#crossroads of destiny
demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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Darker times will come and go
Times you need to see her smile
And mothers' hearts are warm and mild
I would rather feel this world through the skin of a child
—AURORA; Through the Eyes of a Child
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Zutara Ship Baiting Moments
Before I start listing off the scenes I need to explain this: The scenes are coded as romantic, they're not explicitly romantic. I'm not saying Zuko and Katara were canonically in love with each other, I'm saying some scenes ended up tropy with romantic undertones.
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"I'll save you from the pirates".
Yeah he's threatening her, but what is this line? Why did he grab her hands while saying that? Why did he get so close to her, even after she was tied? Why wrapping his hand around her? All of this is extra work to the animators. He could have just dangled it in front of her, but instead we got a typical enemies to lovers moment.
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(1th) "Well, aren't you a big girl now".
(2th) "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun".
Once again he says these lines, that are completely unnecessary, shippy, enemies to lovers. Why? What is it doing here?
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The soft yet exciting music, the shinning crystals, Katara's hand on Zuko's thumb, all speak for themselves. Katara absolutly didn't have to touch Zuko's face like this, they get interrupted. And when she heals she puts the water on the spot, so I'd make sense if they got interrupted. But they didn't, and she didn't even took out the water. Then it won't be shippy.
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This is a perfect example of the "Suggestive Collision" trope. An actual romance trope. And then, of course, the "Please Get Off Me" trope. They're used to create romantic tension. Whyyyyyy?
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Aang is about to sit next to Katara, and then Zuko steals his seat. Katara notices, tucks her hair behind her hair and gives Zuko a glance. Why do that? Why do something that really looks like it's foreshadowing a love triangle? Why do that when it goes by so fast and does nothing? Why animating this? Why writing this?
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"She's not my girlfriend"!
Another typical romance trope, the "She Is Not My Girlfriend". Used for romantic leads/ eventual romantic leads.
What else can I say about this scene? It's very obviously ship baiting. But if you don't think it is, here's a video taken from here with Sokka inserted there. What a beautiful comclusion to a beautiful relationship.
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stardust948 · 11 months
I just realized no one knows Katara offered to heal Zuko’s scar. The Ember Island Players didn't protray that in the play. Zuko and Katara never told the others. It was always their secret.
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flilisskywalker · 6 months
Katara: *holding Aang in her arms* I'll avenge you, Aang. Azula: Is that... the water tribe peasant? Zuko: SHE HAS A GUN.
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geegers22 · 8 months
“Zutara doesn’t work because-“
Stop right there. Your argument died the second they started playing integral parts in each other’s character arcs
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late-draft · 3 months
I had hoped that it was obvious enough that 5 minutes of talking with Zuko in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se and hearing him start going on a "speech of self-pity" about how his scar marked him as a banished prince, shouldn't have been nearly enough for Katara to not just apologize to him for yelling, comfort him, but to even go into his personal space and offer to use her super secret important healing water to try to help him, if she had no deeper feelings for him underneath the enemies role.
If everything Zuko did to her and her friends thus far truly bothered her that much, if she couldn't have separated everything of Fire Nation's actions from him as a person, she wouldn't have been written to do what she did.
There's also a difference between strong feelings based on friendship and regular attraction. The latter can exist on its own, it's enough to move a character (or a person, shrug) to reach out. And it's only strengthened by the former, if that develops. What I'm saying is that she didn't have to be written as having had a positive friendship with him up until that point for the possibility of attraction to even exist. And she did express interest even before, not to mention that she does know things about him such as his dogged determination, fair-play and implicit respect during their combat. Add to this the sudden reveal of his empathy and sensitivity in the catacombs.
Zuko threw out a bait unintentionally, completely unaware, and she took it because it naturally resonated with her. And it was clearly more than enough weighed against all her pain, frustration and hatred towards the Fire Nation and even him as their enemy.
And best of all, their interaction in the catacombs feels natural, even if surprising. There's nothing in their behaviour that hasn't been strongly founded in their previous characterization. Foundations have been set, viewers don't have to be completely conscious of them. And, it's also fine for Katara to be written as again making a "mistake" and deciding she'll easily go over everything Zuko did to them and griefing them, and then getting burned yet again (like with Jet). Narrative doesn't pretend she isn't doing a risky thing, there are consequences for everything. But it also allows her to make such a choice to go into Zuko's personal space and touch him. It also later allows her to be so furious with him for siding with Azula - it doesn't force her to suddenly be mellow with Zuko and immediately forgive him because she felt something for him. (And after everything, he proves he changed, switched to their side, regularly risks his life for them and listens to Katara. And she fully forgives him. This whole plotline feels believable, natural and characters have agency.)
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lucifertookmyshoe · 1 year
Caught up thinking about how fucking lucky Zuko was that Azula had the idea to pose as the Kyoshi Warriors in Ba Sing Se.
