#also i forgot to mention i often take people's experiences and try to show i understand and relate and/or tell them them they arent alone
alchemiclee · 1 year
me: this thing doesn't work. i'm struggling so much. I can't do this. this is bad. i'm failing. etc etc
friend: you can do it, I believe it you!!!
me: 😊!!!
#positivity#i dont know how to tag this actually so i'll ramble instead#i always say this to other people now because it feels nice tbh#i had one friend (who randomly disappeared a couple years ago D:) always say this to me and i adopted it#before i only had people tell me what to do and their advice didnt work or wasnt what i needed#or they get angry at me for “being too negative” and i hate it. most people still do these things#i used to try to solve/fix people's problems too because it's what everyone did to me so i thought its what youre supposed to do?#but i generally get way better responses by saying this. there is the occasional very negative person#who gets mad at me for it and is like “no i cant do it! dont tell me i can. dont mock me!” and im just like ok whatever dont do it then????#idk what those people want lmao some people arent happy with anythjng you say#also i forgot to mention i often take people's experiences and try to show i understand and relate and/or tell them them they arent alone#ans their experiences and feelings are valid. but i also get negative responses to that as well....#do most people not like to feel valid and less alone??? i thought most people seek validation and hate feeling alone#but maybe some people like to feel special and like the only one ever or something lmao who knows#those people go in the same box as the overly negative ones that hate everything you say to them#i forgot what i was talking about now#lee rambles#lee text
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anglingforlevels · 8 months
Open House (Yandere House x Reader)
When people say the housing market is a nightmare, is this what they had in mind? (The story goes out to me because I’m trying to get an apartment and it is Suffering. Please pretend this count as yandere.)
CW: not proofread, unconventional captivity, swearing, I accidentally had too much fun writing Abby and forgot the point of the story-
Minors DNI
When you proudly had reached the saving milestone to buy a small house in the countryside, you had opted to spend some of that money on a real estate agent, figuring it was a good investment, hiring a Ms. Abby Bardot – who, over the phone, had insisted heavily on being called Abby rather than Ms. Bardot – who had twenty years of experience in the field.
Quite quickly, you realized that perhaps she wasn’t the most conventional real estate agent.
Ms. Abby, you quickly noticed at your first meeting, was all hand-wringing and nervous sweating, though she seemed sweet enough, having clutched a tin of home-cooked cookies in all shades of black and almost-not-black, and had heartily insisted you’d take as many as you’d like (which was zero).
She had insisted on bringing you to an open house for what she had called a hidden gem of a house, that it would be a private tour. To you, once she mentioned it would be at 1 p.m., it was quite obvious that “private tour” meant, “no one else has or will be showing up”.
Ms. Abby had also enthusiastically shown pictures of the place, pictures she had ready-at-the-go on her phone, presumably she really needed a buyer for the house.
“Ms. Abby.” You had said, interrupted with a small interjection of, Oh please, just Abby. “Ms. Abby, that’s not quite a house and more so a small manor. I went over my budget with you when I hired you.” Ms. Abby had quickly recovered from the rejection and puffed out her chest proudly.
“Why that’s the best part, this is within your budget!”
You had sent her a dubious look at this. “Are the pictures… How do I put this delicately? Are the pictures recent and unedited?”
Ms. Abby deflated so quickly that it almost felt impressive, almost urging you to clap as if it was a circus performance. Of course, it felt mean had you clapped at her dejected look.
“It’s well-kept, I assure you. These pictures are all recent, I’ve updated them every year for almost my entire career!” She said proudly, and you almost felt pity at the fact she didn’t seem to realize her own slip-up but instead paraded it around like a badge of honor.
Though, all-in-all you were charmed, and somewhat endeared, by the honesty. But not very much by the house at all. “I think I’d like to look at other options, it’s awfully big for just one person.”
“Ah, wait!” Ms. Abby said urgently. “Please, before we continue with other options, let’s first try out the open house this Friday.”
“Is this protocol, Ms. Abby?” Ms. Abby’s lips wobbled at this and… “Are you crying?!”
“No, I’m a professional. Real Estate Agents don’t cry, I’m simply sweating, is all.” Ms. Abby sniffled, dubbing her eyes with a handkerchief, presumably you were meant to believe her eyes were suffering heat stroke on this fine autumn day.
“…Alright, I’ll go to the open house. Just give me the address.” You eventually relented, if only to avoid seeing the pitiful sight of a teary-eyed Ms. Abby.
That’s how you ended up before a grand house out in the middle of nowhere, the closest town was an hour-long drive away. Forest and fields were most of the surroundings, which was why the house was in such stark contrast, standing as a sole presence, the forests and fields shying away to make room for it, leaving a vast vacancy around it, stretching on for at least fifty meters.
It really was a pristine house, when comparing it to the pictures, it seemed to match right down to the placement of every rock and plant in sight. As if someone had consciously placed each leaf and pebble.
The plants and trees of the garden donned vibrant colors despite the season. You wondered how often Ms. Abby came by, or if she had hired a crew for maintenance, as you could not spot even the slightest hint of dirt or spiderwebs.
The only thing that looked aged was, unfortunately, the “For Sale” sign.
It felt a little unnatural, but you chalked it up to currently being a display house, and thus not lived-in either. You took notice of the way the trees beyond the reach of the garden were withered and wrinkled, and the grass yellowy, dry patches, barely hiding the dirt beneath.
“Some more forest could really do this place some good.” You mumbled. You hesitated for reasons you didn’t fully understand before stepping beyond dead plants clinging loosely to your feet and entering the garden.
You felt a prickling sensation behind your eyes the further you traveled, the door felt so far when the weight of something cloyingly attentive seemed to drag you down as if to prevent your advances.
“You’re here!” A delighted Ms. Abby yelled out before the sound of pitter-patter was interrupted by a loud thud against the door that rattled the frame. With her energy dampened, a sheepish Ms. Abby appeared behind the front door, simply saying; “It opens the other way.”
Right, something attentive could only have been the attention of the overzealous Ms. Abby.
“Come in, come in!” She invited, all but pulling you stumbling into a most decadently, lavishly decorated foyer. From distasteful stuffed animal heads to the ruby red furniture and mosaic glass tables, it felt quite uncomfortable, all sharp angles and very little homeliness to it, like an ornate display of wealth rather than a welcome into a household.
“Not very welcoming, huh?” You commented, which Ms. Abby elected not to respond to, though the small “eep” suggested she had heard the negative impression.
Looking the room over it was impossible for your eyes not to rest at the centerpiece of the foyer: A huge painting above the staircase. A solemn-looking guy stared out into the air, curly locks framing his face. Old paintings always looked miserable, yet you couldn’t help but feel there was a glint of genuine misery in his eyes. Noticing your attention had wandered, Ms. Abby followed your eyes.
“Oh, that was an owner of the house who had it commissioned back during the Renaissance, they wanted it right here, in the heart of the house.” She explained though you couldn’t say you agreed to a decadent foyer being the heart of a house, and if it was, that wasn’t boding well for Ms. Abby’s already poor sales chances.
“I’ve never understood why someone would want to pay money to look miserable in a painting, like you’re paying for it, at least make yourself smile or something.” Your jab was met with Ms. Abby’s impressive ability to carry on like you had said nothing negative at all.
“You know, the owner claimed it was a Jan van Eyck-original too.” Ms. Abby said as if letting you in on a secret, or town gossip. “Really, we’ve had it appraised.”
“And the appraiser confirmed it was a Jan van-whatever original?”
“…The owner really loved art; you’ll see plenty of paintings throughout the place.”
So that was a no. And speaking of no’s:
“Listen, Ms. Abby, I don’t exactly have the budget for a big house, as I already said. I especially don’t have the kind of budget that the kind of person who’d commission an artist to paint them for their foyer would have.”
Abby laughed nervously. “Well, you see, the value’s dropped as I mentioned. We haven’t been able to sell it for a long time, so the price just kept falling.”
“Right. But even so, it can’t have fallen that much.”
At this, Abby avoided eye contact, wringing her hands before, after a big breath, blurting it out. “The person in the painting was the last person to own the house.”
“Is this place built on top of an oilfield or something?”
Ms. Abby laughed a hearty if a bit shrill, laughter, before sighing and mumbling. “If only.” She clapped. “But! This is a charming house, why, let me show you the many rooms!”
“Ms. Abby, have you ever considered a field outside of sale?” You asked dryly but nonetheless followed along, eager to leave behind the painting, as you felt watched. The house consisted of many sprawling hallways, enough to almost make one dizzy, and you struggled to remember where everything was.
The house had many rooms, none of them particularly inviting, reading more like a historical display room lacking any warmth or heart (and perhaps even worse, any semblance of renovation despite old age), and all absolutely clustered with trinkets, knickknacks, and in the case of the walls, paintings – leaving very little free space.
It really did read like a historical display, as some rooms seemed older than others, suggesting partial renovation must have been done on some of the rooms. You’d like a word with whoever had been in charge of that lackluster, nonsensical effort.
Perhaps the lack of replaced furniture or renovation was why the house periodically seemed to creak and moan in odd ways, at times you almost confused it as Ms. Abby groaning or sighing, only to realize it was the sound of the house itself.
As for Ms. Abby, she remained undeterred regardless of how many snide remarks you made, which you had to commend her for, though the charm you initially had felt from it was quickly wearing off. Ms. Abby actually seemed increasingly happy, humming to herself. She didn’t think the sale was going well, did she?
“How much of the house is there left to see, Ms. Abby?” You asked, increasingly impatient and tired, having been dragged through an unreasonable number of rooms, which inexplicably, almost all were bedrooms (and yet, you had yet to see more than a single bathroom).
“Well, we’re still missing a couple rooms like the kitchen, oh! I know, how about the master bedroom since you’ll be spending every night there.” She said with a beaming smile.
“That’s awfully optimistic, Ms. Abby.” You noted, at this you received a good-hearted chuckle.
“Oh, this place is too lovely to pass up on, I think it likes you – it’s a match made in heaven. If you don’t like some of the features or decorations, it’s easy to change those, so it would be a waste not to live here.”
“I can’t imagine a house as empty as this holding much affection, and I’m not up for a big project.” All you wanted was a small but cozy house, a simple place. You felt exhausted just thinking about the amount of work you’d need to pour into a house like this to make it feel like home.
“Well, it’s perhaps not an easy house,” Ms. Abby admitted, her cheer at this point an unshakeable force, as a sense of confidence seemed to have sprouted in her. “But that’s why when that rare fit comes by one must take the leap and hold onto it.”
You’d feel insulted by the suggestion you were a good fit for this distasteful and unpleasant house, had Ms. Abby not already shown herself as incompetent but well-meaning. You simply sighed, giving up the conversation, figuring you’d find another real estate agent when you came home.
“Well, take me to the master bedroom then.”
Ms. Abby led you through the foyer again, the bedroom apparently at the other end of the house. Your eyes were drawn to the painting once more, its eyes felt more sunken in than before, shadows forming beneath, to which you tiredly sighed. “Me too, buddy. Me too.”
The master bedroom seemed to be at the stopping point to the sprawling hallways on the right. You were just aghast at the fact you had gone through another set of sprawling hallways, you wondered who had come up with the confusing layout of the place.
Ms. Abby tried to imitate a trumpet to build up suspense but trailed off after you shot her an impatient look. After a weak cough, she simply said “Tadaah” and opened the door.
You stopped up, your right foot hanging in the air, about to cross into the room. A sense of foreboding filled you; it was a bit different from the first time, however. The prickling sensation you felt and the cloying attention, it felt smothering, less like a shove away and more like… Being held in place.
