#regulus x james
disagree - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 197
"Can I ask you something?" Sirius mumbled into the silence, the dark of James's room hiding either of the boys' reactions.
"Hm?" James responded, already half-asleep.
"How long have you liked my brother?"
Immediately, James was awake. His eyes popped open comically, and his heart made a valiant effort to escape through his ribcage. "I-what?"
"Don't argue with me, Prongs. I know you better than anyone. You stare at him like you used to stare at Evans," Sirius's voice cut through the dark insistently.
And that was the thing. He'd told nobody. He'd barely admitted it to himself. But now that Sirius had said it out loud...it did nobody any good for him to disagree.
"Yeah," James murmured softly, finding that he couldn't hold back a smile at the thought. "For a while, I think."
Sirius's chuckle made James grin even more. "It just had to be my brother, huh?" And James knew that he was joking from his tone, which made him even more relieved.
But the answer came to him without having to think about it. "I...don't think I had much of a choice. He's just...everything, you know?"
"Hm. Gross. It's time for bed, mate."
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lexithwrites · 19 hours
james and reg meeting through dorcas and marlene getting married (they're both the best men) and regulus asking dorcas who the hot guy dancing like an absolute idiot to the spice girls with a margarita in his hand and the tie around his head is and dorcas just smiling because she knows reg is gonna love him
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rweoutofthewoods · 2 days
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Youngblood — part I
Here we are folks I’ll post once a day till the last part so see u tmr xx
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genderflouiid · 2 days
marauders as things my friends have said
james: i don’t want to call out this week, there’s a field trip on friday and i really wanna go
regulus: you literally might have appendicitis. we’re going to the hospital
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astronomyth-art · 1 day
Regulus at Hogwarts’ Halloween Party looking at James ✨☀️
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moonyfr · 2 days
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Jegulus hands pt2
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Our children yearn for the waterpark
part one
barbie dolls: Jegulus x you
summary:James takes you and regulus (along with your children) to a waterpark
warnings: your son is named Elliot, also you're referred to as Ren and Rena like the gn term for your parent so just yk it's not an oc i promise, pushing the trans James agenda, James is a baker and regulus is a stay at home dad/writer you’re a teacher just so you know, modern au I'm SORRY, James’ parents are alive, Regulus has freinds, Regulus hates the public water, Allusions to poc Luna harry and james, your race and elliots race is not menntioned everyone is welocome, you dont get in the water, Regulus is a sunscreen god he loves sunscreen so much, Harry is mentioned to have moms theyre giving divorce core mom and dad’s house, james drives a minivan, allusions to autistic reader and Elliot but its not specified, your swimsuit is not mwntioned or described so again everybody welcome, i hate typos oh my god
You liked dating James and Regulus. Your relationship was still very fresh, but their effect was hard to miss. They made you laugh all the time. James was very energetic, matching your kids well. Regulus was blunt and it relaxed your nerves of missing a hidden message in a conversation. And they were both great parents. Your kids already loved each other and they got along well.
School was out. Meaning both you and Elliot had loads of free time on your hands. With summer in full swing, you set up frequent playdates with Elliot’s two best friends. You wanted him to keep his strong bonds with them and it definitely wasn’t because you missed Regulus and James. Regulus was really self-employed. He stayed at home to raise Luna and to write his books. He could easily add a playdate to his schedule. James however was a baker with hours he had to meet. So he didn’t always have a clear schedule. Harry would stay with his grandparents, Euphemia and Fleamont, while James was at work. Harry also spent a lot of time at his Moms’ house. So making a playdate with all three children involved was harder than expected. Elliot still liked hanging out with Luna, and sometimes even Harry too on certain weekends.
Your phone rang as you were cutting up celery for Elliot. He was going through a peanut butter phase, eating it on everything. You picked up the call, holding the phone with your shoulder and the side of your face.
“Hey, Pretty. It’s me.” You smiled at James’ voice. Just as you were about to tell him hi again, he started talking. “Lemme add Regulus.” You stayed silent as his side went quiet. You heard Elliot in the other room, clacking his toys together on the dining room table. You snagged a pretzel from the small pile on his plate. Soon enough James and Regulus both joined.
“Are you guys busy this weekend?” You scoffed at James. You heard Regulus sniffle a laugh on his line.
“James, baby, we’re always free. Do try to remember our professions.” You said as you smeared peanut butter onto Elliot’s celery.
