gabineteolvidado · 2 years
┬┴┬┴┤FACTION WAR├┬┴┬┴
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The beginning of… something ⊹⋛⋋( ●´⌓`●)⋌⋚⊹
Oh, The Horned king is a lich… but in the island, he's human.
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dalihdgaming · 2 years
Elite Dangerous Faction Wars Multiplayer with Jai, Daz & Spike
Elite Dangerous Odyssey: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1336350/Elite_Dangerous_Odyssey/
#elitedangerousodyssey #jimmydali #elitedangerous #factionwars #multiplayergames
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rakostep · 2 years
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Kisrill faction leading in CBUNI faction war lesgoooooooooo!!
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garyicegamingme · 6 years
MWO - Death-brawl Scouting matches with Nova Breaker (hero) They say the nova is useless. useless? USELESS? Dare to say it once you saw this video... :D
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kanohivolitakk · 3 years
So, what’s your Bionicle unpopular opinion?
Teasing me from teasing something and never posting it mlfdsflfsdmlfdsmk
In my defense, I did start writing the post but its just in my drafts. Something that happens quite often and I honestly hate how common it is, wish I was better at just writing my thoughts down and publishing them. I do still plan to make the post but it may take some time so going to answer here
I do have a fair bit of unpopular opinions, but I guess my main one is that I do prefer the 2004-2008 era over the first three years and feel the franchise wouldn't have as lasting impression on me or a lasting legacy if it wasn't for the later years.
Don't get me wrong, the first three years are great and laid important groundwork to the world and setting. They have a great mysterious tone, that just adds to the mystery. The worldbuilding is also excellent, I love the personal way you get to know the setting inside out in a rather personal way, something that was rather lacking later on.
But I just feel that, great worldbuilding, atmosphere and worldbuilding aside, the first three years are, rather basic. The story is really barebones "collect the mcguffins and/or fight the monsters". Which was fine, it feels that early on it was more a setdressing for toyline than a story. But like, in 2002 and 2003 when they tried to have a bit more story it was rather uninteresting for me personally, especially compared to what comes later on. Theres also some pacing issues, especially with how fillery the Bohrok Kal arc is.
Now, I just think that 2004 onwards the story becomes so much more interesting. While sure, a lot of the story is still mcguffin hunting, it feels that there's much more into it. This is largely thanks to all the sideplots and factionwars and backstory stuff that make the world more grand and complex without them.
Also I know that people say the worldbuilding gets worse after the first three years but honestly...I kinda disagree? Sure, we never get the same personal feeling with the settings as we did in Mata Nui but that doesn't mean the worldbuilding is bad? It's moreso that the worldbuilding just changed from a microworldbuilding to macroworldbuilding. I think that the worldbuilding is still good and quite interesting, just in a different way. We still have this super fascinating world with a lot of mysteries and concepts and stuff that demands to be explored.
This is also a kinda related unpopular opinion but honestly??? I'm happy that the world was developed beyond Toa. Like don't get me wrong Toa are the posterboys and heroes and all that, they are crucial to the story. But I personally find a stories worlds much more interesting when the heroes aren't the only thing allowed to exist in the world. I find all the factionwars and conflicts and things much more interesting than the main plot and wish they were developed further. Heck, I don't really have that many toa faves I think, like big top tier faves at least, Lhikan is the only one I think
So yeah I guess my unpopular opinion is "I like when the series went from being a story about a group of heroes to a story about a larger world and conflicts in said large world." An just I know that there are people who love the 2004-2008 stuff as much as I do (the Ignition saga is arguably more beloved than 2001-2003 stuff) but just. I still feel there's a somewhat amount of criticism of people who wish that they hadn't gotten rid of the tropical island setting or that the later years were too boring and simple worldbuilding wise or ruined the series worldbuilding and I disagree. Because I feel that a lot of the more complex stuff comes from the later years. The later years are the reason Bionicle is such a formative franchise for me and why I held it near and dear to my heart and i wish they got respect the same way the “golden years” do as well you know.
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kehideni · 6 years
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I need to speak about this shot as well because it almost had me in tears.
I have read others say that this is so symbolic of peace between Horde and Alliance (and i hope for it too, because i find the factionwars a bit overpushed), but this picture touched me because this is what Jaina and Baine must have been like in Theramore before the manabombing took place, when they along with Anduin “spoke peacefully in Theramore”.
