#greek gods x reader
aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere Apollo w/Soulmate!Reader Headcanons (Romantic)
❝ ☀️ — lady l: Who asked for soulmate au with Apollo? It's more of a soft yandere, but I hope you like these hcs! 💞
❝tw: soulmate au, obsessive and possessive behavior, soft!yandere, implied death.
❝☀️pairing: yandere!apollo x gender neutral!reader.
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Apollo always wanted someone to love, someone he could pour out all the love he held inside, be completely devoted to that person and be completely theirs. Apollo always wanted to be loved unconditionally and in return he would love with everything in him.
He wanted more than anything to find his soulmate. The true person he belonged to, the person he would spend all eternity with.
Apollo desperately searched for love, in search of his soulmate, the person who would complete him. He had several affairs, hoping that one of them would complete the missing part of him, but it always ended in tragedy and he knew that none of his past lovers were his soulmate.
So he remained alone for centuries, hoping to one day find the one to whom his heart and soul belonged. Apollo sometimes spent his days wandering among humans, hoping to bump into his love, but that never happened. He was tired. He had become desperate for love, to be loved and this shaped him completely. Apollo was no longer the same.
Until one day he found his soulmate. He found you. The person he had searched for for centuries, the half of himself that was missing. His soulmate.
Apollo would never forget the day he discovered that you were his soulmate. The way his heart began to pound in his chest, his breathing became heavy and his hands sweaty. Soulmate, was all his mind screamed.
During yet another of his pointless visits to humans, Apollo found himself walking aimlessly somewhere when he felt something different. Something inside him clicks, something connecting him to somewhere or someone. He followed what was calling him and was breathless when he discovered what it was.
Among lush forests and bustling cities, he saw a young human with a radiant aura, enveloped by the essence of wisdom and compassion. He saw you and saw the red thread of destiny that connected you. You were his soulmate.
Delighted and stunned by the discovery, the god approached disguised as an ordinary human man, wanting to get to know that luminous soul better. You welcomed him with open arms, eager to discover more about this mysterious man and why he enchanted you so much. It was only after a few weeks together that Apolo revealed the truth. He was a god and you were his soulmate. You felt like you might cry at that moment.
You have always wanted to find your soulmate, all your friends have already found the missing part of them, except you. And your soulmate was not only the most handsome man you've ever seen but also a Greek god, literally. You hugged him tightly and kissed him. Soon you were both undressed and sweaty, the love shining through and the consummation of your bond was made. You were officially soulmates.
Everything was rosy at first, but eventually, Apollo changed. His fear, and his trauma of being alone for so long changed him. He became more possessive and controlling every day. You started to feel suffocated. Apollo, however, didn't care.
He tried to compensate for his possessive tendencies towards you with presents, from jewelry to gifts that he could bestow upon you, in addition to giving you the gift of immortality. He wouldn't lose you to anyone, not even the god of death.
Your soul was linked to his, linked by the thread of destiny that united you as one. It said that Zeus was the one who separated humans from their soulmates and Apollo was so happy that he finally found you that all that mattered to him was that you stayed with him. After all, you were destined to be together.
Apollo's love had become increasingly possessive and needy, the god demanded you all the time. He became clingy, not wanting to be away from you. He's already spent too much time away from you, he wouldn't do it again.
How delirious he was could not be said, but felt. You felt the fear, the dread that Apollo had of losing you and that was what made you susceptible to the god's manipulation. He's just in love with his soulmate. That's why he acts like this.
That's how you end up stuck with your soulmate for all eternity. But for Apollo, in the warmth of true love, they transcended the boundaries between the divine and the mortal, uniting as soulmates destined to remain together for eternity.
Thus, the Greek god found his soulmate, a union that shone with the light of the gods and the purity of human hearts that would later be contaminated by the obsession that controlled him. There's no else to go but his side.
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simping-overload · 6 months
ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴍɴ ᴅᴇᴇʀ - ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ
a/n: showing my love for my favorite Greek God of all time, Hermes<3 this is a multichapter fanfic.
trigger warnings: animal hunting so animal death. Religious themes and practices
synopsis: You never thought helping out a lost hobo would end up with you in the loving embrace of a god.
『read on ao3』
『prev chapter ⟺ next chapter』
disclaimer: hermes is based on his BOZ, EPIC, and canon mythology. I don't really know how ancient greece actually was or how hunting works so take this with a grain of salt! It is just fanfiction :)
You come from a village that has been long-term worshippers of the goddess, Artemis. Each year, the village holds a festival, Laphria¹. With this festival, of course, comes activities, the most important being the hunt. Where 3 main selected participants, who were allowed to bring at the maximum two others along the hunt with them, they were to hunt down a large stag, whoever was to bring back the largest wins.
The reward would entail being given a large sum of money and being allowed to worship the goddess to the fullest extent, which means you'd get to say your prayers before everyone, including the high elders.
This year, you were finally chosen for the hunt, much to the joy of your family and friends. You were their best hunter and tracker, able to find an animal with ease regardless of how little the evidence that has been left behind.
After passing a familial trail—hunting a snow hare in the middle of snowstorm— you were gifted a beautiful pup who you named Winston². The two of you were jointed at the hip. There wasn't a place you'd go without him. This included the hunt.
You decided to bring two of your beloved friends along, Damian and Agnes. You set off at dawn, racing into the trees on the back of your horses, Winston running ahead as the scout.
Agnes and Damian were chattering away behind you as you looked over the map. You wanted to try and plan out all paths you could safely use.
"So...do you think if I win this, it would get Corinna at the very least interested in me?" Damian questions, fiddling with the horses' reins. He had a crush on Corinna ever since they were teens, spending most of his time trying to impress her— which failed considering he always made a fool of himself.
