#anti acosf
gwandas · 3 days
You know I JUST THINK IT’S INTERESTING THAT Amren claims Nesta won’t be a prisoner, and that if she manages the ten thousand steps she can enter Velaris.
But then she does manage to get down the steps to speak to Amren, and what does Cassian do? That’s right! Hunt her down. Almost like… she is a prisoner and he is the jailer.
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 2 days
The dissonance between era inspiration in ACoTaR is one of the more brushed over flaws in the book series. Looking at the Inner Circle's fashion alone, we jump between "literal scraps of fabric" (Under the Mountain, Court of Nightmares) to "orientalist painter's imaginings of the Ottoman Harem" (clothing described during Feyre's first few visits to the Night Court) to "modern 'corset' dress" (Feyre's Starfall dress, majority of Mor's clothing, most of the clothes drawn in fan art) to "modern -- almost sci-fi style -- skin-tight leather armor" to "sweater and leggings combo".
Then, between courts, we have Helion wearing Spirit Halloween's take on the ancient Grecian tunic; Feyre's Spring Court wedding dress looking like an 1830s fashion plate; and Dawn heavily implied to have traditional East Asain clothing (e.g. kimono, hanfu, hanbok).
On top of all of that, some of the Dawn Court's small cities ". . . specialized in tinkering and clockwork and clever things. . ." which -- combined with Lucien's metal eye and Nuan's mechanical hand -- implies a sort of post-industrial revolution time period. However, a decent chunk of the fandom says that ACoTaR is medieval; which, yeah, it's medieval themed in the first book -- sans the "dress" Rhysand forces Feyre to wear UTM.
The wild inconsistencies in ACoTaR's inspiration leads, not to a rich and diverse world, but a world that seems ramshackle and haphazard -- like it's creator simply threw together a board on Pinterest and called it a day. This is a major part of why the world building is so abysmal, it relies on convenience to the plot and whatever pleases the aesthetic whims of the author. Cultures deemed "pretty" or "badass" are thrown together, irregardless of how far apart they actually are. This is not only disrespectful to the narrative, but to the readers and the cultures used as inspiration.
All of this to say: Sarah J Maas is a bad author, not just because of the way she handles serious topics like power dynamics and abuse, but also because she cannot put together a world that is even the slightest bit cohesive.
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bookbitchx · 2 days
Ngl, if my supposed soulmate took me on a hike from hell, knowing I'm suicidal, I'm taking his ass out with me.
Oh, you wanna play? Let's go meet God, babe.
Nesta should've knocked Cassian out, bound his wings, and threw him off the cliff. See how he likes it.
Aggressive, I know, sorry, sorry🫣
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hrizantemy · 3 days
Saw a post on TikTok about how Nesta calls Gwyn and Emerie her sisters and how they hate Nesta for it. Nesta literally can’t win, you say she doesn’t deserve Feyre as a sister so she finds her own family and when she does it’s mean and disrespectful? Also, Nesta doesn’t act like Feyre isn’t and if she did I don’t blame her, if you don’t want a relationship with your siblings for whatever reason that’s your choice, if Nesta doesn’t deserve Feyre as you say then let her find her own family just like how Feyre has the IC Nesta has the Valkyrie.
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yaralulu · 26 days
I wonder if lucien ever looks at feyre and sees the way she’s acting and he just thinks to himself “damn maybe me and tam were right and this bitch really is getting mind controlled” because feyre must seem absolutely insane to him at this point.
Like he found out she was pregnant at 20 and he was like omg congrats (you never wanted this 😃?????).or he found out she locked nesta up in the HoW for her “own good” and he’s like oh yeah i’d love to see nesta training (YOU LOCKED HER UP???).Watching feyre turn into everything she ever condemned tamlin for must be one hell of an experience
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achaotichuman · 4 months
Human Nesta would shake Nessian Nesta by the shoulders screaming "What the fuck is wrong with you???!!!!"
Human Feyre would be drawing her bow trying to shoot Feysand Feyre just so she would never become her.
Human Elain would look at Elucien Elain and be like, "Nice."
