Some gay doodles
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ribs02 · 2 months
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hielloehyy · 1 month
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WHOLESOME yaoi vs TOXIC yaoi.... who wins
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changanomaly · 2 months
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the short brott comic I mentioned on a previous post! someone requested I doodle them but I got like. inspired in a kind of out of hand way but that's okay this was fun
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bonus if brick fell first (aka my first interpretation before requester was like "I actually thought Scott would fall first" and I was like "ur a GENIUS"
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taylor-fartnerd · 9 months
took a break from my nerdy prudes rampage to get back into my total drama phase
the worse thing about being a lesbian is every ship you like is suddenly ten times better when women
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gay(i didnt draw alejandros abs because im lazy so enjoy blank stomach love u guys)
also brott
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Ok back to the nerds prudes must die obsession.
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For the request s…
maybe brick and Scott ? Or Heather and Harold just chilling :)
ILL DO BOTH YESS I'm actually very happy to get this ask cause I LOVE BRICK SO MUCH, I loved him since I saw him and even more when he said he wanted to go to fashion school, I love dressing characters up :)
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these here are just doodle studies, I do these everytime before I draw a new TD character I've not drawn yet, and these two def were tricky, specially scott ddklsjfgkld I also used this page to dress my boy up c:
and, about that dressing up thing I said earlier...
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I just think Scott needs more friends and Brick could absolutely be one of them :) I saw some ship art in the tags, I also think that would be cool!! :D second request will be done this weekend c: so excited to draw those two!
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mrmeowziii · 29 days
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Flat color of the Roti cast at 26! After Lightning’s win.
‘Quick’ explanations for everyone-
Staci’s a hairdresser- She hasn’t quite gotten to owning her own shop yet, but she’s just as happy as long as she can help others see how beautiful they are! She’s made an unlikely friendship with Anne Maria, who shares her profession and love of all things cosmetic.
Brick went off to fashion school after serving in the military for a bit, and has since graduated! He’s more confident in himself, and is trying his best to start his own fashion line. His closest friends from the Roti cast are Anne Maria, Staci, and Dakota, who he talks with often about fashion and hair- Scott, who he’s dating- and Jo, for old times sake.
Scott never fully recovered from Fang’s attack without extra funding and was left with a permanent limp and chronic pain… poor guy. Still, after living on the farm for a few years, he reconnected with Brick at a cast reunion and the two have been going strong since. He’s still trucking despite his disability, and he’s supporting Brick with all he’s got.
Jo never got to open her dream gym, but instead got into nursing. A strange choice for her? Maybe, but she’s good at giving her patients what they need. Oh, and she’s a pro with physical therapy. Despite Lightning’s messiness for a few years, and their initial relationship, Jo and him are pretty good friends now- though that doesn’t stop her from egging him on from time to time.
Dakota’s a professional fighter, while Sam’s a game developer. They’ve been married the second longest, after Zoke, of course. When she’s not killing it in the ring, Dakota’s still quite fashion forward. Her mutation’s been reversed a good amount, but not all the way. It’s unlikely it’ll ever be fully cured, but Dakota’s okay with that. She’s got Sam on her side all the way, after all! As for him, his newest game ‘Groundstory’ absolutely blew up after a great crowdfunding campaign! You’ve probably heard of it.
Anne Maria’s newly single after a messy relationship back in Jersey. She’s crashing with Jo for the time being, so who knows how long that’ll last? Maybe longer than you think… ;) For now she’s working at a hair salon and sharing lots of tips with Staci, while helping Brick with his fashion line, since Scott’s got NO eye for this kinda thing.
Lightning… well, he’s had an interesting journey to get where he is now. For the first few years after winning, everything was great! He was the star of the football team he’d been drafted by, a literal millionaire, and his dad was finally giving him his time! But then… poorly managed wealth is a recipe for disaster, leading to Lightning being dropped by the NFL, his dad disowning him, and a pretty bad drinking and binge eating problem. Only when Cameron intervened was Lightning given any hope of getting better, and he’s on the road to recovery now. They live together, the two comprising a pretty odd couple, but a happy one nonetheless.
