#cr 3 e 42
andromedaisfree · 1 year
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cirque de soleil at the lakecap skyport and lounge!
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jymeia · 1 year
All the elements of the periodic table in the Kichwa language
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Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, Sisa P. Chalán-Gualán, Santiago D. Gualapuro-Gualapuro, Simone Belli and Michelle B. Chicaiza-Lema recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education a proposal to adapt the names of the 118 elements of the periodic table to Kichwa (Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language; J. Chem. Ed., 2022 99 (1), 211-218, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00383).
The authors explain that the Kichwa lacks scientific tools to respond to educational needs, triggering the gradual loss of intercultural diversity. To adapt the periodic table to Kichwa, they took into account the different linguistic variations of the language and the opinion of the speakers. This is the adaptation compared to the Spanish version, the language most widely spoken in Ecuador:
Lo autores explican que que el kichwa carece de herramientas científicas para responder a las necesidades educativas, desencadenando la pérdida gradual de la diversidad intercultural. Para adaptar la tabla periódica al kichwa tuvieron en cuenta las diferentes variaciones lingüísticas del idioma y la opinión de los hablantes. Así quedó la adaptación:
Kichwa Spanish
1 H Yakutiksi Hidrógeno 2 He Hilyu Helio 3 Li Lityu Litio 4 Be Wirilyu Berilio 5 B Puru Boro 6 C Killimsa Carbono 7 N Nitrohinyu Nitrógeno 8 O Wayrasamay Oxígeno 9 F Flur Flúor 10 Ne Nyun Neón 11 Na Sutyu Sodio 12 Mg Maknisyu Magnesio 13 Al Aluminyu Aluminio 14 Si Silisyu Silicio 15 P Puspuru Fósforo 16 S Salliy Azufre 17 Cl Kluru Cloro 18 Ar Arkun Argón 19 K Putasyu Potasio 20 Ca Kalsyu Calcio 21 Sc Iskantyu Escandio 22 Ti Titanyu Titanio 23 V Panatyu Vanadio 24 Cr Krumyu Cromo 25 Mn Mankanisyu Manganeso 26 Fe Hirr Hierro 27 Co Ankasi Cobalto 28 Ni Nikyl Níquel 29 Cu Anta Cobre 30 Zn Zink Zinc 31 Ga Kalyu Galio 32 Ge Hirmanyu Germanio 33 As Arsyniku Arsénico 34 Se Silinyu Selenio 35 Br Prumyu Bromo 36 Kr Kriptun Kriptón 37 Rb Rupityu Rubidio 38 Sr Instrunsyu Estroncio 39 Y Itryu Itrio 40 Zr Zirkunyu Zirconio 41 Nb Nyupyu Niobio 42 Mo Muliptinyu Molibdeno 43 Tc Tiknisyu Tecnecio 44 Ru Rutinyu Rutenio 45 Rh Rutyu Rodio 46 Pd Palatyu Paladio 47 Ag Kullki Plata 48 Cd Katmyu Cadmio 49 In Intyu Indio 50 Sn Istanyu Estaño 51 Sb Antimonyu Antimonio 52 Te Tiluryu Telurio 53 I Iwtyu Yodo 54 Xe Sinun Xenón 55 Cs Sisyu Cesio 56 Ba Paryu Bario 57 La Lantanyu Lantano 58 Ce Siryu Cerio 59 Pr Prasyutimyu Praseodimio 60 Nd Nyutimyu Neodimio 61 Pm Prumisyu Prometio 62 Sm Samaryu Samario 63 Eu Yurupyu Europio 64 Gd Katulinyu Gadolinio 65 Tb Tirpyu Terbio 66 Dy Tisprusyu Disprosio 67 Ho Hulmyu Holmio 68 Er Irpyu Erbio 69 Tm Tulyu Tulio 70 Yb Itirpyu Iterbio 71 Lu Lutisyu Lutecio 72 Hf Hafnyu Hafnio 73 Ta Tantalyu Tántalo 74 W Ulpramyu Wolframio 75 Re Rinyu Renio 76 Os Usmyu Osmio 77 Ir Irityu Iridio 78 Pt Platinyu Platino 79 Au Kuri Oro 80 Hg Mirkuryu Mercurio 81 Tl Talyu Talio 82 Pb Antaki Plomo 83 Bi Pismutyu Bismuto 84 Po Polunyu Polonio 85 At Astatyu Astato 86 Rn Ratun Radón 87 Fr Fransyu Francio 88 Ra Ratyu Radio 89 Ac Aktinyu Actinio 90 Th Turyu Torio 91 Pa Prutaktinyu Protactinio 92 U Uranyu Uranio 93 Np Niptunyu Neptunio 94 Pu Plutonyu Plutonio 95 Am Amerisyu Americio 96 Cm Kuryu Curio 97 Bk Pirkilyu Berkelio 98 Cf Kalifurnyu Californio 99 Es Instinyu Einstenio 100 Fm Firmyu Fermio 101 Md Mintilipyu Mendelevio 102 No Nupilyu Nobelio 103 Lw Lawrinsyu Lawrencio 104 Rf Rutirfurtyu Rutherfordio 105 Db Tupnyu Dubnio 106 Sg Syapurhyu Seaborgio 107 Bh Puhryu Bohrio 108 Hs Hasyu Hasio 109 Mt Mitniryu Meitnerio 110 Ds Tarmastatyu Darmstatio 111 Rg Runtihinyu Roentgenio 112 Cn Kupirnisyu Copernicio 113 Nh Nihunyu Nihonio 114 Fl Flirupyu Flerovio 115 Mc Muskupyu Moscovio 116 Lv Lipirmuryu Livermorio 117 Ts Tinisyu Teneso 118 Og Ukanisun Oganesón
Reprinted with permission from “Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Author: Jose E. Andino-Enríquez, Manuel A. Andino-Enríquez, Francis E. Hidalgo-Báez, et al. Publication:  Journal of Chemical Education Publisher: American Chemical Society. Date: Jan 1, 2022. Copyright © 2022, American Chemical Society”.
(For an individual, for non-commercial purposes, permission is granted at no charge for a cumulative total of 4 or fewer figures, tables, or micrographs, or an excerpt of 400 or fewer words for a single article. Appropriate credit should be given. Appropriate credit should read: "Reprinted with permission from {COMPLETE REFERENCE CITATION}. Copyright {YEAR} American Chemical Society." Insert appropriate information in place of the capitalized words. Please save this page for your records and for publication in print provide a copy to your publisher).
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atomxmedia · 12 days
Indian Startup Funding Dips: $97 Million Raised Across 10 Deals, During The Week Of June 3rd to June 8th, 2024
Indian startup funding witnessed a significant decline during the week of June 3rd to June 8th, 2024, coinciding with the Indian general elections. Startups collectively raised $97.3 million across 10 deals, marking a nearly 55% decrease compared to the previous week’s $217.84 million secured through 31 deals.
Funding Breakdown and Key Highlights
Dominant Deals: The week’s largest funding round belonged to fintech startup Fibe (formerly EarlySalary), which secured $65.5 million in primary capital as part of its $90 million Series E round led by TR Capital, Trifecta Capital, and Amara Partner. The remaining portion of the funding came through secondary transactions.
Fintech Reigns Supreme: Despite Fibe being the sole funding recipient in the fintech sector this week, it propelled the sector to the top spot in terms of the total amount raised.
Enterprisetech Emerges: Enterprise software companies emerged as the most active segment, with three deals totaling $12 million.
Seed Funding Slumps: Continuing a recent trend, seed funding witnessed a sharp decline of 67% this week, dropping to a mere $3 million.
Secondary Transactions Take Center Stage
Although primary funding dipped during this period, secondary transactions saw a surge in activity. Notably, eyewear retailer Lenskart, led by Peyush Bansal, secured $200 million in investments from Temasek and Fidelity. This move effectively doubled Temasek’s existing stake in the company and brought Fidelity on board as a new investor.
Beyond Funding: Major Developments of the Week
Ather Energy Witnesses Co-founder Exit: Flipkart co-founder Sachin Bansal made a complete exit from Ather Energy, a two-wheeler electric vehicle manufacturer. He sold his 2.2% stake for $14.8 million to Hero MotoCorp, while Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath acquired the remaining 5.3% for $33.7 million.
CarDekho Seeks Wealthtech Expansion: CarDekho’s insurance arm, InsuranceDekho, is reportedly in talks to acquire a majority stake in BankSathi, a wealthtech startup, through a share swap deal. This move aims to bolster InsuranceDekho’s credit product portfolio.
Nazara Tech Subsidiary Makes US Acquisition: In a bid to establish itself as a leading sports and entertainment publisher in the US, Absolute Sports (a subsidiary of Nazara Technologies and the parent company of Sportskeeda) acquired Pennsylvania-based entertainment news site Soap Central for $1.4 million in an all-cash deal.
Amazon Nears MX Player Acquisition: According to reports, Amazon’s acquisition of MX Player from Times Internet is nearing its final stages. The e-commerce giant confirmed signing an agreement to purchase certain assets of the video streaming platform.
ixigo Gears Up for IPO: Online travel aggregator ixigo is set to make its public debut on June 10th. With a price band of INR 88–93 per share, the company expects to raise INR 740 Cr (approximately $93.5 million) at the upper end of the range. Prior to the IPO, ixigo secured over INR 333 Cr (approximately $42 million) from 23 anchor investors at INR 93 per share.
