#friday + weekends at the waynes
ghostbsuter · 1 year
"Hey constantine, who's that?" Someone asks and Connie looks down at Danny, blue eyes staring back at him.
"My coworker."
"He's my dad."
Who knew John Constantine would gain a ward, one being such a little mischievous bastard with bright eyes and good heart.
He certainly didn't.
Nor did he expect the stabby Robin to get into a heated argument with his ward, gesturing to his form next to Batman and spit venom.
"But‐ Damian! Look at him! I can fix him!" Danny argues back and Robin, so done with this, rips his mask off and—
They have the same face.
Connie looks at Batman, nervous what the reveal will change.
("I don't care if you can 'fix' him, danyal! Return to Father, to me!")
Batman stares back.
("Connie is dad shaped! I chose him myself, damian! Leave me and my choice alone!")
The day will only get longer, it seems.
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Bruce Wayne, sitting in a cute eco-friendly cafe while on a video call with Tim: Oh Noooo, are you sure there’s no way the board of directors will let us get rid of this old decrepit Wayne Factory building that is unsafe for our workers and also for the surrounding environment?
CEO Tim, with equal gravitas: No, I’m afraid they just won’t budge. It technically meets legal requirements on paper, and we can’t prove that the chemicals affecting the local ecosystem that have no other possible source are from the out-of-date drainage system… they’re saying it would cost too much to fix the place up too, which is ridiculous, because we’re us, but our hands are tied…
Bruce, full Brucie himbo mode: Oh I just feel so SAD for all the sweet fluffy animals and the pretty flowers and especially our hard workers dealing with such unsafe conditions… I think I’ll give them all a nice short vacation this weekend, so the ENTIRE PLACE will be EMPTY and SHUT DOWN from FRIDAY TO TUESDAY, the SECURITY SYSTEM WILL BE DOWN because it’s just so GLITCHY, I’m sure nothing will happen to the ENVIRONMENTAL STAIN ON OUR COMPANIES NAME THAT WILL BE COMPLETELY ABANDONED FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY- Timmy do you think I’m being too subtle?
Tim, snickering: no no you’re doing great Bruce I’m sure they’ve got it
Poison Ivy, on a date the next table over: ( ‘-‘)-☕️
Harley, through tears of repressed laughter: so… we doing anythin’ this weekend?
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Season Finale of "Uncensored"
UNCENSORED: LIL WAYNE Grammy Award winning artist Lil Wayne gets uncensored in a special sit down interview with Missy Elliott to talk about growing up in New Orleans, signing his first record deal as a child, and starting his own Young Money Entertainment record label. “UNCENSORED” is produced for TV One by Eric Tomosunas, Keith Neal, James Seppelfrick, Jay Allen, and Nikki Byles (Executive…
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ashwhowrites · 9 days
eddie munson x cheerleader/popular reader, where the reader keeps asking eddie out on a date but he keeps rejecting them because why would a popular person want to be with him. Anyways, maybe something happened that made him realize that he believes them and would like to go out with them.
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Asking me out?
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Y/N recently grew a crush on Eddie, the town's freak. She never saw something in him before, but all it took was one moment for it to change.
It was a Friday night and she was freezing her ass off on the field. But a big fake smile plastered on her face as she did the cheers. She let her eyes wander as the game played, and then she saw Eddie. He stood off to the side smoking a cigarette, she was surprised he wasn't asked to leave. He had one hand in his pocket and his hair was covered with a black beanie. He must have felt her stare because he looked in her direction.
She froze as she couldn't look away, his eyes kept her in a daze. His eyes warmed up her body and she felt her face burn when he winked.
That was all it took, that night she dreamed about it and woke up with the biggest crush she's ever had.
When Monday rolled around she had a skip in her step. She wanted to ask Eddie out, she knew she'd sound crazy with it coming out of nowhere but who cares.
She found him at lunch and walked over to his table. A big smile on her face as she stood in front of him. He was so cute that it made her want to giggle for years. She was shocked that the girls didn't see how attractive he was.
"Can I talk to you?"
His table went silent
Eddie looked at her confused
"Me?" he asked, pointing to himself, her eyes never left him so it was clear who she meant. But he had no idea why.
She grabbed his hand and lifted him from the chair, he looked over at his friends as she pulled him into the hallway. She dropped his hand and turned around to face him
"I'm Y/N," she said as she smiled
"I know," he said, "I mean! I'm Eddie," he stuttered
"I know," she said with a small wink. Eddie wasn't sure if his heart racing was a good or bad thing.
"I saw you at the football game on Friday, and this might sound very forward, but I think you are insanely attractive and I'd love to go out on a date with you, maybe tonight?"
Eddie felt the need to clean his ears because there was no way Y/N, the prettiest cheerleader, asked him out. He stared at her like she had multiple heads, and he had a feeling it coming out of nowhere was a trap. He would love to say "hell yes" but he was tired of being burned by people.
"I can't tonight, I have to babysit," he lied
"That's okay, how about tomorrow?" she asked
"I babysit all week and the weekend. You know, parents have kids but never want to take care of them," he nervously laughed
Y/N felt blown off and had a bad feeling he was lying. She was disappointed but she shrugged it off.
"Have fun, Eddie. Maybe another time," she spoke quietly, far less enthusiastic than before. And that made Eddie feel like shit.
"Yeah, thanks," he said, watching as her shoulders slumped as she walked back into the cafeteria.
In case he was telling the truth and had to babysit, she tried again for that "another time."
"Hey Eddie, do you want to get a bite to eat after the game?"
"I have to be home right away, I'm sorry"
And then she tried another time, and another, and another. He always seemed to be busy. But she really liked him and she wanted to try one last time.
Eddie was sitting against the school's building as he waited for Wayne to pick him up, his van decided to not start and left him stranded.
Y/N walked over, standing at his feet.
Eddie looked up as a shadow covered him. There she was, beautiful as ever. She made Eddie nervous and he didn't like to be nervous.
"What are you sitting out here for?" she asked, Eddie could feel his stomach flutter when she smiled.
"Van died so waiting for my ride," he shrugged
"I can give you a ride, and as a thank you for it maybe we could get ice cream?" she offered, more shy each time since she knew he'd say no.
"He's already on his way so you don't have to worry about me," he said as he stood up
"What about just ice cream then? I can pick you up." She kept trying and he kept shutting her down
"I'll probably be in the shop with my van, but once it's fixed I should have some free time, I'll find you."
Eddie arrived in his van a few days later, and he never talked to her. It hurt to admit, but he was never going to say yes and she had to move on.
He found her eyes and quickly looked away, when he looked again she was gone.
A few days passed and she stopped walking up to him. Sometimes they'd make eye contact, and she'd smile and then look away. Anytime she walked in his direction he held his breath, letting it free when she walked passed him.
He missed talking to her, even if it was always two sentences. He liked having her attention but he was scared of what would come after if he said yes. Would a bucket of water be dumped on him? Was it a bet? Would he find himself shoved in a closet and beaten up?
It was a risk he wasn't willing to take.
Eddie was walking to his campaign when he walked passed the gym and heard his name.
He peeked inside to see Y/N and Chrissy stretching. Eddie was a simple guy so he had to take his time looking at Y/N as she sat in her uniform.
"Are you going to try again?" Chrissy asked, her hand stretched out to her feet
"No," Y/N sighed
"What? But you really like him!" Chrissy gasped
"Chris, it's clear he doesn't like me. I can count the amount of times he said no on two hands. I'm done embarrassing myself. It's a crush, I'll get over it," Y/N shrugged
"Yeah, but you haven't liked a guy in a long time! Are you sure you want to give up?"
"I know you are trying to be a good friend, but you won't change my mind. If he liked me, he would make time work in his apparently busy schedule. I'm probably not his type and that's okay." Y/N explained, mostly trying to make herself feel better.
"You're right, but his loss because I know a ton of single guys who have been asking about you!" Chrissy gushed
Eddie was leaning so far that the door opened and he fell right through. He cussed as he landed on his stomach. The fall caught the girl's attention and he blushed in embarrassment.
"Eddie? Oh my are you okay?" Y/N asked, rushing over
Chrissy was behind her, a look of worry on her face
"I'm good," he said through clenched teeth. He moved to his knees and felt soft hands helping him stand up. Once he was on his feet he wanted to run.
"Were you pushed?" Y/N asked, worried he might have been getting picked on.
Eddie couldn't tell which was less embarrassing
"Uh no, I was eavesdropping, and well karma," he said as he brushed his dirty hands against his jeans. Chrissy nodded and backed away, giving them privacy to talk.
"Oh! So you heard all of that, huh?" Y/N asked, groaning in embarrassment
"Yeah and look I'm sorry I kept rejecting you. I wasn't sure if you were serious or not and I was a little scared," Eddie said
"Scared of what? and why would I be lying?" she asked
"You're popular and I've never had a popular girl take interest in me that wasn't for some type of joke. I figured you were asking me out as a joke or to set me up for something. And I'm sorry for assuming, I didn't know you genuinely like me."
"I can understand that. I hope you know that I'd never do something cruel to anyone. I'm not like that," she explained
"And I believe you. I know I kinda had a million shots to go out with you and I fucked them all up. But can I make it up to you?" he asked, hope in his eyes as she smiled
"Are you asking me out, Eddie?" she teased
"I am," he said as he smiled, "What do you say?"
"I think I'm busy for the whole year, sorry," she said, Eddie stood shocked as she turned around and walked away.
He felt his body slump at the rejection, but he guessed he deserved it. He turned around and headed out of the gym.
He made it down the hall when he heard his name being called, he turned around.
"That's for saying no. But I'd love to go out with you," she said as she walked towards him
"I did deserve that," he laughed but walked towards her, "tonight after practice, we can grab that bite to eat?"
"I'll see you then," she said with a smile. She leaned in and pecked his cheek softly.
Eddie blushed as her lips touched his skin
He watched as she walked back to practice, head in the clouds.
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fuctacles · 1 month
| 😺😺 | 😺😺😺 | 😺😺😺😺 | 😺😺😺😺😺 |
| 🐈 | 🐾 | 🐈 |
Eddie was lowkey disgusted by how his uncle would talk about one of his neighbors. No, he doesn't think it's bad for old people to fall in love or have crushes. But it's weird to know these things about his own uncle. 
And it's also sad to watch, because it's been months of Stephanie this, Stephanie that, and nothing came of it, so he felt safe to assume the infatuation was one-sided. So when he tells his uncle he can't go feed her cats that week, he figures it's for the best. And not only because of Wayne's twisted ankle. To his surprise though, he doesn't seem fazed; he just waves his hand and says:
"Yeah, yeah, I know. No climbing the stairs with this thing." He pokes the cast with his crutch. "I've already volunteered you anyway."
Eddie raises his eyebrows because he surely misheard that.
"You did what now?"
"Told Stephanie I'll send you to feed her cats," Wayne says, confirming his fears.
"Why?! She has so many other neighbors!" Eddie points out, gesturing vigorously around the room, implying but meaning the flats surrounding them. 
Wayne clicks his tongue at him.
"Would you let in just any of your neighbors into your home? She already trusts me, and I'm vouching for you."
Eddie gapes at him, hating that he's making a valid point. Damned be his old man and his reasonable thinking. He crosses his arms because while it makes sense, it doesn't mean Eddie can't be angry about it. 
"She's visiting her friend this weekend so she asked for Saturday evening and Sunday morning. And stay with them for a while if possible, so they don't go crazy. Ah, and the plant in the kitchen needs watering."
"Great," Eddie grits through his teeth. He's so delighted at the prospect of spending time with some old lady's cats. The whole place probably stinks of cat piss and he'll definitely kill the plant as soon as he touches it. (It was his only superpower, which is not what he aimed for when his five-year-old had been praying, thanks for nothing, Jesus.) He just hopes he won't have to meet her. Hearing some old hag complain about his clothes, hair, and general adolescence was the last thing he wanted on his weekend off. But, alas...
"She asked you to come over tomorrow so she can show you where everything is."
Eddie groans. 
It's a Friday afternoon, he's at his uncle's taking a break from college and work. He should be sharing a beer with the old man, complaining about the coursework, the professors, and other students, not picking him up from the hospital, and running errands while his foot is in a cast. And certainly not meeting up with old stinky spinsters. 
To add insult to injury, Miss Stephanie, (which, by the way, is such a typical old hag name) lives two floors higher and the elevator is perpetually broken. Not too high, but high enough for Eddie's anemic lungs to start collapsing. 
He stops around the corner to steady his breath, because regardless of his overall attitude, he didn't want to worsen the first impression. He already refused to 'dress like a decent man' and didn't want to wheeze into the lady's face on top of it. 
Once his lungs are functioning properly again, he walks into the hallway, looking for number 54 as Wayne instructed. He knocks on the door, hoping he didn't mess it up and is at the right place. What if it was 45?
It must have been because he was told Stephanie Harrington lives alone. 
"Uh, sorry, I must have—"
"Are you Eddie?" The woman who opened the door takes him in. At her feet, a tabby cat peers curiously at the new human.
"Uh, yeah? I'm looking for Miss Stephanie?" he offers awkwardly. Maybe that's the friend? Or a sister?
But the woman extends her hand and smiles brightly.
"That would be me, but please call me Steph. I wish I could drill that into Wayne's thick skull." She rolls her eyes fondly.
Her big, gorgeous eyes, framed by thick lashes. She's not an old hag, she could be in her forties at best. She's tall and curvy and her hair looks straight out of a shampoo commercial. She's gorgeous. Eddie shakes her hand in a daze.
"Hi," he croaks as he's ushered inside. 
"Come in, come in! I've heard so much about you, it's great to finally see you in person. I must say," she turns around and gives him a quick once-over. "Wayne's stories didn't do you justice."
Did she just check him out?
Eddie clears his throat, suddenly dry like his elbows during winter.
"Uh, same to you."
"Yeah?" She puts her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow. "What does he say about me?"
"Good things only," Eddie assures her. 
"So you're saying I'm a bitch." She squints at him.
"No!" His eyes widen. "What?!" 
"Well, if he's saying only good things about me, and you say they don't describe me right..." 
Eddie gets the point she's making and quickly shakes his head.
"No, he just made you sound like a crazy old cat lady, and you're..." He waves his hand uselessly. "Not that."
She sighs softly, shoulders sagging a little. It would be easy to miss but Eddie's senses are heightened after his fuck up.
"I kinda am, though," she says with a shrug. 
Eddie feels the need to reassure her somehow.
"Well, you're not eighty and your place doesn't smell like cat litter, I think you're fine."
She barks a laugh, it's low and surprised and Eddie's cheeks are red because he's just digging further into the hole he's in, isn't he?
"Good to know the bar is so low."
