#deuce spade x yuu
twisted-broth · 5 days
Their Family Asks to Meet You (First Years- Platonic)
Characters: Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek
Genre: fluff
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Adeuce + Onee-san!Yuu Headcanons
I THINK THEY’D BOTH BE INTO ONEE-SANS… cuz Ace is the bratty one that wants attention and Deuce is into being praised for his accomplishments 💀 Even worse if both of them are crushing on the same onee-san and butt heads every day about it.
Please note: due to the nature of the scenario, these headcanons could read as gendered (since “onee-san” means "big sister") even though I avoid the use of gendered pronouns for the reader/self insert in my writing and just generally allude to the concept of the "onee-san" trope (someone who is reliable, kind, and mature). Read at your own discretion.
Curiouser and Curiouser…
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Ace is totally the type of guy that mercilessly teases the person he has a crush on, and that's really no different when it comes to you. He sees it like a challenge, to see how fast he can break you and get you cutely begging him to stop--but to his surprise, you hold your own and push back, scolding him for his attitude and lip. He blinks as you finish your lecture and turn to walk off, not registering the heat of his gaze following you.
The teasing continues regardless, of course. He doesn't let up on it, always coming up with some clever new excuse whenever you respond. With (fake) watery eyes, Ace will claim you're BULLYING your innocent little kouhai, don't you feel any shame or remorse? Oh, and he gets jealous if others tease you—because only he’s allowed to do that, got it?
He doesn't flinch at all when you scold him (In fact, he thinks it's kind of cute how you get all stern and pouty) Ace will taunt you and egg you on ("What're you gonna do, tell my mom?"). May or may not also include him cheekily sticking his tongue out at you.
The number one thing he makes fun of you about is your kindness. He often tells you that you're TOO nice, and that someday it may come back to bite you in the ass, or someone might try to take advantage of that kindness. "Luckily for you, I'm a nice guy too, so I wouldn't mess with you like that."
Ace is handsy. He'll casually lean on your shoulder or even rest his head on top of yours (if you're short enough for that kind of thing). It's fine between "just friends", right?
If you ignore him (or he feels like you're giving more attention to Grim or Deuce than to him), he gets all clingy, whining about how you next hang out anymore or why did you leave his text on read? Ace tries to invite you out as nonchalantly as he can (he doesn't want to come off as desperate).
"How about that burger place in town? What? Nooo, it's not a date, dummy! It’s just a joke. Unless…?" He typically phrases private outings with him as unserious, if only to keep a route of plausible deniability open for himself to escape with if you indicate you're not really into it.
Pesters you to come watch his basketball games. Constantly. When you do finally show up, he waves excitedly, winks, and tries to dedicate a shot to you in an attempt to look cool. (Unfortunately, the ball bounces off the rim and makes him look incredibly pathetic. Floyd gets a good laugh out of this.)
Every time Riddle collars him or punishes him with extra chores, Ace asks you to comfort him. He'll dramatically lean against you and lament how life has been SO unfair to him lately, so he'd for real appreciate a shoulder to cry on or maybe a lap to rest on right about now~
He pretends to not understand class material as an excuse to ask for "one-on-one" tutoring. Since you're sooo smart and kind, you'll definitely help him, won't you? As you're explaining how to solve this equation or the next, Ace is too busy staring at your profile to really pay attention. You ask if he gets it now, and it takes him a few seconds to snap back to reality and insist to you that he does, but juuust to make sure he gets it maybe you could explain it all again!
Whenever you pack a homemade lunch, Ace is the first to ask for a bite. Well, not ask but more like he announces he wants some before he steals a bite right off of your eating utensil. He'll then make some cheeky comment about how it's an indirect kiss. In return, he shares his own snacks (which suspiciously look like unbirthday party cakes he swiped from the fridge, but shhhh, don't tell Riddle!).
Every time Ace dresses up or buys some new article of clothing, he makes a show of wearing it. Like this guy will wear the luxury sunglasses Vil gifted him for his birthday INDOORS or on the back of his head hoping it'll bait you into noticing and then complimenting him.
Ace claims that you're "soooo obsessed with [him'" since you're always "chasing [him] like a lovesick puppy" and "looking for excuses to talk with [him]". In reality, you follow him around and talk with him to nag him and keep him in line, but Ace frames it a certain way because he's delusional to mess with you. "Geez, if you want me that badly, then just say so~"
You try your best to keep him out of trouble, but there are instances in which you end up roped into his shenanigans and both of you are punished for it. Detention isn't exactly a very romantic spot to be in, but Ace makes use of every moment of it to hog you for himself. "Hey, don't make that long face. It's not so bad—least you've got me here to keep you company."
He sometimes brings up his ex to complain about how needy she was (the irony of Ace saying that is not lost on you) and implicitly brag about how he has sooo much experience with dating. He'll then bring the attention to you. "I don't get it, what was she looking for in a guy? She said I was way too immature for her. How about you, Prefect? Do you get it? Immature guys... do you like that kind of thing?" Ace thinks he's slick but he ain't--
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Unlike Ace, Deuce does his best to try and not cause trouble for you to clean up after. He also joins you in telling Ace off, to which Ace will call him a "goody two shoes" and accuse him of "sucking up to Prefect". Deuce adamantly denies it, but his frenemy's words still fluster him.
Deuce is very polite to you and even greets you with a bow. He sees you as someone deserving of respect because of how responsible you are—you're modelling the very thing he aspires to be someday! Your encouraging presence fills him with a drive and determination to be better.
Having someone like you around makes Deuce try really, really hard to demonstrate how mature he can be. He pulls off these herculean feats (like forcing himself to eat bell peppers without gagging or solving a basic arithmetic problem correctly in under 5 minutes). It’s all worth it when he sees that proud smile blooming on your face and hears the cheery “Good job!!” from you.
Deuce usually keeps a respectable distance (to keep things professional between peers!). However, he completely freezes up if any scenarios arise where you touch him—be it an accidental brush of your shoulder and his while you're walking to class together or you plucking a fallen leaf or petal out of his air. His face turns about as red as his dorm leader's and he hurriedly runs way ahead of you to cool off.
The worst of it is when you adjust your clothes for him (it puts you in very close proximity) or when you pat him on the head and shower him with praise. Deuce doesn't know how to react to receiving such earnest compliments, he just melts like putty in your hands, happily basking in the moment.
In spite of all of his efforts, his grades don't see much of an improvement. Seeing his frustration, you offer to tutor him, which Deuce graciously accepts. It doesn't occur to him until he's actually in that tutoring session that this is a private time for the two of you, and suddenly he's struggling to focus because wow, you're so close and your hand is centimeters away from his. Instead of thinking about math, he's thinking about what it would feel like to reach out and hold you. Stupid, stupid! he scolds himself. D-Don't think about weird things like that!
Deuce doesn't have a lot of pocket money, but he offers to share his food with you anyway. (He knows you're carefully budgeting your monthly allowance from the headmaster, so you can't afford to spend much on treats.) He'll break off half of his chocolate bar or dessert bread, but drinks are harder to share. His face burns at the suggestion of sharing a straw—isn't that technically an indirect kiss?—but he tries to pretend like he's not nervous (even as his hand trembles terribly as he accepts the juice carton from you to take a sip of his own).
There are times when you find him a little bruised and beat up, whether it’s the result of a brawl or an intense workout. Deuce will insist that he’s fine, but that doesn’t stop you from personally tending to him. He’s dead quiet as he watches you disinfect and bandage his injuries, heat climbing to his cheeks. When you ask if it hurts anymore, he softly replies “… No.” Not when you’re here with me.
Deuce frequently tells his mom about you when they speak over the phone. He says that you’re an amazing person with a big heart, rambling on and on about how you care about everyone and always support them. His mom listens for a while before laughing and telling Deuce he’s definitely got a crush and that she’d love to meet this person that has stolen her son’s heart. Of course, he gets embarrassed and claims she’s wrong, he just really admires you, that’s all!! (But a mother knows best…)
Deuce is easily flustered whenever you call him “cute”. He tends to keep his mouth shut and let you gush as you please, but one day he manages to find his voice and protests. "P-Please don't tease me like that, Prefect..." Deuce mutters, his gaze cutting to the ground. “I… I want you to see me as a man.” Someone you can rely on.
Deuce tells you that if you’re ever in need of help—or if people are giving you trouble—then all you have to do is call him. He’ll come running to your side, lend a hand, fend off the bullies, whatever you need. He knows he can depend on you, so he should also be the type of person you can depend on.
It’s hard for him to get a grip on his delinquent side if he feels like you’re in danger. That mixture of concern, protectiveness, and upset drives him wild—he doesn’t even realize he has relapsed until he has rushed over to check on you and notices the alarm set in your eyes. I’ve gone and done it again, he panics. They’re disappointed in me.
… But you embrace Deuce warmly, thanking him, peppering him with reassurances, inspecting him for any signs of harm. He’s flooded with relief, allowing himself to sink into your arms and breathe in your comforting smell.
Deuce appreciates it when you make time to go to his Track and Field Club meets and cheer him on. He sprints like the wind to see you at the finish line. You’re smiling, with a water bottle, a wet towel, and a snack in hand to reward him for his hard work. Deuce’s clubmates snicker and tease him about it, but he doesn’t let that get to him—he’s too busy riding the adrenaline high that is you.
He’s not shameless unlike Ace, who pretty much automatically clocks his feelings. Deuce struggles a lot with coming to terms with how he feels about you, wondering if he’s “good enough” to be near you, to like you in the capacity that he does, to push these emotions onto you. He kicks himself, calling it spineless and cowardly to not gather his courage and just blurt it out already—but he’s scared of breaching your friendship. “Hey, Is this okay…?” Is it okay for me to like you like this?
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cyn-write · 7 months
“From the First Time that You…”
Prompt - NRC is in upheaval. A video of Yuu singing a song has been circling around the school about her being "bewitched," and everyone is trying to figure out by who. Yuu is embarrassed and upset about her private song being the subject of gossip, so she decides to hide from everyone only for her crush to find her and reveal he has been "bewitched," by her...
Pairings - Heartstyble x F!Yuu
Warnings - Very Shy Yuu, Stagefright (Yuu again), Fluff, Fluff, and More Fluff
Song - “Bewitched” by Laufey
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Prologue - Heartsyble (Here) - Savannaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomefiore - Ignanhyde - Diasmonia
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Riddle couldn't get Yuu's song out of his head. He found himself humming it at random moments in the day. Trey and Cater noticed this as well, and they also knew about Riddle's feelings towards the Ramshackle perfect. After Cater pointed it out at Breakfast, Riddle stopped and shook it off. He tried to ignore the fluttering in hie chest when he heard the lyrics or even though about them, but it didn't work. He confessed this to his friends, and they encouraged Riddle to go to her. To sedate their pestering, he agreed to go later with her work.
He was also more defensive than usual as he heard his classmates gossip about his dear friend. He had collared more students than usual for gambling and breaking the most minuet rules. His dormmates worried that he was slipping back into his old habits after making and trying so hard to change.
At the end of the day, he found himself walking towards Ramshackle. He told himself it was to give her the work she missed, but his heart was pounding in his chest. As he stood outside her door, he stole himself for a moment and dared to hope.
"Yuu... I just want you to know you've bewitched me too..."
When Yuu opened the door, Riddle could see it in her eyes. Relief. Relief and hope for returned affections.
"Really? D-do you mean it?" She said, her notebook clutched to her side. She was just as nervous as he was.
Riddle nodded and said, "Yes, I have for a long time now. I just..." He took a deep breath to steady himself, but never looked away from her eyes, "I didn't want to risk loosing you, but now, if you will have me, I would love to properly court you."
Riddle held out his hand to her, and for a second, he thought he made a mistake, but she broke that tension with a tight hug.
"Yes," she whispered into his ear.
He wrapped his arms around her, and all their tension disappeared. They sunk into each other and nearly fell to the floor. Riddle was able to keep them up, and when they parted, he could see the relief in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile and the beautiful rose who held his heart.
"By the way, you have a gorgeous voice. Like the White Roses of the Queendom courts," He said and cupped her face in his hand, "with the mind of the rhyming hatter."
This made her giggle. He had never seen her shine so bright as she did now. Her laugh made him do something crazy but that is what her spell did to him. He leaned in and kissed her in a sweep of passion.
And of all things, she kissed him back.
He may be the Mage, but she truly was Bewitching.
Weeks later, after building up a lot of courage, she asked, her now boyfriend, Riddle to come over. When he did, she sang him a song he saw in her notebook, a song for the Queen of Hearts from his White Rose: "La Vie En Rose"
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Ace knew the song was about him. From the lyrics to the way she had been acting recently, he just knew! He had to tell her he felt the same. He tried to tell her that night, but Grim and his dormmates said she wanted to be alone. He tried calling and texting her, but received no answer. The next morning, he waited for her like he and the rest of the first years did every morning, but she never came out. He then waited for her in class but she never appeared. He started to worry as all his text and calls were ignored as well as everyone else's.
His mood also soured as he kept hearing his classmates bet and gossip about his friend. He snapped at almost everyone, and his temper was worse than Riddle's. He was so mad that he almost got into a fight at one point with an Octavinelle student who was collecting bets. By the end of the day, after a grueling Basketball practice, Ace had enough. He had to talk to Yuu NOW. He ran out of the Locker room, hair still wet from the shower, and darted to Ramshackle. He made it to the door, out of breath and wet, and the ghost finally let him in. He made it to Yuu's door and paused. What if he was reading this wrong? What if he was betting on feelings that were not there?... well there is no other way to find out.
He knocked on the door and paused, "Yuu. It's Ace. Open up!" He waited for a second, his confidence waining as he poured his heart out, "Please... I... I need to tell you. Your song, I... I don't know if I'm reading this wrong, but I need you to know, you've Bewitched me too..."
Ace was about to leave, thinking maybe his assumptions were wrong, but before he could turn away, the door opened. Yuu looked at him with doe eyes and he knew. She loved him to.
Wet. Exhausted. And Relieved. Yuu and Ace embraced. They stayed like that for a few moments before Yuu muttered.
"Thank you for showering before you came over..."
Ace chuckled at his shy friend turned crush finally breaking out of her shell. A side she reserved for those closest to her and the side that made Ace's heart swell.
"Jamil shoved me in the shower. Since someone has been ignoring my calls and text all day, I nearly ran over sweaty and in uniform." He pulled away to look Yuu in her lovely eyes that scared him all day, "If you ever do something like that again, I will cover you in sweat and not shower for a week."
That made her laugh for the first time all day, "You'll be punishing Heartsyble more than me. Riddle and Deuce may chase you with a hose and soap if you do."
"I'll tell them it's your fault," he said, ruffling her hair, "Then you'll have to deal with my stink!"
Yuu couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Fine, Fine, I won't do that again!" When she got the giggles out, she looked at her notebook and said, "I-I just didn't know what to say, I was-am so embarrassed."
