in the army, as a pilot. I was in special ops, which means I was in a team of five guys that went on some highly classified missions. I’ve killed people, as a soldier, and many of the things we did, I’m not proud of.”
He paused and glanced over at Aisling to see how she'd react, but she was still looking out over the prairie with the coffee mug resting on her knee. 
He took another sip of his coffee, considering how to phrase the next part before deciding to just say it, hoping she’d understand that he’d left it behind now. 
“Going back to civilian life wasn’t easy, and I didn’t handle it very well. I started using drugs to numb myself from all the shit in my head. Eventually I got addicted. To cocaine,” he looked over at her again and she was looking back at him this time. “I’ve been clean for almost two years, and I don’t do any other drugs.” 
Aisling nodded in response, “The army stuff, is that what’s in your head? That makes you crave silence?” 
“Yeah, it’s like my brain can’t sort through the distractions of a busy place and decide what’s an actual potential danger, and what’s just background noise. It forces me to be vigilant for any potential threat, check the exits, check the people around me, make sure I’ve got my friend’s backs covered all the time, like I’m on a never ending mission.” 
“Sounds exhausting,” Aisling said, “And explains why New York stressed you out so much.” 
Frankie nodded and scratched his beard, “It never fucking shuts up in that city, the only time my head was quiet while I was there was with-” 
He cut himself off and glanced over at Aisling who was still looking at him. 
“You said I was the only one who made your mind quiet.” 
Frankie nodded again, unable to keep looking at her, instead he looked down at his bare feet for a moment before he looked out at the prairie that was slowly filling with sunlight. 
“When I was with you in New York, I could focus only on you, the rest faded into the background.” 
“Is that why you kept coming back to the bar, even though you had a girlfriend?” 
Frankie winced under the directness of her question, but he nodded in response, focusing on the prairie. 
“The rest of the story,” he said, “is this; I met Eva when I was addicted, in Florida. It’s where I lived after the army. I’d made some really terrible choices, the worst one left one of my friends dead after we went on a mission we never should’ve touched. I was numbing the pain and the noise with coke every day, and she helped me get clean. She was what I needed then, I suppose, but in reality, she probably should’ve been just a friend, not my girlfriend. I wasn’t in the right place for a serious relationship. But I talked her into moving out here when I realized I needed this kind of space, this kind of life, to get my head straight again. Herb, who runs the ranch, is my NA sponsor, he got me out here.” 
Frankie paused and looked over at Aisling again, she was looking at him and when their eyes met, she smiled at him. 
“Don’t worry, you haven’t said anything to scare me off yet, just tell me what happened.” 
Frankie felt relief flood his chest, a weight lifting, and he nodded as he continued; “I don’t know if Eva hated it out here from the start, but I know she hated it pretty soon after we moved here. She hated how lonely it was, so far from any kind of city, bars, clubs, all the stuff she loved doing. So after a few months, she left me, moved to New York for a job. I went after her, tried living there for about two months, and failed, miserably. I almost started using again. So I came back here.” 
Frankie sighed, bracing himself for the most recent part of the story and Aisling noticed he was picking at his cuticles, his fingers restless. Putting down her coffee mug she took one of his large hands in her own and held it still. He gave her a weak smile and inhaled before he continued. 
“It was over then, when I came back, we thought we’d try a long distance thing but we didn’t even stay in touch, it was just over. But then she called me a few weeks later and told me she was pregnant, that it was mine, and I went back to New York.” 
Frankie looked over at Aisling who was still holding his hand, absentmindedly rubbing her thumb over his small tattoo. If the pregnancy had surprised her, she wasn’t showing it, she just kept her eyes on him as he told her the rest, nodding to keep him going.   
“That’s why I was in Brooklyn when I met you, I was waiting for her to get home from work so that we could talk about what we were going to do. I thought maybe the baby would make her want to move back to Montana and we could get a place closer to Big Sky, or even Bozeman. But that wasn’t what she wanted,” Frankie shook his head and rubbed his hand over his face, sighing deeply. “That third time I came back to the bar, when we went back to your place, she’d had an abortion without telling me about it.” 
Aisling felt her heart twist, with both anger and with relief, for a few seconds she’d thought Frankie was going to tell her Eva was still pregnant, that he’d be a dad in a few months. Anger filled her heart when she saw Frankie’s eyes shift into grief. 
“I know Eva and me having a baby was probably the worst idea in the world,” he said, his voice low as he looked down at his feet again, “I can’t live in New York and she hated living here. And I know she has every right to make the decision on her own, but…” he trailed off, shaking his head and Aisling felt him grip her hand tighter, “She didn’t even let me go to the clinic with her, she wouldn’t even let me help her or tell me what was going on. She told me it was fucking food poisoning...and then the next morning there was blood in the toilet and she told me it was over, just like that.” 
“I’m sorry, Frankie,” Aisling murmured, “that was a horrible thing to do.” 
“And then you were there, all soft and warm, and I could just lose myself in you,” Frankie said, turning his head to look at Aisling, remembering how good she’d made him feel when he needed it the most that night in Greenpoint. “You made my head go quiet at a time when it was driving me insane. And it was such a fucked up thing to do, I shouldn’t have used you like that and I felt so fucking guilty afterwards.”
“That’s why you went all weird after we had sex,” Aisling said, remembering how he’d almost shut down in her bed, “You were feeling guilty.” 
Frankie nodded, and his eyebrows were so tightly knitted together when he looked at her that she had to scoot closer to him on the porch swing and wrap her arms around his wide shoulders. He gratefully hugged her back, holding her tight as he mumbled in her ear. 
“I’m sorry, I should’ve stopped myself, it wasn’t fair on you, Aisling. And then I had to leave, I couldn’t drag you into my mess, it just would’ve made it worse and I didn’t want to put that on you.” 
“But why did you go back to Eva?” Aisling asked, sitting back so that she could see Frankie properly, “You were with her when we met at Smorgasbord.” 
Frankie swallowed and gave a small shake of his head, Aisling had removed her arms from around him and he already missed her touch. But this was the hardest part to explain, he dropped his head and rubbed at his thumb. 
“It’s like I was being pulled in two directions, I knew, rationally I fucking knew, staying with her wasn’t a good choice. But the other part of me was saying it was the right thing to do, that it had been good once, and that she’d helped me through so much shit. She put up with me and helped me get clean when everyone else bailed. And when I got back to her apartment that night, she was crying, begging me to stay, saying she needed me and she only realized when she thought I’d left. So I did what I thought was the right thing, and stayed.” 
He sighed deeply, “And I know I should’ve told you, but I was just too much of a coward,” he looked up and met Aisling’s eyes, he could see some of the hurt he’d caused her as she was reminded of what he’d done, and it killed him inside. He wanted to make that go away, but he knew he could only hope she would understand on some level, and maybe forgive him. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to pull you into my mess, I should’ve stopped things after we first kissed,” he shook his head again, exhaling and looking out over the prairie. 
“If you’d told me, I probably would’ve yelled at you anyway,” Aisling said and gave him a crooked smile, “but I would’ve preferred if you’d told me, instead of finding out at Smorgasbord.” 
Frankie nodded, “I know, and I have no excuse. I was a coward, I should’ve been honest with you. And I deserved everything you said, I fucked up.” 
Aisling wasn’t about to disagree on the deserving thing, he should’ve told her, but she was starting to understand what kind of demons he’d been fighting. 
“And after that, you stayed with Eva? She forgave you for having sex with me?” she asked, still sitting close to him, close enough so that she could see the way his eyes seemed to be looking at something else than the prairie. His fingers were picking at his cuticles again, and his foot had started tapping on the porch floor. 
“I stayed, but I don’t think she forgave me. She said she did, but then she’d hold it over me when she wanted me to do something. The whole thing sat between us the whole last month and it just got worse. So we had one last fight and broke up, and I left the same night.” 
“When you came to see me after closing?” Aisling asked but Frankie ignored her question, he seemed to have lost himself in the spiral of thoughts the memories brought on.  
“I always seem to fuck everything up,” he said, not answering her question, “I made so many bad choices, both back in Florida and then in New York…I messed up things for Eva, I hurt you and got you pulled into my fucking mess of a life, I shouldn’ve just stayed away from you, my shitty choices caused you pain and I know I caused Eva so much pain. I just…” he trailed off, sighing deeply as Aisling threaded her fingers through his, stopping him from ripping apart his nails. 
“You fucked up, that’s human, Frankie, but at least you’ve realized it and you’re owning it,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze. “I was so fucking mad at you, I’m not going to deny that. I wanted to punch you so badly.” 
“I would’ve let you, I had it coming,” Frankie said with a shrug, but Aisling shook her head and Frankie missed the small smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth. 
“I got over my anger for you pretty fast. That thing you said, about needing silence? I had a feeling there was a lot more behind that then just ‘can’t stand the noise of the city’,” she rubbed her fingertips over his hand, circling around his bull’s eye tattoo, her touch soothing him as he looked down at the way her fingers moved over his skin, “But then I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And it’s not like you’re the first guy to ghost me, I usually forget them pretty fast.” 
Frankie raised his eyebrows in surprise as he looked up at her and Aisling couldn’t help laughing, “Please, you’re not that special, ‘Fish’. But you’re the first one who’s apologized for it and then refused to leave my head,” her eyes went soft, still holding his hand, “but I understand why you did it, and where your head was at. I just needed to hear you explain it because you felt special. To me.” 