Eddie groans, tired of doing damage control that's not controlling anything.
"I'm gonna shut up now."
"Please don't." Steph smiles wide and teasingly. "You're a funny one. Just like your uncle told me."
Eddie scoffs. He's going to have a word or two with the old man once he's back.
"Great, this is exactly the impression I was hoping to make."
At his words, the woman eyes him up and down again, and he can feel his cheeks heating up.
"Yeah? Not as the local punk satanist?" she teases, making Eddie bristle.
"Metalhead," he corrects instinctively and immediately winces.
"Ah, my bad. I'm not good at the subcultures thing." She smiles apologetically but it doesn't read well with how clearly amused she is. "Anyway, here's the plant I want you to water tomorrow evening. Just like, half a glass."
Right. Plants. Cats. He came here on a mission.
"Come on, I'll show you my cats."
There's only three of them and they come rushing from all corners of the flat at the rustle of a catnip bag. Eddie never saw high cats so he's glad to have this opportunity now. Stephanie points to the tabby he saw earlier.
"This is Dart, she's not actually mine, but my friend couldn't keep her at the dorms. This is Garfield," she points to the orange cat, making Eddie huff a laugh. She grins. "Yeah, don't tell anyone, but he's my favorite," she whispers, to which Eddie mimics zipping his mouth shut. 
Lastly, she points to the black cat rolling on the carpet. 
"And this is Arwen."
Eddie frowns.
"Like, The Lord of the Rings Arwen?"
"Yeah," Steph sighs. "Dustin named her. He's the friend I've mentioned. Dart is short for D'Artagnan and I've fought teeth and nail for Garfield not to be called Pippin."
"Pippin is a great name, though," Eddie points out.
"Maybe," she huffs, crossing her arms. "But I wanted one for myself, okay? Not everything has to be about Dustin."
"Is Dustin like, your brother or something?" 
"Kinda?" She frowns. "We're not actually related but I babysat him, and then we became friends. He just stuck around, somehow." The words sound angry but her face betrays the fondness she has for her friends. 
"That's nice," he offers. "I'm an only child, never met any cousins, and only ever had friends my age."
"Well, good for you. Maybe if I had friends my age I wouldn't be living alone with a bunch of cats."
Eddie frowns. 
"Hey, now..."
She cuts him off with a dismissive wave of her hand. 
"I'll show you where the food is." 
Eddie's in a daze when he comes back downstairs, only realizing his visit ended when he's standing in his uncle's living room. He's been gone for only half an hour but it feels longer. 
"How did it go?" his uncle asks, pulling him out of his reverie. 
Edie turns to him and blinks, fighting the cotton around his brain.
"Fine?" he offers. "She's not as old as I expected," he admits bluntly. His uncle snorts.
"What, just because she lives alone with her cats you assumed she's on her deathbed?"
Eddie winces. It's exactly what he did.
"Well, the people in her life weren't kind to her, so now she relies on her pets. Nothing wrong with that." Wayne shrugs. 
"What do you mean?" Eddie frowns, curious. Concerned. He goes to the kitchen, not wanting to seem too eager to get an answer, and grabs a beer for himself and his uncle. He opens the junk drawer to find an opener and hears his uncle answer from the adjacent living room space. 
"She doesn't say much about it and I never asked, but she's always alone on the holidays. Her friends visit a few days before or after."
Eddie walks back in and hands his uncle the opened bottle. 
"Thanks, son."
He nods and settles heavily in an armchair. Focusing his gaze on the label peeling off of his beer, he hums thoughtfully.
"No family?"
"Seems so." Wayne nods solemnly. "I think it was a conflict of lifestyle choices, but I'll be honest, I'm basing it off of rumors and my own assumptions." He scratches his cheek, frowning at the wall. "It's not my place to pry, though I offered to hear her out if she ever felt like needing an ear." He sighs. "I'm just trying to be a good neighbor. Invited her for dinner over Thanksgiving, when you couldn't come. I was surprised she's into basketball," he muses. 
Eddie was seeking answers and now was even more confused.
"You invited Miss Stephanie. For a dinner?" He raised his eyebrows. 
"Yes. She was alone, I was alone, figured I could at least ask. I'm still surprised she agreed. She declined all my other offers."
"Wow." A teasing smile creeps on his lips against his will. "You've been inviting a lot of women since I moved out?"
"Listen," Wayne takes on his stern voice and it takes all of Eddie's willpower not to cackle. He can see his uncle's mustache twitch. "Stephanie is a lovely lady, but she's way too young for an old man like me. And this old man is too old for romance anyway. Besides—" he cuts himself off like he realized he was saying too much. Which, of course, piques Eddie's curiosity. 
Wayne shrugs.
"I don't think I'd ever be ready for someone like her."
Eddie makes a confused face. 
"The fuck does that mean?" he asks, irritated. 
"Rumors and speculations, son."
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
Eddie is holed up in the office of his and Steve’s home working on some writing when he notices an odd kind of commotion coming from upstairs.
Now, he and Steve have three daughters under the age of ten, so commotion is pretty much a baseline for them, but it’s odd because it sounds like Steve might actually be involved this time, and that makes it especially weird because Eddie was pretty sure that Steve was taking the kids to see a movie to give Eddie a few hours to maybe hit that word count goal (he probably won't, but whatever).
It's just about odd enough for Eddie to go investigate further and, indeed, he finds a very much ticked-off Steve standing outside of their middle daughter Robbie’s closed bedroom door.
“What the hell is going on?” Eddie asks.
Steve rounds on him. 
“She’s driving me insane,” Steve says, “That kid is you in a seven-year-old’s body, and I’m going insane.”
“Wait, can you…” Ed shook his head, “What’s happening?”
“I thought it would be fun to take the girls to that new Nanny McPhee movie because they liked the first one, right?” he starts
“The second – the second – I suggested it, Robbie starts ranting and raving. Ed, do you know what she said to me? 
“Oh god,” Eddie said warily, “What’d she say?”
“She said sequels aren’t passion projects, Papa. They’re just for money. Who the fuck do you think she learned that one from, Ed?”
And yeah, shit, that might be Eddie’s bad.
“Whatever,” Steve says before Eddie has a chance to respond, “So she doesn’t wanna go – that’s fine – but, shocker, the other two still want to go, and just as we’re walking out the door, Robbie demands that we wait for her because she actually does want to come and now,” Steve pauses to hold in a laugh as Robbie scutters out of her room in the direction of the bathroom, one shoe on and an earring half-in, “Now we’re gonna be so fuckin’ late because this one can’t just throw on a sweatshirt and get in the car.”
Eddie knows for a fact that Robbie had spent the entire weekend in the same pajamas she’d worn to bed on Friday night, but now she’s donned a denim dress with a red t-shirt and black tights underneath. She’s got black combat boots on her feet (just one at the moment, actually), and she’s wearing the leather jacket Eddie had found at a thrift shop in New York to complete the ensemble.
“Look at this kid,” Steve says, following Robbie into the bathroom and watching as she tried to fix her earring with one hand and her hair with the other, “Robbie, it’s August. It’s almost ninety degrees outside. Maybe think about ditching the leather.”
“I don’t care,” she fires back, “It’s about the look, Papa.”
“We’re going to a movie theater. It’ll be pitch black. Nobody will be looking at anything other than the movie. Let’s go.”
But Robbie is already pushing past him with a belligerent, “Outta my way. I gotta get another necklace.”
Steve manages to snag Robbie by the back of her jacket and swing her up into his arms.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” he says as Robbie furiously tries to squirm out of his grip to no avail, “Oh, I’m Robbie and I’m four feet tall and I get up-in-arms about everything and I’m gonna wear a leather jacket in August even though I once got heat exhaustion at the mall and gave her dad a fuckin’ heart attack.”
Robbie is in giggling hysterics by the time Steve ends his onslaught of mockery and puts her down.
“What do you think?” Steve asks, “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she says, and then she asks, “Can you help me find my other shoe?”
“And now she’s asking me for shit,” Steve comments in disbelief as Robbie ducks back into her room. He looks at Eddie, “Seriously, you need to call Wayne and apologize for everything you must have put him through.”
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munson-blurbs · 7 months
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The Boy is Mine (Bug's Version)
Part of @carolmunson's writing challenge! Thank you for spreading some love and joy in this community, and I hope this fic makes you smile.
Summary: A cozy night in with your sweet boyfriend who is a nuisance in the best way.
Warnings: allusions to smut, allusion to spitting, lewd jokes, basically just fluffy fluffness
WC: 1k
Poke poke.
Poke poke poke.
Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke–
“If you don’t stop,” you hiss without looking up from your chemistry notes, “we’re gonna have a problem.” 
Eddie pulls his forefinger back from where it’s pressed against your earlobe, his shit-eating grin morphing into a pitiful pout.
“But it’s date night,” he whines, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You promised me we could curl up and watch Monty Python after an hour, and it’s been…” he glances at the digital watch wrapped around his wrist, “...one hour and three minutes.”
“I’m still trying memorize–”
He snaps the small notebook shut and pulls you closer to him, effectively cutting you off. “And you will–after the movie.” Leaning back against the couch, he lines up his finger to once again prod at you. “C’mon, Sweetheart; we never get the place to ourselves on Friday nights.”
He’s right; his uncle has off on Friday nights and usually prefers to spend his free time relaxing at home, but he’s on a fishing trip this weekend with some of his old army buddies. 
“Okay, okay.” Truthfully, you are in dire need of a break; the formulas and lists of molecular compounds have all become meaningless squiggles right before your eyes. Your back hurts from being hunched over the snack table you’re using in lieu of a desk. Whatever ‘studying’ you do now will likely be unproductive, so you might as well snuggle up next to your boyfriend and enjoy a movie. “But only if I can study after. Some of us would prefer not to spend an entire decade in high school.”
Eddie throws his head back and laughs. You’re the only person who’s allowed to crack jokes about him being held back–twice–and you milk it for all it’s worth. “Aw, don’t be like that. That’s not even true. It’s only been six years. And I’m gonna graduate this time. So, ha.” He sticks out his tongue, making you giggle in turn. “But, fine. You can go back to your smart person mumbo-jumbo once we finish the movie and have sex.”
The last item on his agenda snags your attention as you swing your legs onto the cushion, its stuffing poking out from beneath its worn fabric. “Excuse me?” You cock a brow in disbelief.
“As compensation for the three minutes you spent neglecting me,” he explains with a shrug. “‘S only fair.”
“Sure. You usually only need three minutes anyway.” You lift your foot to dig it into his side, but he grabs it before you can tickle him, playfully bringing it towards his open mouth as though threatening to bite it. 
To be honest, you wouldn’t put it past him.
“Best three minutes of your goddamn life.” His smirk makes a triumphant reappearance as he stands up and pads over to the kitchen. The refrigerator light illuminates him in a bright glow, a juxtaposing halo on the man wearing a shirt with a cartoon devil plastered on the front. “Wayne took all of the beer with him, but we have Mountain Dew, some orange juice that I think is still good…oh, here it is!” He rummages through the top shelf and pulls out the last can of Diet Coke, the one he’d shoved towards the back so no one drank it before you could.
You shoot him a grateful smile that he returns easily. He plucks two mugs off of the wall, both of them gag gifts he’d given to his uncle, pouring Mountain Dew in one with Ask Me About My Nuts spelled out in bolts and screws and your soda in one with a three-dimensional pair of breasts jutting out from the body.
“I ran out of, like, nice cups,” he says sheepishly, likely referring to any container that didn’t allude to body parts. “Is this okay?”
Eddie sets the drinks down on the snack table, careful not to spill on your notebook. “Okay, pretty girl. C’mere.” He places a throw pillow on his lap and pats it, signaling that it’s time for you to assume the prime cuddling position. 
As soon as you rest your head, his hand finds its home on your upper arm. His thumb, calloused but gentle, makes gentle strokes that have both of your hearts beating slowly and in sync.
You roll over so you can see the stubble that’s starting to prickle along his cheeks, jawline, and under his chin. “You forgot about the movie. And the snacks.”
He groans, using his free palm to rub his nose in frustration. It’s one of the cutest habits he has, and part of you always wonders if he does it just to make you smile. 
“‘M too comfy to move,” he grumbles, peering down at you with a guilty expression. 
“Me, too,” you agree. “But…snacks.”
Eddie chuckles, stretching to grab something from his side of the sofa. “We’ve got this,” he says as he procures a half-eaten can of vanilla frosting. “I swear I just opened it last night. And we can just talk until we fall asleep, like we did when we first started dating.”
The memory floods your body with warmth. Even before the two of you became a couple, when you and Eddie were only friends, you would often stay up on the phone until your consciousness gave way. No conversation topic was off-limits; on one night when he’d been more than a bit tipsy, he’d divulged some of his more…private preferences. 
“So she spit in your mouth?”
“And you like that?” 
“Abso-fuckin-lutely, Sweetheart.”
Neither of you know where tonight will take you. Maybe you’ll become a familiar tangle of limbs, trading sloppy kisses and murmured sweet nothings. Maybe the sugar from the frosting will rejuvenate one of you enough to actually put the VHS in the player. Maybe you’ll just soak in each other’s softness, letting comfort envelop you until your eyelids become too heavy to keep up.
Wherever you go, you and Eddie will get there together.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
Wiggly 🧠🪱 Wednesday
@runninriot decided to call me out at the perfect time 😘
eddie munson knows he has to leave hawkins. he decides to go as far as humanly possible, even though he'll miss everyone, even though it's the biggest risk he's ever taken. even though it might not work out. he buys a one way ticket to london and doesn't look back.
okay, he does look back a little. he calls wayne every friday and dustin every sunday. he calls the band once a month, planning it specifically for when he knows they're all together so he doesn't have to pay for three separate international calls.
but one thing he never does is call steve.
here's the thing: maybe if he'd been smart, and just said goodbye like a friend does, maybe a pat on the back or a quick hug, he could.
but he'd done something stupid when he said goodbye to steve, something he told himself he wasn't gonna do, but did anyway. he kissed him. right on the lips, on his doorstep, tears in his eyes.
and steve didn't understand because eddie just told him he would be taking a road trip. he didn't know it was goodbye.
dustin tells him steve asks about him all the time now. wayne says that harrington boy shows up every weekend to see if he's back yet. gareth even mentioned seeing him around town, wearing one of eddie's shirts.
but he's in london, and he's got a job, and a flat, and he's even managed to make a friend or two. if he went back, even for a visit, he knows what would happen. one look at steve and he'd abandon the new life he's living and commit to a lifetime of dealing with hawkins.
so he stays. and he finds comfort in living somewhere just foreign enough that he has to learn new slang and polite customs. he manages to avoid steve for nearly a year.
but dustin is a snitch, and wayne doesn't let eddie stand in his own way, and eddie comes home after a shift to steve harrington standing at the entrance to his building.
