#gonna take some cold medicine during my lunch break and see if that helps
savethepinecones · 1 year
pretty sure ive sneezed upwards of 20 times today, my throat feels scratchy, and one of my ears feels like it needs to pop. im starting to think this might not just be allergies
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serxinns · 6 months
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Older! Yandere class 1a x reader
Summary: In which you have a fever and your caring and overbearing amazing pro heroes help you feel better!
Inspiration: @lady-ashfade (check out her newest fic it's so cool!)
"Seems like the cold got worse fuck..." you lie in your bed staring at the client your body felt heavy and your body feels like an oven but your room was usually cold you weakly raised your arm to where you can see it and waved it around slowly and rubbed your eyes your forehead, Shirt and hair was covered in sweat you felt like shit honestly but that's you had a job to do and that was heroism!
You got up careful to not do it quickly to cause more dizziness and dragged yourself to the bathroom you usually hate cold showers but your body was so hot you just needed one so you took a shower, it was unpleasant and discomforting even but it lowered your fever a little bit (author here and I recommend you to not take a cold shower while you have a fever please it could make it worse thank you) you dragged yourself into your closet and got out the spider suit you struggled to get it on you almost fell but managed to get it on you didn't care to make lunch like you usually do you'll just have to suck it up or just find a nearby cafe on your break
You wobbly stumbled down the steps holding on to the rails for dear life until you reached the door where Sero was about to knock "Hey bud! Your 30 minutes and-woah are you okay?.." Sero stopped to look at you his eyes filled with concerned "I-Its nothing Just a *Cough* *Cough* Cold" you said struggling to hold back your coughs zero didn't believe anything at all "Darling you have a fever and you're not taking it well at all you need rest!" "No! im fine I promise it's just a cold that's making me a bit dizzy and sweaty no biggie I've dealt with much worse this is just a pinch now let's go" You tried walking passed Sero but he blocked your doorway not moving a inch with a serious look on his face
"Y/n you're sick very sick it's my day off anyway I can take care of you" "No im *Sneezing* Fine! No *Coughs* weak virus is gonna make me *Coughs* stay home" You broke into coughing fits and that was when Sero had enough "Yep that's it you staying home" he began as he picked you up burial style ignoring your protests he took off your hero costume and tossing it to the side where all you have left was a t-shirt and some shorts he gently laid you down on your bed pulling the covers over you "comfy?" "Fuck you"
During his stay sero has taken extra care of you making sure you take your medication (He had to force your mouth open to take the nasty medicine cause u wouldn't budge but don't worry he gave you water) whenever you feel like throwing up he quickly grabs either the trash can or carries you to the bathroom to throw up while gently rubbing your back and cooing you he hates to admit it but seeing you weak and helpless makes the heart race he wants to be the one to take care of you like this to comfort you when you have days like these and baby you he knows your a very strong and dependable hero but he can't help but wonder what how dependable you might be for him
That was until he heard banging at the door he snapped out of his thoughts and grumbled to himself "I'll be right back make sure to eat your soup" You stuck your tongue out and gave him the middle finger which he chuckled when he opened the door he could see Ochako, Kirishima, Denki, sato, Iida, Izuku, shoto, and momo all standing there "Uh can I help y-" "Wheres y/n!" hakagure cut off his sentence he could tell that she was glaring at him but he didn't care "they're fine we're just having a hang out at his house now will you excuse me they said they just want ME to hang out with him" sero lied with a stern and serious tone "Oh yeah then why can't we see them then?" Ochako glared at him not taking Sero's bullshit zero was about to tell her off until fits of coughs were heard across the room everyone quickly ran past Sero and uninvitedly went into your room
They saw you with a bunch of tissues on the bed and a you trying to eat the soup "uh hey guys when did you get here"
Cue the drama
"Sick?! why didn't you tell us you were sick?!" momo said feeling your forehead with her hand and getting out her thermometer while Ochako was trying to get in your bed to cuddle you to make you feel better Kirishima was trying to make you drink his protein shake saying "It helped you get more manly" while seek was trying to urge them out saying you don't need this iida in the other hand was trying to control everyone and trying to calm down the situation but it's just creates more yelling
Sato was in your kitchen making you a "get well fever" cake in your kitchen, while Izuku was trying to look up recipes and house remedies to help you get better shoto was giving you ice pack after ice pack reassuring you that you'll be ok in his care, everyone was all over the place bickering at each other about what where they doing was wrong and what they were doing was for the best of your health and you were just getting tired of this that was when the small bickering turned into a whole argument
"They need me to take care of them you don't know what you're doing!" momo yelled out in union
"What do you mean you're the one trying to hog them not letting us know that they're sick!" hakagure argued back
"Oh please like you could do anything I bet I could make y/n better less then a day!"
"like you could do any My protein tea mixed with protein powder could make them all better in a minute!" kiri butted in
"You all need to stop fighting your gonna make them have a headache" iida said with his chopping motion
"Yea so inviting yourself in was a good idea?" shoto said
"You did the exact same thing shoto" izuku said while looking so done with everyone's shit
The arguing soon was rising making your headache worse so you crawled under the covers and buried your head under the pillows while arguing sero was 1st noticed this and realized enough was enough so he sneaked into your room while the others were arguing and quietly shut the door and locked it "Mi amor..?" he quietly said and seconds later your head slowly sprout up your nose stuffed up and your hair was messier then ever you looked so tired and miserable it broke his heart
"Mi Amor I am so sorry I shouldn't have been arguing like this in the 1st place I promise im gonna fix this ok?" too tired to even protest that it was his fault as well you just wanted the yelling to stop so you slowly nodded your head and he softly smiled, you point to your dresser where the pain pills were at and got some tissues from the bathroom in your room you took the pills and helped you blow your nose soon enough the pill made you drowsy and knocked you out pretty quick sero ruffled your hair and went out the room to handle some business
"SH" Sero whispered harshly as everyone stopped what they were doing "While you were bickering and arguing about who's better I helped them get to sleep and they ordered me to tell you to get out only but me" Everyone gawked at the statement and tried to argue again but quickly shut their mouth only realizing that your sleeping in the other room "but we need to go check on them they need-" "They don't need anyone help mochiko you all "helped" enough now it's time for you to leave you're happy to give them a get well gift but that's it" "And what makes you think we'll leave," izuku said glaring at the dark-haired boy he only shrugged "How about we all settle this in a fight ONLY outside" sero's grin grew wider while the others look at him and at each other "Deal whoever wins gets to take care of y/n for the rest of the day" Momo grinned confidently that she'll be able to win your heart and affection
And now a bunch of pro heroes are fighting in your front yard and you just peacefully sleeping with your favorite plush ochako gifted you
Nobody won the fight because Bakugo was sent there to stop a commotion at your neighbor so he was already worried and ready to kill anyone who dared to mess with you but all he sees is a bunch of pro heroes fighting on your front lawn needless to say they all got scolded and was harshly sent home by bakugo and when he heard you were sick as well?! Oh hell No! How could those pests fight over something so stupid when poor little you are suffering from a weak virus when everyone was sent home he went into your house and made sure to take care of you the PROPER way he fixed you some tea his mom made when he was sick as a kid and some of his famous chicken soup and waited for you to wake you up while he sat by your bed
but you had other plans when you thought his lap was pillows so you lazily crawled yourself over and slept on them he was flushed he wanted to shout and insult you to get up but he suddenly had an evil grin on his face and decided to take a picture with you laying down on his lap his fingers tangled between your hair and decided to post it on a secret group chat they still used today for crazy sheingains and gushing about you and let's say they were all PISSED
everyone was hurling insults at Bakugo making him laugh mina was jealous that she wasn't there to see you and take care of you Denki and Kirishima were whining calling Bakugo unfair and mean when behind the screen both were glaring jealously at their phones jirou and tsuyu was bit sad she couldn't come but was secretly cropping the photo with your sleeping face as their new wallpaper
Bonus: when you woke up bakugo demanded you to eat his soup to make you feel better and you were now spammed by worried-obsessed fans and angry and jealous Pro Hero 1a spamming your phone
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capsteddybear · 3 years
Our Playlist: Let’s Stay Together - Al Green
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Song lyrics: "Let's, let's stay together, Lovin' you whether, whether, Times are good or bad, happy or sad."
You wake up to Chris making weird noises in the bathroom. It's still dark and you turn to look at the clock and it's 4 o'clock in the morning. You groan and pull the blanket up to cover your face. Chris opens the door and exits the bathroom leaving the light on, but cracking the door open. You see his silhouette and he's walking like a zombie. He throws himself back onto the bed. You wrap your arm around his abs and you feel how warm he is. You rub his abs and ask "Chris, you feeling okay?"
He groans and throws his arms above his head and squeezes the pillow around his head. He coughs and clears his throat, his nose sounds stuffy too. "No, I don't think so."
You rub your eyes and get out of bed to go to the bathroom and grab the thermometer. You come back and sit on Chris' side of the bed. Chris sits up on his elbows while you check his temperature. You cup the side of his face and he moans at your touch. The thermometer beeps and it shows 102°. "Yeah, you got a fever." Chris throws himself back on the bed and coughs and moans. "Let me give you some medicine." You get up and head back to the bathroom and look in the medicine cabinet. You grab the bottle and pour some into the cup and walk back to Chris' side of the bed. Chris is laying on his side with his arm hanging off of the side of the bed. His hair is flopped forward and is covering his face you kneel down and brush it back. "Baby you gotta sit up and take this then you can sleep."
He groans and rolls onto his back before sitting up. You hand him the cup and as soon as the medicine touches his lips he makes a disgusted face, "It's nasty."
You put your head down and let out a little laugh, "come on, please drink it. It'll make you feel better."
He groans and quickly drinks it and hands you back the cup. "Thank you." He coughs and lays back down on the bed. You take the cup back to the bathroom before joining Chris back in bed. He tosses and turns for a bit before finally falling asleep.
============ =====
The next morning you wake up to your alarm beeping. You hear Chris moan and cough and pull the blanket over his head.
You whisper, "sorry." You quickly turn it off. Chris coughs again. You try to get up from the bed, but Chris reaches out for you.
He clears his throat before speaking. "Where are you going?"
You brush your hair back, "I gotta get ready for work, sweetie."
He moans and gives you a sad puppy stare, "but I'm dying."
You shake your head and laugh, "you are not dying. You just have a fever."
Chris throws his head back on the pillow and closes his eyes, "it feels like I'm dying."
You squeeze his hand, "I'll make you breakfast before I leave okay?"
He opens his eyes and smiles, "thank you."
You get up from the bed and make a quick breakfast for Chris before getting dressed for work. When you come out of the master bathroom to give Chris more medicine you don't see him in bed. You walk down the hallway and see him lying on the couch staring at the ceiling. "Why aren't you in bed?"
He moans and rolls over on the couch, "it's hot in there."
You pout and walk over to him and kneel down in front of him and brush his hair back that's blocking his face, "here drink this."
He moans and tries to roll away from you, but you stop him, "hey, come on, please don't do that. If you drink this I'll come home for lunch later." A tired smile appears on his face before he drinks the medicine. You take the cup from him and kiss his forehead, "thank you."
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too. Breakfast is on the counter for whenever you're hungry. Take it easy and get some rest. I'll come back later to check up on you."
You head to work for a bit and come back home to check on Chris during your lunch break. As soon as you walk through the door you see Chris walking around barefoot and no shirt on hugging your blue comforter. "Oh my god, Chris. Why don't you have clothes on?"
He stops in the middle of the living room and brushes his hair back. He sighs, "(y/n), I missed you. I'm hot then I'm cold then hot again. I hate being sick."
You give him a sad look and walk up to him and hug him. "I know, I know, but you need to put some clothes on because you have a fever. I'll grab you a shirt and a pair of socks. I'll be right back." You give him a kiss on the cheek and he moans as soon as he feels your soft lips. You smile up at him before heading to the bedroom to grab his clothes. You come back to the living room and Chris is slouched on the couch. You tilt your head and give him a small smile and hand him his shirt and socks.
"Thank you." Chris puts them on and wraps himself up in your comforter and inhales. He groans and lets out a cough, "I know it smells like you, but I can't tell because my nose is stuffy." He lets out a fake cry.
You let out a laugh and cuddle up next to him on the couch. "Aww, I'm sorry." You lean in and give him a few quick kisses.
You feel him smile against your lips, "Hey, you'll get sick if you keep doing that."
"I don't care, you're too cute not to kiss. Plus you're my favorite coodie."
Chris lets out a soft laugh and cuddles closer to you. "I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you, Chris." As you caress his face. "I'm gonna make lunch, are you hungry?"
"Not really, I barely ate my breakfast. You go eat." He gives you a soft smile.
You kiss him on the cheek before heading to the kitchen. You make lunch for yourself and head back to the living room. You see Chris curled up on the couch with Dodger on his lap. "I've only been gone for 5 minutes and I've been replaced?"
Chris smiles and hugs Dodger, "He just jumped onto my lap. I'm not gonna deny his love."
You gasp, "wow, I see how it is." You take a seat on the couch.
Chris lets out a laugh and rests his head on your shoulder, "well hurry and finish your lunch so you can be my cuddle buddy."
You kiss him on the forehead before eating your lunch. You guys watch whatever random TV show Chris is watching as you enjoy your lunch.
"Okay, I gotta go back to work now."
Chris cuddles closer to you and gives you sad puppy eyes, "do you have to?"
You sigh, "yes, unfortunately my lunch break is over. It'll just be a couple of hours and I'll be back." You smile as you brush back his hair and plant a light kiss on his forehead. "You gotta take more medicine before I leave though."
Chris groans and covers his face with the comforter. You hear a muffled 'no' from him. You laugh and head to the bathroom to grab his medicine. When you come back Chris is laying out on the couch cuddling with the comforter.
"Hey you can sleep after you take this." You hand the medicine to Chris as he sits up and he makes a face before drinking it. "Thank you." He lays back down on the couch and snuggles up with your comforter.
He moans, "I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too."
"Hurry back home."
You give him a kiss on the cheek, "Take a nap, okay?"
"Mmm, okay."
You turn down the TV before heading out the door back to work.
The second half of work few by quick. You were glad because you wanted to hurry back home to take care of Chris. When you pull into the driveway you see Chris standing outside wrapped up in your comforter.
You get out of your truck and walk up to Chris. "What are you doing outside? It's so cold out and you're sick with a fever."
"Dodger needed to go outside."
"And the backyard?"
He puts his head down, "I couldn't sleep and I miss you and I wanted you to come back home."
You wrap your arms around him and give him a small smile, "Hey I'm home now, can we please go inside? Its freezing." He nods his head and leads the way back inside. You call Dodger inside and he runs to the living room and sits on the couch. Chris follows you into the kitchen, "Are you hungry? Want soup for dinner?"
He leans against the kitchen counter still wrapped up in your comforter, "yes please."
You smile and plant a light kiss on his cheek, "okay." You prepare dinner as Chris keeps you company. After you guys finish eating dinner you both head to the living room to watch some TV. "Are you feeling any better?"
Chris brushes his hair back and sighs, "A little."
"A nice warm shower will help you feel better and relax."
Chris raises an eyebrow, "you gonna join me?"
You caress his face, "not this time, baby. I want you to get better first." He groans and rests his head on the armrest of the couch. "How about I give you a massage after your shower?"
You see a smile appear on his face. "okay." He gets up from the couch and walks down the hallway to the master bathroom. When he gets out of the shower he's wearing only his pajama pants and socks.
"You feel better?"
"Yes, I can breathe better now."
"Come here and lay down."
Chris crawls into bed and lays on his stomach and hugs the pillow that he's resting his head on. As soon as you start massaging his back he moans, "Shit, that feels really good."
"Shh, relax." You plant light kisses down his back.
"Mmmm, I am." You continue giving Chris a massage before he starts to fall asleep. Every once in awhile you hear small moans from him. You grab a small jar of vapor rub and rub some on his back. He hisses as soon as it touches him, "it's cold."
You whisper, "Shit, sorry." The next scoop you rub it in your hands to warm it up before spreading it on his back. "Better?"
He moans out a soft, "yes." You lean over him and plant a kiss on his cheek. After you're done with his massage you give him an old t shirt of his to put on so the vapor rub doesn't stain the bed sheets. You give him more medicine before he cuddles you. He whispers in your ear, "Thank you for taking care of me, (y/n). I love you."
You reach back and caress his face, "I love you too, Chris."
==== ======
The next morning you wake up and Chris isn't in bed. You make your way down the hallway and you sleep something cooking. As soon as you get to the kitchen you see Chris cooking breakfast.
You rub your eyes, "What are you doing up? You should be resting."
Chris turns around with a huge smile on his face, "Good morning. My fever broke so I'm cooking breakfast for my favorite nurse." He gives you a wink and turns back to continue cooking.
You walk up to him and touch his forehead, "Oh it did. I'm so relieved."
Chris turns to you and smiles, "So am I." You give him a kiss on the cheek. He laughs and pulls you back in, "after breakfast you owe me a shower."
You raise your eyebrow and bite your lip, "well then let's hurry up and eat."
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harryhandstan · 4 years
my only angel
 super fluffy harry taking care of you during your period!
tiny mention of mustache!harry and italy!harry towards the end (just the outfit he was wearing in the most recent pictures for reference)
word count: 2,383
@geoffwittek is an angel for being my beta reader and putting up with all my technical problems today haha 
tw: blood mention // tw: pills (ibuprofen) 
It had been a restless night for you.
Harry, like always, had slept peacefully next to you.
Around 6 a.m., you got up to go to the bathroom only to discover the reason for your restless night. The cramps should have been a sign, but if they weren't, the blood on your underwear now confirmed it.
You quickly finished up and ran back to the bed. Thank goodness nothing had leaked through to the sheets or blankets on your side. Not that Harry would be upset, but you would have felt guilty.
Harry stirs slightly, "Y'okay, bub?"
"Yeah, H. I'm fine. Just got too hot and can't fall back asleep. I'm gonna take a shower, okay? I'm alright." He nods and his eyes flutter closed again.
You quickly gather a change of clothes, careful not to make too much noise. Oversized t-shirt, new underwear, comfy shorts, and fuzzy socks. Your go-to comfort outfit.
The hot water fills the small bathroom with steam quickly. At the last minute you decide to light the vanilla candle, knowing it's one of Harry's favorite scents.
Right after you step in and close the curtain, you hear the squeak of the door.
"Baby? You sure you're alright? Oh.." His voice is still somewhat heavy with sleep. You know by the way his voice dropped that he saw the bloody clothes.
"I'm okay, really. I'm sorry I woke you. I'll be out soon." Your voice echoes faintly off the tiles.
"No worries. You need anything? I can run to the 24 hour shop on the corner?"
"No, no I have everything I need. Go back to bed, babe." You poke your head around the curtain and give him a tired smile to reassure him.
"Alright. Just shout if you change your mind or need me."
You take your time, hoping that Harry actually listened to you and laid back down for more rest. Knowing him though, he had already taken the clothes and thrown them in the washing machine for you. He was most likely searching for your heating pad and making sure he had enough ibuprofen on hand for you for the next week. Harry had become a pro at taking care of you when you needed it.
Your suspicions were correct. The clothes were gone and after dressing quickly and running a comb through your hair, you find Harry fiddling with the cords of the heating pad, trying to untangle them.
"Here, plug this in on your side. There's an outlet behind the-"
"Harry, I know where the outlet is, angel. I don't need that right now. The cramps aren't that bad."
The look of sleepy confusion he gives you almost makes you laugh out loud, but you're able to stop yourself so you don't hurt his feelings. He's being so sweet trying to take care of you.
"I'll leave it on my side just in case I need it, alright?" You take it from him and finally convince him to lay back down.
But your body decides to betray you as you're getting comfortable in bed. A particularly intense cramp hits and you're thankful the light is still off so Harry doesn't see the wave of pain cross your face. Unfortunately, you can't stop the wince that escapes your lips.
"That's it, here," he sits up and grabs the bottle of ibuprofen that you're sure he snuck in the kitchen and grabbed from the medicine cabinet while you were still in the bathroom, "There's no point in trying to be brave. You need this. Take it."
He shakes out two of the small, round orange pills into his hand and extends them out to you, "Hold these. I'll go get you some water."
He's up before you can stop him. His feet shuffle across the carpet and he makes it to the doorway, "Harry, no.." emotion hits you out of nowhere and you feel hot tears starting to form. You feel so ashamed and embarrassed for letting yourself get so overwhelmed so quickly.
He's back to your side in a second, "I didn't mean to upset you I just..if you won't use the heating pad and you won't take something for pain..how am I supposed to help you through this, honey?"
You know if you can just get comfortable enough to fall asleep for a while, things will be better.
You both sit in awkward silence for what seems like ages, just the sound of your soft sobs and the feel of his warm hands soothing up and down your arm, trying to console you. Finally, he breaks the silence, "Tell me what y'need, love. I'll do anything to help."