Anduin back then even noted that he is willing to support the tauren, and he and Jaina DID! In return Baine supported them, BOTH of them. Baine shared a piece of his culture with Anduin and basically was like an older brother figure to him for that short while, treated Anduin with refreshing respect(a 13 year old snot, like brah, my own little brother is 13, i can’t see him getting into these kind of shenanigans eventhough my lil’ bro is also very clever for his age). And of course as Jaina gave him a chance to fight, he too gave Jaina a chance to fight. They cared about each other.
And in this moment i see that again, that they care about each other eventhough they still are technically enemies. But here’s the thing, TECHNICALLY they are enemies, yet they are friend, and Baine is TECHNICALLY allied with Sylvanas, yet they mean danger to each other.
Also i don’t remember which interview it was, but it basically said that Jaina so far has been treated by the writers horribly and they are trying to give back to the character, they are trying to heal her and to me Baine seems to be a part of that healing.
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
Mar/Justus :)
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…
who is more likely to hurt the other?On Purpose? None of them, but Mar had already and probably will lash out when she is cornered since she is almost always on edge and will react accordingly and regret it already in the same moment. who is emotionally stronger?This would be clearly Justus. Not only has he a alot of stronger faith than Mar in the world in general, but Mar had been a lot of more often broken and brought to the edge of her emotional endurance before. Mar is not emotionally strong, in contray, she is numbed and calloused so Justus is very clearly the one who is emotionally stronger and if he is lucky, he might continuing growing stronger.who is physically stronger?This is actually a very interesting Question. Justus is described as and always having been a very big and strong person for after all he had swung a Hammer for smithing work before he was ten. On the other Hand Mar had been  purposefully trained since a even earlier age under a strict military philosophy,has also a few more years of Training than Justus and is doping herself with enhancing Potions all the time to compensate for her short height. So actually, while Justus might be stronger the difference is not that high if there even is a difference. They maybe need a armwrestlingbattle to figure it out. who is more likely to break a bone? That would definitive be Mar, even thought Justus still learns his craft he does can call to the Light to protect him and therefor has at least a better chance to avoid broken bones better than Mar who can only protect herself with her own body and that is not exactly very much in a World full of Magic. who knows best what to say to upset the other?  In general they do not seen especially keen to upset the other on purpose, so for now they had not figured out 
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? That price would go to Justus, thought who knows how this relationship will develop. After all both of them are proud adn both of the are stubborne. who treats who’s wounds more often? That might be Mar since she has more routine in preparing oinments and salves from Herbs. who is in constant need of comfort? Both seem to be not that much in need of comfort?who gets more jealous? Both character seem to not get jealous actually. they grow bitter, Mar for herself would redraw herself .who’s most likely to walk out on the other? That might be Mar, if she is selfaware enough to realize that she starts to get agressive during a argument.
who will propose? Both characters do not seem to be especially keen for marriage for very different reasons and yet has very similar reasons. Justus thinks he can not offer anything and Mar thinks Marriage has no use when there is no property to share and neither her not Justus seem to have any property. who has the most difficult parents?Considering Mars guardians had turned to dust when the Manabomb hit Theramore, it would actually be interesting to see if Justus would ever invite Mar to meet his adoptiveparents. So since there is only one parentpair alive they got the undeserved Title for there is no rivalry left.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? That would probably something Justus would be left to do, since Mar avoids showing affection in public like a demon avoids holy water. who comes up for the other all the time? Maybe it would be Justus, since Mar is a very private person and also would not want people to know about Justus since she is after all a factionhopping Mercenary and her bad name should not bleed into Justus reputation.  
who hogs the blankets?This sounds like Mar, but since she is also someone who spoons whoever (or whatever) she is sleeping beside beeing it a person or a big pillow Justus might end up not only in Mars ironhard grasp but also under several blankets without a way to escape. 
