entomolog-t · 1 year
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G/t July : Thief 
Mark is not a fan of dirty lil feral tromping around in his food. Its unhygienic. 
I love the idea of a human who can’t stand borrowing. Not because they care about stolen crumbs, or the invasion of their privacy, but just because the idea of someone handling their food is gross.
Do you let your human friends grab food off your plate with their bare hands? Would you eat food that they stepped on? 
No. Of course not. Because its UNHYGENIC. 
Also bonus points if anyone spies the lil reference. 
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r1k-y9 · 7 months
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2024 designs of the ocs!!
so far, we got chatelier/myst, donnabelle, and zasper!!
3 more to go! :DD
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servicebroker · 7 years
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#MerryChristmas #wheely @grad_vodice rider unknown, but respect. #dalmatian #vodice #Christmas #mediterranian #adriatic #actionsports #chill #mountainbike #servicebroker on holiday #markoc #savethedolphins #sretanbozic #FroheWeihnachten (hier: Vodice, Croatia)
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hudsonhardwear · 6 years
GRA AFCH IN-14 Nixie Clock #3DPrinting #3DThursday
GRA AFCH IN-14 Nixie Clock #3DPrinting #3DThursday
MarkoC shared this project on Thingiverse!
I bought one of these lovely nixie clocks from Ukraine, where they still have a vast stockpile of former Soviet tubes. I’ve loved them since I was a kid, and this Arduino-driven clock is just gorgeous.
The box here is my art deco style retro interpretation of a nice case for it. It looks great printed in wood filament.
The rear of the unit needs some…
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entomolog-t · 8 months
Can I get an autograph from Betty please?
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I can do you one better🎉🍰🎁🎈
Birthday Peets from Betty💕(and company)
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entomolog-t · 9 months
Sals pet spider. I'm scared of spiders. But this is the exception.
She's such a sweet little lady!!
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entomolog-t · 9 months
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S c r e a m i n g
Life has been absolutely chaotic this year and it completely escaped my mind to post this wonderful commission of Mark, Sal and Betty from the amazing @freshpoof03
I love this so much and I am so happy I finally remembered to show it off! 💕
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entomolog-t · 10 months
I wanna eat sal
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I can promise you'll get food poisoning, Anon.
I caught him in my garbage this morning.
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entomolog-t · 5 months
The Shadow We Cast - 4
Two guys and too many beers leads to more shenanigans.
- - - -
Previous Chapter: Chapter 3
Next Chapter: Chapter 5 (Coming Soon)
Word count: 2998
CW: Adult language, substances (beer/drinking), animal death (fishing/hunting)
It was beyond crazy to me that the most normal I’d ever felt was drinking beers with a weird little man who stood no more than, what, 6 inches tall at most? How many years had it been since the last time I had this much fun? The last time I felt like I could talk and laugh this freely? It just felt so… normal? The thought seemed ridiculous- I mean, the situation was anything but… and yet here I was, thoroughly buzzed and listening intently as if we were old friends.
Sal paraded around the table, reenacting some grand adventure I could only wrap my head around with the help of however many tallboys I’d downed over the past few hours. Tales of hunting monstrous beasts and climbing unfathomable heights. He wove wild stories of a world so foreign yet so familiar… quite literally a world in my backyard.
As I nursed another drink, Sal set the scene, recounting a day-long trek he'd made out to the lake. Mist rose off the water as loons called to one another, their haunting voices echoing off the calm water. He watched intently as they slipped under the water, barely even a ripple disturbing the surface of the lake.
As if he was painting a picture in my mind, I sat enthralled, feeling as if I could feel the crispness of the water washing away the heat of the sun as he spent the day swimming in the shallows. The way he spoke… It didn't feel like I was imagining his retelling from my perspective- but his own. His perspective felt like something … almost fantastical.
"I tried to lure some of the minnows, but I couldn't get close enough to spear them without them darting off.” As if still wielding a spear he eyed the non existent minnows, patiently following some unseen motion as he remained poised to strike. “The bigger minnows seemed slower, but they wouldn't come near shallow enough. I ended up using some of the dried grub rations I'd brought with me as bait, and boy did it work like a charm. I swam I bit farther out with the bait and-"
Spear raised, I could practically see the imaginary impact- watching as the massive fish- or minnow, thrashed against the sharpened twig. I was enthralled- the way his muscles moved with the motion was almost… intimidating, bringing forth thoughts of him human sized, spearing a monster of a fish while swimming in some dangerous Amazonian river. 