Agnes, bless her, rolling her eyes as she listens to Damian rant, just as the millions times before. She's been friends with him since they were babies. Both of their mothers were the best of friends, so it makes sense they were too.
You didn't come into the picture until you were about 7 or so, moving here to take care of your grandmother after she got sick.
You met Agnes when your mother invited hers over, and then her mother invited Damian's over. You all were just placed in front of each other and expected you all to click automatically. Thankfully, you did, and you've been friends ever since.
"Probably, but you need to remember Nikolaos is in this competition too, I know he's been desperate to get her hand as well." She pauses as her horse jumps over a fallen tree. She looks back at Damian with a blank stare and continues. "And also this could've been avoided if you just grew a pair of balls and confessed."
"I can't just do that— I need to get her attention first. Maybe we'll find that white stag the elders ramble about." Damian giggles as he pictures Corinna leaping into his arms and saying yes to his proposal. He was such a lovesick fool.
"Or maybe she's already interested and is waiting for you to confess. I've heard its custom in her family for the woman to wait for the man to ask, no matter how long it takes." You chime in, not looking up from your map.
"Wait wh—" Damian is cut off when a large gray wolf jumps from out of the trees, holding a white hare in its mouth.
Your horse, startled, bucks you off its back, sending you to the forest floor. You're now eye level with the wolf, noticing how its eyes are an unnatural golden color.
You and the wolf stared each other down for a moment before it huffed and leaps back into the trees. Agnes drops down from her horse and rushes to your side, while Damian goes off to fetch your horse.
You snapped out of your daze when you felt something wet touched your cheek. It was Winston, licking at you and whining in concern.
You pat his head to calm him, and you lean on Agnes for support as you stand. She brushes the dirt and leaves off your back.
"Hey, you okay?" She questions, her freckled face is laced with concern.
You feel fine, a little sore, but nothing you hadn't been through before. There was something about that wolf that just stuck with you, "Yeah, I'm fine. That wolf, though... its eyes were like pure gold."
"Maybe it's one of Lady Artemis' wolves? It wouldn't be the first time she's watched over the hunts." She suggests, steppingaway from you once you've steady yourself. Damian comes back with your now calm horse, handing you the reins.
"I suppose? Though I never heard of a wolf having pure gold eyes before... Anyway, Winston, did you see anything?
Winston barks in reply, his tail wagging before he runs off. You mount your horse and begin to follow him. You motion the other two to do the same.
Winston leads you to what looks to be a temple, one that seems to have been neglected for years. Nature has taken over, vines have trickled up and wrapped themselves around the columns, and grass and flowers grow from the cracks of the floor. The usual pure white of the marble has faded into a off white tan color with a thin layer of moss across the surface.
"Let's make sure the area is safe for us to set up camp here. Agnes, check out the back of the temple, and Damian, you'll start with the outer perimeter. I'll start with the inside. Regroup to the front once you're sure no one else has been here."
Agnes nods, and Damian gives an alright in response before going back into the forest. You dismount your horse, tying it to a loose fence post. You make your way up the cracked stone steps and into the temple.
The rays of sun lit the inside of the temple, illuminating the illustrations that line the walls and ceilings. Going off of the winged shoes on the god that was illustrated, this was a temple of Hermes. You wonder if there was ever a village that was here before yours that were worshippers of him.
Your search around the temple came up empty, with no human activity. Only animals and plants seemed to have been inside. You leave the temple in time to see with Damian and Anges coming back.
"There doesn't look like there's anyone for miles, only animals. I saw the cutest fox kits." Anges says.
"Same here, though I wasn't blessed with seeing any cute aniamls today." Damian pouts, dismounting his horse, kneeling down next to Winston to ruffle his fur, "Expect for this bugger." Winston barks and licks the man's hand.
You chuckle, "Looks like it's safe to set up camp here, we'll need to find something to eat, so I'll try and find something for us. You two just set up camp and remember to use the horn if anything happens."
They give you mock salutes in response before they begin to take the supplies off the horses and into the temple. You mount yours and whistle for Winston to follow as you trot off into the woods.
It doesn't take you long to hunt something down. After finding some boar tracks, Winston leads the rest of the way to the creature. Upon finding it, you ready your bow, steadying yourself on the moving horse as you focus your aim on the boar.
You suck in a breath, drawing back your arrow and whispering a short prayer to Artemis as you relase. The arrow pierces through the side of the boar, straight to the heart, quick and painless.
Suddenly, you hear a loud scream, and off in the distance, you can see someone running towards you with what looks like a... deer? Chasing after them. Winston stands alert, ears perked, and focused on the person getting closer to you. You hold your reins tight while Winston moves in front of the horse.
The person turned out to be Nikolaos. You spot his signature ginger hair showing from under his hood before he trips over a log and face plants in front of you. He doesn't try to exchange pleasantries as he scrambles up to keep running.
The deer came soon after, gracefully hopping over the log. It glanced at you for a meer moment, giving you enough time to see its golden eyes. The same color from the wolf.
You hop down off your horse, making your way to the boar.
You are for sure this time that it wasn't Artemis. Maybe some other god?
You wrap the boars legs tight with string as you bring it back to your horse, settling it on the rear. Positioned so it won't slip off, you mount your horse once more before going back the direction you came.
As you make your way back. Your mind wanders back to Hermes. It could be him. After all, he's one of the more playful gods known for his pranks and tricks. You'll have to make an offering to him for letting you sleep in the temple, regardless if it's abandoned or not, and so he doesn't prey on your friends like he did Nikolaos.
By the time you made it to camp, it was dusk. Agnes greets you outside, taking the horse reins from you. You take the boar off of the horse, taking off to the side as you make quick work of the animal, cutting off the hide and chopping the pieces of meat you need. You leave whatever is left for Winston and the other forest creatures to feast.
