#You can agree or disagree with me but pls be respectful
The fandom's bias and tendency to wanting to agressively associate EVERYTHING with Percy and getting upset when a character isn't associated with him really taints their view on actually significant relationships, and it ruins Percy's canon character tbh.
I came across a video edit appreciating Jason and Nico's friendship, and the comments were just filled with people raging on how Percy should've been included instead of Jason because he was "much closer friends" to Nico than Jason was. It's appalling how much ppl can turn to a blind eye when it comes to Jason.
People hate Jason SO much in this fandom that they literally refuse to admit that Nico canonically considered Jason as his first ever friend, not Percy (this is literally said in Tower of Nero, by the way)
You guys are seriously so hell bent on wanting to take away every little thing jason had that makes his character meaningful, simple to give it to percy when it isn't even necessary. Doesn't percy have enough good characterization already? Why deprive Nico of a genuinely good friendship? Jason spent time and effort to make Nico comfortable and succeeded in earning nicos trust. He taught nico to never push people away and not to be ashamed of being himself, Isn't that beautiful? Why do people get salty abt that so much? Because of course, it's about appreciating Jason for once, and not Percy, isn't that it?
My perspective on Percy and Nico is that, they were never really "close" to begin with and never ended up being close either, and that's okay. Percy tried his very best to be a brother to Nico, but they somehow always had tension with eachother because of Nico's internal turmoil of idolizing and crushing on Percy whilst simultaneously associating him with Bianca.
Sure, they talked it out a little in the end, but I'd like to think that some tension would always be there, because they started off at the wrong foot, and there was too much bitterness and resentment to come in their dynamic. And them never actually being close "brothers" makes their dynamic very significant and authentic. In the end, Nico acknowledged that Percy was a good person, and I like to think that's the farthest they've ever gone in their dynamic. They both are on amicable terms but the awkwardness still being there is very realistic, the weight of Bianca's death would always be associated with Percy to Nico, and it's neither of their faults. That adds SO much to their angsty dynamic, why get so upset about it when it's such an integral, and meaningful part of the story? Nico and Percy not being close friends shows how complex character relationships can be.
Percy doesn't have to be close with everyone just because he's the main character, it really deprives him of actually meaningful connections. The fandom forcing him to be buddy buddy with everyone simply because they HAVE to associate Percy with anyone and everyone, and getting angry that Jason is closer to Nico than Percy is, is just really weird.
Why do people feel SO threatened about Jason all the time that they have to get all defensive and suppress his connections by dragging Percy into videos that doesn't even have to do anything with him? I swear y'all are creating this whole Jason/Percy rivalry thing because you cannot bear to see someone rival Percy, and you want Percy to be the only powerful/good person in the books.
Let other characters befriend eachother without trying to insert Percy in there all the time.
Percy and Nico would never be like Reyna and Nico, or Jason and Nico, and that's completely fine. I like them better that way. You can't be best friends with everyone. That's just how life works.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Pls ignore if the spectre of ruminating on old god-diskhorse is far too obnoxious but it's rather a jump-off point for a more general question; an issue brought up pushing back against the most obnoxious "vanguard is right eradicate those tyrant gods rq stole vax hate that bitch" ppl, aside from other things like just being deeply myopic even just from an in-universe perspective, but on a wholler narrative level requires completely ignoring or discarding campaign 1 and 2's theses and genuine connections. Largely i think these ppl's takes are more interested in self-validation than concerned with what they're actually saying when they want these things to be true (which they aren't, Matt and cast and plot progression from the peak of those discourses have made that clear), but now here's my wondering: what would it say if c3 were to be these things? By what metrics do you judge a sequel installment should it, in the pursuit of its own story, undermine or contradict the earnest, complete, already told story that preceded it and was built upon?
Hi anon,
This is a good question, and necessarily one with a subjective answer, so I hope I at least explain my thought process below! Also: this does have some spoilers for a Midst episode in Season 3 (which aired a few weeks ago). I mention this because it's a really useful example for me but this wasn't a question about Midst so you might not be expecting me to talk about it.
Firstly, I agree with you that a lot of the people who want this want the story to validate their personal beliefs. Some want it to validate political/philosophical beliefs, which is a complicated thing: on the one hand, I very much don’t want to watch a show that’s like “hey slavery is neat-o!” and doubt such a show would have much merit. On the other hand, when we’re dealing with much more complicated issues like religion, which simultaneously exists as a tool of oppression; an aspect of identity that makes one a target of oppression; a source of meaning and comfort; and a source of justification of terrible practices all in one; I think it’s extremely valuable to be exposed to a multitude of perspectives and to not just endlessly look for those that validate one’s own experiences.
Others just want the story to validate their feelings about the happenings within the narrative, which is on the one hand usually less close-minded, but on the other hand, kind of stupid. You are permitted to dislike that Vax died. I disagree, but you can feel however you want (indeed, you don’t need my, or anyone’s permission to dislike that Vax died). The story saying “The Raven Queen isn’t perfect” or even “The Raven Queen is Bad” isn’t necessary for you to have those feelings; and the Raven Queen being slaughtered isn’t per se necessary for Vax to come back (which I think would be cheap and stupid, but like, if that’s what you want you could just have him come back.) You don’t need to story to tell you that your response to the story is good, so this is ultimately a case of “why are you even doing this."
I also suspect there’s just some degree of subversion for subversion’s sake (or change for change's sake) people who were into the idea of killing the gods just to flip C1 and C2 on their respective heads. The thing is, subversion for the sole purpose of subversion has always been the province of the dull. There’s a reason why culturally we treat M. Night Shyamalan as a joke and it’s because “THERE’S A TWIST” without a strong and compelling build-up to said twist nearly always is, as the post I recently reblogged said, something that only hits hard if you’re stupid.
What I need from a story to be good is internal consistency and a strong execution. I am frequently surprised, in a very positive way, by stories that are so well-executed that they sell me on a premise with which I was less than enamored. If you’d told me that I’d feel sad about FCG’s sacrifice or extremely in favor of Phineas and Jonas’s romantic relationship during early C3 or, frankly, even the minute before I listened to Trustfall, respectively, I would have said “huh, really?” But both of these events were thoughtfully built to a point where they felt like meaningful and interesting choices for the story to take, even if that was not apparent to me earlier on.
So: the metric I’d use to judge a god-killing C3 is the same as that of any long-running story. I think there is a universe in which Campaign 3 could have made the demise of the gods a good and compelling story. But that work simply has not been done. The atrocities of the Vanguard, Weave Mind, and the Dwendalian Empire under Ludinus Da’leth; the callousness shown towards all Exandrians and Ruidians by the Vanguard and Kreviris Imperium; and most importantly the fact that there haven’t been new reveals of terrible things done by the gods and the story has instead striven to paint them as more fragile and complicated than what we’ve seen in past means that a sudden twist would, well, be cheap and only hit hard if you’re stupid. You can contradict a past story in an installment (or the earlier work in a long-running series) in a way that is not undermining if you are able to tie it together and show new information that was not available earlier! But that’s the key: it needs to be clear that the earlier works were showing a specific perspective (already a very tall order given the protagonist-only POV of D&D campaigns) or that the situation has drastically changed. If you fail to do this, then as you said, it’s undermining and it’s poorly done and a bad story.