Frankie kept looking at her, her face was serious and she meant what she said, and he believed her. 
“What made you come out here?” he asked, “After three months and no word from me?” 
“Female intuition,” she said, her mouth quirking up in a quick smile, “That, and a really, really shitty shift at the bar.” 
“Female intuition about what?” Frankie questioned, but Aisling just smiled at him.
“Give me breakfast and that tour of the ranch and I might tell you, we’ll do one fucked up story at a time. But I forgive you, Frankie. Thank you for telling me all that. I know it couldn’t have been easy.” 
He shook his head, “It’s been on my mind since last night, but I needed to tell you, both for myself and for you.” 
“How do you feel now?” 
Frankie closed his eyes and took a deep breath, listening to the inside of his mind. It was quiet, light, and he smiled. 
“I feel good,” he said, “I told you everything, the worst is over now.” 
Aisling smiled at him and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his scruffy cheek. 
“The worst is over, Frankie. Now give me breakfast.” 
Frankie watched her for a second as she got up and went into the cabin again, while he remained on the porch swing. He really felt lighter, he hadn’t realized how much he’d been holding on to that whole story, and how nervous he’d been about telling her. Now he felt like he could start over, like they could start over, with everything out in the open. His face cracked into a relieved grin and he pushed himself off the swing, following her into the cabin. 
“I can’t offer that much for breakfast,” he said, she was pouring herself a second cup of coffee from the pot when he came in, “Eggs and toast, some hot sauce, that’s about it.” 
“Sounds good, point me in the right direction and I’ll be a bit more helpful than last night,” she said, folding the throw blanket and leaning down to lay it neatly on the couch where she’d found it. When she turned around Frankie was standing at the counter with an odd expression on his face.
“You ok, Frankie?” she asked and he blinked a couple of times.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I-I’m fine,” it took him a beat too long to respond and Aisling noticed the red blush flaring up on his neck as he abruptly turned back to the counter. “Eggs, toast, I’ll get us sorted.” 
She glanced down at the t-shirt she’d slept in, one of Frankie’s, and smiled. She’d taken it from the chair in his bedroom last night, it had smelled clean, and she’d been too tired to ask about it. The sight of her in his t-shirt seemed to have stirred something in him, and she grinned behind his back. 
“If you’re sure, I’ll just go get changed. But I’ll sort the dishes,” she said, pushing back her giggles and leaving him nodding at the counter. 
Frankie was gripping the edge of it, trying to contain the hard on that had sprung into life when he’d turned and seen Aisling, the hem of his old gym shirt rising up over her soft legs. It had been an effort to contain the groan that threatened to escape his throat, he remembered all too well what those legs felt like. And now they were here, disappearing underneath his fucking t-shirt. 
“C’mon, pendejo, I know it’s been a while but get a fucking grip,” he muttered to himself as Aisling disappeared. Willing his body to behave and going through the pre-flight checklist for his favorite helicopter model, he grabbed the eggs from the fridge, forcing his hard on to calm down. 
Aisling returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, back in her own clothes to his relief, and laid the table. 
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“So what can I expect to see on this ranch tour?” she asked as they sat down with plates of eggs and toast. 
“Herb staring, probably,” Frankie chuckled, “I think he’s been expecting me to become a monk since I got back from New York. And horses, lots of horses. Do you know how to ride?”
“Yeah, sure, we had a pony club between the bodega and Johnson’s Laundromat. Me and my trusty steed Silver would ride out every Saturday, taking in the views over Manhattan from the WNYC Transmitter Park.” She made a sweeping gesture as if she was showing off her expansive land and Frankie rolled his eyes at her sass. 
“Smartass,” he growled as she winked at him, “Ok, so then there might be some riding lessons too.” 
“Really?” Aisling dropped her smirk as her eyes widened, “You can teach me?” 
“Yeah, of course, we’ve got two really calm horses for our inexperienced riders, I’ll let you ride one of them,” Frankie pushed back his chair and picked up the plates as Aisling chewed her lip nervously. 
“On my own?” 
“No, well, not at first anyway,” Frankie reassured her, “I’ll be leading her while you get used to it and figure it out. I won’t let you fall, don’t worry.” 
“Ok…slightly more nervous about the tour now, but also excited, thanks, Frankie,” she said, taking the dishcloth from his hand and shooing him away with her other hand, “Get dressed, I’ll sort this.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” Frankie smiled and left her to deal with the dishes. 
It was further down to the ranch than Aisling had first thought. Frankie had told her the land it sat on was bigger than all of Greenpoint, and she easily believed him as she saw the prairie spread out around them. He pointed out some of his favorite spots as the truck rumbled down the dirt road, passing in and out of dips in the nearly treeless land. Not until they came closer to the foothills did small thickets of trees appear, framing the ranch that nestled in a small valley next to a river coming down from the Rockies.  
Frankie parked the truck next to an almost identical one by the main building and Aisling stepped down. They were greeted by two dogs running at full tilt across the yard, their tails wagging madly as they started twirling around Frankie, only stopping to sniff Aisling for a second, before going back to jumping around his legs. 
“Alright, alright, calm down you crazy mutts,” Frankie laughed, “I was here yesterday.” 
He managed to grab the collar of the black and white one, giving it an affectionate scratch, “This is Whiskey, he’s the old man even though you’d never believe it. That over energetic golden,” he pointed to the golden retriever who was now spinning in circles around Aisling’s legs, clearly very excited about a new person, “is Benny. Named him after an old friend of mine, they have the same energy.” 
Benny the golden did a few more laps and accepted a scratchie from Aisling before he and Whiskey took off, someone calling for them in the distance. 
“Cute dogs,” Aisling laughed, trying to wipe Benny’s drool off her hands until Frankie handed her rag from the back of the truck. 
“Cute and bat shit crazy, but great company on the trails. The guests love them and spoil them rotten.” He stuffed the rag into his back pocket and grabbed a few apples from a crate in the back before holding out his hand for her, “C’mon, let me introduce you to Herb before he yells at me too.” 
Aisling took his hand, it felt so natural, and it wrapped around hers like it was meant to always be there. She wondered if Frankie had even reflected over the gesture, he seemed so at ease here, and he made her feel like she belonged here with him too. With a smile he tugged her along, leading her across the yard and towards what looked like a reception building. 
“This is Herb’s office but he lives upstairs in the main building behind us, and the ground floor is for the guests who don’t stay in the cabins. During the busiest season the place is packed with guests and we hire some of the locals to help us out. It’s quiet now in the off-season though.” 
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Herb turned out to be an older version of Frankie, gray curls sprouting around his Stetson, large hands, warm smile and the same quiet demeanor. Aisling could see why the older man would’ve been able to connect with Frankie and help him towards sobriety. 
Frankie introduced her just as ‘Aisling’ and she didn’t miss the quirk of an eyebrow in Frankie’s direction just before Herb shook her hand. Clearly Herb had been told about what happened in New York. After some small talk about the ranch, Frankie told Herb he was showing Aisling the stables, and Herb invited them over for dinner later in the week. 
“Miranda, my partner, will be very happy to have someone else to talk to for a change,” he said with another warm smile before waving them off towards the stables. 
“Nice guy,” Aisling said as Frankie held open the door to the large barn, the smell of hay and horses hitting her nose. 
“He’s been a life saver,” Frankie said, “he knows what to say to get me away from the itch of using, he’s been there himself and he always cuts through all the bullshit. It was what I needed.” 
“I guessed, from the way you talk about it, you still feel that itch?” Aisling asked, pausing as Frankie closed the door behind them. 
“Not all the time, not anymore, but yeah, sometimes. I think I’ll always feel it on some level,” he’d stopped in front of her, his eyes suddenly worried. “Does it bother you? That I was addicted?” 
Aisling shrugged and something flashed over her face, “Before yeah, maybe I would’ve had my doubts,” Frankie saw her frown at a memory as she looked up at him, “I have some history with addicts and I know how it fucks up lives. An ex, years ago, he promised he was clean and then he faked a break in to our apartment. I believed we really had been robbed until the police caught him trying to sell my phone on a street corner, high out of his fucking mind. And there was other shit too, the drugs always took precedent in his life. It took me a while to get away from him and I’ve been kinda weary since. So maybe, if you’d told me before, I would’ve cut my losses.” 
“I’m sorry,” Frankie said, “that probably makes you feel differently about me-” 
“I know your story now, Frankie, and it’s different,” she cut him off, “I’ve also seen how easily it happens and how hard it is to get out of,” she took his hand again, smoothing out his twitching fingers, he hadn’t even realized he was doing it again, “And I understand why you got addicted. What you did in the army, it must be difficult to just leave that behind when you were suddenly back to civilian life.” 
“It was, and I’ve seen people deal with it in different ways, I think mine was one of the worst ways though,” he rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand, looking down at their fingers intertwining. 
“At least you’re still here, Frankie,” Aisling said, dipping her head so that she could catch his eyes under the peak of his cap, “I’m glad you’re still here. And the addiction doesn’t make me feel differently about you.”
A soft neighing from further inside interrupted their conversation, a buckskin colored head sticking out from one of the stalls with a curious look at the two of them. Further down the stable other horses poked their heads out, looking at the visitors. 
Frankie glanced over at the buckskin horse who was giving him an almost exhortative look, as if to tell him to get a move on. 