Damian is quick to start cooking. Thankfully, his mother was kind enough to pack spices so your group wouldn't have to suffer tasteless food.
Until the sky went dark, you spent the rest of your time eating and talking. Damian nearly choked on his food when he heard you recant the experience in the woods earlier. He says he wishes he could've seen the look on that bastards face when he was running away. Agnes jokes that Nikolaos probably looked like a scared chicken. Which admittedly, he did, come to think of it, his screams sounded like the human equivalent of one.
As the night went on, it got quiet, Damian was the first to sleep, and Agnes was next. Winston is sprawled out in between them, snoring away. Before you rest, you bring a plate of food and burning incense to the altar.
You whisper, "Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises. Take this food as a thank you for allowing us to sleep here for the night." You pause. "Also... please refrain from chasing us as a deer or anything else for that matter. While it was funny what you did to Nikolaos, I would rather not soil my pants." You chuckle, placing the food onto the alter and the incense in a dusty holder.
You go back to your original resting place, leaning against the pillar. You feel a soft and comfortable breeze flow through the temple. The sounds of the trees rustling soothe you into a nice slumber.
Still in deer form, Hermes walks through the woods, no set destination just allowing the fates to choose where he will end up. Faintly, he can hear someone whisper a prayer.
"Please, Hermes. The God of speed and travel grant us permission to make sanctions in your temple. If you disapprove, we will be out as the sun rises..."
It was not often that he received prayers, especially not in his sisters park of Greece. He lets the prayer pull him towards the location.
Switching to his human form, he approaches the temple. It was one of his firsts. A gift to him by his father. While unkept, it still stood strong.
He sniffs the air, a familiar smell, boar. Not only did he get a prayer, but he got an offering, too? Just what he needed after chasing the mortals.
He giggles as he makes his way inside, involuntary waking up Winston, who was silenced a quick shush and a pat to the head.
Hermes looks around at the mortals who sleep before him. Wondering who said the prayer, his eyes land on you. Still leaned against the pillar, head thrown back against it. Your hand is tightly wrapped around a dagger. Ready to strike if need be.
He studied your face for a moment, his hand twitched with the desire to trace over your features. You were very attractive for a mortal, and judging from the faint golden aura he could see emitting from you, you're the one who prayed.
He steps away with a grin, making his way to the alter. He picks the plate up, nearly drooling on the food. As much as he'd love to take his time eating, he's a glutton. In seconds, the plate is empty. He holds back a burp as he makes his way back out of the temple, glancing at you as he makes his way out.
Well, he's going to have some fun on this vacation.
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kupidachillea · 4 months
What Yandere I think Ancient Greek mythology boys would be.
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TW⚠️ General Yandere behaviour, biting, manipulative behaviour, clingy behaviour…mentions of self harm (not reader). Read at your own risk⚠️
🏺- I feel like if Achilles was a yandere he’d be more akin to the typical yandere. Jealous, possessive…almost like a land mine
🏺- He’s protective of you and wants your attention…only your attention. I think that speaks for itself about how this relationship would go.
🏺- He’s not overly touchy, but in public.,he has this weird thing about ‘laying claim’ to what’s his and making everyone know it..even if it embarrasses you…he’ll caress you thigh openly in public among other…things… he also tends to squeeze you into his chest and he has a thing for biting- and boy does it hurt..if you don’t stop him at times..you’ll be bleeding by the end of it
🏺- If you’re at home- he wants you in his arms. You’re sitting on the sofa? He’ll put you in his lap. You’re lying in bed? He’ll jump on top of you. And he’s heavy- so good luck getting him off of you.
🏺- despite his concerning behaviour..he truly does care about you..in his mind..you’re the only one that matters. He wants you to be with him for as long as possible..and don’t even think about trying to break up with him..he’ll find you.
🌿- Patroclus would be one of those yanderes that aren’t openly a yandere..he’s more docile and less explosive. Though- he still has those red flags.
🌿- He’s a manipulator. Especially if you’re a sensitive and emotional individual- he’ll exploit that. Gaslighting you at times and telling you “I know what’s best for you, darling”. Yeah..not really the best part of this relationship.
🌿- He’s more touchy than Achilles. He loves to have his face nuzzled into your neck whenever he can..breathing in your scent as he holds you in his arms. Letting out a content sigh as he kisses your lips tenderly..but don’t let that tenderness fool you..he’s still got a few screws loose.
🌿- He’s the type of yandere to act calm whenever someone is trying to hit on you in public..usually it’s when you’re not around is when he finds that person and either beats them half to death or worse..he use to be a medic and warrior..he knows more than one way to put people through pain. Though It’d have to be very bad for him to immediately clock to that mode.
🌿- He knows you’ll never leave him..how pathetic of you to try.,you keep running back to his arms anyway even if you do. He’ll break you as many times as he needs to have you in his arms..he’s patient.. and once you do come back..either in tears for just looking like a sad puppy..he’ll pamper you and stroke your hair as he kisses you lips and whispers how much he loves you.
🛡️- This is a bit tricky..He’s like…an enthusiastic yandere..that’s how I describe it. He has limits on how far he’ll go..but that doesn’t mean he won’t do certain things.
🛡️- He’s not explosive like Achilles and he’s not a big manipulator like Patroclus. He’s a bit chill. He’s the one that is similar to being docile but at the same time his yandere tendencies will seep out.
🛡️- He actually warns you what will happen if you do A, B, and C. Because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way..he just wants to have a loving relationship with you without any casualties. Occasionally he’ll get mad..but he’ll never take it out on you..never. Though..a few chains here and there can’t hurt..right?