"Want you," it seems so childish, and you know you'll hate yourself later for being so needy, "Just want you to hold me, H."
"Alright, I can do that. But you gotta let me do my job and take care of you first, deal? Two of these and some water and I'm all yours."
You nod an agreement and Harry squeezes your shoulder before disappearing to the kitchen and coming back with a glass of water, "Here, the bottle says you can have 2."
The pills go down easily and your reward is a "good girl" praise from Harry.
A shiver rolls over your body, "You cold, lovie? You want an extra blanket or a hoodie?"
"Hoodie. One of yours?" You hate the neediness in your voice but all you want right now is comfort so you let the wants and needs overtake your guilt. You could hate yourself for it later.
"Of course, bub. Be right back," You shiver again but he's only gone for a second before he's back, "C'mon, arms up. There ya go. Comfy?"
You nod again. Exhaustion is starting to set in. Warm arms wrap around you and you fall into them, the two of you adjusting until you're settled back down.
The arms tighten their grip slightly. Just enough to pull you closer. He moves one hand to cradle behind your head, in your hair. The other arm draped over you with his hand firmly on the small of your back. The tips of his fingers softly move over your scalp and through your hair and you're grateful for the touch. It's another want you were too tired to express.
He kisses your forehead and mumbles a sleepy "love you" in your ear before you both drift off.
When you wake a few hours later, there's an emptiness to the bed. You're still surrounded by warmth, but you quickly realize it’s not Harry.
Pillows. He had replaced himself with pillows. One under your side and one pressed firmly against your back. As if they could ever be a replacement for his softness.
Faint noise can be heard in another part of the space you share. After a quick trip to the bathroom, you discover the noise coming from the kitchen.
Harry stands over the stove, his back is to you but you can tell he's stirring something, "Harry?"
"Hey! There's my sleepy girl," He crosses the kitchen in a few steps to meet you, "I was hoping you would sleep a little longer so I could surprise you with lunch."
He envelopes you in an embrace so deep you fight not to cry again. You've never had someone love you as much as he loves you. Any touch from him reassures you and reminds you of that. It had been a source of frustration for him in the beginning of your relationship, getting you to accept and learn that you deserve the love he continuously showered you with. You still had days where it was hard, today was one of them.
You hide your face in his chest and just let him hold you. He kisses the top of your head and then loops one of his long fingers under your chin, pulling your gaze back up to his, "How's your tummy feel? Any better?"
His hand rests on your hip and rubs small circles on your side. You notice the absence of rings and fingernail polish today. It feels so strange and foreign but it only means he feels comfortable enough with you to leave them plain and untouched.
"Good. You hungry? I attempted to make mac and cheese for you. The white cheddar kind you love so much."
You don't have the heart to tell him no, he's so proud of himself, "Yeah. Sounds good."
After lunch, you both sprawl out on the couch in front of the tv, Harry flipping through the channels until he lands on one of those cheesy romance movies he knows you're secretly obsessed with.
He sits opposite you, your head propped up on throw pillows, your feet stretched out into his lap. His hand smooths up and down your leg, eyes still focused on the tv. He won't admit it, but he gets just as sucked into these movies as you do. You don't even think he realizes what his hands are doing, it's just second nature at this point for him to be touching you in some way.
When the movie takes a sad turn, you find yourself wiping your eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie you're still wrapped in.
"Angel." His voice is soft, almost a whisper, but it's loud enough to make your head turn towards him to see he's gesturing for you to join him on his side of the couch. You shift around, head falling into his lap, his fingers running through your hair.
Normally he would tease you about getting so emotional over these movies, an elbow nudged playfully into your side until you look at him and both fall into a fit of giggles about how silly it was. He doesn't do that now, just watches you for a minute, thumb swiping away tears, "What part made you so sad, baby?"
"She lost her husband. He was just gone and I..I know you're not my husband but, you're mine and I couldn't imagine losing you like that." The tears are free flowing now, the thought a vivid image in your mind because of the scene that just played.
"Oh, lovie. You're not gonna lose me. Not anytime soon, anyway. And definitely not like what happened in the movie. Was a little ridiculous how he just.."
You cut him off with a kiss, sitting up to press your lips tenderly into his. He leans into it, a hand slipping behind your neck to gently push you into a more upright position in his lap, pressing slightly firmer before pulling away, "What was that for?"
"Just a thank you for taking such good care of me, being so good to me. The clothes and the food..this."
"You're welcome, this is my favorite part. Seeing you all soft and emotional. I don't always get to see that side of you, you hide it so well. Clothes are fine, by the way, I pulled them out of the dryer earlier. I put them away for you."
He chuckles, "Was so anxious I might wake you up with that squeaky drawer of yours. You looked so sweet, face smushed against my pillow."
"Oh no, H. I was probably snoring! I don't know how you stand to sleep with me." You bury your face in your hands so he doesn't see the deep shade of crimson spreading across your face.
"Hey, none of that now." He pulls one hand away from your face, bringing it down to settle on his chest, "But yes, you were. It was incredibly adorable."
He kisses your forehead, pausing there for a moment longer than he ordinarily would.
"Hmm, that feels nice. Do that again, made my head feel better."
"Yeah? Your head aching, darling?" Warm fingers move across your face, his thumb landing on a spot right between your eyebrows, "Here?"
You nod, leaning in to his touch, a contented sigh slipping from your mouth.
"Was thinking about what we should do for dinner, if you feel up to going out."
"Mhmm, what were you thinking?" You're still floating, absorbing every bit of his touch.
"Thought we could try that new Italian place up the street, the one that just opened across from the bakery with those cookies you love so much. We could go there after. Or we could get dessert from the restaurant..they had a nice selection. I looked at the menu online while you were distracted by the movie. We could also get it as takeaway or have it delivered if you'd rather. It's up to you."
"Let's go there. Wanna see you all dressed up." You open your eyes, hands drifting to his jaw, then up to cradle his cheeks. Thumbs smoothing over the mustache covering his upper lip.
"Yeah? Like it when I get all pretty for you, huh?" A smug smile brightens his whole face.
"Mhmm." Your teeth sweep your bottom lip into your mouth, unable to stop the smile that flashes across your own face.
"Alright then, love. You're the boss. Be ready in 30, yeah?"
30 minutes turned into 45 and he impatiently watches you, leaning against the frame of the bathroom door. He's selected a simple black, short sleeve button down shirt. He’s left a few buttons undone, pairing it with bright linen pants. A silver cross necklace shines against his tan skin.
"Just a second, can't get this curl to cooperate." You twist it in your fingers, trying to make it settle in with the others framing your face.
You're considering turning the curling iron back on to run through it again, when he lifts himself from the door frame and slowly steps behind you, eyes never straying from your reflection in the mirror. They sweep over you, taking in every inch of your curves, the soft flowy fabric of your dress hugging all the right features. One hand rests on your hip, while the other brushes your hair back away from your neck. He places a kiss to your exposed shoulder, then up to dip into the curve of your neck.
"Better hurry, baby," his eyes dart up to meet yours in the mirror, "I might not make it to the restaurant before I want dessert."
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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gladdygirl18 · 4 years
Taking the Time to Laugh
Summary: Young Peter had a rough week at school. When the weekend hits, he still pushes himself to study and stop whatever little crime he can catch. Let’s just say some certain Avengers remind him to have fun every once in a while.
Word Count: 2676
Monday, the start of another week of high school for Peter. Everything goes by smoothly; got an A+ on a physics project he got last week, stopped a bank robbery during his lunch period, and somehow was still able to make it back to school on time, nothing major.
Tuesday. Okay, it was a little harder today. Flash, of course, picked on Peter again just for fun, had 2 tests back-to-back; good thing he studied, and he stopped a jail break during his lunch period.
Wednesday. Peter was late to school because of a jewelry store robbery. Had to study for a test that was at the end of the week, and saved hundreds of lives from a train before it derailed. Seriously, Queens, give the kid a break.
Thursday. Does the city of Queens WANT Spider-Man to die? Seriously, Peter had to stop 3 bank robberies, 2 jewelry heists, and 2 thefts. On top of that, he had a history test, a math test, AND a Spanish test that day.
Friday. Finally, the week is over. Peter had a physics test that day, which he wasn’t too worried about. Got A’s on all his previous tests that week. During his lunch period, he saved a bus full of people that almost went for a swim into the Hudson.
Peter was as happy as a dog when it gets a bone. The week was finally over, which means he can spend the weekend studying and sleeping at Avengers HQ. Swinging across the buildings from his school, he soon arrived at the Avengers Facility. Walking inside, he was greeted with cold, dead silence. Letting out a sigh, Peter looked up at the ceiling.
“FRIDAY, where is everyone?” he asked.
“The Avengers are out on a mission in Switzerland. Do you want me to contact them?” she asked.
“No, no. It’s okay.”
Thanking the AI, Peter dragged his tired legs to his room. Reaching his room, Peter walked inside and threw himself on his bed.
“FRIDAY wake me up in 4 hours please. I want to study for a bit before tomorrow.” Peter said.
“Of course, Mr. Parker.” the AI said politely.
Letting out a tired sigh, the young Spider-Man was asleep in no time. After four long hours, FRIDAY woke the kid up to a very deafening alarm. Peter flipped onto the ceiling in shock like a scared cat. Remembering what he had asked the AI to do, the kid calmed down and jumped down from the ceiling.
“Hey FRIDAY, are the others back?” Peter asked, hoping that if they were back, they didn’t hear the alarm.
“No, they are still in Switzerland. Do you want me to contact them?” she asked.
“No thanks.”
Peter looked at the time and saw that it was already past 7. Shaking off the drowsiness, Peter took out his textbooks and notes, and started studying. He even asked FRIDAY to quiz him after an hour of studying in solitude. After what felt like hours, the kid finally stopped his studying and decided to go to bed.
“FRIDAY, do you know when the others are going to be back?” Peter asked.
“I do not know.” was all the AI said.
Nodding silently, the kid put on his sleepwear and was out like a light in no time. The new day dawned, and the Saturday sun spilled into Peter’s room through the closed blinds. Feeling the warm sun on his face, Peter cracked his eyes open and let out a small yawn. Sitting up, he stretched out his arms and let out another yawn.
“Come on, body... Move...” Peter said tiredly.
The kid pushed his legs off the side of the bed until he was lying in a very awkward position. Groaning in discomfort and frustration, he shot two web strands at his walls and used them to hoist himself up. Walking into his bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth.
“Ugh, I’ve gotta stop with the late-night studying...” Peter reminded himself.
It was a small habit of Peter’s that he couldn’t control. Like his Aunt May always says, “Do what you NEED to do that way you can do what you WANT to do.”
“No pain, no gain, I suppose.” Peter said, to himself.
Slapping his cheeks to keep himself awake, he walked out of his room and was greeted by the sounds of voices.
“They’re back.” Peter said to himself.
Looking over the balcony from upstairs, he saw his fellow teammates relaxing in the living room. Smiling, the kid walked downstairs to join them. Hearing footsteps, a certain super soldier turned around to see the kid walking towards them.
“Afternoon kid.” Steve said.
The others that were there, Clint, Bucky, and Sam, turned to the kid and smiled.
Afternoon!? How long have I been sleeping? Peter thought.
Looking up at the clock, he saw that it was a quarter past 2.
“Hey Parker.” Clint said.
“Hey guys. How was Switzerland?” Peter asked while taking a seat next to the Hawkeye.
Sam leaned his head back and let out a frustrated groan.
“Cold. Very cold.” he said.
“We’re used to it.” said the two super soldiers.
“Why am I not surprised?” Clint asked.
The kid nodded with a fond smile. Peter leaned against the armrest of the sofa and let out a yawn.
“Hey kid. You okay?” Bucky asked.
All Peter did was nod.
“Rough morning?” Steve asked.
Peter shook his head no.
“More like a rough week.” Peter said.
“Mind telling us?” Sam asked.
Peter let out a sigh before facing the four older Avengers.
“Well, the start of the week was good, but then it all went to hell after that. Just this week alone, I had to stop 4 bank robberies, 2 thefts, 2 jewel heists, had to save hundreds of people from a train before it derailed, had to stop a jail break, and save some people on a bus before they took a swim in the Hudson. On top of that, high school is being a pain in the ass. I think I had at least 5 or 6 tests this week alone...” Peter said.
The kid looked at the Avengers and saw that they were all staring at him in shock.
“One question... How?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know, Mr. Wilson. And to make it worse, I did some really late studying for a test this upcoming week... Ugh, I just need rest...” Peter said.
His vibrating phone soon took him out of his thoughts. Checking the NEWS, he saw that there was a jewel heist downtown. Letting out a sigh, he got up from the sofa and started heading for the door.
“Whoa, hey, where are you going?” Steve asked.
“Jewel heist downtown,” Peter said.
“Nu uh. No way. Let the police handle that. You stay here and rest.” Clint said.
“I have to go because for the past week, I’ve been doing the police’s job.”
Without another word, the kid ran out of the facility and swung into action. The four older Avengers looked at each other in disbelief.
“The kid’s gonna work himself dead if he keeps this up.” Sam said.
“Preach to that notion.” Clint said.
“What are we going to do? Even if we try to force him, his honest to God pure heart won’t let innocent people die on his watch.” Steve said.
“He’s an Avenger for a reason.” Bucky said with a smile.
The other three agreed with silent nods.
“Well, what else can we do?” Clint asked.
The four of them sat in silence trying to come up with a solution. After a while, Sam snapped his fingers when he came up with an idea.
“We may not be able to stop the kid from overworking himself, but we can remind him what fun he’s missing out on if he keeps working.” Sam said.
“Care to elaborate?” Steve asked.
Sam smiled and gladly explain his plan to his friends. The kid didn’t come back until 5. While he was swinging back to the facility, he saw a back robbery and stopped it. His spidey powers are supposed to help him recover after tiresome things, such as school and crimes. They were not helping. When Peter got back to HQ, he was met with silence.
“They probably went out to Switzerland again.” Peter said, chuckling to himself.
Walking into the living room, he plopped down on the sofa and breathed out a heavy sigh. Peter then let out a loud yelp when he felt something pull him down to the floor. His attempts to fight off his attackers were short-lived when his arms were held out to the side of him. He then felt weight being added on his waist. Looking up, he let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Clint and Bucky.
“Guys, what are you doing?” Peter asked, stuggling in the Winter Soldier’s grip.
“Nothing too farfetched, Spidey-Boy.” Clint replied.
“Okay, then why do you have me pinned down against my will?”
Bucky couldn’t help but let a giggle escape when the kid said that.
“We’re just reminding you to have fun.” said a familiar voice.
The kid looked up and saw Sam and Steve walk in out of nowhere.
“W-What does that mean?” Peter asked nervously.
“You have nothing to fret, kid. This won’t hurt at all. Trust me.” Steve said.
Peter struggled in the Winter Soldier’s grip, but his strength and metal arm made it impossible to get loose. Plus, Hawkeye’s weight making it difficult to buck him off.
“Riddle me this, kid. Have you ever heard the phrase; laughter is the best medicine?” Bucky asked, putting emphasis on his question.
Peter’s struggling almost became twice as violent when he heard that phrase. His Uncle Ben always said that phrase when Peter was young and sad. After the phrase being proclaimed, he was reduced to a puddle of giggling mess.
“I’ll take his struggling as a yes.” Clint said.
“Well, don’t wanna keep the kid waiting, do we?” Steve asked.
Nodding to one another, they all pounced at once, their fingers raking, scribbling, and wiggling all over the kid’s defenseless body. Peter literally screamed in laughter when they all pounced at him.
“Oh my Gohohohohohohohohod! Stahahahahahahahahahahap! Plehehehehehehehease!” Peter begged.
“Stop? We only just started!” Sam said cheerfully, kneading his fingers into the kid’s ribcage.
Peter gave a small buck when he felt the weird sensation on his ribs.
“Stohohohohohohop! Thahahahahahahahat feels sohohohohoho weird!” Peter cried.
“It’s called being ticklish, kid.” Bucky said bluntly.
Steve placed a hand on the kid and vibrated his hand all over the poor kid’s belly. Peter shook his head back and forth, trying not to think about the ticklish sensations all over his body. Easier said than done if you ask me.
“Yohohohohohohou’ve hahahahahahahad your fuhuhuhuhuhuhun! Now plehehehehehehehease stohohohohohop!” Peter cried.
“We’ll stop once you say that you’ll stop overworking yourself and take time off to have fun with us.” Steve said.
Peter couldn’t even respond. His childish laughter was getting in the way of every sentence he tried to form.
“You know Parker, everyone has a weak spot. Do you have one?” Clint asked.
“Nohohohohoho!” Peter answered.
“Liar.” Bucky said.
Holding Peter’s arms down with his metal arm, Bucky scribbled his fingers right below the kid’s armpits. Peter gave a small buck and his laughter reached a new volume.
The four Avengers smiled almost menacingly down at the kid. Clint soon hiked hands upwards, inching closer and closer to the kid’s armpits.
“Sorry kid, I just gotta know.” the Hawkeye said.
Once his hands were in his target, Peter first fell limp with laughter before his struggling turned into violent thrashing.
“Looks like we struck gold.” Sam said.
“More like we struck diamond. Look at him.” Steve said.
What Captain America appeared sound. The kid’s laughter was louder than ever, and his thrashing was getting more and more violent. Not a problem for Bucky. He had Peter’s wrists locked down tight. The kid wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Too ticklish, Spider-Boy?” Bucky asked, grinning down at the kid’s laughing face.
Peter cracked opened one of his eyes to look at the Winter Soldier. Bad decision. They say if you look at your tickler, the tickling becomes a hundred times worse. Apparently, no one told Peter Parker this information. Bucky was grinning like the devil himself. And with his long hair blocking the light in the room, it made him look ten times scarier. Honest to God, Peter’s laughter reached a new octave and volume.
“You know what to do to make us stop. Say that you’ll stop overworking yourself and take time off to have fun with us.” Sam said.
“All I hear is excuses...” Clint groaned.
Taking a gamble, Steve started kneading Peter’s inner thigh and got a really good reaction out of it.
“What? This?” Steve asked, kneading the kid’s thighs again.
The kid’s laughter fell on deaf ears. His face was beat red, tears streaming down his shut eyes, and nothing but cute, childish was being produced.
“You have the power to stop all this, yet you refuse to do so. Why is that, Mr. Parker?” Bucky asked.
Peter couldn’t form a word; he was laughing so much.
“I think he needs more persuasion.” Bucky said.
Holding down Peter’s wrists with his knees, he slid his fingers into the kid’s sleeves and attacked his bare armpit. Peter honest to God screamed out a new stream of laughter.
“Oh, I get it.” Clint said, catching onto the Winter Soldier’s plan.
Nodding to the Falcon, the two of them snaked their hands under the kid’s shirt and teased the sensitive skin. Peter started to buck and thrash like a bull.
“Just say what we wanna hear, kid. This’ll all be over if you just say what we want you to say.” Steve said.
If they didn’t stop now, Peter was surely going to pass out from lack of oxygen.
“And?” the four Avengers inquired.
Once he said that, the four men removed their hands from the kid’s body. Peter’s chest rose and fell slowly while he took in the much needed air. His heart felt like he was going to explode.
“You good kid?” Sam asked.
Peter panted but was still able to nod towards the Falcon.
“Sorry if we overdid it a bit.” Clint said.
“A bit!? I felt like I was gonna die!” Peter cried sitting straight up.
Hawkeye shrugged with a smile. Thinking back to his rough week, he let a wide, genuine smile form.
“I guess I have been working myself to the bone lately,” he said.
“After hearing how your week was, we couldn’t feel more sympathetic for you.” Steve said.
“You may be called Spider-Man, but sometimes you gotta remember that you’re still a kid.” Bucky said.
“Yeah, a kid with a lot of responsibilities.”
Bucky looked at the kid with an annoyed smug look.
“But I get your point. I’ll try and stop working myself to the bone and try and start having fun... with my family...” the kid said.
The four men smiled at being called family.
“So, Parker, what do you want to do now?” Steve asked.
Peter thought for a while before a smiled loomed on his face.
“Well, I guess I can get my revenge on you guys...” Peter said with a malicious smile.
For the rest of the afternoon, Peter was able to exact his revenge on his family. And in truth, the Avengers were his family, in more ways than one.
Hope you enjoyed! Stay Safe, Stay Blessed!