"Why? You have a great voice!" He said and his hand moved from her head to her cheek, "I can't believe you've been holding out on us,"
She looked up at him and a blush spread across her cheeks. "I write songs to help figure out my feelings. It felt like everyone was hearing a secret I wasn't ready to tell."
He leaned into her and placed his forehead on top of hers, "Well, when your ready, I can't wait to hear all your hearts secrets, and when you do, I'll tell you mine."
Yuu smiled and placed her hand on his cheek, "One day..."
"One day... but today, I'm happy I get to finally call you mine~" Always One for taking chances, Ace titled his head and kissed her.
After relentless asking and patient waiting on Ace's part, Yuu finally felt ready to sing for him. One night when Ace was sleeping over, Yuu brought out her notebook and opened to a song she wrote about her trickster - "Golden Hour"
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Deuce had been in guard dog mode all day. Anytime someone made a comment about Yuu or her song, he would flip back to his old self. Ace and the other first years had to hold him back from decking two second-year Pomefoire Students debating whether Vil or Epel were the song's subject. It reached the point where Crewel let Deuce leave class early to deliver Yuu her missing work because he "looked like a caged hound about to attack." On his way out, someone said something that got him thinking: "Why's he all worked up? Not like he likes her or something." This got him thinking. As he walked to Ramshackle, he started to think about Why he was so protective beyond she was "just a friend." Whenever he thought about his feelings towards Yuu for more than two seconds, it made his heart pound and head feel light. He described this feeling to his mom to try to understand what was happening, and she asked him if he had a crush. He brushed it off at the time, but now he thought about it seriously. Did he have a crush on Yuu? Did he have feelings for her? Is that why the song made his stomach flutter and cheeks burn? Yuu seemed to blush as much as he did when their hands brushed against each other so it had to be... Oh Sevens. Then suddenly it hit him - He was Bewitched by her and She him and he had to tell her. Before heading over to Ramshackle, he stopped at the botanical gardens and picked some flowers. He remembered his mom saying something about bringing someone flowers when they are sad and people in movies did it enough that it had to be a standard. So with a messy bouquet of flowers in hand, Deuce stood outside Yuu's door. Shaking from nerves. Heart pounding in his ears. and determined to confess his feelings. He knocked on Yuu's door, took a deep breath, and said, "Yuu, I... I don't know if you feel the same but I want you to know. You've bewitched me too..."
It took all of Duece's control not to crush the flowers or shake all the leaves off them. After a few shaky breaths, Yuu opened the door. Neither spoke out of nerves, but they didn't need to. They stared into eachothers eyes and knew.
They both felt the same.
By complete accident and unbeknownst to both.
They had Bewitched each other and fallen in love.
Deuce was captivated by her and was mentally kicking himself for not realizing this earlier. He tried to speak, but his words kept getting caught in his throat. "U-um... ah..."
Yuu looked at the flowers and blush crept onto her face, "a-are those for me?"
Deuce looked down at the poor flowers he was using as a stress ball and nodded ferriously, "Y-yes! For you! I mean aaah..."
He was redder than Riddle on a bad day, but this only made him more endearing to Yuu. She gently took his flowers and brought them to her nose.
She smiled as she smiled them, "Thank you, I needed this..." she looked at him then looked away, "I-I needed you too..."
Deuce didn't know what to say, so he just hugged her. He was incredibly gentle as he wrapped his arms around her and she him. He found it easier to speak when he didn't look directly at her.
"I need you too..." He rested his head atop hers and finally found the words he needed to say, "Yuu, I know I am not the smartest, the best looking, or wealthiest person in the school. There are so many better choices than me... but I... I will give you everything I can. I'll protect you. I'll support you... and I will work ten times harder to be an Honor Student and be worthy enough to stand next to you." His arms tightened around her slightly as if this hug solidified the promise.
"Deuce, you don't need to prove anything or change a single thing about you." She pulls back and places a hand on his cheek and forces Deuce to look into her eyes. "You are incredible already. You're so kind and dedicated. You try your hardest at everything you do and are so earnest. I want to work harder to be more like you..." she gently strokes his cheek with her thumb and smiles at him, "I-I know we both have stuff to work on, but I am willing to work with you and support you... if that's what you want too?"
Deuce was enraptured by her and found himself swept up in emotion and passion. All fear and embarrassment pushed aside - he kissed her.
And to his suprise and delight, she kissed him back. When they separated, all Deuce could do was smile, "I want nothing more!"
For a moment, Deuce didn't feel like an awkward ex-delinquent pretending to be an honor student. He felt like a Card Knight with the Queens Singing Flower in his arms.
Deuce respected Yuu's privacy and was overjoyed with any bits Yuu was willing to share. And the more they spend time together, the more comfortable Yuu was sharing her songs with Deuce. Then, one evening, while relaxing in Ramshackle, Yuu was perusing her notebook, showing Deuce some of the songs. When they crossed one song, as he read the lyrics, she started to sing for her Spade Knight - "What Love Will Do to You"
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Trey hated confronting his own feelings, but Yuu's song made him do just that. He usually baked to clear his head, but he had to get through a day of classes first. Every time he heard Yuu's name or mention of her song and it's subject, Trey's heart panged with a hollow feeling, and his patients was tested. And by the time clubs rolled around it nearly broke. At the beginning of the club meeting, a few of his clubmates were discussing one of the many betting pots and he heard his name thrown around.
"... you see the way he treats her, it has to be Trey!" One of the Heartsyble students in his year said.
"Eeeh, I think it's more brotherly than romantic. Besides why would she pick Trey when she has literal Princes interested in her? He's just a Baker." A Scarbia student remarked.
Just a Baker.... Just a Baker... why dose that hurt so much?
"-Clover! Watch what you're doing!" Rook took the beaker out of Trey's hand and pulled him away from the caldron before it spewed yellow smoke that smelled like rotten milk. Trey snapped out of it and didn't even register that Rook called him his actual last name.
"Sevens, Thanks Rook." Trey pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I don't know what came over me..."
"Rose Chevalier, why don't you retire early?" Rook suggested, "You are suffering from La maladie d'amour,"
Trey shook his head and nodded, "Thanks Rook..."
Taking Rook's advice, Trey left club early. He went straight to the Heartsyble kitchen and began to do what he did best, bake. As he rolled out dough and mixed strawberry filling, he began to think about Yuu. He has had feelings for her since Riddle's overblot, but pushed them aside for the sake of their friendship... and out of fear. Despite how angry it made him, his clubmate was right. He was just a Baker. Not a Prince or a Model. A simple Baker... but he loved her, and that had to mean something. As the tart baked, Trey listed to the song once more. Her voice was truly angelic... it reminded him of the Singing Flowers of the Queendom Court. But the closer he listened, the more his heart swelled. By the end of the end of the song, he decided to at least go check on her... and tell her his feelings.
Now Trey found himself outside her door, and his heart was pounding again, only this time it was with anticipation.
He took a deep breath and let his heart speak for once, "I don't know if you feel the same, but I need to confess... you've Bewitched me too..."
After a few moments, Trey felt his heart deflate. He kneeled down to leave the tart at the door, but it opened before he could place it. He looked up and saw Yuu in all her glory. Despite being in her pajamas and exhausted in more ways than one... she was beautiful.
He stood up and tried to speak, but he didn't know what to say.
She looked up at him and asked, "Do you mean it?"
Trey nodded and smiled, "I do... I've had feelings for you for a while now. I just didn't say anything since I'm well... just a Baker." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the tart he made, "I thought I'd be okay with just being your friend, but after hearing your song... well I guess you can tell."
Trey stared at the tart, too scared to look into her eyes. Then he felt a hand on his cheek and dared to look. Her eyes sparkled, and she was smiling.
"You're more than a Baker... your sweet, have the paitents of a saint, are an incredible scientist and mage... your Trey." She stroked his cheek with her thumb as she spoke, "and I can't get you out of my head... but I was too scared to tell you yet," now she looked down and he could see the worry steep into her brow, "but I guess everyone knows now..."
He stepped inside, put the tart on the dresser, then pulled Yuu into a hug. "I'm sorry... but for the record, you have a beautiful voice."
Yuu buried her head in his chest and he stroked her hair. "...thanks..." she muttered into his chest and he could feel her smiled.
"And just a heads up, Cater is going to try and recruit you for the Pop Music Club," He swayed as they talked.
"Yeah, he has been texting me all day," she turned her head so she was listening to his heart. "I can't, though... anytime I try to sing in front of people... I freeze and feel like I'm about to vomit."
Trey rubbed her back and said, "I'll tell him if you want, I'm sure he'll understand. The real problem will be getting Kalim to back off."
Yuu chuckled and shook her head, "I have no clue where to start... he's so... Kalim."
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll understand," Trey closed his eyes and basket in her warmth. They swayed to non-music and enjoyed the moment.
Eventually, Yuu's stomach rumbled, and she buried her head in his chest again. Trey leaned back and used one of his hands to lift her chin up to look at him, "Im guessing you didn't eat dinner yet?"
Yuu shook her head and said, "No... actually, i dont remember when I ate last.."
"Well, let's go down to the kitchen and fix that..." He didn't move from the position, and neither did she. He looked into her lips and decided to do one more thing He has wanted to do for a long, long time.
He leaned in and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss but held so much unspoken emotion. When they parted, they both smiled.
He may be just a Baker, but he was the luckiest baker in the world, for he had the most beautiful flower in the world right in his arms.
Trey understood Yuu's insecurities, so he never pushed her to sing and was content looking at the notebook when she was comfortable. But one day, while Trey and Yuu were waiting for cookies to finish baking, Yuu started to sing one of her songs to her beloved Baker - "Sweet Nothing"
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Cater knew Yuu was special from the moment he met her, but he never expected THAT. When Cater saw Grim post a video of Yuu SINGING... he the flood gates opened. He knew she was super shy and knew from the way the video was filmed, that this was done without her knowing. He texted Yuu to try and check in on her, but the betting comments started immediately. That night and the next day, he spent trying to trim the comments and keep them positive. He knew the pressures of social media far too well and wanted to keep her away from it if he could. While he played media knight, he saw many comments about him and Yuu. Some of the second years and heartstyble students were defending the song being about him, and some of them had decent arguments, but others simply pointed out his gaping flaws...
These comments haunted him all during class and into the club meetings. His facade faltered quiet a bit that day and he didn't notice till Lilia approached him and poked his forehead. Both of his clubmates knew about Cater's crush, it was easy to see once you knew what to look for. The fact that KALIM noticed these tells was very telling. What really broke the ice was when Kalim let it slip that he knew Yuu had a crush on Cater.
"... what if she rejects me and it makes everything weird? I can't risk that." Cater Repeated.
"But she WONT!" Kalim emphasized.
"How do you know that?" Cater bit back, his agitation getting the best of him, "This could break everything, I-"
"BECAUSE SHE TOLD ME CATER!!!" Kalim exclaimed then covered his mouth. "Sevens I said too much." He looked like a puppy that knew it did something wrong... which ment he was telling the truth.
"S-she what?" Cater said softly.
Kalim slouched his shoulders and said, "No point in hiding it... Yuu has a crush on you. She told me and Jamil on accident when I took her shopping two weeks ago and made us promise not to tell!"
Upon that admission, Cater ran to Ramshackle, leaving Kalim to Lilia, who made popcorn and thanked the boy for some quality entertainment.
It started to rain as he ran to Ramshackle. His heart pounding and resolve strong. If she liked him back then, what was he waiting for? She was the one person who looked behind the masked and accepted him! When he has a bad day, she would bring him a sandwich cut in cute shapes. Make him put his phone down and enjoy a view. Reminded him that he didn't have to be Cay-Cay all the time, but Cater.
By the time he made it to Yuu's door, he was soaked. He knocked on the door and asked Yuu if she was alright. When she didn't answer, he hesitated for a moment but decided to be brave for once and not shrivel back to his phone.
"Yuu, I need you to know... I don't know if you meant this but... I'm bewitched by you too."
When Yuu opened the door, instead of the Cay-Cay on magicam who sheilded his heart behind a diamond smile, she saw Cater, a scared boy who let down his guard and placed his heart on his sleeve.
Cold water dripped down his face and he was very disheveled. But he looked at her with such warmth. When she saw him, her eyes widened when she saw him.
"Cater! You're soaked!" Yuu fretted over him, taking his hand and pulling him inside. "Take your blazer off. You'll catch a cold!" She pulled him in front of the fireplace and had him sit on the rug. She lit the fire with a match and grabbed a few towels. Cater took his blazer off and watched as she wrapped a towel around his shoulders. He smiled at her as she took a smaller towel and dried his hair. He came to help her and her she was caring for him. She whipped the diamond off his cheek and he took the opportunity to place his hand over hers. She looked into his eyes and gently stroked his cheek.
"Do you mean it?" She asked, her voice trembling and earnest. "You... you feel the same?"
Cater nodded and gave her a soft, genuine smile, "Yeah, for a while now, actually." He leaned into her touch, "But I was scared you didn't feel the same."
Yuu chuckled a bit and said, "Same here... I didn't want to lose you by making things weird."
"Well, you haven't... if anything, this is feels more like a dream come true than reality." He chuckled and reached out to stroke her hair.
"What if it is?" Yuu asked tentatively.
She looked ethereal, the fire illuminating her silhouette. He decided to do one more brave thing today. She was worth it. "Well, there is one way to find out."
Cater leaned in tenitivly to Yuu, his heart pounding in his ears, and he felt like the White Rabbit, fearing what was to come. Before him was the most beautiful flower, and this was his chance to be with her. The Card Soldier pressed his lips to the White Rose's, giving her a delicate kiss that ensured them both this wasn't a dream. This was real. He loved her, and she loved him. And that is all they needed.
When they separated, Yuu smiled. Cater pulled her into his lap and held her close. As the rain tapped on the windows outside, two lovers embraced by the fireside.
Cater understood stagefright and never pressured Yuu to sing, nor did he ever post anything about their relationship or her on his account without her permission. But he did invite her to every pop music club meeting and event. He was her protector from the nosy Magicam monsters who tried to pressure her or pry into her life. He was her personal Card Soldier. Weeks later, after one of these meetings, Cater and Yuu stayed behind to clean up since Lilia and Kalim had to leave early. As they cleaned up, Yuu picked up a gautair and started to strum mindlessly. Then she began to sing for her Diamond Knight - "Lucky for Me"
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing more characters in this scenario or these characters in different scenarios, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
Tag List: @dummytwo @growinguprealizing @night-shadowblood-writes2 @nimko @girl-nahh-two @mrs-schoenheit @trashykawa09 @kiraversee @juliechi
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luxthestrange · 11 months
Shirt Series:Heartslabyul!
If you guys MISSED my twst cake series...then you gonna love the Shirt series...Shirts your boyfriend/s wears that were a gift from you!