"did you come across the ocean to get away from me?"
it throws eddie off, hearing steve think the problem was him. as if eddie hasn't considered steve being the whole reason to go back this whole time.
"i came across the ocean to keep myself safe, to keep everyone i care about safe."
"so you kissed me knowing you wouldn't be back? and didn't call or anything."
eddie pushes steve inside.
steve's mad, but he lets eddie keep touching him. steve's mad, but he lets eddie hug him for minutes, silent as he wraps his arms around him, too. steve's mad, but he holds eddie when he starts crying and apologizing.
eddie's dumb, but he isn't dumb enough to let steve walk out of his life the way he walked out of steve's.
eddie's in love, always has been, probably always will be. and steve might be too.
steve stays the night. and then the week. he had no return flight planned and eddie doesn't push.
he does call robin twice, and then calls dustin to tell him he thinks he's gonna stick around in london for a bit, see what this place has to offer.
eddie listens from the table, where he's planning his groceries around what steve wants to cook for them next week.
he smiles as steve ends the call, comes up behind him, and wraps his arms around him, kissing the top of his head and then his neck.
"you wrote mountain dew twice, baby."
"because i want two of them."
steve laughs and it's the only thing eddie was truly missing here.
and now he doesn't have to.
i'll tag a few people who i would like to live inside their brain for a day: @wormdebut @little-annie @thisapplepielife @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @pennyplainknits
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toulousewayne · 10 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 21-23
The headache Y/n felt forming after finding out about Bruce and Talia having a son was painful.
“After all those talks he gave me about protection.” Dick scoffed.
Y/n looked at her new brother who looked like a feral kitten who was ready to claw and hiss at anyone who approached him.
“Tt, I don’t see how you are Father’s Daughter, your mother wasn’t even married to him. Meaning you hold no claim to Father’s company or his assets.” He spat. He was quite smug with himself.
“Listen pipsqueak—“ Tim started but Y/n motioned for him to stop. She turned her attention back to Damian.
“Look I don’t know what you were told but I promise you I don’t want to run his company, hell I’d rather not be heiress to the money either. Bruce is my Father not my atm or trust fund. And if that’s all the things you’ve been led to believe then you’re sadly mistaken.”
Damian lunged at her and quickly moved out of his grasp, she turned towards him and flipped him onto his stomach and pinned his arm back.
Dick and Tim stood there in awe.”I know you’re an assassin kid, but make no mistake I will break this little hands of yours if you try that again.” She left the room without another word and Damian grumbled as Tim chuckled smugly in the corner.
Damian avoided Y/n while she visited the Manor. They spoke a total of two times in the first few days. By day three Y/n figured he’d be more settled into his new home that she could formally introduce herself. She was wrong.
Damian took one look at tried to go in the other direction and she called him but he was too fast for her. She was in her room on a call with Stephanie and Cass who were gutted she wasn’t staying longer, Barbara could be heard in the background on a call with Dinah and Helena.
“You guys know you can visit anytime, besides my roommate when back home to Chicago. So, for the rest of the term I have a whole dorm to myself.” She giggled stuffing some sweaters Alfred had bought for her as he knew winter was approaching and she’d be up late in the library across the campus.
“Well you’ll be back in three weeks for Christmas Break, plus maybe this weekend we can have a day trip I heard Metropolis Mall is having a huge sale for Black Friday!” Stephanie squealed with excitement.
Cass nodded in agreement,she turned her head and looked closely at the screen before speaking.”Damian.”
Y/n world around to find the youngest Wayne in her doorway easedropping.
“I’ll talk to you guys tonight when you stop by before patrol.” They two waved and she hung up turning to the doorway.
“Come in Damian.” Reluctantly he entered her room with a blank expression.
“Wayne.” She replied in his same tone.
He looked down at the ground before speaking,”Grayson talked to me about my actions. I wanted to apologize for comments earlier to you.” He never met her gaze and she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re not the first kid to come in here and feel outraged or confused about your new life Damian, and knowing Dad’s track record I can’t say you’ll be the last. But I accept your apology. Mind telling me what’s behind your back though?”
He handed her a small wooden bird, it was cured and whittled to his shape and it was beautiful sculptured. “Grayson always mentioned your fascination with birds.”
Y/n smiled an took the little bird figure,”thank you Damian it’s very thoughtful of you.”
“I would appreciate if this conversation never made it to Drake.”
“Whatever you say kiddo.” She chuckled. As time went on Damian was less abrasive towards the older woman. Usually when the girls would visit her Damian would tag along, of course he said he was forced to come but that was lie. Or when Dick or Bruce would FaceTime her and Damian would demand to talk to his sister but would instantly just ask her about her studies and when would she be returning home. It was kinda cute.
When she returned for Christmas she wasn’t surprised to see Damian tending to his animals but rather who was helping him. A new kid.
Duke had heard a lot about his new sister from the other boys, from Cass even Alfred talk about her too.
She was able to get to know Duke when everyone was out running errands for Christmas and he was the only person at the Manor.
“Oh Hi Y/n, Alfred asked me to hang up the garland. Did you need something?”
“No Duke, just passing through, I’m surprised you picked the red and gold one, no one picks that one.”
“Really, I think it’s the most festive.” He chuckled and she entered the lounge and helped him. The two crackled jokes and finish decorating the lounge by the time Alfred and Bruce returned.
“I must say you two make excellent choices with decorations.” Alfred commented.
On Christmas Eve Duke wasn’t around lot of the family. When Y/n asked around no one had seen Duke since Breakfast. Y/n found him in the backyard sitting in the snow. She approached him with a cup of hot chocolate made by Jason.
She sat next to him in silence on noise was them sipping on the hot beverages and sounds of clatter and music from the manor.
For a while they just enjoyed each other company until Duke broke the silence. “Do you think their proud of me, with my decision of be Signal and applying to Gotham University?”
Y/n took a sip of her drink once more before replying,”I think your parents are very proud of you Duke, I believe they would not only want you to be surrounded by people who love you. But to also following your own heart, do what you feel is right for your life.”
He grinned to hisself before speaking again.”I guess so my Dad always wanted me to beat to my own drum. I just..I don’t wanna let anyone down, my parents, Alfred, Bruce..you.”
She turned to him,”Me?”
He nodded softly. “Everyone talks so highly of you, even Damian. I was scared that I’d let everyone down.”
“Duke Thomas Wayne! You could never let me down, I’m sister I’m not going to make you feel bad about your decision. Besides have you seen the rest of the family, just finishing High School is enough to make Alfred happy.” The two busted out laughing before the wind and the snow began to fall down.
“Come along little Brother it’s getting cold and so is the rest of my cocoa.”
On Christmas Morning everyone torn into their gifts and after that everyone opened their gifts Duke found Y/n in the library.
“Hey, thank you for yesterday, I just talked to Dick and he helped me finish my application for Gotham University and I may even have submitted one last night Metropolis University too.”
She chuckled,”Aww Duke that’s amazing I can’t want for them to come in the mail.”
Y/n helped Duke a lot with his last remaining High School affairs like signing up for the SATs, applying for other colleges one that were so close to home in case Duke wanted to try something new. She even helped him with his AP homework though she did secretly get Jason’s help with his English papers and Tim definitely didn’t glance over and make notes on his math homework to help him understand the concepts better.
When his letters did come in the mail he was accepted into Gotham, Central City, Bludhaven and even Star City top universities. But Duke was unsure of himself again and called Y/n who had returned to Metropolis to finish her last few weeks of her degree before graduating that spring.
“What did I say before Thomas, don’t sell yourself short. You earned those spots and if they aren’t where you wanna go you don’t have to. Follow your own drum remember.”
He grinned,”Thank Sis, I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime, now before i go will you please tell Dick and Dad that I will call them later, they keep calling and texting me.”
Duke doubled over laughing before telling her he’ll tell them.
Duke was the first one in the car the day before the family went to Y/n’s Graduation, him and his brothers fought over shot gun which was vetoed by Alfred who made them all sit in the back of the car.
By the time the got their the ceremony had begun and a small crowd burst through the auditorium and made their ways to their seats where Clark, Lois, Jon and Diana were already sitting.
“Late again?” Diana chuckled.
“Bathroom breaks.” Bruce replied.
Luckily Y/n was next and the group from her family was so loud that the crowd chuckled and some joined in too.
She was top of her class and even gave the speech for them.
After walking outside she was swept up to strong arms.”I’ve very proud of you.” Bruce said.
“Thanks Dad, but you’re crushing me.” Bruce reluctantly released her but she she immediately hugged by her brothers and sisters.
“You’ve made us so proud little Bat.” Dick practically sob.
“Grayson can you please stop with the dramatic.”
“Well what will you do know, are staying here or will you move back to Gotham?” Tim questioned.
She shrugged,”I dunno I will come home for a bit before I decide though.”
A choir of Yes from Damian, Duke, and Alfred didn’t go unnoticed.
“Well whatever you decide, we’ll be here for you.” Jason side hugged her.
Alder sobbed and received everyone attention,”it feels me with joy to know at least one of you finished college.”
“But Alfre—
“Silence Master don’t ruin my moment.” Bruce rolled his eyes as Clark and Lois chuckled and Diana shook her head before turning to the graduate.
“Well young one you’ve accomplished much today and I think you should be very proud of yourself.”
“I am thank you guys for coming.”
Tim scoffed,”B practically ran half off the inmates into their cells to not miss today.”
Everyone chuckled as Bruce looked aloof and starting walk towards the door,”I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I hope you enjoyed this miniseries. I will do more with different people in the DC Universe.
Specifically with the other teams next to either the JLU or the titans or all of them in some capacity.
My asks are open so please, leave me any Requests! ☺️
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steddieasitgoes · 10 months
written for @steddiemas Day 1: Deck the Halls read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Steve’s annoyed.
More than annoyed, really.
He’s supposed to be at the Munson’s, sitting between Wayne and Eddie, watching the Hoosiers play. Well, trying to watch the game, at least. Eddie has a habit of dozing off before the first quarter ends, head thunking against Steve’s shoulder so he can’t move for the rest of the game.
But no.
His mom just had to call and demand he set up their stupid Christmas tree before she and his dad get home tonight because the annual Harrington Holiday House party is this weekend, and she doesn’t have time to do it herself. Honestly, he’s surprised she’s trusting him enough to decorate the thing. He can count on one hand how many times he was allowed to hang an ornament on the statement piece in their living room.
He can’t even celebrate the decorating victory, though, because he’s still trying to assemble the goddamn thing. Nine-foot trees really aren’t meant to be set up by one person. At least, that’s what Steve’s learning as he tries to balance the next segment of the tree over his shoulder as he climbs up the ladder.
Focused on not falling, Steve doesn’t hear the front door open or the stomps of boots coming into the room. It isn’t until Eddie tuts does Steve startles, nearly toppling over.
“Woah, there big boy,” Eddie teases, reaching out to steady the ladder. “Don’t fall.”
“Don’t scare me then,” Steve snaps. It takes a moment, but he manages to get the next piece into the slot before carefully climbing down the ladder.
“Christ, someone’s feisty today,” Eddie says, hands up in surrender. “I guess it’s a good thing you bailed on me and Wayne to uh…” He glances at the half-assembled tree in the middle of the room. “What are you doing exactly?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Building a stupid Christmas tree.”
“I’m sorry, you what?” Eddie asks, shaking his head. “You can’t build trees. You grow trees.”
Steve snorts. “It’s an artificial tree, Eds. My mom called as I was headed out to your place. Said I needed to get the stupid thing up and fluffed before she got home tonight because she needs a full three days to decorate the damn thing for the annual Harrington Holiday House party.”
“This thing is blasphemous!” Eddie says, circling it like a predator stalking its prey. “I thought rich people love Christmas trees. Don’t you like custom order the biggest one to show off your wealth?”
“Uh, no? My mom says real trees make too much of a mess.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie says, abandoning the tree as he stalks towards Steve. “You mean to tell me you’ve never had a real tree before? Is that what you’re telling me?”
“You’re being weird,” Steve says, shaking Eddie’s hands off his shoulder.
“I am not being weird. You’re being weird. You’ve never had a Christmas tree! Do you even know what they smell like? Steve, you haven’t lived until you’ve smelt a freshly cut down Christmas tree!”
“Jesus, I didn’t know you were so passionate about this,” Steve snorts.
“You think this is bad. Wait until I tell Wayne. He’s going to flip out!”
“Wayne has never flipped out in his life.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a first for everything.” Eddie crosses his arms and then immediately uncrosses them, clapping his hands instead. “That’s it. You’re coming with us this year. Don’t make plans for next Friday! I’m stealing your Christmas tree virginity.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Steve groans, wrinkling his nose. “But fine, I’ll go with you. If you help me with this thing.”
“I don’t think that’s a fair trade-off, Stevie.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t really give a shit,” Steve says, bending down for the next segment of the tree. “Now grab an end.”
Steve yelps when he feels a firm hand squeeze his ass. All it takes is one deathly glare over his shoulder for Eddie to stop cackling and get serious.
🎄 🎄 🎄
“I’m going to sue your family,” Eddie whines, collapsing on the couch a few hours later.
“Don’t be a baby,” Steve scolds before dashing off into the living room to grab a couple of beers.
“Excuse me! That thing attacked me! Multiple times! Look at the evidence,” Eddie shouts, yanking up the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt to examine a dozen or so scratch marks up and down his forearms. “And don’t even get me started on my hands! How am I supposed to play guitar, Steven!”
“I told you to wear gloves,” Steve shrugs, returning to the room. He passes Eddie the cold can of beer before sinking into the couch beside him.
“I shouldn’t need gloves because you shouldn’t need to fluff a tree! They already come fluffed because they’re not rotting away in a box all year.”
“You poor thing,” Steve playfully tuts. “Guess I can’t hold your hand now since they’re so beaten up.”
“I never said that,” Eddie squawks as he yanks Steve’s hand into his own.
They sit in silence after that. Nursing their beers as the Christmas tree stands in its makeshift glory in front of them. Steve can tell which side he fluffed and which side Eddie did. The giant gap between the top two layers is obvious, and he knows he’s going to have to climb the ladder and fix it before his mom gets home, but that’s a problem for future Steve. Right now, he wants to sit here with his boyfriend even if his boyfriend is gearing up for another faux Christmas tree rant.
“Don’t tell me your mom is one of those people who only puts those stupid decorative ball things on the tree, too.”
“What do you think?” Steve says, hiding his smile behind the can of beer.
“Jesus H. Christ!”
🎄 🎄 🎄
It takes a bit of convincing and a formal invite from Wayne, but Steve keeps up his end of their deal, joining the Munsons on their quest for the perfect Christmas tree for the trailer.
