#i can talk about my past in a neutral way and use my life experience to analyze movies
hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Having The Same Abilities As Wolverine
Requested: Heyy! Can I request a the boys preference where reader is a supe who pretty much has wolverine's powers? Ty!! - @ghostlyaccurate
Requested: Hii can I request the boys pref x female wolverine? <33 - anon
A/N: Reminder my loves! Everything is written as gender neutral, I don't write specifically freader or mreader. I hope you like it! I am working 100% from Wolverines Wikipedia page lol since I forget most of his powers. Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher finds your abilities both disgusting and impressive. Your super sight, smell, etc. are really helpful in certain situations. He jokingly calls you their own personal Tek Knight, which you shut down immediately. What's disgusting is when your claws come out, breaking through the skin of your knuckles. There's a lot of blood. There's a lot of pain even with your healing. And something about them just freaks him out. You jokingly try to poke him with them, touch him with them, and though he'd never admit it, he absolutely hates the feeling. There's just something wrong about them that he can't pinpoint or describe. They're helpful for sure and watching you use them is always gory, he'd just like for them to go away as quickly as possible.
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Hughie finds you fascinating. The healing and the claws are always cool, but it's the fact that you're so much older than all of them, so much more experienced, and yet you age so little. Because you're body heals so well, you age at a slower rate than the rest of the world. While that's not totally new for Supes, he's always interested in hearing about your life. You have so much knowledge, so many more experiences, so many lives lived before this mess took over. You find it the least interesting part of your abilities, but Hughie's always had an appreciation for the underappreciated. He loves to listen to you talk about the past, what the world was like, what Vought and The Seven were like. It wasn't always this fucked, at least that's the conclusion he comes to as you talk. It was fucked, it was a mess, but the introduction of Homelander really set in stone this future.
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Annie is your confidant. The healing factor has saved your and others lives countless times, but everyone forgets you can still feel pain. Long after your body has put itself back together, the phantom pain lingers. It's excruciating and, secretly, you live in fear of being torn apart. Days and weeks later, you move as if you're still broken. You'll wake up, confused for a moment, expecting to be torn limb from limb, before you come to your senses. Even your claws leave your hands raw, arthritic. You know Annie thinks about that more than anyone else. You told her one night about the pain and since then she's always been aware, quietly asking you if you're alright. Sometimes the pain goes away in a few hours, other times it takes weeks. It all depends on the severity. You try not to complain, knowing you must sound like a broken record, but she doesn't see it that way.
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M.M., kind of like Butcher, is weirded out by your claws. He doesn't mind the healing or the heightened senses. For the most part, those things are hidden. It's the claws he gets the heebie jeebies from. You poke fun at him because of this. Out of all the Supe abilities you could have gotten, claws aren't the oddest thing you could have developed. He is reminded of Webweavers abilities and that puts things into perspective for a little while. He didn't trust you in the beginning. It was hard to show him you weren't just another Supe hopped up on V. You're a lot older than everyone, you've experienced more, you're wiser than he gives you credit for. He learns to trust you because of your level head. In situations where other people would be losing their shit, you're calm, cool, and collected. It isn't your abilities that make him befriend you, it's the person underneath them.
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Frenchie both loves and hates your abilities. He finds your claws fascinating. Every time you use them he's left in awe. He loves watching you use them, the way you can hide them and bring them out when they're least expecting it. He doesn't find them weird or odd like his friends. They're amazing. He hates, though, that your heightened senses are basically a lie detector test he fails every time. You know when he's been drinking, smoking, getting high. You try not to make a big deal about it, but you do talk to him about it in private. You know when he's lying, though any non-Supe could figure it out when they learn all his tells. He's not as good as he thinks he is at lying. He's always amazed with your stamina, too. It's something a lot of people tend to overlook about your powers, but he doesn't.
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Kimiko and you bond effortlessly. Your abilities are so similar and yet so different. Together you're a fantastic duo, unstoppable. She likes touching your claws, though hates the way they have to come out. She knows what it's like, to have to sacrifice yourself, your body, for the greater good. She knows what it's like to wake up confused and, for a moment, feeling as if you're missing parts of yourself. The two of you work together effortlessly and find a lot of humor in your abilities whereas everyone else sees a severed limb of broken bones, you can see just how silly the body is, how fragile and easily it both breaks and repairs itself. She loves your heightened senses and always tells her what you can find out: M.M. got a new chapstick (strawberry), Butcher ate something with peppers, Annie got Hughie a new cologne, etc.
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myimaginedcorner · 3 months
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Hello my dear readers,
WE DID IT! After a few weeks of wait and talks, I can finally announce that Scales of Justice has been officially accepted for publication, both on Hosted Games and on Steam! The current publication date is set for January 2025; however, if that changes, I will update you with new information.
You can now wishlist the game on Steam! Here's the link -> https://store.steampowered.com/app/3089710/Scales_of_Justice/
I am so, so grateful to everyone who has been here for me during these past 3 years. What began as a shy attempt at dreaming has grown into a marvelous project that taught me so much, brought me so many new experiences and skills, and is going to end with my first publication as an author. I cannot be more grateful and excited. I hope this is only the beginning of an amazing journey.
I am currently finishing my degree and working on preparing for the release; however, I will soon be posting a little more of my thoughts about future projects (including SoJ 2), continuing Torn Page, and being a bit more active around here. Until then, please, spread the word, and let's celebrate this together! ^^
Scales of Justice is a fantasy story that takes place in a world afar – a place called Therania. Albeit there was some interaction between Therania and other worlds a long time ago, now it’s solely a tale from their lost past… or, at least, that is the most common belief. Regardless, this story does not focus on extraterrestrial connections: its plot revolves around the people of Therania and their lives, their history and – what’s more important – their ‘determined’ future.
There are plenty of species living together in Therania, yet the human race is currently split in two: the one known as Hero kingdom, which is ruled by ‘heroes’, and the one named Vannais kingdom, controlled by ‘villains’. Both nations hate each other - here, the fight of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is something that happens on a national level. The game is focused on lore, character development, and the player's choices: perhaps, your MC just wants to live a peaceful life... or maybe they want to save the world.
Or even rule it, if you’re into such things.
Set off on a new adventure towards Neutral Lands, to meet a mythic creature of all answers - The Visionary.
Play as a woman, man, or non-binary - straight, gay, or asexual.
Gather up to 3 companions to help you in your quest - befriend, romance, or rival them, the choice is yours.
Buy a horse - we know you want one.
Fight, conjure, support, speak or think - choose your way of handling a tricky situation.
Explore the kingdom of Hero up to Menai's shores, in search for someone - or something - to aid you in your journey.
The DEMO version of the book runs up to Chapter 5 and contains 276K words overall.
If you want to know a little more about this project and read chapters 1-5, I'll leave the link to the game here -> https://dashingdon.com/play/myimaginedcorner/scales-of-justice/mygame/
If you want to discuss anything on CoG's forum, I'll leave the link for SoJ here -> https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-scales-of-justice-new-project-announcement-and-demo-release/101088/16
If you want to send me a more extensive feedback, here's my email -> [email protected]
Shoren/Seile → Heir to the Hero kingdom’s throne, right where your journey starts. Also, your old friend who’s very attached to you. Likes to read and practices magic, enjoys adventure and heroic deeds. A recognised “hero”, with blonde curly hair, pale skin and a pair of sapphire eyes.
Robert/Reina → Order’s Paladin, defender of Hero and Knight of Fate. Brave and honourable, determined to protect the people of the kingdom. Very loyal to friends and very dangerous as an enemy. Has short brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build.
Valerius/Venis → An Outworlder caught by cultists in the Wicked Woods. Gracious, elegant and charismatic. Has long dark brown hair with a silver streak, olive skin and golden eyes.
Arion/Aria → Leader of Vannais, a recognised “villain” who escaped from Hero and now rules the enemy kingdom. Serious but temperamental. Prefers action over words and so, is always present on battlefields and amidst negotiations, even if in an unofficial manner. Has short blonde hair, pale skin and emerald eyes.
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samgirl98 · 5 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 10/?
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Well, here it is. Sorry for the long wait.
“What do you want, fruit loop?”
Danny got in a defensive posture, sure Vlad would try to attack him one way or another.
Vlad raised his hands, “I just want to talk, little badger. Especially since new secrets have come to light. I want to ensure certain ones stay in the dark from your moth—parents. We wouldn’t want them to find out how much of a killer son they had brought into their home, now would we?”
Danny scowled. He knew his eyes were glowing when Vlad started smirking.
“How dare you threaten me, Plasmius?” Danny said in a low voice. The room got colder. “I am the Crowned Prince of the Infinite Realms; I will be your King. The only reason you’re not fully dead right now is because I’ve been holding back. Don’t test me.”
“You adorable, Danyal,” Danny gritted his teeth at the way Vlad sneered his real name, “but let’s think about this logically, shall we? Your parents just found out their adopted son was sent to spy on them by a cult interested in their research. Fine, that’s one thing; they can forgive that. You’re still their precious baby boy.”
“Now, imagine you add on top of that. You tell them you’re Phantom, the ghost boy menace of Amity Park. Not only that, but you’re the Crowned Prince of the Ghost Zone, the future king of the very species they sought to experiment with and exterminate. Do you believe they can take the pressure and the angst? Will they forgive you?”
“And let’s say they do accept you for being Phantom? What will they do when they find out their son wasn’t just a part of a cult but an assassin? Will they see you as a monster for taking lives and being Phantom? Have you thought about that?”
“You just don’t want mom to find out you’re the Wisconsin ghost,” Danny accused even as a small voice at the back of his head whispered at him.
“Believe what you will, little badger. Believe what you will,” with those last words, Vlad disappeared.
Danny collapsed. Now, what should he do?
Bruce picked up the phone.
“This is Bruce Wayne.”
“Hello, Mr. Wayne, it’s Maddie Fenton.”
“Mrs. Fenton, how nice to hear from you again.”
“Put it on speaker,” Tim mouthed.
All of his children stopped what they were doing and paid attention. Bruce almost left the room but knew that would make them more curious and force them to find destructive ways to eavesdrop. With a silent sigh, he did what Tim told him to do while giving them.
“How may I help you, Mrs. Fenton?”
“Danny has agreed to a DNA test. When do you want to do it?”
His children perked up at the new information.
“As soon as possible,” he answered. He wanted to be a part of Danny’s life and wanted written proof Danny was his. “I have ways to do a discreet DNA so the media won’t catch wind of it.”
“Hm, that’s fine. How does tomorrow work for you, Mr. Wayne?”
“Tomorrow’s fine. I’ll pick you up—”
“No need,” Mrs. Fenton interrupted, “Tell us where we have to be, and we’ll meet you there.”
Her voice was neutral, if a bit off-putting. Bruce gave the name and address of the hotel where he was staying. While Bruce would’ve loved to have used the Batcomputer to do the test, he knew he couldn’t explain it to the Fentons. Instead, he got a trusted company that would keep the secret to do it and were on standby.
They would come to the hotel, take a sample and have it back to him in 72 hours.
“We’ll be there at 9 o’clock. Oh, and Mr. Wayne?”
“It doesn’t matter what that test says. Danny is a Fenton. He’s our son. Ours. We’ve raised him; we’ve been his parents for the past eight years. So, if you try to take him from us, you will have a fight. Your money doesn’t scare us. We will do anything for Danny. Anything.”
“Mrs. Fenton, I would never want to take Danny away from the people he loves. I want to know if he’s my son and how I can help him. If that means he stays with you, well, that’s his decision.”
“Hmph,” she huffed, “We’ll meet tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
“That went well,” Tim said.
“She feels I’ll take away her son. It’s only natural for a parent to want to defend their child,” Bruce said.
He may not show it most of the time, but he would protect his children with his dying breath, and if anyone tried to take them away from him, well, he would move Earth and Hell to get them back. He could blame the Fentons for wanting to protect their son from him. If anything, it made Bruce feel better that his son had found such loving parents.
“Now, where were we with these Anti-Ecto laws?”
He would protect his son however he could.
Two boys ran in the park with a dog chasing after them.
Damian watched them and felt envious. He could’ve had that with Danyal if he had looked for his brother after he went with his father. Instead, he had removed his brother so far from his mind that Damian had completely forgotten him. Even when he started getting along with his adopted siblings, Danyal never entered his thoughts.
Respawn suddenly came to his mind.
He still remembered his joy when he found out he had a blood brother, not an adopted one. Danyal still hadn’t crossed his mind. There was so much joy for a half-brother who wanted to kill him when his twin had been left alone and forgotten.
The two boys began wrestling with each other, giggling the whole time.
Would Damian and Danyal have had a normal sibling relationship if Damian had brought him home to father sooner?
“What’s on your mind, baby bat?”
“Tt, nothing, Richard.”
“He’ll come around if you show him you want him in your life.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
Richard shrugged, “Then we leave him to be and protect him from afar.”
Damian frowned. He didn’t like Richard’s solution. He wanted his brother to come with them so he could mend the relationship. So he could show Danyal how much he’s changed. He didn’t need a fake family; he had father and the rest of their siblings.