“Thanks, Ash,” he said, turning back to her and she saw his worried look soften, a small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, “Now come meet the locals.”  
She was still holding on to his hand and now he wrapped his fingers around it and led her towards the horse who gave another impatient whicker. When they got close to the stall, it dipped its head and nudged Frankie’s free hand, looking for treats. 
“This is Dolly, she’s my girl,” Frankie said, smiling as the horse nipped at his pockets, “always wanting treats, I may have spoiled her a little bit.” 
She’d found the apples he’d stuffed in his pockets and was trying to get at it and Frankie pulled one out and handed it to Aisling. 
“Have you ever fed a horse before?” 
“Never been this close to a horse before,” she admitted, “I’ve only ever seen the ones that pull the carriages around Central Park.” 
“Ok, so hold your hand out flat, like this,” Frankie said and flattened her palm, placing the apple on top, “she won’t bite, but she will slobber a bit on you.” 
“That’s alright, it’s already covered in dog drool,” Aisling laughed. 
Frankie guided her hand within reach of Dolly’s searching muzzle and Aisling felt the soft lips brush over her palm as she gently took the apple. It crunched in the horse's mouth and frothy, apple scented, drool dripped onto her hand. 
“At the risk of sounding like a squeamish city girl, but ‘ewww’,” Aisling giggled, holding her hand as far away from herself as possible as Frankie laughed. He pulled the rag from his back pocket and handed it over. 
“We have washing facilities in the stable, luckily, but let's meet the rest of the crew, they’ll expect apples too.” 
Giving Dolly a scratch on her golden head, adding promises of coming back soon, Frankie led Aisling down to the next stall where a chestnut horse was waiting for them. 
“This is Clover, she’s going to teach you how to ride,” Frankie said and reached up, scratching the red horse behind one of her ears, making her whicker softly and bump up against his arm. 
“She’s pretty big…” Aisling said, looking at the rest of the horse’s body and Frankie heard the nerves in her voice. 
“Clover is our grand ol’ dame, she will stand stock still until you’re comfortable on her back, and she’ll help you stay on, she has the smoothest gait.” 
He gave her hand a small squeeze, “And you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but if you want to try, you’ll never find a teacher as good as her.” 
Aisling nodded, holding out her hand for Clover to smell. The large horse gently nudged her hand and she marveled at how soft the touch was. 
“Give her an apple and some scratchies, you’ll see what a sweetheart she is,” Frankie said, handing Aisling another apple from his pocket. Clover didn’t move, even as her nostrils flared when she smelled the apple. It was as if she could sense Aisling’s nerves and was staying extra calm. Aisling held her palm flat and offered the apple to Clover who carefully took it between her lips, pulling back a little before she crunched down on it. Unlike Dolly, she didn’t drool at all, the very picture of a refined lady, gently munching on her treat. 
“Reach up and rub her forehead, scratch hair between her ears, that’s her favorite spot for scratchies,” Frankie said, patting Clover’s neck affectionately. Aisling did as he said and ran her fingers through the coarse hair, scratching at the roots. Clover whickered softly and dropped her head, her big eyes half closed as she enjoyed the sensation. 
“She likes it,” Aisling smiled, as Clover moved her head closer so that Aisling could reach further up between her ears. 
“Yeah, she’s enjoying herself for sure,” Frankie replied, giving Clover a pat on the neck.  
He loved seeing Aisling in the stable, on the ranch, and he felt his need to make her visit as unforgettable as possible so that she’d come back. 
To stay for good. 
The thought flashed across his mind as he watched Aisling chat to Clover, telling her what a nice lady she was. It sent a jolt through him, and he suddenly felt panic at the idea of her leaving. They barely knew each other, it was crazy to think of her staying for good so soon. But he couldn’t help it. He wanted her to stay, watching her leave would be the hardest thing he’d ever done, he could already feel the desperation in his bones. He thought he’d lost her, only for her to turn up out of the blue, and he knew he’d been delusional when he thought he could put her in his past. Now that she was here, without the complication of Eva, he desperately wanted her to stay. He needed her. 
“I said, I think she wants another apple,” Aisling said, looking at him while Clover nudged his pocket, “You kinda zoned out there for a second.” 
“Yeah, sorry, I was miles away,” he said, pulling out a second apple and feeding it to the horse. 
“You ok?” she asked, her hand on his arm, warm through the flannel shirt. 
“Yeah, I was just thinking about some things,” he replied, smiling at her and coming back to the moment,  “Let’s get a saddle on her and we’ll have your first riding lesson, if you’re up for it?” 
Aisling stroked Clover’s soft nose and smiled up at the big, gentle horse, “Yeah, I’m up for it. You’re right about Clover, she’s going to take care of me.” 
Leaving Clover behind, Frankie showed Aisling the tack room, and they picked up a saddle and a bridle. He walked her through how to saddle Clover and then led her out into the paddock behind the stable. There was a step ladder set up at one end and Frankie led Clover to it while Aisling followed. 
“So, we’ll use the step ladder for now, it’s easier until you’re used to the saddle,” he said, taking Aisling’s hand as she stood next to Clover. “Stand on the top step, gather the reins in one hand and hold on to the pommel with the other, put your front leg in the stirrup and swing your back leg over her rump and sit down in the saddle.” 
Aisling took a deep breath and climbed to the top of the short ladder, giving Frankie a nervous look as he stood next to Clover, smiling up at her. 
“If you feel unsteady, just squeeze your legs around her middle and pull yourself straight with the pommel,” he said, stroking the horse's neck. Clover whickered softly but didn’t move a muscle as Aisling carefully put her leg over the saddle and sank down. 
“Oh shit…this is high up,” she muttered, her hands holding the pommel in a death grip. 
“Try to relax and sit really heavy in the saddle, like, sink down onto your butt properly and grip her sides with your legs.” Frankie gently put his hand on Aisling’s calf and pushed it towards Clover’s flank. 
Aisling nodded nervously and sank down a bit further into the saddle and Frankie felt her leg flex under his hand. 
“You’re doing great, and you haven’t fallen off yet,” he grinned up at her and she quickly stuck his tongue out at him. 
“You promised I wouldn’t fall,” she reminded him and he chuckled. 
“You won’t, you’re doing great. Just hold on to the pommel, keep your legs tight around her and we’ll go for a little walk.” 
“Ok,” she nodded, adjusting her grip on the saddle and Frankie saw her clench her jaw, squaring up. 
“Relax, hermosa,” he gently reminded her, stroking her leg, “breathe.” 
Aisling nodded, but his warm hand sent sparks through her bloodstream and she felt herself clench for other reasons. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she forced herself to relax, but still hold on with her legs around Clover’s round middle. 
“Are you ready?” Frankie asked her, squeezing her leg again before he moved to hold Clover’s reins. Aisling nodded and Frankie clicked his tongue, making Clover move forwards. The big horse swayed gently under her and Aisling gasped, gripping the pommel even tighter, as she tried to sit heavy in the saddle. Frankie watched her over his shoulder as he led Clover in a big, slow, circle around the paddock. The horse walked carefully, treading gently as if she was balancing Aisling on her back as much as Aisling was trying to balance herself. 
After a full circle, Frankie saw Aisling’s white knuckle grip on the pommel loosen a bit, and she lifted her head, daring to look at the surroundings. 
“You’re doing great,” he told her, and she smiled back at him. He kept leading Clover at a slow, steady walk and Aisling felt herself relax properly. The horse was swaying under her in a smooth motion, and it got easier to move her hips in the rhythm of the gait, following along with the motions. She let herself look around the ranch, the wellkept buildings, a few groves of trees and then the mountains climbing up behind the main house. As they circled the paddock, she saw the prairie in the other direction, open and endless, just a few rolling hills in the distance. Somewhere above them a bird screeched and she saw Frankie look up. 
“An eagle,” he said, pointing to a tiny black speck high up in the sky, “a bald one, I think. They’re pretty common here.” 
“Wow, really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen an eagle,” Aisling replied, squinting up at the bright blue sky, the tiny bird circling high above them. She felt her balance shift and she quickly looked back down, gripping onto the pommel. Frankie was still looking at the bird, his head tilted back as he led Clover, and she took a moment to watch him. He looked so comfortable, the reins loosely in one hand, the other shielding his eyes under the peak of his cap and he was matching Clover’s slow pace. It was hard equating the man she saw here with the story he’d told her about his background, a soldier who’d killed enemies, his addiction and how he’d ended up here. It was even hard to see the man she’d met in Brooklyn in him. He’d been so watchful and troubled there, here, he was clearly calm and comfortable. If she didn’t know better, nothing could’ve convinced her that he wasn’t born and raised on this ranch, always a cowboy. 
“You really look like you belong here, Frankie,” she said, “I can see why it means so much for you to be in Montana.” 
Frankie looked over her shoulder at her and gave her a crooked smile. 
“I feel at home here, and it means a lot to hear you say it,” he turned his head and looked forward again, “Eva never understood it or saw it, I think that was a big part of our problems.” 
“Do you think you’d still be together if she’d stayed in Montana?”
From behind she saw Frankie shake his head, “No, I don’t think so. We should’ve been just friends from the start. And even though it was good in the beginning, and I think we were happy, at least I was, it wasn’t right in the long run.” 