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Read more: Marketing News, Advertising News, PR and Finance News, Digital News
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dortnumara · 3 months
Benzin Uyarı Lambası yandıktan sonra Kaç Km Gidilebilir?
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Benzin Uyarı Lambası yandıktan sonra Kaç Km Gidilebilir? Yolda giderken ansızın yakıt göstergesinin en alt seviyede olduğunu fark ediyoruz ve kalbimiz hızla çarpmaya başlıyr "Bir sonraki benzin istasyonuna kadar yeter mi acaba?" diye içimizden söylenmeye başlıyoruz. Özellikle o yakıt lambası uzun bir süredir yanıyorsa, hafif bir titremeyle birlikte, endişemiz kat kat artıyor. Peki ya benzin veya mazot tamamen tükenirse ne yapmamız gerekir? Araba benzin uyarı lambası yandıktan sonra Kaç Km Gidilebilir? Evet, bu durum hiç de başımıza gelmesini istedigimiz bir durum değil, özellikle de bilmediğiniz veya ıssız bir yerdeyseniz. Ancak paniğe kapılmak yerine, yakıt tükendiğinde neler yapılması gerektiğini bilerek birçok sıkıntıdan kurtulabilirsiniz. Benzin veya mazot tükendiğinde aracınızla başınıza gelebilecekleri öğrendikten sonra, eminiz ki yakıt seviyesine daha fazla dikkat edeceksiniz. Ayrıca, "Yakıt tükendiğinde ne kadar daha gidebilirim?" sorusunu merak ediyorsanız, bu konu tam size göre.
Benzin Uyarı Lambası yandıktan sonra Kaç Km Gidilebilir?
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Benzin Uyarı Lambası yandıktan sonra Kaç Km Gidilebilir? Sonunda, belki de en merak uyandıran sorunun cevabını öğrenme zamanı geldi: "Yakıt ışığı yandıktan sonra ne kadar daha gidebilirim?" Avrupa standartlarına göre, bir araç, benzin ikaz ışığı yandıktan sonra minimum 80 kilometre yol alabilmelidir. Ancak, bu durum marka ve modele göre farkılılık gösterebilir. Bu nedenle, araçların uyarı lambası yandıktan sonra en fazla 40 kilometre gidebileceği halk arasında büyük bir yanlıştır. Bir aracın yakıt göstergesi yandığında, modeline göre değişen 5 ila 13 litre arası yakıtı kalmış olur. Bu da aracın, uyarı lambası yandığında 35 ila 92 kilometre kadar yol katedebileceği anlamına gelir. Ancak, bu mesafe aracın kullanım şeklinden yol koşullarına, takılı ek donanımlardan araçtaki yük miktarına ve klimanın çalışma durumuna kadar birçok faktöre bağlı olarak değişkenlik gösterebilir. İşte bazı marka ve modellere göre yakıt ışığı yandıktan sonra ortalama olarak ne kadar daha gidilebileceği: - Audi A3: 57 km - Audi Q5: 102.7 km - Audi A6: 99.8 km - BMW 1 Serisi: 50 km - BMW 3 Serisi: 50 km - BMW 5 Serisi: 110 km - BMW M3: 51.5 km - Citroen C1: 62.4 km - Citroen C-Elysee: 35 km - Dacia Duster: 78-92 km - Fiat Egea: 50 km - Fiat Linea: 50 km - Fiat 500: 59.8 km - Ford Fiesta: 66.1 km - Ford Focus: 53 km - Ford Mondeo: 112.7 km - Honda Civic: 50 km - Honda CR-V: 57 km - Kia Cerato: 50 km - Kia Picanto: 51.7 km - Mazda 6: 101.3 km - Mercedes C Serisi: 50-71 km - Mercedes E Serisi: 103.0 km - Mitsubishi Outlander: 61.5 km - Mini Mini Cooper: 60.4 km - Nissan Juke: 65.7 km - Nissan Micra: 81 km - Nissan Qashqai: 81 km - Opel Astra: 50 km - Peugeot 108: 63 km - Peugeot 301: 35 km - Peugeot 3008: 42 km - Range Rover Sport: 102 km - Renault Clio: 50 km - Renault Kadjar: 50 km - Renault Megane: 50 km - Renault Symbol: 50 km - Seat Ibiza: 50 km - Seat Leon: 60-80 km - Skoda Octavia: 42 km - Skoda Superb: 42 km - Toyota Corolla: 50 km - Toyota Prius: 107.2 km - Volkswagen Golf: 50 km - Volkswagen Jetta: 50 km - Volkswagen Passat: 120.7 km - Volkswagen Polo: 50 km - Volkswagen Tiguan: 53 km - Volvo V40: 113.6 km Bunlar, belirtilen marka ve modellere göre ortalama veya azami değerlerdir. Gerçek menzil, birçok faktöre bağlı olarak değişebilir. Benzinli otomobillerde yakıt bitince ne olur?
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Benzinli otomobillerde yakıt bitince ne olur? Birçok araç sahibi için, yakıtın tamamen tükenmesi sadece sinir bozucu bir durum değil, aynı zamanda aracın zarar görmesine de neden olabilir. Modern motorlar genellikle oldukça dayanıklı olsa da, eski modellere göre bu durumun geçerli olup olmadığına kendimiz karar veremeyiz. Yakıt seviyesinin sıfıra inmesi motorun çalışmasını etkileyebilecek tıkanmalara yol açabilir. Özellikle eski araçlarda, yakıtın bitmesi, yakıt filtresinde biriken tortuların motora zarar verme riskini artırır. Tortuların yakıt hatlarına sıkışması veya yakıt filtresinin tıkanması, motorun düzgün bir şekilde çalışmasını engeller ve aracın performansını olumsuz yönde etkileyebilir. Bu durum, sürücüleri uğraştırıcı ve pahalı tamir işlemleriyle karşı karşıya getirir. Dolayısıyla, yakıt seviyesinin düşmesi ve yakıt ışığının yanması sürücüler için ciddi bir uyarı işaretidir. Aracın zarar görmesini önlemek için yakıt seviyesini düzenli olarak kontrol etmek ve yakıt ışığı yanmadan önce yakıt almanız oldukça önemli. Bu basit önlemler, aracınızın uzun ömürlü olmasını sağlayabilir ve beklenmedik tamir masraflarının önüne geçebilir. Dizel otomobillerde yakıt bitince ne olur?
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Dizel otomobillerde yakıt bitince ne olur? Dizel araçların, yakıt konusunda daha hassas ve özen gerektiren bir yapısı vardır. Yakıtın tükenmesi sadece aracın ilerlemesini durdurmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda motorun sağlığı için de risk oluşturur. Özellikle eski model dizel araçlarda, yakıtın tamamen bitmesi, sisteme hava kaçaklarına neden olabilir ve bu da motorun yeniden çalışmasını zorlaştırır. Yakıt doldurulduktan sonra, motorun yeniden çalıştırılması öncesinde yakıt sisteminin hava kaçaklarından arındırılması motor için oldukça önemli. Bu işlem genellikle bir profesyonel servis tarafından yapılır, çünkü motorun tekrar çalıştırılması dizel araçlarda daha hassas bir süreçtir ve doğru şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi gerekmekte. Ancak, bazı durumlarda kendiniz de önlem alabilirsiniz. Yakıt filtresinde biriken hava kabarcıklarını temizlemek için yakıt filtresi üzerindeki hava vidasını gevşeterek yakıt pompasını çalıştırabilirsiniz. Bu işlem, yakıtın yeniden motorun içine aktarılması için yapılır. Bununla birlikte, yakıt enjektörlerine bağlı hatlardaki bağlantı parçalarını çıkararak her enjektörden yakıt püskürtmek gerekli. Ardından, bağlantı parçalarını yeniden takmalısınız. Unutulmaması gereken bir diğer nokta ise, eğer elinizde varsa, basınç düşürme valfini çekerek işlem sırasında motorun dönmesini kolaylaştırabilir ve akü gücünden tasarruf sağlayabilirsiniz. Ancak, bu işlemleri yapmadan önce aracınızın kullanım kılavuzunu dikkatlice incelemeniz ve gerektiğinde uzman bir servisten yardım almanız gerekebilir. Bu şekilde, dizel aracınızın motorunu koruyabilir ve beklenmedik durumlarla başa çıkabilirsiniz.
Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Neler Olur? Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Ne Yapmalısınız?