“Right yeah, well I just accidently bought exactly six passes to this really cool waterpark,” James said, whispering the last word. You oooed while Regulus snorted.
“James, do share with us how you accidentally bought exactly enough passes for all of us and our children.” Regulus pressed. You heard Luna in the background let out a yell filled with laughter.
“Was that Luna?” You asked. Regulus explained that her uncles were over and attacking her with tickles. Regulus returned the conversation to the waterpark passes.
“alright fine, you caught me. I missed you guys. I’ve been so busy with work, I feel like I haven’t seen you all summer.” You cooed at James while Regulus let out a whine.
“He cares.” Regulus mocked.
“How adorable.” You joined in making James groan loudly. “What day were you planning on going to the p-a-r-k, James?” You spelled out where you were going so Elliot wouldn’t overhear and get excited. You turned around to the color-coordinated calendar on the fridge. It was mostly empty, you and Elliot preferred the company of each other than strangers. Though you had a really exciting playdate with Luna planned next Thursday. What a wild life you lived.
“This Saturday if that works for you two.” You glanced over at the empty box.
“Yeah, I could squeeze you in.” You muttered into the microphone as you turned back to Elliot’s plate.
“Lemme check my planner.” Regulus waited for a second. “Oh that’s right, I hate human beings. I'm completely free.” James let out a sigh of relief. You picked up Elliot’s plate, walking it to the dining room. Elliot was sitting in a chair, his little arms just barely reaching over the edge of the table, smacking two toy cars together. You set his plate in front of him. Elliot thanked you, shoving the peanut butter-covered celery into his mouth. You kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair before pulling back. You noticed his bare legs.
“Baby, where are your pants?” You tilted your head. Elliot pointed to the bathroom.
“Hamper,” Elliot answered.
“Well, good job putting them in the hamper but why aren’t they on your legs?” You asked.
“Didn’t wanna wear ‘em,” Elliot said, his mouth full of celery.
“Can’t argue with that, make sure you chew all the way okay.” Elliot nodded as you left to go clean the kitchen.
“One thing I will say though, I’m not getting that water. Do you realize how filthy those things are?” You tuned back into the conversation listening to Regulus list off statistics of how gross waterparks are.
“That’s okay, I’ll be in the water so I can make sure Luna doesn’t swim away or anything,” James said, clearing up the problem. You nodded.
“I’ll dry off Luna if you don’t want to touch the water on her, and we’ll lay a towel over one of those chairs that are shaded so we know it's clean. If you feel lonely, I'll sit with you and James if you feel tired we can swap places.” You offered, wanting to fill in any potholes in your plans.
“You are very kind, darling,” Regulus muttered. You cooed at him as you shoved the peanut butter back in the high cabinet so Elliot wouldn’t eat it all in one sitting and hurt his stomach.
“You guys are nasty. I was thinking maybe we carpool so nobody gets lost and it saves gas.” James said. You hummed while Regulus made a disapproving sound.
“James, there’s like twelve of us. Are you driving a bus?” Regulus said, poking holes into James’ ideas. If you were looking at James you assumed he’d be rolling his eyes.
“I have a big van. It has enough seating for us, I counted to make sure.” You hummed.
“Okay, baby, whatever you want.” You agreed, putting the celery into the refrigerator. Regulus sighed.
“I suppose that could work.” You snorted at Regulus’ faked disappointment. You heard Luna call for Regulus on his side.
“I’m being called for Yeti in my Spaghetti, I have to go.” You all said bye before hanging up.
Saturday came faster than you thought it would. You were packing a big bag of sunscreen and towels, in no time. You told Elliot he didn’t need to wear his goggles before you even got in the car but he was excited. You let it slide, you’re only seven once. You were a little anxious about the whole thing, you worried one of the kids would splash Regulus. You were worried they would slip on the wet concrete and crack their head. You worried Elliot’s goggles were too tight on his head. You heard an engine approaching. You looked out the window to verify it was James. Definitely his red minivan, bumper stickers littering the back. You turned around to Elliot.
“You know who’s in the driveway?” Elliot jumped up off the couch, bouncing on his feet.
“Harry and Luna?” You nodded. Elliot bolted towards the door. You were opening the minivan door in no time, a wave of hello’s meeting you and Elliot. Luna and Harry were next to each other in the back row.