Damian was about to say so when an explosion rocked through Amity. Richard got up quickly and looked toward the direction of the explosion.
Green, Lazarus green plumes (always that accursed color) rose into the sky.
Damian didn’t think; he ran toward it. He knew his brother would be there and was determined to help.
“Damian, wait!”
With a slight twinge of guilt, Damian ignored his older brother. He couldn’t afford to wait. He had a brother to help.
It's been a few busy months for me. First, depression hit me like a wrecking ball. Then, we moved, and I started a new job, and the next thing I knew, it was May.
I hope this chapter was worth the wait. Thanks for reading
@itsberrydreemurstuff @youracearocroatneighbour @imsotiredfanficlovertm @nek0mancer @bianca-hooks123 @browsing33 @moonshell25
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The significance of 9, 99, and 999 in Asriel’s letter
Or: a disjointed analysis of Chara’s obsession with power vs. Asriel’s obsession with friendship and novelty.
Disclaimer: I haven’t played the game in a while, so some of the information may be misremembered. I tried my best using clips/screenshots for reference.
Disclaimer 2: I am also a Chara sympathizer!!!!! I changed the wording a bit to reflect this.
Chara loved the number 9 because they believed that in reaching the highest number, they’d become invincible. It’s implied in-game that Chara didn’t have a good past with the humans, so when they fell into the underground, the concepts of being safe and having power were likely novel experiences to them. They found comfort in the finality of “making it to the top” and staying there.
(Asriel was just happy to have a friend.)
Chara used to fill up their glass to the brim. Not necessarily because they were all that thirsty, but because it was “the most efficient way” to do things. Asriel followed their lead.
(There was a lot of spilled water in the house.)
Chara, regardless of if their motivations were altruistic, neutral, or vengeful, wasn’t fully satisfied with their life in the underground at some point towards the end. They utilized the influence they had over Asriel to strong-arm him into a plan he voiced becoming uncomfortable with on a couple different occasions.
(He recorded the two of them talking about their plan. He kept the lens cap on by accident at first. Then on purpose. Then, when he took it off, Chara instructed him to turn off the camera.)
Asriel valued having Chara in his life. The thought of his friendship with Chara having a an expiration date was terrifying to him. He decided somewhere along the way that if he wanted to hold on to every single good memory they shared, he’d need to ensure he had enough space for them.
Asriel’s “highest number” in the letter went from 99 to 999 in the same letter. Maybe he could just keep adding more 9s to his memory counter. Maybe if he didn’t keep an eye on the numbers, he could stay with Chara forever…
(When Asriel didn’t do what Chara said— when Asriel said he didn’t want to kill the humans on the surface, Chara tried to take control. They couldn’t compromise on what they wanted. It killed both of them.)
Asriel later gained the power to reset. He couldn’t feel anything for anyone anymore, but out of curiosity, he tried every combination of actions available.
It became boring. He wanted more. He wanted Chara.
If he squinted his eyes really hard, he could pretend that YOU were Chara.
In the normal ending fight with Asriel, his stats became infinite. You felt the space in your inventory becoming smaller and smaller, filled with “Last dreams.”
(Through determination, the dream came true. You were able to heal yourself. Nothing could hurt you anymore. You were invincible.)
He still wanted to defeat you. He still wanted control. He still wanted to reset and bring all of your memories back to zero. He told you that determination, the power that let you get this far, was going to be your downfall.
(It was for him, after all.)
Yet as the player, you were still able to come back from death, so long as you stayed determined. It frustrated him. He told you he was fighting to keep Chara around because he cared about them.
He told you he didn’t want this to end. He told you he didn’t want to say goodbye.
When he became a monster again, he made a choice of his own: he wanted to break the barrier and let everyone to free.
(He sacrificed his own happiness to let everyone else be free. He accepted that he needed to let go. He accepted that you need to continue on in the timeline without him.)
Still, you as the player have the option to undo all that progress, if you feel the desire to. Just like Flowey, you can start seeing experiences and friendships as just numbers too.
On the neutral/pacifist run, Chara never fought for control over the player. But once you started killing in the genocide, they gained power and sought to use it by the end of the story.
In the genocide route, Flowey begged Chara to let him help. He thought up a plan to go to the surface and then live there. He was tired of the resets. He wanted stability with the one person he found interesting.
And then that person killed him.
Unlike Asgore in the scene before, there were no 9s above Flowey’s head when he died.
(I’m not 100% sure of the implications there, but it feels like a loaded detail, now.)
At the end of the genocide run, Chara wants to be your partner now. They have you trapped in the void. If you don’t do what they say, you’ll be stuck here forever.
If you want to keep playing the game, you have to agree. They kill you. Your screen floods with more 9s than you can count.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Chara’s next goal could be to conquer YOU.
(But. No one can hurt anyone anymore)
Chara’s next goal may just be to stop you.
But again: Overall, YOU still have the power to reopen the game. YOU have the power to play around with everyone’s lives. No matter how much control the kids fight for, they’re at YOUR mercy, at the end of the day.
(There’s a highest number for you, too, though, isn’t there? Eventually, you’ll get bored and turn off the game.)
But maybe not. You can always turn on the computer again and meet with Flowey at the beginning, like nothing ever happened.
Maybe Flowey was right when he said that determination would be your downfall.
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prime-adeptus · 1 year
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As minimal as this may seem, you wonder if he knows how much it means to you that he came. Your days have been lonely with you feeling increasingly out of touch with everything, but everything feels fine with Megumi by your side. Or, the one where you find your way back home.
TAGS.⠀gender-neutral reader; ambiguous relationship; childhood friends; aged-up au/canon divergence; brief smoking; angst & hurt/comfort; mental health issues, talks of death/suicide ideation, implied past suicide attempts; mild gore; near-death experiences; drifting apart and coming back together. hopeful/happy ending. SFW. 3,9k words
A/N.⠀my first work after so long and it's just a ventfic LOL sorry i have been looping phoebe bridgers and lorde for ages.
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For as long as you can remember, you’ve always felt things fervently.
One moment you’d feel euphoric, like you’re walking on air and nothing can get you down, but then everything crumbles and you’re left as nothing but an empty husk. It’s ironic how emptiness can feel so heavy, a constant weight on your shoulders, constant tugs at your heartstrings. 
Despite all the things you hate about yourself, there’s still one part of you that you’ll always remember with pride: there is no limit to the unconditional love you can give to people. It’s taken some time for you to decide you want to live and love as much as you can. 
But for some reasons you couldn’t fathom, these days, you feel as though your love is forced. Unnatural. Ingenuine. Like it’s just something you’ve gotten used to doing passively. Like you no longer believe, like you are living a lie. 
In a way, maybe you are. The longer you are surrounded by your fellow Jujutsu sorcerers, the more aware you become of how rotten this world can get. Plagued with death, unhappiness and turmoil on every corner, and with humans repeating the same mistakes, you’ve begun to believe that this is all hopeless. You’re well aware that it’s quite a pessimistic view to hold, but in the world that you are in, you find that it keeps you grounded. A realist. 
Or, as your beloved teacher Gojo Satoru would call you, a downer.
The sound of his voice referring to you as such makes you click your tongue in irritation. There’s not much you know about him, but the bitter part of you believes that  he  of all people should at least understand how you feel. You hold your position as a jujutsu sorcerer in high regard and with honour, but as time passes by, you’ve started to contemplate if it’s even worth it at all.
You wonder if people know that you weren’t always this way — as a child, you were bright-eyed and innocent, full of love for people and the world. Growing and going through life shattered it all, making you a husk of what you once were, and even now, you still don’t know who you’re supposed to be.
You lie and you cheat, tricking people into believing that you’re independent and fine on your own, but you are lonelier than words can describe.
And just what do you live for? You’ve survived time and time again by sheer instinct and reflex, but you still don’t know what your purpose is. You fight and you risk your life to keep other people safe at the cost of your wellbeing. Every day is a task to complete for the greater good, but what’s in store for you? You’ve grown distant from your parents — on your end, anyway; it’s difficult to read people — and your once close friends rarely contact you anymore. All you have are your peers, but you still feel so out of place among them. 
The cigarette burns between your fingers as you stare off into space by the edge of the river. At the mere age of nineteen, you feel as though you’ve lived several lives, all of which have harrowed you to no end. Nicotine flows in your system as you take yet another drag, wondering if this is what your youth was meant to be. Years of saving the city in favour of feeling like you’re wanted, needed should’ve made you feel happy. Yet here you are, alone in the streets of Tokyo, all because there’s nothing waiting for you at home.
“I didn’t know you smoked,” a voice says from beside you. It’s deep and quiet, almost monotonous, but you’d recognise the hint of concern anywhere. Megumi slightly grimaces at the sight of you exhaling a cloud of smoke.
“I don’t.” With a scoff, you put out the cigarette in the ashtray and turn to face him instead. “How’d you know I’d be here?”
He frowns. It amuses you how it seems to have been a permanent expression etched on his face since you were kids. You don’t remember if you’ve ever seen him with a different look, but that’s on you, you suppose. You haven’t spent much time with him for a while now. Time ages you and your weariness distances you from those you wish to stay close to.
When he doesn’t reply, you speak up again, “I'm trying.”
“I know.” He glances at you. As blunt as he sounds, you know he means well; that’s just the way he is. He looks like he has more to say but he doesn’t, instead opting to hand you a packet of your favourite mints. Any other time you’d take it as an insult, but you find yourself getting sentimental over the fact that he still remembers what you like. 
“Thanks,” you mumble, popping one into your mouth. “Sorry, it’s been a long day.”
The corner of his lips quirks downward for a split second. With a quiet sigh, he lightly flicks your forehead, not reacting at all to the indignant yelp you let out. 
“Where’s your jacket?” he asks in a chiding tone, though there isn’t any venom in it. “You’ll get sick. I don’t want you sneezing on me.”
“You always take care of me, though,” you grumble without thinking, putting on the jacket that was previously tied around your waist. Another beat passes before you realise what you’ve blurted out. Were you being too familiar with him? You’re not sure if he still wants to be friends after all that isolation you’ve been doing. You part your lips to apologise, but he interrupts with a huff and a flick to your forehead again.
“Shut up.” The pink flush on the tips of his ears betrays the irked expression he wears. You’re not sure whether it’s because of the chilly air or if it’s because he’s blushing, but it brings a smile to your face nonetheless. “Let’s go back.”
As minimal as this may seem, you wonder if he knows how much it means to you that he came. Your days have been lonely with you feeling increasingly out of touch with everything, but everything feels fine with Megumi by your side.
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You were only twelve when you started seeing Curses everywhere you went.
You’d never been the type to get scared too easily, but there was something about those creatures that unsettled you to the core. They seemed horrifically disfigured and hungry, ready to pounce at any moment, and you could only be brave for so long. You tried telling your mother and your friends only to be met with suspicious and concerned looks. 
They thought you were crazy. You didn’t blame them for that. You never believed in the paranormal, so this sudden change must’ve been quite a shock. It wasn’t until two years later did you learn what they were and that you could exorcise them, somehow like they did in the horror movies. Your memory of your recruitment is hazy, but you did remember sitting with Megumi and Gojo in the car and asking the most questions you’ve ever asked in your lifetime. Your new teacher found it amusing; your classmate, however, did not.
Your mother didn’t seem to mind sending you to a boarding school. With an elaborate lie about your full scholarship told by Gojo, she’d beamed in joy and helped you pack your bags. She’d be too busy to actually notice your absence, but that didn’t stop her from sending a message to check in on you every once in a while. At some point, you stopped responding. Not because you were annoyed, but rather, you just didn’t have the energy to.
Ironically, for a school with quite a handful of staff and students, you never felt lonelier in your life. You stuck by Megumi’s side for the sole reason that he was the only one you felt comfortable enough to approach. You didn’t talk to him much, but he was good company and you came to consider him a friend. Eventually, he started approaching you as well, and you’d spend time together like regular friends would do. It felt nice to be able to be around someone and not have to explain yourself all the time. 
In hindsight, you think it’s your fault that you’re so distant from everyone now. You don’t quite know when it all began—the depressing thoughts, the near-uncontrollable impulses, the lack of care for your safety and well-being. Every time your teachers or a peer brought it up, you’d simply dismiss it as just a ‘hormone thing’ which seemed enough to make them stop asking. Megumi didn’t believe a thing. He doesn’t have to tell you for you to know that.
But what else could you do? You’re alone, and it’s not like anyone can help with whatever the fuck is happening in your head. Your mother got you in touch with professionals to help with your troubles, and even if she doesn’t say it much, you know she’s always worried sick and thinks you should just come home. You’ve been able to keep yourself in check since then, but with the sadness now mostly gone, you now have to deal with the void in your chest that plagues you constantly.
The forest surrounding the dormitories is quiet save for the leaves rustling in the wind and the cicadas chirping their evening tune. You’re not sure how long it’s been since your last official mission. You haven’t been good at keeping track of the time for a while now. But at the very least, you know that it’s been too long.