Aislin chewed on her lip while Clover continued to walk slowly around the paddock, not asking anything more and Frankie noticed, glancing back at her over his shoulder. When he caught sight of her face he turned and started walking backwards. 
“Whatever it is, you can ask me,” he said, “You’ve earned the right to any answer you want from me.” 
Aisling sucked in her lips for a second, meeting his open gaze, before she sighed. 
“I wonder about us… I wouldn’t have come all the way out here if I didn’t feel something special about you and…” Aisling trailed off and Frankie stopped, making Clover come to a halt as he stepped closer to Aisling’s leg, putting his hand on it. 
“You’re special to me too, Ash,” he said, “I thought I’d blown it, and I’m over the fucking moon that you’re here.” 
“But are you ready for a relationship? You’ve been through some heavy shit, I don’t want to be a distraction for the healing you need to do.” 
Frankie let go of the reins and put his hands up towards Aisling, “Take your feet out of the stirrups and swing your leg over her back, I’ve got you.”  
He motioned for her to trust him and she did as he said, clumsily sliding off Clover’s back into his hands on her waist. Frankie turned her around as she got her feet on the ground and didn’t let go, his large palms warm on her sides as he held her close. 
“I’m going to be healing for the rest of my life, I’ll always be dealing with the shit in my head,” he said, his voice low as he moved his hands up to cup her cheeks. “But I know it’ll be easier to handle if you’re my distraction, if you want to be with me too.” 
Aisling looked up at those warm, brown eyes, his eyebrows pulled up in his worried little frown under the cap. He was waiting for her answer while his thumbs slid across her cheeks, soft and gentle. 
“I really want to be with you, Frankie,” she answered, “But only if you think you’re ready for another relationship.” 
“With you? Absolutely,” he said, without hesitation, “I thought I’d lost you, and I was prepared to never find someone like you again because no one has made me feel as calm as you do, and you don’t even try. Just being with you does something to my brain. And now that I have a second chance at that? No way am I letting you walk away without telling you exactly how much I need you, how much you mean to me.” 
He leaned his head forward, the bill of his cap pushing up so that he could rest his forehead against hers, “I’m ready, I want this, with you, Ash.” 
“I want this too, Frankie,” she whispered, biting back the tears that threatened to push up as he made her feel like the center of his universe, only him and her, standing close together in the warm paddock. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his voice low and soft as his eyes drifted down to her lips, and she gave him a small nod, closing the last short distance between them. 
Feeling his lips on hers again was even better that she remembered. Without hurry he gently kissed her, cradling her face in his palms, the cool tip of his nose brushing against her skin. As his plush bottom lip slipped between hers, he opened his mouth, and his familiar taste flooded her brain. It had been four months since the night they spent together, but it was as if no time had passed at all. His touch, his smell, his taste, it was all so familiar to her as she wrapped her arms around his middle and pulled him closer. 
Minutes passed, and Clover waited patiently next to them, shifting her weight as Frankie and Aisling made up for lost time. Eventually she turned her big head and looked back at the two humans wrapped around each other, and gently nudged Frankie’s hip. With a low chuckle, Frankie reluctantly pulled himself away from Aisling’s lips and looked at Clover. 
“Are we boring you, ma’am?” 
The horse neighed softly and nudged him again and Aisling smiled, resting her head against Frankie’s chest as she watched him scratch Clover. His other arm was wrapped around her shoulders and she felt him press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“One lap around the paddock on your own, and then we go back to the cabin,” he said and she looked up at him. 
“On my own?” 
“You’re ready for it, Clover will take care of you,” he smiled, seeing her frown, “C’mon, I’ll teach you how to get up without the step ladder too.” 
“If I fall, I’m blaming you, and not Clover,” Aisling threatened him and he chuckled. 
“I’ll accept that, now turn around.” 
Aisling quirked her eyebrow at him, “What do you have in mind?” 
Frankie’s face split in a grin as he caught the double meaning of what he’d just said, “Many things, but not right now, hermosa, just turn around.” 
The wink he gave her made heat rise in her cheeks and he leaned in and gave her another kiss, letting it linger as his tongue nudged her lips apart again. With soft hands on her waist, he turned her around and placed another kiss on the side of her neck. 
“Lift this leg,” he murmured, tapping the outside of her right thigh, “and put it in the stirrup.” 
He straightened up and she did as he said while he moved her hands to take hold of the saddle. 
“Now, pull yourself up until you can swing your left leg over her back and sit back up in the saddle, I’ll help you.” 
Her legs felt a bit jelly-like, the mark of his lips on her neck burning hot through her system, and she took a deep breath to stabilize, holding onto the saddle. 
“One, two, three and up,” Frankie counted and she pulled herself up, his hands gripping her waist and giving her a boost. 
Settling in the saddle was a little bit easier this time and Aisling tightened her legs around Clover’s middle, finding her balance. Frankie watched from the ground and then reached up and adjusted her hold on the reins. 
“Hold them like this in your left hand, and you guide her by moving the reins and your hips, she’ll feel it,” he gave her hand a squeeze, “You ready?” 
“Yeah, I guess, now or never?” Aisling gave him a nervous laugh and he smiled up at her. 
“You’ll do great, you’re already sitting really well in the saddle. Just roll your hips forward and click your tongue, she’ll start walking.” 
Aisling gave an experimental click of her tongue and Clover’s ears peaked up, moving back and forth as she started walking. Frankie backed away to the center of the paddock, watching Clover slowly walk as Aisling tentatively raised her hand and moved the reins. 
“Breathe, hermosa,” he chuckled, “Relax, just like before, she’s got you.” 
“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” Aisling giggled, sinking down deeper in the saddle as Clover moved into a steady walk, making Aisling’s hips sway with the motion. 
“When you get to the gate, put a bit of pressure on the left side of her neck with the reins and let her know you want to turn to the center of the paddock,” Frankie said, “and increase the pressure of your left leg too.” 
“Ok,” Aisling replied and Frankie smiled as he saw her mentally preparing as they neared the gate. Clover was a smart horse and as soon as Aisling shifted in the saddle she knew what was expected of her and turned left. 
“Oh…” Aisling huffed out, surprised, “It worked!”
“Of course it worked, you’re a natural at this,” Frankie smiled, “Try it again, turn her in another direction.” 
Aisling guided Clover to the right, back towards the fence and then again towards the gate, her grin widening each time the big horse understood her commands. 
“I can’t believe I’m actually riding!” she exclaimed, giggling as Clover turned again, “You’re such a good teacher!”
“Thanks,” Frankie grinned and Aisling smirked, winking at him. 
“I was talking to Clover, actually.” 
“Oh, oh! I see how it is,” Frankie laughed, “Well, then cowgirl, why don’t you just go ahead and ride on down towards the stable and let Clover show you how to clean her up once you’ve climbed down from up there?” 
Aisling stuck her tongue out at him as Clover whickered, as if she’d understood the joke and was laughing along with them. Frankie came up alongside them and patted Clover on the neck, smiling up at Aisling. 
“I’ll get the gate behind you, just ride to the stable, and I’ll help you down.” 
“Ok,” she replied and moved the reins again, and Clover adjusted her direction. 
Frankie waited until they were clear of the gate, then he pulled it close and latched it. 
“Frankie!” Aisling called from behind him and he turned around, hurrying to catch up, “How do I stop her? Where’s the brake?” 
He chuckled, “She’ll stop when she gets to the stable, don’t worry. But to halt a horse, you pull back gently on the reins and say ‘Whoa….’.” 
Clover stopped as they reached the space in front of the stable, turning her head and looking up at Aisling as if to say ‘Here we are, all done.’. Aising patted her neck, and scratched the mane. 
“Thank you for not letting me fall, Clover,” she said and the horse whickered and boobed her head up and down a few times as Frankie caught up to them. 
“Need a hand down, or do you want to try by yourself?” he asked, coming up to Clover’s side. 
“I’ll try, but can you stand there in case I slip?” 
“Sure, I’m on stand-by,” he replied, smiling up at her and Aisling felt like she couldn’t get off Clover fast enough so that she could get close to him again. Pulling her feet out of the stirrups she awkwardly swung herself out of the saddle and slid down Clover’s side. Frankie’s hands found her waist and he held her steady as she turned to him. 
“You’re a natural,” he smiled, the dimple deep in his cheek, as he pulled her closer. 
“Not my first time as a cowgirl,” she winked at him and Frankie raised his eyebrows, his grin widening. 
“Really? What other things have you been riding, cowgirl?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she teased and he chuckled, bending his head to hers, the bill of his cap knocking against her head. 
“As I remember, you did an excellent job riding me last time,” he said, his voice amused and promising, rumbling in his chest as he gave her a smirk. Aisling wrapped her fingers around his curls and pulled him closer, smiling up at him as he glanced between her eyes and mouth, the pink tip of his tongue coming out to wet his lips. 
“Are you offering more lessons?” 
“Hermosa, you don’t need ‘em, you’re fucking perfect, all I’ve been thinking about since that night.” His eyes had gone dark and lust blown and Aisling could feel the growing hard length of him firm against her hip. She knew her eyes were just as needy as his and it was a great effort to let go of his soft curls and nod her head at Clover behind her. 
“Wanna show me how to clean her up and then take us back to the cabin?” 
Frankie pressed his lips against hers, a quick, firm kiss, promising more, and then nodded. 
“Yeah, let’s get this lady a rub down and then we’ll head back.” 