I think that last point is also really important in thinking through the fandom response. I mentioned that I can be sold on a premise that didn’t win me over initially if the execution is strong. I think some people, and especially those gunning for a “The Gods are All Bad” story are so terrified of not being validated or of being wrong in their predictions or of criticism from other fans that they can no longer enjoy a story or comment meaningfully upon it. To which I say skill issue. I am thrilled and even grateful that, as previously mentioned, FCG had an arc that deepened their character and addressed my earlier criticism such that I could enjoy episode 91 as much as I did. I was mildly spoiled on the potential of Jonas and Phineas getting together and was, to be honest, slightly dreading it as I’d always preferred a platonic interpretation of their relationship, and then the scene in which it happened (and everything since) has been so deftly handled that I’m fully on board.
I am a far better analyst and critic of fiction than a creator of it, and I’m open about this. I am constantly surprised in ways both positive and negative by how other people tell stories, and that’s why I come back to them. I want the story to be so good that it expands my horizons and comfort zone and shows me something new. I find little joy in a story validating who I already am and what I already think. I want the story to make a better argument for what it has to say than I can make against it. If this is a competition between the story and me, I am rooting for the story to win over me and in doing so, win me over; and I am disappointed when it doesn’t.
I am also a physicist, and, famously within our understanding of physics, pretty much anything can happen; it’s all just a matter of probabilities. And so it’s hard for me to say “there’s no way this could ever be done well.” It’s very easy, however, for me to say “the eye of the needle one must thread to do this well is a micron in diameter and constantly moving.” I think it’s possible to turn the concept of a god-slaying Campaign 3 into a story that, rather than clumsily ignoring or discarding C1 and C2’s theses, transforms them and puts them in a new and unexpected light. But the narrative dexterity check required for that has always been high, and only gets higher as the actual Campaign 3 story continues along its current path.
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Savanaclaw Headcanons
Tw: Dark content up ahead y’all!! Mentions of manipulation, gaslighting, possessiveness, etc. 
Banner made by my lovely bestie @herestrish don’t steal pls or I’ll eat your kneecaps, I’m entering my Hannibal era <3! Jokes aside. . . disclaimer!! 
These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don’t condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision. If these headcanons sound dry. . .I’ll redo them I’m sorry I was tired 
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Leona Kingscholar
Okiedoki, these headcanons were WAY long overdue and me being the chaotic and messy person I am, did not plan these ahead nor did I make a posting schedule. Without further ado, here we go! Can you name a bigger kin? Leona is me and I am Leona. From what I’ve seen in the fandom, Leona seems to be a personality that not many people differ from. Like it’s all collectively and mutually agreed on how he acts. Regardless, the character traits I assign him are overprotective, possessive, and manipulative.
No one here can argue that Leona isn’t smart, mans is brilliant only issue being he lacks motivation. Assuming I got all my facts straight, he’s smart and talented and has all amazing qualities, but it doesn’t matter because he’s not the firstborn. His signature spell is so dangerous, he’s constantly being upstage because name and reputation matter more than actions. Not to his darling, he’s possessive over his S/O because you’re his. You’re not someone given to him because of his status or lack of, you’re his because you were able to charm the lion and gain his affection. You’re his because he won, he won YOUR affection. All hell will break loose if someone DARES to even touch you, looks at you wrong, or do anything to hurt you. He’ll often refer to you as one of his belongings but words aside, he really does see you as his equal. This ties in with his overprotectiveness and his overall fear of losing the one person that matters in his life, you.
Manipulative. Though he wants a fair game, mans is cheating. He’s not above using dirty methods to get you to be his in the first place. He’s probably gaslit you before and you wouldn’t know. He’s smart and he has Ruggie, this is important. He’d probably disagree with you and advise you to do something else, when you decide to go off on your own he’ll send Ruggie to stir up the pot but not right away no, that’s too convenient! He’ll wait until you have a sense of security before striking, when things go downhill and you come back to him he won’t smile, he won’t say anything other than, “I told you so.” He’s so smug about it too, that smirk when he’s in the right and you’re in the wrong.
I’d say personally, he’s a 7/10 on the yandere scale, he’s definitely not someone you want to mess with and by all means half of the time it’s him just being protective. Bro’s the type of guy to help you study but not before he makes you give him a kiss or fuel his ego for a bit. He’s able to lower his guard around you, sleep comfortably with you, and laze around, just don’t get too comfy. Any signs he notices of defiance and he’s not afraid to show you why the others respect him. His scale may increase if he’s angry, he’d never hurt his S/O but the others?
Ruggie Bucchi
I don’t know much about Ruggie just because he’s not a character I was very interested in but he’s so funny. Getting straight into it, possessive, manipulative, and overprotective. He’s not a threat, a solid 4/10. I happen to remember that Ruggie was raised by his grandmother and that in book 4 went back home with a lot of food because the kids in his home didn’t have enough. Ruggie has a good heart, it’s just hard to get him to trust someone else because of it. I like to this that his S/O is someone who was able to remind him that it’s okay to be selfish just as much as it is important to be selfless. With that in mind, I think Ruggie being possessive over his S/O is reasonable. Ruggie keeps things that matter to him close, that includes you, babes!! Just as he steals anything else, he stole your heart. Your safety and security matter a lot to him, maybe not at first but as time goes on it’s his first priority. I’ll be honest, Ruggie is a fun person to be around. His jokes and his mannerism are sure to make you smile along with his good heart.
Furthering into his possessiveness, I like to think he gets super jealous when his S/O is with someone else or not having their attention on him. Someone approaches you and asks you to have lunch with them or to study, Ruggie gets pouty and gives you the silent treatment. You’d ask him something and this man will be so petty. “I don’t know, why don’t you ask [Student Name]” or “I don’t know, you seemed to have more fun with them so I don’t want to disturb you”. That kind of petty. He won’t lie, he loves the attention he gets from you. You desperately trying to make it up to him because you NEED him. That being said, he’s a pain in your ass but he’s saved it multiple times. I like to think that Ruggie is that person who at the start of it tries to show that he doesn’t care. The type to flee when you’re in danger or not help because there is nothing to gain until he catches feelings. Slowly saying things like, “Well, we can work out the details of my reward later. . .” or “It’s whatever, I owe you anyways”. He gives off mammon vibes, just not a simp.
As time goes on and he and his S/O start to get closer, he’d be more willing to help you and do things for you. Manipulative, it kinda rubs off on him from Leona tbh. I know for a fact Ruggie knows some underhanded moves to get what he wants, at first he’ll play with your heartstrings, being pouty and petty. If that doesn’t work he’ll get annoyed and just flat-out ignore you. He’s not going to grovel and beg, he’s done plenty of that already. He’s going to make you beg for his attention and his help. The type to pull your hair in class and pull pranks, having the teacher find you and scold you while ignoring Ruggie. Unrightfully giving you detention as he looks the other way. As you’re sitting and doing your boring work, he pops in for a second and just mocks you.
