#food poisoning
reality-detective · 2 months
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incognitopolls · 6 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
Elon Musk bought McDonald's and created the Musk Burger. He was immediately sued for causing food poisoning.
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uremetomommy · 8 months
After stuffing myself with a little too much heavy, greasy foods, my belly felt like I could explode. But, I remembered you guys in that moment and decided I should chug some soda along with my already gurgly tummy. My tummy has been recovering from a 24 hour bug, so messing with it probably wasn’t a smart choice but I digress.
I barely got any soda in me before a burp brought a big torrent of almost projectile vomit all over my hand that was rubbing my sick tummy. I didn’t record this unfortunately. I ran to the sink, burping along the way, and washed my hand thinking it might be over. I was wrong. I should’ve known I was wrong because I could feel the remaining food sloshing about in my tummy. I burped a couple times over the sink (its a steel sink and sounds weird when liquid hits it, so it echoed back at me). My tummy pressed against the edge of the sink and I gagged, burped, and coughed up the remainders of my mistakes.
Afterward I was left with a rumbly, queasy belly that didn’t stop causing burps even hours after I had puked. :)
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knight-lancelot · 10 months
Belly is going to explode from food poisoning
I would be glad if you support me here https://ko-fi.com/knightlancelot
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bellysoupset · 2 months
Hey soup. Can I get a sick Leo caretaker Luke. Maybe he has a very upset stomach and he gets sick from both ends if that’s ok. And him being embarrassed but Luke comforting him.
Despite the fact that he didn't get airsick, Leo chalked it up to that when he started feeling queasy an hour out of San Francisco's airport. It was probably nerves, he missed Jonah already.
True to their agreement, Jonah had stayed behind with Angie so they could live their two weeks of exploring Europe together and Leo had gone back home. Part of Leo was proud of their relationship, but a smaller, meaner part was simply jealous. He squashed those feelings down, Jon was over the moon hanging out with his sister and that was what mattered most.
There was a young lady sitting to his side, knocked out, and Leo pressed his forehead to the plane's wall, looking out of the window and trying to ignore the uneasy feeling in his stomach and how suffocated he felt. He wanted out of this sardine's can, but the thought of landing wasn't as reassuring as one would think. Landing meant having to stay up and in line, then wait to get his luggage, finding Luke... It just sounded tiring.
Leo's belly let out a loud, whiny noise and his cheeks turned red as he instinctively wrapped an arm around it, glancing nervously to the girl sitting next to him. She didn't even stir.
He leaned forward, leg bouncing up and down as a cramp squeezed his lower tummy and caused cold sweat to spring up. Another angry gurgle and Leo hastily undid his seatbelt, then glanced worriedly at the woman, trying to sneak past her knees without waking her up.
It was a bigger hassle than needed, but he felt a victorious rush when he managed to squeeze and jump over her, only for his middle to remind him why he was standing in the first place by letting out another disgusting whine.
Leo shuffled down the hallway to the bathroom in the back, mentally cursing his luck. The flight from Zurich had been 15 hours long, with a small stop in San Francisco and Leo couldn't believe he had survived 14 hours, only to succumb to illness in the last stretch of the trip.
His intestines seized and he rocked while sitting on the toilet, gulping down the sticky saliva and bouncing his leg in a nervous, crampy way. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the burning on them and feeling ridiculous for wanting to cry over something so silly as an upset stomach.
Once he felt more of less done, intestines not cramping as much, but definitely much more nauseous than before, Leo took his time washing his hands and face and crawling back to his seat. The woman was now awake and she threw him a startled look, but said nothing about Leo's paleness.
Lucas was standing at the end of the disembark area, holding a cardboard sign that said "Mr. Wagner" in bold, ridiculous letters and Leo could've cried from relief as he saw his friend. He was sure his mental and physical state showed on his face, because Luke's million bucks smile slipped and he frowned, lowering the sign.
"Hey- Everything o-OH okay, okay," Luke interrupted himself as Leo promptly tackled him with a hug. Lucas' was a good handful of inches taller than the blonde and Leo melted against him without a thought.
Unlike Jonah or Leo himself would've done, Luke didn't pull back at all, happy to just hug for however long Leo needed him to, but unlike Vince who'd have read him immediately, Luke still had to ask "did you and Jon fight? What's going on?"
"No," Leo shook his head, pulling back, "no, we're fine. In fact I should text him, let him know I landed."
"Good idea," Luke nodded sagely, "before he calls Interpol thinking your plane got kidnapped or something."
Leo offered him a small smile at the joke, leaning forward to he could press his forehead to Luke's shoulder as he got his phone out of his dark crossbody bag, "I feel like crap."
"Airsick?" Luke asked, sympathy coloring his words and Leo shook his head, wiping his sweaty fingers on his pants.
"No," his stomach let out a gurgle, but the airport noise drowned it out, "either I got food poisoning in San Francisco or I caught a bug, but my tummy feels gross."
Over his head, Luke let out a little amused huff at his wording, "do you need to use the bathroom? I can go ahead and take your luggage to the car, I'm in the parking lot."
"Already did," Leo's cheeks were burning with embarrassment, he had no idea how Lucas talked so openly about things, "I really just wanna go home. See my cat."
Leo texted Jonah a quick, "at the airport, call u when I get home. Love you" and pocketed his phone, rubbing his hands over his face tiredly as Luke said:
"JD has been an angel," he grabbed Leo's bag and turned it to the side to carry it, despite the thing having wheels, starting to lead their way, "I got a bunch of videos and pictures, Bella really didn't want to give her back."
"I wanna see the videos," Leo opened a genuine smile, "and why don't you and Bell get a pet anyway? It's not like you don't like animals. If Jon can do it, you can do it."
Luke snorted at the line, before shrugging, "no space, our place is too cramped."
"Oh yeah, forgot you're roleplaying as poor," Leo needled, rolling his eyes and causing Luke to wrinkle his nose at him, green eyes sparkling as if he was considering between a nice or a mean response.
He clearly settled for the former, "it's what Bell's paycheck can comfortably afford and she doesn't want my name on the lease, man. Happy wife, happy life."