Cameron found he liked helping others with their mental health after a bit of trying to figure out what to do with his life, and became a licensed therapist after blowing through college. After a bit of helping Mike and Zoey with their first child, he reached out to a very depressed Lightning and made it his goal to rehabilitate his former competitor. After a few intense years, a few relapses, and an unexpected level of bonding, the two of them now live together, not married- but taking it one step at a time. Cameron’s proud of his boyfriend.
Mike and Zoey got married after All-Stars, and had their first kid at 20. Rosie is the light of their lives, and soon little Enzo will be joining the picture as well. Zoey’s been responsible for every cast meetup since All-Stars ended, and she spends her free time writing about her experiences on reality television. She was Canada’s mom of the year when Rosie was two years old!
Mike, as it turns out, didn’t delete his disorder with the press of a button. Woah. Mike and the gang are multi talented, and each of them have found their passions in different things. Chester’s retired, but the dream of being Miss Canada’s still there. Svetlana hasn’t stopped practicing her gymnastics, and is ready for another go at the Olympics! Vito likes to club, but is surprisingly good with Rosie- besides Mike, he’s her favorite. Manitoba Smith still lives for adventure, and helps Dawn and B in their animal sanctuary when he can. Mal works with Mike at their office job, trolling any employer who gets a little too comfortable in their position. If there’s anything the two of them can agree on, it’s that their boss sucks.
B’s inventions started to earn him a lot of money not long after Roti, but he kept it humble, and helps fund Dawn’s nature sanctuary as one of it’s main supporters. The two of them live happily together, their ability to understand each other when no one else could bonding them for life. B’s working every day to make machines more environmentally friendly, and reduce the carbon footprint of humanity.
Dawn fundraised for years, and with some intense determination on her part, along with some help from B, she finally got to create the animal sanctuary she’d always wanted in the mountains of British Columbia. She works there full-time, surrounded by the nature she’s always loved. At home, she lives with her cat Gaia and her partner B.
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dirksstri · 1 year
We need to normalize Scott mlm ships literally look at them
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Guys please see my vision
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j0ss-4rt · 11 months
😐🤲 spare some brott angst for the poor? (I'm the poor)
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i apologize i misremembered the ask when drawing so it’s not angst but here’s scott being brick’s fashion test subject (he pretends he hates it)
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r4bidcherry · 3 months
hc brick has taught himself to wake up at the slightest sound
hes caught scott sneaking around in the middle of the night multiple times
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sigmxnd · 5 months
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they're supposed to be lying on a flat surface but i didn't feel like putting that much effort into the background today so they're in the blue void
this is a way more lax piece compared to my last one but i'm so whimsical that i don't care to nitpick all my potential mistakes!!! so enjoy my brottposting
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me when the most smallest inconvenient thing happens in my life
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ribs02 · 1 year
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forgot to upload this lol
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thebrottenthusiast · 1 year
Party Brotters in the house with brott headcanons.
Warnings: ANGST, brick has self worth issues, scott has PTSD, mentions of suicide (don't worry it's not for brick or Scott)
Individual hcs:
I fluctuate on his sexuality because on some days I ship jo and brick (*gasp*) he's either gay or bi but I lean towards him being days more
Brick's dad committed suicide when he was young (about 9) so he feels a lot of pressure to be the man of the house and being perfect. He also wonders if he could've noticed his dad's suicidal behavior earlier, because in brick's mind, if he had just been a little more attentive, maybe he'd still be here... His mom always reassures him about it, but brick can't help but stress over the what ifs.
I imagine brick places his self worth on the amount of people he can help, so when his service isn't needed or backfires and does something bad, he can feel a little useless at times. His cadet code always told him to be of use and service! But If he isn't of service or his service ruins everything, than what use does he have, really? :'(
Brick has a younger sister named Lily who is about 7. Brick tries his best to be in her life, even if he is a little overbearing because he wants to be the positive father figure that was taken from him so bad for Lily.