Eddie has a habit of embellishing when he tells stories, but Merrill’s farm lives up to all the hype. As done, the process of selecting and chopping down the perfect tree. Steve gets stuck being the tie-breaking vote when Wayne and Eddie end up arguing over which tree to bring home. Naturally, Eddie throws a minor fit when Steve sides with Wayne, whining that he likes him better than his own boyfriend, which has Wayne rolling his eyes.
Steve gets to make the first chop but passes the ax off quickly. He doesn’t want to impede on their tradition any more than he has. Besides, axes have never been his thing. He prefers to swing bats instead.
“See, isn’t this much better than building a tree?” Eddie asks, slinging an arm over Steve’s shoulder as they stand off the side while Wayne pays.
“It definitely smells better.” Steve inhales deeply, scents of pine and hints of peppermint flooding his senses. Someone should bottle this stuff up and sell it as a cologne, he thinks. He’d definitely wear it.
“It’s easier, too.”
Steve scoffs. “Speak for yourself! You’re not the one who helped Wayne drag it all the way up here.”
Eddie laughs, eyes sparking mischievously. “Wait until you have to help him load it into the truck. That’s always the worst part.”
Steve eyes his boyfriend through squinted eyes. He ducks out of Eddie’s grasp and settles his hands on his hips. “You set me up! You just brought me here so you wouldn’t have to do manual work!”
“You wound me, Harrington,” Eddie gasps, clutching a hand over his heart as he staggers backward. “How can you think so lowly of me.”
“Because I know you, Munson,” Steve teases.
“Alright, alright, fine,” Eddie says, slinking over to Steve. “Maybe I had ulterior motives, but it's only fair after what I suffered helping you with that abomination you call a tree. At least now you’ve experienced a true Christmas tree experience.”
Steve can’t help but laugh, shaking his head as Eddie beams proudly at him.
“Ready to go, boys?” Wayne asks, rejoining them. They both nod, watching as Wayne makes his way over to the heavier side of the tree.
“You don’t have to carry it, Wayne,” Steve says, mischievous flooding his own veins. “Eddie and I will carry it to the car.”
“You bastard!”
“Hey,” Wayne scolds, swatting Eddie’s shoulder. “No swearin’ ‘round kids. I ain’t raise you like that.”
Steve bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing as he watches Eddie sigh dramatically before carefully shoving Wayne away from the tree. He waits for Eddie to follow his lead, squatting down before he counts them off. On three, they hoist the tree over their shoulders and start heading back out to the car.
🎄 🎄 🎄
“So, what do you think?” Eddie asks later, passing Steve a mug full of Wayne’s signature hot chocolate. “Is it better than your tree?”
Steve knows the answer immediately, but he takes a moment. Wants to make Eddie squirm as he admires the tree in front of him. It’s not perfect. It’s a little crooked, and there are hundreds of pine needles littering the floor. The lights are bright, though, and the branches are full of homemade and sentimental ornaments that span decades. A homemade star sits on top in lieu of the traditional angel. A star, Eddie tells him, he and his mom made by themselves the year before she got sick.
It’s perfectly imperfect.
His own traditional, straight out of the pages of a Home and Garden magazine doesn’t stand a chance against this one.
“Yeah, Eds. It’s better than my tree.”
“Victory!” Eddie shouts, nearly spilling his hot chocolate all over himself.
🎄 🎄 🎄
A month later, Steve’s belly is full of the Munson Christmas feast, but instead of lazily lounging on the couch enjoying his food baby, he’s carefully taking ornaments off of the dead Christmas tree that nearly caught fire twice since he’s been here.
“I take it back,” Steve says, carefully taking an ornament off of the dead tree. “Artificial trees are better.”
“They are not!” Eddie whines, wrapping the ornaments Steve hands him in tissue paper.
“I don’t know, Eds. I’ve never had to take down a tree on Christmas before!” he grumbles, reaching for another ornament. “This sucks.”
“It’s all your fault. If you chose my tree, it would have lived for another week! I just know it.”
“Sure it would have,” Steve snorts.
“Look on the bright side, at least we have firewood for the New Year's Eve bond fire now. We can’t do that with your stupid tree.”
“Nope, because I get to use my tree again next year, and you have to buy a new one. Think that’s another point for fake trees.”
Eddie screeches, wrapping his arms around Steve’s middle and tugging him off the ladder and onto the couch. Despite their full stomachs and tired eyes, they wrestle and laugh as Wayne shakes his head from the doorway, a light cigarette perched between his lips.
“Cut it out, you too,” he scolds when things get more heated between them. “Need it out before it really goes up in flames.”
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madelynraemunson · 6 months
i neeeed you to hear me out on this one okay. okay okay so the song is casual by chappell roan and its about like being super intimate w a guy but he still tells his friends you're just a casual fuck. like some of the lyrics are "i've heard so many rumors that i'm just a girl that you bang on your couch" and "knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out, is it casual now?" so like. eddie munson. angst. and reader whos fed up with him being so cocky to his friends ab how he gets her off while he brushes her off. PLEASE hear me out 🫣
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(as someone who dated a literal INCEL in high school who was charismatic to all and manipulative to none but me this fucking triggered me. i see you boo)
CW: misogynist behavior, adult themes, 18+ minors DNI
eddie sweetie, this isn't you :( but without further a due...
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"If you have to go around telling people that you're a good person, you probably aren’t a good person."
incel!asshole!modern!eddie x fem!innocent!reader
WC: 1.3k words | part two here
Ever since you became exclusive with the ‘Town Freak’, your friends have constantly been ripping your ass a new one.
They were all so wrong about Eddie Munson. Because beneath the rugged, edgy persona he likes to put on every day (spewing his ‘Abolish-The-Status-Quo’ Manifesto atop an unsteady table in the cafeteria) lies a woman-worshipping gentleman, a soft, romantic, misunderstood love-sick puppy who would do just about anything to know you like the back of his hand.
Your dream boy.
"No one ever wants to date the nice guy," Eddie would say to you, alluding to himself. You’d constantly deny his claim. “But the jocks? The rabbits in band? The chess club dweebs? Oh yeah, without a doubt. Anyone but the freak."
It all made you think Eddie was created perfectly for you. That there was some sort of invisible string in the halls of Hawkins High, waiting for just the right moment to pull you two together. And when you two kissed that one day after detention, his hands snaked gently around your waist behind the rusty, faded bleachers out by the stadium, it felt like a match made in heaven.
“You gonna be my girl?” Eddie grinned into you, stroking your cheek, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Mine and mine only?”
“Yours,” you whispered breathlessly to him before reeling him in for another blissful peck.
And soon, lonely afternoons in study hall turned into D&D campaigns with him and his friends. Mundane weekend errands turned into fishing trips with him and Wayne. And soon quiet, anxious car rides became karaoke and head-banging sessions. Once aimless and confused, lost in the melody of life, suddenly all the love songs were about Eddie. You finally found the one.
It all leads you to believe your friends were just jealous of you. True friends would be over the moon.
This afternoon you had a surprise for Eddie. Just last week, you lost your virginity to him and were still swooning over how caring and tender he was with you. Surely, that is the bare minimum for a guy, but the bare minimum is so hard to come by nowadays. Cookies for Discord night with his friends was the least you can do to show how much you appreciate your boyfriend.
After extracurriculars, you rush home to get the oven going, throwing down in the kitchen to make the best snickerdoodles Eddie will ever have. And after one last look in the mirror, fixing your flirty skirt and your plump glossy lips, you set off to Forrest Hills Trailer Park.
Eddie has his headset on so he doesn’t hear your multiple knocks at the door. You knew he would be home though, dude’s got nowhere else to be on a Friday night. Eventually, you decide to hobble out back, looking through one of the windows by the kitchen that he always cracked open just so he doesn’t hotbox the place.
“I’m right behind you, right behind you!” Eddie warns his friends as he nears them in the game. “Gonna need some backup from Gareth the Great.”
Since he’s focused on his electronics, you decide to shoot him a text message. Hopefully then he’ll come to the door.
Hi baby 💕 I brought you some homemade snickerdoodles :)
You can’t help but smile when you hear your custom text-tone go off. But, to your surprise, you watch as Eddie turns a blind eye, chucking his phone onto the nearby couch instead of answering your text.
What the fuck?
"Ugh. She's texting me again," your boyfriend grumbles to the boys as he proceeds with the game. "She's kinda annoying, to be honest. Gonna wait a while before I respond.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Pressing your ear against the mesh blinds that separated you two from each other, you decide to listen in for a while longer.
“Don’t you think you’re stringing her along, Eds?”
Yeah, don’t you think? you think to yourself.
“Yeah, but… free pink,” Eddie sneers with a tsk and shrug. “However I want, whenever I want. She just makes it so easy.”
Eddie then starts to spill the details of taking your virginity, about how you were “chimping out” underneath him on his couch while Wayne was sleeping. What was a sacred ordeal to you was made to sound like a cheap, subpar experience to Eddie. His commentary sends the boys into a spiral, fits of hooting and hollering like it was the best stand-up bit they’ve heard in a long time. Resentment simmers within you. This can’t be the same boy.
“How’d you get a pretty girl like that anyway?” comes another voice in the call.
“Pretty fucking easy,” Eddie scoffs. “You just tell her exactly what she wants to hear. Just say what she says right back to her and the panties come right off. She’ll think you’re soulmates.”
The room erupts with virtual laughter, followed by obnoxious sound effects that the app enables users to send to one another. Your stomach begins to twist, the forbidden cookie dough you ingested just an hour prior threatening to make its way back up.
“HAHAHA,” someone in the chat cackles. “Eds will do anything for that roast beef.”
“I’ve always been keen on them deli meats. Am I right, boys?”
The snickering commences again. Eddie thanks the Discord guys as they extol him in compliments, encouraging him to write a playbook on how to get a proper lay. Eddie ends up shutting down the idea. But not because he thinks it’s fucked. No. It’s because he claims he doesn’t “have to try” and that you just “put out” at the drop of a hat.
The tray of Eddie’s undeserved cookies shakes in your hands as your body begins to tremble. You’re going to be sick. And just when you think it can’t get anymore twisted, it does.
“Hey, what do you think about that girl from math class with the fat ass?”
“God if she’s into me too I’d dump my girl in a heartbeat,” Eddie swoons.
Of course he’d gawk over Harmony. Outside of Tammy Thompson and Chrissy Cunningham, Harmony Heathers was next up to bat for the Queen of Hawkins High.
“She’s got fucking beanbags where her ass should be. I’d do just about anything for her.”
“And her.”
“Yeah and I’d do her.”
"I'd do her too," Eddie admits.
That’s enough.
You’ve heard enough to know that Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson was just like the rest. Throwing the snickerdoodle cookies you made for him into the trash, you sprint back to your car and set off for your house, music blaring the entirety of the commute.
My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around
I've heard so many rumors That I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch
You slam the door to your room the moment you get home. And before stripping down and hopping into the safety of a warm shower, you send Eddie one last text.
Actually, you know what? It’s over. Don’t talk to me ever again.
Washing the grossness off of you was the only way you felt you could feel okay.
You wanted the remnants of Eddie OFF of your body. Hysterically sobbing, you attempt scrub off all the dead skin on your body with a loofah. Frustrated tears roll down your face.
I thought you thought of me better, Someone you couldn't lose
You wanted all the dead cells off of you. You wanted a new body. You wanted a new life.
And you couldn’t wait to grow newer, thicker skin. A new shell of you. It will be skin that Eddie can never say he touched.
You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss,
Fuck Eddie Munson.
I have anger issues
You give the weird kid a chance, and then suddenly he acts like you’re the freak.
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Rescue you - Flufftober 23
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Summary: When your ex comes to town, Jax sees red.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Clay Morrow, Wayne Unser, Harry "Opie" Winston, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager
Warnings: angst, mentions of a past abusive relationship, protective Jax, angry Jax, light violence against the reader, implied character’s death, fluff, hurt & comfort, blood
A/N: I didn't name her ex. You can imagine any guy. I imagined Brock Rumlow because he's hot and a bad guy. 😳 I'm a visual writer and need to imagine a face.
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The day you met Jax Teller changed your opinion about men.
Until then, you believed every man is like your ex. Angry, loud, and thoughtless.
Jax is different. He’s rough around the edges, strong, wild, and yes, dangerous. But with you, he’s gentle and kind. You never felt safer than in his arms.
In those fleeting moments, you can spend alone, he dreams of another life. A life without violence, and maybe, children running around the house.
Your boyfriend is not a man of many words. He shows you his feelings with soft touches and small gestures.
The tea he brews for you every morning before you must go to work. A soft kiss goodnight. Or the way he hugs you. All these small gestures tell you Jax Teller loves you.
You believe in him, and his love. Jax will never hurt you or leave you for some other girl. He promised to love and protect you for the rest of his life.
Today, you must believe in his love, and hang on. If only you can hang on and wait for Jax to find out what happened to you…
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Four hours earlier, …
“Bye, have a great weekend,” you wave at your colleagues from the library. They return the gesture and wish you a great weekend too.
You yawn as you make your way toward your car. Only a few more minutes apart you from meeting up with your boyfriend.
“Look what I finally found.”
You freeze. That voice.
How you wished to never hear his voice again. You lived in a bubble for the better of two years. Your relationship with Jax is going steady, and your past is only a few burned pictures, and torn memories you refuse to talk about.
“No. You can’t be here,” you shake your head as you look at your ex. He smirks darkly at your reaction. Your hands tremble and your eyes sting with tears. “What a pity he didn’t pick you up today, huh? Every Friday night your fine boyfriend has something better today than bringing his girl home.”
“What do you want here? You can’t be here.” You take a step back, and another as your heart hammers in your chest. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” he looks over your shoulder, checking if anyone is watching you. “I can’t just let you go, can I?”
“You had fling after fling,” you sneer when he tries to touch your cheek. Slapping his hand away you glare at him. “What do you really want?”
“I can’t have my girl run around with that bastard. Jax Teller, Y/N? Really?” He scoffs when you look around the area for help. “No one is coming for your aid, babe. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Fuck you!” Your head snaps to the left when his hand slaps your cheek hard. You gasp, and press your hand to your cheek, fighting the tears wanting to break free. If you cry now, he’ll know how scared you are.
He grabs your arm, tugging harshly. “You will come with me and shut your mouth. After I’m done with the chapter of the sons in this shitshow of a town, you can thank me by being very nice to me…”
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Now, the clubhouse, …
“Where is she? What can you tell me?” Jax nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Juice, you need to do your thing…trace her phone or shit.”
“Jax, you need to calm the fuck down,” Clay tries to calm Jax. One of them got kidnapped, an old lady. He’s furious and ready to rip anyone apart. “We will find your old lady.”
