#homophobic nicknames
clairebearsparkles · 1 year
The homophobic vase and Catch 22
So in my senior year of high school I had to pick a book from a list and read it, and I chose the book Catch 22. Now I'm going to be honest I only read the first 70 pages or so so I don't know the whole thing, but I did learn what a catch 22 is if someone were to reference something being a catch 22.
So, in mag 38 when the vase creature took the book, I started wondering why the reference to Catch 22 specifically, and I figured it out. The way the vase affects memories creates a catch 22.
In the book the way it is explained that I felt made sense to me was this: The setting of the book is the military, and within the book they make it clear there's a distinct notion that if you want to be in the military you must be insane because it sucks. The only way to leave the army is by proving insanity, but by asking to leave you are proving you are sane because sane people would ask to leave, since we already said the insane would want to stay. It's a catch 22, a situation with no escape because it has two conflicting conditions.
The vase takes an item the main owner knew existed, but once the item is missing anyone else other than him does not remember it existing. So it puts into question the existence of the object in the first place, you have a memory of it so it must have existed, but you can no longer find it and anyone you ask about it says it doesn't exist anymore, so it couldn't have existed despite you remembering it existed.
The vase stealing a copy of Catch 22 is a catch 22.
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pinkeoni · 5 months
was rewatching some clips and noticed that billy’s introduction, which focuses on his (hetero)sexual appeal, is immediately followed by will finding the zombie boy picture in his locker
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pidgefudge · 7 months
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shark--apologist · 11 months
tumblr continues to remind me that ppl who constantly go on abt how theyre woke, inclusive, and a safe space actually, in fact, are not
and its the ppl you least expect to be those actual things
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gaymarioo · 1 year
uh oh think i’m in love
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shanedoesdoodles · 2 months
Cob I just got so jumpscared-
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 6 months
saw a post that got me thinking about stupid nicknames people give each other and while ive talked about my reasons for giving Celia n co the names & nicknames they have, i haven't talked as much about the in-universe reasons. under cut<3
Celia- actually her birth name! one of the only ones you will see here. Cecità- means blind/blindness. Elenas nickname for her because shes stubborn as fuck. Muro: wall- sounds somewhat cool and they were trying to be more mature at the time but it originated from Elena going a on a long rant about Celia being a stubborn mutt that kept slamming his head into the wall again and again- also jokes about Celia acting like shes built like a brick wall when shes not [yet] and her infamous pain tolerance. also: thick because shes not academically gifted and has dyslexia tombale: tomb. she uh. killed a lot of people. this is the one fully serious moniker out of the lot
Cecio- nickname/possible name for him that he later picked for his first name when he transitioned.
María Elena- two first names! goes by Elena mainly. Crybaby: at first she was crybaby because she cried when she was angry, but one guy commented to many times and she beat his ass so it became honorific [mostly]. Spina- crybaby evolved into just baby and then evolved into bitch and then evolved into thorny bitch. she may have thrown some guys into thornbushes. that then got shortened to just thorn.
Tesoro- 'sweetheart' he got high of his ass, waled into class, spent ten minutes with his head in his hands bright red mumbling to himself and when he finally raised it it turned out he had been crying because everyone was so cute. teddy-bear was also used but tesoro stuck.
Conficcare- to stick/to jab. 1. hes built like a stick. 2. he wanted to be a nurse. 3. he bitched about proper needle safety when injecting. 4. everyone knew he was gay. 5. he would threaten to shank people regularly.
Rametto- twig- didn't even get their own just got their brothers in a different way. also built like a stick and everyone knew was queer. [in nicer ways, rametto means twig/sprig so he was seen as a new growth/possibility] there's a joke about fruits and trees somewhere in there. preziose- precious, also part of precious stone- him and celia! stone wall and precious stone! also hes the 'precious' baby. and ofc they always liked jewelry and kids are homophobic.
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purpurrock · 7 months
Being surrounded by queerphobia sucks because no matter how much I put on, no matter how much I engage with my hobbies, no matter how much I try to repair relationships and create new ones, I'll never be truly at peace. I'm still just playing a character, because I'm not being who I really am. I'm rocket but no one sees that, they just see some girl who isn't me and could never be me in the first place.