Riddle Rosehearts:
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Yuu*Grins at others holding riddle hand*Its ME im the "Choices" he took!~
Trey Clover:
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....Does he wear it just to make Ace get angry, cuz you(Ace's bestie) Hooked Heartslabyul's "Mom"..., plus that means you see him as marriage material-
Cater Diamond:
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...Do you have to come in the room first put the song and open the door for his entrance every time with this shirt?...Yes...
Ace Trappola:
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Did he call it ugly? Yes...is he giving it back to you NEVER-ITS HIS AND HE WILL WEAR IT EVERYDAY-
Deuce Spade:
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You're the Princess peach to his Mario-
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islandofsages · 9 months
The first years (not Ortho) discovering that they are Yuu's emergency contact. Like Yuu put them as an emergency contact, but he didn't think it would be necessary, but he ends up having an accident out the town and is taken to the hospital, causing one of the first years to be called, so when they ask Yuu why they chose him to be As his emergency contact, Yuu responds that he is the one he trusts the most in the group.
characters: first years (excluding ortho) x gn!yuu!reader
tags: platonic, canon compliant, hurt/comfort, imagines + scenario format; mention of vil in epel's, mention of malleus in sebek's
warnings: accidents, hospitals, near-death mention, the use of the word "idiot" as an endearing term in ace's, hugs and hand-holding in deuce's
author's notes: ngl the pronouns in the ask kinda confused me so i just made this gn reader lol hope you dont mind anon <3
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Ace Trappola
Despite all his antics (or maybe because of them), he really feels that he’s made a genuine connection with you
He won’t say it but he’s really glad that you put up with him and you don’t see him as some one-dimensional jerk you do see him as a multidimensional jerk though /joke
So when he gets a call from your number yet an unfamiliar voice greets him, he immediately grows worried, and for good reason - turns out you’ve ended up in the hospital due to some unknown accident
He drops everything he’s doing and rushes to the hospital without thinking twice. Like, literally rush there. He spares no time to call for transport
…Or ask for details from anyone for that matter. If it weren’t for the staff, he would’ve tried barging into any random ward to find you
When he gets to you, panting and panicked, he goes to steady himself, his hands gripping the sides of the hospital bed so tightly
You’re glad to see his face and he’s glad to see that you still manage to muster up a smile at his presence
That’s when he notices that nobody else is there, and so he asks you where everybody else is. You tell him they only called up your emergency contact which is none other than Ace himself
He asks you why is he your emergency contact out of everyone-
“It’s because I trust you the most, you idiot. I bet you ran all the way here the moment you got that phone call.”
You let out a knowing laugh and Ace pouts as a response, totally not trying to hide the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes
You’re not sure who’s supposed to do the comforting at that moment, considering you were involved in an accident and Ace is on the verge of tears - so you both don’t bother trying. The following conversation carries on as normal
Despite all his antics, you really feel like your faith in him is not misplaced.
Deuce Spade
You’ve always admired Deuce’s strength to change - and he’s always admired your loyalty
Sometimes he’d feel guilty for having you endure having him as a friend and you always have to shut him up by assuring him that there’s really nothing to endure
Even when you have to endure an almost life-ending accident, you can’t help but think of him first and foremost
His grip on the phone alternates between on the verge of breaking and so loose it’s a miracle he hasn’t dropped it yet when he gets the news
Someone goes to fetch him from the hospital and he cries on the way, not giving any room for the person to speak with him
He tries to put on a brave face when he walks through the halls in search of you but when he reaches you, he can’t resist the yell he lets out
You end up having to calm him down a bit lest you two become the victims of a few dozen glares in that hospital
When he’s down to only sniffing, you tell him why he’s the first person you called
He almost broke down into tears again because of it
He’d hug you or hold your hand if your condition allows it and give you a teary smile that you of course reciprocate
You fill him in on what happened and he’ll listen intently, then offer to be by your side as long as you need him to
He’s always admired your strength - and you’ve always admired his loyalty.
Jack Howl
You always found his stubbornness amusing and honestly, he’s a bit confused as to why you stick by him all this time
Not really in a self-deprecating way - he’s always been more of a lone wolf. Only when he came to Night Raven College does he feel like he’s part of a pack now
And since you’re a part of that pack, he has a strong need to protect you, no matter the cost; so you can imagine his reaction when he got a call about you ending up in the hospital after an accident
The first thing he feels is anger; not at anything in particular yet at everything simultaneously. It’s called an accident for a reason yet why did the universe allow such a thing to happen to you?
He tries to calm himself down on the way to the hospital but it’s nothing short of difficult, even with the help of someone else
When he finally finds you, he finally lets out a breath he wasn’t even aware he was holding
You muster a smile up at him and it takes his all not to let tears break through the surface
“...I was really worried.”
You chuckle - in situations like this, his absent stubbornness really makes a difference, but you appreciate his honesty
He didn’t think twice of the fact that he was the first one you called but you tell him why anyway. A cute little smile adorns his features then
He says he’s honored that his feelings are mutual then swears to you he’ll try harder to protect you, even if it means switching places with you
You brush him off, saying you’d do the same. The conversation goes back and forth for a while after that
He’s always found your insistence endearing and frankly, he wouldn’t have you any other way.
Epel Felmier
A bit similar to Jack, only when coming to Night Raven College does he get to mingle with kids of his age due to his hometown
And one of those kids is none other than you! You two have grown so close and made some unforgettable memories together
Unfortunately though, one of those unforgettable memories includes the news of your accident. Not just for him - some may remember the scream he let out at the news
He begged Vil to let him borrow the blastcycle the Film Research Club has and Vil only nodded solemnly; nobody needs to see him cry on the way to you
He speeds through everything and anything possible; he doesn’t care whatever consequences he has to face after all this is over
When he reaches the hospital, he allows the staff to guide him to where you are as he catches his breath
He chokes out a gasp at the sight of you and calls out to you
“Y-Yuu… I’m so glad you’re alright…”
He sits on the stool provided by the hospital and his head droops low. He’s silent
You give him a moment to process everything. It’s a lot to take in. Even you didn’t think it could come to this
Five minutes pass. You sigh and tell him why he’s the first you reached out to. He mirrors your sigh and a small smile creeps onto his face
He’s grateful that he means so much to you; grateful that he can mean so much to someone. Despite himself, his heart swells with pride
Even when you are inches away from death, he feels like every memory can be a happy one as long as you’re in it.
Sebek Zigvolt
He sees you as an equal - and that’s saying something
He won’t admit it out loud but he feels less lonely for once, seeing that someone understands or at least respects him as much as you do
For once, he feels he can disconnect from his Malleus worship for a while and not feel like he’s betraying his trust
But when he hears news of you ending up in the hospital, he definitely feels a sharp pang of guilt pierce his chest; he’s betrayed your trust
He excuses himself from Malleus and apologizes profusely for willingly leaving his side for someone else, but he simply can’t abandon you
Malleus lets him go of course, even offers to tag along, but Sebek assures that Malleus is needed more where he is
His head rested in his hands while he laments in his transport, breathing heavily
It takes his all not to shout your name in search of your ward when he reaches the hospital; but he can no longer hold it back when his eyes land on you
“YUU…! YOU’RE… You have no idea…”
You wave to him as he runs to your side, tears at the corner of his eyes
You rub his back as he quietly sobs for a minute, even feeling like sobbing yourself at some point; this man holds so much love for you
You tell him why you summoned only him for now - the tears continue to stream but now he smiles and puts a hand to his head
How silly of him. Of course. How could he make such assumptions about your relationship? He could never betray you. Every moment only strengthens your trust in each other.
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marlair · 6 months
hi !! m not sure if u take rqs but if u do ,, do u mind writing the first years x a rllyyy short reader? any gender is fine !! <3
i didn’t expect you to be so tiny
synopsis: the first years with a.. really short prefect.
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this guy is average (i suppose) height, so he’d probably laugh right in your face about your height.
“HAHA bro how are you that tiny😂😂” coded
you, as a member of the short community, want to do nothing more than yank his hair.
if you needed to grab something from a shelf taller than you (most shelves in NRC), he’d probably watch you struggle for a hot minute and then laugh at you — only after that routine is he willing to help you out.
“loud sigh, fineeee, since you need my help so bad, i GUESS i’ll help you out”, he says.
though with his reaction, you think you’d much rather have just climbed onto a chair and done it yourself.
you are sick and TIRED.
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he’s not as.. assholey about it as ace, but you can definitely tell he’s aware of your shortness.
the moment you stand in front of a shelf that is, in fact, taller than you — he’s already behind you and has the item you needed in his hands, smiling warmly.
you died.
he carries stuff for you because apparently, ‘you might not be able to carry it! because you’re, well..’
you appreciate it, of course, but —
— you can carry a single grocery bag, okay?
he underestimates you quite a bit because of your height, which is most of the time annoying, but it’s funny sometimes.
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he’s like 6’3” what the fuck. and considering you’re.. cough cough really short, it’d probably be funny seeing you two standing next to eachother.
the contrast would probably bewilder some people, add-in the fact he’s really muscular and then it’d even be creepy to some.
like deuce, he’d probably underestimate you to some extent because of your.. rather diminutive height.
he’d have to look straight down to see you, and you’d have to crane your neck up to see him, which is honestly sad.
he doesn’t seem like he’d be hard to deal with, though.
he’d just sort of, not really mention the difference.
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short people solidarity WOO!!!
he’d be shaking, crying, shitting, literally all the bodily functions, when he first meets you.
there’s someone in the school who is shorter than him!!
he’d be helping you grab things from shelves, resting his arm on your shoulder or head, and other things.
literally anything to validate himself in the fact he is taller than someone his age.
he’d tease you for being short, but if anyone full-on bullied you about it, he’d beat them up.
the day you wear heels that make you taller than him is the day of his downfall.
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okay, we have to remember what he grew up being taught, alright?
this man is a KNIGHT. bro is CHIVALROUS.
regardless of your height, he’d be helping you carry and grab stuff.
but when you’re short— and much shorter than him—, his, uh, coddling is amped up a bit.
“as a knight, i must protect you! especially because you are so harmless!”
you, who literally survived through multiple overblots: 🧍.
it’s sweet, though.
the effort is definitely there! 
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dweeb-central · 8 months
yuu cooked too much ft. heartlabyul, floyd, malleus, & ruggie
guys i entered a fugue state & wrote angst?? hcs
mc is used to cooking for a big family & accidentally mistakes recipe proportions, leaving them w way too much food. scenarios of them asking diff twst boys if they'd want some, mentioning why. a bit downtrodden with no family to share it with...
trey, cater, riddle... are touched. trey & cater both have big families, & their eyes soften at the mention of yours. trey especially empathizes with you, before he began cooking and baking for the majority of his dorm he cooked & baked for his family. he identifies with the habits of buying groceries in bulk & the need to keep the house stocked with anything five or more people could ever need (just in case). cater's interested to see what kinds of foods you'll cook. make him something from your heritage! he'll magicam it <3 or just save the memory in a photograph if you'd prefer. he'd love to listen to you talk about recipes & regional preferences & tastes. that goes for riddle too! his mom kept him on a strict diet for his childhood, but now that he's got the opportunity he'd love to learn about your heritage & culture! as he grows more outgoing he's learned more about the cultures of his peers & he'd probably be one of the most qualified (& excited) to answer any questions or point out any similarities with twisted wonderland cultures.
floyd... blinks his big wide eyes once, twice, & then launches himself towards you to wrap his arms tight & pick up straight up off the ground. "awwww, shrimpy misses their troupe! shrimpy's aaalways welcome to bring me dinner! we can play house!! i'll be the dad, you'll be the mom, azul will be our baby, and jade... he can be the dog and go play outside or something." ('- , -) you better stop him before he gets ahead of himself. least likely of octavinelle to bother you about selling the recipe to azul ((he'll give you a cut of the profits!)). still makes you cook in the mostro lounge kitchen, but only because he wants you to grow to feel more at home with him & in an environment he's used to... that way when he gets serious about his & shrimpy's relationship....
the adeuce duo... both go... quiet, at the mention of your past. it wasn't something you avoided talking about when you were reminded of something relevant, or things you enjoyed or saw, but... you don't talk much about your family. they don't ask much about your family. deuce feels a twinge of guilt—he doesn't shy away from talking about his mom, & he loves her too dearly to be ashamed or shy. he wonders if they make you feel as loved as his does. ace wonders if he should ask you about them more often. he's not exactly shy about his own family, but he doesn't exactly ever seek to bring them up in idle conversation. he wonders what your siblings are like. they give each other a resolved look above your head when you're not looking, & now they regularly (as much as they can) come over for dinners at ramshackle! if you're comfortable with it, they invite all the first years too. you hope they feel as familiar & familial to you as you feel for them. they hope you know they do.
malleus... feels a twinge in the back of his throat—maybe behind his eyes? his truest friend feels alone, something he recognizes deeply. he hasn't lost anyone close to him like that—at least, he doesn't feel like it. his lonely was a different sort, where he's never really known family like you have. but, he considers, maybe no one at this school has had to sacrifice more than his prefect. he wonders what dinners were like with that many, & you tell him. the bickering, the debates, the movie nights & commentaries, the nights spent making s'mores(?) over the fireplace. he wants dinners like that with you. you invite him to.
ruggie... might invite you to spend some time over with his family. not immediately, no way, but the thought lingered in his head long enough for his throat to burn with the words (& his cheeks to burn in embarassment). in reality, he grins a big wide grin & laughs his mischeivous little laugh. "i'll NEVER say no to free food. feel free to keep it coming! shehehe." he ends up coming over to help you cook a few times a month. it's a good excuse to spend time with you over a dinner he knows was cooked with love.
i had to google what a group of shrimp is called lol. could've actually been troupe OR run OR colony. i wonder if it's ooc that floyd knows this.... i mean, he is a fish man, so 🤷
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schoenht · 1 year
can i pretty please have "inside their phone" witb acey trappola AND HMM. deucey spade :3 (i love my sillies)
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↝ inside their phone
characters: ace trappola, deuce spade
note: MOOTIE HI yes the 1k ppl in my basement idk how many more can fit there (we've known each other for a month but we are literally the same person) BUT YES HERE YOU GO <3 the number one ace lover i know fr fr
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idleoblivion · 4 months
"I Know Who You Really Are" Deuce Spade x GN Reader
Synopsis: After a run in with some former ‘friends’ of his, you reassure him that his efforts aren’t wasted.
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: I intended this platonic but read it however you want. Also I promise I don't write fics almost the exact same length on purpose idk why it keeps happening.
Warnings: Deuce is sad/insecure, reverse comfort, also you both bully Ace in a fic where he isn't even there to defend himself lol
You were sitting on the couch in your dorm, casually scrolling through Magicam when the front door abruptly swung open. Looking up, you see Deuce, who walks over to the other end of the couch and plops down. Immediately, something feels off to you. You’re confused when he doesn’t say anything to you, so you speak up first.
“Uh, hey. What’s up?” 
He mumbles something under his breath that you don’t quite catch. He’s slouched over and won’t look at you. Your brow creases in worry.