Ms. Abby waited patiently inside the room, not commenting on your hesitation, though you had been snarky and displeased the entire tour, so perhaps this just seemed like more of that. You swallowed and ignored the pressure as you put your foot down and entered the room.
The air felt different here. You had hoped the odd sensation would disappear if you just carried on, like when you entered the house, to begin with, instead, it worsened. The air clung to you, terribly heavy and sticky. It took you a moment to actually focus enough to realize Ms. Abby had spoken, so when you finally snapped back to reality, Ms. Abby was standing in the hallway.
“-tively spellbound already. I’ll give you some time to look around and get acquainted together, one-on-one.” And then she closed the door in your face. The room was, oddly empty, compared to every other room. Nothing but a big, red bed, the empty walls that you could’ve sworn were further away when you entered, and that feeling of being watched, lodging into your skin like stitching.
Nothing except an almost empty room that didn’t feel empty enough.
That’s it. Ms. Abby had officially used up all her pity points, you were leaving. You opened the door, a tad more aggressively than what was perhaps called for, but Ms. Abby was nowhere to be seen in the hallway.
For how annoyed you were with her at this point, you found that you missed her company as you walked down the hallway, nothing distracting you from the odd sounds of the house that seemed to have increased. It felt as if the floor beneath your feet moved and rumbled slightly, the velvety carpets uneven and bumpy, as if walking on something breathing, something living.
You wished that Ms. Abby had given you the floor plans, as you struggled to remember how to return to the foyer through the hallways and occasional rooms you had to cross seemed to hold no real rhythm and didn’t feel as if it obeyed any rules about directions.
At one point you could have sworn you turned back, only to be in another room than where you had emerged from originally. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you found the foyer again. Even in your rush to find the door, your eyes were drawn to the painting, though you continued to rush by it. In your haste, it almost looked as if the painting’s colors were smudged.
You attempted to open the door but found it didn’t budge. It was an odd choice to lock the door, but you were certain that was the reason, it had to be. A locked door was no issue from the inside, but even after hearing the click of the lock, the door didn’t budge when you attempted to open it.
You attempted to kick, pry, tear, and even throw your body weight at the door, but with no luck.
Settling in the foyer after your final attempt at prying the front door open, you huffed, out of breath. You laid on the stairs, trying to settle your heart and pulse, when your eyes landed on the painting again.
…You rubbed your eyes and sat up, thinking what you had seen was owed to your tiredness and the upside-down angle, but no. The painting really did look smudged. Like someone had blurred colors and borders together, the hair’s vibrant color having lost its radiance.
And the mouth, it was oddly smudged between the lips, that it almost gave the impression of a mouth being pried open.
No, that was silly, you were being silly. The painting was smudged out, which was already creepy enough on its own, or rather, the house was already creepy enough on its own – your mind was just working overtime and was making up new things to get scared over.
“Well brain, if you like overtime, I guess I’ll have to put you to use and think of an escape. But you don’t have a union, so it’s unpaid hours for you, I’m afraid.”
If the front door was a bust, then you’d find a window. You struggled to recall any windows on the ground floor, but surely there had to be some. Or… That’s right! The kitchen, it had a glass door. You never got around to seeing the kitchen, having mainly been shown the upstairs so far, but you recalled Ms. Abby mentioning it back when she had given her pitch for why you should show up.
You hadn’t been on the left side of the house, at least not on the ground floor, so you figured that was a good direction to begin, in your search for the kitchen. You opened the door, urgency in your steps, only to find you weren’t in an unfamiliar room.
Instead, you were back in the empty master bedroom, which somehow felt much more crammed than any of the other rooms. But… That didn’t make sense. The master bedroom was upstairs, you had fought through a confusing hallway to find the foyer, so this… this didn’t make sense at all.
The air felt oppressive in the room as if your heart would be forced to a halt from the sheer weight of it, like a physical presence. This time you were sure that the walls were closer than they had been before. A bed table had been added next to the bed, and the part of you still delusional enough to hope thought maybe it meant that Ms. Abby was still around. As if this was an elaborate prank.
You tried to swallow despite how dry your mouth felt, your heart hammering painfully against your chest. This was ridiculous. You slammed the door open again, the door shaking on its hinges. Beyond the door, it revealed a hallway, but even if the hallway was confusing, you had been through it twice by now, you could do this, you could find the kitchen or a ground-floor window.
Hurrying along the hallway, it felt as if the floor and walls shifted and moved. Were you dizzy, or was this actually happening? The restrictive air of the master bedroom followed you, as you dragged yourself through.
“Huh?” you furrowed your eyebrows when you opened one of the doors. You were sure this was the one you had gone through before, but the room behind was unfamiliar. Cold dread filled you as a horrible thought crossed your mind.
No, no, no. You ran to the next door but behind it was another unfamiliar room. Were the layout… Changing? Your hand trembled as you tried to open a third door, and you felt like crying when all it revealed was the master bedroom again.
A lamp now stood on top of the bed table. Were new things going to be added each time you returned to the room? You thought back to the cramped bedrooms Ms. Abby had so cheerfully shown off. You weren’t sure what to make of it but felt sick all the same.
“I don’t have time for this.” You had to snap yourself out of it. You could spiral and panic later, but for now, you needed to get out. So, turning on your heel, you returned to the hallway. You’d go through each door that didn’t lead to the master bedroom, hoping to somehow find your way downstairs.
You almost cheered audibly when you finally saw the staircase, rushing to it. Once again, as you passed it, your eyes were drawn to the painting.
The painting no longer looked the same as before, the person it had been long erased by smudged and changing lines. You couldn’t tell what it was changing into but felt your heart race with familiarity all the same.
The mouth was a gaping hole by now, outstretched awkwardly. You thought it might have been a smile, but it looked much more like a pained grimace to you.
You only took this as further encouragement to get out of there.
When you failed to find anything of use, you realized there was one room that you seemed to always find. So, as counterintuitive as it seemed, you walked upstairs again, and as confusing as the changing layout was, it didn’t take you long to find it.
You saw the familiar bed, the bed table, the lamp, and the newly added clock on the wall (which didn’t seem to be working) and closed your eyes for a moment. You took a deep breath. And then you decisively walked in to grab the lamp, shivering a bit as you brushed against a much-too-warm wall.
If you couldn’t find the kitchen or a window on the ground floor, then fuck it, you’d find one up here. Whatever broken bones or bruises you’d get from the fall, you’d accept. Finding a window upstairs proved much more doable, as one would line the walls every now and then.
You threw the lamp against the window and braced yourself for impact.
But nothing happened.
The lamp fell to the floor with a hollow thud. When you opened your eyes, you found not a single scratch on the window. So, you tried again. And again. You tried punching the window, earning nothing but a stinging fist.
Yet you continued. At some point, it became more of a tantrum, an expression of your desperation colored in violence, than an attempt to escape. Hitting the window, kicking the wall. “Why-“ you hated this house. You hated it. Hated, hated, hated it. You just wanted to leave. Your ears rang, whether it was from your headache, or the way the house’s groans and creaks had grown in severity, you didn’t know, didn’t care, couldn’t care.
Already unsteady on your feet, your final kick caused you to lose balance entirely.
Stumbling and falling onto the floor, without realizing it, you found yourself by the stairs, and face to face with the painting. Your blood ran cold as you stared into your own lifeless eyes staring down at you from above.
Quiet had fallen over the house like a blanket, only the slow rumble throughout the house bellied any activity. In the heart of the house rested a painting, donning a toothy smile and a certain glint in their eyes.
A satisfied Ms. Abby removed the “For Sale” sign out front and drove away with a hum.
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allysunny · 10 months
Hello. Can I request a fic with Nanami and the reader? The reader has a toxic family and asks Nanami to be her fake boyfriend at the family meeting. If possible, it could be comforting.
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Faking it for the Family | Nanami Kento x Reader
Words: 5.5k
Warnings: Toxic family, mentions of weight (as in, berating and telling someone to watch what they eat), very rude comments from Reader's family, maybe some OOC Nanami? I don't know, you tell me! And please do warn if I forgot something :)
A/N: Aaaa my first Nanami request! I'm so excited about this! I love this man with my whole heart, he's my biggest anime crush of all time! Now, I do warn you, it's been a while since I've touched jjk (it was a traumatic experience, shibuya is my canon event), so if you think Nanami is OOC, then that might be why. But I can also see him being vocal when it comes to someone he cares about, protecting them and expressing his feelings - or at least trying to.
I hope I did your request justice! I'll be honest, I'm very fortunate to come from a very healthy and loving family, and don't quite know the dynamics a toxic one would have. Nevertheless, I did some research, and I hope you're happy with the final result! I also stayed up until like, 2am because I wanted to post this one before I went on a small vacation and stopped writing for a few days! Totally worth it!
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“Your what?”
“My boyfriend.” You repeated firmly.
Scratch that, you were scared shitless.
A few days ago, your mother had called you, asking (more like demanding you) to come see her. According to her, only “bad, ungrateful children” abandoned their parents. According to her, you were turning into a “bad, ungrateful child”.
“You don’t call, you don’t visit. It’s like we never did anything for you, is that how you treat the people who brought you up?” She nearly cried into the phone. Victim-blaming was along your mother’s strongest talents, it always had been.
She’d also reminded you that it would be a shame if you showed up single. She gushed about your cousins, how lovely their wives and husbands were, and how you clearly weren’t working hard enough to find a man.
“It’s not like you have much to offer, dear. The least you could do is prove yourself to be useful, make sure you find a nice man and snatch him up. Perhaps if you learned how to cook properly instead of pursuing that silly passion for books… And you need to start putting some effort into your appearance! No man wants a dishevelled woman – look at how well your cousins are doing!” Then, dismissing her whole behaviour, she’d go, “You know I’m only saying this because I care about you, right? It’s for your own good.”
It made you shudder just from thinking of it.
You’d nearly glared a hole into your phone that night, considering cancelling.
You ran all options through your head.
If you pretended you were sick, your mother would just assume you couldn’t take care of yourself and visit you to do that herself.
Hard pass.
If you said you had plans, your father would tell you to prioritize the family who had sacrificed so much to give you a good life, and to stop being so selfish.
Hell no.
No option seemed good enough.
In the end, your parents would always find a way to make you feel inferior and blame you for not being able to attend. You wouldn’t hear the end of it for at least a few months.
That’s not something you wanted for yourself.
You considered your mother’s words.
Going alone seemed like a nightmare alright. But perhaps if you found someone to attend with you…
There was no significant other in your life (the nail in your coffin, just another reason for your parents to berate you, and you it’s not like you could fall in love with someone in a span of 4 days just to introduce them to the family.
And then, an e-mail from a coworker gave you a brilliant idea.
Nanami Kento was one of your coworkers.
You weren’t the closest offriends, but still – friends.
You two went out for drinks after work every so often, sometimes ordering a box of pizza to share while working overtime at the office. God knew how much you hated it, being forced to work longer than expected, but Nanami shared the same sentiment, and it made work more bearable for you.
You didn’t talk much outside of work – Nanami was a private, reserved man, and you never did have the courage to seek him out. So you settled for a few jokes at the office here and there, the occasional smile, and bringing him bread and pastries sometimes. Nanami was quite the foodie. Outside office hours, maybe a “Have a nice weekend”, or if you were feeling brave enough, a meme – it took him a while to get them, but it was amusing to get his reaction through text.