🛡️- He loves to be with you..he’ll check on you at work.. on the street at home..any time really. He’s just trying to look out for you and makes his hit list anyway
🛡️- So far you’ve never had a problem with him..he’s not very overbearing..he’s smart in how he does things..you’ll never know what he does when you’re asleep..you’ve never considered leaving him..and he’d like to keep it that way..he wants to shower you with words of praise and devotion,
🎼- Orpheus is what I’d call a clingy yandere. When he first met you..it took him awhile to fall for you but when he did and you both got together it was a done deal for him.
🎼- He’s so clingy..he doesn’t like to be anywhere without some physical touch involved. After losing his first love- he won’t lose you. He’ll never lose you..he’ll make sure of it.
🎼- He peppers your face with kisses in public that it makes even married couples jealous..dear lord. His words are sweet and filled with honey.
🎼- Sometimes he wishes he had the power to hypnotise you with his voice..so he could make sure that you’d stay with him forever..but I guess locking you inside will have to do..trapping you under his body as he cuddles you will have to be enough.. chaining you to the bed as you both sleep together is what he has to settle for…such effort.
🎼- Once when you tried to leave him, he literally got down on his knees and begged you to the point of tears to not leave him..he said how he couldn’t live without out you and how he’ll harm himself if you do leave him…you fell for his trap and stayed with him..having pity on this poor man. Perfect..he likes it when you break and ignore your better judgement for him.
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lady-ashfade · 6 months
I thought It Was Normal
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Percy Jackson character x male!reader (gods x reader) (platonic all)
╰・゚✧☽ reader: like klaus from TUA. reader is a little oc in this, but i couldn’t help it. I needed this because I got a funny idea.
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: short , me having little knowledge of what’s to come in the books, not canon just a silly idea
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Camp got new campers every year so it wasn’t like they thought anything of you. The only thing is, you looked too confused to be there, everything Chiron said you would would give him the strangest look. Percy happened to be passing by, you got a tour of camp just like he did. And you were a bit to loud with your words- and let’s face it. He’s a little nosy.
“So you’re saying all the gods just drop their kids off here- or, don’t give them attention until they do something they deem worthy?” You ask like you had no care.
“Really a great idea. Half gods with daddy and mommy issues running around in the same place. Doesn’t sound dangerous at all.” You comment and continued walking with a eye roll.
Percy was interested in you right after that. You made him laugh and shared his views when he first came here, and he still thought them. He didn’t have to wait long to introduce himself since you left Hermes cabin in a rush to get away from people.
You didn’t want to talk to him at first. He tried to introduce himself but you brushed him off and said you weren’t willing to speak.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but I’m sure you’re parent will claim you.”
You stopped in your tracks and turn around and started to flail your arms. “I am human! I have no godly parent, not like you-. Honestly I wish I was because I would be less concerned about my future.”
“That’s new.” A girl’s voice popped up from behind you and out of no where. A girl with a cap in her hands yanked down from her head, she looked intimidating to you.
“Can you all do that? Just appear out of no where?” You asked slightly scared but amazed.
“Let’s go back to the part where you’re human,” Percy stepped forward like you were a bomb of some sort ready to explode. “Why are you here?” You scuffed and shrugged your shoulders.
“So, i happened to eat a crystal I found in the woods behind my house. It was weird and it had me hypnotized, surprised I didn’t break any teeth, and the next minute I know I’m seeing the dead. And these voices are talking to me, then I’m moved off to this camp.”
“Wait the dead?”
“The gods say I need training before I came to them. Which is weird because you think they would train me themselves…do you guys know what I should do? I have no clue why they want me.” You look at both of them for help but Percy is just staring with his mouth open and shocked. Annabeth looks annoyed and looking you up and down.
“Don’t piss them off.”  she was going to be great help.
Months go by and you grow closer to the trio. it was strange how you seemed to have more strength then a human, and could kept up in training with them. not once did you ever get claimed and it still surprised them to this day how you just become something out of the blue. They tried so hard to get their parents attention but you just- stumped upon something and had the gods interests?
yes, you were human. but no longer a human boy, but a god in training.
“did it have to be him? he’s more chaotic then your son Poseidon.” zues rubbed his temple as the gods watch down on you.
“fate is a funny thing brother.“
“I for one love the kid.” ares smirks as you trip percy and let out a vicious scream. nothing evil or mean behind it, just a adrenaline rush. but ares didn’t take it that why, you were going to be a monster.
“I’ll bless him soon, he should stay in my cabin.” Aphrodite smiles and played with her hair. 
“We all know he’s basically my child, the dead thing? Yeah, he’ll be staying with me in the underworld when it’s time.” Hades smirks at all of them.
and just like that the gods are starting a war all over again.
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Reader: stumbles upon a crystal
the voices: eat me!!
Reader: No!! Let me go!!
Reader then becomes a god.
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simpformoonkight · 6 days
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I should be studying for my physics exam
My hand slipped, oh well!
I’m trying to hone my artistic skill cause I seemed to have forgotten how to draw and paint (╥_╥)
Might actually colour it and finish it later-
This y/n is by @/magicalbunbun !
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
You can't possibly just come here just for fun and leave everyone be once you're bored right?
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Credit 🥂 (Ares, Loki, Hades by Starlxxd)
[ GN Reader but stuck with them instead of the the mystics ]
Hades = Gaslighting
The underworld may be damp but with your pressence alone, the underworld seems to be the best place Hades could ever find
Sure, 'Mistress/Lover of Olympians', but how about changing it into 'Mistress/Master of the Underworld' now?
See? Cerberus will be upset if you leave the underworld for well, the Mystics, Mortals or just play around with the other Olympians
Don't worry, Hades has made sure that Cerberus will always be there to block the way out either by having them roll around begging for your attention or just, making you ride them (hey, you have always enjoyed riding them at full speed)
"It's fun riding them right? Faster, boys!"