“She left the library four hours ago, Clay! Four fucking hours!” Jax kicks a chair out of his way. “If anyone touched one hair on her head, I’ll kill them…I’ll kill them all.”
“We talked to her colleagues and the owner of the shop across the street. Her colleagues didn’t see shit. Y/N left the library wished them a nice weekend and walked toward her car,” Tig grunts.
“Yeah, they didn’t even want to talk to us because you scared the shit out of them,” Opie bites back. “Anyways,” he clears his throat as he looks at Jax. Opie can see the fear in his friend’s eyes, and it breaks his heart a little. “The old geezer across the street said, that there was a guy and a girl. The guy hit the girl, and that was when he called the cops.”
“We checked the cameras from the stores nearby,” Unser tries to get Jax’s attention. “One of them captured the car of the bastard. We got a license plate and a name.”
“We’ve got a name?” Jax grabs Unser by his collar. “What are we waiting for then? You had a name for how long?”
“Twenty minutes, Jax,” the sheriff grunts. “I’m not an idiot, and I like the girl.”
“Who is he? Who dared to raise his hand against my girl?” Jax is out of it. He’s ready to rip the sheriff apart, limp by limp if he doesn’t get answers soon. “Tell me his name, UNSER!”
Unser yells your ex’s name, making Jax gasp. You told him about what happened with the man you dated before him. “We need to find them!”
“Jax, calm down! We are on it! Juice is on it,” Clay tries to calm your boyfriend down again.
“I try to hack her service provider to find out about her last location. Give me more time,” Juice tries his best to remain calm. He’s used to working under pressure. But these are exceptional circumstances. “Just one more minute…“
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You try not to think about what will happen if Jax doesn’t find you. Your ex was taunting you over the last hours, telling you how much he will enjoy watching Jax despair when he finds your broken body.
Taking deep breaths, you try to remember all the times Jax told you how much he loves you, or how he asked you to go for a ride with him for the first time.
The silence is deafening, and worse than your ex yelling at you. It takes a toll on you, as it feels like seconds turn into hours.
You hide your face in the palms of your hands, silently crying as you fear that you’ll never see Jax again.
“Where is she?” someone yells loud enough for you to hear. “I’ll kill you!” Gunshots hit the wall, and you scream as one of the bullets breaks through the door and hits the wall next to you.
“Y/N! BABY! Where are you!” It’s Jax. Jax found you!
“HERE!” You scream his name. “I’M HERE!”
The door flings open, revealing a beyond-worried Jax. His face is covered in bruises, and blood covers to his knuckles, but all you can think about is that he's here.
He tugs his gun away as you run toward him to throw yourself into his arms. “I knew you’ll find me…I just knew…” He breathes you in. "I knew it..."
“Did he hurt you? Did he touch you, baby?”
“No…I mean he hit me but…no…I…you’re here,” you cry into his chest. “You’re…here…”
"I told you," he kisses the crown of your hair, "I'll burn the world for you and kill anyone hurting my girl..."
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Out of The Woods
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: Hawkins is home once again, and you're determined to keep your peace. The past comes calling.
chapter warnings: slow burn, motherhood, swearing, childhood trauma, fluff, sweet sweet memories and friends bonding again. <3
a/n: I don't want to give spoilers, but we may or may not have a run-in with a certain metal head in this chapter! :O (just a taste, a lil treat bc you've all been so good.)
chapter 3: Silver Springs || series masterlist
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NOVEMBER 4th, 1983
Friday was the best day of the week.
Sure, weekends are great, but Friday night meant movie night at the Munson’s.
“You better not make her watching nothin’ scary, Edward.” Wayne huffed, grabbing his choice of cap from the wall, as well as big winter coat.
Eddie’s hand flew over his heart. “I would never! Not so close to the holidays!”
You threw a piece of popcorn at his head as the laughter bubbled from your chest. “Holidays? It’s not even Thanksgiving!” Eddie motions for you to keep throwing so he can catch one in his mouth. You oblige, but not without a protest of your own. “I would like—no, I demand a comedy.”
Eddie bowed to you, peering up and showing off the piece of popcorn he’d caught at the last second “What m’lady wants, she shall receive.”
The trailer door blew out of Wayne’s grip as he opened it, “Christ, it’s freezin’! Turn the heat on, boy. Your date is gonna freeze to death.”
Eddie gives you a knowing look. There’s no point, his eyes send the message loud and clear. The two of you have told Wayne dozens of times that you weren’t on dates, you were just best friends hanging out.
He didn’t buy it.
“Why does she get the heat? Pretty sure I got frost bite when I got outta the shower today.”
“Because,” Wayne slid his hands into a pair of work gloves as he walked toward you. “I like her and I want her to keep comin’ around.” He bent down, and kissed the crown of your head.
You protested, “I don’t wanna bug you—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Eddie teased. “Ya know you say that a lot?”
“It’s the truth!”
“You could never bug me—ever. Even if you could, who cares? Not like it’s a bad, it’s a good bug you reserve just for me; my bug.”
Your eyes seemed to roll of their own free will, “Eddie.”
He dropped down next to you, putting a hand on your upper thigh as he offered you a twizzler. “Yes, Bug?”
Neither of you had noticed when exactly Wayne slipped out.
You’d compromised that night. Ghostbusters, a little something for the both of you.
About 30 minutes in, Eddie looked at you. He took in how you laughed at something Bill Murray said, how the sound bubbling from your chest made your nose crinkle.
God, he could listen to that sound all day.
When you turned to him, he panicked. Standing quickly, “Uh, shit…here,” he said, not knowing where the hell he was going with the sentence.
Eddie looked around for a moment, what felt like an hour for him was surely only a few seconds. He ended up grabbing Wayne’s old Polaroid camera from the shelf. “C’mon, we gotta take a picture.”
You smiled through your confusion, “Why?”
Eddie shrugged, “Because we never do! And I wanna remember this even when we’re so old we can’t remember our own names.”
“You want to remember a randoms Friday night?”
He nodded. “If it’s a Friday night with you? Always.”
The whirr and click of the camera went off before you knew what was happening. “Eddie, I wasn’t ready! I’m gonna look like a fucking Goblin!”
The timber of his laugh made your heart race. Eddie pulled the film from its slot beneath the lens. “Don’t sell yourself short, Bug. Troll maybe, but never a Goblin.”
You elbowed his ribs at the exact moment he connected with the couch.
“Oof.” He laughed. “C’mon, smile?”
Eddie put his arm around you, pulling you in close. A second later, the flash blinded you both, leaving you dazed and giggly for the next minute.
You held out your hand, and gestured to where the photo of the two of you was laid out to develop. “Let’s see it then.” You demanded.
Eddie pulled it off the coffee table, looking at it before he handed it to you.
He wasn’t looking at the camera, no. His eyes were on you, and he was smiling harder than he’d thought was possible.
He saw how you were leaned into him, your hand holding his as it draped over your shoulder, the light behind your eyes, the smile he couldn’t get enough of.
Eddie felt it then.
So immediate and sudden it felt like his heart got struck by lightning, and it was then that he realized two things:
That this feeling, whatever it was, couldn’t possibly end well.
And two?
He is so fucked.
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It became easier to breathe.
You hadn’t realized just how suffocating life here had become. To be back in Hawkins and still feel like you were hiding and alone. Though now, and in the weeks since you’re run-in with Robin and Steve, it all got a bit brighter and a little less heavy.
Steve was committed to putting the past behind you, a sentiment he all but drilled into your head the first night he visited Maggie and you at the house.
“You did what you thought you needed to do to make it. You’re back now, though. Let us be there for you.”
He also became Maggie’s own personal jungle gym. Whenever they watched a movie or had a snack together, your daughter could be found on top of him in some way. They especially enjoyed watching cartoons on Saturdays; Maggie perched on top of Uncle Cheeseball’s shoulders, because according to her it was the ‘best seat in the house.’
Robin couldn’t be deterred either.
She’s over at least three nights a week now, and Maggie is obsessed—like, seriously obsessed. It’s the sort of bond you watch from afar and admire, the way your friend opened her heart to your daughter. How she’s protected her innocence and encouraged her silliness.
Kids aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. They’re loud and messy and demanding in a totally innocent way. They require you to think before you act and never put yourself first. It’s why any dates you’d been on over the years hadn’t worked out, most people disappeared after they learned of her. Not that you cared, Maggie was number one in your life, and you were damn proud of that.
But now here you are, the life you had been convinced you’d never have was happening before your eyes.
“And ya know what else, Miss M? Your Mom fell right on her butt and slid all the way down the hill!”
Maggie’s laughter echoed off the your living room walls.
“Hey! It was December and Hillcrest is notoriously icy when it snows!” You feigned insult, and tickled Maggie as her laughter multiplied.
“Mom! That’s so silly! How'd you stop sliding?” She questioned.
Robin’s eyebrow quirked up, “Yeah, how did you stop sliding?”
You sighed, embarrassment painting your face. “Steve—Uncle Cheeseball had to catch me.”
The two of them howled with laughter, “Yeah-yeah, laugh it up. I don’t like this, you’re in…cahoots!”
“Excuse me!” Robin objected. “I am a responsible adult!”
Maggie stood with her hands on her hips. “Yeah! Me too!”
You leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Alright, well, it’s bedtime for all adults and former children.”
Maggie whined, but let out a yawn mid-grumble.
“See? Proof.” You booped her nose. “Go on, you have school tomorrow. Teeth, pjs, bed, okay?”
Maggie hugged you, “Okay, Mama. Goodnight, Robby! I’ll see you on Friday for pizzas!”
She ran the few feet to your friend, and squeezed her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, kiddo.”
Maggie, by the grace of God, listened. She was so worn out from laughing and dancing and playing with Robin that she crashed as soon as her little head hit the pillow.
“Want me to take the trash out on my way?” Robin asked, hands full of the nonsense she’d brought along with her.
“Is there a 3rd hand in there I don’t know about?” You nodded towards her, “No, Robs. I got it, I just gotta do the dishes first.”
Robin smiled behind you, relishing in the gratitude she felt having you back. “I-I’m so proud of you.” It was a near whisper, and when you turned to your friend, she had tears in her eyes.
“Maggie is…she’s so cool! And you’re obviously an incredible Mom. I’m just, I’m sorry you felt like you had to stay away.”
Your own eyes burned at that. You walked to Robin and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry too, I’m sorry I didn’t call, or write…I just didn’t know how to—to be here.”
She nodded into your embrace, adjusting the items she cradled. “Well, you’re here now. Anything you need, say the word and I’ll be here, Steve too.”
You pulled away, “I know.”
Robin grabbed her keys with the few fingers she had free. “I don’t mean to ruin the beautiful moment of love and friendship, but have you thought about...him? About what’ll happen if you see him again? I mean, Hawkins isn’t exactly a big town.” She avoided using his name, and that didn’t go unnoticed.
It’s all I think about.
Fingers toyed with the hair tie around your wrist, “I wouldn’t even know…” your voice faded out. “I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it, I’ve been here for a while already, and haven’t even heard anyone mention his name.”
That was true.
Everyone used to talk about Eddie Munson. The troublemaker, the cult leader, the devil-worshipping freak. The boy who was corrupting you, and ruining your future.
These backwoods hicks had no idea just how good he was back then. How kind and gentle and full of courage he was. You couldn’t understand why they hated him, not when you found it so easy to love him.
“I didn’t wanna upset you—“
“You didn’t,” you’re quick to reassure her, “it’s a logical question, and sure, maybe I’m avoiding the subject, but I appreciate you looking out for me all the same.”
Robin shrugged as if it was the most simple thought in the world, “Always.”
She left after an additional 5 minutes of arguing about helping you clean, to which you would not allow.
Cleaning up after a long day, while exhausting, was your only time to yourself. It was the one part of the day Maggie wasn’t asking something of you or looking for something or covered in something sticky.
Why is it always something sticky?
The dishes were done, and the counters were clean. You plopped on the couch, and turned on whatever the tv was playing at this hour and had just begun to fold the laundry, when the stink of the trash left by the door nearly had you retching.
“Nope, not waiting til morning…”
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“Steve, Steve…” Eddie laughed.
The boy threw his hands up in frustration. “Eddie, I’m serious!”
Eddie slapped his friends shoulder. “I appreciate the worrying, pal. I’m fine, I had one beer let’s see…” the metal head looked at his watch, “an hour and a half ago. Why the sudden concern about my health and safety, hm?”
Steve blanched at the question, stumbling over his words. “T-There was an accident tonight! Drunk driver hit the pole on Cornwallis. Cops everywhere, ya know?”
Steve knew exactly why the thought of Eddie getting hurt or worse was suddenly a new phobia he developed. He had just hoped he’d hide it better than this.
Eddie sighed, “Great,” and stood, grabbing his keys out of his pocket, “back roads it is, gonna take me 20 minutes to get home now.”
Steve stood too, causing Eddie to glance back. He pinched his friend’s cheek, “Would you feel better if I called you when I got home, Stevie?” Eddie mocked, pouting his lip.
Steve pushed him away, “Shut up, man. Fine, that’s the last time I give a shit about my friends.”
Eddie laughed, “Nah, I appreciate it, Harrington. I’ll see ya on Friday right? Still looking your car over at the shop?”
“Yeah, yeah. See ya Friday.”
Eddie left Steve’s apartment smiling to himself.
What a good dude.
By the time he hit Cornwallis, the detour was worse than expected. It took him down several back roads and side streets Eddie is usually able to avoid all together.
Not to mention Forest Hills trailer park is on the opposite side of town from Harrington’s place. Eddie is usually able to zip down Main Street to save some time, but with Cornwallis a no-go, it was an addition pain in the ass to avoid the one-ways.
“Oh come on.” He griped. The car in front of him was going what seemed like negative miles an hour. He whipped the wheel to the left, evading the current route and instead, opting for an old way he remembered like the back of his hand.
Even in the dark.
It was eerie. To be on this street that he'd driven hundreds of times, knowing it wasn't leading to you.
He could practically see you, the way you’d sit on the curb until he got there, bag packed with your essentials for a few days. Wanting to get the hell out of this place before your Dad came-too.
The street was dim, lit only by the few flickering street lamps. He attempted to drown out the glimpses of the past, turning up the radio, and blasting Crazy Train so loud it made his windows shake.
Six houses away.
It was a subconscious entity; these memories shouting from the void and demanding to be remembered.
The porch light to your old house was on. “Huh…weird.” Eddie whispered to himself.
His van was barely at your mailbox when he slammed on his brakes, nearly getting choked by the seatbelt. He skidded to a stop, and killed the music.
Either he’s high as a kite, or it was you. Standing right in front of him as you dragged the trash can to the curb.