He was smart, kind to a fault, and handsome. Very much so. You knew he was single, and to be fair, you had no idea why. With those lovely, warm chocolate brown eyes and golden hair, he could get any woman he wanted. And God, his physique… You had once tripped and held onto his arm – the man was made of rock. He was a total catch, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t fantasized about your little overtime endeavours to end up with a goodnight kiss, or perhaps something more. In fact, you’d developed a little crush on him, sneaking away during lunch breaks to try and talk to him, catch up, or just know how he’s doing.
That’s why he was perfect.
Your parents would be appeased, and the family gathering would be much more bearable.
“It’ll just be for a night,” You continued, trying not to sound very desperate. You weren’t sure where you stood with him – were you two close enough to ask such a favour? “We don’t have to do anything physical – just maybe hold hands so they can get off my back. I’ll be forever in your debt, please. I need your help.”
Nanami looked at you curiously. You could see his eyes clearly – Nanami had foregone his glasses during lunch break. What was he thinking? Perhaps he was reconsidering his whole friendship / acquaintanceship. Maybe he was simply coming up with a way of politely declining. Nanami had always been to kind to trifle with you or mock you, God, you’re so stupid, why would he go out of his way to help someone he’s not that close with? It was idiotic to ask.
“Never mind that.” You mumbled, quickly shaking your hand, and dismissing the idea. “I’m sorry, I know it’s a weird request and we don’t know each other that well, and – “
Your eyes must’ve turned as wide as saucers. Sure?
“If it would help you out and ease your mind, I don’t mind it at all.” He replies, the soft lull of his hypnotising voice making your heart skip just a bit. “I do know what it feels like to be surrounded by people you’re not fond of.”
You suppose he’s right. Every year when the company dinner takes place, you find yourself sitting in a corner, hidden from everyone else. It’s the one time of year where you two can actually talk and consider each other more than simply two coworkers. Maybe even relatively good friends.
You beam at him, bowing profusely. There were no words to describe what you felt – this man was willing to be your fake boyfriend for a whole evening?
“Thank you so much! This means so much to me, you can’t even imagine it!”
Nanami simply nods.
“Shall I pick you up at seven?”
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Most often, people stared at themselves in the mirror to check their appearance, try on clothes, maybe give them an ego boost. You? You were practicing facial features.
A hard smile for when your mother told you to “Eat less – you’re gaining weight.”
A polite nod for when one father eventually said “You need to give up those silly hobbies of yours – become a real woman, a good wife.”
A dry chuckle for when one of your many cousins gushed about the wonders of marriage, and how amazing it is they got married so young, to fully explore all romantic bliss and life alongside your soulmate – or something. You never made it twenty seconds without appearing bored of your mind and making your way to an empty chair away from others.
You just hoped they’d leave you alone for tonight, or at least stop with the comments. You wouldn’t be able to handle being humiliated in front of Nanami, of all people.
Speaking of, it’s nearly seven, so you grab your purse and make your way downstairs. Your outfit is nothing bland, just like how your parents would like it. A simply yellow jumper and denim jeans – God forbid you wore a skirt too short, or a shirt too flashy in front of your family. You’d be sure to burn at the stake for that one. This outfit was simple and modest and was sure to keep them quiet for a few minutes.
A little ring from your phone broke your line of thinking.
From: Nanami Kento
I’m outside.
You quickly spotted him in his car, and your jaw hung.
He swiftly exited the vehicle, walking towards the passenger’s side and opening the door wide for you.
You don’t know what to say.
So, he does it for you.
“Good evening.” He’s looking extra dashing, with a dark blue polo shirt that hugs his figure ever-so-perfectly, and slacks. His hair is parted as usual, but it seems much more casual, less uptight, less professional. He’s once more refused to wear his glasses, so you can see his beautiful face up close.
His strong jawline, the strong planes of his face, the thin eyebrows that never did much to conceal his eyes – he looked straight out of a fairytale. The fact that he looked so relaxed, out of his business attire and clad in casual clothes, made this vision much more alluring.
“Hey,” You answered, giving him a soft smile. “You didn’t have to do this; I could open the door by myself.”
“Nonsense.” Nanami shook his head, gesturing to the inside of the car. “Shall we go?”
As soon as you buckled your seatbelt, he left the driveway. You’d sent him the coordinates before, so there was no getting lost as long as you followed the GPS.
There was a small awkward silence between the both of you – it was only normal. You and Nanami didn’t hang out that much after office hours, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you would have no topics to discuss.
“So…” You started wearily. Might as well warn him about your family. There was no way you were letting this man meet them without being prepared. “I should warn you in advance – my family is…. Well, they’re not conventional.”
“Hm? How so?” He questioned you, quirking an eyebrow yet never taking his eyes off the road.
“They… They might make some rude comments. Or say things that make you uncomfortable. I know I told you about it the other day when I asked for this favour, but I just want to reiterate it. They’re… Well, they’re hard to deal with.” You finished. There was no other way to describe your family.
Growing up, they’d been all but supportive. Berating you left and right, making you believe you were as worthless as the trash on the street. Nothing you did ever amounted to anything. Your grades were never enough. Your passions were always overlooked – the books you read “filled your head with crazy fantasies”, the music you listened to “polluted your mind”.
If you left the house with no makeup on, your mother would assume you weren’t trying hard enough. Would say you looked sloppy and dirty, and that it was shameful to see you not even attempt to pull yourself together. And when you did leave the house looking pretty and proud of yourself, your parents would break down your confidence once more, assuring you that you’re clearly trying too hard, and that men don’t want woman who paint their faces as if they were clowns and dressed in skirts so short, they barely earned the name.
Your achievements didn’t matter. Not when your cousins earned scholarship after scholarship, brought home successful, handsome men or women, assuring the family they were well off and didn’t need to worry about much.
To your family, all it mattered was your image. To them, you were the black sheep of the family. No partner, no children, no high paying job, no success. Considering their mentality, how they still associated themselves with you was a puzzle.
Not even once did they stop to consider your feelings.
Moving out had been the best thing that happened to you.
Sure, it was hard at first.
You spent too long in front of the mirror, wondering if you looked good enough. While conversing with others, it was difficult to open up about your passions and hobbies, for fear of being shut down and dismissed.
But slowly, you’d regained control of your life. You went out when you wanted, with who you wanted. You wore the clothes you liked, without worrying about your parents’ hurtful remarks.
Nowadays when you looked in the mirror, you saw a proud young woman, as opposed to the scared little girl you saw in your early years.
Which made returning to them ever so difficult. They managed to turn you back into that frightened little girl you once were, always so afraid of saying the wrong thing, of doing the wrong thing and making them look bad. They managed to destroy all of the confidence and self-love you’d built for yourself all these years.
“I’m sorry.”
It was Nanami’s voice that brought you back to reality.
“I’m sorry. Clearly, a family that treats you that way does not deserve you.” He said, matter-of-factly. Like it was the easiest thing in the world, to admit the family that spent years breaking you simply wasn’t worth your time and thoughts.
“Yeah, well.” You mumbled, looking out of the window. What could you say? In theory, you knew he was right. He had to. Other friends who knew about your past told you as much. But it was a completely different story to put that into practice.
For the rest of the ride, a silence fell upon the both of you. None attempted to break it.
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“Remember our story, right?” You questioned the man next to him. He stood right next to you, tall as a tower and just as unmoving. You could never guess what was going on in that beautiful head of his.
Nanami nodded silently, turning to you.
“Are you sure you want to do this? We can make up an excuse and leave, if you want to.” He said, and for a while, you considered it. It’d be nice to ditch on your family and spend some time with your coworker. But once again, you knew how this movie ended.
Sighing, you shook your head and gave him a weak smile.
“It’s okay. It’s just for one night.”
He nodded once again.
You took a deep breath and stepped forward, ringing the doorbell.
Almost immediately, the door opened, making way for a woman none other than your mother.
She looked so… so… perfect. Annoyingly so. It made your blood boil. It reminded you of how, in her eyes, you were most definitely not perfect.
Nanami glanced at the woman in front of you. She looked like a perfect copy of you. Or rather, you were a perfect copy of her. But there was a clear difference between the two: While she looked uptight, abnormally prim, and proper, way too polished, you looked, well, natural. This woman looked like her only job was to look good, while you were an effortless beauty. He can only imagine what kind of things a woman like this could’ve told you all your life to make you so nervous back in the car.
“Honey!” She chirps in a voice he can only describe as fake. “Oh, how I’ve missed you!” She pulls you win for a hug, mumbling and muttering about how long it had been since you’d last seen her, how unkind of you that was, how you had no consideration for your family. Ouch.
“Hi mom,” Was your hushed answer as you tried your best to hug her back. And then just as quickly, tried to get away from her bone-crushing embrace. “Y-You can let go now.”
And she did, staring right at Nanami.
“Oh.” She very obviously stared at him up and down. There was no subtlety to the way she ogled him, and you felt some strong second-hand embarrassment from her actions. “And who might this fine young man be? Did you finally step up and get yourself a nice man?”
You sighed. This was going to be a very, very long night.
Nanami stepped forward, placing a warm hand on the small of your back, a hand that slowly brought you closer to him.
“Good evening, Mrs.” He said politely, offering his hand for the woman to shake. She did so gladly, showing him a perfect smiled. A perfectly forced smile. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Mom, this is Nanami Kento. He’s… He’s my boyfriend!” The words felt nice in your mouth, natural. It’s like he was meant to be your boyfriend. Boyfriend. That’s nice.
“Boyfriend! Oh! It’s so nice to meet you!” The woman exclaimed, pulling him inside. “Come in, come in! Of course, you’d be late – We were all waiting for you!”
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When you told Nanami your family was harsh, he was picturing something very different. Maybe some unwanted jokes here and there. A comment about your major, a joke about your driving, maybe even some embarrassing childhood stories.
He wasn’t expecting this.
“It is such a surprise that our dearest [Y/N] has finally brought someone home!” Your mother announced, sending her daughter what Nanami thought was a rather sheepish smile. “I mean, at some point we thought we would be the family’s spinster, ha!” And then she sent you the most condescending smile, one that made you want to crawl into a hole and cry. Not even after discovering you have a boyfriend (well, a fake one, but she doesn’t need to know), your mother could be supportive.
“Well, I’ve always been full of surprises,” You retaliate bluntly with a tight-lipped line. Nanami slowly brought his hand under the table to squeeze yours, and when you faced him, you were met with a look that meant more than a thousand words. Stay strong. I’m with you, he seemed to silently say.
“Kento – mind if I call you Kento?” Your father interrupted loudly, not sparing you a glance. “What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a salaryman. I work in the same office as [Y/N].” Was Nanami’s response. You cringed at your father’s attempt to talk more familiarly with Nanami. It felt odd, it felt rigid, and you just knew what question would follow.
“Ah, I see. Well, I sure do hope you’re at least winning more than our [Y/N] here!” The older man blurted, shaking his head in disappointment. “We told her to focus on her studies, make sure she has a nice paying job by the time she finds a husband, but she instead decided to pursue those… hobbies of her, and ended up with a mediocre office job.” Then, as if his rude observation meant nothing, he added, “No offense. I’m sure you’re a hard-working young man, you should aim higher and consider a career in a more lucrative field. Have you tried investing, or finances? If you want to provide a better future for my daughter, you should be prepared.”
Great, now not only was he making rude comments towards you, but he was also making rude comments towards your “boyfriend”. When would this end?
“Dad.” You cut in, scowling at him. How dare he ask such questions?
“What?” He asked, shrugging. As if these types of discussions were as casual as small talk or mentions of weathers. “I need to make sure that this man will provide for you. After all, you refused to go and do something useful with your life – “
“I think what [Y/N] has done of her life is for her, and only her to decide.” Nanami chimed in. “And as her parents, you should be nothing but supportive. It’s not up to you to decide what’s useful or not.” Your cheeks warmed at that. He sounded so clear and straightforward. He managed to do, within minutes, what you had been too afraid to do your whole life.