“They wanted to sit in the back because they’re spies.” You hummed at Regulus’ explanation. You were able to fit Elliot’s booster seat in the back, next to Luna. You pushed the seat in front of them back, sitting in the row in front of theirs. Regulus was in the passenger seat, tilting his head back to see you. You smiled at him warmly as you buckled your seatbelt. James’ face appeared next to his, looking at you.
“Hi,” James said, a light air to his greeting.
“Okay, waterpark here we come!” James said, loud enough for the back row to hear. The kids all squealed, thrashing their legs and arms around. Your trip to the waterpark calmed your worries. James and Regulus’ presence already working numbers. James apparently made a summertime fun playlist specifically for this. The kids seemed to enjoy it. Luna made her doll dance and Elliot made his car dance. Harry just made himself dance.
You six easily made it through the gates. You were holding hands with Regulus on one side and Elliot on the other. When you look back to see Elliot holding onto Luna’s hand and Luna holding onto Harry’s hand, you had flashbacks to watching ducks cross the road. James was in the front leading you all to his Harry’s favorite part of the waterpark. Regulus narrowly avoided a small kid with Nemo arm floaties splashing. You rubbed his arm in sympathy.
“I'll dry you off if you get any water on you, and I have hand sanitizer and butt wipes in my bag. Regulus knocked your cheek with his head in a thank you. James ran ahead, snagging a sunlounger for Regulus. You pulled a towel out of your bag, handing it to James. Regulus settled onto the chair, digging into his own bag. He motioned for Luna to come over, squirting a mountain of tinted sunscreen into his hands. Regulus smothered Luna in sunscreen, making sure she was covered entirely.
Luna had on an adorable bright orange swimsuit with ruffles around the edges. She had matching arm floaties that she talked Regulus out of, pinkie promising to stay in the shallow end. You knew that within an hour she’d want to go into the deep end and Regulus would have to talk her into a life vest and arm floaties. Luna was free though, slipping her Tinkerbell flip-flops off and splashing into the shallow end. You were in the kid's area so there wasn’t even really a deep end but you could easily imagine Luna tricking someone into taking her to the lazy river.
Harry was next in the sunscreen line. Harry had on a long-sleeved swim shirt and Lighting McQueen shorts. James had on just red shorts. He had already tossed his coverup tee off. You didn’t want to oggle him. James had antler tattoos following the path of the scars on his chest. Regulus’ shorts were blue, you expected him to stay under the shade the whole time.
James pulled his spray can of suscreen out of his bag. Regulus looked aghast at James even thinking of covering a human in that. Regulus slapped it out of James’ hands, using Luna’s sunscreen on Harry instead. Regulus forced James into using Luna’s sunscreen as well. Regulus smothered some over James’ cheeks. It made James fluster, giggling and needing to turn around to take a moment to himself. After Regulus smothered James and Harry in sunscreen, he pulled Elliot over.
You sat next to Regulus as he rubbed sunscreen into Elliot’s skin. You held onto Elliot’s hand, he was squeezing the life out of it. Elliot hated the texture of sunscreen but he liked playing in the water more than sitting in the shade. He just needed a little bit of comfort through it and he was okay. After Regulus was done Elliot moved into your arms for more comfort. You hummed, squeezing him tight. You rocked him gently, giving him all the praises he needed. Elliot eventually pulled back, leaving his shoes next to his friends’ and joining them in the water. You smiled at him splashing with his friends, the three of them flinging water at James, who pretended to die and crash into the water.
You turned back to Regulus, happy you were all together. Regulus was staring at you with a deadly serious look in his eyes. His palms were pointed towards you, you glanced down at them. Your smile slightly fell when you realized they were coated in sunscreen.
“Oh Regulus, I actually put some on at ho-“ Regulus shut you up by smothering your face with his hands. He removed them, smearing his hands down your arms. You sputtered, he avoided your eyes and mouth shockingly. Regulus returned his hands to your face, now gently rubbing it into your face. You understood now why this flustered James. Regulus had both hands on your face treating your skin with such love, making sure you were fully protected. He eventually sat back, adding more to his hands before looking up at you.
“Can I do the rest or do you want to?” You shrugged.
“I’m cool with whatever you want, babe.” Regulus sighed. He hated when people made him make decisions.