There’s no doubt Gojo had something to do with it, you think bitterly. Otherwise, you’d be as busy as your peers right now. If there’s one thing you hate about this place, it’s the fact that no one here ever really gives you a proper reason. You feel trapped, ignored, and maybe if you were more carefree you’d look past it, but you’re not. If they didn’t believe in your abilities, you’d show them; you don’t think being the underdog is that bad, after all. Maybe they’ll finally recognise your prowess and respect you.
With your heart pounding hard against your chest, you grab your ootachi and flee, letting your instincts guide you to wherever feels the most dangerous, exciting. The more rational part of you tells you that you’re going to be in trouble if you don’t turn back now, but you find that you really couldn’t care less.
You need to feel alive. You need to feel afraid, to feel something, anything. While you don’t mind resting, you also didn’t overwork yourself to the bone just to remain stagnant. You didn’t spend weeks training with every weapon the school had to offer just to let them rust. You didn’t hone your cursed techniques only to not use them at all. So punishment and criticism be damned, you’re going to do what you want whether people like it or not.
You find yourself standing in front of a dingy abandoned shrine in the woods. Unease settles in the air as you slowly creep into the light of the moon. It’s dim, incredibly so, but you can’t afford to be afraid of the dark now —you have something to prove, and you’re not going to let yourself be intimidated by something so childish. There are blood splatters on the cobblestone steps, both fresh and dried, and your grip tightens on the handle of your sword. Your instinct to fight rears its head within your body, adrenaline and the humane need to survive rushing through your veins, but you breathe and try to rein it all in.
You have to think.
(It’s quite ironic how for someone who doesn’t give a single shit about their life, you always fight your hardest so you can live.)
You take another step. A twig snaps beneath the weight of your foot. The dried leaves crunch and rustle like someone (or rather, something) is sizing you up, keeping itself unseen to take you by surprise. Incomprehensible gargled sentences echo from within and the stench of death and decay grows stronger. Even when fear starts to wrap you in its cold embrace, you walk through the gate and into the dark shrine. Your blood runs cold and your breath gets caught in your throat, but you force yourself to face the task at hand.
You’re met with a grotesque mass of green; all of its endless bloodshot eyes leer at you as its tendrils slither in your direction. Misshapen hands protrude from those tendrils and reach for you, taunting you with the blood and entrails stuck to their skin and nails, telling you that you are next. 
Not today.
An aura of black and purple coats your sword as you withdraw it from its sheath. It’s not the best space to utilise such a long sword—the shrine is somewhat cramped and is lacking in space for mobility, much less combat —but you grit your teeth and decide that you will adapt. Electricity crackles from your blade, and without any more hesitation, you charge. Its tendrils are faster than you had anticipated; they come close to wrapping themselves around your legs until your cursed energy latches on to them and forces them to disintegrate.
The curse glares at you in fury. You can practically hear your heartbeat as you slash through its tendrils, splattering the wooden floors with its steaming blood. A guttural growl leaves the curse and the air feels thicker; it’s getting hard to breathe and your vision is starting to fade. 
Am I going to die here?
There’s a sharp pain in your gut. The sword slips out of your grasp and blood sputters out of your lips. When you look down, you realise that the curse has pierced through you.
It hurts it hurts it hurts it fucking hurts.
But you can’t die here. Not like this, not without a fight.
Shakily, weakly, you put your hands together, breathe, and with the last of your strength, you fire a powerful blast that hits the curse square in the centre, making it screech in pain. Vapour rises from its form as it melts into the ground and eventually dissipates. A relieved sigh leaves you, but then the world spins, your body hurts even more, and before you know it, everything goes dark.
You fall into nothing.
(Somewhere not too far from the shrine, apprehension crawls into Fushiguro Megumi’s system.
He doesn’t hesitate. He follows the curse residue and he runs.)
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You wake with a dull ache between your ribs.
The first thing you see is never-ending walls of white. There’s a generic decorative painting on the wall along with an old clock that tells you it’s a quarter past noon. Blearily, you realise that you’re in the infirmary, and judging from the soreness that spreads through your body and into your limbs, you’re still alive.
Somehow, you’re not as happy about it as you should be.
You feel like you’ve been through hell and back. In a way, you did. You’re too tired to regret your poor decisions from who knows how long ago, and you’re not a stranger to deliberately ignoring whatever makes you feel like shit. So you do just that all while staring blankly at the wall in front of you, hoping that you’ll eventually fall asleep again and forget. Maybe even not wake up until the month ends.
(You’ve come to a realisation that you don’t want to die anymore; you just want to stop existing for a while, get yourself together then come back when you’re ready. Like pausing a game or a video being played, you don’t lose the progress, but you sure as hell forget what the hell happened earlier.)
The door slides open. You contemplate pretending to be unconscious again, but your ears pick up heavy footfalls on the tiled floor and you decide maybe you shouldn’t. 
“Hey, Ieiri-sensei,” you croak out, weakly raising two of your fingers in a peace sign. “I’m alive and moving.”
She hums, amused as she makes her way over to your bedside. “Yes, you are. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit?”
“Good. You would’ve been dead if Fushiguro-kun hadn’t found you. Can you stand?”
She gently urges you off the bed, hoisting you up by the shoulders as you try to maintain balance after being bedridden for hours. Or days. Or even weeks. You’re not sure.
“You’ve been unconscious for three days.”
The concerning duration of your bedridden state goes completely ignored. All you can think about is the mention of Megumi. 
You would’ve been dead if Fushiguro-kun hadn’t found you. 
“What do you mean he found me?”
She smiles wryly. “That boy’s been worried about you. Ran off from Satoru as soon as he felt a ‘weird pressure.’ What were you fighting?”
You shrug and wince at how stiff you feel. God, you hate this. Your legs are shaky as she helps you walk out of the infirmary and on the familiar path back to the dormitories. The school is quiet, making you wonder where everyone’s gone for the day.
“Some curse thing. Had tentacles and slimy skin. It was gross.”
“Well, that thing punctured you right there.” She gestures toward your chest. “Surprisingly it didn’t hit any vital organs, but you still lost a lot of blood. Did you exorcise it in the end?”
“I did.” A beat of silence passes. “Am I in trouble?”
“Yaga-sensei’s suspended you for a month. Oh, Fushiguro-kun. Just in time.” She helps you sit on a stone bench as Megumi approaches, his fingers furling and then relaxing by his sides. “They still need some support when they’re walking, but they’re healing quickly. They’ll be fine..”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“I’m still in my thirties, silly.” She ruffles your hair affectionately. “Be careful, hm? Come see me if there’s anything else.”
As Ieiri-sensei takes her leave, Megumi sits down next to you on the bench. His brows furrow the same way they always do when he’s thinking of how to say something nicely. He opts for silence instead, eyeing you cautiously. It almost feels offensive, but it’s only then that you’re aware of the bandages that cover essentially your whole upper body, so you brush it off. If someone else were in your position, you’d be worried sick too.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him this visibly upset (well, for someone like Megumi anyway) over anything, and knowing that it’s because of you strikes you with a pang of guilt. With your lips pursed, you avoid his demanding look and glance at your hands instead. The bruises have almost faded away by now. Ieiri-sensei must’ve worked herself to the bone to patch you up.
“I’m not happy, Megumi.” Your throat closes up and your nose burns as the tears start to form and fall. “I’ve been trying to force myself to feel something. It didn’t matter what it was. I just hate being like this all the time.”
It hurts to cry. It hurts trying not to. Your state of mind is in tatters and you’re desperately doing your best to hold yourself together, but the way he’s looking at you makes you drop your guard completely.
“I know I’m surrounded by people, but I still feel so alone.”
Megumi doesn’t say anything. That’s fine, you think. The last thing you’d want to do is pressure him to speak his mind. He takes every word into consideration and thinks a lot by default, and if he’s still the same boy you knew all those years ago, he’d prefer to let his actions speak for themselves. 
“You didn’t have to come for me,” you murmur. “I’m sure you’ve got things to do.”
“No.” He pauses for a moment as if he’s trying to formulate what he wants to say into words that won’t feel like jabs. He huffs quietly. “I want to stay with you.”
Hearing him say those words practically has you melting on the spot, your heart fluttering as warmth rushes to your cheeks. You reach for his hand instinctively and with the slightest bit of hesitation, he responds by lacing your fingers together. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper. You don’t know if it’s because you’re still exhausted or if it’s because you’re worried you’ll upset him somehow. Either way, it takes so much out of you just to talk anymore. “I’m trying.”
He squeezes your hand softly. “I know.”
“I say that to you a lot, don’t I?” you chuckle, leaning against his shoulder. I’m trying. You tell it to him every time you don’t have anything else to say, but it hardly feels true. Or maybe you’re just overly critical of everything you do, expecting yourself to reach certain heights before you consider yourself enough. 
“You are trying,” Megumi says. “Even now.”
You smile weakly. “You think so?”
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.” He lets go of your hand and your heart sinks, wondering if you’d done or said something wrong, but then he gently flicks your forehead the same way he always used to do when you were kids. “I found you bleeding out on the ground.”
“Pretty gnarly, wasn’t it?” you joke, laughing nervously. He shoots you a glare that shuts you up immediately.
“We were worried about you,” he continues, ignoring your interruption. “I was worried about you. I thought you were going to die.”
“Is this the part where I tell you that all jujutsu sorcerers die at some point?”
“I’m sorry,” you say meekly, “I didn’t know I was that important to you.”
“We grew up together.” You feel a slight weight as he rests your head on top of yours with a sigh. “You’ve always been with me. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t there.”
It’s unusual for him to be this open about his feelings; he’s never been the overly sentimental type like you are, so to have him be this vulnerable with you makes you feel like you’re going to burst. The cool breeze passes by as you hesitantly take his hand again, and for the first time in so long, you find yourself genuinely smiling. He cares about you. He loves you, despite what that voice in your head tells you otherwise. It’ll take a while for you to change or get used to knowing these things, but for him, you’ll do everything you can. You’ll live — if not for yourself, then for him. And as slow and tedious as your path to recovery may be, both physically and mentally, you think that it’ll be worth the endeavour because you’re not alone. 
You are loved.
You are loved by him, and for now, that is enough to quell every anxiety in the back of your mind.
You glance at him. “Wanna watch a movie later?” 
Almost imperceptibly, he smiles back. “Sure.”
(You never end up finishing the movie.
Halfway through, exhaustion gets the better of you, and you fall into a deep sleep on the bean bag you borrowed from the recreation room. When you wake in the morning, you’re sore and aching all over, but the blanket draped over your frame and the arm around your waist makes you forget about it for a moment.
With a content smile, you curl closer.
He’s still the same Megumi you’ve always known.)
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tfp-enthusiast · 1 year
Perhaps another cons x teen femme bot 🙏 with any cons you’d like + shockwave!
Tho she isnt really innocent compared to your other post, she’s been affected by the war with struggles of isolating & depression etc. I imagine though the cons are tough they’d all feel something for her, she grew up in the war and didn’t get to experience the good they were able to :(
Con's X Teen!GN!Bot!Reader
[I'm happy that you liked it anon! I love the idea of the bots/cons having to care for a sparkling/teen and becoming attached]
[I may make an real series of this when I have my Inbox clear/mostly empty because I don't want to have yet another thing that I promise but don't work for months on *looks at the neutral bot AU*]
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You where born in the middle of the war with only your carrier there for you. Considering the fact that you where probably the first generation born in the war you where treated entirely different that the ones before you.
You where trained to fight and defend yourself, your carrier was by your side every step you took, and while you where a very powerful young bot you still where just a child.
You already lost your Sire, it was only a matter of time until your carrier would die too, therefore was it the best decision, made by your carrier, to put you in a stasis pod and pray that you will wake up at a safe place and find a new family.
