#biphobia - .
myimaginationplain · 3 months
white queers are always so damned certain that "true" queerness is for them & them alone. expressions of queerness from Black people (most notably, Black women & those percieved as women) that don't center whiteness & aren't tailored for white audiences are always, always pegged as being unbelievable. all this plus a heaping dose of thay classic "all bi women are dirty attention seeking liars" brand of biphobia. fuck off man
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linuxbian · 9 months
There these seemingly contradictory societal double binds that are used to enforce conformity.
Example: A Lesbian is told that "everyone is actually bi" while a bisexual woman is told to "pick a side". Seems contradictory but really they just want us to be straight lmao.
Another one: A woman who does not perform womanhood to society's standard is not a real woman vs. You can never change the gender you were born with. One is butchphobic/anti gnc women, the other is transphobic. Clearly both enforce transmisogyny.
The insidious thing is that these double binds also foster inter community division. Its easy to hear one side of these, for example: "everyone is a little bi" and assume that means bisexuality is more accepted. But on the other side bisexual people are getting the same shit.
None of these are contradictory when you realize that bigots simply don't want lgbtq+ to exist at all.
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transfaguette · 2 months
a celebrity will be like “im bisexual btw” and everyone will unprompted just say theyre lying for no reason
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shiverandqueeef · 11 months
hey do you guys remember when green day released the explicitly anti-war anthem 'american idiot' back in 2004 as a direct response to all the post-9/11 jingoistic AMERICA HOORAH songs flooding the radio at the time and how it contained the lyrics:
Well, maybe I'm the faggot, America I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
and the point was to use a slur that got right to the core of the conservative propaganda that framed being anti-war as effeminate, weak, un-american? and to take that slur and be like fuck yeah i am and this faggot is going to stand up for what they believe in fuck you
and gay rights activists were mad about it? like how dare this straight man use a gay slur green day is homophobic actually and we should make that the dominant narrative in the discourse and never ever talk about the war stuff
and meanwhile all three members of green day weren't even straight? the lead singer was openly bisexual. billie joe armstrong is very much a faggot. fuck you.
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animentality · 3 months
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Another day, another union CPD session on LGBT+ language in use in which I had to break in and correct the guy running it on the definition of bisexuality
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punkitt-is-here · 2 months
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Saying this under my post about having frustrations with how people interact with my bisexuality posts online is absolutely fucking wild. No bitch I'm with them!! Shut the fuck up! Bi lesbians DO interact ‼️‼️
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transvarmint · 7 months
"No guys I swear this time it's reasonable to deny language to marginalized people! It's not at all like those other times when we excluded and downplayed the oppression of a certain group of people! This time it's definitely justified to tell people their oppression isn't real! And that they need to shut up and listen to the real oppressed people. We are definitely in the right on this one."
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trans-androgyne · 5 months
I’m here to talk about a concept I am currently referring to as power-jacketing, especially as it relates to the queer community. This is when a marginalized group is painted as having power over others in their marginalized community when this is not the case. Power-jacketing and its consequences are a form of lateral aggression and tie into the idea of oppression olympics.
The point of this term is to understand and discuss the cycle we’ve seen of the queer community misrepresenting a queer group’s experiences to claim they have power over other queer people. An example is the way asexual people on this site a few years ago were misrepresented as “basically straight” because they aren’t often called slurs or physically assaulted for their identity. This idea was used to accuse them of taking away resources from “real” queer people and justify harassment towards them. It relied on ignoring the very real and sometimes unique problems that asexual and other aspec folks face, like being called less than human for not experiencing sexual or romantic attraction and the way aspec identities continue to be viewed as something to eradicate by the medical system.
It is power-jacketing to claim something associated with a marginalized group is a privilege and grants them power over others when that isn’t true. For example, having one’s identity erased isn’t privilege, invisibility isn’t privilege, and having to be stealth/closeted to be treated well isn’t privilege, but these are all treated as if they give the experiencer power over more visible queer folks. Claims of privilege are made by cherry-picking what counts as true oppression, such as murders and slurs, and then considering the target group’s reduced experience on that axis to be privilege while ignoring other, often quieter unique forms of systemic oppression the group faces. Privilege can be used to consider a group “basically straight/cis” (in other communities, basically White, abled, etc.) and deny them access to and support/resources from the community. It is power-jacketing to willfully ignore or purposely deny experiences of oppression by the target group. It is also power-jacketing to exaggerate a privilege gap between two marginalized groups while minimizing the gap between the target group and those with actual systemic power.