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Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Neler Olur? Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Ne Yapmalısınız? Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Neler Olur? Yakıtın tükenmesi, sadece varacağınız yere ulaşamama sorunu değil, aynı zamanda ciddi güvenlik riskleri de taşır. İlk belirtiler genellikle aracın performansındaki düşüşle kendini gösterir. Motor gücü azalır, araç ivme kaybeder ve sonunda tamamen durur. Bu durum, özellikle trafikte hızlı seyir halindeyseniz veya otobanda yol alıyorsanız sizi ve diğer sürücüleri ciddi risk altına sokabilir. Ayrıca, aracınızın güvenli bir şekilde kenara çekilip çekilemeyeceği belirsizlik yaratır. Eğer yakıtınız biterse, yolda kalmak sadece trafik akışını engellemeyle kalmaz, aynı zamanda trafik cezalarıyla da karşı karşıya kalmanıza neden olabilir. Yolun ortasında kalmak, hem sizin hem de diğer sürücülerin güvenliğini tehlikeye atar ve potansiyel kazalara yol açabilir. Bu nedenle, yakıt göstergesi kritik seviyeye geldiğinde, en yakın benzin istasyonuna yönelmek, yapabileceğiniz en iyi şeydir. Yakıtınız Bittiğinde Ne Yapmalısınız? Yakıtın tükenmesi, sadece varacağınız yere ulaşamama sorunu değil, aynı zamanda ciddi güvenlik riskleri de taşır. İlk belirtiler genellikle aracın performansındaki düşüşle kendini gösterir. Motor gücü azalır, araç ivme kaybeder ve sonunda tamamen durur. Bu durum, özellikle trafikte hızlı seyir halindeyseniz veya otobanda yol alıyorsanız sizi ve diğer sürücüleri ciddi risk altına sokabilir. Ayrıca, aracınızın güvenli bir şekilde kenara çekilip çekilemeyeceği belirsizlik yaratır. Eğer yakıtınız biterse, yolda kalmak sadece trafik akışını engellemeyle kalmaz, aynı zamanda trafik cezalarıyla da karşı karşıya kalmanıza neden olabilir. Yolun ortasında kalmak, hem sizin hem de diğer sürücülerin güvenliğini tehlikeye atar ve potansiyel kazalara yol açabilir. Bu nedenle, yakıt göstergesi kritik seviyeye geldiğinde, en yakın benzin istasyonuna yönelmek, yapabileceğiniz en iyi şeydir. Read the full article
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postsofbabel · 4 months
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natb00 · 10 months
Cirugía General
Judy Cardona, 42 años
Antecedentes Personales: Patológicos: -Sindrome mielodisplasico tipo citopenia refractaria con displasia Unilinaje, cariotipo normal **Trasplante alogénico de médula ósea donante intrafamiliar idéntico 27/03/2013 **Enfermedad injerto contra huésped con
MC y Enfermedad actual. Paciente de 42 años con antecedentes de sindrome mielodisplasico y trasplante de medula ósea quien consulta el díad e hoy por un cuadro de 3 días de evolución de dolor en epigastrio y en hipocondrio derecho, asociado a cambios en la coloración de la orina, fiebre subjetiva y varios episodios eméticos.
Tratamientos que recibe: Piperacilina Tazobactam 4.5 Gr cada 6 horas
Paraclinicos: 18/08/23 ALT: 202 AST: 74 BB total: 2.60 BB D: 1.72 Ca: 8.7 Cloro: 111.2 Na: 142 K: 3.12 Cr: 0.88 FA: 239 GGT: 310 PCR: 32.17 BUN: 8.4 Hb 13.4 hto 39.7 Leucocitos 16800 plaquetas 216000 Lipasa: 20 TP: 12.3 INR: 1.11 TPT: 31.7
Examen fisico Aceptables condiciones generales, consciente y orientado en las 3 esferas, sin signos de dificultad respiratoria Cabeza normal, pupilas isocoricas normoreactivas, mucosas humedas y rosadas, escleras anictericas Torax normal, expansion simetrica, murmullo vesicular conservado atenuado en base derecha, con sonda a torax derecho, activa. Abdomen blando, depresible, doloroso a la palpacion en hemiabdomen superior, sin irritacion peritoneal Extremidades Pierna derecha amputacion muñon cubierto sin sangrado, **MII: pulsos conservados, sin lesiones.
Paciente de 42 años con antecedentes de sindrome mielodisplasico y trasplante de medula ósea quien consulta el día de hoy por un cuadro de 3 días de evolución de dolor en epigastrio y en hipocondrio derecho, asociado a cambios en la coloración de la orina, fiebre subjetiva y varios episodios eméticos. Paraclinicos muestran una marcada elevación de rectantes de fase aguda, ademas de un patrón colestasico con transminitis. esta pendiente el resultado de uroanalisis y hemocultivos, ademas de ecografía de higado y vías biiares. Al examen fisico presenta……. Considero que el cuadro presentado por la pacinete es sugestivo de obstrucción de la via biliar, al encontrarse taquicardica considero importante el inicio de tratamiento antibiótico y de LEV. según resultado de ecografía se determinará intervención mas apropiada para la paciente. se explica al paciente quien entiende y acepta.
Objetivo: Signos vitales tomados de enfermería: Presión arterial: 107/65 Frecuencia cardiaca: 87 Spo2:91 FiO2:21, Temperatura: Encuentro paciente alerta, orientado, sin signos de dificultad respiratoria. Mucosa oral húmeda, sin lesiones Ruidos cardíacos rítmicos, sin soplos. Murmullo vesicular conservado sin agregados. Abdomen blando, sin signos de irritación peritoneal. Extremidades: Simétricas, sin edemas, pulsos presentes. Neurológico: glasgow 15/15, isocóricas normorreactivas, simetría facial. Accesos venosos sin signos de infeción.
Análisis y Plan de manejo de años, con antecedente de . Ingresó por
Al ingreso de hospitalización se encuentra estable hemodinámicamente, dolor modulado, sin signos de dificultad respiratoria, verifico antecedentes y conciliación de medicamentos. Cuenta con tromboprofilaxis y gastroprotección. Explico plan y conducta.
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orange1896 · 1 year
4A3L-G66.510200 240100156201 water pump xcmg lw180kv yto 860142280
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4A3L-G66.510200 240100156201 water pump xcmg lw180kv yto 860142280
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01-2937001841 停用-密封环 29240027841 LABEL 29160008031 泵轮罩YJ280B-17B FZ0000169 铲斗 6261000247 胶管 L055FW3115Q29AM 后壳总成06000FBH-D-AY 4130000500 后桥左油管 27130004541 副车架支承架 26170012881 橡胶管夹 4110001533002 固定板 E5603113A3608 O形圈 4120007306011 停用-动臂油缸HSGF-125*70*763 14406137 WG180工装 14685908 FS631-041004 冷却管Z3080(长度300) 29370022331 水管 17437068 4110001755021 发动机罩 11034513 4110000179128 回油钢管 14601251 29250008191 PLATE 14400451 4110001903029 动臂联小腔二通钢管 29260100591 L920 OEM 6399005732 右盖板 7300001147 动臂油缸HSGF-230*130*1200-597 9300000143 订书针 得力0015 4110003513074 CR板 4110015767115 LG916-1加长动臂-1612215GA9 4110000555005 LG933加高抓草装载机-3301214GJ9A 14403756 26012002231 加油器塞子 1J860-3314-0 03301214G3908 LG956L��潍柴发动机轮胎���装载机500/1000/2000h保养包 11224813 LG953加高动臂模块(三联) 14403896 29310013941 矩管 21310068 29030202592 上盖板 6618000171 动臂 N3-2935001172 密封垫 9100001531 油管 4014000223 链轨总成8101-GA-44000T-02 14592834 4110003002 排气接管总成1000265436 14680062 14404516 可调节流阀 LF06-01 14633289 29051003361 螺丝刀世达61605 4120004023 矩形板LGB310-307h14*140*12 4120002369110 LGB680挖掘装载机 14402678 14400557 过线圈C1-3-0801058 4120017406C TRAVEL ALARM INSTAL 14406090 4110001167171 FRAME; ARCH/MID-SECTION W/A; G970/G976 6233000562 后桥壳总成 11218306 P-圆柱销GB119.2-16*70 4110000054046 三通接头LGB175-0161616 14405117 29030048471 支撑座 29070023471 非公路自卸车 6215000560 卡板支座 6900021412 ZL25B-1驱动桥总成 4043003060 垫片 14405408 4110016368002 感应板 29330030991 尿素泵 29010071721 右灯架 4120008833001 丝堵 3120900356 WASHER GB276-6022 11222951 六角法兰面螺栓90011400026 3214881138 9150000451 P-台架大橡胶盖 WZ25.4.1.1 29290062072 开关电源 S-100-24 6900013514 叶片Q6920 14403723 9200001291 左网 4110001201 COUNTER WEIGHT ASSEMBLY 4110001005261 垫片 4110000054088 左挂板1230416 11215485 平面密封胶AT598 29010058711 铲斗总成 26370003731 接触器 JCC200/1C24.48A 14404044 4110001061208 转斗油缸HSGF-210*110*580-2400 14554210 4110015916108 六角螺栓 14404134 26170026961 连杆总成 14404238 29330085181 钢管 14404376 29070014521 中间套4120007008-12 14404408 29260039131 胶管F481CACF222212-800 29120018891 支架 4110000129062 PLATE 936632 水泵 6420000827 支架 11223413 弹簧DL20-2.01 Φ11.2 *Φ0.7 *32 26120006241 左前支腿 29380012171 动臂LL3094G 