He grabbed Clover’s reins and handed them to Aisling, “You lead her, I’ll talk you through what needs to be done.” 
With Frankie guiding her, Aisling got the tack off Clover and rubbed her down, cleaning her hooves, and led her back to her stall. The grand old lady patiently waited while Aisling fiddled with the straps and struggled to pick up the large hooves, scraping them clean from dirt and any rocks. 
Frankie watched her from the sidelines, smiling as Aisling chatted to Clover, and Clover whickered back, fondly nipping at Aisling’s arm as she passed around her head. Clover’s calm demeanor had made Aisling go from nervous and jumpy around the big horse, to calm and comfortable, moving around her as if she’d tended to horses her whole life. Frankie had seen it many times before, all the inexperienced guests who came to the ranch were won over by Clover’s ‘teachings’.” 
“We’ll go out on the trail tomorrow, take Dolly and Clover up to the creek and go for a swim,” he said as Aisling slid the bolt closed on Clover’s stall and he came up behind her, putting his hand into hers. “Would you like that?” 
“You think I’m ready for that?” Aisling asked, feeding Clover the last apple from Frankie’s pocket and rubbing her nose. 
“Yeah, absolutely, we’ll go slow, and Clover will take care of you, just like she did today.” 
“Ok, yeah, I’d like that, it sounds really nice,” Aisling replied and Frankie smiled, rubbing Clover’s head a final time before they started walking back towards the exit of the stable. 
“You’re lucky, I never take guests to this creek, it’s my special place.” 
“Am I getting preferential treatment?” 
Frankie slid his arm around her waist as they walked across the yard, “Absolutely, I want you to have the best possible experience here so that you want to come back, Clover was the first trick, the creek is the second one, I think you’ll love it.” 
“Hmm….” Aisling said, wrinkling her brow and Frankie glanced over at her. 
“What?” he asked and Aisling gave an embarrassed shrug. 
“When I left New York, I didn’t actually think any further than getting to Montana, I don’t even have the money for a return ticket….” she confessed, “I was thinking I could find a job in a bar in Big Sky or something.” 
Frankie’s heart soared, and Aisling saw the grin that split his face, “You were gonna stay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’d like to, if you want me to? And I don’t mean that I’m gonna move in with you just out of the blue, but maybe I could find something in Big Sky, a small place, a job. And then we’d be closer together than two thousand miles.” 
“I’d love that,” Frankie said, squeezing her side, “I’d fucking love that, please stay, Ash. And you can stay with me for as long as you want, we can figure everything else out later.”
“You really want me to stay? It’s not weird as fuck that I just turn up and move in next door?” Aisling was smiling at him, his bright grin was all the answer she needed but she wanted to hear him say it too, to confirm that it was really real, squash that last bit of nagging insecurity. 
“Yes, I really want you to stay, the thought of you leaving and going back to New York makes me miserable. Having you here? I’m the happiest man in the world.” He pulled open the door of the truck and held out his hand for her to climb in and she settled in the seat before bending down to press a quick kiss to his smiling lips. 
“Thank you, for making this so easy, Frankie.” Happiness was settling in her stomach like a little warm ball, the anxiety finally disappearing as he closed the door and jogged around the truck. He slid into his seat and started up the truck, his hand finding hers as soon as he’d put them on the road back to the cabin. 
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The ride back was mostly silent, Aisling was looking at the landscape in the afternoon sun with new eyes, looking at it as a place that might be home, memorizing landmarks, a warped tree, the curve of the road and how it dipped just before it started climbing up towards Frankie’s cabin. The silence was peaceful, there was no need to fill it with anything, it just wrapped around them comfortably like the soft breeze through the open windows. Frankie’s hand was warm around hers, she could see how he glanced at her from time to time, one hand on the steering wheel, the other caressing her skin. 
“I feel so good about this,” he said as the truck pulled up in front of the cabin, turning to look at Aisling with a smile as he turned the engine off, “Is this even real?” 
Aisling chuckled, “I spent two horrible days on a bus and then you took me stargazing on the prairie, let me crash in your bed in the cutest cowboy cabin I’ve ever seen, and I’ve just spent the afternoon learning how to ride. I’m not wholly convinced I’m not still just daydreaming in Greenpoint.” 
Frankie tightened his grip on her hand and gently tugged her towards him across the bench seat.
“Come here,” he smiled, pulling her onto his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It was a tight fit with the steering wheel, but his warm body was pressed up against hers, and the smile he gave her made up for the gearshift jabbing into her thigh. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, Ash,” he said, “What did I do to deserve you?” 
“Buy very expensive beer,” she said with a cheeky grin that he mirrored, his hand cupping her cheek and pulling her down to his lips. 
“Pay me back with kisses then,” he chuckled, brushing his mustache over her lips as he felt her breath against his mouth. 
“You’re a cheap date, Fish,” she smiled and he caught her bottom lip between his, pulling her closer as she hummed into the kiss.
Chapter 9
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Tag list: @harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @oberynslady @amyispxnk @thewiigers  @lady-bess @missladym1981 @peppermintfury @typewriter83 @anoverwhelmingdin @vabeachazn
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pininghermit · 11 months
Just Talk to Me Already!
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Genre: a sulking Adrian and struggling reader
Summary: All it took was a friends night out, 2 shots of vodka, and fake courage of your friends with your inflated drunk ego.
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You woke up with empty arms and a spectacular view of Adrian's back – spectacular but tense. As if he hadn't just pushed himself away from your embrace the moment he felt your dream fading. But you are shameless. Unfazed by his earlier retreat, your arms circled his waist again as you drew closer. However, your attempt to settle comfortably as the big spoon was thwarted as your hands were gently pushed away, and your beloved extricated himself from the bed.
Sighing, you returned to your overheated pillow, its once-cool sides now exhausted. "Well, if this isn't the consequence of your stupid loud mouth," you groaned into your pillow.
It all began with a fateful night out with friends, two shots of vodka, and your inflated, drunken ego. Spilling the steamy details of your past steamy escapades with your ex to Adrian wasn't planned, but it happened, thanks to drunk you. A week had passed since that unfortunate incident, and Adrian was still sulking.
Normally, Adrian was impervious to your drunken antics, but this was different. It had hit a nerve, making him insecure about his own abilities and your genuine affection for him.
As the memories from that intoxicated night resurfaced amid the fog of a confusing hangover, you realized the extent of the damage. Of course, you'd apologized; you might be a wild drunk, but you were a civil person. You even tried to be cute, using the coy voice Adrian adored, but it didn't work.
Undeterred, you bought flowers, sweets, and, just for the heck of it, a dagger because your beloved had a penchant for such things. However, your care package failed to elicit even a faint smile. Instead, you found the dagger stabbed into the garden floor, a display of strength you chose to ignore for your own sanity.
Turning to a more romantic approach, you wrote a poetic letter. Adrian, known for his dramatic flair, should have appreciated it, right? Wrong. Your beautifully scripted words were obscured by grocery lists, budget planning, and reminders of yearly events...he could have used the plain blank side and no you did not pout looking at it.
Not to mention, he wouldn't even share dinner with you or rescue you from the culinary monstrosity you'd created. The desire for a simple meal prepared by Adrian had never been stronger.
In desperation you resorted to your trusted technique of annoyance. "Adrian look at me," you settled next to him, scooting whenever he tried to scoot. "Adrian look at my crooked tooth, does my finger look bent to you," you followed after him the entire day like a puppy.
Until Adrian became a damn bat and flew. Even the puppy eyes failed you.
It was only last night that he tried to slip out of your room, but you caught his wrist, stopping him. "Don't go," you said seriously. "Just sleep here. Give me a chance to make it right. So come here and lie next to me, Adrian. We can't act like a divorced couple; we aren't married, to begin with."
You pulled him back onto the bed, and he, despite his strength, let you. Wrapping your arms around him, you nuzzled into the crook of his neck, ignoring the fact that his hair almost made you sneeze during this supposedly romantic moment.
"I won't say I was wrong," your words made him tense under your touch. "I've had my fill of fooling around, of being an untethered kite. It's great, but Adrian," you pulled him closer, preventing him from seeing your blush. "I don't need that with you. I don't need wild fantasies or extreme pleasures, though I can't get enough of you. Just being in the same room as you is more than satisfying."
Your hands traced patterns on his back as you thought through your words, articulating your feelings for the first time in your life. "Don't blame yourself for anything, Adrian. Don't carry that burden. I could never forgive myself if I became the reason for your sorrow. I will gladly be the crux of your resentment. Just stay by my side and let me make it up…" You spoke throughout the night until your words began to slur, and you woke up to the sight of Adrian's back.
At least he was still in the bed, which you counted as a small victory. You planned your next grand gesture to win him over, but little did you know that your antics were making a certain dhampir, you resisted to face you, smile uncontrollably.
As he heard you groan into your pillow, he promised himself to savor these moments just a bit longer, practicing his poker face in anticipation of the day filled with your endearing gestures.
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pamwritessometimes · 7 days
Fridays are for beer and heartbreak
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Beau Arlen x Reader
Summary: Your favorite patron’s there to mend your broken heart.