It’s not unheard of for Ace and Deuce to come barging into your dorm unannounced, if they were bored or wanted to borrow your notes or whatever excuse they had. Today’s instance wasn't normal though, you could tell. 
“Where’s Ace at?” “I don’t know. I don’t feel like dealing with him right now.”
“Did he do something? Or say something? He runs his mouth a lot but you know it doesn’t mean anything.” Normally a jab at Ace would get him to at least smile, but his expression stays as glum as it was when he walked in.
“No, he didn’t do anything. I’m just not in the mood.”
“Did something else happen then?” You scooch a little closer to him and put your phone in your pocket. “If you want to talk about it, you know I’ll listen.”
He’s silent again. You’re kind of at a loss, stuck between trying to push him for answers or just letting it go. Despite your concerns, you settle for the second option. You pull out your phone again and get back on Magicam. Maybe he just needed some peace and quiet.
Neither of you say anything until he starts fidgeting a little, which gets your attention back. You notice him eyeing you like he wants to ask you something, so you turn to face him again. “Come on, what happened?”
“It’s just… is anything I’m doing even worth it?” You blink in surprise. He sounds uncharacteristically serious, and you’re caught off guard by the question. 
“What do you mean?” 
“This… this whole ‘honor student’ thing I’m trying to do. Is there any point?” He’s slumped over even more now, looking entirely dejected. 
You take a second before you answer. “You’re working hard to improve yourself and be a good student. How is there no point to that? Plus you said you wanted to make your mom proud, I definitely think you’re doing that.” The mention of his mother makes him scowl and you’re worried you said the wrong thing. 
“If she is proud, she shouldn’t be.”
Your eyes widen a little at that. “Deuce, where is this coming from?”
He looks hesitant to say more, but a reassuring nudge to his shoulder from you is enough to get him talking again. 
“Just…some guys I used to know before I came here… I ran into them over the weekend, and they started making fun of me for trying to clean up my act.” He takes a frustrated breath in and continues. “Talking about how I was still just like them, and this whole goody-two-shoes act is a sham. And that I’ll never be good enough to be a real honor student. That I’m stupid for even trying. ”
You take in his story for a second before frowning. “Well, that’s just wrong. That’s not right at all.”
“Isn’t it though? I’m always behind you and Ace, I try to stay out of trouble but sometimes I still can’t, and so many people just know me as that same delinquent.” He hangs his head low and clenches his fists in his lap.
“Deuce…” You rest your hand on top of his, and he looks up at you again. “That’s not your problem, it’s theirs. If they don’t want to see the effort you’re putting in, that’s on them. You’re not perfect because of course you're not, nobody is. But you always work hard, and you’ve made great progress already. It’s not your fault they choose to ignore that.”
“And more importantly,” you smile gently at him, “I know how hard you try. I know who you really are. So does your mom. And so do our friends, even with all the shit they give you. I promise they have your back just like I do.”
He pauses to think about what you said. He cautiously meets your eyes again. 
“You think I’m good? You mean that?”
“Yes, I do.” You state confidently. 
That seems to finish reassuring him, as he half-smiles before staring back down at his hands in his lap and muttering a quiet “Thank you.”
You nudge him again. “Don’t thank me yet. Thank me when me and Ace are done handling those guys.” You joke. 
He laughs at that and flashes you the first real smile he’s had since showing up. “Please don’t, don’t start acting like a delinquent for me. Neither of you can fight anyway.”
"Hey, Ace punched your dorm leader and got away with it."
"Sucker punched him, if he was ready Ace never would've landed the hit. Also he immediately overblotted, how is that getting away with it?"
You shrug and pull out your phone again. “Doesn't matter, I've got a new idea. You think I could find those stupid guys on Magicam? How do I do that?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“See? You’re so uptight, you’ll make a perfect honor student. As soon as you learn how to study without me.”
“Oh whatever.” He’s grinning though, and he’s lost that gloomy aura he came in with. 
He’s never had friends like you, who would take the time to comfort him without question. Who could see potential in him and believed he could really be something. He’s not used to this kind of feeling, but he can’t pretend he doesn’t enjoy it. You make him feel cared about, and that’s more than most people have ever given him. 
Yeah, if someone like you has his back, he must be on the right path. 
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kirus-grotto · 1 month
Dance Of Jealousy
Deuce had never felt this way before. Why would Malleus Draconia be dancing with Yuu?
Just a little ficlet of Deuce and F!Yuu at the Masquerade
Bright cyan eyes watched adoringly from across the way as the Ramshackle prefect danced along to the music with their friends. He’d stepped away to grab himself a quick drink with full intention of bringing one to her as well. After all that had happened it was nice to see everyone, especially her, happy.
Shaking his head a bit to clear it, Deuce began to weave his way through the crowds. Masked people shuffled and danced all around him; the music bringing itself to a slow paced melody. Groups began to break apart and pair up with one another. He couldn’t help but to freeze in place as he watched Yuu immediately turn to dance with Malleus Draconia.
It was as if they were magnetized to find each other with how quickly they seemed to go to each other. The way he had an arm wrapped around her to guide her looked as if it belonged there. The soft smiles they gave each other had Deuce holding back a scowl. He couldn’t help but to squeeze the cups he still carried just a bit tighter. Dancing in a group with the others was one thing, but this…
A thought flashed through his mind of him throwing one of them at the back of Malleus’ head. Had he not known better he just might have. Instead he forced himself to turn back toward the tables to set the glasses back down, and to take a moment to gather himself. Looking back toward the pair he could see Malleus brushing a lock of Yuu’s hair back; could see him saying something that caused her to laugh. His heart began to beat faster just watching them.
’That should be me.’
His legs began to move before he could have a second thought. Keeping his eyes on Yuu he swiftly moved between the rest of the groups between him and her. Blood was pounding in his ears. He was sure Riddle would collar him if he knew what Deuce had wanted to do. Especially since it involved wanting to fight Malleus Draconia himself. In front of the entire Masquerade. Only the thought of disappointing his mom had him begin to calm himself at the last second.
“Ah, Spade.” Malleus greeted as Deuce had grabbed onto his arm. “We were just discussing you.”
“I… uh.. You were..?” The blue haired boy looked between the two.
Yuu nodded quickly. “Your timing is perfect actually!”
Deuce blinked in confusion. “But… huh??”
Malleus simply smiled at him, and gracefully passed Yuu over. “You wished to dance with her as well, yes? I won’t take up all of her time.” After a friendly pat on Deuce’s shoulder and a nod to Yuu Malleus disappeared into the crowd.
Left alone with Yuu, who’s smile alone had his anger and jealousy melting away, he sketched a bow and asked her to dance. He felt lucky that though the current song was ending, another slow song let him continue to dance with her. He felt as if he were floating. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her warm, brown eyes. He’d always loved looking into her eyes; how comforting they were. Brown eyes were always his favorite.
“I think I might love you..” the words came out without him meaning to. He’d never felt more flustered in his life than he did right there. “I mean! Er.. wait I–”
“I think I might love you too.” Yuu laughed lightly. “And I think Ace owes me 50 thaumarks.”
“Wha–huh??” He felt confusion take over as his face deepened in color. “Ace? Why?”
“He maaayyyy have bet that you wouldn’t confess while we were here,” she said.
“...Wait, how did you know?!”
“You can be pretty obvious about things sometimes.” She laughed again. “But Epel also told me that you told him your plan.”
His head whipped over to where he noticed Epel earlier. The other boy having his innocent smile on his face. Rook, Riddle, and even Malleus on either side of him wearing knowing grins of their own. “...Did… did everyone know that?!”
“I mean… I’ve been trying to drop my own hints to you for a while now. You’re just a bit oblivious.”
Deuce groaned in defeat. “I can’t believe I never caught on..”
Yuu rolled her eyes playfully at him before leaning close to place a kiss onto his lips. “How about we split my winnings and get something in town when we get back?”
His eyes widened for a moment before softening. “I still can’t believe you made a bet on me.” His hands took her face to bring it to his own for another kiss.Feeling her smile against him had him smiling too.
“...Floyd was in on it too.” She added after they pulled away.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
I imagine Deuce!Yutu is either A. The Ultimate Honor Student with perfect grades and a plsmile that makes old nannies and mothers swoon (Yutu: "Thanks, its because me and my parent are the local "weirdos" I had to overcorrect and become a golden child (':") OR B. just as bad as pre-NRC Deuce was, a gang member who'd jump anyone who'd look at him wrong (but still cried until he was sick when he watched My Girl (1991) behind Yuu's back. They told him not to because they knew it was sad, he didn't listen).
I imagine Yuu's main memory of Deuce to their Yutu was how much Deuce believed in self-improvement and redemption, always trying to be a better man, which either version of Yutu can't help but admire or respect, despite their complicated feelings over their absent father.
Upon meeting him in the "current" timeline as a student, A or B either can't help but give Pop's an A for effort, despite missing the goal sometimes or finds him a little cringe for being such a tryhard.
I had to google the movie you mentioned and got jump scared by it taking place in Pennsylvania. Pretty sure I have driven through the place it's supposed to be set before... and fuck just reading the synopsis made me cry I don't think I could watch it ;-; poor Yutu should have listened to his parent.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here.
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I feel like I have read too much Tokyo Revengers because... we can have both: an honor student with a delinquent mean streak sounds like a good set up for Deuce! Yutu. Not that I think he would behave like Kisaki does exactly, but still. Dylla mentions in the White Rabbit event that she wasn't on the best terms with her mother when she was a teen, and we know about how Deuce was in middle school, so the idea of Yutu having a bit of a temper and rebellious streak to him does make a degree of sense. Sadly, I think that extends to his interactions with Yuu... so things are about to be angsty on two fronts today.
Much like Deuce, Yutu was just the cutest baby. He loved all things cute and fluffy. Bunnies, kitties, puppy dogs, he was such a sweet little kid who really loved chasing around butterflies in the great outdoors. He really loved to read, and learned how to do so at a very early age. When Yuu was having a bad day he would pick out one of his favorite books and insist on reading them a bedtime story so they could take a nap without any nightmares. If he was especially worried he would bring his favorite nightlight with him.
Not that anyone would ever dare to suggest it given what Yutu is like now, but he was very afraid of the dark as a child. He still is, there's just something about the void that exists in the darkness that screams danger to him. When he's isekaid to Twisted Wonderland it evolves into an extreme fear of blot and phantoms. I'd like his unique magic to have something to do with light or stars, something inspired by the Second Star to the Right from Peter Pan? I think it would be cute for someone afraid of the dark to be able to provide their own light.
When Yutu reaches middle school there's a noticeable change in his relationship with you. He's still polite, still bringing home good grades and unoffensive comments from his teachers. But he's a bit cold, as if he is purposefully putting emotional distance between you. His friends all treat you respectfully, but you just have a feeling, left over from somewhere, that you know what is likely going on but you can't put your finger on what. He gets angry when you try to ask questions, yelling something about how you just don't understand, maybe even throws in something about this being your fault...
I wrote about Riddle! Yutu having some fights with Yuu, but Deuce! Yutu's fights are so much worse. While Riddle! Yutu typically comes out of his room blubbering big fat tears ready to apologize, Deuce! Yutu feels the need to double down and save face. He does believe his parent has amnesia, he's seen how they act, but what he does not get is why they insist on feeling so fond of his dad and refuse to move on. In his mind their life could be a lot better if Yuu was willing to be honest with themselves about who his dad probably was. Yutu is very hung up on why Deuce felt the need to be redeemed, focusing on self improvement is all fine and good if you are someone worth redeeming but he's not around for Yutu to judge. And Yuu doesn't remember...
He's young, stupid, and angry, and he takes it out on anyone who looks at him wrong. What's worse for authority figures who want to help is that he's veeeery smart about how he does it. When he jumps someone you can bet there won't be cameras around to see it. When the police start troubling Yuu about what he's doing it's mostly just in the hope that they'll be able to talk some sense into their kid rather than to arrest Yutu or anything like that, but it doesn't work. Yutu gets to see the same thing that his dad did all those years ago, his parent crying because of his behavior but there's no grandparent Yuu is asking advice of. Since I am in the mood to be extra cruel, let's say the day that fight takes place, the day Yutu sees Yuu crying is the day he hears a very important name for the first time.
Deuce. His father's name is Deuce and the reason why he wasn't around was because he was from the other world that came to swallow up him and his parent the instant they began to remember. He doesn't get time to cover up the signs of his rebellion, or really a chance to say sorry. He has to look Grandpa Crewel in the face and admit that he made Yuu cry and added to the overly stressed mess their life had become. Everything they said about Deuce was true, and what's worse he was like him.
I feel like Deuce would be the sort of person who wanted to make a lot of home videos. Cater probably would be too, but he'd store most of them on his phone and I think that would be lost to time by the time his Yutu came home. Maybe it's because of the ghost camera, or his desire to be an "honor student" evolving into wanting to be an "honorable husband and father" but Deuce totally bought a video camera to take cheesy videos to show Yutu as he grew up. Instead the kid gets to see fragments of a life he could have had as he listens to his dad tell him about his life and how he met Yuu.
"Honestly I have no idea why they said yes." Deuce is a dork. A complete dork who looks so... young and life like in the video. He knows what features he took from Yuu but watching Deuce talk, he can pick up on the ticks, the way his mouth sets when determined. The look of shock that always made Yuu laugh, it bursts into view when he hears Yuu laugh as they enter the frame to snuggle into Duece's side, to press their face against his cheek with a happily contended sigh. "Y-yuu you're making me look uncool in front of the baby."
"He's not here yet!" You giggle and for the first time in a long time Yutu feels himself choking up as he watches his dad get all silly looking at the thought of his arrival.
"We're really looking forward to meeting you kiddo. I promise, nothing will ever happen to you. I'm not going anywhere."
"Well. Technically kept that last promise didn't you." He tries to play it off like a joke, but Crewel isn't laughing and neither is Yutu.
Gets put in Heartslabyul, but isn't exactly determined to be an honor student like his dad. While Deuce enjoys a good fight or the feeling of the wind in his hair... Yutu mostly got into fights because he was angry and needed someone to take it out on. Because of that temper he struggles with learning and controlling his magic but he still does pretty well with the practical academic side of things. He's proud of his ability to understand these things, and takes a lot of comfort in knowing his dad would be excited at knowing he was good at things like math and science.
Like with the other Heartslabyul boys, he had to fight his father's phantom. He sees putting Deuce to rest as part of his penance for how he treated Yuu in the years leading up to getting isekaid. He refuses to go back in time until he's able to lay this version of his father to rest next to Yuu so he can promise both of them, to their faces, that he'll create a world where they all can be together and live as a family.
Deuce is extremely friendly to Yutu! He wants to learn as much about Yuu's world as he can so he can help them feel as at home in Twisted Wonderland as possible. He makes sure to let Yutu know that extends to him too once Yuu warms up to having him in the friend circle, Uncle Ace is much less enthusiastic but it's clearly from a place of care towards Yuu. He starts to warm up when he sees Yutu trying his hardest to tutor Deuce, though he claims it's because he just thinks it's funny but really it's because Ace wants to see Deuce succeed.
