victusinveritas · 16 hours
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gallusrostromegalus · 5 months
In the latest installment of me Terrorizing Medical Professionals, I got my Wisdom Teeth extracted because one decided to be an asshole and the other 3 were pending assholery, and demonstrated to my dentist that it's entirely possible to out-metabolize Ketamine if you start moving ASAP and also have a freakishly powerful liver.
So yesterday I had my one-month Checkup. It went pretty great, and the dentist asked if any part of my mouth was bothering me.
"Yeah, there's a sharp bit of bone coming out through the side from the extraction in my lower right jaw. The bone spur itself doesn't hurt, but it keeps cutting my tongue, so can you just pull it?" "Oh. Sure! Let me go get everything to do that." she said, and went to go get the tools for the extraction.
...Then there was some kind of confusion at the front desk I could overhear, with someone showing up with an urgent problem and they had to juggle the available staff, so she came back a bit later with the Pliers, said something about something taking "long enough" and went in.
It came out in two pieces, and the most discomfort I had was like, a 3/10 from the extraction itself, but mostly from keeping my mouth open.
...About halfway through, the Hygienist came in, apologizing for being late getting back from the front desk.
"Oh good, you have her the Novocaine!" the hygienist sighs with relief.
"What?" Said my dentist.
"What?" said the hygienist.
Both of them turn to look at the very full syringe on the tool table behind me.
"Honestly this is bothering me way less than the shot would." I said, lightly dribbling blood, and they both turn to me in horror.
"I really hate needles." I explain.
"What." says the dentist.
"Woah." Says the hygienist. "You would have done great in like, The Civil War."
Which is probably the funniest thing anyone's every said about my dangerously high pain tolerance.
Anyway, it was a one-off issue, and a non-issue for me because I think a normal person would have stopped her, so I go back in August if she doesn't recommend me to someone else for terrifying her twice in as many visits.
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drafthearse · 5 months
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vintage dental x-rays (for sale!)
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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fixing-bad-posts · 9 months
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she actually is a dentist. I can turn oN her teeth?
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nemfrog · 5 months
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Baby teeth. The mouth and the teeth. 1880.
Internet Archive
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wolfchanw · 4 months
The most maddening part of my job is how many general practice vet clinics will refer a patient out to a veterinary dentist due to something they found on X-ray, then make it almost impossible for us to get the x-rays.
Every week I wind up calling clinics repeatedly, begging them to send us dental radiographs they took which prompted a dental referral. “I don’t have access to those” “I don’t know how to send those” “They’re really hard and slow to access” or just saying they’ll send them and then blowing me off completely. How are ANY of those things my problem? Figure. It. Out.
Today’s special fun was brought to me by Banfield and a cat with stomatitis. I called the Banfield where kitty had the x-rays taken, and was told that since the owner has moved, all of kitty’s records are now at this other Banfield. I called Banfield #2 who told me to call #1 back because the rads were taken there and are stored there.
This was the FIFTH set of rads (out of twelve patients) that I had to chase down this week so I am afraid I lost my patience a bit and demanded that both clinics send me the rads or I would reach out to corporate.
Bloody unprofessional, unbelievable, and absurd.
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magnetothemagnificent · 8 months
So tired of the American culture around oral hygiene. You see it most in toothpaste or other similar dental products commercials. It's not "buy our toothpaste because it prevents painful infections", it's "be dentist ready" and ads showing people doing the "tissue test" to see how white their teeth are, as if the only reason you should practice good oral hygiene is because you're worried about the approval of others.
It's just...so harmful.
Oral hygiene is important, not because your teeth have to be perfectly white or because your dentist will judge you (they most likely won't), but because your mouth is part of your body and your health is important. The state of your mouth can impact the rest of your body, oral infections can become life-threating or impact your ability to properly eat or speak without pain. That's why you should care about oral hygiene- because it's your body and you deserve to live with as minimal pain and discomfort as possible- not because of some shallow beauty ideals.
I'm just so tired of the mainstream message of oral hygiene as being purely aesthetic. It's not. It's healthcare.