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He learned of you because he sent Lazerbeak
He was a little surprised, not that anyone could see, when he saw such a young bot and impressed when he saw how you fought against the vehicons
You where still a little confused but used your size to your advantage but get caught by a group of vehicons at the end
When you first met him in person everyone was confused and a little creeped out because the both of you just stared at each other
Soundwave had to watch over you because you seemed more happy when no one talked with you
After some time and in private you would talk with him over the last cycles and sometimes about your 'childhood'
He thinks that it's a little sad that you only had war in your life until now and shows you pictures of cybertron before everything went down
Soundwave doesn't actually think that there is much wrong with you other than the fact that you seem to have some depressing thoughts when you think about your sire and carrier but Lazerbeak is your best emotional support ever
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Meets you only because you get sent to his lab so Megatron can know what you could be useful for on the ship because you weren't trusted to leave the Nemesis at first
He grew relatively fond of you fast because you where very silent and only spoke when needed
He never even thought that there was anything wrong with you, sure you grew up in the war but that's how it works now, he only got a little curious after you spoke with him one day over your past
Over time you grew comfortable around Shockwave, and the other way too, and started to open up more
When you where helping him with inventions you where allowed to talk, unless he said something about it, and sometimes you would talk about what it was like when you where on cybertron
This led to him asking Soundwave for a special folder on your datapad of cybertron before the war which you where allowed to look at when you had free time or trouble slipping into recharge
While he is not the best at motivation he can be a good listener and thanks to his nature you know that when he says something he means it and for you that means a lot
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When you meet Predaking you have been on the Nemesis for a little while and where trusted not to run away so you where allowed to roam freely
While Megatron and the others where trying to find out what to do with a young bot like you you found yourself on the outside of the ship
You, like everyone else, saw a predacon for the first time in your life and even though you where a very mature bot for your age you still had some childish curiosity in you
So you approached him with caution and somehow you came there every cycle
When Predaking transformed for the first time you witnessed it and he could see your expression on your faceplates finally without having to guess what you feel
You just stood there like: O.O and tackled him with a hug
He was so proud of you for showing your emotions to him
He knows how you feel and helps you find out everything you can about cybertron before the war
There where many times where you, instead of Starscream, where with him and the both of you searched through the databanks to know more about cybertron
Often you both would fall into recharge while Predaking is curled around you, no matter if in root or beast form, and you would loosely hold an databank with pictures of cybertron while it still stood and was alright
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He learned about relatively early considering he somehow always knows the latest tea
You got sent into the medbay because of your little crash landing
First meeting was a little awkward, Knockout tried his best to get you to talk and is worried that you are just like Soundwave
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When you are sent to him because it was needed to lear what you could be useful for, and they needed more medics, both of you internally dreaded the meeting
Over time you got used to each other and you actually had full conversations when you where alone
Knockout became some sort of therapy for you because he sees that you clearly got issues because of your past and the war you have almost every second cycle a 'therapy session' of sorts
Knockout loves to tell you about cybertron and even gets some videos about the different places across the planet
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He was the first one to meet you actually because he was sent to investigate the crash and look for the bot that could be in it
Because you didn't know him and you learned to keep distance you kicked him into faceplate out of reflex
You met him soon after you get brought to the ship again and quietly said your sorry for what happened
Considering he's the most sympathetic bot on the ship you stay around him for the most part
That obviously doesn't go unnoticed and Megatron decides that you will just go wherever Breakdown goes
You both talk a lot once you get comfortable and Breakdown feels really bad for you and tries his best to give you what he had when he was still a young bot
This causes you to vent to him since he is the one bot you trust the most
When you can't recharge you often go into the medbay because Breakdown is almost always there and if not his habsuite is almost directly next to the medbay and you are always allowed to enter
On nights where you can't recharge and spend with Breakdown he often tells you about cybertron and his childhood memories
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mcytcontent · 5 months
This is my personal analysis of the recent situation about Wilbur Soot and Shelby Shubble. (I don’t want anyone to go to extremes and insult any of the streamers/youtubers)
I tried to stay as neutral as possible to write this analysis.
I also want to say that I have been following Wilbur for a long time (4 years) and in this situation I already have the right to my word. (After one comment. I follow Wilbur 4 years, not watching)
Tumblr has a limit on photos, so I divided it into parts.
I am not dependent on Wilbur, but I support him. I'm not a big fan of him at all. I stopped watching all MCYT for 2 years after the death of Technoblade, and before that I didn’t really watch Wilbur a lot.
(1/4) over parts on my profile
First I want to attach my time calendar that I made to highlight important moments for 2021-2024
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Let's start from the very beginning, namely with Shelby's stream about her experience in an abusive relationship.
Immediately after the rumors began to spread, Shelby decided to delete this stream. You won't be able to find it on her Twitch channel. But fortunately or unfortunately you can view his recording on YouTube (This video has been blocked or made restricted. Unfortunately, I didn’t find another neutral recording without any additional information from the author of the video, but you can watch the stream using another link, but I want to warn you that the subsequent indications of the time of this stream in my post are the same as the original Shelby stream and not this one from YouTube.)
First we will start with the inconsistencies in the Shubble story from this stream.
I keep trying, and it's unfortunate that a lot of my dating history there were a lot of bad people that tried to manipulate or control me, but that's not to say that every person that I've dated has treated me poorly, some people just weren't the right. (3:59-4:19)
‌I never thought that I could be the kind of person to end up in a situation like I did. I never thought that could happen to me and so, for me this is important, because it could help anybody else see the signs sooner than I did. (4:40-4:55)
‌ I just thought I was so much smarter. I was like if someone ever laid their hands on me I'd leave immediately, it would never happen a second time, but it just kind of happened so slowly over time, and got worse and worse until the point where there's no way to deny, the fact that he was hurting me and he knew, and didn't care...» (30:52- •••)
The inconsistency in this case is that Shelby at the very beginning said that she had quite a large number of people who used her, but in the end she said that she did not think that she would be used a second time.
Speaking out about my bad experiences has never felt as important as it does right now, because silence has always brought me peace, and this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace, it's only keeping somebody else's peace it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace, it's only keeping somebody else's peace. (4:21-4:39)
Shelby has had a lot of bad people in her life. At the beginning of the stream, she said that she really likes to share her experience, but she decided to talk about abusive relationships only now. She rarely talked about other relationships, the only thing we know from her past relationships is that her first boyfriend raped her and she dated some youtuber/streamer guys.
It took me 10 months after to heal. I spoke with multiple therapists and tried different forms of therapy. I tried sematic therapy, that one was actually really good for me. That one actually helped me release a lot of um builtup anger I was having over the last year. (5:40-6:06)
How come Shelby was in therapy and said the name wrong? Shelby said that she went to Sematic Therapy, although there is only Somatic Therapy, and Somatic Therapy is aimed at processing the reaction to fear attacks and removing them, and not at releasing anger.
Somatic trauma therapy — a psychotherapeutic approach to working with symptoms and conditions such as attacks of fear (“panic attacks”), acute reactions of grief, loss, and post-traumatic reactions (PTSD). The primary goal of SE is to modify the stress response associated with trauma through bottom-up processing.
But the most important thing is why Shelby went to different therapies, why didn’t she settle on one specific one that helped her. There may be several options, but the most possible is that Shelby was not helped by the therapies she went to.
I shared my story with a lot of friends after I started talking to therapists. (6:25-6:30)
‌I was so mad at myself, because I was lying to a certain point to protect this person, because I knew that if I told my friends the truth it make him look really bad. (7:16-7:28)
‌«... and that's not anybody's fault because I was lying and it wasn't fine, because I would go home later and I tell him how uncomfortable I was...» (from Shelby's twitter post)
‌I have though caught him in lies before, but usually it was small stuff, and I again, I didn't want to it wasn't anything that ever seemed worth rocking the boat over, which isn't normal for me, I hate lies. (16:44-16:58)
‌I ended up lying for him, but he had lied about big things and he had also been caught lying by his friends numerous times, so this is something that he feels is acceptable to do. (16:59-17:11)
‌I abandoned my personal morals, neglected friends and lied for this person.
Shelby first says that she told the whole story to her friends while she was in therapy, but then she herself says that she lied during the story to protect Wilbur. And then she claims that she went against her principles because she hates lying.
She later says that Wilbur always lied about small things, but then refutes this by saying that he lied about more important things.
He always cared more about how it looked and that was really important not what was true and it was really subtle. (7:37-7:48)
Wilbur never hid his inclinations, people just romanticized him too much because he was handsome and a musician.
When I hear about physical abuse I think of hitting and punching, so I thought that this wasn't violent enough. (7:54-8:05)
‌He's not hitting me and it didn't start as something that he did to hurt me that he did to hurt me, he had this habit of biting, which is so weird to me now, but he said that he had this habit since he was a kid and even his mom said that was true and he said it was just affectionate and that might have been. I mean, I think that might have been true maybe at the start, but I also feel that I have good reason to believe that every part of it was a lie but that's just my personal opinion. (8:16-8:46)
‌I had no problem with just biting, that isn't even the most uncommon thing, but he did mention something early that I should have taken as a red flag, and he wanted to make sure that I was okay with him biting me because he didn't want me to come back later and say that he abused me, which I thought was really weird, considering he had never hurt me before and so why would I call it abuse and why was he thinking about that. (8:47-9:16)
Physical abuse — the use of physical force and violence, beatings, assault with the aim of subordinating the behavior of the victim, fulfilling the demands of the aggressor.
Daknomania (from ancient Greek δάκνω - to bite, μανία - attraction, passion, madness) is a tendency to bite others and oneself. Over time, due to imperative (verbal) hallucinations, as well as Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, it can transform into an impulsive and also violent tendency.
According to psychotherapist Andrei Khavanov, the desire to bite, pinch, beat a person for whom there is an acute attack of love is widespread and seems to depend little on the cultural context. This phenomenon is called cute aggression.
«He disguised it as this really quirky part of our relationship and was so comfortable sharing it with his friends, to the point that he would do it in front of them, he thought it was this really funny story to tell and a good bit to take my arm and bite me in front of everybody until I literally shout in pain and then I have to laugh it off because I'm so embarrassed and I don't want to cause a scene in front of all of our friends and I'm sure everyone was a little bit uncomfortable, but as long as I was saying that it was fine nobody really felt like they needed to be concerned... » (10:38-•••)
At first Shelby says that Will's friends were there, but then she says that their friends were there.
«... and that's not anybody's fault because I was lying and it wasn't fine, because I would go home later and I tell him how uncomfortable I was, how much I didn't like being hurt all the time and I needed him to really stop biting so hard, I didn't like it and I tried telling him over and over again, he said this is who he is he isn't going to change those. (•••-11:40)
‌I was constantly nauseous gagging daily, on occasion throwing up, because of the pit that was in my stomach, I never told him about that, though I was going and running away quietly to throw up in the toilet and rejoin our group of friends. (13:19-13:34)
‌That's just the kind of thing that I keep repeating to myself when I'm like "But was it bad enough, what it wasn't violent enough", but I was being hurt multiple times every single day for a month at a time in a row at a time in a row, and I'm not even speaking on most...»
‌Entirely why he switched to biting my legs, so no one would think I looked abused. But he continued to hurt me. (from Shelby's twitter post)
‌My issue was not with being bit. It was with being HURT. (from Shelby's twitter post)
‌I loved him and he told me he'd try to stop hurting me.(from Shelby's twitter post)
Shelby herself hid the fact that she was vomiting because of the bites.
Shelby, when she was dating Wilbur, thought that biting wasn't that bad. And if Shelby was against biting, she would not have given him her legs. When you can just grab your arms, you need to stretch out your legs so you can bite. And as Shelby herself said, Will never hit her, but only bit her. Also, Will tried not to bite her as much as he claimed.
Other people with the same problem say that the force of the bite is difficult to control.
This is Google translation since I am not an English speaker and English is not my 2-nd language
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In fact, he was telling me the exact opposite every day, he would tell me he still wanted to be together, he wanted to work on all of the problems, he wanted me at the end of everything, he did not want to break up, he made that very clear. (16:27-16:40)
Shelby says that Wilbur changed his mind every day, but she only lists what he said before, and then that he repeated it every time and never changed his mind. Wilbur also did not hide the fact that he had problems, he even promised that he would work on them.
He said that the relationship was starting to feel like a responsibility towards the end. So it wasn't a responsibility the whole rest of the time to him and he was at this point basically flaunting that he would never prioritize me over anything. I wasn't even asking for literally even the bare minimum, I was asking for so little and I was watching him give exactly what I was needing in the relationship all over the place to anybody else who just happened to ask and just wasn't me. (18:39-19:24)
‌He was never going to prioritize me over anything over anything that would give him more fame or money in fact, he said that himself, that was exactly why he was not going to compromise at all for a solution, for us to be together, because he said he wanted to see how much fame and money he could get. (19:30-19:51)
Neglect, neglect; lack of attention to someone or something, lack of proper care for someone or something.
It can also be noted that being on stage was Wilbur’s most cherished desire since childhood and giving up all his dreams for someone is quite stupid (in my opinion (surveys on the Internet also confirm that the majority are of the same opinion)).
I'm good at remembering words and especially his wording I became really good at remembering, because he was constantly contradicting himself. (11:51-11:58)
‌I now struggle with memory problems and extreme anxiety. (from Shelby's twitter post)
Shubble herself said that she has memory problems.
I didn't even want to, because I couldn't even see for such a long time after what it really was that had happened, that he had abused me and in fact we left things, as we want to be friends and he can never imagine not speaking to me again, and then he never spoke to me again outside of like a couple of exchanges where I needed to ask for my clothes to be shipped...»
Abusive relationships — relationships in which a partner violates the personal boundaries of another person, humiliates, and allows cruelty in communication and actions in order to suppress the will of the victim. In this type of relationship, the victim and the aggressor do not change places; the victim, for a number of reasons, cannot leave this relationship.
Shubble said that she and Wilbur no longer communicated or even corresponded. Shelby left Will around the time his concerts started, but she was still in touch with him. For example, her Instagram, December 15, photo with some members of LoveJoy, Quackity was also present in the photo, on the same day there was a Vine stream 22.
From there we can understand that Shelby and Wilbur were still seeing each other -> clip of the song cmwyl February 10, 2023, where Shelby present.
Later, Shelby said on the stream that their relationship ended in January 23, which completely coincides with her story about Wilbur’s trips, and the fact that they could not see each other from several days to a month.
«...I didn't block him till 10 months later because I wanted an open door still, I really thought I wanted to be his friend.