who gets more sad? Justus seemes to be more incline with his emotions to notice that he feels down, while Mar just ignores it and looks for something she can work on. who is better at cheering the other up? That might would be Justus.who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?For sureMar, at least if she has her hands free since she tends to hold her hands before her mouth when smiling or laughing. who is more streetwise?This might be Justus, since he had probably spend mroe time in cities and villages than Mar had who ususally wanders and avoids staying in big towns. who is more wise?Considering that Mar had spend a few more years in actual Wars than Justus, she might be a lot of wiser in the matter that she knows how to act in wartimes and what to do to keep oneself save in a factionwar where Halforcs might endup facing wrath from both sides. She had seen more and served longeras a Sellsword to become very leery, even thought that might not be what makes her actions “wise”. who’s the shyest?Actually it might be Mar. Justus and her both do not seem to be especially bold when it comes to realtionships, but Justus seemed to be able to at least wrestle down the embarassment and talk straight. Mostly at least. who boasts about the other more? That might would be Mar suprisingly. She admires Justus (and is a little jealouse) that he learns to become a Paladin and if asked she would also leave no doubt that she things he is amazing for following this path. who sits on who’s lap? Considering the fact that Justus is not only taller but also probably heavier than Mar it would be rather uncomfortable if he would sit on her lap. 
You are very welcome to add your own ideas and corrections @thesistersdastorio!
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dukemsd · 7 years
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When ya beat a team like that in 30s #damn #liukang #jasonvoorhees #FINISHHIM #FATALITY #FLAWLESSVICTORY #mkx #mortalkombat #wbplay #netherrealmstudios #factionwars #kitana #jade #assasins
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gabineteolvidado · 1 year
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Love at first sight? Boring Love at first assassination attempt? Spicy
♒((⇀‸↼))♒Warning. Violence, blood, mental issues
NOTE 1: This story is part of my Descendants AU "FACTION WAR"
NOTE 2: Fairies are creatures made of magic. They live, they breathe magic. The island blocks magic. Maleficent's body and mind is unstable, she lives only because she's half dragon.
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FIN (for now)
NOTE 3: Hades prisoner on the island? HELL NO. He's a God.
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gabineteolvidado · 1 year
┬┴┬┴┤FACTION WAR├┬┴┬┴
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NOTE 1: It's a young King B., hence his long hair and no glasses.
NOTE 2: The fairy does not manipulate the King, he is like that. The fairy only enjoys his personality.
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♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡
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gabineteolvidado · 1 year
┬┴┬┴┤FACTION WAR├┬┴┬┴
Rotten Apple
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Friendship can be found in the most unexpected places.
♒((⇀‸↼))♒Warning. Violence, mental issues.
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Soul Stealer
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To be continued
I have a lot of work, it is likely that you will hear from me until next sunday.
Lov U
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
Send ➳ for your character to receive mine as a gift/spoil of war.         
The Dreaneis big hand had closed around Mars thick, muscularly upper arm as easy as around a childs wrist.
When she had been captured, they had taken away her armor and weapons, so she stood in the tent in a simple linentunic, trousers and on the tip of her bare, freckled feet since the Dreanei did not bother to lower his arm enough to allow her to stand on her bare soles. While the Halforc had looked before as if she had bitten on a piece of soap, as soon as she had been dragged into the camp and had seen of all people Anton, her freckled face had even more crumbled into a scowl.“The commander said you need someones help with translating some of the intercepted texts. She´s a scribe, so the commander said she should help you”, At the word “she” the Dreanei explanatory lifted his arm a little and Mar grimaced when she was almost lifted off her feet.
Then the Halforc lightning-quick turned her head and burried her razorsharp, orcish teeth in the Dreaneis fingers around her arm.
The Dreanei hasty pulled back his hand as if he had been bitten by a spider and more in a reflex than real malice, slapped the short woman across her face strong enough to make her tumble back and crash in a wooden shelf that broke loud cluttering under the force of her impact. “Hurm…” ,holding his bleeding hand to his chest the Dreanei watched Mar leery, his tail flicking as if he was a ill-tempered cat: “…you have my deepest sympathy, Tavallion.”He gave Mar a last warily scowl- a scowl that was mirrored by the young woman- before he lowered his crested head in a hinted bow and walked out of the tent, leaving blue bloodmarks on the ground like a track from his bleeding hand. Only when he had left and his steps had vanished in the evening, Mar turned her head again to Anton.
“Damn the Light, Of all people I could meet-”, the young woman pushed herself to her feet and brushed the dust of the broken shelf off her cloth. A bruise as big as a fist grew black like ink on the left side of her face and had swollen shut one of her eyes, still the young woman glared at the mage: “-you are in the Alliance camp!”“What by Uther Lightbringers big Hammer are you even doing here, I thought you stay away from factionwars!” Mar almost sounded disappointed, but only almost, most of what was in her voice was open indignation like from a in a cage  caught dog baring their fangs at their guards.
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