Your father seemed to dismiss what Nanami had said, waving his hand about and muttering some incomprehensible gibberish.
While your mother fetched the main plate, the room was filled with light chatter. Nanami leaned towards you, lips softly brushing the shell of your ear. It made your heart leap to have him so close.
“You’re right. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it through the whole dinner without throwing a plate at any of their faces.” He mumbled, hand still squeezing yours tightly. This small comment earned a chuckle from you, and Nanami smiled at the response. To anyone else watching, you two looked like a lovesick couple engaging in some light banter and gossip.
“Ah! Here it is!” Your mother gleamed, bringing in pots and pans full of curry rice, udon noodles, miso soup, and some other side dishes you couldn’t see. For all you disliked your family, you couldn’t lie – family gatherings had the best food. You had once tried to learn how to cook from your mother, but after two failed commands (in her opinion) and a whole lot of yelling, you gave up.
“You should try the curry,” you told Nanami, holding your plate securely to pour some of the food on it. “She might be a witch sometimes, but her curry is to die for.” This last part was only but a whisper, and it got Nanami to smile crookedly.
God, you loved to see him smile.
At the office he always looked so serious, so tense. Nanami hated working overtime, and no matter how nice the company you kept each other ways, you could still see the exhaustion taking over him most days, rendering him cold and distant.
Here, though?
He seemed relaxed to a fault. As relaxed as he could be in a situation like this.
“Honey!” There was your mother again. Great, you were starting to miss her unnecessary statements! “Are you seriously going to eat all of that?” She inquired, looking particularly scandalised and attempting to reach your plate.
“Yes, I am. Why? Is there a problem?” You tried to sound brave, but Nanami was quick to notice the shake in your voice and the way your hand trembled in his.
“Oh, well, honey, I just think you should be careful! Don’t wanna put on any weight, do you? I’m sure Kento here wouldn’t want you to gain some extra pounds.”
Ah, this woman clearly made a mistake.
Nanami cleared his throat and made a poor attempt at trying to conceal the anger in his voice.
“I assure you ma’am, that is the least of my concerns.” He asserted and removed your plate from the woman’s hands. “Your daughter looks amazing, and if she’s happy with herself, so am I. In fact, I think she looks particularly breathtaking this evening, don’t you? You must be so proud.”
He’d pushed your parents into a corner, and all they could do was stammer and babble and look around for any help from their relatives – help that did not come.
“I’m quite the lucky man.” Nanami gave your parents the same kind of pretentious, fake smile they gave to him, and dug into his food.
And what else could you do but smile? Mouthing a quick “thank you”, you decided to get to eating as well. Seeing your parents so flustered had given you a kind of confidence you hadn’t felt in years, not in front of them, and it felt good.
For a few godly minutes, everything seemed to go well.
You were enjoying your food, and Nanami was exchanging pleasantries with some of your cousins. It seemed almost normal, the way it was going. Your cousin Ichigo and his wife, who were both ten years older than you were particularly interested in discussing the best kinds of liquors with your friend. Hiroshi tried to rope him into a talk of cars, and Makoto expressed his hatred towards overtime.
It felt too good to be true.
Probably because it was.
After dinner, you were the first to get on your feet to help clear the table. The quicker you did it, the quicker you could get the hell out of that place.
You were loading the dishwasher, distracted by the background noise of the chatter and the news that played in the television, when your cousin Emiko approached. Emiko was her parents’ pride and joy. Unnaturally beautiful, she had no real talent other than looking pretty and finding a rich man. It didn’t matter – the family loved her for it, and you’d spent your whole entire life being compared to her.
“So! ‘Cus, do tell us, how much did you pay for him?” She asked coyly. There was something poisonous laced in her words. You supposed it was jealousy – despite being seated near her husband, Emiko had spent the entire evening studying Nanami, running her eyes through his broad shoulders and sharp cheekbones, no doubt drooling.
You sighed. There was never much you could do about Emiko. You either ignored her words or played into her traps, and both options tested your patience gravely.
“I did not pay him, Emiko. Nanami and I have been dating for a while now.” You replied casually. Somehow, you could still feel tingles where his hand had previously been. On your hand, on your waist. The memory of his lips against your ear elicited a full-body shiver from you. “And I’ll remind you that he’s just next door, so please be considerate.”
“Come on, no one else’s in here, you don’t have to pretend.” Emiko peeked at you. When she saw no visible reaction, she sighed, waving her hand around dismissively and rolling her eyes at you before turning to face the kitchen door. “Come on, lighten up. It was a joke. But you have to understand – you were never something to look at, were you?” She snickered, taking a big gulp of her wine right after. “How’d you manage to snatch up a guy like this?”
You were done.
This comment had been the final straw.
You knew Emiko to be mean, but this? Assuming you had to pay for a handsome man’s company, simply because she didn’t deem you as attractive? As interesting?
Were you simply not worthy of love?
You felt tears prickling at the corner of your eyes, but before you could try to come up with a reply, a familiar voice interrupted you.
“Actually, it was I who managed to snatch her up.” Nanami was standing by the doorframe, casting you the warmest, most lovely, most caring gaze ever. You felt warm to be looked like that, like you were the most precious thing in the world to this man. “I got lucky. When we first started dating, I wondered how the hell such an interesting, beautiful woman would ever look at me.” A small chuckle. “I still do – I don’t feel like I’m worthy of her.”
Emiko was speechless. She just stared from you to Nanami, from Nanami to you, her words somehow losing their power after this confession.
You looked at Nanami and quickly wiped away the tear that threatened to spill. Seeing this, he walked over to you, pulling you closer by the waist.
“I think you’re wrong, Emiko.” He continued, not even sparing her a second glance as his hand lifted your chin up with the gentleness of someone who holds the entire world in their hands. “Not something to look at? I mean… Look at her. How could I ever be deserving of such a beautiful woman?”
You felt heat radiate from his body, and as if it was second nature, you cupped his jaw with your hands. He was so close, so impossibly close. You could make out every single one of his eyelashes, the bags under his eyes caused by sleepless nights working, the eyebrows that were usually furrowed and deep in thought – Nanami Kento was beautiful.
And according to him, so were you.
He searched in your eyes for any kind of signal. A yes, a no. A simply gesture that could change the rest of your night (and perhaps the course of your, well, relationship forever).
It was almost imperceptible when you nodded, meeting his gaze through lidded eyes.
So he dipped his head, and softly caught his lips with yours.
You’d fantasized about this once or twice. But nothing could’ve prepared you for the real deal. Nanami was a good kisser. His lips moved effortlessly around yours, molding like he had been kissing you for years. The hand at your waist brought you close, close, impossibly close, so close that you couldn’t think of getting away – good. Nanami didn’t want you to ever leave his side.
And you kissed him back just as tenderly, afraid to ruin the moment. Your tongue swiped shyly across his bottom lip, and he gave you one of his signature smiles – reserved, contained, but 100% him.
Behind him, he could hear Emiko scoff and leave the kitchen. Perfect. He didn’t want a crowd anyways.
After pulling away for air, Nanami studied your face attentively.
Your eyes were wide and bright, sparkling with what seemed like magic. He wanted to kiss every inch of your face – your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your lips. He wanted to kiss your soft, plush lips again and again and again. Thank God you’d invited him to be your fake boyfriend. Nanami had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask you out, and while this wasn’t the most conventional date, he was known for being efficient and straightforward.
“Let’s get out of here. You deserve to be kissed somewhere else.” He mumbled in that raspy voice of his that did things to you. You nodded and held his hand as he led you through the corridors.
The goodbyes were ushered, and the promises to call and come back soon were very blatantly fake. Your parents, however charmed by this man at first glance, refused to hide their scowls at this point. They did not like being contradicted. Neither did your cousins – or rather, the ones that had giggled and whispered and made smaller comments at the beginning like “Wow [Y/N], such a miracle, you finally found someone!” and “Oh, Nanami-san, when you get tired of her, please do call us – we’ll be waiting! What? It was a joke, don’t be such a downer!”.
The ride home had been quiet. Peaceful.
You refused to let Nanami go, and he refused to let you go, so you couldn’t find it in yourself to complain when he placed his big palm on top of your thigh as he drove.
Then, as you arrived to your place, he walked you to the door, silently holding onto your hand.
You gazed up at him, and then at the floor.
“So…” Why were words so hard?
You wanted to ask him a million questions. Why had he kissed you? Had he liked it? Did it mean something to him? Was it just a distraction? Is your friendship ruined?
“I hope you know it is not true.”
“Huh?” You met his eyes.
“Everything they said.” Nanami refused to let go of your hand, drawing slow circles with his thumb. “It’s not true. You’re the most fantastic woman I’ve ever known. You’re beautiful, and smart, and talented, and kind, and so many other things that I want to say but can’t find the words to.” He’d never been good with his words. But you thought he was doing a pretty good job.
Then, he shook his head, running a hand through his now slightly ruffled hair. “I wish I was better at this. My point is – you’re remarkable, [Y/N]. The way you care for others, the way you’re so unapologetically you, the way you’re not afraid to speak your mind and be heard. Those are all admirable qualities. If your family can’t see that, then it’s their fault.”
You could just stare at him in awe.
“If it’s okay with you, I’d like to take you out. On a date, an actual date. Not just some simple last-minute overtime office dinner. A proper date, just you and me.”
A date? With him?
“You can say no if you want to. I won’t force you. But I’d like to take you out for dinner. Or lunch. Or anything you want, basically, I –“ He sighed once again. “Point is. I really like you, [Y/N]. I know, I know, we don’t know each other that well, and I don’t expect you to return my feelings, but –“
“I really like you too.” You blurted out without thinking. So, all of this time, your feelings hadn’t been one sided? He too felt the same as you? All those nights at the office, all those small interactions, making the workplace an easier place to deal with, all of the jokes and giggles and antics – he cherished them too? “And I… I’d love to go out for dinner. Or lunch. Or whatever you want, really! The point is,” You gather yourself, smiling like a fool. “I’d really love to go on a date with you.”
In that exact same moment, while you and Nanami smiled at each other like two shy teenagers, the only witness to your awkward confessions being the moon and the lights from the city above you, you didn’t think of yourself as unworthy, as dumb, and useless and a no-good child. The hurtful comments made by your family were far, far away, like they’d happened a lifetime ago.
You saw yourself the way he did. Remarkable. Kind, talented, beautiful, and oh so worthy of love.
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A/N: That's it! I hope you liked it! I love this man so much hehe he deserves all the fics! Thank you for the lovely request, I'm so glad I got to finally start writing for Nanami instead of simply reading!
Have an amazing day everyone! <3
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anonzentimes · 3 months
Except it's not actually a hierarchy he's created in his head. The thing that so many fans fail to get is that what is truly terrifying about Nagito Komaeda is the fact that there are lots of Nagito Komaedas out there in the world of Danganronpa. People who's sense of self-worth has been royally fucked by the culture that Hope's Peak (and later the Future Foundation) helped foster. Nagito is simply the one who says the quiet stuff out loud. Like something that's really telling in hindsight is before Episode 4, Hajime never actually calls Nagito out on his talk of talentless people being worthless. Because as the climax of the game makes clear, Hajime is one of those many other Nagito Komaedas out there.