And you being the dense, naive one will not realize Hades' true intentions at all
You'll be sat on a throne just like him, well, except of sitting on each other's respective throne, Hades will sit on the floor with his head resting on your lap
You are his sunshine in this damp world, you are his fresh air in this damp world, you are his sweet flower in this damp world
Now now, where are you going to? Hm? Leave? You are going to leave the underworld to see Zeus again? How about a game with Cerberus and him?
Surely that King of the Gods is not worth your time so better spend it wisely on the King of the Underworld instead, hm?
"Mmh, how about a trip in the Underworld?"
"But I've explored all the places here?"
"Nuh uh, there's still more love~ come on"
Yeah he definitely did not just create something for this
If the pom is effective, he'll trick you into eating it when you are drunk from the alcohol he made you drink
If not then he'll just have to find another way to trap you here
Koei : God, if Yang Jian is the one who's gon escort you back then he'll 100% go feral once you leave lmaoo
Honestly idk much about him but he'll just be a persistent one
Will do few tricks to trick you into staying
Ah, you've seen that one? Fine how about this one? And this one?
Mmh, have you ever seen this? It's one of his many weapons. Ah, you have? How about this? And this?
"Let's play this game, shall we?"
"But we've been playing this for the whole week, Loki"
"Ah... how about this game then, here's how.."
He'll do whatever it takes to make you stay with him
Angy baby who'll bite everyone if you tell him you are going to leave
He just turns into a ticking bomb, someone greeted him and they'll have to hear him curses non stop
What do you mean by you are bored? Is he not enough as a companion for you to kill your boredom?
The mystics? Phah! Screw them, you are coming with him to this banquet
You just nod along while tailing him behind, completely oblivious with his attempts in not letting you leave
How about you join him to this one war? It'll be a nice change of scenery for you no? You won't be bored watching him fight, he promises
"Ares, I just wanna go see Hundun and have a tea with him-"
"Hmph, that ugly arrogant four-handed monster? If you want a companion for your tea party then you can just have me!"
If he won then he'll puff himself with pride and boast non stop on your face, making you sing praises to him while tending him
If he lost then you'll also still sing praises for him, just gotta make sure your wordings won't hurt him. Also since you'll give him extra special treatment whenever he lost, he won't sulk that long
You? And Aphrodite? He'll choose you over her silly
Remember how easily flustered he is when you just approached him without warning? Yeah he's still the same
"Let's ride together into the battlefield hm? Just... don't leave"
Well, it's really rare for him to be this soft considering how he just started another war to distract you
Zeus will have to give him a few words again after this
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zafirosreverie · 10 months
Their favorite thing about you (DLH)
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Your eyes.
He loves your eyes, because that's how he met you. You were just one more small human of the thousands who came to ask for his intervention, one more and that's it. At first glance you didn't have anything special and a god shouldn't be attracted to you the way Ares was.
But no other god had seen what he saw in your eyes (or else a war would have been fought on Olympus for you by now). It wasn't just the beautiful color of your orbs, but the way they glowed with intense passion, deep rage, and endless bravery, that finally made the god of war fall for you. Even today, so many years later, Ares loves looking into your eyes, where there is still an intense fire that he knows will never fade.
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Your curiosity.
The goddess was used to receiving thousands of questions and pleas for help from mortals, who in these more modern days used to come to her only as a kind of living encyclopedia.
But you didn't. In fact, she had never even seen you set foot in her temple before. You were a completely different creature, full of curiosity about all the creation of the world, everything was fascinating to you, and she loved your questions, especially the simple ones, because they didn't come from a need beyond the simple fact of wanting to learn. It was something the world needed, and she was willing to protect you for it.
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Your patience.
She knew, she was more than aware, that she was not the best partner, especially for a mortal like you. She carried too many wounds, from a time when humanity didn't even exist, wounds that even other immortal beings didn't want to deal with.
But you do. You had opened for her not only the doors of your house, but of your life, you had welcomed her and accompanied her, you had taken care of her and, for the first time in centuries, she thought that perhaps healing was coming her way. Arce didn't want to exhaust you, after all, the wounds of a being like her were too big and heavy for a mortal, but your infinite patience gave her hope that you would at least stay with her for as long as your finite lifetime allowed you.
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Your laughter.
She is the goddess of the harvest, she creates life wherever she goes. Strong and imposing trees, flowers more beautiful than the stars, unique and precious plants. But all that, paled and remained small before the perfection that was your laugh.
Demeter loved that sound, he loved the way your eyes and nose crinkled, how you showed your perfect teeth, how your stomach bounced slightly with the force of your joy. It was the sound of life, and she swore to protect it until time took it to infinity and the silence of death replaced it.
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Your nose.
Listen, she's a simple goddess, okay? Does she like something? It's hers, period. And that goes for your beautiful and perfect nose too. Don't ask why of all your beautiful face that's her favorite part, just accept that you're going to have a very amused goddess pressing it like a little round button at all hours.
Hestia also loves your brilliance and sense of humor, which usually helps enhance her blackmailing pranks on the other gods, but that's another story.
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Your hands.
Hades loved your hands, not just because of how beautiful they were or how soft your skin was, but because of everything they represented to him. He was the god of death, he was used to ending things, destroying them, reducing them to nothing. But you? you created, you used your hands to bring new objects and ideas to life, you were the opposite of him and that never ceased to amaze him.
He loved your touches too, of course. He was used to the tedious humid heat of the underworld, the kind that is terribly unbearable, that makes you sweat and your clothes stick to your body. But you had shown him another kind of warmth, a soft and gentle one, that ran through his body like a calm light every time you caressed his cheek or took his hand.
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Your kindness.