“I'll do most.” You hummed in approval. He rubbed sunscreen into most of your skin, handing you the bottle to finish. When you were done you squeezed some of Regulus’ sunscreen into your hands, facing him with the same severity. He looked up from rubbing some into his arms. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“I'll get your back, baby.” Regulus squinted his eyes at you. You grinned.
“Are you trying to steal my job?” You shook your head moving to sit behind him. You applying sunscreen devolved into you just rubbing the tension out of his shoulders. Regulus dropped his head back against you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, lightly pecking his cheek on the way. You both watched as James picked Harry up by his ankles, wrapping his arms around Harry’s legs, and swinging him around. It made Harry giggle loudly, squealing and swinging his arms around. James gently set Harry back on his feet, splashing all three of your kids with a large swing of his arms. James left the water, squeezing his shorts out. He slumped down into the sun lounge chair next to you that you claimed with your bag.
He pulled his arms under his head, sighing. You admired the way the sun warmed his skin. You were not checking him out you were just checking for sunburns. Regulus pressed a kiss to your arm, leaning out of your hold. James opened his eyes, looking over at you both.
“So I was thinking, maybe we go out to eat after this.” You hummed nodding your head.
“You pick, I hate making decisions,” Regulus muttered. You patted his shoulder.
“Parenting must be hard for you.” Regulus nodded at you. He looked up when he heard Luna scream. Harry was splashing her. Elliot was near them staring at the lost water shoe sitting at the edge of the shallow water.
“Elliot, leave the shoe alone.” You yelled over at him. His head shot up, caught. He stood up and pointed down at it.
“Rena, it has no brother. Where’s the owner?” You shrugged at him.
“I don’t know, baby. Leave it alone, you don’t know what somebody could’ve stepped in.” Elliot pouted at you. Your yelling caught the attention of the other two. They stood around the lost shoe staring down at it. You stood up, joining them so now all four of you were standing around this lost shoe and inspecting it. You told them not to touch it running over to the nearby snowcone stand asking for napkins. You picked the shoe up with a napkin. The three children follow you to the trashcan. You set it on top in case the owner came back, and looked for it. You tossed the napkins into the trashcan, turning around to your little huddle of kids.
“Why can you touch it but we can’t?” Luna asked, staring up at you.
“I had napkins, and I’m an adult so I can make my own decisions about my health.” Luna pouted at your answer.
“That’s unjust,” Luna muttered under her breath.
“Can we have napkins?” Harry asked. You shook your head. Elliot scoffed.
“This sucks, you took away my shoe.” You dropped your shoulders.
“I’m sorry hun but you can’t have that shoe. it’s not for you.” You looked around the huddle to make sure they all understood. Luna pushed her wet hair away from her face. Elliot turned around and left, the other two following after him. When you returned to James and Regulus, you noticed how much Luna was fighting with her hair. It kept sticking to her face and annoying her. Her eyebrows were pushed together and she looked close to drowning her mermaid doll.
“Regulus, could I put Luna’s hair up? It keeps getting in her face.” Regulus shrugged. He reached over to his bag, pulling two hairbands off a key chain and handing them to you. You asked Luna if she wanted her hair up. She said yes and settled in front of you on the chair. You had James run to the snowcone stand and ask for a cup of water. You made sure her hair was damp, so you wouldn’t hurt it. You gently pulled her hair up into a ponytail, using the hair ties Regulus gave you to hold it. You patted her arms when you were done. Luna turned around and gave you a tight hug.
After another hour of the kids and James being rowdy, you were all tired. You stayed true to your word, drying Luna off with her towel while Regulus packed up his bag. With everyone buckled in the car, James started towards whatever food place he picked. The ride back from the waterpark was much calmer and quieter than the ride to. The kids were tired, you were tired, the car was tired. You glanced over at Regulus when you heard him mutter something. You noticed James’ hand resting on Regulus’ thigh. You smiled at that, glad you were all close. James smiled brightly at Regulus, making the car heat up with his joy.
“Well thank you, I like your swimsuit too.” You glanced at the backseat making sure all three kids were asleep.
“Oh, that’s why you invited us to the waterpark. To see me and Regulus half naked. I get it now.” James looked at you through the rearview mirror.
“No, I wanted you guys to have fun, don't soil my good name like that,” James said, giving you a playful glare. Regulus ignored you both, resting his head against his arm on the door. You noticed James’ thumb swiping back and forth in a soothing manner. You smiled at him before returning your attention out the window.