He’s hoping it’s the former.
You, rightfully so, looked like a deer in fucking headlights. Jumping back when you heard the screech of his tires.
But you know that van—you’d know it simply by the way it sounded coming down your street or by the shape of the headlights shining through the Hawkins fog.
The rusted hinges groaned when the drivers side door opened. Eddie was moving, but he wasn’t sure why. Not when very fiber of his being was screaming at him to stay in the van—to keep driving. Did he listen?
Of course not.
Eddie Munson says your name so softly and with such disbelief, it almost sounded like fear coating his tongue.
You, unlike the boy—man before you, were frozen.
That was the first thing you’d noticed. Eddie still looked like…Eddie, just a manlier—a more rugged version of the boy you’d loved.
He had five o’clock shadow covering his jaw. Cheekbones that were more defined, the hollows more pronounced. His hair was shorter, shorter than you remember it, anyway and he wore boots—work boots. Gone we’re the torn-up Goodwill sneakers he’d saved up weeks to buy.
He was in a black henley and dark wash jeans, though he still had his signature wallet chain and denim jacket.
Your heart slammed in your chest. Your dinner churned in your belly.
You could go. You could turn around and ignore him, walking back into your home and do exactly what he did to you.
But you wouldn’t, you’re better than that—better than him.
“W-Why…what are you doing here?” He half-mumbled.
“Minding my own business.” The strength in your voice surprised you.
Eddie was quiet, very uncharacteristically so, before he shook his head…presumably in an attempt to sort out his thoughts.
“But you’re, you’re here. You’re in Hawkins.” You could practically see the proverbial egg shells he was walking on.
Was he…afraid of you?
Good. You thought. He should be.
You crossed your arms, “Nothing ever did get past you.”
He was stuck. Quicksand was pulling him down, holding his body tightly and dragging him into the Earth’s core. He couldn’t breathe, he was dying.
At least that’s what it felt like.
Eddie cleared his throat. “How, um, how long—“
“A while.” You interject.
How long had you been here? How long were you staying? It didn’t matter, the answer is the same.
“And you’re staying here.” He nodded to the blue house he’s rescued you from hundreds of times.
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” You we’re cold, colder than he’s ever heard you.
Eddie took you in now. You were the same in every way that mattered. Older, sure…but still you, and for that, Eddie couldn’t be more grateful.
You had new smile lines. Were you happy? He hoped to whatever God was listening that you were.
“It’s not, shit. I—I know it’s not. I just didn’t know—“
A noise from inside the house startled you. Your head whipped around, fast as lighting.
Shit. Maggie.
“You okay?” He asked.
No, no, no.
Ignoring him, you turn and start walking back to the house, when Eddie calls your name again, not daring to move from where he’d planted his feet.
You all but spit at him, “Leave, Eddie. There’s nothing left here for you.”
And you meant it.
When you were safely inside, you check Maggie, who was sound asleep.
The noise must have been the door, or the wind, but it scared to half to death.
He didn’t deserve to know her, and maybe that’s selfish, but you aren’t ready to share your daughter yet.
Not with him.
Who knows, maybe you never will be.
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saylorsaysstop · 8 months
Dessert Plans | Jason Todd 18+
↪ Masterlist (Jason) | Masterlist (Dick)
pairing: Jason Todd x female!Reader
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The scent of rosemary and garlic fills the space of your apartment, causing your mouth to water and your stomach to grumble. A long day spent confined to a classroom teaching a bunch of tired and grumpy 7th graders had you summoning for the bell to ring and for the day to be over. Luckily, it was also Friday, so you had a long weekend ahead. 
But back to that delicious scent. Your mouth continues to water as you slip out of your shoes and put your bag down by the door. The sound of singing echoes from your kitchen. A grin plasters your face as the speaker plays Anti-Hero. 
Jason, at first, would never admit that songs belonging to a world-renowned popstar would escape his lips but you caught him red-handed one too many times until he realized that he couldn’t hide it from you. 
“Jay?” you call out to your boyfriend. His back turned to you, you make out the outline of pure muscle that strains beneath his gray t-shirt. It clings to him and cuffs around his biceps. You groan softly at the sight of him. Jason Todd is gorgeous. Undoubtedly, you scored quite literally the jackpot of men with his generosity, need to protect, and dangerously good looks.
His head turns swiftly, the last string of the chorus leaving his lips. 
“Baby,” Jason chuckles, spatula in hand. He glances between you and whatever is on the stovetop behind him. He quickly cuts the heat down to a low simmer before making his way over to you. Strong arms engulf you, the smell of leather and smoke crowding your senses in what can only be described as euphoric. 
You lazily tangle your arms around his waist and smother your face against his chest where you lightly kiss the patch of skin that peeks through the V of his t-shirt. 
“How was your day?” Jason asks, kissing the top of your head. He stands much taller than you, practically swallowing you. Dick loved to joke about your drastic height difference, poking fun by asking, “Hey? Where is she? I don’t see her.” when you’re standing behind Jason. 
“Exhausting,” you chuckle in response. “We had an exam review today. I’ve got high hopes they’ll all pass but you know how it goes.” 
Jason smiled and took your hand, leading you to the barstool that sits in front of the counter. “Go on, take a seat. I’ll pour you a glass of wine.” 
“Sounds lovely, Jay. What are you making? Smells amazing.” you breathe a sigh of relief when the ache in your feet subsides the moment you take a seat. Jason grabs a wine glass from the top shelf with perfect ease and confiscates the bottle of wine from the fridge. He pours you a glass and sets it in front of you before returning to his work at the stove. 
“Your favorite. Garlic potatoes and rosemary chicken.”
Groaning with excitement, Jason laughs. 
“No patrol tonight?” You question, sipping the wine. There are many nights when you come home and Jason is getting ready to join Dick and Tim. The early hours of the morning are when you’d feel the bed dip and strong arms wrap around you, bringing you to his chest, your neck smothered with his hot mouth and his large limbs tangling with yours. But nights like this– they were few and far between. But Jason valued romance and wanted nothing more than to keep it alive. He wanted to make up for the moments he missed. It took him so long to find someone worth it, someone to relieve him of his stress, to remind him that he didn’t have to carry his burdens alone on his back. 
A new side of Jason was born when you two came together. A light came on within him and it shone brightly. He was quite the comedian, oftentimes using his death as a means to humor his brothers and Bruce. There have been countless times Jason reminded Bruce and his brothers at the dinner table at Wayne Manor that he had the up on them because he had seen death. Cue the jabbing of your elbow into his side and him bursting out laughing.
“Nope. I’m all yours.” Jason smiled widely at you. “Told the boys I had a hot date.”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes. “A hot date–really?” 
“Mmhm. The hottest woman in all of Gotham City… Told them I was hoping she could put me in detention tonight…” 
Your eyes widen as Jason saunters back over and takes a sip from your wine, his nose scrunching up. “Shit. That’s horrible.” 
You snatch the stem out of his hand and push him back with your foot.“Stick to the hard stuff, Todd. Leave my poison alone. And detention? Since when did you like role-playing?”
Jason smirks with a sparkle in those green eyes that promises to be your downfall. With two large hands, he reaches out and skims them under the hem of your skirt. Calloused fingertips ignite fires along the skin of your thighs as Jason reaches as far as the fabric will allow him. He digs into the supple flesh and grunts, shaking his head. 
“There’s always room to try something new, baby. You know that.” he leans forward and captures your lips for a kiss. You hum and set the wineglass down so you can give your all into the kiss. His tongue glides with yours. You lay one hand over the back of his neck while the other cups his cheek. Jason hums deliciously, the vibrations sending shockwaves into your lower belly until the floodgates threaten to open. 
“Let’s get through dinner, yeah? Then you’re all mine.” Jason pulls away, leaving you breathless. 
“What’d you have in mind?” You can’t help but ask, eyelashes fluttering at the dizziness overcoming you. 
Jason does that thing you love so much that he slowly undresses you with his eyes. He starts at your face before trailing down your blouse and eyeing your chest before he travels his gaze down the journey of your stomach until his mind is locked on the image of you naked and ready for him, a sight that fits the term glorious. 
“I’m going to clean up this kitchen and while I do so, you’re going to put on that little red lace set you know drives me crazy… I want you relaxed and feeling sexy because, after that, you’re due back in this kitchen for dessert.” 
Your eyes widen as you sink your teeth into your lip. “What kind of dessert?” 
Jason tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and nips your bottom lip quickly. 
“The one between your thighs, baby. My favorite. I’m going to spread you so wide on this table and eat you until you’re begging for me to stop. Until you’re so spent that the only name you’re able to moan is mine… Until my need is satiated. Want you to come so hard on my tongue that every night I’m out on patrol this week, I’ll remember your taste… That’s the dessert I’ve got planned for you.” He winks before kissing you quickly on the cheek and returning to the stove.
“Jason,” You gasp, your core throbbing at his imagery. 
“Hope you’re hungry.” Jason shoots you another wicked smile before grabbing plates and fixing dinner.
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hbyrde36 · 6 months
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Chapter 1: Under My Skin
Written for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang
Art (coming soon!) by @glitterfang
Beta'd by @penny00dreadful
Rating: E | WC: 5937 | Chapters: 1/2 | AO3 Link
Not for the first time, Eddie was really regretting his decision to book a client on a Friday night, and a new client at that. 
It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do, exactly. There were no dates on his calendar, and going out to random bars and clubs on the weekends to look for quick hookups had begun losing its appeal lately.
But it’d been a long week, and he’d much rather have been getting ready to plop down on the couch with Chrissy to split a bottle of red wine while they watched Drag Race, than preparing to do a cover up for some idiot who’d gotten his girlfriend’s name tattooed on his body, only to fall victim to—The Curse. 
Ask any tattoo artist and they’d be the first to tell you, there was no surer way to guarantee a breakup than to ink your significant other’s name on your body forever. 
And yeah, it probably wasn’t fair to judge the guy before they’d even met, but there were only two kinds of people who tended to make that particular mistake—dumbasses, and hopeless romantics. He just kind of assumed his client fell into the former camp, rather than the latter.
Eddie had just started wiping down the front desk counter, which doubled as a display case for the various accessories and body jewelry they carried trying to kill some time between his last appointment and cover-up-guy, when Chrissy came walking out of her studio.
It was one of the biggest perks, in his opinion, of owning their own shop. Not only did each of them finally have their own work spaces—no more having to listen to other client conversations or fighting over a single bluetooth speaker—but being their own bosses also meant they could decorate and customize their own studios to their heart’s content. 
The main area of the shop was a bit of a catch-all, much like his and Chrissy’s shared apartment. It featured neutral walls lined with a mishmash of all the things they loved, sprinkled in and amongst odd antiques, knick-knacks, and various pieces of unique artwork. There was everything from vintage vinyl record jackets tacked to the wall, to faux taxidermy mountings of creatures that had never existed in real life. 
Entering Chrissy’s studio was a little like stepping inside a Lisa Frank notebook cover. All vibrant rainbow colors and aggressive animal print. Eddie had painted the walls himself, color matching the exact shade of fuchsia as the adjustable chair he’d custom ordered just for her. He was no interior designer so she’d taken it from there, and though the finished product was a little too bright for his tastes, even he had to admit it was still pretty fucking metal. 
Eddie’s space was the polar opposite, featuring dark stained wood furniture and a style of decor that could be best described as a slightly more grown up version of a teenage boy's bedroom. Band and movie posters lined three of the walls, but instead of being held up with thumbtacks, or scotch tape, they were neatly laid in matching frames with thick black edging. The remaining wall held a gallery of photos. Him and Wayne from their last fishing trip, one from when he and Chrissy had received the keys to the parlor unlocking its doors on the first day that it was theirs, and an old snap of him and his high school bandmates standing in front of their homemade banner, among many others.
It wasn’t until Chrissy came up to lean on the counter with her jacket zipped-up and her purse slung over her shoulder that he realized something was up.
“Don’t forget to lock up when you're done.” She said, tapping her nails on the glass. “Oh! And can you stop and pick up some oat milk on your way home? We’re out.” 
“Wait, where are you going? Didn’t you have a client booked tonight too? I thought we were in this together, Cunningham!”
“Not anymore.” She said cheerfully, leaning across the counter to rest her elbows on the glass, leaving an ink smudge on the exact spot he had just finished cleaning. He swatted at her with the damp rag and she jerked back with a giggling-gasp.
“Mine had to cancel.”
Eddie groaned. “I hate when clients do that.”
She shrugged. “Doesn’t bother me. It’s like a free night off I wasn’t expecting.”
“Not exactly free, since canceling means not paying in full.” He grumbled.
“Oh lighten up! It’s not like we’re that behind on bills or anything.”
“Tell that to the electric company.” He said, mostly to tease her, though he couldn't help glancing up at the excessively large and kitschy skull chandelier he’d found on Amazon that definitely didn’t use high efficiency light bulbs, but he had sworn at the time was worth it for The Aesthetic™.
“Why are you always so grumpy?” Chrissy asked, jutting her lip out in a dramatic reenactment of him pouting. 
Not that he was one to pout. 
“I’m not!”
“Look at your face, you're grumpy right now!”
“That's because y- you’re…” He cut himself off with a sigh. 
He couldn't begrudge her the time off, he’d be hightailing it out of there just the same if it had been him. 
“Just get out of here.” He said, conceding defeat.
She beamed. “Okay! See you later!” She said, all but sprinting to the front doors. “Don’t forget about the milk!”
“Wait, why can’t you–” He started to ask, but she was on the other side of the door before he could get the words out.
“Oh forget it.” He mumbled, stashing the glass cleaner away where it belonged. 
About fifteen minutes later the bell above the door chimed, signaling the arrival of what Eddie assumed to be his last customer of the day. 
Except, it couldn't be.
It couldn’t possibly be because the Adonis that had just entered his humble tattoo parlor was, quite frankly, bonkers hot. There was no way, absolutely no way someone had this guy—this guy—so obsessed with them that he went and got their name tattooed on his perfect body and then just… let him go. 
It was unthinkable.
“Hi, you must be Eddie. I recognized you from your Instagram.” Pretty-boy said with a shy smile.
“Steve?” Eddie asked, blinking hard, completely unable to mask the tone of disbelief.
The other man nodded.
Shit, okay.
So this was him—Steeeeeeve Harrington. This was the guy. 
Maybe there was something wrong with him? There had to be a catch, a series of very red flags or something because all Eddie could think about at that moment was, if he ever got a chance with Steve? He’d never let him go. 
Get it together, Munson!
The bright side, of a sort, was that Steve smacked of straight guy energy, so it was unlikely Eddie would even be in the running for a chance anyway. Better to just put it out of his mind.