Honestly, great point anon thank you! While he undoubtedly does have a hierarchy in his head I actually did forget to mention in my ramble that this specific trait is mostly a learned thing from the world that they live in (never let me cook at 3am again smh). It's commonly accepted and believed in, Hajime is the biggest example that we see. The "objective" fact everyone accepts that the talented are better than the talentless. Hajime only cares when he learns he's "worthless," and it takes a toll on his personal self esteem.
Nagito believes his talent is worthless because it harms everyone around him and only benefits himself, and when there's no one to harm it goes after him, so he considers himself on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate. Just combining this with his unhealthy coping mechanism and obsession with Hope and we get some of the most important traits of his character. His self esteem may come from growing up with terrible experiences and blaming himself, or that he's on the same level as someone who isn't an ultimate.
I do think that it's upsetting they play into how he thinks he's worthless by never caring to give him reciprocation or just not at all being bothered by his absence when he's suspended it just really sucks.
The closet thing he gets to reciprocation is Chisa which her caring about him shocks him, and Chiaki a little bit because she's trying to help the whole class and he's included. In Dr2 he is drawn to Hajime and he attempts to get his attention and approval pretty often, they enjoy each other's company at least before things get crazy and Hajime shows reciprocation. Nagito's more of an actual threat in Dr2 and I can understand more their fear and negligence, I still think tying him up and not letting him go anywhere is a horrible thing to do to anyone. I understand it more but It still feels upsetting.
I'm happy for Nagito that Hajime is in his life though, he seems to genuinely love him/care for him quite a lot. Hajime seems to care for him too, even when he's afraid and upset. It's not to the same degree as Nagito, mostly because of Nagito's threatening presence once he loses his filter, but Hajime does care for him and has enjoyed time with him. Their relationship can and has been healed after the killing game and he can actually have one of the healthier, if not healthiest, relationships in his life with Hajime.
(Also I say love because saying like doesn't feel right it doesn't express enough emotion and relationship as general relationship I don't care what you ship lmao)
I really do enjoy seeing fan works and such where his classmates, even if not the to the extent of Hajime's reciprocation, they genuinely care for him and treat him a lot better.
Anyways!! Just wanted to say with this reply some extra stuff I didn't before, some restatements, and the fact yup you're completely right!! Sorry I forgot to mention it in my original ramble post thanks so much anon! :)
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Lawrie and Angelo trans Hcs (ft crappy drawing
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Uhhh ik that trans visibility day is late but too bad I’ll do it anyway and it’s not like people are trans for one day
Btw there’s going to be mentions of transphobia
Lawrie, Angelo, Lawrie and Angelo
My dumbahhhh forgot about this one
Angelo’s old name is was Angela, but he’s nicknamed Angel
When Angelo was a Cupid, he was a girl, a perfect, kind, rule follower, and goody two shoes Cupid. And even then people hated him for being too perfect and would often talk behind his back (he knows, he just pretends to not know and ignore it
He also used to have a boyfriend, boyfriend who shows him the world of earth, and so this is how Angelo discovers his identity. One of the things of how he adventures through his identity is wearing male clothing, it gives him gender euphoria yet he doesn’t really like male clothing that much. (I’ll explain later)
Another is him observing the people, like Fang who looks guy and girl and even neither but is a guy, Otis is a buy looks about neither, Gray masculine but has a feminine body which is also an intro to trans, Lola is feminine and looks like a girl used to be a guy
Another is drag races or lgbtq+ topics but only like a few
(The I’ll explain later) Angelo: screams in feminine but feeling like a guy
After Angelo comes out the other cupids and angels rejects him, they became more mean and is happy that they have validation to their hatred for him. Angelo fights back with their stupid opinion and wants help from his boyfriend
That boyfriends now an ex
And so Angelo fell down to the swamp of love, and met Willow, who surprisingly helped him. Angelo didn’t trust Willow at first and didn’t like her antics or the things she does. Willow makes him worse but Angelo became happier, Angelo trust her more and then they became besties.
Willow tries to rode and air balloon to meet Angelos ex to try to “talk” to him.
Angelo’s skirt is just a dirty swampy ver of his angelic robe and Willow helped him with clothing. Angelo loved the clothing and then he and Willow became fashionista duo. (I also HC that Willow makes clothes but more from scraps rather than from scratch as seen by her clothing)
Angelo learns more lgbtq+ and drag from Willows shows and other stuff she has.
Angelo when taking surgery, Willow helped Angelo by controlling the surgeon with her tadpoles and then Angelo got his transition and Willow happy that she got money saved (and her bestie being happy but she won’t admit that
When Lawrie’s name was Lori, Larry would nicknamed him Lawrie because Lori and Laws. Lawrie would pretend he hates the nickname so that his brother can call him Lawrie more. It works Lawrie would act frustrated and Larry would act like an annoying brother not knowing he’s creating his brothers gender euphoria.
Considering that he’s a cop there should be some injuries and one of them is his voice box. (Umm yes he has no neck… I guess they have it in their head???) and so when his voice box is broken it sounds like Lawrie’s current voice but more distorted and screechy. He would pretend to dislike it but really he loves it and so whenever the engineers (Pam and Jessie) would fix it Lawrie would try to delay it as much as possible, by pretending that there has to be bad guys somewhere and they try to look for it.
Lawrie was worried what his brother would think if he told him he’s trans, he’s worried since there’s law about it and even then would he reject and abandoned him.
Thing is Larry was uneducated about it other than one goes from Girl to boy and boy to girl and there’s laws about it so Lawrie takes Larry to a deep dive about transgenders, the same way how Lawrie figures out that he’s trans, the stories, the feelings, the internet, and his experiences. Larry accepts him but he still a bit confused but accepts him regardless.
Lawrie got a remodel body and loved it even if it takes a month and is expensive.
Angelo: …
Lawrie: …
Angelo: Are you trans?
Lawrie: *screams in trans*
And so when Lawrie and Angelo discovers they’re both trans they talked to each others experiences
Angelo expected that Lawrie’s transition must be easier, well he’s right the transmissions? (Idk if I used the right word) putting his head and info to another body is easy what’s not easy is that it’s even more expensive than surgery and even then the model takes a long time to built so he has to wait. Even then Angelo calls him lucky because people are def less likely to see that he’s trans and so people aren’t like hateful and stuff.
Lawrie was surprised that Angelo still loves himself and is happy even when other people hated him. Angelo tells Lawrie that even if your likable people will still hate you regardless even if there’s no reason and if that’s the case then he’s not gonna be nice and stuff, plus he’s got other people to love and care about. Lawrie understands his advice but he still feels vulnerable about his trans identity and the laws/government.
Angelos and Lawries convo is fine until they get through the acceptance part. Angelo was glad but still jealous that Lawrie gets accepted. Angelo became a bit more condescending and plays pranks on him for a few months before his rage calms down.
Btw the stupidest reason of how I HC Lawrie as trans is because some people draw Lawrie’s chest bigger than Larry and then I was like “hmmm trans” idk what’s my thought process is or even doing through other than “hmmm trans”
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Hello !
Since you do write for Caitlyn I hoped to request some poly Caitvi headcanons of them with a s/o who's childhood was tragic/sad so their inner child comes out too often in their adulthood?
Some ideas of their behavior would like: buying toys out of impulse, getting distracted by any bug on their way, making cute outfits for plushies, gets super excited around pets (literally adore them) and when they fuck up is really obvious cause they get all quiet and anxious thinking the worst over little things.
So yeah that's the vibe I'm going for😎.
I'm writing a character and I need some feedback to be honest. Hope you can help me !
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x G/N!Reader x Caitlyn Kiramman 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, alludes to rough childhood, mentions of arguments and being judged, mentions of fear of doing something wrong, alludes to anxiety, mentions of overthinking, I think that's it?
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I hope you enjoy hun! I based some of it off my own experiences but it's also 430am rn so I did my best lol! thank you darling! i hope your character writing is going good!
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Let's be clear, these two are amazingly great with taking care of you, even before you told them about some of your 'issues' as you used to call them
Caitlyn was the first to notice, once you both began spending a lot more time together
She knew you'd dress up cute, you put in a lot of effort into your appearance and you reminded her of a little shop doll dressed up among the other girl, boy and other dolls she'd seen
It was fun and a bit different from the sophisticated nature that comes with Piltover
Also loves your stuffed animal collection, but maybe not as much as you
She finds it adorable you treat them like your children and Vi, well when it comes to Vi she very much indulges in it
Listens to you when you name each one and tell them both their backstories and go into details about their birthdays
They remember them too
Vi loves you so much though, since you're helping her heal without even realizing
You don't care when she snuggles up under your blankets around your teddy bears and talks to you quietly while Cait makes you all tea to drink
It makes her feel like a child, and you don't mind either because she's listening to you and actually interested in you
Cait tucks you both in after you fell asleep reading a book together with you telling Vi the entire story and Vi finding you very pretty to look at
All cuddled up in her giant bed made to fit the entirety of your plushies she made sure to cuddle you both immediately after
They both always make sure you're comfortable with things as well, getting overwhelmed in public situations isn't new for you
They're very overprotective of you
Especially around other people who notice that sometimes you'll act childish and point out something cool to one of them
Whether it be a pretty butterfly or a street performer you found so awesome you had to tug on Caitlyn's sleeve to show her
Vi doesn't have any of it when someone is rude to you, that's for sure
And Cait focuses her attention to you always and makes sure you're alright at the time
They knows you mean well, even when it can get frustrating and they're trying to focus and you're wanting attention
But they'll never ever tell you because it goes away within a few seconds when they see that smile on your face, and it was like they never felt it at all
You'll bring them things while they're busy and they'll always stop to listen to you go on about whatever topic popped in your head
or to see whatever cool toy or trinket you'd brought home
Vi had accidentally been a bit rude to you one time on accident before and felt awful for it
Did EVERYTHING to make it up to you, and I mean EVERYTHING
She felt so bad
You cried for five minutes before the ice cream she offered became a bit too enticing along with the bear hug she gave you
You forgot about it after honestly but she still thinks about it
Lets you sit on her lap all the time because you like the comfort it brings
It makes you feel small and she holds you nice and tight in her big arms with her head resting on your own
Vi loves to love you and you're so sweet to her it makes her feel undeserving
You'll hug and sit with her always
Seeing her as your biggest and best teddy bear
Hearing you say that nearly made her cry
When you give her special nicknames and kisses whenever just because you know she loves you and it makes you feel good that you're making her happy
Caitlyn gives me motherly vibes and it unintentionally goes to both you aswell
You when you're sad and want her to sit you on her lap and hug you close
Or make you food while you kick your legs back and forth sitting on the counter telling her about what you and Vi seen around the city while she worked
Vi loves taking you to a cupcake shop nearby
Speaking of that, they love bringing you pretty sweets home to see that light on your face
They love it
And you love it because they're thinking about you and you weren't entirely used to that
You just love making them happy, and you know why and where it stems from, but it makes you happy
Vi loves when you talk about everything when you guys walk together down the street
Every little thing, you'll bring it up
She has this game where you'll point at people and come up with life stories for them
She'll have you giggling for hours, ready to pee your pants from how hard your laughing
And when you walk into the toy store to 'just look around' Vi finds herself paying for a few new stuffed animals and maybe a few dresses and suits for them
And a little tea set that you couldn't pass up
Walking down the street holding a ton of bags while you're carrying a fancy little box with your cups in it
A smile on your face as you talk to a few kids on your way
But it's all worth it
Though, that's the good side of it all, the cute side they love
But sometimes Caitlyn and Vi argue, it's VERY VERY rare if impossible that you're in an argument with them mostly because you just don't argue
But they do, rarely, but it can get bad when they do argue
You feel stuck between them both, but they'd never ask to make you choose a side unless you say something
You don't though, afraid that you'll hurt the other and they'd hate you for it
It's like being stuck between two parents arguing
You hate it when they're mad at each other, even if it's not for long because by the time night rolls around you're all snuggled up in bed tracing skin and pressing light kisses against your cheeks
Or sometimes you mess up
Like the time you broke one of Caitlyn's favorite glass teacups
You wouldn't look at her, afraid of what you'd see when you finally told her
She'd been asking if you were okay for at least an hour
Wouldn't say a word to Vi while she watched the interaction, you just stared at the floor
But they were just glad you were okay, Caitlyn didn't care about the cup she thought you were hurt
You were a bit shocked to say the least but it made it easier to come to her when you did something you deemed bad
But to your surprise, she was never mad
Sometimes she'd even laugh, and get you back to your good mood by making you smile
And when you overthink too much about something you did she sits and talks you through it the entire time
Vi can tell when you're lying to her very easily
So when you're overthinking about something you said, or maybe a small thing you did to one of them or to someone else
She talks you through it all like Caitlyn taught her
Because she knows you're freaking out quietly over nothing
But to you it's everything, in the moment anyway
Until she reminds you that she'll beat anyone and everyone up and she's got you laughing and Caitlyn smiling from across the room
Vi's good at distracting and desire
Caitlyn's good at calming and comforting
They're perfect for you, because they take good care of you and you take great care of them
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browniefox · 5 months
Another Week, Another Crisis Core Chapter!