"That was nearly two years ago," Leo vouched, happy to have anything but the gross feeling in his stomach to focus on. He could feel the churning inside picking up and his arms were covered with goosebumps, "she was rightfully paranoid thanks to the break up. You guys are married now, have you talked with her about it?"
Luke chewed on his bottom lip, in that way he did when he knew he had oversighted something but wasn't ready to admit it, "No? Whatever, it's not that big of a deal."
Leo let out a scoff, then groaned as they stepped out of the airport and he realized it was a chilly night, the cold breeze causing him to shudder.
Lucas paused, not commenting, but side stepping so they weren't right in front of the exit. He waited patiently as Leo took a measured breath, blowing it out through his mouth and wiped the sweat collecting over his lip.
After a minute, Leo nodded, so Luke raised a thumbs up, "you good?"
"Yeah," Leo started to walk, although he had no idea where Luke had parked, but soon the other man followed him and started to guide the way, "talk to me, take my mind off of this."
"What exactly is this?" Lucas squinted at him, all but bouncing on his feet, fiddling with his car keys. Leo never ceased to be amused by his friend's inability to stand still.
"I feel like I'm gonna barf," Leo cleared up, now that they were out of people's earshot, "and I might have a fever? Can't tell."
Without any hesitation, Luke smacked his hand against Leo's forehead, nearly hitting him with the keys. He tsked, "I don't think so, you're just clammy."
"Great," Leo grimaced as another cramp hit him, "so it's just food poisoning," he should be thankful, food poisoning meant it'd be over sooner rather than later, but Leo wasn't feeling very positive at the moment and his words came out covered in sarcasm.
Lucas snorted at Leo's clear bitterness and grabbed his shoulder, pushing him ahead and soon enough they reached Luke's dark green jeep. He put Leo's luggage in the trunk, then hesitated, chewing on his lip, "Do you want to drive? So you don't get carsick on top of it?"
"No," Leo shook his head, already walking towards the passenger side, "I'm too queasy to pay attention to the road."
"Alright, just let me know when to pull over," Luke shrugged, bouncing to his side. Not if, but when, Leo noted, entering the car and tipping his head back with a groan.
"Tell me about Europe," Lucas asked, starting to drive out, "how was everything? Jackie? Matteo?"
"It was lovely," Leo lowered his window despite the chilly night, "Matteo is super nice, I really liked him."
"He is, isn't he?" Luke smiled brightly, "too nice for Jackie."
"Nah," Leo shook his head, smiling to himself, "I love Jackie, she's so unapologetic snotty. She's herself in every occasion, I never feel like she's being nice to me just because it's polite."
Luke let out a humm and Leo squinted at him in the dark car, "What?"
"Nothing!" Luke's voice was teasing, he was clearly smiling, "nothing, nothing- Just makes you wonder why you're head over heels with Jon, uh?"
"Oh, shut up," Leo scoffed, shoving Luke's arm and then staring ahead, to the cars coming the opposite way in the two way, "Jonah was so relaxed in Switzerland..."
Before he could further elaborate in this insecurity, Luke flicked at his ear, not taking his eyes from the road, "don't go there, Leo. The guy is on vacation, of course he's relaxed. But no one can live on vacation mode, you're not being fair to yourself or with him either."
"Yeah, I guess..." Leo rubbed at his chest, uneasily and startled himself when it brought up a sudden burp. He rushed up his hand to muffle it, a second too late, but Luke didn't seem bothered in the least.
Lucas kept his eyes on the road, so Leo leaned slightly forward, wrapping his arms around his belly and rocking on his seat as a new wave of nausea washed over him. He felt so warm. He gulped down nervously and jerked as he felt a gentle touch to his elbow. Luke was holding out a bottle of water.
"Thanks..." Leo mumbled, taking a small sip and forcing himself to swallow it. It rid his mouth of the sickening sweet saliva, but did nothing to the sloshy feeling inside his belly.
"Do I need to pull over?" Luke asked, reaching blindly so he could plant a hand on Leo's trembling back. The blonde hesitated, then nodded.
"Yeah, think so..." he grimaced as his belly churned once again and he could just taste the small snack - cookies! - he had had in the San Francisco airport, "I'm sorry, I'm being such a hassle."
"You're not a hassle, you're sick, it happens," Lucas' voice was dripping with understanding, but it only made Leo want Jonah more. He hated being sick, but it was particularly bad when he was missing his fiancé.
Luke turned up the warning lights and it took a while more before he was able to safely pull over. As soon as he did, Leo unbuckled the seatbelt and leaned out the passenger side, not even making it fully out before he retched.
He didn't bring up anything, but his whole body convulsed and the blonde let out a pained moan, clutching the door as a new wave of repulsion washed over him. His stomach squeezed once more and Leo let out a groan in the back of his throat, spitting in the dust shoulder and breathing heavily against the ill feeling.
He didn't answer, only shook his head no, as if to say he wasn't nowhere near done. That seemed to do the trick, because halfway through the gesture another burp snuck up on him and he coughed up a mouthful of foul vomit.
Leo felt Luke's hand in the middle of his back, not rubbing, more like a steadying weight and he tried to focus on it, but it was to no avail. His stomach rolled once more and Leo would've fallen out of the door with a heave, wasn't it for Luke clutching the back of his shirt.
He coughed and spat, letting out a groan when finally the pain in his belly seemed to diminish.
"Leo, kid, you alright?" Lucas asked, squeezing his nape gently and Leo nodded, using the door to sit back in his seat.
"That sucked," he grumbled, his voice shot and Luke chuckled softly, passing him the water bottle.
"You feel better, though?"
"A bit," Leo swished the water around, spitting it out and then taking a tentative little sip. When his belly didn't immediately fight it, he shut the door and leaned his head back, hearing as Luke started the car back up.
In truth, Luke really didn't need Leo's input in order to have a conversation and Leo opened a small smile as he was able to clam up and just listen as his best friend started to talk to fill in the silence. It was so funny to him how Luke's track of thinking worked, how he jumped from one subject to the other and then to another without finishing either.
"You have ADHD," Leo yawned, as he saw the Welton sign appear in the horizon. He felt dizzy and clammy and desperately wanted a shower and his bed.