He’s kinda like Ace just a bit toned down! He’s not a dangerous yandere just an annoying one but you should be alright with him!
Jack Howl
Jack gets two, over-protective and possessive. He’s not a dangerous yandere either, like a 3/10? He’s a character with morals and without a doubt, genuine love and concern for his S/O. I know he means well and he does, he’s a super sweet yandere!
Jack is most definitely a protector. As we saw in the game, at first he didn’t seem to want to do a whole lot with us until we got to book 2. He’s super loyal and caring, qualities that his S/O loves and respects as does he. If you’re ever being picked on or bullied, Jack is on the case! He’s going off on them, saying how it’s so cowardly of them to pick on someone who can’t defend themselves. Do you need a walk home? Jack will do it! Do you need some help with an assignment? He doesn’t know much, but he’s down to help you learn better! He’s a sincere lover who cares a lot, and he’s possessive. I feel like Jack at first would hate his feelings. He has no right over you so why does he feel so upset when you’re talking to someone else? Did you find a new partner? You’re staying out late? Don’t you need him….? He shouldn’t feel like this, but he does! Jack would try to deny it at first, surely ir’s just admiration! I mean you did stand up to Leona after all and that takes some real guts!
Possessive. Once those feelings subside, he’s doing what he can to have your attention on him. Inviting him to all his spell drive practices, offering to help you with homework or the other way around. He just wants to protect you. Sure his presence can be suffocating to the point he’s a bit clingy, I mean I don’t think you’re gonna get attacked in line waiting for your food, but who knows? He’s always there, conveniently as well. Acts of service are one of his love languages, you need a book from the high shelf? He’s already on it. You don’t have a partner for the project? No worries neither does he. Leona and Ruggie notice his behavior, often teasing him but never going further. Jack is. . .how do I say this? Awkward. He is so awkward, the type to invite you out to eat and just eat in silence. The type to be content being in your presence so he doesn’t really do anything else. Give him time and he’ll be better, promise!
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Pls pls pls tell us how do you think clones react to trauma PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Full disclaimer, this is probably a lot of projection on my part in regards to coping with my own trauma and just seeing subtle things in media that helps me process a lot of thoughts I've had in regards to past negative experiences.
I am not an expert on trauma, and I am missing a lot of tcw lore because I haven't watched the full series, but I figure maybe I'm onto something on some aspects...
The clones are traumatized. That much is a given, considering their entire existence and undying loyalty is based on a set education/training/indoctrination regiment that's undoubtedly traumatizing.
They live and die for a government and people that don't really care for them (we've seen so many subtle and not so subtle instances of it, with the most recent additions to the roster being the clone veteran on Daiyo, and Riyo Chuchi fighting for the rights of the clones during the rise of the Empire) And the clones are essentially forced to understand and accept this wholeheartedly from an early age.
They have no basic rights, citizenship or even an actual home/lifestyle/traditions to return to once the war is done. Everything that is "theirs" is borrowed from someone else (Kamino, the Mandalorian ways they learned from their trainers, and what other bits and pieces they meshed together to to form into their own culture from the natborns they have limited contact with). Not even their lives, their bodies, are technically theirs. They are property in every sense of the word, and being forced to accept that so willingly and unquestioningly is not easy on the mind or heart. It could break a lesser being really...
But it's all they know. And that's one of the cores of certain types of trauma, and the basis of how you react to said trauma. Because is it really torment if you're born into it? If you don't know anything else? How do you want better if you don't know there IS better?
As someone who's been put through the grinder myself, I recognize reactions that are definitely born out of trauma. I'm most familiar with two very specific reactions that I do often write about: Silent complacency (which is a more passive defense mechanism in situations of stress) and outbursts of irrational anger (which is a more active defense mechanism in situations of stress). These are things I do on a daily basis that I can't help doing...
Most clones fall on the former over the latter, with just a few actually reacting in true anger when they are challenged in ways they can't really explain away, process, or deal with cleanly. Even so, silent complacency does have subcategories, so they way clones deal with their trauma is really up to which subcategory they fall into.
Rex for example, is complacent to a certain degree but not enough so that he isn't rebellious when things go sour. Even so he makes it his goal to try to fix things in the least disagreeable way possible (finding makeshift solutions to problems, trying to find the middle ground even if he doesn't entirely agree with how things are, generally trying to maintain the order of things by making himself useful in some way), even if it means sacrificing others's respect of him and risking going against his own moral compass (Krell, I'm talking about Krell here).
Echo is paradoxical in both being complacent to how things are (letting TBB do nothing for far too long, and sticking around in this sort of stupor of denial and uncertainty of how to proceed, because he honestly went through way too much and hasn't had much time to process), but also being rather obviously angry about how things currently are, and wanting to use that anger constructively (eventually leaving to fight for a cause he can believe in).
Dogma was truly complacent, submitting to the will of his superiors without question because he was taught that this was how you survive long enough to make a difference in war (I won't call it cowardice like I've seen some people do, Dogma was not a coward, far from it, but he was too blinded by his own dogmatic thinking and misplaced loyalty). He was a clear product of upbringing and trauma, and survived by the means that were provided for him since his very birth. The veil was only lifted when things got so bad that there was just no going back... And he still accepted it. He accepted his own death with open arms.
Slick was absolutely enraged by his and the others's unlucky lot in life because, for some inexplicable reason, he was able to see past everything he and the others were taught was their life's mission. Their unquestionable right. And it sucks that we don't know much about him besides what we got, so we don't really know what pushed him to rebel so furiously and so impulsively (endangering the lives of hundreds of clones and the Jedi WAS an irrational thing, but the reason behind it was not), but the fact of the matter is that Slick saw that there was something better than what he and his brothers got, and he was ultimately disgusted by how little their lives mattered in the grand scheme of things. Slick didn't want to die for the republic, didn't accept that he was going to die for the republic, and still died for the republic. There was no way around it. It NEVER mattered whether or not he fought against his set destiny.
There's others who react in different ways to their trauma as well.
We have Cody who's coping mechanism is a sort of nihilistic acceptance that clone lives don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Not 100% blind to the fact their entire existence is a bit of a sham, but also not 100% ready to accept they are now part of the problem until he stops to fully evaluate it. He can't fight the injustice so he accepts it for as long as he can manage. Even if it hurts to live with the fact there's no real better tomorrow for them, and that they're forced to make very difficult choices that are not morally correct. The best he can do is think there's a better tomorrow for the galaxy instead, that his service counts for at least those he serves and protects... He'll float along but never really want for more. At least not for himself.