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Sick Day (fanfic)
While the votes were very close the sick day prompt won out last night, and I was kinda grateful because I had already started writing some of it before I got most of the votes. I’m sure you guys were looking for something more fluffy since my last fic was nothing but sadness and while I delivered some what this is still gonna be kinda sad, but I promise it has a sweet ending! I’m not sure if I’ll post this one to Ao3 but we’ll see :)
TW: sickness, mentions of death, mentions of Nosocomephobia
The one thing that makes getting the flu even worse is getting the flu during spring break. No missing school because school is already out, so the days off just get wasted laying in bed with one stuffed up nostril, a pile of tissues sprawled on the bed, and the blankets half n and half off because it’s somehow both too hot and too cold. Lydia didn’t get sick often, but when she did it was never fun. Two days before she had felt a fever coming on but decided not to say anything because she still wanted to hang out with Wendy that night, but the next morning she woke up shivering and turns out she had a temperature of one hundred and two. Not the end of the world, but to say Lydia was annoyed was an understatement. Growing up her dad was always paranoid about germs, something Lydia thankfully didn’t inherit, but she still didn’t want to deal with him, lovingly, quarantining her. She took the thermometer, wrapped herself in a blanket, and went to seek the guidance of the ghosts. Ghosts can’t get sick, so they should have nothing to worry about. 
Barbara instantly pulled Lydia over to the couch while Adam ran around frantically trying to think of what sick people need, even though all Lydia asked for was a drink of water and maybe some Tylenol to bring her fever down. She ended up with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, slippers, about four different kinds of flu medication, and a cold compress. The first night she just slept on their couch, begrudgingly comfortable as a result of all the stuff Adam brought up to the attic. She would wake up every hour or so feeling crappy but she did get some sleep that night, hoping that maybe she was just tired and not actually sick, she read that online somewhere before. Unfortunately, when she woke up the next morning she definitely was still sick and it was not getting better as quickly as she would have liked. Her throat was all scratchy, she had a terrible headache, and she felt her body burning up under the blankets. She kicked the blankets off her and winced when her warm feet touched the freezing cold ground, she forgot that the Maitland’s couldn’t really feel the temperature so it was always a guess if it would be a sauna or the arctic up there. She coughed into her arm and shuffled downstairs to grab something small to eat, even though she was sick to her stomach she knew that she couldn’t take any medicine on an empty stomach. She managed to eat about half a piece of toast before feeling like she was going to puke, and she quickly swallowed down two pills. She sat down at the table with her head in her hands.
“Not feeling good?” Delia asked form behind her, Lydia simply groaned in response her throat too sore to even speak at this point, “Yeah I heard the flu was going around, I thought you got your flu shot though?”
She rolled her eyes not wanting to get into the debate of how the flu shot isn’t 100% effective and if she hadn’t gotten it she would be much sicker than she was right now. Instead, she just let Delia ramble on about what essential oils and crystals she thought might help ease the symptoms. It was almost soothing monotony as Lydia downed her second glass of orange juice hoping that maybe the extra vitamin C would destroy whatever virus was wreaking havoc on her immune system. Instead, it just made her stomach feel worse. By the time her father came down for the morning Lydia was almost passed out leaning on the table despite the fact she had just woken up maybe fifteen minutes before. Charles walked up to his unusually pale daughter and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.
“Honey, you’re burning up.”
“I‘ve got a fever.” she mumbled, “Barbara thinks it’s the flu.”
Charles stopped dead in his tracks, he didn’t mean too but he couldn’t help himself from thinking about the past, and what signs he had missed, and now he was starting to overreact. This was a flu, people get the flu all the time, not every fever is a death sentence. Not every stomach bug is a sign of...he wasn’t going to let himself get sucked into it again. He didn’t want to frighten Lydia. Besides she knew as much about the whole ordeal as he did, if she thought something more besides a flu was wrong she would have told him. He forced himself to put on a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry sweetheart, I hope you feel better soon. Will you be okay if I go to work?”
Lydia nodded knowing fully well that even when Delia and her dad went to work she still had the Maitland’s in the attic if she needed them. Her plan for the day was to either pass out on the couch or in her bed under all the blankets and preferably with her cats to keep her company so she didn’t feel obligated to make conversation. The first day or two of the flu was usually the worst, so she just wanted to sleep through it. She could see the look in her dad’s eyes though, he was worried about her. It would have come off to most people as fatherly or even endearing but to Lydia, it was nothing but a source of anxiety when her father worried about her like that. She sighed a breath of relief when he did eventually go off to work. She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders, scooped up Cation in her arms and figured if Kraken was roaming somewhere around the house and would come join them whenever she saw fit. She had just about settled on her bed when her phone went off and she saw a text from her father asking if she was alright. She replied with a quick yes, hoping it would satisfy him for now, but she was rewarded with a series of four more texts asking if she needed anything, if she wanted to go to the doctor, if he should come home, and once more asking if she was feeling okay. Not wanting to fuel his compulsive questions but not wanting to make him even more worried she tried to reassure him that if something bad was happening he would be the first to know, she did also gave to his one question and requested some popsicles for her sore throat. 
She put her phone on silent, started watching a movie on her laptop and drifted off to sleep after about forty-five minutes. She wasn’t sure if it was the fever or the flu medication she had taken but she had the strangest dream, and that was a statement coming from the girl who lived with ghosts, and had been to the underworld before. It was nothing out of the ordinary at first, she was at school but instead of all the uniforms being white button-up shirts and black plaid skirts/ black pants they were an ugly green and yellow color. The details were fuzzy but the dream ended with her math teacher marrying the Sandworm and somehow Lydia was the maid of honor. It was very confusing but also entertaining so Lydia was slightly annoyed when she was woken up by a particular demon whom she had forgotten she had promised to hang out with the afternoon.
“Sorry BJ, I can’t really hang out today unless your idea of hanging out was sitting on the couch and watching TV while I pretty much sleep the whole day.”
“What the hell is wrong with you kid? You look like you saw a ghost.” BJ laughed very hard at his own joke and even though she was super out of it she still had it within her to fake gag at his lame attempt at comedy. 
“I’m sick.”
“Well, that’s pretty pathetic. I were you and I was still a living human I simply wouldn’t be incapacitated because of some bitch-ass virus Like RIP to you but I’m different.”
“You’re also already dead and didn’t you live like during the black plague?”
“And that sure as hell didn’t kill me. It would take a lot more so some dumb virus to take me now.”
“I think the plague was bacterial,” Lydia replied, straining her voice to argue with him. Under no circumstances would she not argue with Beetlejuice. 
“Same difference,” he waved his hand dismissively, “Anyway since you aren’t going to be any fun today while you milk this fake illness I’m going to go bug the Maitland’s. And while you’re at it...can you tell that bastard cat of yours to stop staring at me? It gives me the creeps.”
“Don’t be a jerk, Kraken loves you!” Lydia snapped defensively, pulling her cat up and presenting it to BJ, “She’s just a baby…”
“Look, there’s only room for one bastard in this house and that role is already taken.” BJ glared once more at the cat who seemed utterly indifferent to the presence of the demon. He walked through Lydia’s door but just to be a prick when he was outside of it he opened it partway and flipped her off. Grumbling Lydia got up to shut the door, hoping she’d be able to fall asleep again. She couldn’t, her cough was getting worse and it was making it impossible to lay down comfortably without feeling like she couldn’t breathe. She had to compromise and sit up in bed with her pillows stacked up behind her. She watched the clock with an almost obsession counting down the minutes before she could take another dose of the cough medicine and get some kind of relief from the symptoms. By the evening it felt as though she had been hit by a bus. Her muscles ached, she could hardly keep her eyes open, and her whole body felt like it was on fire. Barbara had tried to make her something for lunch but she could only manage a few bites before pushing the rest of it away, even the smell making her feel like she was going to throw up. 
“Maybe you should see a doctor when your dad gets home.” Adam suggested, “Not much they can do for the flu but maybe the can give you something stronger for your cough just so you can get some sleep tonight.”
“I’ll be fine!” Lydia snapped a little too harshly, “I’ll be fine, it’s just the flu. I don’t need to go to the doctor.” Adam backed off and left Lydia alone in her room. She couldn’t stop shivering even though she was boiling under the blankets. Her teeth clattered against each other and she felt a dizzying pressure building up in her forehead and sinuses. The hours in the day seemed to drag on with cruelty, she tried to distract herself with videos on her phone but she couldn’t keep focused on them long enough. She wanted to sleep but every time she was about to drift she would need to cough or her stomach would get upset, or her head would start pounding. She would alternate between her bedroom and the attic but nothing was comfortable. By the time her father and Delia got home from work Lydia was huddled out on the couch, her knees tucked into her chest and she was muttering feverishly in her half-awake half-asleep daze.
Charles rushed over to Lydia and his heart sank down to his stomach as images of Emily flashed through his head. He felt Lydia’s forehead and quickly grabbed the thermometer to check her temperature. He was devastated to read out that Lydia had a temperature of one hundred and three. Instantly fearing the worst he shook Lydia awake and told her that they were going to the hospital.
“Wait, what?” Lydia mumbled, still not completely aware
“The hospital, you’re burning up. You look like you’re about to faint, come on get your coat and shoes on. Can you walk?”
“Can I wh-? What are you talking about, of course, I can walk. Dad for god sake I have the flu. I feel like crap but I am not dying!” Charles tensed at those words and Lydia glared at him, shakily standing up with the blanket still draped around her shoulders
“Lydia, you’re not making sense. Please, just for me. Can we just please go to the hospital, I’m worried about you.”
“Dad you’re being ridiculous right now! You’re always worried about me!”
“I’m your father! It is my job to worry about you, now can you please get in the car so I can take you.” He was begging her at that point, he didn’t know what overcame him and Lydia wasn’t sure why she was so opposed. She felt awful, a fever at high was not a good thing, she logically knew that there was nothing wrong with going to a doctor but some part of her was shouting at her not to. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and she didn’t understand why, she wasn’t upset she was annoyed. She was annoyed at him for being so overbearing. Charles noticed this and went over to her, she slumped into his arms just taking in the much-needed hug. Lydia just kept repeating that she didn’t want to go to the hospital, and he nodded, “Okay, okay no hospital alright? But can we please go to the doctor or the urgent care? Honey, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
After a brief and silent car ride Lydia was sitting in the urgent care waiting room with a mask over her mouth and nose to keep her from contaminating anybody else in the waiting room. It was already dark outside and Lydia leaned up against her father’s shoulder while they waited to be called back. She stared blankly at the wall trying to ignore the fact he was staring at her, even though we was pretending to scroll through his phone. He had one arm wrapped around her, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly and while she wanted to be stubborn and pull away she really did find comfort in him holding her. He was never unaffectionate while she was growing up, he would give piggyback rides and carry her, and hug her but he was slightly more distant since her mother had died, any kind of affection she got from him was cherished, even if she wanted to be a sullen teenager. 
“Deetz?” the male nurse called out
Charles helped steady Lydia while they walked into the examination room. They took her temperature and Charles explained a list of symptoms after Lydia tried too but couldn’t speak as clearly as she was trying to. The nurse scribbled some notes down, swabbed the inside of Lydia’s mouth and said that the doctor would be in shortly
“Man they take you from one waiting room to another huh?” Charles tried to joke in an attempt to ease the tension. Lydia was having none of it and she kept her eyes down on her phone while she was ranting to Barbara about how annoyed at her father she was. Though Barbara quickly proved to not be the ideal ranting partner in this situation so she turned to BJ who she knew would always agree with her no matter was as long as he got to complain too. After another twenty minutes of waiting the doctor came in holding a sheet of paper in her hands, “Bad news, you definitely have the flu young lady. Luckily it looks like it’s a mild strain even though I know it sure doesn’t feel like it huh? I’m going to prescribe you something to help you with that cough and something to work on killing the infection. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
Lydia was about to shake her head no when Charles interjected, “Are you sure it’s just the flu?”
“Pretty positive, flu swabs are fairly accurate why?”
“But you’re sure it’s not something else, like something I don't know..” “He wants to know if you think I have cancer.” Charles jolted his head and looked at Lydia with such disbelief that she had to scoff, “Don’t act so shocked dad, that’s what you want to know. You want to know if I have what mom had.” She turned her attention back to the doctor and in her strained and scratchy voice, she said, “My mom she had non-Hodgkins lymphoma and apparently she started out with just flu symptoms too, she died. He’s worried that I’m going to die too, so can you just tell me if I do or don’t have cancer?”
Stunned the doctor fumbled a response, “Mr. Deetz Lydia has the flu. I am truly sorry for your loss and while I cannot say for absolute certain without doing blood tests I am fairly confident that Lydia simply has the flu. She doesn’t have any of the other tell-tale symptoms of the condition that your wife had. Now, do you have any other questions?”
“Yeah can I go home now?” Lydia demanded
The whole ride back home Lydia sat with her arms crossed and her head leaned against the car window. Her father wouldn’t talk to her, she wouldn’t talk to him. It was obvious to everybody else that something happened between them the minute they walked in the door. Lydia instantly went towards the stairs but Charles went after her, insisting that they need to talk. She waved her hand and slammed her door shut, complaining that she didn’t feel good and wanted to go to bed. She didn’t lock the door though, she knew it made everybody in the house angry if she locked the door when they were fighting. They respected not to come in if she didn’t invite them, but the rule was not door locking. She curled back up on her bed, cuddling with a chatty Kraken who was already lounging on her mattress. Within thirty seconds there was a knock at her door, and she threw her pillow at it in response.
“Lydia we need to talk about this, we need to talk about what you said at the doctor today.”
“What I said?” She laughed shaking her head, “Just come in dad, I know you’re not going to go away until you do and I feel like shit and want to go to bed so let’s get this over with.”
Charles cautiously opened the door and sat down on the edge of Lydia’s bed, mindful of the collection of tissues and bottles accumulating throughout the room. Having felt better since taking the medication the doctor prescribed she sat up in her bed and looked at her dad, waiting for him to scold her for behaving like a child in the doctors. She wouldn’t deny it, she acted very immaturely but she was so sick of how he was treating her that day. 
“Can we talk about it?” she questioned, “That’s what you wanted isn’t it?”
“I wanted to say I was sorry, Lydia. I know that I probably made things a lot worse for you. I know you aren’t feeling good and I didn’t mean to scare you with the whole...anyway it doesn’t matter the details. I shouldn’t have overreacted when you told me it was the flu, I trust you to know your body. I just don’t know what came over me, seeing you looking so sick and pale, it had me terrified. I just couldn’t imagine losing you too.”
“Dad I’m okay.” she tried to explain, “I’m fine.”
“I just, I don’t understand why you got so worried when I suggested you go to the hospital, you had a really high fever. Lydia, I understand that our relationship is going to require a certain give and take but when it comes to safety I think we need to make some more compromises. I was probably jumping to conclusions when I thought the worst but even the nurse was concerned when he saw how high it was, we should have gone to the hospital.”
“I didn’t want to go to the hospital.” 
“But I don’t understand why.”
“Yes, you do! And it kills me that you can’t understand it, you think it scares you when you see me getting sick and having the same symptoms mom did, imagine how I feel! I am terrified any time I get a cold or I have a stomach bug or even a bad headache because I worry that the same thing that happened to mom is gonna happen to me. I know there’s a genetic link, it’s not a high one but it scares me too dad but the thing is you’re supposed to be the calm one. You’re supposed to be the one convincing me it’s just the flu and that I’ll be okay in a few days, I shouldn’t have to convince not only me but my father too. Any time I’m sick I dread telling you because I know exaclty how you’re going to react. That’s not good dad! It’s making me afraid to come to you and god forbid I do get sick like that how long am I going to unintentionally ignore the symptoms because I’m afraid to tell you! I don’t want to go to the hospital dad because I’m afraid I might not come back, and I know that’s crazy. I know I’m being dramatic but that’s what happened with mom. She was fine one day and the next day you’re driving me to the hospital and she tells me she has maybe a few weeks to live? Can’t you get why I might not like hospitals so much anymore?” Lydia was trembling slightly now weak from the flu and the medication she was on, “There’s a line in the sand dad, there has to be because the worst part about being sick right now is that you looking at me like you might blink and I’ll be dead. Do you no understand how stressful that is?”
He bowed his head, “Lydia I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but it’s been so hard since Emily died to not go right to the worst-case scenario.”
“And I do the exact same thing, but the difference dad is that I’m your kid. I need you to have a level head about this, and I don’t mean to just attack you because you all kind of do it. You all smother me with attention when I’m sick or hurt, I love you all but it’s suffocating sometimes when all I need is to stay in bed and take some Tylenol.”
“I’m sorry, I’m going to try harder to be better about it, alright? I promise, but I need you to promise me that you won’t hide things from me. Your mom tried to mask the signs, tell me she was okay, and not that it would have saved her but you can’t lie to me alright? We’re in this together, okay?”
Lydia nodded and hugged her father, rubbing at her eyes both in fatigue and in an attempt to clear away the tears welling up in her eyes. For the rest of the night, she and Charles sat in the living room wrapped in blankets, watching reruns of old movies on the television. Lydia burrowed her head the crook of his arms and eventually dozed off into the first peaceful sleep she managed to get that day. Though he was incredibly uncomfortable in that position he just relished in the closeness he felt in that moment. He couldn’t help but to remember when Lydia was small and he and Emily would spend hours trying to soothe the fussy baby, both of them completely exhausted when she would finally fall asleep but neither of them able to look away from the tiny human they had created. She was so grown up now, so funny and intelligent, wise beyond her years, but despite all of that when he looked down at his sleeping daughter’s face he could still see that little baby he cradled all those years ago. 
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Hey! So, in honor of the holiday (and my poor, poor throat), how would the gang deal with MC being sick of Valentine's Day? The specifics can be up to you, it is your writing, as long as we can see some sweet Vanderwood? lolol
✿I wanted to do something short and funny to get back into HCs so thank you for this!
Until he actually hears your voice, he’s terrified that this is an excuse and he did something terrible to upset you. Like - oh no!! I’m the worst boyfriend!! So bad that my partner is faking sick because they’re worried I’ll publicly embarrass them or something!
I have to cancel the mariachi band I hired to serenade us at lunch!
(It was Seven’s idea. Yoosung has got to stop listening to that man.)
Once he realizes just how genuinely clogged, snotty, and feverish you are, Mama Yoosung comes out in full force. He spends the day doing all of your chores, feeding you, and generally being supportive, sweet, and loving.
He Googles every single home remedy for colds under the sun, adds in a few more from his mom, and makes you take them all.
After the fifth dose of bitter paste, you tell him that you’d rather fall into the sweet, cold embrace of death, thanks.
When he learns that you’re sick, he howls with such despair that the neighbors actually bang on his door to make sure he isn’t fatally wounded.
How can you be sick? On VALENTINES DAY? The most important holiday of the year??!? He was gonna show you off to everyone! He was going to make all the singles feel what he felt when couples were broadcasting their oo-ey gooey love on the February Fest of Romantic Bliss! HE WANTED TO FEED YOU CHOCOLATE FONDUE AND GIVE YOU FIVE MILLION FLOWERS.
“Five million?” You repeat dully, your voice ragged from sinus drainage.
“Five million!”
Obviously, he insists on at least coming over so you can see his beautiful face watch romcoms together and cuddle, but he’s also an irrepressible cuddlebug and can’t not pull you into his lap for snuggles.
And smooches.
Zen, you’re lucky you have a god-tier immune system despite your nutritional intake being piss-poor, because you’re just inviting it in at this point.
On the disappointment scale, Jaehee checks in at around a… two or so?
She’s honestly more worried about you while simultaneously being annoyed that the booming business of Valentines Day means she can’t take time off to fuss over your health. Not that she doesn’t try, but you won’t let her because she needs the income. Running a small business is tough!
At around noon, a ring at the doorbell reveals Zen, who - with a flourish - reveals a bouquet, a resupply of medicine, and a drink from Jaehee’s cafe made especially for you. Zen will act as the courier of his favorite couples *~love~*!
Thanks zen
Once Jaehee can close up, she rushes over to come see you, and you have a wonderful, low-key tea, movie, and heart-shaped cake (that she made!) date on your couch.
Even though you’re sick and icky, it’s a nice day overall. Jaehee is a modest, warm, and caring soul who makes your stress just melt away by sitting next to you.
Or giving you a nice massage.
Thank you Jaehee and your martial arts grip!
(The others are under the read-more!)
Oh Jumin.
He starts off the day with a racket. How could you have gotten sick? Where have you gotten germs from? STAFF, DISINFECT EVERYTHING NOW!
Once you get him to shut up honey please you are only making the headache worse, he gets much easier to deal with. Because of Jumin Han being Jumin Han, you are never actually obligated to leave your home and you have everything your heart could ever desire in the medicine, food, and chocolate category… but you still want to do something for Valentines Day with him.
Especially since Jumin Han has never gotten the chance to, well… experience the holiday in a pure way. What it actually means beyond the giant stuffed bears, fancy champagne, and chocolate truffles with too many vowels in their names.
So, you make him go on a walk with you.
He’s resistant - won’t that make your condition worse? Your insistence that you actually would like some fresh air makes him relent, and you take a short stroll together to a local park.
It’s… honestly really nice, snuggling against him against a bench and enjoying a puff pastry from a local food truck as you search for warmth against the chilly air. You people-watch, you point out fun outfits and sweet couples, and Jumin is reminded once more just how much he likes spending time with you.