Very correct on his feelings about Pops. His dad is so wildly cringe it's unreal. His effort is inspiring until he starts getting embarrassed for losing his temper and stuttering, or seven forbid you look at his grades. The more he interacts with both of you the more certain he becomes that Deuce would never have abandoned him... and that he is so getting grounded when Deuce learns about how he treated Yuu. And what's worse is that Yutu sort of wants him to.
Surprisingly that's not what happens at all. When Deuce learns who Yutu is, whether by sleuthing or through a violent confrontation with a monster from the future, when the whole story is laid out before him and his son bows to beg for his judgement it doesn't come at all. His Pops yanks him up by the collar and turns him towards Yuu.
"Say all of that again to your parent." Deuce's voice is as stern as it is serious. Yuu looks distraught, not quite to the point they were on the day everything changed but getting there as Yutu immediately breaks down and chokes, crying and begging for your forgiveness and saying he's sorry as Deuce brings all three of you together into a strong embrace. "I'm not the one you need to make things up to, but it's ok. I know exactly how you feel and we'll work through things together."
Deuce doesn't feel like he can be overly angry at Yutu for taking after him. He does feel the need to apologize to Yuu, profusely and in private, for putting them in so much danger and not being there to help Yutu work through his temper. If I was writing this as a story, I'd make Yuu sort of afraid of Yutu's feelings? I could see them blaming themselves and things being a bit awkward within their relationship with Yutu where they had been very good before the reveal. With Deuce being the loving and understanding partner that he is, the bridge is once again mended and the whole family gets to indulge in hobbies that aren't beating the shit out of other people.
Yutu gets back into reading, and starts looking up manuals and histories of blastcycles so he has something to talk to his dad about. He was right about his dad being extremely proud of him for being smart, he's that classic mechanic working class dad who can't stop talking about his kid who went to college and has pictures of him in his garage he makes sure to point out to everyone who comes in. Said person is really just Ace who really wants to make fun of Deuce and Yuu for being cringe together but is too focused on this whole world ending thing and wants everyone to be more focused on that.
Deuce promises that he is, he has a lot of confidence in the ability of your little group to be able to win against stacked odds. You've done it before you can do it again. Yutu couldn't have picked better allies, he's really determined to show him that and be a dad his son can be proud of. He repeats his promise to Yutu that he's never going anywhere, even though the kid never told him anything about the tapes because he really means it. He wants that world little Yutu dreamed of and older Yutu swore to fight for to be a reality, and it's his job as an honorable dad and future husband (he gets so flustered when he says that) to be the one on the front lines of fighting for it,
... just please please please do not tell Yutu about the egg incident. He doesn't think he could handle that embarrassment.
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xokohaneazusawa · 3 months
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Deuce Spade Relationship Headcannons! ✮ - So freaking sweet, will hold open doors for you, and if you get cold or anything hand you his jacket or anything like that ✮ - But there is another side, of course lol, but he's always willing to protect you, no matter what. If somebody says something bad about you? He'll either bring it to somebody higher in power or he'll have a little chat with them himself, even if he always wants to try and be the perfect honor student. He just loves you that much and wants to make sure you're alright ✮ - Ughhhh the late night talks and cuddles at Ramshakle, it'll start all cute by having a cute little study date (making sure that Grim and Ace are somewhere else) but it always ends up in you watching a movie or some show, and then falling asleep on the couch and waking up cuddling in each other in the morning (and needed the chiropractor but that's not the point here) ✮ - Him inviting you to the unbirthday parties they have, and making sure you two sit next to each other so you can hold hands under the table and Cater can tease the two of you (If you can't tell, holding hands under the table is one of my favorite things like ever-) ✮ - Taking you out on the blast cycle, and bringing you around the island finding cute little date spots for the two of you<3 ✮ - Since he's also good at fixing machines, he'll always come over to help you fix anything if you need it or even ever mentioned it ✮ - He was so sweet when he confessed though, you went to a little place on the beach and he had a little picnic set up, and unknowing to him the other first years were also there (Sebek opted out by saying something about how he had to help Malleus out with something, even though Lilia totally knew about Deuce's confession and wanted him to go. And Jack was dragged along by Epel and Ace) And the second he blurted out his confession and you said "yes" they shot up from behind a nearby plant and started pumping their fists and shouting "congrats" at the top of their lungs. Jack just gave an awkward thumbs up ✮ - Riddle def makes you two like Baby sit Ace when going anywhere since he knows that Deuce will act better around you, much to Ace's dismay though ✮ Deuce Spade Playlist! ✮
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Steal Your Heart (Part 1)
When the calling card of the infamous Knave of Hearts arrives, he’ll rob his victims blind of their most treasured items on the appointed date. Enter ace detective Yuu accompanied by rookie cop Deuce Spade, both seeking to apprehend the Knave and bring him to justice.
Will they succeed, or will the phantom thief steal their valuables--and their hearts--first?
This was originally meant to be one fic, but it was getting to be WAY too long. I decided to split it in half and release this part now and the second part (which I am still working on!) later. This first part focuses more on Yuu and Deuce; the second part will be more Yuu and Ace.
(Please note: there are slight romantic implications in the form of an Ace/Yuu/Deuce love triangle, but those elements could also be interpreted as platonic or as just playful teasing with no additional meaning. It’s all in the eyes of the reader!)
Imagine this...
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The police station’s waiting room was a familiar sight.
With time, the shiny checkered floor had grown matte, marred with scratches and scuffs from the boots that crossed it on a daily basis. Someone had taken to attempt to pretty up the otherwise dull space by hanging out abstract paintings on the cream-colored walls, and a vase of white roses dripping with red paint at the check-in desk. There was as even a glass tank which housed a small family of colorful hedgehogs.
Maybe they were meant to be welcoming—but really, they were more clashing than anything. Certainly not a fit for the stiff atmosphere of the station.
Still the fluorescent lightbulbs buzzed faintly, flickering in and out on occasion. The sound distracted from the old television mounted in a corner to entertain guests. It seemed to play commercials on a loop more often than it played actual shows. Currently, an Olympus Corp. branded tablet was being toted as the next big technological marvel—though the TV’s audio was fuzzy at best, and the image half static.
A coffee table pushed to the wall, stacked with a new stash of magazines. Whoever updated the reading materials—most likely the friendly senior officer with orange waves for hair—was into the latest trends, often selecting fashion magazines with high gloss finishes. A dangerously beautiful man graced the covers of many of them, dressed in the hottest summertime styles while looking the part of an untouchable ice queen.
As usual, the station was scented with coffee and tea, the beverages of choice for many officers burning the midnight oil or working overtime. The chief demanded it at times to meet deadlines and goals—he was such a stickler for them—and the caffeine helped those under him stay sane as they went about their duties.
In the afternoons, most were either out on lunch or on patrol, lessening the foot traffic at HQ. There was only one man in uniform, seated behind the desk and filing some papers.
Yuu shifted in their own chair, adjusting the rim of the baseball cap upon their head. They were suited in an inconspicuous jacket and sneakers, fingers toying with a badge in a pocket, hidden out of view. To the common man, they were a jogger--but one flash of their lilac gemstone bound to a black and white striped ribbon, and there would be no doubt as to what their true identity was.
The smell of coffee and tea grew stronger, and Yuu glanced up from behind the bill of their hat.
The bespectacled man from behind the fro
nt desk had approached. He had a sheepish smile, bearing a paper cup filled with hot brown liquid and a napkin with a donut laid upon it. Bright pink icing dusted with sugared violet petals crowned the golden fried pastry.
“Mr. Clover.” Yuu nodded—a terse, polite greeting. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Please, just ‘Trey’ is fine.” He offered the treats, which they readily accepted. “Sorry for calling you in on such short notice. I’m sure you’re busy juggling your other cases—but I think I speak for the entire department when I say we’re thankful that you were able to make it.”
“No worries, I’m used to it in this line of work,” Yuu replied. “It must be something pretty urgent this time around. The Chief sounded frantic over the phone.”
Trey rubbed at his chin, grasping for the right words. “Let’s just say he’s not in the best of moods right now. You’ll need that sugar to get through this in one piece.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you.”
“Just trying to avoid any trouble. You’d better finish them before you step into his office. You know how he hates it when there are crumbs or spills in there.”
“Aye, aye, sir.” Yuu gave a joking salute before starting to pack away at their snack. The drink was the instant kind, and practically scalding, but it was easy to tell that the donut was homemade. The pastry, flaky on the outside and fluffy on the inside, dusted with sugar granules and sweet icing. “Wouldn’t want the Chief to be blowing a fuse again.”
“No, definitely not. He’s done too much of that lately.” Trey carefully eyed Yuu’s donut, now only half of it left. “Oh, but be sure to brush your teeth a thorough cleaning tonight, or I might have some problems with you. Cavities and staining are real dangers, you know.”
“Are you Assistant Chief of Police or my dental hygienist?” Yuu took a generous swig, then a bite just as big. “You worry too much about everything.”
“Ahahah… Do I? It’s a habit, I guess. Comes with the job.”
“That stressful, huh?”
“Well, I do what I can to smooth things over. Hopefully you can too. It’s been difficult on our department with the Chief all rattled up about the… situation.” He stopped himself. “I’m sure you’ll hear all about it from him.”
So the case is top-secret, Yuu concluded with the last of their donut. Not to be discussed in the public.
They ran their tongue across the length of their mouth, lapping up the remains of sugary residue. “I understand. The details are not to leave his office.”
“You catch on quickly. No wonder why the Chief thinks so highly of your abilities.”
“Flattery’s a part of your tool kit as well, Trey?”
He raised his eyebrows. “… You’ve worked long enough with us to figure these things out. Nothing gets by you, it seems.”
The remainder of Yuu’s drink sloshed around in its cup, set into motion by the bloodcurdling scream.
A familiar man with orange waves erupted from the chief’s office, hurriedly slamming the door shut behind him. His typically relaxed features were arranged in panic, his hair frazzled.
“How did trying to calm him work out, Cater?” Trey inquired half-heartedly. It was a courtesy more than genuine curiosity.
“What do you think?” the senior officer groaned, sinking where he stood.
Yuu quickly finished their drink, tossing their trash—the evidence they had been there—away and then stood, adjusting their jacket. “That sounds like it’s my cue.”
“Yeah, it is.” Trey sighed, frowning. “He’s in a tough spot right. Be kind to him, will you? That’s all I ask.”
“You got it.” Yuu tipped their baseball cap as they passed the officer. “Thank you for the pick-me-up. I’ll be seeing you, then. Officer Diamond—get some rest.”
“Good luck.”
“You’ll need it, Yuu-chan! Brace yourself.”
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The Police Chief was a small but serious man.
His character came through in his office space: books on law and order neatly arranged on shelves, papers and files alphabetically organized in their cabinets, and pens evenly spaced apart and arranged in rows. A crystal vase with deep red roses was poised beside his writing implements. A plate polished to a fine shine was propped up at his desk, reading: Riddle Rosehearts, Chief of Police.
Perched imposingly despite his short stature in his seat, he impatiently tapped a finger on an arm. Riddle’s face was a telltale red and veiny, proof of his earlier outburst, but was beginning to cool into a faint, smooth pink.
There was already another man in the office, sitting across from the Police Chief. He was pale and jittery in a suit the color of the night and sewn with blue sequins and glitter. A top hat rested upon his raven locks, the brim of it shading his hauntingly golden eyes.
Yuu removed their hat and, keeping it to their chest, gave a shallow bow as they entered. “Sir.”
One move out of line, one hair out of place, and they suspected he, in his volatile and vulnerable state, would explode anew.
“Welcome, Detective. I’m glad you could join us today.” Every word was a gruff puff of air, a leash with which to wrest control of his rage. Riddle gestured to the empty chair beside the nervous man. “Sit.”
Yuu obeyed, sinking into the seat offered. They casted a glance at the stranger adjacent to them, who was fiddling with his velvet-lined gloves.
“Mr. Crowley, this is the independent detective from Stray Cat Investigations that I had previously mentioned to you. The force has collaborated with them for a number of difficult cases in the past. Their wit and strategic skills have made them an invaluable asset. I thought it prudent to have them return to join us for your case as well.
“Yuu, meet Dire Crowley. He is the esteemed director and curator for the Sage’s Island Museum, and he’s come to us with his woes.”
“Hello, Mr. Crowley,” Yuu said politely. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He responded with a tired attempt at a smile. “Yes, you too.”
“Now that we’re all acquainted with one another...” Riddle produced a file from beneath his desk and placed it before himself. “Do you care to explain, or shall I?”
“I-I’ll elaborate!” Crowley crowed. He picked at a collection of keys belted to his waist, glistening gold under artificial lights. “The Sage’s Island Museum is planning a new exhibition on the Great Seven. As part of the exhibit, we are having many priceless artifacts flown in from all over Twisted Wonderland. We have donations from even Briar Valley’s royal family!!
“There will also be a great number of important VIP guests present for the grand opening of the exhibit. Royalty, wealthy benefactors, important diplomats, businessmen, celebrities... All individuals who wish to see their history on display! This is very important, you see!! M-My reputation--er, I mean, the museum’s reputation--is on the line here!!”
“Right.” Yuu nodded as they parsed through the information. “I’m following what you’re putting down. And where does your problem arise, Mr. Crowley?”
“Ah, now that,” Riddle smirked, “is the question of the hour.”
He opened his file, pulling out...
A single playing card, its back facing Yuu.
“I trust you’ve been keeping up with the news?”
“As any good detective would. There have been several robberies lately. Terrible, really.” Yuu’s expression clouded with concentration. “Hmm... but if it’s a potential robbery that you’re concerned about, Mr. Crowley... Doesn’t the Sage’s Island Museum boast a state-of-the-art security system from Olympus Corp.? I doubt the average thief would be able to bypass it.”
“That’s just the trouble,” Crowley loudly lamented.
“We are dealing with no ordinary thief,” Riddle clarified.
“It’s not?”
“No. Far from it.” The Police Chief exhaled sharply. “The string of robberies from before--they’re connected by a single thread, perpetuated by the same lone culprit. And now that scoundrel intends to continue his crime spree.”
“I’ve never heard of this before.”
“You shouldn’t have. It was a top-secret operation within my force since the first of its kind.”
“Why am I being told of it now?”
“Because, loathe as I am to admit it, the culprit has managed to outwit us and elude capture each and every time, He employs a bag of cheap parlor tricks and smoke and mirrors like the coward he is,” Riddle confessed begrudgingly. The blue-grey of his eyes were steely and stubborn. “A case as important as this needs the additional man—and brain—power, Detective.”
He placed the playing card down and slid it toward the detective. “This arrived in the morning at Mr. Crowley’s desk, the same as all the prior robberies. It gave him quite the fright. He rushed all the way to the station to beg for our assistance.”