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*emerges from the Carmen Sandiego (2019) french dub covered in blood*
#alright im being a little bit dramatic. its not bad per se its just...#a) im so used to the english dub watching in french is just plain weird. these arent the voices im used to. these arent the sentences i kno#b) its genuinely less good. they got rid of ALL the accents (save for like 2-3 minor characters)#which for a show where the characters come from all around the world is just. sad. i think#(we always do that in french dubs. and like sure you gotta be careful not to fall into racist or xenophobic stereotypes#but you can have accents without it being a mockery. lots of people have accents)#also some voices just dont fit the character#for example: coach brunt. her french voice gives me frail old secretary vibes. not powerhouse of a woman#many voices have no personality whatsoever#like. cant we do better than that? bro#AND THE NICKNAMES.#there's no player-only nickname for carmen in french!#i suppose they didnt want player calling carmen an english word in a french show#(tho they kept quite a high number of english words so. red would have been fine i think)#but this really robs the viewers of a delightful proof of closeness + the jarring moments when player does call her carmen#similarly ivy and zack dont call her carm nor boss#and carmen doesnt call julia jules. homophobic.#they even kept the english pronounciation of julia and for what?? just to NOT give us the jules nickname????#(it would not have made a pun. jules doesnt sound like a word in french. but once again it would have STILL meant something. ffs)#anyway im gonna rate the vile operatives' french names#chatters#carmen sandiego 2019
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emlyn-y-gwyll · 10 months
3 for 3 on job interview-to-success ratio hehe
World wasn't built for my autism masking rizz
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butter-human · 2 months
So I was trying to say homophobic and I said
anti sex
New asexual nickname just dropped
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Eddie: Is your nickname cinnamon?
Buck: What? No?
Eddie, smirking: Because last night, you almost got stuck in my throat.
Buck: That's why you should swallow the milk.
Hen: I think I'm becoming homophobic.
Chim: Both of you need to get back in the closet.
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Because I’m sick and tired of seeing travis hate everywhere I go.
“Travis was sexist.”
Did he spout some sexist rhetoric in the beginning of the show? Sure. But it’s important to recognize that: A) he changed, and by season 2 he completely stopped, B) he was a teenage boy in the 1990s, and that kind of rhetoric was normal at the time, C) most of his sexist macho tough guy attitude was a complete act that he likely put on to compensate for his insecurity about his own masculinity, and internalized homophobia. (More on that later.)
(Also let’s be real, Travis is basically one of the girls anyway and I’m tired of pretending he’s not.)
2. “Travis didn’t care about Javi.”
Did we watch the same show??? Granted Travis may have had trouble expressing his feelings (also related to his insecurities about masculinity, likely learned from his father, as well as growing up in a patriarchal and homophobic society), but he cared deeply about Javi. In S1E4, Travis literally DUG UP HIS DAD’S GRAVE, through horror, tears, and vomit, in order to retrieve his ring to give to Javi. When Javi disappeared, Travis kept looking for him every day for months, and never gave up, even when logically it would have seemed impossible for him to still be alive. He comforted and reassured Javi when neither of them drew the card. He cradled Javi’s dead body and ate a bite of his raw heart (which was a metaphor for how much he loved him, and a parallel to Shauna eating Jackie’s raw ear.) Maybe Travis wasn’t always there for Javi in the way he needed, but he absolutely loved him, and it’s important to remember that Travis was also a traumatized, grieving, kid who just lost his dad.
3. “Travis slut-shamed Nat.”
As we are literally shown in the show, Travis was not trying to slut shame her, he asked how many times she had done it because he was embarrassed about the fact that he was a virgin, and worried that she would judge him, or that he wouldn’t measure up because he was more inexperienced than her. When she told him she hooked up with Bobby Farleigh, he did not get mad at her because she slept with another guy (he already knew about that, and was fine with it), he got mad because she hooked up with his bully, and then lied to him about it. I don’t blame Nat for this, she didn’t know about it at the time, and didn’t want him to get mad once she found out, but I also don’t blame Travis for being hurt and embarrassed and upset with her for lying about it.
4. “Travis was just kind of a dick.”