Luke let out a small offended noise, "no, I don't!"
"Did you get tested for it?" Leo turned slightly to look at him and saw Luke do that lip chewing thing he did, "thought so. I bet you fifty."
"Fuck off," Lucas grumbled, drumming his finger against the steering wheel, "do you want me to stop at a pharmacy first?"
"No," Leo curled up, wincing as his belly let out a growl loud enough that even Luke heard, judging by the way his eyebrows went up, "you're staying the night, right?"
He felt incredibly childish even asking that and it went against everything in him. Every molecule in Leo's body told him not to ask for company or help, but this was Luke... And Leo really didn't want to be all alone in his and Jonah's apartment for the first night, however ridiculous that seemed.
"Yeah, Bell's at Wendy's, I'm all yours," Luke shrugged, not bothered in the least, "she said they're doing something with her hair, which is always a terrible idea and means she's going to ruin her beautiful curls-"
Leo dozed off as he heard his best friend continue to ramble on.
He woke up in the parking lot of his building, with Luke shaking him awake gently. The blonde let out a groan, then opened a small, secret smile as he felt Luke wrapping his arm around his shoulder and hugging him by the waist, all but pulling him up.
He sunk against Luke's side and pressed his face to the man's arm, knees feeling weak and stomach far from settled, embarrassment causing his face to burn as they entered the elevator and his belly let out an upset growl.
"I'm fine," he yawned, not opening his eye and then sighing happily as he felt Luke hug him slightly, "you're comfy."
"Oh yeah?" Lucas sounded smug as hell and Leo scoffed, but didn't move away, too comfortable to care.
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tummieaching · 4 months
The last time I had food poisoning... ♡
There was a fruit cereal I used to love to eat...the pieces were all different colored little balls, they were the kind that made the milk sweet very quickly...I had several bowls of it that night, it was one of my favorites and I just wanted to eat more and more...I was so full from it all that I didn't recognize my nausea right away, I thought I just stuffed myself too full...I was so bloated, laying on the couch and thinking my belly hurts worse than usual...I thought it needed to come out the other end, so I sat on the toilet for a while to try to push it out that way, but nothing came, and I started to realize it was going to come back up right where it came from...
I went to bed with my trashcan close by...I kept spitting up into it from all of the saliva pooling up in my mouth from how nauseous I was...I was hoping it would simply end there, but I woke up in the middle of the night and my belly was churning and twisting and telling me it wanted the cereal out, I was tasting splashes of it with every burp I brought up...I stumbled into the kitchen to bring a mixing bowl back into the bedroom, and I sat on my bed with my legs crossed, my full belly pressing against the mixing bowl for only a few seconds before the cereal came gushing out of me. Ohh, it felt so good...I could still see the colored pieces in the milky slush...I was burping it up in waves...it was so hot and sour coming up my poor throat...I gave it a while before I thought I was done, and I dumped it into the toilet...seeing my cereal vomit swirl around in the toilet water made me so nauseous that I had to lean over and get up another gush of it...
That morning, I tried to be easy on my tummy and just eat a cup of apple sauce, but that didn't do the trick...I made sure to keep the mixing bowl nearby, and my tummy let me burp up even more of the cereal mix with the applesauce, oooh, I had really eaten so much of it...I never ate that cereal again...seeing it in the cupboard makes me so nauseous...
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spacevixenmusic · 3 months
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Source: Ranma ½ [1992]
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ohnomytummy · 4 months
my tummy has been in such turmoil today 😭😭 I had a mild case of the shits yesterday and this morning, but by lunch time I thought I was feeling better so I had a rich cheesy pizza and a beer at my local pub with some friends, which was a BIG mistake!
As soon as I got home, my tummy started rumbling and aching, I was feeling a little feverish, and I had a couple more bouts of the runs. I laid on the couch in the foetal position holding my poor crampy tummy, when I felt a little bit of stomach acid and pizza come back up with a burp. I realised that I all of a sudden felt very very queasy indeed…so I rushed back to the toilet and leant over the bowl. I was shaking with how sick and swollen my poor tummy was, and I was sweating, but my tummy was so hard that nothing would come up, so I just belched over the bowl and felt my stomach contents creep up my throat.
then, all of a sudden, just as I was about to give up and go back to the couch, a huge projectile wave of vomit just gushed out of me — I didn’t even have to gag, it came up so forcefully and splashed and splattered into the bowl. NOTHING id eaten since the night before, when I started having the shits, had properly digested — it was so chunky and watery at the same time, and I could clearly see all of the chunks of pizza and granola and the spinach and potatoes that I’d eaten over the past 24 hours. My tummy clenched and another massive wave came up, this one less liquidy and with even more swirling chunks of cheesy pizza. Before I could even properly breathe, yet another wave came, and it was so forceful that bits of tomato and spinach splattered all over me and the wall too.
ever since then, I have NOT been well. I’ve had the runs again, and I’ve been having to sit on the toilet whilst I vom my poor rotting, poisoned stomach contents out into a bucket, expelling everything in me from both ends. I’ve got such a bad fever and I feel so achey and dizzy too, and my tummy is so crampy and rumbly and queasy still. now I’m lying in bed heaving over a bucket again…somehow there is still something to get up!!
I just wish there was someone to take care of me whilst my poor tummy is so so sick…and to take care of my needs too 😉
This response required the most patience and I’m so thankful because omg this is so so so so gooooooooooooddddddd
I’ve been fantasizing about lot about food and plant poisoning lately, and this is exactly what I picture happening to a hot and stuffed beloved after making sure they get a safe but sickly dose spread across their meals. Or going to the dirtiest greasiest sketchiest bars and watching them inevitably get food poisoning from one of them (but we never know which).
I bet that’s what happened to your poor belly. A dirty but delicious bite of greasy and undercooked bar food got your tummy twisted and sloppy. If only I could’ve cradled your swollen middle for you while you wrap your arms around a bucket, or toilet seat. Kissing your sweaty neck and shoulders while you heave, my hands on your belly to feel the cramps rush through you. Helping you clean yourself bashfully, begging your belly to stop being sick for long enough for a hot bath and a soapy, achy belly rub.