A/N: It's just a little something I came up with the other day. If I'm being honest, I've never seen Big Sky, but I'm a simp for a man in cowboy boots, so... enjoy. 🤍
Warnings: none? oh, maybe that English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
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It wasn’t necessarily a bad day. For what it's worth, it was a relatively nice, sunny day in Montana terms. Sure, my boyfriend declared the final break-up of our relationship, but to be frank, I was utterly unfazed by his antics; we’ve been in an on-again-off-again relationship for a year now. Not that it was serious in the first place. At least, not for him. And, if I’m honest with myself, maybe not for me either. So yeah, it was a relatively okay day.
Still, there’s something about hearing the finality in someone’s voice, even when it’s a toxic someone, that leaves you feeling a little hollow. The break-up itself wasn’t anything spectacular. Just another drawn-out argument that ended with him muttering some lame excuse before walking out. It had happened so many times before that I almost laughed when he slammed the door shut behind himself.
I was free. Really free. But that didn’t stop the ache sitting heavy in my chest.
I pushed through the rest of my day, the usual routine of prepping for the evening rush at the bar. A glance in the mirror told me I looked the part: western boots, worn-in jeans, a dark brown suede jacket I loved more than I probably should, and my hair pulled back just enough to stay out of my face but still look effortless. I should have felt like myself. I was supposed to be this confident, tough woman who didn’t need anyone to mess with her head, but tonight… I just didn’t have the energy to be that.
The bar was packed, as it usually was by this time of the night. The usual crowd was in full swing, with the sound of old country and blues tunes playing from the jukebox and the steady clink of bottles being set on tables. It was one of those oldie bars that still had that charming and rustic atmosphere, like time stilled between its four walls. That night, I stayed behind the counter more than I usually did, letting the other servers handle most of the tables. I wasn’t in the mood to make small talk or listen to the same old stories I’d heard a thousand times. I didn't have the energy for that either.
Then, Beau walked in. Right on schedule.
He had this easy confidence about him, something I noticed the first time he came in months ago. It was in the way he held himself, like he could command a room without trying, but somehow never made a big deal about it. Tall, broad shoulders, chestnut hair that always looked like he just ran a hand through it after a long shift. And those eyes, green, like the pines up in the mountains after the rain.
He always came in around this time on Fridays, right after his shift ended. Sheriff of Helena by day, patron at my bar by night. There was something comforting about the routine of it. Maybe because he was the closest thing I had to a friend here, even though we were more like two people who enjoyed each other’s company but kept everything else at arm’s length. Still, there was always something unspoken between us, something that hung in the air when he sat down at the bar, a tension I couldn’t quite name. Beau slid onto the barstool closest to me, the one he always sat at, and gave me a smile that eased the ache I’d been feeling all day.
“Evening” he said in that slow, easy drawl of his, laying his hat on the counter. “How’s it going, darling?”
I forced a smile, pulling a cold beer from behind the bar and sliding it across to him without asking. He always ordered the same thing, and I always had it ready for him. “Same as always” I replied, but even I could hear the flatness in my voice. His eyes narrowed a little as he studied me, and I could feel his gaze linger on my slight frown. He had a way of seeing through me, like he could tell when something was off even before I said anything. 
“You sure about that?” His voice was quiet, not pushing, just waiting for me to let him in. It was the way he asked, like he already knew the answer but was giving me a chance to speak first.
I glanced away, grabbing a towel and pretending to wipe down the already squeaky clean counter. “I’m fine. Just… had one of those days.”
Beau took a long sip of his beer, but he didn’t take his eyes off me. “Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
I let out a breath and leaned on the bar, dropping the towel and meeting his gaze. “He broke up with me. For real this time.” I hadn’t planned on saying it, but the words came out before I could stop them.
He raised an eyebrow, but there wasn’t a hint of surprise in his face. “You mean, finally?”
I couldn’t help but laugh, a short, sharp sound that felt good coming out. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Beau didn’t say anything right away. He just sat there, watching me with those damn eyes that made it hard to keep things light. There was something deeper there tonight, something that had always simmered between us but felt more dangerous now, like we were toeing a line neither of us had been willing to cross before. 
“You good with that?” His voice was softer now, the edges gentler, and it felt like a real question, not just small talk.
“Honestly? I’m better off. I know that. But… it still stings, you know?”
Beau nodded, and something flickered in his expression, something almost protective. His gaze softened matching his voice. “You deserve so much better than what he was giving you, darling.”
His words hung in the air between us, heavy with underlying meanings. I knew what he meant. I knew he wasn’t just talking about my ex, and that’s when the tension snapped into something sharper, something deeper. I felt it in the way he was looking at me now, not as the bartender he chatted with every Friday, but as someone he cared about. But could that be the truth?
Maybe I wasn’t just his bartender either. Maybe we’d been dancing around this for too long. I leaned in slightly, not even realizing I was doing it until I saw his gaze drop to my lips. The bar around us seemed to fade, the noise, the people...none of it mattered in that moment. It was just me and Beau and the weight of everything unsaid between us thick and obvious in the air. 
“You gonna be alright?” he asked finally, and I couldn't help but notice how his voice became an octave lower... intimate in a way that sent a shiver down my spine.
“I think so” I whispered.
But my heart was pounding, not from the breakup, but from the way he was looking at me. Like maybe, just maybe, he’d been waiting for this moment as long as I had.
It wasn’t necessarily a bad day.
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Thanks for reading! Have a nice day, loves. 🤍
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eremin0109 · 1 year
So I just played the entire Majima introduction scene in Kiwami 2 and suffice to say I'm having some t h o t s. After having to sit through that awkward af scene where Kaoru undresses in front of Kiryu and then has a heart-to-heart with him about wanting to find out about her past (like seriously? if y'all wanted show them bonding just do THAT?? Do they need to sexualise that encounter like fucking look at the way the camera positions on Kaoru's breasts while she's genuinely talking about wanting to find out the truth. men at sega are truly limp dicked bastards istg) it was such a breath of fresh air to FINALLY go and see Majima.
Like at the Tojo HQ I almost screamed when Kiryu found the demonfire knife in Terada's backroom and was all like "I'd recognise that dagger anywhere..." like we know baby. You've got scars on your body the shape of the dagger's edge, of course you'd recognise it! And then the conviction with which he says that Majima is the only one who can save the clan from falling apart when Yayoi and Kashiwagi are both apprehensive about it is just...*chef's kiss*.
The actual meeting scene takes the cake of course. Kiryu brings that damn dagger with him to Purgatory and tosses it to the ground like some sort of a mating call to Majima, like he knows that's the only way he'll actually respond. And then what follows is just Sayama being obviously third-wheeled the entire time these gay bitches are in proximity to each other. Like I'm pretty sure the use of the very possessive sounding "my Kiryu-chan" definitely raised her eyebrows. (Not to mention, his dialogue with Sayama comes off more or less catty. The nicknames he calls her feel patronizing, like he dismisses her being anything more than another arm candy. Of course that is until the "I'm a cop" reveal lmao, that sobers him up pretty fucking fast).
And of course then Kiryu is more or less begging Majima to come back to the Tojo, bowing his head low in reverence and desperation and a bit of selfishness too because he KNOWS Majima won't be able to say no. Not to him, HIS Kiryu-chan. And Majima surely just reinforces that fact by saying "Ya know I can't bear seeing ya like this..." They're both pretty fucking aware of the fact that Majima has a big ol' soft spot for Kiryu (and now, thanks to all of this shit happening right in front of her salad, Sayama does too).
But the real highlight of the scene comes after, during Kiryu's entry into the coliseum where Majima is just so shamelessly checking him out through the cage it's not even subtle. But we all know that already.
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What we don't know is the fact that its Kiryu who looks at him first and he just keeps looking at Majima's direction after winning against Di Sciuva:
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against Gary Buster Holmes:
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Kiryu knows Majima's eyes have constantly been on him throughout the tournament. And so it's not even entirely subtle that he's making sure Majima's having a good time because all of this is basically a show Kiryu's putting on for his eyes, hoping it'd be impressive enough to convince him to come back to Tojo clan. But I'm willing to bet anything that some part of Kiryu thoroughly enjoyed that shit too.
Everyone and their mother knows what comes next, gay sex in a caged fight, but still I will never get tired of going absolutely bonkers over Majima's entry scene. Everything about it is just so powerful and sensual and just so fucking cool.
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It SCREAMS reciprocation. Majima is basically like 'Kiryu-chan gave me such a spectacular show it'd be such a shame not to return the favour' and then he just presents himself like THAT to Kiryu, in all his glory and asks him all smugly whether he likes the fucking view. That was so cunty of him UGH.
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and Kiryu is just so fucking amused and he VERY MUCH VISIBLY likes what he's seeing. his body language, the way his voice drips with something dangerously close to fondness, that damn li'l smile like Kazuma Kiryu you're so fucking gay for this man it's embarrassing~
Their post-fight scene has a different fanbase altogether, because goddamnit Kiryu do be looking at Majima like he wants to wreak him all ways to Sunday.
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This is one of the few times through the 3 Yakuza games I've played that I've genuinely found Kiryu to be smokin' hot. Like I don't think he's EVER smirked like that at anyone, much less a female love interest. There's just so much going on on his face (bless the dragon engine graphics) and good GOD every bit of it is downright filthy.
He fucked that man, hard (or got dicked down within an inch of his life). PERIODT.