It is not a secret to anyone that the goddess tended to be reserved and quiet, like a shadow that no one spoke to if it was not necessary. That is why she appreciated your warm and compassionate heart. She loved to see you interact with other beings, because your words, your gestures and movements were always charged with a deep love and respect for life.
After centuries of living in her sister's shadow, of being ignored by her mother no matter how hard she tried to be the best supporting goddess for her, Despena appreciated your kindness knocking on her door, showing her that she didn't need to be better than anyone, just be the best version of herself.
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Your calmness.
As the herald of the gods and the fastest god on Olympus, Hermes was used to a hectic, fast-paced life with chaos always following him wherever he went. That's why it was a huge surprise to everyone when he introduced you as his partner, because you were the complete opposite of him.
However, it took Apollo and Athena only a couple of minutes to realize why Hermes loved you so much. You were perfect for him, precisely because you balanced him, because in the midst of all his chaos, you were always standing there, ready to be the immovable pillar, the security and stability that he needed so much. It didn't matter if you treated him like a little boy from time to time, he loved it.
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Your hair.
It might sound simple and almost comical right? That the goddess of magic, someone who could create absolutely anything with the snap of her fingers, would be so fascinated by something as simple and vain as mortal hair.
But it was precisely that simplicity that drew her. Hecate was aware of the wonders she could do and why mortals came to her daily, but that you let her play with your hair allowed her to anchor herself to the world, to the fact that she could be more than magic, that's why she loved so much spending hours brushing it while you worked your own magic on her, the simple one that only required a smile and a cup of tea.
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Your vitality.
She was used to the cold of Helheim, to the thousands of lamentations of the souls in pain and to the feeling of loneliness that always nestled in her chest. That's why she loved so much when you went to visit her.
You were always smiling, you were always happy, your voice traveled to the last corner of the gloomy place and your presence seemed to radiate a warm and comforting light, the souls seemed serene and almost happy while they played with you. You were life itself arriving at the place of death, and Hela loved you for it, enough to push the fear of the day that light went out to the back of her mind.
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myth-and-legend · 27 days
𝓐𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓭𝓰𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝔂𝔁
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Tw : death, grief, dark atmosphere, mention of despair, suspense, a bit of anxiety, poor writing. A/N: 1)The images do not belong to me, but the arrangement is my own.2)I’m referring to Hades from Greek mythology, not any other version. 3)I will probably make a sequel if anyone is interested. Number of words: 1127 Type: Fic
Death took you by surprise: a moment of life, then emptiness. Now, you find yourself among the souls of the deceased, trapped on the banks of the Styx. Without a coin to pay Charon, you are condemned to wander, watching others cross while you remain a prisoner of this endless waiting. The murmur of souls around you creates a strange melody, an echo of despair that envelops you.
As you wander, your gaze vacant, you suddenly feel a presence that chills you to the bone. The other souls scatter as if they know what is about to happen. You look up, and your heart skips a beat: Hades, the god of the Underworld, stands before you.
He is majestic and terrifying, dressed in deep black that seems to absorb all light. His eyes, dark and piercing, rest upon you. You feel vulnerable under his gaze, as if he could read every fragment of your soul. You want to speak, to explain why you are here, lost and hopeless, but the words fail you.
Hades says nothing. He stares at you, silent, his expression inscrutable. An eternity seems to pass as you look at each other, you trembling, he impassive. Then, without a word, he turns his eyes away and continues on his way.
You stand there, your heart heavy, with a strange feeling that he has seen something in you that even you do not yet understand.
`.-.. --- ...- .`
Time has no meaning here. Hours, days, maybe even years pass by without you truly noticing. The Styx remains the same, dark and oppressive, and the souls around you continue to drift in this void. You have almost become accustomed to this ghostly existence, but a part of you cannot resign itself to accept this stagnant eternity.
Then, one day—or night, it is impossible to say—your gaze falls upon something you had not noticed before. A coin, solitary, lying on the ground before you. It seems to almost shine in the surrounding darkness, like a promise of liberation. You pick it up, your fingers trembling around the cold metal. It is the key, your means to cross the Styx.
With the coin in hand, you head toward the bank where Charon waits, silent and motionless in his boat. His black, empty eyes fix on you, waiting for you to make a move. You feel his silent impatience, but it is your own heart that betrays you. You hesitate, your feet planted on the rocky ground, unable to advance. On the other side is the unknown waiting for you. A new stage in this existence, a new form of eternity.
The coin weighs heavily in your hand, as if it holds all the answers but also all the doubts. You wonder if this is really what you want. To leave, to abandon this place that has, despite everything, become familiar. An eternity spent here, wandering, suddenly seems less frightening than what might await you on the other side of the Styx.
Your hesitation stretches, each second turning into its own eternity. Then, a hand gently rests on your back. You turn abruptly, your breath catching in your throat.
It is Hades. His gaze remains as impassive as ever, but there is a certain softness in his voice when he finally speaks, breaking the silence that surrounds you.
“Are you not going to board?” he asks, his tone calm but tinged with a slight curiosity.
His intervention unsettles you. Until now, he had observed you from afar, without a word. But now that he is here, his presence forces you to confront your fear.
You feel his gaze upon you, waiting for your response. The moment has come to make a choice, and for the first time in a long while, the choice is yours.
After a long hesitation, you take a deep breath and, with a resolute gesture, extend your arm toward Charon. The coin, now laden with your hope and fears, falls into his skeletal hand. He examines it for a moment before stowing it away with a sharp movement and then invites you to board the boat.
You climb in cautiously, trying to calm your anxiety, and take a seat on one of the rough wooden benches. Hades follows, sitting directly opposite you. His grave demeanor and imposing presence create an atmosphere of heavy calm as the boat begins to glide on the Styx.