I’m hoping to answer more (maybe hopefully) in the next few days as I take some time off work. Maybe at least one or two more??? Prove I’m alive??? Oh dear….
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reality-detective · 2 months
Dr. Berg - Chemical Snack 🤔
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i-think-im-gunna · 8 months
so sometimes i will get random coughing fits, usually in the morning or at night. last night i had something that already wasn't sitting well and on top of that i was having a coughing fit, which triggered a burping fit which made me so fucking sick. i think i ended up puking like 5-7 times? i had to go lay down and try to suck on a cough candy to try and stop the coughing.
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uremetomommy · 8 months
I need more fat men who have round, nauseous tummies after a stuffing. I have a few videos on youtube that I’m rewatching through, and I genuinely need this genre to exist more.
Here’s a link to a youtube playlist I made of all of my favourite overstuffed nausea/vomit videos. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
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torse · 1 year
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I love the OliverxIsaac duo! Can I request Oliver getting food poisoning and Isaac taking care of him?
I’ve missed writing this duo so much😭!!!!!!
!TW! emeto
Isaac wasn’t expecting to turn into his hallway and see Oliver at his door, knocking.
Feeling mischievous, he grinned and quietly snuck closer, coming up behind his best friend.
Oliver huffed, knocking again, and Isaac figured he must’ve been knocking for a while.
He leaned forward, his mouth by Oliver’s ear. “Boo,” he whispered, and he cackled as Oliver swung around and his voice crack as he yelped. It really cracked, sounding kinda like a squawk.
Isaac doubled over with laughter, hugging his stomach as Oliver’s face turned pink. “Jeez, don’t do that!” he grumbled, letting out a heavy sigh.
Isaac continued giggling as he stood straight again. “You sounded like a dying bird,” he giggled, and Oliver blushed deeper, pouting and fighting back his own laughter.
“Where were you?” he asked as Isaac stepped forward to unlock his door.
“Dropping Spirit back at Birdie’s place, now that she’s doing better,” Isaac answered. “Why’re you here?”
Oliver picked up something on the floor that Isaac hadn’t noticed. It was a large tote bag.
“I was kinda hoping to make something with you and Spirit,” he said, sounding a little disappointed.
“Make something?”
Oliver nodded as he came inside, shutting the door. He reached into the bag and pulling out a little cookbook with a cake on the cover. “There’s a Nutella mousse cake recipe in here,” he shrugged. “I thought it’d be fun to make it.”
Isaac smiled at Oliver. “We can still make it without Spirit,” he said. “If you want to.”
Oliver’s face brightened a bit. “Do you have milk?”
— — —
Oliver giggled as Isaac smeared batter on his cheek.
“Hold still,” Isaac laughed, focused on drawing something on Oliver’s cheek with the batter.
“It’s cold! And my hair is gonna get sticky!”
“I’m keeping your majestic, fantastical, million-dollar-shampoo-lathered hair out of the way, pretty boy, I promise,” Isaac assured him, earning a cackle from Oliver as he finished his little chocolaty masterpiece. He licked the last of the batter off of his finger before grabbing his phone, snapping a picture of Oliver’s cheek to show him.
Oliver laughed at the plain smiley-face drawn on his face as he started pouring the batter into a tray. “If you accidentally get batter in my hair, I’m gonna ‘accidentally’ dye your hair with pink food coloring.”
The blonde only laughed harder grabbing a napkin and wiping Oliver’s cheek.
Eventually, they got the cake in the oven, set a 40-minute timer, and left the kitchen to sit on the couch.
Oliver let out a heavy sigh, nearly sagging completely against Isaac’s shoulder. “Cooking makes me tired. How is Spirit gonna make a career out of this if it’s so tiring?”
Isaac shrugged, earning a glare from Oliver when it shifted him slightly from his perfectly comfortable position.
They turned on the TV, and eventually Issac’s head was on top of Oliver’s. “The summer festival is this weekend,” Isaac said suddenly. “You think Spirit’s gonna invite Aiden?”
Oliver shrugged, yawning. Isaac smiled a bit, grabbing a blanket draped over the back of his couch and trying to cover Oliver with it with only one hand. In response, Oliver snuggled a little closer to Isaac’s side. “Do you mind if I nap?” he asked, already dozing off.
“Of course I don’t. Go ahead. I’ll wake you up when the cake is done.”
Oliver let his eyes shut. Normally, Isaac was the one who fell asleep while watching movies. Oliver was usually the type of guy who always wanted to finish a movie, but Isaac figured the guy could use as much sleep as he could get before he’s back to all-nighters four times a week when classes begin again.
Between the lowered volume of the movie, the smell of the apartment, the warmth of his best friend and the sound of Oliver’s soft snores and breaths, Isaac also felt himself feeling more and more sleepy, and he found himself starting to let his eyes shut.
Then he heard a gag.
Isaac’s brows creased for a second before he heard another gag and he shot straight up, realizing that Oliver was the one making that sound.
“Olive?! Are you o— hOLY—!!” Isaac jumped as Oliver doubled over, throwing up on the floor and the blanket covering his knees.
Isaac immediately snapped out of his shock and grabbed Oliver’s shoulders to keep him from tipping over. “Olive?” One look at the guy’s face told Isaac that his best friend was still half-asleep.
“Is-Isaac,” he groaned, blinking dizzily. “What just— oh fuck.” He heaved again, and more puke joined the mess. Isaac continued to hold him steady, nearly sitting behind him as he held Oliver’s forehead with one hand and wrapped his over arm around him, pressing Oliver’s back against himself.
“It’s okay. Just let it up, Olive.” Issac barely knew what he was saying, muttering whatever comforting words popped into his head.
Oliver let out a little sob before more puke rushed up and he groaned. “Isaac, I’fffffeel weird,” he slurred nauseously.
“I know, I know,” Isaac said softly, trying not to freak out. What the hell just happened?!
Oliver heaved again, but nothing came up, and he sobbed as he was finally awake enough to register what a mess he’d made. “Ohgod, I’m ssry,” he sobbed, and Isaac felt his heart twist.