Before playing this, I did a TON of sidequests (I got like 30% of them complete) which meant I didn't struggle against any enemies. on one hand, it meant I could get to focus on all the good scenes, but on the other hand, I didn't get to show off any of the new summons I'd gotten ;-;
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God I love this church. Because this game works at break-neck pace, I doubt that Aerith and Zack are going to get, like, as many scenes together as I'd like, but I do think this chapter does a decent enough job starting to develop their relationship at the very least.
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Zack is so tall I love it, and aw cute little date <3
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While I got really frustrated with the little Bruno segment pretty fast, I do like that all the Slums citizens immediately clock Zack as not from around there, and immediately go to protecting Bruno. You can really feel the distrust and disconnect between those above and below plate.
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I just Love Aerith <3
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Where the general symbolism of monsters and angels is so heavy handed I roll my eyes every single time, I actually really loved this interaction between Zack and Aerith, when Aerith is talking about being afraid of SOLDIERS. To those who know Aerith's story, it's easy to see that she's both projecting her own desire to be normal (why in the world would people sign up to be made less normal?) as well as her own understandable trauma with the Shinra company, onto her thoughts and feelings on SOLDIERS.
Additionally, I love that she's actually scared of the sky. I think in teh Slums, that's not too rare of a feeling.
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It's a shame that I feel like the Zack-Angeal relationship is done so poorly at the beginning, because this interaction really makes me start to like their dynamic! Angeal confiding in Zack and trusting Zack really says a lot. Also, I love the detail that Angeal has found that he likes flying, and just kind of carries Zack :D
I do think it's super funny though that it's way brighter and cheerier under the plate than on top of it, and that Zack just totally forgot and put off the mission he was on to go on a not-date with a cute girl.
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THE FACT THAT THE FIRST THING ANGEAL SAYS TO SEPHIROTH IS THAT HE LOOKS THINNER SHIT BOYYYYY! I think it just does a lot to characterize their relationship, and especially how this whole thing has been affecting Sephiroth.
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Genesis should have just killed Hojo. True good ending <3 It is funny to me that this segment ends with Hojo totally uninjured and honestly, probably happier than before bc he got to do random experiments on Zack.
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They put so much effort into making Genesis' model look hot and honestly I love it. When I first saw Genesis in an amv, I thought he was a girl, and I guess that's my hot take for the day is that I think it'd be fun if he was. There is not one single female SOLDIER. There should be more women who got experimented on to be part of the army #feminism
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This is here because I was hoping this quest line would mention Reeve, but it didn't and now I'm super disappointed.
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I don't think I've seen anyone mention this before, but from this interaction it's implied that Zack is not Angeal's first mentee. Maybe perhaps his most promising, clearly the only one to make it to first, but Angeal had tried to instill his values onto other SOLDIERS.
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And then my final thoughts for now is the interesting dynamic between infantry and SOLDIER. Before this game, I thought they were sort of the same group, but no they're actually two very distinct groups within Shinra. I also feel like infantry is often portrayed as always trying to become SOLDIER or something, but mostly there seems to be some resentment towards SOLDIER, and this hate that infantry will never be able to do as much as SOLDIER can. Very interesting, especially when considering Cloud.
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tatatatatara · 1 year
Hey, do you have any hc's of Uta, Shuu and Furuta as partners? (Fem or gn s/o). Thanks!
First of all I want to apologize for my late respond, I forgot to check for the inbox since people rarely send me asks 😭
I have neutral feeling about those guys so I don't look up content about them, which means I could interpret them wrong or have the same idea with someone else. So please don't expect too much 🥺 Also I don't have anything for Furuta because he is a riddle to me, I don't understand him enough to write anything about him.
But here are some thoughts about Uta and Shuu.
👨‍🎨 Uta's partner would, no doubt, his muse. He would be so inspired by them, and since he's a man with many talents and hobbies, his s/o should prepare to see themself in every possible art form. Painting, sculture, music, poem,... you name it.
But Uta is not gonna make it straightforward. No no, he is gonna be vague as hell and they have to guess what did he actually mean with that. A seemingly unrelated piece can also be about them because that's just how his style is and he loves hearing guesses and interpretations about his works, especially coming from his lover. He believes he is "empty" so he may just randomly create something and ask his s/o to interpret it, and he is always surprised with how they make him understand him better. I think Uta is the type who starts a relationship just to "give it a try", and eventually get attached to their partner wayyy too much.
Uta would happily tell things about you with his friends, and they couldn't be happier to see he found some meaning in his life, aside from trying to eat his best friend. Yomo has great concern about his partner, because he has personal experience about how crazy Uta may become towards someone he cares about lmao. He would give them advices, and Itori would gossip with them.
The downside of having Uta as a partner? His intrusive thoughts. He would sometimes dream about turning his s/o into something else, or consume them so they can become one or sth like that. Sometimes he slips and tells those thoughts to his partner and then casually brushes it off that he was only joking ("haha jk. Unless...").
🌙 For Shuu, he is of course the type who spend every single penny he has for his partner. He would pamper them and try to be with them whenever he has chance. Shuu is knowledgeable so he can talk about every topic that his s/o likes to make sure that they are not bored and always entertained. If you like something that he doesn't know about, you bet that his servants will have to gather up information about it and he will read through it to get closer to you. He is a very dedicated partner and he makes sure that his lover knows that.
He would take them to very exclusive places, and let them experience sensations that they never tried before. He loves seeing when his partner is enjoying something, like being taken back by trying something so good, or being amazed by a very excellent opera. Shuu is also patient and would show them the right manner to do things, like eating etiquette or dressing. Did I mention that he would love to order custom clothes for his s/o.
Shuu would often tell his father and servants about his partner, and his future plans with them. To Mirumo's delight, he takes relationship very seriously
So, what is the downside of having a relationship with Tsukiyama Shuu? Well, once he is comfort with his lover (he is sure that they will not leave him), he will start to show his bad sides. Which means, he will get more deliberate and tend to do things in his own way. He will also start to tell more about himself, and show his silly little tantrums when things did not go the way he expected. Also, if they have a fight and the fault was his, he would never admit it but he will try to apologize/manipulate them through gifts and actions.
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von-frappe · 2 years
top 5 best and worst glee storylines
5 worst
Brittany's president storyline
yeah,,, this is just awful, brittany is really rude and disrespectful towards Kurt but for some reason kurt apologises and has to make amends even though Brittany was so clearly in the wrong, then brittany makes some girl power point and tells the guy she told to be embarrassed about taking his shirt off that it's bullying to call her an idiot for believing in leprechauns, she makes some big issue over how underestimated she is, then proceeds to prove why she was so underestimated in the first place by pledging to ban hurricanes and taking her shirt off on Tuesdays, also some fucking dino themed prom... I hate it here
2. Santana's coming out
the writers did not put an ounce of thought into this, the guy that outed her is somehow the hero?? and the one scene in which Santana takes autonomy and comes out to her peers herself is cut from the episode??? also her coming out to her grandma, although naya is amazing in the scene, is just so out of place, the only time we hear about Santana's grandma prior to this is santana talking about her grandma verbally abusing her, and there's no mention of how the negative reaction from her grandma impacted santana, it's honestly like they forgot it until s6 (which is a dogshit season overall)
3. Rachel bombing her audition
this storyline would be fine if Rachel didn't get into nyada at the end, but her fucking her audition up, being immature and harrasing the dean is rewarded in the end which is just annoying. I understand that Rachel is an extreme person so it's not bad writing that she would act like that after failing an audition it's just shit that she get's rewarded for it
4. the troubletones
an arc where under appreciated glee club members stand up for themselves and get what they deserve??? no,, but what they do have is Santana calling finn fat and brittany joining because santana tricked her into thinking leprechaun asked her to, honestly didn't give a flying fuck if they won or not by the end.
5. Quinn's overall arc
the whole pregnancy thing just took up too much time when I wished s1 focused more on the outcast kids than it did Quinn, the pretty popular girl, but I would be fine with Quinn's arc if it ended at the end of s3, but alas it didn't and I needed to experience s4-6 Quinn. 'I do' is a fun episode but it's unfortunately a gem amongst shit rather than a representative of Quinn. her character goes around in circles to an annoying point, every 5 minutes she comes to the realisation that defining by herself isn't great but proceeds to define herself by more men, then cries when the men she's only using for status/money actually don't really love her.
5 best
s2 klaine
listen, I find the over glorification of s2 klaine compared to other seasons a bit annoying,,, but s2 klaine just hits man,, the fact that they're besties and so clearly in love with each other but their relationship naturally grows from being best friends to boyfriends throughout the course of the season is just so amazing to watch
2. Mercedes path to being a singer
Mercedes was unfortunately so often delegated to being the supporting character for other people's storyline but even though this storyline deserved more, I loved what we did see, mercedes is clearly a strong person who stands for what she wants and is empowered by it, she doesn't let knockbacks stop her from achieving her dreams and it shows a side to her character that we hadn't see before.
3. Kitty's overall arc
yeah this girl is an absolute evil bitch, but it's interesting to watch a character who actually leans into being an awful person instead of trying to justify it with some tragic backstory, yeah the storyline acknowledges kitty's background and how it may affect it her, but they never act like it completely overrides her behaviour, and it's really nice seeing how she changed and actually enjoyed being in the glee club
4. Kurt's coming out
I think this is a really well built up storyline, we understand kurt and we see how much he wants to be accepted by his father and the lengths he will go to get that, we also understand burt and the type of guy he is,, this build up to the tension to Kurt's coming out moment is done in a really nice way that just makes it so satisfying when we get that moment of kurt telling his dad he's gay and his dad does accept him, and I also like that his dad's acceptance isn't completely perfect but it feels authentic.
5. Santana in s4/5B
Santana just really comes into her own and blossoms at these points for me, she isn't just the petty his school cheerleader, she's caring, even if it's expressed in unconventional ways, and she has personal ambition and we see her actually work towards it,, this overall just feels like the perfect progression of high school santana, like it's the most clear and perfect upgrade that we see s6 doesn't exist in this household
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More tears, more trauma. Good times.
Hill House: Open Casket
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1. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I forgot about the kittens. Had a similar experience when I was growing up, so thanks for hitting me where it hurts (again), Mike.