The river is a deep blue, almost tangible, and the darkness seems to deepen with each stroke of the oars. Hearing the soft lapping of the water against the sides of the boat, you lean a little over the edge to touch the water. As soon as your hand makes contact with the liquid, an intense cold grips you. You quickly pull your hand away, the icy water seeming to penetrate to your bones, leaving you with a chilling sensation.
Hades, silent, watches you as you straighten up. His dark and piercing eyes follow you, and though he says nothing, you feel he is attentive to every one of your movements. He then turns to the horizon, observing the misty path that stretches before you. The silence between you is almost palpable, broken only by the discreet sound of Charon's oars and the murmur of the water beneath the boat.
The crossing seems endless, each minute stretching in the darkness of the Styx. The dense fog that envelops the river obscures what awaits you on the other side, and the uncertainty weighs heavily on your shoulders. Your curiosity grows with each stroke of the oars, gnawing at you as you wonder what might be hidden in the shadows beyond the river.
`.-.. --- ...- .`
Long minutes pass, marked only by the gentle splash of the water and the creak of the boat. Thoughts swirl in your mind, leaving you anxious and impatient. Finally, the tension becomes too heavy to bear. You turn slightly toward the ferryman, trying to pierce the mystery of this interminable crossing.
In a nearly inaudible whisper, you ask, “Is there much time left before we arrive?”
Your voice is weak, almost drowned out by the river’s noise and the wind’s breath. Charon pays no attention, but Hades looks at you for a moment, his expression impenetrable and revealing no emotion. Then, with measured slowness, he responds:
“We have not arrived yet. Time here is… different.”
He turns his eyes back to the river, his gaze lost in the darkness. It seems that this answer only adds to your anxiety, but also to a certain relief. The journey continues, with each wave and each stroke of the oars gradually bringing you closer to the unknown that awaits.
This answer leaves you with more questions than answers. You say nothing and simply turn your gaze toward the endless expanse of water.
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theslay3d · 2 years
Apollo x goddess/immortal wife reader? Maybe like them just spending some quality time together with all his kids and then he tells her that like he wouldn’t mind having kids with her whether it be soon or in the far off future? Just tooth rotting fluff cause I do NOT see enough Apollo content out there tbh
Apollo x Female!Reader
Gender:wrote it with female in mind but can probably be like anything??? idk
Warnings: none
Word count: 623
A/N hiii i hope you like it!! and yes omg there's like no Apollo content sadly. also may have spelling mistakes
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You finished putting on all your jewelry and sighed as you saw that Apollo wasn't ready yet. Yes you could snap your fingers and be done or have people help you with everything but for some reason you and Apollo enjoyed the simplicity of getting ready. 
“We have to leave soon” 
Apollo sighed dramatically as he fixed his hair. “I know I know give me 5 minutes” He flashed a smile at you and continued. 
You laughed and double checked you looked okay in the mirror. You both were going to have some time with his kids. Ever since he came back from being a mortal again it seemed he was more keen on visiting his kids. 
Even though you did mind how many kids he had, it was in the past. Some you didn't know about until he came back from being mortal which left you giving him the silent treatment for a few months. Others…let's just say you both enjoy the company of mortals together sometimes.
You snapped out of your thoughts as Apollo grabbed your shoulder. You smiled at him and said “Ready?” He nodded and you both glowed as you teleported to the cafe you would be at with his kids. Only a few could come this time as the others were busy. 
You teleported a little bit further away from the cafe so you could walk a little bit. After a few minutes of walking you spotted the two children you would be seeing today. Will and Kayla. 
You've met them a few times and have talked before. 
You finally made it to the table and sat down. Apollo awkwardly hugged his two children which made you laugh a little under your breath. Apollo must have heard you which made him glare at you. You let out another laugh but stopped to greet Will and Kayla. 
“Hello children. How have you both been?” 
They both said they have been good and that nothing super crazy has happened at camp which they were thankful for. 
After taking a sip from the drink you ordered you asked Will. “So Will how’s Nico?” 
Will seemed to glow a little bit from where he was sitting but he cleared his throat and said. “He's good” 
You turned to smile at Apollo. You liked the little Hades kid. He seemed good for Will and you liked them together. Apollo smiled back at you but seemed to be thinking about something. 
After a few minutes you all ordered food and ate it with only some talking. You and Apollo both liked doing this with his kids. It was a good time and always funny. 
After you all ordered dessert and ate that too Will and Kayla said that they had to leave. They couldn't be away from camp too long. You and Apollo both said goodbye and he gave them some gifts for them and for some of their siblings. 
You both sat back down after they left. “Can we order more dessert?” You asked Apollo. He laughed and said yes.
You ordered it and then got it a few minutes later. You started to eat it slowly as you looked all around. So many mortals everywhere. You liked visiting the mortals though. A nice break from some of the other gods. 
Apollo put his arm around your shoulder and you smiled at him. “You know i wouldn't mind having kids with you one day” He spoke up hesitantly. 
You turned to look at him quickly. “Really?” 
He nodded and you leaned in to kiss him. “I would love to have kids with you one day” You said as you broke apart and leaned into him again. 
He kissed the top of your head. 
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rehmes · 18 days
˚🖇️ : Greek Mythology, voices of the gods! "It's an old tale from way back when,"
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˚🖇️ ! Percy Jackson Epic the Musical ! 🖇️˚ ˚🖇️ ! Hadestown
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missglaskin · 2 years
So in my previous blog, I used to write a lot of Greek Mythology yandere, and I am going through the phase again. I am resisting the ever urge to write for them, but my mind keeps running. 
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
I love your greek mythology work! Do you have a headcanon for hermes please?
''You run as much as you want but I will always catch you.'' — Hermes.