Eventually, you were gently rocking the kids’ knees so they would wake up. When they realized they had the prospect of chicken strips and french fries, they were scrambling out of their seats. You were sat at a round booth. It was more of a fast food than a restaurant place so your wet swimsuit coverups weren’t really a problem. You helped Elliot pick out his meal as James helped Harry. Luna apparently already knew what she wanted, busying herself with the sugar packets.
Your food arrived and you cut up Harry’s chicken strips while James caught you and Regulus up with what was going on with him. You slid Harry’s plate back to him. Elliot handed you the small bowl of ketchup like it was going to bite him.
“Nasty, Rena. I don't want it.” You nodded, taking it away. You set it between you and James so Elliot wouldn’t have to look at it.
“Oh thank you.” James dunked one of his fries into the bowl. You weren’t going to correct him and tell him you didn’t do that on purpose so you just smiled. You checked on Elliot, seeing him chomp into his chicken strips, tearing it away. He rawred before chewing properly. You put together that he was probably pretending to be a dinosaur. His favorite was a velociraptor. He liked that they looked like ‘stupid chickens’. You glanced over at Luna. She was chowing down on her burger. She ordered for herself. She did a great job too. Luna was very well-spoken, she seemed to have a big vocabulary. It probably had something to do with living with a writer. Especially a writer like Regulus.
You tore off a corner from your paper napkin. You rolled it into a ball before chucking it at Regulus. It hit him square in the forehead. Regulus set his fork down, looking down at the paper ball in his lap. He looked up at you and James both smothering your laughter. He reached over and covered Harry’s eyes before flipping you off. Elliot was luckily under the table getting his crayon off the floor. James dropped his fry. Regulus picked up his fork taking a proud bite out of his own fry. You ignored the fact he was eating fries with his fork and that he passed it to Luna.
“What about Luna?” James asked. Regulus removed his hand from Harry. Harry glared at Regulus before picking up another chicken strip.
“Oh, I already sawed that. Uncle B said it means I love you but Uncle Rosie told me the truth. Uncle B likes partial jokes.” Luna said, matter of factly. She kept her eyes on her burger before taking a bite. Regulus nodded at her.
“Practical, not partial. You used the phrase practical jokes correctly though. Good job, Lue.” Luna smiled with her cheeks full at Regulus. You understood why her vocab was so big now, it was Regulus. Elliot rawred again, making three claws with his fingers to pick up his chicken strips.
You were all strapped into James’ minivan and on the way back home, in no time. The kids were entertaining each other in the backseat. James had his playlist softly playing in the background.
“We should get together just us,” James said. Regulus looked away from his window raising an eyebrow at him.
”Is that not what we just did?” Regulus asked. James shook his head.
“No I mean like we should go on a for real date, not a playdate that we happen to flirt in the background. We go out just the three of us. Maybe not the waterpark though.” James explained, keeping his eyes on the road.
“I want to but it’s kinda hard getting a babysitter.” You said, looking between them. Regulus turned around to make eye contact with you.
“Elliot could spend the night at my house, I have like a thousand free babysitters,” Regulus said, waving his hand through the air.
“What will Uncle B teach my kind how to say fuck in every language?” You teased. Regulus pressed his lips togehter.
”He’s actually not that bad, he’s really good with kids. He just also has an odd sense of humor.” you squinted at Regulus. ” It's alright if you don't want him to babysit I can have Evan and Dorcas babysit. Evan is just as insane as Barty but he lowers it while around children. Barty doesn’t. Docas is super cool, she’ll probably teach Elliot how to sword fight with wrapping paper tubes.”
“Docas does sound sick.” You muttered. James cheered.
“See we can go out for real, Regulus you do the planning this time.” Regulus nodded at James.
“I actually really like planning, I wish I had my joural. I would’ve taken notes.” Regulus sadly muttered. Once you were back home, Elliot passed out on the couch. You smiled at him clutching his car to his chest. You were excited for Regulus to call you and start his planning process.
