#ba sing se
beanofthequeens · 2 months
Jet from atla is so funny bc like, he's fighting zuko and taunting him being like "bet you wanna use some fire instead of those swords, dont u fireboy" which is a funny thing to say to a guy who is clearly very eager to fight using swords
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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Darker times will come and go
Times you need to see her smile
And mothers' hearts are warm and mild
I would rather feel this world through the skin of a child
—AURORA; Through the Eyes of a Child
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convertedzukaang · 3 months
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he looks so fucking cool in this scene man
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pom-pomelo · 6 months
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Illustration I created for @zukozine
Just thought it'd be nice to see a peaceful Zuko going about daily life in Ba Sing Se :')
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pokidokieships · 2 months
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Thinking about zutara in the finale outfits…. this is my canon ending 🌸💕
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a-todd-illustration · 4 months
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purpleteethh · 3 months
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sillybillylulu · 30 days
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The one time azula is genuinely happy
Prompt by @draw-the-squad-like-this
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ambriel-angstwitch · 4 months
Iroh: Zuko, where'd you get that bruise?
Zuko: *flashback to falling off a rooftop while talking with Sokka*
Zuko: i'm in a gang, uncle
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bearsandbeansart · 3 months
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an au where the Blue Spirit and Aang worked together in Ba Sing Se
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hazashiovo · 4 months
G’day! Could I bother you for some Zuko hcs of him falling for a girl next door kind of girl during his time in ba sing se? If you still write for atla. Or with bolin if u don’t! (Can’t remember the name of his fav place rip)? Thank you so much!
I do write for everything that's on my list, especially Zuko ;)
Zuko x fem reader
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When zuko first settled in Ba Sing Se with his uncle,he didn't expect an oddly friendly girl to take initiative in talking to him.
His cold demeanor didn't push you away from him,it really got him wondering, especially since he has a pretty bad image of himself.
Once he started leaving his guard down around you,that's when his feelings started to accumulate.
You would come to his uncle's tea shop almost daily, leaving a small present for Zuko. Maybe some rice cakes, or some cute little drawings. Just a way to show your affection for the boy.
You never asked about his scar,you didn't want to make him uncomfortable by bringing back unfortunate memories.
And he really appreciated that, he doesn't really like nosey people.
His uncle ships you two. Iroh also gives Zuko dating advice about how to talk to you,how to act and Zuko pretends he hates it,but secretly absorbs single thing Iroh says.
Each time you went out with Zuko was an amazing experience, learning new things about him.
Now let's say one day you didn't visit Zuko at all,which got him worried.
The next day same,wich is unusual,if you'd be busy the day before,you would visit and tell him,it's just something you do.
So he gets suspicious,and comes to your house to see if you're okay,only for your mother to tell him you've been attacked while making a delivery, everything you had was stolen.
Your parents would welcome Zuko inside to come see you.
He enters your room to see you lay in bed,hurt,but nothing very serious,just some cuts and bruises over your arms and so. He's bad at comforting,but he makes sure to tell you it's not your fault.3
And he is FERAL. After talking to you,Zuko asks your parents who did it,in which they say some raiders who have been bothering your family for a long time.
Safe to say,you never had problems with those people again.
He was close to you while you were recovering, bringing you your favorite tea,and claiming his uncle made him do it.(Which is bulshit).
Soon enough you got back to your usual routine,even spending more time with Zuko.
After you got better,he asked you out. Deciding that it's useless to waste more time on dwelling,and that he has to speak his heart.
After he confessed,you jumped on him, kissing him like there's no tomorrow.
And like that,he started dating you. He felt like never before,you gave him this warm feeling in his chest,and when you were not around he would be gloomy.
Iroh was so happy Zuko found himself a nice lady. And since then, it was unusual for you to be seen without Zuko,or him without you.
At one point in your relationship,Zuko spoke about the burn mark on his face,and what his father did you him.
Yes, he told you he's the prince of the fire nation,but he also told you he left that in the past. You trusted him with your life,and you made sure to let him know it.
He was so happy that you didn't judge him for what he did,and that made him trust you a lot.
My first Zuko request!
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mochapao · 1 year
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'it took my uncle ten minutes to do my hair...'
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demaparbat-hp · 9 months
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And I can scarce believe what I'm believing in
Could this be how every day begins?
—Hozier, First Light
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Katara's so valid for that. I mean, considering the Avatar is viewed as the equivalent of god... can't really blame her.
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majeoeje · 3 months
Counting days
Zuko x reader
I hope you never know how much i cried that day
"Just how long has it been??" You giggled as you twirled Zuko around in your arms. Something you had promised to do three years ago as you bid him goodbye.
Well much to his dismay at least.
"Only 3 years, 5 months and 4 days" he said, you could only laugh in response because you weren't actually expecting a definite answer
Zuko looked embarassed not knowing if he gave the right answer, his awkward demeanor still holds up even to this day making an odd sense of comfort wash over you seeing how some parts of him still remains the same.