“The damn thing was a bitch to swim with,” he groaned, annoyance clear on his face, “For one- it was heavy. But worse,” Sal huffs, “It was still moving.” Despite the exasperation on his face in recounting the ordeal, the man’s face couldn’t help but return to grinning. 
“So then I’m swimming back, right? Honestly more like flailing with the stupid minnow in tow, but I’m keeping above water for the most part… but I keep hearing this clicking… almost squeaking noise? Weirder yet- it's coming from below me.” He pauses, lowering his voice and I’m quite literally reeled in by his story, leaning forward on the edge of my seat. 
“Then- whoosh!” 
Sal grabs at the air. My heart jumps in my chest as the man’s hand lashes out just inches from my face. 
“This monstrous bastard of a creature - absolutely huge,” He pauses, shooting me a cheesy grin, “Second only to you, big man.” I snort and Sal picks right up where he left off, “It was all murky brown with thick these thick… whiskers? And it just sucks me into its mouth with this horrific gulp. Next thing I know I’m being dragged underwater, half in its mouth, pounding on its head just hoping it’ll let me go if I hit it hard enough.”
My breath hitches, a shudder running through me as I make the connection- A catfish. 
“With nothing to lose, I stab it. The spear goes right through its eye and-” Sal pauses, making sure he has my full attention.
“Nothing!” Sal laughs as if it was hilarious and not down right horrifying, “That stupid thing didn’t even flinch! I don’t know if it didn’t go deep enough or if I just missed any vital enough part, but it did absolutely nothing!”
He leans forward, no longer laughing as his face takes on a grim expression.
“At this point I start to get worried.”
“Start?!” I scoff. Sal dismisses my interruption with a wave of his hand.
"My lungs are burning, and the thing’s clamped down hard on my stomach. I'm stuck holding that stupid spear for life as it keeps doing this.. this…” He shudders, face twisting in disgust, “-weird gulping thing,” Sal shakes his head as if banishing the memory, “So I ripped that spear out and using everything I had I-” His fist came down, “- drove that spear right back into its head.” 
Sal pantomimed a gruesome show-  stabbing again and again in the world's most horrific display of charades as he brutalised the memory of the catfish. 
“Finally,” He says, voice filled with a mix of relief and exasperation as if he’d just relived the whole ordeal, “it dies.” 
I, stupidly, sigh in relief, as if somehow I couldn't have predicted the outcome with him quite literally standing in front of me.
“My lungs are on fire as I swim to the surface- and man, air never tasted so sweet.” Looking down at Sal, he's beaming, laughing like a kid as he recounts his victory over the massive fish. “And then it hits me- tasted!” 
I furrow my brow, not quite following. Sal continues, frustration returning.
“No spear- and no fucking minnow! As if, after all that, air was gonna be the only thing I’d be tasting!”
After a brief pause I couldn't help but laugh. His smile grew even wider as he raved on, swinging his hands as he continued on about his harrowing ordeal.
“I refused to swim back empty handed after that shitshow- So I spent the whole afternoon dragging that giant bastard back to shore!” 
Fuck. I stare at him, eyes wide. I can’t shake the disbelief as I try to think of what would be the equivalent feat- Dragging an orca back to shore? …Something bigger? I’ve never been an avid fisherman (nor did I have any plans to start) and really had no concept of how big the catfish in the lake got aside from the notion that they were definitely bigger than Sal.
“I get that monster to land- spend about 30 minutes on a fire that just won't start, until I'm finally able to start cooking that beast!” 
He paces along the length of the table, his steps not nearly as sure footed as they had been a few hours prior. Even with his tiny frame I can easily make out the sheer rage simmering behind his eyes.
“And y'know what?” His voice, now starting to slur, is teeming with all the theatrics of a man at his absolute limit. I swallow, desperate to hold back a laugh I know is coming.
“That fucking thing tasted awful!” Each word was spat with such ferocity it was as if he was trying to spit out the memory of the creature's taste.
There was no helping it.
With my inhibitions long since drowned, I laugh. I laugh louder than I have in years. I laugh until my sides ache- until tears prick at the edge of my eyes.
And he laughs with me.
“Pond scum! Tha' shtupid thing tasted exactly how pond scum smells!”
My vision blurs, tears threatening to spill over as he continues to rant and rave, but the sound of my laughing completely drowns out whatever critical opinions he was espousing on catfish edibility. 