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fuck-i-love-october · 10 hours
Loud people always pick the quiet ones, even when the other loud ones long to be seen by them just as much but it's just the Angelica, Alexander, and Eliza parallel with Barty, James, and Regulus(Sunkiller)
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cheekyboybeth · 1 day
Marauders as conversations I’ve had
Sirius: come cuddle, Reggie
James: yeah! Join us
Regulus: I’m good…
Sirius: be my sibling for once and cuddle me
Regulus: I hate physical contact
James: *pulls him into the cuddle* join us
Regulus: ew get off
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lulublack90 · 15 hours
Prompt 18 - Date
@jegulus-microfic June 18, Word count 585
Previous part First part
“Monty, I need you to either adopt me or marry me because if those two idiots break up I won’t survive not having this cake in my life,” Sirius gushed dramatically, while Regulus groaned and tried to disappear into his chair. James pulled him back up while the others laughed loudly at Sirius’s words. 
“Son!” Monty cheered, throwing his arms wide for Sirius. 
“Father!” Sirius bellowed as he crashed into Monty’s arms.
“Brother!” James jumped up and joined the hug. 
Regulus slid down again. 
“You know,” Remus said to him from the opposite side of the table, mischief dancing in his eyes. “If Sirius is now adopted by Effie and Monty, that means he’s James’s brother, and you’re Sirius’s brother, which means you are officially dating your new brother,” Regulus’s face twisted into a grimace as Remus snickered over the table. 
“Remus Lupin, you are a doctor, behave yourself,” Effie scolded him. “Regulus darling, will you help me make the coffee?” She didn’t wait for an answer, grabbing Regulus’s and dragging him next door. 
“Are you alright, darling?” She asked kindly, busying herself with the kettle and finding enough mugs for everybody.
“Yes, Sirius is just loud,” He lied swiftly. Effie raised a knowing eyebrow. 
“Whatever you say dear,” Effie smiled at him as she handed him the towering tray.
“Yes, Monty!” Sirius said loudly, nearly making Regulus drop the tray, “Reggie, Reggie guess what! Monty and I have a date!” Regulus ignored him and put the tray down. James came to his side and pulled him in close. 
“Dad’s going to show him how to bake the cake, that’s all,” He reassured Regulus. 
“Sirius, put my husband down and come have some coffee,” Effie ordered as everyone took their seats again. 
Regulus was relieved when the time came to go home. He accepted the warm hugs from Effie and Monty without fuss and promised to come back soon. Sirius ran back for one more hug and Regulus used that as his distraction and booted Remus out of the back of the car. 
“What the?!” Sirius said, surprised when he opened the back door and found James staring back at him. 
“Get in the front, loser. It’s our turn in the back.” Regulus glowered at his brother. Sirius slammed the door shut and climbed into the front. 
Regulus leaned over and rested his head on James’s shoulder, letting out a quiet sigh. He couldn’t wait to get into bed. Maybe he’d have a nice hot bath first, maybe with a hot chocolate, maybe with a naked James. 
Sirius pulled up outside the house and froze. 
“Regulus, stay in the car,” He said evenly. Regulus tensed up. 
“Why? What’s wrong?” His voice shook. Sirius was only like this when it was bad.
“Just stay, okay. James keep him in here.” Sirius got out of the car and Remus followed him. 
“He doesn’t want you here! Leave him alone! If I have to call the police again on you I will!” Sirius’s angry voice travelled into the car. 
“Jealous Sirius that for once you’re not the centre of attention? That I prefer Regulus over you?” Barty. Barty was there. Regulus burst out of the car and ran towards the house. There, standing under the stoop, leaning against the door, was Barty. “Hello, lover,” Barty lowered his voice into a growl. Regulus felt a chill run through his veins as he looked into Barty's eyes. This couldn't be good.
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“You’re wasting your time, Potter,” Regulus murmured, turning away so James couldn’t see his own desire mirrored back in Regulus’s own eyes.
“It’s not a waste of time if it’s for you,” James replied, fingers tracing lightly over Regulus’s hand as he reached for him, making the shorter boy’s entire body feel warm.
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lexithwrites · 3 days
Random jegulus NSFW on this fine Monday:
(As always, everything is safe, sane and consensual)
Important tags: power play relationship, pet play (use of puppy and good boy), oral sex
James loved being told what to do.
Growing up he had been allowed to run around and act, say and do whatever he wanted—being an only child and the only grandchild of the family had it’s perks. His parents showered him with love and praise and presents and food and it showed; he was spoilt. He had a good heart, and he knew right from wrong, but he had grown up never being given instructions. James was a kind boy, he was never mean or rude, but he knew he could have anything he wanted.