No matter the setbacks, no matter the weather, no matter your current antibody level… just being with you is wonderful for him.
When you open the door, a rain of red sparkly glitter and shimmering confetti hearts showers down upon you. Beyond the pink mist is Seven, grinning like a jaguar and carrying a bottle of champagne in one hand and NyQuil in the other.
“Honey, I got you a gift you’ll never forget!”
“What, permanent liver scarring from combining alcohol and acetaminophen or the glitter I’ll never get out of my carpet?”
(But seriously please do not drink and take Tylenol/DayQuil/etc it is a bad body choice)
Setting the champagne aside for later (like, when you’re feeling better later), Seven pulls out your real gift, which is an intricately detailed chocolate sculpture of the Mars Rover that he had commissioned for this special occasion.
Like, it’s so pretty that you can barely bring yourself to eat it.
How did you get this, Seven.
This is ridiculous.
Seven takes you being sick in perfect stride, almost like he’d planned for this happenstance, and you have a wonderful Valentines Day with him playing video games, watching movies, and talking about which spaceships were destined to fall in love with each other.
It is a ship war.
“Oh… oh no… I didn’t get you sick, did I?”
v stop blaming yourself for everything!
V has had a rough time on the dating scene, so it doesn’t matter if you’re sick and feel like shit YOU ARE TAKING THIS MAN OUT ON A DATE.
“But - “
Armed with a bag full of tissues, a thermos of tea, and the desire to show V how good you are at romance, you take him to an art gallery, a concert, and a FANCY RESTAURANT WITH CAKES SHAPED LIKE ROSES. ROSES.
“D-do you… need to step out?” V asks in a hushed whisper as you try to blow your nose as quietly as humanly possible during a violin solo.
“i ‘ m f i n e”
He thinks its sweet, though he really does wish you’d spent the day resting given that tomorrow you’re even sicker. He’ll do all the dishes and bring you some hot tea in thanks for your struggles.
*cough cough* goes Saeran, and your eyebrows go up.
“Saeran, are those tissues in your pocket?”
“Saeran, is your… voice cracking?”
“Saeran, is your nose red and running -?”
Anyway, long story short, the world’s favorite idiot dandelion is also sick on Valentines Day which is pretty typical considering he spends most of his time around you. Given the both of you are too mutually stuffy to go out and enjoy the day, you stay in and have tissue-basketball competitions and engage in your favorite pastimes: being annoying on the Internet, eating too much junk-food, and mutually refusing to admit that you’re both watching Twilight unironically. 
Which is honestly what you might be doing if you weren’t sick, but let’s not critique either of your dating techniques here considering its a miracle you aren’t both dead in a ditch somewhere.
So uh. Does the relationship code obligate them to hang out with you on Valentine’s Day?
Look, they don’t like being around sick people, okay? And you’re so runny and germy right now. But Vanderwood also supposes that if the most romantic thing they can do today is clean up your snot, then whatever. It’s not like they actually care about a soulless corporate consumer holiday like Valentine’s Day or had plans for it or anything -
(”Vanderwood, are those tickets for that super popular musical that’s been sold out for two months sticking out of your pocket?”)
Anyway, you’re a walking plague ward, so Vanderwood puts on their face mask, strong-arms their way into your apartment (despite you telling them at least fifteen times that it’s fine, really, you don’t actually mind, they’ll catch what you have!!) and makes you chicken noodle soup. Like - goes all out on this chicken noodle soup. They make the noodles by hand! They simmer shit! Look at all of those finely chopped carrots and bits of celery, it’s like an episode of Top Chef! Damn dude, is that fresh oregano? Like, from a plant? WHY DID YOU BRING AN OREGANO PLANT OVER VANDERWOOD.
Despite them telling you to stay in bed and rest, they’ll bring you tea and medicine and cold cloths for your head, you insist on helping them. The germs will boil away with the heat, right? That’s how science works!
Vanderwood isn’t sure if that’s how science works or not, but they break when you say you don’t really want to be left alone and miserable in your room, and there’s something really appealing about you standing next to them, slicing bits of dough into thin strips of noodle and leaning against their shoulder for support…
Happy Valentines day, Vanderwood. Welcome to domesticity.
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starblazerm31 · 4 years
Azalea/Imalia Apprentice April Asks #2
Man, I did myself in on this one!  It only took me the whole week!  So many "Whoa...I haven't come up with that yet..."  But that's the point of these asks!  To develop characters!  Thanks so so much to @samjmorgan​​, @mechaspirit​​, and the several anons for sending me asks!  I hope you like my answers!  Once again, novel below the cut. XP
1. What does your character feel when they see their LI for the first time each day?
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Julian:  He's always awake before her, but won't move until she does.  As soon as her bleary eyes see him, she smiles; that warm blossoming feeling filling her chest.  Her beautiful disaster is alive, well, and right where she left him.  She wraps her arms and legs around him and pulls him in tight for a full-body hug.  "Good morning, angel," he whispers to her.
Lucio:  Their connection usually has them waking up at the same time.  Even with a messy bedhead, Lucio makes Azalea's heart flutter the moment she lays eyes on him.  His skin is warm and soft, and it gets cute little goosebumps as soon as she touches him.  Lucio.  Her Lucio.  *Que make-out session.*  Morning breath?  Meh, who cares.
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Her sleep is sporadic due to her nightmares, and she wakes up multiple times during the night.  Every time her eyes land on Asra next to her, her heart rate slows down and she drifts back off to sleep.  When it's finally time to get up, however, she will whimper and pull him close, letting her deep emotions and love spill over to him.  He's been the longest constant in her hellish life, and she's just so happy to have him next to her.  To be able to call him hers.
2. What things does your character love about their LI?
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Julian:  She LOVES how smart he is.  She feels like she can have an actual intelligent conversation with him about absolutely (well...almost) anything.  He askes intellectual questions about magic and she is more than happy to go on a spiel about the little intricacies and science behind magic.  And she loves to ask him about medicine and how the human body works.  It ends up benefitting both of them in their respective professions.  She also loves how he towers over her but will fall to his knees in an instant.
Julian loves Azalea’s stubbornness.  Once she gets her mind set on something, it’s gonna go her way. (she snagged him, didn’t she?) He absolutely loves it when she throws off all of her inhibitions and goes on a night run across the rooftops.  He can’t keep up with her when she’s elevated.  The sky is her playground, and it makes her look even more angelic to him.  He adores the way she speaks to him and holds him when he’s feeling stressed.  She’s so soothing and comforting, and she won’t let him go until he asks.
Lucio:  She loves his energy and excitement.  He's not the smartest pickle in the jar, but he can match her when it comes to being active.  Running races, playing sexy hide-and-seek, sparring...he's the only person in the world who can wear her out.  And he has been the most encouraging person to her.  His wonder and awe when he watches her do magic makes her feel as awesome as he says she is.  And he loves it when she reads one of her new stories to him.  He sits there, riveted by the images she's weaving with her words.
Lucio loves how completely and utterly kind she is to him.  She actually listens to him and encourages him, believes in him.  No one has ever done that before.
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Imalia loves everything about Asra.  She loves how beautiful his magic is.  Watching him cast leaves her utterly spellbound.  The glowing swirls, the glittering lights, the musical trills his magic makes.  It is unlike anything Imalia has ever experienced.  She loves how she can talk about anything and Asra immediately seems to understand.  Magical theories, sacred geometry and leylines, blessed and cursed artifacts, enchantments, ancient incantations...he is just as invested and curious as she.  She can teach him a new spell and he can get it right almost immediately as well as understand it.  And he is the most calming presence she could be around.  If her anxiety is flaring up or if she had a particularly nasty nightmare, Asra can calm her down within minutes.
Asra loves how giving and encouraging Imalia is.  She spends so much time learning new things only to turn around and share her knowledge with even more enthusiasm.  She simply can't keep knowledge to herself.  And she would gladly give her life to save someone she loves.
3. What things about their LI annoy them?
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Julian:  He can still be a spastic dumbass.  And sometimes he will go on these long tirades about how he just doesn't deserve to be with her.  She will let him get his grievances out, and then calmly explain WHY he is wrong.  And he has this really annoying habit of leaving his dirty socks right beside the laundry hamper.  And Julian tends to leave cups of cold, unfinished coffee just lying around the place.  As for Azalea herself, she tends to think that he doesn't always understand what she is talking about, so she will spend too much time re-explaining a concept he already knows.  And sometimes she can be a little to micro-managey when it comes to stuff around the shop.
Lucio:  As above, spastic dumbass.  He also has absolutely NO idea or sense of money management.  And he can be lazy.  And if she's spending too long on her shop's expenses/cleaning, or if she's reading and not paying enough attention to him, Lucio will start to whine and flop around like a little kid.  Azalea herself still has a few trust issues with Lucio on certain things like money.  He’s so used to lavish things and sometimes needs reminding that Azalea’s shop doesn’t bring in THAT kind of revenue.  Azalea KNOWS Lucio doesn’t understand what she’s talking about sometimes, so the re-explaining isn’t so bad.  But it does bore Lucio.  He can’t help but feel put-out with Azalea’s micro-managing.  He wishes she would just sell the shop and move them back into the Palace since she is Court Magician.
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Asra still likes to run off on his own without giving any specifics about where/what he's doing.  The running off is fine, but Imalia would at least like an idea of what he's planning.  Just in case he might need some help.  Her worst fear is for him to get in trouble and need her, but she isn't there.
4. Who does what chores?
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Julian:  Azalea handles the cooking, laundry, and cleaning the floors.  Julian handles the dusting (putting that height to good use!) and the dishes.  They both do random little fix-its around the shop, but Azalea is better at it since she had spent three years randomly alone.  Azalea loves Julian's expressions when she climbs on the roof and hangs upside down to fix a shingle or the shop’s sign.  He’s trying to catch a glimpse of his favorite boob.
Lucio:  (assuming he is no longer Count and lives with her at the shop) OMG this lazy bum.  It took Azalea a while to get him used to the idea of washing his own clothes, and even longer to teach him how to do it right.  She still takes care of cooking (he is NOT allowed!) and the floors, but they share dusting duty.  And she taught him how to fix things.  The first time he got a chair to stop wobbling, she had to stop him from throwing open the windows and yelling "I AM THE FIX-IT KING!!!" to the entire neighborhood.  She also gave him a job as shop courier.  He needed to learn how to earn his living.  Also took him a while to figure out how to deliver orders without breaking anything.  😒
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Well, Imalia has servants at her estate, so she doesn't really NEED to do any chores.  But she's not the lazy type, and will at the very least cook for herself and the entire household.  She likes seeing their faces when they taste her latest atroci-uh dish.  In seriousness, she's a pretty decent cook.  Asra will usually gather reagents and ingredients they will need in their magical research.  As far as household chores, he keeps the windows clean.  He loves how the sunlight filters in through the stained glass.
5. Do they prefer to stay at home, or do they like to go out?
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Julian:  Being the working stiffs they are, they will usually stay at home.  But a few times a week they will head down to the Rowdy Raven for a good time, or visit with their friends.  Azalea does eventually become Imalia's apprentice again and gets tutored three times a week; they will usually go out somewhere as a group afterward.
Lucio:  Lucio, being the exhausting booger he is, has to go out and mingle with people.  So they will typically go out when the workday is done.  When Azalea becomes Imalia's apprentice again, Lucio is encouraged to do ANYTHING else but come along.  (Imalia and Lucio dated for three years, and that ended badly; so she tries to steer clear of him)  It doesn't always work, however, because Lucio is nosy and he remembers how well Imalia's head-of-household Ben made desserts.
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Since she and Asra both like to travel, they typically go out somewhere.  Even if they stay at home they will be traveling the Magical Realms.
6. What are some little things they do for each other throughout the day?
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Julian:  She will make him coffee and prepare him lunch to take to the clinic with him.  She will leave him little notes in the lunch telling him how amazing he is and how much she loves him.  If he is working late, she brings him dinner.  He will tie little notes to Malak's leg for her to receive, or bring her flowers when he gets off work.  He has also become the new bearer-of-pumpkin bread.  When he gets home, she will sit him down in a chair and give him a shoulder and back rub or draw him a nice hot bath.
Lucio:  She keeps a full cookie jar for him.  She keeps the pantry stocked with food he likes and will cook it just perfect for him.  She also whispers dirty little nothings in his ear and will give him sneaky butt pinches.  He needs to know he's wanted, after all!  If his prosthetic is bothering him, she will help soothe the irritation.  He will give her random shoulder rubs and neck nibbles and will make sure Corva's food and water are always full.  He also likes to blow most of his money on random gifts for her.
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She will paint Asra's nails while telling him lots of "no shit, there I was" stories.  Smoking green with him while reading, going on long walks with him, and constantly praising him.  Asra will wash Imalia's hair when they bathe together and give her amazing scalp massages to ease away tension.  He also loves to brush her hair and come up with new braid configurations for the top of her head.
7. What are some private jokes they share?
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Julian:  There was this one time when they were adventuring overseas and they wanted to grab something to eat before they set out to investigate this temple that Imalia had told them about.  It was supposed to have this magical jar that could hold a human soul.  The only vendor in the town they were in sold this strange grilled fruit on a stick that smelled absolutely awful.  They still ate them and it didn't taste too terrible.  But it strangely filled them with energy and they made it through the temple just fine.  Now when they see kebabs, they look at each other and snicker.  Also, when they pass a haberdasher and see a nice pirate-style hat, Julian will pass Azalea a quirked eyebrow and grin.
Lucio:  Whenever Azalea hears a goat bleat, she will glance to Lucio and snicker because his laugh sounds exactly the same.  Lucio will laugh like a madman when Corva will imitate Azalea's frustrated "Fucking hell!"  He also taught her how to say "Mama's ass" in his accent.   Lucio:  "Ey, Corva, what's the solution to this problem?" Corva:  "Mama's ass!" Azalea:  "OMG!!!" *blush* Corva:  "Fucking hell!"
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She and Asra have run afoul of a few bandit gangs with the most ridiculous names.  So now when they hear of bandits causing trouble, Asra will say "Is it The Fighting Dragon's Blood Macho Men again?"   Imalia:  *snarfs her drink* "It might be the Serpent's Hand." Asra:  *laughs out loud*   Faust:  ?
8. What are some embarrassing couple stories?
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Julian:  One time Azalea was bringing him lunch at work, and the thank-you kiss became rather intense.  A patient came in, and Julian realized that he had gotten...ahem...excited.  He had to come up with a lame excuse to give himself time to calm down.
Lucio:  One time he and Azalea were toking up in the loft of the shop when Nadia came in.  It was a new strain that was really potent, and Lucio couldn't hide the fact that he was high as hell.  When he tried to follow Azalea down the stairs, he lost his balance and tumbled the rest of the way down, ending up in a pile at Nadia's feet.  He instantly blurted out in a loud exaggerated whisper:  "Azzie, don't tell Noddy that I'm high!!" Nadia:  "Don't worry Lucio, I will never find out." Lucio:  "Good.  Hey, Azzie, are we gonna screw when she leaves?" Azalea:  "....Omg...I am so sorry, Nadia." Nadia:  "It's alright, you took him off of my hands after all." (I'd draw this if I could XD)
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One time she and Asra started "getting down" in her study.  They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice Ben come in and set down a tray of refreshments for them.  When they were done, Imalia noticed the tray and said "How long has that been there?" Asra:  "I don't know...I swear it wasn't there before...we..." Imalia:  "...Shit, Ben, why do you have to be such a ninja?" They couldn't look him in the eye at dinner that night.
9. Is their relationship open or exclusive?
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Julian/Lucio:  Exclusive.  Azalea gives her heart to one person only.  Her love envelopes her lover and all she longs for is them.  More than one person would feel mediocre and cheap because she would have to divide her love.  She loves with everything she is.  And it turns out that both Julian and Lucio get really jealous at the thought of sharing her.
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Imalia and Asra are exclusive and deeply committed to each other; but they would have a threesome if they met someone who struck both of their fancies.  That hasn't happened yet, however.
10. How often do they need to be intimate?
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Julian:  They need to be intimate at least twice a week.  Jobs can be stressful, and they need to relieve that stress.  Azalea is all too happy to indulge Julian's desires, and he is happy to service her needs in return.  He's amazing at following direction.  ^_~
Lucio:  Sex is a daily occurrence with them.  Rarely, they will have had such an exhausting and busy day that sex just wasn't in the schedule...but rarely.  More often than not, it's vanilla sex.  But they make an effort to have several spicy sessions a week.  There have been weeks where they went at it a little rough at the beginning, and they were too sore to keep up their normal routine.  Those were sad weeks.
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At the very least they have sex once a week; however sex can happen at the drop of a hat with these two.  Anywhere, anytime.  The longest sessions happen in the Magical Realms where they can explore and experiment for as long as they want.
11. Have they ever fought?
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Julian:  Over little things, more than most.  Things get tense with two people trying to be in a committed relationship.  Something as stupid as “geez, dirty socks on the floor AGAIN?!  The laundry basket is right here!” can, unfortunately, escalate into a rather heated argument about something entirely different.  But dammit, we are COMMITTED!!! (I’m NOT leaving this bitch/bastard because I LOVE them, and we have been through WAY too much SHIT for something as amorphous as emotions to drive a wedge between us!)  Cue some time apart to get their thoughts and emotions together and a very teary-eyed snotty apology.
Lucio:  Yeah, mainly over money management.  Lucio always thought the word "budget" meant "cheap."  He didn't understand that you can't use the money for shop repairs to buy that gaudy cloak he saw in a store window.  He also didn't know that shops had to buy the things they sell.  He thought store wares just...appeared.
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Asra gets irate at the risks Imalia is all too ready to take at a moment's notice.  He wants her to stay safe and it's quite hard when she suddenly decides that she has to drain a quarter of her blood as a reagent for a spell that will lift the curse on a village.  She thinks that she will be alright since she merged with the Lord of Nightmares.  But Asra reminds her that Lon is a chaos goddess and might not save her.
12. Describe their perfect date
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Julian:  It's been busy at the shop and the clinic, and Azalea and Julian have been wanting a date night for a while now.  Azalea closes the shop early and prepares a picnic for the two of them.  Meanwhile, Julian closes his clinic and hauls ass down to the Rowdy Raven to pick up a special bottle that he ordered from Barth.  He gets back to the shop just as Azalea is tucking everything away in a basket.  Arm in arm, the walk to the hidden garden.  They spread out a blanket and set everything up.  Under the glow of the Deadly Starstrand, they feed each other and enjoy that entire bottle.  They giggle and snuggle together, talking about the "remember whens" of their first meeting.  Azalea then pins Julian against that crumbling wall and enacts her secret desires of that night long ago.
Lucio:  Lucio got permission from Nadia to set up a special rendezvous in the palace garden.  (She adores Azalea and helped him come up with the idea)  A table with a magnificent spread was set out for them with a chilled Golden Goose.  They spent the evening laughing and talking, Lucio telling Azalea stories of his past glories.  Azalea confesses that she didn't think much of herself or her talent until he came into her life.  Lucio spends a while kissing up and down the length of Azalea's arms, showering her with praise.  He then takes her up to his old wing via the portal in the garden and gives her the full Count experience. ^_~
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There is a meteor shower tonight.  Imalia sets up a tent (looks small, but is huge inside) in a clearing in the Dark Forest that has all the trappings.  A magician's feast, different types of drinks and wine, and big fluffy bed covered in tons of vibrantly colored pillows.  Outside, they lay in the grass and stargaze.  Imalia tells Asra the history and mythology behind the constellations overhead and what significance they have to different kinds of magicians and mages.  Asra already knows all this, but he loves to hear Imalia talk.  They watch the shooting stars flit by overhead, and both exclaim when a particularly bright one passes by or makes a loud popping sound.  They then retreat into the tent where they eat and weave light magic in the air to entertain each other.  Then Asra pulls out a stick of that special incense and the rest of the night is spent rolling in those pillows.
13. Do they have an evening routine?
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Julian:  When they are home for the night, Azalea will make some tea for them and Julian will pick out a good book.  They will sit and read together for a while before drawing a hot lavender bath.  They will wash each other and cuddle until the water gets cold.  Then a cup of chamomile before going to bed.  Fun times may occur at this point.
Lucio:  Azalea will spend some time teaching Lucio how to read for as long as she can keep his attention.  She will then reward him with some intimate time followed by the lavender bath.  She will pour him a glass of wine and tea for herself, and they will talk and tell each other jokes and stories until they fall asleep.
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They don't really have a routine; the only routine thing about their evenings is the fact that they go to sleep.  They are usually working on experiments together, exploring, reading, drinking, or playing games.