Brick never had any real friends as a child, and was always regarded as the scapegoat to other children. Brick did notice behavior, but went along because he wanted friends. After all, if his service made others happy, that's what mattered the most, right?
Brick got his dog tags at his dad's funeral. He couldn't see his dad's face lifeless even though he knew his mom needed him. Brick has hid himself behind the funeral home and began to cry. Which is when he noticed another kid, who was out here to get away from all the crying noises and told brick to "stop crying like a goddamn baby". This just made brick cry even more. The boy handed brick a pair of dog tags he snagged from his pappy. He said that bricks dad had given it to his pappy in the army, and pappy wanted to return the favor and put it in his coffin. After that, the boy left and he never saw him again. Brick still remembers the day vividly and he hopes to find that same boy and thank him for his service.
Brick has those really loud dad sneezes that you can hear across the world. It has freaked out Jo at least more than once.
Brick also snores like a dad.
Amazing driver. Like near perfect aside from the fact he has shit music taste (that's what Jo said) and played Taylor swift on full volume when Jo (Jo absolutely despises Taylor Swift) was in the car. He never recovered.
Friendly rivals with Jo. She still calls him mean nicknames from time to time, but he gets her back by playing "shake it off" in the car or by getting her morning coffee at Starbucks with an ungodly amount of sugar added
Brick plans on making military styled clothing mainstream and donates to veteran organizations with the money he makes.
Brick likes frogs.
He also knows first aid.
He and Anne maria are best friends and go shopping from time to time. Anne maria will fight someone if they insult brick. She also tells the cash register when they got his order wrong. ("HEY! He asked for NO PICKLES!")
Scott is bisexual. Send tweet.
Alberta is his younger sister who is about 13 years old. Despite their constant squabbling, Scott cares very much for Alberta and tries his best for her not to end up like him.
Scott's parents are not exactly the best, but they do try their hardest to be good parents.
It might not look like it, but Scott actually likes to read. Normally you'd find him reading some of his pappy's guidebooks or his mom's cookbook, but you also might see him reading one of Al's cheesy romance novels under a playboy Magazine from time to time.
You wouldn't expect it from a guy who glues loonies to the floor, but Scott surprisingly artistic and has a keen eye for detail.
He never had friends and never wanted them. Never wanted them until after ROTI, which had isolated Scott from anyone who had ever wanted to give him a chance.
Scott's fear of sharks eventually formed into a fear of water overall. Because of it, he has a hard time trying to go near water and has to be practically dragged by his pappy to take a shower. He's scared that Fang will pop out of nowhere and finish the job for good. It's gotten better though, at least he can actually wash his hands without flying into a manic breakdown.
He also has a hard time getting sleep because of his PTSD and constantly gets nightmares of him and Fang
Scott's hand often trembled as a kid and only worsened after ROTI, which is when he took up whittling. He'll often whittle something simple like a bird or maybe even Al. (or maybe that cute cadet guy who seems weirdly familiar)
When he was a kid, Scott and his family went to a funeral for one of his pappy's army buddies. Scott couldn't stand all the crying, it made them easy targets, but it was really annoying. So when he went outside to escape the crying noises, you can imagine he wasn't too happy to find some kid crying his eyes out. And he only made things worse by telling the kid to "stop crying like a goddamn baby". So in a desperate attempt to stop the kid from crying, Scott gave him a pair of dog tags he snagged from his pappy. The kids dad had given it to Pappy when he was in the army, so pappy came to return the favor and put them in the coffin. Scott was originally going to sell them, but he thought the kid needed it more than he did. Scott got a real mouthful from his parents after they found out he was going to sell it, but to him it was worth it in the end. After all, what use would the damn thing have buried with some dead guy? Scott still thinks about the boy from time to time. Scott hopes that he's okay somewhere.
The reason why Scott is fine with eating nasty food like dirt is because I imagine his family was very impoverished and had little to eat, so he had resorted to eating dirt as an alternative so that there was more for everyone to eat.
Aside from whittling, I think Scott likes to do origami with his dad's leftover newspaper.