“Hey hey, it’s fine,” he assured Oliver. He moved the hand cupping Oliver’s forehead down and wrapped that arm around him as well, hugging him from behind. “It’s fine, Olive. It’s not your fault.”
Oliver sniffed. Isaac couldn’t see the guy’s face from behind, but he could feel and hear him taking deep, shuddering breaths as he calmed down from his minor breakdown.
“God, I’m gross,” mumbled when he was no longer crying. Isaac moved a little, and got a look at Oliver’s face. The guy had tears streaking his face, his nose was running and he kept sniffing, and there was vomit clinging to his chin. He also looked really pale and still nauseous.
“Are you gonna puke again?” the blonde asked.
Oliver shook his head, hugging his stomach. “Not now, at least. But my stomach hurts.” He went quiet for a second, cringing at the mess. “Thanks for the blanket. It saved my legs.”
Isaac chuckled, getting out of his spot behind Oliver while the guy balled up the blanket, keeping all the sick inside it.
“So, what happened?” Isaac asked. “Cuz you didn’t feel warm to me. You don’t have a fever.”
Oliver shrugged as he stood with the balled-up blanket in one hand and his other arm around his stomach. “Food poisoning, maybe?” he said as he stepped around the puddle of remaining vomit on the floor. “For lunch, I ate some leftover salmon and pasta in my fridge from. . . a week ago, I think? Probably was a bad idea.”
Isaac’s brows dipped and his mouth opened slightly. Then he nodded slowly. “Yeah. Old salmon probably wasn’t the brightest idea you’ve ever had, Olive.”
Oliver’s cheeks flushed, embarrassed. “Can I put this in your laundry?”
“Where else are you gonna put it? The pantry?”
Oliver snorted at Isaacs sarcasm, making his way to throw the blanket into Isaac’s washing machine before going to the guest bathroom to wash up his face. . . and then hover over the toilet for a bit.
Isaac found Oliver on his knees in front of the toilet, mouth open, but the water was clean.
“I bet the old fish doesn’t taste so good coming up, huh?”
The comment made Oliver gag dryly and glare at Isaac. “You’re gonna make me puke.”
“Isn’t that your goal here?” Isaac had a small smug smirk on his face.
Oliver narrowed his eyes, feeling like the blonde was too proud of his sense of humor at the moment. He groaned, resting his forehead on the toilet seat, hugging his stomach. “I feel crappy. My stomach hurts.” He brought a hand to his mouth to muffle the smallest little sick burp. “I don’t even think I could stomach cake anymore.”
The sad disappointment in his voice made Isaac’s humor and smirk fall away. He knelt by his best friend, one hand rubbing gentle circles on his back. “Are you sure you’re gonna puke again? I have Pepto if you can stomach it.”
Oliver shook his head. “No, I’m definitely gonna puke again.”
The two stayed there for a while. Oliver kept hugging his stomach, massaging it until he heaved and vomited, nearly choking on heavy gushes of sick, and then repeating. He repeated this about three more times and was finally empty after fifteen minutes.
“Pepto?” he asked, his voice now hoarse and his head on Isaac’s shoulder as they made their way back to the living room.
“I’ll get it for you,” Isaac assured him. “Do you wanna lay down in bed for a bit? Instead of the couch?”
Oliver didn’t answer for a second before nodding his head a bit.
Issac sighed lightly, wrapping an arm around Oliver’s shoulders. “Okay. C’mon.” Isaac walked with Oliver to his bedroom—not his guest room, like Oliver had thought he meant—and let Oliver lay on top of the covers. Instead of having him move to get under the covers, Isaac grabbed another one of his blankets—this one was sky-blue and fluffy—and he laid it on Oliver.
“TV or nap?” the blonde asked as he grabbed his trash bin and placed it by the bed.
“Nap,” Oliver sighed, rolling on his side.
Isaac left for a minute and came back with some Pepto and water, and Oliver took it with a grimace. The blonde then sat by Oliver’s hip on the bed. “I’ll put the cake in the fridge when it’s done so we can put frosting on it together when you’re up to it.”
Oliver smiled, heavy lidded. “Thanks, Issy.”
Isaac couldn’t help but chuckle and cringe a little bit at the nickname that he was more used to hearing from his baby sis. It had been a good handful of years since Oliver had called him Issy.
“Let me know if you need anything, Olive.”
— — —
Isaac was scrolling on his phone on the couch when Oliver emerged from his room, hugging his stomach again. The black-haired boy went straight to the bathroom, and Isaac sighed as he stood to go after him.
Lo and behold, Oliver had already thrown up in the toilet again by the time he got there, though it was barely anything and there was no smell at all.
“I’m empty,” Oliver muttered, flushing the toilet and standing, moving to the sink to rinse out his mouth.
Isaac noted how his best friend looked pale and miserable. “Still nauseous though?”
Oliver nodded, resting one hand on his stomach. He honestly looked close to tears.
Isaac opened his arms, a silent invitation for Oliver to hug him. The black-haired boy accepted without hesitation, letting himself get wrapped up in Isaac’s arms. “Back to bed?” the blonde asked. His best friend nodded against his shoulder, and Isaac kept his arms around him as he went back to the bedroom.
Oliver fell back against the bed, and Isaac walked away to properly close his curtains so the dim room could be a bit darker. “Does your head hurt?”
“A little,” Oliver’s hoarse and sleepy voice answered.
Isaac joined Oliver on the bed this time, coving his both himself and his best friend with the fluffy blanket. Oliver turned over and curled up against Isaac with a content sigh. “I feel shitty.”
“Old fish will do that to ya.”
In the dark, Isaac saw Oliver shoot him another pouty glare, and he smiled back. “Just close your eyes and relax, Olive,” he said softly. “You’ll feel better soon.”
Oliver let the pouty glare fall away and he leaned forward, resting his head against Isaac’s shoulder. “Is the cake finished?”
“All we have to do is put frosting on it when you feel better.”
Oliver smiled, half-asleep once again. “Good.”
Isaac watched as Oliver’s face relaxed, and he let out a sigh of relief when he heard peaceful snores.