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kataraavatara · 2 months
“I knew she was an artist then. The same way Feyre is. But what Feyre does with paint, that’s what Nesta did with music and dance. Our mother saw it when we were children, and honed it into a weapon. All so Nesta might one day marry a prince.”
Cassian froze. A prince—was that what Nesta wanted? His stomach clenched.”-ACOSF chapter 63
Leave it to fucking Cassian to hear about how Nesta’s joys as a child were twisted by her mother and her being preyed upon by a grown duke at fourteen and make himself the victim in that situation.
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littlefeltsparrow · 2 months
Schrödinger’s Feyre: Where Feyre is simultaneously a cunning and badass girlboss with a mind of steel and a fragile little lamb who doesn’t know any better. When they’re proud, she’s a skilled strategist and competent High Lady, but when it comes to facing the consequences of her actions and the implications of her power, suddenly she’s a little baby waddling through fairy land.
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hugevanserrass · 23 days
reasons to hate cassian
Cassian saw that Azriel was romantically interested in Mor, felt jealous over it, and agreed to have sex with her knowing it would hurt Azriel.
The first time he meets Nesta, he immediately passes judgement on her for letting Feyre hunt as a child, despite the fact that she was a child herself.
Tells her he doesn't understand why her sisters love her
Bonds with feyre over their shared experiences living in poverty but treats nesta like she's a stuck up rich girl, despite her living in the same mf hovel as feyre (why does he do this ??)
He gropes her in her own home despite her not wanting him to touch her.
He sees her on the verge of tears due to anger and despair when the human queens won't send aid to the humans in Prythian, and then a scene later says "She barely seems to care about anyone other than Elain."
Will not take no for an answer when Nesta tells him to leave her alone.
When they are both clearly feeling something for each other, he still rips his hand out of Nesta's when Mor walks in. Wtf was this about anyways?
He buys Mor lingerie despite knowing Nesta is his mate. This is just weird in general. Also calls Mor his sister, despite having slept with her in the past.
Judges Nesta for not getting over her trauma in a way that is both quick and convenient to him and the inner circle.
Admits to ignoring her claim that she is enjoying the music while he drags her, against her will, out of a "seedy" tavern.
Supports Feyre and Rhys in their decision to forcibly remove Nesta from her home and relocate her to the House of Wind, on threat of deportation.
Drags her to Windhaven to "train" even when she makes it clear she has no intention of training. As a result, she is forced to sit on a rock in freezing cold temperatures.
When Mor basically tells Nesta she is just like her evil father and the rest of the Court of Nightmares because she is mean to Cassian, Cassian does not defend Nesta nor call Mor out on it.
He brings up Nesta's dead father at breakfast because she won't eat her oatmeal.
He tells her everyone hates her.
He watches her fall down a very steep flight of stairs, and then laughs at her. She was bruised and had a black eye from this fall. Cassian thinks this is funny.
Whines constantly about being a bastard nobody despite Nesta only using "bastard" as a direct insult to him one time, and in that same convo he called her a haughty witch.
He is rude to Lucien for no reason. (unforgivable)
Despite knowing Nesta is vulnerable, he fucks her at the first opportunity, even though he knows she uses sex as a coping mechanism.
Snarls and bitches at Nesta when she talks about Rhysand in a tone he doesn't like, even after telling her he can match whatever she throws at him. (He can't)
Sides with Rhysand over her constantly, even when he is in the wrong.
Every time they do engage in some sexual act, he immediately bolts, leaving her alone and confused. Refuses to communicate his feelings, acts like an asshole.
Keeps secrets from her, and agrees to participate in a vote on whether or not she deservers to know about the swords she created, which directly pertains to her powers. He whines a little, but ultimately does what he is told.
When she voices her fear that she is not good enough for him and will never deserve him, he does not correct her.
When he learns of Nesta’s love for dance and how her mother twisted it into a tool to find her a prince, Cassian turns himself into the victim. (this takes skill tbh)
He interrupts the only true canon Neris moment to shove in and dance with Nesta. Will not forgive him for this. Get off the dance floor.
When they finally admit their feelings on solstice and have a passionate and meaningful night together, he STILL leaves immediately the next morning to go hang with his homies and doesn't see her for a week. She is left alone AGAIN. (Begging him to stop doing this.)