Because if Katara had succeeded in turning him in to the real Kyoshi Warriors, he and Iroh would have been arrested and then executed, something well-established in canon. While I doubt Katara would intend for that to happen, it doesn’t negate the way her actions could have played out if his sister hadn’t been playing 3D chess while everyone else was playing checkers.
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miss-sweetea-pie · 1 year
One of my favorite parallels between Aang and Zuko is during the crossroads of destiny episode. I feel like it’s more subtle since lot that happened was side sweep mostly in Aang case unfortunately.
For most of the story we noticed Aang and Zuko are parallel with each other for example we get their back stories at the same time, we watch them work together. And during the guru and crossroad episode we see that they need to make an active decision on who they are meant to be. Time to face there wants and needs.
For Aang his want is to be with Katara no matter the cost vs his need to master the avatar state.
And for Zuko it’s wanting to go home to the fire nation vs need to do the right thing and make an active decision and be branded as a traitor.
And the really interesting part is that the writers use katara as an anchor in away to express this point.
My favorite way to explain it is that Zuko was suppose to let Katara in and Aang was suppose to let her go.
And guess what they both fail.
Zuko’s betrayal was supposed to be a surprise for both the audience and the characters. all out in the open. oh no! Zuzu we where rooting for you! How could you?
Aangs betrayal was a secret only the audience and Aang knew about it. And it should have been explored more in season three. And yes Aang did betray everyone when he turn his back on the Guru. And he definitely betrayed Katara in that moment, because all katara wants is for him to have control of the avatar state and end this war. And it crazy that Aang keeps the truth to himself, like he doesn’t feel bad about keeping that from Katara? So much for getting the mark of the trusted. Am I right? (Sure the show tried to explain that azula’s lightning blocked his chakras now but that sounds more like a sloppy way to fix it so Aang can get his forever girl, also it ruins the narrative, this was an internal struggle for Aang to overcome) I have heard the argument that Aang being shot with lightning was a punishment for letting go of Katara but I see it more as a punishment for letting her go in that moment when he should have already done it. Think about it if he just mastered the avatar state he essentially could’ve just rolled into Ba Sing Se with god mode activated, stopped Azula and black sun would have been a success and war is over. Him not letting go of Katara when the Guru suggests it does however tie into he’s character flaw, avoidance. he waited till he has no choice but to do it so he is “punished” for it.
Well at least Zuko got to redeem himself. All Aang got was a perfectly place rock it’s a shame.
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flameo-hotman12 · 6 months
If Katara had healed Zuko’s scar, do you think that Zuko would have joined them earlier? Do you think he still would’ve betrayed her? Why or why not? I’m genuinely curious what y’all think.
Also, does anyone have any recs for zutara fanfics where she does end up healing his scar?
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juniperhillpatient · 8 months
another thing that’s not exactly new from me but — there is simply NO valid (imo) argument that Azula does not work very hard to bring Zuko home with his honor. capturing him as a prisoner would have been quite simple & the audience has no reason to doubt she would do so without hesitation. yet she convinces him that coming home a hero is his redemption. why? the argument that she needs a scapegoat holds no water given - again - she could have used Zuko for that from the start. (that’s given you even belive she KNOWS Aang is alive before the later giveaways from Zuko but we’re not quite there yet)
Azula held all the cards & she chose to give Zuko the opportunity to come home & regain his place as heir to the throne.
and this is NOT an argument that Azuls is secretly heroic or altruistic. I think Azula believes firmly in Fire Nation traditions. I think were Zuko to become heir to the throne & even Firelord eventually - she would gladly serve him & continue to violently colonize the world. Azula believes in her nation’s supremacy & she is an imperialist. this is why she’s a villain - because she was raised with evil beliefs & never given an opportunity to question them & thus reinforces those violent beliefs without question or hesitation. She is also precise & talented in battle & diplomacy making her a dangerous enemy for our heroes.
I do think family is very important to Azula & that Zuko - along with Mai & Ty Lee - is one of the people she remembers regarding as a peer & friend in her childhood & that she wants him home & be by her side not imprisoned. this has always been & continues to be a hill I will die on.
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aurik-kal-durin · 3 months
How my obsession with shipping spoiled Avatar: The Last Airbender for me.
I'm an OG Avatar fan. I watched the show when it first aired in February of 2005. I was 15 years old.
Right away, I knew Aang and Katara were gonna be a thing. It was so obvious, and it only became more obvious as Season 1 went on. More so in Season 2 and Season 3. The show never let you forget about it, as even outside of overtly Kataang-centric episodes like The Fortuneteller and The Cave of Two Lovers, they kept bringing it up in some form or another.