We also have Wolffe, who eventually becomes so paranoid that he risked losing the one thing he still had: The respect of his brothers. He's lost everything and he's too scared to lose everything all over again, so he protects it tooth and nail without relenting. Protects others from themselves, because he's seen what's beyond the veil of lies and he's unwilling to have anyone else see the rot that has crushed his very soul. He's afraid and angry. Most of all, he's terribly tired of conflict that he'd rather run away from if it means his remaining family lives...
We have outliers like Gregor who have so many reasons to be resentful, but who instead take every given day like it's a blessing. Even if everything goes to hell tomorrow, he still smiles and jokes and deals with everything one step at a time. He is protective of others, that much is clear, and he can get a little lost in his impulsivity, but he doesn't let the trauma rule him or his emotions. Not entirely at least. He's got way too much on his plate to stop and think about existential horror and the injustice of a cruel apathetic galaxy.
We also have the entitled (TBB) who make their trauma everyone else's problem rather than deal with it like adults. Why be altruistic and mindful of your own faults when you can point the finger at your perceived enemies? They're traumatized just like every other clone, but they don't try to process it or even sympathize or empathize with others. They're even apathetic enough that they do many things that undermine one of their own (Echo). In their own eyes they have suffered more (false) and deserve to be regarded as more worthy of praise because they are different.
Just... The clones being traumatized from day one. Behaving based on their traumatization.
Instinctively striving for minimal forms of control through naming themselves, altering their appearance and the paint on their kits. Never really knowing that there's better in life than that which they all intimately know. Never even really getting to thrive because that was never in the cards. Not even when they had someone fighting for them...
There's so much to talk about...
And it might just me reaching hard and empathizing with characters that are undoubtedly tragic, but I just... I donno. I want things to end well for them. Even if I know that's not the conclusion they'll get.
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everyonehasthoughts · 6 months
hi cas. pls answer my questions
To preface this I have only been on the outskirts of this fandom for a hot minute but because you asked me so nicely to reblog this I will give my two cents
❤ mischaracterized by the fandom
I'd I had to say that anyone was most mischaracterized it would have to be hm. Dame Alina. They hate to see a woman winning. She's very much written to seem like a bee eye tee see ach but like. If my boyfriend dumped me for a girl 100 years younger then me I'd be pissed too.
🧡 popular theory I disagree with
I don't actually know any current theories you'd have to send me some and I'll see if I agree with them
💛 popular ship I can't get behind
I've seen a large amount of Fitz and Marella shippers right now (lavacake?) And you know I respect the hustle but they're gay girlbesties to me I just can't see them dating. Otherwise I was literally the pioneer of every poly ship ever back in the early days. Multishipper Supreme
💚 what does everyone else get wrong abt your fave character
That Fitz is well adjusted. Or that his attitude problems somehow manifested out of nowhere and he was definitely not affected by his tumultuous childhood and borderline abuse but you didn't hear that from me
I would need to take a deeper look but if it's anything like it used to be probably everything the fandom thinks abt dex.
💙 - not as hot as everyone thinks
I would have to say uhmmmmmm kenric (pun not intended) I never vibed with him
💜 - hotter then everyone thinks
Bronte. He could get it
🤍 - not as morally bad
This is a difficult thing I would have to say uh. Idk do Sophie antis still exist? She can do whatever she wants forever. Fitz and probably Linh as well based on how she acted in the last book. Alina also since I said that before
🖤 - more morally bad
Literally every adult that isn't Grady, Edaline, Juline, Kesler and Della
💖 - unpopular opinion
Apparently thinking Alden is a bad father is unpopular atm so there's that. Also disliking forkle maybe he's always given me rancid vibes. Also I would like to say i think alden being a bad or not great guy would be a fantastic writing decisions
💔 main character you would remove
Lol. Forkle. Either one of them. Or both
💕unpopular ship you like
Is there such thing as an unpopular ship? I was pretty sure we were a great multishipping fandom. I like sofitz! And Fitz and Linh
📖 book you would take away
This new one that's coming out lol. I really don't care abt whatever Keefe got up to
🏳️‍🌈 fandom thinks they're queer but you don't see it
It's impossible for me to not see the possibility of queerness in everyone
💀 who should die
I'd say forkle but he's technically dead. I also don't want alden dead because I think the story would be really cool if she leaned into him being a bit nefarious. Lady Gisela probably cuz like. Idk how she keeps surviving this shit. Mostly for the dead to stay dead this isnt supernatural
Welcome to discussion abt any of this but BE NICE it's a book series. I respect your opinions, please respect mine
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peterokii · 1 year
Hello 👋!I love ur content(Seroroki is just❤️‍🔥😩) and i hope ur doing well.Jesus bless you❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜💅🏾!I see a lot of ur Serorki fanart on Google but I never know that u Tumblr so I create an account just for u,lucky boy😁!And just saying I sont understand ppl that are LGBTQphobic like,it's their choice but pls,show at least some respect.Im very sorry that ur going through this and and some ppl disagree ur choice.We need to respect everyone and their choices in this world bc we have on one life to live.And don't worry about I,pls.I luv u and ur artstyle it just so unique ♡.Stay urself and never change for the other.Ur strong,unique and yourself.And I loooove ur name i wish I had it(I'm a girl but it's okay,I think..?)You just encourage me to draw Seroroki but I'm so lazy and bad😩💀.And dont forget to smile and ur subs will always support you unconditionally.]UR PERFECT AS U ARE REAPEAT W/ ME UR PERFERT AS U AREI hope u read this bye👋♥ (I think I forgot smt,but I don't know!)(thinking)(Oh yeah!kiss kiss <3<3<3)Ppl hate lgbtq are just🥶🤓.AND I KNOW,ITS NOT A QUESTION BUT ANYWAYS
thats nice but.... being trans is not a choice? it's anything but a choice also, people don't get to disagree with my identity. you don't get to disagree with who someone is, it's not "their choice", it's discrimination and hate speech.
your message is well meaning, i can see it, but i hope you'll reconsider these kind of views. hating is not a "oh it's their choice" situation, it affects people for real. it's not a "agree to disagree" matter. it's a "i cant go out without thinking someone is going to see who i am and be agressive based on that". it's a begging everything the cashier doesnt say "maam". it's a "i hope the pharmacist doesnt give me a weird look today".
being trans, or gay, or anything under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella is not a choice. you're right that we deserve respect, but hating us is not a point of view we need to respect in return. it's hate, plain and simple. and hating individuals based on their identity is, once again, not okay. it will never be.
i'm glad you enjoy my work, i truely do. and i dont think you have any bad intentions, but i hope i can explain in the nicest way possible that the matters of LGBTQIA+-phobia is a lot more that just a difference of point of views.
much love.