The entire time she was in therapy, she did not block Wilbur, despite the fact that he “abused” her. She also admits that she still considered him her friend.
I stayed locked in a house I had no key for and didn't even try to leave anymore. People ask why we stay, and it's so hard to explain ourselves because we've abandoned all our reasoning. (from Shelby's twitter post)
Shelby, if she wanted, could open the window and escape.
Shelby herself admits that she did not want to leave home. By house, Shubble could mean an apartment. Although this is still strange, since Wilbur, according to her, had ants. This does not happen really much in apartments, and there cannot be 2 or more baths in an apartment. It follows that Wilbur had a house, and if it was a private house, then Shelby could easily climb out of the window if he locked it, or call the police.
In one LoveJoy vlog, Shelby can be heard in the background asking Will for the keys to the house, he gave them to her, which confirms that she did not have keys to the house.
I do believe he was bottling up so many emotions and he would never talk about how he felt, I think he admit that he felt, like, he couldn't say it any sooner, like there was just no possible way to say how he was feeling sooner than the absolute last possible chance like not even a chance. (22:09-22:27)
The template on the stream confirmed that she did not know what Will was thinking, and that he was very good at restraining his emotions.
There was this one time that he pinned me down and asked me to try my absolute hardest to get him off of me and I couldn't do it obviously and he said something to make the point that he was so much stronger than me, that I wouldn't be able to fight him back. (23:25-23:42)
Shelby isn't the only one Wilbur has pushed against the wall. The most famous example is Niki. (I won’t talk about this topic because I don’t know Wilbur and I’m not a psychologist and it’s not for me to judge his actions)
He had stopped giving anything to the relationship and he said that why was, because he was just waiting for things to change on their own. (23:57-24:05)
‌He said he also didn't have the time or energy anyway to do the things that I was asking for, but then would constantly make any bit of time and energy for anybody and anything but me, and he would say he wanted more quality time, so then I would try to arrange things for us to do online, because we were long distance, but then he would complain, he doesn't want to spend all of his time on the computer anymore and then we'd be there in person, and all he wants to do is stay inside, play games on his computer, watch movie, he doesn't want to go out, and I'm not saying any of this next part to be mean. (24:06-24:44)
‌He lived in filth, I've seen filth, this was the worst, he would spill things on the floor and never, literally never, clean them up, he got an ant infestation once and wasn't going to do anything about it, because he said bugs are normal in British houses, so I had to buy ant killer. He wouldn't clean his bathroom for months and months, but would constantly complain about how bad it smelled and I would tell him that's mold. He complained about being tired all the time, too which, I don't know if that was a lie or not, but mold will do that too, but he would insist that it wasn't somehow without having cleaned in months, but it's not mold. (24:45-25:36)
Mild depression is characterized by the presence of several symptoms over several weeks or months. In this case, patients often experience a feeling of fatigue, insomnia, loss of interest in life and activities, bad mood, and decreased self-esteem.
2021, Fundy`s vlog, Wilbur's house - bathroom, 2:49 minutes. From the footage we can see that this is Wilbur's personal bathroom. Only that the window in the next room was broken and a piece of wallpaper in the bathtub itself was torn off.
In 2021, Wilbur also began coming to therapy.
When I met him, he was washing his clothes without detergent, just wasn't using that at all and I don't know for how long before I met him he was just running it with water and then hanging it on his filthy kitchen cabinets, and I felt bad, because I felt like he needed someone to help him learn how to be cleaner, I thought he just didn't know how and I listened to all of the struggles of his upbringing, and I was like, he just doesn't know how, someone just needs to show him. (25:39-26:08)
Negligence — a form of violence when the vital needs of a person that he cannot provide on his own are systematically ignored.
Wilbur also said that when he lived with his father, he slept on the same mattress on the floor with his dog, did not bathe too much and slept in his school uniform.
But not more disrespectful than not even saying my name. I believe I am referred to as "ex girlfriend" so if you don't know who he's talking about, you might not find out what he did.
From the outside it is clear that he does not want to touch on this topic on the entire Internet; if it is discussed, then it should be discussed in person in front of each other. Also, at the beginning of his tweet, he wrote that those who read this probably know that they began to accuse him of abuse. And who could not know about this, if it was literally in the top search results on Twitter for several days. Moreover, this spread so much that even some Chinese began to insult Wilbur without knowing the full situation.
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If Wilbur had started addressing Shelby on a first name basis, he would have also been confronted about why he was so careless about her name after all.
Of all the possible options, Shelby chose to make it public that she was abused and gave too obvious hints about this person to the entire Internet. She wanted to take revenge on the man. She clearly said it herself
«...because silence has always brought me peace, and this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace, it's only keeping somebody else's peace it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace, it's only keeping somebody else's peace...»
She directly said that she wanted revenge. And in the end she just got hyped, and in 11 days with 967k she got 1m on her YouTube in a 10 year career.
The company that presented the Shubble merch went bankrupt, and as a result, the merch still has not arrived to some people who have already paid for it.
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Shelby’s fans also started spamming everywhere so that people would support the YouTuber with subscriptions rather than words.
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⬆️ screenshot taken on March 29th. A month ago, Shubble had 469,705 followers.
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dream-bee-baby · 2 months
I am super excited to do this exchange thank you so much again and I can’t wait to see the results!
MISC: For HOTD, I would prefer to be matched with a male character and preferably the targaryens if that’s something you can do ofc :) and for JJK, I’m fine with anyone as long as they aren’t minors (this also goes for HOTD).
My name is Jaxrel! People mostly use “Jax” as a nickname for me which is perfectly fine! I go by many other names like Ian, Alex, Levi, etc. I go by he/him pronouns, i’m a (trans)male, and im bisexual with more of a male preference. I’m an aquarius. chaotic neutral/evil. choleric-sanguine, morally-grey. ENTP, extrovert (but also introverted as well). enneagram-4w3, and a Slyffindor. :D
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I'm very extroverted but I also have introvert traits as well. My personality is very unique but also a bit hard to describe. I'm very confident, straightforward and I have a sense of justice for myself (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip/drama), I can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to). l'm extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker (I can also be really quiet to the point where no one around me can hear), emotions come off as sarcastic or silly due to autism). I’m also pretty monotone/nonchalant and blunt(unintentionally). As for my sense of humor I can be sometimes crude. l'm a very chill and intelligent person but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, get a reallyyy overractive Brain, tend to get deep and philosophical when I'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. Usually when I meet people I come off as awkward and shy and sometimes even distant and cold but l'lI get comfortable with them soon enough. Usually at first I can come off as cold and calculative in demeanor but it can get mixed up for me being arrogant or detached from people around me. l'm always there for someone no matter what. I'm the dad friend. When I go out I always bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapsticks (pretty much anything you can think of). I have a lot of social awareness but i often intentionally act in a rash and unapologetic way because personally i do not care at all for social norms or rules. As l'm the dad friend (also the therapist friend too) l've been told give a lot of good advice and im also a very good listener too. I tend to take risks for my curiosity or if it’s for something I really have to know. Here’s more information about me
(^з^)-☆ I've been diagnosed with a lot of disorders such as Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD + etc, it's hard especially with my Autism, sadly a lot of these run in my family unfortunately and I gotten a lot of them, I'm prone to psychosis / delusions and sometimes it happens in episodes that can last for months. I also get really mad if people piss me off which goes for my repressed anger issues. I love texting with kaomojis and silly little emoticon thingies :D. I’ve been compared to Victor Nikiforov a lot because of how cheerful can be and from what I know I don't seem to understand -or even care about-conventional social norms. I also have that rock star charm. And as an extra I can always dazzle woman and men alike without a single glance). Clumsy (accidentally + sometimes purposely). Misuses slangs or common phases. Im able to pick up new skills relativity easy. I can sometimes point out the most oblivious things and sometimes miss so many details. Prone to be a bit directionless in life and prone to bad luck but try to find humor in most situations. I approach life to live a life of varied experiences, not take life too seriously, to not dwell on the past. I’m comfortable with confrontation and I don’t shy away from conflict (I often meet heated conflict with a snarky/condescending smile, a bit combative with authority and those who irritate me) but is generally easygoing, even-tempered, logical, intelligent (as I said previously…), not sentimental, does not hold onto regrets, good at self-reflection, generally does things out of self-interest but willingly helps others out occasionally. Affectionate with loved ones, very teasing(only if I know that they don’t mind), I wanna be a youtuber / twitch streamer who games a lot and reacts to vocaloid songs, true crime, etc… My lucky colors are all shades of yellow, gold and green. My lucky gems are moonstone, cats-eye, peral and any kind of white stone, my lucky bontanicals are elder, blackberrys, hops, juniper, linseed, grapes and all types of fruit juices.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld). eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars), miyamura izumi (horimiya), michael afton (FNAF), william afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), argenti (honaki star rail), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), kanade uryuu (platinum end), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Gu Won (King The Land), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Suguru Niragi (Alice In Borderland), Mira Kano (Alice In Borderland), Aguni (Alice In Borderland), Shuntaro Chishiya (Alice In Borderland), Takeru Danma (Alice In Borderland), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), William James Moriarty (Moriarty The Patriot), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) gaming, anthropology pathology, theology, zoology, music, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG's, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/ basketball, skating and swimming, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it, I can play 5 instruments which is the piano, cello, koto and bass/electric guitar, I know 6 languages and I'm learning more right now (which are hindi, german, thai, portuguese, cantonese and chinese if your interested).
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I love gaming a lot and I play a lot of survival horror games, role-playing games, visual novels, etc, spent a lot of my money on games for my nintendo, Ps5 and computer. I play too much on roblox and basically during my freetime when I'm not studying other things I like/OR for school I'm usually in my gaming seat playing away and eating junk food. The games I really enjoy playing is roblox, class of 09, needy streamer overdose, honaki impact 3rd, omori, any rhythm games, any horror games and etc… I also like writing and reading a lot, including with a studying new things with history, languages, etc. I love taking naps too and I also enjoy watching youtube (my favorite youtubers are flamingo, berleezy, kub scoutz, markiplier, benoftheweek, funkyfrogbait, etc). This also includes with me liking to watch movies as well, same goes for tv shows, animes, asian dramas, etc.. (I also tend to rewatch a lot but not too much; like watching the harry potter movies, any of the marvel movies, horror movies, etc). I've been told I'm a very good dancer! I do belly dancing and I also do hiphop dancing as well. I've been in a lot of sports for years now since I was little (thank you to my mother for forcing me :,D) and now I'm in so many! and l've won a lot of rewards and I've been to a couple championships all because of me.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿)Chocolate, Strawberries, Pizza, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Shopping, Action or Romance movies, Kdrama(pretty much any asian dramas), Skincare + GWRM routines (I ENJOY doing those things, they make me feel so awake), Spicy & Sweet Food, Wax Candy, Chinese Takeout, Chicken(any kind of meat), Ramen.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I LOVE music a lot. I'm a k/jpop stan, I listen to metal/rock a lot, I listen to vkei and vocaloid a lot too, this is also another genre I enjoy listening to but idk what to call it but it's similar to 6arelyhuman, Odetari, Kets4eki, etc (I make similar music to them and I’m a small vocaloid producer), I also listen to a lot of indie pop, rap music and scene music. I've been a really big lemon demon fan and I really like listening to any sad music too.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿)Gift-Giving, Physical Touch, Quality time. You wouldn’t know how much I enjoy it when someone gifts me something I love/like a LOT, for example like getting me cherry pepsis, energy, arizona tea, etc and anything food/drink related or even giving me plushies, chocolate strawberries or even a sanrio plushie bouquet I’ll be over the moon and it makes me feel like I’m loved. I’m pretty clingy when I’m not doing anything ngl, I love physical touch as much as I love receiving gifts, I love hugging my beloveds close to me and lay my head on their shoulder, I’ll also listen to my partner and everything! They’ll get whatever they want from me since I would throw my money to get them what they want and I’ll just be there for them. I love going out whenever I can, I love aquariums a lot and o would love to have those kind of dates, I enjoy shopping too, like for clothes, merch, books, etc, I’ll probably spend my entire life’s savings on those things.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) l'm pretty tall l'm 5'9 right now and l'm on the very skinny side / very slender. I'm half Polish and half West Asian (Iraqi). People usually get confused and a lot I get questions if I'm from Hawaii, Brazil or Mexico (even though I’m not from either of those country’s I’m happy that people think that), I have dyed black hair. My hair is pretty short (but a little long only going down my neck a few inches) but I get a lot of compliments for it. When I get out of bed from sleeping my hair is always looking like a mess (psst I also have bangs too. Ive been told I look both masculine and feminine). I’ve also been told that I look a lot like those hot webtoon characters. I have piercings (one in (?) my nose, two on the bottom of my lips, and a couple more on both of my ears). I want a tattoo so bad, If I ever get one it would be on the side of my belly and it would be a spider tattoo. I have a dimple on my chin and I have hazel almond eyes.