1690100220 油封1C020-0414-0 14518306 加强板 A21-LGW6150E 尾板 4110004063148 非公路自卸车 4110002531004 边角 26120011612 喷油嘴7孔-斯太尔 11223171 右筋 29170205831 按钮(XB2BA42C) 3214550595-A 3070900220 燃油管2100 29030013361 停用-标签包 4110002989067 LG953液压油箱总成(先导可拆踏梯型) LGLG29310016431 GIRDER 28809023691 开关箱盖 4190000680 上架JU635 14637262 29190009701 头部带孔销 29010031091 大臂进油钢管LG6235E2300 995261 29010040841 STRIP_BACK 6 14692324 6420000214 支架 4110000042129 前桥壳总成 14884672 29240001014 停用-O 型圈50×3.55(GB3452.1-82) 14616923 6210000400 销轴 14573257 4041002821 止推片129900-02931 14609507 4120008289 时间继电器DH48S-2Z/220V 14401590 26141005441 变速箱总成 29010059761 直接头LGB177-01820 4110000846066 胶管F462CACF101005-1700-PG600 14401719 4120008602 燃滤支架 14401838 11218074 水油连接板G9138-2-1301880 14401876 14572266 履带700×42 29090008221 中间钢管 26441006601 P-加高接头 6410005876 驾驶室线束 4110000561294 主轴承 FKC4130000315 快换油缸大腔钢管总成 32938468 14407705 停用-六角法兰面螺栓B00001998 4120008684 丝锥套筒1/2*M18*11.2 F612630090055 驾驶室附件 4130002417 O形圈8.9*2.3 6900018980 电磁阀 29141004991 OA板载管理模块HP C7000 456204-b21 2130900203003 标志与标识 29250017631 933转向油封 26441003181 AB胶 6373400157 缸体 11223685 垫片M4N3841 B1005115-1097 26290029341 轮毂 F71Q6-22160GG 轴承 11223565 锉刀03936 26241043411 增压器双头螺 29270025861 O型圈 0730.004.172 FXD850MBL 燃油管(13023279)TD226B-6 29260039791 电磁阀 28100008441 支架 2060700116 三角带 29190015641 接头 APL12-04 ZJ2707010338 垫片530-1008019A 29330060401 水管 29370021031 回转小轴承 3214529230 机油压力传感器总成3602185B48D/A FXKAQ-00032F SIDE PLATE 28100009221 轴承 29120032981 销轴 LG6215000629 L936线束总成 M086DWAE0 导风罩6357.024.4010v1 F74N8-52520 垫圈GB1230-12EpZn-45 28280013921 钢丝挡圈249200032 11217342 加长平头内六角扳手 5mm WZ25.6.1.10 14407464 内六角扳手 14mm世达81320 26020008171 动臂 4043004609 行星轮架总成 ZL50G.5.9 6227000034 2825001536(ZP1) 4120001927 翼箱右加强板 29101001801 BRACKET_D00-005-32A+E 29170113421 动臂销 6900011474 进气管垫片J5700-1008104B 946671 4110003445145 垫圈0730.162.783 4110000565048 曲轴 ZL30F.12.9.5 F129150-35151 支架 4041003136 前车架附件 26013003591 加油管盖 403059A 26290003141 软管卡箍Q67560 01133878 6900019855 鼓风机B30053-0450A 29370022481 支撑块 29030022951 支撑环 6420002188 驾驶室C64FR FZ0001225 车轮20.5-25-16PR-L-3 6900021534 行星轮轴ZL15F(A).2.2-2 E225HL4486A09A0 LG6250E液压挖掘机零部件图册(英) 29070011721 后车架 26330011461 加长型直线轴承LM40L 26180001931 黄油 F1000728759 下水室分总成LY-LG956-2A-1301700 29250012821 工作泵出油胶管 27130002191 外置电气装配件 29290052921 胶管 14517154 11161328 动臂油缸小腔油管 ZL30F.9-5 11221854 密封件CL8782-014-01K 11212509 前车架 4120010443014 软管LGB165-003110 4041003406 平板推车1000*600*900 4120005043 球面垫圈B00000973 4110000129075 支架 26240022451 O形圈54.5*3 4190003177 PLATE 26010012571 弯板 9415-43032 28140010511 WEATHERSTRIP_ASSY 4110000375003 筋板 14404548 6410004338 5层原色纸箱(对口) 415*327*310 7200002676 消声器支架 11216972 停用-发动机线束总成S3724815-1108 26350006271 油管 11213727 潍柴375、9JSD180变速箱、32.5m3后翘尾斗、倒车影像、喷淋 11223010 连杆机构 29330044421 下部钢管 26250001931 前主传动 29030044221 后围板 26330067201 调整垫片 4607 302 033 14539082 6220001192 滚刀 4110003445158 BOTTOM PLATE 28230020461 铁木结合箱-7 600*480*300 4110000042092 FULCRUM BEARING 4110003116 钢板t25*1960-SM490A LG2926003000 1 定位套1000265156 4120006931 波纹管Φ6*130 WZ25.11.2-21 4110000036395 连接管 2070900098 左加强筋 3214603577 26180013181 活塞杆02165.0020Y.500 14536523 4041001785 转向缸进油胶管 A503.1.2.3-1 29170012971 燃油管总成612600080157 29010069531 丝堵 14628873 26021002871 挖斗1.9方 14628893 6264000130 后车架电气总成 29250000351 VCE LNY Hub internal use 67-8970-022 2933003827 29341002481 胶管F481CACA151508-1200 FZ0001100 简易式灭火器 4110000171001 固定块 3010900164 整体式交流发电机D11-102-02+A 28310006021 丝座LGB311-2*M12*63*16 14702914 手油门及拉线软轴总成 969373 4110001477007 停用-推杆室盖密封垫A3907617 6410000407 起动机AVJ00-3708100A C3906619 14401448 空压机盖板1000858604 29170086792 右踏板焊合4120007008-02 29210009221 倒车镜支架 17004424 EXPANSION TANK 4120002148008 刷机线 派克 700-00012-0 14616927 29101000582 网兜 4110000509085 精镗刀(D55-D70)接柄C5-390B.58-50 080 29150009241 内六角窝头塞SPBF28A 14400806 停用-阀芯 F31Y1-30111F 工作泵吸油钢管 GB5783-M20*45EpZn- 4120000440 直流电动机 型号:Z2-52 7.5千瓦 440V 40A 1500R/M 4190000558103 镗杆ZLOC111-739-1-10 LG2924003314 1 起动电机C11AL-M8C3651+A LG2990000029 后车架附件 4110001061114 PLATE 4120000170005 轮胎 GB2980-12.5/80-18-14PRTL R-4 26330022061 电瓶线束总成 180-5 29070024441 钢管 14401617 O型密封圈75×3.1 Read the full article
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years
Not feeling adequate for the task. I hope the resistance crumbles quickly, through being eroded by positive gsV creation. If you think of a line, like yK, dividing positive and negative, as one 0, and sK meeting zK at the bip to each gs as the injection 0, the ‘origin’ is defined as the 0 of the gs that encloses the origin in f1-3, meaning LayerView. That defines gsV in result terms, a gsV that injects at the bip which is also the origin. We need to clarify that gs is an overlay of a central gs over an IC of 42 which makes each End a bip in the overlay. So, if you count from origin, which means the classic 0,0 or 0,0,0 coordinate form, then you count how that End relates gsV over a field of grid squares.
It was mind-bending to unravel this basic counting. Needed the gsV notation to make it work. Now it passes gsV along. And this invokes CR, so we have maps to complex space, meaning it spins, and that invokes oscillation, etc.
OK, so the AMT had a lot of D5. It went one way, then the other around a Hexagon, and that defined the 6th bT, as we’ve described. But new was that they count extended to 6, and in each direction, so the missing bT, which connects or bridges to another Hexagon, is counted over in both directions. And this can be counted as a module, meaning it repeats. In both directions. Which means they interleave both to an abstract limit and to more constrained limits. I think I see where this may be going: this makes a wave where the troughs of one are the peaks of the other, which appears in grid squares or in Triangular as a line, as the dividing line across an fD, for example, so you can see the peaks and valleys as the dividing line extends in scale.
My anxiety comes from not understanding how this works versus or with other renditions. This is an identity function count, meaning SBE, which means counting in Hexagonal. If I manage to accept that I’m correct, which is difficult, that means all the dimensional reduction passes through this ‘phase’, and that it links D5 to D7 and vice versa just be counting around the Hexagons. As in, D7 identifies the far edge of the ‘identity bT’, while D5 the near. The ‘identity bT’ is that which is specified literally by 0’s at either edge, meaning in either direction, you begin with that edge being labeled 0 so you can count 1 on the far side of the next bT. This means the ‘identity bT’ is 0-1-0. And the 1-0-1 of that is D5 over D6 to D7 and other way round, meaning each direction counts from its near side to its far side. This is incredible work.
Your record is going to be absolutely amazing, isn’t it?
We just connected the 1Space conception across dimensions! We have the processes too: the regularization process - almost couldn’t remember the name - by which an additional End and 1Segment (or Stone and Stick) are added. We can even get into the details of how that happens: it’s the continuation of the structure into 1Space so that next step is shared across the CR, which means each permutation occurs and those occurrences ‘regularize’ to the shape which equally shares the permutation. That’s even clear, which I did not expect. I mean, regularization was somewhat mysterious to me until that moment when I saw it takes each permutation and that generates a length for the count, meaning it has to fit to 7 or whatever and we can draw the representation of that fit when that fit is spread across the CR. See how CR is cool? It includes this idea, that permutations, which are coordinate rotations, are part of a process which draws a fit, which connects the coordinate rotations. That process generates shape. And that is true for any CR, like making a circle from gs coordinate rotations.