❝ ⚚ — lady l: thank you very much, anon! Here are Hermes' hcs, I don't know why it took so long to do it but I finally wrote it and I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive behavior, manipulation, stalking, mention of death, Reader is put in a dangerous situation on purpose, toxic relationships.
❝⚚pairing: yandere!hermes x gender neutral!reader.
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Hermes is a very playful and calm god in his obsession. He is not demanding and will not demand that you love him, he does not need your love. All he wants is for you to stay with him and let him adore you completely. Hermes doesn't really care about trying to control you, he prefers to let you roam free for his own interests. Just because he knows you will be his at the end of the day.
He is known for his carefree nature and his ability to adapt to different situations. He values freedom and autonomy, both for himself and others. That's why Hermes won't try to restrict you or force you to stay with him. He wants you to choose him willingly and he knows you will.
Hermes would value your freedom, but at the same time he would subtly manipulate circumstances to ensure that you were always close to him. He would use his ability to travel quickly to appear in the most unexpected places, always keeping a close eye on his darling. You could never escape the god's gaze.
There is no one for you but him, Hermes knows that. He is a god, after all, and he knows you will be his. There's no way you can't be, everything is calculatedly planned so that he gets you in the end. And you will accept everything because it is your place next to him.
Hermes is a stalker, however. He likes to chase and will always be wherever you are, just in disguise. You will never notice the eyes of the god of messengers upon you, shining with what appears to be hidden amusement. The god could use his ability to travel quickly to monitor and control his darling, and his communication skills to maintain constant contact, sometimes in an intimidating manner.
He would not be the controlling type in the traditional sense of a god, but rather a constant observer, always present in your surroundings, discreetly accompanying you in all your activities. His ability to adapt to different situations would make him a master at hiding his true intentions, while maintaining a façade of lightness and friendliness.
Hermes would not necessarily be aggressive, but his constant presence and obsessive desire for his beloved could create an atmosphere of discomfort and insecurity. He could use his communication skills to maintain constant contact, sending messages and gifts in a seemingly innocent manner but with an underlying aura of intimidation.
His gifts and gifts may seem harmless at first, but Hermes wants to make it clear that he will not tolerate being ignored or left in the background. Expensive and magnificent gifts can become body parts of people close to you. He doesn't want to scare you, but he has limited patience.
He's not exactly possessive or jealous because Hermes knows he's the only one for you. The god sees no reason to be jealous when he knows you belong to him, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous. Hermes feels jealous in a very subtle way and you will hardly notice it unless you are very observant.
Hermes would be a master of subtle manipulation, never appearing threatening at first glance, but always ingeniously orchestrating circumstances to keep you close to him. He can put you in dangerous and desperate situations so that he can save you, acting as your hero and savior, without you knowing that it was really his fault.
He would use his communication skills to stay in constant contact, flooding you with messages and calls, creating an underlying aura of intimidation. His communication methods can range from playful to threatening, depending on his mood and your response. Hermes may have a controlled temper, but he can become easily angered if he doesn't get what he wants. And he wants you.
Hermes would love to travel with you, he would take you anywhere you wanted, be it the human world or the gods and mythological creatures, he would take you wherever you wanted in the blink of an eye. Seeing your smile when you visit a place he's always wanted to is the best gift he could ask for.
The god is a born stalker and a master at manipulating you in subtle ways, but he is not overwhelming or possessive. All he wants is you, to have you and if you run, he will catch you. You are his in every sense of the word. Hermes will take good care of you, don't worry, once he has you attached to him, he will make sure you are happy and satisfied with life by his side. It's not like you have a choice.
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Ares x god of lies!reader
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• first you would be the god of lies and manipulation, so you would be extremely manipulative. your personality will be like HuTao from genshin impact, keep that in mind before you start reading the post
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- enemies to lovers.
- you would make the perfect villain couple.
- he doesn't like you to go to wars, because he's afraid you'll get hurt.
- about the Trojan war:
• at first he probably sided with the Greeks, on their side, because of you.
• when he switched sides you had a fight, and you had a fight for a week, and although it doesn't look like he was the first to apologize.
• you were one of the main forces that made the Greeks win.
• you were in the contest when aphrodite was considered the most beautiful, that's why you also revolted against the trojans.
- ares would give you many, many gifts.
- he would definitely make wars in your name
- only he knows his fragile side, he was the only one to see you cry, he was always the only one to understand you.
- About the beauty pageant, he was certainly furious when he found out that you weren't considered the most beautiful, he almost started a war, if not for you, Ivy and Zeus to calm him down he probably would have killed all the Trojans.
- you are the only one who knows your fragile side, the only one who knows your true side.
Sorry If its too short😭😭😭
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kupidachillea · 22 days
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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ladyxb1rd · 2 years
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[Imagine listening to Apollo play the guitar]
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aschann · 3 months
Long Fanfictions are on my other reading sites, on Wattpad and Ao3.
Hi everybody. Nowadays I started writing fanfictions, such as Harry Potter, Twilight, Percy Jackson, Wednesday and so much other. Right now u can read the HP one, but soon there will be a Wednesday fanfiction. The name is same as here: AschAnn
I don't know if I will upload then in here, depends of a lots of things. But i will write some shorties about them here and also requests.
So feel free to ask request. I write Twilight, Percy Jackson, Greek gods, Fruits Basket, Disney, Game of Thrones,Wednesday, House of the Dragon, Vampire Diaries, Shadowhunters and monster ones . The list will be change in the future.
Also i write chubby, blind, mute, Adhd etc reader, but when you request please write the name of the reader you want. If you don't do it, i will try and find something, and if i can't it will be reader.
I only write fem!reader x character. Girlxgirl or girlxboy.
What i don't write: Smut without context, minor characters in bad situations. Rp, kidnapping and Stockholm. BDSM.
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