Unfortunately, Zutara was a thing, and they never shut up about it. Despite all evidence to the contrary, they insisted up and down that Zuko and Katara were meant to be together. I was a Zutara shipper for a short time, and I admit that I thought it would be canon too in the weeks leading up to Crossroads of Destiny. After the Season 2 finale, I went with the flow, and sided with Kataang... and that's where the problems began to really start.
You see, the Zutara fandom got really toxic right after Season 2 ended. Kataang fans like myself didn't appreciate it, and before I knew it... watching Avatar: The Last Airbender was no longer about just enjoying the show. It was about winning. Just so we could gloat when Zutara inevitably lost.
I could no longer just watch the show and relax. I was on the edge of my seat during each episode, keeping a sharp eye out for the slightest hint of Kataang, and spent the weeks between each episode arguing with strangers online about shipping, trying to convince a brick wall that it was not made of steel... if you will indulge me the metaphor.
In short, shipping wars sucked all the joy of watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. By engaging in shipping wars with rabid Zutarians, I kind of ruined the show for myself. Not entirely my fault, because the Zutara fans back then were easily-triggered bullies who just would not stop, which made it hard to ignore them... but nonetheless, I feel like all of us should've ignored them. Their ship was never going to be canon, everyone knew it after Crossroads of Destiny. All except for this toxic vocal minority whose enjoyment of the show hinged on whether or not their ship became canon.
Unfortunately, some Kataangers (such as myself) got so upset about it (and so obsessed with it) that our enjoyment of the show also hinged on our ship being canon.
How bad was it? Bad enough that I can no longer call Avatar: The Last Airbender my favorite show of all time. Why? Because the experience of watching it the first time was STRESSFUL. So stressful, in fact, that I usually can't go back and watch it again.
Compare that to other shows I've watched... like Hilda, on Netflix. That was a very relaxing show to watch the first time around, and because of that I feel like I can go back and watch it whenever. But Avatar, sadly, only brings back memories of stress and anxiety... stemming from an unhealthy obsession with something stupid.
P.S. Why the hell did we ever call it "Kataang"? Who is the IDIOT that came up with that name? I always thought that was a stupid name for our ship. Why not "Aangtara" or "Kataraang"?
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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Zutara makes a statement.
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nco05 · 5 months
A lot of people rightfully parallel Kataang to Omashu but there is 1 more pair of entities (or entwinted) they directly & heavily parallel in this episode: Tui & La in TSOTN Part II
In that episode the Water Spirit La loses its other half Moon Spirit Tui in a cruel murder orchestrated by Firebending Master Admiral Zhao. With the death of Tui, all hope is lost. Because the Moon itself imploded in a time of war. La goes on a roaring ramage of revenge against the invading Fire Nation fleets. Thanks to the oasis water, La lives on thanks to the soul of Princess Yue
In this episode the Waterbending Master Katara loses her other half Avatar Aang in a cruel murder orchestrated by Fire- & Lightningbending Master Princess Azula. With the death of Aang, all hope is lost. Because the symbol of spirits & humans itself has died in a time of war. Katara goes on a roaring rampage of revenge against the Dai Li, Princess Azula & Prince Zuko. She is devestated & it isn't until Iroh yells at her to escape that she does. Thanks to the oasis water, Aang lives on thanks to Katara resurrecting his soul & body from death
The difference however is: La x Tui dance for eternity once more, different but content. Kataang however go would not go on to live their lives until Sozin's Comet ends
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atla-confessions · 19 days
Do you ever think about the alternate universe were Katara uses the spirit water to heal Zuko's scar, only for Aang to then get Azula'd 20 minutes later
I have issues with the whole "Aang died at the end of book 2 but it's fine" thing but just imagine how guilty Katara would feel knowing she wasted her magic water on something so pointless in the grand scheme of things
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aangarchy · 2 years
One thing i have to appreciate abt crossroads of destiny despite the heartbreak i experience every time i watch that episode, is how well done the last fight is.
The effortless teamwork between Aang and Katara, bc at this point they've been in enough battles together they don't even need to glance at each other. How quickly everything happened after Zuko's entrance. How Zuko's focus shifts from Azula to Aang, and Aang immediately notices something is up, he gasps bc he knows what's about to come. Zuko fires at Aang and Aang immediately reacts because he connected the dots that quick. Azula not even hesitating and instantly focusing on Katara while Zuko unleashes his anger onto Aang.
Idk that particular sequence is just the crème de la crème of unspoken dialogue and storytelling go argue with the wall.
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hotgirlkorra · 6 months
When the Crossroads of Destiny came out when I was 11-12? Thereabouts. I couldn't enjoy the season finale. Not because the 4 part back to back episodes were bad. But because I couldn't stand watching Aang getting his ass beat. I couldn't stand watching the good guys getting beaten by the antagonist at that age. Even though narratively wise/storytelling wise, it was probably a very smart decision in order to raise the stakes of ATLA even more.
Still didn't like watching Aang nearly DIE at age 11 though!
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