Hopefully, Oliver would be better and able to hold things down soon. Isaac couldn’t help but use his pointer finger to brush a hair away from his best friend’s face that was starting to get its color back, and then used that same finger to lightly pretend to draw a smiley face on Oliver’s cheek.
He moved his hand to Oliver’s back, wrapping his arm around him and hugging Oliver close as he let his own eyes begin to close. The sweet smell of the apartment, the warm feeling enveloping him, the closeness of his best friend and the sound of Oliver’s soft snores was once again lulling him to sleep.
He simply shut his eyes, and fell asleep.
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whumpingale · 8 months
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Sea Patrol s01e07 "Rescue Me" [extra hospital gifs]
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bellysoupset · 5 months
I would love to see Leo and Jonah sick at the same time ^^
maybe one of them has food posioning and the other has been hiding some sort of stomach bug for a while that happens to show it’s face then?
if not that’s fine but would really like to see this!
(First time submitting an ask :D)
This was sent before you switched to the 🧋anon tag.
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Also requested by @vdoggg!
Food Poisoning - Part 3.
A continuation of Leo's birthday fic. Read part 1 here. Part 2 here.
Leo was lying on the bed, curled up and trying to make sense if he was about to puke again, when he heard the front door opening. JD lifted up her head from where she had been happily kneading his thigh and he breathed out.
“It’s just Jon,” Leo grumbled, not moving a muscle. Jonah hadn’t texted him, but Leo had enough sense to figure out who had eaten the missing cupcakes and why he was back earlier than usual. 
As if to confirm his point, he heard hurried steps and then the noise of liquid hitting liquid and Jonah’s signature loud burp down the hall, as he probably burst into the guest bathroom. Leo sighed, forcing himself to sit up and waiting a second as the room spun around him. 
He had originally thought it was a simple overeating bellyache, even when he puked again as they arrived home, chalking that up to the vestiges of nausea and carsickness. Halfway through the night though, while Jonah was peacefully asleep, Leo was wrecked by the cramps in his lower belly and had given up on that notion as the runs hit him.
Leo felt mildly guilty he hadn’t been awake enough that morning to warn Jonah this was definitely food poisoning, then maybe his fiancee wouldn’t have eaten the cupcakes.
Grabbing on the walls to keep himself upright, Leo made his slow track down the hall and sighed as he found exactly what he had predicted. Jonah curled up in front of the toilet, hugging the bowl with arms, his shoulders hitching with a retch.
“Shit,” Leo sighed, slumping against the door and taking a deep breath to steady himself, “I’m sorry, Jon.”
A burp answered him, followed by more liquid splashing and then a pitiful whimper. Leo slowly entered the bathroom, which was much too small for the two men, and sat down on the cold ground, planting a hand on his fiance’s back. 
He didn’t have the energy to rub, but Jonah didn’t seem to mind. After a couple minutes the other man finished coughing and raised a shaky hand to flush the toilet, so Leo grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and passed it to him. He heard Jon blow his nose, then flush again and finally he turned to look at Leo. 
Leo cringed, his boyfriend looked damn near gray and his lips were a terrible pale shade. He had sweat beading all over his face, gluing his curls down to his temples, “Jon, are you-”
“Threw up- threw up in front of a patient,” Jonah informed him, in a little strangled voice. He closed his eyes, as if wincing at the memory, “I really don’t feel good.”
“I know,” Leo said truthfully, scooting closer. He couldn’t emphasize enough how much he understood Jon’s plight, given that just walking the short distance between their bedroom and the guest bathroom had caused his nausea to increase all over again, “I’m really sorry, Jon.”
“Not your fault,” Jonah groaned, turning to the toilet once more and spitting in it, planting a hand on his chest and massaging a burp up, “fuck…”
Leo tipped his head back against the cold tiles of the bathroom, trying to ignore the angry gurgling of his belly and how he felt like acid was crawling up his throat. He took a measured breath, gulping down, then startled as he felt a hand touching him.
Jonah let out a small snort at his jerkiness and Leo frowned, taking a second to realize Jonah was checking his vitals. He was being gentle, but the slight pressure on his Adam's apple was not helping Leo gulp down the nausea, so he pulled back.
“What are you doing…?”
“You’re really, really pale,” Jon frowned at him, “when did you last drink water?”
“You’re the one throwing up,” Leo pointed out with a pout, bringing his knees up to his chest, “are you done?”
Jonah shrugged, not reassuring him in the least, “I’m fine,” he said, using the toilet to pull himself up and then promptly leaning over the sink with a deafening retch. Leo scoffed, dizzily rubbing Jon’s thigh since he didn’t feel like he could get up now that he had sat down.
‘You’re fine, uh?”
A wet burp, followed by Jonah letting out a groan and wrapping an arm around his stomach… Then whimpering, “oh no,” and bent on the middle, clutching his belly. Leo raised his eyebrows.
“You need- I need you to get out,” Jonah groaned through clenched teeth, “now.”
“What… Why?” Leo tried to pull himself up, only to find that he really couldn’t and Jonah whimpered again.
“Fuck, Leo, I’m gonna shit my pants, get out-”
“I’m trying!” The blonde exclaimed, darting out a hand and grabbing the bathroom sink, in order to pull himself up, since his fiancee was of no help at all. On the contrary, Jonah seemed to have tuned him out, too preoccupied with the sour state of his intestines. 
“I’m-I’m go-” Leo didn’t finish his sentence, because being upright so quickly caused his head to swim, so instead of leaving the bathroom, he clutched the granite of the sink for dear life, breathing through his mouth, ears ringing and black spots dancing in front of his eyes. The queasiness that had been on the back burner until then, jumped up tenfold and Leo couldn’t do anything as he leaned forward and brought up a gush of pale yellow vomit in the basin.
Vaguely he heard Jonah groan and then the noise of his boyfriend falling sit on the toilet, sickness overriding any modesty.
Leo coughed, gasping for air and still white knuckling the sink. It felt like his head was floating. He gagged once more as he heard the noise of Jonah’s intestines emptying out and his fiancee let out a humiliated whine.