Sjsjdjdjrowjehejkeje I don't think we talk enough about Majima here. The way he looks down then slowly back up to Kiryu while a little smile plays on his lips, the way he lowers his voice to that sultry af tone and he invites Kiryu for a drink, almost as if it's an inside thing for them both, as if it's code for "hey, wanna fuck nasty on my desk?" And Kiryu, for once in his life, picks right up on that, and then fucking smirks like THAT because of course he wants to fuck, what kind of a question is that?
Like there's just no other feasible way to explain this interaction. Y'all know if this exact scene was between Kiryu and Sayama, they'd have been all over each other in the next scene.
But because it's SEGA's two leading men, they settled for the most obvious insinuation possible that it just makes it way more horny than if they'd just straight away fucked. I said what I said.
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Love Alone
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Idk why but I really need some heartbreaking angst for Warren or Eddie rn where it's unrequited love.
✧.* summary — Warren Rojas is the love of your life, and you knew it from the first time you met. But he didn't, he wasn't that sure.
✧.* warnings — A lot angst, I mean it...
✧.* word count — 4.0k
✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist
✧.* part two — Love Me Again
✧.* mandy's notes — You asked me for angst and I brought you everything I had hahahahaha. I got carried away on this one and it's a little big... I hope you don't mind.
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Warren Rojas is the love of your life, and you knew it the first moment you saw each other, it was like something pulled you to him and ever since you saw those brown eyes you never got rid of them, not even If you tried.
You met the drummer in Pittsburgh, when you two were still teenagers, you were always close to Eddie's family and consequently became friends with Chuck, Graham and Warren over time. You weren't part of the band, after all you weren't very good when it came to music, your thing was writing and that's where you entered the Dunne brothers scene, when Billy had some writer's block or something you helped with the lyrics and, it always came out spectacular.
So along with Camila you were the audience for all the rehearsals, you didn't understand anything about the musical part of it. You were happy to deal with just the lyrics when you could. And of course, being able to spend afternoons next to your favorite drummer was always nice.
Gradually you were madly in love with him, and he didn't seem to notice anything. You didn't have the courage to go up to him and confess your feelings, so a few months went by with neither of you talking about it.
Warren knew you liked him, Eddie had mentioned it a few times but he decided not to mix things up, after all he liked how things went between the band and the last thing he wanted was a mess. But as you were growing up, the drummer noticed that you were prettier, more confident about your desires, and little by little you stopped being shy around him.
That night you were celebrating Graham's birthday, everyone was in the backyard of the Dunnes' house, singing, talking and smoking after their mother had gone to bed. Billy was holding Camila's who was in his lap, Graham and Eddie were playing one game you never understood to this day, Chuck was already gone. He was strangely distant the last few days but you guys decided not to worry too much, and Warren was watching the sky while he smoked.
He seemed to have noticed your gaze on him, because he motioned with his cigarette beckoning you to join him, so you did. He took another cigarette from the pack offering it to you, you accepted by putting it in your mouth and asking him to light it.
"You look like your mind is somewhere else War…" You say blowing the smoke to the opposite side.
"Just thinking." He says looking into your eyes, making you a little nervous. "You look gorgeous, doll."
The butterflies in your stomach felt like they were going to fly you away, you watched the curly man trying to maintain your posture but your cheeks flushed giving it away. You look down at the floor, smiling.
"Thanks." You smoke the cigarette, trying to keep calm.
"You always look really gorgeous, actually." You couldn't tell if he was high or not, Warren always had this calm way of talking.
"Well, you don't fall behind one bit." You say taking confidence, two can play this game.
That night you ended up kissing before he dropped you off at home, you could scream with so much joy you felt that night, it was like you were in the clouds. The feel of his lips still vivid in your mind made you sigh so many times that night.
After that day you were still together, you always went behind Chuck's garage in the rehearsal break to enjoy each other, you exchanged glances throughout the rehearsals, he winked at you sometimes making you embarrassed when you saw that he noticed you staring at him. You believed that was the beginning of a wonderful relationship between the two of you, but maybe you were wrong about that.
Chuck had decided to leave the band, he was going to go to college to become a dentist, the thought of it sounded funny but that was his decision there wasn't much you could do.
It had been a few days since they had played their first gig without Chuck, Eddie had switched to bass which was clearly not something he enjoyed, but it had been enough for them to be able to make a good presentation.
Camila had invited you to spend the afternoon with them, which made you notice that these invitations never came from Warren, it was always Camila who requested your presence with them, but you decided to ignore that thought.
You were sitting between Eddie and Warren, Camila was sitting on Billy's lap and Graham was next to them. You ate some snacks in the park while chatting away, some children around were playing with a ball and making noise with the birds.
"Oh by the way, everything ready with the van?" Graham excitedly asks Rojas.
"Yeah, I took it to the mechanic to have a look yesterday." He smiles, wrapping his arm around your waist. "She's ready to go."
You frown, not understanding what the subject was. Everyone seemed excited about something you had no idea what it was, so you asked.
"Ready to go where?" You look at the drummer, who stops smiling.
"You didn't tell her?" Eddie raises questioning eyebrows at the drummer.
"Tell me what?" Your chest tightened, you didn't know what was going on but being left out wasn't the best of things.
Camila dropped her gaze to the floor, she also looked upset about the situation, you couldn't be more confused. An awkward silence took over the place, you felt extremely uncomfortable, an anxiety taking over you.
Billy sighs, looking right at you.
"We're going to LA." His words made the tightness in your chest grow, you tried to pretend that tears weren't starting to well up in your eyes.
"You guys are leaving?" You question, already sure of the answer just wanting not to believe it. "Will you Excuse me..."
You stand up, holding back your urge to cry, walking away from them. Eddie glares at the drummer, and tells him to follow you.
Warren stands up, taking a deep breath, he walks towards you, by this time you were already crying. He sits next to you, you turn your back to him, if he said anything you would probably cry more.
"Look doll, I'm sorry." He says softly, reaching for your hand.
"Are you?" You look at him, he can't look you in the eyes.
"I am, I just forgot to tell you." He says, patting your hands. "I was getting the van ready for the trip, packing my things, I had a lot on my mind, that's all."
"You were leaving without telling me…" You were very upset, but deep down you wanted to believe him so badly.
"Believe me doll, I just forgot." Warren says, pulling you close to him, you don't try to fight the contact you loved having him close.
You stand there in silence for a while, he holds you tighter, giving you time to process everything.
"Why didn't any of them tell me?" You felt forgotten by everyone.
"I was supposed to tell you" he says, letting out a sigh. "Billy was going to talk to Camila and I was going to talk to you since…"
"Since?" You let go of the hug, looking at him with a small smile.
"Well, since we're together."
You can't contain your smile, he smiles to see you looking better, he enjoyed your presence and you were very dear to him. He just didn't know that your feelings for him were more intense than that.
He cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks and then kisses you.
"Come with us..." He asks, and you immediately nod your head.
You were madly in love with him, and love makes us do crazy things, including moving to another place without any planning for you. The fact of being away from him was something much worse in your head.
Then you moved to LA a few weeks later, having Camila go with you made everything easier, having her always around was wonderful. A while later Graham invited Karen to join the band and you guys hit it off incredibly well, your little family was growing and your heart filled with joy to be with so many incredible people.
But little by little things started to unravel, the tour of The Six started and you and Camila stayed at home thinking about what could be happening. Neither Billy nor Warren answered your calls and their absence left you both anxious and missing them.
Camila had decided to go after them, you were left to take care of everything, there was something in you that was very afraid of what you would find if you went with her. And when she came back devastated, with her eyes swollen from crying, your heart broke to see her like this and the anxiety of what your boyfriend could be doing also took over you.
You learned that Billy had gone to rehab when the band returned, Eddie was devastated, Graham worried about his brother and Karen didn't show many emotions about it.
But when you saw Warren come back it was like you got air after a swim, like you finally found the missing piece to fill you. He smiles when he sees you in the room, opening his arms to envelop you in a hug.
"My doll!" He says squeezing you tighter into the hug. "How have you been?"
"Missed you so much." You say in the hug, feeling him close was relieving.
"Well, you won't have to miss me anymore." He says tickling you.
Rojas liked you, he loved your company, spending nights talking with you, spending time with you was good. He also loved the connection you two had, he loved kissing you, feeling your skin and well the sex was wonderful too. He had nothing to complain about you, but there was something missing… and he couldn't tell what.
The months until Billy got back from rehab were rough, Camila missed him a lot and being a mother wasn't easy, you tried to help her with what you could Eddie also was always there for her. You all were trying to keep it together, the newborn didn't make it easy, y'all weren't used to the crying at all, it messed with your sleep.
"Can't sleep?" Warren says from behind you, making you jump a little.
"Poor Cami…" You say when you hear Julia cry even louder. "If we can't sleep, imagine her."
"Do you think she'll stop soon?" Rojas looked tired, bags under his eyes.
"I don't think so." You laugh at his frustrated expression, you hug him around the waist and he places his chin on top of your head.
Nights like this where it was just the two of you, dealing with everything seemed so much easier. Everything was so uncertain since Billy left that feeling safe for a few moments was perfect.
"I love you." you say in the hug, you feel him freeze and instantly regret saying it.
He breaks the hug and places a kiss on your lips. And although that calmed you down, you never forgot that he didn't say it back.
The day Billy and Camila had the party to celebrate the new house you were radiant, After so long things seemed to be coming back together, they had the best music in the country and the record company had taken them back, you only had reasons to celebrate.