Though, he supposed he could still… look. It's not like looking ever hurt anyone. Not that he made a habit out of ogling the clientele. Of course, none of his other customers had ever come in wearing vintage Levi’s that fit their ass like a glove, not to mention the way they fit around his–
Had Steve been talking this whole time while he’d been off daydreaming about what those sinfully tight jeans might look like on his bedroom floor?
“Yeah.” A soft chuckle fell from Eddie’s lips as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “S- sorry, man. Spaced out for a second there I guess.” 
What the fuck was wrong with him today?!
“It’s okay. I was just asking if the plan was still the same? In your last email you suggested we should do this over two appointments.”
Work question… yes, good. Focus on the job! 
“Right. With what we talked about I'd like to concentrate on just the outline today, maybe a little shading, and then in six weeks or so once that’s healed have you come back for the color. If you’re still alright with that?”
Eddie could do the whole thing in one shot if Steve really wanted to sit that long, but with something like this he didn't want to feel rushed. He’d done a few concept sketches after emailing back and forth with Steve about what he was looking for, and honestly what they’d come up with wasn’t really his usual style. He could do it, he was more than capable, but he had to wonder why Steve had picked him, out of all the tattoo artists in the city. He’d seen Eddie’s Instagram, so he knew the kind of work he usually churned out. Hell, Chrissy would have been the more obvious choice for this.
Of course, now that he’d gotten an eye-full of Steve in person he was glad he hadn’t tried to pawn him off on her. He was also really hoping Steve would agree to the split sessions, it would give them an excuse to see each other again.
“Whatever you think is best. I’m putting myself in your expert hands.” Steve said, a hint of a blush coloring his cheeks.
That was… interesting. 
Maybe Eddie had been a little bit hasty in his initial straight assessment?
Steve’s deposit had been paid, and they’d already gone over pricing through email so there wasn't much to discuss as far as that was concerned, After signing some paperwork and getting the other man’s ID scanned into the system there was nothing left to do but walk Steve back to his studio and get this show on the road.
“You can go ahead and take your shirt off, get comfortable. I’ll show you the stencil I drew up and if it looks good we can put it on and get started.” Eddie said, gesturing to his client chair.
He leaned over his desk while Steve got situated, taking a second to gather his thoughts, as well as add a small finishing touch to the transfer sketch before turning back to his client. The sight made his throat go dry. 
It shouldn’t have been as hot as it was. 
At Eddie's direction, in preparation, Steve had shaved his chest. More specifically, Steve had shaved half of his chest. The side Eddie would be working on, that sported the existing tattoo, was bare—smooth as a baby's bottom. The other side was… 
It was…
Jesus Christ.
It should have looked ridiculous actually, and it was a little funny, but honestly all Eddie could think when he stared at the untrimmed side of Steve's upper body, resplendent with the most glorious chest hair, was that it was a travesty, a crime even, that he’d never get to see the whole thing grown out in its full glory. 
The lack of a shirt also highlighted the fact that Steve was incredibly toned, much more so than he had initially appeared even through his slim fit henley. 
Eddie shook his head, praying it had suddenly become an etch-a-sketch and he could clear out his thoughts by sheer force. 
He truly didn’t know what had gotten into him. It was hardly the first time he’d worked on someone he found attractive, but usually he didn’t notice it quite this much. When you pierce and tattoo for a living you get used to seeing a lot of bare skin, including occasionally, areas typically reserved for romantic partners. Professional hazzard, but it’d never been a problem for him before. He was an artist, this was his craft, and bare skin was just another kind of canvas.
He blamed it on his current dry spell, self-imposed as it was. 
It was easy enough to go out on a Saturday and find a guy or girl to bring home for the night, but he was so tired of one night stands and meaningless hookups in bar bathrooms. Where was the substance? He wanted companionship. He wanted a partner. He wanted to fall in love. 
Eddie cleared his throat and crossed the room to hand Steve the stencil, busying himself with raising up his stool to the proper height and pulling on a pair of thick black neoprene gloves while the other man looked it over.  
“It’s great.” Steve said. 
“Good.” Eddie quietly let out the breath he’d been holding. “Alright I'm gonna put this on and have you take a look at the placement, make sure you like it, then we can get started.”
Eddie squeezed out a dime sized amount of the stencil gel and rubbed it into Steve’s chest, laying the transfer paper down in just the right way so that the final design would sufficiently cover what was underneath, assuming he had scaled it right. 
It was perfect. After a quick check in the mirror, Steve agreed. 
While they waited for it to dry Eddie double checked his set up to make sure he had everything he would need for the session.
“Ready to get started?”
Steve took a deep breath and blew it out slow. “Yeah. I am.”
His reply felt heavy, like maybe he was talking about more than just the tattoo. Had they known each other at all Eddie might have asked about it, but they were basically strangers, and it wasn’t his job to pry. 
With steady hands he set the needle to Steve's skin and got to work. 
They weren’t at it for very long before Steve started to squirm. 
Eddie ignored it at first, he could tell the guy was trying hard to keep himself still, and he wasn’t really moving enough to actually disturb the work. Sometimes it took a bit for clients to sink into the feeling, to let the pain fade to the background enough that they could relax a little bit or at least be able to keep their body from trying to react to the odd sensation. But then he noticed the light sheen of sweat spreading over Steve's upper body, and would have sworn he could somehow feel the other man’s pulse quickening beneath the hand he had pressed so closely to his heart, even over the vibration of the tattoo machine.
He should probably stop and do a check-in, suggest a breather or some water. It wouldn't be the first time a seemingly tough muscle-bound guy had struggled to sit for him. 
He opened his mouth to say something about it, lifting the needle as he took a quick glance up at Steve’s face, but what he saw had the words dying on his tongue. Steve was staring back at him, face flushed, breath coming quick and shallow, bottom lip trapped between his teeth. 
That… did not look like a face that was in pain—or rather—it didn’t seem like the pain was unpleasant. 
Eddie flicked his gaze quickly back down to his hands, the needle, fighting the urge to look lower. 
He shouldn’t. 
It wasn’t right.
The professional thing to do would be to ignore the reaction completely. 
But Eddie was a weak, weak man.
He looked. 
Just a quick peek, less than a half-second that his eyes wandered south, and immediately he regretted it. 
Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuck.
Suspicion confirmed. Steve was hard. He was also huge if the unmistakable outline was any indication. Eddie bit his tongue, fighting back the groan that was trying to fight its way out of his throat. 
Those jeans should be fucking illegal. The only thing worse would’ve been a pair of gray sweatpants. Now he was the one sweating.
“Sorry.” Steve said, voice strained.
Eddie stilled, lifting the machine away from Steve's chest again before looking back up to meet his eyes. 
Steve raised an eyebrow, challenging him to continue to pretend he hadn’t noticed. 
“It’s fine, really. It… happens. Everyone reacts differently to the pain.”
Steve let out a high pitched and breathy huff of laughter. “It wasn’t like this last time.” He muttered under his breath.
Eddie tried hard not to read into that, not to think about what the difference might be.
“Do you need to take a break?” 
“No,” Steve swallowed hard. Eddie watched, momentarily mesmerized by the bob of his adams apple. “But, uh, can we talk or something? To distract me?”
He sounded so vulnerable, and a little embarrassed. It was enough to snap Eddie out of his daze. The last thing he wanted was for the person in his chair to feel uncomfortable. Talking he could do, it was one of his best things. 
“Sure, what do you want to talk about?” Eddie asked casually, getting right back into his line work.
“You.” Steve answered quickly, pausing to clear his throat. “Um, I mean, did you always want to be a tattoo artist?”
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, pretty much. I used to spend all my time, including the time I should have been using to study or do my homework, drawing, sketching, painting, you name it, and it just kinda developed from there. I gave myself my first stick-and-poke when I was about 15. My uncle was pissed. Not about the tattoo exactly, but he was worried I wasn't being safe enough about it—sanitary and stuff. Of course, he wasn’t wrong. So, Wayne took me out the next day and we got a book about it, and he bought me all the right materials. Even let me practice on him when I graduated to a tattoo machine.”
“He sounds like a really great guy.” Steve said.
“Yeah, he is.” Eddie could feel the wistful smile spreading across his own face. “Not just anyone could step in and raise someone else’s kid like that. Just wish I got to see him more. I go back to Indiana to visit him a few times a year, but it’s not the same.”
“I don’t see my family very much either, but we’re not close.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. My parents, they’re–” Steve trailed off as if looking for the right words. “Well, let's just say they're not as supportive of my—life choices, as your uncle was for you.”
“I, uh, came out to them a while ago… as bisexual? They didn’t take it very well. Said I was just going through some kind of phase or crisis or something. Sorry, this is probably, like, way too much information to share with someone I just met.”
“No. it’s—Okay, maybe to a normal person it might be but I've never been what anyone would describe as normal. And… I get it.”
Eddie didn’t really have to say it. The outside of the shop sported every kind of pride flag you could think of. There were pictures right behind him on the wall of him and Chrissy at their first ever pride parade right here in the city. Not to mention his social media profiles, where he had a bi  flag right next to his age and pronouns in his bio. Steve knew, was the point, and Eddie was glad he’d felt safe enough in his shop—with him, to talk about it.
“Wayne was really good about that too.” Eddie said softly. “I’m sorry your parents weren’t.”
A comfortable silence settled between them after that and Eddie left it unbroken, better to let Steve decide which direction their conversation went from here—if he wanted to continue it. He seemed more relaxed already and his… predicament had mercifully gone down as they spoke. 
“When did you—how did you… know?“ Steve asked after a while.
“Junior High.” Eddie answered quickly, smiling to himself as he indulged in a little nostalgia. “Kinda the opposite of the usual story, I guess. I thought I was gay. I had such a crush on this boy a grade above me.  Nobody that would have given me the time of day mind you, I was a band geek and a huge nerd, but he was very nice to look at. Then he changed schools. I was heartbroken of course, which is my excuse for why I let this girl drag me under the bleachers during gym class. One second we were just sitting there talking and the next she was in my lap with her tongue down my throat.” 
Eddie shrugged. “And I didn’t hate it. I reacted exactly the way a young boy reacts when a pretty girl is kissing them and grinding in their lap. Honestly, it blew my mind a little bit—had to reevaluate my whole world view.”
Steve hummed in understanding.
“It’s still mostly men for me but–” Eddie sighed wistfully, “Women.”
“Women,” Steve agreed reverently, letting out a soft laugh. “It was a bit more recent for me. A friend took me to a gay bar—dragged me there actually.” He started to shake his head, stopping instantly when he seemed to realize he might be moving too much.
Good boy.
Eddie smirked. “I bet you were popular.”
“You could say that. I’ve never had so many people offer to buy me a drink in my life.” As Steve went on he began to rub his hand along the chair's armrest, mindlessly drawing patterns into its surface with his long fingers.
“It’s funny, at 25 I didn’t think I had anything new to discover about myself, at least nothing big, but after that rather eye-opening evening I had to, like you said, reevaluate some things about myself. It wasn’t a huge shock I guess. Like, I had found guys attractive before—friends, celebrities, whatever, I just thought everyone felt that way.”
“Ah, the bisexual’s fallacy. Sure I think about other dudes sometimes, but only the normal amount.” Eddie said.
“How was I supposed to know it wasn’t!”
Eddie stopped tattooing as they held each other's gaze, both managing to keep a straight face for only a second before simultaneously dissolving into hysterical laughter. 
Figuring it was as good a time as any to take a short break, Eddie stripped his gloves off and slid across the room on his stool to a small mini-fridge he kept tucked under his desk, stocked with water and juice—something he always kept on hand in case a client got lightheaded.
As they sipped their drinks and both took an opportunity to stretch, Eddie decided it was finally time to put his foot in his mouth.
“So, how are you enjoying things on this side of the field? Someone as pretty as you, I'm sure you get asked out a lot.”
“No, uh, I don't know. I- I haven't really been out on any dates with guys.” Steve stuttered out nervously. “Kissed a few, but that’s all.” 
“Oh, that’s too bad.” Eddie said. He meant it too. Not only was Steve something special to look at, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. He deserved to be taken out and shown a good time. Maybe he was shy.
Steve laid back in the chair, puffing his chest out as he got back into position while Eddie slipped a new pair of gloves on. 
“Why, you offering to show me the ropes?” Steve asked, pointedly raising an eyebrow.
Eddie’s mouth went dry. 
Okay, not that shy then. Surely it was just fun friendly flirting though, right?
“Don’t tempt me.” Eddie teased back. Two could play this game.
“Why not?”
“First rule of the trade, or at least the Munson doctrine, no dating the clients.”
“Oh, that’s too bad.” Steve said, and without even looking up Eddie could hear the smile in his voice, a hint of–challenge accepted–in his tone.
The next hour flew by as they continued to chat, both remarking on the differences between small town life and city life, as well as lamenting how expensive it was, and how neither of them thought they’d still be living with roommates in their mid-to-late-20's.
For a while Eddie waxed poetic about Chrissy, who of course filled the roles of bestie, roommate, and business partner, which tickled Steve to no end. 
He told the other man how they’d met, apprenticing at the same tattoo parlor at around the same time. and wound up bonding for life almost immediately. They were total opposites on the surface but deep down they were remarkably similar. Eddie didn’t go into too much detail, as it wasn’t his story to tell, but alluded to the fact that he and Chrissy had the shared experience of being born to shitty parents, only to be raised by another family member. A grandmother in Chrissy’s case.
It meant that they understood each other more than most, and yeah, being around one another 24/7 also meant they got on each other’s nerves a lot, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.  
At some point Steve’s cell phone began to ring from where it was shoved in his front pocket. He apologized profusely for forgetting to switch it on silent before they’d gotten started, but Eddie assured him it wasn’t a big deal. 
Or—it wouldn't have been, except either it was some kind of emergency, or someone who was intent on reaching Steve immediately, and continued trying to call three more times. 
“We can take a break if you need to get that.” Eddie offered.
Truth be told he could use a little breather himself. All this time of being essentially face down in Steve’s incredible chest was getting to him a little bit, not to mention the way his forearm lightly brushed along Steve's stomach whenever he braced himself across the man’s body. The feel of their bare skin touching was almost too much, and more than once Eddie felt himself breaking out in goosebumps. 
“Yeah, I think we’d better. It’s gotta be my little brother and knowing him he won’t stop calling until I answer.”
Eddie busied himself removing his gloves and taking a long drink from his water bottle while he flipped through a few drawings on his side table, trying to look like he wasn’t hearing every word of Steve's side of the conversation. 
“Hey buddy, I'm a little busy right now. What’s going on?” 
Steve paused, listening attentively to the voice on the other end of the call. 
“Dustin, he’s not abandoning you. Just because he wants–”
Sighing as he was abruptly interrupted, Steve somehow made the huff of breath sound both annoyed and fond.