“This is...” Yuu gingerly turned the card over, revealing a message scrawled on the other side in bright red gel ink. Each letter was big and bubbly, bursting with cheek and pomp.
Their heart jumped.
To the Old Crow that safeguards the Museum,
Your pockets look a lil’ heavy there, so I’ll help you out. (Aren’t I so kind?) Three days from now, I’ll claim one of your most prized treasures at the stroke of midnight.
Stand back and watch as I perform the greatest magic trick you’ll ever see... and make the portrait of the Queen of Hearts vanish before your very eyes. It’ll be a show-stopper!!
Until then,
Phantom Thief Knave of Hearts <3 ;3
P.S. Send the cops my regards, they can’t catch me lol (especially when their teapot tyrant’s patience is in SHORT supply geddit)
“They’re just flat-out announcing what their intentions are,” Yuu realized. They were half impressed, half shocked at the gall. “You said all of the victims received messages like this?”
“Calling cards, yes.” The fury had returned to Riddle’s features, causing his voice to spike and strain. “It’s infuriating!! What does he get off on, misappropriating magic as cheap parlor tricks for crime, writing notes in such a cocksure manner, taunting us to pursue him?!
“Not only is he poking fun at my height and committing a crime, but for mere SPORT?! For the THRILL of it?! He’s making a mockery of the good people of this island and of my men and our efforts to secure the peace!!”
The Police Chief slammed a fist down on his desk, rattling his glass vase and setting his perfectly straight pens askew. Crowley shrunk back in fear. “That Knave of Hearts...!! He must be stopped at all costs!!”
“Y-Yes, absolutely!!” Crowley chimed in. “For my--er, I mean, for the museum’s sake, this criminal must be put behind bars!! That’s why I’ve come to you, my good people!
“My taxpayer dollars help fund the police force, so I’ve come to collect on what its promise to protect and to serve the community!! Well, here’s the community at your doorstep asking you to protect and to serve!!”
“That’s why you want to put me on this case,” Yuu concluded, clasping the calling card to their racing heart. “To prevent this from going down tonight.”
“And furthermore,” Riddle added, “to investigate the identity of this so-called phantom thief once the museum is safely secured.”
“That’s a tall order, sir.”
“You’ll have access to our force’s resources, and to my officers. You will assist in overseeing this operation, with maps and outlines of the museum’s security detail from Mr. Crowley. We’ll cooperate to create a plan of attack to apprehend the Knave.”
“You misunderstand me. I never said I wouldn’t take the job,” Yuu coolly informed the Chief. Their mouth cocked upwards with confidence. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
“Oh, blessed day!! From the very bottom of my oh-so-generous heart, thank you very much!!” Crowley cried tearfully.
For the first time the entire briefing, Riddle smiled back at Yuu. “Hmph. That’s what I like to hear. Happy to be working with you again, Detective.”
“Likewise, Chief.”
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The sun had already set when Yuu exited the station, the stars blinking into existence. Several hours had been spent picking the museum curator’s brain with a fine-toothed comb, looking over layouts, and memorizing security detail. The information had been well-stocked, and now came the time to let it marinate and bloom into plans.
Stuffing their hands in their pockets, Yuu shuffled down the sidewalk and past rows of parked vehicles. Ahead, neon lights flashed in and out, and the trains rattled on their well-worn tracks, buses and cars honking at each other, the chatter of street vendors filling the air.
And something different than the usual tonight.
The city never slept, always buzzed with energy. Yuu had become accustomed to its sights and sounds, finding them even comforting. Their best ideas were conceived against the hum of the cityscape. It was just soft enough to not fully distract, but just noticeable enough to tug at their thoughts for long enough to stray into new territories and concepts.
Light from lonely streetlamps created tears in the darkness, illuminating the path to their favorite downtown thinking spot: the Mostro Lounge. A good (albeit overpriced) drink would chase away their tiredness.
Yuu continued with that promise in mind, every step catlike. First quick, next slow, then quick, moderate, slow, quick, slow, quick, moderate. Their speed, ever alternating.
Their ears strained against the sounds of the city, slowly parsing through the individual elements.
Trains, buses, cars, chatter… and the soft footsteps masked by them. Footsteps which matched Yuu’s pace.
There was no mistaking it now.
I’m being followed.
They didn’t look to see who it was—the first rule of tailing a target was to never alert them to your awareness. Yuu would know (as oftentimes they were the one in the position of tailer).
They cast their eyes across the street, which was busy with bodies. Once Yuu merged with the crowd, they could easily shake off their stalker.
Their feet picked up their pace again, hurrying to the crosswalk. It was a glaring red, advising pedestrians to stop.
Shoot, Yuu cursed.
They felt a presence step up beside them. From the corner of their eye, they could make out a dark form--clothes. Yuu pretended to check the time on their phone, and glimpsed him in the reflection.
He was in a hoodie, with the hood pulled up and head down to conceal his features. His hands, too, were out of sight, a sea of baggy fabric hiding identifying features, save for his frame. Lanky, but reasonably packed with muscle to keep up with Yuu.
The man shifted, and his sight grazed theirs. His eyes were hard and icy, a silent threat.
Yuu quickly focused on the crosswalk light. Their heartbeat became as loud as the surrounding sounds. Screeching above the vehicles, shouting from the rooftops. THA-THUMP, THA-THUMP, THA-THUMP.
At last, the light turned from red to white.
They started--and so did he.
“Excuse me.” A hand came upon their shoulder. The other pulled at something with a sinister glint. “Do you have a second?”
No walking, Yuu corrected themselves. Run!!
They sprinted down the crosswalk, jostling pedestrians with a hasty “sorry!” thrown back at them. As Yuu weaved through the crowd as fast as they could, they could not completely shunt out the man after them.
“Hey, please wait!! Where are you going?! C-Come back, I need to talk to you!”
His voice carried above the others. People jolted back, the crowd parting to make way for the man to charge forth. His volume swelled louder and louder as he gained on them.
Towering apartments seemed to bear down on Yuu. Their windows, glaring.
A shop. Find a shop and get inside!!
Yuu pumped their arms, pleaded for their legs to move more efficiently.
Again, a weight fell upon their shoulder. It was a clamp, fingers biting Yuu’s skin through their jacket as they dug in and held firm.
The other hand wielded the same shining object that it had before. Yuu looked more closely this time, and the unease in them dissipated. It was not the pointed tip of a knife, but the glint of a familiar officer’s badge wreathed in golden roses.
The man tore off his hood with a sigh--though Yuu noticed that he wasn’t one bit out of breath. Navy bangs fell across his forehead, his eyes a peacock green-blue, much friendlier under the streetlamps than the crosswalk signs.
He smiled at Yuu as though he were greeting an old friend. His grip turned into a tender squeeze. “I finally caught up with you!”
The detective awkwardly pulled away, confusion scrawled on their face. “Um... Sorry, who are you? I don’t believe we’ve met before.”
“Oh! Uh...” The man jumped, retracting his hand. “That’s because we haven’t! Er, not officially anyway, but I’ve heard a lot about you!!”
Yuu pointed to his badge. “That. You’re an officer?”
“Yessir!” The man offered the proof of his identity and stiffly saluted. “Officer Deuce Spade, sir!! I’m a new recruit...!! I just joined the force a few weeks ago!”
Yuu mustered a faint smile. The darned fool was going to give them away. “... Am I in trouble, officer?”
“Nossir! Not at all!” His entire face shone with eagerness, earnest, and a slightly nervous energy. Maybe Yuu would have found it adorable (in the same way that a child trying hard was adorable), were he not blasting your occupation to the public. “Why would you be in trouble, sir?! You’re working with...”
“Okaaay, that’s enough out of you!” Yuu slapped a hand over Deuce’s mouth, silencing him.
Curious onlookers murmured amongst themselves. Some had taken to halt and full-on gawk. Children pointed, adult narrowing their eyes with suspicion.
Yuu frowned, removing their hand to shoo pedestrians away. “Nothing to see here, folks. Just a misunderstanding. Move along, Wonder Boy and I can settle this ourselves.”
“Wonder Boy?” Deuce, in a daze, pointed to himself. “Is that... me?”
“Who else would I be talking about?” Yuu folded their arms. “I assume you’re free now?”
“I am, sir! I was just let off my shift a little while ago, sir!”
“First, drop the ‘sir’. It’s giving me a headache,” Yuu instructed. “Second, if you’re free, then you’ll be joining me for a drink and a chat. We have things to discuss--chief among them being why you were following me.”
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A bell sounded as the door to the Mostro Lounge swung open. Deuce stepped into a new world, Yuu at his side.
The interior itself was dim, but glass lights fastened in the shape of jellyfish projected swimming incandescent lights in purple, blue, and pink. Velvet booths lined one half of the eatery, the other, a glossy bar with tall, narrow stools, the shelves behind it healthily stocked with bottles in jeweled tones. Strangers poised with drink took residence in most of the seats.
The entire back wall had been repurposed into a massive aquarium teeming with aquatic plants and exotic creatures. Seaweed and coral gently swayed to the rhythm of the smooth jazz floating through the lounge, fish frolicking among them.
“Whoooa,” Deuce gasped, craning his head to drink in every detail. “I’ve never been to a place as classy as this. It looks so expensive. You think my salary’s enough to cover at least an appetizer?”
“Hang on tight to your wallet,” Yuu warned. “This place will squeeze you for every thaumark you’re worth and then some—and they won’t feel a bit of remorse about it.”
The detective raised an arm, flagging a nearby waiter.
Their uniform was simple yet sleek: dark dress pants, a white bow tie, spotless gloves, and a cummerbund and suspenders over a lavender button-up shirt. It allowed for slight variation—one waiter skidded by with his shirt buttoned as low as food safety regulations deemed safe. Another jotted down orders with a jacket thrown over his shoulders and a pair of glasses tucked into the crevice of his buttons.
The waiter Yuu called out to approached like a shark fin cutting through still water, neatly bowing to greet their waiting customers. He was prim and proper compared to the other servers, not a button out of place.
When he raised his head, Deuce marveled at his mismatched olive and gold irises, the teal of his hair marred by a stripe of black. Three diamond-shaped scales dangled from his left ear, as sharp as his eyes.
“I bid you welcome to the Mostro Lounge, honored guests,” the waiter said smoothly. He gaze immediately cut to Deuce. “I see you’ve brought a friend with you, today, Yuu-san. How delightfully rare.”
“Acquaintance. We just met outside under… less than ideal circumstances.”
“Oya, how quick you were to seize on that chance encounter. I may even deem you a bigger opportunist than our dear manager.”
“… Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Deuce inquired.
“Perhaps you will find the answer to your question, should you act as a patron at our establishment for long enough.”
“Quit toying with him, Jade. You know what we’re here for,” Yuu grumbled. “My usual.”
“If that is what you wish. And for this gentleman acquaintance of yours?”
“Just ice water is fine, sir!”
Jade maintained his polite smile. “Very well. One glass of ice cold water for you. I will bring you a menu as well, in case you begin to feel peckish late into the night.”
“Oh, thanks!”
“Right this way then.” Jade gestured for the two to follow him.
“He’s upselling you, you know,” Yuu pointed out under their breath. “Hoping that you’ll buy something when presented with the opportunity to spend.”
“E-Eh, he is?! I didn’t even realize…”
“Fufufu. Please, do not let your worries consume you. You have come to relax, correct? We at the Mostro Lounge ask that you put your fins and your feet up and enjoy yourself while the night is still young.”
They were escorted to two empty stools in a (relatively) quiet corner of the bar. The glass jellyfish lights were clustered in the center of the main dining area, leaving the corner like a slice of dark, uncharted waters. Jass music and conversation filtered into a muffled melody.
Yuu plopped down with relief, followed by an apprehensive Deuce. He slowly sank into the cushy seat.
“I will be right back with your drinks. If you will excuse me.” With another bow, Jade rounded the bar and rolled up his sleeves—the transition from waiter to bartender. Presenting his back to the duo, he set to plucking bottles off of the shelves.
Deuce blinked. He still hadn’t taken to fully processing his new surroundings. “Are we really going kick back and have drinks when there’s a serial thief on the loose?”
“We can’t talk about that in public, or risk blowing my cover. It’s safe to talk here,” Yuu reassured him. “What happens in the Mostro Lounge stays in the Mostro Lounge. Say what you want about the slimy staff, but they know how to keep their patrons’ secrets. Client confidentiality and all.”
The young officer brightened. “Ooooh, I get it!”
“… You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed,” Yuu remarked bluntly. They slipped off their baseball cap, letting loose their hair. “So? Let’s have it.”
“Have what?”
“Your reason for following me.”
“Oh!! That.” Deuce nervously scratched at the back of his neck. “That’s kind of…”
The detective drummed their fingers on the polished counter. Methodical, deliberate. “You mentioned that you recently joined the force. However, only senior officials in the police department and myself were privy to this operation. How did you come to learn about it?”
Deuce stiffened, thrown off his beat (if he had any to begin with). “Th-That’s…!”
“I’m asking you a question, Mr. Spade. Please answer me truthfully.”
“I… um… Truth is, I…” Deuce stared at his lap, unable to meet the detective’s eyes. “I might have eavesdropped when I returned from my patrol shift…”
“Go on,” Yuu coaxed.
“There was a report I had to submit to the Chief, but it sounded like he was busy in his office. It’s hard to not notice him when he raises his voice, sir. I decided to wait outside until he was done, and… well, I got curious.”
“Wasn’t Assistant Chief Clover also present? He just let you do that without a single protest?”
“Assistant Chief Clover was very nice to me! He laughed a little and said ‘make sure you don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar’!”
Darn it, Trey!! You could’ve been a LITTLE stricter with this guy…! Yuu groaned, massaging the bridge of their nose. “Okay, I think I’m starting to get a better picture of what went down. You followed me wanting to learn more about the operation.”
Like a curious child chasing after a white rabbit. Still immature, still wondering, and still way over their head.
“Yes, but that’s not all!” Deuce insisted. He abruptly stood from the table. “There’s an even more important reason than just satisfying my curiosity, sir!”
Yuu quirked an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“I had to talk to you—without the Chief around. I had to. That’s why I followed you in secret.” The officer nibbled his lower lip, as if biting back something harsh and bitter from coming up.
“Out with it, Mr. Spade.”
“Pardon the intrusion,” Jade coolly interjected. His tone was nonchalant but his bemused smile was a telltale sign that he was relishing in every second of the hot gossip. “Your beverages.”
He slid two glasses between Yuu and Deuce before departing. One was tall and slim—a highball—loaded with carbonated water and fruity gummies. Yellow for jeweled pineapples, red for ruby berries, green for frozen mint, black for floral cacao, and blue from pure azure salt. It was Yuu’s usual, the famed Mystery Drink. The other glass was, by comparison, an ordinary drink of water, a single large, clear cube of ice floating in it.
A bead of sweat ran down Deuce’s jawline. Condensation forming and racing on his glass of water.