You guessed it was 3 years, 2 months and 4 days ago that you bid him goodbye. It was before he set sail for his banishment to a search for the avatar, like it was just another short adventure, you smiled and greet him like it was just an ordinary day at the palace. Like it will be a short trip he'll have to endure not for long. How awfully positive you were being gave him a sense of hope that the nightmare he will go through would eventually come to an end.
Your encouragement only fueled the ambition in his heart to burn brighter.
And the light would dim in your eyes watching him go. He may not see himself as talented or gifted. He told you that hard work and effort had made him strong. Though he fails to notice how he was always your light without even trying.
You wished you yourself believed your own words you said to him.
Because much to his knowledge you broke down only minutes after he left.
"Well it felt longer than that..."
You reminiced, trying to take in the moment. You're here on a mission once again in inner rings of Ba Sing Se when you saw him. You thought you were hallucinating again but upon closer inspection, you were right.
It is him.
Zuko. The banished prince of the fire nation. The fugitive. The honorless coward...
..Your best friend.
The sentimentality of this moment bear weight heavier than you could ever hold. Though he knows you'd never admit that
"Really? Lee? You can't be more creative than that?" you try to tease him once more
"So? There's thousands of Lees here in Ba Sing Se"
"You look more like a Chen to me"
"Well you're 4 weeks too late to tell me that" he rolled his eyes, looking away slightly. But not enough to hide the smile that had adorned his face
It was more than meaningful to see him smile once more.
You thought after being scarred so horribly by his father. It would took you mountains of blood sweat and tears to see the corners of his lips turn upwards once more. But Zuko always proves you wrong
Because what you didn't realize and never would, you could always make him smile with just existing.
The chilling air blowed past the two of you, signalling for him to bring you somewhere else.
He took your hand leading you somewhere
"Come on, you have to meet uncle now that you're here"
"Did you and uncle Iroh actually opened a teashop??" You perked up, curious at the smell of jasmine tea that lingered from Zuko's apron.
You could always tell that it was one of uncle Iroh's dream to open his own teashop seeing how critical he always of every cup of tea you served to him. Saying how "every tea is to be brewed with perfection" Making those tea lectures that he would go on about much more yawning. But still, you always appreciate it knowing how those tea brewing lessons were how he kept you company in your visits everytime zuko's not around.
"I don't think it's that surprising"
Zuko then went on a rant on how some men who came in their previous workplace just started offering a job, a building AND an apartment in the inner rings of Ba Sing Se to uncle Iroh
The whole situation would only bring you to giggle at how silly it was. Silly, but a blessing nonetheless.
One thing of note was something has tremondously changed in Zuko, was it his more positive outlook? Or was it his more carefree demeanor. Lacking of the boiling desire to prove himself. Perhaps he has truly let go the way of only pleasing his father and just live?
It does bring contentment. But you can't help but feel sorrow washing you away. Because now you guessed he won't feel the need to come back. Come back home to his country....His rightful place as the heir to the thrown.....His coldblooded father.....His dead silent home...
Or perhaps you just wanted him to come back to you.
You were remembered the days at the palace where he'd eagerly lead you to take a look at something he had took intrest to. Whether it was baby turtleducks, a new gift by uncle Iroh or even a new firebending move he learnt.
"Heyyyy, slow down!" You'd whine, feeling him tug at your hand as he ran
"Come on! We're almost there." He'd say, you were always a little out of breath trying to catch up to him as his grip on your hand never faltered.
These detour wouldn't last long however knowing how people would look for him, cutting your moments short. But you never minded. No mattrr how frequent or how short these little quest last. You were just so happy being with him.
Though as you grew up you noticed these little detour would only lessen as years passed. It was understandable really you two were growing up after all and it wouldn't be appropriate for the prince of the fire nation to be holding hands with his childhood friend to show them daily mundane things.
And you yourself were far too prideful to ask him to do it again so you cherish the memories you already had in your heart.
Still.. you never thought you'd miss how the warm skin of his palm would brush again yours. The question along the lines of 'how long has it been' would echo once more in your head, feeling how rough his hand were now....Different to the smooth small hands of little Zuko.
But the warmth still remained the same.
You bit your lip and stayed silent hoping he doesn't notice the tears that was pooling in your eyes, blurring your vision as you heard him rant about his uncle's new teashop filling in the silence.
The cold air of the inner ring of Ba Sing Se suddenly felt warmer. The illuminated night was engulfed in a glaze of sunset hues as your steps on the concrete streets of Ba Sing Se would ring a sound akin to a smooth tiled floor
It was as if you were back at that damned palace again..
It's as if you were kids all over again.
Though this time you didn't have to worry about catching up to Zuko's pace.
(A/N:not an exact timeline bc i was too lazy to do research)
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die-auster · 8 months
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The gilded cage for the king.
I wish the golden pen to look more, well, gold.
If you feel like it you can support me on my Ko-fi.
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