“Well, did he actually say he didn’t want to play D&D with you anymore?” 
Eddie’s head snapped up of its own volition. Did the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen in real life just say D&D?
“That’s what I thought.” Steve said with a satisfied tone. “It's gonna be fine. I’ll come see you tomorrow, okay? Tell your mom I said hi.”
“Sorry about that.” Steve said, addressing Eddie this time, rolling his eyes as he ended the call. “Teenagers.”
“Pretty cool little brother if he plays Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Oh no.” Steve groaned. “Not you too! He and all his little friends are obsessed with it.”
“I used to play all the time with a group back in high school. We still try and get together for a one-shot at the holidays when we’re all back home visiting.” Eddie paused, concentrating for a second on wiggling his fingers into yet another set of gloves. There wasn’t really all that much left to do, another 20 minutes or so and he’d be done with the outline. “Was he alright, your brother?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine.” Steve replied as he sat back, getting into position. “We, uh, technically we’re not actually related—I'm an only child. But I used to babysit Dustin when he was younger and when he grew up I just sorta stuck around. It’s only him and his mom at home and I guess I thought… I dunno, like, maybe I could help? I drove him to his first school dance, taught him how to do his hair, shave, that kinda stuff.”
“That's… that’s really sweet, man. I’m sure he appreciates having you around.”
With every new thing he learned about Steve, Eddie felt like he was in deeper and deeper trouble. He’d been having a tough enough time keeping it together with simply lusting over a hot body, but now Steve was turning out to be this sweetheart of a guy and, client or not, Eddie thought he might just be worth breaking all the rules for. 
“He’s worried his friend group is falling apart because one of the guys is going out for the basketball team. He’s afraid if Lucas gets in good with the jocks he won’t want to play with them anymore.”
“As a former outcast and enemy to jocks everywhere, I can understand his concern.” 
“Are you saying we wouldn't have been friends in high school then?”
“Steve, Stevie, please. Please don’t tell me…” Eddie trailed off, stopping what he was doing and gasping for dramatic effect–hand over his heart. “Oh god, you were captain of the sportsball team weren’t you?” 
Steve giggled, his beautiful eyes sparkling with it. “Basketball, to be exact. I was the co-captain of the swim team too.”
“I knew it would never work between us.” Eddie tutted, shaking his head as he got back to tattooing. “Are you reformed, at least?”
“Once a jock, always a jock, I'm afraid. I’m a personal trainer now.”
It explained a lot, and the perks—pun absolutely intended—of Steve's day job were undeniable, but as hot as the mental image of him pumping iron was, the idea of Steve palling around with toxic gym bros all day was almost enough to have Eddie second guessing everything.
“Don’t worry though, I don’t like gym bros any more than the next guy.” Steve said conspiratorially. “My clients are mainly older women looking to maintain their strength and mobility as they age.”
Aaaaand Eddie stood corrected. “Lucky ladies.”
Jesus Christ, could this guy get any more perfect?
Steve shifted in his seat, starting to get antsy after keeeping still for so long. 
“Just a few more minutes, almost done.” Eddie murmured, tongue between his teeth as he concentrated on a spot near the curve of Steve’s collarbone.
“Do you do a lot of these? Cover-ups I mean?” Steve asked. “My roommate is the one who actually suggested it. For some reason I just never thought about it as an option.”
“I don’t know if i’d say a lot, but a fair few, yeah.”
“You, um. You can ask about it… If you want.”
Eddie glanced up in surprise. He would never have brought it up without being prompted, it just didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t deny he was curious, and if Steve was okay with it then–
“Okay, I'll bite. Who’s Nancy?”
“My fiance’. Well, ex-fiance’ now. We broke things off a little over a year ago.”
“That’s rough, I'm sorry.”
“It’s okay. Honestly, It’s… I should have probably seen it coming? We were high school sweethearts—got together before we really knew who we were on our own. But I was dumb and in love. I got the tattoo and proposed. I was so happy that day, but looking back it was so obvious that she’d only said yes out of pity or guilt, not because she really wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.”
The part of Eddie that believed in true love—and all that cheesy shit—was sad that a couple who had been together for so long, who had essentially grown up together, hadn’t been able to make it work. Selfishly though, a small piece of him was happy to learn that they’d been broken up for quite some time, lessening the chance that, if he did somehow gather the courage to ask Steve out when the tattoo was done, he wouldn’t be on the rebound.
“It was tough. I felt like a failure for a long time, like I was having to start my whole life over from scratch when I'd thought for so long that she was it for me, but it's actually been… good. We weren’t right for eachother, I can see that now. As much as it hurt, I'm grateful she had the courage to break things off when she did.”
“I’m glad you’ve been able to come to peace with it.”
“Getting this tattoo feels like the final step into letting that life go, y’know?”
Eddie nodded. Steve’s demeanor before they got started made so much sense now.
“Is there some significance to the design?” He asked, making his final line and setting the machine down. He wiped at the excess ink on Steve's skin, raising his head just in time to see the way the other man’s eyes lit up.
“Yeah, Robin. She–she’s everything to me. Like a best friend, but more somehow. I don’t think I really knew what unconditional love was before her. She’s like, another piece of my soul or something. I don’t know what I would do without her.”
Eddie froze. 
The tattoo design was a bird—a robin.
A robin.
For, Robin.
How could he have been so stupid! 
Of course, Steve was getting one girl’s name covered up with something to represent the new one. 
Jesus Christ, they were both idiots.
Eddie for getting his hopes up, and Steve for making the same mistake—twice. At least this time it was a symbol and not a name, so if he and the latest potential Mrs. Harrington didn’t work out, at least he wouldn't have to worry about covering it up.
“Everything alright?” Steve asked.
The question spurred Eddie back into action. He spread the foam soap over Steve’s chest continuing to clean the finished tattoo while his heart crawled up into his throat. 
“Yup. All good.” Eddie forced the words out.
That's what Steve must have meant about not going on dates, he already had someone at home. Why hadn’t he just said that before though? And why had he flirted with him? 
Maybe he’d felt funny at first about admitting to being with a woman after all the talk about being bisexual. Not that Eddie would have judged, but he knew a lot of people did—bi erasure was so real. He understood that, but it didn’t make it hurt any less that Steve had, inadvertently or not, lead him on. 
Eddie gently patted the newly cleaned skin dry with a paper towel and carefully applied a square of Saniderm over the area, smoothing it out as he gave Steve his usual spiel, albeit a little robotically, about how to care for the tattoo over the coming days and weeks.
He quickly turned his back when he was done, telling Steve he could get dressed, and feeling stupid as all hell for being this upset about a guy he barely knew. He’d felt something though, potential—a spark. It was more than he’d felt for anyone in a long time.
Steve got quiet, looking a little confused with the sudden 180° Eddie’s mood had pulled. He felt a little bad about that as he brought the guy back out to the counter, but it wasn’t as though he’d suddenly become unprofessional. He was just… no longer being overly friendly.
After confirming the date for his second session, Steve paid his balance and Eddie walked him to the door.  
“Have a good night, Steve. Call the shop if you have any concerns or questions about aftercare.”
Steve bit his lip. “Oh, I… okay. See you in six weeks then.”
Eddie forced a smile, waiting until Steve was out of sight around the corner to lock up, and slunk back to his studio to disinfect it so he could finally go home and sulk.
Chapter 2
All my thanks to @penny00dreadful for all of your wonderful beta work, and cheerleading, and support, and just generally being THE BEST 💜
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ebaylee422 · 2 years
Night Shift
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Author’s note: saw a prompt from @newlips​ and immediately got inspo. Unfortunately I can’t find the post! Anyway enjoy this sleep deprived drabble. Also 100% a fix it fic, is post season 4.
Summary: Sleepy sex with Eddie, you both work so hard. What's a little time to yourselves gonna hurt?
Characters: Just Eddie and Reader
Warnings/Tags: SMUT (Minors DNI!), riding, p in v sex, slight dacryphilia, mentions of trauma season 4.
Word Count: 1.5k
The jingle of keys and heavy boots woke you up from your cocoon of warmth in the bed you shared together. Looking at the clock, it was just after 1 in the morning. The bedroom door opened to Eddie sans work boots but still dressed in his work clothes. Chocolate eyes immediately find yours in the darkness.
“I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.” He whispered, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to your cheek. Reeking of oil and chemicals from the Plant. Since moving in together, Eddie spent his weekday mornings at the auto shop. You would have an early dinner together, and then the rest of his nights and weekends into the early morning was spent there like Wayne. Only sleeping in between shifts or before Hellfire on Friday nights. It was crazy to think he would actually get any sleep ever, but keeping his mind busy kept the nightmares away, and the jobs strengthened his body after Vecna’s bats nearly killed him. Together, you had almost saved enough money to leave Hawkins. You just needed a little more time. The shower was turned on, and you could hear Eddie’s belt hit the floor, turning with excitement. Then huffing when realizing he’d shut the bathroom door. Light from underneath and from the edges seeped into your bedroom. You rolled back over to your side, leaving the blankets open for Eddie to slip into. Alarms are already set so you could pack him a lunch and wake him up on time. Giving you enough time to share some affection over your ancient coffee pot before heading for a shift at the hospital. The shower stopped abruptly, and shuffling made you question what exactly was taking him so long.
“Eds?” You called out into the darkness, a gurgle and spit clued you in. The door creaked out not soon after, a dip in the bed made you tingle with excitement. You always slept better with Eddie, his calves warming your toes or how he would rub your back as you cuddled into his chest, hair frizzy twisting it between your fingers. 
“Hi, baby. ‘m all clean now.” You hummed, reaching for his arm in the darkness, pulling it over your chest. Eddie moved closer to spoon your backside, bare legs against your own. His hair damp against the pillows. Now, he smelled like himself, apple shampoo, and some strong patchouli spray he used as a cologne.
" 'missed you." You groaned into the pillow,
"You're cute when you speak in half sentences."
" 'm not-"
"Okay, princess. It's nap time now." He nuzzle into your back damp hair tickling you.
"Your gonna get sick."
"Going to bed with wet hair, Eds. You can get sick."
"Good thing, I know this very capable nurse." He teasingly cooed,
"Oh yeah. Nursing me back to health all the time, but she's no good without her beauty sleep." You pull on his arm hair before stretching your cold feet out against him. "Oww! What you should be concerned about it how cold your feet get."
"Shhh, sleep time." Effectively silencing him, cozy in your embrace.
You turn in your sleep, hearing Eddie whimpering. Blankets tossed away from his shivering body, he's curled in on himself. Most of the times he won't even remember what he was dreaming about, but nonetheless, it would scare him to be woken up. So you fluffed the blankets over the two of you again and wiggled your way between him and the mattress. Instantly, you were pulled closer, threading your leg between his. Arms wrapping around your back, you both releasing a sigh. It took him a few minutes for his breathing to sooth.
"Was it happening again?" He whispered into the crown of your head, voice horse with sleep. Your lips traced over the tattoos of his collarbone, the smoothness wanted you to litter his skin with kisses rather than the scars covering his frame.
"Not so bad tonight, do you remember?" His head shook no, and he took a deep breath.
"You were there, it was freezing. Not much else."
"I'm right here, Eds." You squeezed him as if you could get any closer. He was thinking the same.
"I know." His hand cradled the back of your neck, pulling you the distance to his lips. It was a sweet, tender kiss that tasted like the toothpaste you share. Surrounded by each others warmth, you pushed him to lay on his back, and he pulled you along to lay on his chest. Lips moving lazy and soft against each other, heating your core just begging to be completely overwhelmed by him.
"Want you, Eds." You begged, gasping as his lips sucked below your jaw. His hands moved underneath the shirt you wore, lifting it over your head he tossed it somewhere on the bed. Leaving you both in only underwear, you rocked against his thigh as he explored the newly exposed skin. Callouses brushed along your taut nipples as he felt you.
"Take what you need, Princess." He purred, freeing a hand to move one of your thighs to straddle him. He could feel the damping spot against his hardening length, shifting awkwardly enough to ensue giggles as you pushed his boxers down his legs. Licking and spitting into your hand to stroke his uncut length, hips bucking in response. Eddie groaned as he pushed your panties to the side, helping you balance as you moved his sensitive tip along your wet folds. Moaning when he grazed your clit, it sent shivers of anticipation down your spine. Eddie gasped when you lined him at your entrance, holding your hips in a bruising grip as you slowly sunk down. You whimpered, folding yourself over his chest once he was fully seated inside you. Gripping his shoulders to ground yourself, you swiveled your hips experimentally. Looking to find his eyes already watching you, lips clashing, sharing breaths as you tried to set a steady rhythm. Your legs and core started to burn with effort, but it wasn't quite enough to get you there.
"Need help, Eds." Eddie felt the stutter in your movements before you spoke and took the opportunity to grasp the globes of you ass in his hands. Frustration started to fuel your movements, whimpering as his cock filled you completely.
"Aw baby, crying for my cock?" Helping you rock against him, it was slow still but deeper. "Can't take it, baby, you can. You can take it, baby." The hair of his groin catching on your clit as he took over your movements.
"So good, make me feel so good, Eds." Tears fell in your overwhelming pleasure, his length pulsing against that spongy spot inside you.
"My pretty girl, just like that. So pretty when you cry on my cock." He let out a chest rattling moan when you clenched down in response to his words, planting his feet on the bed. You didn't fall back when you leaned back against him, rubbing your clit in tandem to his movements.
"Good girl. Touch yourself, wanna watch you cum on my cock. Fill you up real good, shit-" Thrusting up and swiveling your hips together, Eddie stuttered with a particularly hard thrust up. You cried out, high blooming in your center. Seeing him, feelings him, smelling him, hearing him. All of it is distant but not enough until your lips meet, becoming mirror images. Eddie twitched inside you, spilling his seed deep in you. Flipping you over, lips locked to hold you against him. His lifeline to reality. Wiping your drying tears with kisses galore across your cheeks. He pulled out gently, taking your panties off and using the shirt he'd thrown off you to wipe his cum from between your legs.
"You will not need that shirt for the rest of the night if I can help it." He admonished, kissing you deeply again to rid the furrow of your brows. Somehow, you managed to pull away from him long enough to pee and clean up a bit better. When you trotted back into the bedroom, he was fast asleep. Mouth wide open, drooling on his pillow. Hair a complete wreck. You checked the time, it was just past 5 a.m. In 15 minutes, you'd have to wake up his squishy face. Dark circles a constant around his sweet eyes. Slipping back under the blankets, Eddie immediately laid against the plush of your chest, making your heart swell even more. You ran your fingers through his unruly mane, he hummed in his sleep. An unspoken 'I love you' ringing between you. Maybe staying in bed for an extra 15 minutes isn't such a bad idea.
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