14. Describe a "paid scene" with your character and their LI
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Julian:  Julian and Azalea are getting ready to attend a soiree at the palace.  Azalea helps Julian button his cuffs and slips in some sweet kisses to his wrists.  She then tells him to hold his arms up and don't move.  She slowly buttons up his shirt, leaving smoldering kisses up his chest as she fastens each button.  Julian is a blushing mess, each kiss making him hotter and hotter.  When she closes the final button at his neck, she gives him a mischievous love bite right below his collar.  She then tells him to help her fasten the back of her dress.  He gets a wicked glint in his eye and does as she says, but throwing in a little bit of the temperature magic she had been teaching him.  Icy touches make her shudder while hot touches make her groan.  He finishes off with a blazing kiss to her shoulder which he drags up her neck and ends with a playful nip to her earlobe.
Lucio:  An aerial dancing troupe had performed in the palace earlier that evening.  Azalea talked to Nadia and got the troupe to leave their rigs up.  The room seems to be littered with draping curtains and ropes.  Azalea easily coaxes Lucio into the room and ties a blindfold around his eyes.  She tells him to count to ten and then come find her.  He does as she asks, but pouts when all he can see are the curtains and ropes swaying.  He creeps around each one, listening for her.  He hears her giggle and sees some of the curtains move.  He dashes forward to find her, but she isn't there.  She leads him around the room like this for a good while until finally she spins down from one of the curtains and hangs upside-down in front of him.  She gives him that classic Raimi Spider-Man upside-down kiss.  He asks her what else she can do from that angle.  She replies by sensuously touching him while swaying from the fabric.  Eventually, all riled up, he plucks her down from there and hurries off with her to her room.
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Imalia tells Asra that she respects the Arcana, but doesn't really hold much reverence towards them since they seem rather useless to her.  Asra pulls out his deck and offers to give her a reading.  Imalia sighs, but agrees.  He lays out three cards and flips one.  Just as he suspected, it's The Empress upright.  He listens to the card and tells her what it says.  "Of all the opportunities you've had, there is one you have wanted more than any other.  It scares you, but it's embedded so far down inside you that it's part of who you are.  You want more than anything to be a mother."  Imalia starts, her face turning a deep red.  "It's expected of you," Asra continues, "so a large part of you wants to reject the idea.  The idea pins you down to your royal bloodline.  But that isn't why you want it.  You want it because you want to share the bond that you had with your father with a child of your own.  You want to teach them, encourage them, and watch them grow into something amazing."  He puts the cards away and looks at her mischievously.  "What do you think of the Arcana now?"  Imalia grimaces and says "I think they talk too much."
15. Would they go on a double date?
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Definitely!  Azalea/Julian and Azalea/Lucio have gone on double dates with Imalia/Asra many times!  (However, with Azalea/Lucio, Imalia and Lucio typically end up trying to outdo each other with stories of their badassery)
16. Who pops the question?
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Julian:  They propose to each other!!  They both wanted it, knew they did, but weren’t exactly sure how to go about it.  They snuck around each other (the only time in their relationship that this happens) and bought rings.  Then, on the night each had planned, Julian goes to the kitchen to make them tea and get the ring he’d bought.  When he turns around, Azalea is already kneeling in front of him with the ring she’d bought.  He’s flabbergasted, and kinda numbly holds out his ring.  The next day was full of them guffawing and telling the story to everyone else.
Lucio:  He did.  It was not at all what Azalea was expecting.  She always thought he would propose at a party, in front of everyone in Vesuvia.  But no...he waited until they were alone and comfortable, lounging in the grass of the palace garden.  He just...asked her.  No flourishes, no showy display.  As for the ring...he did really well.  It wasn't some huge gaudy thing that wouldn't look right on her at all.  It was a simple silver band with three gorgeous moonstones set on it.  He really thought about what she would like.
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She does.  They are on holiday together in Nopal during the Painted Daisy Festival.  While sitting next to each other at a bonfire, Imalia stands up.  She proclaims that she has had the vast fortune of traveling the world, having many adventures, performing great deeds, and teaching some of the brightest minds the world has ever seen.  But it all pales in comparison to the person she has fallen in love with.  She simply can't see herself doing anything greater than spending her life with him.  She kneels down in front of him and produces a golden ring etched in magical runes.  She says that he has been there longer than anyone else in her life.  Would he mind keeping that bad habit up for a while longer?  Say, forever?
17. Describe the wedding
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Julian:  It takes place at the Palace (at Nadia's insistence).  Julian is a nervous wreck, thinking that surely Azalea will change her mind and leave him standing at the altar.  Portia smacks sense into him, reminding him that she was part of Azalea's bridal party and had JUST seen her.  Imalia is Azalea's maid-of-honor, and is bossing people around like a drill sergeant, accompanied by Mazelinka; they wanted to make sure Azalea could just enjoy this day and not be bothered by the minutiae.  When Azalea walks down the aisle, she is a glittering spectacle of white pearls, moonstones, crystals, and feathers from Corva. (she had been saving Corva's shed feathers for this occasion).  When they exchange vows, Corva perches on Julian's shoulder, and Malak on Azalea's.  They present them with the rings.  Que smooches and a hell of a reception with lots of table dancing!
Lucio:  Same as above, at the Palace.  Nadia and Azalea arranged everything, but kept Lucio's tastes very close in mind.  Azalea wanted a nice wedding, but not anything as huge as the Masquerade.  The palace was littered with white roses and moonflowers.  Imalia actually tended to Lucio in this one.  His mother was invited and actually showed up, which made Lucio nervous as hell.  Imalia assured him that everything was going to go smoothly, and if Morga did anything, Imalia would do something worse.  Despite her choice of groom, Azalea was still her best friend and this day was going to go PERFECTLY.  Down the aisle, Azalea was escorted by Mercedes and Melchior.  They looked amazing, all clad in white.  Azalea’s dress was the same as above, but she actually wore diamonds (even though she hates them).  The rings were tied to M&M's collars...which could have been a horrible decision if the dogs got riled up, but Imalia had Balthazaar at the ready to pursue and snatch, should that happen.  With the final kiss, sealing the deal, M&M tore out of the sanctuary to chase birds.  The reception was a big party, just like Lucio wanted.  He never left Azalea's side for a moment, showing her off to everyone in the kingdom.
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She and Asra elope.  Something to spring on Azalea randomly.  XD  Plus, Imalia is exhausted with royal and court life; arranging a royal wedding would cause so much headache, and she just knew she would be sending a few nobles to the infirmary with their murmurs about Asra's social standing.  Better to just say "Oh, by the way, this is the person I married.  Suck it."
18. Any babies?
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Julian:  Two kids:  Nora and Rylen.  They both inherit Azalea's premature greying so they enchant their hair like their mother.  Auburn at the roots, but Nora's fades into gold.  Rylen's fades into deep green.  Nora is tall and has the same proclivity for acrobatics that her mother does.  She also has a tendency to get into fights.  Rylen is shorter and is a bookworm who wants to be a doctor like his father.
Lucio:  Two kids:  Darien and Etoile.  As with the previous two, they inherit Azalea's greying.  But they don't enchant their hair.  They both like how the blonde roots fade into silver at the ends.  Darien is a sweet kid who is just really unlucky.  He gets into jams, his magic goes wild, and he tends to lose important things.  This is due to whatever deal Morga made when Lucio was a baby.  Etoile is an overachiever who is headstrong and bulletproof like her father.  She inherits Azalea's smarts which makes her even worse as far as being headstrong because she is, unfortunately, always correct.  She does deeply care for her older brother, however, and will knock someone out if they mess with him.  She ends up helping him with his crappy luck by making him MANY good luck charms to counteract.  The two of them become an adventuring duo, furthering magical research and discovery.
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She and Asra have one child (at first; I want to create two more), a daughter named Celestia (Lessie).  She is slightly darker of skin tone, with Asra's beautiful white hair and Imalia's crimson eyes.  She is coy and mischievous, but can also turn on a dime into a yelling ball-buster.  She is best friends with Azalea's kids (both versions) and they get into all sorts of trouble together.  She is very good at inventing new magic spells.  Mainly good for pranks.  She eventually follows in her mother's footsteps and becomes a Magister as well as a potential heir to the throne of Seiruun.
19. Do they stay in Vesuvia, or eventually move somewhere else?
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Julian/Lucio:  Vesuvia is home.  It's where her heart is and it's where she learned all of her greatest lessons in life.  She could never leave.
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Imalia and Asra set up a portal to Imalia's home country of Seiruun.  They have dual citizenship there, and Asra is given the title of Prince since he married Sairuun's only Princess.  As such, they have to make appearances at court functions.  But Vesuvia is home.  Until (or if ever) Queen Dreen Suval has children of her own, Celestia is named the heir to the throne of Seiruun.
20. Talk about that family life.  What's it like?
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Julian:  Azalea continues to run the shop and Julian his clinic.  But since the family got so large, they had to move out of the loft and buy a house (they found a nice one close by).  Azalea teaches Nora and Rylen how to make potions and tinctures, as well as nurture their magical talents.  Rylen wants to be like his father, so Julian takes him on as his apprentice at his clinic and teaches him everything he knows.  Azalea has to come to get Nora from the guards after she gets into fights on a somewhat regular basis.  She decides that Nora should get a proper "schooling" from Imalia.  So Imalia keeps Nora nice and busy and helps her channel her energy to more productive means than fighting.  Meals are always spent together as a family.
Lucio:  Azalea continues to run the shop, and Lucio actually steps up to help in raising Darien and Etoile.  They move into a fancy house.  Morga steps in every so often and insists on taking the children out on hunts.  When she sees how horrible Darien's luck is, she spends more attention on Etoile.  Azalea isn't pleased with this.  So she makes Darien her helper and apprentice at the shop and teaches him ways to counter his awful luck.  Etoile is the one who figures out exactly what he needs and makes him a LOT of luck charms.  They need to be re-energized every so often, but they seem to do the trick and Darien's true potential starts to shine.  Morga is forced to eat her words on one hunt when he slays a bear larger than any Morga has ever seen.  She begins to piece together Darien's condition and realizes who is actually at fault.  Her.  So she sets about to rid Darien of the curse of bad luck.  Lucio and Azalea love spending time with their kids, reading, telling stories, and playing with magic.  Meals are a family event with everyone taking part.
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Imalia tries her best not to dote on Celestia, but she just can't help it sometimes.  The child is so amazing, and she loves how much like Asra she is.  She and Asra take her on family trips the the Magical Realms and help her construct her own Magical Gateway.  Asra introduces her to several of the Arcana, and the Magician absolutely adores her.  At one point, Celestia manages to slip into the Devil's realm and paints a penis on the frozen Arcana's face.  Imalia is immensely proud when Celestia agrees to take on the massive responsibility of becoming heir to Sairuun, but she doesn't put off her education either.  Through her own effort and hard work, she becomes a Magister.
BONUS.  Petnames.
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Azalea calls Julian "Beautiful Beanpole" and "my darling doctor" and Julian calls Azalea "Angel," "darling," and "dearest"
Azalea calls Lucio "Hot Stuff" and "babe" and Lucio calls her "Azzie" (sounds like Ozzy) and "baby"
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Imalia calls Asra "Starlight."  Asra calls Imalia "Professor."  Imalia also calls Lucio "Shitiot" (Shit/Idiot)
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Plastic Heart - Part 4
Namjoon x Reader Author: Mo Summary: When you get the highly-anticipated BTS dolls for Christmas, your life takes a turn in a way you never could have expected. Note: hehehehehehe here we go bro I’m so excited. Let me know what you think!!! Pretty please? Replies and reblogs make an author’s entire day better <3 Warnings: None? Some swears lmao Word Count: 1.5k
Prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4
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You’d decided beyond a shadow of a doubt that your Geology Lecture was the most boring class on the face of the earth. You’d read so many fanfictions during it while managing to take decent enough notes that they really should have given you double credits for it. You had an -A in the class, and honestly it was one of your best grades. It wasn’t even that the material was boring; it wasn’t. But the professor droned on and on and on and covered every single bullet on his PowerPoint for around five minutes each.
Never had a two hour class felt so long.
So, while you sat there, certainly not entertained enough by the class to do anything better, you scrolled through AO3 until you found something good to read and lazily scrolled through that while sitting there.
Near the end of the lecture, you took a break from your fic long enough to notice the tickle in the back of your throat. It was probably nothing, though, so you packed up your things and walked to your next class.
It was not, however, nothing.
Once you got settled into your Spanish class, the tickle in the back of your throat had evolved into a pain, and it hurt every time you swallow. Your Spanish class was short though, so when things went from mildly uncomfortable to more than a minor nuisance, you were on your way back to your apartment anyway to grab a quick lunch.
Maybe it was the cold, or maybe it was...something worse, but on the way back was when the congestion hit hard and you could barely breathe through your nose. Great. Just great. You were sick with some virus. How was it that you had gotten sick this quickly? This morning you felt fine!
So, you pulled open the door to your apartment and walked inside, stomping the extra snow off of your boots. Up in the cupboard somewhere, you had a thermometer. After some digging around, you managed to find it, and sure enough...you had a fever.
“Fuck!” You groaned and dug around the medicine cabinet for Tylenol, popping a couple before heating up a can of soup for lunch. You walked to your bedroom and set your soup on the nightstand, grabbing your tissues and putting them on the bed. You dragged your trash can closer and then pulled your laptop out of your backpack so you could email your last professor of the day that there was no way you’d be able to make it to class, and that you had caught something.
It was then that you looked up at your BTS shelf, only to find that...none of your dolls were on it. They were all on the dresser below. Strange. You wondered how they had gotten like that, considering you lived alone and you were pretty sure no one else had a key… It wasn’t entirely out of the question that there could have been an earthquake maybe. Or maybe your downstairs neighbor had gotten another new speaker after blowing out the last one…
You weren’t entirely sure what had happened, but you walked over to check it out anyway.
“That is a bad idea.” Namjoon shook his head. The maknaes looked at him with disappointment. “We are not having a dance party. End of story.”
“We’re home alone all day. (Y/N) has class until late afternoon, I honestly don’t see why not.” Hoseok reasoned. “I know she has a lunch break, but she always grabs lunch with her friends, there’s literally no reason she’d come home during it.”
He had a good point. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, who only shrugged. “Guys, I thought we were going to try to be more careful after our...last mess-up.”
“And we know our order now. We won’t mess it up again, Namjoon.” Jimin promised, pouting those perfect lips of his. “Pretty please?”
“Fine, but I don’t want any part of it.”
That protest lasted all of about ten minutes until Jin and Hoseok managed to find your speaker, which they hooked up to your CD player for even louder music. It was a good thing the walls were thick in this place.
Namjoon didn’t know how to dance. None of them did. And yet, that didn’t stop them from trying. If you’d left your laptop here, they would have looked up some BTS videos to try their dances, but without it, they had no way to look up videos of any kind. So they made do, bopping along to the songs on Persona before switching it to Answer. Yoongi had found a flashlight and was using it as a makeshift strobe, flashing it on and off once Taehyung turned the lights off.
For the first time in their plastic lives, stuck in your boring bedroom, they actually had fun. It was strange and new, but they decided that they liked it, this new feeling.
That was, until they heard the noise, muffled through the wall.
“You guys, she’s home!” Yoongi notified the others, immediately flipping the flashlight off and making a dash for the drawer. “Ditch the speaker, move, move, move!”
“What do you mean she’s home? She’s not--” Jungkook was interrupted by the sound of the microwave beeping through the wall. You were home.
“I was right, wasn’t I? You just couldn’t listen?” Namjoon muttered, helping Hoseok turn the CD player off and unhook your speaker from it.
“Shut up, Namjoon and help me with the--”
You were closer now, your footsteps coming down the hall. There was no time left. The doorknob jiggled, and paralyzed with fear, all seven of them collapsed, doing what dolls do best: playing dead.
You walked over to the shelf and sniffled, cursing before turning around to grab a tissue. You wiped your nose and tossed it in the trash before resuming your investigation. What the hell had happened?
Eyes narrowed, you picked up Jin and put him back on the shelf. And then Yoongi and then Hoseok and then Namjoon. You put Jimin back up and then Tae, but before you could get him in place, you sneezed. And so did he.
“What the FUCK!” You dropped the doll, scurrying back over to your bed as fast as you could, grabbing the little model Louisville Slugger bat you kept beside your bed. It was a keepsake mostly. Mostly. But it was still made of wood, and it still had good balance, so you knew it could get the job done in a pinch.
Your room was deathly silent for a few moments, your heart racing as you stared at the Taehyung doll you’d dropped. Then, much to your horror, Yoongi talked.
“Great, look what you did, Tae. She’s traumatized.”
“I’m SORRY! I didn’t even know toys could sneeze!”
“Shut up!” You warned, holding up the bat while cowering against the wall. “Oh my God, I must be hallucinating…”
“We’re here for not even a month and we break the biggest rule in the book. Good God.” Yoongi shook his head. The others aside from Yoongi and Tae hadn’t moved yet, but you could only assume they could too.
“M-Ma’am, we’re...we’re not going to h-hurt you.” Namjoon tried, his voice tentative. “You can p-put the bat down.”
“P-put the b-bat down my ass! Why would I- Jesus Christ, this is insane! I’m talking to a bunch of dolls! What is wrong with me?!”
“Nothing is wrong with you, (Y/N), we promise.” Hoseok joined the conversation. “It’s complicated, but we can--”
“I’m going crazy.” You sank down the wall, shaking your head. Tears were running down your cheeks and you were shaking. “I’m gonna get locked up forever. Oh my God…”
“Hey!” Namjoon was a little firmer this time. He hopped down from the shelf, causing you to attempt to wriggle further away despite the fact that you were already up against the wall. There was nowhere else to go. “Nothing’s going to happen to you, alright? I wouldn’t let that happen. None of us would.”
You still didn’t budge, still paler than any of them had ever seen you. They were lucky you hadn’t passed out, honestly.
“D-don’t come any closer!” You pulled your blanket around you like that would do anything aside from working as a very weak shield against them. “I’m warning you!” It was silly to try to be threatening against them while you were shaking like a leaf, but you tried anyway.
“I’m your bias, right? Will you listen if I try to explain? I won’t come any closer, I promise. I’ll sit right here on the dresser. Would that be okay?” Yoongi had to give Namjoon credit; he did work well under pressure.
You thought about it for a long moment, studying Namjoon carefully. He didn’t look deceitful. You ran a head count anyway, and yes, all seven of them were still in your line of sight.
“O-okay...Namjoon. Can I call you Namjoon?”
“You can call me whatever you want to, (Y/N).” He reassured you gently. “Namjoon works just fine.”
You took a shaky little breath, grabbing a tissue to wipe your tears and your running nose. “Just please tell me what’s going on…”
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @lilgaga98, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @kbowen9, @honig-bienchen, @coolcat494, @ffantasylandd, @feed-my-geek-soul, @ayoo-bangtan, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @cap-lu20, @finninpoposu
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iconicstyles · 4 years
New Roommates
So here’s the second installment of my fic and I really hope this makes sense. i wrote this not really intending on posting it. So since I just wrote it for myself it’s not proper chapters. And I can’t upload the whole thing cause it would be ridiculously long but I hope you enjoy anyway ❤️
Max was almost out when he heard movement on the couch. Keeping his eyes closed he felt a soft weight being placed over him. Peaking his eyes open, he noticed a blanket she had been using on the couch. It was still warm from her body heat. He was too tired to fight her besides he could smell her perfume on the fabric comforting him as he fell asleep.
The next day Melissa was the first one awake. The street lights were still on after she took her morning shower. Quietly she went about her business, putting on a fresh pair of scrubs and her shoes. It was going to be another cold day in Chicago. Sighing to herself she braided her long dark hair down her back and pulled on a beanie. After grabbing her warmest jacket she headed downstairs. Abby and Max were still asleep making Melissa stay quiet as a mouse as she fixed herself a cup of coffee to go. Now Melissa may love her job but no matter what she would never be a morning person.
Thankfully the hospital was slow at five in the morning. She would make her rounds, talk with the night nurses to find out what happened the night before, and wait for her first big incident of the day. When she heard the intercom say code blue she turned to her coworker. “Let’s go to work.”
When Max woke up the first thing he was aware of was a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. After wiping his hands over his face he turned to see Abby pulling out a muffin tray from the oven. Slowly he rose from his makeshift bed and staggered into the kitchen. “Morning.” She said softly.
“Morning.” Max yawned.
“We didn’t get properly introduced last night. I’m Abby.” She told him, extending her hand.
Max glanced at her hand to her face which still had flour on it. “I’m Max, I’m Harry’s partner.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you.” She as far too friendly in the morning.
“You too. Uh, I gotta get a shower.”
Before she could say anything Max was already walking into the hallway bathroom. Not the best way to meet her new roommate but hopefully he would come around. If Abby knew anything about men the best way to make them like you was hit them with baked goods. He would come around and her Southern charm would make sure of it.
Harry sure did enjoy the muffins, he stuffed two of them into his mouth on their way to the precinct. “Mmm, I think this new roommate arrangement is gonna work out.” He groaned.