When he had wanted Regulus, he got him. Obviously. But Regulus wasn’t like his past relationships. James had been in charge, the provider, the protector, all of it. And he loved it, he really did. Knowing someone looked up to him, needed him, trusted him. He was used to that. But the dynamic with Regulus was the complete opposite.
And he realised it’s exactly what he had needed all along.
Regulus was headstrong and controlled, not to the point where James had no say, but he knew what James wanted without even asking. It was like he was inside his head at all times and reading his internal monologue like one of his novels in the library. He annotated and memorised, then used every single word against him in the best way possible. Especially since James seemed to crumble under his touch, his words melted him, and those eyes…James was hypnotised.
So, when Regulus saw how irritated and pent up he was that morning, he knew what to do. James never got angry, it was rare for him to lose that cool demeanour he kept up for everyone. He let go in front of Regulus, though. Only for him. And he was close to snapping today. Regulus watched James push his glasses up into his hair and rub his face with an exasperated sigh. Uni hadn’t been easy for James, even though he loved studying History and was good at it, the essays he was given were brutal sometimes. Regulus studied English literature and was pretty ahead of his work, so helped James where he could. But this man was stubborn, and that wouldn’t do when he got himself into moods like this.
“James?” Regulus asked across the room from where he was lying on the bed. James desk was directly in front of him, and his broad back had been the only thing he’d focused on in the last half an hour. But as much as he enjoyed the view, he wanted James’ eyes on him. “Jamie?”
“What, love?” He mumbled back from behind his hands.
Regulus tilted his chin. “Don’t talk like that.” The tone made James’ flinch, realising his mistake. “Take a break, Jamie. You need it.”
“I—I need to finish, though.” James finally turned and he was pouting, holding the back of the desk chair with his hands and resting his head against it. Regulus thought he was adorable, but he didn’t need adorable right now. He wanted desperate.
“You’re not going to finish it now. You’ve been staring at the same paragraph for half an hour.” Regulus pointed out and James looked back at his computer, knowing he was right. “Come here.”
“Baby, it’s due in two days.”
“Come here, James.” James swallowed and spun around to face him, hands gripping the arm rests. Regulus sat up and got to his knees, using a finger to beckon him. “Puppy, do as you’re told.”
James whined and Regulus saw a muscle jump in his jaw. He knew the safe word if he needed it, but Regulus knew how James would react if he wanted to use it. Right now, he could see true longing in James’ eyes. The need. Regulus could read his mind after all. James crawled onto the bed, hands and knees like he was supposed to, and was eventually face to face with Regulus.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Regulus was already cupping his face and shaking his head.
“Don’t be sorry, love. You’re not in trouble. I want to help.”
“Thank you.” James breathed out in relief and pushed his face into Regulus’ neck. Regulus ran his hands over his shoulders and the expanse of his back, taking a private moment to admire how beautiful his boyfriend was. He didn’t know what higher power gave James to him, but they couldn’t have him back. Never. Regulus kissed along James’ neck and hummed at the shiver he received in return.
“What do you want, my love?” Regulus whispered into his ear. Regulus knew what he wanted, but he needed James to tell him first. He was throbbing between his legs already, and getting wetter at the ideas circling his brain, but he wanted James to answer. To tell him exactly what he already knew.
“Eat.” James moaned, hips coming down against the bed for friction. Regulus tutted at him but didn’t stop him.
“Yeah? Then go ahead.” He spread his legs and James groaned before lowering his head to look down. He was only in boxers and one of James’ shirts, and he could clearly see the wet patch forming. James was at his mercy, he always had been. Regulus leant back against the pillows so his legs were outstretched, and he cupped James’ face again. “You can either cum while you eat me out,” he said, smiling at the way James’ eyes glazed over at that, “or I can ride you after. Which would you like?”
“I…I don’t know.” James mumbled, nuzzling his palm. “Whatever you want.”
“Good boy, love. We’ll see if you last and decide then, yeah?” James nodded and kissed Regulus’ hand, then his wrist, then down his arm to his chest, and pushed his shirt up to get access to his stomach. Regulus let go of him then, and watched in admiration as James made his way down to his thighs, moaning as he kissed and sucked and squeezed his soft skin. Regulus arched his back and inhaled through his nose. Yes, he was in charge, but James still made him just as desperate. Especially like this.