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Ty again for responding to my question! This ask is less of a question and more of a mini ramble/vent of my own, idk if you'll find this interesting, pls don't feel obliged to answer this, if not I'll be back with more interesting stuff sooner or later. (disclaimer: im unsure of what terminology to use when) I don't consider myself as a radfem or GC, but in my past month or so of consistent lurking i'd say i've adopted some of the perspectives and opinions, whilst still being supportive of trans ppl and wanting feminism to result in equality between the sexes (i personally believe that this equality and the liberation of women aren't mutually exclusive but that's a different can of worms, also not saying that radfems and GCs can't also be those things). So it kind of shocks me when I at times return to more trans positive/inclusive (?) spaces and see how they talk about TERFs or just radfems in general. I'm skipping the part about how I don't see their arguments in the same light anymore, and more focusing on how they talk about those groups (while most of the time seemingly not having properly looked into them). Like, I have my fair share of criticisms for those 2 communities as an outsider looking in, but they're a lot more constructive and not as "automatic, knee-jerk reaction"-ish than what I've seen from TRAs(?). Furthermore, although I don't think radfems and GCs are necessarily always the nicest to trans ppl or even other qu**r groups, I've seen them being willing to engage in civil debates, clarifying that they don't wish harm on the opposite side/expressing some sympathy to at least a part of the opposite side, denouncing the issues within their own communities, encouraging each other to participate in more "tangible" activism (ex: volunteering at women's shelters), etc more commonly and on a more regular basis than TRAs (?) (not sure what terminology to use lol sorry).
What's even more surprising is that I feel like I can have a civil conversation with most, if not all, of my trans friends without it absolutely obliterating our friendship and mutual respect for each other and even ending up agreeing on some things, so it's odd to see such hostility towards even just *engaging with an opposing belief* and *asking more direct questions* online. Maybe it's more prevalent there than irl? Anyway, if you read this entire thing, thanks and I hope you found it entertaining at the very least x) 'till next time! ~🪼
hey I would be a hypocrite to not enjoy listening to other people ramble considering how much of it I do myself lmao
but also, I genuinely really enjoyed reading this! I totally agree with the sentiment. I did find it super interesting myself in my lurking journeys when the characterization of "terfs" was always built around word of mouth information, the worst faith interpretations of any radfem point, and constant reiteration of how they're irredeemable traditionalists who were completely not worth listening to and directly supporting hategroups (which. is pretty hyperbolic especially if you're addressing radblr lmao).
where as radfems always characterized "tras" directly with screenshots, literally listening to them and displaying them as they are. and yeah, even in radfem spaces where there can be varying disagreements, there is still some level of discussion or debate where you can trace back the discourse and see why they disagree. then, in contrast, when I lurk through broader lgbtq discourse,it's always full of calling people whatever-phobic and just never trying to understand the actual reasons behind any arguments. or it's people over-intellectualizing to the point of nonsense, then still turning around and straw-manning their opponent regardless.
and honestly, it probably is an online thing. the demographic of people online in these communities are just getting younger and everyone is getting more personal too. your identity and digital reputation are now "at stake" in the spaces you frequent, and all your friendships have become your "mutuals" who are an extension of your online personhood and credibility, so you MUST curate your space and your relationships to be unproblematic and aligned with popular opinion as to not be ostracized from these spaces and make yourself look bad.
In real life, people strive to care less what others think of them, and thus can entertain disagreement and nuance while not feeling threatened. online, people are quite literally incentivized to care what others think of them because what's the point of going online otherwise (yknow, if you disregard learning more about different perspectives and using the breadth of the world wide web to learn new things and deepen your understanding). ok, before I start ranting like a boomer comic strip on the "evils of social media" and how the youth are using the internet badly, I'll cut myself off :p
really really well written insights though anon! literally it is always a great time for me when I log on to this website and see you hanging out in the inbox! thank you, and I hope to see you soon !! ヾ(^∇^)
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hexitca · 9 months
Rant about Puritan fandom culture!
Well I typed it on twitter but then I had more to say so tumblr it is!
Under read more
WARNING: Long as fuck
Here's some pics
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I know I basically said the author of Heartstopper "brought it on themselves" but yea they kinda did.
You can disagree with BL/Yaoi you can hate the shipping discourse or shipping in fandom in general but you cant frame it in a "i hate [that] bc it's sinful/fetishistic and I'M ABOVE THAT BC I'M WHOLESOME AND BETTER THAN THOSE DISGUSTING SHIPPERS"
bc that's gonna bite you in the ass...as it is doing now. The fucking image of their character's google history is so tame and normal, esp in LGBTQ+ spaces! Yet they are being called a pedo? Crazy. In the end, you only hurt yourself!
I never bothered with HS bc i just wasnt interested in it but thats just my preference. It's sad to see ppl, esp young ppl, turn on a series of LGBTQ+ representation just bc of the author's past (or current? idk) stance on the BL/Yaoi or MLM or whatever genre just bc their stance wavered a bit in a simple comic image. Something that is so fucking normal also! but they will grow up and realized how limiting it is to restrict themselves just to appear pure within a group.
Yet the artists/writers/creators are traumatized by the witchhunt. I know I said the author brought it on themselves for supporting anti but damn I don't want them being accused of being a pedo! Or ANYTHING! NO ONE DESERVES THAT. I dont know anything about the author other than surface knowledge but at the end of the day, all this online shit, doesnt matter. It doesnt! Me saying that is ironic bc im typing this post up right now!
but it's something we care about! I care about fandom spaces, I care that creators are getting attack for something as mild as this even if they invited these ppl into their circle. We're human and we change our views a million times a fucking day. I could agree with one thing and disagree with it another. That's why anti discourse pisses me the hell off! It's just a bunch of bullies looking to make themselves feel better by shaming others! I don't respect that type of behavior. And I hate that they just run around saying shit like "kys" over a two characters fucking?!? It amazes me beyond words.
Fandom has never been without its discourse. But the puritan bullshit is not even fandom discourse, it's just straight up bullying and harassment. It doesnt take much to tailor your fandom spaces to your preferences, i should know ive been in fandom spaces since I was fucking 13 years old. I didn't explore nsfw/porn/anything until I wanted to when I was 18. That is MY personal experience. I never put that on anyone else BUT MYSELF. If I saw nsfw and didnt want to see it I blocked the person. Not make a fucking witch hunt out of it. You are in charge of keeping YOURSELF in check not some person who shared nsfw art/fanfic. How fucking hard is it to turn the "don't show me nsfw" toggle on??? Bc it's not about that. Y'all just wanna be mad and be above someone so why not ppl minding their own business.
And guess what? There ARE ppl who are bad and support nsfw art/writing. They fucking suck. They are outliers and deserve to be called out when they get exposed. But many times, ppl always go "see i told you all the ppl in THAT fandom were pedos/freaks/etc" hmmm sounds like when conservatives go "see...that queer person turned out to be bad, SO all queer ppl are bad" DO YOU GET IT?? It never works out with that line of thinking. You are harming innocent ppl minding their own business. You are harming yourselves when you grow the fuck up and realize that "OH actually...I am curious about sex" and have ppl who you thought were your friends eat your face. PLS wake the fuck up.
If you're an anti:
I hope you recover from that
go fuck yourself
if you're offended by me saying "go fuck yourself", pls take that as a sign to log off the internet and go touch grass. As someone who has done that many of times, it's very refreshing.