“Yeah, you keep eating like that you’re gonna fail our fitness exam come spring.”
“Eh, if I’m on desk duty it would be worth it if I get to eat like this.”
Max rolled his eyes as he came to a stop in their familiar parking spot. District twelve had been their second home since they graduated from the police academy. They worked in uniform for a few months before moving up to Intelligence. They had been working cases ever since.
Upstairs their coworkers were already buzzing. Mike had arrived first putting together their board. “Ok our victim’s name is Gerald Adams, low end criminal. He’s been in and out of jail since he turned sixteen. I got word from a CI that during his last stint he began working for another dealer, one we all know.” Mike taped up a picture of a well known dealer. “Calum Hood.”
“I thought he moved to Arizona?” Harry asked.
“Well he’s back. I’ve heard he’s been working the streets trying to build his rep back up.”
Sergeant Voight spoke up. “Hood used to be one of Kevin Wallace’s men. He had been working for him since Calum graduated high school.”
“Kevin Wallace? Isn’t he in prison?”
“For twenty years, doesn’t mean he’s not operating from the inside.”
“Then why did he pick off one of his new guys?” Max asked.
“That’s what I want you to find out.” Voight said. “Max, Harry, you find Adams residence. Mike you and Liam talk to your CIs, find out if there’s any rumblings going on with Wallace’s gang.”
With their orders in hand the guys headed off for the day. “Looks like it’s gonna be another late night.” Harry sighed.
By the time lunch was rolling around Melissa was already done with her day. Her last patient in room 612 refused to take his medicine, even going so far as to throw his food tray at her when she insisted he needed it. “Tell Jamie I’m taking my lunch and that someone else is gonna have to get Mr. Walker to take his meds.”
Luckily Abby seemed to know her friend would need a pick me up. When she arrived to the lobby she saw the blonde with a brown bag. “Hey, I didn’t know if you would have time for a real lunch.” Abby smiled.
“Even if I didn’t I’m taking one.” Melissa said eagerly taking the bag from her friend’s hands. “You brought me fresh bread? Bless you.”
“With three different jellies. I got a job.” Abby grinned.
“That was fast!”
“I know, I kind of stumbled into it.” Abby laughed. “It’s a small bakery that can only fit maybe three people at a time. A daughter runs it with her mother and her mom’s been sick for a while. They were gonna have to shut down but I came just in time.”
“So you’re basically gonna be running it?”
“Not really, it’s gonna be a test run until they think I can handle it but it’s a job.”
“Well I’m happy for you. You’re making a new life for yourself.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna like it here.”
Melissa felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Groaning to herself Melissa pulled it out to reveal a patient of hers needs help. “Well lunch is over. I’ll see you at home, ok?”
“Ok, go save some lives.”
It was after seven before everyone returned to the house. Harry and Max struck out trying to find any links between Wallace and their victim. No one wanted to talk to the police even if it prevented more bloodshed. Melissa was beyond exhausted too when she finally arrived home. Thankfully Abby was home and fixed two homemade pizzas for her roommates. “Bless your heart.” Harry sighed as he piled pieces onto a plate.
Melissa ate a piece before excusing herself to her bathroom. “I need a hot bath and maybe a glass of wine.”
Harry agreed. “We’re out of beer. I’ll go to the store on the corner, be right back.”
When the door closed Abby turned to Max. “I didn’t really know what toppings everyone likes but I figured pepperoni and cheese was a safe bet.”
“Yeah, thanks.” He mumbled.
Abby didn’t know how to gauge him. From what Melissa and Harry said he just came out of a relationship so he was healing. Plus he was a cop and that was a whole other set of issues. “Uh, you can have the couch tonight. I’m smaller, the chair won’t hurt me.” She told him.
“It’s fine.”
If Abby knew guarded men she knew the best way to handle them was to give them space and let them eventually come to you. “Well the food’s warm.” She whispered before brushing past him.
When he didn’t say anything Abby took that as her cue to head upstairs to her room. She still had some clothes to hang up to distract her from the handsome roommate she just couldn’t seem to crack.
In the weeks that followed the move everyone followed a nice routine. Melissa and Abby usually woke up first, fixing a pot of coffee for the guys when they woke up. Abby would arrive home first and fix a small dinner for them to share. It took awhile but eventually they would eat together around their small dining room table Melissa and Abby bought from an antique store. Their house was coming together just in time for Thanksgiving. “So what are our Thanksgiving plans?” Abby asked.
“I will probably be at the hospital. People deep frying turkeys is an accident waiting to happen.” Melissa explained.
“Then I’ll fix you a plate and bring it to you.” Abby said.
“Or I could. I usually go visit a friend on Thanksgiving anyway and the hospital is on the way.” Harry shrugged.
“Ok sounds like a plan.” Melissa agreed.
Later on that night Max and Harry excused themselves to go to the gym while Melissa and Abby stayed home. Melissa decided to take a hot bath leaving Abby to clean the kitchen. In the time she had lived in the house she maybe had one conversation with Max. Every day it was like Abby, Harry, and Melissa would laugh and talk, and they all had a good relationship going but Max seemed to be on the outside. Call it her southern hospitality trying to break through but Abby just wanted Max to feel included in his own home. Surely he talked to Harry, they were together every day from morning till night. Maybe she was overstepping her bounds but Abby just wanted to know more about her handsome roommate.
When Max and Harry got home Max went straight to the bathroom to shower leaving Harry to wait for him to finish. He found Abby in the kitchen writing down a list. “Whatcha doing?” Harry asked.
“Writing out what I need to make first tomorrow morning. I’ve been trying to test and see what sells out first every day and what I need to bake more of.”
“So what do the good people of Chicago enjoy?”
“Believe it or not homemade pop tarts with fresh fruit cream inside.”
“And how come we don’t get any of those here?” Harry seemed offended he hadn’t enjoyed one of her pop tarts.
“Come by tomorrow morning and I’ll give you two on the house.” She smiled. “So...can I talk to you about something?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“It’s about Max.”
“Then probably not.”
“I just want to know what he’s like. We’ve been living together almost a month and I feel like I barely know what his voice sounds like.”
She noticed Harry’s eyebrow cock up slightly. “You fancy my partner?”
Abby tried to hide her blush. “I barely even know him. I just hate that we’re always talking and hanging out but he’s never around.”
“That’s just Max, he’s been like that for as long as I’ve known him. It’s part of what we do. We see horrors every day, things you can’t even imagine. Some guys just shut down so nothing else gets to them.”
“So should I just leave him alone?”
“I’m not saying that. I think to make him feel more comfortable here is a great idea. I’ve been wondering about it myself. I chalked it up to him still being upset about what’s her name but I don’t even know.”
“Well what does he like?”
Harry rubbed his chin with his finger. “When we first got partnered up he told me he misses his mother’s apple pies. His folks live in California and they don’t get to visit very often.”
“Apple pies? I can bake that in my sleep.”
“Great, more baked goods for me.”
The next morning Harry was driving and instead of going their normal route to the station he took a detour, something that didn’t go unnoticed by his partner. “Where are you going?”
“You’ll see.”
A few blocks down Harry came to a stop in front of a small bakery called ‘Make it Sweet’ with doughnuts and cupcakes decorating the light pink sign. “Why are we at a bakery?”
“Not just any bakery, it’s Abby’s. She promised me a warm breakfast but if you don’t want anything keep your grumpy ass in the car.”
Grumbling to himself Max followed his curly haired partner into the bakery. The smell of cinnamon hit him as soon as they walked through the door. It was so warm inside, a stark contrast to the freezing outside. The storeroom was small with two tables and a cake box full of different variations of birthday cakes and plain cakes waiting to be decorated. When she heard the bell above the front door ding Abby stepped out from the back to the counter. “Hey guys.” She grinned, just as warm as the storeroom.
“We come eager to try these pop tarts.”
“Pop tarts?” Max asked. “Don’t we have those at home?”
“Those are stale, I’ve had them since my last apartment.” Harry answered. “Abby promised me these were the best in Chicago.”
“Don’t gas me up too much.” Abby laughed. “I kept some warm for you two.”
Max watched as Abby placed four pop tarts into a small pink box. “Do you want coffee to go?”
“Yeah, Liam was supposed to make some at the station and knowing him it’ll taste like motor oil.” Harry cringed.
After pouring two cups of coffee she placed everything on the counter for them. “What do we owe you?” Max questioned pulling out his wallet.
“It’s on me.” She said, waving off his money.
Before Max could argue Harry felt his phone vibrate. “It’s Liam, we got a hit on Hood. Thanks Abby, see you later.”
Just as Max was about to leave the bakery he went back to the counter and laid a twenty dollar bill down. “Thanks.”
She didn’t have a chance to refuse the money before he was taking off behind Harry. Normally it would have been an eight dollar order she would just take the twenty as a kind tip. She also couldn’t help but notice the small smile on Max’s face as he handed her the bill. Maybe they were getting somewhere slowly but surely.
Throughout her time working at the hospital Melissa’s favorite part was simply releasing her patients. She had seen them through difficult times, nursed them back to health so when it was time for them to go home she took pride in being there. This time it was a twenty one year old girl who had come in with a severe case of pneumonia. She waved it off for so long when she finally came to the hospital she was admitted at once. “Mali? How are you doing?” Melissa asked.
“I feel great, just ready to get out of here.” Mali smiled.
“I bet, I just need you to sign these release forms and then you’re all set. Do you have someone coming to get you?”
“My big brother is coming. He should be here any minute.”
A soft knock echoed through the room. Melissa turned just in time to see a man step into the room. “Sis? You decent?” He asked, a hand over his eyes.
“Calum, put your hand down, I’m dressed.” Mali rolled her eyes making Melissa laugh.
“Hey, can’t be too safe. I walked into the wrong room one day and I’m still scarred for life.” Calum laughed stepping further into the room, his eyes landing on Melissa. “Hi, I’m Calum.”
“Don’t hit on my nurse, Cal.” Mali warned.
“Not at all! I’m merely showing my gratitude for the nurse that took such good care of my baby sister.”
Melissa laughed, placing her hand in Calum’s extended one. “I’m Melissa.”
“Nice to meet you.” His smile was dangerous, lighting up his entire face making his eyes turn into slits and she thought she saw dimples in his cheeks.
“You too.” She nodded, clearing her throat. “All right, well if you’re done with your paperwork you are free to go. I hope we don’t see you around here too soon.”
“Nope, I will be sure to take care of myself from now on.” Mali promised, hopping off her bed with ease.
“Don’t worry, I’ll watch over her.” Calum said, earning a light slap from his sister.
“Yeah, like that’s what I need.”
Melissa laughed once more watching as the brother and sister walk out of the hospital room. As she was leaving herself she saw Calum and Mali step into the elevator. From where she stood she could see Calum watching her a small smirk on his face. Even as she continued her shift she couldn’t get his face out of her mind. His smile, his curly black hair and matching eyes. “Get a hold of yourself, Melissa.” She told herself but still this man had affected her in such a short amount of time and she wasn’t upset about it.
When she got home she was eager to talk to Abby about a possible new man in her life. “Hey, are the guys home yet?”
Abby shook her head. “No, they stopped by the bakery this morning but had to rush out cause of some case.”
“Did you ask what it was?”
“No, they were in and out before I could.”
“Do you ever get curious about their cases?” Melissa asked.
“Not really, if they wanted to talk about them they would tell us. Max is hard enough to try and talk to. I don’t want to try and force him.”
“Good point, anyway let me tell you about the guy in the hospital.”
“Melissa, I don’t want to hear another story about someone missing a finger or toe.” Abby groaned.
“No, this one is different, all of his limbs are attached to a very attractive body.”
“Ok, now you got my attention.”
“Yeah, I figured, so he’s the brother of one of my patients. He came to pick her up today.”
“What does he look like? Give me a visual.”
Melissa pursed her lips, thinking back to the man from that afternoon. “He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. Olive skin with dark hair and eyes. A smile that would make you swoon.”
“Yeah, he had to be cute if you’re saying words like ‘swoon.’” Abby giggled. “But wait, I thought you and Harry had something.”
Melissa shook her head. “Harry’s cute and he’s funny but wouldn’t it be weird since we live together?”
“That would be up for you to decide.”
“I don’t think I can now that we live in the same house. What if we didn’t work out? One of us would have to move out.”
“I guess you’re right.” Abby frowned now, not too sure how she should deal with Max.
“Anyway, I’m gonna take a shower. What’s for dinner?”
Later on that night, after an afternoon of chasing dead ends Harry and Max returned home to a quiet house. “God, all I want is a hot shower and my bed.” Harry groaned.
Max silently agreed, his eyes were heavy but a sight on the kitchen counter caught his eye. On top of the counter top was a pie, not just any pie it was his favorite. Apple pie had been his favorite dessert since he was a kid. This one didn’t look like the one he enjoyed throughout his childhood but he would never turn down an apple pie. His mood lifted as he grabbed a plate from the cabinet and a fork. After cutting him a slice of pie he took a bite, the flavors melting in his mouth. Salted caramel was drizzled on top of the pie, something he never experienced but definitely enjoyed. Then, while he was enjoying his second slice of pie, he noticed a few dollar bills on the counter and a note saying ‘You forgot your change this morning.’ He remembered giving Abby his only twenty in his wallet before rushing out of the bakery but he didn’t expect her to give him change for it. “So can I get a slice or not?” Harry asked.
“Get your own.” Max replied, wrapping the pie up and putting it in the fridge.
“You really being stingy about a pie?”
“Yep, good night.” Max mumbled, his mouth full. With Harry glaring at his back he retired to his room with his plate in hand. Maybe this roommate situation would work out after all.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have you ever lied to a person of authority? What did you say? I’ve lied to a teacher once or twice, but not anything more severe. Doesn’t matter if it’s a person of authority or not; I just hate lying. What’s your favourite type of pie, either sweet or savoury? I love chicken pot pie lol < Oh gosh yeah dude. Savory pies are the shit. I find that most sweet pies have fruit in them and given that I hate fruits, this is an easy choice for me. Do you have a Netflix subscription? Yeah, we have a family plan that my dad pays for. Have you ever parked in a disabled parking space even if you aren’t disabled? Nope. That sounds awful. How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning? Depends on how late I’m running. If I started preparing early I can give myself up to an hour but if I’m late as it is, I can take 10 minutes to shower, get dressed, prepare my lunch, and get in the car.
What colour is your favourite shirt? My favorite top at the moment is a multi-colored striped spaghetti strap. If I remember, some of the stripes are white, maroon, olive green, dark blue, etc. When was the last time you saw a photo of yourself? Today. I took a dumb selfie for Angela. Does your laptop ever overheat? It doesn’t overheat but the fan tends to get louder when I do video calls on it, so I never do them on my laptop. Are you wearing a dress today? I am not. I’m up on the rooftop and it’s pretty cold tonight, so I have a large hoodie on, and also a hoodie wrapped around my legs so that I don’t get bitten by mosquitoes. Do you use your phone during class or at work? I use my phone in classes where the profs aren’t as strict. OMG I miss going to class :( How many times a day do you check Facebook? Countless. It’s where everyone hangs out to communicate, or do work, or share announcements, or post memes, so I’m almost always there. Do you hate it when people on airplanes recline the seat in front? No one’s ever done that to me before so I wouldn’t know if it would bother me. Are you the type of person to press a button just because? I would only get the urge if I knew it doesn’t work anymore or if it’s unplugged. I wouldn��t press a button that I know would do something. Would you ever volunteer in the case of a natural disaster? Yeah, but tbh I’m more likely to volunteer for orgs that help out stray animals  affected by the disaster, like for PAWS. I know for sure I would have volunteered for them after the Taal eruption, but I couldn’t because our house itself was affected by the ashfall. Do you check your emails daily? NO. I’m definitely not checking them during the lockdown because I want my break to stay a break. Are you inside or outside at the moment? I’m technically ~inside the house but I’m in an outdoors part of it. Why did you last have to see a doctor? I needed to have my left eye checked because it’s been acting up for a while. Have you ever been pulled aside for a random bag search at an airport? Nope. Are you happy with how much you weigh? Sure. I’ve never really paid close attention to my weight and I’ve always been just passively content with it. What’s your favourite flavour of Jell-O? Ughhh I hate any kind of jelly, I find the texture disgusting. I dunno if we have Jell-O here but we have local brands of jelly that I’ve never thought of trying. Do you pick your nose? C’mon, be honest. Yep, but only if I’m by myself or with my girlfriend. What was the last thing you bought from a supermarket? It’s been months, but if I remember correctly it was ice cream that my mom had been craving, and she asked me to buy it because I went out that day. Do you know anyone who is highly allergic to anything? Yeah, Tina is allergic to seafood and Kate is allergic to seafood, chicken, and eggs. When was the last time you had a nap? Just this late afternoon. I fell asleep at 4:30 and woke up for dinner, so I’ll probs be up really late again tonight. Are you hot, cold, or just right at the moment? I was cold earlier but I put a hoodie on so now I’m feeling just right. Do you have a Spotify Premium membership? If not, do you want one? I technically don’t, but Gabie has one and she let me log into her account a long time ago. What’s your boss’ name? I don’t have one. Back in my internship days – again, because this is really my only ~job experience so far lol – the boss’ name was Dessa, but I was under a supervisor named Therese. Have you ever eaten caviar? Yup. Are you a nervous type of person? Yeah, I generally am. Do/did you collect anything currently or in the past? I used to collect receipts from my dates with Gab, but I’ve completely stopped doing that. I keep telling myself on these surveys that I’m gonna start collecting again and it just never happened, so now all there is to say is that I entirely stopped lol. Other than that, I don’t collect anything else. On average, how much money do you usually put into savings every week? Depends on how much is left over by Friday; I don’t have a set amount. The left over from my allowance can be anywhere from P100 to P1,000. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? Savoryyyyy. Do you have any games on your computer? Which ones? No, not on my computer. What are your three favourite fruits? I hate fruits. Have you ever received a speeding fine? Nope, I don’t even think that’s grounds for being fined here. I’ve seen people drive like maniacs on highways, and yet they’d get pulled over because they illegally changed lanes or did an illegal u-turn. When was the last time you shaved any part of your body? This evening. Have you ever had a cramp in an odd place? Mmm no, I’ve only gotten cramps where it’s common, like my legs and neck. Would you ever go overseas for cheap medical treatment? No. It doesn’t make sense to me – the airline ticket would bump up how much I would need to spend anyway. The only times I see the sense in traveling abroad for medical reasons would be if the treatment/surgery/medicine/facility is only available in a certain country, or if the best doctor in a certain field is in a different country. How many hours did you sleep last night? 8, I think. Are you good at writing stories? I’ve never been good at writing stories. I liked reading them as a kid, but I never succeeded in writing my own. What have you eaten today? I had eggplant stuffed with meat, fried egg, and fried rice for brunch and Mang Inasal takeout for dinner. Do you watch House of Cards? Nope. I want to try watching it but I feel like it’s too dialogue-y for me. Plus Kevin Spacey is there for like 5 out of 6 seasons I think, which would really ruin the viewing experience lmao. Did anything exciting or interesting happen to you today? Nah not really, much like the last three weeks of the lockdown. What’s your favourite type of fish to eat? Raw tuna. Who else is in the building you’re in right now? My family and dog.
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blissfulparker · 6 years
Give me a feeling ch.3—boxer!roomate!tom
Parings →boxer!roomate!tom x ballerina!reader
Summary →a gentle dancer crosses paths with a rough boxer, they end up living off each other making no rules except one, never fall in love.
Warnings→ cursing
A/n→ hey I know this is late but finals are coming up and I’m really stressed so I haven’t been here much(not gonna lie I only come on during my emotional breakdowns) so I’ll try and post as much as I can but it will be hard until around Christmas.
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Tom once told you he hated attention, you thought that was the biggest lie he’s ever told.
Tom had spotlights in him all the time, girls chasing after him left and right, people only dreaming they could talk to him. You talked to him everyday, even rumored that you both were dating. He quickly shut that one down of course but with him being in the spotlight and you coming to fame because of him was hard. Hard for him to be himself sometimes. You knew how hard this was for him, all he wanted to do was box but sometimes he wanted a break from even that. You use to joke that the two of you would take a year break and live in France.
You woke up to the sound of puking in the bathroom, the walls were thin so it wasn’t hard to hear him curse and then vomit. You didn’t hesitate to run to his assistant once you heard him.
“Tom?” You come to rub his back as he let it all out in the toilet. “Tom are you okay?” You ask him and he nods as he grabs toilet paper to wipe his mouth.
“That was fucking disgusting.” He says as he leans back against the bathroom wall.
“Are you okay?” You ask him again and he nods.
“I think I need the day off.” He says, it was early in the morning so you knew Harrison would be awake.
“Okay I’ll call Harrison then my company so I can take the day—“ you start but cuts you off.