When Nesta has finally had enough of being judged by the inner circle, she decides to tell Feyre the truth about her pregnancy. Cassian is furious with Nesta, takes no responsibility for lying to Feyre, and does not react in the slightest when Rhysand threatens to KILL Nesta. (His mate)
When Feyre tells him that she is angry with all of them and not Nesta, he does not tell Nesta, even though it would be comforting to her while she is at her absolute lowest.
When Feyre tells him Rhys is secretly happy Nesta is going to hate every second of the hike, he has a nice little laugh with Feyre at Nesta's expense.
He makes her endure a back-breaking death march in which she is forced to carry an extremely heavy backpack as punishment.
He sees that Nesta doesn't care if she dies, and does nothing to get her away from the steep cliffs. He snaps at her the entire time, even while she is clearly spiraling and about to have a mental breakdown.
She collapses at the end of each day and all he says is "at least remove the pack so I can cook myself dinner." She has not spoken in days.
He works her to the point of passing out. She literally faints, face first, onto the hard ground and he yells at her for not drinking water instead of trying to determine if she's alright.
When she finally breaks down and cries and tells him how much she hates herself, he tells her how much he loves Rhysand as an attempt to relate to her suffering. (fuck you dude seriously)
He does not correct her when she says she is unworthy of love.
He says "there is nothing broken to fix" despite forcing her to obey him and change her coping mechanisms and behave in the way he approves.
When she tells him the word mate doesn’t mean anything to her because she’s human at heart he dismisses her instantly and says "that's bullshit." No attempt to understand her feelings whatsoever as he tries to force her to admit they are mates before she is ready.
Tells her he didn't ask to be "shackled" to her after she says she didn’t get to choose to be fae, and it was forced on her. (it was)
When she calls in the bargain he immediately thinks of a way to get around it. He does not respect the boundaries she sets for herself. He thinks something like "Easy enough command to work around. I'll tell her to word her bargains more cleverly." She says she wants a week alone and the very next day he shows up to Windhaven in order to force her to speak to him.
When he learns she has been taken into the blood rite, after a lot of sulking and one feeble attempt to disobey Rhys, he thinks something like "even if I could rescue her I wouldn't, I wouldn't take away her opportunity to save herself." Meanwhile Nesta is hoping that he will be coming to rescue her.
When Nesta finally saves him, and tells him she loves him, he does not say it back. HE NEVER SAYS I LOVE YOU.
He calls Eris a coward immediately after learning he was tortured by his father, and likely has been his whole life. In the same thought, he acknowledges that Eris was willing to be tortured to protect their alliance and STILL calls him a coward.
When Rhysand is yelling at Nesta AGAIN for helping Bryce save the entire world, Cassian does not stick up for her. AGAIN! (I stg you bitch)
Amren says to Nesta, in front of Cassian, "Pray to the mother that your sister changes Rhysand's mind tonight" ABOUT WHAT? IS HE GONNA KILL HER? And Cassian does...nothing.
"Nesta's mate shifted an inch closer to her, his eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn't know who to side with in the brewing fight." I hate him so much for this !!!!
Nesta tells Ember that Cassian is "the most furious with me of anyone" WHY? Nesta even voices that she doesn't think they'll kill her. This implies Rhys has yet again threatened her life because he disagrees with her choices, and guess what: CASSIAN DOES NOTHING.
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hereathemoment · 5 months
I just remembered that Cassian sat across from Mor sipping tea while she talked about how Nesta should be in a dungeon or being tortured by being locked up in hewn city and he’s just there blown the fuck away by Mor’s beauty AND THEN LATER she winnows to Illyria where Cassian is training, ogles him and talks to Nesta about how she’ll never deserve him and how attractive he is
Nesta stood up for Cassian during the high lord meeting, in front of EVERYBODY and he can’t take his family aside and tell them to stop starting fights with her? He’ll stand in front of Mor when Eris is around but sit by and do nothing when Rhys threatens Nesta’s life?