Ok so this is definitely what makes me unique to people other than my personality, my fashion extends to gyaruo (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & Y2K, shoujo, jirai kei, vkei, ouji and lolita, suits (+ MORE). I only wear all these outfits in a more masculine way on so many days, but I sometimes wear some feminine as well (usually going for gyaru, scenemo, lolita, jiari kei, etc, especially hime gyaru omfg). I usually wear these fashion outfits whenever I’m in school, when i'm out somewhere, during my job, or just to look cool. Whenever I'm not in my crazy outfits I'm usually dressed in my "IDGAF" outfits by that I mean are like pj pants and a black shirt, usually I look like I'm alternative whenever I'm not dressed, I wear a lot of jeans, sweatshirts, etc.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I’m definitely from a royal family (I think House Martell would be perfect for me). I would also come from a different house (this is a made-up house but I feel like it would be perfect to add in here) and that other house is also very powerful as much as the other royal houses, it’s located in a very dark/gloomy place and it’s away from the villages and it’s castle is more gothic looking and large, with this I would be from two different royal houses. Even though I wouldn’t have so much Targaryen blood in me I was able to claim one of the most powerful dragons known. I would be a really good political person and can possibly win for either side or somehow keep peace with them while they’ll get whatever they want, it would be simple for me. I would totally wear a lot of ouji / vkei in this universe as well, I’d be called a dark prince due to how much gothic-looking clothes I would wear for sure, but I would also have the cutest wardrobe ever too, since I wear a lot of pink as well I would have the best dresses too, just I wouldn’t wear them so often. I also think that I would be king material as well… honestly I would make a really good king if I think about it. Though, in this universe I think I would be more manipulative and cruel (but at the bare minimum + it’s only towards naïve strangers). I’d definitely be many things while being royal (historian, philosopher, poet, writer, counsellor AND adviser).
Thank you so much again! I cant wait :)
House of the Dragon:
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I ship you with Aemon Targaryen! I wasn't even done reading your info before I paired you two together. I think Aemond is the perfect balance of dangerous and stable for you
Aemond would definitely wait awhile before introducing you to Vhagar, but the two of you would get along well. She's a war dragon and incredibly ancient, so ultimately Vhagar is going to do what she wants. She also sees these traits in you, she would trust you to respect her and her wisdom. You and Aemond would ride around whenever you were both available. Maybe even setting some things on fire for funsies
You help bring Aemond out of his shell, encourage him to live a little. Since he's hesitant to show vulnerability around his family, especially his brother, the two of you alone is when he really shines. Spending time trading knowledge and books in the library, he would love to see you out in the gardens painting. You would even be able to capture Vhagar's beauty and you two would bond one on one
I think Aemond would love to learn some of the languages you know as well. Obviously he speaks both english and high valyrian, you wouldn't even have to ask. He'd just start speaking to you in another language just to make sure you feel seen. He'd also totally make sure you had all the instruments you could ever want in the house. If anyone was ever caught complaining about the noise, he'd instantly hurt them
When Aemond cares and is dedicated about something, he has the patience despite feeling confused. I think sometimes you would baffle him, both with your contrasting personality traits and with your mental health struggles (obviously this isn't exactly things they would regard back then). But I think Aemond would really be willing to support you the best he can. If you ever suffered a long episode he would make sure important things were around you (food, water, comfort items, etc). I think he would remain quiet, not knowing what to say, but he'd never leave your side. He'd read to you and tell you all about his family drama
I don't think Aemond is one for heavily fancy things, but he'd get you anything you wanted. It would perhaps find it strange you like children's toys (that's how he would regard plushies and such), and he wouldn't want them on the bed but he'd make sure you were stacked. Commissioning people to create plushies or toys of Vhagar, your personal dragon, etc. He'd encourage you to express yourself however you want, if his family had a problem with it they'd have to take it up with his dragon
He isn't good with words but he still makes things incredibly intimate. Lighting candles/incense of your favorite scents, visiting your home as often as you'd like, lightly playing with your hair or caressing the skin his hand was on/around. He would feel respected and comforted by you. Being both gentle and caring but honest with him. You'd be partners in crime, balancing both cruelty and deciding it's not worth your energy. The two of you are always learning how to better understand, read, and support each other. Creating an eternally engaging and loving relationship
Jujustu Kaisen:
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I ship you with Takuma Ino! He's not super popular, but I had a good feeling about the two of you together
Ino carries immense respect for those more experienced around him, as seen with Nanami. He did not want to advance to level 1 without Nanami's approval. He's very upbeat, dedicated, and loving.
Depending on who he is around, Ino has the complexity to be more fun and youthful or be more quiet and responsible. I think this is also a good match for you. Ino is able to make things very fun and loving, even in serious situations. I think (and I could be wrong) it would help you feel grounded. Having someone who is both caring but casual can help things feel more calming
I think the only potential conflict is he's very ethical, he thinks things should be done the best way possible. But unfortunately, not everything can be done without bloodshed. You would definitely tell him the upfront truth of what needs to be done, which also helps him remain safe. He finds a way to keep innocent people safe, but you can do the more dirty work to make sure that the threat is properly exterminated and his life isn't in any additional danger
He strikes me as someone with many hobbies, perhaps he jumps from project to project. The two of you would definitely bond over your unique and many interests. Ino would have lots of different training equipment scattered around with your instruments, maybe even timing his breathing or movements to the pace of your playing
Ino struggles with some self confidence and I think you're perfect for him in that sense. You're sure of yourself, your taste, and how much you care for him. It would help him gain confidence in himself and avoid insecurity in your relationship. He loves to see your different styles, although he is very simple and minimalist he loves seeing you happy and confident
He'd help you dye your hair, maybe help do diy piercings or pay for your new ones. He'd help clean up and care for you if you were ever struggling. I don't think he experiments with his own fashion, but I think he'd be willing to do some subtle matching emo looks as he wears all black. I think you two are very sunshine and moon pairing. He'd love kissing your chin dimple and would make you breakfast. He'd buy a fancy coffee machine and get all the flavor syrups you'd ever want. He'd make you drinks whenever you wanted, in the mornings while he brewed your coffee he'd move your bangs and hair back into place after it got messed up while sleeping
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emerald-truth · 1 year
Yesterday I watched Data's Day and it made me cry and I need to talk about it.
First of all I love that it was lowkey a slice of life episode? Like Data is just describing his normal day and some crazy stuff happens as usual on the Enterprise but it's also just like. The crew hanging out. I especially love his conversation with Worf about what wedding present to buy because it's just so normal? Everyday? And just seeing his casual friendships with everyone? And they all love each other? I love the whole tng crew so much.
Anyway, what made me really emotional was how much I related to Data as an autistic person and I know people talk about this all the time but I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN FOR MYSELF.
Right in the beginning of the episode he talks about how he used to have trouble maintaining friendships but now that he's become better at predicting other people's emotions he's become able to form friendships. And just. The whole ordeal of having to take years and years to LEARN TO MAKE FRIENDS when it seems to come so naturally to everyone else, when it seems like something that should just be easy. Yeah. But then also the absolute joy when you succeed! When you think ah yes I've finally learned to understand others enough, to do the correct analyses, to make the correct predictions, I can finally make friends! And Data is so pleased with himself just like I have been the past couple years. And the thing is! He makes mistakes still in predicting emotions! But his friends forgive him and help him understand! And it's just so??? Oh my god the happiness that comes with being accepted despite your flaws, despite who you are and what you can't change about yourself. With being reminded that you still deserve friendship and a special place in people's lives even when you make mistakes. Because even though he upsets Keiko by trying to change her mind about the wedding she forgives him and still lets him act as "the father of the bride" because she still loves him! Everyone does! Because he's so sincere! Oh my god I love Data so much-
But the thing that made me cry was one little moment when they suddenly redirect their course towards the neutral zone and Data says it's a good thing his duties can't be interrupted by emotions such as the uneasiness he might feel about such a change to the course. While clearly exhibiting signs of being nervous like tapping his fingers and glancing behind himself at the drivers. And this is something about my experience of autism that I hardly ever see in fiction. Not only do I have trouble understanding the feelings of others, I have trouble identifying MY OWN FEELINGS. I have low body awareness so instead of feeling emotions in my body I have to engage with them intellectually which means I often can't tell that I'm experiencing an emotion even when people around me can. I saw another post a month or so ago talking about how Data probably has similar troubles because his emotions don't manifest physically the way they do for humans. And just. I've spent so long feeling like and being accused of being an unemotional person because I don't feel my emotions the way other people do, so to see this implication that Data DOES have emotions even when he himself doesn't always notice them is so lovely. Just because he or I don't always feel emotions physically, and must understand them intellectually, doesn't mean we are uncaring. It just means so much to see a character who thinks of himself as emotionless be portrayed as so gentle, kind, and loved.
And then the end of the episode- Data says he believes humanity is not an inherent quality but a way of thinking and something he can achieve. And that's so reassuring. Even if I'm not human now, maybe someday I will be. And even if I'm not human, even if I'm never human, I can still be good, I can still feel, I can still make friends, I can still be like Data.
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vigilskeep · 11 months
HARKER!!! How do you create and develop your OCs!!!! Your brain is so big!!!!
Whenever I make characters, I have a hard time getting past the surface level and really understanding what makes them tick. WHATS YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS? I am full of admiration.
honoured u think so!!! um Advices
when it comes to viddy game characters. make ur oc a product of the world and centred on the game’s main themes/conflicts. for example, dao has main themes like duty, vengeance, and sacrifice, so those are all good choices for what your character is About. bg3 so far seems to be about agency, bodily autonomy, power, and what it costs to achieve those things, so you want your character to be in dialogue with that. get that done, and congrats: everything in the game is now about your character and their journey personally! all quests & side quests will echo you and your character will have unique perspective on them
don’t be afraid to make the ‘wrong’ choices, or, more specifically, don’t rush into choosing the ‘right’ one. instead of thinking about the objectively best way to resolve a situation from your uninvolved position as the player, let your reactions be personal. your character isn’t always going to say and do the unbiased neutral best thing and that’s good!!
first of all try to think about your character’s frame of reference for it. everyone has a sort of reference library of experiences which they can use to interpret new circumstances. games are your friend and will usually try to help you with this; for example da2, a game in which your characters always has siblings, has a lot of sibling-focused quests that your character will have a unique take on. but it can be much simpler; what does your player character notice about an npc? do they have something in common? is your character physically stronger and bigger or smaller and weaker? what does your character assume about people who talk a certain way? how does any of that make them react to them? etc. etc. keep track in your head of how the location and enemy types make them feel too. my poor hawke had an ongoing anxiety meter to represent his dislike of real danger to his allies especially from darkspawn, and the more overloaded that was, the more rash and aggressively i would let him react. that was a fun way combat could affect other gameplay; for instance i fully killed some npcs that i could’ve let go, specifically because they’d knocked out one of my people in a fight
when getting into backstory try to sort of reverse engineer why they act the way they act? people tend to behave in certain ways because those are the methods that have gotten them through their life. what are the strategies that have helped them survive? being aggressive? being charming? following orders? staying on the sidelines? lying? and then you can sort of create the environment that encouraged them to be that way. (this doesn’t always mean complying with what the environment valued/expected/wanted of them; often defiance is what people needed to do to get through it with their soul intact.) that’s good for getting a little under their skin to see what makes them tick as u say
uhhh what else. try to be aware of their physicality and the way they look and move and how that affects others’ perception of them. how tactile are they and how much do they gesture? basically think about what comes across when you look at a companion talking and figure out what they get when they look at you. for example, i have a very tactile hawke and i typically imagine a lot more of that casual physical contact when i’m doing companion conversations, and a lot more imposing physical aggression when he’s talking to people he doesn’t like. obviously this requires you doing a bit of imaginative work on top of the game visuals but i believe in you. it just makes them come alive a bit
that’s my kind of... standardised method... more generic advice: people don’t have good or bad traits they have traits which are good or bad in extremes and sticking to a trait whether the consequences are good or bad is often fun; don’t be afraid to be bitchy or aggressive when the occasion calls for it, you often get a lot more life out of this and if you can love a companion for it they can still love you; try maintaining “in character” priorities during combat or when just walking around and figuring out what they’re noticing; sometimes making a big decision that seems “out of character” is actually character-defining because you discover what makes them break from their usual nature
i hope that helps?? that’s how i do things anyway :)
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knifedog-machina · 7 months
Dogs As Narrative, Through The Lens Of Abuse Recovery
J: so I got into the Archetropers’ Guild discord server, saw a prompt, and immediately started writing answers because wow talking about myself is fun, I need to do that more? definitely a more informal essay than the last one, I really just copied it from discord!
Content Warning: mentions of past abuse, but it’s pretty vague and has a hopeful swing to it!
I identify with dogs, as a dog, in the metaphorical sense of like - a dog as shorthand for a beloved tool? Being a bad actor's attack dog, being used and abused, biting the hand that fed and hit you. Dogs in the way they're used in vent art, as a metaphor for loving and trusting the wrong person.
But I also identify with dogs as beloved companions, as sweet and loyal and playful and loved. I know people who adore their dogs even if they came from horrible circumstances and have bad habits from abuse, and like - it's a narrative identity for me, something that ties together very different parts of my life, the before and after.