You had a big smile on your face when you walked in the house, the decor was wonderful, the food smelled great, and you had your "family" there for that special moment.
Karen was with you sitting at one of the tables in the backyard, from afar you could see Graham and Billy laughing at something, Camila was holding Julia while talking to another group of people, and you couldn't find Warren anywhere.
"Have you seen Warren?" You ask the blonde next to you, while drinking some of the beer you had in hand.
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him around here." Karen shrugged. "But don't worry, he must have been late with something, or he's just around the house."
Even with your friend's words you decide to get up to look for the drummer, he seemed distant in the last few days and that worried you. Walking among people you can recognize that curly hair, soon you approach eager to congratulate your favorite drummer, but something's stops you.
Your heart races, your hands start to shake, a shiver takes over your body and you feel your breath disappearing every second longer you watch that scene. There he was, the love of your life, holding another girl by the waist, kissing her the way he does to you.
You can't hold back the tears, breathing became more and more difficult, you needed to get out of there. Gathering the rest of the strength you had, you turn to leave, and when you're finally at the door, you feel someone grab your arm.
"Hey, you're leaving already?" Camila's voice takes your ears, you turn around trying to stop crying but you can't. "Baby what's wrong?"
You can't answer her, you just let the tears fall down your face, it was like your heart was giving up. She hugs you tight, trying to comfort you somehow, she takes you out of the house to a place further away from the crowd.
You are silent for a few minutes, she never let go of your hand as she looked at you worriedly.
"What happened Y/N?" Camila watched you waiting for you to have the courage to speak.
"Warren was kissing another girl." You say in a choked voice.
"What?" Camila was in disbelief. "Are you sure?"
"I know what I saw." Your heart broke when you remembered the image. "He doesn't love me, I'll never be enough for him."
Camila hugs you, she understood the frustration and pain you were going through.
"Maybe you guys should talk." She says fixing your hair. "Sometimes things aren't clear between you…"
"What isn't clear Cami?" You had a lump in your throat that wouldn't go away. "I left my home, my family to be with him. I say I love him everyday, what am I doing wrong?"
"Oh baby, you're not doing anything wrong." She had teary eyes too. "Sometimes you can love someone with all that you got, but it doesn't mean it'll be enough for them."
"I can't deal with this right now." You say getting up, leaving aimlessly.
Camila didn't try to stop you, she knew you needed your time. She gets up going back inside the house with a tightness in her chest to see you like this, Warren would have to hear a lot from her!
She storms into the backyard to find the band assembled laughing at something she doesn't hear. Billy is the first to notice her presence, he gets a little tense when he notices his wife clearly angry.
"Everything alright baby?" the older Dunne asks, pulling Julia closer to his lap.
"Not really, quite the opposite actually." She crossed her arms, looking directly at Warren. "You and I have to talk seriously, ahora!"
"Jeez, she spoke in Spanish. Good luck!" Eddie whispers to his best friend.
"Me?" Warren asks with the cigarette dangling between his lips. Camila nods, he gets up following her.
Those left behind were confused, but they knew that if Camila was dealing with this it was better to let her.
"What's on your fucking mind Pendejo?" Warren's body froze, if Camila was mad at him he had screwed up a lot.
"Why do you say that?" He asks, fidgeting with his fingers nervously.
"Didn't you miss anyone among us?" With each word spoken by her, the drummer became more confused.
"Cami, I'm way too high for metaphors." He scratches his head, frowning.
"Y/N saw what you did." In addition to being angry Camila looked disappointed and that messed with Rojas.
"Niña, I don't know what you're talking about." He actually looked confused.
"You fucking kissed another girl tonight Rojas!" Warren looked away, a little embarrassed. "Look at me! What is on your fucking mind to do that?"
"Cami…" He started to say but didn't know how to explain.
"You don't even have an excuse." She chuckles. "She loves you Warren."
"I know." He says, she arched her eyebrows.
"So why did you do this?" Camila had her hands on her hips. "If you know she loves you, and that you would break her heart. Why did you do it?"
"I want to live, don't get me wrong I adore Y/N. She's great!" He says, little by little he realized how fucked up was what he said. "But she holds me back, I want to experience the best of everything I'm living now."
"Warren, you've been together for years." Camila didn't understand his words.
"That's where you're wrong, we never agreed to date, I thought we were having fun…" Warren starts to say but she cuts him off.
"Para, don't be an asshole!" She says, hearing those words coming from her was a shock to the drummer. "Y/N moved here with us for you, she left her family for you…"
"I never asked her to do that!" Rojas tried to explain, but with each word she got angrier.
"She did it for love Warren!" She looked deep into his eyes. "You didn't have to ask her for anything, that girl is madly in love with you. She would do anything to see you well, and it's very cruel of you to play with her feelings like that."
"I'm not playing with anyone's feelings Cami, ya te lo dije!" He wanted to convince himself that it was true, he didn't want that weight on him.
"Warren, you act like her fucking boyfriend." Camila says, trying to keep calm. "But I'm not your mother, I'm not going to stand here lecturing you. You are already too big for this shit, I don't know where she went, but I swear to God Warren If she's not at home by the time I'm there tomorrow. You'll have a problem! Fix this."
You had managed to stop crying a few minutes ago, you watched the dark sky trying to understand how to deal with all this. You loved the drummer so much, but you knew that continuing in this might not lead to anything, even if you loved him body and soul.
If you walked a few blocks more you would arrive at the house in Laurel Canyon, but something prevented you from going there, firstly because you would remember everything you lived with Warren there, what frustrated you the most was thinking that he treated you wonderfully there, it was you two against the world always, you felt loved, cherished by him between four walls.
Secondly, because you knew that going back there would make you doubt whether or not that was your place. Just thinking that everything they lived there was false hurts more and more.
You take a deep breath trying to take the courage to go there, then after a long time standing still you walk there.
Warren felt horrible, he knew he had done wrong and he couldn't stop thinking about how to fix it. He liked you a lot, but he knew he didn't feel the same way you did about him, and because you were so dear to him he hated that he had done you harm, even though he tried his best to preserve your feelings.
He didn't want to tell anyone about the conversation with Camila, he was too embarrassed, and he knew that Eddie would probably punch him if he found out about it. So he was quiet for the rest of the night, thinking about how to solve it.
When they arrived at the house in Laurel Canyon the lights were on, so you were probably already there, the drummer's heart raced he was afraid to face you. He was afraid to see you sad and disappointed gaze on him.
It's been a few minutes since he was standing in the doorway of the room you shared, afraid to step in and talk to you. He puts his hands to the door to ask permission to enter, but the door is opened before he can.
He's face to face with your puffy eyes, his heart sinks, he can see you were holding back tears, embarrassed he drops his gaze to the floor.
"Look Warren don't worry, I'm packing my things…" You say in a broken voice.
"What?" He says trying to hold your hands, you step back. "Doll, please don't be like that. You don't have to leave."
"Are you serious right now?" He could hear the pain in your voice. "Enter the room, no one needs to hear our conversation."
You ask and he does, sitting on the bed next to you.
"Warren, I love you…" You say, not holding the tear anymore. "And although leaving you will hurt me, I can't just let you hurt me even more."
Rojas had tears in his eyes too, he felt really bad about it all.
"We made things work until now…" He says holding your hands.
"No Warren, I made things work until now." You release your hands from his.
"Don't say it like that doll…" He says, his heart aches to see that the nickname doesn't make you smile like it used to. "I like you, I really do… and I'm sorry for what happened tonight, I messed things up I know but…"
You look down, crying more, he doesn't understand what he said wrong and on impulse he takes your face in his hands. When he saw your teary eyes he regretted it, it was like facing the grossest consequence of his actions.
"What can I do to make it up for you?" He speaks almost like a whisper. "I promise you it won't happen again."
"Warren…" You wanted to say yes, but you knew him. "I can't love alone."
He remained silent, he had nothing else to say to you, and lying to you saying that he loved you too and that it was only you that he imagined in his future was not an option.
"Forgive me Y/N…" His hands were still on your face, forcing you both to look at each other.
"I forgive you." You say crying. "I never thought leaving you would be so hard."
"Stay." He begs you, one more time.
"I need time." You remove his hands from your face, getting up to get your things.
He watches you walk away from him, he cries too, it was like doing something you both needed to do but when the time finally came... It was more painful than ever.
When you approach the door to go, he gets up quickly, you turn to him waiting for him to say something. He doesn't, he just moves closer to you, making your breathing uneven… You kiss him one last time and he holds your waist kissing you tenderly.
"I'll miss you doll." He says with his eyes closed, his forehead resting against yours. "Please, take care… and if you need anything."
"I know." You smile weakly, pulling away from him. "Don't blame yourself, maybe we just met at the wrong time…"
"Yeah, maybe…" He says with a tight chest.
"Can you do me a favor?" You ask, and he nods. "Give this address to Cami, tell her I'll be alright."
He takes the paper, tucking it into his vest pocket, you smile weakly at him getting your bags ready to leave.
"I hope to see you again, doll." He says, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I love you." You say as an ending, leaving.
Warren sits on your bed, already feeling your absence, he watched your part of the closet empty, your side of the bed without you, it was like nothing fit.
Warren Rojas: She had to leave me for me to realize that no one would love me more than her, and also for me to notice what love really was about, months later I found that paper once again and… I went after her, Cami told me to fix things, and I was finally going to do it.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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