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hobidreams · 2 months
I was curious about TES after Yoongi was getting whacked left and right by anon's and read all the 3 parts + drabbles. I agree with them that he is toxic and but I also noticed something peculiar.
Why does y/n keep giving in that relationship ? Like, she buys him that music device, she spends her money on him after his first hit, she goes down on him more times than he does in the series. Even when they were just fxckbuddies, he seemed to be way ruder and seeing their relationship, I don't think he has made up to her. She is doing everything & he is just receiving while giving back little. The relationship seems parasitic rather than symbiotic.
im ngl to you i think its just because of the way the series is written and it's impossible for me to cover everything in their relationship!! LOL. so all those little moments of Yoongi being there for her, offering the $$ and emotional support she needs to pursue her dreams, doing the dishes for her when shes busy, those don't really get highlighted just bc of the scenes that ive chosen to write about. i tried to show it in the AMM answers (not sure if you read those too) but basically whatever she wants, she gets and Yoongi buys for her or acquiesces (even if its like food at 3am). like the cats that she's obsessed with. if she randomly brought home another cat he'd just cave to what she wanted loool. also in an amm i think i said that he, mc, and mocha wear family halloween costumes LMAO he def didnt like them at first but he does stuff like that to make her smile all the time!
ALSO PLS THE MAN WENT DOWN ON HER THE FIRST TIME LIKE A MADMAN u think he isn't down there on a regular basis?? 😆
anyhow the entire concept of the series was enemies to lovers so i truly wanted to create a character who was RUDEEE and in the depths so that he could get a second chance. ive always said in asks abt TES that if u meet a man like first chap Yoongi, u should run LOL but post-final-cup, Yoongi is absolutely trying his best to meet her needs and use his words and communicate with her like a big boy! also i think in my head he's just not as.. creative as her?? so like it'd never occur to him to rent a limo for sex LMAO but he would take her out for a nice romantic dinner to celebrate and that's not something that was particularly interesting to write a whole drabble abt 😥 so like the BJ drabble was meant to harken back to ch2, so that's why she was doing that. so i don't think it's totally accurate to say he always gives less.
also when i was writing the series, it was important to me that she has her flaws too. they're just flaws that arent as obvious because we're in her head! like she's so obviously a busybody and nosy AF. she's attracted to Yoongi cause she's kinda lost in her life and has a very "I want to fix him" attitude that's not good for either of them. so that moment at the end of the [REDACTED] confrontation where Yoongi storms off instead of thanking her was meant to be her wakeup call. he had to come to terms with it on her own and she ultimately had to respect his decisions, even when she disagrees with them. in a relationship i can still see her trying to take over and "my way or the highway" at times but Yoongi is more chill now so he mostly goes along with it, even if he bickers for fun with her over it! so imo the relationship is quite balanced now!!
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daydadahlias · 8 months
What is the difference to you between Wattpad fic and non Wattpad fic? Genuinely asking. Isn't fic just fic and quality is going to vary regardless of where it gets posted? Also i think to me at least, x reader fic is kind of synonymous with Wattpad so how can you "condemn" one but not the other? Interested to hear your thoughts :)
ok so it is 1 am and I just finished writing a vEry bad paper so my brain is not firing on all cylinders rn. thus, pls forgive me for not being the most articulate.
I would like to first say that all of this is just my Jess Opinion so I’m not trying to make you disagree or agree w/ me and I’m not stating any of this as fact. These are just my personal thoughts that I state with authority and passion bc that’s how I talk :) ok!!
Obviously I don’t actually “condemn” any authors lmfao I was just being dramatic for comedic affect. Im not asking to burn any wattpad authors at the stake or anything. However, there is definitely a distinct difference between wattpad fic and ao3 fic, so much so that I can literally read a fic on ao3 and tell when it has been cross posted from wattpad.
Fic quality actually does not vary as much as you think dependent on platform. Usually people write amongst groups of likeminded people and similar writing styles so your writing style can be influenced a Lot by the platform you post on. Sure there’s an outlier here and there but pretty much all wattpad fic is simply Not written well for a variety of reasons.
My most personal beef from wattpad stems from their crack ass horrible garbage stupid bitch fuck ratchet tagging system.
On wattpad, there is NO way to trigger warn or appropriately tag for content or, as a reader, filter out content you don’t want to see. Unless an author specifically includes something in an author note about content warnings (which they Don’t do for the most part because no one else on the platform does so why would they break fhe mold??)
This means that when you read Most wattpad fics, you don’t know what kind of content you’re going to encounter. Often times, this content ends up being blatant internalized misogyny, domestic abuse, and/or dub-con handled with no tact or understanding for the problematicism of the subject matter :)
I don’t personally read x reader (bc I’m an aroace person so I’m just not the audience for it lol) but I certainly don’t knock people that write it. It’s a very valid form of writing/expression and there are plenty of very talented x reader writers on tumblr that I respect a lot. So that’s why I made the differentiation.
A lot of the x reader writers on tumblr are adults whereas wattpad is primarily comprised of children (when I say children I mean as broad a range as 9-16).
Because ao3 is regarded as “confusing” to a lot of young people just now getting into fanfic (ie. me when I was 12), they post on wattpad (or quotev, which is where I posted lol) because it is a platform made to be accessible for primarily adolescents.
This means that the bulk of fics you’re finding on wattpad are written by teenagers; often, straight female teenagers who have not had comprehensive sex education, do not understand the full spectrum of consent, have only consumed media that pushes damaging heteronormative expectations when it comes to romance, and are reading stories written by other adolescents who don’t understand these topics either!!! It’s usually a case of the blind leading the blind.
I don’t inherently think of wattpad being synonymous with x reader considering there is slash on there too. I instead consider it synonymous with adolescent writing. And, as we’ve established a few times now, I’m an adult who does not feel comfortable reading about children or reading the writing of children.
While there’s nothing wrong with kids learning how to write and becoming comfortable with their craft (and while I think it is important for them to have those outlets as it was for me), wattpad writers never really tend to grow out of that because that’s what basically All the content on wattpad is. They continuously feed into a loop of misinformation that they perpetuate the cycle of by not understanding the content they’re consuming is inappropriate and incorrect (I’m talking about romantic portrayals of abuse/assault and the glamorization of abusive men).
Young teens using wattpad makes sense to me. It really does. I used quotev so I don’t have room to talk. I can say, however, that I don’t like it, considering how permeated wattpad is with untagged rape and domestic violence that teaches young consumers really damaging perspectives about romance but… I know kids genuinely don’t know any better and have not been given an outlet to know better when our sex education system fails to teach us even the slightest bit of porn literacy… but that’s neither here nor there. And I often times make fanfic a deeper conversation than it needs to be :)
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isitovernow-ootw · 5 months
i keep seeing people interpreting the tattood golden retriever line as meaning little ttpd is about ratty. my feeling is that that song is one of the best examples of how the album intertwines & compares both muses
here's some of the lines that seem to be pretty clearly about one or the other. I cut out the chorus but in my view it applies to both
joe mh both
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So basically the first verse would be joe, second verse both, and bridge mh. i almost wonder if "tattooed golden retriever" itself is a combination of the two, but I'm not as sure about that.
the second verse also could just be mh exclusively, but to me it feels like it's likening the two. smoke is used in referenced to both of them in different songs, both have mental health issues
"i chose this cyclone with you" feels like the thesis of both relationships in slightly different ways. for joe it's I swore I'd stay no matter what, I put all my hopes and dreams into this, I'm with you even if it makes me blue. for mh it's also i put all my hopes and dreams into this, but with more of a but daddy i love him / i can fix him (no really i can) vibe. "I know he's crazy but he's the one I want"
and those two versions of "I chose this cyclone with you" are also basically a summary of the first verse and the bridge, respectively.