Suddenly, the officer slapped both hands on the counter, slamming his face down upon its surface. His navy hair splayed, forehead touching the table in a display of humility.
Yuu almost spilled their drink. “What are you doing?”
“I’m begging you, sir!! P-Please put me on the mission!!” Deuce pleaded, his voice shaky but resolute. “I… I want to help catch the Knave of Hearts too!!”
“If that’s all you wanted, why ask me? Go through the proper channels to…”
“I can’t!! The Chief would never allow it.” His expression creased with shame. “He says rookies need to work their way up from meter maid to working on cases.”
“He’s right. You need to grow into these things, not rush in head-first in a burst of passion.” Yuu made to take a sip of their drink—but the officer’s fist collided with the counter, the liquid inside the glass sloshing overboard. Seltzer water splashed onto their pant leg, leaving a sticky wet spot on a thigh.
“P-Please reconsider! I know how to handle myself in a fight! I’m fast, I could easily catch up with him if it’s a race on foot!”
“Look,” the detective said irritably, “I don’t know what you’re hoping to accomplish here. Fact is, no matter how much you ask, I wouldn’t want to take you on for this case. You’re too green behind the ears—and sorry, but I just don’t see you as an asset.
“You may be strong and quick on your feet, but it’ll take more than strength and speed to catch the Knave of Hearts. There’s a reason he hasn’t been caught yet.” Yuu tapped at their temple. “It’s this. He’s got smarts, and we need to combat that with smarts of our own.”
“I-I can be smart!! I can try to, at least! Please, just let me try…!!”
Frustrated, Yuu scrutinized the young man again. Their eyes roaming, searching, for detail wrong, a hair out of place.
Years of sleuthing had built up a great amount of cynicism and distrust in the detective. How many times had they pulled back the curtain, revealing the ugly truths hidden out of plain sight? How many bruised egos--both clients and coworkers--had they encountered? People seeking status or to feed their own pride.
Yet when they looked at Deuce, none of that ugliness or ego came through. Here was someone who stubbornly stared right back at Yuu, unwilling to back down, even when his dignity lay in tatters on the floor the instant he prostrated himself.
Another selfish bid for recognition? They ventured, toying with the idea. Maybe personal ambition, looking to climb up in the world.
“... One reason,” Yuu said, holding up an index finger. “Give me one good reason why I should take you on. Convince me.”
Deuce recoiled--as though even he hadn’t expected to have made it this far, or to be taken seriously at all. His brows creased with effort as he racked the recesses of his mind to find the right phrasing.
A second later, he let out a piercing shout.
With a grunt, Deuce grasped his cup of ice water and lifted it to his lips. He hammered the drink in a single swig, releasing a satisfied hoot. The liquid courage had revived the man, returning the spark to him.
In a voice as clear as the drink he had just downed, Deuce said, “It’s for my mom. She’s just about the sweetest, most hard-working person I know.”
He hung his head and slammed his empty cup down, shaking the entire table.
“She raised me as a single parent. Mom never once complained, only wanted the best life for me.” Deuce glared into his glass, speaking with scorn and anger--not at others, but for himself. “And how did I repay her? I... turned to delinquency.
“I acted out because I wasn’t man enough to do the mature thing and work on myself!! She blamed herself for my stupid decisions! I made mom worry for me so, so much...”
Plip, plip.
Deuce faltered, letting quiet tears dribble down his cheeks and landing on the cube of ice left in his glass. Once they made contact with the frozen block, it was impossible to tell what was water and what was salt.
“I swore to myself that I would turn my life around... to show mom that it’s not her fault, that she did all she could to raised someone who could contribute to society!! So I studied really hard at the police academy, and even though my grades were crappy, I managed to graduate...!!”
He choked up, a concoction of fiery passion infused in his stuttering words. “I can finally be that model officer and make a change in the community! But I haven’t done a damn thing...! I just play meter maid while bad guys are out there running free, when I could be out there making this city a safer place for mom and everyone that lives here...!!”
The noises of the lounge seemed to fade into a stoic silence around Deuce. His declaration reverberated loudly. “I have to do this. I need to do this.”
He bowed again, his forehead pressed hard against the surface of the table. The single word he uttered was hoarse, desperate.
Deuce pried himself up almost painfully. The eyes were aquamarine, wet with hot tears. Something shone through them in shades of blue and green, priceless as any treasure: an honesty that burned like an eternal flame.
Yuu startled, striken by a single, haunting revelation: He’s telling the truth.
“... I don’t think I’ve met someone like you before,” they said cryptically. “I don’t doubt your story—but as touching as it is, I don’t know if...”
Hesitation reared its head, and Yuu forced themselves to look away. Couldn’t bear to see him, that wide-eyed sincerity.
Emotion clashing with their sound logic. Two things that shouldn’t have belonged together colliding. 
Wait... things that don’t belong together? Things I didn’t expect, surprises and twists to the tale...
A ex-delinquent turned into a policeman. A selfishness turned selfless. An anticipated lie turned into a truth. Something there that hadn’t been before.
The detective’s mind raced, quickly outpacing the words leaving their mouth. A solution which subverted expectations, a trap laced with honey for a man with sticky fingers.
That’s it. We’ll pull a trick of our own.
“Okay, I’ve changed my mind,” Yuu abruptly announced. “You’re in on this operation, Mr. Spade.”
“R-Really?!” Deuce’s face nearly tore in half, his volume revving up like a motorcycle engine. “You mean it?!”
“I do.”
Yuu took a cool sip of their Mystery Drink. Flavors from all over Twisted Wonderland cascaded over their tongue—a triumphant, fleeting pleasure.
They set their glass down and bent over, gripping Deuce by the strings of his hoodie. Yuu tugged, bringing the policeman lurching forward.
His clammy forehead against theirs. Centimeters away, his eyes widened. A flushed heat climbed to his cheeks, his voice set in a stammer.
“S-Sir, what are we...”
“You’ll have to follow my instructions very carefully,” Yuu replied with a devious grin. “Listen up, rookie: cuz you’re going to be the star of this show. Here’s the plan...”
The ambience of the lounge drowned out Yuu’s whispers. From afar, their words could only be read through the shapes of their mouth, the increasingly confused and alarmed expressions that Deuce pulled.
Jade observed them patiently, chuckling to himself. “My, my, it seems like our genius detective has found yet another solution.”
A tray piled high with empty plates and dishes was slammed down. Jade’s twin peered around the stack, leaning lazily against the bar.
“Eeeh, but I bet against them this time.”
“Playing the contrarian runs its risks.” Jade picked up a glass, staring at his brother through it. The golden orb called his left eye was clear as a topaz. “As for myself, I’m excited to see how this plays out.”
A notepad came down on the table as a third waiter joined them.
“Both of you need to stop gossiping and get back to work,” their manager chided, sliding the notepad—scrawled with fresh orders—to Jade. “Leave the customers to tend to their own business. We’ll soon know the outcome.”
[To be continued...]
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cyn-write · 11 months
"I Feel Her, I See Her"
Summary: Rollo has been eyeing you since your arrival, seeing you as the diamond amongst coals. At the Ball, he corners you into a dance, but your BF is not going to let this slide...
Pairings: Riddle, Deuce, Ruggie, and Jamil x F!Reader (Separately)
For Idia, Azul, and Malleus, check out Part 1!
For Rollo, Check out "Heaven's Light"!
Warnings: Possessive behavior, suggestive, manipulation and obsession (Rollo), established relationships, Secretive relationship implied on Riddle's part, swearing in Deuce's part, Jamil refers to readers Rohi (Arabic for "my soulmate"), romantic ~
Note: Thank you to everyone who enjoyed section 1 ("She Blazes Me")! The idea for this came while playing Glorious Masquerade, and I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it!
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"Who might you be miss?"
Y/n gave a kind smile and nodded her head in greeting "I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you," she stayed next to Trein as she was there as his assistant.
"Yuu is our magicless perfect of Ramshackle. She will be working as my assistant throughout the trip," Trein added.
She felt Rollo's eyes scan her and, unlike his greetings to the rest, he held out a hand. Being poilet, she offered her hand as well, and he lifted it to his lips, grazing her knuckles quickly. "It is a pleasure to meet you, y/n. I understand it must be difficult, being surrounded by mages every second of the day. I hope you get a chance to relax this trip."
Y/n blushed at the motion and bit her lower lip. All the while, she could feel her boyfriend glaring daggers into her and Rollo.
"I-I'll do my best..." Y/n replied.
Throughout the entire trip, Rollo seemed to gravitate towards y/n and used every excuse to isolate her from the group. They chatted about her difficulties at NRC and of the festival. Due to her being Trein's assistant and the constant reminders to behave, she and her boyfriend had little time together.
This all accumulated at the Masquerade. Rollo had given Y/n a proper dress for the occasion instead of the attire his counsel had chosen. The (color) fabric decadently adorned your figure and stunned the NRC boys with its beauty. But before her boyfriend could ask for a dance, Rollo stole y/n away. He whisked her to the dance floor, and they started chatting.
At this point, Y/N's boyfriend has had enough of the student counsel president, but what sent him over the edge is when he takes you to the balcony and dare suggest the worst:
"Y/n, stay here with me." Y/n turned quickly on her heels to Rollo in confusion, "The fools at NRC do not deserve your purity. You belong here. with me." He has her pinned against the balcony, "This is your sanctuary."
Y/n pushed Rollo away slightly and spoke up, "Thank you for the offer, but I have not intention of leaving NRC. It is difficult at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now if you excuse me, I want to go back to the ball."
Rollo grabbed y/n's wrist and pulled her against him. "It's because of him, isn't it? He has bewitched you!" He pinned her between the balcony wall and him. "Those fiends have enchanted you, but I will free you from those chains and show you salvation! No matter the cost!"
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Riddle Roseheart
Riddle had been watching the scene through a crack in the door. He felt his blood run cold at the mention of her leaving NRC. He knew it was a possibility, and for a second he thought she would be better off at NB. Then Rollo dared lay a hand on his rose.
His blood went from frigid to boiling.
Riddle slammed the doors open, causing them to clang against the walls. Rollo spun on his heels to see who dared to disturb him and the perfect.
"Roseheart. What are you doing-"
"Don't play daft with me. I saw everything." Riddle went straight to y/n and, with all his strength, physically removed Rollo's hand from her wrist, placing himself between Rollo and his rose. "You call yourself a gentleman, taking advantage of a lady and forcing yourself upon her! You have failed as a Host, as a Gentleman. And you dare threaten MY Rose." Riddle raised his pen in preparation to cast his signature spell, "I will have your head for this-"
He felt the hands of his rose on his back, a reminder to bring him back to reality. Riddle lowered his pen and took a deep breath. He was not the man he once was. He could control his temper.
"Y/n, let's go." He took her hand and guided her away from the cursed balcony. He never let y/n out of his sight for a single second. He ignored the mutters of the Student Counsel President and put all his focus on her.
He led her into a hidden part of the ballroom. Once safely away from the prying eyes of the crowd, he delicately checked her for bruising. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you anywhere?"
He gently caressed her face as she silently shook her head. He pulled her into a gentle embrace and whispered, "It's okay, I got you... he can't hurt you."
He felt y/n tighten the hug and he reciprocated. "Thank you for stepping in... I was so scared."
"I'm so sorry I didn't see it sooner. I should have been more assertive or-r told him off. I-I could have-"
"Riddle." Y/n leaned back and placed her hands on either side of his face, "There isn't anything else you could have done. Rollo is the one at fault, not you."
"But if I held you, or was more showing with our relationship, maybe he would have been fended off from pursuing you-"
"Riddle, I know you're not a fan of PDA. You are a little more reserved when it comes to PDA, but you show your love in other ways." Y/n caressed Riddle's cheek as she spoke, "You're chivalrous and I love that about you."
Riddle blushed as his rose complimented him, "Thank you rose, but I think... I think I am ready to be more forward, I want everyone to know that you are mine and I am yours." He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. He moved his hand to the back of her head and held her close to him.
After a minute, they parted and he could tell the pleasant surprise on the perfect's face. The music swelled and he heard faint voices call his and y/n's name.
"We are being summoned," Riddle peaked out of their hiding spot and gave himself a moment to compose himself. He turned to his rose and fixed his coat, "I am a man of his word," Riddle held out his gloved hand and took the stance of the knights of old, "Shall we dance, my rose?"
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Deuce Spade
"What do ya think you're doin'." Deuce's voice was cold. A tone he hasn't used since his delinquent days.
Rollo turned and saw Duece holding out his magic pen to the third year as if it were a rapier pointed at his chest. His eyes were no longer that sparkling blue, but frigid cold as he glared daggers into this predator.
Y/n's look of pure fear fueled Duece's rage, as he held himself together by the seams.
"We are simply having a conversation," Rollo still had a grip on y/n's wrist and brushed off the boy, "Now if you excuse us, we have more things to-"
"No." Deuce said simply and approached carefully. Deuce may not be the brightest, but he knew when his girlfriend was uncomfortable, and this man made her very uncomfortable. "Y/n, let's go."
Y/n tried to move towards Deuce, but Rollo yanked her back. "Are you really going to let him order you around?"
"Please let-" "LET HER GO YOU BASTARD!" Deuce interrupted. His pen aided his fist as he punched Rollo right in the jaw. The Student Council President wretched back and released his grip on the perfect. She darted for Duece's arms. He enveloped her in his arms. Before he could even ask her if she was okay, he saw Rollo regain his composure so he moved her behind him.
He faced Rollo who was enraged. That filth punched him. The Host. "How dare you. Your professor will hear of this-"
"You won't say a word." All three turned to see Riddle. He saw everything. "If you don't want to be reported for harassment of the only female student from NRC, then you will say nothing."
Rollo's impenetrable expression had a hint of fear in it. Riddle approached the preditor, passing the couple. He briefly paused next to Deuce and said in a low tone, "Get her out. I'll take care of this."
Deuce was still filled with rage at Rollo, but he saw how shaken his dearest was. He nodded to his housewarden with a whisper of thanks, then whisked y/n away from the scene.
As they walked out of the balcony, he kept his arm around y/n's shoulder. He felt his heart pounding in his chest as his rage turned to worry for his dear perfect. He blamed himself for what happened. If he had paid more attention to you and how Rollo interacted with her, he may have subverted this. Once they were in the hall between the balcony and the ballroom, he pulled her aside to a hidden bench. The two sat and Deuce just held y/n close as the situation washed over the both of them.
Deuce felt his eyes water as he quietly said "I'm sorry." He patted her hair and pulled her into his chest "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, If I was then I could have stopped him or protected you or-"
Y/n cut off his ramblings with a kiss. A light yet purposeful kiss that he melted into. He cupped her face and leaned into it. When she parted from his lips, she placed her hands on either side of his face.
"Deuce, you saved me. I-I am not sure what would have happened if... if you hadn't come by I am not sure what would've happened." Her eyes started to well again, "You were my knight... you are my knight in shining armor. So stop beating yourself up. Rollo is at fault, not you."
