hegodamask · 1 year
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ANDOR APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | @andorappreciation
↳ Day Four - Favourite Planets/Settings
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gffa · 10 months
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Updated galaxy map, including locations from Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor, so if you want to know where in the galaxy Mapuzo or Jabiim or Ferrix are, here you go! [Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide]
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willknightauthor · 2 years
Andor recontextualizes the whole original trilogy, to the point that it actually makes me like it more. Like originally, A New Hope and the rest are just a standard hero's journey/chosen-one story about some dude who does training montages and then kills an evil wizard. But when you add in Andor and Rogue One, you have an entire history of the struggle to build and the struggle to destroy the Death Star. You know the many who fought and died over decades, what the existence of the Empire actually means, and what they want to do with the Death Star once finished.
Suddenly Luke isn't some magical boy, he's just a specially talented, well-placed person. He stands on the shoulders of millions who died to get him to where he needed to be so he could do the thing they needed him to do to alleviate everyone's oppression. According to Rogue One he's not even the only person with jedi potential in the resistance! He's just the only one to get any real training or equipment. Luke may be important, but he's not special. The whole saga makes Luke feel normal, and it does so by populating the universe with heroes.
This is the ideal of what prequels should be: standing strong as stories in their own right, while adding to the narrative power of the original story by giving it more context.
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fallenrocket · 9 months
When I rewatched "Rix Road," I couldn't stop wondering what folks in Ferrix must be thinking about Cassian now. This is especially true when, after breaking Bix out of the hotel and bringing her to the getaway ship, Cassian takes charge of everything. He makes sure everyone's accounted for and the ship is ready to go, directing Jezzi how out to get out safely and reassuring everyone. And keep in mind, this is just after he missed his mother's funeral because he knew that rescuing his friend had to take precedence over his own grief.
Because I keep thinking about the Cassian that most of these folks saw last, the one who went around asking for the favors, money, or alibis with the constant refrain of, "I really need this." The one who seemed kind of lost and was always getting into something or another, who worried Maarva when he stayed out all night. After all, the people of Ferrix haven't been following Cassian all season like we have. They don't know what he went through on Aldhani or Narkina 5.
So what the hell do they think of this steady, confident young man offering them direction and reassurance? Where do they think it came from? Did they know he had this in him, is he fulfilling the potential they always knew he was capable of? What do they think happened to him while he was away?
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oatshow · 4 months
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I need to go to a pride parade on Ferrix. do you see it. do you see the vision.
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jonkeli · 8 months
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Luthen got spooked by little aliens. Those were cute by the way.
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toooldforthisbutstill · 3 months
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Japan Expo day 2, I'm a background character from Andor ^^
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itsagrimm · 2 years
love how the Empire, Rebels and basically everyone with power had a schedule for Maarva's funeral.
There were rules and guidelines. Order and decorum. Set times to be adhered to.
and then the people of Ferrix just shrugged and did their thing anyway.
peak defiance.
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godddd something fucking Excellent about Andor was how much it showed the diversity of experiences and customs among Humans!!! Star Wars is usually so allergic to showing us any meaningful cultural context, to the point where all humans feel very monolithic (with exceptions to the rule like Mandalorians), and Andor said fuck that!!!!
The people of Andor are individuals, yes, but they come from communities with customs and cultures and distinct ways of living that grant them full inner lives, and diverse, wonderful viewpoints that affect their choices at every turn.
Chandrillans have marriage ceremonies that are very culture specific and are not understood or practiced by people outside of the planet! Ferrix has intricate percussive rites and funerary rituals that mix ashes with brick to build the foundations of the city on those who lived in it and loved it!!!! Kenari has its own language, its own colorful clothing and weapons!!! The Aldhani people have a plot-relevant ceremony of celebrating the celestial marvel of Mak-ani bray Dhani!!!!
There's nuances to every group of people! Every heritage has MEANING, it has weight and it colors the lives of the people who it belongs to, and that's so, so beautiful and important to the language of the story!!! It stands apart from the Empire, which forces unnatural order and conformity upon the land and people at every turn.
It's a breath of fresh air that the characters of Andor are given the space to have these rites, these ties of belonging, these beautiful, organic things about them. It creates a backdrop of realistic, diverse experiences across planets, and it emphasizes the cruelty and horror of the Empire's fascism, its spite towards people's homes and clothes and beliefs. It makes a point of rounding out the Star Wars universe in ways that we rarely get to see this much of, and it interweaves that lore into the wider narrative gorgeously!!! I am so so grateful that this show exists
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infinitebrians · 2 years
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hegodamask · 7 months
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Pictures from the set of Andor Season 1 by production designer Luke Hull
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mearchy · 2 years
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couldn’t find a screencap of him gazing comfortingly at his best friend (loml behavior) or looking mournfully at maarva’s hologram (my poor himbo meow meow), so i settled for a blurry picture of him killing fascist cops with his bare hands (husband material).
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spaceediasporaa · 1 year
I was rewatching Andor with my dad and realized that Cassian’s body is destroyed by the death star so he never gets to have his ashes made into a brick for ferrix
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darth-memes · 2 years
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uwingdispatch · 4 months
Andor besties, I have a little treat for you. Actually it’s kind of a huge treat and I am so excited about these I am practically vibrating. Behold. Andor earrings!
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Ferrix Cassian is paired with these perfect blue Czech glass flowers to match his tunic and Luthen is paired with blue Czech glass beads that remind me of his Kuati signet.
They’re in the shop now. I’ll just be over here screaming.
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kabuki-draws · 2 years
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{A Son of Ferrix}
Say what you want, but Brasso was one of the true heroes in Andor! Bless this man and his big papa bear energy!
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