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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yesterdaysprint · 1 month
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Westminster Gazette, London, August 19, 1911
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sirpiglin · 4 months
I'm going into Boring Evil Stickerless General Dentistry Stuff this year and no longer qualify for pediatrucs and their fun stickers, so I have a question:
Optionally, let me know your answer if you're a dentist in the notes! Would you LIKE to give stickers out to adults?
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The batfam ranked on how likely they are to appear in a dentist’s dreams from nightmare to a pleasant dream:
*I am not a dentist and know nothing about dentistry
1. Bruce - has all pearly whites. More then half of those pearly whites are fake and have lock picks in them because Batman has taken far too many punches to the jaw
2. Dick - has also taken a lot of punches to the jaw, and is addicted to sugary cereal and coffee
3. Steph - watched Carmen Sandiego and is constantly aware of protecting the face, but didn’t have the best dental care growing up
4. Tim - constantly pisses people off resulting in every one he’s ever met slapping/punching/kicking him in him in the face at least once. Would be higher the Dick, but believes that getting a cavity would be the most embarrassing thing in the world and has never gotten one despite eating full bags of marshmallows
5. Cass - Wears a full face cowl, and would be higher from what she ate when on the run, but I am biased
6. Damian - under the Al-Ghuls hygiene was very import and he maintains that, but when Dick went on a spree of introducing him to different snacks he got his first cavity and thought he was dying
7. Jason - like Steph, dental care wasn’t the best, but the Pit fixed it and now has very good teeth
8. Duke - cleanest teeth ever but hates the dentist because the first time he went to get a cavity filled after what happen to his parents the dentist had remarked that he now had a “great big smile” and since his face was still numb he nearly had a panic attack
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stillnaomi · 19 days
NHS dentistry should be a warning for everyone about what's going to happen with the rest of the NHS. the government systematically underfunded it to the point that it's practically collapsed as a public service, and patients have moved to private healthcare in droves. those who can't afford to go private frequently resort to home dentistry now, because they can't find an NHS dentist to see them
the politicians in our political system don't defend the NHS because they don't represent our class interests. they're funded by capitalists, depend on the capitalist owned press for their PR, and will get cushy jobs after politics for their good service. they're the representatives of capital and aim to keep the system running profitably for business, knowing that they'll get their cut of the spoils for their good work
the NHS might have been a necessary concession during the last cold war, when the west was trying to prove that it could provide for its people as well as the USSR, but the soviet union is gone now and the working class in the UK is so disorganised and underdeveloped as to pose no threat to the capitalist system. the unprofitable niceties are all going to be stripped away unless we organise as a class and fight back
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dentistry2004 · 3 months
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Hollywood is a verb.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
A poll inspired by my bitterness over dental work:
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swampgallows · 4 months
hey all im really embarrassed about this but im going to get a lot of dental work done soon that ive had to put off for over 7 years because dentiCal won't cover it & i have no income. to spare tedious details i paid for a crown in 2018 that will have to be remade. it was 900 but got reduced to ~700 through a discount program (not insurance). i have advanced periodontitis that will need a gum graft but right now im trying to take care of the root canal ive needed and had a temp crown on since 2017. either way the dental reaper has come to collect to the tune of several thousands, so if anyone's willing to help recoup my loss from the crown it would help tremendously.
link to kofi is on my blog and my paymentPal is my url at gmail dot com.
i can supply the receipts or more details of the situation or even pics of my teeth if requested i just feel stupid posting this or calling attention to it at all. in the past ive offered commissions but nobody really wants my art and i no longer make any as it is. so all i can really offer is my thanks, and my apologies. ive never straight up asked for donations before in the 10+ years ive been on tumblr (although i have received some out of the blue in the past, for which i am extremely grateful) but after my most recent job opportunity fell through & my health has been getting worse, ive been put in a bind. if i can finally get this stuff done it would help to improve my overall health by being able to chew on both sides and having more solid foods, as well as hopefully reducing my bruxism and tmj headaches. please don't donate if you can't spare it, i know we're all collectively doing a bit shit lately. anyway thanks for reading this far.
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