“No, I don’t want you taking the day off, I’m serious. You have that dance of yours coming up, I know it means a lot so don’t take a day off for me.” He tells you and you roll your eyes but agree.
“Fine, but I’m calling Harrison to tell him that you aren’t feeling well so you can’t come to work.” You tell Tom and he nods. “Oh and I want you to see a real doctor.” You give him a serious look before walking back to your room.
“There’s Nothing you cant fix love.” He yells before hurling over the toilet again.
When you left tom you were nervous, mostly because the boy never takes sick days and when he does you usually take care of him. He wasn’t exactly sick, you thought he might have a concussion but if you told him then he’d feel the need not to go to the doctors about it. You also knew that he wouldn’t go to the doctors without you, claiming that when he goes with you they don’t try and take his blood as for when he’s alone they try and poke him with a million needles.
“I think the spins were definitely a little—“ Dana was talking before she cut herself off seeing tom at the front desk with a bag of food and the girl drooling over him. “Are you gonna go get him or...” she asked staring at him with heart eyes.
“I told him to stay home.” You groaned as you walked over to him grabbing his arm. “What are you doing here?” You asked him and he looked up from the front desk woman.
“I brought you lunch darling, house got boring without you.” He smirked and handed you the bag. He knew the effect he had on the woman who danced here, he was practically their Greek god.
“Besides, I heard Blair just broke up with her boyfriend.” He says and you step on his foot with your point shoes.
“Leave Blair alone she’s actually very heartbroken.” You tell him. “Thank you for bringing me lunch, is there anything else you need?” You asked him and he nodded.
“I need you to come to the doctors with me.” He says as if he’s a child.
“Tom,” You sigh. “You’re 22 years old. you can go to the doctors without someone with you.” You say and he pouts.
“Please! Everytime I go alone they—“ before he can finish you cut him off.
“Try and stick a million needles in me yeah yeah, I know.” You tell him before you pull him off to the break room so you can sit and eat in private.
“I really love the attention they give me here.” He smirks at one of the girls who waved at him.
“Yeah, they should practically give you a damn staute.” You joked.
The two of you sat in the break room eating where a bunch of the other dancers ate and talked rather than going out or going home.
“Did you throw up again today?” You asked and he shook his head poking at his food with his fork.
“No, took the medicine you left for me and I have an appointment for 4:30 which I need you to be there.” He says and you sigh not wanting to go. “How’s the dance coming along?” He asked curious about the popular ballet Swan Lake where you were one of the back up dancers, not the star of the show.
“Good, tiring I need you to help me roll out my joints when I get home.” You tell him and he nods.
“I can do that.” He says as he takes a bite of his food. “If you come to the doctors.” He smirks and you roll your eyes.
“I’ll go, fine.” You tell him, you knew you let him win this little argument.
“Perfect,” He says as he stands up taking his trash and yours. “We should probably go now. I know you like being there early.” He says, you did like being to the doctors early but it was his appointment not yours.
“No, I know you’re scared and you’re going to try and get out of it at last minute.” You argue with him.
“Yeah sure.”
The two of you sat in the doctors office with you filling out the paper work and tom massaging his temples and enjoying the attention the woman at the front desk gave him there as well.
“Tom? Tom Holland?” A man who looked to be almost the same age as the two of you called out.
The both of you stood up before walking over to the man with you giving him the paperwork. The man gave a warm smile, almost too warm of one.
“You must be his sister—“ the doctor paid less attention to tom for a moment but rather focused on the beauty that you radiated.
“Girlfriend,” he coughed out grabbing your waist. “She’s my girlfriend. Are we going to get this done or...?” He asked and it only made you roll your eyes.
“Right, sorry.” The doctor says before he turns around. “Come with me the room is down here.”
As the three of you entered the room tom had hesitated as he sat down already acting like the child he was. He acted as if he was ready to throw a temper tantrum any second.
“He has a concussion, I think, he threw up this morning and got hit in the head pretty hard last night. He says he feels like his head is swelling.” You say and the doctor writes all of the things you say down and tom rolls his eyes.
“He could possibly, ill take his blood pressure and then do some tests to see where he’s at, I’ll be right back.” He turns out of the room smirking at you before leaving.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You hit Toms arm.
“What?” He asks defensively.
“You acting like I’m your girlfriend! I’m allowed to date too you know! Not everything is about you!” You argue, the truth was, tom didn’t want you to date. He wanted—needed you all to himself.
“Fine you want to flirt with him then go for it! He doesn’t even look like he’s worth it though.” He says before he turns away.
The doctor came back in, the room filled with awkward tension and now you and tom both acting immature. He wasn’t fine just like you had thought, he had a concussion, severe one in fact, the doctor told him he should stay home and rest for about 3 days, 3 days was too long in Toms head though so you knew it was going to be hell, mostly because Harrison would force him to stay home.
“Thank you for your help, we really appreciate it.” You smile at the man before grabbing tom and taking him out of the place into the cold New York air.
“You hear that? No boxing for 3 days.” You tell him and he jerks his arm away.
“I’m not a damn child I understood him.” He pouts before you turn the corner to walk back to the apartment.
“You acted like a damn child.” You bantered at him.
“Stop I’m not in the mood.” He says before you step in front of him.
“Hey hey, look, I’m sorry I know this is like hell for you. I’ll get us Sushi tonight okay?” You offered and he nodded before you swung your arm around his shoulder.
“Don’t do that.” He pushes you off.
“Stop pouting,” You say before you turn into the complex.
“I’m not pouting.” He says before he tries to walk ahead.
You knew that this week was going to be the worst week of both of your lives.
Please leave feedback it helps me out and let’s me know if you want another part
Everything tags: taglist: @lynnbeaan @actorsdamn @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @sunshine-peter @ironspiderguy @mdgrdians @dreamymeliorism @roaringgoodshow @built4broadway @strugglinggryffindorkid @1mychalia1 @grace-sully @didanyonesaybuckybarnes @embrace-themagic @thebonanamuffin @thellamalord @flowerchild8341 @cade-james @random-stupid-stuffs @joyfulspider @sad-broken-crayon @mylinkmyrules @carry-on-ms-believer @queenmissfit @skeletalwolfcat @gingerpeachyy y @condy-wants-a-cookie @dennythepooh @zon-chan @fandom-fangirl07 @gabriels-gumdrop @whatam3ss @jamaicaa-blakee @thetributethatvolunteered @o-brienwrites @smexylemony @spn-worm @fucking-reddie @stranger-marvel @darlingtholland @sylvirstars @supernatural-strangethings-1980 @pvnk-bivch @spideyyypeter @lubrielx @authorpocketcow @swoozi224 @abunchofmaraudersfluff @redridingthroughthehood @sammyskyler2000 @usuallyweepingnacho @tom-hollands-eyelash @capandbuck @delicately-written n @emmyfignewton @spidcr-man @laramitk @captianbuckyy @kira-marieee @spiderdudeparker r @emilyle23 @tomshufflepuff @freakofnature444 @keepingupwiththehollands
Give me a feeling tags: @petersunderoos96 @yourwonderbelle @ispiderdudei @lostinlitature @ailenmcmarsman @t-hollandxd-twins @omfgitscindyy @magiclolipopqueen @keithseabrook27 @ilytomholland @tomsmelanin @reblogsfics @highlydisfunctional1 @hansbrak @maddie-laufeyson @roses-hxlland
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bookwormscififan · 5 years
New Practice
So, after settling into the family house, Malvern takes Jared to a hut in the woods to start his practice again.
Word count: 1966 words
Also, you’ll learn a bit more about what happened to Chase during Mayhem.
Malvern walked with Jared, chatting light-heartedly. He had told the magician about a small hut he had found on his rounds.
“…Right here.” Malvern stopped talking as he turned and raised his arms in a flourish. Jared looked at the small hut, half-secluded behind the entrance of a forest.
“It’s a small place, I know. But I remember in one of your Christmas letters to Jux and me that your house was smaller. This place has a proper bathroom. I know it isn’t much, but maybe you’d like to stay here sometimes to practice medicine again?” Malvern looked at the ground, face reddening. Jared raced to his side, putting his hand on the hero’s shoulder as he leaned down to look in his eyes.
“It’s perfect. I’ll move my things here tomorrow and set up a sign or something to alert people.” Malvern smiled as Jared babbled. He didn’t quite understand what the magician was saying, but it warmed his heart that he was happy.
“…And people who don’t want to go to the hospital can come here. It’s secluded, so they won’t be found as easily.” He drifted off as he regressed into a memory. His face fell, and Malvern looked at him as he looked at the hut.
“Jar? What’s wrong?” Jared shook his head, forcing a smile as he gently pushed Malvern away. Pushing the memory to the back of his mind, he led Malvern into the hut.
“Nothing. I just remembered a thing that happened a few years back, before I moved in with you guys. A couple came in, the woman was really injured, and they had a kid. I just wonder where they are now.” Malvern nodded, face full of sympathy.
“Well, just hope they’re fine. Hey, look, the place still has a pump outside for water!” Malvern chuckled as he looked out the window and saw a water pump. Jared followed his gaze and sighed.
“Oh, Malvern. You do know that’s just for decoration, right? The place has running water.” Malvern turned around slowly as Jared turned a tap on and water poured from the spout.
“Well, now I know.”
The following morning, Jared packed his Wiccan items into boxes and piled them into Chase’s car. The doctor helped him with the last few boxes, taking a swig of whiskey before sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Jar, bud, you’re gonna have to direct me, alright? I know vaguely where you’ve told me the hut is, but the exact place? I don’t know.” Jared nodded, smiling at his brother as he buckled his seatbelt.
The two arrived at the hut shortly before lunch, and Chase helped Jared to bring boxes in. After all the boxes had been brought in, Chase and Jared drove to a nearby restaurant and got some takeaway for lunch.
They ate in the small front room of the hut. Chase looked around the place, chewing thoughtfully.
“Jar, do you think I’d be able to stay over sometimes? This place is very nice, and secluded, and I’d love to spend more time with my little bro.” Jared smiled, getting up to look into the bedroom.
“Yeah, of course. The bedroom is big enough to fit the two of us, and when the patients start coming in, I can just close the door to give them privacy.”
Chase grinned, happy he could join Jared in the small hut sometimes.
“Thanks, bud.” Jared moved to sit beside Chase, wrapping his arm around the doctor’s shoulders.
“I know you haven’t really wanted to stay at the house after Mayhem, and I know it takes more than three months to get over it, so I’d be happy to let you stay here if the house gets too much for you.”
The two brothers stayed in the hut for the rest of the day, reminiscing about their childhood. When the time came for dinner, Chase drove out to get pizza. The two then unpacked Jared’s boxes and set themselves up for the ride back home.
The following day Jared finished painting a sign for his clinic. Chase drove him back to the hut, and he put the sign up at the entrance to the road.
“Thanks, Chase. I think I can handle setting up from here. You’ve probably got appointments to meet.” Chase smiled, pulling his brother into a hug.
“I’ll come find you after the clinic closes. Maybe I’ll bring you some dinner.” Jared chuckled as he pulled away from the hug.
“Maybe something different to pizza? I don’t want to put on too much weight.” Chase laughed as he gave Jared a friendly push.
“Come on! Pizza’s great! I’ll see if Hen can make you some soup and go pick it up on my break, ok?” Jared nodded, waving as Chase climbed in his car and drove away.
“Alright, everything is in place. I even set up the bedroom with two beds for when Chase comes over. Now to wait for patients.” He sat on the couch just as a knock sounded on his door.
Opening it, he saw a woman, arm at her blood-stained waist, leaning against the doorjamb.
“Can you help me…?”
Jared helped her in, sitting her on the couch. Thank goodness I put plastic wrap on this. The woman leaned forward, wrapping both arms around her waist.
“What happened?” The woman looked at Jared, and he felt conscious, for the first time in ages, of the mask on his face. Taking a breath, he took the mask off and frowned at her look of surprise.
“Tell me what happened. How deep, and what weapon?” The woman shook her head, moving her mind back to the subject.
“Um, I don’t know how deep, but it was a pocket-knife. Please, tell me you can help.” Jared looked her in the eye.
“I promise, I can help you.” The woman sighed, as if relieved, then watched Jared pull out items to help her. As he lifted her blouse and wiped the blood, a lump appeared and disappeared under his hand. A kick.
“Sorry, are you…?” She nodded, tears in her eyes.
“Yes. You can guess who did this, right?” Jared looked at her stomach, surprised at the lack of presence of a child. He then set his face and cleaned the wound with more determination.
“I can’t believe people would do something like this. Why can’t people just leave life how it is? I promise, I can help both you and this child.” She smiled at him, wincing as he applied salve to her stomach.
“Alright, this will do. It will still hurt for a while, and if it itches, just ignore it. Also, wear a plastic bag around it when you have a shower or bath. The salve will do all the healing, but water will ruin it. It will scar, but scars fade.” The woman thanked him, then left the hut. Jared washed his hands and wiped down the couch, picking his mask back up.
Another knock made him drop the mask. Well, back in business, I guess. He put the mask away as he opened the door to let a couple in.
At eight that night Chase knocked on his door. Jared was helping a woman with arthritis, but stopped and opened the door for Chase.
“Sorry, ma’am, this is my brother Chase. He is a doctor, but he won’t interfere. Chase, I’ll be with you in a minute.” He smiled as Chase went to the kitchen and turned the stove on to reheat Henrik’s chicken soup.
Jared finished helping the woman, then helped her to the door.
“Come and see me next week. This needs to be a regular thing, so I’ll be expecting you. Have a nice night.” Closing the door, he made a beeline to the kitchen, looking into the pot.
“You actually got him to make it, huh?” He lifted the lid of the pot, reaching a spoon in to take a sip, but jumped back when Chase slapped him.
“Leave it! It’s been sitting in my clinic for six hours, let it warm up. Come on, sit with me and tell me about your day.” Jared nodded, face brightening.  He took the plastic off the couch and sat on the cushions.
“I had lots of patients today, it was really amazing! It felt like being back at my old place, helping so many people. There was a woman who was pregnant, and the partner had found out and tried to perform like, a C-section on her. With a pocket-knife.” Chase winced, a look of pure disgust on his face.
“That person shouldn’t have done that. I doubt he even used the proper tools.” Jared smiled at Chase. He had always looked up to his brother’s medical knowledge and had been more than willing to assist him in his studies. He knew just as much as Chase did.
 “What about you? How was your day?” Chase rolled his eyes, recalling the events of the day.
“The usual. Had a number of appointments. I did have one moment when I got a flashback.” Jared looked at Chase, eyes wide in sympathy.
“Tell me about it?” Chase took a deep breath, calming himself before plunging into the recap.
“Juxta had been torturing me with visions of every appointment I had missed or the people I had misdiagnosed for, I don’t know, two weeks? One of the people who came to me was our uncle. Juxta’s dad. Remember I had diagnosed him with a rare bone marrow disease, but it turned out he had lupus? He came to me in this vision, with his skin all falling apart and coughing up blood. I couldn’t save him. He was accusing me of killing him because I couldn’t diagnose it right.” Chase stopped as he began to cry.
“Hey, Chase, you didn’t know any better. He should have gone to a proper professional, you had just graduated medical school.” Chase nodded.
“I still misdiagnosed him. I gave him the wrong medicine, and it killed him.” Jared looked at him, waiting for the link to today’s shift.
“I had an appointment with a woman who was also suffering from lupus. She told me the other doctor had told her it was nothing. I got the flashback, and when I looked up, she had gone.”
“You didn’t ask where she went?” Chase shook his head, looking at his brother with sad and guilty eyes.
“Secretary told me she left in a hurry. I also had to go, the day was over.” Jared nodded, patting his brother’s back sympathetically.
“Anyway, I think the soup’s ready. Let’s eat.” Chase stood up, pulling some bowls out of the cupboard and started to pour soup into them. He and Jared then sat down and ate their dinner together.
That night, Jared slept in the bed beside Chase and watched over him as he tossed and turned. Chase woke up in a cold sweat just after Jared fell asleep.
“Jar! Jar, wake up!” Jared woke with a start at Chase’s hushed shout.
“What? What’s wrong? Another nightmare?” Chase nodded, reaching out to hold Jared’s hand.
“You. Melting as I tried to save you. It was another flashback, I remember it to the smallest detail. I couldn’t save you. You died right in front of my arms…” Jared squeezed Chase’s hand in an attempt to comfort him.
 Chase wiped his eyes tried to smile at the magician.
“I’m right here, Chase. Holding your hand, right here. I promise I won’t leave you alone. I’ll be guarding you overnight.” Chase smiled, sniffing, as he clasped Jared’s hand.
Jared watched as Chase fell asleep, still holding his hand. He smiled as Chase relaxed into a peaceful sleep, knowing his brother was right beside him.
“I’ll protect you.”
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stomachflu · 7 years
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03. request for @hold-my-hair-back. reed tries to ignore their illness during a special date night. tons of build-up and copious public vomiting ensues.
“Do I gotta dress up?”
“You should,” Maria said, adjusting the fabric of her dress around her shoulders. “It’s not that fancy of a place, but it’s, like... sit-down? Just wear a nice sweater, you’ll be fine.”
Reed groaned, shutting the door on their girlfriend. They’d been looking forward to this evening all week, but now that it was here, they just wanted to take the night off, maybe go to bed early. They’d been feeling... off all day, just kinda tired and overfull.
Maybe I ate too much for lunch, Reed thought, pulling their shirt off over their head. They looked like shit, their face pale and white, eyes red-rimmed. In the mirror, their belly was visibly distended, and they rested a hand on it, shivering as it gurgled and churned.
The full feeling didn’t go away, so Reed pulled a sweater on over a button-up, hoping that the layers would help hide how shitty they felt. They felt warmer, at least.
“Reed, come on! We’re gonna be late!” Lynn was knocking on the bedroom door, and Reed sighed, heading into the bathroom.
“Just a minute, jeez!”
Halfway through brushing their teeth, nausea surged in their belly, and they gagged around the toothbrush. Reed leaned over the counter for a long moment, muscles tense, but nothing came up, just thick strands of saliva that they spit into the sink.
Reed took a shaky breath, splashing water on their face and rinsing out their mouth. They couldn’t be sick, not now, not with a date to go on. The cold water did help, at least, because they didn’t feel quite as awful when they stepped out the door.
“You look great, hon,” Maria said, pulling them into a kiss. Lynn hugged them from behind, wrapping their arms around Reed’s sensitive stomach. A soft gag rose in their throat and they tamped it down, breaking off the kiss before they felt any worse.
“Is everything okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah. Just a little warm, that’s all.” Reed forced a smile as they headed out to the car and started up the engine. 
“You shouldn’t have worn so many layers,” Lynn said, smiling as she bucked her seatbelt. Reed knew she loved their sweater.
They pulled the car out of the driveway, flipping on their blinker. “Well, too late to change now!”
Driving took up most of Reed’s concentration, which was good, because they didn’t have to fake a smile or participate in the animated conversation happening behind them. The seatbelt put too much pressure on their middle, and the queasy feeling wasn’t going away. If anything, it was getting worse, their stomach rising in their throat several times on sharp turns. What the fuck was up with that? They never got carsick.
In that manner, arriving at the restaurant was somewhat of a relief. They were seated shortly, which meant that Reed could hunch over the table, resting their cheek on their hand. Maybe I’m just hungry, they thought as their nausea flared up again at the smell of food, their stomach gurgling uncomfortably. That was probably it.
"You're awful quiet," Lynn remarked, and Reed glanced up to realize that she was staring at them.
“Just... thinkin’. About what I wanna order.”
Nothing on the menu looked appetizing, and when the waiter came, Reed shrugged. “Just a sandwich for me, thanks.” Acid rose in their throat, and they muffled an airy belch into their hand. “’Scuse me.”
“That all, hon?” The waiter looked skeptical, as did Lynn and Maria. They were known for ordering twice as much in one sitting and packing it away with no problem.
“And, uh...” Reed scanned the menu, looking for something that would be gentle on their stomach. “And the noodles?” Eating would help, they reasoned.
Eating didn’t help. By the time their plate came, knew that something was very wrong. Waves of nausea were washing over them, their stomach churning into overdrive, their face hot. Each bite was a struggle to get down.
They finished their first plate and pushed the dish away, burping wetly into their napkin, afraid that something besides air would come up. Okay, so they were sick. They were sick, and really fucking nauseous, and probably going to puke at some point. That was fine, they could manage.
Lynn and Maria hadn’t noticed, carrying on an animated conversation about their majors, and Reed took the opportunity to slide their hand under their shirt, rubbing their stomach. Sweat beaded on their forehead, and they looked around for the restroom. Shit, they should’ve asked someone earlier.
The smell of food made their stomach swell, and Reed pressed a napkin to their lips, gagging softly into it.
Maria glanced over, a look of concern crossing her face. “Sweetheart, are you feeling okay? You’re really pale.”