Wiping at my eyes, my brain takes a few tipsy seconds to focus back on the little man. Still shirtless, Sal had sat back, reclining with his back against one of the many empties as he lifted up what was arguably the equivalent to a very generous pitcher to his mouth with little effort- the relative ease of the action catching me by surprise as I imagined myself fumbling at doing the same. 
He… he was built. 
Quite literally a brick shithouse, if said shithouse belonged to Barbie.  
Broad seemed like a fitting word. Broad chested, broad shoulders, broad smile- Hell, even his legs had a width to them. Sal looked as if he had stepped directly out of an instagram fitness post, with his … excessive biceps flexing under the weight of the shot glass, the act a paradoxical effortless display of effort. Even at his diminutive size, I could tell this man was anything but small. He-
He coughs.
My eyes dart away from his body in an instant, snapping back to his face… accompanied with heat rising in my own. As my eyes meet his, I’m again struck with the absolute absurdity of the situation.
I'm here… getting drunk… with a tiny man… He’s right there- arms reach in front of me… 
And yet he still doesn't seem real.
My hand twitches at my side.
Touch him.
As my hand slides towards him, his gaze quickly flicks from my face to my hand and back to my face again. Confusion flashing across his features for a brief moment before his lopsided grin reappears. My finger tips barely graze him as he sidesteps my hand, shoving my fingers away. 
Huh. There's a surprising amount of weight behind his push. 
“Hands t'yourself, Big Guy.” Sal laughs, “You gotta take me to dinner first.”
It takes a moment for my brain to follow his words, and I snort. 
“Is that not what I did?” 
Sal blinks.
His own brain seeming to lag as realization dawns on him. After a moment's delay, he laughs. 
Sal takes an unsteady step forward, the sway in his weight more noticeable than before. He’s still smiling, but a look of concern crosses his features as he stares at the ground in front of him.
“I feel weird.” 
“You’re drunk.”
He looks back up towards me and I point to the drink. After a moment', Sal nods, seemingly cluing in. Maybe? I really couldn’t tell.  For all I know, that nod might have been him nodding off with how stunted the gesture had looked. 
“It…” He starts his sentence and seems to forget it half way through, taking a long blink in between words “... makes you dizzy?” 
I lean forward to rest my head on the table, starting to feel all too alike. 
“Mmm- yeah, when you’ve had a bit much.” 
With that, I slid the shot glass away from him- An act which was apparently the most egregious party foul ever to have been committed. Shouts of protest erupt beneath me, as he trails after the glass. 
With a laugh, I try to shoo him away, but man, the little guy can move. Despite the sway to his stride, Sal ducks my hand with ease.
“Dude,” I laugh, opting to pick up the glass, “You.. uh, you’ve had 'nough- you're gonna get sick.”
My words feel thick, almost sticky, in my mouth, and the thought crosses my mind that I should probably be taking my own advice.
“'m fine.” 
I snort. The man didn't even know what beer was all of two hours ago, and here he was thinking he knew his limits.
“'s if you’d know,” I chuckle. “You're stumblin' 'round.”
Sal narrows his eyes.
“I am not!”
“Oh really?” My words slur together, thick with condescension and alcohol as a smile down at him. I shove a finger to his chest, I give a little push. Sal shoots glare as he staggers back.
“See?” I chuckle, “You're totally shtumbling!” 
Eyes wide, he stares up at me, brain seeming to short-circuit for a moment before a goofy grin plasters itself across his face. I feel my own face mirror his expression as we break out into drunken laughter. 
The laughter hit me hard. 
I laughed at Sal's near cartoonish drunkenness.
I laughed at how he stumbled with a push from a finger.
I laughed at the strangeness- the reality shattering strangeness- of his very existence.
This... this is really strange...
As our collective laughter died down I took in a deep inhale. I needed to know more. I couldn’t keep up the half assed charade of normalcy. 
In the brief moment I’d let my guard down, the tiny man quite literally pounces. I yank my hand away a fraction of a second before he lands, Sal stumbling as his weight falls forward. Before his face makes contact with the table, Sal seemingly just… goes with it? Just flowing with the momentum as if stumbling forward had been completely intended. With surprisingly little effort, his would-be fall morphs into a drunkenly graceful forward roll, carrying him to a stand- albeit, an unsteady one. 