Scott and Zoey made up after all-stars and he apologized for manipulating her in ROTI, while she had apologized for taking Mal to the finale after learning that his family is impoverished.
Him and Mike on the other hand? Tension is still there between those two. Mike tolerates Scott for Zoey's sake, but he's not afraid to smack some sense into Scott anymore.
Scott still keeps in contact with Courtney. They're on good terms.
Relationship Headcanons:
Dumbass x "oh no that's my dumbass" (it goes both ways for the both of them)
T4T swag
Scott fell first, brick fell harder.
The idea of Scott falling first is so hilarious to me bc Scott's first response is to go to Courtney and he's just like "oh my God Im in love with the guy I just tried to frame for stealing holy shit holy fuck, what do i do?" And Courtney's like"of course I have to help you, Scott! Besides, as a CIT I underwent extensive training for this!" So she suggests to give Brick a gift and in classic Scott fashion gives brick the piss shoelace ring he gave to Courtney.
Brick however, is genuinely touched by this and decides to return the favor by giving him a bunch of forget-me-nots ("They match your eyes." He says). Outwardly, Scott is aloof and just replies "whatever" and then five minutes later he's rolling around Courtney's apartment and squealing like the loser he is and Courtney's like " Holy shit i've created a monster."
So some time passes and brick notices he starts to feel weird. Mainly around Scott. His cheeks light up, his stomach feels fluttery, and he gets all shy. So brick being brick immediately assumed he's dying up until Anne Maria suggests that he's in love.
So now brick's even MORE confused because who on earth would he be in love with?? Jo?? It's not until he looks at Scott's piss ring that he realizes he's in love with him and Anne Maria's like "WHAT"
They both confess their feelings at the same time.
Scott has a bunch of little cousins and they all flock to Brick when he comes around. Scott isn't sure how he does it.
Brick does scott's nails.
Scott is a horrible dancer. Lucky brick is always there to lead him.
Brick's the big spoon most of the time because he likes the feeling of 'protecting' Scott.
Scott's the one who hogs the blanket though.
Where Brick likes to kiss Scott: his hand, his scars, his forehead.
Where Scott likes to kiss Brick: his neck, his cheek, his lips.
Scott gets insecure of his scars so sometimes Brick will just hug him from behind and kiss his scars. Scott loves this (he always denies this of course.)
When Scott gets a nightmare, he will lay himself down on brick's chest to feel his heartbeat and brick will run his hand through Scott's hair and maybe hum him a little tune.
When Brick gets a nightmare, Scott tries to do the best he can but he's not really a people person so he just tells brick everything's okay.
How people reacted to their relationship:
Zoey's shocked at the reveal of their relationship but eventually comes around. She's mostly just worried about if Scott's going to manipulate brick into doing something bad.
Mike is not pleased. Why would a good guy like brick go for someone like Scott? He tries to stay open minded for the sake of Brick and Zoey, but it still feels weird to him. When asked why by Zoey, he replies "trying to frame someone for stealing is NOT a love language" he comes around in the end though, but not after lots of reassurance from Zoey.
Jo does not care, she doesn't need to hear more lovey dovey stuff about Scott from brick. She still supports their relationship, just doesn't want to hear about it.
Anne maria thinks Brick can do better. Seriously, brick could get any guy he wants, why settle for the dirtboy? Regardless, she's still supportive.
Lightning don't judge
Dawn knew about them the whole time and was just sitting in the corner watching it all unfold. She had a bit of doubt in Scott but as time passes she knew he would find his way.
Courtney is ultimately happy for them. When Courtney noticed the similarities between her and Duncan and Scott and brick, she couldn't help but feel nervous that it would just be another repeat of their relationship, but when things start to unfold, shes happy that Scott found someone that made him happier than she did.
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td-rarepairs · 8 months
bottom (text)
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totaltism · 1 year
For the doodles, could you do brott? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Warning for drawn depiction of blood/injury
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I'm SO BAD at drawing Brick I'll get it eventually aughhh anyways Scott's the type of guy to try and walk off a really bad injury bcs the person he likes is watching
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