Sure, but so were all of them. He acted like kind of a jerk in the first season. So what? Shauna had an affair with her best friend’s boyfriend, lied to her about it for months, and refused to apologize. Misty tried to drug Coach Ben. Nat faked his brother’s death to him (yeah, she was trying to help him move on, but still not cool). All of them called him “Flex” (y’know, the nickname that was used to bully him for years). None of them are perfect or nice or likable all the time, and that’s ok; that’s the whole point. They’re realistic, complex, flawed, morally gray and sometimes unlikable people. They’ve all done bad things, but nothing Travis did is worse than what anyone else on that show has done. He was a traumatized teen whose dad literally just died. Also, me personally, if everyone around me was constantly calling me the mean nickname that was used to bully me since middle school, I would also probably act like a little bit of a dick.
5. “Travis is a straight man.”
Wrong. (Also not really a valid reason to hate someone… But most importantly, just wrong.)
Travis Martinez is clearly a bisexual.
So many of his issues: the insecurity, the bullying, the macho tough guy act, the whole weird complex about his masculinity, all of it stems (at least partly) from the fact that he’s bisexual and has internalized homophobia. The whole “Flex” thing is just thinly veiled homophobia. The main reason why he got bullied is because Bobby Farleigh spread a rumor about him getting back surgery to better suck his own dick. The unsaid implication there is that he’s a man who sucks dick, which is inherently queer, even if it is his own. If you look even slightly past the most surface level interpretation, it’s pretty obvious that Travis was bullied because of homophobia. His performance of stereotypical toxic masculinity was clearly over compensation for the fact that he doesn’t fit into the box of traditional straight masculinity, and was a reaction to the bullying from his peers, abuse from his dad, and internalized homophobia from growing up in a homophobic and patriarchal society. As the show progresses he starts to unlearn that toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia, and he allows himself to be more vulnerable, emotional, and feminine, and as a result, he becomes stronger, more confident, and more respectful of the people around him.
As for Travis being a man… Is he though???
In season 1, Travis is a man (narratively speaking); there is a clear distinction between Travis/Coach Ben and the girls. However, in season 2, we see a stark shift in how Travis is depicted. The separation between Travis and the girls pretty much ceases to exist. Narratively speaking, there is no distinction made between Travis and the other girls; they are one entity—one hive mind. Instead, the emphasis is now placed on the distinction between Coach Ben and the girls/Travis. When Coach Ben watches the Yellowjackets eat Jackie in horror and disbelief, Travis is right there with them, dressed in ancient greek robes along with the rest of them. In season 2, Coach Ben is the only real Man of the group (Travis has narratively become one of the girls, and Javi is just a boy, not a man) and he is shown staying separate from the rest of the group, and growing more and more uncomfortable with the cultish dynamics, while Travis, on the other hand, becomes more and more integrated with the group, as he falls deeper and deeper into cult beliefs, until he is a full-blown devout Lottie worshipper. Of the three males on the show, he is the only one who actually participates in cannibalism with the other Yellowjackets. Also he lost his virginity to a lesbian.
Whether or not you choose to believe that Travis is transfem (I do) you cannot deny that, at least narratively speaking, Travis is literally just a girl.
6. Travis is a victim.
I don’t know why nobody in this fandom seems to acknowledge this, but Travis is a sexual assault victim and I’m tired of people constantly overlooking and ignoring that fact. In Doomcoming, the girls (excluding Jackie and Nat) chased him down, sexually assaulted him, and then tried to kill him. That’s not something that’s up for debate or denial, that is literally canon. Stop pretending it didn’t happen. Stop pretending it wasn’t assault. Stop shaming him and making fun of him for struggling with sex, or not always being able to get it up. That’s a normal trauma response after being assaulted/raped. You guys are literally proving the point. This kind of treatment from society towards masculinity and male victims is just playing into the patriarchy and toxic masculinity, and is exactly what made him act the way he did in season 1 in the first place!
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hard--headed--woman · 4 months
Hello and happy Pride Month everyone ! 🏳️‍🌈
As promised, I am going to talk about an important lesbian in history everyday. And this first post is about one of my favourite :
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Renée Vivien !