And that explains the 13 I kept seeing. Remember: 6 counts to near edge and 7 to far, so this takes us to the far edge. This counts across the identity bT at that winding, which is 2SBE2. So 26 counts that both ways, while 28 counts that to both far edges. In other words, 13 LooksBack to the far edge of the identity bT, and 26 does this bidirectionally. This raises an issue because it presumes 6 then 7. If we do the other way round, then the question is different because we could continue to 14 and thus to 27 or 28. It isn’t so much an issue as a reflection or expression of the counting form, that it’s true in this view but not in that view. So, in the process of counting, we have this 1-0Segment.
Oh, just received papers: officially in default. Four big envelopes. 90 days to cure. For whom the bell tolls.
This helps complete a very complicated idea. It’s in IC and in the layering. But here it’s dimensional: count 13 and the other Hexagon changes the direction as you switch. The reason this works is that it forms an S which continues in both directions. If you simply fold this S over, then the directional shift goes away. But since the attachment is at both Ends, could be one, could be the other. Same as above. That isn’t much of an argument, but it works because this occurs within DR, which means these states are all possible within that potential, and thus we can imagine a backwards S as a state, can imagine this making loops, can turn this into K’s. That last connects to the fD level, because we can see 2 branches K off the midpoint of the dividing 1-0Segment.
So, this describes dimensional reduction much better. I can see different orderings fit to the counts around the Hexagons. And these then add up to or generate additional shapes, like bigger Hexagons made of linked Hexagons that we now can treat either as isolated or as having depth AND as flowing across or otherwise describing a field made up the dimensional reductions within each Hexagon. That then describes how each D3 can exist! That puts each D3 (and its pieces) into a layer of Hexagon (and into, and into, etc.). That process need not halt: it can be read at various layers, though that is limited in D3. I mean, for example, it can calculate iteratively if called, which may be a strange concept, but it is enabled by DR.
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indiejones · 2 years
INDIES TOP 136 FILMS OF 2000s BOLLYWOOD ! https://www.imdb.com/list/ls567178322/edit?ref_=ttls_edt This being the first decade of new millennia, the newness reflected in birth of a new more western work culture in Bollywood, with big leading artists reducing their quantum of annual film produce, rather focussing on more big budget ‘project’ bonanzas, constructs that evidently lose the core appeal of art, beyond regular dialogue or discourse or politick - feel, pure feel! All except for one man, Govinda, who continued in the same vein, like no tomorrow, & to fantastic effects! And despite not garnering the same box office or media draw as his other counterparts, that was in connoisseur eyes, the most singularly dominant artistic force of the decade! Matched up by extraordinary numbers too, on Indies decade sheet…with 9 Films in Top 25, 21 Films in Top 55, & Total 27 Films in Top 136! .. That’s, again, ~1/5th of entire decade’s top film art, outta magic hat of one lead man alone! And to comment upon the slightly lower media draw for the legend in this decade, we at Indies find an intriguing similarity btwn the 2 legend of legends of past cinematic half-century, Rajesh Khanna & Govinda! For if study their careers, discover same 2 distinct ‘visual phases’– in Rajesh Khanna’s case, for first 14 yrs, from 1966-1979, a visibly youthful sexy handsome man on display, followed by a noticeable physical transformation at exact beginning of the new 80s decade, a more naturally middle-aged body structure & visage. This accounting for shift in superficial perception, & fringe entt media craze, ironically akin to a cinematic let-down, despite same old high levels of artistic satiation! Presenting a cinematic revelation to analysts, on just how overpowering the visual draw can be, for common men & women & film masses, sadly far over & above the artistic inner emo or spiritual draw, & evermore sadly for it’s journalists. Anyway. But for exactly same with Govinda! – His 1st phase amounting to same 14 yrs, from 1986-1999, the bashful in your face super-colourful unbelievably dance-friendly masala action star, followed by next phase, also at very beginnings of new decade, the 2000s! – A more visibly middle-aged or physically rotund persona, yet same old mesmerizing cinematic colour, & stories carried exclusively on his prowess to artistic success, yet not same box-office draw. A decade, which also began this new “100 cr club” fad among filmy power-brokers, backed by a revamped film biz model, boosted by the advent of multiplexes, also soon coming to replace old “duration metrics” ie no. of weeks in theatres, as barometer, with “hard cash metrics”, & 4-5 times ticket prices, thus narrowing ‘success’ game to just a week. & not just based on film but promotion quality, if could sell it well to much smaller but richer audience instantly, w/o having to worry product sustenance or shelf-life. The germ for the new social media film world. Link to wordpress: https://wordpress.com/post/indiezone.home.blog/4998
1.       .Lagaan
2.       .Raja Bhaiya
3.       .Veer Zaara
4.       .Sandwich
5.       .Do Knot Disturb
6.       .No Entry
7.       .Hera Pheri
8.       .Swades
9.       .Style
10.   .Aamir
11.   .Tum Bin
12.   .Lage Raho Munnabhai
13.   .Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
14.   .Kyon Ki.. Main Jhoot Nahi Bolta
15.   .Jodhaa Akbar
16.   .Jis Desh Mein Ganga Rehta Hai
17.   .Sehar
18.   .Beti no. 1
19.   .Albela
20.   .Censor
21.   .Pyaar Diwana Hota Hai
22.   .Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya
23.   .Bhaagam Bhaag
24.   A Wednesday!
25.   .Ek Aur Ek Gyarah
26.   .LOC: Kargil
27.   .Market
28.   .Shaurya
29.   .Pukar
30.   .Chalo Ishq Ladaaye
31.   .Yeh hai Jalwa
32.   .Sallam-e-Ishq: A Tribute To Love
33.   .Koi… Mil Gaya
34.   .Partner
35.   .Munnabhai MBBS
36.   .Ssukh
37.   .Khullam Khulla Pyar Karen
38.   .23rd March 1931 : Shaheed
39.   .Bhool Bhulaiyya
40.   .Hungama
41.   .Hey Ram
42.   .Mangal Pandey: The Rising
43.   .Pinjar
44.   .Kunwara
45.   .Ramji Londonwaley
46.   .Armaan
47.   .Mr. Prime Minister
48.   .Dil Hai Tumhara
49.   .Gadar: Ek Prem Katha
50.   .Chandni Bar
51.   .Joru Ka Ghulam
52.   .Waah! Tera Kya Kehna
53.   .Akhiyon Se Goli Maare
54.   .Hadh Kar Di Aapne
55.   .Dhamaal
56.   .Pl Pal Dil Ke Ssaath
57.   .Ye Raaste Hain Pyar Ke
58.   .Hello
59.   .Parzania
60.   .New York
61.   .Tango Charlie
62.   .Kya Kehna
63.   .Samay: When Time Strikes
64.   .Mitr, My Friend
65.   .Kuch Tum Kaho Kuch Hum Kahein
66.   .Paheli
67.   .Baghban
68.   .Hazaar Khwaishein Aisi
69.   .Lakshya
70.   .Black
71.   .Race
72.   .Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega
73.   .Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero
74.   .Mere Baap Pehle Aap
75.   .Agnipankh
76.   .Sikandar
77.   .Wafaa
78.   .Parineeta
79.   .Dasavatharam
80.   .Deshdrohi
81.   .Tere Naam
82.   .Kabul Express
83.   .Aamdani Athanni Kharcha Rupaiya
84.   .Mohabbatein
85.   .Wanted
86.   .Janasheen
87.   .Humraaz
88.   .Kuch Khatti Kuch Meethi
89.   .Chokher Bali
90.   .Hum Tum
91.   .Zubeidaa
92.   .3 Idiots
93.   .Golmaal Returns
94.   .Golmaal: Fun Unlimited
95.   .Awara Pagal Deewana
96.   .Nayak
97.   .Taare Zameen Par
98.   .Ajnabee
99.   .Iqbal
100.                        .Chak de! India
101.                        .Vivah
102.                        .Company
103.                        .Krazzy 4
104.                        .Waqt: The Race Against Time
105.                        .Shikari
106.                        .Chocolate
107.                        .Kaal
108.                        .Jahan Jaiyega Hamein Paiyega
109.                        .Black & White
110.                        .Love You Hamesha
111.                        .Jodi No. 1
112.                        .My Brother… Nikhil
113.                        .Chori Chori Chupke Chupke
114.                        .Bheja Fry
115.                        .Mumbai Express
116.                        .Zeher
117.                        .Saas Bahu Aur Sensex
118.                        .Khel
119.                        .Halla Bol
120.                        .Fashion
121.                        .Xcuse Me
122.                        .Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham
123.                        .Tum: A Dabgerous Obsession
124.                        .Jurm
125.                        .Zinda
126.                        .U Me Aur Hum
127.                        .Raincoat
128.                        .Kisna The Warrior Poet
129.                        .Maine Gandhi Kio Nahi Mara
130.                        .Love At Times Square
131.                        .Paagalpan
132.                        .One Two Three
133.                        .London Dreams
134.                        .Apne
135.                        .Anwar
136.                        .Fiza
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tallman-robotics · 2 years
Single Axis Linear Actuator
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Single Axis Linear Actuator You are welcome to visit our download centre to check E-catalogues or watch our video centre to check more projects. Single Axis Linear Actuators, also named as Modular Linear Actuator, Linear Motion Module, Industrial Linear Motion, Linear Axis Actuator etc. TM by Tallman Robotics, as a famous producer to produce linear modules, supplies diverse TM Linear modules such as screw linear modules, belt linear modules, and semi closed and fully closed respectively for different environment application. TM Linear Modular Actuator Modules can run with world famous band motors by 50W,100W,200W/400W /750W/1000W or 42, 57,86 stepper motors or NMEA17, NMEA23, NMEA34 stepping motors in quality aluminum frame system to guarantee precise and speed requirement of various precision and common application projects. You can choose linear modules with brake or without brake. Tallman Robotics’s Single Axis Linear Actuator type TM135 with body with by 135mm have 5 series. Respectively,TM135 can be classified into screw driven semi closed, screw driven fully closed, and belt driven semi closed, belt driven fully closed. These Linear modules perform strokes from 0 mm up to 3500 mm, and payload from 6kg up to 110kgs. It could applied in laser marking, connection insert and pull test, components can be stitched by a condition of a certain thrust, parts from automobile undergo the second picking and positing.