For a moment, I’m at a loss for words, and before I’m able to react to whatever odd show of athleticism I’d just witnessed, he’s already at it again, eyes locked onto the shot glass like a cat locked onto a mouse. I move to shoo him away with my free hand, yet I’m met with nothing but empty space as Sal scrambles underneath the gesture. 
Again, he tries for the glass. 
Launching himself at my hand, I feel his hands graze my own before I lift the glass out of reach. Sal lands with a stumble, a lopsided grin sitting smugly on his face as he looks from the glass to me. 
Sal lowers his stance, looking something between a sprinter at the blocks and a mountain lion set to pounce. 
Seeing the gears in his head turning (albeit, slowly), I clue in. Before he gets the chance to scale me for the beverage, I make a grab for him. 
And yet, despite my efforts, somehow Sal winds up on top of my hand. It was like trying to grab at water- with him just flowing out of my grasp. Abandoning the shot glass, I grab at him with my free hand- watching dumbstruck as he drunkenly pivots, turning to jump at my in coming hand.
I freeze- Trying and failing to keep my hand steady as Sal hangs off my fingers. 
With my lack of reaction, Sal takes the opportunity to climb my fingers like some sort of rope ladder. 
To my horror, he climbs all of them, heaving himself to a shaky stand on the side of my index finger- Hands on his hips and grin on his face. 
I meet his gaze and he laughs, his expression smug as he wags his finger at me.
“Too shlow.” 
Arms out in a stumbling balance act, Sal begins walking across the edge of my hand looking oddly similar to a failed roadside sobriety test. Pausing, he frowns, pouting in frustration before bending over. For a moment, I think he’s about to throw up. Instead, he plants his hands firmly on my forearm.  
My stomach drops.  
With no effort whatsoever, Sal switches to walking on his hands- somehow just as drunkenly. Swaying side to side, every “step” seemed to overcompensate for the last, looking as if he was perpetually on the verge of tipping over.
And then he did.
In a split second, I’m sober.
My hand darts out, closing awkwardly around his form with all the grace and fine motor skills of a man marginally less drunk. Unmoving and unblinking, Sal stares up at me, a strange sound escaping him… almost as if a hum got caught in his throat. I could have almost been convinced he was nothing but an action figure with the way Sal went rigid- if not for his heart beating wildly beneath my fingertips. 
My own heart drummed in my ears, and for a moment, just a single moment, it didn’t bother me that he was sticky. 
He swallows. The tiny, but very human action feels uncanny at his size. The rise and fall of his chest, the strangely sizable weight of him in my hands… all of it is just so… strange. He feels solid - tense beneath my grip. Fuck- even at his size he felt strong. My eyes trace over the myriad of scars that marred his skin, gaze lingering over the clear bite mark that covered his shoulder and chest…
I hadn't even noticed my thumb tracing over it until I felt him try and push the digit away.
“Oh- sorry.” I adjust my grip into something I assume is more comfortable, opting to hold him in a way that left him semi-seated in my palms rather than awkwardly dangling from a first.
It's a weird sight, seeing a grown man sitting in your hands. Every small movement I make has him sway, his head drunkenly lolling back as he slurs a few indistinguishable words with a chuckle. Up close like this he looks just about as drunk as he sounds- red in the face and eyes struggling to stay open. 
Adjusting my grip, I cringe.
He was more than just a little sticky.
His pants clung to my skin, peeling off as I moved like a Band-Aid being removed. The mental image sends a shudder down my spine.
I consider taking the opportunity to wipe off the concerningly sticky little man while I have the chance, though a more rational voice in the back of my mind argues that a good host doesn’t assault their “neighbor” with wet wipes. 
Below, Sal grumbles something unintelligible, clearly displeased with me as he swats at my fingers. Though despite his attempts, my fingers lingered. 
Ugh- He left a stain on my hand! 
I glare at the dark smear of sauce he’d wiped off onto his pants, silently reconsidering the option of dousing the man in dish soap, let alone wet wipes, etiquette be damned. 
Instead, I opted for another drink.
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entomolog-t · 1 year
love when the tiny is able to help the giant specifically because of their size
things like. helping remove a splinter, or fixing some small thing the giant's fingers are simply too big to handle precisely enough. Or even just "I dropped my phone between the couch cushions and now it's on the floor under the couch :("
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You have cultured tastes.