“I’m...” A heave rose in their throat, and they swallowed hard. “I’m – buURP!” The end of their burp tapered off into a wet gag, and Reed jumped up, pushing back from the table with one hand on their stomach. “Gotta – hic! – go to the bathroom,” was all they could manage.
Three steps away from the table, Reed realized that they weren’t gonna make it. They stopped, bracing themselves with one hand on the back of an empty chair as their stomach lurched. The other hand hovered below their chin, hoping to catch whatever came out before they made a mess.
When they heaved again, though, it wasn’t a small mouthful of sick but a torrent of vomit that poured out of their mouth, splashing over their hand and onto their shoes. Distantly, they were aware of cries of disgust from the other patrons as they heaved again, another wave of puke splashing onto their sweater. 
A hand gripped their shoulder, and Reed swung around, trying to clamp down on the next gag and succeeding, only belching a mouthful of sick onto the growing pile on the floor. Lynn was rubbing their back, murmuring something about getting it all up, but they pulled away, shaking their head.
“Where’s – hmk! – the bathroom?”
“It’s down the hall, to your left, do you...” Lynn’s voice trailed off as they pulled away, walking towards the bathroom at a fast clip, one hand clapped across their mouth, the other pressed against their still-churning stomach.
They heaved again in the bathroom doorway, bracing themselves as a stream of vomit splattered onto the tile floor. A lady doing her makeup in the mirror shrieked, but Reed paid no mind, heaving and gagging in place until the wave was over, then falling to their knees inside a stall.
They had no idea how long they stayed there, gagging and belching helplessly, pressing on their aching stomach with both hands in a vain effort to try to bring the rest of their lunch back up. The few seconds of relief brought by vomiting were gone, and they were still a queasy, nauseous wreck.
Reed was a few seconds away from sticking their finger down their throat when the bathroom door opened again, and they felt Maria embrace them from behind, gathering their sweaty hair out of their face. The smell of her perfume overwhelmed them, and they heaved again, bringing up nothing.
“Not feeling so hot,” they said once they could open their mouth without gagging.
Maria kept stroking their hair. “You don’t say.”
“I took care of everything,” Lynn said from the doorway. “Bill’s paid and everything; I pulled the car around up front whenever you’re ready.”
“I’ll drive,“ Maria added.
“‘M not...” Reed spit thick strands of saliva into the toilet. “Not done yet. Still gotta puke.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Maria ripped off a wad of toilet paper and used it to wipe their chin. “I think you’re done.”
Reed wanted to tell her about how full they still felt, how their stomach was still churning and waves of nausea were washing over them, but they were too exhausted, so they just shook their head.
“I got one of those to-go boxes from the staff,” Lynn added. “Here, if you’re gonna be sick again.”
She helped Reed stand up, supporting them with one arm over her shoulder, and together they shuffled out of the bathroom, Reed miserably clutching the open box to their chest. Their cheeks burned as they stepped around the puddles of vomit they’d left earlier. Normally, they weren’t fazed by body functions in the slightest, but here, with everyone staring at them...
“It wasn’t your fault,” Maria said, helping them into the car. “Here, turn and face me for a minute...”
They oblieged, and she pressed a cool hand to their forehead. “Oh, honey, you’ve really got a fever. Let’s try and get some medicine into you once we get home, okay?”
“Hmm,” Reed hummed, slumping against the open door. They closed their eyes and then opened them again to see Maria slipping into the front seat, Lynn helping buckle them in and then taking a seat beside them herself. They were dizzy enough that the world seemed to fade in and out, which didn’t help the growing nausea.
“Seems like this came on awful fast,” Lynn said. The car jostled as they went over a pothole, and Reed swallowed hard.
“Not – Not that fast. Was kinda feelin’ gross this afternoon. Nearly puked while brushing my teeth.”
Maria met their eyes in the rearview mirror. “Next time, tell us, okay?”
“I didn’t...” Reed paused, swallowing down acid. “I thought it would get better.” The car swerved around a curve in the road, and their stomach lurched. “Gonna be sick,” they said calmly, trying to keep their voice even as a gag rose in the back of their throat.
“Shit – Here –” Lynn fumbled for the empty Styrofoam takeout box, lifting the lid and shoving it into their arms. Reed gagged and belched weakly, spitting out a string of vomit. “Pull over, pull over!”
The loss of motion helped, but not enough. Reed heaved, sending a massive gush of vomit into the container, nearly filling it to the top. Lynn was rubbing their back again, but all they could manage was a hoarse “Sorry –” as a second heave overflowed the container, splattering vomit across their pants and the floor of the car. They belched again, adding a small pile of sick on top of the mess.
“Oh, honey." Reed hadn’t noticed that Maria had exited the car and come around to open the door on their side until she spoke. They spun around with a strangled gag and retched out of the side of the car, still held in place by their seatbelt. This time, they brought up several small, thin streams of puke, and then acid, and then nothing at all, dry-heaving again and again into the grass.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and then head home, hmm?” Maria said. “How does that sound?”
It sounded good, Reed had to admit.
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turtle-inserts · 7 years
3. Your First Christmas (Raph x reader)
The reader is a master of mixed martial arts, traveling around the world to train and learn different forms of martial arts with her father all while battling a severe illness in their lungs, but this is their first christmas home in a long time, will a certain turtle be able to keep her warm?
I was huddled in my winter jacket on my way to the lair, coffee in one hand and two boxes of pizza in the other. A strange combination in my opinion, but the guys loved pizza so I thought I'd surprise them with it! I had become good friends with the turtles by now and it wasn't hard to see their love for pizza was like an addiction to drugs.
Lifting the heavy manhole cover I climbed down, finally escaping the freezing cold snow previously blowing around me. I remember when I thought the sewer smelled horrible but over time I had gotten used to the smell of the place they called home and it doesn't bother me nearly as much.
Punching in the code to open the lair, I walked in. None of the guys were around so I assumed they were training with Splinter. I set the pizza on the table, plugged in my headphones and listened to music to pass the time. I went and sat on the couch, closed my eyes and just zoned out, daydreaming about everything; specifically a certain turtle mutant and his muscular arms. Suddenly something wet hit me on the side of my face, effectively interrupting my daydreaming! I stared wide-eyed as I saw Mikey dying of laughter. He'd just hit me with a water balloon and now my hair was soaked!
I calmly took out my headphones and gave him the glare of death. He immediately stopped.  "I guess Mikey doesn't get pizza now. Oh well." I got up and he grabbed me into a hug.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n)! I swear I'll never do it again!" Laughing, I accepted his apology.
"So where's the pizza?" Raph asked.
"In the kitchen of course." I watched as the four boys sprinted to the kitchen. I snickered as I watched them before following them into the kitchen. They had immediately started chowing down on the pizza the second they opened the box! I was offered a slice but I declined, coffee and pizza don't taste good together. I noticed a member of our makeshift family was missing.
"Where's April?" Donnie answered my question.
"She's at the library doing research for a school project."
"Oh. Okay, cool.”
"Hey wait. Aren't you two in the same classes?" He pried further.
"Yea? What are you getting at?"
"You haven't done the project yet have you..."
"Of course not Donnie, I'm a procrastinator."
"I noticed."
"Don't worry; I'll get it done eventually." He shook his head and went back to his pizza, which was now missing because Mikey had eaten it.
"MIKEY!" He shouted at his brother who just shrugged.
"I was hungry."
Donnie just sighed, "I'm going to my room," he left the table. I got up as well he had reminded me I needed to do something.
"I should get going, I have homework and I need to get ready for my dad’s visit tomorrow."
"Do you want me to walk you home?" Raph asked me. I shook my head and smiled. It was sweet of him for asking, but I needed to get home quickly.
"Nah, I'm a big girl Raph. I can handle myself." I grabbed my jacket, slipped it on and left after saying goodbye.
                                                   Raphael’s P.O.V.
Once (y/n) left, Mikey and Leo looked at each other grinning.
"Can I walk you home?" Leo was trying not to laugh, "Honestly, you're worse than Donnie."
"Can it, Leo!" He just rolled his eyes, still having that shit-eating grin of his, and left.
Mikey looked at me, "Just ask her out dude. The worst she can do is say no."
Actually, she could do a lot worse, but I didn't say that. Crossing my arms I lied, "I don't like her like that. I was just being nice."
"Woah. Raph? Being nice? That's not normal." I tackled him.
                                               Normal P.O.V
The moment I stepped into my apartment, I sprinted to my medicine cabinet. Over the past few months, my condition has been worsening and showing no signs of ever improving. I got to the sink and began to cough and hack until blood finally came up. I had forgotten to take my medicine earlier and only remembered once Donnie had left, which is why I ran out in such a hurry. My dad wasn't even coming over tomorrow, I made that up, and my homework? I finished it all in class.
After what felt like forever, I finally stopped coughing up the blood trapped in my lungs. I took a shaky breath, took out my medicine, and swallowed two of those little blue pills. They'd take half an hour to kick in but in half an hour I'd be fine again. At least I hoped that would happen.
I groaned at my misfortune; stupid disease! Why'd you have to ruin my social life!? Now, why didn't I just tell them about my condition? Because I didn't want them to start treating me like some fragile doll, or as if I was made of a thin sheet of glass that could break at any moment. April doesn't know either, at least I've never told her. God, I hate this. I decided to take a shower to rinse off the blood on my face, also because I smelled a teeny bit like a sewer.
After my shower, I dried my hair so I would be ready for whatever tomorrow had in store for me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was pathetic, pathetic and tired so I went to bed grateful I didn't have school in the morning. As soon as my body hit the mattress, I fell into a restless sleep.
*tap* *tap* *tap*
Who the hell was that and what time could it be to warrant a visit? I looked at my clock which told me it was only 8 am. Whoever it is, is gonna be dead meat. I looked towards the window and saw Raphael waiting. After opening the window, I let him come inside. "What are you doing here so early in the god damn morning...." I asked, rubbing my eyes sleepily.
He looked at me like I was crazy. "It’s 8 o'clock in the morning, what do you mean early?"
"Normally I'm still asleep until at least 10ish...."
"I haven't even gone to sleep yet."
I paused, "Why?"
"Night patrol?"
"Oh, that'd make sense."
"Yea ya dingus."
After a few moments of, awkward silence I spoke. "Soooo, is there a specific reason you're here instead of sleeping?" I asked him.
“ I thought I’d come help you set up for your dad." Shit. OK. I have two options, keep going with the lie or tell him he's not coming over anymore. I like option two, it’s less complicated in the long run.
Smiling sheepishly I lied through my teeth, "Well, actually, he canceled. Last night. When I got home."
"Yea, sorry for making you come out here for nothing."
"It’s fine." His eyes lit up as if he'd gotten an idea. He  didn't look at me as he suggested, "We could hang out if you want to." Why not? It’s not like I had anything else planned today.
I smiled at him, "Sure! It’s been a little while hasn’t it?” It looked like relief washed over him for a second but that quickly disappeared and his normal confident look returned. "Can you get my allergy pills for me while I get dressed? They're in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, just above the sink." He nodded and left so I could change. It wasn't anything too fancy, just black leggings and a sweatshirt. I wasn't trying to impress anyone today. Well, there was Raph, but he's seen me look worse. Post workout sweat and grease is not a good luck for anyone.
As I brushed my hair out, Raph called me into the bathroom. "What? Couldn't find i-" I stopped when I noticed there was still blood in the sink from last night's "fun". I stared at the blood, shit shit shit SHIT.
He looked at me. "What's this from?" He asked.
"Good question," I lied. I knew he wasn't buying it so I lied to him yet again. "Fine. I was having lady problems and had to wash out something, okay?" This immediately shut him up, as I knew it would. Periods, they're good for two things. One, telling me I'm not pregnant and two, grossing most guys out. He turned bright red and left the bathroom.
Once I finished taking care of the sink I took a pill and walked back out. Raph was sitting on the couch flipping through a sketchbook. Oh no...
I saw his green eyes glance up at me and back to the book. "You're not a completely horrible artist." I think that was a compliment? Only April had seen my drawings so far. I never let anyone else look in my sketchbook, not even my dad. The fact that he had just grabbed my sketchbook irked me a little, but I wasn't about to make it a big deal.
"Thanks," Walking over to him, I peered over him to see which sketch it was. Thankfully it was just one of a forest in colored pencil. He flipped the page to the next one of a duckling. He went to flip again and I tried to take it back.
"What's your problem?" He put his hand on my face and pushed me away at arm’s length so I couldn't reach it. As he flipped he turned red. It was of him, a full body sketch in pencil. He dropped his hand from my face. I felt my face heat up again, he regained his composure and smirked. "Now who's this handsome turtle?"
"Shut up," I murmured as he handed me the sketchbook back. Two embarrassing moments in one day, jeez. I'm on a role today.
We spent the rest of the day chatting and joking around. I made us lunch and after clearing the living room of furniture and whatnot, we sparred for a bit. I'd like to say I won, but I didn’t. Raph ended up making me fall on my ass with a kick to the stomach. He went all out during the fight, he's definitely gotten better since the first time whereas I seem to have gotten worse, weird right? I still work out a lot, despite having school I find time.
After having my ass handed to me on a silver platter, he helped me up. I groaned as I cracked my back and stretched, "Jeez, you really went all out..." He simply smirked and shrugged knowing I could take it. "You've really improved since the last time we sparred though." The last time we sparred was a few says before my tournament in the middle of November. I thought I saw him blush but it was probably just my imagination.
"Oh," He saw the time, 3:24, and told me he had to go. "Before I go, Splinter said I could invite you over for Christmas. So, what do ya say, (Y/n)?"
I smiled "I’ll totally go! My dad’s out of town for Christmas this year, he has a special class to teach in California."
"Great, see you tomorrow then." After opening the window for him, I turned around to face him. I always made sure to tell him goodbye. After all, you never know when the last time you'll see someone is. I never got to say goodbye to my mom so I make a point to do it now. He almost looked nervous. I was about to ask him if he was okay when he suddenly leaned forward and got really close to my face.
There was a dusting of a blush on his face as we locked eyes. Our lips were so close. “Can I?” I didn’t know where this was coming from but I liked it. I nodded and he kissed me softly on the lips. I stared at him wide-eyed, speechless, and blushing hard. He simply smirked at my reaction and said, "See ya later." Then left me standing there, dumbfounded and staring at where he was just a few seconds ago. I put my hands to my lips. I've never been kissed before, not even on the cheek. Dammit, Raph! How dare you surprise kiss me!
                                            Raph’s P.O.V
Once I got back to the lair I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes, I'm tired. Tired and happy. She didn't slap me after I kissed her so that means she didn't hate it, right?
"What're you so happy about, Raph?" I opened my eyes and saw Leo standing over me.
"Yea, you're smiling with your eyes closed, it’s creeping me out dude,"  I glared at my youngest brother. Man, he really knew how to ruin a guys mood.
"He was probably hanging out with (Y/n)," Donnie commented as he walked in from his lab.
"As a matter a fact I was," crossing my arms in front of me.
"Ooooh," they said in a chorus.
"Probably making out with each other," Mikey said and the other two agreed, making kissing noises for emphasis.
"Shut up!" I yelled at them and they all laughed at my reaction. "It was only one kiss..." I murmured. They all stopped laughing and looked at me dumbfounded.
"You actually went for it?" Donnie asked.
"Yep," I said with a smirk.
"Why aren't you all beat up then?" Mikey asked.
"Maybe because she actually enjoyed it?" I told him annoyed. They laughed and I went to my room, pissed at them all.
                                                Normal P.O.V.
It’s Christmas and I'm headed over to the guy’s lair. It was cold and a snowing, the cold wind had turned my cheeks pink as I carried 6 boxes, I had gotten Christmas presents for the guys, April, and even Master Splinter. As I walked into the lair I saw a Christmas tree up and many other decorations as well. The guys were sitting on the couch with April. Leo, April, and Donnie were wearing Santa hats but Raph and Mikey wore reindeer antlers making Raph and Mikey look adorable. Mikey was smiling obviously happy to wear them, but Raph wasn't quite as excited as his brother about it.
Walking over to the tree I laid the presents down underneath it then walked up behind the couch. "Cute hats, guys!" Four green heads whipped around, plus one red one, to look at me.
"(Y/n) is here!" Mikey yelled and got up to hug me.
He placed a Santa hat on my head and I laughed, "Yea, I put the presents I got you all under the tree."
Mikey smiled, "Yes! You are awesome! Thank you!" He ran to the tree to see which one was his.
"Mikey, wait until it’s time to open them," Donnie told him.
He pouted, "I was just looking."
I sat down next to Raph. "You didn't have to buy us anything ya know."
"But I wanted to, you guys have been such good friends to me so, I thought I'd repay the favor." He looked like he was about to say something but I interrupted him, "And besides, friends get friends gifts for Christmas, right ?" He simply nodded and stayed quiet, not looking at me. Why not? Oh, was it because he kissed me? But why would that make him be quiet around me? I enjoyed it. As I thought about what happened the other night, I began to feel a blush make its way across my face. Raph looked at me confused for a moment but it quickly changed into one of his infamous shit-eating-grins. He’s probably remembering the same thing I did.
He whispered in my ear, "We can do that again if you want." I sat there quietly, not saying anything in response. God, I wanted to but Master Splinter walked out of his room.
"Merry Christmas my sons and friends."
"Merry Christmas Sensei!" We all chorused back. Soon everyone unwrapped the present I got them, I got Master Splinter a book on old Japanese fairy tales, in case he was feeling a little homesick, he was hard to shop for.... I made April a scrapbook of all the places I visited since she'd been dying to see them all since forever, and I promised that we'd go on an adventure together someday. Leo was easy to shop for since he was obsessed with Space Heroes, so I got him a set of action figures from the show and a complete disk set of the first season. Donnie was given a book on astrophysics and I got him other sciencey books. I wrote him a note telling him to man up and ask April out since I was 99% sure she liked him.
Mikey was also pretty easy to shop for as he was happy with basically anything, so I got him an iTunes card for music and a new video game he'd been asking for. It was funny watching their reactions, they were all so happy with their gifts, it gave me that good old warm fuzzy feeling inside. Raph's reaction was the best by far though.
I gave him a new colored pencil drawing of him, full body, which took me HOURS to finish so he better worship the damn drawing, and I gave him photos from our trip to the photo booth, He let me keep them but I figured he should have them. The last thing in his box was the note I wrote him.
Raph turned red while reading it since I basically called him out on his little crush on me. His brother noticed this and went to read over his shoulder.
"Oooooo! Raph got a love letter!" Mikey yelled. I could tell my face was beet red by now.
Raph shut the letter and put it back in the box, "No, it’s not!" The guys laughed and April asked me what it said.
I whispered, " I called him out on his crush on me and I just wrote I wouldn't mind if he kissed me again, that's all." She stared at me wide-eyed.
"So it is a love letter!" Mikey yelled. I didn't even notice him listening in.
"Shut up Mikey!" We both yelled at him he simply laughed at our reaction.
Time flew by as the guys teased Raph, he got annoyed but I calmed him down each time. I also played video games with Mikey, helped make dinner, and then did some of the dishes with Leo. When I had to go around 12:30 am Raph offered to walk me home. Of course I accepted, so here we are now, walking home. I'm wearing the antlers now though, Mikey stole my hat when I started making dinner and Raph gave me his antlers so I could still look, "festive". Now Raph's wearing my hat after he took it back from Mikey.
As we got home Raph asked me about the letter. "So what made you write that letter?"
"Well, um," I wouldn't look at him because I could feel my face heating up out of embarrassment. I wanted to tell him, so I just blurted it all out! "RaphiIreallylikeyouandIknowyoulikemeto." Great. It was jibberish.
He just stared at me and after a moment of processing what I said, he laughed! "That must've been a mouth full."
"S-shut up!" I told him red in the face.
Suddenly his face reddened too, he looked at me and said, "So, the feelings are mutual then?"
"You don't care I'm some freak? A mutant?"
"You're not a freak Raph."
He grinned a genuine grin of joy and, grabbing me by my waist, kissed me. He pulled away after what felt like forever and I was a little dizzy from the lack of oxygen. He still held my waist and all of a sudden a wolf whistle was let out by someone we couldn't see. We both whipped our heads around to see who it was. It turned out the who was a group of people.
April, Donnie, Mikey, and Leo all stood on a roof laughing, whooping and hollering while wearing scarves and hats. They all looked cozy. My face heated up when I realized they must've seen our kiss. Raph yelled at them but the group only laughed, besides April. She shook her head smiling, and ran off with them. Raph growled and I could tell he was going to follow them, I kissed him on the cheek before he left, "Merry Christmas, Raph." He gave a small smile, mumbled a goodbye, then ran off to chase after his brothers and April.
I walked happily into my apartment, enjoying my boldness a few seconds ago. After changing into my pajamas I fell asleep on my couch by my Christmas tree.
“Best Christmas ever.”
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