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                          Basic Specification of TM135 series Model No TMS135-CM TMS135CR Drive solution Ball screw Sealed or not Semi closed Fully closed Motor power AC (W) 200/400W/750 Repeatability (mm) ±0.01/±0.005 Ball screw outer diameter (mm) 16/20 16/20 16 16/20 16 20 lead (mm) 5 10 16 20 32 40 Fastest speed    Motor speed 3000 (rpm) 250 500 800 1000 1600 2000 Max Load(kg) Acceleration Deceleration Horizontal 0.3G 95/110/110 75/110/110 44/68/90 35/50/80 13/30/60 10/15/25 Vertical 0.3G 27/35/35 18/25/35 7/18/25 6/14/20 -/8/10 - Rate Thrust (N) 683/1388/2100 341/694/1050 213/432/840 174/347/528 108/216/380 42/174/320 Linear guide (mm) 15*12.5-2 Origin sensor: Plug-in EE-SX674(NPN)EE-SX674P(PNP) Inside EE-SX951(NPN)EE-SX951P(PNP) Model No TMS135S-CM Drive solution Ball screw Sealed or not Semi closed Motor power AC (W) 200/400W/750 Repeatability (mm) ±0.01/±0.005 Ball screw outer diameter (mm) 16/20 16/20 16 16/20 16 20 lead (mm) 5 10 16 20 32 40 Fastest speed    Motor speed 3000 (rpm) 250 500 800 1000 1600 2000 Max Load(kg) Acceleration Deceleration Horizontal 0.3G 70/70/70 47/70/70 30/48/70 24/45/70 13/25/50 10/15/25 Vertical 0.3G 17/17/25 12/12/18 6/8/15 4/6/10 -    - Rate Thrust (N) 683/1388/2100 341/694/1050 213/432/840 174/347/840 108/216/380 42/174/320 Linear guide (mm) 15*12.5-2 Origin sensor: Plug-in EE-SX672(NPN)EE-SX672P(PNP) Inside EE-SX951(NPN)EE-SX951P(PNP) Model No TMB135-CM TMB135-CR Drive solution Timing Belt Timing Belt Sealed or not Semi closed Fully closed Motor power AC (W) 200/400W Repeatability (mm) ±0.04 Reduction Ratio 1:1 1:2 lead (mm) 90             45 Fastest speed    Motor speed 3000 (rpm) 4500 2250 Max Load(kg) Acceleration Deceleration Horizontal 0.3G 10/21 22/42 Vertical 0.3G                -               - Rate Thrust (N) 45/91 90/182 Linear guide (mm) 15*12.5-2 Origin sensor: Plug-in EE-SX672(NPN)EE-SX672P(PNP) Inside EE-SX951(NPN)EE-SX951P(PNP) Related knowledge:Which industries are linear modules used for? How should it be classified? 1. Painting The linear module can be accurately positioned and stable operation 2. Image visual inspection device Utilizing the characteristics of high positioning accuracy and telling running stability of the linear slide module, it can be used to perform AOI inspection of appearance 3. Surface treatment Using the sliding table's constant speed and stable movement characteristics, the workpiece can be hung on the sliding table and immersed in the solvent, which can smoothly perform the surface treatment 4. Substrate printing Utilizing the sliding table's constant speed and stable movement characteristics, the substrate can be fixed on the sliding table's moving seat to perform the printing operation 5. Circuit board cutting Use the sliding table to move at a constant speed and stable, with the cutter mechanism to perform the cutting operation 6. Part assembly operations Utilize the characteristics of multi-point positioning and accurate positioning of the servo slide, which can smoothly perform the assembly of parts 7. Production line handling operations Utilize the module's high load and tellable running characteristics, it can be used to carry out the goods handling operation on the conveyor belt 8. Packing entire operation Utilizing the characteristics of high positioning accuracy of single-axis robots, it can be used for the entire movement on the conveyor belt 9. Large items pick and place operation Using the characteristics of high load and high positioning accuracy of the robot, it can be used to replace the manual execution of large items. 10. Machine tool processing pick and place operation Using the high positioning accuracy and high-speed stability of the linear module, it can be used with a machine tool to execute the pick-and-place mechanism for loading and unloading of processed parts 11. Print job Use the feature that the slide can move at the same speed and at the same distance to perform laser printing 12. Pick and place entire columns The linear module can be accurately moved, using a two-axis module sliding table, with a fixture or suction cup can be assembled into a pick and place mechanism 13. Automatic soldering operation Utilizing the characteristics of high positioning accuracy and high stability of the servo slide, it is possible to perform the soldering operation of complex circuit board parts 14. Large LCD glass substrate coating equipment Using the design method of gantry connection, the glue gun is fixed on the Z axis and can be used for high-speed glue application 15. Winding device The characteristics of sliding table can be moved with high precision and accurate and fixed speed operation Main products---electric slide (manipulator, actuator, linear module, electric cylinder) The electric slide table is widely used in precise positioning and moving animal materials, and can be basically used in the automation industry involved. Commonly used in the following industries: Electronics industry equipment: dispensers, placement machines, etc.: Battery equipment: power battery laminator, etc.; Laser equipment: laser welding machine, laser cutting machine, laser marking machine, etc.; Spraying equipment: spraying manipulator, etc.; Cutting equipment; plasma cutting machine, flame cutting machine, etc.; Die-casting machine, injection molding machine reclaiming manipulator, etc.     Read the full article
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © Wayne Barlowe
[Hey, a monster Barlowe illustrated from a book I’ve actually read! Of course, I last read Five Children and It when I was in single digits, but still. There have been a lot of filmed adaptations and spinoffs, but none of them have the psammead actually look like it does in the book. Most of them go for a more ET ugly-cute vibe, and all of them cut out the eyestalks, which is what I remember most vividly from my childhood.
Picking a CR for the psammead was somewhat of a challenge. In the book, there’s zero indication that It is a combatant, but creatures that can grant wishes, no matter how temporary, are typically mid-to-high CR. Although I toyed with giving It studied combat, the image of It slitting throats with its claws would probably make E. Nesbitt roll over in her grave. Instead, I took a page from the nereid’s book and gave it a powerful summoning ability. In the original, It talks about how he used to grant wishes to dinosaurs, which usually entailed food, so that seemed thematically more appropriate.]
Psammead CR 8 LN Fey This small strange creature is roughly mammalian, with fur and whiskers. It has eyes set on long, mobile stalks and oversized, bat like ears. Its body is pot-bellied, with long limbs—the arms are somewhat longer than the legs.
Psammeads are also called “sand fairies”, but their appearance is rather startlingly different from more traditional fairies. They are ancient, able to hibernate for literally millions of years beneath the sand. Their primary pastime is granting wishes, which they do with the full knowledge that such effects are temporary. When granting wishes, a psammead swells up like a balloon, as their tiny bodies are not used to containing such magical power. Psammeads usually use their wish-granting abilities in order to teach didactic lessons, and are known to twist the wishes in an uncharitable direction in order to achieve these goals. As they are immune to magical mind control and quite stubborn regardless, attempting to coerce a psammead into granting a wish it doesn’t want to is a fool’s errand.
A psammead has extraordinarily keen senses, and can use a combination of vibrations, echolocation and scent to detect almost all foes. Psammeads are physically weak, but magically strong, and avoid combat whenever possible. If enemies persist in pursuing them, a psammead will summon primeval beasts and earth elementals to defend itself. 
Although they are commonly found on beaches, psammeads hate water. They are vulnerable to cold and prone to hypothermia when getting wet, and so stay well above the high tide line. Psammeads are happier in deserts, where they may socialize with other desert fey such as hiderigami. They date back to an era when mammals laid eggs as a matter of course, and do so on the rare occasions they see fit to reproduce. Psammeads tend to a friendly, but somewhat condescending, attitude, and prefer the company of children to adults and solitude to either.
