#familial f/o
Reverse Selfship Imagines:
🌸 Your F/O painting their nails to match yours, maybe adding your reoccurring symbols in your source
🌸 Your F/O making moodboards of you
🌸 Your F/O daydreaming of joining you in your adventures, or simply just basking in each other’s presences
🌸 Your F/O filling a sketchbook with doodlws, drawings, and all kinds of pieces of you! Renditions of favorite moments, expressions that they adore, poses they wanna see you in
🌸 Your F/O writing all about you, constantly, they can’t get you out of their head! Silly posts, gushes, drabbles, extensive fics
🌸 Your F/O listening to songs, closing their eyes, thinking about all kinds of scenarios between you two
🌸 Your F/O imagining you singing love songs to them while they go through their spotify
🌸 Your F/O listening to ASMR of you, it keeps them calm.
🌸 Your F/O matching your style, putting together an outfit they think you’d love, and pretending they stole it from you
🌸 Your F/O making or ordering little keepsakes. Love letters, bracelets, playlists!
🌸 Your F/O buying and trying anything that reminds them of you! Snacks, perfumes, and just loads of merch
🌸 Your F/O having every line you say memorized from watching your source hundreds of times
🌸 Your F/O’s phone is filled to the brim with screenshots and fanarts of you! Maybe there’s even a hidden ‘special stash’~
Proships and Proship variants, please DNI
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Yes, I'm taken (I'm dating a fictional character inside my head)
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iken · 2 months
imagine you and your f/o being the duo that people would always see together… like two peas in a pod. if one of you isn’t present, the main topic in question would be “where’s your other half?” it’s cute that you and your f/o are automatically paired together in any circumstance.
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v1-kisser · 2 months
Maybeeee Imagine your F/O walking into the bedroom while they know you're in bed, trying to be quiet in case you're asleep... n smiling when they see you cozy under the covers...
Maybe they're just arriving home and they can't wait to join you, trying to get ready for sleep as quietly as possible. You can hear drawers opening and closing, the sink running. See the light from the next room cascading on the floor. Maybe you sleepily stare at the shadow of your F/O brushing their teeth or pulling off their shirt. Safe and warm. Almost nostalgic. Knowing that they're near. Sitting in the pleasant fog of drowsiness while someone you love is preparing to come lay with you. And then the distant light flicks off. For a moment you almost miss it, the certainty of where they were... the intimacy without touch. But the second that their weight sinks into the bed, and their warmth graces your back, those feelings dissipate like smoke.
They mumble a "goodnight" in case you're awake.
Talk to you in the morning.
proship/comship dni
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knubblersbabe · 25 days
F/Os with longer hair is always so fun! Like yes I will brush your hair and play with it! Yes I’ll braid your hair then add ribbons and flowers to it! Yes I’ll help you wash your hair in the bathtub! I love you <333
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donahdevotees · 4 months
If you have a fem f/o, romantic, platonic or familial doesn't matter, please like this post! (Also feel free to rb with your fem f/o ships <3)
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bearwuvimagines · 5 months
Imagine Bonking your f/o with ur head like a cat. Romantic platonic familial any kind of f/o just bonk them . it’s a real love language trust me ok
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aliens-luvr · 2 months
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Imagine your f/o's scent when you kiss their cheek, how their skin feels against your hands when you touch them or against your body when you hold them. Just the feeling of them so close to you <3
read dni before interacting | no pr0-shippers/variants
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1111-sunset-circle · 11 months
f/o who is inexplicably gentle with you, even if you don't believe that you deserve it. not in a patronizing way, not like they're walking on eggshells around you. in a way that makes you feel like the most precious thing in the world
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Imagine summer delights with your F/O! They stocked up on your favorite fruits, drinks, and ice cream so you could beat the heat! Going to the beach to find the prettiest seashells and build the best sandcastles ever! Staying as close as you possibly can without burning up! Enjoying swimming, and sprinklers, and playing with the hose! They remind you constantly to stay hydrated, they just want you safe and healthy after all!
Proship and Proship variants, please DNI!
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When your f/o has so little information about them in their canon media:
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yanoyan · 26 days
(NSFT, MDNI) ❥ imagine your shipcest parent f/o keeping your mouth shut with their hand during sex, not because they need you to be quiet, but because they'd cum too quickly if you moaned "daddy"/"mommy"
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across-every-universe · 9 months
For my autistic self shippers: your f/o feels so special when you stim around them or involve them.
Maybe you repeat random words they say, or you like to play with their hands, anything really! And they’re thinking “omg i’m part of something that makes you happy/comfortable”
After the way the world has treated you for being different, they know how much trust it takes for you to unmask and be yourself around someone. They’re honored that they’re one of those trusted people, and your F/O being around you while you’re just being yourself makes both of you so happy and at peace.
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bearwuvimagines · 3 months
Imagine your f/o getting you a little treat at the supermarket. Like they’re just doing groceries and maybe they remember you’ve been feeling down, or you’ve had a big day, or they randomly decide to get you something because they love you. Whatever the reason, when they come home they just hand you a bar of chocolate/crackers/any little snack you like and maybe even give u a kiss on the forehead :)
(this imagine is for platonic, familial, or romantic f/os!)
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iken · 3 months
your f/o wants you to sleep well tonight by the way. they wanna make sure you finish your bedtime routine & treat yourself to something nice before you go to bed. your f/o loves you <3
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eboni-napalm · 4 months
(this didn't happen to me recently but it did to someone I know in a self-ship Discord server I'm in so I'm making a post on this because it needs to be said AGAIN.) - (long rant incoming, tw for mention of s*****e)
Hey, self-shippers- yes, ALL OF YOU, because we ALL need to crack down on this and do better- there's probably quite a few of us, if not a lot of us, that don't like sharing some of our F/O's, and that's okay.
However, what's NOT FUCKING OKAY is GOING INTO THE INBOX OR DM'S OF A USER WHO SHARES AN F/O WITH YOU THAT YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE SHARING AND CALLING THEM NAMES/SLURS, TELLING THEM THEY'LL NEVER LOVE THAT PERSON, AND/OR THEN SAYING THEY SHOULD ACTUALLY KILL THEMSELVES. What in the actual FUCK is wrong with you? I don't care if you're a minor or an adult in the community, that shit is absolutely disgusting and unacceptable.
We as a whole need to do better about cracking down on this kind of behavior, for real. Self-shipping is a place where people should be able to feel welcome and able to ship themselves with characters they love without having to feel like they have to walk on eggshells just so they don't incur the wrath of others who think it's okay to treat others like this. This shouldn't be what people imagine when they think of self-shippers, but a few bad apples will bring our image down and make it to where no one wants to even joke about interacting with us.
To those self-shippers who are not okay or comfortable sharing your F/O's in whatever way- if you come across someone who shares one of those characters with you, instead of pulling shit like that (especially on anon, you spineless cowards), either just block the person without saying anything if you don't interact or have never interacted with them, or if it's someone you know/are on good terms with, kindly inform them not to talk about that F/O in personal interactions or have them tag posts with a certain tag so you can block that tag and hide them from your view so you don't have to see them. There's ways around everything here that avoids being an asshole to people and they're not that difficult to do.
I want to be proud to be part of this community as someone who's in it, not ashamed of it because of instances like this; even if they don't happen very often, they still happen, and they shouldn't. We can do better, we can be better.
Spread love, not hate. Please. ❤️
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