“I’m sorry, this is so gross, I-” Jonah all but whimpered, a sound so alien in his voice that it made Leo snap slightly back in reality. 
He shook his head, opening the tap and washing away the vomit, before washing his mouth and forcing up a small burp. Leo hung over the sink, unsure if his belly was done with him. 
“Jon?” he called after a minute, splashing some water on his face to try to get rid of the woozy sensation that he was about to pass out. 
A cough answered him and Leo turned to look at his boyfriend, then groaned in sympathy. Jonah had grabbed the bin and planted it on his lap, as his own stomach joined his body’s attempt at purging. 
“Aww angel,” Leo stumbled slightly forward, planting a hand on Jonah’s shoulder and squeezing his nape, “get it up, worst is almost over…”
Jonah’s whole body lurched with a big belch, that brought up another large wave of vomit inside their bathroom bin. Leo brought up a fist to his mouth and muffled a gag, turning his face away. He wasn’t one to get sympathy sick, but this was a gruesome sight when his stomach was already so upset.
He looked up at the ceiling, waiting until Jonah stopped heaving, then dared to glance down as the other man rasped out, “I’m done… I think I’m done…”
“Let me take this,” Leo took a forceful breath and retrieved the bin from Jonah’s hand, planting it on top of the sink and tying the trashbag, “do you need help…?”
“I’d rather die,” Jonah scoffed, wrapping both arms around his stomach and rocking softly, “bloody hell, Leo, it was just… Just two cupcakes, how the hell-”
“I don’t know,” Leo rubbed his face, frustrated, then grabbed the trashbag and fortified himself for the journey of getting out of the bathroom so Jon could get up and shower, “I’m going… I’m gonna give you some privacy. But I’m gonna leave the door open, okay?”
Not that he really could do anything in case Jonah slipped and fell in the shower, considering Leo was barely holding his own weight up. Jon was graceful enough not to mention it, though Leo wasn’t sure his boyfriend was even listening. Instead he was taking little rapid breaths, a sickly little burp sneaking up on him.
“Bin-” Jonah’s voice was thick with nausea, “Leo- Gimme-”
Leo quickly pulled the tied trashbag out of the bin and passed the empty bucket back to Jonah, thankful that it wasn’t a hollowed out metal bucket like others they had in the house. Jon leaned over it immediately, barely retching before liquid sprayed from his mouth, then his back arched with a more violent heave. 
“Jesus,” Leo whispered, starting to panic. This was quite violent and he hated that he couldn’t help as much as he wanted to. His legs were shaking and his own tummy was squeezing and cramping, intestines building a riot inside of him. Leo ignored the horrible sensation of his body revolting against him, in order to plant a shaky hand on Jonah’s shoulder and keep him from falling off the toilet. 
After what felt like an eternity, Jonah planted the bin on the ground and his elbows on his knees, groaning, “fuck…” 
Leo squeezed his shoulder, “I’m- Uhm- Are you-you done…?” 
Jon’s head snapped up and he frowned at Leo’s sluggish sentences. Even exhausted and wrung dry, he hadn’t been losing liquids for as long as the other man had and was more alert. 
“Leo, sit down,” he bossed and Leo shook his head, sweat breaking on his forehead and gluing his shirt down. 
“Can’t- Don’t feel well…” He forced the words out, “are you okay…?”
“I’m fine,” Jonah stressed, “please, can you just sit down for a minute? I just need to shower-”
Leo nodded, then stumbled back and sat on the threshold between the bathroom and the hallway, whole body going down as if he was a broken doll. Jonah felt the start of panic prickling him, running his options through his mind. 
Despite wanting to stay under the hot water for the rest of the day, Jon forced himself to keep the shower to only a minute, wrapping a towel around his hip and ignoring the way his belly was grumbling and whining all over again. He couldn’t even understand how he wasn’t empty yet. 
Leo was in the exact same spot, he hadn't moved a muscle. Jonah crouched down, touching his fiance’s pale, slack face and hating the way he could feel Leo’s rapid heart beat. 
“You’ve been puking since yesterday, this isn’t good,” Jon sighed, patting Leo’s cheeks, “baby, open your eyes.”
“Gon’besick,” Leo groaned, instead of obeying and Jonah jerked back just in time to avoid getting his arm coated in vomit, as Leo’s head hung and bright yellow bile splashed on his shirt. 
Jonah groaned, sympathy sickness making his stomach squeeze and he didn’t have it in him to fight it, he turned his head and gagged. It took forever for his stomach to settle and he could feel Leo was still dry heaving, even without looking. 
“We need help,” Jonah said, forcing himself to look at the mess and deciding there was no way he could handle this alone, when his body was hellbent on getting ready of any fluid he had ever consumed. 
Leo let out a little whimper as an answer and Jonah made up his mind.
“Christ,” Luke’s voice was much too loud in their quiet apartment and Jon jerked from the small nap he was taking in the middle of the hallway. He had managed to strip Leo out of his ruined shirt and changed into boxers himself instead of only a towel, but that was it. Moving Leo had been out of the question. 
“Leo first,” Jonah opened his eyes, his head was pounding from all the heaving and coughing, “I think he needs a hospital…” 
Lucas didn’t argue, crouching down in front of them and touching Leo’s cheeks, patting them softly, “Leo. Leo, hey-” he shook him a little harder, until the blonde let out a groan and opened his eyes. His face immediately twisted into a frown, the cramps hitting him now that he was awake.
“Luke…?” Leo groaned, curling up as much as he could, but Lucas was having none of it. He forced the other man to open up and threw an arm around his neck. 
“C’mon,” Luke’s voice came out strained as he managed to pull Leo up on his feet, “couch with you. You need to drink something.”
“Gonna… Gonna go right through-” Leo groaned, his head lolling and he pressed his nose to Luke’s neck, “won’tssstay down- Where’s Jon?”
“He’s fine,” Lucas managed to plant Leo on the couch, then grabbed some cushions and planted them under Leo’s legs, “I brought stuff.”
“What did you bring…?” Jonah tried to get up from the hallway, only to find that he was much weaker than he thought. His face burned with embarrassment as he too had to be hugged by Luke and pulled up. 