James lips met the edge of Regulus’ boxers and, with his teeth, tugged them down his hips. Regulus shivered when the cool air hit his skin and helped James get them off him, laying there half naked and biting his thumb nail. Sometimes, even now, he’d get nervous when he was naked. It had taken a long time for Regulus to feel confident about it and James had been the biggest help so far. But he still glanced away when James moaned, pressing his lips just under his navel.
“I love you,” he mumbled, massaging the soft skin of his thighs, “I love making you feel good.”
“I know, Jamie.” Regulus replied quietly, taking a hand to his hair and running his fingers through his curls. He pulled his glasses away so they wouldn’t fall down and folded them, nearly putting them on the bedside table.
“Can I?” He asked, spreading Regulus’ legs and looking up at him with pleading eyes. Regulus gently tugged his hair and pushed his face closer.
“Go on, puppy.” He encouraged, and James didn’t hesitate. His tongue ran through Regulus’ folds, circling his clit and then attaching his mouth to him to properly start pleasuring him. Regulus let himself melt into the bed, arching his back and closing his eyes. When James wasn’t looking, he’d let himself lose control a little more—he still hated how his face looked during sex, even though James always called him handsome or beautiful. He liked keeping some things to himself. “Just like that.” He encouraged, feeling James lap at his pussy and moan against him. His large hands were wrapped around his thighs and kneading them, clearly wanting something to ground himself. Regulus could see his hips rock down into the bed and he smirked, tugging James’ curls.
“Mphmm.” James mumbled and looked up through his lashes.
“You’re going to make yourself cum if you’re not careful, love.” Regulus warned. “Do you want to?”
James nodded, not taking his eyes off him.
“It’s okay, puppy. You can cum whenever you want, you just have to—ah, fuck—make me cum too, yeah?” Regulus felt that familiar tug in his gut and he clamped his mouth shut. James whined, squeezing his hip. Regulus knew what he wanted. He wanted to hear him. Regulus let out a soft sigh and rocked his hips against his mouth. “It’s embarrassing—“
“S’not.” James insisted, pulling back to lap at him again and swallow. “You sound so pretty, baby.”
“Shut up.”
“Never.” James smiled and kissed his thigh. “Please? You sound so good.”
“Fucking…fine just, just keep going.” Regulus grumbled and James did just that, his tongue and mouth working harder and faster after that encouragement. And Regulus, eventually, started to let out his moans. They were high pitched and desperate and even if he hated it…he liked making James happy too. Their relationship worked both ways, it was equal, and sometimes he just had to bite the bullet. It’s not like James would ever make fun of him for it. It was the opposite—it could make him finish quicker. “Jamie—puppy, just like that, don’t stop doing that!” He gasped and threw his head back as his pussy started to throb and pulse around James’ tongue, legs shaking beside his head. Regulus moaned his boyfriends name and gripped his hair as he slowly came down from the high to see James lying with his face on his thigh. “Do you need me to help?”
“I finished..” James sighed dreamily, bucking his hips and grunting. “Fuck…you always push me over when you sound like that.” He giggled and hid his face as Regulus smiled, stroking his hair.
“Do you feel better?”
“Mhm. Much. Need a shower though.”
“Good, so do I.” Regulus stretched his arms up and moved to get off the side of the bed, but James beat him too it. He was suddenly scooped up into his arms and laughed when James beamed down at him. “As if I’m letting you walk.” James winked and kissed his cheek before carrying him into the shower.
James loved being told what to do, but sometimes he didn’t need to be told. He just knew.
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James: Now, I wouldn't say 'abducted'-
James: We're just...borrowing him.
James: I guess I have a death wish?
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not-rab · 1 month
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this with jily BUT james ends up falling in love with the therapist (*cough* regulus)
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the-original-gays · 6 months
James: I am 100% straight.
Sirius: Remus Lupin, freshly showered, in nothing but a towl.
James: I am 90% straight.
Lily: Frank Longbottom in his quiditch uniform.
James: I am 80% straight.
Remus: Regulus black with a ring on each finger.
James: I am not straight.
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aludraslytherin · 1 month
Lily: Does anyone know why James and Regulus are sitting back to back holding hands?
Barty: They got in a pretty bad fight, Reg is mad at Potter.
Lily: Okay but why the hand holding then?
Remus: James got scared that Regulus doesn't love him anymore, so that's their solution until they calm down.
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