"I've seen this episode and and still love the show" vs "it's meant to be 'cause we're crazy"
this comparison to me is a big part of what the album is about (obviously there's a lot going on beyond that & still figuring things out) and I think it's kind of incapsulated in this song.
pls let me know your thoughts on this and if you agree or disagree!! obviously this is super new & this is just what I'm thinking right now + may change after settling in with the album and hearing other thoughts
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What are we all even doin' here?!?!?!
I just read something around here that made me cringe! What's going on in this FD, guys?
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Let's protect it at all costs, don't let anyone ruin it pls! We have a whole new season ahead of us so let's NOT break it now, pls!
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Storytime of when this user was basically saying: "I'm allergic to "chocolate", so don't write about it when you write fics about Carmy" WTAF!? I'm not even kidding, you guys! I swear to dog, my dog, WHOM I LOVE.
Why the fuck can't we all agree to disagree and make sure we just stay away from what we don't like and enjoy the fics or things we do like in peace w/o trying to shove our own preferences down people's throats all the fucking time?! IT'S CALLED RESPECT. WE CAN'T DEMAND FREEDOM IF WE DON'T RESPECT OTHER'S. That's hypocrisy.
How can you even think about asking a writer to EXCLUDE a topic based on your allergies!?!?!!?
And we writers, let's not be asses either pls, we have a bunch of resources to tag, DNI warnings, and A/N our work properly so the readers (including the allergic ones *rolls eyes*) can make an informed decision on whether to read our fics or skip the fuck outta them, instead of fucking bitch about their health issues online to attention whore their way into this platform, using our work as an excuse.
Thank you very fucking much.
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h0oty · 23 days
☆It/Hoot (they/them OK just not preferred) ☆
✧ 19 / palestinian-american / autistic + plural + xenogender ✧
☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆
I LOVE GETTING ASKS AND REQUESTS I try my best to reply to them on time send me words
☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆LINKS ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆
art tag / mlp redesigns / instagram / toyhouse
☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ INTRO ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆
Hi my name is Pickle and i am a weird autistic bird thing. I am aware hooty is a cartoon character (and i love him dearly) but my username is a coincidence dont sue me disney!!!!!!
I am a DID system host. I don't post about this often but to give some context as to why I refer to myself as a bird rather than a human LOL
I draw stuff! You probably know me from MLP art if you're on here but i work on all sorts of projects (i need to post more fr) please feel free to ask me about anything whenever i love it
I'd love to do art professionally some day, but for now im just a guy Feel free to send a dm at any time but keep in mind i have the social skills of a wet piece of bread and i might get too shy to answer. u have my explicit permission to spam me until i reply /gen
If you like my art, I do pwyw comms on my ko-fi, they start at $5! I can draw anything :3
^ u can also dm me if you don't have ko-fi but are interested...
BYF under the cut
Before you follow:
i don't have a real dni because no one respects it. if youre a creep or we disagree on important morals i will block you
this is not a safe space for bigotry (racism, lgbtphobia, ect.) and this extends to things like "contradictory labels" of lgbt people. (basically, idc if someone is a 'mspec lesbian' or whatever thats their choice and gender is made up!!!!)
i use my art to cope and therefore may explore dark topics in my art. im going to start posting more of whatever i want so if you need something tagged please lmk! anything generally agreed as upsetting will already have a warning
that being said i do NOT tag HEALED scars, deformities, or amputations. i believe bodies should not need to be censored like that its the same as saying "cw freckles" ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ Not a formal DNI because I know people like this aren't gonna listen but I'll probably block you if:
you're proship OR antiship* ( i obviously dont condone proshipping BUT i don't condone harassing them either, as they're usually misguided kids or traumatized. its always better to let ppl know WHY stuff is bad and help them grow rather than just saying they all suck and should die.)
zionist (im palestinian why r you here)
believe in or condone "sfw fetish" content (this does not mean liking it means posting kink art with no warnings where kids can access it because its ""sfw""/non-sexual PLS KEEP KIDS SAFE ONLINE GUYS!!!)
☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆ ☆⁎⁺˳✧༚*༚✧˳⁺⁎☆
also note that among various horrors i have BPD so i can get emotionally driven and impulsive. i have gotten a lot better w/ it and am making efforts not to but sometimes i will vagepost on a whim if something upsets me or get argumentative with obvious anon trolls . i am working on it just hit me with a "stop that" if im being wacky
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cruelestpoetryever · 1 month
“well i don’t agree i said anything wrong”
“Because I don’t agree that I was rude”
i’ve gone thru quite a bit of ur blog and while u have a strong opinion about some things (which is v valid, i have strong opinions about certain things too and so does literally everyone else), you can’t seem to acknowledge or even respect anyone who seems to bring their views to ur blog (some i get like the transphobia, but a lot of anons seem genuinely nice and just want to have a discussion)
ur automatic response when u don’t have any others is “fuck you” (seriously how much do u like that word?) or calling things “stupid”. if the debate have reached an end with no clear resolution, just agree to disagree AND MOVE ON
u need to be able to see things from other people’s pov, and acknowledge that ur intentions can be very different from how people interpret the things ur saying or doing. it may be pretty normal for u to say stuff like “fucking tell me” and have short responses, but maybe say that bc otherwise it seems pretty disrespectful to a lot of people.
“i don’t see myself as difficult” - but clearly other people do?? they wouldn’t just be saying that for no reason. if people think i’m being difficult or rude there’s a v good chance that i have said or done something to make them think that. what u say, especially online, can be interpreted in many different ways. pls recognise that and make the aim of whatever ur saying clear rather than immediately getting defensive when someone points it out
genuine piece of advice: take a break. whether that be u completely deactivate ur account or just stop posting or responding to asks, just leave Tumblr for a bit. i cannot understand how it is fun for u to respond to these asks and to actively seek arguments under other posts. it might be a good idea for u to do some self-reflection and assess ur priorities, and the best way to do that is away from social media.
imma sign myself off with an emoji bc i come here often and i may leave another comment 🍯 (lol get it)
So I shouldn't use social media even if it's the only way to honestly express my interests and emotions? Wow what a great plan.
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
Friend, thank you for your kind replies regarding my grisha rants 😂 I wish to be like you, and calmly approach differences in reading between fellow readers. I agree with you completely that a lot of the time the entire reading experience is so subjective, depending on your own POV.