Currently, transmascs are being power-jacketed to explain why transfems should be allowed to talk over them and to justify their mistreatment. This comes in several forms. One is calling their invisibility a privilege compared to transfems’ hypervisibility despite the way it contributes to their oppression. The term power-jacketing recognizes that it is not privilege to swap one problem with another. Another big one is the claim that transmascs’ identity grants them male privilege. Using this term requires acknowledging that one’s social perception, how they’re perceived and treated by others, may be different than their identity; for example, trans men may identify as male but be treated as female, and transhets may identify as straight but be treated as gay. Ignoring or denying these lived realities is very much power-jacketing.
This theory is very much a work in progress, so if you have any perspectives or experiences to add please do!
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silver-horse · 1 year
it's fascinating that those biphobes compare women liking astarion to women liking legolas and they mention a popular post that says "I never understood why so many straight women are into legolas. what do you think he is going to do? top you?" they bring this post up like some sort of proof "haha. so right. so true."
EXCEPT the notes on that popular post are filled with THOUSANDS of women commenting "no. I am gonna top him" and "bold of you to assume women can't top" and a lot of them are bisexual women commenting "I am bi and I only like men who look like a girl lol" honestly relatable Lmao
they act like that shitpost is pointing out some truth about how those women are silly. but the replies on that post show the stupidity of that assumption. people really don't get that feminine looking women don't just want to be rough handled by some masculine dude. and people have varied tastes and sexual desires. there is so much misogyny all tangled up in the biphobia. but it's subtle in a way that they don't notice their views on these matters are flawed because even when we point out what's wrong with these gender essentialist stereotypes, they ignore it and treat it as a joke "haha you all act like we wanted to behead bisexuals"
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anarcho-smarmyism · 2 months
"I also want people to stop treating bi identities and bi lives as a perversion. To do that we don't just need to better understand bisexuality, we also need to call heterosexuality into question. Bisexuality isn't mysterious, threatening, or performative...or even cool, woke, or transcendental. It is a normal part of human sexuality. Yet, even in the twenty-first century most of us still assume that people are straight until proven otherwise. We center heterosexuality as the sun of our sexual solar system. I don't think that everybody is bi, as is so often half-jokingly stated, rather I believe it is time to queer our worldview by stabilizing our assumptions about sex and sexuality."
-Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality by Julia Shaw
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hneycmb · 1 year
It's so fucking evil how common the stereotype of "bi woman with homophobic straight boyfriend" is and how often it's used to portray bisexual women as reckless and dangerous to our own community when we face the highest rates of intimate partner violence within the entire community. Genuinely fuck you guys for pushing the narrative that we get the privilege of ignoring homophobia if it suits us when in reality we are often the first targets of this behavior.
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faggy--butch · 6 months
Controversal opinion, I don't think it's really ever appropriate for people to theorize about groups they're not apart of.
That's how you get things like "non binary people aren't oppressed" and "trans men are exactly like cis men in every way and therefore have male privilege" and "asexuals aren't LGBT" and "bisexuals have straight privilege" like maybe like, include the group you're theorizing about to talk about their experiences because it always ends up exclusionary otherwise.
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revawake · 1 year
no really. what happened to some good old fashioned hoping jakey dies. did we really have to start joking about killing bisexual women ourselves. look at all the good that has done 😐
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yeah everyone who said you're gonna kill bi women or bi women should be euthanized or be wiped from the face of the earth in a plague or whatever i'm leaving your url in. sorry. (also i get the association with the golden retriever bf's meme or whatever but really? euthanasia?)
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^^these comments also got to me.
you can't just raise your standards out of experiencing misogyny sorry! it's so crazy the way bi women's experience of misogyny in relationships can get flipped around to make bi women the responsible party like huh?? girls make sure not to be "capable of having" a boyfriend who mistreats you 🙄
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yeah and lots of these people just straight up hate bisexual women nothing else to it. this used to be the male tears and feminism website what happened. is this the best we can do.
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akajustmerry · 5 months
"and what makes you bi?"
"because I feel like a fraud no matter who I sleep with"
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punkitt-is-here · 2 months
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It is EXTREMELY funny watching a DNI change in real time once you disagree with someone
(found out this person's a minor btw, be kind, just thought this was a funny occurrence)
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