Like, yeah okay, I'm a dog. I unquestioningly love and trust people I care about. Of course an abuser took advantage of me, I didn't know better, and she promised to love me but she wouldn't even comfort me when I was scared of the rain. But also, there are way more people in the world who love me and want me to be happy, and that's good to remember as I recover and heal and grow! Calling myself a dog means accepting the way I adore people as a neutral to positive trait, instead of becoming a paranoid mess who refuses to be vulnerable again.
I don't know how much it's a species thing, because whenever I try to picture myself as a dog it's more like the shadow of a dog, pricked ears and bushy tail and all black, no detailing. I feel Wrong about picturing myself as a more realistic dog, instead of an artistic rendering of a black dog - like for dog photography to Resonate with me, it cannot be someone's candid pics of their pet German shepherd rolling around, it has to have some kind of message intended for use, otherwise it's like. That's a normal dog! I do not identify with you, normal dog, you're very cute but that's it. You’re unrelated to my life narrative!
And I don't generally feel the need to introduce myself to people as a dog when new people hear about me, because that feels like it's more personal? like hey, I’m a dog, you wanna know why? It's The Traumas! I’m open enough about it, but I don’t want to be pushed into thinking about it, and sometimes alterhuman spaces grill you about the origin of your identity too much for my comfort? I’m talking about it now because I want to, not because I’m being pressured into sharing.
I say all that, but I do really like cultivating my doggish traits, because they're kind of just things I like already - exercise, chewing and biting as a stim, play-fighting, getting scritched, curling up in a little ball to sleep. And sometimes I like giving myself phantom ears or tail or fangs for the expressiveness of them. I feel perfectly complete without them, but I like having them sometimes! They're fun!
And I don’t know if it just has to be an archetrope? I can describe it in other ways! Poppy (@aestherians) coined a term on rair website, here, about something being an alterhuman simile if you relate to it so strongly because it reflects your lived experiences, and I think I could call dogs my simile just as naturally as calling them my archetrope. It's a useful word and I haven't seen it around much!
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lady-phasma · 4 months
Hello there, I loved your previous answer to an anon question and you made a comment about your previous experience of getting attached to characters or people because of loneliness and depression. Please can I ask how you overcome that and what perspective you had about this? How did you frame it in your mind? 🥰🥰🥰 I have never really experienced this before and I’m not why but I get happy and then feel sadness because I know im projecting and it’s not real. In my real life I’m pretty confident but I would like to start dating and meeting someone but have a crush on a character or actor has been easier than going out there and approaching people I like. Any advice would be brilliant. Also I have felt that when it has come to people like EM etc the stories about how they actually got there and the way in which they have made sacrifices and had challenges gets glossed over. It’s always look at how well they have done which is right, but not it’s taken lots of hard work and lots of rejections and learning behind closed doors to get them in this position. The glamorisation of actors can be really off putting for me as it’s amazing that they are getting the credit they deserve but the toil to get there is rarely mentioned.
Hi anon! I think this is the ask you are referring to. Thank you. 💜 I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let me tell you today turned out to be the day to ask this. We have gotten so many Ewan crumbs today. It's honestly a bit overwhelming.
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I'm going to start with: your emotions are not weird or uncommon! The first thing we have to do is be compassionate with ourselves. I have a couple moots who needed some distance this week, not because of drama, just to be in the real world more and less overwhelmed. I spent half of Sunday without any technology so I could give my brain a break. So do your absolute best to be compassionate toward yourself.
Next, regarding this:
you made a comment about your previous experience of getting attached to characters or people because of loneliness and depression. Please can I ask how you overcome that and what perspective you had about this? How did you frame it in your mind?
This answer will be quite long, settle in. I will use some healthier examples from my Matt Smith fandom and a couple from back when I had a harder time coping. The timing does overlap in my life a bit because Matt has been part of my life since he and I were 25-26 years old (I phrased it like that even though it's odd, because I want people to understand that most of what I am going to be discussing was before I turned 30).
I think this is the comment you were talking about:
lady-phasma: Oh man I have had attachments in the past, at points in my life that could have become obsessions because of loneliness or depression (not applying that to this anon) and have had to take a step back and think "okay I actually don't know this person!"
That's the context here's the first part of the answer. Cognitive behavioral therapy helped a lot. Not for the attachments to actors/public figures, but for what was actually going on with me (which I'm not going to go into too much detail about). My sister and I call these actors "emotional support actors" (gender neutral). There have been times that it wasn't the actor, but a specific character which helped me through a difficult time. When I was in a slowly-dying relationship, Ryan Gosling helped me feel less alone through roles like Drive and Crazy, Stupid Love. I want to be clear that I am not discussing parasocial relationships exactly (here's an article about those that is fairly unbiased). I don't have a problem discussing them and I have possibly unpopular opinions about them, but that's a distinction I wanted to make here. I consumed all the Ryan Gosling content I could for over two years and his movies helped me during my breakup (yes, the relationship ended, thank fuck).
The way that I "overcame" it was by reframing the actor/character in my mind as a tool or coping mechanism (I was thrilled you said "frame" btw). In the recent past I said to a moot "these internet men are going to kill me." That made them laugh because "these internet men" are real people. I have even made posts about that. However, that is one of my ways of creating distance. The Ryan Gosling I learned about, watched every interview of, watched nearly his entire body of work, is not Ryan Gosling and never will be. Neither is Matt or Pedro or Ewan or Gwendoline Christie or any of them. So now, I think of them as tools that I use to give myself some comfort during a difficult time when it starts to escalate.
This is where I'll use Matt as an example because I have been able to do this with him since day one. I have written about it briefly before, the Eleventh Doctor showed up at a time in my life that was very difficult. I had no idea I needed him. It turns out the part was played by a gorgeous and talented actor. I know now that I can turn to Matt's films/tv shows for comfort and keep my emotional distance because, in many ways, he is a figment of my imagination. I'll note here that I also no longer consume detailed personal facts about actors. I know a lot of people enjoy that but outside of knowing things Matt has said in interviews and his birthday and height I have no clue who he dates and when. No idea where he likes to vacation or grab a pint. This applies to any actor I like: the less I know, the better. That helps me from thinking that I know them. (I hope I explained that well.)
As you said, a projection. Watching his Doctor Who episodes is the same as a weighted blanket. It is comforting, self-care, and gives me space to not think.
I'm going to tie this into your other main question:
In my real life I’m pretty confident but I would like to start dating and meeting someone but have a crush on a character or actor has been easier than going out there and approaching people I like.
Ask any moot who knows me well and they can tell you I have a personal rule: if I start to have daydreams about meeting Matt I shut that shit down fast. And I mean fast. As soon as I realize I've done it I stop, take a step back, and use my self-awareness to isolate what I need in that moment. Am I lonely, hungry, overwhelmed, tired, anxious? This is personal boundary for me. I love daydreams but I want to maintain my on-going fangirling for Matt as long as possible. This approach works for me because maybe I need to text a friend or do some yoga or even get on a dating app. We can't always identify what the need is but it helps me to try. I am confident as well and have had lots of partners when I have the energy to put into those interactions. I don't always have that energy. I know why it's easier for me to crush/fangirl though this may not be your reason: I don't have to give up a single aspect of my life to another person, I don't have to be vulnerable because these are completely one sided situations. Matt will never ask me to meet his mom. Ewan will never need me to pick him up if he has a flat time. My time and my energy remain my own.
I don't have any kind of advice really. I'm aroallo and omnisexual and a cis female and you might be absolutely none of those things so my advice wouldn't help. But, human to human, pay attention to what you feel you are missing in your life and decide if you need to make it happen or if you can feel at peace without it. That is a question we have to ask over and over through our lives because we change so much.
I wish I had time to talk about the last bit you mentioned because it is important that we humanize actors and understand their struggles but I have gone on longer than most people will read. 💕 Thank you for coming to me, anon. I'm always here.
Just in case you decide to come back I gave you 📸 anon (because it felt appropriate and fun for fandom stuff) but feel free to pick your own if you don't like that.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
i was scrolling r/SC and its weird the mods are saying you arent responding to their modmail responses and claiming you are "threatening sub members". I have seen no evidence of this anywhere.
Ive seen the odd claims that somehow you are only citing older DSM sources because it "supports your narrative" but then they dont read the criteria for how vague it actually is. Nothing you have show has supported the sysmed claims and I have a degree! I've studied this for more then 6 years and I'm licensed! It's vague for a reason.
The mods there seem to think that our life should revolve around them just because I sent a message to them asking them to remove a post mentioning my name and age. I have asks in my box, and other posts I want to make. I got what I wanted from that conversation, which was proof that I reached out to them to ask them to remove comments naming me. I might respond further if I find the time and the interest. But I haven't yet decided.
As for threatening members of the subreddit... I really have no idea what they're talking about. If anyone there has received any actual threats, it wasn't from me.
I think either they're making things up, or are taking some sort of statement that I'll continue to post about their hate sub as a "threat."
I don't have any idea what they're talking about with citing older DSM entries either. I rarely discuss the DSM, and when I do, it's almost always the DSM-5.
I prefer the ICD-11 as my go-to source, as it explicitly acknowledges that you can have multiple "distinct personality states" without a disorder.
Furthermore, most of the published papers researching and acknowledging endogenic plurality that I cite have all come out within the past decade.
Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: 2016
The Plurality chapter of Transgender Mental Health: 2018
The ICD-11's Boundary With Normality for DID: 2019
Exploring the Utility and Personal Relevance of Co-Produced Multiplicity Resources with Young People: 2021
Conceptualizing multiplicity spectrum experiences: A systematic review and thematic synthesis: 2023
It's just a body: A community-based participatory exploration of the experiences and health care needs for transgender plural people: 2023
And many others.
Practically the only time I cite the DSM is when debunking people falsely claiming the DSM says you need trauma to be a system.
Otherwise, I generally don't consider it that relevant. It never claims you need trauma to be a system. It acknowledges possession states as real phenomena. And the existence of criterion C implies you can meet the other criteria without a disorder. But I feel there are better sources out there to use.
Like you say, it's vague. Despite leaning towards the existence of non-disordered and endogenic plurality, it doesn't go far enough to make it valuable for me.
I'm certainly not going to use older versions of the DSM as sources.
But yeah, there really is nothing to back up their claims. I've been asking anti-endos for years for even ONE single peer-reviewed paper stating that you can't be plural without trauma or a disorder. Just one.
Because I can name countless reputable psychologists and psychiatrists who have made it clear they believe in other forms of plurality in peer-reviewed papers from reputable publishers. I've seen others who are open to the possibility but seem neutral for no other reason than the fact their specialization is in trauma disorders, and they don't deal with people who aren't traumatized or don't have mental illnesses of some kind.
What I have never once seen is a single anti-endo provide a peer-reviewed source stating that you can't possibly be plural without trauma. And I mean this with any wording. It doesn't have to say "plural" or "system," as long as it communicates that this is the only possible way to have multiple self-conscious agents in your head.
See, for example, how the creators of the theory of structural dissociation have said in one paper that "self-conscious" "dissociated parts of the personality" may be involved in mediumship and hypnosis.
In the years I've been asking for this, not one person has been able to link to a peer reviewed source where a psychiatrist or psychologist has stated the opposite.
All they have on their side is The Big Lie. I've talked about this recently. Just repeat a claim over and over again until people believe it. Claim the experts support and agree with you, and you never need to source any of those non-existent experts. That's what r/systemscringe, and sysmeds in general, are depending on. That their members will be gullible enough to just accept whatever they say.
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leodatcat · 1 year
⁺˚⋆。 °✩₊ Gunpoint ⁺˚⋆。 °✩₊
Cassidy x Gender Neutral reader Pronouns used: you, they/them Words: 1654
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It was your first mission with the overwatch agent Cole Cassidy. Before that you two were acquainted, greeting each other in hallways, hanging out with others in the lounge sometimes and cracking jokes here and there, nothing more.
But now, you two were signed up for the same mission. You were sitting on your seat in the orca, waiting for the pilot to land the ship. Cassidy sat across from you, maintaining his peacekeeper. You looked over to Cassidy.
He was an interesting man in your opinion. You didn't know much about his past, he was an ex criminal and also part of Blackwatch before it disbanded. But that was it.
You had joined Overwatch after the recall, doing a little bit of vigilante work. When you heard Overwatch was back, it filled you with hope. You worked more and harder, the attention of the people caught onto you very quickly, until you had found a letter in your mailbox with the Overwatch logo on it.
That was when your whole life changed. For the better.
Cassidy looked over to you as he noticed you staring. His sudden movement into your direction brought you back from your thoughts, and you quickly looked away. The cowboy didn't comment on it. It was quiet in the orca, the only noises were the air outside and a mechanical hum coming from the ship.
"Are you excited?" The man asked you. You didn't expect him to talk, so it took you a few seconds to process the question. You grinned slightly. "Yeah, sure. Now I can see for myself if you are the good shot you claim to be."
Cassidy looked offended, playfully. "What do ya mean!? Everyone says that!" He exclaims. You chuckled.