However! I am too villainous ψ(`∇´)ψ! And this is another chest of worms to get into another day but, while I grew up reading YA, it has made me become an extremely picky reader because of the oceans of disappointment over the years and kind of growing up and seeing the flaws of it through a new lens that keeps changing as we grow older. And at some point I realized it’s because I can’t relate to most of them (and that’s ok!! I still enjoyed them) but when I did find books in my adulthood I connected with, it…was such a surreal experience
And I believe I definitely am very much older in age as it shows 😭 because just a last little chip, but the part where you mentioned being too harsh to the grisha trilogy when it helped establish these tropes and plot lines—I disagree :<
I have come across many stories/books/media that were repeating these same plot lines and character tropes long before it was published in 2012+. I do however, believe that it was one of the fantasy YA books that helped popularize these said tropes further to a new hype! (Kind of like how Twilight or 50 Shades acted as a type of rebirth/hype trigger in their respective genres)
In fact I do believe these overused/overfamiliar plot lines and stereotypes aren’t necessarily bad!! Its been around forever after all, it’s just a matter of how it gets changed up depending on how writers use them, how the story is being told
It’s more of how the author will utilize it in the long run, and how well the character development happens throughout the story, going deeper than the surface level we initially meet them at. Like how well peeling back the layers is (I’m terrible at doing this, I still cry when I peel onions 🧅)
And now this was again too long ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Forgive me, it’s been a tough couple of years I haven’t been able to meet w friends to discuss books 📖
hahaha yeah i mean art and our experience with it is so subjective and in most instances i would never dare to invalidate someone's experience with a piece of media! i love to hear people's opinions on stories bc it's so interesting to me to see who resonates with what and what kind of things don't work for some people. i think hearing different opinions just broadens your own understanding of the different ways you can approach and look at media.
ofc you're absolutely right about the tropes/plot line thing!! these tropes and plot lines did exist well before the grishaverse! i think you said it much better than i did (and properly put into words what i meant)—it popularised these tropes/plot lines and kind of established them as *a thing* in the (back then relatively new or newly popularised) genre of YA fantasy.
and i also wholeheartedly agree with "overused" tropes/plot lines not having to be bad at all! i mean, they're wildly used and popular for a reason. there are so many different ways you can change up little things or add something to them—and sometimes even adhering to the well tested formula without changing anything can work for a story. it's really all about what a story *needs* to reach it's potential. and what the goal of the narrative actually is.
pls don't apologise for long-ish asks! i know how it feels. sometimes you just need to get it out of your system, especially when you didn't have time to talk about it a lot with others!
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saintobio · 2 years
Saint you're a wonderful writer and probably the most patient one I've come across because my fucking god these people have no chill. I'm sorry I'm being harsh but it feels like some people are just skipping on entire paragraphs???? And reading only the shit which would push their gojoyn endgame and utahime and satoru hate agenda?????
Like my god I even kind of felt sympathetic towards sera in sn (not the chamomile tea incident that was plain vile) because I can get her side of the story which you tried to explain so much when you wrote about her situation at home, her need for money, etc.
Yes a lot of her actions with gojo were completely wrong and in that time I sided with yn obv because it wasn't fair to her but at the same time I considered her as a character who has two sides of the story and not just one where she was looking like she wanted to destroy another woman's life
In the same way I can understand utahime as well because you wrote about her side of the story as well. And it's honestly ENOUGH for me to consider her not a plain evil person and just someone who wants love and her own stuff from life.
Its obv unfortunate that the one utahime wants is the ex husband of her bestf but honestly if I've learned anything, it's that sometimes you cannot help who you fall in love with. (This is controversial but honestly I've been in yn's shoes in my life and that is how I'm forming an opinion on it)
Again the thing I completely disagree with, is her not telling yn sooner about her and satoru. This was wrong.
And satoru. This man rn. Is trying to move on. I agree that it's again unfortunate that it's with yn's bestf but he's trying because yn has told him THAT SHE CANNOT BE WITH HIM. WTF ELSE IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO.
I'm sorry but in my opinion he tried everything.
Again I will forever remember how satoru treated her in sn and how much she mentally and physically suffered during that period. I was crying while reading guys pls don't get me wrong I'm not trying to defend his actions. I was really mad at satoru during an era. And I recognize that he only came to yn after she started to not give a fuck but here's the thing (maybe controversial)- he suffered. He became fucking su*cidal because because he was made to believe that he lost his child. That is in my opinion enough of a punishment for him. This is my interpretation because as a reader, my emotions and opinions for characters change with changing circumstances.
And yn. I will forever have a soft spot for her and I just want her to be happy because she deserves it. She's also just human and I dont really know what to say but wish for her happiness.
But here's the last thing. It's a story. And its angst. And its saint's story. AND SHE CAN DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH HER STORY, THE CHARACTERS, THE PLOT AND EVERYTHING.
And saint has said time and time again that these characters are imperfect. They're human. They hurt and get hurt.
The least we can do is not invalidate what she says and be respectful to her and the characters while saying something.
Anonymous said
Hi Saint! I’m so sorry that the response of sy is pretty much overwhelming you, both sn and sy are so so great, and you’re such an amazing writer that’s really infuriating seeing you so tired because of all the negativity! Even me as a fellow reader, I get stressed by so many harsh and violent comments in the comment box, I can’t imagine what does your ask box looks like, yikes
I wish there was a way you could limit abd filter all toxic asks and still be able to see those who analyze and appreciate your beautiful work :( all this negativity and toxicity is not healthy for you, and it’s totally valid if you need to take a rest and put sy in hiatus
I know I’ll be here for it when you’re ready to return, it’s not much but it’s honest! And I do know a lot of people in this community that’ll be as patient and loving
Honestly I don’t know where all this hate came from :c sn had it too, but it’s seems out of control since sy started! Since wattpad came into our lives it seems like there’s a small community of readers that feel entitled to demand what they want from the story, but this is not ours, it’s yours!
And I don’t know the age range of people who read sn/sy, I’ll hope it’s +18 since your blog ask minors not to interact, and I see a lot of Euphoria fans (and the show is +18 too) but a lot of negative readers and ask doesn’t really sound mature enough to understand that a lot of what’s happening in the story is a response of the environment/context/history etc of sn, so instead of painting villains every chapter maybe you should wait and judge when the story ends, really, if you don’t have something nice to say, just don’t
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i appreciate the support. thank you <3 it wasn’t even real hate, just some really toxic asks from entitled anons who want the plot to go their way instead of mine. mine. me, the writer. like why the fuck are u reading angst if you can’t handle it? it’s also nonsensical, like saying everything is in favor of utahime and i have favoritism 😭 goddamn. it’s ridiculous. and yeah i agree that some people just don’t sound mature enough but i’m really over it. i’ve been discussing this whole thing w my moot and it’s true that whatever plot i go with (whether it’s gojoyn endgame or not) people will always have something to say. i literally cannot satisfy everyone.
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