thatsbelievable · 23 hours
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rs-hawk · 1 day
I really like your writing but I'm tired of the political stuff. When it was like public fruit trees and unions and stuff, okay, but your whole personality being native and queer and hating Trump is getting old. Please go back to writing about dragons dicking us down or us strapping down dragons
No. Lol. I'm gonna keep posting about it if I want to. I still write stories more than anything else. Want me to write a story for you? Send it to my ask box for a chance, sub to a specific tier on my Ko-fi where it's guaranteed, or buy a commission. Until then, enjoy what I write or unfollow. I love writing and want to make it a career, but I've said it once and I'll say it again. I'd rather never make a hot red cent from writing than be supported by people that see me as less than human.
Anyway, here's my Ko-fi link if you're wanting to commission that dragon piece 🤷‍♀️
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esuemmanuel · 2 days
Let us let ourselves flow into the pages. Perhaps in this way we will find a little peace.
Dejémosnos fluir en las hojas. Quizás así encontremos un poco de paz.
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i really wish book companies would stop overworking authors to their absolute limit. i really wish authors got paid more for the work they do. i really wish authors had better job security. i really wish book companies would stop laying off people despite all their hard work. i really wish the book industry was in a better state. i really wish authors were just compensated and treated better in general.
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alwayshornyassf · 2 days
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Message me here 👇
Zangi 1073307238
Telegram chloe_ella909
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fantasyland-art · 2 days
I believe the Starfall was the first time Rhys and Feyre had a connection and one of the first times Rhys was hopeful for his future. Do you agree?
📚📖A Court of Mist and Fury
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rspoetry · 2 days
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You were the muse,
I was the poet.
You were the inspiration to all the words I’ve written.
You still are.
But what once were beautiful and golden words,
Are now sorrowful and gray ones.
You’re gone,
But, with your absence,
A dead-words-only poet is now marking its presence.
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saturn-metaphors · 3 days
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Darker the henna,
deeper the love,
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐬;
Left hand's half moon completes the right one
it shows the love and preciousness.
These myths are merely the thought of someone
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melloncolliegalaxies · 5 months
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k9effect · 6 months
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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rs-hawk · 7 months
Working on my novel and couldn’t figure out why it felt so empty. I didn’t have any filler. It was all 100% plot. The characters only interacted when necessary. I didn’t prattle on about the scenery or how the birds sounded. I had all my fuller stuff that I loved saved in another file because I “didn’t need it”.
Y’all, I knew this existed in TV shows but it didn’t hit me until this that everything is being whittled down. We are so starving for filler that we snap up anything. I unload all mine on Tumblr or keep it in a massive Google Docs. It SUCKS.
Honestly? Death to plot necessity. Revive filler. Revive unnecessary interactions. Revive just vibing with characters sometimes. I don’t want to just consume the plot and I don’t want to just create the plot either.
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esuemmanuel · 2 days
Just thinking that you write, that you put your hands to the pages, that you take the pen and breathe before capturing what you feel... Just thinking about you, believe me, I melt into particles that flow with the wind and try to caress your breath… your skin… your hair… to feel you, at least a little, while life takes me to the sky with your scent impregnated in me.
De sólo pensar que escribes, que llevas tus manos a las hojas, que tomas la pluma y respiras antes de plasmar lo que sientes. De sólo pensarte, créeme, me deshago en partículas que fluyen con el viento y buscan acariciarte la respiración… la piel… los cabellos… para sentirte, un poco al menos, mientras la vida me lleva al cielo con tu aroma impregnado en mí.
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athenaschild5 · 2 years
when fanfic authors say that they don’t decide what happens in the story that the characters make the decisions i imagine it like this:
writer: *sitting down* type type type type *squinting at the screen* type type type
writer: *gasp* WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT…… type type type
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oatmilk-vampire · 6 months
My readers making connections and going crazy with the deep lore of my writing
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Me who planned nothing and just typed out whatever random string of words my brain whispered to me today
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sh1-n0bu · 6 months
i saw a few tiktok videos that was very concerning to me and i decided to share some of the knowledge i got because as a community of people who freely write things about characters, we need to protect our work. i have just decided to edit this post and to put the whole videos here since a some reblogs were of how i was spreading misinformation.
GOOGLE DOCS IS NOT SAFE (full credit to woppydoesthings on tiktok for information)
thank you to @lighteez for suggesting “reedsy” as an alternative option
thank you to @braingoaaaaaah for suggesting “click up” as an alternative option
thank you to @koungacris for suggesting “LibreOffice” as an alternative option
thank you to @stellarnathy for suggesting “notion” as an alternative option
THEY GOT THE AO3 WRITERS AS WELL (full credit to tiktok user sakuradarling) (sadly i can only add one video in per post and the tiktok user had turned off saving videos but i have decided to link the original video https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFbq1PRA/)
apparently some thieves i am NOT calling them people because who with moral compass would do this shit? are copying, pasting and printing out popular fanfictions on AO3, binding them, turning them into actual books and selling them on places like Etsy WITHOUT crediting the original authors. which is why we can’t find some certain popular fics or authors on AO3
i think i came across a post or two about it. i think my mutual @livelaughlovesubs has reblogged a post about it. check it out and turn on a switch on your blog settings that prevent this. stay safe and protect your works writers
spread the word everyone, because… genuinely what the fuck?
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rspoetry · 1 day
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“Why do you envy the stars?” Someone asked me.
Why do I envy the stars?
Well, for starters, they shine brightly,
Brighter than I ever will.
They’re not scared to shine,
They’re not scared to be the only ones that stand out in the middle of the darkness.
I am, though.
Standing in the darkness brings me comfort.
Not because darkness is good,
But because darkness is all I’ve ever known.
Coming out of it,
Shining and overcoming it after it being the only place I was ever comfortable in,
Seems and is scary.
That’s why I envy the stars.
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