He. Does. Not. Love. Her. Funny also that his attitude changed toward her after the war when she was taking other men to her bed. Sjm made her sleep around out of character so that nessian can have hate sex but sjm still virtue signals feminism as if Cassian in acowar wasn’t calling her sweetheart and Cassian in acomaf didn’t wipe away her tears in front of the queens and everyone. He promised her time together as his would-be last words. But then sjm writes that Nesta uses sex to cope and now all-of-a-sudden Cassian is telling her that everybody fucking hates her and that he never asked to be shackled to her. Making it clear she can only use sex as a coping mechanism if it’s sex WITH HIM.
Suddenly he’s not understanding. Suddenly he isn’t gentle with her. No, now he’s an incel who locks Nesta up until she caves and sleeps with him.
It’s hard to imagine a being with wings, who flies in the air, would want to confine his MATE to a house she can’t escape from. Azriel, too, was locked up as a boy and then acts as a prison guard against her? And for Feyre to be the one to do it when she was supposedly traumatized when Tamlin locked her in his mansion? I understand why elain packed her clothes and sent her on her way— she’s the type to save herself and if she sided with Nesta she’d be locked up alongside her.
I’m just saying, ACOSF is a lot to unpack and I’m still processing my shock and disgust years later. I truly can’t believe it happened.
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starrbirrd · 4 months
I think probably the saddest thing about Feyre is that she genuinely has no friends of her own. Her "friend group" was loyal to her husband hundreds of years before she was born and have proven more than once that they still defer to him over her. The one friend she might have had (Lucien) has been completely estranged from her. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Feyre in ACOSF is living ACOTAR Feyre's worst nightmare.
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gwandas · 3 days
The thing about the pregnancy reveal that pisses me off the most is that its real purpose at the end of the day was to dismiss Nesta’s completely justified anger.
She’s angry about the further stripping of her bodily autonomy. She says she understands they put her in the HOW to help her, but that the vote was out of “hatred and fear” of her (how those things can be simultaneous truths I have no idea but I digress).
Feyre barges into a conversation that has nothing to do with her, dismisses Nesta’s feelings, and that’s when Nesta decides to reveal how unknowingly hypocritical Feyre is in that moment. Because now, Feyre is devastated, Nesta’s anger is rendered irrelevant. Now, the focus is on how she cannot lash out even if she had every right to do so.
It’s a way for the narrative to put on a facade that Nesta’s anger is valid, while also brushing over it so the IC doesn’t have to face any consequences. The punishment during the hike serves a dual purpose—The book doesn’t have to address what the IC did to Nesta OR they did to Feyre.
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litnerdwrites · 1 month
"Nesta is Illyrian. Elain is Elain."
I'm sorry, did he just use his mother's people, Azriel and Cassian's people, his people, as a derogatory term? No wonder the Illyrians don't like him, if he casually says things like this. No wonder other characters thing negatively of Illyrians when their HL, and half Illyrian himself, who supposedly loves his Illyrian mother and sister, uses them as an insult.
Even if you don't like Nesta, you can't seriously stand there and tell me this isn't a fucked up thing to say, especially with the oppression Illyrian women face. Yet we're still expected to believe that Rhysand is the Feminist, anti racist, anti classist king that we all love? Hell no. In what universe is what he said not racist?!
Then there's the... entire plot of ACOSF. They abused and beat her until she learned to just take it, and consider it a form of love as opposed to what it really is. The same way that Illyrian women are beaten and abused their whole lives, until they eventually have no choice but to accept the abuse that they've been dealt with.
To add a cherry onto the sundae of fucked up behaviour, the bat boys swear up and down that they aren't anything like the abusive assholes in Illyria and would never accept that kind of behaviour.
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bookbitchx · 3 days
Mor letting Eris be vilified for centuries because she's scared of the truth, whatever that is.. 🤡
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hrizantemy · 3 days
The Nesta antis are crazy the reasons why we should hate Nesta or why we can’t like her or relate to her are wild.
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hunnyy-bunnyyy · 2 months
It's not a mask of cruelty if you're actually being cruel. A mask is letting rumors run rampant, and even starting some yourself; being cruel is drugging, sexually assaulting, and publicly humiliating somebody who is trying to save you, your land, and your people from a heinous dictator.
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