He placed a hand on top of hers. "He was right about one thing though," he leaned his head into her hand and lightly kissed it. "I don't deserve you. You do so much and get no recognition, and I have been part of that."
Deuce sits up straighter and takes both of the perfect's hands in his. He moves off the bench to kneel in front of her, mirroring the knights of old kneeling before their love. "I know I can be dense at times and my old self may creep out, but I promise you, I will work ten times harder to become a knight worthy of standing beside you. You bring out the best in me and I want you to know how much you mean to me." Following his gut he took a deep breath, "I will start right now."
With the moon illuminating him, he stood, removed his hat to place it above his heart, and held out a hand, "y/n, may I have this dance?"
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Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie never trusted Rollo. From the moment he smelled the man he knew he couldn't be trusted. What was worse was that Rollo seemed to glue himself to her and that made Ruggie's skin crawl, but due to Trein and Grim dragging you from place to place he couldn't keep you by his side. Now you were missing. Rollo stole y/n away from the ball and he couldn't find her anywhere. He would have never found her if it weren't for her signature scent cutting through the plethora of perfumes.
He followed her scent to the balcony just outside the ballroom and saw his worst nightmare. Rollo had you pinned to the balcony and was leaning way to close for comfort. He heard Rollo's shpeal and felt his fur stand on its ends. He knew his girl would tell off the bastard, but when he wouldn't listen, Ruggie stepped in.
"The lady said she wanted to dance," Ruggie stepped out from behind the door and walked over to y/n, "I thought you righteous types would be more gentlemanly." Ruggie slipped his hand around y/n's arm and pulled her towards him.
"Bucchi." Rollo gripped his neckerchief and raised it to his mouth to cover his scowl. "Y/n and I were just having a conversation."
"Really? What were ya talking about?" Ruggie played dumb as he snaked his arm around his beloved's waist, holding her close.
Rollo glared at Ruggie, but this only made his smile grow and move behind y/n to hug her from behind, nestling his head into the crook of her neck. He could feel her heartbeat racing as she leaned into his hug, placing her arms above his on her waist.
"Nothing of your concern..." Rollo's face screwed at the sight.
"Really, 'cause you were getting real close to her, and she looked real uncomfortable," Ruggie said and his grin morphed into a frown, "And I don't like it when people talk to my girlfriend like that."
He seemed to halt his breath for a moment, and then Rollo glared at Ruggie in disdain. "I was merely offering her an opportunity to be actually appreciated by her community, rather than taken advantage of."
"Well. Offer declined." Ruggie said coldly then held his girlfriend's hand and looked at her with warmth, "Why don't we go have that dance, princess? I think Prechy needs a moment to process things."
Y/n looked at Ruggie with small relief, "Yes, please." She then whispered a silent thank you.
Y/n looked at Ruggie with her e/c eyes that sparkled like gems. He couldn't help himself as he kissed her softly before he led her away from the gawking Rollo.
As they re-entered the ballroom, Ruggie never let go of y/n's hand. He felt his animal instincts still singing in his gut as his desire to protect his lover and make sure everyone knew she was taken still driver his emotion. He held y/n incredibly close as they danced. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her.
"Sorry for speaking for you. I didn't mean to, I just got all riled up and-"
Y/n pressed another kiss to his lips. One that was a lot more passionate than the one he gave her before. When she broke the kiss, it was Ruggie who was left breathless.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," She said, "I should be the one thanking you. You swooped in like a knight and rescued me from Rollo. I honestly have no idea what would have happened if you didn't come when you did..." He could see her mind wander to the worst, so he, being her knight in shining armor, spun her around and dipped her to the music. His sudden movements caused her smile to find its place again on her face.
Bringing her back up, he held her tight as he said, "I will always be there for you. It's a knight's job to protect his princess after all." This caused y/n to blush furiously and his heart to race. She looked ethereal in the candlelight of the ballroom.
Hearing the music change tones, he danced over to the side and whispered, "Ya know, it is a knight's job to take care of his princess, so how about I go show you my devotion? shishishishi~"
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Jamil Viper
Life had taken much away from him, but he was not going to let this creep take his girlfriend.
"It's fascinating to see what brings out the true intentions of people." Jamil broke the villain's soliloquy with his cold voice.
He could see the relief on y/n's face as he appeared from behind the door. He had been listening in this entire time. He never let his Rohi out of his sight from the moment she entered the ballroom in that magnificent f/c dress to when Rollo stole her away.
"Viper, what are you doing out here?" Rollo asked, standing in front of y/n as if to hide her from him.
"Looking for y/n, I promised her a dance. But it seems I came here just in time," Jamil approached the two and held out his hand to y/n. Getting the signal, y/n started towards Jamil but was stopped by Rollo's arm, outstretched to halt her.
"Y/n and I are still discussing a delicate matter. We will return to the ballroom in a moment." Rollo started to turn towards y/n when Jamil placed a firm hand on Rollo's arm.
"She has made it clear she is done talking to you. I suggest you leave her be before I make you." Jamil looked to Y/n and made way for her to escape Rollo's grip as he turned his attention to Jamil.
Y/n quickly scurried to Jamil's side and he stepped in front of her as Rollo glared at the two of them. Jamil laid his hand on his magic pen as Rollo assessed him.
Seeing the situation and wanting to save face, Rollo looked to y/n and said, "I hope you consider my offer. We will discuss this later."
Rollo took his leave, regaining his composure before returning to the ball, leaving Jamil and y/n on the beautiful balcony overlooking the city.
With Rollo gone, Jamil turned his attention to his Rohi. His expression turned from threatening to worrying as he embraced his dearest, feeling her trembling from the endeavor she just experienced.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he whispered into her ear. He caressed her hair and did his best to comfort her.
"I was so scared, Jamil. He wouldn't let me go... he-he-" She couldn't get the words out and Jamil just held her for a long time. He let her cry into his shoulder as he whispered reassurance to her.
"It's okay Rohi, I'm here. No one will hurt you." he said, "I won't let anyone hurt you, never again."
After a while he pulled back and whipped away her tears with his gloved hands. He kissed her forehead and then leaned his own against hers. "Rohi, if anyone makes you feel like this again, please tell me and I will protect you." He cups her cheeks and caresses them with his thumb, "I will always protect you, no matter what. I love you y/n."
He kissed her with all the love he had. The music swelled and he heard some of the others calling their names.
Y/n must have heard this too as she turned her head towards the door. "We don't have to go back in if you don't want to," Jamil said softly.
Y/n shook her head and took a deep breath, "I think we should attempt to salvage the evening, it's not every day we get to attend a ball without you worrying about Kalim."
Jamil smiled softly and kissed his beloved's forehead, "As you wish."
Note: Please Like, Reblog, and Follow for more! If you are interested in seeing an NSFW part 2 or want to see more characters in this scenario, please let me know! (Do not Steal)
Also if you get the "Princess Bride" Reference let me know :)
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#589 Illegitimate
Crowley*Introducing his children to the other headmages*Have you seen my family? The impotent
Sebek:... whut?!?
Crowley: The Weird one
Ortho: Im weird?
Crowley: The dwarf who talks like a duck
Crowley: The adopted one
Deuce:...Im adopted?
Crowley: The Lazy one
Ace*Is taking a nap and ignoring duties*ZZZZzzzz
Crowley: The illegitimate
Yuu & Grim: E-eh?
Jack*Who came with Crewel to punish Crowley for insulting the "kids"*
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rosedere · 4 months
The Police Sargent (yan! Deuce x Afab reader)
CW: Implied SA, implied stalking, Kidnapping (also ur a cop so like of course keep that in mind)
You were shocked when you walked in on your first day of being assigned to the Sage's Island Precinct and he was there greeting you as your superior;
Sgt. Deuce Spade 
You knew him from the academy and from your time at Night Raven College, where he was one of your best friends. Everyone knew he was dead set on becoming some kind of law official If he could, which is why you bonded so well with him until you all lost contact with each other; you just didn’t realize he’d climb up the ranks as high as he did and manage to do it faster than you only having 6 years left to becoming a magic police sargent.
You gave him a big hug as you greeted him, elated to be seeing your old best friend once again. Pulling you into a bear hug, you laughed into his tall muscular shoulder, telling him how much you missed him.
unfortunately, you failed to notice the way he too eagerly held you as if you’d disappear forever once he let go, letting his hands wander too close to your bra strap underneath your uniform.
You got familiar with your shifts, eventually mingling with your partner.
both of you were mainly assigned to patrol around the island with each other until you were both comfortable being in charge of the island's department. Finally, helping the community and having to enforce the law when you needed to keeping the island you were familiar with safe gave you a sense of justice and belonging.
One day, you had just had a long shift patrolling the docks of the port. You and your partner had a moment to talk about the day and anything of note that happened that shift.
“You know, before you came here, it was a really strict workplace,” the brunette cop casually switched topics, swirling her coffee cup before taking a sip.
Chewing on a bear claw you had ordered earlier, you gave them one raised eyebrow in response.
“Are you positive? The Deuce Spade has a strict work environment?” You stopped chewing for a moment.
Your partner nodded their head. “He was so grumpy and mean; we always hoped whatever was stuck up his ass would fall out so we’d actually enjoy coming to shift.”
“But now that you're here, he’s all on cloud nine, dressing up more..." They trailed off.
"You know, yesterday he actually had something nice to say to me? And then he asked if you ever mentioned him during our shifts." Your partner laughed.
You turned your head in a way to question your partner.
“He asked about me?”
"yup it's even worst now that you aren't a desk jockey away from him in his office"
Your partner stopped swirling their cup to look at you in surprise.
“Oh my god, it all makes sense now,” they stared at you with wide eyes.
You only made a sideways smirk at your partner before eating your pastry once again.
"Aww, Sarg has a little crush on the new recruit,” your partner laughed to themselves.
"No, it’s certainly not! We’ve known each other for so long; he’s like my little brother,” you scoffed, suddenly not wanting to finish your delectable pastry anymore and slipping it in your uniform pocket.
“I think you should go for it; he is single,” your partner replied.
"Yeah, no, I’d rather not date my boss,” you sneered.
"plus im not really interested in dating having a job like this"
"whatever you say (name)" they laughed to themselves.
You didn’t really think of what your partner had mentioned until you returned to the station to wrap up your shift for the night going to the vacant dimly lit desk to begin your shift paperwork.
Deuce got into a routine that consisted of him waiting near the front where you’d walk up, eagerly asking you how patrol went, and getting as close to you as possible as you filled out your paperwork for the evening practically feeling his breath down your neck as he eagerly rubbed your sides.
You only just smiled, looking up from the paper at the slender, sapphire-haired man that stood in behind you in his pressed police uniform.
he was just eager to get to know you again.
Six months in though It was beginning to become unnerving how much he wanted to run into you.
You simply wanted to be his friend; that was all.
It wasn’t until one day that you were showering in the locker rooms at the back of the precinct, getting ready to go home.
You had supervised the Port Fest event that occurred in the summertime and had worked up a sweat from the baking temperatures that lasted from the day bleeding into the late sunset hours.
applying a sickly sweet body wash you began to scrub your back.
You suddenly felt a chill run up your spine.
Stopping, you tried to pinpoint the source of this feeling.
Looking around the shower stall, you couldn’t see anyone in the showers with you—everyone had gone home anyway, leaving you and Deuce in the building you recalled.
You certainly hadn’t heard anyone during your shower, so you should certainly be alone.
Resuming scrubbing yourself, lathering the pleasant-scented soap onto your body, and cooling yourself off, you eventually shook off the feeling until you reached for more soap to clean between your legs and the lower part of your back.
Realizing what you were sensing, it felt like someone was watching you.
Once again, looking around the dark navy shower stall, you saw nothing.
This time, you shut the water off completely.
You had looked behind and in front of you.
But you hadn’t looked above you.
Cautiously, you slowly looked up, only to see someone.
You couldn’t make out the details of the assailant, but you walked over to the showering stall next to you to peek at who was there.
No one still.
Feeling the hair rising on the back of your neck, you awkwardly walked back to your stall to quickly finish your shower.
Looking up fast, you were met with a pair of cyan and electric-like colored irises looking down at you.
All you heard was the thud from his slim body hitting the stall floor.
You quickly ran to the opposite side of the stall to confront whoever was on the other side of the stall.
And there on the stall ground was your boss.
sprawled on his arse on top of the beige and yellow shower tiles, his pants pooled around his ankles, his underwear slightly revealing what you knew was his erection, while his uniform shirt was as pristine as usual.
Panic was all that was written on his face as he realized he couldn’t get up and hide behind the shower stall curtain nor get on top of the shower bench he had used to peek at you from.
“(Name) I’m sorry I thought you had left— and I uh— was going to shower myself until I heard the water,” Duece frantically explained himself, then becoming aware of his underwear exposed to you.
Covering himself, he got up as if he were a just-hatched bird walking on legs for the first time.
“I love you (name); I’m sorry,” he continued to frantically plead, finally getting himself off the ground and walking in your direction.
Immediately, you backed away, trying to assess the situation, before rushing away from your old friend in panic.
Suddenly, he was on your heels. As you ran down the hallway connecting to the locker rooms, you could hear how heavy and labored your breathing had become from the overwhelming panic.
Getting into the locker room, you slammed the door shut, holding the handle as Deuce tried his hardest to open the door, causing you to wince in pain from the amount of stress it was putting on your hands.
"(Name), please open the door. I just want to explain myself, I promise." Deuce violently banged on the door.
Like hell, you were going to open the door; you had no idea what your old friend would do to you.
This continued on for a moment before you heard silence on the other side of the door.
You waited for a moment since you hadn’t heard the footsteps leave the door yet, but the banging and constant fiddling with the door handle had stopped.
Putting an ear to the door, it was complete silence.
Normally, you wouldn't worry, but the showers were connected to a different hallway that led to the boys locker room, looping back to the precinct hallways straight to the girls locker room entrance.
You didn't think Duece would...
Just as you were about to open the door to check, a pair of rough, calloused hands wrapped around your mouth, and another wrapped around your naked torso.
A muffled scream was all you could make as Duece dragged you backwards towards the sea of maroon lockers behind the two of you.
The only sound that rang out that night was the sounds of your whimpers and moans and silent pleas to be let go as your former friend and now boss pressed you against a locker, forcefully taking you from behind with not a single soul to witness nor hear your troubled pleas.
It was also the last night anyone had seen you again.
Apparently, according to the sargent of the precinct, you hadn’t even returned from your shift that evening, and he was completely distraught and confused about where you were.
As he made public appeals all over Sage's Island, he never once let his facade of the worried boss slip until he got back home to his isolated residence on the hillsides of the rocky cliffs overlooking the ocean.
“I’m home, dear.” Deuce would greet you every evening with the sweetest smile before placing a kiss on your tear-stained cheek.
If only someone would take a look inside the Sages Islands police Sargents house.
Note: *proceeds to write the worst depiction of mr. deuce* Me: lol happy birthday my scrunkly son!!!!!
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