2. Speaking of kittens, I love how we learn what we need to know about Shirley and death over the years. The kittens traumatized her, which carried over to her mother's funeral. The director's compassion towards her as a child reframed her outlook to the point where she herself would take up the profession and show the same compassion to other grieving families--to such an extent that she's in danger of sinking her business. Nell's death and Shirley's decision to host the funeral unearths the trauma of Olivia's death, with echoes of the experience with the kittens.
3. A moment to appreciate Shirley's character as a whole. Her coping mechanism, as stated, is helping others say goodbye to their loved ones. Detrimentally compassionate, given that she often eats the cost of her own services. She's trying to look out for people, but also trying to exert some control over her surroundings. Hosting Nellie's funeral, trying to get Luke clean, taking in a box of sick kittens, etc. When control slips out of her hands, we get some of her anger. I've seen a fair share of criticism for this, but honestly? Relatable. I died inside every time she was in the morgue with Nellie.
4. Pour one out for the casting directors, because the children and adult versions of the Crain kids are crazy similar. 🥂
5. Also, special mention for Olivia's wardrobe?? So elegant. Much envy.
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I gotta say, I am happy the SL fandom has been more... calm, during the past year. Or, well... not calmed down, but I guess I have settled with it more?? Or y'all have settled with me?
Cause I stumbled across my liveblog posts from when I watched the show for the first time, and a lot of them had comments to them. Which, of course, was very fun! But a lot of comments I remember I got a bit stressed or intimidated by.
I have a way of writing and have a certain energy and I guess it takes a while to really get to know me. I also noticed that, as a newbie, people seemed to want me to think a certain way or want me to know how I was supposed to feel about things. I have noticed I can be the same with newbies, it's often well-meaning. But I didn't feel like that when I was in it myself.
I said that I liked Lumon, people told me "You will forget about them when you meet Simbar, cause Simbar is SO much better!" I said that I saw Nina as ace and I got an anon ask almost immediately asking me to explain myself why I would think that. I could write that I found a scene funny, and get a comment on the post, "this character really gets on my nerves here". Very often it was about Luna, or Jim or Yam. Three characters I often find very funny and sweet, so it wasn't the most fun when I just wanted to write something positive and I got the comment that people found them annoying in the scene - it was like, I was wrong for liking them in the scene. I could express that I didn't like Lutteo and get the comments "HOW CAN YOU NOT?!?!? THEIR CHEMISTRY IS OFF THE ROOFS?!?"
So what happened? I started to do the opposite out of spite.
I never forgot about Lumon. I did love Simbar a lot and I am happy they're endgame, but I never forgot about Lumon.
I don't think Nina is ace anymore, but I did for a very long time. Perhaps because, to some people, this caused a reaction?
I am still very defensive over Luna, Jim and Yam. Especially in season 3 - cause every time I see anyone say that they "pushed Nina to be with Eric" I just hope they'll see one of my thousands essays about it. They did not, and I will die on this hill. As much as it sucks, it was Nina herself primarily who got closer to Eric. Her friends encouraged it because they wanted their friend to be happy. Is it annoying when they go "ooh, I think he likes you". Yes. But guess what? Nina does that to them too. She actually has done that more than they have, they literally really only do it to her in s3. It just feels like you blame everything on them. And in the end, her friends don't give a damn who she dates as long as she's happy. I even think it would have been a little worse if her friends were like "No! You have to try to get back with Gastón! You have to keep thinking about him!" Did they do it perfectly? No, they're literally like 17 years old. They just go from their own life experiences, and yes, they might project their own thoughts onto Nina's situation, but Nina also does that to them. No one is innocent here. Every time I see a "they pushed her" post, I literally wish the person would rewatch season 3 or perhaps, actually watch it properly instead of jumping to conclusions. And if they have watched it then I am so tempted to send them one of my posts. This got very long, and I also have other examples - anyway, if I love and praise them, do not come and be like "they're annoying :/" in my comment section. Literally people being like this has caused me to always be on edge when mentioning them - even though no one has acted like this since last year (as mentioned above, the fandom has calmed down imo), I legit feel like I constantly need to be ready to defend them.
And yes, I still absolutely do not like Lutteo and I will like them even less if you tell me that I will like them. You can't tell me what to do??
Also I think due to how people reacted the first time, this may be one of my fave scenes out of spite, but weirdly enough one of my favorite scenes in the show is the girls talking about lutteo and niric in 3x56. I absolutely dislike both ships. I want them to not be a couple at all. BUT, the girls?? Being so excited for each other?? Luna joking that "what, should we tell everyone at roller to not be close to them" and Jim and Yam going "YES!! IT'S A GREAT IDEA!!"? IT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA, BUT IT'S SO FUNNY JUST BECAUSE IT'S SO TYPICALLY JIM AND YAM TO THINK IT IS (and guess what, Nina was happy they did that). And I've liked scenes like that before, for example in S1 when Luna and Nina dance away like "someone likes Ramiro!". I don't ship Yamiro at all either, but friends being supportive, teasing and excited for their friends just makes me so happy.
Anyway. Conclusion is, people in the SL fandom I feel aren't as much... questioning me anymore, like I felt people did when I first watched the show. But, as you noticed here, I do go off very easily, and that's because I have I am just used to having to defend myself. Even though, at this point, people are chill, people are fine, it's all good. You never know...
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Tower Job
Episode title reminds me of the Tarot card, representative of destruction and calamity. (Dont quote me on it, but I've been told the card represents the tower of Babel?) Which then reminds me that in episode 2, Harry's old boss mentioned a client that worked in construction and cut safety regulations and cut safety regulations. Could be this episode? --- Episode starts: Man is yelling at his employees at a construction site that they're not cutting enough corners for his liking. (I smile smugly) floors start shaking, lights are flashing (I stop smiling, but remain smugly) The building collapses, workers inside while asshat overseer hides behind a taxicab (I mourn... smugly) --- Three years later the guy still has his company, a girl is standing outside with flyers trying to tell people about how 4 workers died in the collapse. (this is not believable. The upper floors were crowded with workers, Only the boss is seen getting out and the entire thing collapsed quite completely. The death-count is unrealistically low for the incident depicted.) --- In defense of the prosecutor dropping the case, its taxmoney and the bar of evidence requires a crimescene where evidence is... preserved, and a building collapse tends to, shall we say, destroy all evidence at the scene of the crime. (basically: I dont think this is going to be a case of bribery.) Sophie, you are lying your ass of. you dont usually let your clients find you. Hardison puts feelers on the web and tracks down billionaires with shady actions, investigates further and then finally you contact the clients for a meeting to check if they might have any evidence that's been covered up/not found online. (I understand a show altering the way it shows the process for purpose of narative structure, i do not apreciate a show lying about its process)
Breanna's shocked face when she realises that, publicly available information is in fact publically available. She thinks that Hardison was hacking secret databases (and in her defense he often was) but the realisation that she just had to leave the house and ask.
"Hardison bet me I couldnt learn the language. He lost" Look Elliot, at this point you need to stop denying you like a lot of the stuff Hardison likes. (bet he also speaks whatever the LOTR elf language is called) --- Male Mark is doing breathing exercises (might be legitimately traumatised from his near-death experience at the tower he cut corners on) female mark claims there is "Nothing they could find" which meanst there is definitly something. --- Breanna asks a valid question on the audience behalf, Harry gives a valid explanation.
Glass is soundproof (ominous detail), mention of a spiral-based fire escape on the roof. (eventual exit strategy for the final heist) and a fire supression sprinkler system.
On the way out Harry meets Male!Mark, and it dawns on me we're about to do one of those "Harry didnt tell the team this is one of his old crimes" story. (this is nonsense, the team did an entire heist all about getting a list of his crimes in episode 2, so having this be a secret that takes them by suprise breaks the established facts.) --- The mark is taking meds for his trauma. (so that means its Chemical Warfare time!)
"Something you forgot to mention?" Yup we're apparently doing this... Like, why go through the effort of establishing that we've stolen his old client list to then have it suddenly take Leverage Inc by suprise? This is shoddy writership. --- Oh we're doing an "Elliot does not get art" joke... Should've been Parker (I know there was an entire episode in which trying to learn apreciation for art was a thing, but i'd rather have flanderisation of established traits then this which is entirely OOC)
Good Old "operation fomo"
Ok, Harry's sneaky contract skills are cool. And now he's being asked to help make the contract with their new funding partners... I cant believe Harry himself doesnt realise the opportunities involved there. --- Ok you just gave Parker a fainting gun. (i think this tech seems a bit stretch-y, but also the explenation makes enough sense to seem theoretically plausible)
It seems like they're trying to go for a "Harry didnt mention the wall-safe to Sophie" thing in this scene, but also he's mentioning it RIGHT NOW, in the scene that IS the planning/briefing so if they are trying it falls flat. --- Elliot is inside, the rumblepacks are in place, and the Mark has an envelope that definitly doesnt contain photoshopped evidence of him cheating on his wife. (Because his true source of power is his wife's money. Destroy the marriage and render him powerless) ---
Minor note to the mirror scene, the use of "our" in "our Mr. Wilson" feels creepy.
I guess the mention of the sound-proof windows was to justify the need to set up a controll-room on the upper floor? --- The safe's papers are workman's comp? Medical benefits for the survivors? Not a smoking gun, but also out of character. Wait is my suspicion of the number of survivors being incorrect correct? Fraudulent survivors used to pocket money from their own health insurance benefits?
The envelope is actualy feigned proof of shoddy workmanship on the new tower. Female Mark and her Financiers are in the elevator. Breanna has already hacked into the elevator back during during phase 1. Stop cheering on Elliot and stop the elevator.
Suicide fake-out before a cut-to-commercial. Honestly, as far as cliffhangers go that one is particularly shameless. --- Yes Parker, the Chute Thing is real (he would not have lied to you in that roll, as you could've just asked to see it)
Ah the classic tricked-confession. ---
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keefwho · 4 months
March 06 - 2024 Wednesday
This morning I took a little time to myself in the shower to clear my mind and hopefully get hungry. I didn't have an appetite but I made soup in a box and ate the whole thing. I had to use the bathroom and it made me a little late to Jared's ride. His car was very small, I felt cooped up in his car. We talked about my feelings and his experiences as well, specifically instances of him getting pissed at people in the military. He mentioned how there are some things he can't talk to his wife about without it actually causing more problems and this is something I learned too. It was more evidence that you need multiple people to compliment different aspects of yourself. Grocery shopping went smoothly, but I forgot to buy french fries. The old lady asked for my ID because of the drinks and I made a joke about not being expired despite my expired ID. On the way back I got to control the music and we chatted some more. I gave him a hug after we got all my groceries in. I put everything away and had to use the bathroom again. It wasn't a fun time and I decided to take another shower afterwards. I shamelessly enjoyed some 'me time' and baked in the hot water. At this point I decided to make today a self care day. When I got out, I sat down and relaxing while watching Forsen play a new Getting Over It sort of game. I ranted to Daisy about what self care meant and started composing a hierarchy of personal struggles to try and identify and relate them to one another. I cut up all the veggies I bought today for freezing and made stew for lunch. I ate the whole thing so I finally had a good meal in me. I sipped on a coke and decided to do a request today while I chatted with Turkey in VR. The conversation was pretty normal and after I finished the drawing, I felt like leaving. I told her that I didn't feel like socializing but what I actually meant was that I want to be social but I only want to talk about the struggles on my mind. She said she was here for it so I opened up about everything and we started talking. Her and her friend gave some very good perspectives and actually started helping me feel better about some things. Also a troll joined us to talk shit but we got him to open up about his problems genuinely too. I left to join Daisy and chill. We watched the last three episodes of Bojack which were very thought provoking and just stacked on to all the thinking I was already doing, in a good way. I felt good watching them with Daisy. I said goodnight to her since she didn't want to bed call. After she went to bed, I tried doing a little Babbdi stream while playing intercom vaporwave like I wanted to try. 1 guy showed up to say something but that was it. It was mostly about playing the game though and maybe using it as an opportunity to voice my thoughts some more. Towards the end I did that but most of it was spent quietly pondering.