I have seen some people talk about her here but she clearly isn’t as famous as she should be, and she deserves way more recognition!
Renée Vivien, whose birth name is Pauline Mary Tam, was a British writer poetess, who wrote her poetry (and most of her works) in french ; born in 1877, she died in 1909, at only 32 years old.
Renée was openly a lesbian, and she never tried to hide it despite the society she lived in being extremely homophobic and considering homosexuality as an illness. In her poetry, she mentions her love for women a lot, and wrote a lot of love poems for several of her lovers. This even earned her the nickname “Sappho 1900”. ("Sappho 1900, Sappho cent pour cent").
Of Sappho, she was by the way a huge fan : in 1903, she published the work "Sappho", in which the poet's Greek texts are followed by a French translation, as well as verses by Renée Vivien, which thus "completes" the remaining fragments of Sappho's writings. This collection greatly helped to anchor Sappho's work and her identity as a lesbian woman in our culture.
Her work consists of :
Twelve collections of poems, totalling more than 500 poems
Several translations of Greek poetesses (including Sappho)
Seven books of prose
Around ten novels (written under various pseudonyms)
A posthumously published collection of short Gothic tales (written in English this time)
A book about Anne Boleyn's life
It is also possible to read her diary and the letters she exchanged with her lovers, friends and other personalities of her time, including Natalie Clifford Barney, Colette, Kérimé Turkhan Pacha and others.
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Pauline studied both in Paris and in London, then decided, once she came of age, to come and settle in Paris. She published her first collection,"Études et Préludes" in 1901, under the pseudonym R.Vivien. This pseudonym later became René Vivien (the male version of Renée) then Renée Vivien, the name under which she will be remembered. We can easily guess that she first chose these neutral then masculine pseudonyms to be able to write and be published despite the misogyny and homophobia of her time, especially given the themes exploited in her writings.
Sadness, death, ancient Greece, love, despair, solitude and love are the most recurrent themes in Renée's poems. There is actually a poetry prize in her name, the Prix Renée Vivien, which rewards poets whose themes and style are close to those of Renée Vivien.
Among Renée's best-known lovers is Natalie Clifford Barney, a famous writer and poet, with whom she had a relationship for several years before leaving her, tired of her infidelities. It is said that Natalie never accepted this breakup and tried until the end to get her back by all means, sending her love letters even years after.
Renée then had a relationship of more than six years with the rich Baroness Hélène de Zuylen, married and mother of two children, with whom she traveled extensively around the world and collaborated on the writing of several works (under the collective pseudonym Paule Riversdale). In a letter to her friend Jean Charles-Brun, Renée admitted that she considered herself married to Hélène.
While still living with the Baroness, she received a letter from a mysterious admirer, Kérimé Turkhan Pacha. What followed was an intense four-year epistolary relationship, interspersed with brief clandestine meetings. In 1908, however, Kérimé, the wife of a Turkish diplomat, put an end to their relationship when she had to follow her husband to St. Petersburg. This break-up probably contributed to Renée's tragic end.
The writer was in deep psychological distress, which only worsened from 1908 onwards. Alcoholic and suicidal, she began refusing to eat properly, and attempted suicide with laudanum. After this failed suicide attempt, she contracted pleurisy, which left her very weak, and then chronic gastritis due to her alcohol abuse. She gradually fell into anorexia, and, with her limbs paralyzed by multiple neuritis, she died on November 18, 1909, aged just 32. Her death was attributed to "pulmonary congestion", probably due to pneumonia complicated by alcohol and anorexia.
After her death, intellectuals, artists and newspapers, out of lesbophobia, tried to make her forgotten by the literary world, describing her as a woman of evil and damnation, perverse and cruel, going so far as to invent for her a life of crime, debauchery, orgies with married women, violence and cocaine consumption.
Today, Renée Vivien's name is no longer known to the general public, and is never mentioned alongside those of great ans famous poets such as Arthur Rimbaud or Charles Baudelaire, despite her gorgeous poetry, her immense talent and fascinating work.
She's personally my favourite, and not only because she was a lesbian. Her poetry is the most beautiful, interesting and deep poetry I have ever seen. She deserves to be as famous as Victor Hugo or Paul Eluard (and even more famous, in my opinion lol).