The speaker in the airship rumbled before a voice echoed through it. "Shortly we will reach our destination and land near the operation area. Please make sure your seatbelts are on correctly and hold on for the landing!" The pilot stated, and you made sure of his orders.
The landing went smoothly, without problems and with your weapon in your hand, you left the airship next to Cole. You let him lead the mission, after years of experience he knew a bit better how to do things. You weren't inexperienced either, but you felt safer this way.
It took you a few minutes until you've found your way into the building, but you went unnoticed, which was great.
The two of you were sneaking around crates and big boxes, staying in the shadows as best as you could. No one had seen you yet, and you wanted it to keep that way. Unneeded attention just made everything more difficult.
Cole peeked around a corner to check if it was clear; it was. He directed you to walk first, giving you a sign with his hand. You quickly walked around him and the corner. Cole checked behind and then followed you. When he rounded the corner, he stopped in shock.
You were standing in the middle of the hallway, a man behind you holding you tight and a gun at your head. Your eyes were big as you looked at Cole with a helpless expression. It happened too quickly, you were grabbed, and before you could realize this, you were held at gunpoint.
"What the heck!?" Cole exclaimed angrily as he processes the situation. "Let them go!" He demanded and got out his own gun, his peacekeeper. The man just chuckled. "And let you go? No. There is a big reward waiting for me if I turn you in. Bonus points for this pretty thing here. You and the rest of overwatch have destroyed enough plans, this will end now as I take matters into my own hands."
He tightened his grip around you, and you whimpered, his fingers digging deep into your arm, his own arm around your chest to keep you there.
"They ain't nothin' to do with this!" Cole disagreed. But you knew he was wrong, as much as he knew. You were a well known part of overwatch by now. You couldn't fool anyone, let alone your enemies.
"You are funny. I like you." The man said with a grin. Said grin disappeared as fast as it came, when he added: "Now get going. This direction." He pointed at the hallway where they had come from, pushing you forward. Cole stood still, still having his revolver in his hand.
"Do I have to repeat myself? Walk. And put your gun away. You wouldn't want them to get hurt, would you?" The man said, looking a bit angry by now. He wasn't patient, Cassidy thought to himself. One wrong move, and he could regret it, for your sake.
"Am I speaking a different language? I said, Gun away!" He aimed his gun at your head again, threateningly. Cole grumbled but complied, slowly kneeling down to put his gun on the ground, standing up again. He didn't take it easy if people close to him were threatened or hurt.
Especially you. He didn't want your first mission together to end in a disaster, and here they were. Cole promised himself to protect you. He knew you were able to fight for yourself, maybe not right now but usually yes, so he wasn't that concerned. But you were still a good friend of his, and seeing you like this made him angry.
If you ever came out of this situation alive, which he would make sure of, he had something to tell you. And he wouldn't chicken out this time, like the few times before. This time he would do it.
He liked you, very much so. The cowboy always loved when you two spent time together, which wasn't as often as he liked because of missions, and when Jack assigned them on a mission together, he was happy. Two things he liked the most combined, that's great!
The man continued to push you forward, and slowly you walked. Cole followed, the man making sure he had an eye on both. After a few minutes of walking down the hallway, you suddenly stopped walking and before the man could say something, you stomped onto his foot as hard as you could.
Your captor cried out and released you. Cassidy's eyes widened, he tried to react as fast as he could.  He pushed you away from the man and used the moment of surprise and yanked the gun out of his hand. The Cowboy shot into his leg. He didn't want to kill him, just make sure he wouldn't follow you.
"And this is for ever layin' a hand on them!" Cole yelled and punched the man in the face. Another yell escaped him, and he fell to the ground, where he remained laying, blood pouring out of his wound and nose from the punch.
Then he grabbed your hand and began running through the hallway, making a few turns left and right and pushing open the door that revealed the outside. The brunette pressed a button on his communicator, sending a signal to the orca to get picked up.
Cassidy didn't care about the mission anymore, he declared it over. He had to make sure you were alright. In a moment of silence, the cowboy turned to you. "Y/N... Are you alright?" He asked you, worry deep in his voice as his eyes scanned over you. You were still a little shaken up but fine.
You nodded. "Yes. Thank you..." You mumbled and without thinking more of it, you leaned against his chest for a tight hug. He understood and put his arms carefully around you and squeezing you slightly. The pressure he put onto you was calming and comfortable, completely different from your enemies touch.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment of safety. "I'm sorry we didn't finish the mission. I was hoping it... I didn't want...." You stammered. You felt bad. Bad for getting captured. You wanted to show him what you were capable of.
But now you felt like you disappointed him.
"Y/N, no... Don't apologize. You did nothin' wrong. In fact, I'm surprised. If you didn't act like that earlier, I don't know what would have happened. You did great." Cole said calmly with a small smile. It took you a bit to process the praise, and you just hid your face in his chest, not knowing what to answer.
Cole mumbled something you didn't quite understand. You lifted your head up to look at him. "What?" You asked quietly. He struggled for a few seconds.
Then he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.
"I said... I love you."
He saw your confused look and began talking again. "Yes, I.. I love you. I was too scared to tell ya. But when I saw you there, with that gun against your head, I knew I gotta tell you. Before it's too late." He stopped speaking and looked at you, with hope in his eyes.
Happiness filled you and a big smile appeared on your face. "Are you serious!? You are serious! Oh my god... This might sound weird, but I've felt the same. I just couldn't build up the courage to tell you... I love you too!" The smile on your face slowly spread onto his, and he tightly wrapped his arms around you.
You couldn't believe this... Since you joined overwatch, you had a thing for the cowboy. You have always found him attractive. And that he felt the same towards you was almost too good to be true.
You leaned against him, softly laying your head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat. It felt like you were made to fit into his arms. Warmth surrounded you.
"I will not let anythin' like this happen to you ever again. I promise."
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I hope you enjoyed! I want to get into writing again, for months I'm in a big writers block and hopefully small little prompts help me get back into it! If you have anything you want written, just submit something and I will see what I can do, I can't promise anything though :)
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
Ok so having just started the Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells I was going through the Murderbot tag here and noticed 2 things. 1) people yelling about respecting Murderbot's canonical and consistent touch-repulsion but not really supplying any alternatives and 2) at least two pieces of art of what seemed to be people attempting to either respect (charitably) or get around (uncharitably) Murderbot's touch repulsion by having it "link" or "hold" pinkies with someone for comfort.
As someone who is....not exactly touch averse or repulsed but certainly touch neutral (it's not something I flinch from but it's also not something I seek out or really enjoy) I thought I could provide helpful insight for both points: namely, "here is how someone who doesn't enjoy touch would prefer it to be substituted because humans are pretty touchy feely and getting your brain around someone genuinely not enjoying that is tough" and also "this is why touching just pinkies is not the loophole you think it is".
Keeping in mind this is more meant to be for fic reference, but if it helps with insight for real life that's great too. For clarity, this is based on my experience which is mostly for sensory reasons and is not in any way trauma related; others may have different experiences.
I will start with the pinkie and why that's........super not great actually, because it will help get into the headspace which will help with "what to actually do instead".
The thing is, linking pinkies as a substitute for holding hands, which seems to be how it's being used here, does not "get around" touch aversion because it's not enough contact to "set it off". It actually does the opposite (for me). Now I have to be hyper aware of how much my pinkie is curled, how high am I holding my hand, how far away from my body is my arm, does it feel like I'm pulling on *their* arm or hand or pinkie, is my hand sweaty, do I have an itch, I can feel my joints creaking as I struggle not to move too much lest I dislodge them...etc. If the point was to offer me a point of contact that was small enough for me to be able to not notice it too much? It failed. Badly. I'd rather have a full body hug.
Linking pinkies doesn't work as a loophole because it fundamentally misunderstands the main source of the touch aversion: concentrated hyper awareness of the body. The smaller the touch the more tightly concentrated the awareness is, and the worse it will be. It's also a non-standard kind of touch which means there is NOTHING to go off of in terms of what is wanted from you, aka its a very difficult touch to "perform" (yes I'm talking about masking). Edit: Also! Your fingertips and finger pads are *designed* for sensory input! And are a part of your body that is nearly almost always uncovered! Which means a) practically GUARANTEED skin to skin contact which is Worse and b) congrats, you picked one of the few areas on the body that is Designed To Tell A Person They Are Touching Something.
What a touch averse person would prefer, if you wanted to offer comfort or convey affection, is to first and foremost *not to ask them to perform for YOUR comfort/frame of reference to begin with*.
Words of affirmation, a simple hand gesture (such as placing your hand over your heart), literally just asking them if they want to talk, sitting in silence with them (engaging in parallel play), or perhaps offering a blanket/comfy clothes/food are all much better ways to actually offer a touch averse person comfort or intimacy while also still respecting their boundary.
Actual "loopholes" in (my) touch aversion include incidental contact that doesn't last and is ignored/meaningless to all parties (such as brushing past someone or being in a crowded space), the "mom" override (when I know someone really needs physical comfort in that moment which, tbc, is doing fuck all for me and is entirely about the other person), and functional necessity (such as medical attention or grabbing someone to help them up or keep them steady). (In case anyone was keeping track, Murderbot has shown all of these "exceptions" to my knowledge.)
I just. Hope this helps with understanding the mindset instead of just being beaten over the head with "respect touch aversion or you are ableist" because i do understand its hard to wrap your head around. But we deal with it so frankly, you can deal with it too for a change.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 4 months
Tag Game: OC Interaction
Thank you to @willtheweaver and @illarian-rambling for the tags here and here!
Willtheweaver's OC: Gale blew in on the winds, a jay from far west of the forest in search of a new home. His sudden arrival and unique appearance made him the subject of ridicule and suspicion from many of the native birds. As a result, he never set up roots for fear of being attacked, and his cheerful, optimistic nature became buried under layers of paranoia and cynicism. One particularly vicious attack could have ended him, but luck came in the form of Lady Grey. Rescued and nursed back to health, Gale swore loyalty to his savior who allowed him a place to live. The change in fortune has brought back flashes of his old self, although it will still be some time before he recovers fully from the trauma.
Katie's OC: Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III is a 153 year old elf and Duchon (gender neutral equivalent of Duke/Duchess) of the city of Salis. They act as a spy and political agent for their father, Archduke Eluan Spearsong, who rules Salis. They also keep watch for assassins, on top of playing the perfect, if ditzy, heir in front of the court. They tend to keep up a happy-go-lucky facade in order to disguise their true cunning and because of this, are very reluctant to let their true personality show, to the point that they've sort of lost who they are. The one thing they embrace with their full, honest heart is martial arts. Though it's seen as a lowly habit that the court indulges on account of the Duchon's 'airheadedness,' they really do love to practice Talmel Valkys and are quite the fighter. It's where they feel they can drop any acts they have up. Apart from that, they have a hard time socializing outside of situations they're not used to and get easily flustered when they don't hold all the cards, as they don't actually have much experience outside of the highest echelon of Salis society. Though well meaning, they also tend to come off as aloof and unaware of the problems of the common man, even though they truly believe that they are a servant of the people they rule.
My OC: Draven Cozenson is a sarcastic human gunslinger who hails from the eastern continent on Valaria. He has black hair, dark eyes, and is rarely encountered without his pistols close at hand. He's spent the last decade hunting down lycanthropes and building a reputation as the kind of man who would do just about anything for money, the definition of the scoundrel with a hidden heart of gold archetype. Despite his infamous reputation, he has a moral code for the kinds of jobs he will and will not take, mainly being that he doesn't hunt down normal humans or elves, only lycanthropes, and he won't hurt kids. He's well aware of his reputation and how others---especially the Zariyan nobility---view him, and occasionally leans into the role of the rugged, uncouth, bloodthirsty hunter if it poses an advantage in a situation (such as if he thinks it'll get him paid more for a job). He holds a slight disdain for members of the nobility, especially a certain lord who employs him. While he sometimes works alone, he is typically found with an elven skinwalker by the name of Octavian de Silv.
Draven and Gale: He wouldn't be too bothered by the presence of a sentient, talking bird, all he'd really care about is whether or not said bird is a threat. Due to working with a shapeshifter and his own experiences hunting down lycanthropes, a talking bird isn't too far out of the spectrum of possibility. With that out of the way, I think they'd be pretty neutral towards each other. Draven would be mildly curious about the kind of life a sentient bird would live, and sympathetic towards Gale's past should he chose to reveal it. Gale might be interested to hear about some of Draven's experiences
Draven and Avymere: This interaction would be pretty interesting. Draven would absolutely fall for their facade at first, as he wouldn't have reason to think otherwise of them unless tipped off in some way. The discovery that they practice martial arts would be his first clue that they aren't all that they appear to be, and it would pique his curiosity. Since Draven also has a habit of mouthing off to nobility, he might throw Avymere off their game pretty quickly on accident. If he ever found out about their true role, his respect for them would immediately grow, but he wouldn't let the revelation change his outward attitude. He has a reputation to uphold, after all, and so do they.
Gently tagging @thewritingautisticat @chronicallydragons @thethistlegirlwrites @stargazer-luna @scaewolf and open tag! :D
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