Today after treating myself with some respect, I realized I want to talk about things more often in general. The past couple days have taught me how beneficial it is to open up when things are hard and how willing so many people are to listen. I don't have to put on a front, I can show up with the struggle at full strength. I've learned my cure to loneliness is to choose to not be alone. I also reminded myself about how important positive reinforcement is in general vs directly fighting something. So I'm working that into how I behave differently. Some part of me feels like I'm wearing a mask and that deep down, it's all still the same. Maybe thats true right now, but change takes time. Maybe I'm not going deep enough, I'll have to figure that out.
3 Things That Made Me Happy Today:
Taking some self care time.
Talking with Turkey and her friend about my feelings.
Watching Bojack with Daisy.
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fvneral-m00n · 11 months
hope you're doing okay on this fine day!
I'm curious as another pagan, what's an/some experience(s) like connecting with the gods while you're going through a trip?
They're pretty much always around in some form, even if it's not directly or loud enough, or they seem like they're off paying attention elsewhere, but you've also mentioned DMT? Have any of ya gods interacted with you through a trip?
Thanks for giving this a read! Take care.
Yes, yes they do. I use acid to help with rituals. I work with loki. Also in the dmt world things are alot different. When you break through 360 degrees around you you will be in a different place. I have met entities there that don't fall under any pantheon. I also feel the need to connect to my roots and meditate before doing dmt to increase likelihood of spiritual experience. I often on acid feel loki calling me to come outside and he makes me feel joyous and not alone as I go into nature and il strip and skinny dip under the moon and not just worship loki but worship the water and the sky and the beauty and that moment in time. Il float and meditate staring at the stars. Also onetime I was very depressed to the point I had pretty much made up my mind to end my life I iust needed my partner to leave the house. I did some dmt while I waited which Is unusual for me because I know how taking psychedelics when in a bad place can become psychotic hell but I was dying soon. Do your worst I thought. And I think this was lokis coercion because the trip I had it felt like beams of love and light where being blasted into my heart. I'm adopted and even my adopted family suck and loki to me I'd patron of lost souls and people the world forgot. I think he was trying to show me that he loves me. I felt validated and soothed. I felt the presence of a fatherly figure too. I think the allfather. Odin. Usually it's just loki and me on our little trips doing rituals and connecting to the earth but I have a great respect for odin as I do all the gods. But hearth and home fire love and mischief is where my heart is. He helps me in the dmt world and his energy is brotherly. So I know he took me to odin. Because of the unconditional love I felt I stayed. I knew how loved I was by the gods and the earth and the people making me sad could blow me. Before I felt alone but that was a great loving reminder I'm not. If you use psychedelics to much they might start to ignore you. Loki will not show up in my trips If I take somthing stupid like 7 300ug tabs because I'm not doing anything spiritual im just being a junkie and he trys to help me not be an addict and to sooth me through the life of an addict so he doesn't like me doing dumb stuff like that in the name of spirituality because there is nothing spiritual I'm just being a wreckhead. So I say use them as the tools for magic they are. Dmt is basically real life backrooms since people share encounters and places it takes you. It can also take you back to trauma which can be hard but the point is to see it a different way but it can still he hard learning these lessons. This is a very complicated question. Yes you will connect with the gods if you use it as a tool for ritual and spirituality. If you act like a junkie you will just have them ignore you or even admonish you alittle to say stop saying your doing this in my name.
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bunbunpawz · 1 year
Ignorance is bliss
Have you ever had this thoguht, that maybe you’re inside of a dream, a simulation or some other kind of fake reality and that the real you is sleeping somehwere in the real world out there? Isn’t it weird how this thought has popped into peoples mind throughout modern history. I had this thought when I was younger, before I watched or even known about the matrix. It was a theme that kept being talked about as I was growing up, it was mentioned so casually in talk shows and on tv, as if its almost a given that at some point you’ll question your reality and the existance of this world. But do you think this was always the case? You think people in the biblical era, also qustioned their reality?  I think they lived their life in ignorant bliss, they had to focus on survival and life rather than what is beyond what they see or understand. Sure some of the smarter people were seeking out the truths of the universe and advancing in all kinds of fields like psychology and science. But those that were not so smart, what do you think they did? How do you think they felt while living each day as it came? I think they were the more lucky ones. You remember being a child? and being connected to the world and yourself. You knew what mattered the most. If not to the world then at least to yourself. If someone cried, you wouldn’t consider them weak, or scoff at them. You wouldn’t even hold back yourself and start crying along side with them, because you understood that what was important at that moment is the pain this other person felt. You weren’t taught yet, how to understand the pain people feel, that a heartbreak exists, that there are often reasons behind peoples pain. You weren’t taught yet to hold back your sympathetic feelings towards their pain. And you weren’t taught yet that they must hold their own emotions hostage to face the public. All you knew is that this person is in pain, and it made you feel bad. You were connected to your most primal and instincutal feelings. As a child the world was new to you, everything was amazing and exciting, everything was a first time, colors were amazing, experiences were stronger. And you felt alive. The world has not worn you out yet. And you understood the beauty of where you are, and how life really works. Those that mattered to you, mattered to you. Those that didn’t didnt exist. Your love, compassion and understanding of the world was at the purest form it could ever be. Before everyone tried to erase that off you and confirm you down to a life that is expected. Hard works is a must, but it was more meaningful years and decades ago.  Advancing technology and new information day by day is forcing us to focus on more information and knowledge than on actually connecting to the world we live in. “Stop and smell the roses” is a sentence I took to heart as a kid. I would walk slowly and try to take in the scenery of being alive. The flowers, the world. But this made me too slow in comparison to everyone else. And the world is moving too fast for me to stop and see those roses, let alone smell them.  Everything is shamed, being human feels wrong. Too slow, Too fast, know too much, know too little. Dont play with those , dont use that, stop doing this, just do that.  Social media. Put your life into a phone, put your pictures into your value of self. “I dont know how to live without my smartphone” generation. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is sad that we are forgetting how to live as people and are living as the influencers inside the machines we have built. Do you remember how to connect to yourself and the world? I forgot. I don’t particularly use social media. I don’t have followers, I don’t use mainstream social media. Even this Tumblr Account is pretty much new to me, I couldn’t figure it out I just use it to vent out some thoughts. I don’t know how to live dependent on social media.  I see other people, they do their tiktoks, make videos, pictures and they keep up with those followers and trends. And it’s all just so confusing. I am of the same young generation, alot of famous influencers are my age. And yet I can’t seem to figure it out. I still seek validation and love from the people around me. But I don’t even know how to connect to them if its not through a text on chatting app. Was there really a time we had to come over to someones home to talk to them? Were you accepted by them into their house? Welcomed into their life? My dreams. They feel so real. I feel connected to the world and the universe, and I feel like I’m on solid ground. Not every dream but the dreams I get to dream when undisturbed. The world makes so much sense inside my little inner world. I lucid dream often. I know I’m dreaming, because I feel human. I feel like my emotions matter, the world is more understandable and reasonble. And people are people. I dont need to figure out people, I just need to accpet their being in my life and how I feel towards them. But in my waking life. I feel like I’m walking on a meaningless cloud of confusion. Like nothing is real, nothing is there. I don’t understand anything and how to be a person. How do people just do things? Just wake up and live. How?
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I sent the ask about the villainisation of Mary and Edwina. Thank you for your response! You did make a lot of sense, even though I have a slightly different perspective and takes on things.
Of course, your tag makes sense now that I know how you interpret the word villain. For me, personally, it is a term that has many more shades, as ridiculous or unbelievable as it sounds lol.
And I am not as big a fan of the book (though I do prefer book!Sharmas to show!Sharmas) as you are, since I read it after watching the show. I can understand the sentiments one may have regarding a negative portrayal of characters they otherwise love. I still enjoy post S2 fics, because the show is what is most familiar to me (makes it a sad situation, doesn’t it?)
One thing that I didn’t mention (because it wasn’t the point I was trying to make. I also forgot lol), and what I often see cropping up as a way to attack those who dislike Edwina is the lack of anger towards Bridgertons. I can only speak for myself, but I do blame them where they clearly fuck up. I was also the person who sent an ask calling them out on their callousness and insensitivity to Mimi that you reblogged (I mentioned waterlilyrose’s recent fic in it). So my criticism is not only limited to Sharmas but also to the Bridgerton clan (and the supreme idiot Anthony Bridgerton whom I love but also want to whack on the head). Just in case anyone (not you!) decides to call me racist against my own community lol.
Related to Anon's First Post 
[Also let me know if you have a nickname or emoji you wanna use to send future asks cos I actually really like this discussion and would love your thoughts on future topics etc!]
Hey again! Thanks for your asks and seeing my pov and I understand where you come from too. I think this is one of those things we have to agree to disagree on but I’m glad we found common ground in some sense!
Yeah I think it all comes down to how you view things based on your own personality and life experience as well as like you mentioned, it’s when we read the book and also how we engage with the show. 
I still enjoy post S2 fics, because the show is what is most familiar to me (makes it a sad situation, doesn’t it?)
This is valid but ohmygod I was thinking of this the other day and talking to a friend about it. I get so emotional realising how some casual TV fans who will never engage in the fandom or ever pick up the books WILL NEVER KNOW HOW MUCH KATE’S FAMILY LOVED HER IN THE BOOKS T.T that gets me so emotional and I hate the show for being responsible for that. Anyways that’s another spiel lmao. But I’m so glad you have those fics because everyone sould have that variety to wanna pick and choose from!
 One thing that I didn’t mention (because it wasn’t the point I was trying to make. I also forgot lol), and what I often see cropping up as a way to attack those who dislike Edwina is the lack of anger towards Bridgertons. I can only speak for myself, but I do blame them where they clearly fuck up. I was also the person who sent an ask calling them out on their callousness and insensitivity to Mimi that you reblogged (I mentioned waterlilyrose’s recent fic in it). So my criticism is not only limited to Sharmas but also to the Bridgerton clan (and the supreme idiot Anthony Bridgerton whom I love but also want to whack on the head). Just in case anyone (not you!) decides to call me racist against my own community lol.
 The Ask to Mimi mentioned above
Yeah I have noticed that about people who worship Edwina to the point of making her a saint always says the hate to her is disproportionate to the anger against the Bridgertons. I can kind of see that because the show framed it that way and the GA just follows the shows’ cue at times. However, in our little corner here, I’ve seen anger and critics on both sides and you guys are so valid! We should clown even more on Anthony and the Bridgertons tbh! 
Also thank you for clarifying your point about this - I think the other side who are willing to listen would appreciate it! I definitely seen the racism argument has been taken too far at times and weaponised against the wrong people. But I did cover this in a post here about Edwina’s characterisation/CC’s comments about how sometimes our words can let the racists run with it and hence the stans couple us all together, its exhausting and I hope it doesn’t happen often with you anymore. <3
Thanks again for your asks and clearing this up! Feel free to choose a nickname or emoji not taken in the Emoji Tagging System if you ever wanna drop by my ask box again :D
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