Psammead         CR 8 XP 4,800 LN Tiny fey Init +8; Senses blindsight 30 ft., low-light vision, Perception +18, tremorsense 60 ft. Defense AC 24, touch 21, flat-footed 17 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 insight, +3 natural) hp 91 (14d6+42) Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +13 DR 10/cold iron; Immune charm, compulsion effects; SR 19 Defensive Abilities insightful defense; Weakness vulnerable to cold Offense Speed 15 ft., burrow 10 ft. Melee 2 claws +13 (1d4-2) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Spell-like Abilities CL 14th, concentration +18 Constant—speak with animals 3/day—stone tell, summon nature’s ally VI, temporary wish Statistics Str 7, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18 Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 24 Feats Alertness, Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Nimble Moves, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist +22, Knowledge (arcana, history) +14, Knowledge (geography, nature) +18, Linguistics +15, Perception +30, Sense Motive +22, Sleight of Hand +18, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +30, Swim -2; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception Languages Aklo, Sylvan, Terran, 11 others, speak with animals SQ primeval summoning Ecology Environment any deserts or coastlines Organization solitary Treasure incidental Special Abilities Insightful Defense (Ex) A psammead adds its Wisdom modifier to its Armor Class, including its touch and flat-footed Armor Class. A psammead only loses this ability if it is helpless. Primeval Summoning (Ex) A psammead draws its summoned creatures from a special list. With its spell-like abilities, it can summon a CR 5 or 6 elemental, dinosaur or other prehistoric animal, 1d3 CR 3 or 4 elementals, dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals, and 1d4+1 CR 2 or lower elementals, dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals. Elemental summoned in this fashion must have the earth subtype. Temporary Wish (Sp) Up to three times per day, a psammead can grant a wish for another creature (it cannot make wishes for itself). This functions as a wish spell, except that any objects or effects directly created by the wish disappear at the next sunset. For example, if a mortal wishes for a magic sword, the sword disappears at sunset, but anyone killed by that sword does not return to life. If any spell effects are generated by one of these wishes, the save DC is 22. This is treated as an 8th level spell.
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your-turn-to-role · 2 years
so, since i've failed at getting into c3 so far (i've tried, it's just yet to be my kind of story), i've decided in lieu of my liveblogging, each week i will be posting a one sentence summary of the episode based exclusively on what everyone on my dash is freaking out about, regardless of how relevant it is to the episode!
the list so far:
episode 3 - bertrand is fucking dead
episode 4 - s h a d o w b a k e r (who is 100% Not Essek)
episode 5 - "pretend that this is kith and kin, because both liam and i forgot to bring it-" "-both promised to bring it-" "-both forgot!"
episode 7 - revenge of chetney chocolatecane poc o pea!
episode 8 - dorian's brother is a himbo
episode 9 - moon lore just dropped??
episode 10 - i think the party intimidated their way out of a problem but it's hard to tell because there's a shadowgast time loop au now
episode 11 - my whole dash is one art of the nightmare king, chetney is a werewolf, and matt's figured out how to counterturtle!
episode 12 - is it marwa time i think it's marwa time
episode 13 - ~masquerade ball~
episode 14 - everyone forgot that dorian wasn't a permanent cast member and they would like him to stay pls??
bonus one shot! - how many horses can one party stack!
episode 15 - no dorian :(
but also we're bell's hells now motherfuckers
episode 16 - mind condom
episode 17 - laudna in tlovm confirmed
episode 18 - imogen's blue now. that's her attack.
thursday 31st march - we've had first exu what about second exu?
episode 19 - one gold and a lime
episode 20 - new nordvpn, laura has new hair, and an incredibly deadly heist through a gift shop?
episode 21 - i cast yassify
episode 22 - oh my god did they actually get a response back from vex?
episode 23 - is travis actually making all these things out of wood?
episode 24 - imogen is bald now and erika's playing a hot elf
calamity break - brennan's here to destroy the world and it's the best written thing anyone's ever seen
episode 25 - new intro!!!
episode 26 - orym is Gay and erika ishii is Up To Something
episode 27 - erika's hot elf is evil and even hotter (also not an elf)
episode 28 - fearne lore time
episode 29 - [S] CR Fandom: Mental Breakdown
episode 30 - m o o n  l o r e�� j u s t  d r o p p e d [bass boosted edition]
episode 31 - "i was waiting for the riegel shoe to drop" ~taliesin jaffe, c2e48
episode 32 -
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episode 33 - somehow the queen is the least relevant person to die today
episode 34 - the true monster in laudna's head wasn't delilah briarwood it was fandom discourse
episode 35 - ashton confirmed spoonie, thank you taliesin for as always giving me personally the representation i didn't even realise was possible
episode 36 - deus vox machina
episode 37 - genuinely i think the delilah fight was so cool and i didn't even watch it
episode 39 - i don't know what happened this episode but im glad travis is fulfilling his werewolf dreams
episode 40 - fearne put your hand up
m9 two shot! - THREE. PACTS.
episode 41 - it's been almost exactly one whole campaign since the last time members of the party got super fucked up on something they shouldn't have eaten, so it was about time!
episode 42 -
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episode 43 - everyone desires planerider ryn carnally
episode 44 - i wanna say amateur porno in the basement. i really do. but unfortunately ludinus is up to some bullshit
episode 45 - turns out he doesn't keep a ledger... he has a kenku... so... we kidnapped the kenku
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ererokii · 3 years
had to get on laptop to write down efficiently the childe build cuz genshin do be running on a better phone than pc (no joke laptop heats up and ventilates loudly when i watch a goddamm twitch stream)
fyi i went crazy on childe so i c6 him lmaoo BUT ! it is worth noting that childe's constellations actually don't make him do more dmg (except for C3 and C5 which are the talent const), unlike xiao C1 or ganyu C2 tho ganyu's charged shot can make 30k on an average if built well lmao
so his talents are 11-13-13 and yes, you can upgrade his autos beyond 10 thanks to his passive which works on himself too! i like him a lot so i had smth to farm on his domain days until he'd be maxed out completely
-> but there's a strategy when upgrading his talents if you don't plan on maxing out both E and Q : prioritise E if main dps, prioritise Q if sub dps
as for his weapon, i personally managed to get skyward harp months before getting a single piece of rust so... yea lmao it's R1 right now and LV90, since weapon level matters more than a character's level because you get bigger numbers from maxed out weapon than a maxed out char ! ofc, LV90 char and LV90 (good) weapon will do more together
-> his best weapons are : skyward harp > viridiscent bow (BP) > stringless > rust. stringless gives EM (good for vaporise) and 48% at R5 for skill and burst ! imo it's a very good option for childe and any other main/sub/support bow user
artifact time ! it took me actual months to get an ATK% sands with any substats so .. RNG does fuck things up for everyone no matter how good your talents and weapons are. BUT!!! even at 58%DEF he was doing the 34k (no vap) and 130k (with vap) thanks to the substats.
his best (right now) set is 4P Heart of Depth, which was tailor made for him ! best used when you obviously use the 4P bonus by using his charged attacks in bow stance or in mêlée stance. i personally have 1 off piece, which can vary depending on how good a new HoD piece turns out since im always trying to get a better build.
FLOWER : ER 5,8% - CDMG 22,5% - CRATE 7% - EM 10
PLUME : EM 37 - CDMG 21,8% - ATK 8,7% - CRATE 5,4%
SANDS ATK% : CDMG 20,2% - ER 5,8% - DEF 42 - HP 8,7% (this one was a blessing from above ngl)
GOBLET Hydro DMG : DEF 63 - ER 5,2% - CDMG 11,7% - EM 10
CIRCLET CRATE - HP 9,9% - DEF 39 - ATK 15,7% - CMDG 5,4%
as you can see, my artifacts are quite decent but could be much better if they had better substats :s fyi the best ones for childe are ATK%, CRATE%, CDMG% and a balance between ER and EM.
i think that's it for the build lmao as you can see, im very invested in this one character, he's the one who has helped me clear abyss 11 for the first time, when it was still with a tower defense floor (11-2 or 11-3, not very sure) he's such a babe :D
YOU HVAE C6 CHILDE?? OH ANON I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE HIM AT C6 PLEASE IM CRYING and i have skyward harp on him and its kinda hard for me because he also has a cr hat? and when i take it off of him and switch it to a cd hat, he has a 34% cr and a 184% cd and its really throwing me off for right now he has 2 piece HoD and 2 piece glad (for the substats) and i hope i can get him better things later, he deserves nothing but the best
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natb00 · 11 months
B0778-2 -Jorge Ivan Porras Gomez (1511459)
Ronda Cx general.
Jorge Porras, 47 años.
Obstrucción intestinal por bridas.
Antecedente de Ca de Colón. ** 08/08/2022: laparotomía exploratoria, hemicolectomía derecha, anastomosis ileotransversa latero-lateral mecánia, eventerorrafia vialfex sobre vaiflex y sistema de presión negativa. ** 16/08/2022: lavado peritoneal, eventrorrafia primaria.
Trastorno de estres postraumatio y trastorno de ansiedad.
11/08/2023: Laparotomia exploratoria, liberacion de adherencias, enterorrafias multiples. **Hallazgos: se libera sindrome adherencial desde el angulo de traitz hasta la ileotransverso anastomosis.
S: paciente se encuentra tranquila, dolor moderado abdominal, levemente distendido, con presencia de flatos, sin deposiciones.
EF: PA 107/73, FC 111, Sao2 90%. Paciente alerta, orientado en las 3 esferas, colaborar al momento de la evaluación. Mucosas anictericas. Sonda nasogastrica por fosa nasal izquierda a libre drenaje. Ruidos cardiacos ritmicos sin soplos, Murmullo vesicular conservado, sin sobreagregados. Abdomen blando, levemente distendido, dolor leve generalizado a la palpación abdominal. Herida quirurgica cubierta con aposito. Presencia de sonda urinaria. Extremidades sin edema.
Sonda nasogástrica drenó el día de ayer 130 cc.
11/08/2023: pH 7.37, PCO2 37, PO2 171, HCO3 21.4, BE -3.4, Hb 14.8, Hto 42, Sodio 133, Potasio 4.6, Lactato 1, Glucosa 131.