Here is one of her poems, with its english translation :
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A link to some of her poems (in french but you can use a translator) ;
And two links with some of her poems translated into english : 1 and 2.
You should totally buy and read her books and poems, I have them and they're amazing!!! I'll post more translations of her poems in the future for those interested.
Anyway, thanks for reading and see you tomorrow for the second post!
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kurikive · 1 year
searching | kmj.
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— k-arts' film club 'MTseats' is looking for an actress for their next production. kim minji is in debt with her landlord, and such a pretty face can't go to waste. byun y/n is such a loser, though. she can't even look at her main actress in the eye, how will she direct? doesn't help that minji already thinks of her badly because of an incident at a café.
kim minji x fem!reader
gagfic, one sided enemies to lovers, university au, smau
warnings: cursing, mention of mental illness, minji is a little mean hehe, words like sissy and homophobic slurs
starring: newjeans, sohyun yubin dahyun chaeyeon (tripleS), lena (GWSN), hueningkai (txt), rei (ive), shin jaewon (the wind), duna (csr), gunwook (zb1), jiheon (fromis_9), ham jinsik (xikers), may (cherry bullet)
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🔍 MTshits | cutegirlassemble | other friends
1. baby mommy
2. conversion therapy
3. reasonable pay???
4. pervert!
5. newjorts debut
6. byunpham real
7. wini the witch
8. auditions pt.1
9. auditions pt.2
10. huening erasure
11. rei mamas
12. blackmail
13. clocked ur tea
14. bbangsaz toxic
15. no bad feelings
16. reinni
17. hanni-ssi
18. going2geoje
bonus - lʘʘking: jaedu
19. marijuana(?)
20. dic trope
21. BEST TRIP EVER!!!!!!
22. miracles
23. pre-filming + rooms
24. winikai
25. roller coaster
26. pillow fight
27. kitties and nicknames
28. yubin time
29. burning up
30. ...like?
31. cooka da lasagna
32. minki
33. midnight tea
34. ...
# taglist: @dmndtears @sserajeans @yoontoonwhs @sserabey @yumtooki @limbforalimb @haerinkisser @jiwux @brocoliisscared @haerinsloverr @julian-han @imthisclosetokms
send an ask to be added!!!
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chaoticpuppie · 2 months
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Hi , I’m leo , just call me puppy tho! 18 year old trans masc he/him puppy boy ^_^ I am bisexual and submissive :3
I‘ll really just be posting any and everything that comes to my mind 🤍
Please do NOT interact if you are
𖥔 Homophobic/ transphobic
🦴 Anti kink
𖥔 ableist
🦴 fatphobia
𖥔 detrans
🦴 ageless bios / UNDER 18 will be blocked
𖥔 generally here to spread hate. This is my coping
Please DO interact
𖥔 wanting to be friends
🦴 fellow pets
𖥔 lgbtq+ ect!!
🦴 you have questions
𖥔 you just want to chat!
🦴 Kinky Accounts
𖥔 anyone that’s curious
My DMs are always open :3 love to meet new people ^_^ !! You can do things such as praising, degrading, calling me nicknames and more !!
Anons: <3 , ⭐️ , 🦈 , 💌 , ☀️ , 🎸 , 🍓 , 🥃 , - The bigger dog , 🐾, 🍁
Uncollared & looking >.<
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Kink’s ( not limited to ) : Petplay, collaring, cnc, free use, praise and degradation breeding , Creampies, force, impact play, BDSM, branding, riding, face fucking, cockwarming, humping, corruption, chasing, primal play, scent play, rough sex, pain play, blood play, marking, edging and denial, overstimulation and understimulation, bratting, brat taming, exhibitionism, Voyeurismus, possessiveness, 24/7 sub, slave / dom, daddy / sub , somno, semi publicity, orgasm control & denial. Hypnosis, collaring, ownership & more ^_^
Limits: Scat, gore, „laying eggs inside“ , detrans , k9, incest , actual pregnancy, ageplay, weight play, „,cow/ pig“ insults, actual rape, vomit , Feederism , race play, stuff like that
Don’t be negative weird in my DMs :)
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