These acts in the context of the typical G/t power dynamic demonstrate that power does not equate to competency/skill/utility. This emphasizes that the tiny is not just a prop for a power fantasy, but something more complex. This reverses the roles to a certain extent as well, putting the tiny in control of the situation. It also acts as a sort of fulfillment. A very common theme in G/t is tinys feeling helpless and powerless. Being able to provide some sort of help of care to someone so much larger could be quite the source of pride. In general many of us take pride in being able to help others, put in a more G/t context this feeling becomes concentrated.
This seems to be predominantly a comfort/care fantasy, and I would assume that the typical acts you enjoy in this fantasy are prime examples of how one likes to show they care (what type of acts of service they are drawn to, etc...)
Bonus: Quick doodle cause i love this trope
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entomolog-t · 10 months
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Sal thinks the resemblance is uncanny
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entomolog-t · 9 months
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Sal is hazardous to public health- please refrain from handling him without gloves.
Quick lil lighting practice! (Definitely not my strong suit but all the more reason to practice)
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entomolog-t · 1 year
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Sliver of trust
A little doodle I added onto one of the psychology asks. Thought I’d post it separately too since it got hidden under the collapsible post thingy. 
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entomolog-t · 1 year
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“Want a piece of cake?”
While generally not liking being picked up, Sal enjoys being carried. Hands are comfy, and he’s starved for touch. 
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entomolog-t · 1 year
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Saw @hollewdz base and immediately got to work <3 
Just a lil Sal & Mark size swap-ish. I’ve been wanting to do a fantasy Au with Sal as the Giant for a little while now. 
Speaking of Sal...
Poor boy’s design was painfully in need of a less generic update et voila! Same stinky bug-man, now with a mullet (and some cool scars and such)
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entomolog-t · 5 months
If June, Mark, and Rose had a “so you live with a tiny person” support group…. How would that go?
In Need of Support
A non-canon short with some mild spoilers 💕
Mark groaned, head in his hands as he continued to babble, his words spilling forth like a dam had burst. He'd been quiet at first, listening intently as Rose had explained her living situations, but it wasn't until she had let a complaint slip about her tiny roommate's disdain for touch and all the complications that came with it, that he had felt the compulsion to share his own complaints.
And he had many.
Now, half an hour later, here he was, drowning both himself and the two other unfortunate women in a sea of frustrations he'd let spill forth.
"-AND HE JUST CLIMBS ON ME WHENEVER!" Mark shakes his head in disbelief, eyeing the pair of women like they'd have some miraculous solution, "Oh but God forbid I try and pick him up- then its a personal space issue!!" Running his hands through his hair, Mark huffs, trying, and failing, to sound less hysteric. "To top it all off he's... he's-" Mark makes a strained noise, face contorted in a grimace, as he grits his teeth "-he's always covered in something."
June and Rose exchange a glance at one another, Rose taking a sip of her coffee in attempt to hide the snicker that's been building since Mark had first begun his rant.
"He just shows up on my countertops- my clean countertops- covered in blood, or mud, or the sludge from my gutters-" Mark's voice steadily raises in pitch as he lists of the various substances. Once again Rose moves to sip her coffee. "Just last week he showed up head to toe in slime!!" Rose takes another sip. "And when I asked him what it was, you know what told me??" Mark laughed, though the laughter seemed like the kind of laugh one does when their 10 seconds from committing a felony rather than how one laughs at a joke. June shook her head, while Rose shook in general, desperately try to keep her own laughter internal as she takes yet another sip.
That was it. That was all Rose could handle. Her own internal dam breaks, spilling forth a mixture of laughter and coffee. Rose sputters her drink making a less than graceful exit as she half wheezed, half laughed the mouthful of coffee straight onto the floor.
Mark's rant trickled off, the near silence that followed filled only with Rose's hacking giggles and the occasional less than sincere apology.
Taking a breath, Rose wiped her mouth with her sleeve, before promptly joining the others in the awkward silence.
Rose pats her legs, clucking her tongue as she looks from side to side in hopes one of them will take the attention back off of her.
"Sooo..." She begins, before June interrupts, her words gushing forth even faster than Mark's had,
"I made out with a tiny vampire I found in my room and got way too into it and I,uh, bit him- and now he's been causing havoc in my room and I can't get rid of him, but also he's really hot, so I don't even know if I want to but he keeps stealing and breaking things and I don't know what to do."
Rose can't help the expression that slides onto her face. If it was anything even remotely similar to the expression Mark wore... it was not subtle. Maybe having an annoying little roommate who didn't like to be carried wasn't so bad.
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