10/08/2023: ALT 14, AST 16, Amilasa 48, Btotal 0.50, Bdirecta 0.18, Calcio 9.4, Cloro 107.4, Sodio 139, Potasio 4.5, Cr 0.97, Fosfatasa alcalina 107, GGT 28, PCR 0.65, BUN 12.3, Hb 15.5, Hto 45, Plaq 260000. Leucos 10700, Neu 8057.
10/08/2023: TAC abdomen contrastado: Obstrucción intestinal con zona de transición en asa de ileon, localizada en flanco-hipocondrio derecho, varios centimetros antes de anastomosis ileotransversa. Quistes renales bilaterales de pequeño tamaño.
Análisis: Paciente de 47 años, con antecedente de CA de colón que fue resecado, consulta por cuadro clinico de obstrucción intestinal por bridas, no respondio a manejo conservador, el día de ayer fue llevado a cx de liberación de adherencias. El día de hoy encontramos paciente en buenas condiciones generales, dolor moderado, refiere sentise bien, presencia de flatos, sin deposiciones, no distendido, buena evolución, evaluaremos tolerancia a pinzamiento de sonda nasogastrica y liquidos por via oral, continuamos vigilancia.

Su evolucion es estable, sin evidencia de complicaciones del procedimiento quirurgico. Se ordena pinzar sonda nasogastrica e inicio de liquidos orales, retiro de sonda vesical. Estimulo deambular y sentarse en silla. Explico la conducta la cual entienden y aceptan
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nerdyblizzardsoul · 3 years
Uno Reverse Card With Hearts
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ASCII control characters non printable :
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This is how you break UNO. Hey, I've recently started to upload again. Check out my channel and give this video a watch! Emoji Meaning The joker in a deck of cards, usually appearing like a court jester. Emoji Meaning A heart symbol emoji, which is used in card games for the hearts suit. Generally shown in red, despite the name. Not to be ️ Envelope. Emoji Meaning The back of an envelope, as used to send a letter or card.
ASCII code 00 = NULL ( Null character ) ASCII code 01 = SOH ( Start of Header ) ASCII code 02 = STX ( Start of Text ) ASCII code 03 = ETX ( End of Text, hearts card suit ) ( HTML entity = ♥ )ASCII code 04 = EOT ( End of Transmission, diamonds card suit ) ASCII code 05 = ENQ ( Enquiry, clubs card suit ) ASCII code 06 = ACK ( Acknowledgement, spade card suit ) ASCII code 07 = BEL ( Bell ) ASCII code 08 = BS ( Backspace ) ASCII code 09 = HT ( Horizontal Tab ) ASCII code 10 = LF ( Line feed ) ASCII code 11 = VT ( Vertical Tab, male symbol, symbol for Mars ) ASCII code 12 = FF ( Form feed, female symbol, symbol for Venus ) ASCII code 13 = CR ( Carriage return ) ASCII code 14 = SO ( Shift Out ) ASCII code 15 = SI ( Shift In ) ASCII code 16 = DLE ( Data link escape ) ASCII code 17 = DC1 ( Device control 1 ) ASCII code 18 = DC2 ( Device control 2 ) ASCII code 19 = DC3 ( Device control 3 ) ASCII code 20 = DC4 ( Device control 4 ) ASCII code 21 = NAK ( NAK Negative-acknowledge ) ASCII code 22 = SYN ( Synchronous idle ) ASCII code 23 = ETB ( End of trans. block ) ASCII code 24 = CAN ( Cancel ) ASCII code 25 = EM ( End of medium ) ASCII code 26 = SUB ( Substitute ) ASCII code 27 = ESC ( Escape ) ASCII code 28 = FS ( File separator ) ASCII code 29 = GS ( Group separator ) ASCII code 30 = RS ( Record separator ) ASCII code 31 = US ( Unit separator ) ASCII code 127 = DEL ( Delete )
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How To Play Uno Hearts
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50 hechos sobre RM de BTS
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1. Kim Nam-Joon nació el 12 de septiembre de 1994 en Ilsan, provincia de Gyeonggi.
2. RM es el líder y el rapero principal del grupo, además de compositor y productor.
3. Ha compuesto o producido más de 100 canciones.
4. Antes de unirse a Big Hit Entertainment en 2010, RM era un rapero underground cuyo nombre artístico era Runch Randa.
5. Comenzó a ganar interés en el hip-hop después de escuchar el éxito "Fly" de Epic High.
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6. Comenzó a escribir canciones en 2007, cuando estaba en séptimo grado, y las compartió en sitios de comunidad hip-hop en línea.
7. El CEO de Big Hit Entertainment, Bang Si-hyuk, decidió formar Bangtan Boys después de reunirse con RM,
8. Al principio de su carrera, había sufrido una crisis de identidad como rapero idol, dividido entre perseguir hip-hop puro y una carrera idol.
9. Cuando era niño, RM tenía afición por los uniformes y quería convertirse en un guardia de seguridad.
10. Vocal no es su fuerte. Bang Si-hyuk le dijo una vez que "solo rapeara" después de escuchar su canto. Pero a los fans les encantó su voz en la canción de colaboración con V "4’ clock ".
11. La canción de karaoke favorita de RM solía ser "Ddaeng Daeng Daeng" de Supreme Team.
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12. Durante la escuela secundaria, Ilhoon de BTOB y RM solían ser miembros del mismo club.
13. Actualmente está matriculado en Global Cyber ​​University junto a Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V y Jungkook.
14. RM tiene una hermana menor de la misma edad que Jungkook. Pero él dijo que no se la presentaría a él.
15. RM mide 181 centímetros de alto y es el miembro más alto de BTS.
16. No tiene una religión.
17. Cuando era estudiante, estudió en alrededor de 30-40 hagwons (academias privadas de inglés).
18. Su coeficiente intelectual es 148.
19. Cuando tenía 15 años, el puntaje TOEIC de RM era 850 de 990.
20. RM escribió la letra de "No More Dream" porque no tenía sueños cuando estaba en la escuela.
21. RM probó rastas cuando estaba en la secundaria.
22. RM estudió en el extranjero en Nueva Zelanda durante seis meses.
23. Está a cargo de hablar en inglés en las entrevistas con los medios extranjeros de BTS. Aprendió inglés viendo la exitosa comedia "Friends" de NBC.
24. RM habló en la iniciativa juvenil de UNICEF "Generation Unlimited" celebrada en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York.
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25. La habilidad de baile de RM era mala al principio. Los fans solían burlarse de su habilidad para bailar por amor, pero ahora ha mejorado mucho.
26. RM es llamado "El dios de la destrucción" por no poder controlar su poder y romper cosas a su alrededor.
27. Con su mano "destructiva", una vez arrancó la camisa de Jungkook mientras realizaba "Fake Love" en el escenario. A los fans les encantó.
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28. Una vez rompió el piso de vidrio, que era parte de un set de video musical para "Blood, Sweat and Tears" mientras bailaba.
29. Es el miembro más torpe del grupo, y esto lo ha metido en muchos problemas.
30. A menudo olvida devolver las cosas que tomó prestadas de otros miembros, una vez tomó los auriculares de V y no los devolvió durante dos meses.
31. Había perdido su pasaporte en 2016 y 2017, mientras recorría el norte de Europa y Chile, respectivamente. Los miembros dicen que ahora están acostumbrados.
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32. Es un ratón de biblioteca y estudia vocabulario para mejorar sus letras.
33. Si se enfoca en algo, se mete realmente en eso. Dijo que había buscado artículos de entrevistas sobre un diseñador de su figura favorita para saber más sobre su diseño,
34. Su número favorito es el 1.
35. No come mariscos y odia los cigarrillos.
36. Es partidario de los derechos LGBT.
37. A RM le encantan los refrigerios dulces como algodón de azúcar, chocolates y pasteles.
38. Tiene un perro llamado Rap Mon.
39. Le gustan el negro, el morado y el rosa.
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40. Una de sus películas favoritas es "Eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos".
41. Si fuera una niña, dijo que saldría con J-Hope, ya que es como una madre cariñosa en el dormitorio.
42. En un programa de radio, RM fue elegido como el miembro con mayor probabilidad de tener una imagen de playboy.
43. Prefiere chicas de su edad o mayores que él. En un programa de radio, eligió a la cantante y compositora Younha como su tipo ideal, diciendo que ama todas sus canciones.
44. Su tipo ideal es una mujer que tiene una voz agradable y piel pálida, está en forma, inteligente y se ve bien en un par de converse rojo.
45. Le gusta viajar sin ningún plan. Un día estaba trabajando en música, fue a la isla Ttukseom solo para descansar y escribió "Reflection".
46. ​​Si pudiera pasar toda su suerte de una sola vez, se casaría con una mujer que realmente amara y mantendría amistad con amigos del jardín de niños por el resto de su vida. "La vida es impredecible, y creo que esas cosas son mi suerte", dijo.
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47. Sus discursos en los conciertos son tan conmovedores e inspiradores que a los fans les encanta coleccionar sus citas.
48. Cuando tiene dudas, a menudo habla con Suga y Jimin.
49. Él eligió a Jungkook como el miembro con el que le encantaría hacer una subunidad.
50. RM dijo que si no se hubiera unido a BTS, se habría convertido en escritor o poeta.
Miri🐥                                    @ BangBangtan_Esp
Cr. Kpop Herald
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