“Everything the drugstore would sell me without a prescription,” Luke huffed, planting Jonah in the opposite couch to Leo’s and then heading to the door in order to retrieve his grocery bag. He put it down on the coffee table, then removed a gatorade bottle, and five different medicine bottles. 
“Here,” Luke handed Jonah two different pills and a bottle of gatorade, “try holding these down.”
“Where’s JD?” Leo whispered from the other couch. He had curled up as much as he could and Jonah winced at the sight of him, throwing Lucas a panicked glance. He didn’t like at all the shade of white Leo had reached.
“What?” Luke asked, walking closer. For Leo he opened the gatorade bottle and stuck a straw inside of it.
The blonde made a face as the straw was pressed to his lips, trying to move away, “she must be starving…”
“I’ll look for JD in a minute,” Lucas ushered him closer, “just one sip, Leo. If you can’t then we’re gonna go to the hospital.”
The vague threat worked, because Leo finally took a gulp. Jonah watched him anxiously, already so familiar with the way his boyfriend worked that he fully expected to see the drink come up within seconds. When that didn’t happen, he allowed himself to fully collapse against the couch’s cushions. 
“How long has this been going on?” Lucas’ voice was distant, followed by a meow and then his footsteps. JD meowing louder. Jonah turned his head, fighting valiantly the urge to go to sleep and scoffed as he saw Luke clutching JD in his hands. 
“Don’t squeeze her like that,” he glared at the other man, while from the opposite couch Leo let out a pained groan. 
“Luke-” It was a whimper, and then Lucas dropped JD and lurched just in time to catch the mouthful of gatorade in the crumpled groceries paperbag. Jonah squeezed his eyes to avoid looking at the mess, feeling even worse that he was so useless. 
His own stomach churned uneasily and Jonah rolled on his side, focusing on breathing in and out and not on how awful he felt that he couldn’t be of any comfort or help as Leo continued to dry heave. 
“Fuck,” Lucas said and Jonah dared to open his eyes. Leo had fallen against their friend, white as a corpse, and not even fighting it as Luke wiped his lips with his thumb, puke be damned. 
“Hospital,” Jonah bossed, even dizzy as he was, “take him.”
“Yeah,” Luke nodded, carefully pushing Leo against the couch’s back, “Bella is coming over, she just stopped to buy us food. We’ll wait for her.” 
“Nooo-” Jonah shook his head, then his stomach clenched violently and he gagged, but all that fell on the floor was a clear line of spit, “don’t-”
“I’m not leaving you alone,” Lucas said harshly, crossing the room and forcing Jonah to sit up correctly, then grabbing a bucket and pushing it on his lap, “and Leo’s not gonna die in the fifteen minutes it’ll take her to get here. Chill.”
“Can’t…” Jonah mumbled miserably, too tired to hide how raw he felt, when Leo was this sick. He felt like crying and probably would have, if he wasn’t so dehydrated, “can’t chill.”
Luke’s frown softened up, replaced by all concern and sympathy and he crouched down in front of Jonah, grabbing the gatorade bottle once more, ‘yeah, I know, man. But I’m looking out for both of you. You trust me?”
Jon hesitated, then nodded, refusing to meet Luke’s eyes and the other man pushed the cold bottle in his hand, “take another sip. Bell is nearly here, I’m going to pack Leo a bag.”
True to what Luke had said, not more than ten minutes later, Bella entered the apartment. She was carrying another set of groceries and in true pragmatic fashion didn’t spare them even a look, heading straight to the kitchen to empty their fridge of the possibly tainted food and repack it. 
“Okay,” Luke walked back to Leo, with a backpack around his shoulder, “let’s go, Leo.”
“Jonah…” Leo mumbled dizzily, burying his face in Luke’s chest, “Jon’s sick too-”
“I know, but he’s in better shape than you,” Luke grunted, pulling Leo up and stumbling a little, “Bell will stay here to keep him company.” 
“She’s fine,” Bella said softly, rushing ahead to open the door for them and picking up the cat when she tried to sneak past her legs. The woman held up the kitten so Leo could see it and he blinked blearily, clearly feeling too awful to string things together. 
“She’s hungry…”
“I’ll feed her,” Bella vowed and Luke huffed, tightening up his hold on Leo as the blonde started to slip down. 
“Everything is fine here, we’re gonna be back in no time,” Luke promised, dragging him away. Finally they were alone, Jonah and Bella, and Jon let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He curled up even more on the couch and almost smiled when JD jumped from Bell’s arms to come pester him.
“That’s some food poisoning,” Bell wrinkled her nose, walking closer, “how you holding up, Jon?”
“Not well,” Jonah leaned his head against the couch’s arm. He didn’t say it out loud, but he felt an immense relief at knowing Leo was on his way to getting fluids. He didn’t think he needed to say anything to Bell, she always seemed to just know.
“Did you throw up the meds?”
“Nope,” he planted a hand on his unsettled, bloated stomach, “but I might.” 
“Well, try not to,” Bella rolled her eyes, then dangled her fingers for JD, “pspspsps, let’s have dinner, poor thing. You must be starving.”
Jonah stayed quiet as he heard Bella move around in the kitchen, serving JD her food and sorting through the mess. He continued to sip on his gatorade, only to find that had been a mistake when a sharp burp brought up a splash of acidic liquid to his throat. 
“Fuck me,” Jon groaned, curling up and trying to massage the burps out of his belly before he ended up wasting all the hard work to keep down his meds. 
“Don’t do that,” Bella circled the coffee table, holding a tall mug filled with coffee for herself. She unceremoniously pushed his leg to the side so they could share the couch and leaned in, slapping Jonah’s hand away from his belly, “let me.”
“Bella…” Jonah’s face burned with embarrassment, which got even worse when she pressed her fingers against his sloshy, bloated belly and it immediately caused a sick burp to erupt.
Bell rolled her eyes, smirking at him, “relax, I promise I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
Jon scoffed, cupping his mouth and belching again, his throat aching with the force behind it, “please.”
“Maybe just Leo,” Bella grinned, sliding her hand over the curve of his sick belly and chuckling when Jonah let out a groan at her threat. 
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